



H8/300L超声波测距仪(原文出处:第1页-第15页)介绍该应用说明介绍了一种使用H8/38024 SLP MCU的测距仪。

由单片机产生40KHz 方波,通过超声波传感器发射出去。














图1展示超声波测距仪的工作原理,tmofh (脚63 )是用来传送0.5ms的40kHz的超声波,irq0 ( pin72 ) 是用来探测反射波的。

发送超声波后,计时器C开始追踪Timer Counter C (TCC)的计数数目,以计算物体的距离。

图1.测距仪工作原理1.2.1 发射超声波定时器F是一个具有内置式输出比较功能16位计数器,它还可以用来作为两个独立的8位定时器FH和FL,这里,定时器F是作为两个独立的8位定时器使用。


表1 计时器F的时钟选择对于为定时器的FL,选定内部时钟ø/32。

输出比较寄存器FL装载数据初值为H’FF 。

因此,外部定时器每1.67msec 产生一个中断,计算如下:/2ø晶振频率=,计时器FL 内部时钟周期=322⨯晶振频率=64MHz 8304.9=153.6kHz 中断周期=256kHz6.1531⨯=1.67msec 每隔65msec 开始发射一次超声波,计时器FL 须中断近39次( 65msec / 1.67msec = 39 ),才开始传送。



Ultrasonic ranging system designPublication title: Sensor Review. Bradford: 1993. Vol.ABSTRACT:Ultrasonic ranging technology has wide using worth in many fields,such as the industrial locale,vehicle navigation and sonar engineering.Now it has been used in level measurement,self-guided autonomous vehicles, fieldwork robots automotive navigation,air and underwater target detection,identification,location and so on.So there is an important practicing meaning to learn the ranging theory and ways deeply. To improve the precision of the ultrasonic ranging system in hand,satisfy the request of the engineering personnel for the ranging precision,the bound and the usage,a portable ultrasonic ranging system based on the single chip processor was developed.Keywords:Ultrasound r,Ranging System,Single Chip Processor1.IntroductiveWith the development of science and technology, the improvement of people's standard of living, speeding up the development and construction of the city. urban drainage system have greatly developed their situation is constantly improving. However, due to historical reasons many unpredictable factors in the synthesis of her time, the city drainage system. In particular drainage system often lags behind urban construction. Therefore, there are often good building excavation has been building facilities to upgrade the drainage system phenomenon. It brought to the city sewage, and it is clear to the city sewage and drainage culvert in the sewage treatment system. comfort is very important to people's lives. Mobile robots designed to clear the drainage culvert and the automatic control system Free sewage culvert clear guarantee robot, the robot is designed to clear the culvert sewage to the core. Control System is the core component of the development of ultrasonic range finder. Therefore, it is very important to design a good ultrasonic range finder.2. A principle of ultrasonic distance measurement2.1 The principle of piezoelectric ultrasonic generatorPiezoelectric ultrasonic generator is the use of piezoelectric crystal resonators to work. Ultrasonic generator, the internal structure as shown, it has two piezoelectric chip and a resonance plate. When it's two plus pulse signal, the frequency equal to the intrinsic piezoelectric oscillation frequency chip, the chip will happen piezoelectric resonance, and promote the development of plate vibration resonance, ultrasound is generated. Conversely, if the two are not inter-electrode voltage, when the board received ultrasonic resonance, it will be for vibration suppression of piezoelectric chip, the mechanical energy is converted to electrical signals, then it becomes the ultrasonic receiver.The traditional way to determine the moment of the echo's arrival is based on thresholding the received signal with a fixed reference. The threshold is chosen well above the noise level, whereas the moment of arrival of an echo is defined as the first moment the echo signal surpasses that threshold. The intensity of an echo reflecting from an object strongly depends on the object's nature, size and distance from the sensor. Further, the time interval from the echo's starting point to the moment when it surpasses the threshold changes with the intensity of the echo. As a consequence, a considerable error may occur Even two echoes with different intensities arriving exactly at the same time will surpass the threshold at different moments. The stronger one will surpass the threshold earlier than the weaker, so it will be considered as belonging to a nearer object.2.2The principle of ultrasonic distance measurementUltrasonic transmitter in a direction to launch ultrasound, in the moment to launch the beginning of time at the same time, the spread of ultrasound in the air, obstacles on his way to return immediately, the ultrasonic reflected wave received by the receiver immediately stop the clock. Ultrasound in the air as the propagation velocity of 340m / s, according to the timer records the time t, we can calculate the distance between the launch distance barrier (s), that is: s = 340t / 23.Ultrasonic Ranging System for the Second Circuit DesignSystem is characterized by single-chip microcomputer to control the use of ultrasonic transmitter and ultrasonic receiver since the launch from time to time, single-chip selection of 8751, economic-to-use, and the chip has 4K of ROM, to facilitate programming. Circuit schematic diagram shown in Figure 2.Figure 1 circuit principle diagram3.1 40 kHz ultrasonic pulse generated with the launchRanging system using the ultrasonic sensor of piezoelectric ceramic sensors UCM40, its operating voltage of the pulse signal is 40kHz, which by the single-chip implementation of the following procedures to generate.puzel: mov 14h, # 12h; ultrasonic firing continued 200mshere: cpl p1.0; output 40kHz square waveRanging in front of single-chip termination circuit P1.0 input port, single chip implementation of the above procedure, the P1.0 port in a 40kHz pulse output signal, after amplification transistor T, the drive to launch the first ultrasonic UCM40T, issued 40kHz ultrasonic pulse, and the continued launch of 200ms. Ranging the right and the left side of the circuit, respectively, then input port P1.1 and P1.2, the working principle and circuit in front of the same location.3.2 Reception and processing of ultrasonicUsed to receive the first launch of the first pair UCM40R, the ultrasonic pulse modulation signal into an alternating voltage, the op-amp amplification IC1A and after polarization IC1B to IC2. IC2 is locked loop with audio decoder chip LM567, internal voltage-controlled oscillator center frequency of f0 = 1/1.1R8C3, capacitor C4 determine their target bandwidth. R8-conditioning in the launch of the carrier frequency on the LM567 input signal is greater than 25mV, the output from the high jump 8 feet into a low-level, as interrupt request signals to the single-chip processing.Ranging in front of single-chip termination circuit output port INT0 interrupt the highest priority, right or left location of the output circuit with output gate IC3A access INT1 port single-chip, while single-chip P1.3 and P1. 4 received input IC3A, interrupted by the processto identify the source of inquiry to deal with, interrupt priority level for the first left right after. Part of the source code is as follows:receive1: push pswpush accclr ex1; related external interrupt 1jnb p1.1, right; P1.1 pin to 0, ranging from right to interrupt service routine circuitjnb p1.2, left; P1.2 pin to 0, to the left ranging circuit interrupt service routinereturn: SETB EX1; open external interrupt 1pop accpop pswretiright: ...; right location entrance circuit interrupt service routineAjmp Returnleft: ...; left Ranging entrance circuit interrupt service routineAjmp Return3.3 The calculation of ultrasonic propagation timeWhen you start firing at the same time start the single-chip circuitry within the timer T0, the use of timer counting function records the time and the launch of ultrasonic reflected wave received time. When you receive the ultrasonic reflected wave, the receiver circuit outputs a negative jump in the end of INT0 or INT1 interrupt request generates a signal, single-chip microcomputer in response to external interrupt request, the implementation of the external interrupt service subroutine, read the time difference, calculating the distance . Some of its source code is as follows:RECEIVE0: PUSH PSWPUSH ACCCLR EX0; related external interrupt 0MOV R7, TH0; read the time valueMOV R6, TL0CLR CMOV A, R6SUBB A, # 0BBH; calculate the time differenceMOV 31H, A; storage resultsMOV A, R7SUBB A, # 3CHMOV 30H, ASETB EX0; open external interrupt 0POP ACCPOP PSWRETIFor a flat target, a distance measurement consists of two phases: a coarse measurement and.a fine measurement:Step 1: Transmission of one pulse train to produce a simple ultrasonic wave.Step 2: Changing the gain of both echo amplifiers according to equation , until the echo is detected.Step 3: Detection of the amplitudes and zero-crossing times of both echoes.Step 4: Setting the gains of both echo amplifiers to normalize the output at, say 3 volts. Setting the period of the next pulses according to the : period of echoes. Setting the time window according to the data of step 2.Step 5: Sending two pulse trains to produce an interfered wave. Testing the zero-crossing times and amplitudes of the echoes. If phase inversion occurs in the echo, determine to otherwise calculate to by interpolation using the amplitudes near the trough. Derive t sub m1 and t sub m2 .Step 6: Calculation of the distance y using equation .4. The ultrasonic ranging system software designSoftware is divided into two parts, the main program and interrupt service routine. Completion of the work of the main program is initialized, each sequence of ultrasonic transmitting and receiving control.Interrupt service routines from time to time to complete three of the rotation direction of ultrasonic launch, the main external interrupt service subroutine to read the value of completion time, distance calculation, the results of the output and so on.5. ConclusionsRequired measuring range of 30cm ~ 200cm objects inside the plane to do a number of measurements found that the maximum error is 0.5cm, and good reproducibility. Single-chip design can be seen on the ultrasonic ranging system has a hardware structure is simple, reliable, small features such as measurement error. Therefore, it can be used not only for mobile robot can be used in other detection systems.Thoughts: As for why the receiver do not have the transistor amplifier circuit, because the magnification well, integrated amplifier, but also with automatic gain control level, magnification to 76dB, the center frequency is 38k to 40k, is exactly resonant ultrasonic sensors frequency.超声测距系统设计原文出处:传感器文摘布拉福德:1993年摘要:超声测距技术在工业现场、车辆导航、水声工程等领域都具有广泛的应用价值,目前已应用于物位测量、机器人自动导航以及空气中与水下的目标探测、识别、定位等场合。

毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 超声波测距 中英文对照

毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 超声波测距 中英文对照

毕业设计论文外文文献翻译超声波测距中英文对照The Circuit Design of UltrasonicRanging System超声波测距系统的电路设计Ultrasonic Distance Meter超声波测距仪姓名:专业: 测控技术与仪器学号: 2007071071指导教师姓名,职称,:The Circuit Design of Ultrasonic Ranging SystemThis article described the three directions (before, left, right) ultrasonic ranging system is to understand the front of the robot, left and right environment to provide a movement away from the information. (Similar to GPS Positioning System)A principle of ultrasonic distance measurement1, the principle of piezoelectric ultrasonic generatorPiezoelectric ultrasonic generator is the use of piezoelectriccrystal resonators to work. Ultrasonic generator, the internal structure as shown in Figure 1, it has two piezoelectric chip and a resonance plate. When it's two plus pulse signal, the frequency equal to the intrinsic piezoelectric oscillation frequency chip, the chip will happen piezoelectric resonance, and promote the development of plate vibrationresonance, ultrasound is generated. Conversely, if the two are notinter-electrode voltage, when the board received ultrasonic resonance,it will be for vibration suppression of piezoelectric chip, the mechanical energy is converted to electrical signals, then it becomes the ultrasonic receiver.2, the principle of ultrasonic distance measurementUltrasonic transmitter in a direction to launch ultrasound, in the moment to launch the beginning of time at the same time, the spread of ultrasound in the air, obstacles on his way to return immediately, the ultrasonic reflected wave received by the receiver immediately stop the clock. Ultrasound in the air as the propagation velocity of 340m / s, according to the timer records the time t, we can calculate the distance between the launch distance barrier (s), that is: s = 340t / 2 Ultrasonic Ranging System for the Second Circuit DesignSystem is characterized by single-chip microcomputer to control the use of ultrasonic transmitter and ultrasonic receiver since the launch from time to time, single-chip selection of 8751, economic-to-use, and the chip has 4K of ROM, to facilitate programming. Circuit schematic diagram shown in Figure 2. Draw only the front range of the circuit wiring diagram, left and right in front of Ranging circuits and the same circuit, it is omitted.1,40 kHz ultrasonic pulse generated with the launchRanging system using the ultrasonic sensor of piezoelectric ceramic sensors UCM40, its operating voltage of the pulse signal is 40kHz, whichby the single-chip implementation of the following procedures to generate.puzel: mov 14h, # 12h; ultrasonic firing continued 200mshere: cpl p1.0; output 40kHz square wavenop;nop;nop;djnz 14h, here;retRanging in front of single-chip termination circuit P1.0 input port, single chip implementation of the above procedure, the P1.0 port in a40kHz pulse output signal, after amplification transistor T, the drive to launch the first ultrasonic UCM40T, issued 40kHz ultrasonic pulse, and the continued launch of 200ms. Ranging the right and the left side of the circuit, respectively, then input port P1.1 and P1.2, the working principle and circuit in front of the same location.2, reception and processing of ultrasonicUsed to receive the first launch of the first pair UCM40R, the ultrasonic pulse modulation signal into an alternating voltage, the op-amp amplification IC1A and after polarization IC1B to IC2. IC2 is locked loop with audio decoder chip LM567, internal voltage-controlledoscillator center frequency of f0 = 1/1.1R8C3, capacitor C4 determine their target bandwidth. R8-conditioning in the launch of the carrier frequency on the LM567 input signal is greater than 25mV, the outputfrom the high jump 8 feet into a low-level, as interrupt request signals to the single-chip processing.Ranging in front of single-chip termination circuit output port INT0 interrupt the highest priority, right or left location of the output circuit with output gate IC3A access INT1 port single-chip, whilesingle-chip P1.3 and P1. 4 received input IC3A, interrupted by the process to identify the source of inquiry to deal with, interruptpriority level for the first left right after. Part of the source codeis as follows:receive1: push pswpush accclr ex1; related external interrupt 1jnb p1.1, right; P1.1 pin to 0, ranging from right to interrupt service routine circuitjnb p1.2, left; P1.2 pin to 0, to the left ranging circuit interrupt service routinereturn: SETB EX1; open external interrupt 1pop accpop pswretiright: ...; right location entrance circuit interrupt serviceroutineAjmp Returnleft: ...; left Ranging entrance circuit interrupt service routineAjmp Return4, the calculation of ultrasonic propagation timeWhen you start firing at the same time start the single-chipcircuitry within the timer T0, the use of timer counting function records the time and the launch of ultrasonic reflected wave received time. When you receive the ultrasonic reflected wave, the receivercircuit outputs a negative jump in the end of INT0 or INT1 interrupt request generates a signal, single-chip microcomputer in response to external interrupt request, the implementation of the external interrupt service subroutine, read the time difference, calculating the distance . Some of its source code is as follows:RECEIVE0: PUSH PSWPUSH ACCCLR EX0; related external interrupt 0MOV R7, TH0; read the time valueMOV R6, TL0?CLR CMOV A, R6SUBB A, # 0BBH; calculate the time differenceMOV 31H, A; storage resultsMOV A, R7SUBB A, # 3CHMOV 30H, ASETB EX0; open external interrupt 0POP ACCPOP PSWRETIFourth, the ultrasonic ranging system software designSoftware is divided into two parts, the main program and interrupt service routine, shown in Figure 3 (a) (b) (c) below. Completion of the work of the main program is initialized, each sequence of ultrasonic transmitting and receiving control.Interrupt service routines from time to time to complete three ofthe rotation direction of ultrasonic launch, the main external interrupt service subroutine to read the value of completion time, distance calculation, the results of the output and so on.V. CONCLUSIONSRequired measuring range of 30cm ~ 200cm objects inside the plane to do a number of measurements found that the maximum error is 0.5cm, and good reproducibility. Single-chip design can be seen on the ultrasonic ranging system has a hardware structure is simple, reliable, small features such as measurement error. Therefore, it can be used not only for mobile robot can be used in other detection systems.Thoughts: As for why the receiver do not have the transistoramplifier circuit, because the magnification well, CX20106 integrated amplifier, but also with automatic gain control level, magnification to 76dB, the center frequency is 38k to 40k, is exactly resonant ultrasonic sensors frequency.超声波测距系统的电路设计本文所介绍的三方向(前、左、右)超声波测距系统,就是为机器人了解其前方、左侧和右侧的环境而提供一个运动距离信息。






