


英[ˈpetrəl pʌmp]
. 适当的,相当的,正当的,应该的,正式的,正常
n. [宗教][常用P-]特定节日等用的仪式,弥撒(祈祷、
Effectiveness of Navy Electronic Warfare Syst -
excuse me
美[ɪkˈskjuz mi]
. 对不起;恕;
英[iksˈkju:z mi:]
. 额外的,补充的,附加的;特大的,特别的;
. 自由的;免费的;免税的;空闲的;
front row
美[frʌnt ro]
英[frʌnt rəu]
guess what
hard disk
美[hɑː(r)d dɪsk]
. 阁楼;顶楼;鼓室上的隐窝;飞檐矮墙,飞檐矮楼;
. 就寝时间;


look healthy 看起来健 康 look 看起来 和形容词 连用 Tell /give 双宾语动词 + 间接宾语 +直接宾语 Tell us a story
? Speaker: Love is the secret of health!
I'm not saying anything…..
? Manin Crowd: No, you're not!
? Speaker: …about this secret. I'm not
saying anything……
? Manin Crowd: You're not saying anything
about anything!
? Jack: Crazy, isn't it? they talk a lot
? a) Anybody b) Nobody c) Somebody d) Everybody
? 3) And what is the secret _____ health?
? a) for b) to
c) from d) of
? 4) They talk a lot and_____ nothing!
Jack: Let's listen to this guy. What's he talking
Speaker: Everybody in the world needs love.
You need love. I need love.
Manin Crowd: You need a haircut!
? 5. Choose the correct answers to fill the blank.


Unit14 The wrong 12-year-old
Do you like them?
Let's see what will happen.
New Words and Expressions
• karate n. 空手道 • champion n. 冠军 • on his/her/my way adv. 在他的/她的/我的途中 • session n. 课,一段时间 • hood n. 风帽 • grab v. 突然抓住 • himself pron. 他自己 • punch v. 用拳击打 • step v. 迈步,跨步 • sideways adv. 向一边,向一侧 • nose n. 鼻子 • blood n. 血 • hold n. 握住
gossip blood
shoot hold
army karate mechanic
session artist pack
himself champion science air force step soldier hood
Unit14 The wrong 12-year-old

‘I earned this phone!

