旅游是由人们向即非永久定 居地亦非工作地旅行并在该 处逗留所引起的相互关系和 现象的总和。
旅游是人们出自非获取报酬以 外的任何目的向其日常环境以 外的地方旅行并在该地停留不 超过一年所产生的活动 。
谢彦君著《基础旅游学》 第2版
旅游是个人以前往 异地寻求愉悦为主 要目的而度过的一 种具有社会、休闲 和消费属性的短暂 经历。
李天元主编《旅 游学概论》教材
袁国宏、张月芳《旅 游管理知识题解》, 中国旅游出版社, 2003年第1版
旅游是人们 离开常住地 到异国他乡 访问的旅行 和暂时停留 所引起的各 种现象和关 系的总和。
四 旅游活动的类型
国内旅游 国际旅游
远程旅游 中程旅游
二 旅游收入与旅游支出
旅游收入与 旅游支出的 统计方法
指在一定时期内, 旅游目的地国家 或地区因接待来 访的国内外游客, 向其提供各种商 品和服务而获得 的直接收入。
通常都是指国际 旅游支出,指在 一定时期内,一 个国家的居民出 境旅游期间在境 外购买商品和服 务的消费开支总 额。
缺点:①遗漏:A.边境一 日游游客 B.在亲友家中 住宿过夜的入境旅游者。 ②重复:一人入境后可能 住宿多个酒店,难免重复 计算,统计结果往往高于 实际来访人次。
国际上通常做法是由本国在这些出 境旅游者回国入境时,通过抽样调 查的方法进行统计。
由负责组织旅游的 旅游企业填报,适 用于由旅行社组织 的团体旅游者的统 计。
1. 背景变量背景变量是指旅游者个体特征、社会经济背景等对旅游者感知价值的影响因素。
2. 旅游特性变量旅游特性变量是指旅游产品和服务的特性对旅游者感知价值产生影响的因素。
3. 感知价值构面感知价值构面是指旅游者对旅游产品和服务的感知价值从多个维度进行评价的构造。
1. 问卷调查法问卷调查法是使用结构化问卷对旅游者进行有针对性的主观评价。
2. 访谈法访谈法以深度访谈或半结构化访谈的形式,与旅游者进行面对面的交流。
3. 实地观察法实地观察法是通过观察旅游者在旅游活动中的行为和反应,来推测其感知价值。
旅游的基本概念及其测度(The basic concept of tourism and its measure)
旅游的基本概念及其测度(The basic concept of tourism and itsmeasure)The basic concept of tourism and its measureCeng BoweiHow to grasp the basic concept of tourismTourism concept is an important part of the research of tourism basic theory. From different angles, researchers can define different definitions of travel. The concept that people agree on what is called "improper name" is the basic premise of tourism research. But at the moment of "tourism", "visitors", "tourism" the three basic concept, has been a lack of consensus, it become a big difficulty in tourism research, and so a lot of problems in the study. Name and reality problem, belongs to the category of language philosophy, in the tourism industry, people often use the "tourism", "visitors", "tourism", usually have a common "name", but no common "solid", the so-called "actuality". It is important to note that the difficulties do not lie in the lack of relevant definitions of tourism; It is the researchers who, from their own point of view, randomly use relevant concepts to create confusion. A basic understanding of tourism related concepts helps to create a clear discussion environment for tourism research. Need special, due to the statistical data is the direct basis of quantitative study tourism economy, so from the perspective of statistics to define the basic concept of tourism for the tourism economy research has important significance.1. The definition of the basic concept of tourism from the perspective of statisticsFrom a statistical perspective, the extension of the basic concept of tourism should be consistent in order to obtain the consistency of tourist data. In this way, the definition of "tourism" and "tourist" is the premise of the concept of "tourism". According to the world tourism organization and the United Nations statistical commission recommended, the definition of "tourism" means "for leisure, business or other purposes to leave his/her usual environment, to a certain place and stay there, but no more than one year in a row." And put forward the purpose of the trip and visit includes six categories: "leisure, entertainment, holiday", "to visit friends and relatives", "business, professional access", "health care", "religious/worship", "other". And "tourists" refers to "any one to him/her to travel outside their usual environment, not more than 12 months in a row, and the main purpose of the trip is not from access to paid by activities engaged in by people." According to this definition, there are three basic criteria that distinguish "tourists" from other travelers: (1) travel should be outside the usual environment;(2) the duration of the visit shall not exceed 12 consecutive months; (3) the main purpose of the visit is not to obtain payment from access. On the basis of the above definition, can clearly know the various definitions related to "tourists", this also indicates that the outer boundary of tourist statistics only include "tourists" tourism activities, not including other travelers travel activities. In the national tourism administration formulated and approved by the national bureau of statistics (NBS) the statistical investigationsystem in the magazine, "is the concept of" tourists "means any for leisure, entertainment, sightseeing, holiday, visiting friends, medical rehabilitation, shopping, to attend the meeting or in economy, culture, sports, religious activities, leave the resident countries (or local) to other countries (or local),It lasts for no more than 12 months, and the main purpose of other countries (or other places) is not to get paid for the activities they engage in. "At the same time, specially pointed out that" tourists "does not include due to work or study. Back and forth in both regular visitors according to the inbound tourists and domestic tourists travel to points. According to the tourists travel time points (overnight visitors) and a day-trip visitors (not overnight visitors).Oddly, the idea of "tourism" and "tourist" has not made the definition of "tourism" a logical place for the world tourism organization and the UN statistical commission. The main reason may be whether there is no consensus on whether "tourism" is an industry or not. But the tourism satellite account (TSA), which is actively promoted by the world tourism organization, can generally infer that "tourism" is "a collection of industries that provide goods and services for tourism activities." It should be noted that in general, the industry in the collection provides not only goods and services for tourists, but also goods and services for non-tourists. Only the goods and services provided to tourists can be collected into the statistical category of "tourism". For example, in the catering industry, only parts of the catering industry can be returned to "tourism".2. Define the advantages and disadvantages of the basic concept of tourism from a statistical perspectiveThe basic concept of tourism from statistical point of view is the definition of economic category, and the essential feature is to view tourism activities from the perspective of demand. As one of many concepts, its advantage has three: (1) the concept launched by the world tourism organization and the United Nations statistics committee, equivalent to an international standard, national tourism according to the concept of the statistics in data to a comparable basis, using the concept of tourism statistics, can make China's tourism figures in line with international standards; (2) the scope of this concept can provide a broader space for tourism research.