人教版高中英语必修一UNIT1 安妮日记 1




高中英语人教版安妮日记anne’sbestfriend第一篇:高中英语人教版安妮日记anne’s best friendTeaching Design for Anne’s best friendTeaching Objectives After this lesson, Ss will be able to1.Learn some difficult words and phrases;2.Develop their reading ability and learn to use some reading strategies, such as guessing, key words and key sentence, skimming, scanning and so on.3.Realize the importance of friends and friendship and learn more background information about World War II.Teaching Importance and Difficulties 1.Get Ss to learn the meaning and usage of difficult words and sentence;2.Get Ss to develop the reading skills and learn how to use these strategies.Teaching and Learning Methods 1.Task-based teaching method 2.Individual learning and group work 3.Analytical inductive and deductive methodTeaching Procedures Step 1.Warming-up-Sing a song 1.Sing Auld Lang Syne for students.2.Ask Ss following questions and discuss.1)What qualities do you think a good friend should have to make your friendship last forever? 2)Do you have friends with these qualities, give me the example.3)Have you ever considered making friends with animals, plants or even an object?(T: Good morning, class.Before today’s lesson, I would l ike to sing a song for you.ok, listen carefully, if you have heard of this song, just sing with me.….(音乐).Are you familiar with it? Ok, I will give you some hints.In Chinese, we have a song shares the same rhythm with this song.Do you know the Chinese song? David, have a try.Yes《友谊地久天长》.Actually, 《友谊地久天长》is originated from the song I sang.It is a Scotland song named Auld Lang Syne, which means that people hope their friendship couldlast forever.So what qualities do you think a good friend should have to make your friendship last forever? Anna, please, loyal, friendly, helpful.Ok, how about Mark? Yes, brave, wise, open-minded, selfless.Here we have got many qualities that a good friend should have, but most of them refer to a person, right? But have you ever considered making friends with animals, plants or even an object, except human beings? Do you have these kinds of friends? Chris, please.His friend is a guitar, when he felt depressed, his friend can help him relax.Thank you, how about Emma? Her best friend is her cat, because the cat is so cute and clever.Ok, today, we are going to know a special friend.Step 2.Predict the main idea Get students to try to guess what Anne’s friend was and what the passage is about by reading the title and having a quick look at the pictures in the passage without reading it.(T: Now, I want you to read the title “Anne’s Best Friend”(板书)and have a quick look at the pictures in the passage, can you predict what the passage is about? Lucy, please, it may talk about the Anne’s letter to her best friend.Ok, now let’s skim the passage to check her answer.After reading, I also want you to divide the passage into two parts.5minutes, go.Step3.Read for the main idea and the structure–5 mins 1.Ask Ss to find out the main idea of the passage.2.Ask Ss to divide the passage into two parts.(T: Time’s up.What is the main idea of the passage? Abby, please.The passage is mainly about Anne’s background information and one page of her diary.Wonderful.And can you divide the passage into two parts? John, please.Yes, the first two paragraphs are the first part.And the yellow part is the second part.Why do you divide them in this way? John, continue, because para1 and para2 mainly talk about the background knowledge about Anne.And the yellow part shows one page ofAnne’s story.Yes, you did a good job.Now, please read part 1 to complete the information card about Anne.The information card contains the name, Nationality, address, period, reasons to hide and Anne’s best friend(板书).Please pay more attention to the words with the first letter capitalized.2 minutes, go.Step 3.Careful reading-Para1 1.Ask Ss to read part 1 carefully, and complete the information card of Anne;(T: Time’s up.So the first one, name? answer me together, Anne Frank(板书).How about the Nationality? Pay attention to the words with the first letter capitalized.Phoebe, please.Jewish(板书).Yes, how about the Address? Where did she live? Phoebe, continue.She lived in Amsterdam, in which country? Try to complete your answer.Yes, in Amsterdam in the Netherlands(板书).Next, period.When did this story happen? Tommy, please.Yes, during the World War II (板书).Move on.Reasons to hide.What will happen if Anne’s family didn’t choose to hide? Yes, they had to hide or they would be caught by German Nazis(板书).The last question, who was Anne’s best friend? Very easy, right? answer me together.Her diary,kitty(板书).Now let’s read one of Anne’s diaries together.After reading, I want you to answer me the following questions.5 minutes, go.1)Why she has grown so crazy about nature? 2)How did her feeling changed before hiding and after hiding? Try to complete the chart.)Step 4.Careful reading-Part2 1.Ask Ss to read Part 2carefully and answer the following questions.1)Why she has grown so crazy about nature? 2)How did her feeling changed before hiding and after hiding? Try to complete the chart.3)What’s Anne’s tone from her diary?(T: Time’s up.So let’s come to our first question.What does “crazy” mean? Do you know? Kiki,please.No? it’s fine.Itmeans that someone is eager for sth, long for sth.So can you find the answer? Yes, because she hasn’t been able to be outdoors for so long, it means that she had been kept indoors for a very long time, so she so eager, so crazy about the outside world.How about the second question? Can you find a key sentence that mark the Anne’s feeling is going to change.