TOEFL阅读历年考题分类:题材篇(三)(三)自然科学:1.植物学,微生物2.动物学3.生理学4.地质学,地理学,天文学,气象学5.考古学,人类学6.物理,化学,医药,环境1.植物学S/P1树叶为何变颜色82/11海藻83/1地衣S1/P12386/1植物演化86/5藤蔓植物,86/10地衣S1/P788/1树的防御机理S1/P1788/5植物形成层和树皮结构S1/P99S/P69植物的根90/8浮游生物P3291/8植物学P54普样题192/8树的重要性P71P89/植物拟态的性质和作用P138/沙漠植物的生存95/10植物内部运水的机理96/1植物的防御机理北美题96/5兰花96/10一种野草和牛的传说98/5赤扬和森林环境的关系99/8菌类和植物的区别及破坏性和用途2.动物学81/11鸟类适应的演化82/1蝙蝠的生物声纳83/5蚊子利用水产卵83/5有机椎动物和无脊椎动物中ALLEOMIMETIC的作用S1/P95 83/8濑鱼S1/P6283/11海獭84/5响尾蛇的响声84/11旋木雀S1/P7885/5蜜蜂酿蜜S1/P8686/1牛胃S1/P6786/3蜜蜂结构适宜社会化S1/P7586/8恐龙绝迹的解释87/1鸟类学87/5动物为何不生轮子S1/P1687/8北美野牛S1/P10387/10猴子尾巴88/1蜜蜂意识测试S1/P20S/P24沼泽中的动物S1/P24S/P37蜜蜂的社会结构S1/P37S/P39美洲鳄鱼交配后S1/P39S/P52莺科鸣禽划分树上食物S1/P52S/P56食物网S1/P56S/P93考拉S1/P9388/5北极熊S1/P98S/P109灵长类动物的社会行为S1/P109S/P112猿S1/P11288/10鲸鱼S1/P13389/1树懒的习性P289/5美国蝗虫灾害P989/10河狸P1890/1马的进化P2290/8浮游生物P3291/5河狸的特征和习性P4892/1信鸽训练P6192/5病毒P67P80/细菌的特性P90/海葵P98/昆虫的伪装P105/候鸟飞行的高度和速度P116/动物导航P122/血液温度和动物分类P141海洋与生命P142黑猩猩的社会化生活P147贫齿类动物犰犹ARMADILLOS普样2候鸟迁徙的原因S1/P121普样3海葵95/12海洋生物多样性96/1海参96/8研究乌鸦的困难96/10猎狗的嗅觉物质97/1沙漠动物适应97/5鸟儿群居的原因97/10交喙鸟的鸟嘴结构98/1有机物如何对入侵者作出反应98/8动物行为认识99/10爬行动物和鸟类飞行的发展3.生理学99/8临床营养学的发展阶段84/5人类疾病的两个原理99/5有机椎动物的神经系统85/11大脑和中央神经系统的起源83/8大脑意识反应的听觉测试S/P53婴儿大脑成熟和感情发育S1/P53P118/新陈代谢中盐的演化P110/睡眠的阶段86/10睡眠的功能和分类S1/P11S/P136两类睡眠S1/P136 82/1休眠P101/人类肌肉解剖和动作P96/生物与电90/5荷尔蒙P284.地质学,地理学,天文学,气象学2000/1土壤结构的确定方法S/P107土壤的类型99/101994/7流星袭击木星90/10彗星P3999/5极光的形成和表象99/1火成岩98/10地球表面水S/P35大气中的水98/8地球表面的陨石P133/陨石分类S/P4陨石坑98/5宇宙中氦何时形成97/10星系P148/星的分类系统S/P49星的亮度97/1宇宙星体形状95/12地球板块运动96/12地球板块结构理论对地质学的贡献P94/地球板块结构理论S/P58地球板块96/10地震波与地球内部结构研究82/11地球冰河期S1/P12596/1飓风预报86/5气象学91/5飓风P4587/1飓风95/8海底探险普样3海底探索普样4太阳结构P56P82/太阳的演化89/5太阳发光和热P892/10地球和宇宙P7588/10宇宙的理解91/8加拿大省BRITISH COLUMBIA P50 87/8大峡谷的形成S1/P10495/12美国大盆地P145/阿拉斯加半岛S/P76气候决定动植物的分布P42/冰山的特征和起源S/P125冰河期82/8田那西洲东部地下湖82/11地球冰河期P121/洞冰起源96/5火山冰洞降雪的重要性5.考古学,人类学98/8骨化石比骨骼重的原因NA98/1化石足迹分析97/12化石保存条件NA95/10鱼龙胚胎化石96/8历史考古学96/1人类右手为主的考古学证据NAP99/左右手的形成P92/考古学和人类历史P86/考古学的工作方法6.物理,化学,医药,环境91/8降雨的机理普样195/10植物内部运水的机理96/1植物防御的机理北美NA97/5猫降落的机理98/8燃烧的解释98/8雪花的形成北美99/5极光的形成和表象97/8钢丝篱笆97/8一种新型显微镜97/12空气污染物定义98/8人类行为对地球生态系的影响98/1玻璃91/5统计学的发展和用途普样292/5海水盐度普样2?/制陶普样3 95/8戏剧起源95/10钢琴的历史发展95/12无声电影的音乐98/1爵士乐和其它音乐的区别95/12海洋生物多样性96/1N冰箱的发展北美96/5美国西部蒸汽船发动机97/5直接雕塑。
托福阅读考试有哪些题型?详解题型分类及解法1 词汇题问法:The word/phrase _X is closest in meaning to____技巧:(1)首先看是否认识, 假如在认识, 在选项中找同义或〔近义词〕, 并代入原文检验。
(2)假如不认识,将4个选项代入原文, 看上下文是否合理。
(3)看原词所在〔句子〕前后2句, 找重复对应。
2 指代题问法:The word they/ their/ it/ its/ some in the passage refers to技巧:(1)单复数it找单数名词或名词性词组。
(2)在主从复合句, 并列句中, 后半句的代词主语优先指代前半句主语的核心词(有例外, 要从意义推断)。
(3)简洁句中,代词优先指代主语核心词, 次之制代宾语核心词。
(4)代词所在句子找不到合适的指代, 优先指代前一句主语, 次之指代后一句宾语。
(5)一句话中, 相同的代词指代相同。
3 直接事实题问法:According to the passage, what/ which/ why/ when?技巧:定位原文, 细读。
4 infer题(需要精确理解)留意:既然是infer, imply, 就确定不是原文中明确说的。
5 举例说明概述题(例子的作用)技巧:(1)重点不是例子本身, 而是举例子的目的及例子的服务对象。
托福阅读的题型大体分为三类:阅读找寻信息题(Reading to Find Information)、基础理解题(BasicComprehension Question)以及篇章应用题(Reading to LearnQuestion)。
阅读找寻信息题(Reading to Find Information)考察学生能否快速高效浏览文章,找到关键信息;基础理解题(Basic Comprehension Question)考察学生对主要信息、重要事实及细节、词汇、句法及语义内容的理解的能力;篇章应用题(Reading to Learn Question)考察学生是否能准确文章目的、段落之间的关系,能否将关键信息及重要细节总结概括的能力。
如果更加细致的划分可以将所有题型分为十类:词汇题(Vocabulary questions)(3-6个每篇)、指代题(Reference questions)(0-2个每篇)、句子简化题(Sentence Simplification questions)(0-1个每篇)、细节/事实信息题(FactualInformation questions) (3-6个每篇)、否定事实信息题(Negative Factual Information questions)(0-2个每篇)、修辞目的题(Rhetorical Purpose questions)(1-3个每篇)、句子插入题(Insert Text questions)(0-1个每篇)、推断题(Inference questions)(0-2个每篇)、文章小结题(Prose Summary)(0-1个每篇,6选3)、填表题(Fill in a Table)(0-1个每篇,7选5)。
比如官方指南《Desert Formation》的主要内容便是形成沙漠的各种原因。
又如《The Expression of Emotions》的主要内容讲的是表情和感情之间互为因果。
比如TPO1的《The Origins of Theater》中的问题是:What are the origins of theater?文章中通过讲述了各种各样的理论来解释戏剧的起源,也就是回答之前提出的问题。
而文章从第二段就开始分成了三大类,分别是三种理解“攻击性行为”的方法:The Biological Approach(生物学方法),The Psychodynamic Approach(心理动力学方法)和The Cognitive Approach(认知方法)。
又如TPO13的《Types of Social Groups》(社会团体的类型),文章第二段就把人与人之间的关系分为两大类:expressive ties和instrumental ties. 这种类型的文章比较容易,因为它的结构十分清晰,考生可以通过几个分类就把文章分出几大部分,而在具体内容方面,作者往往会对于这不同的类型进行不同方面的比较和说明。
