
四六级翻译——科技类词汇1.科技园science and technology park2.高新技术开发区high-tech industrial zones3.信息产业IT (Information Technology)4.电器设备electrical appliance5.电子设备electronic device6.电子商务e-commerce7.人工智能artificial intelligience8.先进技术advanced technology9.尖端技术state-of-the-art technology10.载人航天飞行manned space flight11.发射成功successful launch12.自然科学natural science13.新兴学科new branch of science14.科技成果research achievements15.科学发展观concept of scientific development16.科教兴国revitalize China through science and education17.可持续发展战略strategy of sustainable development18.科技基础设施science and technology infrastructure19.专利,专利权patent20.生态农业environmental-friendly agriculture21.物种起源origin of species22.生物工程bio-technology23.基因工程genetic engineering24.转基因食品GM food (genetically modified food)25.技术产权technology property right26.科技含量technology content27.电脑病毒computer virus28.黑客hacker29.垃圾邮件junk mail30.数码科技digital technology31.虚拟社区virtual community32.网络空间cyber space 网络文化cyber culture33.网民netizen34.克隆cloning 激光laser35.纳米nanometer 粒子particle36.太阳能/ 核能/ 原子能solar/ nuclear/ atomic energy37.突飞猛进advance by leaps and bounds38.技术创新technological innovation39.中国科学院the Chinese Academy of Science40.科学技术是第一生产力Science and technology constitute the foremost productive forces.41.科技前沿the forefront of science and technology42.科技发明的传播和交流dissemination and exchanges of advanced scientific andtechnological inventions。

科技英语(English for science and Technology,通常略为EST ),它之所以能同普通英语分道扬镳,形成一门独立的学科,很重要的原因在于它有不同于普通英语的特点,笔者根据自己多年的翻译经验,认为我们要掌握其中的几种技巧。
另外有许多词比如negotiate这比较常见的是“谈判”的意思,但是当它出现在“negotiate a bad turn”这个词组中,译成“谈判”就不合适,查查词典就知道是“顺利通过”的意思,所以翻译时选择在具体语言环境中最恰当。
例如:1. Most primary highways are built and cared for by state governments. 大部分主要的公路都是由联邦政府建造和管理。

• 常见科技词汇后缀:
-ness -tion -ity -ism
表示性质、状态 表示动作、状态 表示性质、状态 表示主义、学说
oneness, thoughtfulness, carelessness examination, realization, decoration reality, purity, gravity, formality atomism, criticism, socialism
• He walks when he might take a taxi.
• The volcano has not been active for thousands of years. It is inactive.
• 翻译误区:科技英语翻译的难点是专业术语的翻
译,有一些词汇看起来很简单,但是在科技文章 中则产生了其他的含义。
英语 pig cock coat hand tooth
常见意义 猪
公鸡 外衣
手 牙齿
专业术语含义 金属锭块 吊车 镀层
手柄、指针 粗糙面
• 1. 技术性引申 使译文中涉及科学技术概念的词语符合技 术语言规范。
• BBS:Bulletin Board System 电子公告牌系统 • DNA:deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸 • UFO:Unidentified Flying Object 不明飞行物 • VCD:Video Compact Disc 影音光盘(影碟) • AC:alternating current 交流电 • DC:direct current 直流电

2. Artificial Intelligence: 人工智能
3. Robotics: 机器人技术
4. Data Analytics: 数据分析
5. Internet of Things (IoT): 物联网
6. Cybersecurity: 网络安全
7. Virtual Reality (VR): 虚拟现实
8. Augmented Reality (AR): 增强现实
10. Genetic Engineering: 基因工程
11. Biotechnology: 生物技术
12. Nanotechnology: 纳米技术
13. Renewable Energy: 可再生能源
14. Artificial Neural Network: 人工神经网络
15. Big Data: 大数据
16. Cryptocurrency: 加密货币
17. Machine Learning: 机器研究
18. 3D Printing: 3D打印
20. Space Exploration: 太空探索

