




Treasure is gold, but faith is treasure.2、当老实人,做老实事,说老实话。

Be honest, be honest and be honest.3、纸包不住火,错误是隐瞒不了的。

There is no room for fire. Mistakes cannot be concealed.4、朋友间的不和,就是敌人进攻的机会。

The discord between friends is the opportunity for the enemy to attack.5、世界未有比真诚人更为可贵的。

The world is no more valuable than a sincere man.6、人如以诚信为本,就能塑造完美人生。

People can create a perfect life based on honesty.7、推人以诚,则不言而信矣。

Pushing people to be honest is not true.8、宁可穷而诚实,不可富而失信。

It is better to be poor and honest than to lose money.9、诚信走遍天下,法治和谐人间。

Integrity goes all over the world, and the rule of law is harmonious.10、诚信是一种美德,会让你更加完美。

Honesty is a virtue that will make you more perfect.11、我们应该老老实实地办事。

We should act honestly.12、明明白白我的心,诚诚信信我的行。

In my heart, sincerely believe in my deeds.13、言必诚信,行必忠正。




If you want others to be honest, you have to be honest.2、一言而适,可能却敌,一言而得,可以保国。

In a word, it is possible to defend the enemy by saying everything.3、失去信用是一个人的最大损失。

Losing credit is the biggest loss for a person.4、最狡狯的谎言会在最单纯的事实前无地自容。

The most cunning lies will be ashamed of themselves before the simplest facts.5、诚实是一座阶梯,也是达到认识之前的手段之一。

Honesty is a ladder, and it is also one of the means before reaching knowledge.6、生命不可能从谎言中开出灿烂的鲜花。

Life is impossible to make brilliant flowers out of lies.7、一个人的信用和其钱柜里的钞票是成正比的。

A person's credit is directly proportional to the money in his moneybox.8、没有一种遗产能像诚实那样丰富的了。

No legacy can be as rich as honesty.9、诚实和勤勉应该成为你永久的伴侣。

Honesty and diligence should be your eternal mates.10、失去了诚信,就等同于敌人毁灭了自己。

Losing honesty is equivalent to destroying the enemy.11、说出一个人真实的思想是人生极大的安慰。




Be honest, practical work.2、人无忠信,不可立于世。

A man without the faithful, and not in the world.3、以诚待人,以信得人。

To people, to win others to believe.4、诚好,信好,诚信真好!The letter is good, good, the good faith is really good!5、虚伪的真诚,比魔鬼更可怕。

False of the sincerity, is worse than the devil.6、生命不会从谎言中得到营养。

Life doesn't get nutrition from the lies.7、与人不诚则丧德而增怨,诚信立身!And people are not sincere funeral, and increases the hatred, the good faith foundation!8、善良——这是天才者的伟大品质之一。

Good - one of the great quality of the one who is a genius.9、诚者,天之道也;思诚者,人之道也。

Honesty, the way of heaven also; The way of honesty, people also.10、如果要别人诚信,首先要自己要诚信。

If want others to honesty, want oneself to the good faith first.11、如果道德败坏了,趣味也必然会堕落。

If the demoralization, interest also is bound to fall.12、诚实和勤勉,应该成为你永久的伴侣。

Honesty and diligence should be your eternal mates.13、一个人最伤心的事情无过于良心的死灭。




Honesty is the best quality of life forever.2、诚不避贫富,信无论大小。

We must not avoid the rich or poor.3、永开不败的诚信之花,永不消逝的中华美德。

Never fail to bloom the flower of integrity and never die Chinese virtue.4、早晨不起,误一天的事,幼时不学,误生命的事。

In the morning, you can't afford to miss a day's work.5、诚实是最丰富的传代物。

Honesty is the most abundant passer.6、如果要别人诚信,首先要自己要诚信。

If you want others to be honest, you must first be honest.7、甚至上帝也助诚实勇敢者一臂之力。

Even God helps those who are honest and brave.8、一言之美,贵于千多。

In a word, beauty is more expensive than thousand.9、人不能象走兽那样活着,应该追求知识和美德。

Man can not live like a beast, but should pursue knowledge and virtue.10、诚信就像人生航船的楫桨,控制着人生的去向。

Honesty is like the oar of a life boat, which controls the direction of life.11、人如以诚信为本,就能塑造完美人生。

