四十、ALIŞVERİŞ 购物40.1 BÜYÜK MAĞAZADA在百货大楼Alışverişe çıkıyorum.[阿勒士歪雷晒彻克摇路么]我去购物。
...nerede bulunur?[...耐来呆布路奴尔]在哪儿?Yar dımcı olur musunuz?[亚尔德么遮奥路尔木酥奴滋]你能帮忙吗?...var mı?[...哇尔默]有...吗?Yardımıcı olarbilir miyim?[亚尔德么遮奥拉必力尔密斯尼滋]我可以帮忙吗?Bana...gösterebilir misniz?[巴那... 高斯苔来必力尔蜜斯尼滋]您可以给我看看...吗?Kaç tane istiyorsunuz?[卡其它耐依斯替摇尔酥奴滋]您要几个?Bunlardan başka var mı?[崩拉尔荡巴士卡哇尔默]除此之外还有别的吗Esas alışveriş merkezi hangisidir?[艾萨斯阿勒士歪雷士麦尔开贼汗给斯第尔]最大的购物中心是哪个?...yı nerede bulabilirim?[耶耐来呆布拉必力雷么]在哪儿我可以买到...?...almak için iyi bir dükkan biliyor musunuz?[...阿勒玛克易寝易依比尔度康必力摇尔木酥奴滋] 您知道哪家店的...好?Buraya kim bakıyor?[布拉亚揩么巴克摇尔]谁照管这儿呢?Ne arzu ediyorsunuz?[耐阿尔汝艾第摇尔酥奴滋]您想要什么?Bu gömleğin fiyatıne kadardır?[布高么来因非亚特耐卡达尔德尔]这件衬衣多少钱?Erkek eşyası bölümü nerede?[艾尔开克艾士亚瑟标滤谬耐来呆]男士用品类在哪儿?Çorapları görebilir miyim, lütfen?[超拉迫拉勒高来必力尔蜜易么滤特番]可以看一下袜子吗?Bana şu çantaları gösterir misniz, lütfen?[巴那束昌它拉勒高斯苔雷尔密斯尼滋滤特番]请您给我看一下那些包,好吗?Teşekkür ederim, sadece şöyle bakıyordum.[苔晒库来呆雷么萨呆皆稍耶来巴克摇尔度么]谢谢,我只是随便看看。
十二、GENEL KONUŞMALAR日常用语O kadar emin değilim. [奥卡达尔艾明呆易力么]我没有那么打的把握。
Sadece sormak istemiştim.[萨呆皆扫尔马克易斯苔咪士替么]我只不过是想问问。
Bilmiyorum. [必勒蜜摇路么]我不知道。
Sadece öğrenmek istemiştim.[萨呆皆欲揽麦克易斯苔咪士替么]我只不过是想了解一下。
Sanmıy orum. [桑默摇路么]我不认为。
Yanılmış olduğumu sanmıyorum.[亚呢勒默士奥勒度木桑默摇路么] 我不认为自己错了。
Olur böyle şeyler.[奥路尔包耶来晒耶来尔]这是常事。
Bunu demek istemiyorum. [布奴呆麦克易斯苔蜜摇路么]我不想说这个(问题)。
Benim için hiç fark etmez. [掰尼么易寝黑棋发尔凯特麦兹]对于我来说无所谓。
Her zaman olur böyle şeyler.[嗨尔咋芒奥路尔包耶来晒耶来尔] 任何时候都是这样。
Acelem var. [阿皆来么哇尔]我有急事。
Olabilir. [奥拉必利尔]可以。
Olamaz. [奥拉马兹]不行。
Saçma. [萨其马]无聊。
Hiçbir anlamı yok. [黑其必尔昂拉默摇克]毫无意思。
Pek tabii. [拍客他比]当然。
Tamam. [它玛么]好;行;够了。
Çok basit. [超克巴斯特]非常简单。
Duruma bağlı. [度路玛巴勒]根据情况。
Kabul ediyorum. [卡布来第摇路么]我接受。
Bu benim hatam. [布掰尼么哈他么]这是我的错。
Göreceğiz. [高来皆兹]我们瞧着看吧。
诚信建设--单项选择题1.诚信观是人们对于诚信的认识、情感、意志、行为等综合因素的认知总和,属于( A )范畴。
A.思想意识B.情感态度C.价值观2.孔子更是把( B )作为儒家思想的重要内容。
”出自( B )。
”出自( C )。
A.《墨子》B.《朱子语类》C.《河南程氏遗书》5.( A )多次论述“诚”,认为“诚”是道德本体,并把“诚”提升到“天道”的高度,“诚”逐渐成为一个重要的道德概念。
A.孟子B.孔子C.老子6.“信”也最早出现在( C )中。
A.《墨子》 B、《朱子语类》 C、《尚书》7、( B )重视“信”的道德修养,把它作为道德修养的“四教”之一加以论述。
A.孟子B.孔子C.老子8、诚信经历了产生、发展、逐步确立时期.其萌芽于( B ),先秦时逐渐确立为一种修身立命的实用价值观。
A.西周B.春秋C.战国9、( A )是国家治理的基础。
A.诚信B.爱国C.守法10、诚信作为一种道德规范自古强调自觉,即所谓(“ C ”)。
A.自谦B.自律C.慎独11.任何一种道德的产生都要服从( B )这一基本理念。
A.服务市场经济B.服务社会发展C.服务统治阶级12.在适应现代市场经济发展的基础上,现代诚信逐渐脱离传统的人伦关系,转向现代市场经济关系,体现了现代理念和( B )。
A.时代特色B.社会发展的要求C.多元性13.传统诚信注重德性修养, ( A )作为个人修身立命之本,一直为人们所传承。
A.诚信B.守法C.敬业14.( B )是兴国之魂,决定着中国特色社会主义发展方向。
A.邓小平理论B.社会主义核心价值体系C.科学发展观15.倡导( A ),维护社会和谐的社会主义核心价值体系的及时提出,体现了公共管理者积极主动地面对矛盾、化解矛盾,从而最大限度地促进社会和谐的因素,消减社会不和谐因素,这是正本清源、创建和谐文化的重大战略举措和思想保证。
谜语500个1 谜面:未来大好(打一字)【谜底】美2 谜面:又生一计(打一字)【谜底】译3 谜面:人人都走横道线(打一字)【谜底】丛4 谜面:来点刁,还要更刁点。
(打一字)【谜底】羽5 谜面:岁末恰逢周末(打一字)【谜底】名6 谜面:一一到此下面(打一字)【谜底】些7 谜面:十四人一条心(打一字)【谜底】德8 谜面:西村有衣,东村有谷;组织起来,丰衣足食。
(打一字)【谜底】裕9 谜面:够十两就行(打一字)【谜底】近10 谜面:大字去一半(打一字)【谜底】宏11 谜面:断桥残雪看不足(打一字)【谜底】霜12 谜面:陕西人十分好(打一字)【谜底】附13 谜面:不用言请人自来(打一字)【谜底】倩14 谜面:不见他人传野闻(打一字)【谜底】也15 谜面:上山下山猜不出(打一字)【谜底】岳16 谜面:课桌椅样样齐备(打一字)【谜底】木17 谜面:分离前后(打一字)【谜底】凶18 谜面:一到室内就讲话(打一字)【谜底】云19 谜面:与水交融如胶漆(打一字)【谜底】膝20 谜面:稀之年不停步(打一字)【谜底】连21 谜面:明月升空海水退(打一字)【谜底】晦22 谜面:假骨文(打一字)【谜底】故23 谜面:高原相逢诉乡音(打一字)【谜底】厢24 谜面:减一就不对(打一字)【谜底】韭25 谜面:八一起义(打一字)【谜底】交26 谜面:空中架桥穿市过(打一字)【谜底】帝27 谜面:何必又牵一人作伴也(打一字)【谜底】倚28 谜面:分手(打一字)【谜底】扮29 谜面:枕畔一聊过五更(打一字)【谜底】耽30 谜面:孔子出游载月归(打一字)【谜底】甩31 谜面:八个蚂蚁抬棍棍,一个蚂蚁棍上昆(打一字)【谜底】六32 谜面:像云不是云,像烟不是烟,风吹轻轻飘,日出慢慢散。
(打一自然现象)【谜底】雾33 谜面:刮西风,刮北风,屋檐下面栽大葱,大葱没有皮,吃着像脆梨。
(打一自然现象)【谜底】冰凌34 谜面:一物生来真奇妙,白光道道空中跑,塞冬时节无处打,暴雨天气常见到。
45、Да, я китаец.(达,呀给达爷次)
新编日语第一册第七课「日曜日」说课稿姓名: ***各位老师:大家好!本次说课我所使用的教材是北京大学出版社出版的综合日语第一册,所选的课程是第六单元的第一课「キャンパス」。
本单元围绕“キャンパス ?スケジュール”这个题材开展多种教学活动,它与前文联系紧密,是前文的延续。
卡乌秀巴西烤肉店(万寿路店) 地址: 海淀区万寿路西街6号68280698姥爷Dede姥姥Anneanne奶奶Babaanne爷爷Dede叔叔Amca姑姑Hale舅舅Dayı阿姨Teyze一、打招呼打招呼SELÂMLAŞMA你好!Merhaba.早上好!Günaydın.下午好!Tünaydın.日安!İyi günler.晚上好!İyi akşamlar.晚安!İyi geceler.您好吗?Nasılsınız?我很好,谢谢!您好吗?Çok iyiyim, teşekkür ederim. Siz nasılsınız?您夫人好孩子们都好吧?Karınız ve çocuklarınız nasıllar?谢谢,她们也很好。
Teşekkür ederim, onlar da iyidirler.二、自我介绍自我介绍Kendiniz Hakkında您贵姓?Adınız nedir?您是土耳其人吗?Türk müsünüz?您是哪里的人?Nerelisiniz?我的名字叫艾哈迈德。
Adım Ahmet’tir.我是土耳其人。
Ankara’dan geldim.您贵姓?Adınız nedir?您是中国人吗?Çinli misiniz?您是哪里的人?Nerelisiniz?我姓张,叫小波。
Soyadım zhang, adım Xiaobo’dur.我是中国人。
Pekin’den geldim.您多大了?Kaç yaşındasınız?您是做什么的?Mesleğiniz nedir?您有工作吗?İşiniz nedir?我今年18岁。
18 (on sekiz) yaşındayım.我是一个学生。
Teşekkür ederim. (台塞库来呆雷么)谢谢。
Çok teşekkür ederim. (超科台塞库来呆来么)非常感谢。
Çok rica ederim. ( 超科雷扎艾呆雷么)真不客气。
Estağfurullah. (艾斯它夫路拉赫)不谢。
Lütfen bana yardım edin. (滤特番巴那雅尔德麦丁)请您帮我一下忙。
Yardımcı olabilır misinız?(雅尔的么遮奥拉必利尔密斯尼兹)您能帮我个忙吗?Özür dılerim. (裕汝尔第来雷么)对不起。
Pekala. (排卡俩)好吧。
Bay. (巴耶)先生。
Beyefendi .(掰业番地)先生。
Bayan. (巴样)女士。
Bayan. (巴样)小姐。
Güle güle. (孤来孤来)再见。
Bu nedir? (布耐迪尔)这是什么?....nerededir? (乃莱呆迪尔)....在哪儿?Lütfen buraya geliniz. (滤特番布尔呀该利尼兹)请您到这来。
Hayır, doğru değil;yanlış.(哈耶尔,叨路带弈乐;扬勒士)不,不对,错。
Evet, doğru. (艾歪特叨路)是,对。
Tamam. (它吗么)好的。
Güzel. (古哉勒)很好。
Olmaz. (奥勒马兹)不行。
Mümkün değil.(缪么困呆易勒)不可能。
Harika.( 哈雷卡)太棒了。
İmdat! (一么大特)救命。
İngilizce ( türkçe) konuşur musunuz ?(Bilİr mİsİniz?)((因给力兹皆(图尔克切)靠怒舒尔木苏奴兹(必利尔密斯尼资))您会说英语(土耳其语)吗?(您懂吗?)Anlıyor musunuz?(昂勒摇尔木酥怒兹)您明白吗?Beni anlıyor musunuz?(掰尼昂勒摇尔木酥怒兹)您明白我的话吗?Sizi anlamıyorum. (塞贼昂啦默摇路么)我没懂您的话。