词类转化的译法 句子成分转换的译法 词序转变的译法 被动语态的译法 后置定语的译法 长句的译法
英语中有些形容词(短语)表示“愿望、心理、情感” 等一类概念,相当于汉语的动词
专 业 英 语 Specialized English
科技英语 English for Science and Technology 简称EST 是一种用英语阐述科学技术中的理论、技术、实验和现 象等的英语体系,它在词汇、语法和文体诸方面都有自 己的特点,从而形成一门专门学科。
所谓句子成分转换的译法,是把句子的 某一成分(如主语)译成另一成分(如宾语 等)。在多数情况下,词类转译必然导致句 子成分的转译,例如:当英语的动词转译为 汉语的名词或副词时,该动词的谓语成分也 就相应地转译为汉语的主语.宾语或状语等。 成分转换的目的是使译文通顺,符合汉 语习惯。
positron=positive+electron 正的+电子=正电子 medicare=medical十care 医学的+照管=医疗保障 aldehyde=alcohol十dehydrogenation 醇十脱氢=醛
符号法(signs) 字母形象法(letter symbolizing) X-ray U-pipe
后置定语是位于其所修饰的名词之后的定语,汉语常用前 置定语或多个简单句来说明某概念或某术语,而科技英语 则更多地使用后置定语。 If we now visualize a region of space filled with a tremendous number of charges separated by minute distances. We see first that the field cannot vary with y or with z, and then that the y and z components arising from differential elements of charge symmetrically located with respect to the point at which we wish the field will cancel.

Historically,“three peaks”in translation movements:东汉至唐宋的Buddhism scripture 的翻译、明末清初的科技翻译、鸦片 战争至‘五四“ 的西学翻译。( First Opium War (Britain’s invasion of China, 1840-1842) In terms of scope, quality, and contribution to the development of the nation, the current one is unprecedented.
形象生动,句式简单,强烈的审美意识, 文字生动而感人。
2. 与英语口语文体的对比 An old lady who was listening exclaimed: It beats all how folks do things nowadays. When I was a gal, they made a hole in each end of an egg and sucked. A young lady back home from school was explaining. “ Take an egg.” She said, “ and make a perforation in the base and a corresponding one in the apex, then apply the lips to the aperture, and by forcibly inhaling the breath, the shell is entirely discharged of its contents.”

科技英语翻译科技英语(English for Science and Technology,简称EST)是从事科学技术活动时所使用的英语,是英语的一种变体(科技文体)。
专业术语指某一学科领域所特有或专用的语汇,其词义常不为专业外读者所明白,如cryogenics (低温学)、norepinephrine (新肾上腺素)等。
这些专业术语的特点是:a. 词形较长,大多含有源于拉丁语、希腊语和法语的词根、词缀。
如:nucleonics (核子学),semisomnus (半昏迷),autoradiography (自动射线照相术),excoriation (表皮脱落)等。
b. 多复合词。
人们常常通过各种构词方法创造出一些复合词来表示科技发展中出现的新事物,如radiophotography (无线电传真),anti-armored fighting vehicle missile(反装甲车导弹)等。
c. 多缩略词。
为使用便利和节省时间,科技英语同经贸英语一样,也有许多缩略词,如cpd (compound化合物),FM (frequency modulation 调频),telesat(telecommunications satellite通讯卫星)等。
科技英语 英语作文翻译

科技英语英语作文翻译Technology is changing our lives in so many ways. From the way we communicate to the way we work, technology has become an integral part of our daily routine. Whether it's the latest smartphone or the most advanced computer,there's no denying that technology has had a huge impact on the way we live.One of the most significant changes that technology has brought about is the way we communicate. With the rise of social media and messaging apps, we can now connect with people from all over the world in an instant. It's incredible to think that just a few decades ago, this kind of communication would have been unimaginable.In addition to changing the way we communicate, technology has also revolutionized the way we work. With the advent of remote working and digital collaboration tools, many people are now able to work from anywhere in the world. This has not only increased flexibility forworkers, but has also had a significant impact on the way businesses operate.Another area where technology has made a huge impact is in the field of healthcare. From advanced medical devices to telemedicine, technology has transformed the way we approach healthcare. Patients now have access to a wide range of health information and resources, and doctors are able to provide more personalized care.In conclusion, it's clear that technology has had a profound impact on our lives. From communication to work to healthcare, the ways in which technology has changed the world are countless. As technology continues to advance, it will be interesting to see how it will continue to shape our lives in the future.。

