



Lesson OneMeeting Guests at the Airport (机场迎客)1Dialogue 1. 1 At the Immigration Office (边防检查)2Dialogue 1. 2 At the Customs Office (通过海关)4Dialogue 1. 3 Hello! Welcome to China! (欢迎光临)8Reading Passage China———a Country with an Ancient Civilization (古国话文明) 12 Lesson TwoHelping with Lodging (安排住宿) 13Dialogue 2. 1 Checking-in (登记入住)14Dialogue 2. 2 Foreign Currency Exchange (兑换外币)18Dialogue 2. 3 Itinerary Planning (安排行程)22Reading Passage One Headache When Traveling Abroad (旅行有烦恼)26Lesson ThreeHelping with Reservation (帮助预订)29Dialogue 3. 1 Hotel Room Reservation (预订客房)30Dialogue 3. 2 Airline Ticket Reservation (预订机票)33Dialogue 3. 3 Reserving Tickets to an Exhibition (预约展事)36Reading Passage Reserve a Room in and from Anywhere in the World (处处可预订) 40 Lesson FourCity Transportation (城市交通)43Dialogue 4. 1 Bus Service (公交服务)44Dialogue 4. 2 Subway and Light Rail Service (地铁轻轨)48Dialogue 4. 3 Car Rental Service (租车服务)51Reading Passage What a Traveler Rates as More Important (交通亦重要)54Lesson FiveShopping (旅游购物)57Dialogue 5. 1 Supermarkets (超级市场)58Dialogue 5. 2 Antiques and Ancient Furniture (古玩家具)61Dialogue 5. 3 Folk Handicrafts (民间工艺)65Reading Passage The Best of Both Worlds for Avid Shoppers (购物去天堂)68Lesson SixCity Sightseeing (都市观光)71Dialogue 6. 1 Deluxe City Tours (都市豪游)72Dialogue 6. 2 Business Tours (商务旅游)76Dialogue 6. 3 Industrial Tours (工业旅游)80Reading Passage To See the City from Another Angle (城市新视角)83Lesson SevenFood Culture (饮食文化)85Dialogue 7. 1 Four Distinctive Chinese Cuisines (四大菜系)86Dialogue 7. 2 The Art of Chinese Cooking (烹饪艺术)90Dialogue 7. 3 Vegetarian and Medical Cuisine (素食药膳)93Reading Passage What Confucius Thought of Food and Eating (孔子话饮食)97 Lesson EightTea Culture (茶文化)99Dialogue 8. 1 China———Home of Tea (茶乡中国)100Dialogue 8. 2 Famous Varieties of Tea (茶之精品)104Reading Passage The 21stCentury———the Century of Tea (新世纪, 茶世纪)108Lesson NineGarden Culture (园林文化)109Dialogue 9. 1 Traditional-Style Gardens (传统园林)110Dialogue 9. 2 The History of the Chinese Garden (园林史话)114Dialogue 9. 3 The Four Elements in a Traditional Garden (园林四要素)118Reading Passage Always Beautiful No Matter What the Season (西湖总是春)122Lesson TenArts and Culture (文化艺术)125Dialogue 10. 1 Kunqu Opera (昆曲艺术)126Dialogue 10. 2 Ballet and Dance-Drama (芭蕾舞剧)129Dialogue 10. 3 National Music (民族音乐)132Reading Passage Acrobatics in China (中国杂技)137Lesson ElevenLeisure and Recreation (休闲娱乐)139Dialogue 11. 1 Indoor Sports (室内体育)140Dialogue 11. 2 X-Games (极限运动)143Dialogue 11. 3 Water Sports and Seaside Games (水上运动)147Dialogue 11. 4 Cyber Caféand Bars (网吧酒吧)151Reading Passage Urban Nightlife (都市不夜天)154Lesson TwelveTourist Events and Festivities (旅游节庆)157Dialogue 12. 1 “New Beijing, Great Olympics”(北京奥运)158Dialogue 12. 2 “Better City, Better Life”(上海世博)161Dialogue 12. 3 Traditional Spring Festival (传统春节)165Reading Passage Boao Forum for Asia (博鳌亚洲论坛)169Lesson ThirteenTourism Development (旅游发展)171Dialogue 13. 1 Domestic Tourism (国内旅游)172Dialogue 13. 2 Inbound Tourism (入境旅游)176Dialogue 13. 3 Outbound Tourism (出境旅游)180Reading Passage China by the Year 2010 (中国之2010)183Lesson FourteenComplaints (抱怨投诉)185Dialogue 14. 1 A Delayed Flight (航班延误)186Dialogue 14. 2 Being Overcharged in a Restaurant (就餐被宰)189Dialogue 14. 3 A Tour Guide or a Shopping Guide (导游还是导购)192Dialogue 14. 4 Cancellation of Part of Itinerary (压缩行程)196Reading Passage Should the Chinese Learn English or Westerners Learn Chinese (西方汉语热) 199Lesson FifteenEmergencies (应急处理)201Dialogue 15. 1 A Lost Passport (遗失护照)202Dialogue 15. 2 A Traffic Accident (交通事故)205Dialogue 15. 3 Being Sick (患病受伤)208Reading Passage Why Should We Complain (抱怨何其多)211Lesson SixteenState Policies (国家政策)213Dialogue 16. 1 Economic Reforms (经济改革)214Dialogue 16. 2 Opening Up to the Outside World (对外开放)219Dialogue 16. 3 Family Planning (计划生育)223Dialogue 16. 4 “One Country, Two Systems”(一国两制)227Dialogue 16. 5 Peaceful Reunification (和平统一)230Reading Passage Common Interests Outweigh Differences (求大同存小异)234Lesson SeventeenReligions in China (宗教信仰)237Dialogue 17. 1 Buddhism (佛教)238Dialogue 17. 2 Daoism (道教)242Dialogue 17. 3 Islam (伊斯兰教)246Dialogue 17. 4 Christianity (基督教)249Reading Passage The Three Teachings in Chinese Beliefs (三教与三学)254Lesson EighteenTraditional Chinese Medicine (传统中医)257Dialogue 18. 1 An Ancient Medication of Over 2000 Years (千年医术)258Dialogue 18. 2 The Marriage of Chinese and Western Medicine (中西医结合)261 Dialogue 18. 3 Acupuncture and Moxibustion (针灸疗法)265Reading Passage Balance Is Health (平衡即健康)269Lesson NineteenThe Great Family of Nationalities (民族大家庭)271Dialogue 19. 1 The Han and the 55 Minorities (56 个民族)272Dialogue 19. 2 Equality and Unity between Nationalities (平等团结)276Reading Passage Regional Ethnic Autonomy (民族享自治)280Lesson TwentyFarewell, China! (再见, 中国!)283Dialogue 20. 1 See You Again Soon! (再见!)284Dialogue 20. 2 At the Check-in Counter (准备登机)287Reading Passage Chinas Tourism Industry: Opportunities and Challenges (机遇与挑战) 290 V ocabulary (总词汇表)292Meeting Guests at the Airport (机场迎客)1Dialogue 1. 1 At the Immigration Office (边防检查)Dialogue:I: Immigration Inspector M: Mark DavisI: Good afternoon, sir and madam! May I see your passport?M: Yes. Here you are.I: And your Customs Declaration Form and Health Certificate?M: Here they are.I: What’s the purpose of your visit, for sightseeing or on business?M: For sightseeing.I: How long are you going to stay in Beijing?M: About five days.I: Is this your first visit to China?M: Yes, it is.I: Where else will you want to go besides Beijing?M: Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xian and Shenzhen.I: Your visa is valid for 20 days.M: Yes, I know. We’ll probably have to apply for a short extension.I: Which hotel are you going to stay at in Beijing?M: The Holiday Inn.I: T hat’s a very good hotel. OK, you’re clear to go to Customs. Have a nice trip in Beijing!M: Thank you, sir.Word Bankheaded by 以⋯⋯为领队immigration 移民处inspector检察官passport 护照Customs 海关Health Declaration Form健康证明purpose 目的sightseeing 观光on business (因) 公事visa 签证valid 有效的probably 也许apply (for)申请extension 延期inn 旅馆, 客栈Useful Patterns1. May I see your passport? 请出示您的护照好吗May I see your boarding pass? 请出示您的登机卡好吗?Customs Declaration Form, please. 请出示您的海关申报单。