托福阅读文章分类本分类为四大类:自然科学、生物科学、社会科学、其他学科自然科学包括:地质学、天文学生物科学:植物学、动物学、生态\环境学社会科学:艺术、历史\考古学、心理\生理学、社会学自然科学一、地质学冰川类1.OG:Green Icebergs2.TPO 15:Glacier Formation3.TPO 19:Discovering the Ice Ages地质类1.OG:Desert Formation2.OG:Geology and Landscape3.TPO 01:Groundwater4.TPO 03:Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer5.TPO 07:The Geologic History of the Mediterranean6.TPO 12:Water in the Desert7.TPO 20:Fossil Preservation8.TPO 21:Geothermal Energy9.TPO 24:Lake Water10. TPO 27: The Formation of Volcanic Islands11. TPO 29: The History of Waterpower二、天文学火星类1.TPO 08:Running Water on Mars2.TPO 25:The Surface of Mars其他行星类1.TPO 16:Planets in Our Solar System2.TPO 22:The Allende Meteorite生物科学一、植物学1.Sample:Opportunity and Competitors2. TPO 01: Timberline Vegetation on Mountains3.TPO 05:Minerals and Plants4.TPO 09:The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii5.TPO 25:The Evolutionary Origin of Plants6.TPO 22:Spartina7. TPO 29: Competition二、动物学动物特点1.OG:Swimming Machines2.OG:Feeding Habits of East African Herbivores3.TPO04:Deer Population of the Puget Sound4.TPO 13:Biological Clock5.TPO 15:A Warm-blooded Turtle6.TPO 17:Symbiotic Relationship7.TPO27: Buck Rubs and Buck Scrapes8.TPO27: Predator-Prey Cycle9.TPO 30: Role of Play in Development10.TPO 30: The Pace of Evolutionary Change动物变化1.Sample:Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction2.TPO 05:The Cambrian Explosion3.TPO 08:Extinction of The Dinosaurs4.TPO 15:Mass Extinctions动物行为1.TPO 02:The Origins of Cetaceans2. TPO 11:Orientation and Navigation3.TPO 11:Begging by Nestlings4.TPO 17:Animal Signals in The Rain Forest三、生态/环境学生态系统1.TPO 03:The Long-Term Stability of Ecosystems2.TPO 19:Succession, Climax, and Ecosystems3.TPO 26:Survival of Plants and Animals in Desert Conditions 环境特点1.Sample:Electricity from Wind2.TPO 04:Petroleum Resources3.TPO 10:Variations in the Climate4.TPO 18:Lightning5.TPO 23:Urban Climates社会科学一、艺术绘画/雕塑/陶瓷1.Sample:Lascaux Cave Paintings2.TPO04:Cave Art in Europe3.TPO 10:Chinese Pottery4.TPO 11:Ancient Egyptian Sculpture5.TPO 23:Rock Art of the Australian Aborigines6.TPO 27: Crafts in the Ancient New East建筑/戏剧/电影/1.OG:Applied Arts and Fine Arts2.TPO 01:The Origins of Theater3.TPO02:Early Cinema4.TPO03:Architecture5.TPO 12:Transition to Sound in Film6.TPO 22:The Birth of Photography二、历史/考古学工业化介绍1.OG:Artisans and Industrialization2.TPO 06:Powering the Industrial Revolution3.TPO 18:Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinavia4.TPO 26:Energy and the Industrial Revolution贸易/经济介绍1.TPO 10:Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth2.TPO14:Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia3.TPO 16:Trade and the Ancient Middle East4.TPO 17:Europe’s Early Sea Trade with Asia5.TPO 25:The Decline of Venetian Shipping农业发展介绍1.TPO 07:Agriculture, Iron, and The Bantu Peoples2.TPO21:The Origins of Agriculture3.TPO 23:Seventeenth-Century Dutch Agriculture国家/城市特点1.OG:Nineteenth-Century Politics inThe United States2. TPO 08:The Rise of Teotihuacan3.TPO 07:Ancient Rome and Greece4.TPO 14:Maya Water Problems5.TPO 19:The Roman Army’s Impact on Britain6.TPO 26:Sumer and The First Cities of The Ancient Near East7.TPO 29: Characteristics of Roman Army人口变化特点1.TPO 05:The Origins of the Pacific Island People2.TPO 09:Colonizing the Americas Via The Northwest Coast3.TPO 20:Westward Migration4.TPO 20:Early Settlement in the Southwest Asia5.TPO 24:Moving into Pueblos三、心理/生理学1.OG:Aggression2.OG:The Expression of Emotion3.TPO 06:Infantile Amnesia4.TPO 13:Methods of Studying Infant Perception5.TPO 18:The Mystery of Yawning6.TPO 21:Autobiographical Memory7.TPO 24:Breathing during Sleep四、社会学1. TPO 14:Children and Advertising2.TPO 09:Reflection in Teaching3.TPO 13:Types of Social Groups其他学科类1.OG:Loie Fuller2.TPO 06:William Smith3.TPO 16:Development of the Periodic Table4.TPO 12:Which Hand Did They Use?5.TOP 28: Early Saharan Pastoralists6.TPO 30 The Invention of the Mechanical Clock。
