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Reinventing government movement is a recent and influential approach for reforming public organizations in many countries. Based on the New Public Management Paradigm developed in 1980s, the movement gained great momentum in theUnited States of America, especially with the introduction of the National Performance Review and the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 which reflected the reinventing ideas on reforming the federal government.
在所有与现代美国政府管理相关的运动中,重塑政府运动(reinventing government movement)最引人注目。重塑政府以及与此相关的各种观念已经在政府管理实践的各个层面产生了广泛的影响。重塑政府运动是否像它的支持者所说的那样是一场革命,是否在世纪之交对不断推进的改革具有持续的影响力,大多数现代公共行政方式是否将从中产生,或者如20世纪四、五十年代一样塑造了现代行政领域的特性,这些只有靠时间来检验。
Reinventing Government Movement重塑政府运动
The article compares the reinventing government movement with new public administration and the ways each would achieve government sector reform in theUnited States. Comparison of new public administration with reinventing government is made along six dimensions of public administration including concepts of change, concepts of relevance and empowerment, theories of rationality, organizational structure and design, theories of management and leadership, and epistemology methodology, and the issue of values. New public administration emerged from a period of urban riots, long-term discrimination against racial minorities, and a failing and deadly war inSoutheast Asia. New public administration and reinventing government both emphasize responsiveness but in different ways and in different words. Reinventing government, on one hand, is a highly visible promise to improve government administration, coming primarily from outside the body of public administration. New public administration, on the other hand, means a subtly influential and comparatively quiet movement among both scholars and practitioners within the body of public administration.
While the act’s managerial philosophy closely related to the New Public Management Paradigm and the Osborne and Gaebler’s book,Reinventing Government, the main assumptions of the rational means-ends relationship structure established for achieving the expected reinventing goals are rooted in the Rational Choice Theory.
美国公共行政领域一直充满有关重塑政府范式的利多还是弊多的争论与讨论。因为这并不是这一领域的革命的第一次尝试,因此有必要将其与此前的一些运动相比较。这里,我将它与新公共行政学(new publc administraቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱion)相比较。新公共行政学兴起于20世纪60年代末期,一直延续到20世纪90年代初重塑政府运动开始。