


美国 SINOR 超滤膜组件 使用说明书
一、 前言 ...................................................................................................................... 1 v SINOR“GLAN-TO 系列"膜组件的特征 ..............................................................1 v SINOR"GLAN-TO 系列"膜组件的用途 ..............................................................1
间隙性高峰值 连续最大值
应用 pH 值范围 温度范围
1): 请注意本规格会有所变动;
数值 150 50
5 100 1-12 ≤40
单位 道尔顿
kPa kPa Deg. C
单位 NTU NTU mg/L μm
表 3. 清洗限制条件 1)
项目 清洗 pH 范围 清洗温度范围 最大 NaClO 浓度(以 Cl2 计)
膜丝规 内径(mm)
格 外径(mm)
外形尺 直径(mm) 寸 长度(mm)
140 1240
140 1740



Dow Water & Process SolutionsIntegraPac™ Module andSkid Product ManualVersion 1May 2013This manual is confidential. It is the property of Dow Water & Process Solutions. The contents may not be reproduced, transferred or released to any third party without the written permission of Dow Water & Process Solutions.Table of Contents1. Introduction (1)2. Description of DOW™IntegraPac™ Ultrafiltration Module (2)2.1 IntegraPac™ Module and Skid Features (2)2.2 IntegraPac™ Module and Skid Specifications (5)2.3 IntegraPac™ Module and Skid Installation (8)3. Shipping and Storage (9)4. DOW IntegraPac™ Ultrafiltration Process Description (11)4.1 Process Operations (11)4.2 Pretreatment (16)4.3 Cleaning (17)Summary of Information (17)4.4 Fouling (17)5. Operating Information (18)5.1 Start Up (18)Pre-start checks (18)Start Up (18)Module rinsing (19)5.2 Integrity Testing procedures (19)Pressure hold/decay (19)Visual inspection test (19)5.3 Shut Down (20)Manual shut down (20)Equipment shut down during automatic operation (20)5.4 Operating and Cleaning Logs (20)ReferencesFigure 1: Material Size and Membrane Process Guide (1)Figure 2: Wall Cross Section of the Hollow Fiber (2)Figure 3: IntegraPac TM Module Photograph (3)Figure 4: IntegraPac™ Skid Components (4)Figure 5: Module Reference for Dimensions (5)Figure 6: IntegraPac™ Skid Reference for Dimensions (7)Figure 7: Installation™ Drawing of Module (8)Figure 8: Pallet of IntegraPac™ Modules for Shipping (9)Figure 9: Filtration Step for DOW UF Modules (12)Figure 10: Air Scour Step for DOW UF Modules (12)Figure 11: Air Scour Drain for DOW UF Modules (13)Figure 12: Top Backwash Step for DOW UF Modules (13)Figure 13: Bottom Backwash Step for DOW UF Modules (14)Figure 14: Forward Flush Step for DOW UF Modules (14)Figure 15: Chemically Enhanced Backwash "Top" Step for DOW UF Modules (15)Figure 16: Chemically Enhanced Backwash "Bottom" step for DOW UF Modules (15)Figure 17: Clean in Place Cleaning Step for DOW UF Modules (16)Figure 18: Pressure Hold Test Schematic (20)TablesTable 1: IntegraPac TM Module Connections (5)Table 2: IntegraPac™ Module Dimensions and Specifications (5)Table 3: IntegraPac™ IP-51 and IP-77 Skid Details (6)Table 4: Glycerin addition for Freezing Point Depression (11)Table 5: DOW Ultrafiltration IntegraPac™ Modules and Skids Operating Conditions (11)Table 6: Qualified Feed Water Quality Parameters (17)Table 7: Summary of Cleaning Processes (17)DOW™ IntegraPac TM Ultrafiltration Module and Skid Product Manual1. IntroductionUltrafiltration (UF) involves pressure-driven separation of materials from a feed solution. The technology achieves separation through sieving and is used to remove particulate and microbial contaminants, but does not remove ions or molecules of low molecular weight. The process typically operates with a feed pressure of 4 to 100 psig (0.28 to 6.9 bar). UF plants are automated and have low operational labor requirements. Depending on the feed water quality, these systems can require frequent cleaning. UF membranes generally may have a service life of five years or longer, depending on system operations. UF technology is commercially available in tubular, hollow-fiber, plate and frame, flat sheet, and spiral wound configurations.UF membranes reject solutes ranging in size from 0.005 microns and larger. Figure 1 provides a guide to the relationship between common material sizes, separation processes, and pore size measurements. The UF membrane process separates molecules in solution on the basis of size. The pore size and molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) are often used to characterize a membrane. The pore size is the nominal diameter of the openings or micropores in the membrane expressed in micron (micron meters µm). The MWCO is the molecular mass or weight of a solute that rejects greater than 90 percent. The unit of measurement for MWCO is the Dalton (D).Different membrane materials with the same nominal MWCO may have differing solute rejection. Pore size distribution and uniformity rather than the chemical nature of the membrane material may cause this effect. Because factors other than pore size or MWCO affect the performance of membranes, challenge studies are used to demonstrate membrane performance and benchmark different membranes.Figure 1: Material Size and Membrane Process GuideThe DOW Ultrafiltration hollow fiber membrane shown in Figure 2 is 1.3 mm outside diameter and 0.7 mm inside diameter and is made from PVDF polymer. The fibers are strong because of a combination of the polymer type,The 0.03 μm nominal pore size combines high filtration performance and high flux. The smaller pore size provides stabile long term filtration performance compared to microfiltration hollow fiber membranes. Dow has taken its Ultrafiltration technology to a new product format, referred to as IntegraPac TM modules and skids. This range includes interconnecting end caps that reduce skid capital costs and engineering design efforts.2. Description of DOW ™ Ultrafiltration IntegraPac ™ Module2.1 IntegraPac TM Module FeaturesThe DOW Ultrafiltration IntegraPac TM modules are made from high strength, hollow fiber membranes and are engineered to reduce design and fabrication requirements with features and benefits including:∙ 0.03 µm pore size for removal of bacteria, viruses, and particulates, a 6 log removal of bacteria, a 2.5 log removal on viruses and a <2.5 SDI guarantee with proper operation∙ PVDF fibers which offer strength, chemical and fouling resistance which allows for extended membrane life and consistent long term performance∙ Outside-In flow configuration which allows higher TSS feed waters, while maintaining reliable system performance and producing high quality filtrateInnovative end-cap design enables direct coupling of modules reducing the need for piping and manifolds. The outside-in flow configuration allows the use of highly effective air scour cleaning which enhances particle removal and improves recovery. A dead-end flow format achieves higher recovery and energy savings. The module housing design eliminates the need for separate pressure vessels while the vertical orientation allows easy removal of air from cleaning and integrity testing processes.Figure 2: Wall Cross Section of the Hollow FiberThe IntegraPac TM module is shown in Figure 3. There are six connections on each module. The top end cap includes 4”DN 100 concentrate ports and an 1½” DN 40 union for the. The bottom end cap includes 4” DN 100 feed ports and a 3/8” air inlet connection on the side allowing for easy access. Included with the module are the couplers, air fitting, and transparent filtrate elbow. The IntegraPac TM skid offering is shown in Figure 4.Selective ActiveArea0.3 mm Wall ThicknessFeed Outside to InFiltrateSubstructureFigure 3: IntegraPac TM ModuleFiltrateConcentrateFeedAirConnectionF i g u r e 4: I n t e g r a P a c ™ S k i d C o m p o n e n t sFeed flow enters and is distributed into the modules through the side feed ports located on the bottom end cap. Feed flow enters the module on the outside of the fiber. The air connection is located on the side of the bottom end cap and is used for air scouring and integrity testing. The concentrate (discharge of waste flows from the outside of fiber) and filtrate ports (inside of fiber) are located on the top cap.Table 1: IntegraPac TM Module and Skid ConnectionsModule DN 100 (4 inch) Coupler DN 40 (1.5 inch) Threaded Union 3/8 inch Threaded (G3/8”) Skid DN 100 (4 inch) FlangeDN 150 (6 inch) Flange DN 65 (2.5inch) FlangeTable 1 shows the type and size of the connections for the IntegraPac ™ modules. 