
真理知识 , 没有向好方 面的能力 。因此 , 柏拉 图认 为, 修辞学似乎 完全不是艺术 的追求 , 而是一种精明 的、 勇敢 的精神 , 这种精神在 对付人 的时候 自然是聪明的 ,但笔者把它 的主要部分称为谄媚 。 在笔者来说似乎有很多分支 ,其中一支被 当作艺术的调味品 , 但 在笔者看来 , 它完 全不是艺术 , 而是雕虫小技 , 是套话 。 应 当说 , 柏拉图对 当时修辞 学的批判 , 既造 成了对修辞 的破 坏性作用 ,同时也 为后来 修辞学 的改造 和完善提供 了契机和可 能。其 门生亚里士多德在柏拉 图逝世 前就开始传授修辞学 , 并将 修辞学作为其终身的兴趣 。在 西方修辞学史上 , 正是亚里士多德 首次把修辞学系统化组成一个统一 的体系。 在其被认为是 西方修 辞 学奠 基之作的《 修辞学》 书中 , 里士多德运用历史 的观点 , 一 亚 追溯 了修辞术的发展过程 ,对以往的修辞术研究加 以总结和概 括, 并把柏拉 图对修辞批判的思想 和智者学派所推崇 的演讲修辞 传统结合起来 , 成为哲学和实用主义的综合体 。 尽管亚里士多德与西塞罗 、 昆提里安在修辞学或者说论辩术 的具体细节方面看法并不完全相同 , 但他们 的修辞观基本是相同 的。在他们眼中 , 修辞是一种才能 , 也是一种工具 ; 修辞是一种在 任何问题上都能找到所能利用的各种说 服方法 的才能 , 也是演讲 的劝说 效果得 以实现 的方法 。 后人一般把亚里士多德 的修辞理论 体系以及西塞罗和昆提里安的雄辩 术理论合称为古典修辞学 。 其
下, 所做 的演讲 效果有好有 坏 , 至在一个演讲 中, 同的话 语 甚 不 效果也不同 )所有越来越多的人开始从各种演讲成分 中选出那 , 些被认为是具有劝说作用 的成 分 ,并对这些成分进行分 门别 类 地归纳 、 总结 , 最终形成了一 门专 门研究劝说性 艺术的学科— —

英语修辞与文体 论文

Not marble, nor the gilded monumentsOf princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme;But you shall shine more bright in these contentsThan unswept stone, besmear'd with sluttish time.When wasteful war shall statues overturn,And broils root out the work of masonry,Nor Mars his sword nor war's quick fire shall burnThe living record of your memory.'Gainst death and all-oblivious enmityShall you pace forth; your praise shall still find roomEven in the eyes of all posterityThat wear this world out to the ending doom.So, till the judgment that yourself arise,You live in this, and dwell in lovers' eyes.Sonnet 55 is one of Shakespeare's most famous works and a noticeable deviation from other sonnets in which he appears insecure about his relationships and his own self-worth. Here we canfind an impassioned burst of confidence as the poet claims to have the power to keep his friend's memory alive evermore.We should focus on the translation of this poem at first. Not marble, nor the gold-plated shrines. Of princes shall outlive the power of poetry. You shall shine more bright in these verses than on dust-covered gravestones, ravaged by time.When devastating war shall overturn statues and conflicts destroy the mason's handiwork, the cause of war (Mars) nor the effects of war (fire) shall destroy the living record of your memory (this poem). Against death and destruction, which render people forgotten,shall you push onward; praise of you will always find a place even in the eyes of future generations. That survives until the end of humanity.So, until you arise on Judgment Day,you are immortalized in this poetry, and continue to live in lovers' eyes.Then we will discuss its stylistics.First, we focus on this poem ’s rhyme. Sonnet 55 is a fourteen-line sonnet, metered in iambic pentameter:x / x / x / x / x /No marble, nor the gilded monumentsx / x / x / x / x /Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhymeIt consists of three quartrains followed by a couplet. The rhyme scheme is ABABCDCDEFEFGG.Not marble, nor the gilded monuments Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme But you shall shine more bright in these contents Than unswept stone, besmeared with sluttish time When wasteful war shall statues overturnAnd broils root out the work of masonry Nor Mars his sword nor war’s quick fire shall burn The living record of your memoryGainst death and all-oblivious enmityShall you pace forth, your praise shall still find roomEven in the eye of all posterity That wear this world out to the ending doom So, till the judgment that yourself arise You live in this, and dwell in lover ’s eyesSecond, we focus on this poem ’s metaphor. The poet uses metaphors like marble, monuments, and stone in the first four lines to say that none of them will be as everlasting as this poem. Then he says that war and broil may destroy many tough things like statues and masonry, but not people ’s memory of you ——the hero in this poem. It will survive your death and all the powers which work against you.You shall still move on, people will always honor you even their offsprings will praise you forA B A B C D C D E F E F G Gwhat you have done now. We will always remember you and your behaviors until you are judged reasonably.Third, we focus on this poem’s comparisons. Comparisons are frequently used in this sonnet as a foregrounding to the ideas that the poet wants to convey. At the beginning he compares the marble and monument with the rhyme, and tells us that the rhyme will outlive all these things as time goes by.He uses comparison again in the third and fourth lines to say it again that this rhyme will be everlasting. Again in the fifth and sixth