I worked really hard

能t(o b成e 功abl的e t做o b某uy事it)!’
• William: Ob显vio然usly, he wouldn’t

want a thief

to 拿tak走e it 介lik词e ,tha像t!...一样

from a practice session



新概念英语3a3b青少版单词及音标London Eye伦敦眼fun [fʌn] adj. 有趣的believe [bi'li:v] vt. 相信together [tə'ɡeðə] adv. 一起River Thames [temz] n.泰晤士河bridge [bridʒ] n. 桥梁Tower Bridge n. 塔桥really ['ri:li] adv. 真正地binoculars [bai'na:kjuləz] n. 双筒望远镜pass [pɑ:s] vt. 递给any ['eni] 任何一个ship [ʃip] n. 船Westminster Bridge ['westminstə] 威斯敏斯特大桥some [sʌm] adj. 一些down there [daun] [ðεə] 在那儿Big Ben(伦敦英国议会大厦钟楼上的)大本钟its [its] pron. 它的classroom ['klɑ:srum] n. 教室park [pɑ:k] n. 公园church [tʃə:tʃ] n. 教堂cinema ['sinəmə] n. 电影院smile [smail] v. 微笑watch [wɔtʃ] v. 看balance ['bæləns] v. 保持平衡do [du: ] v. 做try [trai] v. 尝试as well也easy ['i:zi] adj. 简单的,容易的on one’s knees 跪着good at 善于gymnastics [dʒim'næstiks] n. 体操useless ['ju:slis] adj. 差劲的,无能的Maths [mæθs] n. 数学Music ['mju:zik] n. 音乐take [teik] v. 照(相)take a photo拍照gym [dʒim] n. 体育馆difficult ['difikəlt] adj. 困难的drive [draiv] v. 开,驾驶ride [raid] v. 骑speak [spi:k] v. 说tennis ['tenis] n. 网球cook [kuk] v. 做饭菜,烹调dinner ['dinə] n. 晚餐help [help] v. 帮忙rice [rais] n. 米饭water ['wɔ:tə] n. 水pan [pæn] n. 平底锅chop [tʃɔp] vt. 剁碎onion ['ʌnjən] n. 洋葱spoon [spu:n] n. 匙,勺子get [ɡet] vt. 拿来,获得fork [fɔ:k] n. 餐叉drawer [drɔ: ] n. 抽屉hand [hænd] n. 手wet [wet] adj. 湿的You see,… 你瞧… open ['əupən] v. 开办restaurant ['restrɔnt] n. 餐馆,饭店oh, yeah! 噢,是的!must [mʌst] v. 必须jug [dʒʌɡ] n. 水壶dry [drai] adj. 干的food [fu:d] n. 食物sugar ['ʃuɡə] n. 糖milk [milk] n. 牛奶scanner ['skænə] n. 扫描仪computer [kəm'pju:tə] n. 电脑packet ['pækit] n. 小包coffee ['kɔfi] n. 咖啡tea [ti:] n. 茶叶bottle ['bɔtl] n. 瓶子orange juice橘子汁fridge [fridʒ] n. 电冰箱sea [si:] n. 海eat [i:t] vt. 吃finish ['finitʃ] vt. 完成why [hwai] adv. 为什么why not为什么不?tired ['taiəd] adj. 疲倦的problem ['prɔbləm] n. 难题lots of 许多;大量fish [fiʃ] n. 鱼salad ['sæləd] n. 沙拉dish [diʃ] n. 菜肴drink [driŋk] v. 喝mustn’t [mʌsnt] v. 不能peach [pi:tʃ] n. 桃子Help yourself. [jɔ:'self] 请自便吧!meat [mi:t] n. 肉grape [ɡreip] n. 葡萄buy [bai] vt. 购买bread [bred] n. 面包cake [keik] n. 蛋糕tin [tin] n. 金属盒cheese [tʃi:z] n. 奶酪butter ['bʌtə] n. 黄油surprise [sə'praiz] n. 惊奇,意外lesson ['lesən] n. 课half past… [hɑ:f] …点半a quarter to/past …['kwɔ:tə] …差/过一刻talk [tɔ:k] v. 谈话find [faind] vt. 发现bye [bai] int. 再见when [wen] adv. 什么时候look for寻找homework ['həumwə:k] n. 家庭作业next [nekst] adj. 下一个wash [wɔʃ] n. 洗涤then [θen] adv. 然后breakfast blue ['brekfəst] 早餐忧郁do [du: ] v. 助动词want [wɔnt] vt. 想要not really ['ri:əli] 不完全是,不太something ['sʌmθiŋ] pron. 某事,某物train [trein] v. 训练stomach ['stʌmək] n. 胃have got 有How much?多少……?pot [pɔt] n. 壶start [stɑ:t] v. 开始morning ['mɔ:niŋ] n. 早晨yoghurt ['jəuɡət] n. 酸奶canteen [kæn'ti:n] n. 餐厅terrible ['terəbl] adj. 极坏的,可怕的much [mʌtʃ] 多少fruit [fru:t] n. 水果chocolate ['tʃɔklit] n. 巧克力beer [biə] n. 啤酒paper ['peipə] n. 纸string [striŋ] n. 细绳money ['mʌni] n. 金钱spare [spεə] adj. 空闲的Good morning!早上好!a lot of 很多shy [ʃai] adj. 害羞的introduce sb./sth. to… [,intrə'dju:s] 向……介绍某人/某物studies ['stʌdis] n. 学习,研究(study的复数)to 向true [tru:] adj. 真实的always ['ɔ:lweiz] adv. 总是jacket ['dʒækit] n. 夹克衫magazine [,mæɡə'zi:n] n. 杂志video ['vidiəu] n. 录像带blouse [blauz] n. 女士衬衫skirt [skə:t] n. 裙子vegetable ['vedʒitəbl] n. 蔬菜relative ['relətiv] n. 亲戚kind [kaind] n. 种,类Let me think 让我想想Japanese[,dʒæpə'ni:z] adj.日本的remember [ri'membə] vt. 记得I know!我知道了!lucky ['lʌki] adj. 幸运的another [ə'nʌðə] pron. 另一个like [laik] vt. 喜欢at any time 随时,任何时候British ['britiʃ] adj. 英国的German ['dʒə:mən] adj. 德国的plastic ['plæstik] n. 塑料leather ['leðə] n. 皮革CD player CD播放机Italian [i'tæljən] adj. 意大利的watch [wɔtʃ] n. 手表Korean [kə'riən] adj. 韩国的handbag ['hændbæɡ] n. 手提包clock [klɔk] n. 钟Swiss [swis] n. 瑞士的very much 非常love [lʌv] n. 爱,喜欢salmon ['sæmən] n. 鲑鱼piece [pi:s] n. 一片,一块tonight [tə'nait] n.今晚potato [pə'teitəu] n. 土豆lettuce ['letis] n. 生菜cucumber ['kju:kʌmbə] n. 黄瓜fantastic [fæn'tæstik] adj. 极好的pick [pik] vi. 摘strawberry ['strɔ:bəri] n. 草莓dessert [di'zə:t] n. 甜点healthy ['helθi] adj. 健康的meal [mi:l] n. 膳食,一餐worry ['wʌri] n. 担心cream [kri:m] n. 奶油first [fə:st] adv. 首先hate [heit] vt. 憎恨,讨厌sweet [swi:t] n. 糖果,甜食wine [wain] n. 葡萄酒weekend [,wi:k'end] n.周末shopping ['ʃɔpiŋ] n. 购物supermarket ['sju:pə,mɑ:kit] n. 超市make [meik] vt. 撰写shopping list 购物清单need [ni:d] n. 需要loaf [ləuf] n. 一块,一条Sunday lunch 星期日午餐boring ['bɔ:riŋ] adj.令人厌烦的ice cream 冰激凌nasty ['nɑ:sti] adj. 难吃的anything ['eniθiŋ] pron.任何事,任何物else [els] adv. 另外,其他bar [bɑ:] n. 条soap [səup] n. 肥皂large [lɑ:dʒ] adj.大的match [mætʃ] n. 火柴girlfriend ['ɡə:l,frend] n. 女朋友self-service ['self'sə:vis] adj.自助的menu ['menju: ] n. 菜单assistant [ə'sistənt] n. 服务员soup [su:p] n. 汤tomato [tə'mɑ:təu] n. 西红柿sauce [sɔ:s] n. 调味汁my dear 亲爱的lady ['leidi] n. 女士glove [ɡlʌv] n. 手套already [ɔ:l'redi] adv. 已经jeans [dʒi:nz] n. 牛仔裤newspaper ['nju:s,peipə] n. 报纸toothache ['tu:θeik] n. 牙痛look [luk] vt. 看起来awful ['ɔ:fl] adj.不舒服的dentist ['dentist] n.牙医patient ['peiʃnt] n. 病人make an appointment [ə'pɔintmənt] 约时间见面emergency [i'mə:dʒənsi] n. 急诊today [tə'dei] n. 今天this afternoon 今天下午miserable ['mizərəbl] adj. 痛苦的hope for the best [həup] [best]希望一切都好feel ['fi:l] vt. 感到earache ['iəreik] n. 耳痛day [dei] n. 天,一昼夜Monday ['mʌndei] n. 星期一Tuesday ['tju:zdei] 星期二Wednesday ['wenzdei] 星期三Thursday ['θə:zdei] 星期四Friday ['fraidei] 星期五Saturday ['sætədei] 星期六headache ['hedeik] n. 头痛sick [sik] adj. 生病的stomach-ache ['stʌmək] [eik] n.胃痛flu [flu:] n. 流感cold [kəuld] n. 感冒every ['evri] adj. 每一(个)different ['difrənt] adj. 不同的weather ['weðə] n. 天气mean [mi:n] vt. 意思是quite [kwait] adv. 相当,十分ever ['evə] adv. 曾经warm [wɔ:m] adj. 温暖的England ['iŋɡlənd] n. 英国summer ['sʌmə] n. 夏天sunny ['sʌni] adj. 阳光灿烂的Atlantic [ət'læntik] n. 大西洋climate ['klaimit] n. 气候often ['ɔfn] adv. 经常rain [rein] n. 下雨sometimes ['sʌmtaimz] adv.有时,偶尔especially [i'speʃəli] adv. 尤其dʒ [d?u:'lai] n. 七月cool [ku:l] adj. 凉爽的difficulty ['difikəlti] n. 问题,困难change [tʃeindʒ] n. 变化month [mʌnθ] n. 月份temperature ['tempəritʃə] n.温度China ['tʃainə] n. 中国spring [spriŋ] n. 春天sun [sʌn] n. 太阳shine [ʃain] n. 闪耀,发光cloudy ['klaudi] adj. 多云的season ['si:zən] n. 季节usually ['ju:ʒuəli] adv. 经常never ['nevə] adv. 从不autumn ['ɔ:təm] n. 秋天winter ['wintə] n. 冬天snow [snəu] n. 下雪France [frɑ:ns] n. 法国Russia ['rʌʃə] n. 俄罗斯Africa ['æfrikə] n.非洲windy ['windi] adj. 刮风的same [seim] adj. 同样的Many happy returns![ri'tə:nz]长命百岁August [ɔ:'ɡəst] n. 8月year [jiə] n. 年present ['preznt] n. 礼物bike [baik] n. 自行车gear [ɡiə] n. 齿轮traffic ['træfik] n. 交通dangerous ['deindʒərəs] adj. 危险的about [ə'baut] prep. 关于safe [seif] adj. 安全的date [deit] n. 日期question ['kwestʃən] n.问题ask [ɑ:sk] v. 提问special ['speʃəl] adj. 特别的January ['dʒænjuəri] n. 1月February ['februəri] n. 2月March [mɑ:tʃ] n. 3月last [lɑ:st] adj. 最后的December [di'sembə] n. 12月after ['ɑ:ftə] prep. 在……之后before [bi'fɔ:] prep. 在……之前April ['eiprəl] n. 4月May [mei] n. 5月June [dʒu:n] n. 6月September [sep'tembə] n. 9月October [ɔk'təubə] n. 10月November [nəu'vembə] n. 11月parent ['pεərənt] n. 父母international [,intə'næʃnəl] adj.国际的event [i'vent] n. 比赛race [reis] n. 赛跑mile [mail] n. 英里runner ['rʌnə] n. 赛跑选手world [wɔ:ld] n. 世界Australia [ɔ'streiljə] n. 澳大利亚compete [kəm'pi:t] 竞争European [,juərə'pi:ən] n. 欧洲impressive [im'presiv] adj. 令人印象深刻的rank [ræŋk] n. 等级marathon ['mærəθən] n. 马拉松practice ['præktis] n. 练习Moroccan [mə'rɔkən] n. 摩洛哥人Brazilian [brə'zilən] n. 巴西人Canadian [kə'neidiən] n. 加拿大人German ['dʒə:mən] n. 德国人Chinese [,tʃai'ni:z] n. 中国人name [neim] vt. 命名New York [jɔ:k] 纽约country ['kʌntri] n. 国家Australian [ɔ'streiliən]n.澳大利亚人live [liv] vt. 生活Sydney ['sidni] n. 悉尼language ['læŋɡwidʒ] n. 语言Brazil [brə'zil] n. 巴西Sao Paulo 圣保罗Portuguese [,pɔ:tju'ɡi:z] n. 葡萄牙语Germany ['dʒə:məni] n. 德国Berlin [bə:'lin] n. 柏林Canada ['kænədə] n. 加拿大America [ə'merikə] n. 美国。