2.2 I NTEGRA P AC ™ M ODULE AND S KID S PECIFICATIONSTable 2 shows dimensions and specifications for the IntegraPac TM modules as depicted in Figure 5. Table 3 includes the dimensions and specifications for the IntegraPac TM skids as depicted in Figure 6. Note that manufacturing and thermal expansion tolerances are not included in the dimensions below. Refer to the installation drawings for this information.Table 2: IntegraPac ™ Module Dimensions and SpecificationsFigure 5: IntegraPac ™ IP 51 and IP 77 Module Reference DrawingT a b l e 3: I n t e g r a P a c I P -51 a n d I P -77 S k i d D e t a i l si g u r e 6: I n t e g r a P a c ™ S k i d R e f e r e n c e f o r D i m e n s i o n sx a m p l e : 2x 7 t e g r a P a c I P -51-14 A r r a n g e m e n t2.3 InstallationDetailed installation instructions are provided for the Dow IntegraPac TM skids upon request. Figure 7 provides the installation details for DOW™ IntegraPac TM modules.Figure 7: Installation™ Drawing for IntegraPac™ IP 51 and IP 77 Modules3. Shipping and StorageTo control bacterial growth and prevent damage caused by fibers drying out, the DOW TM Ultrafiltration IntegraPac TM modules are wetted and stored in a non-hazardous standard storage solution containing pH buffered food-grade 1% wt. sodium metabisulfite (SMBS). At the end of the manufacturing process, storage solution is automatically injected into the modules and all inlet and outlet ports are sealed using plastic discs, couplings, and threaded plugs. If the modules will be exposed to low temperatures, glycerin can be added to the storage solution to prevent freezing. The modules are sealed in a plastic bag prior to boxing. Depending on the total number of modules and method of shipping, the modules are either shipped on pallets as shown in Figure 8 below or in crates. Skid components (underframe, air scour piping, filtrate piping) are shipped in a separate boxes or crates.As part of the quality assurance program, all DOW™ IntegraPac™ modules are tested for integrity and performance (“wet tested”) at the factory, prior to packaging and s hipment.Storage solution is automatically delivered into the module housings prior to sealing of the module ports. The target volume of storage solution used for each module is 4L (1 gal) for IP-51; and 6L (1.6 gal) for IP-77. After adding storage solution and sealing the openings, the modules are enclosed in plastic bags prior to boxing for dust protection. The storage solution volume and complete sealing of the module ports and openings help ensure a stable solution environment during transportation and storage of new modules.The bagged modules are stored in cardboard boxes, with one module per box. Saddle-shaped cushion inserts are located at both ends of the box and along the module to support and protect the modules from damage during shipping and handling. Depending on the total number of modules and required shipping method, the boxed modules are either palleted or crated for transportation. Other skid parts are placed in crates and shipped with the modules.Mechanical damage to module housing, membrane, and connections may result if the module, boxed module, pallet or crate is dropped, and otherwise mishandled. The modules should be handled with care, with particular attention during transportation.Figure 8: Pallet of IntegraPac™ Modules for ShippingStorage of New IntegraPac™ Modules:Modules are recommended to be shipped and stored in their original packaging separate from the system racks, and loaded into the system just prior to start-up. There may be cases where the customer prefers to pre-install the modules on the system racks; for example, to allow factory acceptance testing of packaged or mobile systems prior to shipping, or work scheduling at site to eliminate the separate step for module loading.These guidelines should be followed for storage of new DOW TM IntegraPac™ modules:∙Keep modules in original factory packaging.∙To minimize the potential for leakage of storage solution, modules should be stored in horizontal position.∙To prevent collapse of the boxed modules, limit vertical stacking to four layers of modules.∙Store inside a cool and dry building or warehouse, away from sources of heat, ignition, and direct sunlight. An ambient temperature of 20°C (68 ºF) to 35°C (95 ºF) is recommended for ideal storageconditions.∙Temperature limits for modules during shipping and storage is 1ºC (33.8 ºF) to 40ºC (104 ºF). Modules must be protected from freezing or excessive heat during shipping and storage. In order to avoidabrupt variations in temperature; equalization should be allowed to occur at a maximum temperaturedifferential of +/- 1°C (1.8 ºF) per minute. If freezing conditions are anticipated during the customer’sshipping and storage of modules, please notify DW&PS at the time of order placement. Glycerine may be added to the storage solution at the factory prior to shipping to allow for shipment and storage atfreezing conditions.∙Sealed modules may be stored up to 1 year from date of manufacture, at the recommended storage conditions described above and in the original packaging.Storage of modules installed on a skid:Modules (hollow fibers) installed during assembly of a skid should not be allowed to dry out. Dry membrane fibers will irreversibly lose flux. Blank or “dummy” modules are available to accurat ely build and assemble a skid. Consult the manufacturer regarding modules installed on a skid and not planned for operations within 7 days. UF systems are designed to run continuously and membrane systems perform better when operated continuously. However, in reality UF systems will start-up and shutdown on some frequency. Before the UF system shuts down, the system must be cleaned using air-scour and filtrate water backwash to prevent bio-growth in the UF system.The water used for backwash before shutdown should not contain chemicals. Any feed water and backwash chemical dosing used should be stopped before the last cleaning and shutdown. After cleaning, all valves on the UF system should be closed to seal the system.To avoid leakage in the module housing end caps and clamps, the backpressure in the modules should be controlled when the UF system shuts down, especially in case of non-scheduled shutdowns, e.g. power failure or emergency shutdowns.When the system is down for greater than 96 hours, note the following:∙The module should not dry out. Dry membrane fibers will irreversibly lose flux at any time.