
雅思口语中环保类的话题常见于part 3,在前两部分中并不多见,因此这类话题经常被考生所忽视。
究其原因,环保类话题往往涉及专业术语,如二氧化碳,水土流失等,part 3又格外考察考生的逻辑思维。
众所周知,part 3的题目往往与part 2的话题相关,根据往年的蹲题整理,有几个part 2的话题会在part 3中涉及环保,如:describe an important plant in your country, describe a tourist attraction you have visited, describe a seaside place等。
根据这些话题,part 3的题目方向大致有以下几个:树的重要性,旅游业对当地环境的影响,以及水资源的保护措施。
明确了出题方向,即使part 3的题目很难进行具体预测,考生也能把握大方向,从而准备素材。
在此举一实例:part 3考题:how to protect water resource? 该考题可以从三个方面来考虑:individuals、society、government。
Sample answer: from the indivi duals’ perspective, i think people shoule have the awareness to protect water, such as the recycling of water. What’s more, society has the responsibility to propanadize and educate citizens to protect water as well. Plus, a series of regulations and rules about water protection should be carried out by the government.。
雅思口语part3: How to protect the environment 如何保护环境.doc

雅思口语part3: How to protect the environment如何保护环境Well, there are lots of ways to protect the environment. The government can introduce ‘green taxes’ on drivers and airline companies, who are responsible for a large amount of carbon dioxide emissions that lead to the global warming. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. The companies can produce items with less packaging, which would reduce the waste. As individuals, we can use cloth bags instead of plastic bags, pick up the rubbish on the street, and always remember to close the tap after we use it.有多种方式可以保护环境。
点击返回Describe a person who does something to help protect the environment。

Environment1)环境总体概况Environment problem is getting more and more serious. We should do something to help our environment, otherwise it is late.2)环境恶化事例There are a pile of garbage near the river bank .You often see people spiting in public. Although many garbage cans should be provided in the community, there are many people neglecting the rules, they still throw away garbage everywhere.3)环保课程There are many students having a lesson about environment. Many teachers begin to teach students how to protect environment, and tell them how important a good environment is to us and to the whole world. There are some lecture about environment problem in primary school, and middle school and university or college school.4)成人环保更应关注We should teach adults, because adults neglect it more than student do. We should have a lecture in a cinema or in a hall, which enable them know about the significance of environment protection.5)我们应该从我做起We should protect environment by myself. For example, I can use less plastic bag or divide garbage into different cans or taking bus or subway instead of taking a car.破坏森林A: The pictures exhibit a man is sawing down another tree in the area.Forests in china are getting smaller and smaller. There is much flood every year in China, many wild animals have disappeared, dessert is getting larger and larger, and sandstorms are emerging in most of cities in China.There is at least one reason to explain the issue.People cut trees for money, they think these trees will be growing naturally and they don't need much time to care for them.We should protect environment, if we don't protect environment, it is getting worse and worse. We destroy our earth and actually destroy ourselves. Those people cutting trees should be punished severely.B:I agree with you. Once destroy has been done, it is impossible to recover. In the past 20 to 30 years, there is natural disaster occurring each year. Even if we stop destroying environment, there is no way to restore our planet. If we continue destroying our environment, we can imagine that people will completely destroy earth.。

环境问题雅思口语1. Oh, the environment! It's like our global home, right? I mean, think about it. If our house is dirty and messy, we don't feel good. Well, the earth is our big home. Take my city for example. There are so many plastic bags flying around on the streets. It's just like having a bunch of unwanted guests in your living room all the time. It makes the whole place look so shabby.2. You know what? The environment issue is no joke. It's as importantas taking care of our own body. I once talked to an old fisherman. He told me that the fish in the river are getting fewer and fewer because of the pollution. He was so sad. He said it's like his livelihood is slowly disappearing. Just like if someone took away your favorite toy when youwere a kid. You'd be heartbroken, wouldn't you?3. Environment problems? They're everywhere! It's like a silent enemy creeping up on us. I remember when I went camping with my friends. We were looking forward to a beautiful natural view. But instead, we saw a lot of trash near the campsite. It was like a scar on the beautiful face of nature. My friend Tom was so disgusted. He said it was like someone had spat on a masterpiece.4. Man, the environment is in trouble. It's kind of like a patient in need of urgent care. I met