Chapter 1: Introduction1. Linguistics: Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.8. langue: Lange refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.9. parole :Parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use.10. competence : The ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language.11.performance : The actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.12. language : Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.13.design features : Design features refer to the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication.14. arbitrariness: Arbitrariness refers to no logical connection between meaning and sound.15. productivity: Users can understand and produce sentences that they have never heard before.16. duality: Language consists of two sets of structure, with lower lever of sound, which is meaningless, and the higher lever of meaning.17. displacement: Language can be used to refer to the contexts removed from the immediate situation of the speaker no matter how far away from the topic of conversation in time or space.18. cultural transmission: Language is culturally transmitted. It is taught and learned from one generation to the next, rather than by instinct.Chapter 2: Phonology1. phonic medium : The meaningful speech sound in human communication.2. phonetics : The study of phonic medium of language and it is concerned with all sounds in t he world’s languages.3. articulatory phonetics : It studies sounds from the speaker’s point of view, i.e. howa speaker uses his speech organs to articulate the sounds.4. auditory phonetics: The studies sounds from the hearer’s point of view, i.e. how the sounds are perceived by the hearer.5. acoustic phonetics: It studies the way sounds travel by looking at the sound waves, the physical means by which sounds are transmitted through the air from one person to another.6. voicing: the way that sounds are produced with the vibration of the vocal cords.7. voiceless: the way that sounds are produced with no vibration of the vocal cords.8. broad transcription: The use of letter symbols only to show the sounds or sounds sequences in written form.9. narrow transcription: The use of letter symbol, together with the diacritics to show sounds in written form.10. diacritics: The symbols used to show detailed articulatory features of sounds.11. IPA: short for International Phonetic Alphabets, a system of symbols consists of letters and diacritics, used to represent the pronunciation of words in any language. 12. aspiration: A little puff of air that sometimes follows a speech sound.13. manner of articulation : The manner in which obstruction is created.14. place of articulation : The place where obstruction is created.15. consonant: a speech sound in which the air stream is obstructed in one way or another.16. vowel : a speech sound in which the air stream from the lung meets with no obstruction.17. monophthong : the individual vowel.18. diphthong : The vowel which consists of two individual vowels, and functions as a single one.19. phone : The speech sound we use when speaking a language.20. phoneme : The smallest unit of sound in a language which can distinguish two sounds.21. allophone : any different forms of the same phoneme in different phonetic environments.22. phonology : The description of sound systems of particular languages and how sounds function to distinguish meaning.23. phonemic contrast : two similar sounds occur in the same environment and distinguish meaning.24. complementary distribution : allophones of the same phoneme and they don’t distinguish meaning but complement each other in distribution.25. minimal pair: two different forms are identical in every way except one sound and occurs in the same position. The two sounds are said to form a minimal pair.26. sequential rules: The rules to govern the combination of sounds in a particular language.27. assimilation rule: The rule assimilates one sound to another by copying a feature of a sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones similar.28. deletion rule: The rule that a sound is to be deleted although it is orthographically represented.29. suprasegmental features: The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments----syllable, word, sentence.30. tone: Tones are pitch variations, which are caused by the differing rates of vibration of the vocal cords.31. intonation: When pitch, stress and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation, they are collectively known as intonation.Chapter 3: Morphology1. morphology: A branch of linguistics that studies the internal structure of words and rules for word formation.2. open class: A group of words, which contains an unlimited number of items, and new words can be added to it.3. closed class: A relatively few words, including conjunctions, prepositions and pronouns, and new words are not usually added to them.4. morpheme: The smallest unit of meaning of a language. It can not be divided without altering or destroying its meaning.5. affix: a letter or a group of letter, which is added to a word, and which changes themeaning or function of the word, including