(3) the definition of this concept provides the possibility for statistical tourism activities in theory, while relevant statistics are available, and the quantitative tourism economic research can be relied on.Besides, there are three main disadvantages: (1) this concept is too large to accurately grasp the characteristics and laws of different tourists. (2) in some people's minds, "tourism" should be on vacation, sightseeing, entertainment for the purpose, should not include a business meeting and to visit friends and relatives, so this concept is not accord with some general understanding of "tourism"; (3) due to the "tourism" is derived from the concept of a collection of industry that cannot use the travel agency, also cannot use tourist hotel data to reflect the panorama of tourism, so to give an accurate and comprehensive statistics of tourism overall data is difficult.3. Further explanation of the basic concept of tourism from the perspective of statisticsOne of the main differences between tourism concepts and other definitions in the statistical perspective is that the same "name", "real" scope is different. But it doesn't matter if it is more than 50 meters or more than 100 meters. It is important to refer to "high-rise buildings" with uniform standards. If more than 50 meters of buildings are built as high-rise buildings;It does not preclude the special needs of the high-rises of more than 200 meters. In the same way, the concept of tourism in the statistical perspective is relatively broad, but it can be divided into more detailed research objects from this definition. For example, the purpose of the trip can be separated from sightseeing, meeting tourism, sports tourism and other specialized research. It can also be classified into a more detailed beach leisure holiday travel category from leisure vacation tourism. If the tourism economy problem is studied, the basic concept of tourism as a basis for defining tourist boundaries can avoid many misunderstandings. For example, the study of leisure studies is in the ascendant, but it is a headache to grasp the research scope of leisure economy and tourism economy. It is certain that the scope of the two studies is different, but there will be partial overlap. If the definition of tourism is based on statistical perspective, the theoretical boundaries are clear: only economic activities involving travel activities in the leisure economy can be included in the study of tourism economy. Before there are manyarticles make the concept of mice tourism complex, actually with tourism statistics concept, can see clearly: the problem of the mice tourism, to participate in exhibition out-of-town businessmen in general, belongs to the category of tourists, merchants in mice after sightseeing, holiday activities, due to its main purpose is to participate in business activities, should be classified into "business travel"; Visitors to the exhibition should also be counted as "tourists" if they are not "normal".It is not easy to accurately grasp the "normal environment" in the definition of tourist statistics and "get paid without access". However, it is not considered that the statistics based on this concept cannot reflect the increase and decrease of tourism. It should be seen that most statistics, from abstract concepts to specific data, face similar difficulties. For example, there are three conditions for the definition of "unemployment" : the ability to work, to work, but not to work. Each of these conditions is hard to say. Taking "willing to work" as an example, the minimum wage is acceptable; The same job, the monthly income of 500 yuan, may be a migrant worker willing to do, he/she is employed; A doctor doesn't want to do it. Instead, he or she becomes unemployed. Countries "unemployment" is affected by the legal minimum wage standard, so its reflect unemployment nature also impossible is absolutely true, but there is no denying the fact that on the basis of the statistics of "unemployment" also to grasp the specific period of employment has an important role. Although the statistical concept of tourism is still imperfect, we do not need to give up the concept of choking. In fact, the statistics of this concept can reflect the overall appearanceof China's tourism development better.In the travel world, "big travel" is a word that is often mentioned. In fact, the tourism definition of "big tourism" is consistent with the definition of tourism. Viewed with "big tourism", on the longitudinal, cannot consider travel only in the tourist destination of visit and tour activities, and should consider tourism contains "food, accommodation, transportation, traveling, shopping, entertainment," the six elements of activity;Due to the comprehensive tourism activities, it is necessary to coordinate and cooperate with various industries and departments to ensure the smooth progress of tourism activities. And from the horizontal point of view, the "big tourism" activities, except for leisure, entertainment, sightseeing, holiday and to visit friends and relatives, medical rehabilitation, shopping, to attend the meeting as well as economy, culture, sports, the content of the religious activities, etc.How to measure tourismStatistical perspective, the measure of tourism industry in China is actually the problem of how to reflect the status of China's tourism development of the statistical data, and this problem is directly related to how to understand the status of tourism industry in the national economy.1. The basic situation of tourism statistics in ChinaAccording to the scope of tourism activities, tourism can be divided into inbound tourism, domestic travel and outbound travel. For a country, the first two correspond to income; The latter corresponds to expenditure. China's tourism statistics also cover all three aspects. At present, the statistics of inbound tourism