Arduino的超声波测距仪采用了两种技术来检测物体距离,即TOF(Time of Flight)和SONAR(Sound Navigation and Ranging)。










International Journal of Computer science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), Vol 1, No 2, November 2009EFFECT OF VARIATION OF SEPARATION BETWEEN THE ULTRASONIC TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER ON THE ACCURACY OF DISTANCE MEASUREMENTAjay Kumar Shrivastava1, Ashish Verma2 and S. P. Singh31Department of Computer Application, Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ghaziabad (U.P.), Indiaajay@2Department of Physics and Electronics, Dr H S Gour University, Sagar (M.P.), Indiavermaashish31@3Department of Electronics and Communication, Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ghaziabad (U.P.), Indiasahdeopsingh@ABSTRACTAccuracy of distance measurement of an object from an observation point such as a stationary or moving vehicle, equipment or person is most important in large number of present day applications. Ultrasonic sensors are most commonly used due to its simplicity and low cost. The accuracy of the measured distance is dependent on the separation between the ultrasonic transmitter and receiver. This dependency has been studied and reported in this paper. The result shows that the accuracy of distance measured is dependent on the separation between the transmitter and the receiver.KEYWORDSAccuracy of distance measurement, Ultrasonic sensor, distance measurement, microcontroller, sewer pipeline inspection, sewer pipeline maintenance, robotics.1. INTRODUCTIONDistance measurement of an object in front or by the side of a moving or stationary entity is required in a large number of devices and gadgets. These devices may be small or large and also quite simple or complicated. Distance measurement systems for such applications are available. These use various kinds of sensors and systems. Low cost and accuracy as well as speed are important in most of the applications. Hence ultrasonic sensors are most commonly used. To maintain the accuracy of measured distance the separation between transmitter and receiver is very important. In this paper, we describe the results of a study on the variation of error of measurement of distance of an object by varying the separation between the transmitter and receiver of the ultrasonic sensors by using microcontroller P89C51RD2. Ultrasound sensors are very versatile in distance measurement. They are also providing the cheapest solutions. Ultrasound waves are suitable both for air and underwater use [1].19International Journal of Computer science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), Vol 1, No 2, November 2009Ultrasonic sensors are also quite fast for most of the common applications. In simpler system a low cost version of 8- bit microcontroller can be used to implement the system to lower the cost. We are applying this system for sewer inspection system. Sewer blockages have become quite common. The blockages have become more frequent due to the dumping of polythene bags, hair and solid materials into the sewer system [2], [3]. There has been no work done in this direction. This is a new study which is useful to find out the optimal separation between ultrasonic transmitter and receiver to measure small distances.2. PRINCIPLEUltrasonic transducer uses the physical characteristics and various other effects of ultrasound of a specific frequency. It may transmit or receive the ultrasonic signal of a particular strength. These are available in piezoelectric or electromagnetic versions. The piezoelectric type is generally preferred due to its lower cost and simplicity to use [5]. The transmitter and receiver are available either as single unit or as separate units. The Ultrasonic wave propagation velocity in the air is approximately 340 m/s, the same as sonic velocity. To be precise, the ultrasound velocity is governed by the medium, and the velocity in the air is calculated using the formula given below (1). V= 340+0.6(t-15) m/s t:temperature, °C (1)In this study, we assumed the temperature to be 20°C, so the velocity of ultrasound in the air is 343 m/s. Because the travel distance is very short, the travel time is little affected by temperature. It takes approximately 29.15µsec for the ultrasound to propagate through 1cm, so it is possible to have 1cm resolution in the system [6].3. EXPERIMENTAL SETUPThe system consists of a transmitter and a receiver module controlled by a microcontroller P89C51RD2. We have used a microcontroller development kit for testing of the system. We are using 40Khz ultrasound sensors for our experiments. The Simplified block diagram of the system is shown in Fig.1. In Fig. 1, the interrupt1 signal initiates the system. When the interrupt1 signal is generated, MCU starts the timer1 to measure time and simultaneously generates the controlled 40Khz pulses having a train of specific number of pulses. These pulses are applied to the amplifier circuit and after amplification the ultrasound transmitter transmits the pulse train in the direction of the object. These ultrasonic pulses are reflected from the object and travels back in different directions. These reflected waves arrive at receiver. After amplification and processing it generates signal interrupt. This is applied as interrupt2 to the MCU. Interrupt2 stops the timer1, and MCU calculates the time elapsed between the generation of the wave and reception of the wave. This time is proportional to the distance travelled by the waves. Using the formula, MCU calculates the distance of the obstacle and display it or transfer it to the part of the total system where it is used for further control. Using this elapsed time, we calculate the distance of the object from the ultrasonic sensors.20International Journal of Computer science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), Vol 1, No 2, November 2009INT1 MCU Ultrasound Transmitter CircuitTINT2 Receiver Amplifier Display RFig 1: Block Diagram of the System4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSThe waveforms of the transmitted and received waveforms of the ultrasonic signal is stored in Digital Storage Oscilloscope. We have taken the readings for various separation between tranmitter and reciever. We have measured the distance in the interval of 5cm. For every measured distance three reading have been taken. The table shows the average of the three readings. The maesured distance is calculated on the basis of travelled time. The formula to calculate the distance is given below: Dist. (cm) = (Travelled Time*10-6 * 34300) / 2 (2)The ultrasonic waves travelled from the transmitter to the object and from the object back to the receiver hence the whole distance is divided by two. Values of %Error have also been calculated and shown. The error result shows that there is some error in recording the start and finish times in the system. When the distance increases the error is distributed in a larger distance and hence the %error decreases. We have taken the measurements for various separations of transmitter and receiver renging from 2cm to 15cm. The Table 1 shows the results when separation between tranmitter and reciever is 2cm. Table 1: Experimental Results (For 2cm Separation between Transmitter and Reciever) S.No . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Actual Distance(cm) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Travelled Time (µSec) 400 690 1050 1250 1650 1930 2180 2400 2700 3000 Measured Distance (cm) 6.86 11.83 18.01 21.44 28.30 33.10 37.39 41.16 46.31 51.45 % Error 37.20 18.34 20.05 7.19 13.19 10.33 6.82 2.90 2.90 2.90The result shows that the acuracy of measured distance is increses for longer distances. The %error becomes constant for measured distances above 40cm. The highest %error is occured in small distance of 5cm. It is also shown by Fig.2.21International Journal of Computer science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), Vol 1, No 2, November 2009Fig. 2: Graph of Actual Distance versus Measured Distance for 2cm Separation between Transmitter and Reciever. The Table 2 shows the result when separation between transmitter a reciever is 5cm. Table 2: Experimental Results for 5cm Separation between Transmitter and reciever) S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Actual Distance(cm) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Travelled Time (µSec) 410 700 1000 1300 1600 1870 2220 2500 2780 3120 Measured Distance (cm) 7.03 12.01 17.15 22.30 27.44 32.07 38.07 42.88 47.68 53.51 % Error 40.63 20.05 14.33 11.48 9.76 6.90 8.78 7.19 5.95 7.02The resluts shows that the accuracy is incresed in camparison to the previous results. This is also shown by the Fig. 3.Fig. 3: Graph of Actual Distance versus Measured Distance when Separation between Transmitter and Reciever is 5 cm.22International Journal of Computer science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), Vol 1, No 2, November 2009The Table 3 shows the results when separation between transmitter and reciever is 10 cm. These results indicates that when we increase the separation between transmitter and receiver the %error increses for small measured distances. Table 3: Experimental Results for Separation of 10cm between Transmitter and reciever)S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Actual Distance(cm) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50Travelled Time (µSec) 620 750 1010 1310 1600 1870 2200 2400 2680 3000Measured Distance (cm) 10.63 12.86 17.32 22.47 27.44 32.07 37.73 41.16 45.96 51.45% Error 112.66 28.63 15.48 12.33 9.76 6.90 7.80 2.90 2.14 2.90Again the accuracy increases with the distance but the small distances are not so accurate. The error is high for small distances. It is also shown by the Fig. 4.Fig. 4: Graph of Actual Distance versus Measured Distance when Separation between Transmitter and Reciever is 10 cm. The Table 4 is showing the result of measured distance when 15cm separation between transmitter and reciever. These results shows that when we increase the separation between transmitter and receiver the %error increses. This increase is very high in small measured distances like 5cm in our experiment. The lowest %error observed for the measured distance of 45cm and again it is increasing for the measured distance of 50cm. The results shows that we have to stop the increament of seaparation between transmitter and receiver in our experiment.23International Journal of Computer science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), Vol 1, No 2, November 2009Table 4: Experimental Results for 15cm Separation between Transmitter and Reciever) S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Actual Distance(cm) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Travelled Time (µSec) 1300 930 1180 1350 1620 1900 2200 2420 2700 3200 Measured Distance (cm) 22.30 15.95 20.24 23.15 27.78 32.59 37.73 41.50 46.31 54.88 % Error 345.90 59.50 34.91 15.76 11.13 8.62 7.80 3.76 2.90 9.76Again the error for the small distance say 5cm is very high. It is also showing that the graph between actual distance versus measured distance is not a straight line. This graph is shown in Fig. 5.Fig. 5: Graph of Actual Distance versus Measured Distance for 15cm Separation between Transmitter and Reciever. The graph between the measured distance the actual distance indicates that the measured distance is proportional to the actual distance.5. ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTSThe experimental results shows that the distance measured for different separations between transmitter and receiver are accurate for long distances e.g. more than 20cm. For small actual distances say 5cm, the small transmitter and receiver distances are better in comparison to the long distances between transmitter and receiver. If we place the transmitter and receiver at 15cm separation than the small distance like 5cm are not going to be measured correctly. Result shows the error of 345%. Hence we have to place the transmitter and receiver at proper distance like 5-10cm. For long distances the distance between transmitter and receiver has very low impact on the accuracy. We have compared the all measured distances for different separations between transmitter and receiver and the results are shown in the Table 5.24International Journal of Computer science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), Vol 1, No 2, November 2009Table 5: Comparison of Measured Distances for different Separations between Transmitter and Reciever Actual Dist. (cm) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Measured Distance (in cm) when Separation between Transmitter and Reciever is = 2cm 6.86 11.83 18.01 21.44 28.30 33.10 37.39 41.16 46.31 51.45 5cm 7.03 12.01 17.15 22.30 27.44 32.07 38.07 42.88 47.68 53.51 10cm 10.63 12.86 17.32 22.47 27.44 32.07 37.73 41.16 45.96 51.45 15cm 22.30 15.95 20.24 23.15 27.78 32.59 37.73 41.50 46.31 54.88S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10As we can see in the table that small measured distance like 5cm is measured accurately when 2cm separation between transmitter and receiver. It has the lowest error. When we increase the distance to be measured, the accuracy of measured distance are high and it the highest for 10cm separation between transmitter and receiver. Hence for the range of 5cm to 50cm, as we taken in our experiments, the separation between transmitter and receiver are 2cm to 10cm. If we increase this than the error percentage also increases. The Fig.6 shows the graph between actual distance and the different measured distances for various separations between transmitter and receiver.Fig. 6: Graph for Comparison of Measured Distances for different Separations between Transmitter and Reciever This graph is also showing that the graph plotting of measured distance when separation between transmitter and receiver is 2cm, 5cm and 10cm is almost on the same points. The graph plotting when 15cm separation between transmitter and receiver, is not very encouraging for this range of 5cm to 50cm.25International Journal of Computer science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), Vol 1, No 2, November 20096. CONCLUSIONSWe have done the experiments on our ultrasonic measurement system for the various separations between transmitter and receiver and the result shows that the measured distance is satisfactory for our study. When the distance increases the error becomes constant and very less. A correction may be applied to calculate the correct distance. Interrupt1 initiates the system and interrupt2 stops the timer and on the basis of the travelled time distance calculated. In future, the whole system will be mounted on the one PCB. This study shows that for small distances the separation between transmitter and receiver should be 5cm to 10cm. Hence this study will help in fixing the separation between transmitter and receiver in the robotic vehicle for blockage detection so we are able to calculate the more accurate distance of the blockage in the sewage filled sewer lines. Hence we can prevent human labour to go in the sewage filled sewer lines to detect the blockage which are very dangerous to the human as they contain the poisonous gases.ACKNOWLEDGMENTThis work is supported by MP Council of Science and Technology (MPCST), Bhopal, Project Code No. R&D/PHYSICS.23/08-09-1.REFERENCES[1] J. David and N cheeke “Fundamentals of Ultrasonic Waves” CRC Press, Florida, USA, 2002, ISBN 0-8493-0130-0. [2] Singh SP, Verma Ashish, Shrivastava AK “Design and Development of Robotic Sewer Inspection Equipment Controlled by Embedded Systems” Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, July 16-18, 2008, Nagpur, India pp. 1317-1320. [3] Shrivastava AK, Verma Ashish, Singh SP “Partial Automation of the Current Sewer Cleaning System”, Invertis Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.1, No.4, 2008, pp 261-265. [4] O. Duran, K.Althoefer, and L Seneviratene, “State of the Art in Sensor Technologies for Sewer Inspection”, IEEE Sensors Journal, April 2002, Vol. 2, N.2, pp 63. [5] Hongjiang He, Jianyi Liu, “The Design of Ultrasonic Distance Measurement System Based on S3C2410” Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation, 20-22 Oct, 2008, pp. 44-47. [6] Yongwon Jang, Seungchul Shin, Jeong Won Lee, and Seunghwan Kim, “A Preliminary Study for Portable Walking Distance Measurement System Using Ultrasoinc Sensors” Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Cité Internationale Lyon, France, Aug 23-26, 2007, pp. 5290-5293.26International Journal of Computer science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), Vol 1, No 2, November 2009AuthorsAjay Kumar Shrivastava was born at Guna (M.P.), India on 7th August, 1977. He had done his graduation in Electronics from Dr. H.S.Gour University, Sagar (M.P.), India in 1998. After that he had completed his MCA from the same university in 2002. He has more than seven years of teaching experience. He had worked as Lecturer in Technocrats Institute of Technology, Bhopal (M.P.), India for three years. Presently he is working as Associate Professor in Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ghaziabad (U.P.), India from Aug. 2005. His research interests include Embedded Systems and Data Mining. Mr. Shrivastava is the life member of Computer Society of India (CSI). He is also life member of Association of Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineers (ACEEE) and International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) and International Association of Engineers (IAENG). He is also the member of Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA). He is also reviewer of various ACEEE organized conferences. He has published a paper in National Journal and published/presented four papers in conferences.Dr. Ashish Verma was born on 23rd March 1963. He received the M.Sc. degree in Physics with specialization in Electronics and solidstate physics in1984 and Ph.D. degree in Physics in 1991 from Dr. Hari Singh Gour Central University, Sagar, (M.P.), India. He has having 24 years of teaching (UG/PG) and research experience and is currently working as a Senior Lecturer in the department of Physics and Electronics, Dr. Hari Singh Gour Central University, Sagar. He has guided about 150 students (UG/PG) for their projects in the field of Electronics and Physics. He guided 4 Ph.D. students (One as Co-Supervisor). Presently, he is guiding 8 Ph.D. students for their innovative research. He is supervising 3 Ph.D. students in Physics and Electronics of M.P. BHOJ (Open) University, Bhopal, (M.P.), India. He had published a book entitled “Microprocessor”, Vishwavidyalaya Prakashan, Sagar (M.P.), India and written two chapters in “Bhotiki”, Madhya Pradesh Hindi Granth Academy, Bhopal (M.P.), India. Dr. Verma published / presented about 50 research papers in the National /International Journals / Conferences of high repute. He is the Executive Council (Government Nominee) in Government Girls Autonomous College, Sagar, (M.P.). He had worked in various committees of the university. Prof. S.P.Singh was born at village Manirampur in Nalanda district, Bihar, India on 10th June 1939. He did his schooling and intermediate studies at Patna. He completed his B.Sc.(Engg.) degree in Electrical Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, India in the year 1964. He did M.Tech. in Electrical Engineering (Electronic Devices and Circuits) from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India in 1975. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from Ranchi University, Ranchi, India in the year 1993. His topic was microprocessor based speed control of induction motors.27International Journal of Computer science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), Vol 1, No 2, November 2009He joined N.I.T., Jamshedpur, India as Lecturer in Electrical Engineering in 1964 continued there as lecturer, AP and Professor till 1999. He started teaching electronic subjects and shifted to electronics engineering. After retirement from NIT in 1999, he continued to work as professor in institutes around Delhi. Currently, he is working as professor in Electronics & Communication Engineering at Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida, U.P., India. Prof. Singh was a member of IEEE from 1974 to 1991. At present Dr. Singh is a fellow of I.E.T.E., India.28。