prefix, infix and suffix.6. suffix: The affix, which is added to the end of a word, and which usually changes the part of speech of a word.7. prefix: The affix, which is added to the beginning of a word, and which usually changes the meaning of a word to its opposite.8. bound morpheme: Morpheme that can not be used alone, and it must be combined wit others. E.g. –ment.9. free morpheme: a morpheme that can stand alone as a word.10. derivational morpheme: Bound morpheme, which can be added to a stem to forma new word.11. inflectional morpheme: A kind of morpheme, which are used to make grammatical categories, such as number, tense and case.12. morphological rules: The ways words are formed. These rules determine how morphemes combine to form words.13. compound words: A combination of two or more words, which functions as a single words14. inflection: the morphological process which adjusts words by grammatical modification, e.g. in The rains came, rain is inflected for plurality and came for past tense.Chapter 4: Syntax1. syntax: A branch of linguistics that studies how words are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the formation of sentences.2. category: It refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb.6. phrase: syntactic units that are built around a certain word category are called phrase, the category of which is determined by the word category around which the phrase is built.8. head: The word round which phrase is formed is termed head.9. specifier: The words on the left side of the heads are said to function as specifiers.10. complement: The words on the right side of the heads are complements.11. phrase structure rule: The special type of grammatical mechanism that regulates the arrangement of elements that make up a phrase is called a phrase structure rule. 14. coordination: Some structures are formed by joining two or more elements of the same type with the help of a conjunction such as and or or. Such phenomenon is known as coordination.15. subcategorization: The information about a word’s complement is included in the head and termed suncategorization.16. complementizer: Words which introduce the sentence complement are termed complementizer.17. complement clause: The sentence introduced by the complementizer is called a complement clause.18. complement phrase: the elements, including a complementizer and a complement clause is called a complement phrase.19. matrix clause: the contrusction in which the complement phrase is embedded iscalled matrix clause.20. modifier: the element, which specifies optionally expressible properties of heads is called modifier.21. transformation : a special type of rule that can move an element from one position to another22. inversion : the process of transformation that moves the auxiliary from the Infl position to a position to the left of the subject, is called inversion.23. Do insertion : In the process of forming yes-no question that does not contain an overt Infl, interrogative do is inserted into an empty Infl positon to make transformation work.24. deep structure : A level of abstract syntactic representation formed by the XP rule.25. surface structure : A level of syntactic representation after applying the necessary syntactic movement, i.e., transformation, to the deep structure. (05)26. universal grammar: the innateness principles and properties that pertain to the grammars of all human languages.Chapter 5: Semantics1. semantics: Semantics can be simply defined as the study of meaning.3. sense : Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form. It is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form. It is abstract and de-contexturalized. It is the aspect of meaning dictionary compilers are interested in.4. reference : Reference means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world. It deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.5. synonymy: Synonymy refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning. Words that are close in meaning are called synonyms.6. dialectal synonyms: synonyms that are used in different regional dialects.7. stylistic synonyms: synonyms that differ in style, or degree of formality.8. collocational synonyms: Synonyms that differ in their colllocation, i.e., in the words they go together with.9. polysemy : The same word has more than one meaning.10. homonymy: Homonymy refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form, i.e., different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both.11. homophones: When two words are identical in sound, they are homophones.12. homographs: When two words are identical in spelling, they are homographs.13. complete homonymy: When two words are identical in both sound and spelling, they are complete homonyms.14. hyponymy: Hyponymy refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word.15. superordinate: The word which is more general in meaning is called the superordinate.16. co-hyponyms: Hyponyms of the same superordinate are co-hyponyms.17. antonymy: The term antonymy is used for oppositeness of meaning.20. relational opposites: Pairs