Pronunciation Turn to Page 22
Listen and Repeat
Pattern Practice
VS went to +地点
have been to+地点 去过并且回来了
Pattern Practice
have gone to+地点 have been to+地点
2. Turn to Page 18
3. Guess what happened?
Is Karen worried?
Ten Minutes Break! 休息十分钟!
Written Exercises Turn to Page 24
Question 2
Turn to Page 25
Multiple Choice

Exercise Review Page 5
3 No, she wouldn’t. She just has had
a sandwich.
4 Yes, I’d like. I haven't had one.
5 No, he wouldn’t. He hasn’t had
Pattern Practice Competition
4. A:When did Jack go to XXX? B: He went there XXX. A: Is he still there? B: No, he’s just come back.
Pattern Practice Competition
“have gone to ” format sentences. 3. Let’s structure in three minutes. 4. Guess which team writes most of the



• 短信的内容,用了简略形式,在报纸的标题中也常见这种 简略形式,通常省略;主语,冠词,助动词。
基数词:表示数量的多少(one ,two, three four……).
序数词:表示一定的顺序和数量的一类词, (排名第几,第几天our five six
• 原形
• be
was (were)
• eat
• grow
• draw
• see
• say
• run
过去分词 been eaten grown drawn seen said run
Notes on text
• How exciting! 真令人兴奋!
Lesson 5 we’ve had a long morning
• Alice: Hello ,Karen !Hello, Daisy!

Have you been to the Farmers’

Market today? It’s only nine o’clock,

and it’s already busy.
Let’s make some sentences!
• I have already drunk some water. • Have you drunk any water yet? • Yes ,I have /No ,I haven’t. • I haven’t drunk any water yet. • She has just had some cake. • Has she had any cake yet? • Yes ,she has .No, she hasn’t. • She hasn’t had any cake yet.



