2013-2014学年高中英语译林牛津版选修11教学课件Unit 4 the next step-PeriodⅠ课件

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YL ·英语 选修11
Preparing for my university, I needed to do many
things.First,I had to choose which university to 1.

what course to study and which permits I needed to study
YL ·英语 选修11
YL ·英语 选修11
【美文阅读】 Advice for College Freshmen
大学生活将会是一个新的挑战,那么如何更好更快地融 入校园呢?
YL ·英语 选修11
College is a lot of fun,but there can be trying times in all that fun and if you haven't really prepared for it,you might find college a little tough to handle.So then if you don't want the stress overriding your good times at college,you need to have a plan and not walk without purpose.So here's what I suggest we do.Let's get some facts down right and help you right out with college life.Sounds good?Right.
2.To make freshmen adjust better at college and make their journey memorable so that they can reap the benefits of college.
3.Look through the official college website,visit your college,and talk to your professors.
from mine.We have a lot of free time for
YL ·英语 选修11
Ⅱ.语篇理解 阅读P50的Reading部分,并从每题所给的3个选项中 选择最佳答案 1.What was the hardest thing for Qin Xiaoyong when he went to university? A.Eating too much meat. B.Choosing a university. C.Leaving his family.
Period Ⅰ
YL ·英语 选修11
Ⅰ.篇章结构 阅读P50的Reading部分,并根据其内容完成表格(每空 不超过3个词)
1. University Contact with family Cooking
Being 6.
YL ·英语 选修11
My university life Decided to study psychology Decided to apply to the 2.
2.What is the purpose of the writer giving so much advice?
3.What should you do if you want to know more about your college?
YL ·英语 选修11
【 答 案 】 1.Some helpful suggestions for college freshmen.
.At last,I 3.
the University of Calgary.
I have made some big adjustments to my life since I
moved to Canada.I missed my family a lot and I 4.
them by e-mail.Besides , I had to 5.
Look through the official college website to learn more about the college campus,your classes and anything else that makes it easier to know the college better.
A . Some typical questions about transition from home to university.
B.Something interesting about my room-mate. C.Some activities after class and different timetable in the university. 【答案】 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A
Prepare and 10.
YL ·英语 选修11
【答案】 1.Course 2.University of Calgary 3.email addresses 4.a rice cooker 5.simple dishes 6.independent 7.put away 8.the laundry 9.instead of 10.think ahead
education,although I have been very busy.I live in a small
room with no bathroom.However,I had a really nice
room-mate,who has different classes and a different
Try to make friends with at least one person from each class that you take.That way you can help each other out when one misses class etc.
YL ·英语 选修11
to put some of your money away each week to make it
last.” may means . A.save up
B.set up
C.take up
YL ·英语 选修11
4.Which of the following is NOT the writer's advice for students planning to study abroad?
YL ·英语 选修11
Make a study timetable of how and when you'll study according to the free time you have available.Then try to stick to it.
Try to attend regular class so that you do not face any last minute pressure.
Learn to balance your finances right by learning the techniques of budgeting.
YL ·英语 选修11
【诱思导学】 1.What does the writer want to tell us in the passage?
YL ·英语 选修11
The advice that we discuss in the article ranges over several aspects of college life.Some has something to do with studies,some with social gatherings and some with safety tips.Read on for a comprehensive list of how you can adjust better at college and make your journey memorable so that you can reap the benefits of college.
the food
there.Before moving to Canada,my mother taught me how to
myself,such as cooking and doing the laundry.
YL ·英语 选修11
It has been 7.
to move to Canada for higher
Involve yourself in campus activities.That way you'll do some socialization and it will lead to all round personality development.
Make sure you do not get bogged down with pressure and are allowing yourself some recreational activities like movies and dating.
YL ·英语 选修11
If possible,visit your dorm room and make a list of the things that you need to buy and those that are provided for.That will help you adjust better when you finally shift in.
YL ·英语 选修11
Ⅲ.课文缩写 用所给单词或短语的正确形式完成课文缩写 aboard,exciting,relax,schedule,get used to, look after,look forward,apply to,keep in touch with, decide on This past May I completed my first year at university in Canada,and I have learnt a lot.
A.Look forward instead of backward. B.You should learn to cook food. C.Prepare and think ahead.
YL ·英语 选修11
5.Which of the following may the next paragraph possibly be about if there is one left?
YL ·英语 选修11
2.How does Qin Xiaoyong keep in touch with his
A.By letter. C.By telephone.
B.By e-mail.
3.The underlined phrase in “I think it is a good idea
Set up 3. mum
for my dad and
Learnt how to use a stove and 4.
and how to cook some 5.
Learnt how to control money,7.
some of your money and do 8.
Look forward 9.
Talk to your professors beforehand and find out how you can fare better at the classes.
Make a plan of regular studies!That will save you from cramming and burning out at the end of each semester.