if words that exhibit the reversal of a relationshipbetween the two items are called relational opposites. For example, husband---wife, father---son, buy---sell, let---rent, above---below.21. entailment: the relationship between two sentences where the truth of one is inferred from the truth of the other. E.g. Cindy killed the dog entails the dog is dead.22. presupposition: What a speaker or writer assumes that the receiver of the massage already knows. e.g. Some tea has already been taken is a presupposition of Take some more tea.Chapter 6: Pragmatics1. pragmatics: The study of how speakers uses sentences to effect successful communication.2. context: The general knowledge shared by the speakers and the hearers.3. sentence meaning: The meaning of a self-contained unit with abstract and de-contextualized features.4. utterance meaning: The meaning that a speaker conveys by using a particular utterance in a particular context.5. utterance: expression produced in a particular context with a particular intention.6. Speech Act Theory: The theory proposed by John Austin and deepened by Searle, which believes that we are performing actions when we are speaking.7. constatives: Constatives are statements that either state or describe, and are thus verifiable.8. performatives: Pe rformatives are sentences that don’t state a fact or describe a state, and are not verifiable.9. locutionary act: The act of conveying literal meaning by virtue of syntax, lexicon and phonology.10. illocutionary act: The act of expressing the speaker’s i ntention and performed in saying something.11. perlocutionary act: The act resulting from saying something and the consequence or the change brought about by the utterance.12. representatives: Stating or describing, saying what the speaker believes to be true.13. directives: Trying to get the hearer to do something.17. cooperative Principle: The principle that the participants must first of all be willing to cooperate in making conversation, otherwise, it would be impossible to carry on the talk.18. conversational implicature: The use of conversational maxims to imply meaning during conversation.Chapter 7: Language Change8. acronyms: Acronyms are words derived from the initials of several words.9. protolanguage: The original form of a language family, which has ceased to exist.10. Language family: A group of historically related languages that have developed from a common ancestral language.Chapter 8: Language And Society1. sociolinguistics: The subfield of linguistics that study language variation and language use in social contexts.2. speech community: A group of people who form a community and share at leastone speech variety as well as similar linguistic norms.3. speech varieties: It refers to any distinguishable form of speech used by a speaker or a group of speakers.4. regional dialect: A variety of language used by people living in the same geographical region.5. sociolect: A variety of language used by people, who belong to a particular social class.6. registers : The type of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation.7. idiolect : A person’s dialect of an individual speaker that combines elements, regarding regional, social, gender and age variations.8. linguistic reportoire : The totality of linguistic varieties possessed by an individual constitutes his linguistic repertoire.9. register theory : A theory proposed by American linguist Halliday, who believed that three social variables determine the register, namely, field of discourse, tenor of discourse and mode of discourse.10. field of discourse : the purpose and subject matter of the communicative behavior..11. tenor of discourse: It refers to the role of relationship in the situation in question: who the participants in the communication groups are and in what relationship they stand to each other.12. mode of discourse: It refers to the means of communication and it is concerned with how communication is carried out.13. standard dialect: A superposed variety of language of a community or nation, usually based on the speech and writing of educated native speakers of the language.14. formality: It refers to the degree of formality in different occasions and reflects the relationship and conversations. According to Martin Joos, there are five stages of formality, namely, intimate, casual, consultative, formal and frozen.15. Pidgin: A blending of several language, developing as a contact language of people, who speak different languages, try to communication with one another on a regular basis.16. Creole : A pidgin language which has become the native language of a group of speakers used in this daily life.17. bilingualism : The use of two different languages side by side with each having a different role to play, and language switching occurs when the situation changes.