People can create a perfect life based on honesty.12、处己、事上、临下、皆当以诚为主。



诚实守信的英语名言导读:1、诚信就像一股血液,是我们做人之根本!Honesty is like a blood. It is the foundation of our life.2、诚实的人必须对自己守信,他的最后靠山就是真诚。

An honest man must be faithful to himself. His last resort is sincerity.3、你片刻的诚信将赢得他人恒久的信任,让诚信成为一种习惯。

Your integrity will win the trust of others for a long time, and honesty will become a habit.4、诚信像一盏灯,在每个人的心中发光发热,相互感染、温暖。

Honesty is like a lamp, shining and heating in every person's heart.5、遵守商业道德,信守合同之约,坚守公平竞争,恪守友好合作。

Abide by business ethics, abide by the contract agreement, stick to fair competition and abide by friendly cooperation.6、诚信法治两手抓,共铸辉煌齐万家。

Integrity and rule of law are two ways to create brilliant achievements.7、存心光明正大,言论光明正大,行事光明正大,斯之谓君子。

It is fair and aboveboard to speak openly and honestly.8、不为失败找理由,要为成功找方法。

Don't look for reasons for failure. Find ways to succeed.9、言而必有信,期而必当,天下之高行也。



关于诚信的外国名言以下是一些关于诚信的外国名言:1. "It is true that integrity alone won't make you a leader, but without integrity you will never be one." - Zig Ziglar(“诚信确实不足以使你成为一名领导者,但是如果没有诚信,你永远不可能成为领导者。

”- 齐格·齐格拉尔)2. "The time is always right to do what is right." - Martin Luther King Jr.(“做正确的事情,时机永远是对的。

”- 马丁·路德·金)3. "Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom." - Thomas Jefferson(“诚实是智慧书中的第一章。

”- 托马斯·杰弗逊)4. "Character is much easier kept than recovered." - Thomas Paine(“培养品格比重新塑造容易得多。

”- 托马斯·潘恩)5. "In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." - Abraham Lincoln (“最终,重要的不是你的生命中的岁月,而是岁月中的生活。

”- 亚伯拉罕·林肯)6. "Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching." - C.S. Lewis(“诚信就是在没有人看到的时候也能做正确的事。




Honesty is the foundation of life, struggle is the root of life, but sincere belief is escape.2、失去了信用的人,就再没有什么可以失去的了。

If one loses his credit, he has nothing to lose.3、我觉得维护社会和谐的惟一标准就是诚信,让规则维护和谐。

I think the only criterion to maintain social harmony is honesty and let the rules maintain harmony.4、诚信是你价格不菲的鞋子,踏遍千山万水,质量也应永恒不变。

Honesty is your expensive shoes, traveling all over the mountains and rivers, the quality should also remain unchanged.5、失去信用而赚的钱应结算在损失里。

Loss of credit and earnings should be settled in the loss.6、你憎恨被别人欺骗吗?那就不要去欺骗别人。

Do you hate being cheated? Then don't deceive others.7、忠诚,即使是深深的忠诚,也从不会是洁白无瑕的。

Loyalty, even deep loyalty, is never flawless.8、守信的人是最快乐的,诚实是最天真的。

Trustworthy people are the happiest, honesty is the most naive. 9、世界未有比真诚人更为可贵的。

Nothing in the world is more valuable than a sincere person.10、对自己真实,才不会对别人欺诈。



诚实守信的英文名言优选份诚实守信的英文名言 1说谎话的人所得到的,就只即使觉说直话也没有人相信。

Get a liar, just said straight talk and no one believed that even sleep.如果道德败坏了,趣味也必然会堕落。

If the demoralization, interest also is bound to fall.诚信是人最美丽的外套,是心灵最圣洁的鲜花。

Honesty is the most beautiful coat, is the most holy soul of flowers.诚实是一个人得以保持的最高尚的东西。

Honesty is a person to keep the most noble thing.当今世界的所有恶劣品质中,不真诚是最危险的。

In today's world of all the bad quality, not sincerity is the most dangerous.__信用是财产,公众的荣誉是保证金。

The honor of personal credit is the property of the public is deposit.坦白是诚实和勇敢的产物。