READING Artisans And Industrialization Nineteenth-century Politics In The United States The Origins Of The Pacific Island People Powering The Industrial Revolution Ancien Rome And Greece Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth Pastoralism In Ancient Inner Eurasia Trade And The Ancient Middle East Europe's Early Sea Trade With Asia Industrialization In The Netherlands and Scandinavia The Roman Army's Impact on Britain Westward Migration The Origins of Agriculture Seventeenth-Century Dutch Agriculture Moving into Pueblos The Decline of Venetian Shipping Energy and the Industrial Revolution Sumer and the First Cities of the Ancient Near East Early Saharan Pastoralists The History of Waterpower The Invention of the Mechanical Clock Siam, 1815-1910 The First Civilizations Railroads and Commercial Agriculture in Nineteenth-Century United States Islamic Art and the Book The Development of Steam Power Memphis: United Egypt’s First Capital Population Growt in NineteentCTS Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Biology Marine Biology Ecology Ecology Ecology Ecology Ecology Ecology
托福阅读文章分类本分类为四大类:自然科学、生物科学、社会科学、其他学科自然科学包括:地质学、天文学生物科学:植物学、动物学、生态\环境学社会科学:艺术、历史\考古学、心理\生理学、社会学自然科学一、地质学冰川类1.OG:Green Icebergs2.TPO 15:Glacier Formation3.TPO 19:Discovering the Ice Ages地质类1.OG:Desert Formation2.OG:Geology and Landscape3.TPO 01:Groundwater4.TPO 03:Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer5.TPO 07:The Geologic History of the Mediterranean6.TPO 12:Water in the Desert7.TPO 20:Fossil Preservation8.TPO 21:Geothermal Energy9.TPO 24:Lake Water10. TPO 27: The Formation of Volcanic Islands11. TPO 29: The History of Waterpower二、天文学火星类1.TPO 08:Running Water on Mars2.TPO 25:The Surface of Mars其他行星类1.TPO 16:Planets in Our Solar System2.TPO 22:The Allende Meteorite生物科学一、植物学1.Sample:Opportunity and Competitors2. TPO 01: Timberline Vegetation on Mountains3.TPO 05:Minerals and Plants4.TPO 09:The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii5.TPO 25:The Evolutionary Origin of Plants6.TPO 22:Spartina7. TPO 29: Competition二、动物学动物特点1.OG:Swimming Machines2.OG:Feeding Habits of East African Herbivores3.TPO04:Deer Population of the Puget Sound4.TPO 13:Biological Clock5.TPO 15:A Warm-blooded Turtle6.TPO 17:Symbiotic Relationship7.TPO27: Buck Rubs and Buck Scrapes8.TPO27: Predator-Prey Cycle9.TPO 30: Role of Play in Development10.TPO 30: The Pace of Evolutionary Change动物变化1.Sample:Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction2.TPO 05:The Cambrian Explosion3.TPO 08:Extinction of The Dinosaurs4.TPO 15:Mass Extinctions动物行为1.TPO 02:The Origins of Cetaceans2. TPO 11:Orientation and Navigation3.TPO 11:Begging by Nestlings4.TPO 17:Animal Signals in The Rain Forest三、生态/环境学生态系统1.TPO 03:The Long-Term Stability of Ecosystems2.TPO 19:Succession, Climax, and Ecosystems3.TPO 26:Survival of Plants and Animals in Desert Conditions 环境特点1.Sample:Electricity from Wind2.TPO 04:Petroleum Resources3.TPO 10:Variations in the Climate4.TPO 18:Lightning5.TPO 23:Urban Climates社会科学一、艺术绘画/雕塑/陶瓷1.Sample:Lascaux Cave Paintings2.TPO04:Cave Art in Europe3.TPO 10:Chinese Pottery4.TPO 11:Ancient Egyptian Sculpture5.TPO 23:Rock Art of the Australian Aborigines6.TPO 27: Crafts in the Ancient New East建筑/戏剧/电影/1.OG:Applied Arts and Fine Arts2.TPO 01:The Origins of Theater3.TPO02:Early Cinema4.TPO03:Architecture5.TPO 12:Transition to Sound in Film6.TPO 22:The Birth of Photography二、历史/考古学工业化介绍1.OG:Artisans and Industrialization2.TPO 06:Powering the Industrial Revolution3.TPO 18:Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinavia4.TPO 26:Energy and the Industrial Revolution贸易/经济介绍1.TPO 10:Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth2.TPO14:Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia3.TPO 16:Trade and the Ancient Middle East4.TPO 17:Europe’s Early Sea Trade with Asia5.TPO 25:The Decline of Venetian Shipping农业发展介绍1.TPO 07:Agriculture, Iron, and The Bantu Peoples2.TPO21:The Origins of Agriculture3.TPO 23:Seventeenth-Century Dutch Agriculture国家/城市特点1.OG:Nineteenth-Century Politics inThe United States2. TPO 08:The Rise of Teotihuacan3.TPO 07:Ancient Rome and Greece4.TPO 14:Maya Water Problems5.TPO 19:The Roman Army’s Impact on Britain6.TPO 26:Sumer and The First Cities of The Ancient Near East7.TPO 29: Characteristics of Roman Army人口变化特点1.TPO 05:The Origins of the Pacific Island People2.TPO 09:Colonizing the Americas Via The Northwest Coast3.TPO 20:Westward Migration4.TPO 20:Early Settlement in the Southwest Asia5.TPO 24:Moving into Pueblos三、心理/生理学1.OG:Aggression2.OG:The Expression of Emotion3.TPO 06:Infantile Amnesia4.TPO 13:Methods of Studying Infant Perception5.TPO 18:The Mystery of Yawning6.TPO 21:Autobiographical Memory7.TPO 24:Breathing during Sleep四、社会学1. TPO 14:Children and Advertising2.TPO 09:Reflection in Teaching3.TPO 13:Types of Social Groups其他学科类1.OG:Loie Fuller2.TPO 06:William Smith3.TPO 16:Development of the Periodic Table4.TPO 12:Which Hand Did They Use?5.TOP 28: Early Saharan Pastoralists6.TPO 30 The Invention of the Mechanical Clock。