lines he uses comparison to highlight his idea that this poem, this rhyme will survive time, the fire of war.The ninth line begins to say something different from the first eight lines. He begins to talk about some abstract subjects like enmity, judgment, praise, and memory. But in the last couplet he concludes with so to say that you will always be remembered by your offspring till you are fairly judged by history. He uses the Christian concept in the last two lines about the arising of the hero.Fourth, we focus on this poem’s alliteration. He uses alliteration in the first line with not and nor to connect the two objects. Then h e uses “shall shine” for alliteration to make the internal rhyme. Alliteration is also used with “wasteful war shall statues” in the fifth line to make the internal rhyme.Fifth, Repetition is also used with the sentence pattern like you shall or shall you. It makes readers to feel the strong feelings of the must of immortalization.Finally, Inversion is used in several lines. The fifth line should be: when wasteful war shall overturn statues , and the eighth and ninth lineshould be:you shall pace forth against death and all-oblivious enmity.Sonnet 55 is a poem about time and immortalization. The speaker claims that his beloved will wear out this world to the ending doom. The speaker's poem won't last much compared to his beloved, even though his beloved is immortalised in the poem, adhering to a larger theme of giving and possessing that runs through many of Shakespeare's sonnets.This poem, however, emphasizes the concept of time slightly differently. He argues that the sonnet traces the progression of time, from the physicalendeavours built by man (monuments, statues, masonry), as well as theprimeval notion of warfare depicted through the image of "Mars his sword" and "war's quick fire", to the concept of the Last Judgment. The young man will survive all of these things through the verses of the speaker.Although the poet's previous pride in writing verse is missing in this sonnet, he still manages to demonstrate a superbly confident spirit: "Not marble, nor the gilded monuments. Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rime." He clearly abandons, at least for the time being, his earlier depressing opinion of his verse as "barren rime," for next he contrasts his verses' immortality to "unsweptstone, besmeared with sluttish time," meaning that the young man will be remembered longer because of the poet's having written about him than if descriptions of his beauty had been chiseled in stone.The next four lines address the same theme of immortality, but now the poet boasts that not only natural forces but human wars and battles cannot blot out his sonnets, which are a "living record" of the youth. Monuments and statues may be desecrated during war, but not so these rhymes.In the first seventeen sonnets, the poet worried about death's effect on the youth's beauty and questioned the nature of his sonnets' reputation after both he and the young man died. Now, however, in lines 9 through 12, he boldly asserts that death is impotent in the face of his sonnets' immortality: To the youth he says, "Against death and all-oblivious enmity, shall you pace forth." In fact, he asserts that the young man's name will be remembered until the last survivor on earth perishes: "your praise shall still find room. Even in the eyes of all posterity. That wears this world out to the ending doom." Only then, when no one remains alive, will the youth's beauty fade, but through no fault of the youth or the poet.This notion of "the ending doom" is the main point in the concluding couplet. The syntax of line 13"So, till the judgment that yourself arise" is confusing, restated, the line says, "Until the Judgment Day when you arise." The poet assures the youth that his beauty will remain immortal as long as one single person still lives to read these sonnets, which themselves will be immortal.Sonnet 55 symbolizes nothing but the rhyme and the poem will be everlasting as time goes on. The rhyme and the poem which can be a metaphor for justice were conducted by all kinds of heroes. Inthis way he is not only talking about the poem but also writing as an important matter of art and literation. Shakespeare shows that thepower of words and languages is much greater than wars, statues, and monuments which is the toughest thing in nature. It is significant that all Shakespeare’s work remains as masterpieces for us till now after almost five hundred years. He and his work elaborate the power and beauty of words and languages.。