this environmentalist once. She was really passionate. She told me that the air quality in some big cities is so bad that it's like people are constantly breathing in dirty water instead of fresh air. For instance, in some industrial areas, you can hardly see aclear sky most of the time.5. Environment matters! It's like the clothes we wear every day. If they're dirty and torn, we won't be happy. I was in a small village once. The local people were complaining about the polluted water. They couldn't use it for farming or drinking. One old lady said it was like the life - giving source had been poisoned. Just like if your fridge was full ofrotten food, you'd be in a real pickle, right?6. Holy cow! The environment situation is really something we should pay attention to. It's like a precious gift that we're slowly ruining. I had a chat with my neighbor. He loves gardening. But he said it's getting harder and harder because the soil quality is deteriorating. He was so frustrated. He said it's like trying to grow flowers in sand instead of fertile soil.7. Listen up! The environment is not just some far - away concept. It's as close to us as our own shadow. I visited a beach last year. There was so much plastic waste on the shore. It was like a battlefield full of debris. My sister was so shocked. She said it was like the sea was crying out for help with all that trash on its edge.8. Gosh, environmental problems are like a dark cloud hanging over our heads. I recall when I was in school. We had a project about the local environment. We found out that the number of trees in the neighborhood was decreasing rapidly. It was like losing the guardians of our little world. One of my classmates said it was like the walls of our fortress were being torn down.9. Wow, the environment is like a symphony, and all the parts need to work together in harmony. But now, some parts are out of tune. I know a farmer. He said that the pesticides are killing not only the pests but alsothe beneficial insects. He was so worried. He said it's like the orchestra conductor has lost control of the musicians.10. Oh my! The environment is our common treasure. It's like a shared bank account that we're all drawing from and supposed to protect. I've seen some factories dumping waste into the rivers. It's like stealing fromfuture generations. My uncle who lives near the river was furious. He said it was like those factories were burglars robbing the future of clean water.In conclusion, we can't ignore the environment problems any more. Weall need to take action right away, whether it's reducing waste, planting trees or using clean energy. It's time for each of us to do our part to protect our global home.。

atmosphere:Oxygen,Hydrogen,Nitrogen,Carbondioxide,Carbonmonoxid e,Ozone,sulphurmonoxidepollution:airpollution,acidrain,contaminatedwater,pollutant,contamin ant,chemicals,toxicwasteGeographical:soilerosion,desertification,drought,floods,overfishing,over-felling,deforestationenergy:fossilfuels,coal,gas,petroleum,solar,tide,windpower,nuclear, marshgas,methane,biogasrecycling:plastic,paper,glass,bottletops,inkcartridges,spareparts/pone nts【拓展阅读】雅思词汇之11类重点关联词1.Additioninaddition,and,similarly,likewise,aswellas,besides,furthermore,also,moreover,andthen,too,notonly...but,even,besidesthis/that2.Sequencefirst(ly),initially,second(ly)etc.,tobeginwith,then,next,arlier/later,afterthis/thatfollowingthis/that,afterwardsc3.Consequenceasaresult,thus,so,therefore,constantly,itfollowsthat,thereby,eventually,then,inthatcase,admittedly4.Contrasthowever,ontheotherhand,despite,inspiteof,though,although,but,onthecontraryotherwise,yet,insteadof,rather,whereas,noheless,eventhough,paredwith,incontrast,alternatively5.Certaintyobviously,certainly,plainly,ofcourse,undoubtedly6.Conditionif,unless,whether,providedthat,for,sothat,whether,dependingon7.Definitionis,refersto,means,thatis,consistsof8.Summaryinconclusion,insummary,lastly,finally,tosumup,toconclude,torecapitulateinshort9.Exampleforinstance,oneexample,forexample,justas,inparticular,suchas,nameltoillustrate10.Reasonsince,as,so,because(of),dueto,owingto,thereasonwhy,inotherwordsleadsto,11.Timebefore,since,as,until,meanwhile,atthemoment,when,whenever,assoonas,justas。