---[Your Name][Your Title][Your Company Name][Company Address][City, State, Zip Code][Phone Number][Email Address][Website URL][Date]Dear [Guest's Name or Group Name],Welcome to [City/Country Name]! I am thrilled to have the opportunity to serve as your tour guide during your visit. My name is [Your Name], and I will be your host throughout the duration of your trip. It is myutmost pleasure to ensure that your experience is memorable, informative, and enjoyable. Below, I have outlined some key information to help you prepare for your journey.1. Tour Itinerary OverviewOur tour will cover a variety of attractions, including historical landmarks, cultural sites, natural wonders, and culinary delights. Here is a brief overview of what we have planned:- Day 1: Arrival in [City/Country Name] – Check-in at your hotel and welcome dinner.- Day 2: Morning visit to [Historical Landmark 1], lunch at a local restaurant, and afternoon tour of [Historical Landmark 2].- Day 3: Full-day excursion to [Natural Wonder], including a guided hike or boat ride.- Day 4: Cultural exploration of [Cultural Site], followed by a hands-on cooking class with a local chef.- Day 5: Shopping and leisure in [Shopping District], farewell dinner, and departure.Please note that the itinerary may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances or group preferences.2. Hotel AccommodationsWe have arranged accommodations at [Hotel Name], a premier hotel known for its comfortable amenities and convenient location. Each room is equipped with modern comforts, including a private bathroom, air conditioning, and complimentary Wi-Fi. Breakfast will be included each morning.3. TransportationWe will provide transportation for all group activities, ensuring that you arrive at each destination comfortably and on time. All vehicles are equipped with air conditioning and have been thoroughly inspected for safety.4. DiningOur tour includes several meals, each tailored to showcase the culinary delights of [City/Country Name]. We have selected a variety of restaurants, offering a range of local and international cuisine. Please inform us of any dietary restrictions or preferences well in advance so that we can make the necessary arrangements.5. Safety and HealthYour safety is our top priority. All of our tours are conducted by trained professionals who are well-versed in local regulations and emergency procedures. Please ensure that you wear comfortable shoes and bring appropriate clothing for the weather conditions. We also recommend that you bring any personal medication and a small first aid kit.6. Tips and GratuitiesTips are not included in the tour price but are always appreciated. A general guideline is to tip tour guides and drivers around 10-15% of the total cost of the tour. Please feel free to tip the staff at restaurants and hotels as you see fit.7. Optional ActivitiesIn addition to the scheduled activities, we offer a range of optional excursions and experiences. These may include a private cooking class, a hot air balloon ride, or a visit to a local spa. Please let us know if you are interested in any of these additional activities, and we will provide you with more information.8. What to PackTo make the most of your trip, here is a list of items you may want to pack:- Valid passport and visa (if required)- Comfortable walking shoes- Sun hat and sunglasses- Insect repellent- Rain jacket or umbrella- Personal medication- Snacks and water bottle9. Contact InformationShould you have any questions or concerns before your departure, please do not hesitate to contact me. My phone number is [Your Phone Number], and my email address is [Your Email Address]. I am available 24/7 to assist you.10. Final Reminders- Please arrive at the designated meeting point 15 minutes before the scheduled departure time.- Be sure to bring your identification and travel insurance documents.- Keep an eye on your personal belongings at all times.We are looking forward to welcoming you to [City/Country Name] and providing you with an unforgettable experience. Once again, thank you for choosing [Your Company Name] for your travel needs.Warm regards,[Your Name][Your Title][Your Company Name][Phone Number][Email Address]---Note: This template is a general guide and should be customized to fit the specific details of your tour and the preferences of your guests.。