∙The system should be adequately protected against bio-growth, flushed for duration of 30 to 60 minutes once a day, or operated every 24 hours. If flushing with feed water, the quality should be <10 NTU or<10 mg/L TSS.∙The system should be protected against temperature extremes. The UF system can be shut down for96 hours without adding storage solution or taking additional precautions for microbiological fouling.Storage of modules off skid:For cases of long-term shutdown where the modules will remain out- of-service for an extensive period of time (weeks to months), the modules can be removed from the skid and stored to eliminate maintenance operations. If the module has been in service, a Chemically Enhanced Backwash (CEB) or Clean In Place (CIP), followed by an air scour and backwash (without chemicals) should be conducted before decommissioning the equipment. Add 4 and 6 liters of storage solution into the feed port of an IP-51 and IP-77 IntegraPac™ module respectively. The module should be kept in the horizontal position at the time of filling, with the remaining ports and openings sealed. Once the target volume of storage solution is added into the module, seal the feed ports and store the modules in the horizontal position. Modules should be placed in a plastic bag for protection and keeping the modules clean.If the modules will be exposed to freezing conditions glycerin should be added to the storage solution. It is recommended that food grade glycerin be added to the storage solution at the target strength detailed in Table 5. Enough solution should be added to wet the hollow fibers. Completely filling the modules with solution is not required. Modules prepared as described can be stored for 90 days. Consult the manufacturer for storage durations greater than 90 days.Warranty return of modules:Review the project warranty information for authorization instructions before shipping modules for return. To prepare a module for shipment drain the module, plug or seal the openings/ports, and secure the module on a pallet or in a crate.Table 4: Glycerin addition for Freezing Point Depression4. DOW Ultrafiltration IntegraPac™ Process Description4.1 Process OperationsThe basic operating conditions for the DOW Ultrafiltration IntegraPac™ modules and Skids are shown in Table 6 below. Operating parameters for the cleaning steps are provided in the section that describes cleaning.Figure 9: Filtration Step for DOW UF IntegraPac Modules and SkidsNormal operation refers to the routine operating sequence of a system using the DOW TM Ultrafiltration IntegraPac™ module and includes the operating and backwash steps. Consult Dow for commissioning procedures. At initial start up the modules are flushed using a “forward flush” to remove any residual chemicals or trapped air from the module. The flush occurs on the outside of the fibers and does not filter the feed water to produce filtrate. After the forward flush is discontinued the modules can be placed in the operating mode. An operating cycle ranges from 20 to 90 minutes in duration. While operating, 100% of the feed water is converted to filtrate. This is also referred to as dead end filtration. As contaminants are removed and deposited on the hollow fiber membrane surface during the operating step the transmembrane pressure will rise. At the end of the preset operating cycle time, a backwash sequence commences.Figure 10: Air Scour Step for DOW UF IntegraPac™ Modules and SkidsThe backwash mode occurs automatically usually on a preset time basis. The steps include an air scour, draining by gravity, backwash through the top outlet, backwash through the bottom outlet, and a forward flush. The air scour step is used to loosen particulates deposited on the outside of the membrane surface. Air is introduced on the outside of the fibers using only the hold up water volume of the module. Displaced feedflow/concentrate is allowed to discharge through the top of the module for disposal. After 20 to 30 seconds of continuous or intermittent air scour the module is drained by gravity.Figure 11: Air Scour Gravity Drain Step for DOW UF IntegraPac™ Modules and SkidsAfter the gravity draining step, the first backwash step is performed. Filtrate flow is reversed from the inside of the fiber to the outside and backwash flow is removed from the module housing through the top outlet. Figure 12: Top Backwash Step for DOW UF IntegraPac™ Modules and SkidsThe second backwash step is performed to remove backwash water through the bottom outlet. Filtrate continues to flow from the inside of the fiber to the outside and backwash flow is removed from the module housing through the bottom outlet of the module, ensuring the entire length of fibers have been cleaned. The backwash steps can be repeated numerous times depending on the degree of fouling. After backwash is complete, a forward flush is performed to remove any remaining large particulates and air trapped on the outside of the fibers. After a backwash, the modules are returned to the normal operating mode.Figure 13: Bottom Backwash Step for DOW UF IntegraPac™ Modules and SkidsCEB operation refers to a chemically enhanced backwash. The frequency of a CEB is dependent on the feed water quality. On high quality feed waters a CEB may not be required. The CEB process is programmed to occur automatically but the frequency can be field adjusted after gaining site specific operating experience. The CEB is performed using UF filtrate and either an acid, or alkali chemical. The alkali solution can be a combination of oxidant and caustic to more efficiently clean contaminants from the membrane surface. Selection of chemicals is made according the DOW Ultrafiltration applications guidelines and understanding of the foulants in the feed water.Figure 14: Forward Flush Step for DOW UF IntegraPac™ Modules and SkidsThe CEB is performed using the steps of a normal backwash except during a CEB, chemical is dosed into the backwash water and a soak step is added after the second backwash step. In addition the CEB can be performed at reduced flow, usually 50% of the backwash flux.Figure 15: Chemically Enhanced Backwash "Top" Step for DOW UF IntegraPac™ Modules and SkidsThe soak is performed for 5 to 20 minutes and allows time for the chemical to react with contaminants that have attached to the membrane surface or penetrated the fiber wall. Intermittent air scour can be applied during the soak step. After the soak a routine backwash including air scour, gravity drain, top and bottom backwash, and forward flush is performed to remove any remaining particulates and purge residual chemicals. After a CEB and at the start of the operating step, the initial filtrate produced may be sent to waste to remove residual chemicals. This step is dependent on the system piping and valve design and the downstream requirements for the filtrate. Figure 16: Chemically Enhanced Backwash "Bottom" step