科技英语的特点与翻译一、科技英语的特点科技英语(English for science and technology,EST)指与用于科学和技术交流方面的英语口语和书面语。
另外,科技英语多用逻辑性语法词(logical grammatical operators),如表示原因的如because (of)、due (owing) to、as (a result of)、caused by、for等,表示语气转折的如but、however、nevertheless、otherwise、yet 等,表示逻辑顺序的如so、therefore、thus、furthermore、moreover、in addition to等。
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《科技英语翻译》 课程名称课程名称
科技英语翻译 课程编号课程编号 2120238 英文名称英文名称
Scientific English Translation 课程类型课程类型 本专业推荐选修课 学时学时
36 其中其中::理论学时理论学时 36 实验学时实验学时 实践学时实践学时 学分学分 2 预修课程预修课程 基础英语,笔译、口译等 适用对象适用对象 英语专业三年级

科技英语(English for Science and Technology,简称EST)。
2. 科技英语翻译的标准及要求科技英语的语域特征有别于其它语篇体裁。

动词多倾向于行为动词。时态往往用一般现 在式。
大量使用动词的非限定式,即分词、不定式 和动名词。
科技英语的显著特点是重叙事逻辑上的连贯 (coherence)及表达上的明晰(clarity)与畅达 (fluency);避免行文晦涩,坐着避免表露个人感 情,避免论证上的主观随意性。因此,科技论文 总是力求少用或不用描述性形容词以及具有抒情 作用的副词、感叹词及疑问词。科技英语力求平 易、精确,因此尽力避免使用旨在加强语言感染 力和宣传效果的各种修饰词格,忌用夸张、借喻、 讽刺、反诘、双关等修辞手段,以免使读者产生 行文浮华、内容虚饰之感。
Despite the long-standing availability of effective antibiotics, particularly penicilin, pnemococcal disease continues to take a heavy death toll, particularly among people suffering from other chronic diseases.
Scientists thought that regular orbits of such faint particles were practically nonexistent. The idea has now been rejected by facts.
科学家原来以为这样微弱的粒子实际上是 不存在有规则的轨道的。这种看法现在已 经被事实否定了。
A canning tomato 一种供做罐头的西红柿
Infected children 受到感染的儿童

转化法 (conversion)
不通过任何词形上变化,直接转化为另一个词。在转 化过程中,词性有所改变而词义则与转化前的原义仍 保留有若干联系。 radio用无线电通讯(由名词词义“无线电”转化 而来) x-ray用x光检查(由名词词义“X光”转化而来) e-mail发电子邮件(由名词词义“电子邮件”转化 而来) clone使无性繁殖;复制(由名词词义“无性繁殖, 克隆”转化而来) format为„编排格式(由名词词义“格式”转化而 来)
这两个情态动词可用来表示客观可能性,而其他则多突出主 观性。
(1)You cannot get AIDS by working or attending school with someone who has the disease . 与艾滋病患者一起工作或上学不会传染上艾滋病。 (2)Anyone with a personal computer ,a modem and the necessary software to link computers over telephone lines can sign on. 任何人只要有一台个人电脑, 再有一个调制解调器和必要的软件, 就可以把电脑连接到电话线上,然后就能申请上网。 (3)The best way to improve urban air may be to curb the use of cars,even though modem car are far cleaner than earlier ones. 改善城市空气质量最好的办法可能还是控制汽车的使用,尽管现代 汽车比以前的汽车污染要小得多。 (4)There are many methods by which gastric resection may be accomplished. 胃切除可以用许多方法。