新概念青少版3a单词表预览说明:预览图片所展示的格式为文档的源格式展示,下载源文件没有水印,内容可编辑和复制新概念青少版3A词汇表proper 正规的,合适的guess what 你猜猜怎么着bump into 偶然遇到marketing 市场营销certainly 肯定的mind 介意,反对on one’s own 独立的,单独的teach 传授chat 闲聊house work 家务mark 评分test 考试,测验garden 从事园艺sail (乘船)航行wash up 洗(餐具)surprised 吃惊的department 部门email 发电子邮件alone 独自的front row 前排extra 额外的space 空间flight 空中旅行brilliant 聪明的stretch out 伸展开flight attendant 空中服务员Would you like…? 请问您想……吗? Excuse me 劳驾seat 座位couple 一对夫妇Business Class 商务舱snack点心,小吃offer提供farmer农夫market市场worry担心,令人担心的食物home country祖国text 短信on time准时地board 上(船,飞机等公共交通工具)kettle 水壶still 仍然,还have a good time玩的开心attic 阁楼,顶楼since 自从……以来hard disk(计算机)硬盘lawnmower割草机Megabyte兆字节,百万字节nothing 没有东西,没有事情jet 喷气式飞机circus 马戏团several几个zoo 动物园for ages长时间funfair 露天游乐场worldwide 在全世界huge 巨大的variation 变化bedtime 就寝时间one way or another以这样或那样的方式necessary 必要的,必须的questionnaire 调查问卷subject科目free自由的during在……期间past过去的up to多达annoyed恼怒的,生气的choose选择add 增加correct改正composition作文supper晚饭,晚餐diary日记bird-brained鸟脑的,头脑简单的break休息,间歇eNews 电子新闻peacock孔雀hopelessly没有希望地fall in love爱上petrol pump汽油泵main road主要道路trail feather尾羽show off炫耀line行,排clicking n oise咔哒声fill up装满admiring欣赏的,仰慕的peahen雌孔雀in particular特别,尤其admiration赞美,钦佩faithful忠实的interest兴趣clearly清楚地,显然地Internet 因特网truck货车,卡车run 经营get m arried结婚hair头发kill杀死owner主人angry发怒的,生气的Speakers’ Corner 演讲角tradition传统guy男人,家伙crowd人群secret秘密,奥秘health健康shout 喊叫glasses眼镜speech演讲,演说nobody没有人anybody无论谁,任何人somebody某人,有人scarf围巾,头巾anywhere无论哪里wardrobe大衣柜somewhere某处,某个地方nowhere无处,任何地方都不garage车库shed棚屋,小屋sitting room起居室bathroom浴室without没有rule控制,支配visit参观,探望sculpture雕塑jewellery 珠宝,首饰simple简单的shape形状,外形soft柔和的hanging悬挂的triangular三角形的aluminium 铝native Indian 印第安人headdress头饰art gallery美术馆,画廊recently近来,最近painting图画,油画,水彩画statue雕像,塑像smooth平滑的stone 石头band乐队smell闻起来taste尝起来horrible糟糕的sour酸的delicious美味的,可口的wood木,木头wooden木制的wool羊毛的woollen 羊毛制的metal金属touch触摸,碰到oil lamp油灯cotton棉,棉布attractive有吸引力的,漂亮的sweater毛衣picture想象,设想liquid液体recognize辨认出immediately立即,马上lip嘴唇imagine想象reply回复,回答solution溶液organic有机物的inorganic无机的salty盐avoid避免unnatural非天然的hydrogen氢oxygen氧common普通的,常见的grow种植jam果酱plain chocolate黑(纯)巧克力silk丝,丝绸slice切片mix混合stir搅拌pour倒,灌heat加热boil煮沸fry油炸grill烤,烧bake烘,烤tricks of trade行业诀窍Gosh哎呀,天哪turn round(使)转换方向button纽扣be able to 能,会fashionable时髦的front前面,前部be interested in 对……感兴趣puzzle智力游戏lift拾起,半期rich富有的,有钱的reach伸手触及的patient有耐心的slim苗条的climb爬,攀登steep陡峭的fit健壮的quick快的,敏捷的frightening令人惊恐的loud大声的,喧闹的turn down把……关小,调戏interrupt打断hearing听觉sound声音,响声deaf聋的limit限度,权限decibel分贝(音量单位)continuous连续不断的sudden突然的damage损害nightclub夜总会MP3 player MP3播放器Experience经历,体验if 如果unlucky不幸的,倒霉的for ever永远level水平it doesn’t matter没关系hire租用fail没有通过(考试)accident事故ambulance救护车robbery抢劫fire火灾,失火fire service消防署,消防队thief贼,小偷prison监狱apologize道歉a day off休息一天pop concert流行音乐会intern实习生apply申请market leader 行业佼佼者exceptional杰出的applicant申请人make somebody an offer/make an offer t o somebody给某人提供某物ranch大牧场expense费用,开支either way(两种方式中的)一种方式resume个人简历regret后悔,遗憾passport护照sightseeing观光,游览particular特别的,特定的qualification资格earn挣得,赚得experience经验at last最终,最后rule规则vacation假期,休假such as例如equipment设备black-soled黑色鞋底的trainers运动鞋T-shirt T恤衫vest背心be allowed to 被允许做……chest胸部,胸膛swimsuit游泳衣,泳装public公共的,公用的trousers裤子body身体cyclist骑自行车的人motorcyclist骑摩托车的人pedestrian行人smoke吸烟get o ff(从……)下来no entry禁止入内straight on 向前走silence安静,寂静\\out o f order出故障machine机器danger危险further way更远notice告示sign标志,告示牌karate空手道champion冠军on his/her/my way在他的/她的/我的途中session课,一段时间hood风帽grab突然抓住himself他自己punch用拳击打step迈步,跨步sideways向一边,向一侧nose鼻子blood血hold握住fight打架,打斗shoot开枪射击artist艺术家,美术家lawyer律师science科学air force空军pilot飞行员army军队soldier士兵farm农场mechanic机修工,技工pack收拾afterwards随后,以后at the latest最晚freedom自由a couple of 几个,一些as far asI’m/you’re concerned对我/你……来说may可以,可能teenage少年的,十几岁的teenager少年could可以,可能stay in/out待在家里/待在户外。