托福阅读-题材结构科目分类TPO 1-54
一、地质学 冰川类 1 OG 2-3: Green Icebergs 2 TPO 15: Glacier Formation 3 TPO 19: Discovering The Ice Ages 地质现象/地理类 1 OG 1-3: Geology and Landscape 2 TPO 01: Groundwater 3 TPO 02: Desert Formation 4 TPO 03: Depletion of The Ogallala Aquifer 5 TPO 07: The Geologic History of The Mediterranean 6 TPO 12: Water in The Desert 7 TPO 20: Fossil Preservation 8 TPO 21: Geothermal Energy 9 TPO 24: Lake Water
7 TPO 32-1: Plant Colonization
8 TPO 34-3: Protection of Plants by Insects 10 TPO 44-3: Seagrasses 11 TPO 45-2: Wind Pollination 12 TPO 35-3: Seasonal Succession In Phytoplankon 13 TPO 38-3: Transgenic Plants 二、动物学 动物特点 1 OG: Swimming Machines 2 OG 2-1: Feeding Habits of East African Herbivores 3 TPO 04: Deer Population of The Puget Sound 4 TPO 13: Biological Clock 5 TPO 15: A Warm-blooded Turtle 6 TPO 17-3: Symbiotic Relationship 7 EX 2-1: Habitats and Chipmunk Species 8 EX 2-2: Cetacean Intelligence 9 TPO 40-3: Amphibian Thermoregulation 10 TPO 47-2: Termite Ingenuity 11 TPO 47-3: Coral Reefs 12 TPO 38-2: The Raccoons's Success 动物变化 1 Sample: Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction 2 TPO 05: The Cambrian Explosion 3 TPO 08: Extinction of The Dinosaurs 4 TPO 15: Mass Extinctions 5 TPO 30-2: The Pace of Evolutionary Change 6 TPO 31-1: Speciation in Geographically Isolated Populations 9 TPO 42-1: Geographic Isolation of Species 7 TPO 33-3: Extinction Episodes of the Past 8 TPO 42-2: Explaining Dinosaur Extinction 9 TPO 44-1: From Fish to Terrestrial Vertebrates 10 TPO 36-3: Industrial Melanism: The Case of the Peppered Moth 11 TPO 39-2: The Extinction of Moa 12 TPO 54-2: Overkill of the North American Megafauna 动物行为 1 TPO 02: The Origins of Cetaceans 2 TPO 11: Begging by Nestlings 3 TPO 11: Orientation and Navigation 4 TPO 17: Animal Signals in The Rain Forest 5 TPO 30-1 Role of Play in Development 6 TPO 29-2: Competition 7 TPO 28-3: Buck Rubs and Buck Scrapes 8 TPO 27-3: Predator-Prey Cycles 9 TPO 32-3: Distributions of Tropical Bee Colonies 10 TPO 45-3: Feeding Strategies in the Ocean 11 TPO 48-2: Determining Dinosaur Diet 12 TPO 37-2: Direct Species Translocation 三、生态/环境/能源 1 TPO 03: The Long-Term Stability of Ecosystems
TPO 07
Ancien Rome And Greece
TPO 10
Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth
TPO 14
Pastoralism In Ancient Inner Eurasia
TPO 07
Argriculture, Iron, And The Bantu Peoples
TPO 08
The Rise Of Teotihuacan
TPO 12
Which Hand Did They Use ?
TPO 33
The First Civilizations
TPO 33
Railroads and Commercial Agriculture in Nineteenth-Century United States
TPO 34
Islamic Art and the Book
TPO 20
Early Settlements in the Southwest Asia
TPO 27
Crafts in the Ancient Near East
TPO 29
托福阅读4大类文章主要结构实例分析托福阅读4大类文章主要结构实例分析, 提速从了解结构开始。
例如TPO17《Europes Early Sea Trade with Asia》这篇文章,开头段讲东西方人都想要彼此进行贸易,但是苦于陆上交通被阻隔掉了,因此需要海上贸易,可是又存在一系列的问题。
以TPO17的《Symbiotic Relationships》为例,文章商议的大的话题是symbiotic relationship(共生关系),文章在第一段就直接写明有3种symbiotic relationships,然后接下来分段论述这3种共生关系分别有什么样的特点。
同样属于分类结构的文章还有TPO13的《Types of Social Groups》,TPO16的《Planets of Our Solar Systems》,TPO20的《Fossil Preservation》等等,读文章时要留意记录各个类型的主要特点,这样在面对最终一题时即便时间有限也可以冷静自若。
托福 TPO 阅读文章话题匹配
自然科学 一、地质学 冰川类 1 OG:Green Icebergs 2 TPO 15:Glacier Formation 3 TPO 19:Discovering The Ice Ages 地质现象 1 OG:Geology and Landscape 2 TPO 01:Groundwater 3 TPO 02:Desert Formation 4 TPO 03:Depletion of The Ogallala Aquifer 5 TPO 07:The Geologic History of The Mediterranean 6 TPO 12:Water in The Desert 7 TPO 20:Fossil Preservation 8 TPO 21:Geothermal Energy
2 TPO 04:Cave Art in Europe 3 TPO 10:Chinese Pottery 4 TPO 11:Ancient Egyptian Sculpture 5 TPO 23:Rock Art of the Australian Aborigines 建筑/戏剧/电影/摄影 1 OG:Applied Arts and Fine Arts 2 TPO 01:The Origins of Theater 3 TPO 02:Early Cinema 4 TPO 03:Architecture 5 TPO 12:Transition to Sound in Film 10 TPO 22:The Birth of Photography 二、历史/考古学工业化介绍 1 OG:Artisans and Industrialization 2 TPO 06:Powering The Industrial Revolution 3 TPO 18:Industrialization in The Netherlands and Scandinavia 4 TPO 26:Energy and the Industrial Revolution