=======大学本科生毕业设计外文文献及中文翻译文献题目: ULTRASONIC RANGING SYSTEM 文献出处: United States Patent译文题目:超声波测距系统学生:指导教师:专业班级:自动化11-4学号: 110601140416电气信息工程学院2014年5月1日超声波测距系统摘要超声波测距系统,是指选择性地激励一个变压器,使之产生换能器驱动信号。
















heodolite 经纬仪Water Level 水位仪Level Ruler 水平尺Casing gradienterCoating thickness Measurer 涂层测厚仪Ultrasonic thickness measurer 超声波测厚仪Ultrasonic crack detector 超声波裂纹测试仪Digital thermometer 数字温度计radiation thermometer 辐射温度计Gradient Reader 坡度读数器Electric spark leak hunter 电火花追踪器Volometer 万用表MegaOhmmeter 兆欧表Earthing resistance Reader 接地电阻读数表Plug gauge 圆柱塞规Magnifying glass 放大镜Plummet 铅锤Profile projector 投影仪Pin Gauge针规(不知道和plug gauge的区别在哪里,知道的请指正)Gauge block 块规dial indicator 百分表A vernier caliper 游标卡尺Coordinate Measureing Machine(CMM)三尺元Pressure gague 寸压力计电度厚度测试仪(Electroplating THK.Tester)转(扭)力仪(Twisting Meter)螺纹规(Thread Gauge)块规(Block Gauge)环规(Ring Gauge)力矩计(Torque Meter)塞规(Plug gage)高度仪(Altitude gauge)塞尺/间隙规(Clearance gauge)千分卡尺(Micrometer Calipers )“过” -- “不过”验规(通-止规) [go-no-go gauge]游标卡尺(Vernier Caliper)电子卡尺(Digital caliper)深度千分尺(Depth Micrometer)销(针)规(Pin Gauge)投影仪(Projector )数字高度测量仪(Digital Height Gauge)表面处理测试仪(Surface Finish Tester)内/外径千分尺(Inside/outer Micrometer) 洛(威)氏硬度仪[(HRC/HV) Hardness Tester)]温度计(Thermometer)孔规(Bore Gauge)电子称(Electric/digital Balance)三坐标测试仪 (CMM)万用表(Multimeter)温度计:thermometer台秤:Platform scale水平仪:spirit level1.刀口型直尺:knife straigjht edge2.刀口尺: knife straight edge3.三棱尺 three edges straigjht edge4.四棱尺 four edges straigjht edge5.条式和框式水平仪bar form and square levels6.合像水平仪 imaging level meter7铸铁平板 cast iron surface plate8.岩石平板 granite surface plate9.铸铁平尺 cast iron straigjht edge10.钢平尺和岩石平尺steel and granite straigjht edge11.圆度仪 roundness measuring instrument12.电子水平仪 electronic level meter13.表面粗糙度比较样块铸造表面 roughness comparison specimens cast surface14.表面粗糙度比较样块磨、车、铣、插及刨加工表面roughness comparison specimens-ground,turned,bored,milled,shape and planed 15.表面粗糙度比较样块电火花加工表面roughness comparison specimens spark-erostion machining surfaces16.表面粗糙度比较样块抛光加工表面roughness comparison specimens pollshed surfaces17.接触式仪器的标称特性18.轮廓 profiles19.轨迹轮廓 traced profile20.基准轮廓 reference profile21.总轮廓 total profile22.原始轮廓 primary profile23.残余轮廓 residual profile24.触针式仪器 stylus instrument25.感应位移数字存储触针式量仪 displacement sensitive,digitally storing stylus instrument26.触针式仪器的部件 stylus instrument components27.测量环 measurement loop28.导向基准 renfence guide29.驱动器 drive unit30.测头(传感器)probe(pick-up)31.拾取单元 tracing element32.针尖 stylus tip33.转换器 transducer34.放大器 amplifier35.模/数转换器 analog-to-digital converter36.数据输入data input37.数据输出 data output38.轮廓滤波和评定 profile filtering and evaluation39.轮廓记录器 profile recorder40.仪器的计量特性 metrological characteristics of the instrument41.静测力的变化 change of static measuring force42.静态测力 static measuring force43.动态测量力 dynamic measuring force44.滞后 hysteresis45.测头的测量范围 transmission function for the sine waves46.仪器的测量范围 measuring range of the instrument47.模数转换器的量化步距quantization step of the ADC48.仪器分辨力 instrument resolution49.量程分辨力比 range-to-resolution ratio50.测头线性偏差 probe linearity deviation51.短波传输界限 short-wave transmission limitation52.轮廓垂直成分传输 vertical profile component transmission53表面粗糙度比较样块抛丸、喷砂加工表面roughness comparison specimens shot blasted and blasted surfaces54 产品结构几何量计术规范(GPS)geometrical product specifications(GPS)55表面结构 surface texture56接触式仪器的标称特性 nominal characteristics of contact instruments57 公法线千分尺 micrometer for mearsuring root tangent lenghths of gear teeth 58最大允许误差 maximum permissible error59圆柱直齿渐开线花键量规 gauges for straight cylindrical involute splines60齿厚游标卡尺 Gear tooth verniercalipers61 齿轮渐开线样板 the involute master of gear62齿轮螺旋线样板 the helix master of gear63 矩形花键量规 gauges for straight - sided splines64测量蜗杆 master worm65万能测齿仪 universal gear measuring instrument66万能渐开线检查仪 universal involute measuring instrument67齿轮齿距测量仪 gear circular pictch measuring instrument68万能齿轮测量机 Universal gear measuring machine69 齿轮螺旋线测量仪 gear helix measuring instrument70便携式齿轮齿距测量仪 manual gear circular pitch measuring instrument71便携式齿轮基节测量仪 manual gear base pitch measuring instrument72立式滚刀测量仪 vertical hob measuring instrument73齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪 Gear dual-flank measuring instrument74齿轮单面啮合整体误差测量仪 Gear single-flank meshing integrated error measuring instrument75梯形螺纹量规 gauges for metric trapezoidal screw threads76工作螺纹量规 work gauges for metric trapezoidal screw threads77校对螺纹量规 check gauges for metric trapezoidal screw threads78.梯形螺纹量规型式与尺寸 Types and dimensions of metric trapezoidal screw threads79.普通螺纹量规型式与尺寸 Types and dimensions of gauges purpose screw threads80.非螺纹密封的管螺纹量规 Gauges for pipe threads prcessure-tight joints are not made on the threads81.螺纹千分尺Screw thread micrometer82.最大允许误差 maximum permissible error83.间隙螺纹量规 Clearance screw gauge84.量针Bar gauge85.螺纹样板 Screw thread template86.用螺纹密封的管螺纹量规Gauges for pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads 87.刀具预调测量仪? 精度Accuracy of the presetting instrument88.薄膜式气动量仪Membrane type pneumatic measuring instrument89.光栅线位移测量系统Grating linear displacement measuring system90.光栅角位移测量系统Grating angular displacement measuring system91.磁栅线位移测量系统Magnet-grid linear displacement measuring system92.量块附件Accessories for gauge blocks93.V形架Vee blocks94.比较仪座Comparator stand95.磁性表座Magnetic stand96.万能表座Universal stand for dial indicator一般术语:1.几何量 geometrical product2.量值 value(of a quantity)3.真值 true value(of a quantity)4.约定真值 conventional true value(of a quantity)5.单位 unit(of measurement)6.测量 measurement7.测试 measurement and test8.检验 inspecte9.静态测量 static measurement10.动态测量 dynamic measurement11.测量原理 principle of measurement12.测量方法 method of measurement13.测量程序 measurement procedure14.被测量 measurand15.影响量 influence quantity16.变换值 transformed value(of a measurand)17.测量信号 measurement signal18.直接测量法 direct method of measurement19.间接测量法 indirect method of measurement20.定义测量法 definitive method of measurement21.直接比较测量法 direct-comparison method of measurement22.替代测量法 substitution method of measurement23.微差测量法 differential method of measurement24.零位测量法 nulll method of measurement25.测量结果 result of a measurement26.测得值 measured value27.实际值 actual value28.未修正结果 uncorrected result (of a measurement)29.已修正结果 corrected result(of a measurement)30.测量的准确度 accuracy of measurement31.测量的重复性 repeatability of measurement32.测量复现性 reproducibility of measurements33.实验标准偏差 experimental standard deviation34.测量不确定度 uncertainty of measurement35.测量绝对误差 absolute error of measurement36.相对误差 relative error37.随机误差 random error38.系统误差 systematic error39.修正值 correction40.修正系数 correction factor41.人员误差 personal error42.环境误差 environmental error43.方法误差 error of method44.调整误差 adjustment error45.读数误差 reading error46.视差 parallax error47.估读误差 interpolation error48.粗大误差 parasitic error49.检定 verification50.校准 calibration51.调准 gauging52.调整 adjustment几何量测量器具术语1.几何量具测量器具 dimensional measuring instruments2.长度测量器具 length measuring instruments3.角度测量器具 angle measuring instruments4.坐标测量机 coordinate measuring machine5.形状和位置误差测量器具form and position error measuring instruments6.表面质量测量器具 surface quality measuring instruments7.齿轮测量器具 gear measuring instruments8.实物量具(简称“量具”)material measure9.测量仪器(简称“量仪”)measuring instruments10.测量链 measuring chain11.测量装置 measuring system12.指示式测量仪器 indicating(measuring )instrument13.记录式测量仪器 recording (measuring)instrument14.累计式测量仪器 totalizing(measuring)instrument15.积分式测量仪器 integrating(measuring)instrument16.模拟式测量仪器 analogue(measuring)instrument17.数字式测量仪器 digital(measuring)instrument18.测量变换器 measuring transducer19.传感器sensor20.指示装置 indicating device21.记录装置 recording device22.记录载体 recording medium23.标尺标记 scale mark24.指示器index25.标尺 scale26.度盘 dail测量器具术语1.标称值 nominal value2.示值 indication(of a measuring instrument)3.标尺范围scale range4.标称范围 nominal range5.标尺长度 scale length6.标尺分度 scale division7.分度值 value of a scale division8.标尺间距 scale spacing9.线性标尺 linear scale10.非线性标尺 non-linear scale11.标尺标数 scale numbering12.测量仪器的零位 zero of a measuring instrument13.量程 span14.测量范围 measuring range15.额定工作条件 vated operating conditions16.极限条件 reference condition17.标准条件 reference condition18.仪器常数 instrument constant19.响应特性 response characteristic20.灵敏度 senstivity21.鉴别力 discrimination22.分辨力 resolution(of an indicating device)23.死区 dead band24.准确度 accuracy of a measuring instruments25.准确度等级 accuracy class26.重复性 repeatability of a measuring instrument27.示值变动性 varation of indication28.稳定度 stability29.可靠性 reliability30.回程 hysteresis31.漂移 drift32.响应时间 response time33.测量力(简称“测力”)measuring force测量器具术语1.实物量具示值误差 error of indication of a material measure2.测量仪器示值误差 error of indication of a measuring instrument3.重复性误差repeatability error of a measuring instrument4.回程误差 hysteresis error5.测量力变化 variation of measuring force6.测量力落差 hysteresis of measuring force7.偏移误差 bias error (of a measuring instrument)8.允许误差 maximum permissible errors(of measuring instruments)9.跟踪误差 tracking error (of a measuring instrument)10.响应率误差 response-law error (of a measuring instrument)11.量化误差 quantization error (of a measuring instrument)12.基值误差 datum error (of a measuring instrument)13.零值误差 zero error (of a measuring instrument)14.影响误差 influence error15.引用误差 fiducial error16.位置误差 position error17.线性误差 linear error18.响应特性曲线 response characteristic curve19.误差曲线 error curve20.校准曲线 calibration curve21.修正曲线 correction curve长度测量器具量具类1.量块 gauge block2.光滑极限量规plain limit gauge3.塞规 plug gauge4.环规 ring gauge卡规 snap gauge5.塞尺 feeler gauge6.钢直尺 steel gauge7.精密玻璃线纹尺 precision glass linear scale8.精密金属线纹尺 precision metal linear scale9.半径样板 radius template卡尺类1.游标卡尺 vernier caliper2.带表卡尺 dial caliper3.电子数显卡尺 calliper with electronic digital display4.深度标游卡尺 depth vernier caliper5.电子数显深度卡尺 depth caliper with electronic digital display6.带表高度卡尺 dial height calliper7.高度游标卡尺 height vernier caliper8.电子数显高度卡尺height caliper with electronic digital display9.焊接检验尺 calliper for welding inspection千分尺类1.测微头 micrometer head2.夕卜径千分尺 external micrometer3.杠杆千分尺 micrometer with dial comparator4.带计数器千分尺 micrometer with counter5.电子数显外径千分尺micrometer with electronic digital display6.小测头千分尺 small anvil micrometer7.尖头千分尺 point micrometer8.板厚千分尺 sheet metal micrometer9.壁厚千分尺 tube micrometer10.叶片千分尺 blade micrometer11.奇数沟千分尺 odd fluted micrometer12.深度千分尺 depth micrometer13.内径千分尺 internal micrometer14.单杆式内径千分尺 single-body internal micrometer15.表式内径千分尺 dail internal micrometer16.三爪式内径千分尺 three point internal micrometer17.电子数显三爪式内径千分尺three point internal micrometer18.内测千分尺 inside micrometer指示表类1.指示表 dial indicator2.深度指示表 depth dial indicator3.杠杆指示表 dial test indicator4.内径指示表 bore dial indicator5.涨弹簧式指示表 expanding head bore dial indicator6.钢球式内径指示表 ball type bore dial indicator7.电子数显指示表 dial indicator with electronic digital display8.杠杆卡规 indicating snap gauge9.带表卡规 dial snap gauge10.带表夕卜卡规 outside dial snap gauge11.带表内卡规 inside dial snap gauge12.测厚规 thickness gauge13.扭簧比较仪microcator14.杠杆齿轮比较仪 mechanical dial comparator15.电子量规 electronic gauge16.电感式传感器 inductance type transducer17.指示装置 indicating device18.电感测微仪 inductance micrometer19.