Western humanism rhetoric studies, most notably glass "new humanism" rhetoric.Glass on the premise of certain Italian humanistic traditions, reinterpretation of the fine tradition.He think: rhetoric is to generate the truth, not just the means of conveying truth;Through the rhetoric, the human adapted to the world he lived.Glass insists that rhetoric is superior to philosophy, the value of the rhetoric words on rational words of philosophy;The rhetoric words is closely related to human life, human through metaphor and other rhetorical means to understand and interpret the human experience.Like other humanists, he thought that rational speech, rational knowledge is not perfect, because it does not take into account the social and the special environment of life, without considering the special context of rhetoric.Glass from the Angle of humanism focuses on language, rhetoric, the language and rhetoric as a way to understand the world and the way, this form directly with cartesian rationalism in sharp contrast.Glass humanism concern rhetoric, "is not always explains, was a way to express logic deductive content, but true philosophy, because it hold the basic problems of the human, rational deduction can only be based on the", "it is not of concern problems, but a word, the metaphor thought, is the understanding of the function of the philosophy of rhetoric problem".For glass humanism rhetoric, if not consider the use of words, the use of words and the context, not to consider the particularity of metaphor, meaning cannot be understood."Because the meaning of things from things and people, and the relationship between human effort" take these things seriously, rhetoric is not the real philosophy logic, because it tried to overcome the basic problems of the human - human understand the world, explaining the world and to the creation of the world based on the basic process of problem.Obviously, glass humanism than any previous humanism rhetoric, rhetoric of language has more explanatory power.当代修辞学更是吸收了欧洲许多世纪以来的哲学、语言学、社会学、心理学、交际理论、话语理论、文学批评乃至人类学的研究成果,形成了一个涉及范围广泛、内容更加丰富的跨学科系统;但是它的人文色彩从没有被削弱,修辞学日渐成为人们认知社会、阐释意义、协调社会关系、探索未知甚至是解决人类生存的困惑的重要的话语模式。


于是修辞学逐渐成为一个重要的研究领域,自罗埃德比彻(Lloyd Bitzer)提出“修辞形势”,修辞的目的不仅是为了取得最佳语效,而是在一定的修辞形势之中,修辞者和受众在取得相互认同。

Parallelism:(排比)In grammar, parallelism is a balance of two or more similar words, phrases, or clauses. The application of parallelism in sentence construction improves writing style and readability. Parallelism may also be known as parallel structure or parallel construction. In English, parallelism of the predicate provides for one of the few structural situations in which the subject for each verb does not need restatement.排比是一种修辞手法,利用三个或三个以上意义相关或相近,结构相同或相似和语气相同的词组(主谓/动宾)或句子并排,达到一种加强语势的效果。
In t his text, the sentences as follows are all parallelism structure:1.The past, with its crimes, its follies, and its tragedies, flashes away.2.I see,...I see...I see…3.the return of the bread-winner, of their champion, of their protector.4.We shall fight him by land, we shall fight him by sea, weshall fight him i n the air5.Any man or state... Any man or state...6.Let us... Let us…在这一部分中,丘吉尔使用的排比句式有很大的不同,部分选用句子排比,部分选用词语排比,部分选用了短语上的排比,通过使用这一系列的排比句式,可以说在语言感染力的表达上远胜于了空洞的说教和吟唱!此外,在他的演讲中,这种形式的排比句式屡见不鲜,但是却让人读起来琅琅上口,层次选用较为分明,并不是毫不逻辑的生拉硬套。

西方修辞学视域下的修辞能力构建及其当代意义李 克摘 要:修辞能力是西方修辞学理论体系的重要组成部分。
关键词:修辞能力;修辞;西方修辞学;国家修辞能力[中图分类号]H315 DOI:10.12002/j.bisu.238[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1003-6539(2019)04-0020-14引言修辞能力作为西方修辞学领域的基本概念,伴随西方修辞学的发展已具备一定程度的学理积淀。
早在西方古典修辞学时期,《论言说者》(De Oratore)的作者Cicero与《论言说者的教育》(Institutio Oratoria)的作者Quintilian等古典修辞学家就曾直接或间接论及修辞能力,Aristotle(1954:24)关于“修辞是在每一件事上发现可用的劝说手段的能力”的论述明确将修辞能力与修辞概念紧密关联,为修辞能力研究提供了重要的思路。

英语修辞学期末小论文Where Do We Go From Here (Original Text, Abridged)Martin Luther KingSo, I conclude by saying again today that we have a task and let us go out with a "divi ne dissatisfaction." Let us be dissatisfied until America will no longer have a high blo od pressure of creeds and an anemia of deeds. Let us be dissatisfied until the tragic wa lls that separate the outer city of wealth and comfort and the inner city of poverty and despair shall be crushed by the battering rams of the forces of justice. Let us be dissati sfied until those that live on the outskirts of hope are brought into the metropolis of da ily security. Let us be dissatisfied until slums are cast into the junk heaps of history, an d every family is