导游实用英语Module 2 Hotel Check-in

导游实用英语Module 2  Hotel Check-in
serving you.
Unit 2 Checking In for Tour Group
• Dialogue 1
• Scene:Li Hua,a tour guide, from Tianchi Travel Service,as helping a tour group check an with a group reservation.
a standard room and 228 yuan for a standard suite per night, including breakfast.
上一页 下一页 返回
Unit 1 Checking In for Independent Traveler
• L Well,is there a special rate for a group reservation • R Yes. We offer 10% discount for a group reservation. • L That sounds great. I'll take them. • R Could you show me your ID cards And please complete the
Module 2 Hotel Check-in
• Unit 1 Checking In for Independent Traveler
• Unit 2 Checking In for Tour Group • Unit 3 Introduction to the Well-known
Scenic Spots
gives them back to the receptionist) • T The registration forms have been filled out. Here you are.

导游英语情景口语 Item 2-2

导游英语情景口语  Item 2-2

museum theatre gallery church or temple residence of a famous person downtown recreational center

Words and Phrases:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Sino-German 中德 delegation n. 代表团 name-list n. 名单 well-prepared adj. 准备充分的 voucher n. 凭证, <美>优惠购货卷 twin rooms 双人对床房 group visa 团体签证 morning-call service 叫醒服务 breakfast buffet 自助早餐
Listen and Answer:
1. What is the name of the traveling group? The Sino-German Friendship Bridge Delegation. 2. How many rooms has the group reserved? 15 twin rooms. 3. What is the name of the travel agency that reserved the rooms for the group? Shanghai Youth Travel Agency
4. How long will the group stay in the hotel? Four nights. 5. What time is breakfast served in the hotel? From 7:00 to 9:00 in the morning.
5. Here is the name-list with the group visa. 这是我们的名单和集体签证。



Talking to the Guest 情景会话
registering a guest Who has a reservation
Receptionist: R Guest: G
R: Good afternoon. Welcome to China Word hotel. What can I do for you ?
register 登记 3. key card 钥匙卡 5. passport 护照
2. registration form 入住登记表 4. reservion record 预订记录 6. bellboy 行李生

Would you please fill in this registration form? 您 能填一下这张入住登记表吗?
Lead in Do you know the basic procedures of check in?

1. greet the gueat 欢迎顾客 2. find out whether the guest has a reservation 发现顾客是否有预定 3. check out the reservation list 核对 预订记录
passport 护照
Could I see your passport, please?
Here you are. 给你
bellboy 行李生
The bellboy will show you to your room.
Your Turn to Try Now 该你试一试

Here is the key card to room 1205. 这是1205房间的 钥匙卡。



英语导游酒店情景对话张丽娟910506109 Zhang lijuan(Z):local guide陈琴琴910506119 Chen qinqin (C):Mr. Hanks黄长新910506133 Huang changxin(H):receptionZhanglijuan,a local guide from china travel service help Mr. Hanks from America check in at Beijing Hotel.(1)Check inH:Good evening,sir.What can I do for you?Z: Hello. My name is zhang lijuan from china travel service. I have a reservation. And here is the confirmation letter.H: One second, please. Ah, Mr. Hanks: three nights in two double rooms.Z: That's right.H: Mr. Hanks,would you fill in this form with your personal information please?C: OK …Here you are.H: OK. You're in room202and 203 . here are the key cards and room cards.C: Thank you.H: You are welcome(2)hotel introductionZ: This way please. Now I want to tell you some thing we must pay attention to in the hotel. If you have Valuables , can place in the foreground. And if you want to go out at night please not be alone, not too far away from the hotel. Also there are some thing in the room should pay by myself, if you used. And it would have suggested above.Also If something what you need, you can find the Rooms centers, such as lack of hot water, air conditioning and so on . C:Oh,I see.I have a question.Tomorrow when should we get up?Z:Don't worry, my friends tomorrow our breakfast time is7:00,departure time is 7:30.And you will wake up by the morningcall .so you can have a good sleep tonight.C: OK, thank you very much.Z: It is my pleasure.(3)Talking about the ItineraryC: How is the itinera ry’ you’ve prepared for our group? Did you receive the fax that we sent to your company?Z: Yes,I did. Here is a copy of the itinerary I’ve prepared for you. Please read it carefully to see if there is a need for any changes.C: (Reading the itinerary) We’re visiting a hutong in Beijing. That’s marvelous. I’m sure my brother and sister will be excited to learn it Z: A visit to the Peking university has also been arranged at your request. Atthe university,you will meet not only students,but also professors. Most of them can speak in English,so you can talk to them directly. C: That’s good. I like it very much.Z: Also in Beijing you may have other needs and wants, likes and dislikes. You can tell me.C: That’s very kind of you.Z:My pleasure. I’ll try my best to make your visit a pleasant experience.C: Thank you.Z: you are welcome(4)Check outH:Good morning,sir.What can I do for you?Z: Good morning ,miss. Mr brow would like to settle his bill and check out .H: OK, no problem. Your room number please, Mr brow?Z: 201 202.H: A moment please, here you are, Mr brow. The total charge is 1000 yuan. Is it right?Z: let me see,yes. It is right. Here is my credit card.C: Thank you. Here you are, the receipt and your credit card. We hope you have enjoyed your stay here with us.Z: shall we go now brow ,the car is waiting outside.C: OK let's go(5)FarewellZ:I felt very pleased to have been becoming your local guide this time . I would like to thank you for your understanding and cooperation in these day. Do you happy these day.C: Yes,very happy. We thank you very much, arranged for us to have such a wonderful journey. Beijing is pretty nice and left us very deep impression.I hope I can get the chance to come back to china in the near future . Z:I'm very glad to hear that ,and I'm very welcome to you. Here are your boarding passes and luggage claim tags,and tickets. Please have a check .C: Yes,NO problem ,thank you very much.Z: Shall we go to the security check?C: OkZ:I’m sorry i can not go any further. I wish all of you a pleasant flight home.C: Thank you very much ,good-bey.Z: Good-bey.。