“That’s changed since I came here.” So can you find out her felling about nature before hiding? Before hiding, what did the nature like in Anne’s mind? “a deep sky, the song of the b irds, moonlights and flowers(板书)”.At that time, how she felt? “could never have kept me spellbound(板书).” According to the discourse, can you guess what does “spellbound” mean? Ok, I will give you some hints.Spellbound means focus on something happily, delightly for some time.So can you use your own words to explain this sentence? Tina, please.Yes, at that time, the beautiful nature could never make Anne feel excited.She just took it for granted.Very good, sit down, please.However, after hiding, her felling has changed a lot.Can you find the two examples that show Anne’s feeling towards nature? Joy, the first example, please.Can you tell me the main idea of it? Yes, the first example tells us that one evening, Anne got a chance to have a good look at the moon(板书), but she didn’t dare(板书)to open the window.So, why she didin’t dare to open the window? Joy, do you know the answer? Yes, she was afraid that she would be caught if she opened the window.How about another example? What is it about? Lily, please.Yes, five months ago, Anne could see the moon face to face.What did the nature like at this time? What are they? They are “dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds(板书).” And how Anne felt now? “held me entirely in their power”.Entirely here means tot ally, and in theirpower here means in their control, so facing with the nature’s power, Anne felt frightened or excited(板书)? Frightened? Why do you think so? Because he thinks that the nature’s power is too strong.Ok, any other ideas? Excited.Why do you think so? Because the following sentence said “ it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face….”,Anne must be very happy to see it.Yes, just suppose you are Anne, and you have kept in a place for a year and a half, you can not look at the beautiful nature any more.And last time, you have a chance to look at the moon by yourself, but you didn’t dare to open the window.And this time ,you have got another chance to see the moon by yourself, how do you felt if you are Anne? Frightened? Or excited? Excited, right.Exactly.Ok, after looking at the moon face to face, why did Anne no longer looking at nature out of the window? Cathy, please.Yes, because she thought that nature is the one thing that really must be experienced.She was not willing to see the nature through dirty curtains, she wanted to feel the beautiful nature, to experience the nature as she used to, right? Since we have read the whole passage, can you find Anne’s tone from her diary? Abby, please.Yes, sad.Where did you get it? Yes, last paragraph said, sadly…no pleasure…from the words, we can fell that she was so eager for the outside world, for the freedom, but she has to hide and she didn’t know the way out.So she is sad and hopeless.Step 5.Retell and Group Discussion1.Ask Ss to retell the changing of Anne’s felling according to the chart on the blackboard.2.Group Discussion Suppose that you are going through tough days, what will you do to overcome the difficulties ?(T: Now we have known how Anne changed her feelings.Socan you retell the changing of Anne’s felling according to the chart here? 3minutes for you to prepare, Go.Ok, Time’s up.Ok, Jim, please, you have made a very clear statement, I appreciate that.Ok, now, suppose that you are going through tough days, what will you do to overcome the difficulties? Discuss in a group of four and I will invite some groups to share your ideas.Go.Time’s up.Which group wants to have a try? Ivy, please.She will travel with some of her friends to make herself relax.Ok, That’s a good idea.How about Jack? He will ask for the help of his parents and friends.It’s a good way.When Anne was going through tough days, it was her diary that accompanied her, her diary listened to her, be with her whenever happy or sorrow, maybe this is the true meaning of friendship.Just as the song said, “Dear friend you’re never alone, though there’re hurts, pains, still there are roads, still there is me.Step 6.Homework 1.Search for more information about Anne on line, and read the book Annie’s Diary.2.S uppose the diary to be your true friend and write a diary to share your opinions on what is friendship.(T: Homework for today: first, search for more information about Anne from the library or on the Internet, and read the book Anne’s Diary and feel Anne e motions.Second, regard the diary as your true friend and write a diary to share your opinions on what is friendship.So much for today, thank you, goodbye class.) 第二篇:Annes Diary安妮日记英文原版The Diary of A Young GirlAnne FrankI hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support.Is it because I haven’t been outdoors for so long that I’ve become so mitten with nature? Iremember a time when a magnificent blue sky, chirping birds, moonlight and budding blossoms wouldn’t have captivated me.Things have changed since I came here.One night during the Pentecost holiday, for instance, when it was so hot, I struggled to keep my eyes open until eleven-thirty so I could get a good look at the moon, all on my own for once.Alas, my sacrifice was in vain, since there was too much glare and I couldn’t risk opening a window.Another time, several months ago, I happened to be upstairs one night when the window was open.I did n’t go back down until it had to be closed again.The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the racing clouds, had me spellbound;it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face-to-face.After that evening my longing to see it again was even greater than my fear of burglars, a dark rat-infested house or police raids.I went downstairs all by myself and looked out the windows in the kitchen and private office.Many people think nature is beautiful, many people sleep from time to time under the starry sky, and many people in hospitals and prisons long for the day when they’ll be free to enjoy what nature has to offer.But few are as isolated and cut off as we are from the joy of nature, which can be shared by rich and poor alike.It’s not just my ima gination---looking at the sky, the clouds, the moon and the stars really does make me feel calm and hopeful.It’s much better medicine than valerian or bromide.Nature makes me feel humble and ready to face every blow with courage!As luck would have it, I’m only able---except for a few rare occasions---to view nature through dusty curtains tacked over dirt-caked windows;it takes the pleasure out of looking.Nature is the one thing for which there is no substitute!第三篇:安妮日记(节选)《安妮日记》(节选)学案编制:张光伟审定:时间:2010-12一、背景资料《安妮日记》这本书的作者是长着一双大大的黑眼睛,活泼、聪明的十五岁犹太姑娘,她叫安妮·弗朗克。