for DOW UF IntegraPac™ Modules and SkidsCIPA clean in place (CIP) is an offline operation that includes backwashes and chemical recirculation and soaking to clean the hollow fibers. The CIP is an on demand operation. It can be an automated process but is most often conducted manually. The frequency of a CIP is dependent on the feed water quality and routine fouling control strategy but can range from 1 to 6 months. Prior to a CIP the routine backwash steps including air scour, draining, backwash through the top outlet, and backwash through the bottom outlet are performed. Thebackwash steps can be repeated multiple times to remove contaminants or foulants not requiring chemical removal. After completing the backwash steps, the module is drained by gravity to remove excess water and prevent dilution of the CIP chemical solution. The CIP chemical solutions are recirculated through the modules on the outside of the hollow fibers for 30 minutes through a chemical mixing and solution tank. A portion of the recycle stream can be passed through the hollow fibers and recycled to the chemical cleaning tank. A cartridge filter is used to remove particulates from the CIP solution during recycle. Note that the CIP solution can be heated to 40ºC to improve effectiveness for removing contaminants from the hollow fibers. The CIP solution pH can be measured during the cleaning process and refreshed with chemicals to maintain the target pH and effectiveness of the solution. A soak is performed after the initial recycle step for 60 minutes or longer depending on the degree of fouling that has occurred. After the soak step, CIP chemicals are again recycled through the modules on the outside of the hollow fibers for 30 minutes. Air scour for short durations can be performed during the soak and recycle steps to prevent channeling of the solution through the module. When the recycle is completed an air scour is performed and then the module is drained to remove the concentrated chemical solution. The top and bottom backwash and the forward flush steps are also performed to remove any remaining particulates on the outside of the fibers. After a CIP and at the start of the operating step, filtrate may be sent to waste to remove residual chemicals held in the fiber or module. The CIP steps described above are for a single alkali or acid chemical solution. If both an acid and alkali cleaning are required, the CIP steps would be repeated for each chemical solution.Figure 17: Clean in Place Cleaning Step for DOW UF IntegraPac™ Modules and Skids4.2 PretreatmentDOW Ultrafiltration IntegraPac™ Modules and Skids designs are based on qualified feed water conditions as shown in Table 7. The UF IntegraPac™ Modules and Skids can tolerate period excursions in feed water quality as shown as the maximum allowable in Table 7. If the feed water quality is outside of the design basis range Dow should be consulted to determine if a pilot study is needed to confirm performance or if a pretreatment step is necessary. Also, if the membrane filtration system is designed and installed to the conditions below but the feed water quality is not maintained, please consult Dow Water & Process Solutions.2 Residual in filtrateDepending on application, a safety screen of 100 - 300 microns is recommended on the feed before the UF IntegraPac™ Modules and Skids. In seawater applications, a strainer size of 100 – 150 microns is recommended to prevent the growth of barnacles and mussel larvae in upstream, process pipework and tanks. A variety of technologies can be used such as self-cleaning screens and filters and bag, cartridge, or disc filters. Depending on the type of water or range of feed water parameters other pretreatment processes such as oxidation, coagulation, clarification and media filtration may also be needed.4.3 CleaningSummary of InformationThe process operating parameters for the cleaning steps are provided in Table 8 below.4.4 FoulingThere are four types of fouling common to UF operations including particulate, biological, inorganic, and organic.Particulate fouling is caused by suspended solids, colloids, and turbidity. To reduce particulates in UF feed water coagulation, sedimentation, clarification, and filtration are often used. The common cleaning method for particulate fouling is air scour and backwash.Biological fouling is caused by the growth of microorganisms. Using in-line chemical feed of chlorine or biocide or eliminating nutrients by using PAC, GAC, or coagulation, can reduce biological fouling. The cleaning method for removal of biological fouling is Chemically Enhanced Backwash (CEB) with oxidizers or biocides (NaOCl,H2O2, SBS). Shock chlorination can also be effective for biological fouling control. Inorganic fouling is caused by the precipitation of inorganics on the membrane. The rate of inorganic fouling can be controlled through oxidation/precipitation and/or filtration as pretreatment to the UF or in some cases reducing the hardness of the feed water. The recommended cleaning method for removal of inorganic fouling is chemically enhanced backwash with acid at pH 2 (HCl, H2SO4, Citric, Oxalic Acid).Organic fouling is caused by organics adsorbing on the membrane (silt, organic acids, humus). PAC, GAC, or coagulation can be used to control the rate of organic fouling. The common cleaning method for removal of organic fouling is CEB with alkali at pH 12 (NaOH).5. Operating Information5.1 Start UpThe following procedures should be followed for start-up of DOW TM IntegraPac™ Ultrafiltration Modules and Skids. Manually start the equipment during initial operation. Flush the UF system to remove the storage solution used in shipping before starting the equipment. Target a filtrate flow of 60% of design during initial operations. After 24 hours the filtrate flow can be adjusted to design conditions.Pre-start checks1. The UF pre-treatment system should operate properly and the UF feed water should meet the design requirements. Ensure that chemical addition points are properly located and that proper mixing of chemicals in the feed streams can occur. Check the addition of pretreatment chemicals.2. Verify that the drain/waste collection system is functional3. Verify that the PLC program is loaded and functioning4. Complete an electrical system check. Verify that the instrumentation is working and calibration is completed. Calibrate gauges and meters based on manufacturers’ recommenda tions.5. Clean and connect interconnecting piping. Flush system without modules to remove fabrication debris. During the flushing operation, check all pipe connections and valves for leaks. Tighten connections where necessary.6. Residual air should be removed from the system during start-up.Start UpCheck that all valves are closed and pumps are off before starting the system. Start the equipment by following the steps below:1.Pumps should be aligned, lubricated, and properly rotated.2.Open valves and start the feed pump3.Fill system and start a flush4.Start the backwash pump5.Set and adjust the backwash pressure6.Set and adjust the inlet air pressure7.Set backwash time interval8.Set air scour time interval9.Set backwash sequence。
