• method of introduction with a focus on key events (p:143)
• definition • advantages • disadvantages • solution
• FIT • DIT • land tour / coach tour • self-drive tour / railway tour • sea tour / cruise ship tour / flight tour • mass tourist • lone traveller • explorer • drifter
• Ask the guest whether he would like to share a double room with another group member
• If the guest insists on staying in a single room, the guide should ask the hotel to see whether there is room available
• free time to tourists
• Guides shall remember to give free time to tourists in the attractions. Allowing people time and space on their own in a place creates the opportunity for a more lasting personal experience. Allowing free time also eases some of the tension of a tour in a busy place

《导游英语》(第二版) 电子教案 Chapter 5 Checking in the Hotel

《导游英语》(第二版) 电子教案 Chapter 5 Checking in the Hotel
• (2) She should help the Brown’s
_c_h_e_c_k__in__th_e__h_o_te_l_________check in the
hotel; • (3) She should ask the bellman to
Additional Tips for Tour Guides
• Guiding Service after Check-in
A guide should offer the following services to tourists when he takes tourists to the hotel:
导游实务 • (1) Miss. Lin Juan should negotiate with the
hotel manager and demand that the rooms conform to the terms specified in the contract.
• (2) If the manager agrees that the double rooms replace the single rooms or pay the Brown’s some money as the settlement, she should consult with the Brown’s to see if they are willing to compromise.
v.规定, 保证 v.打乱, 打扰
Proper Nouns



旅游英语常用单词一、交通工具1.Plane - 飞机2.Train - 火车3.Bus - 公共汽车4.Car - 汽车5.Taxi - 出租车6.Bicycle - 自行车二、酒店和住宿1.Hotel - 酒店2.Room - 房间3.Reservation - 预订4.Check-in - 入住5.Check-out - 退房6.Key Card - 房卡三、餐饮1.Restaurant - 餐厅2.Menu - 菜单3.Table - 餐桌4.Order - 订购5.Waiter/Waitress - 服务员6.Bill - 账单四、观光和旅游1.Tourist - 游客2.Attraction - 景点3.Guide - 导游4.Ticket - 票5.Map - 地图6.Sightseeing - 观光五、购物1.Shop - 商店2.Market - 市场3.Price - 价格4.Discount - 折扣5.Cash - 现金6.Credit Card - 信用卡六、紧急情况1.Help - 帮忙2.Emergency - 紧急情况3.Police - 警察4.Hospital - 医院5.Doctor - 医生6.Fire - 火警七、数字1.One - 一2.Two - 二3.Three - 三4.Four - 四5.Five - 五6.Ten - 十八、问路1.Excuse me, where is the nearest bus stop? - 请问,最近的公交车站在哪里?2.How do I get to the hotel from here? - 我该怎么从这里去酒店?3.Can you show me on the map? - 你能在地图上给我看吗?4.Is it far from here? - 离这里远吗?5.Thank you for your help. - 谢谢您的帮助。





二、常见旅游英语专业名词1. 旅游服务•Tour guide:导游•Tourist information center:旅游咨询中心•Tourist attraction:旅游景点•Sightseeing tour:观光旅行•Airport transfer:机场接送•Hotel reservation:酒店预订•Travel itinerary:旅行行程•Travel insurance:旅行保险•Souvenir shop:纪念品店2. 交通运输•Airfare:机票费•Car rental:租车服务•Public transportation:公共交通•Departure time:出发时间•Arrival time:抵达时间•Boarding pass:登机牌•Baggage claim:行李领取处•Lost and found:失物招领3. 酒店服务•Room service:客房服务•Check-in/check-out:办理入住/退房手续•Single room/double room:单人间/双人间•Hotel amenities:酒店设施•Room key card:房间钥匙卡•Mini bar:迷你吧•Wake-up call:叫醒服务•Room service menu:客房服务菜单4. 餐饮服务•Restaurant reservation:餐厅预订•Menu:菜单•Dining options:用餐选择•Table for two/four:两人/四人桌•Buffet breakfast:自助早餐•Special dietary requirements:特殊饮食要求•Tip/gratuity:小费三、总结以上是一些常见的旅游英语专业名词,掌握这些名词对于提升在旅游行业工作的效率和质量非常重要。