峰值电感测微仪 peak inductance micrometer20.电感内径比较仪 inductance bore comparator21.瞄准传感器 aiming transducer角度测量器具1.角度块 angle block gauge2.正多面棱体 regular polygon mirror3.刀具角度样板 cutter angular template4.直角尺square5.平行直角尺 parallel square6.宽座直角尺 wide—stand square7.刀口形直角尺edge square8.矩形直角尺square square9.三角形直角尺 three angle square10.圆柱直角尺 cylinder square11.方形角尺 square guage12.万能角度尺 universal bevel protractor13.游标式万能角度尺 vernier universal bevel protractor14.表式万能角度尺 dial universal bevel protractor15.光学分度头 optical dividing head16.目镜式光学分度头 optical dividing head with microscope reading17.投影式光学分度尺 optical dividing head with projection reading18.光电分度头 optical-electronic dividing head19.多齿分度台 multi-tooth division table20.分度转台 division rotary table21.正炫规 sine bar22.普通正炫规 general sine bar23.铰链式正炫规 hinge type sine bar24.双向正炫规 dual-directional sine bar25.圆锥量规cone gauge26.圆锥塞规 plug cone gauge27.圆锥环规 ring cone gauge28.直角尺测量仪 square measuring instrument形位误差测量器具1.平晶 optical flat2.单面平晶 optical flat3.双面平晶 parallel optical flat4.刀口形直尺 knife straight edge5.刀口尺 knife straight edge6.三棱尺 three edges straight edge7.四棱尺 four edges straight edge8.平尺 straight edge9.矩形平尺 square straight edge10.工字形平尺 i-beam straight edge11.角形平尺 angle straight edge12.桥形平尺 bridge type straight edge13.平板 surface plate14.铸铁平板 cast iron surface plate15.岩石平板 granite surface plate16.方箱 square box17.水准器式水平仪level meter18.条式水平仪 bar level meter19.框式水平仪 frame level meter20.合像水平仪 imaging level meter21.光学倾斜仪 optical inclinometer22.电子水平仪 electronic level meter23.指针式电子水平仪 electronic level meter with indicator24.数显式电子水平仪 electronic level meter with digital display25.平直度测量仪 straightness measuring instrument26.光学式平直度测量仪 optical straightness measuring instrument27.光电式平直度测量仪 photoelectrical straightness measuring instrument28.圆度测量仪 roundness measuring instrument29.转轴式圆度测量仪 spindle-rotating type roundness measuring instrument30.转台式圆度测量仪 table-rotating type roundness measuring instrument表面质量测量器具表面粗糙度比较样块 surface roughness comparison specimen铸造表面粗糙度比较样块 surface roughness comparison specimen for cast surface 磨、车、镗、铣、插及刨加工表面粗糙度比较样块surface roughness comparisonspecimen for ground,turned,bored,milled,shaped and planed surface 电火花加工表面粗糙度比较样块 surface roughness comparison specimen for spark-erosion machined surface抛(喷)丸、喷砂加工表面粗糙度比较样块surface roughness comparison specimen for shot blasted and grit blasted surface抛光加工表面粗糙度测量仪 portable surface roughness comparison specimen for polished surface便携式表面粗糙度测量仪 portable surface roughess measuring instrument 驱动箱driving box台式表面粗糙度测量仪 bench type surface roughness measuring instrumentNose bridge 鼻中 Tip 脚套Temple 脚丝 Plating 电镀Printing 印字 Lase 镭射Spectacle frames 眼镜架 Sunglasses 太阳眼镜Sports spectacles 运动眼镜 kid's eyewear 儿童眼镜Reading glasses 老花镜 Contact lens 隐形眼镜Glass optical lenses 玻璃镜片 Plastic optical lenses 塑胶镜片Sunglasses lenses, sun clips 太阳镜片、镜夹 Progressive lenses 渐进多焦点镜片Photochromic lenses 变色镜片 Othro k lenses 角膜矫形接确镜片Optical blanks 镜片毛胚 Accessories for contact lens 隐形眼镜附件Spectacle spare parts and accessories 眼镜零件及配件 Components of frames 镜架组件Spectacle cases & accessories 眼镜盒及附件Eyecare products and solution for lenses and contace lenses 眼睛护理产品及隐形眼镜洁液Spectacle cases & accessories 眼镜盒及其它配件 Lens demisting cloths and solutions 镜片除雾喷剂及清洁布Spectacle assembling & adjusting tools 眼镜加工、装配、调较工具 Visual test equipment 验眼设备Edger 磨边机 Eyeglasses and frame making machinery 眼镜架制造机械Lens manufacturing and processing machinery 镜片造机械及加工机械Contact lens processing machinery 隐形眼镜加工机械Lathe 车床 Coating machine 镀膜机Coating materials 镀膜原料 Electroplating equipment, welding machine 电镀机械、焊接机械Price labeling, stamp printing and screen printing mahcinery 标签机、移印机、丝网印刷 Ultrasonic cleaning equipment 超声波清洁仪器Ophthalmic products 眼科用品Concentrates for ultrasonic cleaning 超声波清洁剂Lens grinding and polishing filtration systems 镜片研磨及抛光过滤系统Optical processing equipmentand materials 光学加工设备及原料Measurement instrucments for optical elements and systems 光学用品及系统之测量仪器 Store and workshop fitting and furniture 眼镜店及工场设备及家具Moulds for ophthalmic lenses 镜片模具 Raw materials for frames 眼镜原料Raw materials for lenses 镜片原料 Lens abrasive and polishing materials 打磨镜片原料Electroplating, welding materials 电镀、焊接原材料Opto-laser equipment and instruments 激光科技设备和仪器机械英语单词冲床 punching machine机械手robot油压机 hydraulic machine车床 lathe刨床 planer |'plein?|铣床miller磨床 grinder(钻床)driller线切割 linear cutting金属切削 metal cutting机床 machine tool金属工艺学 technology of metals刀具 cutter摩擦 friction联结 link传动 drive/transmission轴 shaft弹性 elasticity频率特性 frequency characteristic误差 error响应 response定位 allocation机床夹具 jig动力学 dynamic运动学 kinematic静力学 static分析力学 analyse mechanics拉伸 pulling压缩 hitting剪切 shear扭转 twist弯曲应力 bending stress强度 intensity三相交流电 three-phase AC 磁路 magnetic circles变压器 transformer异步电动机 asynchronous motor几何形状 geometrical精度 precision正弦形的 sinusoid交流电路 AC circuit机械加工余量 machining allowance变形力 deforming force变形 deformation应力 stress硬度 rigidity热处理 heat treatment退火 anneal正火 normalizing脱碳 decarburization渗碳 carburization电路 circuit半导体元件 semiconductor element反馈 feedback发生器 generator直流电源 DC electrical source门电路 gate circuit逻辑代数 logic algebra外圆磨削 external grinding内圆磨削 internal grinding平面磨削 plane grinding变速箱 gearbox离合器 clutch绞孔 fraising绞刀 reamer螺纹加工 thread processing螺钉 screw铣削 mill铣刀 milling cutter功率 power工件 workpiece齿轮加工 gear mechining齿轮 gear主运动 main movement主运动方向 direction of main movement进给方向 direction of feed进给运动 feed movement合成进给运动 resultant movement of feed合成切削运动 resultant movement of cutting合成切削运动方向 direction of resultant movement of cutting 切削深度 cutting depth前刀面 rake face刀尖 nose of tool前角 rake angle后角 clearance angle龙门刨削 planing主轴 spindle主轴箱 headstock卡盘 chuck加工中心 machining center车刀 lathe tool车床 lathe钻削镗削 bore车削 turning磨床 grinder基准 benchmark钳工 locksmith锻 forge压模 stamping焊 weld拉床 broaching machine拉孔 broaching装配 assembling铸造 found流体动力学 fluid dynamics流体力学 fluid mechanics加工 machining液压 hydraulic pressure切线 tangent机电一体化 mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration 气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure稳定性 stability介质 medium液压驱动泵 fluid clutch 液压泵 hydraulic pump 阀门 valve失效 invalidation强度 intensity载荷 load应力 stress安全系数 safty factor 可靠性 reliability 螺纹 thread螺旋 helix键 spline销 pin滚动轴承 rolling bearing 滑动轴承 sliding bearing 弹簧 spring制动器 arrester brake 十字结联轴节 crosshead 联轴器 coupling 链 chain皮带 strap精加工 finish machining 粗加工 rough machining 变速箱体 gearbox casing 腐蚀 rust 氧化 oxidation 磨损 wear耐用度 durability随机信号 random signal 离散信号 discrete signal 超声传感器 ultrasonic sensor 集成电路 integrate circuit 挡板 orifice plate 残余应力 residual stress 套筒 sleeve 扭力 torsion冷加工 cold machining 电动机 electromotor 汽缸 cylinder过盈配合 interference fit 热加工 hotwork摄像头 CCD camera 倒角 rounding chamfer 优化设计 optimal design工业造型设计 industrial moulding design有限元 finite element滚齿 hobbing插齿 gear shaping伺服电机 actuating motor 铣床 milling machine钻床 drill machine镗床 boring machine步进电机 stepper motor丝杠 screw rod导轨 lead rail组件 subassembly可编程序逻辑控制器 Programmable Logic Controller PLC 电火花加工 electric spark machining电火花线切割加工 electrical discharge wire - cutting 相图 phase diagram热处理 heat treatment固态相变 solid state phase changes有色金属 nonferrous metal陶瓷 ceramics合成纤维 synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion车架 automotive chassis悬架 suspension转向器 redirector变速器 speed changer板料冲压 sheet metal parts孔加工 spot facing machining车间 workshop工程技术人员 engineer气动夹紧 pneuma lock数学模型 mathematical model画法几何 descriptive geometry机械制图 Mechanical drawing投影 projection视图 view剖视图 profile chart标准件 standard component零件图 part drawing装配图 assembly drawing尺寸标注 size marking技术要求 technical requirements刚度 rigidity内力 internal force位移 displacement截面 section疲劳极限 fatigue limit断裂 fracture塑性变形 plastic distortion脆性材料 brittleness material刚度准则 rigidity criterion垫圈 washer垫片 spacer直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear运动简图 kinematic sketch齿轮齿条 pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear虚约束 passive constraint曲柄 crank摇杆 racker凸轮 cams范成法 generation method毛坯 rough游标卡尺 slide caliper千分尺 micrometer calipers攻丝 tap光学仪器类4Topslit illumination 裂隙灯 diopter 屈光度 sphere 球镜cylinder 柱镜 prism 棱镜 magnification 放大倍率diameter 直径 dimensions 尺寸 light spot 光斑fixation lamp固视灯led发光二极管filter滤色片lensmeter焦度计metal rim金属圈PD meter瞳距仪Pupil Distance 瞳距 Vertex Distance 顶点距 Chart 视标View tester 验光仪 Cutting device 切割刀 Pattern maker 制模机Cutting needle 划针 Layout blocker 中心仪 Hand edger 手动磨边机Lens groover 开槽机 Polisher 抛光机 Polishing stick 抛光膏Drilling machine 钻孔机 Bench drilling machine 台式钻孔机 Drill bit 钻头Lock opener 锁开 Milling cutting 铣刀 Fuse 保险丝Handle手柄Center locator中心定位器Drill chuck钻夹头Dial 刻度盘 Frame heater (warmer) 烘架机 Heating coil 发热丝Ultrasonic cleaner 清洗机 Combined table 验光组合台 Optometry box 验光盘Grinding wheel 砂轮 Trial lens set 验光镜片箱 Refractometer 验光仪 Chart projector 投影仪 Keratometer 角膜曲率仪 Welding machine 焊接机 Spray cleaning machine 喷淋清洗机材料配件类4TopMonel 锰料 Stainless Steel 不锈钢 pure Titanium 纯钛Titanium Alloy 钛合金 B-Ti B 钛 Elongation 伸长率Tensile strenghth 抗拉强度 high nickel copper alloy 高镍合金 nickelfree alloy 无镍合金nicklfree stainless steel 无镍不锈钢 annealing temperture 退火温度 percent 含量density 密度 melting point 熔点 solidus 固相点liquidus 液相点 physical properties 物理性能 chemical composition 化学组成hinge 铰链 rim wire 框线 round wire 圆线cylinding grinding wheels 筒形砂轮 flaring cup wheels 碗形砂轮 diamod plain wheels 平形砂轮grinding ccoolant 切削液 lens coating liquid 护镜液 polishing powder 抛光粉polishing liquid 抛光液 polishing wheel 抛光轮 plating case 电镀盒plastic case 塑料盒 alumium oxide case 氧化铝盒 rocket screwdrivers 六角螺丝刀mini ring wrenches/nutdrivers 微型戒指扳手 radian apparatus 弧度表 thickness apparatus厚度表adhesive tape 粘片 calipers 量具 nut driver 套筒files set 锉刀 drill bits 钻咀 screwdrivers blades 螺丝刀头镜片类^Tophard resin lens 树脂镜片 round-top bifocal lens 圆顶双关镜片 flat-top bifocal lens 平顶双光镜片aspheric hard resin lens 非球面树脂镜片 Non-coated lens 基片(NC) hard coated lens 加硬镜片(HC)Hard & Multi-coated 加硬加膜片 (HMC) Hard & Multi-coated,EMI Defending Coating加硬加膜防辐射片(HMC+EMI) RX Lens-High Index 高散光片color shade 色差 deformation 变形 shrinkage 缩水light transmission 透光率 de-lamination 分裂脱层 abbe value 阿贝数raw material 原材料 catalysis 催化作用 polymerization 聚合作用tinted lens 染色镜片 photochromic lens 变色镜片 spherical 球面的autocollimator自动准直机bench comparator 比长仪block gauge 块规bore check精密小测定器calibration 校准caliper gauge 卡规check gauge 校对规clearance gauge 间隙规clinoretee 测斜仪comparator 比测仪cylinder square 圆筒直尺depth gauge 测深规dial indicator针盘指示表dial snap gauge 卡规digital micrometer数位式测微计feeler gauge 测隙规gauge plate量规定位板height gauge 测高规inside calipers 内卡钳inside micrometer 内分测微计interferometer 干涉仪leveling block 平台limit gauge 限规micrometer 测微计mil 千分之一寸monometer 压力计morse taper gauge 莫氏锥度量规nonius游标卡尺optical flat光学平晶optical parallel 光学平行passimeter 内径仪position scale 位置刻度profile projector轮廓光学投影仪protractor 分角器radius半径ring gauge 环规sine bar 正弦量规snap gauge 卡模square master 直角尺stylus触针telescopic gauge伸缩性量规working gauge 工作量规水平尺和水平仪的区别:1.水平仪用于测量小角度,在生产过程中常用以检验和调整机器或机件的水平位置或垂直位置,进而可对机器或机件作真直度或真平度的检验工作。




作为一个测量传感器的选择SFR08型配备了允许寻址的I ²C 通信接口。


控制和可视化系统是基于PC PC。

NI USB 8451是作为通信卡使用的。



关键词:超声波传感器,I ²C 通信接口,虚拟仪器1 1 简介简介超声波传感器通常用于自动化的任务来测量距离,位置变化,电平测量,如存在检测器或在特殊应用中,例如,当测量透明材料的纯度。