人教版高中英语新课标 必修一 Unit1 Reading安妮日记 课件

人教版高中英语新课标 必修一 Unit1 Reading安妮日记 课件

Reading Anne's Diary
Find the sentence showing the main idea of the text.
I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.
Read Paragraph 1 and find out:
What is Anne's friend? How did they become friends?
What is Anne's friend?
Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend.
M1U1 Reading Anne’s Best Friend
Warming-up Free-talk
Who/What is your friend? How do you become friends? Why do we need friends?

高一英语Unit1 安妮日记-reading

高一英语Unit1 安妮日记-reading

It + be + 被强调部分 + that/ who从句 从句
当被强调的部分是人的时候, 当被强调的部分是人的时候,后面的从 句可以用that 来引导也可以用 来引导也可以用who来引 句可以用 来引 导。 当被强调部分是其它成分时, 当被强调部分是其它成分时,后面的从 句只能用that来引导。 来引导。 句只能用 来引导
Join the correct parts of the sentences.
1.Anne kept a diary because 2.She felt very lonely because 3.They have to hide because 4.Anne named her diary Kitty because
Her diary was published after the war
Best friend Kitty
Anne’s dhen and where did the story happen? The story happened during World War II in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Why did they hide away? Because they were Jewish, if they were discovered, they would be killed by the Nazis.
I met Tom in the street yesterday.
1. It was I that/ who met Tom in the street yesterday. 强调主语 I 2. It was Tom that/ who I met in the street yesterday. 强调宾语 Tom 3. It was in the street that I met Tom yesterday. 强调地点状语 in the street 4. It was yesterday that I met Tom in the street. 强调时间状语 yesterday