1 国内航线domestic flight2 海关手续customs formalities3 手提行李hand luggage4 航班号flight number5 免税商店duty-free shop6 旅客联passenger coupon7 行李认领牌baggage claim card8 入境签证entry visa9 软卧soft berth10 旅客通道passenger route1自然保护区natural reserve2 水上公园water park3 风景点scenic spots4 民俗风情folk custom5 人造奇迹man-made wonders6 国际杂技节International Acrobatic Festival7 名胜古迹places of historic interests8 黄鹤楼Y ellow Crane Tower9 鱼米之乡the land of rice and fish10 建筑技术construction technology3 办手续go through the formalities4 合单结账one bill for all5 储存贵重物品store the valubles6 外币兑换foreign currency exchange1 精选路线selected itinerary2 附加旅游项目add-ons3 自由活时time for personal arrangements4 特别服务要special service requirement5 组团人数group size6 民俗旅游folk custom tour7 行业考察旅游trade observation tour8 路线图itinerary map9 旅游者过夜数guest night10 延长逗留extension of stay1 水族馆aquarium2 传统文化traditional culture3 自然美景natural beauty4 商业区commercial district5 工业园industrial zone6 高新技术开发区Hi-tech Development Zone7 高速公路expressway8 立交桥flyover9 地铁underground10 儿童乐园children’s playground1 朝圣的游客pilgrim2 登上探险旅行mountaineering and adventure tour3 发源地cradleland4 悬崖峭壁sheer cliffs and steep mountains5 道教圣地the Taoist Holy Place6 温泉hot spring7 自然景观natural wonders8 常青树evergreen trees9 日出sunries10 海拔above sea level6 免费行李限额free baggage allowance7 超重费excess baggage charge8 登机口boarding gate9 海关官员customs officer10 返程票return ticket1 customs luggage declaration form 海关行李申报单2 unaccompanied baggage 非随身载运行李3 luggage chek-in counter 行李过磅处4 parking area 停车场5 transfer passenger 转机旅客6 airport inquiries 机场问讯处7 tour leader 旅游团领队8 time difference 时差9 non-smoking room 禁烟室10 reception program 接待计划1 type of accommodation desired 要求住宿的类型2 cash in advance 预付现金3 cash payment on departure 离店现付4 automated bill 自动开账单5 ambulatory room 残疾人专用房6 hold mail 留交邮件7 registration form of temporary residence临时住宿登记表8 change slip 客人住房变动单9 assistant manager 经理助理10 basement car park 地下停车场1 foreign escorted tour 国外派导游的旅游团2 final itinerary 最终旅行路线3 full appointment 全项委托4 best-selling China-tours 最畅销的中国旅游路线5 entertainments and diversions 娱乐或变换节目6 on-shore visit 上岸参观7 estimated time of arrival 预计抵达时间8 travel arrangements 旅行安排9 mini destination area 中途小目的地10 sightseeing tour 观光旅行1 group visa 集体签证2 departure lounge 出境旅客休息室3 board the plane 上机4 take oof 起飞5 exit visa 出境签证6 luggage rack 行李架7 platform ticket 站台票8 express extra ticket 特快票9 mother-and-child room 母婴候车室10 identity card 身份证旅行journey, trip旅游tour旅行推销员commercial traveller (美作:traveling salesman)旅游者tourist旅行指南itinerary旅行路线route游览pleasure trip商务旅行business trip出境游outbound tourism;outbound travel出境游客outbound tourist背包旅行者backpacker自由行free walker环程旅行circular tour往返旅行return journey;round trip单程旅行outward journey套餐游;包办游package tour;inclusive tour远足excursion;outing探险expedition旅行支票traveller's cheque旅游散客independent traveler旅游团tour group度假区holiday resort票ticket票价fare单程票single ticket往返票round-trip ticket;return ticket半票half-price ticket乘火车Take the train铁路railway (美作:railroad)轨道track火车train铁路系统railway system,railway network特快车express train快车fast train直达快车through train慢车stopping train,slow train游览列车excursion train市郊列车co******uter train,suburban train车厢coach, carriage卧铺sleeper餐车dining car,restaurant car,luncheon car双层卧铺车sleeper wi t h couchettes铺位berth,bunk上行车up train下行车down train行李车厢luggage van, baggage car车站大厅station hall收票员ticket-collector,gateman月台,站台platform站台票platform ticket小卖部buffet候车室waiting room行李暂存处left-luggage office列车员car attendant, train attendant列车长guard,conductor行李架rack,baggage rack在(某地)换车to change trains at……在(某时)到达the train is due at……乘飞机Take the flight护照passport签证visa证件papers安全通行证safe-conduct, pass起飞take off落地touch down登记牌boarding pass办理登机手续check in候机室departure lounge航班号flight number国际抵达处international arrival 国内抵达处domestic arrival航站楼terminal行李Luggage推行李车luggage barrow私人用品personal effects团体行李group baggage行李票claim tag行李牌handbag tag行李标签label行李房luggage office行李搬运车baggage train航运收据airway bill手提行李hand luggage住宿accomodation旅馆 hotel汽车旅馆motel提供一夜住宿和早餐的旅馆B&B 青年招待所youth hostel豪华饭店luxury hotel公寓旅馆residential hotel寄宿公寓boardinghouse空房vacant room套房suite旅馆大厅lobby旅馆登记薄hotel register登记check-in结帐check-out预定房间reservation行李托管证baggage check接待reception登记表registration form单人房间single room双人房间double room门房porter侍者bellboy清理房间的女服务员chambermaid 餐厅领班headwaiter半膳half board全膳full board在一家旅馆住宿to put up at a hotel 订房间to book a room。