就传感器来说,可以通过通信接口连接到PC ,它是可以设置所有传感器的工作范围和测量距离的详细参数。

2 2 超声测量超声测量超声对环境中的声音具有相似的传播特性。





根据超声波的用途可以分为两类: 主动超声:当应用表现出物理或化学效应。







Words and expressionsUnit 1geoscience地球科学informatics信息学,情报学monitor监控,监测,监视,控制,追踪,监控器appreciate增值,涨价,赏识,鉴赏,感激dwindle缩小Iso International standardization organization国际标准化组织explicit清楚的,外在的,直率的,(租金等)直接付款的hydrographic与水道测量有关的,与水文地理有关的hydrographic survey海道测量,水道测量practitioner从业者,开业者expertise专门技术,专家的意见flexibility适应性,机动性,挠性Incorporation结合,合并;形成法人组织,组成公司(或社团) coherent一致的,连贯的demise死亡,让位,禅让ut让渡,遗赠,转让blur把(界线,视线等)弄得模糊不清,涂污,污损(名誉等),弄污visualization可视化,清楚地呈现pertaining有关系的,附属…的,为…固有的(to)Imagery肖像(总称),雕刻影像plotting标图,测绘illustrative 说明性的,例证性的entity实体digitize [计]将资料数字化registration注册,报到,登记forestry林产,森林地,林学geology地质学,地质概况geographical地理学的,地理的infrastructure基础下部组织,下部构造navigation导航,航海,航空,领航,航行quarterly一年四次的,每季的evolve (使)发展,(使)进展,(使)进化cadastre地籍簿,地籍,地籍图cadastral surveying地籍测量sensor传感器manipulate(熟练地)操作,使用(机器等),操纵(人或市价、市场),利用state - of - the - art 先进的,一流的geophysics地球物理学oceanography 海洋学retrieval检索,恢复,修补,重获embrace拥抱,互相|拥抱,包含,收买,信奉ti拥抱n.拥抱geomatics测绘学geodesy大地测量学surveying and mapping测绘photogrammetry摄影测量学remote sensing(RS)遥感global positioning system(GPS)全球定位系统atellite positioning卫星定位geographic information systems(GIS)地理信息系统land management土地管理computer graphics计算机图形学Unit 2artiticial人造的,假的,非原产地的analog类似物,相似体chart图表,海图dimensional空间的monument纪念碑permanent monument永久标石monumentation埋石fieldwork野外工作,实地调查,野外作业category种类,类别,[逻]范畴permanent永久的,持久的theodolite[测]经纬仪prerequisite先决条件spheroid球状体,回转椭圆体allowance容许误差,容差,容许量diameter直径equator赤道,赤道线atitude纬度,范围;(用复数)地区longitude经度,经线经度meridian子午线,正午,顶点,全盛时期ad.子午线的,正午的prime meridian本初子午线,木初子午圈线northing北距(向北航行的距离),北进,北航easting东西距,朝东方;东行航程gravity重力,地心引力gravity field重力场curvature曲率,弯曲plumb铅锤,铅弹ad.垂直的t使垂直,探测plumb line铅垂线trigonometry 三角法plane trigonometry平面三角algebra代数学analytical解枥的,分析的analytical geometry解析几chord弦,弦长triangle三角形,三人一组,三角关系spherical球形的,球的sophisticate弄复杂,篡改;使变得世故入sophistication复杂;强词夺理,诡辩geoid [地]大地水准面trench沟渠,堑壕,管沟,电缆沟,战壕Atlantic ocean大西洋Pacific ocean太平洋tangent相切的,切线的n.切线,[数]正切backsight后视foresight前视;远见,深谋远虑refraction折光,折射geodetic surveying大地测量,大地测量学plane surveying平面测量,平面测量学control survey控制测量horizontal survey水平测量,平面测量vertical survey高程测量,垂直测量地形测量topographic surveydetail survey碎部测量land survey( property survey, boundary survey, cadastral survey)地测量,地籍测量route survey路线测量pipe survey管道测量city survey城市测量hydrographic survey水道测量marine survey海洋测量mine survey矿山测量geological survey地质测量Unit 3fundamental基本原则,基本原理Euclidean space欧几里得空间odometer(汽车等的)里程表,自动计在仪(美vehicle交通工具,车辆,媒介物,传达手段revolution旋转,革命circumference 圆周,周围invar铟瓦;不胀钢nickel镍,镍币,(美国和加拿大的)五分镍币alloy合金coefficient系数thermal热的,热量的tacheometry 测视距测量stadia视距,视距仪器ntercept截取,中途阻止telescope望远镜multiply乘,增加,繁殖nominal 名义上的,有名无实的,名字的,[语]名词性的manufacturer制造业者,厂商/consequence结果[逻]推理,推论,因果关系,重要的地位topographic地势的,地形学上的resultant作为结果而发生的,合成的terrain地形electromagnetic电磁的visibility 可见度,能见度,可见性,显著,明显度infrared红外线的n.红外线airborne 空气传播的,空降的,空运的particle粒子,点,极小量,微粒,质点,小品词,语气modulated已凋整[制]的,被调的distance measurement 距离测量precise ranging精密测距pacing步测,定步distance measuring instrument, rangefinder测距仪EDM( electronic distance measurement)电子测距仪geodimeter光速测距仪,光电测electromagnetic distance measuring instrument电磁波测距仪electro- optical distance measuring instrument光电测距仪long - range EDM instrument远程电子测距infrared EDM instrument红外测距仪laser distance measuring instrument, laser ranger激光测距仪microwave distance measuring instrument微波测距仪satellite laser ranger卫星激光测距仪two- color laser ranger双色激光测距仪distance- measuring error测距误差fixed error固定误差proportional error比例误差sighting distance视距multiplication constant乘常数ddition constant加常数stadia multiplication constant视距乘常数stadia addition constant视距加常数standard field of length长度标准检定场/nominal accuracy标称精度stadia hair视距丝,视距线stadia interval视距间隔Unit 3perpendicular 垂直的,正交的Intersect横断(直线)相交,交又projection投影,投射,投影图,地图投影,规划zenith天顶,顶点,顶峰,最高点celestial天上的celestial sphere天球radius半径,范围,辐射光线,有效航程,范围,界线clinometer测角器,倾斜仪sextant六分仪compass罗盘,指南针,圆规protractor量角器clockwise顺时针方向的counterclockwise反时针方向的sexagesimal六十的,六十进位的sexagesimal systen六十分制commence开始,着手bisect切成两份,对(截)开clamp夹子,夹具,夹钳encoder编码器,译码器spindle轴,杆,心轴;锭子,纺锤crystal结晶状的n.水晶,水晶饰品,结晶,晶体liquid crystal displays(LCDs)液晶显示diode二极管lght- emitting diode displays(LEDs)发光二极管显示pendulum钟摆,摇锤compensator补偿器provision供应,(一批)供应品,预备,防备,规定indexing标定指数initialize初始化azimuth方位,方位角bearing方向,方位quadrant象限四分仪horizontal angle水平角vertical angle垂直角depression angle俯角,俯视角zenith distance天顶距elevation angle高度角horizontal circle水平刻度盘vertical circle垂直度盘true north真北geodetic azimuth大地方位角grid bearing坐标方位角gyro azimuth陀螺方位角magnetic azimuth磁方位角method by series, method of direction observation方向观测法method in all combinations全组合测角法Unit 20Us. Department of defense(DOD)美国国防部castellation[天]星座,星群nsure确保,给…保险drag拖拉v拖,拖曳atmospheric drag大气阻力sun- seeking太阳定向panel面板,仪表板,全体陪审员solar panel太阳能电池板nicad镍镉蓄电池nicad battery镍镉蓄电池Colorado美国科罗拉多州(位于美国西部)Hawaii夏威夷,夏威夷岛Ascension阿森松(南大西洋岛屿)Kwajalein夸贾林环礁(位于太平洋西部)reconnaissance勘测,侦察,搜索missile导弹,发射物missile guidance导弹制导pseudorange伪距synchronize同步synchronized同步的GPS( global positioning system)全球定位系统space segment空间部分control segment控制部分user segment用户部分GPS receiver GPS接收机gps constellation gps星座master control station主控站monitor station监控站atomic clock原子钟clock error钟差broadcast ephemeris广播星历precise ephemeris精密星历Coarse acquisition codeprecise code精码pseudorange伪距ionospheric delay电离层延迟tropospheric delay对流层延迟multipath effect多路径效应Selective availability(SA)选择可用性reference receiver基准接收机roving receiver流动接收机receiver antenna接收机天线real- time kinematic(RTK)实时动态定位differential GPS(DGPS)差分GPSdifferential correction差分改正real- time differential correction实时差分改正post - processed differential correction后处理差分改正Unit 23acronym 只取首字母的缩写词distinguish 区别,辨别attribute属性,品质,特征.加于,归结于peel剥,削,剥落supercomputer[计]超型计算机hook钩住,沉迷,上瘾digitizer 数字转换器cartographe地图制作者,制图师,制图员administrator管理员,管理程序implementation执行coordinator协调者,同等的人或物raster[物]光栅vector向量,矢量,带菌者aircraft航行器census人口普查demographic人口统计学的yearbook年鉴ecosystem生态系统overlay覆盖,覆盖图buffering缓冲(作用),减震,隔离Unit 28exemplify例证,例示illumination照明,阐明,启发geothermal地热的,地温的,地热(或地温)产生的photon光子cosmic宇宙的cosmic ra宇宙射线gamma 射线thereon在其上,在那上面,…之后立即moisture湿度,湿气,潮湿irradiance发光,光辉penetrate穿透,渗透,弥漫electron电子molecular[化]分子的,由分子组成的emittance发射度,[热]辐射本领incidence人射,落下的方式,影响范围spacecraft太空船backscatter漫反射,反向散射体,反散射synthetic合成的,人造的,综合的aperture孔,穴,缝隙,(照相机,望远镜等的)光圈,孔径synthetic aperture radar(SAR)合成孔径雷达multispectral多谱线的,多谱段的spectroradiometer[物]分光辐射计side - looking 侧视的remote sensor遥测传感器,遥感器electromagnetic spectrum电磁波频谱,电磁波谱,电磁光谱transmittance传播absorptance吸收reflectance反射electromagnetic radiation电磁辐射thermal infrared detector热红外探测器passive remote sensing被动式遥感active remote sensing主动式遥感side- looking airborne radar(SLAR)机载侧视雷达;侧视雷达active microwave sensors主动微波遥感传感器passive microwave sensing被动微波遥感spectroradiometer分光辐射计radiometer辐射计scatterometer散射计scatterometry 散射测量。



Ultrasonic distance and velocity measurement using a pair of LPM signals for cross-correlation method:Improvement of Doppler-shift compensation and examination of Doppler velocity estimation超声波距离和速度利用互相关方法对LPM信号测量:多普勒频移补偿和多普勒速度估计检测的改进数据来源Elsevier Journal Elsevier期刊刊物名Ultrasonics, 2012, Vol.52 (7), pp.873-879 超声波,2012,卷(7),pp.873-879 作者Shinnosuke Hirata, Minoru Kuribayashi Kurosawashinnosuke平田,稔栗林黑泽明单位机械工程与智能系统1,信息工程学院,电子通信,1-5-1 chofugaoka e4-329,,,布,东京182-8585大学,日本信息处理系,跨学科研究生科学与工程学院,东京工业大学,4259首席人事官g2-32,长津田,绿区,横滨,神奈川226-8502,日本AbstractReal-time distance measurement of a moving object with high accuracy and high resolution using an ultrasonic wave is difficult due to the influence of the Doppler effect or the limit of the calculation cost of signal processing. An over-sampling signal processing method using a pair of LPM signals has been proposed for ultrasonic distance and velocity measurement of moving objects with high accuracy and high resolution. The proposed method consists of cross correlation by single-bit signal processing, high-resolution Doppler velocity estimation with wide measurement range and low-calculation-cost Doppler-shift compensation. The over-sampling cross-correlation function is obtained from cross correlation by single-bit signal processing with low calculation cost. The Doppler velocity and distance of the object are determined from the peak interval and peak form in the cross-correlation function by the proposed method of Doppler velocity estimation and Doppler-shift compensation. In this paper, the proposed method of Doppler-shift compensation is improved. Accuracy of the determined distance was improved from approximately within ±140 μm in the previous method to approximately within ±10μm in computer simulations. Then, the proposed method of Doppler velocity estimation is evaluated. In computer simulations, accuracy of the determined Doppler velocity and摘要实时测量移动物体的高精度和高分辨率超声波存在的多普勒效应或信号处理的计算成本的限制的影响。