and domestic tourism are published by the tourism management departments at all levels and are recognized by the statistics bureau at all levels. The national foreign exchange administration is responsible for the statistics on outbound travel expenditure at the national level, and at the local level, there is generally no statistics on outbound travel expenditure.Since tourism statistics are reflected from the demand side, China's tourism revenue is also calculated through the survey of tourists' expenses. In particular, the number of inbound tourists comes from the number of inbound arrivals from the ministry of public security's entry-exit administration; In addition, the average cost of inbound tourists is obtained through sampling survey; The total cost of entry for inbound tourists is based on the average cost of entry and inbound tourists, i.e., China's inbound tourism revenue. The domestic tourism revenue data comes from the survey of household survey of urban residents and rural residents in China by the national bureau of statistics and the national bureau of statistics. Through this way, we can calculate ChuYouLv of residents in our country domestic tourism and domestic travel cost per person, based on the calculated total expenses for the Chinese citizens domestic tourism, the Chinese domestic tourism income.2. The main features and difficulties of tourism statistics inChinaTourism statistics are more complex and difficult than other "pure" industry statistics due to their own characteristics. Overall, China's tourism statistics is based on the world tourism organization and the United Nations statistical commission recommended by the definition of "tourism" survey statistics, on the main method used is the world tourism organization and the United Nations statistical commission recommended method, in accordance with international practice.The main characteristics of China's tourism statistics displays in: (1) China's tourist statistics although mainly borne by the tourism administrative departments at different levels, but at the same time a lot with the help of the power of the statistical departments at all levels. Because now from the country to the city level, basically have independent tourism management department, even some of the more developed counties (district) have special tourism management agencies; On the other hand, the whole country's statistical system also covers the county (district) level, which creates favorable conditions for the statistical tourism data of the classification survey. The characteristics of this administrative system can bring a lot of convenience to tourist statistics and save a lot of cost.It also helps to establish a complete tourism statistics system.(2) due to the system safeguard, the governments at all levels to obtain travel data comprehensive, basically reflect the statistics from the aspects of travel demand of the number of inbound tourism and domestic tourism, income; In addition, theadministrative departments of tourism at various levels can also calculate the main data of tourist supply enterprises, such as travel agencies, star hotels and some tourist attractions, through existing management methods. (3) due to reflect the overall size of the data only from tourism demand, and in the actual statistical impossible for every visitors travel to conduct a comprehensive investigation, therefore sampling investigation in a large part in the whole tourism survey statistics. In fact, in the most important data of the tourism industry, in addition to the number of inbound tourists, the statistics of inbound tourism revenue, domestic tourism and income data are inseparable from the sampling survey.China tourism statistics difficulties on the one hand is caused by statistical perspective the concept of "tourism" inherent difficulties, it is hard to overcome this difficulty itself, only by as much as possible detailed explain some degree of improvement. On the other hand, the investigation methods caused by the restriction of restricted conditions have also caused the difficulties of tourist statistics. When tourism survey statistics, need to use many different ways, and the method itself easy to cause some error, it is difficult to completely overcome, this problem also exists in the national economic census. For example, in the statistics of tourism expenditure, the recall type survey is a more advanced method, which is also widely used in the economic survey of urban residents and rural residents in China. But there is no denying the fact that the investigation is inevitably influenced by the problem of forgetting and memory overlap. In addition, with the booming tourism industry in China, tourism contributes to the national economy. To reflect the status of China's tourismindustry in the national economy, it is urgent to calculate the share of tourism in gross domestic product (GDP). But since China now has no data on the value-added of tourism, it can only use the word "equivalent" to associate "tourism revenue" with gross domestic product. At present some countries in the world has been through the added value of tourism satellite account to calculate, so to establish a set of suitable for the situation of China tourism satellite account system will be measured from the point of view of economy contribution of tourism industry.3. Tourist satellite accountStatistics under the perspective of "tourism" is by reflecting the demand point of view, the concept of tourism revenue in tourism statistics is the total cost of the visitors to reflect, and the cost of the tourists involve "food, accommodation, transportation, traveling, shopping, entertainment," and so on all aspects of content; Corresponding to this is a good supply of these scattered in various industries in the national economy, so we need a way out of the various industries in the collection corresponding output caused by tourism activities, in order to make tourism supply and tourism demand match each other. A tourist satellite account is one way to do that.After more than 20 years of development, the tourism satellite account has developed a mature theoretical framework.In particular, it