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(原题)1. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?(Use "it" as the formal subject) 2. 不管黑猫白猫,能抓住老鼠就是好猫。(as long as) 3. 你必须明天上午十点之前把那笔钱还给我。(without fail) 4. 请允许我参加这个项目,我对这个项目非常感兴趣。(more than + adjective) 5. 人人都知道他比较特殊:他来去随意。(be free to do sth.) 6. 看她脸上不悦的神色,我觉得她似乎有什么话想跟我说。(feel as though)

1. It is getting harder these days for a man with only a secondary education to get a good job.

2. As long as the green hills last, there'll aways be wood to burn.

3. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we will be more than happy to give your money back to you.

4. We are thankful for the beauty of this great land, which has welcomed so many to its shores across the years.

5. To the teacher's surprise, no one volunteered for the position of monitor.

6. The dog continued to wait for its master at the train station without fail until its own death two years later.


(答案)[1. It is a great pleasure to meet friends from afar.

2. It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice.

3. You must let me have the money back without fail by ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

4. Allow me to take part in this project: I am more than a little interested in it.

5. Everyone knows that he i s special: He is free to come and go as he pleases.

6. Watching the unhappy look on her face, I felt as though she wished to say something to me.

1. 现如今,仅仅受过中等教育的人要想找份好工作越来越难了。

2. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

3. 如果你对所购物品不满意,我们将很乐意退款。

4. 我们对这块伟大的美丽的土地心怀感激之情,多年来它迎接了众多的人来这里的海滩游览。

5. 让老师吃惊的是,没人自愿当班长。

6. 那条狗忠心耿耿地继续在火车站等待主人,直到两年后死去。]


(原题)1.他说话很自信,给我留下了很深的印象。(Use "which" to refer back to an idea or situation)

2. 父亲太爱忘事,总是在找钥匙。(Use "so... that..." to emphasize the degree of something)

3. 我十分感激你给我的帮助。(be grateful for)

4. 光线不足,加上地面潮湿,使得驾驶十分困难。(coupled with)

5. 由于缺乏资金,他们不得不取消了创业计划。(starve of)

6. 每当有了麻烦,他们总是依靠我们。(lean on)

1. The plane may be several hours late, in which case there's no point in our waiting.

2. George so often told stories that were untrue that no one believed him when he told about the high grade he got in the exam.

3. All was silent except for the small factory fairly close at hand, somewhere down by the crossroads.

4. People starved of sleep may find it difficult to focus their minds on what they are doing.

5. I arranged to pick up Mr. Clarke at the airport and take him to his hotel.

6. The tourists cried out of joy upon reaching the peak of the mountain.