人教版高一必修一Unit1 Friendship 安妮日记的背景 优质课件

人教版高一必修一Unit1 Friendship 安妮日记的背景 优质课件

• 1945年1月27日,苏 军解放了奥斯威辛集 中营,当时里面只剩 下7000名活着的囚徒, 其中包括20 Concentration Camps
World War Ⅱ
• 如果说战争永远是一个黑色的 主题,二战无疑是其中最沉重 的一笔。在针对犹太人那场惨 绝人寰的屠杀中,数以万计的 犹太人被成批杀害的唯一的理 由,就因为他们是犹太人!在 犹太人巨大的抗争诉求中,美 若仙童的安妮·弗兰克就是这其 中的一脉细微而柔韧的声音。 战前的安妮拥有田园般的梦幻 童年,豆蔻青春的她宛若一朵 盛开的花蕾,然而盛开的花蕾 在纳粹的牢狱里倍受催萎。取 材于安妮·弗兰克的本片,用一 个青春少女的日记记录犹太人 在集中营里横遭虐待,最终被 送进冒着浓浓黑烟的焚尸炉的 地狱生活和悲惨命运。
Anne’s Letter
• 1939年6月,整个欧洲笼罩在纳粹德国的阴霾之下。 荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹虽然已经被德军占领,但依然沉 浸在一片和煦的艳阳之下。天真活泼、美丽可人的犹 太籍姑娘安妮·弗朗克和其他的伙伴们一样,还能在 爸爸奥特和妈妈伊蒂斯的身边过着田园般的梦幻少女 生活。 从1940年5月开始,安妮那豆蔻青春的年华随着 一声刺耳的防空警报,和大街上树起的“犹太人禁止 入内”的牌子一起,被涂抹上了战争漆黑的颜色。十 三岁生日那天,安妮收到了爸爸奥特精心挑选的一份 礼物——一本令安妮爱不释手的日记本。战争来临后, 爸爸送的日记本成了安妮形影不离的伙伴,这其中记 录了安妮所亲眼目睹的犹太人被纳粹德国集体逮捕, 并关押于集中营之后遭受的惨绝人寰的杀戮。 战争结束的几周后,奥特作为曾经藏匿在阁楼的 八位犹太人中的唯一幸存者,坚持不懈地寻找着他最 疼爱的小女儿安妮。当奥特收到密普先生送来的安妮 记录的日记时,才知道女儿安妮已经在那场劫难中死 去。奥特手捧自己给女儿安妮买的日记本和一些日记 散页来到安妮曾经居住的、而如今已是空空当当的阁 楼房间里,一缕阳光从窗棂间倾斜而入,那是安妮曾 经怀着重返生活的憧憬倾听海鸥鸣叫的窗口。



Unit 1

















































这是我一年半以来第一次亲眼目睹的夜晚…… ……不幸的是……我只能透过那满是灰尘的窗帘下那脏兮兮的窗户看看大自然。


你的安妮亲爱的基蒂: 我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热.我记得非常清楚,以前,湛蓝的天空,鸟儿的歌唱,月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神往过.自从我来到这里,这一切都变了. 比方说,有天晚上天气很暖和,我熬到11点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮.但是因为月光太亮了,我不敢打开窗户.还有一次,就在五个月以前的一个晚上,我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的.我一直等到非关窗户不可的时候才下楼去.漆黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,我全然被这种力量镇住了.这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚... 令人伤心的是...我只能透过脏兮兮的窗帘观看大自然.窗帘悬挂在占满灰尘的窗前,但观看这些已经不再是乐趣,因为大自然是你必须亲身体验的. 支持一下,新手上路! 我怀疑是不是我不出门很久了以至于一切与自然有关的事物我都为之疯狂。

人教版高一英语必修1Unit 1 安妮日记 Reading精品PPT课件

人教版高一英语必修1Unit 1 安妮日记 Reading精品PPT课件

1.Anne kept a diary because 2.She felt very lonely because 3.They have to hide because 4.Anne named her diary 5. Kitty because
A.she couldn’t meet her friends.
Scanning 1. Fill in the form below:
Place Who Best friend When How long
Netherlands Anne Frank her diary--Kitty July 1942
over two years
2. Do exercise 1 on Page 3.
此外,go through还有“浏览,翻阅”;“穿过”等意思。
2. set down: ①记下,写下(=write down) ②制定,规定
e.g. I set down my experiences so I could remember them when I was old.
set up 竖起,创设,开办
1. Who/What was Anne’s best friend? Her diary, Kitty.
2. When did the story happen?
The story happened during World War Ⅱ.
Background: World War II
Jews being rounded up and forced(被迫) to leave home.
B.Jews were caught by Nazis and put away.



英语必修一unit1课文English Version:Title: The Magic of Anne's DiaryIn the heart of Amsterdam, a young Jewish girl named Anne Frank began her journey into the shadows of World War II. Anne, with her family, went into hiding during the Nazi occupation, and for over two years, she found solace in her diary, which became her best friend.Anne's diary, a compilation of her thoughts, dreams, and fears, is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. It captures the essence of a young girl's life in confinement, yet it also reveals her deep love for nature and her longing for freedom. She wrote, "I wonder if it's because I haven't been able to be outdoors for so long that I've grown so crazy about everything to do with nature" .Her entries, filled with vivid descriptions of the world beyond her hiding place, reflect a profound appreciation for life's simple pleasures. Anne's words, "It's no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced," echo the sentiment of a girl yearning for the embrace of the natural world .The diary serves as a bridge between the horrors of war and the innocence of a young mind. It is a poignant reminder of the human cost of conflict and a celebration of the enduring power of hope and youth.Chinese Translation:标题:安妮日记的魔力在第二次世界大战的阴影下,荷兰阿姆斯特丹的一位年轻犹太女孩安妮·弗兰克开始了她的躲藏之旅。