环境类话题雅思作文I believe that the environment is a very importanttopic that we should all be concerned about. The environment provides us with the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat, so it is crucial that we take care of it. In my opinion, there are several ways in which we can protect the environment and ensure that it remains healthy for future generations.First of all, I think it is important for individuals to be mindful of their own environmental impact. This means being conscious of things like energy usage, water consumption, and waste production. For example, I always make sure to turn off lights and appliances when I am not using them, and I try to use reusable water bottles and bags to reduce my plastic waste. These small actions may seem insignificant on their own, but when multiplied by millions of people, they can have a significant positive impact on the environment.Another important way to protect the environment is through government policies and regulations. For instance, many countries have implemented laws to limit air and water pollution, and to protect natural habitats. Theseregulations are crucial in ensuring that businesses and industries are held accountable for their environmental impact, and in preserving the natural world for future generations to enjoy.Additionally, I believe that education plays a crucial role in protecting the environment. By teaching peopleabout the importance of conservation and sustainability, we can inspire them to make positive changes in their ownlives and communities. For example, I recently participated in a community clean-up event where we collected trash from a local park and educated others about the importance of keeping our natural spaces clean and healthy.In conclusion, I think that protecting the environmentis a responsibility that we all share. By making small changes in our own lives, supporting government regulations, and educating others, we can ensure that the environmentremains a healthy and vibrant place for generations to come.英文回答:我认为环境是一个非常重要的话题,我们都应该关注。

最近口语超高频考题:Describe a law about environment you would like to see in the future.You should say:What this law would be aboutHow this law will take effectWhy it is important to have this lawAnd explain what changes will happen because of this law看到这个题目,估计众卿想跪了吧?只有一分时间思考,还要描述两钟。
Environmental issueair pollution water pollution soil pollution noise pollution deforestation species loss desertification waste disposal想看到的法律:1.Air pollution-----car exhaust汽车尾气----- solar powered car 规定使用太阳能车2. A solar powered car is propelled(推动)by an electric motor thatdraws its power from photovoltaic cells(光电池). Solar cars consume no fuel(燃料), produce no emissions(排放物)and do not require charging from an external power source.Solar vehicles need sunlight to gather and convert (转化)energy.3.Water pollution-----factory waste工厂废水----prohibit people from emittingwaste water into rivers, lakes and streams(请大家仔细参考剑桥7中的 test 2 的passage 2)4.Soil pollution----pesticide and fertilizer 杀虫剂和化肥的使用----developorganic farming 有机农业(请大家仔细参考剑桥8中的 test 4 的passage 2)5.waste disposal-----disposable chopsticks 一次性筷子-----ban people from usingdisposable chopsticks6.waste disposal------classify rubbish 垃圾分类从剑桥阅读中寻找灵感,阅读原汁原味的材料,准备出地道的表达。

雅思口语Part2答案:环境污染参考答案:I live in (..say the name of your city..) and this city has got some several issues related to environmental pollution. The major environmental pollutions that this city has are water pollution, air pollution and sound pollution.The main reason for these pollutions is the large number of population and the industrialization of this city. The city has more than (…say the current population of this city..) whereas the number should have been far less than that. It is evitable that a large number of populations in a small city always cause environmental pollution as they use more cars, consume more energy and natural resources and create more wastages ad noises.The reason for the water pollution is the uncontrolled number of industries, factories and other constructions that have been grown up besides the rivers. These factories and industries produce a large number of chemical and other wastages which directly affects the water. Inappropriate and uncontrolled construction is another reason for water pollution in our city. The effect of water pollution is severe, the water supply would be affected and the supply of safe and clean water would be threatened. A large number of people rely on the water available of the rivers and they would be directly affected. Lots of people would get sick due to water pollution and those diseases canbecome epidemic if not controlled and cause an immense loss of life.Air pollution is also very concerning in this city and the chemical smoke, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide omitted from automobiles and industries are the main reason for air pollution. This city has more than million automobiles and thousands of industries which are omitting the dangerous gases, and ingredients which are causing the air pollutions. Air pollution is the direct reason people suffer from various dangerous diseases including lung cancer, asthma, heart disease etc. In fact the number of people currently suffering from these diseases in alarming and if steps are not taken to prevent air pollution immediately, this number would rapidly increase.Sound pollution is produced by the loud horns used by the cars, loud sound used for announcement and cacophony created due to loud sound. The airplanes that fly over the resident area