living in a decent sanitary home. Let us be dissatisfied until the dark yesterdays of segregated schools will be transformed into bright tomorrows of quality, integrated education. Let us be dissatisfied until integration is not seen as a problem b ut as an opportunity to participate in the beauty of diversity. Let us be dissatisfied unti l men and women, however black they may be, will be judged on the basis of the cont ent of their character and not on the basis of the color of their skin. Let us be dissatisfi ed. Let us be dissatisfied until every state capitol houses a governor who will do justly , who will love mercy and who will walk humbly with his God. Let us be dissatisfied until from every city hall, justice will roll down like waters and righteousness like a m ighty stream. Let us be dissatisfied until that day when the lion and the lamb shall lie down together. And every man will sit under his own vine and fig tree and none shall be afraid. Let us be dissatisfied. And men will recognize that out of one blood God ma de all men to dwellupon the face of the earth. Let us be dissatisfied until that day whe n nobody will shout "White Power!" - When nobody will shout "Black Power!" - But everybody will talk about God's power and human power.Let this affirmation be our ringing cry. It will give us the courage to face the uncertain ties of the future. It will give our tired feet new strength as we continue our forward st ride toward the city of freedom. When our days become dreary with low hovering clo uds of despair, and when our nights become darker than a thousand midnights, let us r emember that there is a creative force in this universe, working to pull down the gigan tic mountains of evil, a power that is able to make a way out of no way and transform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows. Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is l ong but it bends toward justice.Appreciation of the Rhetorical Devices Using in Where Do We Go From HereAs we all known that the speeches of Martin Luther King are studied by English-learners all over the world, because the using of rhetorical devices makes his speeches vivid, attractive and with the power of encouraging people’s spirit. I choose two typical paragraphs of his famous speech where do we go from here to analysis and appreciate the skillful using of his rhetorical devices and the effect they made.In this speech, the author writes that let us be dissatisfied until America will no longer have a blood pressure of creeds and an anemia of deeds. This sentence is the typical use of metaphor. Metaphor is a linguistic process used to make comparisons between the attributes of one thing and something else, and the more complex form of metaphor, embedded metaphor is used inthis sentence. The tenor is creeds and deeds, while blood pressure and anemia are used to describe the behaviors of white people. The authorities of America are good at making promise to black people, but fail to realize their commitment, and the black people still can’t get the equity and civil power which are guaranteed by the American charter. We can find that the ironical effect is very significant. He uses blood pressure to describe white people’s emotional and enthusiastic in making commitments to black people, which is more attractive and vivid. Blood pressure and anemia are easily understood by ordinary people, which arouse listeners’ sympathy to his idea.The using of transferred epithet is also a bright spot in this speech. The author writes that let us be dissatisfied until the tragic walls that separate the outer city of wealth and comfort and the inner city of poverty. Transferred epithet means that an adjective or descriptive phrase is transferred from the noun it should rightly modify to another to which it does not really apply or belong. We all know that there are two special kinds of transferred epithet, synaesthesia and empathy. Empathy is employed here, because the word tragic is used to describe the suffering that separation brought to black people, but in here it used to describe the wall. Transferred epithet is a charming rhetorical device, for it seems that the adjective is wrongly used, but it actually constitutes a special and active context. For instance, in this sentence, we can feel the strong rage and disappointment of Martin Luther King and mass black people. The gap between the poverty of black people and the comfort of white people is dramatic. Tragic thing is not the wall but the