Lesson11. proper 正规的,合适的2.Guess what! 你猜猜怎么着3.bump into 偶然遇到4.marketing 市场营销5.certainly 肯定的6.mind 介意,反对7.on one’s own 独立的,单独的8.teach 传授Lesson21.chat 闲聊2.house work 家务3.mark 评分4.test 考试,测验5.garden 从事园艺6.sail (乘船)航行7.wash up 洗(餐具)8.surprised 吃惊的9.department 部门10.email 发电子邮件11.alone 独自的1-- --------------------------------------------------- Unit1----------------------------------------------------------------------Lesson51.farmer 农夫2.market 市场3.worry 担心,令人担心的食物4.home country 祖国5.text 短信6.on time 准时地7.board 上(船,飞机等公共交通工具)8.kettle 水壶9.like crazy 非常Lesson61.still 仍然,还2.have a good time 玩的开心have been to +地点have gone to +地点what+a+名词+for/about3--------------- ----------------------------------- Unit3 Lesson91.worldwide 在全世界2.huge 巨大的3.variation 变化4.bedtime 就寝时间5.one way or another以这样或那样的方式6.necessary 必要的,必须的7.questionnaire 调查问卷8.subject 科目9.free 自由的10.during 在……期间11.past 过去的12.up to 多达13.annoyed 恼怒的,生气的14.choose 选择15.add 增加Lesson101.correct 改正position 作文3.supper 晚饭,晚餐4.diary 日记5------------------------------ ---------------------- Unit5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------Lesson13Speakers’ Corner 演讲角1.tradition 传统2.guy 男人,家伙3.crowd 人群4.secret 秘密,奥秘5.health 健康6.shout 喊叫7.glasses 眼镜8.speech 演讲,演说Lesson 141.nobody 没有人2.anybody 无论谁,任何人3.somebody 某人,有人4.scarf 围巾,头巾5.anywhere 无论哪里6.wardrobe 大衣柜7.somewhere 某处,某个地方8.nowhere 无处,任何地方都不9.garage 车库10.shed棚屋,小屋11. sitting room 起居室12.bathroom浴室13. without 没有14.rule控制,支配15.visit 参观,探望7----------------------------------- ----------------- Unit7Lesson11 1. bird-brained 鸟脑的,头脑简单的 2. break 休息,间歇 3. eNews 电子新闻 4. peacock 孔雀5. peahen 雌孔雀6. Hopelessly 没有希望地7. fall in love 爱上8. petrol pump 汽油泵9. main road 主要道路10. trail feather 尾羽11. show off 炫耀12. line行,排13. clicking noise 咔哒声 14. fill up 装满15. admiring 欣赏的,仰慕的 16. in particular 特别,尤其 17. admiration 赞美,钦佩 18. faithful 忠实的 19. interest 兴趣20. clearly 清楚地,显然地 21.Internet 因特网6------------------------------ ---------------- Unit6---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lesson151. Sculpture 雕塑2. jewellery珠宝,首饰3. simple 简单的4. shape 形状,外形5. soft 柔和的6. hanging 悬挂的7. triangular 三角形的8. aluminium 铝9.native Indian印第安人10. headdress 头饰11. art gallery 美术馆,画廊12. recently 近来,最近 Lesson161. statue 雕像,塑像2. smooth 平滑的3. stone 石头4. band 乐队5. smell 闻起来6. taste 尝起来7. horrible 糟糕的8. sour 酸的9.delicious 美味的,可口的8------------------------------------ Lesson3 1. front row 前排 2. extra 额外的 3. space 空间 4. flight 空中旅行 5. brilliant 聪明的 6. stretch out 伸展开 7. flight attendant 空中服务员 8. Would you like …? 请问您想……吗? 9. Excuse me 劳驾 10. seat 座位 11. couple 一对夫妇 12. Business Class 商务舱 Lesson41. snack 点心,小吃2. offer 提供 It is +adj.+to do something Would you like …? I ’ve just had a drink. Would you mind …? Why don ’t you …?2------- --------------------------------------------- Unit2----------------------------------------------------------------------新概念英语青少版3A 词汇表Lesson71. attic 阁楼,顶楼2. since 自从 …… 以来3. hard disk (计算机)硬盘4. lawnmower 割草机5. Megabyte 兆字节,百万字节6. nothing 没有东西,没有事情7. jet 喷气式飞机 Lesson81. circus 马戏团2. several 几个3. zoo 动物园4. for ages 长时间5. funfair 露天游乐场 Then it ’s mine.It ’s been there since we moved into this house. It sounds like …4----------------------- ------------------------------ Unit4Lesson17 1. picture 想象,设想 2. liquid 液体 3. recognize 辨认出 4. immediately 立即,马上 5. lip 嘴唇 6. imagine 想象 7. reply 回复,回答 8. solution 溶液 9.organic 有机物的10. inorganic 无机的 11. salt 盐 12.avoid 避免 13. unnatural 非天然的 14. hydrogen 氢 15. oxygen 氧16. common 普通的,常见的 17. grow 种植 I don ’t think so!=I think not. What does it taste like?I never touch anything unnatural!-9---------------------------------- ------------------- Unit9----------------------------------------------------------------------Lesson21 1. loud 大声的,喧闹的 2. turn down 把……3. interrupt 打断 4. hearing 听觉 5. sound 声音,响声 6. deaf 聋的 7. limit限度,权限 8. decibel 分贝(音量单位) 9.continuous 连续不断的10. sudden 突然的 11. damage 损害 12. nightclub 夜总会 13. MP3 player MP3播放器 14. experience 经历,体验 15. if如果16. unlucky 不幸的,倒霉的 17. for ever 永远 18. level 水平If they are lucky,this will last for one or two days.11---------------------------------------- -------------- Unit 11Lesson251. at last 最终,最后2. rule 规则3. vacation 假期,休假4. such as 例如5. equipment6. black-soled7. trainers 运动鞋8. T-shirt T 恤衫9. Vest 背心10. be allowed to被允许做……11. chest 胸部,胸膛 12. swimsuit 泳装13. public 公共的,公用的 14. trousers 裤子 15. body 身体 16. law 法律17. cyclist 骑自行车的人 18. motorcyclist 骑摩托车的人 19. pedestrian 行人13------------------------------------------ ----------- Unit13---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lesson29 1. afterwards 随后,以后 2. at the latest 最晚 3. freedom 自由4. a couple of 几个,一些5. as far as I ’m/you ’re concerned 对我/你……来说6. may 可以,可能7. teenage 少年的 ,十几岁的 8.teenager 少年 Lesson301. could 可以,可能2. stay in/out 待在家里/待在户外I ’m going to the cinema tomorrow. Yes,I do mind! No,that ’s fine.As far as I ’m concerned 15----20200328-- Edit by Twincle ’s Mom --- Unit15Lesson271.karate 空手道2.champion 冠军3.on his/her/my way在他的/她的/我的途中4.session 课,一段时间5.hood 风帽6.grab 突然抓住7.himself 他自己8.punch 用拳击打9.step 迈步,跨步10.sideways 向一边,向一侧11.nose 鼻子12.blood 血13.hold 握住14.fight 打架,打斗15.shoot 开枪射击Lesson281.artist 艺术家,美术家wyer 律师3.science 科学4.air force空军5.pilot 飞行员Unit14---- --------获取更多资源请关注:率哥----------------------------------------------------------------------装订说明:A4纸双面打印后每页分别短边对短边,长边对长边,对折出十字线,裁切为4份,共15个单元(30课时),请按单元数字1~15调整好顺序,第五页为封面和备忘录,短边对折裁切为上下两部分,长边对折压出中线折痕,放入裁切好的前4页,在左侧装订即可。



1. Unit1 单词抄写3英1中 2. 练习册 3. 听DV并跟读20mins, 4. 背课文,发送语音作业
❖certainly 肯定地,无疑地
= sure = of course
❖ mind
eg: Would you mind me turning on the airconditioner?
❖on one's own 独自地,单独地
on my/your/his/her/its/our/their own eg: He travelled to London on his own last summer.
Lead in
Brain strom
quiet job
exciting job
dangerous job
interesting job
boring job
New words and expresssions (1)
❖proper adj. 正规的,合适的 eg: It's a proper job.
❖Guess what! 你猜怎么着!
❖bump into (sth.) 偶然遇见; 猛撞, 撞击
eg:I am really so sorry to bump into you. 撞着你了真是非常抱歉。
❖marketing n.市场营销 market 市场
New words and expresssions
Unit 1 A proper job
My name is phone number / wechat I come from Hubei province. My hobby is reading, watching movie, ……



• • • • • • •
3. be able to can she----play the piano for many years. A. has been able to B. had been able to C. could D . Can
• • • • • •
4. interested interesting be interested in have interest in She -----interested in drawing since 2011. A. was B. has been C. has D. had
Unit10 Tricks of the trade
• • • • • • • • • • words and expressions; 1.trade tricks of the trade Jack of all trades(俚语) 2. turn around turn out turn up Q: It---that I wronged you. A. turn around B.turns out C. turned out D. Turns up
• • • • • •
---- is easy to travel in Wuhan. A. There B. It C. Here It is impolite ---you to be rude to this lady. A. for B.to C.with
The end,thank you!
现在完成时 一般现在时 感官动词 四个“花费”
• 1.Robert has already painted the door. • 否定句: • 一般疑问句: • 一般疑问句的肯否回答: 特殊疑问句:Robert 油漆完门已经过了多长时间了? •

青少版新概念3A 复习资料

青少版新概念3A 复习资料

青少版新概念3A(UNIT1-UNIT4)复习大纲Part A: 写一、能默写如下单词1.proper 正规的,合适的2.marketing 市场营销3.mind 介意,反对4.teach 教,传授5.chat 闲聊6.housework 家务7.surprised 吃惊的8.alone 单独的,独自的1.extra 额外的2.space 空间3.flight 空中旅行4.brilliant 聪明的5.seat 座位6.couple 一对夫妇1.farmer农夫2.market市场3.worry担心worry for/about4.text短信5.board上(船,飞机等公共交通工具)1.attic 阁楼,顶楼 2.since 自从……以来3.hard disk 硬盘 wnmower 割草机5. nothing 没有东西,没有事情二、能默写如下词组1. Guess what! 你猜怎么着!2. bump into 偶然遇见3. on one’s own独自地,单独地4. get a proper job 得到一份正规的工作5. fashion model 时装模特1.front row前排2. stretch out 伸展开3. Excuse me 劳驾4. Business Class 商务舱1. on time 准时2.have a good time 玩得开心3.phone off 关机1. in fact 事实上2. Personal Computer 个人电脑3. come onto the market 面世,上市4. move into 搬进5.be out of 在……外面6. a museum piece 老古董7. a long time ago 很久以前三、能默写如下句子1.She was a fashion model.2.She just wanted a proper job.3.It’s great to stretch out.4.Would you like some water or some orange juice?5.I’d like some water, please.6.Would you mind giving your seats to this couple?7.We’ve already had a long morning.8.We’ve just been to the airport with Claire and Paul.9.They’ve gone to the US for two months.10.How exciting!11.What a worry for you!12.We’re not going to worry, are we, Karen?—No, we aren’t13.It’s been there for years.14.It’s been there since we moved into this house.15.It sounds like a lawnmower.四、能了解以下单词的意思1.mark 评分2.test 考试,测验3.sail 航行4.email 发电子邮件5.garden从事园艺6.wash up 洗(餐具)1.flight attendant 空中服务员2.snack 点心,小吃3.offer提供1.kettle水壶2.still仍然3.home country祖国1.Megabyte 兆字节,百万字节2. jet 喷气式飞机3. circus 马戏团4. several 几个5.for ages 长时间6. funfair露天游乐场Part B: 听说读复习资料一:流利朗读unit1-unit4的课文故事复习资料二:能对课堂口令进行回答。

新概念英语青少版3A 重点知识总结Unit11-Unit15

新概念英语青少版3A  重点知识总结Unit11-Unit15

新概念英语青少版3A 重点知识总结Unit11—Unit15 请在横线上写出合适的单词短语或句型结构1.大声的(adj.) (adv.)2.上了一课3.七分之一4.他们中的很多5.因为…(短语)6.突然7.百分之8.稍微9.对…有伤害10.永远11.持续(单词)12.没关系13.交通事故14.小偷15.入狱16.错过公交车17.走丢18.考试不及格19.在两者之间20.去西部旅行21.申请22.免费23.要求某人做某事24.学到很多25.返回26.不管怎样27.给某人提供某物28.东南西北29.想要做某事30.有名的31.我不这样认为32.找工作33.写书34.和某人结婚35. 完成做某事36.另一个(两者)37.另一个(三者及以上)38.做演讲39.去观光40.对某人来说做某事是…41.你对…怎么看42.期待做某事43.度假44.例如45.一直46.允许做某事47.在公共场合48.足够的(和被修饰词的位置)49.打破规矩50.遵守规矩51.禁止吸烟!52.上车,下车53你对……怎么看?54.戒烟55.半小时56.if引导从句,时态要求:,if引导从句57.陷入危险58.靠左行59.安静60.站远61.左转62.直走63.听说64.获冠军65.在他回家的路上66.交出67.尝试做某事68.卷入战争69.当科学家70.学医学71.参军72.介意做某事73.逗留74.到9:3075.捎某人76.电影院外77.外出78.一周几次79.在周末80.在平时81.在我看来82.写出下列的动词变化:take do fallmake win drive know find hear lose run buy sell teach write feel spend blow grow come。


Don’t we all ? Is she all right?
What happened?
Guess what!
She didn’t mind working as a fashion model.
some extra space in the front row
stretch out Business Class
Mum found it in a box in the attic.
It’s been there since we moved into the house
how long how often
Unit 5
finish one’s homework feel about a lot of/lots of
a native Indian
a metal box a wooden chaira wollen scarf They are not simple at all.
We spent hours on the work of Calder.
It was made of triangular pieces.
hear about
get annoyed with
Is this really necessary?
How often do you hear these questions in your house?
Children worldwide now do more homework hours than they did 20 years ago.
for ages
be faithful to at home
write for that paper



• Kelly: We’re not allowed

to run or shout

in public areas.
Notes on the Text
• what else,else表示“其他,另外”,常 用在疑问代词和疑问副词后。
• be not allowed to do sth • 做某事是被禁止的 • e.g: The students arenot allowed to take
a T-shirt or vest at all times.