• 2. We do not think of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as being a great age of discovery in natural history; but they were. • 我们认为从自然史的角度来看,19世纪末,20世 纪初并不是一个重要的时期,然而事实上该时期 是非常重要的。
• 译文1:近来生物多样性是热点问题,主要是由于 濒临灭绝的物种的数量,或者是自然造成的,或 者是因为缺乏空间的人类将其生境破坏了。 • 译文2:近来生物多样性已成为 已成为热点问题,其主要 已成为 原因是越来越多的 越来越多的物种濒临灭绝,这种情况与 这种情况与自 越来越多的 这种情况与 然有关 也与 有关,也与 有关 也与人类因争夺空间而造成物种生境丧 失有关 有关。 有关 • Which translated version is better?
• As a translation technique, “inversion” means the change of the word order in a sentence according to the meaning and usage of the language to be translated into. • The change of the word order is often necessary or even inevitable in translation because each language has its own “natural word order” which must be followed.
• Since the days of American astronomer Edwin Hubble, observers have known that all but the nearest galaxies are moving away from us at a rapid rate. • 早在美国天文学家埃德温·哈勃的时代,观测者就已经了 解到,除了距离我们最远的星系,所有的星系都在以很 高的速度离我们而去。

科技英语原文及简单翻译How ASIMO WorksIntroduction to How ASIMO WorksWant a robot to cook your dinner, do your homework, clean your house, or get your groceries? Robots already do a lot of the jobs that we humans don't want to do, can't do, or simply can't do as well as our robotic counterparts.Honda engineers have been busy creating the ASIMO robot for more than 20 years. In this article, we'll find out what makes ASIMO the most advanced humanoid robot to date.The Honda Motor Company developed ASIMO, which stands for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility, and is the most advanced humanoid robot in the world. According to the ASIMO Web site, ASIMO is the first humanoid robot in the world that can walk independently and climb stairs.Rather than building a robot that would be another toy, Honda wanted to create a robot that would be a helper for people -- a robot to help around the house, help the elderly, or help someone confined to a wheelchair or bed. ASIMO is 4 feet 3 inches (1.3 meters) high, This allows ASIMO to do the jobs it was created to do without being too big and menacing.ASIMO's Motion: Walk Like a HumanHonda researchers began by studying the legs of insects, mammals, and the motion of a mountain climber with prosthetic legs to better understand the physiology and all of the things that take place when we walk -- particularly in the joints. For example, the fact that we shift our weight using our bodies and especially our arms inorder to balance was very important in getting ASIMO's walking mechanism right. The fact that we have toes that help with our balance was also taken intoconsideration: ASIMO actually has soft projections on its feet that play a similar role to the one our toes play when we walk. This soft material also absorbs impact on the joints, just as our soft tissues do when we walk.ASIMO has hip, knee, and foot joints. Robots have joints that researchers refer to as \degrees of freedom.\A single degree of freedom allows movement either right and left or up and down. ASIMO has 34 degrees of freedom spread over different points of its body in order to allow it to move freely. There are three degrees of freedom in ASIMO's neck, seven on each arm and six on each leg. The number of degrees offreedom necessary for ASIMO's legs was decided by measuring human joint movement while walking on flat ground, climbing stairs and running.ASIMO also has a speed sensor and a gyroscope sensor mounted on its body. They perform the tasks of:? ?sensing the position of ASIMO's body and the speed at which it is moving relaying adjustments for balance to the central computer These sensors work similarly to our inner ears in the way they maintain balance and orientation.ASIMO also has floor surface sensors in its feet and six ultrasonic sensors in its midsection. These sensors enhance ASIMO's ability to interact with its environment by detecting objects