导游英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the most common mode of transportation fortourists in a foreign country?A) WalkingB) BicyclingC) Public transportD) Private car答案:C2. Which of the following is NOT a typical tourist attraction?A) MuseumsB) Shopping mallsC) Historical sitesD) Airports答案:D3. What does the acronym "UNESCO" stand for?A) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationB) Universal Network for Education and ScienceC) United Nations Economic and Social CouncilD) United Nations Environmental and Scientific Committee答案:A4. What is the meaning of the phrase "check-in" in the context of hotel services?A) To confirm the reservationB) To pay the billC) To leave the hotelD) To book a room答案:A5. Which of the following is a common phrase used by a tour guide to describe a scenic spot?A) "Please keep your voices down."B) "Here we are, ladies and gentlemen."C) "Please do not take any photos."D) "This way to the restroom."答案:B6. What is the term used for a person who speaks more than one language fluently?A) TranslatorB) InterpreterC) PolyglotD) Linguist答案:C7. What does "visa" refer to?A) A type of travel insuranceB) An official document that allows entry into a countryC) A type of credit cardD) A form of identification答案:B8. What is the term for a person who is responsible for guiding tourists around a city or site?A) TouristB) TravelerC) GuideD) Navigator答案:C9. Which of the following is NOT a typical activity for a tour group?A) Visiting a local marketB) Attending a business meetingC) Taking a city tourD) Dining at a local restaurant答案:B10. What is the meaning of "customs" in the context of international travel?A) The local culture and traditionsB) The process of declaring goods at the borderC) The local cuisineD) The local weather答案:B二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. When a tourist is leaving a country, they typically go through the ______ process at the airport.答案:customs12. The phrase "hop on-hop off" is commonly associated with ______ tours.答案:bus13. A tour guide should always be aware of the ______ needs of their group members.答案:special14. The term "itinerary" refers to the ______ of a trip.答案:schedule15. A "layover" is a period of time spent waiting between two flights, typically in an ______.答案:airport16. When a tour guide is explaining the history of a place, they might use the phrase "________" to indicate the end of the story.答案:That concludes our visit17. Tourists are often advised to keep their belongings secure and to be aware of ________.答案:pickpockets18. The phrase "________" is used to encourage tourists to ask questions.答案:Any questions so far?19. A "day trip" is a short journey that usually takes place within a ________.答案:day20. When a tour guide is explaining the rules of a tour, they might say "________" to ensure everyone understands.答案:Please pay attention三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. What are the primary responsibilities of a tour guide?答案:A tour guide's primary responsibilities include ensuring the safety and comfort of the group, providing information about the sites visited, answering questions, and managing the group's itinerary.22. What should a tour guide do if a tourist gets lost duringa tour?答案:If a tourist gets lost during a tour, the guide should immediately stop the group, contact the lost touristif possible, and arrange for a search or return to the last known location to find the tourist.23. How can a tour guide make a tour more engaging for tourists?答案:A tour guide can make a tour more engaging by using storytelling techniques, incorporating interactive elementssuch as quizzes or games, and encouraging tourists to ask questions and share their own experiences.24. What are some common challenges faced。



《导游英语》课程标准2023年10月目录一、课程信息 (1)二、课程性质与任务 (1)(一)课程性质 (1)(二)课程任务 (1)三、课程目标与要求 (2)(一)课程目标 (2)(二)课程要求 (4)四、课程结构与内容 (4)(一)教学内容选择与组织原则 (5)(二)教学内容组织构架 (7)五、学生考核与评价 (9)六、教学实施与保障 (10)(一)教学实施 (10)1.教学理念 (10)2.教学模式 (11)3.教学方法与手段 (12)4.学法 (13)5.教学实施过程 (13)(二)教学实施保障 (15)1.师资保障 (15)2.教学资源保障 (16)一、课程信息课程名称:导游英语学时:64学分:4适用专业:旅游英语,旅游管理,导游二、课程性质与任务(一)课程性质《导游英语》课程是高职旅游管理专业、旅游英语专业主要专业课程之一,目标是着重培养学生在涉外旅游及其服务领域等工作岗位中所需语言交流的英语听说能力,是从事旅游业服务工作的一门必修课。