You’ re not allowed to

show your chest.
• Jed: Not even

when I’m swimming?
• Kelly: It’s OK when

you’re swimming…
Notes on the Text
• tell: tell sb to do sth • e.g: I have told him to come here! • tell sb not to do sth • e.g: They were told not to cross the street.
Unit13 What am I doing here?
• Kelly: Here at last!

How do you like

Redstone Ranch, Jed?
• Jed: It looks nice!

I’m looking forward to

a swim.
• Kelly: Good idea!

新概念英语青少版3A Unit2 完整课件(含课后题答案)

新概念英语青少版3A Unit2 完整课件(含课后题答案)

feed—fed—fed 供给;喂养 speed—sped—sped 加速;促进
meet—met—met 会面
lead—led—led 导致;引导
过去式、过去分词都在原形词尾加t。 learn—learnt—learnt 学习;学会 mean—meant—meant 意思是;打算 spoil—spoilt—spoilt 破坏 burn—burnt—burnt 燃烧;烧坏 dream—dreamt—dreamt 做梦;梦见 或 —dreamed—dreamed deal—dealt—dealt 处理;经营
例如:kidnap →kidnapped绑架,worship → worshipped崇拜。 而上述两种情况在美国一般却直接加“ed”。 3. 以c结尾的动词,要变c为ck,再加“-ed”。
picnic → picnicked去野餐,traffic → trafficked交易
blow—blew—blown 吹 draw—drew—drawn 画 grow— grew—grown(使)生长 know—knew—known 知道;了解 throw—threw—thrown(show除外)扔;投
词尾为“i+辅(1个)+e”,过去式将i变为o,过去分词多在原形后加n, 若那个辅音字母为d或t,须双写d或t后加n。(give,hide除外) drive—drove—driven 驾驶 write—wrote—written 写 ride— rode—ridden 骑 rise—rose—risen 上升
3. 以“辅音字母 + y ”结尾的动词,将 "y" 变为 "i" ,再加“-ed”。 study—studied学习, cry—cried哭泣, try—tried试图, fry—fried油炸。

青少版新概念英语第3A册单词默写表 (中英)

青少版新概念英语第3A册单词默写表  (中英)

Unit 2-Lesson 3 序 中文 1 n. 前排 2 adj.额外的 3 n.空间 4 n.空中旅行 5 adj. 聪明的 6 伸展开 7 n.空中服务员 8 请问您想……吗? 9 劳驾 10 n.座位 11 n.一对夫妇 12 商务舱
Unit 2-Lesson 4 序 中文
1 n.小吃;点心 2 v. 提供
3 使转换方向
4 n.纽扣
5 v.能;会
6 adj.时髦的
7 n.前面;前部
8 对......感兴趣
Unit 10-Lesson 20
序 中文
1 n.智力游戏
2 v.抬起;搬起
3 adj.富有的;有钱的
4 v.伸手触及 5 adj.有耐心的 6 adj.苗条的 7 v.爬;攀登 8 adj.陡峭的 9 adj.健壮的 10 adj.快的;敏捷的 11 adj.令人惊恐的
Unit 4-Lesson 8 序 中文 1 n.马戏团 2 几个 3 n.动物园 4 adv.长时间 5 n.露天游乐场
Unit 5-Lesson 9
序 中文 1 adv.在全世界 2 adj.巨大的 3 n.变化 4 n.就寝时间
英文 英文 英文 英文
5 以这样或那样的方式 6 adj.必要的;必需的 7 n.调查问卷 8 n.科目 9 adj.自由的 10 prep. 在......期间 11 adj. 过去的 12 prep.多达 13 adj.恼怒的;生气的 14 v.选择 15 v.增加
Unit 9-Lesson 18 序 中文 1 n.果酱 2 n.黑(纯)巧克力 3 n.丝绸;丝 4 v.切片 5 v.混合 6 v.搅拌 7 v.倒;灌 8 v.加热 9 v.煮沸 10 v.油炸 11 v.烧;烤 12 v.烘;烤



嘿,朋友们!今天咱就来好好唠唠新概念青少版 3a 的知识点!这可真是个宝藏啊!
语法也是超有意思的哟!像一般现在时,“She always goes to school early.”你看,多直观呀!就好像每天早上看到小伙伴按时背着书包去上学一样平常又自然。

还有那些可爱的句型呢!“How do you like...?”哇哦,这不就像是在问朋友“嘿,你觉得这个怎么样呀?”超有亲切感的。


口语练习更是不能少呀!和小伙伴用英语交流,这不就跟平时聊天似的,可带劲啦!“Let's go to the park.”“Sure!”这多自然呐!
总之,新概念青少版 3a 的知识点就像是一把钥匙,能打开我们通往英语世界的大门!这里有那么多有趣好玩的东西等着我们去发现和探索呢!还等啥?赶紧投入到这个奇妙的英语世界中吧,你会发现自己会爱上它的!。