(07C) 18. diaglossia : A sociolinguistic situation in which two different varieties of language co-exist in a speech community, each having a definite role to play.19. Lingua Franca : A variety of language that serves as a medium of communication among groups of people, who speak different native languages or dialects20. code-switching: the movement back and forth between two languages or dialects within the same sentence or discourse.Chapter 10: Language Acquisition1. language acqui sition: It refers to the child’s acquisition of his mother tongue, i.e. how the child comes to understand and speak the language of his community.2. language acquisition device (LAD): A hypothetical innate mechanism every normalhuman child is believed to be born with, which allow them to acquire language.3. Universal Grammar: A theory which claims to account for the grammatical competence of every adult no matter what language he or she speaks.4. motherese: A special speech to children used by adults, which is characterized with slow rate of speed, high pitch, rich intonation, shorter and simpler sentence structures etc.----又叫child directed speech,caretaker talk.5. Critical Period Hypothesis: The hypothesis that the time span between early childhood and puberty is the critical period for language acquisition, during which children can acquire language without formal instruction successfully and effortlessly.6. under-extension: Use a word with less than its usual range of denotation.7. over-extension: Extension of the meaning of a word beyond its usual domain of application by young children.8. telegraphic speech: Childre n’s early multiword speech that contains content words and lacks function words and inflectional morphemes.9. content word: Words referring to things, quality, state or action, which have lexical meaning used alone.10. function word: Words with little meaning on their own but show grammatical relationships in and between sentences.11. taboo: Words known to speakers but avoided in some contexts of speech for reasons of religion, politeness etc.12. atypical development: Some acquisition of language may be delayed but follow the same rules of language development due to trauma or injury.Chapter 11 : Second Language Acquisition1. second language acquisition: It refers to the systematic study of how one person acquires a second language subsequent to his native language.2. target language: The language to be acquired by the second language learner.3. second language: A second language is a language which is not a native language ina country but which is widely used as a medium of communication and which is usually used alongside another language or languages.4. foreign language: A foreign language is a language which is taught as a school subject but which is not used as a medium of instruction in schools nor as a language of communication within a country.5. interlanguage: A type of language produced by second and foreign language learners, who are in the process of learning a language, and this type of language usually contains wrong expressions.6. fossilization: In second or foreign language learning, there is a process which sometimes occurs in which incorrect linguistic features become a permanent part of the way a person speaks or writes a language.14. overgeneralization: The use of previously available strategies in new situations, in which they are unacceptable.15. cross-association: some words are similar in meaning as well as spelling and pronunciation. This internal interference is called cross-association.16. error: the production of incorrect forms in speech or writing by a non-native speaker of a second language, due to his incomplete knowledge of the rules of thattarget language.17. mistake: mistakes, defined as either intentionally or unintentionally deviant forms and self-corrigible, suggest failure in performance.18. input: language which a learner hears or receives and from which he or she can learn.19. intake: the input which is actually helpful for the learner.20. Input Hypothesis: A hypothesis proposed by Krashen , which states that in second language learning, it’s necessary f or the learner to understand input language which contains linguistic items that are slightly beyond the learner’s present linguistic competence. Eventually the ability to produce language is said to emerge naturally without being taught directly.21. acquisition: Acquisition is a process similar to the way children acquire their first language. It is a subconscious process without minute learning of grammatical rules. Learners are hardly aware of their learning but they are using language to communicate. It is also called implicit learning, informal learning or natural learning.23. comprehensible input: Input language which contains linguistic items that are slightly beyond the learner’s pre sent linguistic competence.24. language aptitude: the natural ability to learn a language, not including intelligence, motivation, interest, etc.25. motivation: motivation is defined as the learner’s attitudes and affective state or learning drive.26. instrumental motivation: the motivation that people learn a foreign language for instrumental goals such as passing exams, or furthering a career etc.27. integrative motivation: the drive that people learn a foreign language because of the wish to identify with the target culture.28. resultative