was approved by the United Nations statistical commission in March 2001 as a new international statistical standard, which marked a new high in the promotionand application of tourism satellite accounts. It should be pointed out that in the United Nations statistics released by the national economic accounting system SNA93 (China's current national economic accounting is also used in the system), a special mention for some special economic and social phenomena, such as culture, education, tourism, environmental protection, etc., because there is no fully describe and measure in the national accounts, can reflect in functional analysis as the main satellite account. This indicates that the tourism satellite account is in line with the national economic accounting requirements. The characteristics of tourism satellite account from the "dig" out in the national economic accounting system output caused by tourism activities, to reflect the overall tourism industry to the national economy and the influence of various sectors of national economy, there is no problem with other departments for contributions. In general, the establishment of China's tourism satellite account not only conforms to the practice of international tourism statistics, but also can scientifically reflect the status of tourism in China's national economy.3. Opinions and Suggestions on related issues1. There is no "tourism" in the new national economic classification.In 2002, in the new national economy industry classification in China without a "tourism", many people feel loving tourism was bad, think, for such an important tourism in recent years, how suddenly they don't have a place in the national economy industry classification? This is a big misunderstanding.Indeed, there is a "tourism" category in the national economic sector, but that "tourism" refers only to the travel agency industry. And the travel agency industry to replace the entire tourism industry obviously doesn't make sense. According to the traditional definition, "industry" refers to "the collection of all single enterprises that produce the same products". The classification of China's national economic industry is based on this concept, which is characterized by the view of the national economy from the perspective of supply. However, the tourism industry from the perspective of statistics is reflected from the perspective of demand, so there is no possibility of tourism in the classification of national economy. This is because there is no way in a national economic sector classifying the use of supply as a basis for the use of supply. It is conceivable that if both the "tourism" in the classification of the national economy, at the same time still retain the current "travel industry", then they can only is a kind of parallel and mutual contain between relations, this is obviously not true. Can approximate with computing examples illustrate the problem: the computer can be either a manufacturer brand product, also can use a computer parts assembly, the two together to form the totality of the entire computer industry, brand computer alone reflects only part of the computer industry. In the same way, "travel agency" reflects the only team in the tourism industry tourism, travel cost but not through a travel agency and a large number of individual income to reflect, therefore, the scale of the tourism boom than travel. The former national economy classification used "travel agency industry" to refer to "tourism",It actually underestimates tourism. Under the new national economy classification, what we need to do is to "dig" the tourism industry from the supply department of the national economy through the means of tourist satellite accounts.2. Using expenditure method to measure the value added value of tourism is not scientific.There are three methods of calculation for gross domestic product, namely production, income and expenditure, respectively reflecting the value form, income form and product form of gross domestic product. The production method and income method are used to calculate the added value of the industry. The expenditure method can only be used to calculate the national economic level of a country or region to reflect its use, but it can not be used to calculate the value added value of the industry.Because the existing system of tourism statistics and can't calculate the added value of tourism, and tourism satellite account on the operation is complicated, plus spending method of operation is relatively simple, just slightly to the existing data processing, so the researchers hope that by spending this seemingly "simple" approach to calculate the added value of tourism. In addition, the value added by the expenditure method will be greater, which seems to be a "good" way to improve the status of tourism in the national economy. But it must be noted that this approach is feasible.Gross domestic product calculated by expenditure is the ultimate consumption plus capital formation plus net exports.Because tourism income is calculated through tourist consumption data. Tourism consumption corresponds to the final consumption, while the left-hand side of the equation is the gross domestic product, and tourism consumption is equal to the value added to the tourism industry. But this reasoning ignores a basic question: spending method to calculate the amount of gross domestic product, but only through the "terminal" to reflect, and a lot as the intermediate input "unsung heroes" of "contribution" will be written off. If this is used as the basis for the "awards" of various industries, it will undoubtedly be unfair. For example, the expenditure method is used to measure the contribution of wholesale and retail to the national economy. But in this way, the contribution of mass production enterprises is nowhere to be seen. In fact, the value added value of the wholesale and retail industry should be the value added after the sales link deducted the cost of the product. By the same token, the added value of tourism is in the process of tourism value-added part of the produce, and the value of only by tourism activities provide the added value of products