导游英语高频单词和词组100个1.Tourist /ˈtʊərɪst/ 游客2.Tour guide /tʊər ɡaɪd/ 导游3.Itinerary /aɪˈtɪnərəri/ 行程4.Destination /ˌdɛstɪˈneɪʃən/ 目的地5.Attraction /əˈtrækʃən/ 景点6.Sightseeing /ˈsaɪtˌsiːɪŋ/ 观光ndmark /ˈlændmɑːk/ 地标8.Monument /ˈmɒnjʊmənt/ 纪念碑9.Museum /mjuːˈziːəm/ 博物馆10.Gallery /ˈɡaləri/ 画廊11.Exhibition /ˌɛksɪˈbɪʃən/ 展览12.Heritage /ˈhɛrɪtɪdʒ/ 遗产13.Culture /ˈkʌltʃər/ 文化14.Customs /ˈkʌstəmz/ 海关15.Tradition /trəˈdɪʃən/ 传统16.Local cuisine /ˈləʊkəl kwɪˈziːn/ 当地美食17.Souvenir /ˌsuːvəˈnɪər/ 纪念品18.Accommodation /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃən/住宿19.Check-in /ˈʧɛkɪn/ 办理入住20.Check-out /ˈʧɛkaʊt/ 办理退房21.Reservation /ˌrɛzəˈveɪʃən/ 预订22.Hotel /həʊˈtɛl/ 酒店23.Hostel /ˈhɒstəl/ 青年旅舍24.Guesthouse /ˈɡɛstˌhaʊs/ 旅馆25.Transport /ˈtrænspɔːt/ 交通26.Airport /ˈɛərpɔːt/ 机场27.Flight /flaɪt/ 航班28.Train station /treɪn ˈsteɪʃən/ 火车站29.Bus station /bʌs ˈsteɪʃən/ 公交车站30.Taxi /ˈtæksi/ 出租车31.Car rental /kɑː ˈrɛntəl/ 租车32.Ticket /ˈtɪkɪt/ 票33.Entrance fee /ˈɛntrəns fiː/ 入场费34.Map /mæp/ 地图35.Brochure /ˈbrəʊʃʊər/ 宣传册36.Guidebook /ˈɡaɪdbʊk/ 导游手册37.Walking tour /ˈwɔːkɪŋ tʊər/ 步行游览38.Bus tour /bʌs tʊər/ 巴士游览39.Boat tour /bəʊt tʊər/ 船游40.Photography /fəˈtɒɡrəfi/ 摄影41.Permission /pəˈmɪʃən/ 许可42.Safety /ˈseɪfti/ 安全43.Emergency /ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi/ 紧急情况44.First aid /ˈfɜːst eɪd/ 急救45.Weather /ˈwɛðər/ 天气46.Climate /ˈklaɪmɪt/ 气候47.Currency /ˈkʌrənsi/ 货币48.Exchange rate /ɪksˈʧeɪndʒ reɪt/ 汇率49.Cash /kæʃ/ 现金50.Credit card /ˈkrɛdɪt kɑːd/ 信用卡51.Passport /ˈpɑːspɔːt/ 护照52.Visa /ˈviːzə/ 签证53.Embassy /ˈɛmbəsi/ 大使馆54.Consulate /ˈkɒnsjʊlət/ 领事馆nguage barrier /ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒˈbærɪər/ 语言障碍56.Interpreter /ɪnˈtɜːprɪtər/ 口译员munication /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən/交流rmation desk /ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃəndɛsk/ 问讯处59.Lost and found /lɒst ənd faʊnd/ 失物招领处60.Schedule /ˈʃɛdjuːl/ 时间表61.Timetable /ˈtaɪmˌteɪbəl/ 时刻表62.Opening hours /ˈəʊpnɪŋ ˈaʊərz/ 开放时间63.Closed /kləʊzd/ 关闭64.Entrance /ˈɛntrəns/ 入口65.Exit /ˈɛksɪt/ 出口66.Queue /kjuː/ 排队67.Waiting time /ˈweɪtɪŋ taɪm/ 等候时间68.Tour group /tʊər ɡruːp/ 旅游团69.Group leader /ɡruːp ˈliːdər/ 团队负责人70.Individual tour /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒʊəl tʊər/自由行71.Free time /friː taɪm/ 自由活动时间72.Meeting point /ˈmiːtɪŋ pɔɪnt/ 集合点73.Departure /dɪˈpɑːtʃər/ 出发74.Arrival /əˈraɪvəl/ 到达75.Excursion /ɪkˈskɜːʃən/ 短途旅行76.Package tour /ˈpækɪdʒ tʊər/ 跟团游77.All-inclusive /ɔːl ɪnˈkluːsɪv/ 全包78.Travel insurance /ˈtrævəlɪnˈʃʊərəns/ 旅游保险79.Health declaration /hɛlθˌdɛkləˈreɪʃən/ 健康申报80.Guided tour /ˈɡaɪdɪd tʊər/ 有导游的旅游81.Self-guided tour /sɛlf-ˈɡaɪdɪd tʊər/自助游82.Adventure tour /ədˈvɛnʧər tʊər/ 探险游83.Eco-tourism /ˈiːkəʊ-ˈtʊərɪzəm/ 生态旅游84.Historical site /hɪsˈtɒrɪkəl saɪt/ 历史遗址85.Religious site /rɪˈlɪʤəs saɪt/ 宗教遗址86.Natural wonder /ˈnæʧrəl ˈwʌndər/自然奇观87.Scenic spot /ˈsiːnɪk spɒt88.Scenic spot /ˈsiːnɪk spɒt/ 风景区89.National park /ˈnæʃənəl pɑːk/ 国家公园90.City tour /ˈsɪti tʊər/ 城市观光91.Rural tour /ˈrʊərəl tʊər/ 乡村游92.Cultural experience /ˈkʌltʃərəlɪkˈspɪəriəns/ 文化体验93.Shopping tour /ˈʃɒpɪŋ tʊər/ 购物游94.Local guide /ˈləʊkəl ɡaɪd/ 当地导游95.City map /ˈsɪti mæp/ 城市地图96.Tourist map /ˈtʊərɪst mæp/ 旅游地图97.Entrance ticket /ˈɛntrəns ˈtɪkɪt/ 入场券98.Audio guide /ˈɔːdiəʊ ɡaɪd/ 语音导览99.Tour bus /tʊər bʌs/ 旅游巴士100.Tourist visa /ˈtʊərɪst ˈviːzə/ 旅游签。



导游常用英语句子导游常用英语句子Meeting Guests 迎接客人1. Welcome to China!欢迎您到中国来!2. Did you have a good trip?旅行愉快吗?3. You all need a good rest first.你们都需要先休息一下。

4. Is everyone in the group here?全团的人都在吗?5. Shall I help you with your luggage?让我来帮您拿行李好吗?6. The shuttle bus is just waiting in the parking lot.大巴正在停车场等位。

On the Way to the Hotel 至饭店途中7. Is everybody on the bus?每个人都在车上了吗?8. Shall we go now?我们现在可以出发了吗?9. Let me introduce my team to you first.首先让我来向大家介绍一下我的团队。

10. It’s one of the best four-star hotels in the city.它是这个城市最好的四星级酒店之一。

11. I hope you will enjoy your stay there.我希望你能在那住得愉快。

12. Next, I’d like to introduce something about this city.接下来,我想要介绍一下有关这个城市的一些情况。

13. I’m afra id you need a good rest first.恐怕你得先休息。

14. Let’s get off and go to the reception desk.让我们下车去接待处。

A Welcome Speech 欢迎词15. Allow me to introduce myself.请允许我在这里作一下自我介绍。



Translating exercises
1. 中国旅游创汇将达426亿元 1. China will earn 42.6
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
(foreign exchange
billion dollars in foreign
revenue )
exchange revenue
2. 有望居世界第三位
2. it is expected to be
•Because the guests may have difficulties in communicating, the tour guide should try his best to offer the best service to the guests, he should explain all kinds of possibility to help the guests to check in. Therefore, the tour guide must be quite familiar with the room types. As usual, there are single rooms, twin bed rooms[3], double rooms[4], suite and deluxe suite.
Revision of UNIT 2 introduction
❖The guide should give a welcome speech ❖give a simple introduction of the hotel ❖must introduce the driver and himself ❖immediate introduction to everything ❖remind them to adjust the time.