中英文 超声波测距原理

中英文 超声波测距原理

This article described the three directions (before, left, right) ultrasonic ranging system is to understand the front of the robot, left and right environment to provide a movement away from the information. (Similar to GPS Positioning System)A principle of ultrasonic distance measurement1, the principle of piezoelectric ultrasonic generatorPiezoelectric ultrasonic generator is the use of piezoelectric crystal resonators to work. Ultrasonic generator, the internal structure as shown in Figure 1, it has two piezoelectric chip and a resonance plate. When it's two plus pulse signal, the frequency equal to the intrinsic piezoelectric oscillation frequency chip, the chip will happen piezoelectric resonance, and promote the development of plate vibration resonance, ultrasound is generated. Conversely, if the two are not inter-electrode voltage, when the board received ultrasonic resonance, it will be for vibration suppression of piezoelectric chip, the mechanical energy is converted to electrical signals, then it becomes the ultrasonic receiver.2, the principle of ultrasonic distance measurementUltrasonic transmitter in a direction to launch ultrasound, in the moment to launch the beginning of time at the same time, the spread of ultrasound in the air, obstacles on his way to return immediately, the ultrasonic reflected wave received by the receiver immediately stop the clock. Ultrasound in the air as the propagation velocity of 340m / s, according to the timer records the time t, we can calculate the distance between the launch distance barrier (s), that is: s = 340t / 2Ultrasonic Ranging System for the Second Circuit DesignSystem is characterized by single-chip microcomputer to control the use of ultrasonic transmitter and ultrasonic receiver since the launch from time to time, single-chip selection of 8751, economic-to-use, and the chip has 4K of ROM, to facilitate programming. Circuit schematic diagram shown in Figure 2. Draw only the front range of the circuit wiring diagram, left and right in front of Ranging Ranging circuits and the same circuit, it is omitted.1,40 kHz ultrasonic pulse generated with the launchRanging system using the ultrasonic sensor of piezoelectric ceramic sensors UCM40, its operating voltage of the pulse signal is 40kHz, which by the single-chip implementation of the following procedures to generate.puzel: mov 14h, # 12h; ultrasonic firing continued 200mshere: cpl p1.0; output 40kHz square wavenop;nop;nop;djnz 14h, here;retRanging in front of single-chip termination circuit P1.0 input port, single chip implementation of the above procedure, the P1.0 port in a 40kHz pulse output signal, after amplification transistor T, the drive to launch the first ultrasonic UCM40T, issued 40kHz ultrasonic pulse, and the continued launch of 200ms. Ranging the right and the left side of the circuit, respectively, then input port P1.1 and P1.2, the working principle and circuit in front of the same location.2, reception and processing of ultrasonicUsed to receive the first launch of the first pair UCM40R, the ultrasonic pulse modulation signal into an alternating voltage, the op-amp amplification IC1A and after polarizationIC1B to IC2. IC2 is locked loop with audio decoder chip LM567, internal voltage-controlled oscillator center frequency of f0 = 1/1.1R8C3, capacitor C4 determine their target bandwidth. R8-conditioning in the launch of the carrier frequency on the LM567 input signal is greater than 25mV, the output from the high jump 8 feet into a low-level, as interrupt request signals to the single-chip processing.Ranging in front of single-chip termination circuit output port INT0 interrupt the highest priority, right or left location of the output circuit with output gate IC3A access INT1 port single-chip, while single-chip P1.3 and P1. 4 received input IC3A, interrupted by the process to identify the source of inquiry to deal with, interrupt priority level for the first left right after. Part of the source code is as follows:receive1: push pswpush accclr ex1; related external interrupt 1jnb p1.1, right; P1.1 pin to 0, ranging from right to interrupt service routine circuitjnb p1.2, left; P1.2 pin to 0, to the left ranging circuit interrupt service routinereturn: SETB EX1; open external interrupt 1pop? accpop? pswretiright: ...?; right location entrance circuit interrupt service routine? Ajmp? Returnleft: ...; left Ranging entrance circuit interrupt service routine? Ajmp? Return4, the calculation of ultrasonic propagation timeWhen you start firing at the same time start the single-chip circuitry within the timer T0, the use of timer counting function records the time and the launch of ultrasonic reflected wave received time. When you receive the ultrasonic reflected wave, the receiver circuit outputs a negative jump in the end of INT0 or INT1 interrupt request generates a signal,single-chip microcomputer in response to external interrupt request, the implementation of the external interrupt service subroutine, read the time difference, calculating the distance . Some of its source code is as follows:RECEIVE0: PUSH PSWPUSH ACCCLR EX0; related external interrupt 0? MOV R7, TH0; read the time valueMOV R6, TL0?CLR CMOV A, R6SUBB A, # 0BBH; calculate the time differenceMOV 31H, A; storage resultsMOV A, R7SUBB A, # 3CHMOV 30H, A?SETB EX0; open external interrupt 0POP ACC?POP PSWRETIFourth, the ultrasonic ranging system software designSoftware is divided into two parts, the main program and interrupt service routine, shown in Figure 3 (a) (b) (c) below. Completion of the work of the main program is initialized, each sequence of ultrasonic transmitting and receiving control.Interrupt service routines from time to time to complete three of the rotation direction of ultrasonic launch, the main external interrupt service subroutine to read the value of completion time, distance calculation, the results of the output and so on.V. CONCLUSIONSRequired measuring range of 30cm ~ 200cm objects inside the plane to do a number of measurements found that the maximum error is 0.5cm, and good reproducibility.Single-chip design can be seen on the ultrasonic ranging system has a hardware structure is simple, reliable, small features such as measurement error. Therefore, it can be used not only for mobile robot can be used in other detection systems.Thoughts: As for why the receiver do not have the transistor amplifier circuit, because the magnification well, CX20106 integrated amplifier, but also with automatic gain control level, magnification to 76dB, the center frequency is 38k to 40k, is exactly resonant ultrasonic sensors frequency=====本文所介绍的三方向(前、左、右)超声波测距系统,就是为机器人了解其前方、左侧和右侧的环境而提供一个运动距离信息。



英文原文:Ultrasonic distance sensorDesign Principles:Ultrasonic sensor is developed from the use of the characteristics of ultrasonic sensors.Higher frequency ultrasound is a mechanical acoustic waves, the transducer excitation voltage of the chip occurs in the vibration, and it has a high frequency, short wavelength, diffraction is small, especially the direction of good, to be the ray and the orientationcommunication and so on.Ultrasound on liquids and solids through a great ability, especially in opaque solids in the sun, which can penetrate tens of meters in depth.Ultrasonic impurities or sub-interface will encounter a significant reflection reflection into the echo formation, hit moving objects can produce the Doppler effect.Therefore widely used in industrial ultrasonic inspection, defense, biomedical and other aspects of the ultrasound as a means of detection, must generate and receive ultrasound ultrasound.To fulfill this function the device is ultrasonic sensors, traditionally known as the ultrasonic transducer or ultrasonic probe.The main performance indicators of ultrasonic sensors:Ultrasound probe is the core of its plastic jacket or a piece of metal in the piezoelectric jacket.Constitute the chip can have many kinds of materials.Chip size, such as diameter and thickness also vary, so the performance of each probe is different, we used to know it in advance before the performance.The main performance indicators of ultrasonic sensors include: (1) operating frequency.Frequency is the resonant frequency of the piezoelectric wafer.When added to the AC voltage across it, and the frequency of the resonant frequency of the chip are equal, the maximum energy output, sensitivity is highest.(2) operating temperature.Since the Curie point of piezoelectric materials generally high, particularly when using the power of diagnostic ultrasound probe small, so the temperature is relatively low, you can work long hours without producing failure.Medical ultrasound probe temperature is relatively high, requiring a separate cooling device.(3) sensitivity.Depends primarily on manufacturing the chip itself.Electromechanical coupling coefficient, high sensitivity; the other hand, low sensitivity.Structure and Working Principle:When voltage is applied to piezoelectric ceramic, it will with the voltage and frequency of changes in the mechanical deformation.On the other hand, when the vibration of piezoelectric ceramics, it will generate a ing this principle, when given by the two piezoelectric ceramic or a piezoelectric ceramic and a vibrator, sheet metal, the so-called bimorph element called the imposition of an electricalsignal, it will emit ultrasonic vibration due to bending.Conversely, when applied to the bimorph ultrasonic devices, it will generate an electrical signal.Based on the above role, it can be used as a piezoelectric ceramic ultrasonic sensors.Such as ultrasonic sensors, a compound vibrator was flexibility on a fixed base.The vibrator is a composite resonator, and by a metal plate and a piezoelectric bimorph element consisting of a combination vibrator.Resonator and trumpets the purpose of effective radiation generated by the ultrasonic vibrations, and can effectively make ultrasonic vibrator gathered in a central location.Outdoor uses ultrasonic sensors must have a good seal in order to prevent dew, rain and dust intrusion.Piezoelectric ceramic is fixed on the top of the metal box inside the body.Base fixed in the open end of box, and covered with resin.Of ultrasonic sensors for industrial robots, the requirements to achieve an accuracy of 1mm, and has strong ultrasonic ponents using conventional bimorph bending vibration of the vibrator, in the case of frequencies above 70kHz, it is impossible to achieve this purpose.Therefore, in the high-frequency probe, you must use the vertical thickness vibration mode piezoelectric ceramic.In this case, the acoustic impedance of piezoelectric ceramics and the air becomes very important match.Acoustic impedance of piezoelectric ceramic 2.6 × 107kg/m2s, while the acoustic impedance of air is 4.3×102kg/m2s.5different power piezoelectric vibration will result in substantial losses of radiation on the surface.Adhesion of a special material on the piezoelectric ceramic, matching layers, as the sound can be achieved with air impedance match.This structure allows up to several hundred kHz ultrasonic sensors in the frequency of the circumstances, still be able to work properly.Ultrasonic distance sensor technology and application of the principle:Ultrasonic distance sensor can be widely used in Level (level) monitoring, robot collision avoidance, a variety of ultrasonic proximity switches, and related areas such as anti-theft alarm, reliable, easy installation, waterproof, small launch angle, high sensitivity,display instruments to facilitate connections with industry, also provides a larger probe launch angle.1, ultrasonic range finder: ultra-high energy acoustic ranging techniques to ultrasonic distance measurement techniques have been major breakthroughs, it not only broadens the applications of ultrasonic distance measurement technology (for very poor working conditions), and the use of smart regulation technology,greatly improve the reliability of ultrasonic products, and performance indicators, allowing users to worry about without looking back.Excellent echo processing technology ,5-50KHZ of ultra high strength level meter wave frequency to the maximum range up to 120 meters for medium temperature is -20℃-+175℃.Intelligent automatic adjustment made wave frequency, automatic temperature compensation function to work more stable and reliable.HpAWK series also has a flexible work (the power supply for 12VDC, 24VDC, 110V AC, 220V AC; two / three / four-wire system can be freely combined in the same instrument.It also has advanced remote GSM, CDMA, Internet debugging features, enabling users to readily available technical support.中文译文:超声波距离传感器设计原理:超声波传感器是利用超声波的特性研制而成的传感器。



Ultrasonic distance meterDocument Type and Number:United States Patent 5442592 Abstract:An ultrasonic distance meter cancels out the effects of temperature and humidity variations by including a measuring unit and a reference unit. In each of the units, a repetitive series of pulses is generated, each having a repetition rate directly related to the respective distance between an electroacoustic transmitter and an electroacoustic receiver. The pulse trains are provided to respective counters, and the ratio of the counter outputs is utilized to determine the distance being measured.OF THE INVENTIONThis invention relates to apparatus for the measurement of distance and, more particularly, to such apparatus which transmits ultrasonic waves between two points.Precision machine tools must be calibrated. In the past, this has been accomplished utilizing mechanical devices such as calipers, micrometers, and the like. However, the use of such devices does not readily lend itself to automation techniques. It is known that the distance between two points can be determined by measuring the propagation time of a wave travelling between those two points. One such type of wave is an ultrasonic, or acoustic, wave. When an ultrasonic wave travels between two points, the distance between the two points can be measured by multiplying the transit time of the wave by the wave velocity in themedium separating the two points. It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide apparatus utilizing ultrasonic waves to accurately measure the distance between two points.When the medium between the two points whose spacing is being measured is air, the sound velocity is dependent upon the temperature and humidity of the air. It is therefore a further object of the,present invention to provide apparatus of the type described which is independent of temperature and humidity variations.OF THE INVENTIONThe foregoing and additional objects are attained in accordance with the principles of this invention by providing distance measuring apparatus which includes a reference unit and a measuring unit. The reference and measuring units are the same and each includes an electroacoustic transmitter and an electroacoustic receiver. The spacing between the transmitter and the receiver of the reference unit is a fixed reference distance, whereas the spacing between the transmitter and receiver of the measuring unit is the distance to be measured. In each of the units, the transmitter and receiver are coupled by a feedback loop which causes the transmitter to generate an acoustic pulse which is received by the receiver and converted into an electrical pulse which is then fed back to the transmitter, so that a repetitive series of pulses results. The repetition rate of the pulses is inversely related to the distance between the transmitterand the receiver. In each of the units, the pulses are provided to a counter. Since the reference distance is known, the ratio of the counter outputs is utilized to determine the desired distance to be measured. Since both counts are identically influenced by temperature and humidity variations, by taking the ratio of the counts, the resultant measurement becomes insensitive to such variations.DESCRIPTIONof ultrasonic distance measurement1, the principle of piezoelectric ultrasonic generatorPiezoelectric ultrasonic generator is the use of piezoelectric crystal resonators to work. Ultrasonic generator, the internal structure as shown in Figure 1, it has two piezoelectric chip and a resonance plate. When it's two plus pulse signal, the frequency equal to the intrinsic piezoelectric oscillation frequency chip, the chip will happen piezoelectric resonance, and promote the development of plate vibration resonance, ultrasound is generated. Conversely, if the two are not inter-electrode voltage, when the board received ultrasonic resonance, it will be for vibration suppression of piezoelectric chip, the mechanical energy is converted to electrical signals, then it becomes the ultrasonic receiver.2, the principle of ultrasonic distance measurementUltrasonic transmitter in a direction to launch ultrasound, in the moment to launch the beginning of time at the same time, the spread ofultrasound in the air, obstacles on his way to return immediately, the ultrasonic reflected wave received by the receiver immediately stop the clock. Ultrasound in the air as the propagation velocity of 340m / s, according to the timer records the time t, we can calculate the distance between the launch distance barrier (s), that is: s = 340t / 2Ranging System for the Second Circuit DesignSystem is characterized by single-chip microcomputer to control the use of ultrasonic transmitter and ultrasonic receiver since the launch from time to time, single-chip selection of 8751, economic-to-use, and the chip has 4K of ROM, to facilitate programming. Circuit schematic diagram shown in Figure 2. Draw only the front range of the circuit wiring diagram, left and right in front of Ranging Ranging circuits and the same circuit, it is omitted.1,40 kHz ultrasonic pulse generated with the launchRanging system using the ultrasonic sensor of piezoelectric ceramic sensors UCM40, its operating voltage of the pulse signal is 40kHz, which by the single-chip implementation of the following procedures to generate. puzel: mov 14h, # 12h; ultrasonic firing continued 200mshere: cpl ; output 40kHz square wavenop;nop;nop;djnz 14h, here;retRanging in front of single-chip termination circuit input port, single chip implementation of the above procedure, the port in a 40kHz pulse output signal, after amplification transistor T, the drive to launch the first ultrasonic UCM40T, issued 40kHz ultrasonic pulse, and the continued launch of 200ms. Ranging the right and the left side of the circuit, respectively, then input port and , the working principle and circuit in front of the same location.2, reception and processing of ultrasonicUsed to receive the first launch of the first pair UCM40R, the ultrasonic pulse modulation signal into an alternating voltage, the op-amp amplification IC1A and after polarization IC1B to IC2. IC2 is locked loop with audio decoder chip LM567, internal voltage-controlled oscillator center frequency of f0 = 1/, capacitor C4 determine their target bandwidth. R8-conditioning in the launch of the carrier frequency on the LM567 input signal is greater than 25mV, the output from the high jump 8 feet into a low-level, as interrupt request signals to the single-chip processing. Ranging in front of single-chip termination circuit output port INT0 interrupt the highest priority, right or left location of the output circuit with output gate IC3A access INT1 port single-chip, while single-chip and P1. 4 received input IC3A, interrupted by the process to identify thesource of inquiry to deal with, interrupt priority level for the first left right after. Part of the source code is as follows:receive1: push pswpush accclr ex1; related external interrupt 1jnb , right; pin to 0, ranging from right to interrupt service routine circuitjnb , left; pin to 0, to the left ranging circuit interrupt service routinereturn: SETB EX1; open external interrupt 1pop? accpop? pswretiright: ...?; right location entrance circuit interrupt service routine? Ajmp? Returnleft: ...; left Ranging entrance circuit interrupt service routine? Ajmp? Return3, the calculation of ultrasonic propagation timeWhen you start firing at the same time start the single-chip circuitry within the timer T0, the use of timer counting function records the time and the launch of ultrasonic reflected wave received time. When you receive the ultrasonic reflected wave, the receiver circuit outputs a negativejump in the end of INT0 or INT1 interrupt request generates a signal, single-chip microcomputer in response to external interrupt request, the implementation of the external interrupt service subroutine, read the time difference, calculating the distance . Some of its source code is as follows: RECEIVE0: PUSH PSWPUSH ACCCLR EX0; related external interrupt 0? MOV R7, TH0; read the time valueMOV R6, TL0?CLR CMOV A, R6SUBB A, # 0BBH; calculate the time differenceMOV 31H, A; storage resultsMOV A, R7SUBB A, # 3CHMOV 30H, A?SETB EX0; open external interrupt 0POP ACC?POP PSWRETI, the ultrasonic ranging system software designSoftware is divided into two parts, the main program and interrupt service routine, shown in Figure 3 (a) (b) (c) below. Completion of the work of the main program is initialized, each sequence of ultrasonic transmitting and receiving control.Interrupt service routines from time to time to complete three of the rotation direction of ultrasonic launch, the main external interrupt service subroutine to read the value of completion time, distance calculation, the results of the output and so on.E. CONCLUSIONSRequired measuring range of 30cm ~ 200cm objects inside the plane to do a number of measurements found that the maximum error is , and good reproducibility. Single-chip design can be seen on the ultrasonic ranging system has a hardware structure is simple, reliable, small features such as measurement error. Therefore, it can be used not only for mobile robot can be used in other detection systems.Thoughts: As for why the receiver do not have the transistor amplifier circuit, because the magnification well, CX20206 integrated amplifier, but also with automatic gain control level, magnification to 76dB, the center frequency is 38k to 40k, is exactly resonant ultrasonic sensors frequency.超声波测距仪摘要:提出了一种能够抵消温度的阻碍和湿度的转变的新型超声波测距仪,包括测量单元和参考资料。