and service industry related aggregation, and this is also a basic idea of tourism satellite account.3. The contribution of tourism to the national economy should be judged mainly by the industry directly providing products and services for tourism activities.With the rapid development of tourism in recent years, the proportion of tourism in the national economy is increasing gradually. And because the tourism industry involves a lot of industries, the belt is very big. But it is important to measure the contribution of tourism to the national economy by theindustry that provides products and services directly to tourism. In the travel satellite account framework,In order to delineate the limits of tourists' consumption and tourism output, the concept of tourism feature products, related products and non-tourism specific products is proposed. In the national economy industry classification provide characteristic products and related products industry are mostly about accommodation, food and beverage service, passenger service, travel tour service, culture, art and other travel service (such as finance, insurance, etc. The contribution of the tourism industry, whether calculated value-added or employment, should be accounted for further in the above range and cannot be carried out in a continuous "retrospective" calculation. For example, we can only in the hotel industry within the scope of computing the contribution of accommodation in the tourism industry, cannot because hotel industry involves the hotel building, the hotel building and involve the steel production, steel production also involves iron ore mining, and all the related construction, mining, iron and steel industry as the contribution of tourism industry. In addition, the concept of multipliers is commonly used to reflect the contribution of tourism to the national economy. However, because the base of the multiplier is not clear, the multiplier on this basis also loses significance.4. When using travel statistics, it is important to make sure that the data is consistent with the research and analysis of the objects.Currently, in tourism planning and tourism research, tourismstatistics as the basic basis of quantitative analysis are widely used. However, the misuse of tourist data in this process is very common. For example, in many places, it may be considered that the level of tourism natural and human scenic spots and the number of tourists will have a great impact on the number of tourists and tourism revenue, but it is not quite so. Because in nature, the humanities scenic area as the main tourist attractions tourism or leisure travel is just one of those in the tourism activities, and data statistics under the perspective of tourism is the sum of various purposes tourism data, not only is tourism leisure tourism. In 2003, the number of tourists visiting China was only 38%. In 2003, the domestic tourism of Chinese urban residents accounted for 63 percent of sightseeing and vacation leisure. In the rural residents' domestic overnight tour, the proportion of sightseeing and leisure was only 16%, while the proportion of visiting relatives and friends reached 61%. This is true in other countries too: in 2002, for example, 26 per cent of inbound and 24 per cent of UK travel were visiting relatives and friends. In addition, when analyzing tourism development level in China, it is difficult to understand the actual situation of local tourism development. Generally speaking, economically developed areas have relatively developed tourism. On the one hand, the tourist facilities are relatively complete due to the good economic foundation of these regions. Traffic conditions on the other hand is the economy developed areas generally pretty good also, convenient for people to travel, but also should see the convenience is not only convenient travel sightseeing holiday travel, at the same time also convenient for other purposes of travel; Moreover also cannot ignore, it is economically developed area of tourists in the guest。
为 了 规 范 事 业单位 聘用关 系,建 立和完 善适应 社会主 义市场 经济体 制的事 业单位 工作人 员聘用 制度, 保障用 人单位 和职工 的合法 权益
在惯常环境进行观 光、娱乐、体育、 影视、戏曲等活动
公务、宗教、修 学或其它非休闲 性活动(探险、 考察等)过程中 所进行的游憩体 验活动
Association Internationale d’Experts Scientifiques du Tourisme或 International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism)所接受,因此, 这一定义也被称为 “艾斯特 (AIEST)定义”。国际上普遍接受。
为 了 规 范 事 业单位 聘用关 系,建 立和完 善适应 社会主 义市场 经济体 制的事 业单位 工作人 员聘用 制度, 保障用 人单位 和职工 的合法 权益
1942年,瑞士学者沃特尔,汉兹克尔和库特·克拉普夫对tourism作了很 重要的概念性定义
为 了 规 范 事 业单位 聘用关 系,建 立和完 善适应 社会主 义市场 经济体 制的事 业单位 工作人 员聘用 制度, 保障用 人单位 和职工 的合法 权益
{教学目的要求} 1、掌握“旅游”概念的本质内涵; 2、了解旅游的本质属性; 3、熟悉旅游活动的特点; 4、了解旅游活动类型的划分,掌握我国国
实质上,游憩是包含休闲、旅游的一个 更为宽泛的概念,包含了休闲性游憩 (休闲)、非休闲性游憩(职业、社交 活动等);包含了有旅之游憩(旅游) 和无旅之游憩。 游憩
休闲 旅游
旅游学概论PPT课件第二章 旅游的概念、性质和特点
根据世界旅游组织(WTO)的解释,并不属于本国居民的常 住性外国人在所在国境内进行的旅游活动亦属于国内旅游。
最根本的差别在于是否跨越国界。 还有以下一些差别:
消费程度 逗留时间 便利程度 经济作用
地方性旅游 一般是当地居民在本区、本县、本市的范围 内的旅游。
气 候 条 件 的 限 制 ; 节 假 日 的 影 响
四 季 节 性
一. 旅游人数
二. 旅游收入和旅游支出
旅游收入分为国内旅游收入和国际旅游收入。 旅游支出通常指国际旅游支出,指一定时期内,一 个国家的居民出国旅游期间在国外购买品和服务的 消费总额。
如北美国家的旅游者到欧洲的旅游活动,或美国人到中国(亚洲)、 日本人(亚洲)到美国的夏威夷(北美)的旅游活动都属洲际旅游。这种 旅游受制约的因素较多,如航空工业的发展状况、语言障碍等。
环球旅游 指以世界各洲的主要国家(地区)的港口风 景城市为游览对象的旅游活动。
如英国的“伊丽莎白女王二世号”游船,号称“千人百日游全球” 的旅游活动,属于环球旅游。环球旅游消费大,多数属于经济宽裕 人士的度假观光旅行或科学考察和探险性旅游。
三. 人均停留天数
旅游活动的主体 – 旅游者 旅游活动的客体 – 满足主体来访目的地的旅游资源 或旅游对象 旅游活动的中介体 – 帮助主体完成其旅游经历,为 其提供各种便利服务的旅游业
旅游活旅游 按旅游目的划分:观光旅游、消遣旅游、 事务旅游、教育旅游 按组织形式划分:团体旅游、散客旅游 按计价方式划分:包价旅游、非包价旅游 按旅行方式划分:航空旅游、徒步旅游、 自驾车旅游等
第一节 旅游的基本概念 第二节 旅游的本质与基本属性 第三节 旅游活动的类型 第四节 旅游活动的特点
第一节 旅游的基本概念
旅游媚年春,年春媚游人, 徐光旦垂彩,和露晓凝津。
第一节 旅游的基本概念
第三节 旅游活动的类型
第三节 旅游活动的类型
雅鲁藏布大峡谷探险——进入人类最后的密境 楼兰古国·罗布泊丝路探险——踏着前人的足迹前进 塔克拉玛干沙漠探险——穿越死海 高黎贡山·怒江探险——走进人类文化公园 徒步三峡——也许这是最后一眼 穿越大海道——体验从西域进入中原 秦岭探险——穿越中国气候的南北分界线 茶马古道探险——滇藏地区的“丝绸之路” 两江源头科考探险——为了我们的母亲河 泸沽湖女儿国探险——寻找奇异的风俗民情
第三节 旅游活动的类型
第三节 旅游活动的类型
(九)生态旅游 以原生的、自然的生态系统为对象,以回归自然为 目的,以保护生态环境为宗旨的旅游类型。开展生态旅 游,不光是指“到大自然中去”,而是旅游者获得高质 量的旅游经历、保护旅游地自然和文化环境、维护当地 居民利益三者的统一。生态旅游代表着旅游发展的潮流 和趋势,前景十分广阔。我国曾将1999年定为“生态旅 游年”并向国内外推出了“99中国生态环境游”主题 活动,此后生态旅游在我国开始蓬勃发展起来。
旅游接待国或地区都把因事来访者的消费纳入旅游 收入账户
包括联合国在内的众多国际组织都将事务性来访者 纳入旅游者的统计范畴
第一节 旅游的基本概念
谢彦君:旅游的定义,把以往“习惯上”被认定为 旅游的大量现象(如探亲访友、商务旅行、会议旅行、 体育比赛旅行,等等,不一而足)都拒之门外了。
港澳台来大陆地区旅游为入境旅游? 大陆地区前往港澳台旅游为出境旅游?
讨论:任何国家的公民都可以来我 国做入境旅游?我国公民可以到世 界上任何一个国家做出境旅游?