created a very loud noise as well. Air pollution is a silent killer that causes lots of serious diseases including hearing and brain cancer. The air pollution directly affects the natural balance by affecting the wild lives.The most important thing to reduce pollution in our city is to create public awareness. We are mostly creating that pollution and endangering ourselves, the nature and other species. Without our awareness and strict determination to prevent our city from pollution, we can’t reduce or prevent it. Strict laws should be introduced and applied against environmental pollution and all the illegitimate industries and companies should be banned. The decentralization of industries and offices can be effective as it would reduce the number of people currently living in this city.Job opportunities and other facilities should be improved in the rural areas so that people can manage works in their own cities and villages other than coming to this city. The education and morality are two important aspects that help people understand the necessity of keeping the city clean and healthy.Similar Cue Card topics:Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:1. Describe a problem that you face your city.2. Describe a pollution that causes a great problem in your city.3. Describe a city you know that has air pollution.4. Describe something you would like to change in your city.5. Describe a law you would like to introduce in your community.6. Describe something irritating in your community.7. Describe a change that has happened to the place you live in.雅思口语环境污染的原因一、考试说明“城市环境问题”频频出现于各大赛区的考试中。
雅思口语(environmental pollution)

雅思口语话题一:Environmental pollutionPollution has been a serious problem for some time around the world,in my opinion,it has many causes: transportation is the main factor in pollution.When the exhaust gas from cars is released,the air becomes polluted.As a consequence,the greenhouse effect has become a problem which needs our immediate attention.At present,many measures are being taken to prevent pollution.For example,people should consider sorting recycling.Some garbage can be recycled after being collected.We all know that it is our responsibility to love the earth that we depend on.I believe we can prevent pollution if everybody can make an effort.Q: Do you ever worry that pollution might affect your health?A:Yes,I do.Sometimes I worry about the contamination of the soil or about developing some kind of respiratory illness(呼吸器官疾病).I try to take responsibility by not using too much plastic or recycling what i can.But in my opinion,you can't be afraid all the time.Q: What measures should be taken to limit pollution?A:Restricting the number of cars is a good start,as exhaust from transportation is a big factor in pollution.I also believe the chemical industry should take more responsibility for dumping waste-water in the rivers.And in my view,everyone can try to produce less garbage and protect our resources.Q: Why do you think it's imortant to limit pollution?A: I'd say the earth is our most important resource.If we don't lessen the degree of air pollution,the greenhouse effect will make it impossible for everyone to live.No one wants their children to inhale contaminated air or live in garbage.So i think it's a fundamental problem of modern society.Speaking of pollution,it's a fundamental problem in modern society not only in china but also in other countries.we all have a responsibility to prevent pollution .For one thing,transportation is one of the major sources of pollution.The exhaust gas from cars makes the air worse and worse. The chemical industry creates waste water.It's the source of water pollution.Nobody can live without a clean environment.So all people should love the earth that we depend on.Everyone should make an effort to prevent the serious pollution that threatens our lives句型:①I'd say pollution is a serious problem around the world.②To my mind,we can prevent pollution if everybody recycles.③From my point of view,social development brings lots of pollution.④As far as I'm concerned,recycling garbage is too much trouble.⑤As the chemical industry is responsibility for most waterpollution,they should pay for the damage that result from it.⑥We need to restrict cars and buses,as exhaust from transportation is a leading cause of air pollution.⑦I believe we should be careful in developing the economy because many industry cause serious pollution.⑧The chemical industry causes serious pollution,and that's why I consider careful development to be a top priority(优先考虑的事).。

二、关于环境问题的雅思口语话题的示例回答:1.话题:Describe a time when you noticed the impact of climate change on your local environment.2.回答:描述一个你注意到的气候变化对当地环境产生影响的具体情况。

二、真题演练Describe an environmental problem in your country.You should say:what this problem iswhat the causes of the problem arehow this problem affects peopleand explain how this problem could be solved.参考答案1、点题。