Frank is the product of honesty and courage.说出一个人真实的思想是人生极大的安慰。

Tell a person true thoughts is a great fort life.要宣扬你的一切,不必用你的言语,要用你的本来面目。

To all of you, don't have to use your words, want to use your true colors.虚伪的真诚,比魔鬼更可怕。

False of the sincerity, is worse than the devil.欺人只能一时,而诚信都是长久之策。



诚实守信的名言警句英语Honesty and Trustworthiness: English Adages1. "Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom." - Thomas Jefferson2. "The highest price of all is honesty." - Sir Walter Scott3. "Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching." - C.S. Lewis4. "Keep your promises and you'll never lack friends." - Publilius Syrus5. "Lies have short legs, and the truth will catch up with them." - Russian Proverb6. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs7. "Honesty is the best policy." - Benjamin Franklin8. "A promise is a cloud; fulfillment is the rain." - Proverb9. "Truth is the most valuable thing a human being can give to another." - Henrik Ibsen10. "Trust is the glue of life. It's the essential ingredient in almost everything." - Stephen M.R. Covey11. "Honesty is the key to a relationship. If you can fake that, you're in." - Groucho Marx12. "A man is not finished when he is defeated. He isfinished when he quits." - Richard M. Nixon13. "The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable." - James Baldwin14. "The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said." - Peter Drucker15. "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." - Aristotle16. "Honesty is never given; it is earned." - Unknown17. "The only way to make a man trustworthy is to trust him; and the surest way to make him untrustworthy is to distrust him." - Henry L. Stimson18. "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth hasa chance to get its pants on." - Winston Churchill19. "It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one." - George Washington20. "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King Jr.。




Honesty is the best quality of life forever.2、诚不避贫富,信无论大小。

We must not avoid the rich or poor.3、永开不败的诚信之花,永不消逝的中华美德。

Never fail to bloom the flower of integrity and never die Chinese virtue.4、早晨不起,误一天的事,幼时不学,误生命的事。

In the morning, you can't afford to miss a day's work.5、诚实是最丰富的传代物。

Honesty is the most abundant passer.6、如果要别人诚信,首先要自己要诚信。

If you want others to be honest, you must first be honest.7、甚至上帝也助诚实勇敢者一臂之力。

Even God helps those who are honest and brave.8、一言之美,贵于千多。

In a word, beauty is more expensive than thousand.9、人不能象走兽那样活着,应该追求知识和美德。

Man can not live like a beast, but should pursue knowledge and virtue.10、诚信就像人生航船的楫桨,控制着人生的去向。

Honesty is like the oar of a life boat, which controls the direction of life.11、人如以诚信为本,就能塑造完美人生。

People can create a perfect life based on honesty.12、处己、事上、临下、皆当以诚为主。



诚信英语名言带翻译Integrity Quotes to Live By。


Integrity is a quality that is highly valued in every culture and society. It is the foundation of trust, respect, and honesty in all relationships, whether personal or professional. Here are some inspiring quotes aboutintegrity that can guide you in your daily life.诚信是每个文化和社会都高度重视的品质。



1. "Integrity is doing the right thing, even when noone is watching." C.S. Lewis。

1. “诚信就是在没有人看的情况下做正确的事情。

”C.S. 路易斯。

This quote reminds us that integrity is not about being seen doing the right thing, but about doing the right thing regardless of whether anyone is watching or not.这句话提醒我们,诚信不是关于被看到做正确的事情,而是关于无论是否有人看着,都做正确的事情。

2. "Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not." Oprah Winfrey。




欢迎阅读⽆忧考为⼤家精⼼整理的“关于诚信的英⽂名⾔三篇”!更多相关讯息请关注⽆忧考!【篇⼀】关于诚信的英⽂名⾔ 1、真诚才是⼈⽣的美德。

Sincerity is the highest virtue in life. 2、精诚所⾄,⾦⽯为开。

Sincerity is the key to success. 3、失去了真,同时也失去了美。

Lost the truth, at the same time lost beauty. 4、⾃古皆有死,民⽆信不⽴。

Ever since ancient times, people have no faith. 5、闪光的东西不⼀定都是⾦⼦。

All that glitters is not gold. 6、以实待⼈,⾮惟益⼈,益已尤⼈。

To treat others with sincerity is not only beneficial, but also beneficial. 7、如果要别⼈诚信,⾸先要⾃⼰要诚信。