motivation: the drive that learners learn a second language for external purposes.29. intrinsic motivation: the drive that learners learn the second language for enjoyment or pleasure from learning.Chapter 12 : Language And Brain1. neurolinguistics: It is the study of relationship between brain and language. It includes research into how the structure of the brain influences language learning, how and in which parts of the brain language is stored, and how damage to the brain affects the ability to use language.2. psycholinguistics: the study of language processing. It is concerned with the processes of language acqisition, comprehension and production.7. aphasia: It refers to a number of acquired language disorders due to the cerebral lesions caused by a tumor, an accident and so on.13. spoonerism: a slip of tongue in which the position of sounds, syllables, or words is reversed, for example, Let’s have chish and fips instend of Let’s have fish and chips.14. priming: the process that before the participants make a decision whether the string of letters is a word or not, they are presented with an activated word.15. frequency effect: Subjects take less time to make judgement on frequently used words than to judge less commonly used words . This phenomenon is calledfrequency effect.16. lexical decision: an experiment that let participants judge whether a string of letter is a word or not at a certain time.18. priming effect: Since the mental representation is activated through the prime, when the target is presented, response time is shorter that it otherwise would have been. This is called the priming effect.。
汉语失语症检查表( ABC法)姓名:性别:年龄:科室:床号:住院号:主诉:诊断:一 .谈话(流畅度9- 27 分、信息量0- 6 分)1.问答(录音)回答特征备注(1)您好些吗?(2)您以前来过这吗?(3)您叫什么名字?(4)您多大岁数了?(5)您家住在什么地方?(6)您做什么工作(或退休前做什么工作)?(7)您简单说说您的病是怎么得起来的?或您怎么不好?(8)让病人看图片,叙述。
流畅度 ___ /27 分信息量 ___ /6 分2.系列语言实数数备注从1 数到 21总分/21 分一.理解(一)是 /否问题(共 60 分)Ⅰ 问题、答案、表达方式与评分正表达方式问题确评分言语特征答案言语手头闭眼(1)你的名字是张小红吗?否2(2)你的名字是李华明吗?否2(3)你的名字是(真名)吗?是2(4)你家住在前门 /鼓楼吗?否2(5)你家住在(正确地名)吗?是2(6)你住在通县 /延庆吗?否2(7)你是大夫吗?否2(8)我是大夫吗?是2(9)我是男的 / 女的吗?否2(10)这个房间的灯亮着吗?是2(11)这个房间的门是关着的吗?否2(12)这儿是旅馆吗?否2(13)这儿是医院吗?是2(14)你穿的衣服是红 / 蓝色的吗?否2(15)纸在火中燃烧吗?是4(16)每年中秋节在端午节前先过吗?否4(17)您吃香蕉时先剥皮吗?是4(18)在本地七月下雪吗?否4(19)马比狗大吗?是4(20)农民用斧头割草吗?否4(21)一斤面比二斤面重吗?否4(22)冰在水里会沉吗?否4总分/60(二)听辨认(共 90 分, 45 项,每项 2 分)实物<5’’ >5’’ 0 分图形<5’’ >5’’ 0 分图画<5’’ >5’’ 0 分2 分 1 分 2 分 1 分 2 分 1 分梳子圆钥匙铅笔方火柴钥匙三角梳子火柴螺旋铅笔花五星花动作<5’’ >5’’ 0 分颜色<5’’ >5’’ 0 分家具<5’’ >5’’ 0 分2 分 1 分 2 分 1 分 2 分 1 分吸烟红窗户喝水黄椅子跑步蓝电灯睡觉绿桌子摔倒黑床身体<5’’ >5’’ 0 分身体<5’’ >5’’ 0 分身体<5’’ >5’’ 0 分2 分 1 分 2 分 1 分 2 分 1 分耳朵中指右耳鼻子胳膊左眼肘肩膀眉毛左拇指眼睛小指右手腕手腕拇指右中指听辨认总分:/90 分。
4 【まだ···ある】还有。
83Halı地毯1Adı名字43Aşağı下面,下边84Kanepe 可做床的沙发2Soyadı姓44Yukarı上面,上边85Kat 层3Evet 是,是的45Altında 下面,下86Koridor 走廊4Hayır不,不是46Üstünde 上,上面87Mutfak 厨房5Günaydın 早上好47İçeri 里边,里88Oda 房子6İyi akşamlar 晚上好48Dışarı外边89Salon 客厅7İyi geceler 晚安49İçinde 在里边90Sehpa 茶几8İyi günler 中午好50Dışında 在外边,除..之外91Tuvalet 厕所9Merhaba你好,51Karşısında 对面92Yatak odası卧室52Nerede 哪里,在那里93Tebeşir 粉笔10Sabah 早上53Ön 前94Telefon电话11Öğle 中午54Arka 后95Televizyon 电视机12Akşam 晚上55Sağ右96Teyp录音机13Gece 夜晚56Sol 左14Gün 日子,太阳57Yanında身边178Arkadaş朋友15Dün 昨天58İle 与,在一起179Bilgisayar 电脑16Bugün 今天180Cam 玻璃17Yarın 明天59Nasıl ?怎么样?181Çanta 书包18Dakika 分钟60Ne ?什么?182Çöp kutusu 垃圾桶19Saat 钟表,小时61Nerede ?在哪儿?183Defter 本子20Şimdi 现在62Niçin ?为什么?184Ders 课程21Saniye 秒钟63Ne zaman ?什么时候?185Dolap 柜子22Ocak 元月64Kim ?谁?186Duvar 墙23Şubat 二月65Kimin ?谁的?187Kalem 钢笔24Mart 三月188Kapı门25Nisan 四月66At 马189Kaset 带子26Mayıs 五月67Ayı熊190Kitap 书27Haziran 六月68Balık 鱼191Lamba 灯泡28Temmuz 七月69İnek 牛,母牛192Masa 桌子29Ağustos 八月70Kedi 猫193Okul 学校30Eylül 九月71Koyun 羊194Ödev 作业31Ekim 十月72Köpek 狗195Öğrenci 学生32Kasım 十一月73Kuş鸟196Öğretim üyes 大学教师33Aralık十二月74Sinek 苍蝇197Pencere 窗户34Pazartesi 星期一75Tavuk鸡198Perde 窗帘35Salı星期二199Radyo 收音机36Çarşamba 星期三76Anahtar 钥匙200Resim 画37Perşembe 星期四77Bahçe 花园201Sandalye 椅子38Cuma星期五78Banyo 淋浴202Sınıf 教室39Cumartesi 星期六79Bodrum 地下一层203Silgi 擦40Pazar 星期天80Pencere 窗户204Sözlük 词典41Buçuk 半,一半81Daire房子,楼房205Tablo 表格42Gece yarısı午夜82Yemek odası厨房,供餐的房子206Tahta 板子207Tebeşir粉笔118Çalmak 偷,弹162Soymak削,脱208Kurşunkalem 铅笔119Demek说,就是说163Söylemek 说EvTanışmaAdreslerZamanOkul 学校SorularHayvanlar 动物120Dikmek 种164Sürmek 开车209Ayak 脚121Dinlemek 听165Terlemek 出汗210Bacak 大腿122Dinlenmek 休息166Unutmak 忘记211Baş头123Doymak 饱,吃饱167Uyanmak 醒212Eczahane 药店124Dökmek 倒,洒168Yağmak 下213El 手125Dövmek 打169Yapmak 做214Göz 眼睛126Fırçalamak 刷170Yardım etme 帮忙215İlaç药127Gelmek 来171Yatmak 躺216Kol 手128Gitmek去172Yazmak 写217Kulak 耳朵129Getirmek 带来,拿来173Uyumak 睡218Parmak 手指130Göndermek 送,带送174Vermek 给219Saç头发131Görmek 看,望175Vurmak 打220Yüz 脸庞,面132Güldürmek 逗笑176Yemek饭133Gülmek笑177Yürümek 走步234Ben 我134Hatırlamak 提醒235Sen 你135Hesaplamak 算,计算221Ağabey 哥哥236O 她/他/它136Isıtmak 加热,222Abla 姐姐237Biz 我们137İçmek喝223Akraba 亲戚238Siz你们138Kalkmak 起来,站起来224Amca 叔叔239Onlar 他们/她们/它们139Karıştırmak 建225Anne-baba 父母140Kaşımak 痒226Baba 爸爸97Acıkmak 俄,饥141Kesmek 剪, 砍227Anne 妈妈98Acımak 可怜142Kırmak 伤心,打碎228Bay 男士99Affetmek 原谅143Kızmak 生气229Bayan 女士100Ağrımak 疼,痛144Konuşmak 说话230Bebek 宝贝,婴儿101Almak拿,要,取145Koşmak 跑231İnsan 人102Anlamak 明白,听懂,理解146Küsmek 抱怨、埋怨232Kardeş兄弟,弟弟103Anlatmak 解释,讲147Okumak念,读233Kız-erkek 男女104Aramak 找,寻找148Oturmak 坐234Teyze 姨妈105Atlamak 跳149Oynamak 玩106Atmak 扔,扔掉150Öfkelenmek 240Ayakkabı鞋,皮鞋107Ayrılmak 离开151Öpmek 吻241Ceket 上衣108Bakmak看152Pişirmek 煮,242Gömlek 衬衫109Barışmak 和解153Saklamak 藏243Gözlük 眼镜110Beklemek 等,等待154Sarmak 缠244Kazak 毛衣111Bilmek 知道155Satmak卖245Pantolon 裤子112Binmek 骑,坐156Selamlamak 问候246Pijama 睡衣113Boyamak 染,上漆157Seyretmek 看247Şapka 帽子114Bulmak找到,寻找158Sıkılmak 无聊248Terlik 拖鞋115Cevap verme 回到159Sinirlenmek 生气249Yüzük 戒指116Çağırmak 叫,称呼160Soğutmak 250Kravat 领带117Çalışmak 工作,做161Sormak 问251Çorap 袜子252Eşofman 在家穿的较舒服衣服293Kara 黑394Fakir 穷253Etek裙子294Siyah 黑395Zengin 富295Yeşil 绿396Genç年轻254Aşçı厨师296Sarı黄397Yaşlı, ihtiyar 老,老年MesleklerVücutŞahıslarAileFiiller-动词Kıyafetler。