自然科学 一、地质学 冰川类 1 OG:Green Icebergs 2 TPO 15:Glacier Formation 3 TPO 19:Discovering The Ice Ages 地质现象 1 OG:Geology and Landscape 2 TPO 01:Groundwater 3 TPO 02:Desert Formation 4 TPO 03:Depletion of The Ogallala Aquifer 5 TPO 07:The Geologic History of The Mediterranean 6 TPO 12:Water in The Desert 7 TPO 20:Fossil Preservation 8 TPO 21:Geothermal Energy 9 TPO 24:Lake Water 二、天文学 火星类 1 TPO 08:Running Water On Mars 2 TPO 25:The Surface of Mars 其他行星类 1 TPO 16:Planets in Our Solar System 2 TPO 22:The Allende Meteorite 生物科学 一、植物学 1 Sample:Opportunity and Competitors 2 TPO 01:Timberline Vegetation on Mountains 3 TPO 05:Minerals and Plants 4 TPO 09:The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii 5 TPO 22:Spartina 6 TPO 25:The Evolutionary Origin of Plants 二、动物学 动物特点 1 OG:Swimming Machines 2 OG:Feeding Habits of East African Herbivores 3 TPO 04:Deer Population of The Puget Sound 4 TPO 13:Biological Clock 5 TPO 15:A Warm-blooded Turtle 6 TPO 17:Symbiotic Relationship 动物变化 1 Sample:Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction 2 TPO 05:The Cambrian Explosion 3 TPO 08:Extinction of The Dinosaurs 4 TPO 15:Mass Extinctions 动物行为 1 TPO 02:The Origins of Cetaceans 2 TPO 11:Begging by Nestlings 3 TPO 11:Orientation and Navigation 4 TPO 17:Ani mal Signals in The Rain Forest 三、生态/环境学生态系统 1 TPO 03:The Long-Term Stability of Ecosystems 2 TPO 19:Succession, Climax, and Ecosystems 3 TPO 26:Survival of Plants and Animals in Desert Conditions 环境特点 1 Sample:Electricity from Wind 2 TPO 04:Petroleum Resources 3 TPO 10:Variations in The Climate 4 TPO 18:Lightning 5 TPO 23:Urban Climates 社会科学 一、艺术绘画/雕塑/陶瓷 1 Sample: Lascaux Cave Paintings 2 TPO 04:Cave Art in Europe 3 TPO 10:Chinese Pottery 4 TPO 11:Ancient Egyptian Sculpture 5 TPO 23:Rock Art of the Australian Aborigines 建筑/戏剧/电影/摄影 1 OG:Applied Arts and Fine Arts 2 TPO 01:The Origins of Theater 3 TPO 02:Early Cinema 4 TPO 03:Architecture 5 TPO 12:Transition to Sound in Film 10 TPO 22:The Birth of Photography 二、历史/考古学工业化介绍 1 OG:Artisans and Industrialization 2 TPO 06:Powering The Industrial Revolution 3 TPO 18:Industrialization in The Netherlands and Scandinavia 4 TPO 26:Energy and the Industrial Revolution 贸易/经济介绍 1 TPO 10:Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth 2 TPO14:Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia 3 TPO 16:Trade and The Ancient Middle East 4 TPO 17:Europe’s Early Sea Trade with Asia 5 TPO 25:The Decline of Venetian Shipping 农业发展介绍 1 TPO 07:Agriculture, Iron, and The Bantu Peoples 2 TPO21:The Origins of Agriculture 3 TPO 23:Seventeenth-Century Dutch Agriculture 国家/城市特点 1 OG:Nineteenth-Century Politics in The United States 2 TPO 07:Ancient Rome and Greece 3 TPO 08:The Rise of Teotihuacan 4 TPO 14:Maya Water Problems 5 TPO 19:The Roman Army’s Impact on Britain 6 TPO 26:Sumer and The First Cities of The Ancient Near East 人口变化特点 1 TPO 05:The Origins of The Pacific Island People 2 TPO 09:Colonizing The Americas Via The Northwest Coast 3 TPO 20:Westward Migration 4 TPO 20:Early Settlement in The Southwest Asia 5 TPO 24:Moving into Pueblos 三、心理/生理学 1 OG:Aggression 2 OG:The Expression of Emotion 3 TPO06:Infantile Amnesia 4 TPO 13:Methods of Studying Infant Perception 5 TPO 18:The Mystery of Yawning 6 TPO 21:Autobiographical Memory 7 TPO 24:Breathing During Sleep 四、社会学 1 TPO09:Reflection in Teaching 2 TPO 13:Types of Social Groups 3 TPO 14:Childrenand Advertising 其他学科类 1 OG:Loie Fuller 2 TPO 06:William Smith 3 TPO 16:Development of The Periodic Table 4 TPO 12:Which Hand Did They Use?。
史上最全托福TPO1-31阅读 题材结构科目分类
史上最全托福TPO1-31阅读题材结构科目分类自然科学一、地质学冰川类1 OG:Green Icebergs2 TPO 15:Glacier Formation3 TPO 19:Discovering The Ice Ages地质现象1 OG:Geology and Landscape2 TPO 01:Groundwater3 TPO 02:Desert Formation4 TPO 03:Depletion of The Ogallala Aquifer5 TPO 07:The Geologic History of The Mediterranean6 TPO 12:Water in The Desert7 TPO 20:Fossil Preservation8 TPO 21:Geothermal Energy9 TPO 24:Lake Water10 TPO 28-1:Groundwater11 TPO 27-2:The Formation of Volcanic Islands二、天文学火星类1 TPO 08:Running Water On Mars2 TPO 25:The Surface of Mars其他行星类1 TPO 16:Planets in Our Solar System2 TPO 22:The Allende Meteorite生物科学一、植物学1 Sample:Opportunity and Competitors2 TPO 01:Timberline Vegetation on Mountains3 TPO 