unfair situation toward black people, and the situation can’t be improved in a short time. Transferred epithet can make ourlanguage delicate, which may not common used as metaphor and simile, but it can strengthen the profundity of our passage and we should learn to use it freely.Another special rhetorical device synecdoche is employed by author: let us be dissatisfied until from every city hall…. Synecdoche may not be familiar to many learners. It uses a part of one thing to represent the whole, or uses the whole to represent a part. Here a part for the whole is used. We know that city hall is a building where municipal government lies: it’s the best symbol of municipal government. By using this method the la nguage of this speech is become charming and lively. It’s more close to our everyday life, which is the demand of a high-value speech. Synecdoche is widely used in passages. For example, in the New Testament there is asentence, Silver and gold have I none. Here silver and gold are used to represent fortune, which is very vivid. In speech and oral language this rhetorical device is especially highly valued.Simile may be the most often used rhetorical device in our writings. We can find plenty of similes in King’s speech, which directly enhance the liveliness of his language. Just set this sentence as example; let us be dissatisfied until from every city hall, justice will roll down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream. Simile is a way of comparing one thing with another by showing how it is similar to another thing. It explicitly signals itself in a text, with the words as or like. In this sentence, the tenor is justice and righteousness; the vehicle is water and stream; the corresponding is like, and the ground tremendous figure of both. The author expresses his hope to let real equity and civil right come to mass black people. This kind of equity is constrainted so long and just let it blast like water and mightystream. The advantage and effect of the using of simile are apparent; for it makes a picture in listeners’ mind and makes them have the interest to concentrate their attention.Allusion is also a rhetorical device appreciated by King, and he used this device in many places in his speech. For example, let us be dissatisfied until that day when lion and the lamb shall lie down together, and every man will sit under his own vine and fig tree and none shall be afraid. Allusion is references to well-known persons, things, or events that writers assure are familiar to their readers. The phrase, lion and lamb lie down together, and vine and fig tree are all come from the Bible. By this way, King describes an ideal world for the struggling black people. Bible is familiar and authoritative to Western people, which increases the convincing of his language at the same time. The stories in allusion usually have some deep meaning or historical origin. It needs college students to understand the related knowledge and then master the use of allusion.In addition, the rhetorical device, antithesis is also easily found in King’s speech. Let us look at this sentence, a power that is able to make a way out of no way and transform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows. The phrase dark yesterdays and bright tomorrows form the antithesis. By this way the structure is well-organized and the rhythm is formed. Bright and dark, yesterday and tomorrow are totally antonyms, which form a bright picture in listeners’ mind and let them believe that tomorrow is not far away. It also reminds black people they are still in the severe situation and their distance to their dreams. They need to fight bravely for their final ambition. King’s convincing idea is become prominent through antithesis. Antithesis is a comparatively easy device to master by collegestudents, and it’s common used in Chinese language as well.In all the paragraphs above I choose the rhetorical devices metaphor, transferred epithet, synecdoche, simile, allusion and antithesis as example to appreciate and analysis the language using in where do we go from here. In fact, King used a number of rhetorical devices in his speech in addition to these six ones. All these rhetorical devices, along with his delicate language, make his speech attractive and convincing, which has inspired American black people from generation to generation, and worthwhile our English-learners to learn from him.。