2.1 膜天超滤膜的定义
2.2 膜天超滤膜的分类
2.3 膜天超滤膜的工作原理
3.1 分离效率
3.2 通量
3.3 支撑层
3.4 膜孔径
4.1 饮用水处理
4.2 工业废水处理
4.3 食品饮料加工
4.4 生物制药
4.5 其他领域
5.1 安装步骤
5.2 维护方法
5.3 常见问题解答
6.1 行业发展趋势
6.2 市场需求分析
6.3 竞争格局分析
- 膜天超滤膜:具有精细孔径的膜材料,可用于分离溶液中大小不同的悬浮物或溶质。

- 分离效率:膜天超滤膜对悬浮物或溶质的分离效果。

- 通量:单位面积上膜天超滤膜通过溶液的速率。

- 支撑层:膜天超滤膜的一部分,用于增强膜的稳定性和机械强度。

- 膜孔径:膜天超滤膜中的孔洞大小,用于控制溶液中物质的分离效果。
















三、超滤操作步骤1. 准备工作:确保超滤设备和配件的干净和完好无损。



2. 进料准备:将需要处理的液体进料准备好。


3. 设备连接:将超滤膜模块正确安装在超滤设备中。


4. 进料操作:打开进料阀门,逐渐调整进料泵的运行速度。


5. 膜清洗:在超滤操作结束后,关闭进料阀门。


6. 故障排除:如果发现超滤设备出现漏水、压力不稳定或流量不正常等问题,应立即停止操作,并检查设备的维修和维护。

四、操作注意事项1. 保持清洁:超滤操作需要保持良好的卫生环境。


2. 注意保护:超滤膜是超滤设备的核心部分,需要避免破损、污染和机械损伤。


3. 控制压力:超滤操作的效果与压力大小密切相关。




SV 超 滤 操 作 手 册1.SV超滤膜组件设计和维护1.1 SV超滤膜组件基本技术说明SV系列超滤膜组件是一种中空纤维内压式超滤膜组件,超滤膜中空丝内径为 1.0mm或1.2mm,超滤膜平均截留分子量为80,000道尔顿。











1.2 SV超滤膜组件应用范围SV超滤膜组已在下列情况得到了广泛的应用:1.反渗透的预处理,原水包括海水、地表水、井水等。








1.3 SV工业超滤膜组件技术性能参数最新的SV超滤膜组件采用了高技术生产的PVC合金超滤膜,它具备如下优点:z膜材料是耐污染、亲水的改性PVC。



管式超滤膜技术手册管式超滤膜技术手册目录:1.引言2.管式超滤膜的原理2.1 超滤膜的基本原理2.2 管式超滤膜的结构2.3 管式超滤膜的工作原理3.管式超滤膜的应用领域3.1 饮用水处理3.2 工业废水处理3.3 食品和饮料加工3.4 药品制造3.5 其他应用领域4.管式超滤膜的选择与设计4.1 膜材料的选择4.2 模块设计及布置4.3 膜通量和截留率的确定4.4 操作条件的设定5.管式超滤膜的运行与维护5.1 启动和运行5.2 停机和维护5.3 膜污染和清洗6.管式超滤膜的性能评估6.1 通量测试6.2 截留率测试6.3 膜寿命评估7.管式超滤膜的前景与挑战8.结论1.引言管式超滤膜技术是一种透过膜孔径来分离溶质和溶剂的物理分离技术。


2.管式超滤膜的原理2.1 超滤膜的基本原理超滤膜是一种具有特定孔径大小的过滤介质,通过膜上的微孔来分离不同大小的物质。


2.2 管式超滤膜的结构管式超滤膜由多个薄膜层堆叠而成,具有较大的表面积,能够提高膜通量和处理能力。


2.3 管式超滤膜的工作原理管式超滤膜通过在膜内施加压力,使溶剂和小分子溶质通过膜孔径,而截留大分子溶质和悬浮物。


3.管式超滤膜的应用领域3.1 饮用水处理管式超滤膜在饮用水处理中被广泛应用,能够有效去除微生物、悬浮物、胶体和有机物等,提供安全可靠的饮用水源。

3.2 工业废水处理管式超滤膜可以将工业废水中的有害物质和污染物截留,实现废水的净化和回用,减少对环境的污染。

3.3 食品和饮料加工管式超滤膜可以用于食品和饮料的澄清和浓缩,去除悬浮物、杂质和微生物,提高产品的质量和安全性。



TBU-XIGA-GEN-02-0446 XIGA超滤膜的特点和优点8寸标准设计诺芮特XIGA超滤设备采用标准8寸膜压力容器,这与常用的反渗透装置8寸膜组件的放置方式是一样的。
















诺芮特净化系统 (上海)有限公司3高通量/低压力节省能源诺芮特超滤膜可以在运行时保持较高的通量。






b.超滤进水口压力控制在0.25Mpa以内(即超滤膜初始运行时,在保证设计通量的前提下,如果此时压力低于0.25 Mpa,那么就在此压力下运行,不需要提高到0.25Mpa,这样能有效延长膜元件的使用寿命),反冲流量:>产水量的1.5倍,反冲压力: 0.15Mpa--0.25Mpa注意:膜反冲主要关注的是透过膜的水量也就是反冲量必须大于产水量的1.5倍,反冲通过量在规定的压力内越大越好,即反洗泵选型时, 在0.25Mpa条件下流量最少应是产水量的1.5倍)。










超滤膜组件使用说明书二.超滤、微滤技术介绍2.1 滤膜定义膜是一种采用物理方法的高效过滤单元,指在一种流体相内或是在两种流体相之间有一层薄的凝聚相,它把流体相分割为互不相通的两部分,并能使这两部分之间产生传质作用。

2.2 超滤、微滤分离特性1)分离过程不发生相变化,能耗低。




2.3 超滤、微滤及常规过滤的优点超滤膜能够去除水中能够找到的任何最为细小的颗粒物,超滤颗粒的截留范围一般可达到0.001~0.01µm,微滤的颗粒截留范围比超滤高出1~2个数量级,一般为0.1~0.2µm。









2.4 影响超滤性能的因素膜技术在实际应用中的一个突出问题是膜表面节流沉积的污染物造成膜通量的衰减。






湖北华电西塞山发电有限公司二期工程2X680MW超超临界机组锅炉补给水处理系统技术规范书设备名称:超滤膜甲方(买方):中国华电工程(集团)有限公司乙方(卖方):2009年月目录一、技术规范 (2)1.总则 (2)2.工程概况 (2)3.设计和运行条件 (3)4.技术要求 (5)二、供货范围 (9)1.主要设备清单如下: (9)2.随机备品备件(卖方可添加完善) (9)三、技术资料和交付进度 (10)1.一般要求 (10)2技术文件和图纸 (10)四、监造、检验和性能验收试验 (11)1.概述 (11)2.工厂检验 (11)3.设备监造 (11)4.质量保证 (12)5.出厂前的检验和验收 (13)6.开箱检验 (13)五、技术服务和设计联络 (13)1.卖方现场技术服务 (13)2.培训 (14)六、包装、保管及组装要求 (15)七、差异表 (16)签字页 (17)一、技术规范1. 总则1.1 本技术规范书(以下简称规范书)用于湖北西塞山发电有限公司2X680MW机组工程锅炉补给水处理设备的超滤膜。