指人们在居住国境内开展的旅游活动,通常是一个 国家的居民离开自己的长住地到本国境内其他地方 去进行的旅游活动。
2.1997-1998年间,旅游者的日常消费水平也由 于金融危机而下降。在泰国,旅游者消费下降了22 %,菲律宾下降了12%,澳大利亚下降了6%。
3.在印度尼西亚,1997-1998年的旅游人数从 520万下降到460万;越南的旅游业下降了大约10 %。
4.旅行社为了吸引旅游者采取了降低价格的手段, 酒店收入也相应下降。如在泰国的Phuket,房间价 格由70美元下降到40美元。
(旅游目的地) 社会季节性(旅游客源地)
第五节 衡量旅游发展状况的指标
一、旅游人数 来访人数和出访人数 二、旅游收入和旅游支出 银行报告法、估测法、综合法 三、人均停留天数
消费水平 较高
国内旅游 较低
逗留时间 较长
便利程度 手续烦杂(涉及出入证件,手续简单,较少 海关报关验关,货币兑换 语言障碍 等),大多有语言障碍
经济作用 财富在国家之间转移,增 财 富 在 国 家 内 部
基本特点: 知名度高、吸引力大的旅游目的地往往成为旅 游的热点。 旅游者以观赏游览为主,流动性较大,在旅游 地逗留时间不长。 旅游者消费水平一般不高,对价格往往比较敏 感。 受气候自然条件影响较大。
人们往往还将“旅游环境”与“旅游氛围”相并称,后者多指由目的地、景区、项目所在地的居民、政府、旅游企业、旅游从业者所营造出来的旅游软环境,因此,旅游氛围在一定意义上归属于旅游环境?p> 旅游环境的主要特征有三个,一是构成要素具有不确定性,因为旅游消费需求和资源、项目、产品的广泛性、多样性,构成旅游环境的要素也具有非常强的不确定性,一些地区、城市提出“人人都是旅游形象,处处都是旅游环境”的理论和现实依据正在于此;二是功能作用具有不确定性,不管是直接或间接对旅游产生影响,各种环境因素的影响都是可能发生也可能不发生的,而旅游项目、要素、设施、服务等资源、产品,或多或少、或轻或重地必然要对旅游产生影响;三是在旅游中的地位越来越突出,在浅层观光阶段,对于初次出游和首次到访的旅游者,特别是大众旅游者来说,由于注意力为项目、产品、活动、服务的新奇、精彩内容所吸引,加上停留时间比较短,以及对旅游中的切身感受、真实品质重视程度相对比较低,环境因素的影响就相对比较弱,随着旅游者的不断成熟,和深层观光、度假、休闲等旅游的不断发展,旅游环境对旅游质量和旅游目的实现的影响作用日益显著。
第二章 旅游学李天元
短时的挫折并不能阻止世界旅游持续增长的总趋势。 某些地区因局部变故而导致的游客数量减少,会为其它地 区游客数量的增加所弥补。国际旅游人次的下降也可能会 由国内旅游人次的上升所代替。总之,只要不发生新的世 界大战或全球性经济倒退,全球旅游活动的增长肯定将会 继续下去。这意味着旅游业有着光明的发展前景。
旅游是人们出于移民和就业任职以外 的其他原因离开自己的长住地前往异 国他乡的旅行和逗留活动,以及由此 所引起的现象和关系的总和。
地理范围 外出目的 旅行方式 旅行距离 组织形式 活动内容
划分类型本身并不是目的,而只是一种手段。了 解划分标准固然必要,但更重要的是根据特定的研究需 要去选用恰当的划分标准,以及针对所划分出来的旅游 活动类型去分析其需求特点和行为特点,否则便会失去 对旅游活动进行类型划分的意义。
奖励旅游(Incentive Tour): 企业、机关和社会团体为了表彰和奖励工作成绩突出的工 作人员,而组织他们外出度假或观光的旅游活动。
奖励旅游迅速发展的原因: ①需求方面的原因 ②供给方面的原因
社会旅游(Social Tourism): 又称社会补贴性旅游,指低收入的贫困家庭在政府、雇主、 工会或有关社会团体的补贴和援助下而实现的外出旅游活动。
定义: 国际旅游 (international tourism) 是指 跨国开展的旅游活动,即一个国家的居 民跨越国界到其它国家或地区去访问的 旅游活动。
过夜旅游 入境旅游 不过夜的一日游 国际旅游 过夜旅游 出境旅游 不过夜的一日游
旅游(tourism)一词最早出现在1811年出版的《牛津 词典》中,将其解释为离家远行,又回到家里,在此期 间参观游览一个或几个地方。
1981年,我国商务印书馆出版的《现代汉语词典》中 对旅游的解释是:旅行游览。
中外的一般性语言词典中,对旅游(tourism)一词的 解释是指人们因消遣性原因或目的而离家外出旅行的活 动。——狭义的旅游定义
思考:我国港澳台地区的居民来大陆地区旅游算不算入境旅游? 大陆地区的居民前往港澳台地区旅游算不算出境旅游?