05:Minerals and Plants4 TPO 09:The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii5 TPO 22:Spartina6 TPO 25:The Evolutionary Origin of Plants二、动物学动物特点1 OG:Swimming Machines2 OG:Feeding Habits of East African Herbivores3 TPO 04:Deer Population of The Puget Sound4 TPO 13:Biological Clock5 TPO 15:A Warm-blooded Turtle6 TPO 17-3:Symbiotic Relationship动物变化1 Sample:Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction2 TPO 05:The Cambrian Explosion3 TPO 08:Extinction of The Dinosaurs4 TPO 15:Mass Extinctions5 TPO 31-1: Speciation in Geographically Isolated Populations6 TPO 30-2: The Pace of Evolutionary Change动物行为1 TPO 02:The Origins of Cetaceans2 TPO 11:Begging by Nestlings3 TPO 11:Orientation and Navigation4 TPO 17:Ani mal Signals in The Rain Forest5 TPO 30-1 Role of Play in Development6 TPO 29-2:Competition7 TPO 28-3:Buck Rubs and Buck Scrapes8 TPO 27-3:Predator-Prey Cycles三、生态/环境/能源1 TPO 03:The Long-Term Stability of Ecosystems2 TPO 19:Succession, Climax, and Ecosystems3 TPO 26:Survival of Plants and Animals in Desert Conditions4 TPO 31-3: Savanna Formation1 Sample:Electricity from Wind2 TPO 04:Petroleum Resources3 TPO 29-3:The History of Waterpower3 TPO 10:Variations in The Climate4 TPO 18:Lightning5 TPO 23:Urban Climates社会科学一、艺术绘画/雕塑/陶瓷1 Sample:Lascaux Cave Paintings2 TPO 04:Cave Art in Europe3 TPO 10:Chinese Pottery4 TPO 11:Ancient Egyptian Sculpture5 TPO 23:Rock Art of the Australian Aborigines6 TPO 29-1:Characteristics of Roman Pottery7 TPO27-1:Crafts in the Ancient near East建筑/戏剧/电影/摄影1 OG:Applied Arts and Fine Arts2 TPO 01:The Origins of Theater3 TPO 02:Early Cinema4 TPO 03:Architecture5 TPO 12:Transition to Sound in Film10 TPO 22:The Birth of Photography二、历史/考古学工业化介绍1 OG:Artisans and Industrialization2 TPO 06:Powering The Industrial Revolution3 TPO 18:Industrialization in The Netherlands and Scandinavia4 TPO 26:Energy and the Industrial Revolution5 TPO 30-3: The Invention of the Mechanical Clock贸易/经济介绍1 TPO 10:Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth2 TPO14:Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia3 TPO 16:Trade and The Ancient Middle East4 TPO 17:Europe’s Early Sea Trade with Asia5 TPO 25:The Decline of Venetian Shipping农业发展介绍 1 TPO 07:Agriculture, Iron, and The Bantu Peoples2 TPO21:The Origins of Agriculture3 TPO 23:Seventeenth-Century Dutch Agriculture国家/城市特点1 OG:Nineteenth-Century Politics in The United States2 TPO 07-2:Ancient Rome and Greece3 TPO 08:The Rise of Teotihuacan4 TPO 14:Maya Water Problems5 TPO 19:The Roman Army’s Impact on Britain6 TPO 26:Sumer and The First Cities of The Ancient Near East 人口变化特点1 TPO 05:The Origins of The Pacific Island People2 TPO 09:Colonizing The Americas Via The Northwest Coast3 TPO 20:Westward Migration4 TPO 20:Early Settlement in The Southwest Asia5 TPO 24:Moving into Pueblos6 TPO 28-2: Early Saharan Pastoralists三、心理/生理学1 OG:Aggression2 OG:The Expression of Emotion3 TPO06:Infantile Amnesia4 TPO 13:Methods of Studying Infant Perception5 TPO 18:The Mystery of Yawning6 TPO 21:Autobiographical Memory7 TPO 24:Breathing During Sleep四、社会学1 TPO09:Reflection in Teaching2 TPO 13:Types of Social Groups3 TPO 14:Childrenand Advertising4 TPO 31-2: Early Children Education其他学科类1 OG:Loie Fuller2 TPO 06:William Smith3 TPO 16:Development of The Periodic Table4 TPO 12:Which Hand Did They Use?结构体裁难度系数现象到解释:形成过程Exposition 现象到解释:形成过程Exposition现象到解释:形成过程:对比Exposition现象到解释Exposition现象到解释:原因:分类Exposition现象到解释Exposition现象到解释:形成过程Historical现象到解释:分类Exposition现象到解释Exposition现象到解释Exposition5现象到解释:对比Exposition 现象到解释:对比Exposition现象到解释Exposition现象到解释:总分Historical现象到解释Exposition现象到解释Exposition现象描述:分类Exposition现象到解释:分类Exposition现象到解释(含研究)理论解释(新旧对比)现象到解释(含研究)Exposition现象描述:分类Exposition现象到解释(含研究)Exposition现象到解释(含研究)Exposition现象到解释(含研究)Exposition现象到解释(含研究)Exposition现象到解释Exposition现象到解释总分:分类起源及发展Historical起源及发展Historical现象到解释:形成过程Exposition现象到解释总分:分类Historical HistoricalHistoricalHistoricalHistorical 现象到解释Historical 现象到解释Historical现象描述:分类Exposition起源及发展Historicalcandinavia起源及发展Historical现象到解释:总分Historical现象到解释:总分HistoricalHistorical 现象到解释:总分:Classificatio现象到解释: Classification Historical 现象到解释:总分Historical Exposition 现象到解释:总分:Classificatio现象到解释(含研究)Exposition 现象到解释(含研究)。