1.2 本规范书中提出的是最低限度的技术要求,虽未对一切技术细节作出规定和未充分引用有关制造标准和条文,但卖方仍应提供符合本规范书和国家有关标准的优质产品。

1.3 如果卖方没有以书面形式对本规范书的条文提出异议,则买方可以认为卖方提供的设备应完全符合本规范书的要求。


1.4 在合同签订后,卖方有权因规程、规范和标准等发生变化而提出补充要求,具体内容由买、卖方共同商定。

1.5 对本规范书不特别规定设计和制造方面的所有细节,在不与本规范书相抵触的情况下,设备应按照买方的习惯做法制造并配备附件。




中空纤维超滤膜产品技术手册一、产品概述1.1 产品介绍中空纤维超滤膜是一种新型的膜分离技术产品,具有较高的过滤效率和稳定的分离性能。


1.2 技术特点- 超滤膜孔径小,能有效拦截微小颗粒和有机物质,使产出的水质纯净。

- 中空纤维超滤膜具有较大的膜面积和通量,能够提高生产效率并减少能源消耗。

- 产品结构合理,易于安装维护,寿命长,使用成本低。

1.3 产品规格- 中空纤维超滤膜的孔径范围广泛,从0.01微米至0.1微米不等。

- 膜面积可根据客户要求定制,通常从10平方米至100平方米不等。

- 膜元件的尺寸和形状也可根据具体应用进行定制。

二、产品应用2.1 水处理中空纤维超滤膜广泛应用于自来水处理、工业用水处理以及废水处理等领域。


2.2 食品加工中空纤维超滤膜在食品加工行业中也有重要应用。


2.3 生物工程生物反应器和生物发酵过程中,中空纤维超滤膜作为生物反应器的分离膜,能够有效分离产物和废液,保证生物反应器的稳定运行和提高产量。

三、产品安装和维护3.1 安装- 安装前应认真检查膜元件的尺寸和形状,确保能够与设备完美配合。

- 按照安装说明书的要求进行安装,严格按照工艺流程作业。

3.2 维护- 定期进行膜元件的清洗和消毒,保证膜面清洁并防止膜面污染。

- 处理使用过程中的故障和异常,确保设备长期稳定运行。

四、产品质量保证4.1 原材料中空纤维超滤膜产品所选用的原材料均为优质合格材料,严格按照国家有关标准进行采购和检验。

4.2 生产工艺生产工艺严格按照ISO9001质量体系操作,各道工序均有严格的质量标准和检验要求,确保产品质量稳定可靠。





二、产品特点1. 高效过滤:超滤膜膜孔径小,能够有效过滤水中微小颗粒,提高水质;2. 坚固耐用:超滤膜膜采用优质材料制造而成,具有较高的耐用性和抗压强度;3. 易于清洗:超滤膜膜表面光滑,能够自动清洗,不易积垢;4. 无化学添加剂:超滤膜膜过滤过程中无需添加任何化学物质,不会对水质造成二次污染;5. 低运行成本:超滤膜膜使用寿命长,维护成本低。

三、使用方法1. 安装:将超滤膜膜正确安装在过滤设备中,确保连接紧密,无泄漏现象;2. 准备:打开水源,排出管道内积存的杂质,排至水流清澈;3. 运行:开启过滤设备,调节流量和压力,使水能顺利通过超滤膜膜;4. 清洗:根据实际使用情况,定期进行超滤膜膜的清洗。


四、注意事项1. 在安装和清洗过程中,注意保护超滤膜膜,避免划伤和损坏;2. 清洗时使用的化学药品应符合相关标准,切勿使用强酸、强碱等对超滤膜膜具有腐蚀性的物质;3. 如发现超滤膜膜严重堵塞或破损,请及时更换;4. 长期不使用时,请按照要求进行超滤膜膜的保养工作,避免损坏。

五、维护保养1. 定期清洗超滤膜膜,以保持其高效过滤的性能;2. 在长期停用或季节性停用时,将超滤膜膜从过滤设备中拆卸出来,放置在清洁、干燥的地方;3. 对于较长时间未使用的超滤膜膜,在重新启动前,应进行适当清洗和消毒;4. 如发现超滤膜膜有明显的破损、老化等情况,请及时更换。

六、常见问题及解决方法1. 水流量减小:可能是超滤膜膜孔径堵塞,建议进行清洗;2. 水质下降:可能是超滤膜膜损坏,建议更换超滤膜膜;3. 漏水现象:可能是超滤膜膜安装不密封,建议重新安装。








我们选用HYDRA cap 60膜。

影响超滤膜性能的因素1 膜的化学材料HYDRA cap 膜材质为亲水性聚醚砜(PES),这种材质的化学稳定性优异,耐受氧化剂的能力强,亲水性好不容易被污堵,污堵后容易清洗恢复。


2 膜丝的微观结构和孔径.HYDRAcap中空超滤膜的中空丝断面为海绵状多孔结构,内表面为超滤分离皮层,外表面为微滤多孔曾。




HYDRA cap 是内压式膜。




二、超滤工艺流程郑州超滤工艺流程见图1所示运行正冲底部反洗顶部反洗 正冲分散药洗浸泡 正冲运行60min 15s 20s 20s 15s 30s 2min 30s 四、超滤工作流程说明:超滤系统工艺流程如图1所示。

阀门W1、W2 、U1常开,其它阀门在各步骤中打开或关闭。

1运行打开阀门V1、V3,开启进水泵A 。



Technical Manual Page 11
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Technical Manual Page 12
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c 2002 inge AG Release 5/17/2005 All data may be subject to change without notice.
Technical Manual Page 9
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1.1 管式超滤膜技术的概述
1.2 管式超滤膜技术的应用领域
1.3 管式超滤膜技术的发展历程
1.4 管式超滤膜技术的优势
2.1 超滤膜的构成
2.2 超滤膜的工作原理
2.3 管式超滤膜组件的结构
2.4 管式超滤膜的流体传递方式
3.1 选择合适的超滤膜类型
3.2 确定超滤系统的设计参数
3.3 确定管式超滤膜的数量和布局
3.4 确定管式超滤膜的操作条件
4.1 管式超滤膜的启动与停机
4.2 管式超滤膜的清洗与维护
4.3 管式超滤膜的故障与排除
4.4 管式超滤膜的寿命评估与更换
5.1 管式超滤膜系统的性能指标
5.2 管式超滤膜系统的运行监控参数
5.3 管式超滤膜系统的性能评价方法
5.4 管式超滤膜系统的故障预警与处理