• 安妮是德国犹太人,为逃避纳 粹大屠杀,安妮一家到荷兰避 难。后来,中立的荷兰也被德 军占领。从1942年7月到1944 年8月,安妮等人一直躲藏在阿 姆斯特丹一所房子的秘室里。 安妮以她14岁少女的目光记述 了这段苦难煎熬的岁月。 • 后来盖世太保得到密报, 将他们抓进集中营。安妮因伤 寒在集中营里病逝,当时距德 军投降仅一个星期。1947年, 死里逃生的安妮父亲将女儿遗 留的日记付梓出版。这本日记 已转译成54种文字,共印刷 3000万册。她避难的房子已被 辟为安妮故居博物馆,吸引着 世界各地的游客前来缅怀那不 堪回首的人类悲剧。
World War Ⅱ
• 如果说战争永远是一个黑色的 主题,二战无疑是其中最沉重 的一笔。在针对犹太人那场惨 绝人寰的屠杀中,数以万计的 犹太人被成批杀害的唯一的理 由,就因为他们是犹太人!在 犹太人巨大的抗争诉求中,美 若仙童的安妮· 弗兰克就是这其 中的一脉细微而柔韧的声音。 战前的安妮拥有田园般的梦幻 童年,豆蔻青春的她宛若一朵 盛开的花蕾,然而盛开的花蕾 在纳粹的牢狱里倍受催萎。取 材于安妮· 弗兰克的本片,用一 个青春少女的日记记录犹太人 在集中营里横遭虐待,最终被 送进冒着浓浓黑烟的焚尸炉的 地狱生活和悲惨命运。
Anne’s Letter
• 1939年6月,整个欧洲笼罩在纳粹德国的阴霾之下。 荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹虽然已经被德军占领,但依然沉 浸在一片和煦的艳阳之下。天真活泼、美丽可人的犹 太籍姑娘安妮· 弗朗克和其他的伙伴们一样,还能在 爸爸奥特和妈妈伊蒂斯的身边过着田园般的梦幻少女 生活。 从1940年5月开始,安妮那豆蔻青春的年华随着 一声刺耳的防空警报,和大街上树起的“犹太人禁止 入内”的牌子一起,被涂抹上了战争漆黑的颜色。十 三岁生日那天,安妮收到了爸爸奥特精心挑选的一份 礼物——一本令安妮爱不释手的日记本。战争来临后, 爸爸送的日记本成了安妮形影不离的伙伴,这其中记 录了安妮所亲眼目睹的犹太人被纳粹德国集体逮捕, 并关押于集中营之后遭受的惨绝人寰的杀戮。 战争结束的几周后,奥特作为曾经藏匿在阁楼的 八位犹太人中的唯一幸存者,坚持不懈地寻找着他最 疼爱的小女儿安妮。当奥特收到密普先生送来的安妮 记录的日记时,才知道女儿安妮已经在那场劫难中死 去。奥特手捧自己给女儿安妮买的日记本和一些日记 散页来到安妮曾经居住的、而如今已是空空当当的阁 楼房间里,一缕阳光从窗棂间倾斜而入,那是安妮曾 经怀着重返生活的憧憬倾听海鸥鸣叫的窗口。



• What should they do?
To avoid(避免) this terrible fate(命 运), some Jewish families went into hiding, often with the help of nonJewish friends. This diary was written during the time when Anne and her family moved to escape(逃脱) from being killed by Nazis.
Unit 1 Friendship
Period 2
I Pre-reading
1. Look at the pictures and the title of the reading passage. Guess what it is about.
I lived in Amsterdam ___________in the ______________ Netherlands Jewish during _____________. World War II My family were ______, hide away for a year and a half so we had to ___________ to be caught in ordernot ________________ by the German Nazis. During that time I wasn’t able to go grown so crazy ________ outdoors for so long that I had ______________ do with nature. Once, I about everything to _______ at midnight by decided to look at the moon ___________ myself.