Dust stormProblem in northern ChinaEarly spring, Strong winds carry sand from Gobi desert. 让我担心(has me worried)2、原因。
two major reasonsStrong winds,desertification, Overuse of farmland and overgrazing植被破坏(deforestation),romove tons of topsoil a day.3、影响。
Badly.Yellow, poor visibility.戴face masks, re'spiratory disease. 引发健康问题(cause health problems)4、解决。
复杂,简单解决方案.最简单,Plant trees的,turn cultivated land back into grasslands and forests. This is an important measure to control water loss and soil erosion.三、背景阅读摘自The Hindu, Saturday, Jul 06, 2002Plastic PollutionWalk down any city street or village road, turn any corner, find a spot at the beach or in a park and you will find mounds and mounds of dirty plastic bags, food wrappings, plastic cups, bottles and cartons lie piled high, or blocking drainage systems and sewers. The road outside our house is littered with flimsy multi-coloured plastic bags. The wind blows these bags into the open gutter. The bags collect and block the gutter which then spills on to the road. Mosquitoes thrive in the stagnant water. Pigs and rats wallow in the slime, carrying disease. The place stinks and the air is polluted. The garbage men refuse to clean the gutters... they are only paid to clear the litter off the streets! So the clutter and slime increases every week.Who is responsible for all this litter and mess and the polluted atmosphere? We are of course! Every one of us. Although each one of us contributes to the problem, none of us is willing to be part of the solution to it. So the Tamil Nadu Government is keen on taking a drastic step to curb the use of plastics and make the roads clean and environmentally safe. The government's desire to introduce a bill that would ban plastic bags and other plastic items is a desperate attempt to control the huge environmental and health hazards that face us today.Despite my desire to see a clean environment and have a clean road I wonder what will we do without all the plastic things in our lives? The many uses of disposable plastic that we use everyday comes to mind, gloves, pens, cups, bottles, cans - can we really do without these?Do we see the proposed ban as a necessary measure? Or will it be fought against with passion by the plastic industry? Each year, as industry produces more and more non-essential products individually and excessively packaged in plastic, we throw away more and more trash. Plastic razors can only be used a few times before disposal, then more must be bought, making the plastic and razor industries rich and happy. Pens used to be filled with ink, today we use them, throw them away and go out and buy another one. The pen industries make a lot of money too. Many household appliances are designed to become obsolete within a short duration and that guarantees that you'll just have to buy new ones next year.To a large extent, our garbage problem is a result of a corporate business ethic that puts profits before people and the environment. Industry pushes the advantages of "disposability'' to the public because it suits them and it pays well. The profit from disposability goes into the pockets of only a few but the hazards of disposability are faced by many more.The proposed ban makes me realise that each one of us should develop a sense of responsibility not just towards the litter on our roads but also towards the thingswe buy and use and throw away.[编辑:熠]。

二、真题演练Describe an environmental problem in your country.You should say:what this problem iswhat the causes of the problem arehow this problem affects peopleand explain how this problem could be solved.参考答案1、点题。
Dust stormProblem in northern ChinaEarly spring,Strong winds carry sand from Gobi desert. 让我担心(has me worried)2、原因。
two major reasonsStrong winds,desertification,Overuse of farmland and overgrazing植被破坏(deforestation),romove tons of topsoil a day.3、影响。
Badly.Yellow,poor visibility.戴face masks,re’spiratory disease. 引发健康问题(cause health problems)4、解决。
复杂,简单解决方案.最简单,Plant trees最好的,turn cultivated land back into grasslands and forests. This is an important measure to control water loss and soil erosion.三、背景阅读摘自The Hindu,Saturday,Jul 06,2002Plastic PollutionUSHA JESUDASANWalk down any city street or village road,turn any corner,find a spot at the beach or in a park and you will find mounds and mounds of dirty plastic bags,food wrappings,plastic cups,bottles and cartons lie piled high,or blocking drainage systems and sewers. The road outside our house is littered with flimsy multi-coloured plastic bags. The windblows these bags into the open gutter. The bags collect and block the gutter which then spills on to the road. Mosquitoes thrive in the stagnant water. Pigs and rats wallow in the slime,carrying disease. The place stinks and the air is polluted. The garbage men refuse to clean the gutters... they are only paid to clear the litter off the streets!So the