Rhetoric in English advertisementNowadays, advertisement is very ubiquitous in our daily life and affects our intention and behaviors in buying goods in different levels. Rhetoric now has been frequently used in English advertisements which add to the taste of art and influence on people. The successful use of rhetoric can dramatically draw listeners’ or audiences’ attention and persuade them to buy the products. There are various rhetorics in English advertisements.Suspense is a good way of advertising and is said to have the effect of generating loyalty. Soap operas have been very popular among women, especially those who do housework at home. Advertisers make the use of the time between two programs of soap opera to advertise their products. Wanting to continue watching soap operas, house women usually choose to stay before their television and watch the advertisements, which make the ads function properly. Suspense can always engineer high loyalty, for in the absence of finality; each subplot stops at cliff-hanging moment.As a good way of persuasion, setting and scenario is also often used in advertisements. Advertisers use a set and some role players to simulate the normal situation of people. In this way, viewers will be more likely to accept the meaning of ads and be affected by ads. They will observe the role players who are in the life set by the advertisers and the viewers will also see the result of using the product. Audiences will automatically place themselves in that position and imitate the players’behavior. This kind of ads demands that role players should have positive image and satisfactory life. If the role players do not have good images or are living very poor and failed life, people will not be convinced at all.Good advertisers often look back to famous ancient rhetors. They try to use logos, pathos and ethos to influence their potential buyers. They are also called rational appeal, emotional appeal and ethical appeal. In advertisements, advertisers try to explain the advantages of their products and use empirical proof to prove that they are right or try to raise audiences’ emotion like sympathy, excitement, fear, happiness or jealousy to persuade them to buy.In a medicine advertisement, it is set in a bus where a passenger called his mother:” My throat itches and I feel sick when brushing teeth in the morning.”His mother told him that it’s the symptom of chronic pharyngitis and one medicine could cure. All passengers around him listened and nodded their heads. In this advertisement, the advertiser successfully used emotional appeals to draw audiences’attention. Viewers who also have this symptom will fear whether they have got pharyngitis and buy some medicine to try. As to those with pharyngitis, they will have the same feeling of the role player in the ad and have sympathy to him and themselves. Another technique it uses is setting and scenario or role play. This ad simulates a situation that a man has pharyngitis and need medicine. He got the answer from hismother and the most important thing is that people around him all agreed with his mother and will try that medicine. The viewers will be persuaded to do the same thing as those passengers in the bus unconsciously as he saw the reaction of other passengers.V arious kinds of rhetoric in sounds are used to give rhyme and rhythm to ads and to impress people. Alliteration and rhyme are often used in ads to make ads more attractive. “Health, humors and happiness----- Gifts we’d like to give!”This is an advertisement of a newspaper. The three “h”at the beginning of the ad makes it relaxing and happy and gives people good impression. “My goddess! My Guinness!”is another perfect example of alliteration. A taxi ad is “Big thrills, small bills!”It not only poses contrast, but also uses rhyme to promote itself.Rhetoric in words is another kind used in ads. Simile, metaphor, pun, personification, parody, hyperbole, etc. are frequently used in ads. “Where there is a way, there is a Toyota.”Is a good example of parody, coming from the famous proverb “Where there is a will, there is a way.”It effectively tells people that Toyota is famous throughout the world which indicates the car’s good quality and acceptance. “F rom sharp minds come sharp products.”is the ad of Sharp. It uses the pun of sharp here to suggest that their products have high tech. Toshiba is a famous Japanese computer firm which has a famous ad:” Take Toshiba, take the world.”It uses hyperbole shows the confidence of Toshiba and the high quality of Toshiba, very impressive. MacDonald uses repetition