If you want others to be honest, you must first be honest. 8、真诚是处世⾏事的⽅法。

Sincerity is the best way to do things. 9、没有⼀种罪恶⽐虚伪和背义更可耻了。

No sin is more disgraceful than hypocrisy and back righteousness. 10、如果要别⼈诚信,⾸先要⾃⼰诚信。

If you want others to be honest, you have to be honest. 11、诚实者既不怕光明,也不怕⿊暗。

An honest man is neither afraid of light nor afraid of darkness. 12、诚实是⼈⽣永远最美好的品格。





以下是一些与诚信相关的英语名言警句:1. "Honesty is the best policy." — Benjamin Franklin诚实是最佳策略。

2. "Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, but knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful." —Samuel Johnson没有知识的诚信是脆弱无用的,但没有诚信的知识是危险和可怕的。

3. "The highest price of all is honesty." — Mark Twain最高的代价是诚实。

4. "Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom." —Thomas Jefferson诚实是智慧之书的第一章。

5. "Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundation of all relationships." — Stephen Covey信任是生活的粘合剂。


6. "Truth is the cornerstone of all knowledge." — Bertrand Russell真理是所有知识的基石。

7. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." —Steve Jobs做伟大工作的唯一方式是热爱你所做的事情。




Live uprightly, and don't think too much! Only by working honestly can we have a great future.2、宁可失钱,不可失信。

Better lose money than lose faith.3、失去信用是一个人的最大损失。

Losing credit is one's greatest loss.4、诚实是一个人得以保持的最高尚的东西。

Honesty is the noblest thing a man can keep.5、如果要别人诚信,首先要自己要诚信。

If you want others to be honest, first of all, you should be honest yourself.6、祸莫大于无信。

No misfortune is greater than dishonesty.7、惟诚可以破天下之伪,惟实可以破天下之虚。

Only sincerity can break the hypocrisy of the world, but in fact can break the hypocrisy of the world.8、你必须保持诚实人的立场。


You have to be honest. It's often risky. It takes courage.9、微小的知识使人骄傲,丰富的知识使人谦逊。

Small knowledge makes one proud, rich knowledge makes one humble.10、诚者,天之道也;思诚者,人之道也。

Sincerity is the Tao of Heaven; Sincerity is the Tao of Man.11、我要求别人诚实,我自己就得诚实。




整理了关于诚信的英语格⾔三篇,快来看看吧!希望能帮助到你~更多相关讯息请关注!【篇⼀】关于诚信的英语格⾔ 1、不信不⽴,不诚不⾏。

No faith, no sincerity. 2、坦⽩是诚实与勇敢的产物。

Frankness is the product of honesty and courage. 3、衡量⽣活的尺⼦不是长度,⽽是诚实。

Life is not measured by length, but by honesty. 4、没有⼀处遗产像诚实那样丰富的了。

No legacy is as rich as honesty. 5、说谎话的⼈所得到的,就只即使觉说直话也没有⼈相信。

What a liar gets is that no one believes it even when he is honest. 6、⾦⼦会使诚实的⼈变成恶⼈。

Gold will turn an honest man into a wicked man. 7、诚实和勤勉,应该成为你永久的伴侣。

Honesty and diligence should be your permanent companion. 8、真诚与朴实是天才的宝贵品质。

Sincerity and simplicity are the precious qualities of genius. 9、对⾃⼰真实,才不会对别⼈欺诈。

If you are true to yourself, you will not cheat others. 10、推诚⽽不欺,守认⽽不疑。

To be honest without deception, to be honest without doubt. 11、诚实者既不怕光明,也不怕⿊暗。

Honest people are neither afraid of light nor darkness. 12、诚实是⼀座阶梯,也是达到认识之前的⼿段之⼀。