Unit 1 ANNE’S BEST FRIENDDo you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend.Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish so they had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis. She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said, “I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.”Now re ad how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942.Thursday 15th June, 1942Dear Kitty,I wondered if it is because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound. That’s changed since I came here.…For example, one evening when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didn’t dare to open a window. Another time five months ago, I happened to be upstairsat dusk when the window was open. I didn’t go downstairs until th e window had to be shut. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power; it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face……Sadly …I am only able to look at nature through dirty cur tains hanging before very dusty windows. It’s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.Yours,AnneUnit 2 English around the worldThe road to modern EnglishAt the end of the 16th century, about five to seven million people spoke English. Nearly all of them lived in England. Later in the next century, people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world and because of that, English began to be spoken in many other countries. Today, more people speak English as their first, second or foreign language than ever before.Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English. Look at this example:British Betty: Would you like to see my flat?American Amy: Yes. I’d like to come up to your apartment.So why has English changed over time? Actually, all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other. At first, the English spoken in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different from the English spoken today. It was based more on German than the English we speak at present. Then gradually between about AD 800 and 1150, English became less like German because those who ruled England spoke first Danish and later French. These new settlers enriched the English language and especially its vocabulary.So by the 1600’s Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before. In 1620 some British settlers moved to America. Later in the 18th century some British people were taken to Australia too. English began to be spoken in both countries.Finally by the 19th century the language was settled. At that time two big changes in English spelling happened: first Samuel Johnson wrote his dictionary and later Noah Webster wrote The America Dictionary of the English Language. The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling.English now is also spoken as a foreign or second language in South Asia. For example, India has a very large number of fluent English speakers because Britain ruled India from 1765 to 1947. During that time English became the language for government and education. English is also spoken in Singapore and Malaysia and countries in Africa such as South Africa. Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly. In fact, China may have the largest number of English learners. Will Chinese English develop its own identity? Only time will tell.STANDARD ENGLISH AND DIALECTSWhat is standard English? Is it spoken in Britain, the US, Canada, Australia, India and New Zealand? Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English. This is because in the early days of radio, those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English. However, on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak.When people use words and expressions different from “standard language”, it is called a dialect. American English has many dialects, especially the midwestern, southern, African American and Spanish dialects. Even in some parts of the USA, two people from neighboring towns speak a little differently. American English has so many dialects because people have come from all over the world.Geography also plays a part in making dialects. Some people wholive in the mountains of the eastern USA speak with an older kind of English dialect. When Americans moved from one place to another, they took their dialects with them. So people from the mountains in the southeastern USA speak with almost the same dialect as people in the northwestern USA. The USA is a large country in which many different dialects are spoken.Although many Americans move a lot, they still recognize and understand each other’s dialects.Unit 3 JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONGPART I THE DREAM AND THE PLANMy name is Wang Kun. Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip. Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one. Last year, she visited our cousins, Dao Wei and Y u Hang at their college in Kunming. They are Dai and grew up in western Yunnan Province near the Lancang River, the Chinese part of the river that is called the Mekong River in other countries. Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling too. After graduating from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip. I asked my sister, “Where are we going?” It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. Now she is planning our schedule for the trip.I am fond of my sister but she has one serious shortcoming. She can be really stubborn. Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly. Now I knowthat the proper way is always her way. I kept asking her, “When are we leaving and when are we coming back?”I asked her whether she had looked at a map yet. Of course she hadn’t; my sister doesn’t care about details. So I told her that the source of the Mekong is in Qinghai Province. She gave me a determined look--the kind that said she would not change her mind. When I told her that our journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres, she said itwould be an interesting experience. I know my sister well. Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it. Finally, I had to give in.Several months before our trip, Wang Wei and I went to the library. We found a large atlas with good maps that showed details of world geography. From the atlas we could see that the Mekong River begins in a glacier on a mountain in Qinghai Province. At first the river is small and the water is clear and cold. Then it begins to move quickly. It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, travelling across western Yunnan Province. Sometimes the river becomes a waterfall and enters wide valleys. We were both surprised to learn that half of the river is in China. After it leaves China and high altitude, the Mekong becomes wide, brown and warm. As it enters Southeast Asia, its pace slows. It makes wide bends or meanders through low valleys to the plains where rice grows. At last, the river delta enters the South China Sea.PART II A NIGHT IN THE MOUNTAINSAlthough it was autumn, the snow was already beginning to fall in Tibet. Our legs were so heavy and cold that they felt like blocks of ice. Have you ever seen snowmen ride bicycles? That’s what we looked like! Along the way children dressed in long wool coats stopped to look at us. In the late afternoon we found it was so cold that our water bottles froze. However, the lakes shone like glass in the setting sun and looked wonderful. Wang Wei rode in front of me as usual. She is very reliable and I knew I didn’t need to e ncourage her. To climb the mountains was hard work but as we looked around