clutter and slime increases every week.Who is responsible for all this litter and mess and the polluted atmosphere?We are of course!Every one of us. Although each one of us contributes to the problem,none of us is willing to be part of the solution to it. So the Tamil Nadu Government is keen on taking a drastic step to curb the use of plastics and make the roads clean and environmentally safe. The government's desire to introduce a bill that would ban plastic bags and other plastic items is a desperate attempt to control the huge environmental and health hazards that face us today. Despite my desire to see a clean environment and have a clean road I wonder what will we do without all the plastic things in our lives?The many uses of disposable plastic that we use everyday comes to mind,gloves,pens,cups,bottles,cans —can we really do without these?Do we see the proposed ban as a necessary measure?Or will it be fought against with passion by the plastic industry?Each year,as industry produces more and more non-essential products individually and excessively packaged in plastic,we throw away more and moretrash. Plastic razors can only be used a few times before disposal,then more must be bought,making the plastic and razor industries rich and happy. Pens used to be filled with ink,today we use them,throw them away and go out and buy another one. The pen industries make a lot of money too. Many household appliances are designed to become obsolete within a short duration and that guarantees that you'll just have to buy new ones next year.To a large extent,our garbage problem is a result of a corporate business ethic that puts profits before people and the environment. Industry pushes the advantages of "disposability'' to the public because it suits them and it pays well. The profit from disposability goes into the pockets of only a few but the hazards of disposability are faced by many more.The proposed ban makes me realise that each one of us should develop a sense of responsibility not just towards the litter on our roads but also towards the things we buy and use and throw away.以上就是三立在线老师介绍的雅思口语关于环境问题如何回答,大家可以看到不同的答案得到的分数也是不尽相同,大家可以对比这些范文为自己的雅思口语备考提供更加明确的标准,取得更好的备考效果。

TOPIC 1 Environment (21st unit 7)Section One Each of the students will be asked one question on the topic “Environment”.1.Why are plastic bags harmful to the environment?2.Why are paper bags harmful to the environment?3.Why are reusable bags the best for the environment and energy usage?4.What environmental problem do you think is the most serious and urgent in China?Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic:What can be done in our daily life to help relieve environmental problems? Please give as many examples as possible.During the discussion you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to clarify a point. Your performance will be judged according to your contributions to the discussion.TOPIC 2 Environment1.Which types of energy should we use: wood, coal,petroleum, water power, nuclear energy or solarenergy and why?2.Whenever we watch TV, we are helping sendgreenhouse gases into the air. Do you know any other things we do help send greenhouse gases into air and why?3.Do you know any machine or appliance that ispowered by solar or wind energy? Can you list any other clean energy technologies?4.The sandstorm, known as a “sand devil,” hasbecome a great concern. Please briefly explain the reasons behind this phenomenon.5.Do you know some other climate disasters causedby the pollution of environment?Topic discussionGlobal warming may be the most harmful environmental problem human beings have created. Please discuss its causes, consequences and what wecan do to reduce it.TOPIC 3 Travelling1. What attracts you most when you visit a new place?2. People travel for various reasons. Please talk aboutsome of them.3. What is your favorite way of travelling, alone or ina group? Why?4. Introduce a tourist attraction that you have been Topic discussionA lot of people after travelling often say: Travelling means sort of suffering. That implies they don’t eat well, sleep well, and they are very tired on the trip. Do you agree with it ? Give your reasons and explain.TOPIC 4 Transportation (21st unit 12)1.What means of transportation is most popular in China? Why?2.How good is the public transport system in your city/region?3.If you go on a long journey, how do you prefer to travel?4.Which kind of car do you want to buy if you have enough money?Topic discussionWhat is the most serious problem of China’s present transportation and what are the solutions?TOPIC 5 Drug Abuse1. What do you know about drugs and drug abuse?2. What kind of people are easier to turn to drugs?Why dopeople use drugs like Ecstasy?3. How do drugs affect the drug takers? What dodrugs like Ecstasy do to the people who take them?4. How should you avoid doing things that appear tobe pleasant