满语常用800句一、问候语1、你好si sain nio2、你的身体好吗?sini beye dursun sain nio ?3、很好!=umesi sain !4、见到您很高兴simbe sabufi umesi urgunjembi你看见很喜悦5、谢谢Baniha !谢谢6、你最近忙吗?si ere ucuri ekxembio ?你这一向忙吗7、不太忙,您呢?dabali ekxerakv, si ekxembio ?过分不忙你忙吗8、很忙。
jaci ekxembi .很忙9、您见到小关了吗?si ajige guwan halangga be sabuhanggeo ?你小关姓的见了吗10、见到了Sabuha .见了11、他近来怎么样?i ere ucuri adarame ?他这一向怎么样12、也很好。
inu umesi sain .也很好13、你去哪了?si yabade genehe ?你何处去了14、我去学校了。
bi tacikv de genehe .我学校去了15、我已经等你一个小时了。
bi emgeri simbe emu erin aliyaha bihe .我已经你一小时等16、对不起,让你久等了。
满语常用800句giljaki, simbe goidame aliyabuha .请谅解你久等17、没关系。
baita akv事没有18、您有什么事?sinde ai baita bi ?你什么事有19、没什么事。
yaya baita akv .凡是事没有20、我们好久不见了。
muse jaci goidame bahafi acahakv .我们太久得未会面21、是呀,今天就是来看看您。
inu, enenggi bi uthai simbe tuwanjihengge .是今天我就你看来的22、太好了!jaci sain!太好23、请屋里坐吧!boode dosime teki屋进坐24、不了,已经很晚了。
土耳其语词汇【YEN? S?ZLER B?R】〖单词-1〗〖ak?ll?〗聪明的,明智的〖anahtar〗钥匙〖?al??kan〗勤奋的,努力的〖?anta〗包;袋子〖cetvel〗尺子〖?i?ek〗花〖?ok〗多的;非常,更多〖daktilo〗打字员〖dekan〗学院院长,系主任〖dergi〗杂志〖dolma kalem〗钢笔〖doktor〗博士〖d??eme〗地板,地面〖duvar〗墙,墙壁〖hoca〗老师,先生;伊斯兰教神职人员〖?smail〗伊斯玛伊尔(人名)〖kalemlik〗笔筒,笔盒〖kap?〗门,门户〖kara tahta〗黑板〖kaset〗盒子〖kilim〗地毯〖kilit〗锁〖kitapl?k〗书架,书柜〖klima〗空调〖kur?un kalem〗铅笔〖memur〗职员〖müdür〗经理,主管,主任〖??renci〗学生〖??retmen〗老师,教师〖pencere〗窗子〖radyo-teyp〗收录机,收录两用机〖radyo〗收音机〖rekt?r〗大学校长〖sandalye〗椅子〖sekreter〗秘书,书记〖silgi〗黑板檫,橡皮檫〖s?zlük〗字典,词典〖tavan〗天花板,墙顶〖televizyon〗电视,电视机〖temiz〗干净的,清洁的〖tükenmez kalem〗圆珠笔〖türk?e〗土耳其语〖vazo〗花瓶〖video〗电视,视频,音像〖video kaset〗录像带〖dilbilgisi〗语法〖türk?e dilbilgisi〗土耳其语语法〖dershane〗教室〖Mustafa〗穆斯塔法(人名)〖Ankara〗安卡拉(土耳其首都)〖güzel〗美丽的〖büyük〗大的〖kü?ük〗小的〖iyi〗好的〖ka??〗多少,几个〖hangi〗哪一个〖ben〗我〖bu〗这,这个〖ne〗什么〖kim〗谁〖okumak〗读,学习〖oturmak〗坐,坐下〖y?kamak〗洗〖uyumak〗睡觉〖erken〗早,早上〖?abuk〗快〖daima〗经常〖nas?l〗如何,怎样〖sonra〗在---之后〖i?in〗为了---,因为--- 〖evvel〗在---之前〖ba?ka〗除---之外,另外,其他〖?ünkü〗因为,由于〖fakat〗然而,但是〖ve〗和,与,同〖e?er〗如果〖ne---ne---〗既不---也不--- 〖ah〗啊,唉〖ay〗唉,哎呀〖oh〗唉,呀〖de?il〗不,不是〖evet〗是的,对的〖hay?r〗不是的,不对的〖?u〗那个,这个〖o〗那,那个〖bunlar〗这些〖?unlar〗那些,这些〖onlar〗那些〖sen〗你〖biz〗我〖siz〗你们/您〖o〗他/她/它〖onlar〗他们〖kimse〗某人,任何人〖kimi〗有些〖birka??〗几个,一些〖bir?o?u〗许多〖falan〗某人,某某,等等〖filan〗某人,某某,等等〖hepsi〗大家,所有人〖her biri〗每人,每个〖hi? biri〗任何一个〖kendi〗自己,本人〖kendim〗我自己〖kendin〗你自己〖kendisi〗他/她/它自己〖kendimiz〗我们自己〖kendiniz〗你们自己,您自己〖kendileri〗他们/她们/它们自己〖kimdir?〗是谁?〖kitap〗书,书籍,课本YEN? S?ZLER ?K?单词-2 〖Ali〗阿里(人名)〖ayr?ca〗另外〖bah?e〗花园〖birka?〗几个,一些〖ba?ka〗不同的,其他的,另外的;除---之外〖buzdolab〗冰箱,冰柜〖da/de ba?〗也〖daha〗还,仍然,到现在为止,更加〖dolap〗橱柜〖dolmu?〗小公共汽车,中巴〖dünya〗世界,今世〖eldiven〗手套〖e?arp〗围巾,领巾〖elektrik〗电动的〖eser〗作品,文物,遗迹〖fakat ba?〗但是,可是〖giyecek〗衣服,服装〖g?mlek〗衬衣,衬衫〖günayd?n〗早上好〖hal?〗地毯〖hastane〗医院〖ilk〗初始的,初级的〖istasyon〗火车站〖kadar〗大约,大概〖kazak〗毛衣,绒衣〖konu?ma〗讲话,会话〖kravat〗领带〖lise〗高中〖metro〗地铁〖müze〗博物馆〖otel〗旅馆,旅店,宾馆〖otobüs〗公共汽车〖palto〗大衣,外衣〖pantolon〗裤子〖park〗公园〖pazar〗市场,集市〖profes?r〗教授〖?ey〗事情,事物〖stadyum〗体育场〖süpermarket〗超市〖süpürge〗扫帚〖tabi〗是的,当然〖taksi〗出租汽车〖tane〗个〖tarihi〗历史的〖ta?ekkür〗感谢,谢谢〖tiyayro〗剧院〖tramvay〗有轨电车〖troieybüs〗无轨电车〖üniversite〗大学〖yaln?z〗仅仅,只有〖yer〗地方,位置〖y?ld?zl?〗星星,星级的〖Yusuf〗玉素夫(人名)〖yüksek〗高的〖kimde?〗在谁那里?〖nerede?〗在什么地方?〖saat ka?ta?〗在什么时间?〖dershanede〗在教室里〖?in`de〗在中国〖saat be?te〗在5点钟〖bir〗1〖iki〗2〖ü?〗3〖d?rt〗4〖be?〗5〖alt?〗6〖yedi〗7〖sekiz〗8〖dokuz〗9〖on〗10〖on bir〗11〖on iki〗12〖on ü?〗13〖on d?rt〗14〖on be?〗15〖on alt?〗16〖on yedi〗17〖on sekiz〗18〖on dokuz〗19 〖yirmi〗20〖otuz〗30〖k?rk〗40〖elli〗50〖altm??〗60〖yetmi?〗70〖seksen〗80〖doksan〗90〖yüz〗100〖bin〗千〖on bin〗万(10个1000)〖yüz bin〗十万(100个1000)〖bir milyon〗百万〖on milyon〗千万(10个百万)〖yüz milyon〗亿(100个百万)〖bir milyar〗十亿〖yirmi be?〗25〖otuz dikuz〗39〖birinci〗第一〖ikinci〗第二〖ü?üncü〗第三〖d?rtdüncü〗第四〖be?inci〗第五〖alt?nc?〗第六〖yedinci〗第七〖sekizinci〗第八〖dokuzuncu〗第九〖onuncu〗第十〖on birinci〗第十一〖on ikinci〗第十二〖on ü?üncü〗第十三〖on d?rtdüncü〗第十四〖on be?inci〗第十五〖on alt?nc?〗第十六〖on yedinci〗第十七〖on sekizinci〗第十八〖on dokuzuncu〗第十九〖yirminci〗第二十〖otuzuncu〗第三十〖k?rk?nc?〗第四十〖ellinci〗第五十〖altm??inc?〗第六十〖yetmi?inci〗第七十〖sekseninci〗第八十〖doksan?nc?〗第九十〖yüzüncü〗第一百YEN? S?ZLER ü? 单词-3〖Afrika〗非洲〖asistan〗助教〖bekar〗单身,没有成家的人〖b?lüm〗系;部分〖demek ki ba?〗那么,就是说,这么说〖dil〗语言〖do?ent〗副教授〖evli〗结了婚的,成了家的〖gen?〗年轻的〖güneyli〗南方的;南方人〖hastabak?c?〗医护助理,护理员〖nazik〗客气的〖nereli〗什么地方的〖okutman〗讲师〖onlar〗他们〖polis〗警察〖sporcu〗运动员〖?of?r〗司机〖ya da ba?〗或者〖ben〗我〖biz〗我们〖sen〗你〖siz〗您们,您〖o〗他/她/它〖onlar〗他/她/它们〖iyiyim〗我很好〖hastay?m〗我有病YEN? S?ZLER D?RT单词-4【a??k】敞开的,开放的;营业的【an】时候,时刻【avlu】原子【bina】楼,楼房【bostan】菜园【dekanl?k】系主任办公室;院长办公室【deniz】海洋【i?】事情;工作【?stanbul】伊斯坦布尔(土耳其最大的城市)【?zmir】伊兹密尔(土耳其西部城市)【kapal?】关闭的;不营业的【kara】陆地;黑色的【kat】层,楼层【kulüp】俱乐部【kütüphane】图书馆【orman】森林【Pekin】北京【rekt?rlük】校长办公室【sa?】右,右边,右方【sanatoryum】疗养院【?imdi】现在,目前【s?n?f】教室;年级;等级【?irket】公司【toplant?】会,会议【Türkiye】土耳其【yatakhane】宿舍YEN? S?ZLER BE?单词-5 【abla】姐姐【Ahmet】艾哈迈德(人名)【aile】家庭,家人【ayna】镜子【bayan】女士;女性【bisiklet】自行车【buharl?】蒸汽【?anta】袋,包;手提包;公文包【?orap】袜子【di?】牙;牙齿【Emine】艾米奈(人名)【f?r?a】刷,刷子【di?f?r?as?】牙刷【galiba】大概,也许【havlu】毛巾【kamera】摄象机【el kameras?】手提式摄象机【kol】臂,手臂;袖子【komodin】床头柜【krem】雪花膏,擦脸油【kulak】耳朵【kulakl?k】耳机;听筒【kullan?m e?yalar?】用品【le?en】盆;脸盆;洗衣盆【di?macunu】牙膏【makine】机器【mecmua】杂志【mendil】手帕,手绢【motosiklet】摩托车【sabun】肥皂【?ampuan】香波,洗发水【?apka】帽子【?ey】东西,物品【stereo】立体声【takvimli】带日历的【tarak】梳子【terlik】拖鞋【t?ra? 】剃须,刮脸【t?ra? makinesi】剃须刀,刮脸刀【türlü】各种的,不同的【türlü türlü】各种各样的【ütü】熨斗【zarf】信封,纸袋;副词Aze?di?i Ya Türk?e S?zn?Pi?di?i Men.后面的新的土耳其语话语写的我。