无论是我国港澳台地区的居民前来大陆地区旅游,还是大陆 地区的居民前往港澳台地区旅游,都不属于国际旅游。但是,在 台湾尚未实现统一,香港和澳门主权虽已回归祖国但仍高度自治 的情况下,尤其是大陆地区与港澳台地区的旅游往来仍需要以外 汇结算的条件下,这些地区的居民来大陆的旅游活动以及大陆地 区的居民前往这些地区的旅游活动,目前依然分别视为入境旅游 和出境旅游,并在旅游统计中将港澳台地区前来大陆的居民称为 “海外旅游者”,而不是“国际旅游者”。
➢ 国内旅游需求发展一般先于国际旅游需求 ➢ 各国发展旅游业总是优先发展国际旅游
(一)消遣性旅游 1.观光旅游 3.购物旅游
2.休闲度假旅游 4.特色与专项类旅游
(二)事务性旅游 1.公务旅游 3.会议旅游
2.商务旅游 4.家庭和个人事务旅游
1、 观光旅游 以参观、欣赏自然景观和民俗风情为主要目的和游览内容的
消费水平 逗留时间
国际旅游 较高 较长
国内旅游 较低 较短
旅游的概念、定义与基本属性(doc 14页)
旅游的概念、定义与基本属性(doc 14页)绪论1 旅游活动(现象)的发生,主要来自于和的结果。
2 流放活动现象在古代就已产生。
()第一节旅游与旅游业1 大众旅游时代的出现是在()A 一战前B 二战前C 一战后D 二战后2 旅游供给体系在近代才开始形成。
()第二节旅游学与旅游概论1 旅游学2 由于旅游是的一种社会活动,所以,人们一直把旅游作为来研究。
3 旅游是一种的社会活动,与之相对应的旅游业必然是一项的产业。
4 旅游学的产生有其曲折的孕育过程,即对、、。
5 及同一种文化属下的各具特色的是最具吸引魅力的旅游资源。
6 旅游活动的综合性所决定的旅游业运营模式也具有高度的和的特征。
7 旅游是人类和而选择的一种生活方式。
8 观察和研究旅游问题必须在上着眼。
9 旅游学定义中“”,旨在标志着旅游是一个世界性的概念。
10 旅游学既是一门学科,也是一门学科,是整个旅游科学理论体系中的核心部分。
11 旅游概论是旅游学的,并以为研究领域,以为主要研究对象的。
12 与是旅游概论的主要研究对象,与前二者相比较作为旅游概论的主要研究对象之一,是处于从属地位的。
13 是旅游的主体,是旅游的客体,二者对立统一。
14 旅游的基本属性包括、、和。
15 和之间的矛盾,是旅游活动过程中的主要矛盾。
16 当和普遍存在时,就自然地形成了,标志着旅游业的诞生。
17 旅游业的直接影响到旅游活动的整体质量。
18 在现代旅游业对旅游活动所提供的全方位全过程的供给服务中,起决定性作用的是或。
19 实质上,旅游业的兴衰是由的消长决定的。
20 学习旅游概论既要重视,又要注意,既要善于吸收,又要重视。
21 人们将具备作为旅游主体条件的人称为,将具备作为旅游客体的、具体因素称作。
22 从旅游实践活动来讲,人人都可以成为旅游的主体。
()23 旅游学是一门独立的学科,不需要了解其他学科的学习内容()24 旅游业决定了旅游活动的一切。
1 、统计视角下,对旅游基本概念的定义从统计视角下看,为了求得旅游数据的一致性,旅游基本概念的外延应该是一致的;这样的话,“旅游”和“游客”的定义就是推出“旅游业”概念的前提。
根据世界旅游组织和联合国统计委员会推荐的定义,“旅游”指“为了休闲、商务或其他目的离开他/ 她们惯常环境,到某些地方并停留在那里,但连续不超过一年的活动。
”并提出旅行和访问的目的包括六大类:“休闲、娱乐、度假”、“探亲访友”、“商务、专业访问”、“健康医疗”、“宗教/ 朝拜”、“其他”。
而“游客”指“任何一个到他/ 她惯常环境之外的地方去旅行,连续不超过12 个月,并且其旅行的主要目的不是通过所从事的活动从访问地获取报酬的人。
”依据此定义,区别“游客”与其他旅行者的基本标准有三条:(1 )旅行应是去惯常环境以外的地方;(2 )在访问地停留时间不应超过连续12 个月;(3 )在访问地的主要目的不是从访问地获取报酬。
例如奥地利经济学家Herman Von Schullard认为“旅游是外国或外地人进入非定居地并在其中逗留和移动所引起的经济关系的总和”,我国有学者认为“旅游是一定社会经济条件下的一种人类社会经济活动”;“旅游是人们为寻求文化差异所进行的一种暂时性文化空间跨越的行为和过程”。
根据实证研究结果,可以为政府部门和旅游企业提供政策建议和实践指导,推动全域旅游的可持续发 展。
全域旅游发展水平的测度及 时空演化与空间效应
汇报人: 2024-01-02
• 全域旅游概述 • 全域旅游发展水平的测度 • 全域旅游时空演化研究 • 全域旅游空间效应研究 • 全域旅游发展的挑战与机遇 • 全域旅游实证研究
全域旅游是指一个地区在一定时期内,以旅游业为优势产业,通过对区域内经济 社会资源进行全方位、系统化的优化提升,实现区域资源有机整合、产业融合发 展、社会共建共享的一种新的区域协调发展理念和模式。
各地都在大力发展旅游业,竞争激烈,需要不断提 升旅游产品质量和服务水平。
游客对旅游的需求越来越多样化,需要不断 创新旅游产品和服务,满足游客个性化需求 。
国家对旅游业的发展给予了大力支持,为全域旅游的发展 提供了政策保障。
随着人们生活水平的提高,旅游需求不 断增长,为全域旅游提供了广阔的市场 空间。
全域旅游强调的是旅游业的全局性和整体性,它不再局限于传统的景点和景区, 而是将整个区域作为一个大景区来规划和建设。全域旅游的特点包括资源整合、 产业融合、社会共建共享等,旨在实现区域内的整体协调发展。
全域旅游的发展历程可以追溯到20世纪 90年代的乡村旅游和城市旅游,随着旅 游业的发展和人们对旅游需求的多样化 ,全域旅游逐渐成为一种新的旅游模式 。
2013-7-28Βιβλιοθήκη (1)古代中国的“旅和游”
“旅者,客寄之名,羁旅之称;失其本居, 而寄他方,谓之为旅。”——《周易正 义》 “中国古代的‘游’,就是指由旅游审美 而达到的那种自由自在、逍遥无为的精 神境界和由此而来的对待世界的审美态 度。”——《旅游与中国文化》
(1)强调旅游综合关系的定义: ——我国学者李天元编著的《旅游学》 (高等教育出版社,2006)教材中将旅 游定义为:“旅游是人们出于移民和就 业任职以外的其他原因离开自己的长住 地前往异国他乡的旅行和逗留所引起的 各种现象和关系的总和。”