关键字:单片机;传感器;超声波测距;温度补偿Abstractrobot through its perception system to detect obstacles that in front of the road and the surrounding environment to achieve the distance around the barrier, auto hunt, range and other functions.Ultrasonic Ranging in terms to other ranging technology is low-cost, high accuracy, without environmental constraints, and convenient, it will be combined together with infrared sensors achieve robot hunt around the barrier function.This article describes the ultrasonic ranging system based on STC89C51,which e laborate ultrasonic Ranging System hardware design, software design and its working principle.The design is mainly controlled by the microcontroller module,LED display module, DS18B20 temperature compensation module, as well as sound and light alarm module ing the principle of reflection of the ultrasonic wave,Calculate the ultrasonic propagation time in the air in half and then multiplied by the speed after the correction of the temperature compensation that can be drawn between the obstacle to the sensor distance,And digital display.Secondly, the sound and light alarm when the system measuring distance less than 10cm .The system has an Advantage of Simple hardware circuit, low cost, reliable, low power consumption, small size, the error is small, h ave a good measurement accuracy, etc..At present, the ultrasonic cleaning technology, radar technology in medicine, the military occupies an important position,so the research ultrasound technology has a certain significance. This design works basically meet the design requirements, there are certain promotional, while for deficiencies, such as measuring the distance is too small, etc., the article concludes with a number of improvements in the performance of the feasibility of the program.KeyWords:MCU;Sensor;Ultrasonic Ranging;Temperature compensation目录摘要 0Abstract (1)第一章绪论 (4)1.1课题的研究背景 (4)1.2超声波在国内外的发展现状 (6)1.3研究目的和意义 (6)1.4研究内容 (6)1.5 论文结构 (7)第二章系统方案设计 (8)2.1设计要求 (8)2.2设计方案 (8)第三章硬件设计 (10)3.1 AT89C51单片机简介 (10)3.1.1 AT89C51各引脚的含义和功能 (11)3.2系统硬件设计组成部分 (13)3.2.1 AT89C51单片机最小系统 (13)3.2.2 数码管显示模块 (13)3.2.3超声波发射接收模块 (14)3.2.4声光报警模块 (20)3.2.5复位电路 (20)3.2.6 DS18B20温度补偿电路 (22) DS18B20内部结构及测温原理 (23) DS18B20的封装形式及引脚功能 (24) DS18B20的供电方式 (25)3.2.7 +5V电源模块 (26)第四章软件设计 (27)4.1软件整体设计 (28)4.2系统主要模块程序设计 (29)4.2.1超声波发射程序及接收中断子程序 (29)4.2.2 DS18B20访问程序 (29)第五章调试与检测 (31)5.1硬件测试 (31)5.2 软件测试 (32)5.3结果分析 (32)5.4误差来源 (32)5.5 解决方案 (33)5.6本设计所做工作 (33)总结与展望 (35)谢词 (36)参考文献 (36)附录1 电路原理图及PCB图 (38)附录2 程序清单 (40)第一章绪论超声波以其指向性好、穿透能力强、能量消耗缓慢、环境污染小等优点,因而超声波常用于距离测量。



ultrasonic micrometer 超声测微计 ultrasonic microscope 超声显微镜 ultrasonic mode changer 超声波振动模式变换器 ultrasonic modulator 超声波调制器 ultrasonic monitor 超声波监测器 ultrasonic nebulizer 超声波雾化器 ultrasonic negative-ion generator 超声波负离⼦发⽣器 ultrasonic oscillator 超声振荡器 ultrasonic particle monitor 超声波粒⼦监测仪 ultrasonic pen pointer 超声指⽰笔 ultrasonic plastic welder 超声波塑料焊接机 ultrasonic probe 超声波探头 ultrasonic radar 超声雷达 ultrasonic rapid sector scanner 超声快速扇形扫描仪 ultrasonic receiver 超声波接收机 ultrasonic reflectoscope 超声波探伤器 ultrasonic refractoscope 超声波折射检验器 ultrasonic scaler 超声波除垢器 ultrasonic scaling apparatus 超声波除垢器械 ultrasonic scanner 超声波扫描器 ultrasonic sector scanner 扇形超声扫描仪 ultrasonic sensor 超声波传感器 ultrasonic soldering iron 超声波钎焊烙铁 ultrasonic soldering machine 超声波焊机 ultrasonic spectroscope 超声分光镜 ultrasonic sphygmomanometer 超声脉压计 ultrasonic stethoscope 超声波听诊器 ultrasonic stress analyzer 超声应⼒分析仪 ultrasonic stroboscope 超声波频闪观测器 ultrasonic surgical instrument 超声⼿术器械 ultrasonic temperature measuring apparatus 超声测温仪 ultrasonic tester 超声波测试器 ultrasonic therapeutic apparatus for brain 脑超声波治疗机 ultrasonic therapy apparatus 超声波治疗机 ultrasonic thermometer 超声波温度计 ultrasonic thickness gauge 超声波测厚计 ultrasonic thickness meter 超声波测厚仪 ultrasonic thickness tester 超声波测厚仪 ultrasonic tomograph 超声层析X射线摄影机 ultrasonic tooth cleaner 超声波洁⽛器 ultrasonic transducer 超声波传感器 ultrasonic transmitter 超声波发射器 ultrasonic treatment unit 超声波治疗装置 ultrasonic viscometer 超声波粘度计 ultrasonic walking aid 超声助⾏仪 ultrasonic washbasin 超声波洗⾯器 ultrasonic washer 超声洗涤机 ultrasonic water level gauge 超声波⽔位计 ultrasonic wave cleaner 超声波清洗机 ultrasonic wave diagnostic instrument 超声波诊断仪 ultrasonic wave generator 超声波发⽣器 ultrasonic wave height meter 超声波测量⾼度计 ultrasonic wave quadrant section diagnostic meter 超声波扇形切⾯诊断仪 ultrasonic web-break detector 超声波卷筒纸断裂指⽰器 ultrasonic welding machine 超声波焊接机 ultrasonic-mechanic multiplicate polisher 超声机械复合抛光机 ultrasonically activated extruder 超⾳速驱动挤压机 ultrasonicator 超声发⽣器 ultrasonocardiograph 超声⼼动图仪 ultrasonomicroscope 超声显微镜 ultrasonoscope 超声波仪 ultrasound breast scanner 超声波*扫描仪 ultrasound therapy equipment 超声波治疗机 ultrasound transmitting transducer 超声波发射换能器 ultrastrength steel 超⾼强度钢 ultrathin fibre 超细纤维 ultrathin film 超薄薄膜 ultrathin laser 超薄激光器 ultrathin membrane 超薄膜 ultrathin solid carbide slotting saw 超薄型固体硬质合⾦开槽锯 ultrathin tinplate 超薄镀锡板 ultrathin-film capacitor 超薄薄膜电容器 ultraviolet absorber 紫外线吸收器 ultraviolet absorbing filter 紫外线吸收滤光⽚ ultraviolet absorption analyzer 紫外吸收分析器 ultraviolet analyzer 紫外分析器 ultraviolet band pass filter 紫外带通滤光⽚ ultraviolet borescope 紫外线内孔探测镜 ultraviolet brightener 紫外增⽩剂 ultraviolet bulb 紫外线灯泡 ultraviolet camera 紫外照相机 ultraviolet curable resin coated fiber 紫外固化树脂涂覆光纤 ultraviolet curable resin 紫外线固化树脂 ultraviolet cured silicone acrylate 紫外光固化有机硅丙烯酸酯 ultraviolet detector 紫外检测器 ultraviolet dosimeter 紫外剂量计 ultraviolet double beam spectrophotometer 紫外双射束分光光度计 ultraviolet dye laser 紫外染料激光器 ultraviolet EPROM eraser 紫外线电可编程只读存储器擦除器 ultraviolet erasable read-only-memory 紫外线可擦只读存储器 ultraviolet filter 紫外滤波器 ultraviolet flame detector 紫外线⽕焰检测器 ultraviolet generator 紫外线发⽣器 ultraviolet lamp 紫外灯 ultraviolet laser rangefinder 紫外激光测距仪 ultraviolet laser 紫外激光器 ultraviolet lens 紫外光镜⽚ ultraviolet light microscope 紫外光显微镜 ultraviolet light sensing tube 紫外光敏管 ultraviolet light stabilizer 紫外光稳定器 ultraviolet microscope 紫外显微镜 ultraviolet microspectrometer 紫外显微分光计 ultraviolet monitor 紫外监控器 ultraviolet nitrogen laser 紫外氮激光器 ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscope 紫外光电⼦光谱仪 ultraviolet photometer 紫外光度计 ultraviolet photomultiplier 紫外光电倍增管 ultraviolet photosensitive cell 紫外光敏管 ultraviolet plate 紫外线感光板 ultraviolet polarimeter 紫外偏振计 ultraviolet pulse molecular nitrogen laser 紫外脉冲氮分⼦激光器 ultraviolet ray absorbent 紫外线吸收剂 ultraviolet ray lamp 紫外线灯 ultraviolet ray power meter 紫外线功率计 ultraviolet ray resisting paper 紫外线防护纸 ultraviolet ray strength measuring meter 紫外线强度测量计 ultraviolet receptor 紫外光感受器 ultraviolet recorder 紫外线记录器 ultraviolet refractometer 紫外折射计 ultraviolet shield 紫外防护罩 ultraviolet spectrograph 紫外光谱仪 ultraviolet spectrometer 紫外光谱仪 ultraviolet spectrophotometer 紫外分光光度计 ultraviolet television microscope 紫外线电视显微镜 ultraviolet transmitting filter 紫外透射滤光⽚ ultraviolet treatment lamp 紫外线治疗灯 ultraviolet tube 紫外光灯管 ultraviolet water sterilizer 紫外线⽔消毒器 ultraviolet width gauge 紫外线测宽仪 ultraviolet-visible colorimetric monitor 紫外-可见光⽐⾊监测器 ultraviolet-visible detector 紫外可见光检测器 ultraviolet-visible effluent monitor 紫外-可见光流出物监测仪 ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer 紫外-可见光分光光度计 ultraviscoson 超声粘度计 ultravisuscope 超视镜 Ultron 厄尔特纶耐纶纤维 Ulysse-Nardin 阿⽴斯那庭牌⼿表 umbellate pore fungus 猪苓 umbilical therapy band 脐疗带 umbrascope 烟尘浊度计 umbrella skirt 伞裥裙 umbrella & parasol 伞类 umbrella antenna 伞形天线 umbrella cloth 伞布 umbrella cover 伞套 umbrella fabric 伞⾯ umbrella gingham 条格伞布 umbrella ring 伞环 umbrella silk 伞绸 umbrella skirt 伞形裙 umbrella stand 伞架 umbrella stem 伞柄 umbrella stick 伞杖 umbrella tops 阔边伞布 umbrella type alternator 伞形交流发电机 umbrella type generator 伞形发电机 umbrella washer 伞形洗涤器 umbrella wire 伞⾻钢丝 umbrella 伞 umbrella-type moulder 伞形⾯团成圆机 umbrella-type rounder 伞形揉圆机 unakite 绿帘花岗⽯ unasyn vial 注射⽤优⽴新 unbalanced attenuator 不平衡衰减器 unbalanced modulator 不平衡调制器 unbalanced-load meter 不平衡负截指⽰仪 unbelted corselet 不束带紧胸⾐ unbender 矫直机 unblanking mixer 开启混频器 unbleached calico 原⾊布 unbleached flannel 本⾊法兰绒 unbleached grass cloth 原⾊夏布 unbleached greaseproof paper 本⾊防油纸 unbleached muslin 本⾊薄洋纱印花坯布 unbleached paper pulp 原⾊纸浆 unbleached paper 本⾊纸 unbleached sulphite paper 鸡⽪纸 unbleached tussah spun silk yarn 灰柞绢丝 unbleached white bristle 原⽩猪鬃 unbleached wide sheet 不漂⽩阔幅被单布 unboiled silk 未脱胶丝 unbonded strain gauge pressure transducer 应变计压⼒传感器 unbonded strain gauge 应变计 unbonded strain pressure transducer for medical service 医⽤胀⼒传感器 unbreakable glass 不碎玻璃 unbreakable metal 锌基韧性合⾦ unbreakable slate 不碎⽯板 unclipped carpet 不剪绒地毯 uncoated book paper 未涂布书籍纸 uncoated cover paper 未涂布封⾯纸 uncoated laser 不镀膜激光器 uncoated playing-card stock 未涂布扑克牌原纸 uncoated postal-card stock 未涂布明信⽚原纸 uncoated printing paper 未涂布印刷纸 uncoated wire ⽆涂层焊丝 uncoiler leveller 开卷-矫直机 uncoiler 开卷机 uncoiling machine 开卷机 uncompensated amplifier ⽆补偿放⼤器 uncompensated cavity resonator ⽆补偿空腔谐振器 uncontrollable diesel generator set 不可控柴油发电机组 uncontrolled rectifier 未稳压整流器 uncooled laser ⾃然冷却式激光器 uncrushable carpet 耐压地毯 uncured mat 未固化的玻璃纤维毡 uncut brocade ⾦银线浮花锦缎 uncut serge 未剪⽑哔叽 uncut velvet ⽑圈丝绒 uncut worsted ⽑哔叽 uncutting wiping towel ⽑边抹布 undamped geophone ⽆阻尼地震检波器 undecane ⼗⼀烷 undecanoic acid ⼗⼀酸 undecanol ⼗⼀醇 undecene ⼗⼀碳烯 undecenoic acid ⼗⼀碳烯酸 undecoylium chloride iodine 恩地氯铵碘 undecylene ⼗⼀碳烯 undecylenic acid ⼗⼀碳烯酸 undecyne ⼗⼀炔 Unden 残杀威 under blouse ⼥衬衫 under coating varnish 打底清漆 under compound generator ⽋复激发电机 under drawers 衬裤 under long pants 长衬裤 under vest 汗背⼼ under waist 衬⾥背⼼ under-chassis 底盘 under-current relay ⽋流继电器 under-power relay ⽋功率继电器 under-robe 旗袍衬衫 under-voltage circuit breaker ⽋压断路器 under-voltage open phase relay ⽋压开相继电器 under-voltage relay ⽋压继电器 under-voltage release ⽋压释放器 under-voltage reverse phase relay ⽋压反相继电器 underbodice 紧⾝马甲 underbody 衬⾥背⼼ underclothes 内⾐ underclothing 内⾐ undercoat glaze 衬底釉 undercoat 内⾐ underdrive double action drawing press 底传动式双动拉伸压⼒机 underearth-wire finder 地埋线故障控测仪 undergarment 内⾐ underglaze colour porcelain 釉下彩瓷器 underglaze pigments 釉底颜料 underground cable 地下光缆 underground drill rig 坑道钻机 underground drilling unit 巷道钻 underground loader 地下装载机 underground locomotive for mine 矿⽤井下电机车 underground pipeline finder 地下管线探测仪 underground railway train 地下铁道列车 underground weigher 地秤 underload circuit-breaker ⽋载断路器 underload relay ⽋载继电器 underload switch ⽋载开关 underlying refrigerator 下置式冰箱 underpants 衬裤 underpick loom 下投梭织机 undersea fiber-optic cable 海底光缆 undersea fiber-optic connector 海底光纤连接器 undersea lightwave cable 海底光缆 undershirt 汗衫 undershorts 松紧短衬裤 underskirt 衬裙 underslung charging crane 悬臂式加料吊车 underslung conveyer 悬挂式运输机 undersquare engine 长⾏程发动机 underthings 妇⼥内⾐裤 undertwisted yarn 低捻纱 underwater acoustic communication apparatus ⽔声通信机 underwater acoustic measuring instrument ⽔声测量仪 underwater acoustic telemeter ⽔声遥测计 underwater acoustic transducer ⽔声换能器 underwater applicable anti-corrosive coating ⽔下施⼯防锈涂料 underwater applicable anti-fouling paint ⽔下施⼯防污涂料 underwater attracting fish lamp ⽔下诱鱼灯 underwater cable ⽔下光缆 underwater camera ⽔下摄影机 underwater compass ⽔下罗盘 underwater connector ⽔下连接器 underwater electroacoustic transducer ⽔下电声传感器 underwater emergency repair engineering vessel ⽔下抢修⼯程船 underwater gamma spectrometer ⽔下γ射线光谱仪 underwater hammer ⽔下打桩机 underwater laser radar ⽔下激光雷达 underwater laser ⽔下激光器 underwater magnetic minedetector ⽔下磁性探雷器 underwater manned submersible ⽔下载⼈潜⽔器 underwater optical cable ⽔下光缆 underwater optical fiber cable ⽔下光缆 underwater pile driver ⽔下打桩机 underwater platform ⽔下平台 underwater pump 潜⽔泵 underwater radiac set ⽔下放射性检测仪 underwater repeater ⽔下增⾳机 underwater robot ⽔下机器⼈ underwater rock drill ⽔下钻岩机 underwater sensor ⽔下传感器 underwater separator ⽔下分离器 underwater television camera ⽔下电视摄像机 underwater transmissometer ⽔下混浊度仪 underwater TV camera ⽔下电视摄像机 underwater watch 潜⽔⼿表 underwater welding electrode ⽔下焊条 underwear and coat 内⾐外⾐ underwear linen 亚⿇内⾐服装布 underwear 内⾐裤 undies 妇⼥内⾐ undiluted epoxy resin 未稀释的环氧树脂 undine 洗眼壶 Undokor 氰粉灵 undress 便服 undressed civet cat hair 不扎把麝猫⽑ undressed warp ⽆浆经纱 undulated sheet iron ⽡垅薄钢板 undulator 波纹机 unequal twill 单⾯斜纹 unequilateral angle steel 不等边⾓钢 unetched fibre 未侵蚀纤维 uneven paralleled bars ⾼低杠 unfaced board 未抛光板 unfinished round pin 粗加⼯圆销 unfinished washer 粗加⼯垫圈 unfocused laser 未聚焦激光器 unglazed crucible 素烧坩埚 unglazed floor tile 素地砖 unglazed porcelain 素瓷 unglazed printing paper ⽆光道林纸 unglazed pure kraft paper 棕⾊平⾯⽜⽪纸 unglazed tile ⽆釉墙砖 unguentum pyranmeli pamoatis 抗蛲灵软膏 unguentum 软膏 ungummed silk 熟丝 unhairing knife 去⽑⼑ unhairing machine 去⽑机 unheated air drier 常温⽓流⼲燥机 uni-cycle 独轮车 uni-material fabric 纯纺织物 uniaural stethoscope 单⽿听诊器 unicellular fibre 单细胞纤维 unicorn incense burner 麒麟⾹炉 unicoupler 单耦合器 unidirectional conductor 单向导体 unidirectional coupler 单向耦合器 unidirectional direction finder 单向测向器 unidirectional engine 单转向发动机 unidirectional fabric 单向纤维织物 unidirectional fibre 单向纤维 unidirectional flow pump 直流泵 unidirectional membrance rupture valve 单向破膜阀 unidirectional mill 单向轧机 unidirectional radio direction finder 单向⽆线电测向仪 unidirectional ring laser 单向环形激光器 unidirectional rupture diaphragm valve 单向破膜阀 unidirectional transducer 单向转换器 unidirectional turbine 单转向涡轮机 Unidur 乌尼杜尔铝锌镁合⾦ unified miniature screw thread gauge 统⼀标准⼩直径螺纹规 unified screw thread gauge 统⼀标准螺纹规 unifilar electrometer 单丝静电计 unifilar variometer 单丝磁变计 uniflow boiler 单流式锅炉 uniflow engine 单流式发动机 uniflow steam engine 单流式蒸汽机 uniflow type compressor 单流式压缩机 uniflow type condenser 单流式冷凝器。