in his ad:”Every time A good time!”This slogan is frequently called to tell people that MacDonald shop is filled with happiness and relaxing and you will savor every second in the shop. The famous mobile phone producer Nokia uses personification in its ad:” Hold me, touch me and talk to me. It speaks your language!”This ad makes the cold and lifeless mobile phone close to the audiences and audiences will naturally have an image that they are talking happily to their mobile phone evoked by this nice ad.Let us look at some world renowned ads here. Maxwell is famous for its coffee and also its ad:”Good to the last drop. ” This ad apparently shows the confidence of Maxwell in its coffee’s taste and quality. It uses hyperbole to emphasize the confidence and it is short and frequently repeated to draw people’s attention and give them good impression. Emotional appeal or pathos is successfully used with the witty and skillful language to persuade people to try a cup of Maxwell and enjoy every drop of it. This ad makes people form an image in their mind that they are sampling every drop of the coffee. Another is “Obey your thirst.”It is also urging you to buy one bottle of beverage.To sum up, advertisement is a kind of art. Rhetoric makes ad both informative and artistic. A good use of rhetoric in ad makes advertisement impressive and attractive which will easily persuade people to buy their products.。


英语修辞鉴赏 论文

《文学词汇词典》( A Dictionary of Literary Terms )对明喻是这样定义的:A figure of speech in which one thing is liken to another , in such a way as to clarify and enhance an image . It is explicit comparison ( as opposed to the metaphor where comparison is implicit ) recognizable by the use of words “like” or “as”.明喻是一种表现一事物像另一事物的修辞格,也就是打比方,即把要描述的事物——本体用比喻词与另一种具有鲜明的同一特征的事物——喻体联系起来。
而A Dictionary od Literary Terms 对隐喻的定义是:A figure of speech in which one thing is described in terms of another . The basic figure in poetry . A comparison is usually implicit ; whereas in silmile it is explicit . 隐喻不用比喻词,直接把甲事物(喻体)当做乙事物(本体)来描述,其比喻关系含在句意中,从而更生动,更深刻的说明事理,增强语言的表现力。

Moving thoughtsLife is a long but not very even way. There are many difficult and choices. we may feel depressed, doubt and donnot know what should be done. So we need face them with mild and optimistic.The book which was named The Most Beautiful English of Giving Love an Open Hand and the article was one of it. It not just tell a story but tell some truth about life. It tells some situations in our life, such as couple, gains and losses, happiness and so on. And it also gives some suggestions, and teaches us to remember the people's virtue which make you unhappy, learn lessons from misfortunes. Learning all of these can make life more beautiful and we will be happier. Of course, the author also impled some rhetorics to make the article easy to understand."It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone."In this sentence, it imply climax which means that the arrangement of words, phrases, clauses or sentences in ascending order of importance. It's about the process of love which from stranger to familiar. During different stage, it needs different time——from short term to long. And the felling is deepen gradually. It describe the love accurately. And also implied antithesis to explain that forgetting is hard. Thus, just the same as what has said that don't expect love in return. We only can require ourselves not others.In the content that followed also used this rhetoric. For example, "When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying."Antithesis is the deliberate arrangement of contrasting words or ideas in balance structural forms. It can add vividness and appeals to the readers' emotion. Here, the author described the state of life correctly and it fit to everyone of us. Our parents and other relative expect our to come the world, so when we are born, they are all very happy. But we are cry for adjusting the new world. But we also can do something to change this. Try our best to do something meaningful, to help others, to enrich our life,to do what we are want to do and to be succussed. Thus, we will neverregret and can be accept dead at ease. At this time, our relatives and friends would cry, because they hate to part with us. Everything is opposite to each other, the key is how we treat it."May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy."In this sentence, parallelism was implied. In this construction, it's necessary to balance word to word, phrases to phrases, clauses to