(2)强调旅游活动本质的定义: ——1972年,英国萨里大学的伯克特 (Burkart)和梅特利克(Medlik)认为:旅 游发生于人们前往和逗留在各种旅游地的流动, 是人们离开他平时居住地和工作的地方,短期 暂时前往一个旅游目的地运动和逗留在该地的 各种活动。 ——东北财经大学的谢彦君教授认为,“旅游 是人们以前往异地寻求愉悦为主要目的而度过 的一种具有社会、休闲和消费属性的短暂经 历。”
1、旅游活动现象的表现 (1)社会现象:不同地域间的人员交流 (2)文化现象 (3)经济现象 (4)政治现象:民间外交 2、现代旅游活动的性质 现代旅游活动是一项以不同地域间的人员流动 为特征,涉及经济和政治等许多方面的社会文 化活动。
(1)旅游(元旅游)——人们以消遣、 审美等精神愉悦为主要目的,到一个他 们日常生活环境之外的地方旅行和逗留 的各种身心体验,它是人们的一种短期 (连续时间不超过1年)异地休闲生活方 式和跨文化交流活动。 例如:观光旅游、度假旅游、文化旅游
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1 、统计视角下,对旅游基本概念的定义从统计视角下看,为了求得旅游数据的一致性,旅游基本概念的外延应该是一1 / 18致的;这样的话,旅游和游客的定义就是推出旅游业概念的前提。
根据世界旅游组织和联合国统计委员会推荐的定义,旅游指为了休闲、商务或其他目的离开他 / 她们惯常环境,到某些地方并停留在那里,但连续不超过一年的活动。
并提出旅行和访问的目的包括六大类:休闲、娱乐、度假、探亲访友、商务、专业访问、健康医疗、宗教 / 朝拜、其他。
而游客指任何一个到他 / 她惯常环境之外的地方去旅行,连续不超过 12 个月,并且其旅行的主要目的不是通过所从事的活动从访问地获取报酬的人。
依据此定义,区别游客与其他旅行者的基本标准有三条:( 1 )旅行应是去惯常环境以外的地方;( 2 )在访问地停留时间不应超过连续 12 个月;( 3 )在访问地的主要目的不是从访问地获取报酬。
具体如下:参照这个定义,在国家旅游局制定和国家统计局批准的《旅游统计调查制度》里,游客的概念是指任何为休闲、娱乐、观光、度假、探亲访友、就医疗养、购物、参加会议或从事经济、文化、体育、宗教活动,离开常住国(或常住地)到其他国家(或---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 地方),其连续停留时间不超过 12 个月,并且在其他国家(或其他地方)的主要目的不是通过所从事的活动获取报酬的人。
但是从世界旅游组织积极推动的旅游卫星账户( TSA )中,可以大体推断出旅游业是为旅游活动提供物品和服务的一组产业集合。
2 、从统计角度定义旅游基本概念的优缺点从统计角度给出的旅游基本概念是一个经济范畴的定义,本质特征是从需求角度来看待旅游活动。
3 / 18作为许多概念中的一种,其优点有三:( 1 )此概念由世界旅游组织和联合国统计委员会推出,相当于一项国际标准,各国依据此概念统计出的旅游数据能够有可比的基础,使用此概念进行旅游统计,能使中国的旅游数据与国际接轨;( 2 )此概念范围较大,可以给旅游研究提供一个更为广阔的空间;( 3 )此概念的界定从理论上为统计旅游活动提供了可能,而有了相关的统计数据,定量化的旅游经济研究才有比较可靠的依据。
优点之外,主要缺点也有三:( 1 )此概念范围太大,不利于准确地把握不同游客出游的特点和规律;( 2 )在一些人心目中,旅游应该是以度假、观光、娱乐为目的,不应该包括商务会议以及探亲访友等,所以此概念不太符合部分人对旅游的一般认识;( 3 )由于此概念下衍生出的旅游业是一个产业集合,不能用旅行社,也不能用旅游饭店的数据来反映旅游业的全貌,因此要准确全面地统计出旅游的总体数据难度较大。
3 、统计视角下旅游基本概念的进一步阐释统计视角下的旅游概念与其他定义的一个主要区别在于同样之名,实的范围不同。
但就像把高层建筑界定为 50 米以上还是 100 米以上并不重要,重要的是用统一的标准来指称高层建筑。
如果把 50 米以上的建筑都作为高层建筑;并不妨碍有特殊需---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 要者专门研究 200 米以上的高楼。
要准确地把握旅游统计定义中惯常环境、不在访问地获取报5 / 18酬等限定条件并不容易;但不能因此认为在这个概念基础上统计出的数据无法反映旅游业的增减变化情况。
以愿意工作为例,涉及到可以接受的最低工资;同样一份工作,月收入 500 元,可能一个农民工愿意去做,他 / 她就业了;一个博士不愿意去做,他 / 她反而成了失业人员。
用大旅游观看问题,在纵向上,就不能把旅游仅仅看作在旅游目的地的参观、游览活动,而应该把旅游看作包含食、住、行、游、购、娱六大要素的活动;正是由于旅游活动的这种综合性,---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 因此需要涉及到的各个产业、各个部门协调配合,以保证旅游活动的顺利进行。
1 、中国旅游统计的基本情况根据旅游活动的范围,旅游可以分为入境旅游、国内旅游和出境旅游。
7 / 18国内旅游收入数据则来自于国家统计局城调总队和农调总队针对我国的城镇居民和农村居民进行的入户抽样调查。
2 、中国旅游统计的主要特点和面临的困难由于旅游业自身的特点,使得旅游统计较之其他单纯的行业统计更为复杂,也更为困难。
中国旅游统计的主要特点表现在:( 1 )中国的旅游统计工作虽然主要由各级旅游行政机构承担,但同时大量借助了各级统计部门的力量。
( 2 )由于有体制的保障,各级政府能够获取的旅游数据比较全面,基本上都能统计出从旅游需求方面体现的入境旅游和国内旅---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 游的人数、收入;另外各级旅游行政部门也能通过现有的管理手段,统计到主要的旅游供给企业,比如旅行社、星级饭店和部分旅游景区的主要数据。