Honest life eternal.2、坦诚是最明智的策略。

Honest is the most sensible strategy.3、不信不立,不诚不行。

Don't believe it or not, and if not.4、百种奸伪,不如一实。

One hundred kinds of rape pseudo than a reality.5、诚实是最丰富的传代物。

Honesty is one of the most abundant batches. 6、真话说一半常是弥天大谎。

Half the truth that often is a big lie.7、推诚而不欺,守认而不疑。

Person without deceit, without doubt.8、坦白是诚实与勇敢的产物。

Frank is the product of honesty and courage.9、诚实是智慧之书的第一章。

Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom.10、金子会使诚实的人变成恶人。

Gold can make honest people become wicked. 11、失去了真,同时也失去了美。

Lost the truth, at the same time also lost the beauty.12、真诚与朴实是天才的宝贵品质。

Sincerity and simplicity is the precious quality of genius.13、诚者,圣人之本,百行之源也。

Honesty, sage, one hundred lines of source also.14、非信无以使民,非民无以守国。

Not letter can make the people, not the people who can keep.15、对自己真实,才不会对别人欺诈。





诚实英文名言篇11.Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。

2.All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事必先难后易。

3.Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。

4.It’s never too late to mend.过而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。

5.Knowing something of everything and everything of something.通百艺而专一长。

6.Do good and not for fame, not for the sake of merit; hold do the heart to do good, is the true good, is sincere and selfless good deeds.做好事并不是为求名,也不是为求功德;抱着尽本份的心去做好事,才是真正的好事、才是至诚无私的善事。

7.Don’t let the wisdom of malnutrition, into the bloodstream of nutrition, is the real harvest.不要让智慧营养不良,溶入血液的营养,才是真正的收获。

8.We must dream life into a science, and then turn the dream into reality. -- Mrs. Curie我们要把人生变成一个科学的梦,然后再把梦变成现实。






be honest, practical work.2、人无忠信,不可立于世。

a man without the faithful, and not in the world.3、以诚待人,以信得人。

to people, to win others to believe.4、诚好,信好,诚信真好!the letter is good, good, the good faith is really good!5、虚伪的真诚,比魔鬼更可怕。

false of the sincerity, is worse than the devil.6、生命不会从谎言中得到营养。

life doesn't get nutrition from the lies.7、与人不诚则丧德而增怨,诚信立身!and people are not sincere funeral, and increases the hatred, the good faith foundation!8、善良——这是天才者的伟大品质之一。

good - one of the great quality of the one who is a genius.9、诚者,天之道也;思诚者,人之道也。

honesty, the way of heaven also; the way of honesty, people also.10、如果要别人诚信,首先要自己要诚信。

if want others to honesty, want oneself to the good faith first.11、如果道德败坏了,趣味也必然会堕落。



关于诚信的英文名言1. "Honesty is the best policy." - Benjamin Franklin2. "Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching." - C.S. Lewis3. "Don't let your actions contradict your words." - John Wooden4. "Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair." - Unknown5. "It is better to fail with honor than succeed by fraud." - Sophocles6. "A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others." - Douglas MacArthur7. "Be the kind of person that your dog thinks you are." - J.W. Stephens8. "Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them." - Brené Brown9. "Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking. There are too many people who think that the only thing that's right is to get by, and the only thing that's wrong is to get caught." - J.C. Watts10. "The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour." - Japanese Proverb。

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In the final analysis, honesty is a person's accomplishment and behavior.2、没有一种遗产能像诚实那样丰富的了。

No legacy can be as rich as honesty.3、如果要别人诚信,首先要自己要诚信。

If you want others to be honest, first of all, you should be honest yourself.4、诚信是心想事成的朋友,虚伪是事与愿违的伴侣。

Honesty is a friend who wants to make things happen, while hypocrisy is a partner who goes against one's wishes.5、彼此诚信,是我在这个世界上唯一赖以生存的光。

Mutual honesty is the only light on which I live in this world.6、我要求别人诚实,我自己就得诚实。

I ask others to be honest, but I have to be honest myself.7、宁可失钱,不可失信。

Better lose money than lose faith.8、一次诚信一条路,一句谎言一堵墙。

One honesty, one way, one lie, one wall.9、坦白是诚实与勇敢的产物。

Frankness is the product of honesty and courage.10、创新是发展的助推器,诚信是和谐的润滑剂。

Innovation is the booster of development and honesty is the lubricant of harmony.11、当今世界的所有恶劣品质中,不真诚是最危险的。

Of all the bad qualities of today's world, dishonesty is the most dangerous.12、自古驱民在诚信,一言为重百金轻。

Since ancient times, drive people in good faith, a word for a hundred gold light.13、欺人只能一时,而诚信才是长久之策。

Bullying can only be temporary, and honesty is the long-term policy.14、诚信是个宝,诚心质量好,操作要规范,细心事故少。