at first but will turn out to be really harmful? (e.g. drug abuse, smoking, alcoholism, addiction to computer games, etc.)Topic discussionWho should be responsible for drug abuse?TOPIC 6 Advertising (21st unit 6)1.Is advertising worthwhile for companies and consumers? Explain why.2.What is opinion on competing companies spending large amount of money advertising their products?3.Are you easily influenced by ads? Should people buy products according to what ads say?4.Should young people follow fashion advertised byfamous stars?Topic discussionWhat are the pros and cons of advertising?TOPIC 7 Education1. Do you think education is important in your life? Can you cite some examples to illustrate your viewpoint?2.Where do you get your college tuition, from parents, part-time job, or loan ?3.Is college education the only way to success? Is it worth the price?4.If you had chance to continue learning after graduation, what subject do you like to choose? Why?Topic discussionThe importance of lifelong Education TOPIC 8 Values (21st unit 8)1. What do you know about “American Dream”?2. Can you give an example of one English saying or proverb and further explain it?3. Have you ever encountered an occasion when a cultural clash happened? Describe it.4. Do you know any taboos in American/ Britain? What are they?Topic discussionDo you feel Chinese traditional values are endangered with the globalization?TOPIC 9 Growing Pains (21st unit 2)1.What qualities do you value most in a young person?2.Do you think that the process of growing up is something painful? Why or why not?3.Generally speaking, in what way(s) do you think young people born in the 1990s are different from the older generations?4.What do you think are the problems that young people usually have to face?Topic discussionAdvantages and disadvantages of living with parentsTOPIC 10 Famous Brand Names1.Can you name some famous brands? Why do people like them?2.Do you think college students should pursuefamous brands? Why or why not?3.Some famous brands have a very long history. Why are they so popular among generations of people? (Take Ivory Soap for example.)4.How can a national famous brand build its name ina foreign country? (Take Haier for example.) Topic discussionWhat are the secrets of business success?Topic 11 Cloning and Ethics1.Do you want a clone of yourself? Explain.2.What kind of people are in favor of cloning science?3.Do you think a cloned Einstein would be a great person? Why or why not?4.Do you think cloning is against ethics? Why or why not?Topic discussionWhat are the pros and cons of cloning?TOPIC 12 Stars and Fans (21st unit 3)1. Who is your favorite star and idol ? why?2. What do you think of idol worshipping?3. Which do you prefer, Chinese movies or foreignmovies? Why?4. What’s the best /worst movie you’ve ever seen? Describe it.Topic discussionWhat type of film do you like most and why?TOPIC 13 Education (21st uint 1)1.Do you think it is important for a person to have a college education?2.Is college education satisfactory from your own experience?3.Do you think college education means more than study?4.There are some graduates going to the technical school to study again. What do you think of that?5.What suggestions would you like to give to the college education?Topic discussionDoes a college degree really worth it? During the discussion you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to clarify a point. Your performance will be judged according to your contributions to the discussion.TOPIC 14 Success1.What would you say to the people in the hall and the whole world if you won the Nobel Prize and was standing in front of the microphone?2.What do you think makes a successful scientist?3.How to achieve success in your academic study?4.What would you do if you were awarded the Nobel Prize?Topic discussionWhat preparations should a university student make for future success?。

关于environment的雅思口语Title: The Importance of a Clean EnvironmentIn today's world, the topic of a clean environment is paramount. A clean environment is not only essential for our well-being but also for the survival of our planet. It impacts every aspect of our lives, from the air we breathe to the water we drink.Firstly, a clean environment ensures better health outcomes. Polluted air and water have been linked to various health issues, including respiratory diseases and water-borne illnesses. A clean environment means less pollution, which in turn means a healthier population.Moreover, a clean environment is crucial for sustainable development. It provides a platform for economic growth, as clean resources are essential for various industries, including agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism. A sustainable environment ensures that these resources are not depleted and can be used for generations to come.Additionally, a clean environment fosters biodiversity. It