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let in some light. I saw many old women doing
morning exercises. I stood at the window,
w_a_t_c_h_in_g__th_e_m__fo_r__so_me time.
Rewrite the following sentences:
When I am given another chance, I will succeed.
If you give me another chance, I will succeed.
Given another chance, I will succeed.
方法二. 巧用多种结构增强句子的表现力 1. He didn’t realize his foolishness until he
w__h_o were doing morning exercises and watched
them for some time.
A_f_t_er__o_p_en_i_n_g_t_he door, I went into the room. It w_a_s_d_a_r_k_i_n_si_d_e_t_h_e_r_oom,_s_o_I_opened a window to
要 点 全
连 接 词
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
1.覆盖了所有的要点。 2.应用了较多的语法结构和词
汇。 词汇,句型 (高级)和语
3.有效地使用了语句间的连接 成分,使全文结构紧凑。
语言地道,规 范
How to write
beautiful sentences ?
Standards of a nice sentence
A Our school is quiet w__it_h_a_lo_t_o_f_tr_e_es_in it.
The newspaper is widely known and deeply loved by people.
is a well-known newspaper, w_h_ic_h_is_v_e_r_y_p_op_u_lar
Group D I opened the door. I went into the room. I walked to the window. I opened the window. I looked out. There are many old women doing morning exercises. I watched them for some time.
students and English learners.
60% of the students think that fees should not be
charged, and 40% of the students think that fees
should be charged.
O_p_i_n_io_n_s _ar_e_d_iv_i_d_ed_o_n__th_e_q_uestion. 60% of the students are against the idea of entrance fee. O_n_t_he
o_th_e_r_h_and, 40% think that fees should be charged.
• 1. 仔细审读写作要求和写作内容信息。 • 2. 写出要点(如:文中涉及到的重点词
汇,短语及句型.)。 • 3. 列提纲(列提纲的过程实际上是一个
谋篇布局,把内容要点按恰当合理的 顺序排列,使文章条理,通顺的过程。 • 4. 写草稿并对其修改润色。 • 5. 誊写。 • 6. 复查(复查的项目包括:格式是否正 确,内容是否完整,表达是否准确,行 文是否连贯等)。
• 2. I will be given another chance. I will succeed.
If I am given another chance, I will succeed.
As long as I am given another chance, I will succeed.
A__ft_e_r_I_o_p_e_n_e_d_t_h_e_d_oor, I went into the room. I_t_w_a_s_d_a_r_k_i_n_s_id_e_t_h_e room,_s_o I walked toward
the window and opened it. I saw some old women
1.句子内容的完整性(Completeness) 2.句子结构的正确性(Correctness) 3.句子结构的复杂性(Variety) 4.句子内容的连贯性(Coherence)
Which one is more powerful?
It is quiet in our school and there are a lot of trees in it.
Basic writing
• Basic writing:
• 基础写作主要考查同学们对英语基 本句型的运用,整合知识的能力 和语言结构安排及基本表述的能 力。此题型基本不要求考生对写作
内容进行发挥,只需将所给信息 完整准确连贯地写出就可以
了.其实际上就是翻译和连词成句, 扩句成文的形式。
方法一. 使用非谓语动词使句子简洁生动 1. They arrived at the school. They felt the happy atmosphere.
When they arrived at the school, they felt the happy atmosphere. As soon as they arrived at the school, they felt the happy atmosphere. Arriving at the school, they felt the happy