Honesty is a treasure, sincere quality is good, operation should be standardized, careful accident less.15、只有种下诚信的苗,才能结出诚信的果。

Only by planting the seedling of honesty can we bear the fruit of honesty.16、诚信是心灵与心灵间最默契的对话。

Integrity is the most tacit dialogue between the mind and the soul.17、当信用消失的时候,肉体就没有生命。

When credit disappears, the body has no life.18、忠诚需要完完全全的真实。

Loyalty requires complete truth.19、语言犹如枝叶,行为犹如果实。

Language is like branches and leaves, and action is like fruit. 20、虚伪的真诚,比魔鬼更可怕。

Hypocritical sincerity is more terrible than the devil.21、说出一个人真实的思想是人生极大的安慰。

Speaking out one's true thoughts is a great comfort in life.22、守时是诚信的表现,也体现了对他人的礼貌与尊重!Punctuality is the expression of honesty, and also reflects courtesy and respect for others.23、诚实比一切智谋更好,而且它是智谋的基本条件。

Honesty is better than all wisdom, and it is the basic condition of wisdom.24、人的诚信只有一次,丢了就在也找不回来了。

People's honesty only once, lost in also can't find back.25、遵守诺言就象保卫你的荣誉一样。

Keeping your promise is like defending your honor.26、做老实人,说老实话,干老实事,就是实事求是。

To be honest, to tell the truth and to do the truth is to seek truth from facts.27、人不守信,无异于叫旁人对他失信。

If a man does not keep his word, it is like telling others to break his word.28、诚信像一面镜子,一旦打破,你的人格就会出现裂痕。

Honesty is like a mirror, once broken, your personality will crack.29、诚实是一个人得以保持的最高尚的东西。

Honesty is the noblest thing a man can keep.30、实话可能令人伤心,但胜过谎言。

Truth may be sad, but it's better than lies.31、没有一处遗产像诚实那样丰富的了。

No legacy is as rich as honesty.32、社会的诚信在于个人,个人的诚信在于言行。

The honesty of society lies in individuals, and the honesty of individuals lies in words and deeds.33、自己活着,就是为了使别人过得更美好。

To live by oneself is to make others live better.34、一切有成效的工作都是以某种诚信为先决条件。

All effective work is preconditioned by some kind of honesty.35、诚信是人的本钱,没有诚信的人是一个失败者。

Honesty is man's capital. A man without integrity is a failure. 36、交友以真心换真心,做事以诚信为诚信。

Make friends with sincerity for sincerity, and do things withsincerity as sincerity.37、诚信,是一个人立足社会的先导。

Integrity is the forerunner of a person's foothold in society.38、失去了真,同时也失去了美。

Lost the truth, but also lost the beauty.39、失去信用是一个人的最大损失。

Losing credit is one's greatest loss.40、生活是需要诚信的,有了诚信才会有幸福可言。

Life needs honesty. Happiness can only be achieved with honesty.41、诚实是智慧之书的第一章。

Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom.42、一切的美德都包含在自我信赖里。

All virtues are contained in self-trust.43、永开不败的诚信之花,永不消逝的中华美德。

The flower of unbeaten honesty and sincerity will never fade away.44、诚信是人最美丽的外套,是心灵最圣洁的鲜花。

Honesty is the most beautiful coat of human beings and the holiest flower of the soul.45、如果没有诚信的习惯,就会丧失他人的信任。

If you do not have the habit of honesty, you will lose the trust of others.46、坦白使人心地轻松的妙药。

Frankness is a great relaxing medicine.47、诚信是做人之根本,立业之基。

Honesty is the foundation of a person and a career.48、魔鬼没有诚信,也没有原则,有的只是审美。

The devil has no integrity, no principles, and only aesthetics. 49、对自己的忠实,才不会对别人欺诈。

Faithfulness to oneself prevents cheating on others.50、诚信友爱,和谐社会的一个动人音符。

Honesty and fraternity, a touching note of harmonious society.51、真诚是处世行事的最好方法。

Sincerity is the best way to behave in the world.52、难听的实话胜过动听的谎言。

A bad truth is better than a good lie.53、诚信是一种心灵的开放。

Honesty is an open mind.54、人类最不道德处,是不诚实与怯懦。

The most immoral part of mankind is dishonesty and cowardice.55、诚实人说的话,像他的抵押品那样可靠。
