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一.单词拼写(根据首母或中文 (满分10分

1.They could see thunder and lightning coming in the ______________(远处.

2.I was so tired and wondered whether or not I could get to the ________________(目的地.

3.The members of Liu’s group quickly took him to the nearest hospital t___________. (临时

4.Y ou made a mistake. Please pay attention to your _________________ (发音.

5.E______________(最后 he died for the doctor could do nothing to help the patient.

6.In the 1950s the Chinese government introduced ______________(简化 Chinese characters.

7.In _____________(当代的 times, mobile phones are widely used.

8.Y our should extend your _________________ (词汇.

9.Although our sense of sight is over used ,our sense of touch and smell is


10.The __________(治疗 plan made by several famous doctors will surely work.


nguage, in its broad sense, is a way information is t_____________.

2.Old English is very different from the English we speak n__________________.

3.Arabic is the 0_______________ language of Egypt.

4.In 1066, the Normans c______________ England and took control of the country.

5.China, France, Russia, the United States are p______________________ members of the UN

Security Council.

6.We soon sat ________________ ( 对面 each other at his little table.

7.Bird flue has __________________ ( 传播 in many places in Asia so far.

8.Our teacher sets very high _____________ ( 标准 of work in his class.

9.Y our ____________________ (发音needs improving, for it is not perfect.

10. This is ___________________ ( 不可接受的 from my point of view.



1.The organization needs some v____________ to help take care of these old people.

2.I________ the child if he doesn’t behave himself. I promise he’ll soon stop.

3.He jumped into the water to save the child from d_______________.

4.I got into a p________ when I found the door was locked by a wind.

5.The news has spread t_____________ the whole country that Liu Xiang has got the first


6.I thought the party would be a great success but it just turned out to be the


7.The company was s______________ from a big group to a small team of five people.

8.While we’re learning English, we’re required to know the c________________ differences

between the East and the West.

9. Th e talk between the two countries’ leaders will surely p___________ peace and friendship.

10. Please write your name clearly on the paper to avoid c________________.


76.He has a good s___________ of smell.

77.The UK c__________ of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

78.The People’s Republic of China was f__________ in 1949.

79.Ten students will go to the party , i____________ Tom and Mary.

80.Everyone wants to be w____________ , healthy and happy.

81.The ________________(发展of this industry will take several years.

82.In which ______________(方向 are you going ,north or south?

83.Snow is _____________(常见 in cold country.

84.Many men were ____________(埋葬 underground when there was an accident at

the mine.

85.There is no ______________ (通道 to the street through that door.


1.Please contact me through the newspaper so I can thank him p______________.

2.France is a E_____________ country.

3.It is said that Hu jingtao will pay an o_____________ visit to America next month.

4.D_________ the heavy rain, he arrived on time.

5.The People’s Republic of China was f______________ in 1949.

6.The problem is not a bit easy.He had some d____________ in working out the problem.

7.His English p______________ is very good. He speaks very good English.

8.Mike was ___________ _______(牵涉进 the murder.


1.After years of hard study, now we can say c______________“We can pass the entrance exam.”

2.There is 30 times greater c_____________ of being hit by lightening than being attacked by a shark..

3.His first teacher had a great i______________ on his work and led to his great success.

4.Swimming is b_____________ in this river.

5.The Chinese government introduced s____________ Chinese Characters in the 1950s.

6.Are there any _________ (志愿者 for the Hope Project? Please sign here on the paper.

7.Though they are twins ,there are not many ____________(相似点 between them.

8.The two old schools are to _______________(组合 to form one big new school .

9.The teacher asked us to look for some words r _____________(与…有关 to archaeology .

10.Ann r________________(代表 Canada will go on a cultural expedition to sites of lost civilizations next month.


1. Language, in its b_____(广泛的 sense, is a way information is t___________(传递