us, we were surprised by the view. We seemed to be able to see for miles. At one point we were so high that we found ourselves cycling through clouds. Then we began going down the hills. It was great fun especially as it gradually became much warmer.In the valleys colourful butterflies flew around us and we saw many yaksand sheep eating green grass. At this point we had to change our caps, coats, gloves and trousers for T-shirts and shorts.In the early evening we always stop to make camp. We put up ourtent and then we eat. After supper Wang Wei put her head down on her pillow and went to sleep but I stayed awake. At midnight the sky became clearer and the stars grew brighter. It was so quiet. There was almostno wind- only the flames of our fire for company. As I lay beneath the stars I thought about how far we had already travelled.We will reach Dali in Yunnan Province soon, where our cousins Dao Wei and Yu Hang will join us. We can hardly wait to see them!Unit 4 A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEPStrange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei. For three days the water in the village wells rose and fell. Farmers noticed that the well walls had deep cracks in them. A smelly gas came out of the fields looking for places to hide. Fish jumped out of their bowls and ponds. At about 3:00 am on July 28, 1976, some people sawbright lights in the sky. The sound of planes could be heard outside the city of Tangshan even when no planes were in the sky. In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst. But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night.At 3:42 am everything began to shake. It seemed as if the world was at an end! Eleven kilometres directly below the city one of the greatest earthquakes of the 20th century had begun. It was felt in Beijing, which is more than two hundred kilometres away. One-third of the nation feltit. A huge crack that was eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide cut across houses, roads and canals. Steam burst from holes in the ground. Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. The sufferings of the people was extreme. Two-thirds ofthem died or were injured during the earthquake. The number of people who were killed or seriously injured reached more than 400,000.But how could the survivors believe it was natural? Everywhere they looked nearly every thing was destroyed. All of the city’s hospital,75%of its factories and buildings and 90%of its homes were gone. Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves. No wind, however, could blow them away. Two dams fell and most of the bridges also fell or were not safe for travelling. The railway tracks were now useless pieces of steel. Tens of thousands of cows would never give milk again. Half a million pigs and millions of chickens were dead. Sand now filled the wells instead of water. People were shocked. Then, later that afternoon, another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one shook Tangshan. Water, food, and electricity were hard to get. People began to wonder how long the disaster would last.All hope was not lost. Soon after the quakes, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to help the rescue workers. Hundreds of thousandsof people were helped. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. To the north of the city, most of the 10,000 miners were rescued from the coal mines there. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed. Fresh water wastaken to the city by train, truck and plane. Slowly, the city began to breathe again.UNIT 5 ELIAS’ STORYMy name is Elias. I am a poor black worker in South Africa. Thetime when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life. I was twelve years old. It was in 1952 and Mandela was the black lawyer to whom I went for advice. He offered guidance to poor black people on their legal problems. He was generous with his time, for which I was grateful.I needed his help because I had very little education. I began school at six. The school where I studied for only two years was three kilometres away. I had to leave because my family could not continue to pay the school fees and the bus fare. I could not read or write well. After trying hard, I got a job in a gold mine. However, this was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg. Sadly I did not have one because I was not born there, and I worried about whether I would become out of work.The day when Nelson Mandela helped me was one of my happiest. Hetold me how to get the correct papers so I could stay in Johannesburg. I became more hopeful about my future. I never forgot how kind Mandela was. When he organized the ANC Youth League, I joined it as soon as I could. He said:“The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.”It was the truth. Black people could not vote or choose their leaders. They could not get the jobs they wanted. The parts of town in which they had to live were decided by white people. The places outside the towns where they were sent to live were the poorest parts of South Africa. No one could grow food there. In fact as Nelson Mandela said:“…we were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the government.We chose to attack the laws. We first broke the law in a way which was peaceful; when this was not allowed…only then did we decided to answer violence with violence. ”As a matter of fact, I do not like violence…but in 1963 I helped him blow up some government buildings. It was very dangerous because if I was caught I could be put in prison. But I was happy to help because I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people equal.THE REST OF ELIAS’ STORYYou cannot imagine how the name of Robben Island made us afraid. It was a prison from which no one escaped. There I spent the hardest time of my life. But when I got there Nelson Mandela was also there and he helped me. Mr Mandela began a school for those of us who had little learning. He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evenings when we should have been asleep. We read books under our blankets and used anything we could find to make candles to see the words. I became a good student. I wanted to study for my degree but I was not allowed to dothat. Later, Mr Mandela allowed the prison guards to join us. He said they should not be stopped from studying for their degrees. They were not cleverer than me, but they did pass their exams. So I knew I could get a degree too. That made me feel good about myself.When I finished the four years in prison, I went to find a job. Since I was better educated, I got a job working in an office. However, the police found out and told my boss that I had been in prison for blowing up government buildings. So I lost my job. I did not work again for twenty years until Mr Mandela and the ANC came to power in 1994. All that time my wife and children had to beg for food and help from relatives or friends. Luckily Mr Mandela remembered me and gave me a job taking tourists around my old prison on Robben Island. I felt bad the first time I talked to a group. All the terror and fear of that time came back to me. I remembered the beatings and the cruelty of the guards and my friends who had died. I felt I would not be able to do it, but my family encouraged me. They said that the job and the pay from the new South Africa government were my reward after working all my life for equal rights for the Blacks. So now I am proud to show visitors over the prison, for I helped to make our people free in their own land.。