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毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院:电子与电气工程学院专业:电子信息工程姓名:学号:外文出处:ADV ANCES IN IMAGING ANDELECTRON PHYSICS附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。




出版日期: 1995年8月15日主审查员:罗保.伊恩j.一、背景发明本发明涉及到仪器的测量距离,更特别是,这种仪器传送超声波于两点之间。



















四、详细说明根据现在的绘图,可以得出以下结论,测量单元10和参考单元12都联结起来组成了可以利用的单元14 。

测量单元10包括了一个电信号发射机16和一个电信号接收机18 。









脉冲发生器38然后产生一个触发脉冲,这是提供给脉冲发生器40 。



这个振荡信号被用来提供给调制器44 。




当电源被用于描述的电路,有相当大的噪音输入到放大器34 ,以至于其输出触发脉冲发生器40引起正当周期变化,这个振荡周期是用来提供给发射器16的电极22和24。

发射器16因此产生声波32并作用于接收器18 。

接收器18 然后产生一个电脉冲,输入放大器的34 ,这再次触发脉冲发生器40 。


这脉冲串被用于计数器46,以及脉冲发生器40 。

发射机16和接收机18中间的间隔距离 D 它是我们想要测量的数据。

传播时间T是声波传播于之间的距离除以速度而得出来的,通过公式T=D/V 。





根据这项发明的基本原理,需要利用参考单元12 。

参考单元12同测量单元10基本上是一样的,其中,包括一电发射机50,以及在压电材料52之间的一对电极的54和56 。

接收机58 ,其中包括压电材料60之间的一对电极62和64 。



电极62和64连接到放大器66的输入端,其输出连接到探测器68 。


触发脉冲应用到脉冲发生器72以控制调制器74通过连续振荡器76传送一段脉冲串传递至发射机50 。


最好是所有的传感器16 ,18 ,50和58具有相同的共振频率。




可以得出测量单元和参考单元之间的联系如下:i D=D R (1/t R )/(1/t),tR是指的参照单元声波传播于固定空间的时间。









附件2:外文原文Ultrasonic distance meterAbstract:An ultrasonic distance meter cancels out the effects of temperature and humidity variations by including a measuring unit and a reference unit. In each of the units, a repetitive series of pulses is generated, each having a repetition rate directly related to the respective distance between an electroacoustic transmitter and an electroacoustic receiver. The pulse trains are provided to respective counters, and the ratio of the counter outputs is utilized to determine the distance being measured.Publication Date:08/15/1995Primary Examiner:Lobo, Ian J.1、BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTIONThis invention relates to apparatus for the measurement of distance and, more particularly, to such apparatus which transmits ultrasonic waves between two points. Precision machine tools must be calibrated. In the past, this has been accomplished utilizing mechanical devices such as calipers, micrometers, and the like. However, the use of such devices does not readily lend itself to automation techniques. It is known that the distance between two points can be determined by measuring the propagation time of a wave travelling between those two points. One such type of wave is an ultrasonic, or acoustic, wave. When an ultrasonic wave travels between two points, the distance between the two points can be measured by multiplying the transit time of the wave by the wave velocity in the medium separating the two points. It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide apparatus utilizing ultrasonic waves to accurately measure the distance between two points.When the medium between the two points whose spacing is being measured is air, the sound velocity is dependent upon the temperature and humidity of the air. It is therefore a further object of the invention, present invention to provide apparatus of the type described which is independent of temperature and humidity variations.2、SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONThe foregoing and additional objects are attained in accordance with the principles of this invention by providing distance measuring apparatus which includes a reference unit and a measuring unit. The reference and measuring units are the same and each includes an electroacoustic transmitter and an electroacoustic receiver. The spacing between the transmitter and the receiver of the reference unit is a fixed reference distance, whereas the spacing between the transmitter and receiver of the measuring unit is the distance tobe measured. In each of the units, the transmitter and receiver are coupled by a feedback loop which causes the transmitter to generate an acoustic pulse which is received by the receiver and converted into an electrical pulse which is then fed back to the transmitter, so that a repetitive series of pulses results. The repetition rate of the pulses is inversely related to the distance between the transmitter and the receiver. In each of the units, the pulses are provided to a counter. Since the reference distance is known, the ratio of the counter outputs is utilized to determine the desired distance to be measured. Since both counts are identically influenced by temperature and humidity variations, by taking the ratio of the counts, the resultant measurement becomes insensitive to such variations.3、BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGSThe foregoing will be more readily apparent upon reading the following description in conjunction with the drawing in which the single FIGURE schematically depicts apparatus constructed in accordance with the principles of this invention.4、DETAILED DESCRIPTIONReferring now to the drawing, there is shown a measuring unit 10 and a reference unit 12, both coupled to a utilization means 14. The measuring unit 10 includes an electroacoustic transmitter 16 and an electroacoustic receiver 18. The transmitter 16 includes piezoelectric material 20 sandwiched between a pair of electrodes 22 and 24. Likewise, the receiver 18 includes piezoelectric material 26 sandwiched between a pair of electrodes 28 and 30. As is known, by applying an electric field across the electrodes 22 and 24, stress is induced in the piezoelectric material 20. If the field varies, such as by the application of an electrical pulse, an acoustic wave 32 is generated. As is further known, when an acoustic wave impinges upon the receiver 18, this induces stress in the piezoelectric material 26 which causes an electrical signal to be generated across the electrodes 28 and 30. Although piezoelectric transducers have been illustrated, other electroacoustic devices may be utilized, such as, for example, electrostatic, electret or electromagnetic types.As shown, the electrodes 28 and 30 of the receiver 18 are coupled to the input of an amplifier 34, whose output is coupled to the input of a detector 36. The detector 36 is arranged to provide a signal to the pulse former 38 when the output from the amplifier 34 exceeds a predetermined level. The pulse former 38 then generates a trigger pulse which is provided to the pulse generator 40. In order to enhance the sensitivity of the system, the transducers 16 and 18 are resonantly excited. There is accordingly provided a continuous wave oscillator 42 which provides a continuous oscillating signal at a fixed frequency, preferably the resonant frequency of the transducers 16 and 18. This oscillating signal is provided to the modulator 44. To effectively excite the transmitter 16,it is preferable to provide several cycles of the resonant frequency signal, rather than a single pulse or single cycle. Accordingly, the pulse generator 40 is arranged, in response to the application thereto of a trigger pulse, to provide a control pulse to the modulator 44 having a time duration equal the time duration of a predetermined number of cycles of the oscillating signal from the oscillator 42. This control pulse causes the modulator 44 to pass a "burst" of cycles to excite the transmitter 16.When electric power is applied to the described circuitry, there is sufficient noise at the input to the amplifier 34 that its output triggers the pulse generator 40 to cause a burst of oscillating cycles to be provided across the electrodes 22 and 24 of the transmitter 16. The transmitter 16 accordingly generates an acoustic wave 32 which impinges upon the receiver 18. The receiver 18 then generates an electrical pulse which is applied to the input of the amplifier 34, which again causes triggering of the pulse generator 40. This cycle repeats itself so that a repetitive series of trigger pulses results at the output of the pulse former 38. This pulse train is applied to the counter 46, as well as to the pulse generator 40.The transmitter 16 and the receiver 18 are spaced apart by the distance "D" which it is desired to measure. The propagation time "t" for an acoustic wave 32 travelling between the transmitter 16 and the receiver 18 is given by: t=D/V swhere V s is the velocity of sound in the air between the transmitter 16 and the receiver 18. The counter 46 measures the repetition rate of the trigger pulses, which is equal to 1/t. Therefore, the repetition rate is equal to V s /D. The velocity of sound in air is a function of the temperature and humidity of the air, as follows: ##EQU1## where T is the temperature, p is the partial pressure of the water vapor, H is the barometric pressure, Γ w and Γ a are the ratio of constant pressure specific heat to constant volume specific heat for water vapor and dry air, respectively. Thus, although the repetition rate of the trigger pulses is measured very accurately by the counter 46, the sound velocity is influenced by temperature and humidity so that the measured distance D cannot be determined accurately.In accordance with the principles of this invention, a reference unit 12 is provided. The reference unit 12 is of the same construction as the measuring unit 10 and therefore includes an electroacoustic transmitter 50 which includes piezoelectric material 52 sandwiched between a pair of electrodes 54 and 56, and an electroacoustic receiver 58 which includes piezoelectric material 60 sandwiched between a pair of electrodes 62 and 64. Again, transducers other than the piezoelectric type can be utilized. The transmitter 50 and the receiver 58 are spaced apart a known and fixed reference distance "D R ". The electrodes 62 and 64 are coupled to the input of the amplifier 66, whose output is coupledto the input of the detector 68. The output of the detector 68 is coupled to the pulse former 70 which generates trigger pulses. The trigger pulses are applied to the pulse generator 72 which controls the modulator 74 to pass bursts from the continuous wave oscillator 76 to the transmitter 50. The trigger pulses from the pulse former 70 are also applied to the counter 78.Preferably, all of the transducers 16, 18, 50 and 58 have the same resonant frequency. Therefore, the oscillators 42 and 76 both operate at that frequency and the pulse generators 40 and 72 provide equal width output pulses.In usage, the measuring unit 10 and the reference unit 12 are in close proximity so that the sound velocity in both of the units is the same. Although the repetition rates of the pulses in the measuring unit 10 and the reference unit 12 are each temperature and humidity dependent, it can be shown that the distance D to be measured is related to the reference distance D R as follows: i D=D R (1/t R )/(1/t) where t R is the propagation time over the distance D R in the reference unit 12. This relationship is independent of both temperature and humidity.Thus, the outputs of the counters 46 and 78 are provided as inputs to the microprocessor 90 in the utilization means 14. The microprocessor 90 is appropriately programmed to provide an output which is proportional to the ratio of the outputs of the counters 46 and 78, which in turn are proportional to the repetition rates of the respective trigger pulse trains of the measuring unit 10 and the reference unit 12. As described, this ratio is independent of temperature and humidity and, since the reference distance D R is known, provides an accurate representation of the distance D. The utilization means 14 further includes a display 92 which is coupled to and controlled by the microprocessor 90 so that an operator can readily determine the distance D.Experiments have shown that when the distance between the transmitting and receiving transducers is too small, reflections of the acoustic wave at the transducer surfaces has a not insignificant effect which degrades the measurement accuracy. Accordingly, it is preferred that each transducer pair be separated by at least a certain minimum distance, preferably about four inches.。