旅游业英语词汇(较全) 1. 常用词汇- 旅游业: tourism industry- 旅行: travel- 游客: tourist- 导游: tour guide- 旅行社: travel agency- 酒店: hotel- 机票: plane ticket- 签证: visa- 行李: luggage- 景点: tourist attraction- 导览图: map- 订票: book tickets- 预订: make a reservation- 退订: cancel a reservation- 检票: check-in- 值机: check-in at the airport- 登机: board a plane- 出发: departure- 到达: arrival- 航班延误: flight delay- 旅游套餐: travel package- 自助游: self-guided tour- 全包式旅游: all-inclusive tour - 当地文化: local culture- 汇率: exchange rate- 導覽: guided tour- 咨询台: information desk- 旅游纪念品: souvenirs2. 餐饮词汇- 餐厅: restaurant- 餐桌: dining table- 菜单: menu- 食物: food- 饮料: beverages- 点菜: order dishes- 开胃菜: appetizer- 主菜: main course- 饮食偏好: dietary preferences- 素食者: vegetarian- 饮食限制: dietary restrictions- 服务员: waiter/waitress- 结账: pay the bill- 小费: tip3. 交通词汇- 交通工具: means of transportation - 出租车: taxi- 公交车: bus- 地铁: subway- 火车: train- 船: boat- 自行车: bicycle- 摩托车: motorcycle- 行人: pedestrian- 交通拥堵: traffic congestion - 禁止通行: no entry- 禁止停车: no parking- 停车场: parking lot- 警察: police officer- 罚款: fine4. 地理方位- 北: north- 南: south- 东: east- 西: west- 上: up- 下: down- 前: front- 后: back- 左: left- 右: right5. 旅游方式- 租车: rent a car- 骑行: cycling- 徒步: hiking- 航空旅行: air travel- 邮轮旅行: cruise travel- 驴行: backpacking- 乘坐公共交通: using public transport以上词汇可以帮助你在旅游业的交流中更方便地和他人沟通。

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Imagine some possible emergency and complaints?
How to reserve
Reservation Dialogue
Front Desk(F): small inn, may I help you? John(J): Yes. I need a room for three days from May 2 to May 4. Do you have any vacancies? F: Yes, we have. What kind of room would you like? J: I'd like a suite with an ocean view, please. F: No problem, sir. J: How much will that be? F: It's RMB 178 per night. J: That's a little high. I'm told your hotel is offering a discount now. F: Yes, we were, but the offer ended yesterday. I'm sorry. J: Oh, I see. Then do you have anything less expensive?
How to handle the emergency& complaints The Rules:
Keep calm. Try to be as polite as possible. Guest first. Listen to them carefully.
Find the reason as quickly as possible. Say sorry and thank them for their questions. Conclude as often as possible.
How to handle the emergency& complaints
1.We are very sorry for the inconvenience. 2.I’ll send someone immediately to your room. 3.I do apologize. 4.I deeply apologize Madam, would you care to send this dress for dry-cleaning? No charge of course. 5.I’m terribly sorry Please do accept our apology. We’ll do our best.
How to reserve
Possible Answers:
1.I'd like to reserve a room./I'd like to make a reservation. 2. I want a single room with bath next Saturday 3. This weekend./ From…to… 4.Yes, my name is …, and the number is …. 5.could you tell me the rates for your rooms? 6. I'd like to confirm my reservation. This is …from …. I've reserved a double room for January second. 7.I'd like to cancel my reservation and make a new reservation.
possible questions/ answer of the waiter:
1.May I have you name?/Do you have a reservation? / What can I do for you?/Where is your luggage? 2.Please fill in the check-in form. 3. Your room no. is … 4.If you have anything for the laundry, just leave it in the laundry bag in your room. 5.If you need a taxi, you can ask the reception desk to get one for you. 6.The shopping arcade is opposite the information desk. They offer a wide assortment of things there. 7.Here’s your key. The lift is just around the corner. 8.Let me see. You can have a double room on the fifth floor.
How to reserve
Reservation Dialogue
F: No, sir. This is the least expensive suite we have at the moment. J: OK, I'll take it. By the way, does the price include breakfast? F: Yes, it does. Now could I have your name, please? J: My name is John Deep. F: Would you spell that for me? J: That is J-o-h-n D-e-e-p. F: Thank you. How many nights would you like to stay? J: Three nights, from May 2 . F: Certainly, sir. Our check-in time is before afternoon 6:00pm. We look forward to seeing you. Jin
• possible answer:
1.I reserved the room on …., and it is a double room. 2. May I order my breakfast for tomorrow morning? 3. Where can I buy a T-shirt? 4.Where can I draw some cash with my credit card? 5.Is there a laundry, how can I contact them? 6. Will you give me a reduction if I stay here for several days? 7.All services are keep accounts to expend. And pays up in the cash desk finally. 8. Is there a health/swimming club in the hotel? ……
How to reserve
Possible Questions:
1.…… Hotel, what can I do for you? 2.When for Sir/ madam? 3.May I have your name and phone number, sir? 4.It's 350 to 550 dollars for a single, 550 to 750 for a double for a twin.
Possible complaints and emergency
Luggage lost. The room is a little dirty. The air-conditioner doesn’t work. It is not the room they reserved. The next door is too noisy.
Possible complaints and emergency
Complimentary breakfast. Laundry service.
Morning wake-up.
Satellite TV/Internet access. IDD International Direct Dialing.
How to reserve
Check-in Dialogue
A: Good afternoon. Welcome to Qingdao Sea-view Garden Hotel. Can I help you, sir? B: Well, I’m… from …. I’d like to check in, please. A: All right. Do you have a reservation with us, sir? B:Yes, we have a reservation for three nights. Mona White. I called last week. A: Wait a moment, please。Yes, that was for two single rooms wasn’t it? I’ve reserved rooms 402 and 403 for you. B: Are they quiet rooms? A: Well they are facing the street… but there’s a lovely view(风景). one moment, please. Sir,
Unit Three Hotel Check-in