托福阅读学科分类表托福阅读学科分类表如下:1.艺术类:TPO 03:Architecture(建筑)TPO 11:Ancient Egyptian Sculpture(古埃及雕塑)TPO 12:Transition To Sound In Film(电影中的声音转变)TPO 04:Cave Art in Europe(欧洲的洞穴艺术)2.生物学类:OG:Feeding Habits Of East African Herbvores(东非草食动物的进食习惯)TPO 05:Minerals And Plants(矿物质和植物)TPO 09:The Arrival Of Plant Life In Hawaii(植物在夏威夷的登陆)TPO 11:Orientation And Navigation(定位和导航)3.地质学类:OG:green Icebergs(绿色的冰山)TPO 15:Glacier Formation(冰川的形成)TPO 19:Discovering The Ice Ages(发现冰河时代)OG:Geology and Landscape(地质与地貌)TPO 01:Groundwater(地下水)TPO 02:Desert Formation(沙漠的形成)TPO 03:Depletion of The Ogallala Aquifer(奥加拉拉含水层的消耗)TPO 07:The Geologic History of The Mediterranean (地中海的地质历史)TPO 12:Water in The Desert(沙漠中的水)TPO 20:Fossil Preservation(化石保存)TPO 21:Geothermal Energy(地热能)TPO 24:Lake Water(湖水)TPO 27-2:The Formation of Volcanic Islands(火山岛的形成)。
托福T O阅读话题分类更新TPMK standardization office【 TPMK5AB- TPMK08- TPMK2C- TPMK18】托福阅读文章分类本分类为四大类:自然科学、生物科学、社会科学、其他学科自然科学包括:地质学、天文学生物科学:植物学、动物学、生态\环境学社会科学:艺术、历史\考古学、心理\生理学、社会学自然科学一、地质学冰川类1.OG:Green Icebergs2.TPO 15:Glacier Formation3.TPO 19:Discovering the Ice Ages地质类1.OG:Desert Formation2.OG:Geology and Landscape3.TPO 01:Groundwater4.TPO 03:Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer5.TPO 07:The Geologic History of the Mediterranean6.TPO 12:Water in the Desert7.TPO 20:Fossil Preservation8.TPO 21:Geothermal Energy9.TPO 24:Lake Water10. TPO 27: The Formation of Volcanic Islands11. TPO 29: The History of Waterpower二、天文学火星类1.TPO 08:Running Water on Mars2.TPO 25:The Surface of Mars其他行星类1.TPO 16:Planets in Our Solar System2.TPO 22:The Allende Meteorite生物科学一、植物学1.Sample:Opportunity and Competitors2. TPO 01: Timberline Vegetation on Mountains3.TPO 05:Minerals and Plants4.TPO 09:The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii5.TPO 25:The Evolutionary Origin of Plants6.TPO 22:Spartina7. TPO 29: Competition二、动物学动物特点1.OG:Swimming Machines2.OG:Feeding Habits of East African Herbivores3.TPO04:Deer Population of the Puget Sound4.TPO 13:Biological Clock5.TPO 15:A Warm-blooded Turtle6.TPO 17:Symbiotic Relationship7.TPO27: Buck Rubs and Buck Scrapes8.TPO27: Predator-Prey Cycle9.TPO 30: Role of Play in Development10.TPO 30: The Pace of Evolutionary Change动物变化1.Sample:Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction2.TPO 05:The Cambrian Explosion3.TPO 08:Extinction of The Dinosaurs4.TPO 15:Mass Extinctions动物行为1.TPO 02:The Origins of Cetaceans2. TPO 11:Orientation and Navigation3.TPO 11:Begging by Nestlings4.TPO 17:Animal Signals in The Rain Forest三、生态/环境学生态系统1.TPO 03:The Long-Term Stability of Ecosystems2.TPO 19:Succession, Climax, and Ecosystems3.TPO 26:Survival of Plants and Animals in Desert Conditions 环境特点1.Sample:Electricity from Wind2.TPO 04:Petroleum Resources3.TPO 10:Variations in the Climate4.TPO 18:Lightning5.TPO 23:Urban Climates社会科学一、艺术绘画/雕塑/陶瓷1.Sample:Lascaux Cave Paintings2.TPO04:Cave Art in Europe3.TPO 10:Chinese Pottery4.TPO 11:Ancient Egyptian Sculpture5.TPO 23:Rock Art of the Australian Aborigines6.TPO 27: Crafts in the Ancient New East建筑/戏剧/电影/1.OG:Applied Arts and Fine Arts2.TPO 01:The Origins of Theater3.TPO02:Early Cinema4.TPO03:Architecture5.TPO 12:Transition to Sound in Film6.TPO 22:The Birth of Photography二、历史/考古学工业化介绍1.OG:Artisans and Industrialization2.TPO 06:Powering the Industrial Revolution3.TPO 18:Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinavia4.TPO 26:Energy and the Industrial Revolution贸易/经济介绍1.TPO 10:Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth2.TPO14:Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia3.TPO 16:Trade and the Ancient Middle East4.TPO 17:Europe’s Early Sea Trade with Asia5.TPO 25:The Decline of Venetian Shipping农业发展介绍1.TPO 07:Agriculture, Iron, and The Bantu Peoples2.TPO21:The Origins of Agriculture3.TPO 23:Seventeenth-Century Dutch Agriculture国家/城市特点1.OG:Nineteenth-Century Politics inThe United States2. TPO 08:The Rise of Teotihuacan3.TPO 07:Ancient Rome and Greece4.TPO 14:Maya Water Problems5.TPO 19:The Roman Army’s Impact on Britain6.TPO 26:Sumer and The First Cities of The Ancient Near East7.TPO 29: Characteristics of Roman Army人口变化特点1.TPO 05:The Origins of the Pacific Island People2.TPO 09:Colonizing the Americas Via The Northwest Coast3.TPO 20:Westward Migration4.TPO 20:Early Settlement in the Southwest Asia5.TPO 24:Moving into Pueblos三、心理/生理学1.OG:Aggression2.OG:The Expression of Emotion3.TPO 06:Infantile Amnesia4.TPO 13:Methods of Studying Infant Perception5.TPO 18:The Mystery of Yawning6.TPO 21:Autobiographical Memory7.TPO 24:Breathing during Sleep四、社会学1. TPO 14:Children and Advertising2.TPO 09:Reflection in Teaching3.TPO 13:Types of Social Groups其他学科类1.OG:Loie Fuller2.TPO 06:William Smith3.TPO 16:Development of the Periodic Table4.TPO 12:Which Hand Did They Use?5.TOP 28: Early Saharan Pastoralists6.TPO 30 The Invention of the Mechanical Clock。