二、超滤膜材料规范2.1 超滤膜材料的选择超滤膜材料应具备良好的分离性能、抗污染性能和机械强度。

在选择超滤膜材料时,应考虑以下因素:•材料孔径大小•材料密度•材料抗化学腐蚀性能•材料的厚度和机械强度2.2 超滤膜材料的制备超滤膜材料的制备应符合以下规范:•原材料的筛选和处理•材料制备过程的控制:如温度、搅拌速度、溶液浓度等•材料制备后的打磨和清洗三、超滤膜模块规范3.1 超滤膜模块设计超滤膜模块的设计应满足以下要求:•模块结构设计:应充分考虑流体的均匀分布和污染物的易清洗性•模块尺寸设计:应根据实际应用需求和超滤膜材料尺寸选择适当的模块尺寸•模块密封设计:应确保模块的密封性,防止漏水和泄压3.2 超滤膜模块制造超滤膜模块的制造应符合以下规范:•模块材料的选择和处理:应选用符合超滤膜材料规范的合适材料,并进行必要的处理和清洁•模块组装过程的控制:如模块组装顺序、紧固力度等•模块的测试和质量控制:应进行模块的压力测试、耐污染性测试等,并建立相应的质量控制流程3.3 超滤膜模块运行和维护规范超滤膜模块的运行和维护应符合以下规范:•运行条件的控制:应根据超滤膜的特性和实际情况控制合适的运行条件,如温度、流速等•模块的清洗和维护:应定期清洗模块,清除附着在膜上的污染物,以保证超滤膜的正常运行•模块故障诊断与处理:应建立模块故障诊断和处理的流程,充分保证模块运行的可靠性和稳定性四、超滤膜应用规范4.1 水处理领域在水处理领域中,超滤膜应用应符合以下规范:•水质标准:应根据国家相关标准确定超滤膜的水质指标,如悬浮物浓度、溶解物浓度等•操作条件的控制:根据实际情况控制超滤膜的操作条件,如进水流速、截留压力等•水处理工艺的规范:建立合理的水处理工艺,包括预处理、超滤膜过滤、残余污泥处理等环节4.2 污水处理领域在污水处理领域中,超滤膜应用应符合以下规范:•污水处理标准:应根据国家相关标准确定超滤膜的污水处理效果,如COD去除率、悬浮物去除率等•污水处理工艺的规范:建立合理的污水处理工艺,包括预处理、超滤膜过滤、深度处理等步骤•污泥处理和排放规范:对处理后的污泥进行规范的处理和排放,符合环保要求4.3 饮用水净化领域在饮用水净化领域中,超滤膜应用应符合以下规范:•饮用水卫生标准:超滤膜应能满足国家饮用水卫生标准的要求,确保饮用水的安全性和卫生性•净化工艺的规范:建立合理的净化工艺,包括超滤膜过滤、消毒、除臭等步骤•净水设备的运行和维护:建立净水设备的运行和维护流程,定期对超滤膜进行清洗和更换五、总结本文档制定了超滤膜技术的相关规范,围绕超滤膜材料、超滤膜模块和超滤膜应用三个方面进行了详细的规范,并对不同领域中的超滤膜应用提出了相应的要求。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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12600 55m2 ≥15m3/h 3-6 m3/h <1
除直径 0.2um 以上颗粒 100%
中空膜内外径 I.D/O.D. 1.0mm/1.5mm
截留分子量(道尔顿) 80,000
每 100mL 产水水样中未检出
SV 系列超滤膜的优异性能使超滤膜组件可以应用于地表水、井水和海水的除菌、除病毒、 除胶体和悬浮颗粒。SV 超滤膜组件在工业用水处理系统中,可以用于 RO 系统的预处理和工业 循环用水或污水处理中的阶段处理等项目中。
1.2 SV 超滤膜组件应用范围 SV 超滤膜组已在下列情况得到了广泛的应用: 1. 反渗透的预处理,原水包括海水、地表水、井水等。 2. 城市、乡镇、农村供水处理。 3. 冷凝水回用,食品、饮料加工用水。 4. 制药用水除热源。 5. 处理地表水和井水用于饮用。 6. 深度处理废水进行回收利用。 7. 白酒的除浊,果酒、葡萄酒、黄酒的除菌、除浊。 8. 应用于食品、发酵、乳业中的浓缩处理。 1.3 SV 工业超滤膜组件技术性能参数 最新的 SV 超滤膜组件采用了高技术生产的 PVC 合金超滤膜,它具备如下优点: z 膜材料是耐污染、亲水的改性 PVC。 z 可以忍受 200ppm 连续余氯环境,适用的 pH 值范围为 2-13。
尺寸 型号 SV-1060-A SV-0650-A
1600 1290
1680 1364
1713.5 1398.5
172.5 127.5
ø277 ø187
1.6 超滤膜组件运行说明 SV 超滤膜组件有四种运行状态: 正常过滤、反向清洗、化学清洗和完整性测试。 在正常过滤状态中,过滤方式可以是全量过滤,也可以是错流过滤。在全量过滤中,所有
NaOH/ H2O2/戊二醛
NaOH/ H2O2/戊二醛
NaOH/ H2O2/戊二醛
说明:①测试条件为:25oC, 0.12MPa;
1.5 SV 超滤工业膜组件的结构尺寸
(图一)SV-0450-A 结构尺寸图
(图二)SV-1060-A/ SV-0650-A 结构尺寸图
5-40 oC
5-40 oC
5-40 oC
全流或错流,定时反洗 全流或错流,定时反洗 全流或错流,定时反洗
膜 反洗时间 的 药物清洗频率 清 药物清洗时间 洗
量。一般选择水泵的扬程和流量应当等于或略大于设计供水量和工作压力,以满足超滤系统的 正常运行。