高一英语Unit1 安妮日记-reading

高一英语Unit1 安妮日记-reading

A. a; that
B. a; when
C. the; that
D. the; when
重点短语: 1. be crazy about sth 对… …疯狂 2. stay awake 保持清醒 3. by oneself 独自地 4. far too much + 不可数名词
far 程度副词,修饰 too much 5. happen to do sth 碰巧做某事 6. outdoors adv. 在户外
——I’m sorry, this is the first time I ______ here. A. Was B. am coming C. came D. have come
翻译:这是我第三次读这本书。 It was the third time that I had read the book. It is the third time that I have read the book.
被强调部分: 句子中的主语、宾语、状语(时间、地点、 原因等)
I met Tom in the street yesterday.
1. It was I that/ who met Tom in the street yesterday. 强调主语 I
2. It was Tom that/ who I met in the street yesterday. 强调宾语 Tom
There was a time when …曾经有一段时间…
• time 在此句型中应理解为“时期,时间段”
There was a time when women were not allowed to go to school.
















unit1 Annys Diary Reading安妮的日志

unit1 Annys Diary Reading安妮的日志

Scoring sheet for the survey My score is _______ points. on page 1.
1 2 3 A1 A1 A1 B3 B2 B2 C2 C3 C3
4~7 points: You are not a good friend. You either neglect your friend’s needs or do whatever he/she wants you to do without thinking whether the behaviour is right or not. You should think about what a good friend needs to do and say to his/her friend.
Nazis & Anne (Jewish)?
3. What has the German Nazis done to the Jewish?
It took place in Amsterdam, in the early 1940s. The Nazi Party had a key policy that was to kill all the Jews in Europe. If the Jews were found, they would be sent to concentration camps. To avoid this terrible fate, some Jewish families went into hiding.
to to unfold shareto my r worries people and the secrets secrets to to tolet cope show other with my people concern stressful share for situations my other happiness. people. in life. in my in my inner heart. world.



She learned that her own suffering was only a tiny part of the picture.She felt the horror of war,but she never gave up hope for future.
Nazi police burst into the attic in August 1944.The family members were separated and sent to various concentration camps,where Anne,her mother and her sister died one after another.Only her father and her diary survived.Years later,Mr Frank had the diary published under the title The Diary of a Young Girl,which was later made into a play and then a film.Anne’s diary gave the world a feeling for the horrors of war and for the strength of hope in a young girl.
【答案】 B
4.Anne kept a diary because________. A.it was her habit for a long time B.her parents asked her to record their sufferings C.she could tell everything to her diary D.she wanted to set down a series of facts as most people did


Unit 1 Friendship
Unit 1 Friendship
《安妮日记》是德籍犹太人安妮·弗兰克写的日记,是其藏身 密室时生活和情感的记载。
Unit 1 Friendship
The Diary of Anne Frank The Diary of Anne Frank is neither a novel nor a tale of the imagination.It is the diary kept by a young Jewish girl for two years when she was forced to hide during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. Between June 1942 and August 1944,from Anne’s thirteenth birthday until shortly after her fifteenth birthday,Anne Frank recorded her feelings, emotions and thoughts as well as the events that happened to her in the diary which her father had
Unit 1 Friendship
The diary is an accurate record of the way a young girl grows up,in the very special circumstances in which Anne found herself throughout the two years during which she was in hiding.And it is also a vividly terrifying description of what it was like to be a Jew at a time when the Nazis sought to kill all the Jews of Europe.
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