托福TPO1-49阅读分类题材介绍托福TPO1-49阅读分类题材介绍!托福阅读考试文章的题材也是偏好的,大家在复习的时候,掌握好这些题材的分类,对于我们的考试也是有一定的帮助的下面小编为大家整理了详细的内容,供大家参考!托福TPO1-49阅读分类题材介绍TPO 1-10(2篇)TPO 7: Ancient Rome and GreeceTPO 8: The Rise of TeotihuacanTPO 11-20(3篇)TPO 16: Trade and the Ancient Middle EastTPO 17: Europe’s Early Sea Trade with AsiaTPO 20: Early Settlements in the Southwest AsiaTPO 21-30(2篇)TPO 24: Moving into PueblosTPO 26: Sumer and the First Cities of the Ancient Near East TPO 31-40(4篇)TPO 32: Siam, 1851-1910TPO 33: The First CivilizationTPO 35: Europe in the twelfth centuryTPO 40: Ancient AthensTPO 41-50(3篇)TPO 41: Trade and Early State FormationTPO 46: The Commercial Revolution in Medieval EuropeTPO 47: Roman Cultural Influence on Britain由此总结,托福TPO阅读中历史地理城市类题材,此类文章在历史上共计出现过14篇,那么按照总数150篇范围来估算比例(14/150 = 9%),我们可以得出该类型的文章在历史上的重现比例为9%,接近每10篇就会出现一篇的概率,绝对是高产概率。
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12 文本插入题 12
13 文本插入题 14 文章小结题
13 文章小结题 13 14
Passage3 地理/环境/能
事实信息题 修辞目的题 句子简化题 词汇题 推断题 事实信息题 推断题
否定事实信息题 词汇题
文本插入题 文章小结题
Passage3 生物/生态学
词汇题 推断题 句子简化题 词汇题
2 事实信息题
3 事实信息题 4 词汇题
3 词汇题
否定事实信 息题
5 事实信息题
5 事实信息题
6 句子简化题 7 修辞目的题 8 词汇题
6 词汇题
7 事实信息题
8 事实信息题
9 事实信息题
9 词汇题
10 词汇题 11 事实信息题
10 事实信息题 10 11 句子简化题 11
12 词汇题
否定事实信 息题
13 文本插入题 13
14 文章小结题 14
TPO8阅读 题型分类
地理/环境/能 源
1 词汇题
2 事实信息题
3 词汇题
4 词汇题
词汇题 句子简化题 否定事实信息题
事实信息题 词汇题
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
TPO2阅读 题型分类
地理/环境/能 源
生物/生态 学
1 事实信息题
否定事实信息 题
2 推断题
2 修辞目的题
3 词汇题
3 句子简化题
4 事实信息题
4 词汇题
13 文本插入题
14 文章小结题
学 地理/环境/能
1 词汇题
2 词汇题 3 词汇题 4 词汇题 5 否定事实信息 6 事实信息题 7 词汇题 8 否定事实信息
9 句子简化题
10 修辞目的题 11 事实信息题
12 推断题
13 文本插入题 14 文章小结题
学科 艺术
1 词汇题
2 事实信息题
3 词汇题
4 句子简化题
TPO1阅读 题型分类 Passage2
学科 地理/环境/能源 学科
Passage3 学科 生物/生态学
1 推断题
2 词汇题 3 词汇题 4 事实信息题 5 指代题 6 否定事实信息题 7 词汇题 8 词汇题
9 词汇题
10 事实信息题 11 修辞目的题
12 句子简化题
13 文本插入题 14 文章小结题
13 文本插入题
14 文章小结题
学科 艺术
否定事实 信息题
2 词汇题
3 词汇题
4 句子简化
5 词汇题
6 词汇题
7 事实信息
8 推断题
事实信息 题
10 词汇题
11 修辞目的
事实信息 题
13 14
文 文本 章插 小入 结 题
TPO3阅读 题型分类 Passage2
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4 事实信息题
5 词汇题
6 句子简化题
7 事实信息题
8 修辞目的题
否定事实信 息题
10 事实信息题
11 事实信息题
12 事实信息题
13 文本插入题 14 文章小结题
2 推断题பைடு நூலகம்
3 词汇题
4 词汇题
5 修辞目的题
6 事实信息题
7 修辞目的题
8 词汇题
9 事实信息题
10 词汇题
11 句子简化题 11
文本插入题 文章小结题
5 修辞目的题
6 否定事实信息 7 否定事实信息 8 事实信息题
9 句子简化题
10 推断题 11 词汇题
12 文本插入题
13 文章小结题
TPO9阅读 题型分类 Passage2
学科 人类/考古 学科 社会科学 学科
1 事实信息题
1 词汇题
2 词汇题
9 句子简化题
10 修辞目的题
11 词汇题
否定事实信息 题
13 文本插入题
14 文章小结题
Passage1 学科 社会科学
1 句子简化题 2 事实信息题 3 词汇题 4 词汇题
5 事实信息题 6 否定事实信息题 7 修辞目的题 8 词汇题 9 词汇题 10 事实信息题 11 事实信息题 12 文本插入题 13 文章小结题
修辞目的题 事实信息题 词汇题
句子简化题 词汇题
6 词汇题 7 推断题 8 事实信息题
9 事实信息题
10 事实信息题 11 词汇题
12 事实信息题
13 文本插入题 14 文章小结题
6 事实信息题
7 词汇题
8 词汇题
否定事实信息 题
10 句子简化题
11 词汇题
否定事实信息 题
否定事实信 息题
6 词汇题
7 事实信息题
8 词汇题
9 修辞目的题
10 事实信息题 11 事实信息题
12 词汇题
13 文本插入题 14 文章小结题
TPO10阅读 题型分类
学 科
1 事实信息题
1 事实信息题
2 事实信息题
2 词汇题
3 句子简化题
5 指代题
5 词汇题
6 词汇题
6 事实信息题
7 事实信息题
7 事实信息题
8 推断题
8 事实信息题
9 词汇题
9 指代题
句子简化题 推断题
10 句子简化题 11 词汇题
10 事实信息题 11 词汇题
12 文本插入题
12 文本插入题
13 文章小结题
9 词汇题
9 事实信息题
10 词汇题 11 事实信息题
10 事实信息题 11 句子简化题
12 修辞目的题
12 事实信息题
13 文本插入题 14 文章小结题
13 文本插入题 14 文章小结题
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 11
Passage1 学科
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
TPO3阅读 题型分类
地理/环境/能 源
1 词汇题
否定事实信息题 句子简化题 词汇题 修辞目的题 词汇题 词汇题 否定事实信息题
2 否定事实信息 3 事实信息题 4 事实信息题 5 事实信息题 6 事实信息题 7 推断题 8 词汇题
词汇题 事实信息题 指代题 事实信息题 修辞目的题 词汇题 事实信息题 事实信息题 文本插入题 文章小结题
生物/生态 学
TPO5阅读 题型分类 Passage2
学科 人类/考古
1 事实信息题
1 否定事实信息题
2 词汇题 3 事实信息题 4 事实信息题 5 词汇题 6 事实信息题 7 词汇题 8 修辞目的题
13 文章小结题
TPO7阅读 题型分类
地理/环境/能 源
1 句子简化题
1 词汇题
否定事实信 息题
2 事实信息题
3 词汇题
3 推断题
否定事实信 息题
4 事实信息题
5 修辞目的题
5 事实信息题
10 11
13 14
人类/考 古
1 词汇题
否定事实 信息题
3 词汇题
4 词汇题
否定事实 信息题
6 推断题
7 推断题
8 词汇题
事实信息 题
10 事实信息
11 事实信息
修辞目的 题
13 14
文 文本 章插 小入 结 题
TPO8阅读 题型分类 Passage2
学科 1 2 3 4
9 修辞目的题
词汇题 事实信息题
10 词汇题 11 句子简化题
12 词汇题
文本插入题 文章小结题
13 文本插入题 14 文章小结题