【图示版】【文字版】1 第一单元1.1 语法1.1.1 动名词1.2 写作1.2.1 句型结构1.2.2 课文摘要1.2.3 电子邮件1.3 语音1.3.1 重音和语调2 第二单元2.1 语法2.1.1 现在完成时:have had2.2 写作2.2.1 句型结构2.2.2 课文摘要2.2.3 完成对话:A Party2.3 语音2.3.1 重音和语调3 第三单元3.1 语法3.1.1 现在完成时:have been to与have gone to 3.2 写作3.2.1 句型结构3.2.2 课文摘要3.2.3 完成对话:An Interview3.3 语音3.3.1 just的两种含义:重读与否影响含义4 第四单元4.1 语法4.1.1 现在完成时:since与for引导的时间状语4.2 写作4.2.1 句型结构4.2.2 课文摘要4.2.3 提示写话:A Museum Piece4.3 语音4.3.1 人称代词和物主代词的读音5 第五单元5.1 语法5.1.1 现在完成时:have done5.1.2 yet的用法5.1.3 动词的过去式与过去分词5.2 写作5.2.1 句型结构5.2.2 课文摘要5.2.3 问题回答:A Page in My Diary5.3 语音5.3.1 表量的单词的重读6 第六单元6.1 语法6.1.1 现在完成时:since与for引导的时间状语6.1.2 复合形容词6.2 写作6.2.1 课文摘要6.2.2 提示写话:A News Story6.3 语音6.3.1 助动词的弱化7 第七单元7.1 语法7.1.1 不定代词:every/no/none/any/some one/body/thing/where7.2 写作7.2.1 句型结构7.2.2 课文摘要7.2.3 提示写话:A Short Speech7.3 语音7.3.1 连读8 第八单元8.1 语法8.1.1 感官系动词:look/sound/feel/smell/taste 8.2 写作8.2.1 句型结构8.2.2 课文摘要8.2.3 提示写话:Notes for an Exhibition Catalogue 8.3 语音8.3.1 单词重读9 第九单元9.1 语法9.1.1 感官系动词:look/sound/feel/smell/taste 9.2 写作9.2.1 句型结构9.2.2 课文摘要9.2.3 电子邮件:My Favourite Dish9.3 语音9.3.1 单元音:/e/, /?/, /??/, /?/, /?/10 第十单元10.1 语法10.1.1 too与enough的用法10.2 写作10.2.1 句型结构10.2.2 课文摘要10.3 语音10.3.1 连读11 第十一单元11.1 语法11.1.1 状语从句:if11.2 写作11.2.1 句型结构11.2.2 课文摘要11.2.3 问题回答:What will you do if ...? 11.3 语音11.3.1 不可数名词的重读12 第十二单元12.1 语法12.1.1 状语从句:when12.2 写作12.2.1 句型结构12.2.2 课文摘要12.2.3 提示写话:Your First Job or A New Job 12.3 语音12.3.1 短语状语的语调13 第十三单元13.1 语法13.1.1 许可与否的表达:can和must;allow 13.2 写作13.2.1 句型结构13.2.2 课文摘要13.2.3 完成对话:Public Notices13.3 语音13.3.1 表许可与否的读音14 第十四单元14.1 语法14.1.1 动词不定式to:like与want14.2 写作14.2.1 句型结构14.2.2 课文摘要14.2.3 完成对话:A Conversation 14.3 语音14.3.1 if条件句中的语调15 第十五单元15.1 语法15.1.1 情态动词:can与may 15.1.2 mind的用法15.1.3 let的用法15.2 写作15.2.1 句型结构15.2.2 课文摘要15.2.3 问题回答:Going Out 15.3 语音15.3.1 核心动词的重读【小编总结】从以上导图可以看出,3A的知识点主要有:1、语法:动名词;现在完成时;复合形容词;不定代词;感官系动词;too与enough的用法;状语从句(if和when);许可与否的表达;动词不定式;情态动词can与may。



at home
write for that paper
sell newspapers
run a small hotel get married
Unit 7
the secret of love
at the dentist’ talk about
walk through
say nothing
talk a lot
tricks of
Lift that box
would love to
You just need to enjoy your clothes.
You’re pretty enough to wear anything
Unit 11
many of them one person in seven
interrupt one’s homework turn it down the safe limit because of noise have a lesson about hearing
a metal box
a wooden chair a wollen scarf
They are not simple at all.
We spent hours on the work of Calder.
It was made of triangular pieces.
There was one huge one called “Big Red”.
listen to
in the world
I can’t wait!
on Sunday afternoons
Crazy, isn’t it?
a British tradition What’s he talking about?
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hear about
get annoyed with
Is this really necessary?
How often do you hear these questions in your house?
Children worldwide now do more homework hours than they did 20 years ago.
bump into the sam1e people get a
a fashion model mark tests make cakes
on one’s own
wash up
last week
enjoy/ hate/like/mind being a model every day work as chat to friends
move into
in fact
hard disk
do with
the end of May
a museum piece
personal computer good question
That’s nothing.
Good question!
Does it still work? It’s been there for year
Unit 2
a long flight
orange hjauviceea drink sound like
Would you like some water or some orange juice?
It’s great to stretch out.
have gone to
Unit 3
of course home country
a native Indian
a metal box a wooden chaira wollen scarf They are not simple at all.
We spent hours on the work of Calder.
It was made of triangular pieces.
Mum found it in a box in the attic.
It’s been there since we moved into the house
how long how often
Unit 5
finish one’s homework feel about a lot of/lots of
say nothing
walk through
listen to
talk a lot
I can’t wait! in the world
on Sunday afternoons
Crazy, isn’t it?
a British traditionWhat’s he talking about?
say something about something
Don’t we all ? Is she all right?
What happened?
Guess what!
She didn’t mind working as a fashion model.
some extra space in the front row
stretch out Business Class
have been to a moment ago
the Farmer’ Market a fortnight ago
What a worry for you!
on time
like crazy
How exciting!
Unit 4
come onto the market
be out of
a long time ago
for ages
be faithful to at home
write for that paper
sell newspapers
several years run a small hotel get married
Unit 7
the secret of love at the dentist’ talk about
from his home to the busy petrol station
lost interest in in particular fill up show off compete with make a noise
a line of petrol pumps win one’s admiration
in other part of the worilndsome part of the worl
huge variations up to
young children
three or four hours/three hours or four
one way or another fourteen hours a day
Unit 6
take a break have a look open up
this really strange story the last three years
along the main road
fall in love with
on the eNews Website
Unit 8
be made of
be the best for sb.
not simple at all
as well
the work of
have a great day come on in look tired
move around all the pieces the whole thing
There was one huge one called “Big Red”.

Unit 9
organic chemicals
a reply like this
at the same time most of
before bedtime
half of
more than
spend on
after school less than hear from
a bit older none of
between ten and fifteen early this evening