around ASIMO and comparing gathered information with maps of the area stored in ASIMO's memory.To accomplish the job our muscles and skin do in sensing muscle power, pressure and joint angles, ASIMO has both joint-angle sensors and a six-axis force sensor.Unless you know a lot about robotics, you may not fully grasp the incredible milestone it is that ASIMO walks as we do. The most significant part of ASIMO's walk is the turning capabilities. Rather than having to stop and shuffle, stop and shuffle, and stop and shuffle into a new direction, ASIMO leans and smoothly turns just like a human. ASIMO can also self-adjust its steps in case it stumbles, is pushed, or otherwise encounters something that alters normal walking.In order to accomplish this, ASIMO's engineers had to find a way to work with the inertial forces created when walking. For example, the earth's gravity creates a force, as does the speed at which you walk. Those two forces are called the \inertial force.\ground, called the \posture has to work to make it happen. This is called the \zero moment point\(ZMP). To control ASIMO's posture, engineers worked on three areas of control:? ?Floor reaction control means that the soles of the feet absorb floor unevenness while still maintaining a firm stance.Target ZMP control means that when ASIMO can't stand firmly and its body begins to fall forward, it maintains position by moving its upper body in the direction opposite the impending fall. At the same time, it speeds up its walking to quickly counterbalance the fall.?Foot-planting location control kicks in when the target ZMP control has been activated. It adjusts the length of the step to regain the right relationship between the position and speed of the body and the length of the step.ASIMO's Motion: Smooth MovesASIMO can sense falling movements and react to them quickly; but ASIMO's engineers wanted more. They wanted the robot to have a smooth gait as well as do something that other robots can't do -- turn without stopping.When we walk around corners, we shift our center of gravity into the turn. ASIMO uses a technology called \predictive movement control,\Intelligent Real-Time Flexible Walking Technology or I-Walk, to accomplish that same thing. ASIMO predicts how much it should shift its center of gravity to the inside of the turn and how long that shift should be maintained. Because this technolgy works in real time, ASIMO can do this without stopping between steps, which other robots must do.Essentially, with every step ASIMO takes, it has to determine its inertia and then predict how its weight needs to be shifted for the next step in order to walk and turn smoothly. It adjusts any of the following factors in order to maintain the right position:? ? ? ?the length of its steps its body position its speedthe direction in which it is steppingWhile reproducing a human-like walk is an amazing achievement, ASIMO can now run at speeds up to 3.7 miles per hour (6 kilometers per hour). In order to qualify as a true running robot, ASIMO must have both feet off the ground for an instant in each step. ASIMO manages to be airborne for .08 seconds with each step while running. Honda engineers encountered an entirely new set of challenges while trying to give ASIMO the ability to run. They gave ASIMO’s torso a degree of freedom to aid in bending and twisting so that the robot could adjust its posture while airborne. Without this ability, ASIMOwould lose control while airborne, possibly spinning in the air or tripping when landing.In order to make turns smoothly while running, the engineers enhanced ASIMO's ability to tilt its center of gravity inside turns to maintain balance and counteractcentrifugal force. ASIMO could even anticipate turns and begin to lean into them before starting the turn, much like you would if you were skiing or skating.ASIMO如何工作介绍如何工作。