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二十二、TAŞIT ARACI运输、交通工具Otobüsle gidebilir miyim?【奥淘标斯来给呆必力尔蜜易么】我可以坐公共汽车去么?Otobüse binmelisiniz.【奥淘标塞冰麦力斯尼滋】您得坐公共汽车İstayona hangi otobüs gider?【伊斯它斯摇那汉给奥淘标斯给呆尔】哪路公共汽车去火车站?…ya bir otobüs var mı?【…亚必尔奥淘标斯哇尔默】有去…的公共汽车么?…namaralı otobüs buradan geçer mi?【…奴玛拉勒奥淘标斯布拉荡该切尔蜜】…路公共汽车从这儿过么?Otobüs durağı nerededir?【奥淘标斯度拉额耐来呆第尔】公共汽车站在哪儿?…ya giden otobüs nerede durur?【…亚给淡奥淘标斯耐来呆度路尔】去…的公共汽车在哪儿停?Metro ile gideceğim.【麦特劳易来给呆皆么】我坐地铁去…ya bir gidiş bileti,lütfen.【…亚必尔给第士必来替滤特番】请给我一张去…的票…istasyonuna gitmek istiyorum.【…伊斯它斯摇奴那给特麦克伊斯替摇路么】我想要去…火车站Oraya gidince lütfen bana bildiriniz.【奥拉亚给定皆滤特番巴那必勒第雷尼滋】请您到了那儿通知我一下Kaç durak kaldı?【卡其杜拉克卡勒德】还有几站了?Bundan sonraki otobüs ne zaman hareket eder?【崩荡颂拉揩奥淘标斯耐咋芒哈来开苔呆尔】下一班公共汽车什么时候开Nerede inmeliyim?【耐来呆因麦力易么】我该在哪儿下车Üçüncü durakta inin.【欲群居杜拉克他易宁】您在第三站下Son durakta inin.【颂杜拉克他易宁】您在最后一个站下Aktarma yapmam gerekiyor mu?【阿克它尔玛亚迫玛么该来揩摇尔木】我得转车么Nerede taksi bulabilirim?【耐来呆它克斯布拉必力雷么】在哪儿我可以叫到出租车Hey Taksi!【嗨耶,它克斯】喂!出租车Boş musunuz (Serbest misniz)?【包士木酥奴滋(塞尔掰斯特密斯尼兹)】您的车空着吗?(您闲着吗)Beni havaalanına götürün.【掰尼哈哇拉呢那高突伦】请您送我去飞机场Havaalimanına en kısa yol hangisid ir?【哈哇力玛呢那按克萨摇勒汗给斯第尔】去飞机场最近的路是哪条?İstasyona lütfen?【伊斯它斯摇那滤特番】请到火车站Daha hızlı sürünüz, lütfen.【大哈禾勒滋叙滤奴滋滤特番】请您再开快点儿Geç kaldım, lütfen acele edin.【该其卡勒德么滤特番阿皆来艾定】我晚了,请您快点儿Havaalanına ve çabuk olun.【哈哇拉尼娜歪查布靠伦】到飞机场,您快点儿Hızlı sülünüz.【禾滋勒叙滤女滋】您开快点儿Yavaş gidin.【亚哇士给定】您慢点儿Bu kadar hılız sürmeyiniz.【布卡达尔禾滋勒叙尔麦易尼兹】您别开这么快Acelem var.【阿皆来么哇尔】我有急事Daha gelmedik mi?【大哈该勒麦第克蜜】我们还没到么Burada durun, lütfen【布拉大度伦虑特番】请您停在这儿Şu köşede durun.【束靠晒呆度伦】您停在那个拐角处吧Lütfen burada bekleyin.【虑特番布拉大掰克来因】请您在这儿等一下Lütfen burada bir dakika durur musunuz?【虑特番布拉大必尔大揩卡度路尔木酥奴滋】能请您在这儿稍停一下吗?Borcum ne kadar?【包尔珠么耐卡达尔】我付多少钱?Sigara içmende sakınca var mı?【斯嘎啦易其麦么呆萨啃扎哇尔默】我可以吸烟吗?Ellilik bozabilir misiniz ?【艾力力克包咋必力尔密斯尼兹】您能换的开一张五十元的吗?Üstü kalsın【欲斯突卡勒僧】不用找零钱了Makbuz istiyorum.【马克布滋伊斯替摇路么】我要收据二十三、SİNEMA,TİYATRO,KONSER电影院;剧院;音乐会(第165---186页)Bu akşam ne yapıyoruz?[布阿克莎么耐亚迫摇路滋]?今晚我们什么?Bu akşam tıyatroya gıdelım mı?[布阿克莎么易寝必尔普拉呢呢滋哇尔默]?今晚你有什么活动吗?Bu akşam tıyatroya gidelim mi?[布阿克莎么替亚特劳亚给呆力么力密]?今晚我们去剧院吧?Bu akşam konsere gidelim.[布阿克莎么空塞来给呆力么力密]?今晚我们去听音乐会吧?Sinemaya mı yoksa tiyatroya mı gitmeyi tercih edersiniz?[斯耐玛亚默摇克萨替亚特劳亚默给特麦易苔尔基禾艾呆尔斯尼滋]你最想去电影院还是剧院?B u yakınlard bir sinema var mı?[布亚肯拉尔大必尔斯耐玛哇尔默]这附近有电影院吗?Bugün…sinemasında hangı film oynuyor?[布棍…斯耐玛僧大汗给非勒么奥耶奴摇尔]今天在…电影院上映的是什么片子?Bu akşam …tiyatrosunda ne oynuyor:[布阿克莎么…替亚特劳孙大耐奥耶奴摇尔]?今晚在…剧院演什么?Ben bu filmi(oyunu) daha önce görmüştüm.[阪布非勒密(奥欲奴)大哈温皆高尔谬士突么]我以前看过这部片子(这个表演)。
Temsıl ne zaman başlıyor?苔么斯勒耐昨芒巴士勒摇尔]演出什么时候开始。
Konser bu akşam saat kaçta başlıyor?空塞尔布阿克莎么萨特卡其它巴土勒摇尔]音乐会今晚几点开始?Biletleri nereden alabiliriz?[必来特来雷耐来淡阿拉必力雷滋]我们从那里能买到票?Bu akşam için bilet var mı?[布阿克莎么易寝必来特哇尔默]有今晚的票吗?Y arın için telefonla iki yer ayırtabilir miyim?[亚楞易寝苔来封拉易楷耶尔阿耶尔它必力尔蜜易么]我可以打电话预定明天的两个座位吗?Tüm biletler satılmıştır.( 图么比莱特莱尔萨特勒默使特尔)票都买完了。
Ortalardan bir yer istiyorum.(奥尔塔啦而当比尔耶尔伊斯替要鲁尔)我要中间的一个位子。
En ucuz yerler hangileridir?(安吾珠兹叶儿莱尔含给来类蒂尔)最便宜的位子是哪些?İlk sıradan iki koltuk lütfen.(伊勒克色拉当依揩靠勒图科滤特番)请给我最前排的两个位子。
Hiç yer kalmadı.(黑棋耶尔卡勒马德)一个空位子也没有了。
Yerler numaralımıdır?(叶儿莱尔奴马拉勒么德尔)座位都是对号的吗?Şapka ve pardösüleri vestiyere bırakalım.(沙坡卡歪怕尔调蓄来雷歪斯提也来波拉卡了么) 我们把帽子和风衣都放到衣帽间吧。
Bir yerin fıyatı ne kadar.(比尔椰林菲亚特耐卡达尔)一张票多少钱?Çabuk ol ! Temsil başlamak üzere.(查布靠勒!苔么斯勒巴士拉马克欲栽来)快点! 就要开演了。
Perde arası ne kadar sürer?(帕尔带阿拉色耐卡达尔徐来而)中场休息多长时间?Film ne kadar sürüyor?(费勒么耐卡达尔叙滤摇尔)电影要演多久?Bir program,lütfe n.(比尔普劳格拉么,滤特番)请给我一份节目单。
Harika bir fılm.(哈雷卡比尔费勒么)极好的一部电影。
Haftaya ne oynuyor?(哈弗他呀耐奥野奴要尔)下周上映什么?Bu bi letlerı iade etmek istiyorum.(布比莱特来类以阿呆爱特麦克伊斯替摇路么)我想要退这些票。
SÖZCÜKLER词汇piyano [辟亚闹]钢琴alkış[阿勒克士]鼓掌ara ,antrakt [啊腊,昂特拉克特]间歇bale [巴来]芭蕾舞başrol[巴士劳勒]主角besteci [掰斯苔基]作曲家bilet[必来特]票dans[荡斯]舞蹈dram[德拉么]戏剧gişe[给晒]售票处gösteri[高斯苔雷]演出:播映koltuk(lar) [靠勒突克(拉尔)]座位komedi [靠麦第]konser [空塞尔]音乐会koro[靠劳]合唱团melodi [麦劳第]曲调mıkrofon[密克劳封]麦克风müzik [谬贼克]音乐müzıkal[谬贼卡勒]音乐剧müzisyen[谬贼斯雁]音乐家nota[闹它]音符opera [奥拍拉]歌剧orkestra 奥尔开斯特拉]管弦乐队orkestra şefi[奥尔开斯特拉晒非]管弦乐队指挥program [普劳格拉么]节目单rol [劳勒]角色sahne[萨禾耐]场,舞台seyirci[塞易尔基]观众sıra[瑟拉]顺序şarkı[莎尔克]歌曲şarkıcı[莎尔克遮]歌唱家aktör [阿克跳尔]男演员aktris [阿克特雷斯]女演员dekor[呆考尔]舞台布景film [费勒么]film yıldızı[费勒么耶勒得啧]影星gala gecesi[嘎啦该皆斯]首映晚会güldürü[古勒度滤]喜剧makyaj [马克亚日]化妆oynayanlar[奥耶那样拉尔]演员们oyun [奥用]剧本;戏剧perde [帕尔带]幕,场prova[普劳哇]预演sinema [斯奈码]电影院temsil [台么斯勒]演出,放映tiyatro[提雅特劳]剧院,戏剧vestiyer[外斯提耶尔]衣帽间yönetmen [要耐特曼]导演二十四、POSTANEDE在邮局P ostane nerededır?(泡斯塔耐乃来呆蒂尔)邮局在那儿?…ya normal mektup ne kadar?(....亚闹尔玛勒麦克突破耐卡达尔)寄…的平信多少钱?Bunu taahhütlü göndermek istiyoru m.(布奴它呼特滤共呆而麦克伊斯替要鲁么)我想把这封寄成挂号的。