P0=ΔP1+ P2 +H/100+P3 P0:进水需要的压力(MPa) ΔP1:预过滤的最大压损(MPa) P2: 过滤所需压力(MPa) P3:与温度和水泵性能参数有关,一般取 0.1-0.15Mpa H: 膜组件的平均高度(米) SV 超滤膜组件的最大进水压力 0.5 Mpa,最大跨膜压差为 0.25 Mpa 2.3.2 反洗泵 在对系统进行清洗时,为了尽量维持系统的流量的稳定,必须对膜进行反洗,反洗时按时 间顺序分别对每个模块轮流进行,每台泵能匹配模块的数量与设计时的反洗频率和反洗进行的 时间有关,例如,每个模块 30 分钟反洗一次,每次反洗 60 秒,则一台反洗泵最多可匹配 29 个模块,但实际运行中一台反洗泵合理的匹配为 10 个模块以下。 反洗泵的压力最大设置为 0.25 Mpa,反洗流量为设计产水流量的 1.5-2 倍。 2.3.3 化学清洗泵 化学清洗泵的的选择与反洗泵类似,但要注意泵体的材料要能耐化学试剂的溶解和腐蚀。 2.4 减压阀 当原水水压大于系统设计水压时,要对原水进行减压。一般采用可减静压的减压阀来实现, 减压阀减压的精度视超滤系统而定。另根据原水的水质选择适合材质的减压阀,一般可选的材 质为铜、不锈钢、铁、塑胶。 2.5 预处理 2.5.1 预过滤 由于超滤膜的内孔直径为 1.0/1.2mm,为了防止膜内孔的堵塞,往往需要根据水质的情况 进行预过滤,一般采用 200-50um 的过滤器来处理进水,SV 公司推荐使用以色列 Arkal 公司生 产的叠片式过滤器来进行预处理,叠片式过滤器有手动和自动两种,30 吨以上设备建议采用 全自动的叠片式过滤器。 2.5.2 预加药 对于原水为海水或废水,污染较严重的地表水,采用对原水连续加药絮凝,能改善超滤系 统的运行状态,使膜易于清洗。例如:原水为海水时,可连续投加 0.5ppm 的 FeCl3。 对于原水中含藻类和有机物较严重的水体,建议在进水中连续投加 1-2ppm 的余氯,这样有利 于膜通量的稳定。
pH 值范围 操作模式
SV-0450-A 0.5MPa
SV-0650-A 0.5MPa
SV-1060-A 0.5MPa
0.25MPa 200ppm 连续 200ppm 连续
0.25MPa 200ppm 连续 200ppm 连续
0.25MPa 200ppm 连续 200ppm 连续
一般反洗的步骤为: ●顺冲:将超滤膜内孔中的浓水排尽; ●反洗:将膜内表面的污染物冲松散或剥落; ●等压冲洗:将已松散或从膜内表面上剥落的被截留物冲出膜组件外,虽然定时的反洗能 较好地维持膜性能的相对稳定,但反洗不能使通量达到 100%的恢复。随着膜组件工作时 间的延长,膜污染会不断加重。膜的透水速率会不断下降,为了恢复膜的通量,需要对膜 组件进行化学清洗,化学清洗时应根据原水质中杂质的情况选择适合的化学药品。一般先 用酸洗,再用碱洗:酸洗液一般采用 2%的柠檬酸(pH=2),碱洗液为 0.5%的 NaOH/200ppmNaOCl (pH=12-5) 确定系统该何时化学清洗是由系统的运行状态决定的,当系统的胯膜压差达到 0.15-0.2MPa 时,系统就应该进行化学清洗了。清洗后,在系统设计的胯膜压差范围内系统的 产水应达到原设计要求,否则应继续进行清洗和化学清洗或缩短化学清洗的间隔时间。调整反 洗的频率及反洗运行时间。 在系统的运行过程中,膜组件中的中空纤维偶尔会发生破裂(断丝),从而破坏了膜组件 的完整性。原水中的杂物会通过破裂的地方进入产水中,所以即时的发现断丝并将其隔离对系 统保持完整性是至关重要的,尤其是当系统用于饮水处理时更是如此。检查单只膜组件完整性, 可以采用压力气泡试验来鉴定中空丝的完整性。当发现有破裂纤维时,可用环氧胶堵死此破裂 丝的两端,使其与系统永久隔离。
11)、化学清洗液 pH 值 12)、化学清洗液温度 对于饮用水处理的系统应配备完整性自动检测系统。 2.1 模块设计
在进行系统设计时,为了制作、安装的规范和标准化,往往采用模块设计的方法。 将一定数量的膜组件并联成一个整体,便可成为模块,此模块与单个组件在正常过滤、反 洗、化学清洗和完整性等方面的性能一致,模块的产水量=单支膜组件的产水量×膜组件的数 量,此模块还包含了监控仪表、阀门、支架、连接件等,此模块完全可以自成一个系统独立运 行,也可多个模块并联起来组成一个更大的系统,此种积木叠加式的连接方法几乎没有放大效 应。 SV 的 SV-1060-A 和 SV-0650-A 的超滤膜组件的接口采用了维多利亚快装接头,拆装方便、 快捷,进水端盖可承重,膜组件可直接垂直放在支架上,无需悬空固定膜组件。 SV 的 SV-0450-A 膜组件采用了不锈钢承压外壳,插入式滤芯,更换滤芯时无需更换外壳, 不锈钢外壳可反复使用。 每个模块的控制建议包含以下参数 1)、给水压力 2)、产水压力 3)、浓水端压力 4)、产水流量 5)、浓水流量(有浓水的情况下) 对用于饮用水处理的模块还应增加独立的完整性测试系统并增加浊度仪 2.2 模块的连接 将模块连接成系统时,要注意以下几点; 1)、每个模块中所使用的膜组件的规格和数量要相同 2)、每个模块能在不影响其他模块正常工作的情况下,可从系统中独立分离出来 3)、每个模块要有自己独立的控制阀门和监测仪表; 4)、每个模块可独立完成化学清洗、反洗和完整性测试 2.3 水泵的选择 超滤膜是靠压力差为推动力进行过滤的,当原水的水压不能满足过滤需求时,系统需要增 加水泵来提升水压 2.3.1 原水泵的选择 根据超滤系统设计中所需要的进水工作压力,跨膜压差和通水流量,来选择泵的扬程和流
SV 系列超滤膜可用于除去水中的悬浮微粒、胶体、微生物等。在水压的作用下水分子及 小分子物质等透过超滤膜,水中的悬浮微粒、胶体、微生物等则被截留在超滤膜的内表面。由 于超滤膜上的微孔很小,可以有效除去各种水中悬浮颗粒、胶体、细菌和大分子有机物等,这 些截留物质可能会在膜的内表面集聚,所以需要对超滤膜组件进行定期的反冲洗和加药清洗。
SV 超 滤 操 作 手 册
1.SV 超滤膜组件设计和维护
1.1 SV 超滤膜组件基本技术说明 SV 系列超滤膜组件是一种中空纤维内压式超滤膜组件,超滤膜中空丝内径为 1.0mm 或
1.2mm,超滤膜平均截留分子量为 80,000 道尔顿。 超滤膜的材料为改性 PVC,经过改性后的 PVC 具有亲水性好、耐有机污染、耐酸碱等特点。超滤膜组件的端头采用环氧树脂浇铸的方法 封装。