provides habitats for various plants and animals, ensuring the survival of ecosystems. Biodiversity is essential for maintaining a balance in nature and providing vital services likepollination, water purification, and soil erosion control.Lastly, a clean environment is an ethical imperative. We have a responsibility towards future generations to leave them a habitable planet. By protecting the environment, we are ensuring that future generations can enjoy the same rights to a clean environment that we have.In conclusion, the importance of a clean environment cannot be overstated. It impacts our health, economy, biodiversity, and ethical obligations. Therefore, it is everyone's responsibility to contribute towards maintaining a clean environment.。
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雅思口语常考的part3话题:environment 今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是雅思口语常考的part3话题:environment 的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧!1.Tell me about some of the environmental problems that are affecting countries these days?2.Do you think that governments around the world are doing enough to tackle the problems?3.Why do some people not consider environmental problems to be serious?4. Do you think there will be more environmental disasters caused by humans in the future?1. Tell me about some of the environmental problems that are affecting countries these days?这个题目看起来应该是非常好说的,环境问题,大家应该多少都是知道一些的。
全球变暖:global warming/ temperature rise/ carbon emission/ ice glaciers and caps melt/ sea level rise/ fishing industry/ residents living in coastal areas 空气污染:air pollution/ exhaust from cars and factories/ burning of fossil fuels 水污染:water/ ocean pollution/ chemical runoff/ untreated sewage白色污染:white pollution/ plastic bags/ non-biodegradable materials水土流失:soil erosion/ soil fertility decrease乱砍乱伐:deforestation/ unbalance ecosystem/下面也给大家一个范例回答:The most serious pollution that is widely discussed these days is global warming. With the increasing carbon emission and the loss of ozone layer, the global temperature is on the rise, which makes the ice glaciers and caps melt and the sea level increase. Therefore, many coastal areas have been flooded and people living there become displaced.2. Do you think that governments around the world are doing enough to tackle the problems?我个人觉得,比较真实的回答应该是没有的。
I think governments have not done their best to deal with the environmental problems.下面就说说为啥:很多环境问题,比较宏观,影响面非常的广,根本没法一时半会解决,甚至根本不太可能解决。
Many environmental problems are affecting very large areas, so that they cannot by dealt with in a short time or be tackled by one country.以中国为例,为什么我们对于一些污染治理不够?因为,社会经济的发展,很多时候,不可避免地会造成环境的破坏。
Also, take China as an example, if we impose strict rules on reducing the emission and on forcing factories to release their waste with no harmful material at all, many of the industries will be influenced. The local industry will be damaged.比如汽车,如果全部环保,都用电动的,那么很多人都买不起汽车了,那么人们的出行,社会的基本效率的保持,都会收到严重的影响。
If we want to control the air pollution in the cities and replace all the existing cars with the electricity cars, many of the car users cannot afford buying cars and the productivity of the society will be reduced because they all have to take public transport instead.法律制定的得不是很完善,有些问题没有被写到法律中去。
The current legal system is not perfect, many of the urgent issues have not be included in the law.法律的处罚措施太轻,不能起到约束的作用。
The punishment of the laws is not strict enough to restrict people from violating laws. For example, if the factory emits some chemical waste, they may not be immediately fined or only a small amount of money which is comparable to their benefit they make.相关环保法规的宣传力度不够,或者我们都知道要绿色出行,要绿色生活的方式,但是,到底怎么绿色,用什么方法,其实我们并不知道,所以,政府应该多做一些宣传片,或者学校里面增加相关的课程,去指导人们绿色环保。
There is limited publicity of the environmental regulations. We may have some basic idea of law carbon lifestyle, but we fail to live that way because we are not told about how to live environmental friendly or how to recycle and reuse all the waste materials. The authority should make more videos and booklets to tell people the detailed steps in becoming greener in life.3. Why do some people not consider environmental problems to be serious?原因如下:有些环境问题属于抽象宏观型,如果落实到某一个人的某一天的生活的话,没有很的明显的体现。
Some of the environment issue is too broad, if we view it from a daily basis in a small region, there is almost no sign of how the problem affects daily life. For example, we all know the complexity and seriousness of global warming, but for any single day, we may fail to experience an obvious temperature rise.很多问题离我们很远,比如沙漠化,我们只有当沙尘暴吹过来的时候才有体会,平常就不会想这件事情。
Many issues are far away from where we normally live, such as desertification. Only when we are affected by sandstorm can we realize the seriousness of the problem.还有就是,我们觉得科技的发展可以完全解决这些问题。
We may think that the advance in technology can greatly resolve all these problems.或者我们觉得这些都是政府的工作,他们已经或者一定会管理的,跟我们是没有关系的。