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• 当被动句中的谓语是表示“知道”、“了解”、 “看见”、“认为”、“发现”、“考虑”等意 思的动词时,通常可在其前增加“人们”、“我 们”、“有人”等词语,译成汉语的主动句。例 如: (1)Weak magnetic fields are known to come from the human body。 我们知道,人体能产生微弱的磁场。 (2)With the development of modern electrical engineering,power can be transmitted to wherever it is needed.
翻译时,有时为了明确原文的含义,需要通 过增译“们”、“一些”、“许多”等词语把 英语中表示名词复数的概念译出。例如: (1)Of visible lights,red light has the longest and violet the shortest wavelength. 在各种可见光中,红光的波长最长,紫光的波 长最短。 (3)When the plants died and decayed,they formed layers of organic materials. 植物腐烂后,形成了一层层有机物。 •
1. The substances get into the soil, into plants and into human bodies. 2. Air is a mixture of gases. 3. This company has been manufacturing computers for five years . 4. The computer is smaller in volume than what was made several years ago 5. It is said that numerical control (数控)is the operation of machine tools(机床) by numbers.
(3)The high-altitude plane was and still is a remarkable bird 高空飞机过去是而且现在仍然还是一种了不起 的飞行器。 (4) The earth’population is doubling,the environment is being damaged. 地球的人口正在加倍增长,环境也在不断受到 破坏。 (5)Some day man will be able to utilize the solar energy. 总有一天,人类将能利用太阳能。
• 汉语的动词没有表示时态的词形变化和相应的助 动词,因此翻译时应增译相应的时间副词或助词, 用来表示不同的时态。例如: (1)Contemporary natural science are now working for new important breakthroughs. 当代自然科学正在酝酿着新的重大突破。 (2)Humans have been dreaming of copies of themselves for thousands of years. 千百年来,人类一直梦想制造出自己的复制品。
(3)High voltage is necessary for long transmission line while low voltage for safe use. 远距离输电需要高压,安全用电需要低压。 (4)High temperatures and pressures changed the organic materials into coal,petroleum and natural gas. 高温和高压把这些有机物变成了煤、石油和天 然气。 (5)Matter can be changed into energy and energy into matter. 物质可增加原文中省略的词语
英语句子的某些成分如果已在前面出现,有 时则往往省略,但汉译时,一般需要将其补出。 例如: (1)You have seen how water expands when it is heated and contracts when it is cooled. 你已经看到水受热时怎样膨胀,冷却时又怎样 收缩。 (2)The changes in matter around us are of two types,physical and chemical. 我们周围的物质变化有两种,物理变化与化学 变化。 •
(4)In the 1980s,departments bought their own minicomputers and managers bought their PCs. 20世纪80年代,许多部门都购买了自己的微机, 经理们也购买个人电脑。 (5)Things in the universe are changing with the time. 宇宙中万物总是在不断变化的。
五、科技英语翻译技巧---增词 科技英语翻译技巧 增词
• 英汉两种语言,由于表达方式不尽相同,翻译 时要在词量上加以增减。所谓增词译法,就是 在原文的基础上添加必要的单词、词组、分句 或完整句,这当然不是无中生有地随意增词, 而是增加原文中虽无其词但有其意的一些词, 从而使得译文在语法、语言形式上符合译文习 惯并在文化背景、词语联想方面与原文一致起 来,使得译文与原文在内容和形式等方面对等 起来。
随着现代化电气工程的发展,人们可以把电力输送到任 何所需要的地方。 (3)The design is considered practical. 大家认为这一设计切实可行。 (4) It may be supposed that originally the earth’s land surface was composed of rock only. 我们可以设想地球陆地表面原先完全是由岩石构成的。 (5)It is estimated that the new combination of computers and Net technology will have significant influence on the industry of the future. 有人预测,新的电脑和网络技术的结合将会对未来工业 产生巨大的影响。
(1)Were there no electric pressure in a conductor, the electron flow would not take place in it. 导体内如果没有电压,便不会产生电子流动现象。 (2)The world now buys almost as many PCs as color TVs. 现在全球的个人计算机购买量与彩电的购买量不 相上下。 (3)This is the first step toward the solution of air pollution. 这是解决空气污染问题的第一步。
6. Plastic bowls marked microwavable (贴有“可用于 微波炉烹调”标志的)are probably safer than those that aren’t. 7. Carbon steels(碳钢) are classified(分为) as low, medium,and high carbon steels. 8. Floppy disks (软盘)have always been cheap to make and relatively easy to copy. copy 9. Were there no gravity,there would be no air around the earth. 10. The choice of material in construction of bridges is basically between steel and concrete(混凝土), and main trouble with concrete is that its tensile strength (抗拉强度)is very small .
(4)In the US,there is evidence that schoolchildren with access to the Internet are starting to watch less TV and spend more time surfing the Net. 在美国,有证据表明接触因特网的在校学生看电 视看得少了,在网上冲浪的时间增加了。 (5) These apes are confined to fast-vanishing tropical rain,forest or woodland habitats. 这些类人猿的生活局限于正在迅速消失的热带雨 林或森林栖息地中。