clauses, sentences to sentences. It crates a good visual image and gives emphasis, clarity and coherence of ideas as well as the rhythm of the language. In the article, it listed some important elements in life and discussed by positive way. We can make good better and worse thing be good. The key is how we treat them. Trials can make us depress but also make us strong, no one can always live a happy life, just as no one would in depress forever. When you treat the life with optimistic, you can find advantage from everything. The life that without sorrow is not complete, so we should cherish whatever we have."It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives."In the sentence, it implied antithesis and repetition. We have introduce antithesis, here, we main talk about repetition. Repetition is main used to emphasis the content that the author want to express. The sentence is lexical anaphora. Just as the word" It's true that we don't know......It's true that we don't know......". It express the fault that people have often make. When we have something, we can't find its benefit, but when we loss it, we will find its importance and feel regret. It tells us to cherish everything that we have and treat them seriously.Life is not a simple thing and there may be many things before us. How we do and what we do would always have a result. Will it good or not, just based on you how to treat it.Treat everything in the life with mild and optimistic, you will get a lot!附原文Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift.When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've every had.It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile.There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real!Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person, too.The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, andthose who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.Please send this message to those people who mean something to you, to those who have touched your life in one way or another, to those who make you smile when you really need it, to those that make you see the brighter side of things when you are really down, to those who you want to let them know that you appreciate their friendship. And if you don't, don't worry, nothing bad will happen to you, you will just miss out on the opportunity to brighten someone's day with this message.。


关键词:西方修辞话语力量运作方式西方修辞是一门致力于语言力量开发的实践和学科!在当代西方,修辞不仅不露声色地支撑着交流、传播、公关、广告及一切形式的宣传,为所有这些以象征手段调节大众看法和态度的行业提供基础观念、总体思路和基本方法,而且在保证国家根本体制的正常运转、构筑主流意识形态、维和所“力”关和衰的要害利益上,起着足的[1I(3)O以西方为一体的在运行西方修语力运的调!,只有西方修调语力量的、方式和机制,上正西方,进一学一、西方传统修辞视角下的语言观西方传修关的是修根的修形,修,构筑修,实修!修为“在手段的力叫为言言、和众这基本要,众是修的所在,为关!为的言 ,修根据的修形,么及怎么说;言当顺众帥呦。

关键词:安利;西方修辞;修辞语境;符号融合理论中图分类号:h315 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1009-0118(2012)-01-0-02山呼海啸的人群,震耳欲聋的音乐。

基于西方修辞学的课堂教学运作过程研究摘要:基于西方修辞学的视角,运用Kenneth Burke动机修辞学的认同理论和Lloyd Bitzer的情景理论,对师生的品性及他们之间的互动关系进行探索,得出在课堂教学中,教师的人格魅力非常重要,教师应做到“为人师表”。
亚里士多德将演说或者修辞分为三种:法学修辞/演说(forensic rhetoric)、议政修辞/演说(deliberative rhetoric)和宣德修辞/演说(epideictic rhetoric)。
亚里士多德在其《修辞学》中给修辞下的定义为:在任何给定的情况下运用已有的劝说手段的能力(Rhetoric is the faculty of observing in any givencase the available means of persuasion)。
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学号: 1105020118 学生姓名:凌方艳
西方修辞学具有“研究人类的事情、激情、性情和目的以影响它们”之功能[3],所以修辞学在西方国家中的地位举足轻重,它渗透于西方社会、文化和生活等各个方面.从古希腊开始,修辞实践就是西方文化、社会、教育的一个重要组成部分.在当代西方,修辞不仅不露声色地支撑着交流、传播、广告等一切形式的宣传,为调节大众的看法和态度提供了基础观念,总体思想和基本方法,而且在构筑主流意识形态,维护事关社会和民族兴亡盛衰的要害利益上起着重大的作用.美国总统罗斯福在国会发表《要求国会对日宣战》的演讲中运用修辞,语气强烈、音韵铿锵,不但充分有力地揭露和声讨了日本军国主义在一夜间同时对多处地区发动疯狂侵略的滔天罪行,而且强调说明了敌情严重,形势危机,令美国人民,甚至全世界人民震惊,催人惊醒;美国黑人运动领袖马丁·路德·金在“自由进军”黑人集会上发表的脍炙人口的讲演I have a Dream中运用修辞,深化了思想感情,增强了语言的力度,产生了强烈的号召力;第二次世界大战期间英国首相邱吉尔运用修辞于演说中大大地激发了英国人民反法西斯斗争的热情,为反法西斯战争的胜利做出了自己的贡献.
我国对汉语修辞的研究已有2 000多年历史,但其研究的范式基本是以“辞格”为中心,即“语言的艺术化的技巧及其选择”.到20世纪80年代初,汉语修辞学继承陈望道《修辞学发凡》以来的学术传统,不断扬弃“辞格中心论”思想,积极拓展研究领域,立足于提高语言交际效果,探索语言运用的方法和规律,取得了令人瞩目的研究成果[4].与此同时,我国对西方修辞学的研究也取得了较好的成效,相继出版了一批有关修辞的专著.如《英语修辞格词典》(文军编著),《英语修辞及惯用法》(张文庭、熊建国编著),《英语修辞赏析》(范家材编著),《英汉修辞格对比研究》(李国南著),《新编英语修辞》(谢祖军著)和《现代英语修辞学》(胡曙中编著)等.但是,总体来说,我国对西方修辞学的学习和研究还很不够,尤其是在英语教育中.笔者从事英语教育20多年,却难于(“没有”或“很难”更好)看到西方修辞学在我国英语教育中的应有位置.虽然在我国《英语教学大纲》(高等学校英语专业2000.4)英语专业课程设置中把“修辞学”列入为一门选修课,但是在英语专业技能课程,英语专业知识课程和相关专业知识课程的描述中只字未提,对“修辞学”课程也没有提出任何要求.此外一些大专院校的英语专业教学计划中,根本就没有开设“西方修辞”、“英语修辞”或“修辞学”这门课程.有的虽然将“英语修辞”列入了教学计划,却没有得到具体落实,没有给学生讲授.即使有的教师在某些课程当中遇到一些修辞格,也是轻描淡写,一带而过,缺乏深度,没什么效果.在英语教学中他们通常注重的是课文背景知识的介绍、语言点的讲解、长句和难句分
[1] [英]丹尼斯·劳顿.课程研究的理论与实践[M].北京:人民教育出版社,1985:5.
[2] 廖哲勋.课程新论[M].北京:教育科学出版社,2003:58。