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I am in a rush heading for class now. I will talk to you later today. 我急 着去上课,晚些时候再和你谈吧。 We were in the same class at school. 上学时我们是同班同学。 This semester Joan has signed up for five courses, calculus, English, general physics, computer science, and physical education. 这学 期Joan注册了五门课,微积分、英语、普通物理、计算机和体育。 Generally speaking I don’t like this course. But some of the class sessions the professor conducted were good, I have to say. 总的 说来,我不喜欢这门课。但我必须承认,这位教授讲了几次很好 的课。 For 27 years, Mr. Stringer has been coaching women’s college basketball. Stringer先生当大学女篮教练27年了。 Many American students do not believe in college education so they drop out to start their career in business. 许多美国学生不看重大 学教育,于是他们就退学,走上经商的职业道路。 Most of the university faculty members were angry about the recent changes in administration. 大多数教师对学校管理制度上的调整 很恼怒。 I wish I were a little taller. 我希望要是再高点就好了。 His wife had to hope that the operation on his leg would go well. 他的 妻子只能盼望为他的腿做的手术一切顺利。
• 这篇美式汉语信很可笑。与之相反,中式英语给老外的印 象绝对不会差多远。下面是几种典型的中国式英语表达: • I. 英汉词典式的挪用 • 英汉词典对初学者来说,不失为较好地辅助工具。但对中、 高级学生,英汉词典就弊大于利了。要准确表达思想并不 是用简单的词典解释就可以完成。从下面的例子中可以看 出正确与错误的用法: • 例1:I have married for three years. 我结婚三年了。 • 在汉语中,结婚可以直接和状语连用,但在英语中,“结 婚”的含义是靠marry这个动词的动作和状态功能表示的。 “I have married”表示结婚这一行为一直在持续,显然是 错的。应该说:“I have been married for three years.”如 果问“你结婚了吗?”应该说“Are you married?”而不从 直译的角度说,“Have you been married?”后者表示“你 结过婚吗?”当然从礼节上最好不问对方这样的问题,特 别当对方是女性时。比较下面几个有关结婚的用法:
• 例2:Would you please open the TV and the Knicks are playing against the Wizards now in this season’s NBA. • Open的确是“打开”之意,但正确的用法应该是 switch/turn on the TV。在汉语中“开”的用法很 多,不能随意将汉语的“开”用在所有地方。可以 说“open the window”,但必须说: • Turn on the light, switch on the computer, switch on the radio, drive a car • 类似的用法很多。例如,不能说“I eat the student dining hall.”(我在学校食堂吃饭),而应该 是: • I eat meals at the campus cafeteria. 或I have my meals …
• 下面几个使用了低频词的错误就不容易看出来: • King Ping, moreover, upon the suggestion of Fei Wuji, dispatched 200 picked troops to search for and arrest Wu Zixu. (在费无极的挑唆下,楚平王还立即派了200精兵去 搜捕伍子胥。) • “… otherwise I’ll exterminate the State of Chu and take the king’s head with my own hand!” (要不,我誓必消灭 楚国,亲手砍下他的脑袋!) • Arrest是逮捕的意思。这里英语用capture比较恰当,当从 汉语“搜捕”的含义上看,用hunt down更精炼些,“… dispatched 200 picked troops to hunto down Wu Zixu.”在 第二句中,take有catch和accept的含义。但在这里不合适, 用chop off较合适,“… and chop off the king’s head with my own hand!” • He was starving, and her mother gave him some flesh and drink. 他饿坏了,他妈妈给了他一些肉和饮料吃。 • flesh --- 野兽和人的肉,食用的肉应该是meat。
• •

I am married.我结婚了/我不再单身了。 Catherine married for money.凯瑟琳的婚 姻是为了钱。 My sister is getting married.我妹妹正准备 结婚。 The couple got married last year.他们去年 结婚了。 Her parents were unhappy when she said she wanted to marry her boss.当她说她要 和她的老板结婚时,她的父母不高兴。
We are going to have one test next Tuesday and two more next Friday. After that, the spring semester will be over. 我们下周二有一次考试,下周五还有两次。 考完后,春季学期就结束了。
test和examination有区别,test一般指能力测验, 如an IQ test, an aptitude test, a driving test, a medical test, the Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL)。而examination一般指专业 考试,如the geography exam, the physics exam, a final exam。当然examination也有检查 之意。也只类似容易搞混的还有class --- course, college --- university, hope --- wish,例如: