英语四级作文分类详解 2










对于这类题目,考生应该注意以下写作技巧:1. 清晰表达不同观点:在文章开头清晰地列举出两种不同的观点,并简要介绍每个观点背后的原因和支持材料。

2. 结合实例进行论证:在正文部分,考生可以适当引用一些具体的例子来支持自己的观点。


3. 适当加入转折部分:在文章的结尾,考生可以适当加入一个转折部分,总结前文的观点,并提出自己的观点和理由。

例如,如果题目是"人工智能对人类的影响",可以按照以下格式进行写作:Introduction:Introduce the topic of the impact of artificial intelligence on humanity and state the two contrasting viewpoints.Viewpoint 1: Present the first viewpoint and its supporting arguments.Example: Provide an example or evidence to support viewpoint 1.Viewpoint 2: Present the second viewpoint and its supporting arguments.Example: Provide an example or evidence to support viewpoint 2.Counter-argument: Present a counter-argument or a different perspective.Conclusion: Summarize the main points discussed and state your own viewpoint.二、问题解决型问题解决型是英语四级写作中另一个常见的题目类型。



英语二大作文类型在英语写作教学中,二大作文类型通常指的是议论文(Argumentative Essay)和说明文(Expository Essay)。


1. 议论文(Argumentative Essay)议论文的目的是说服读者接受作者的观点或立场。

这种类型的作文通常包括以下几个部分:- 引言(Introduction):介绍话题,提出论点(thesis statement)。

- 正文(Body):包含几个段落,每个段落讨论一个支持论点的论据(evidence),并提供例证、数据或逻辑推理来支持这个论据。

- 反驳(Refutation):讨论反对意见,并提供反驳这些反对意见的论据。

- 结论(Conclusion):总结论点,重申立场,并可能提出对未来的展望或建议。


2. 说明文(Expository Essay)说明文的目的是向读者解释一个概念、过程或事件。

这种类型的作文通常包括以下几个部分:- 引言(Introduction):介绍主题,并提出将要讨论的主要点。

- 正文(Body):按照逻辑顺序组织信息,每个段落集中讨论一个主题或概念,并提供详细信息或例子。

- 结论(Conclusion):总结文章的主要点,并可能提出主题的重要性或影响。


无论是议论文还是说明文,写作时都应注意以下几点:- 主题句(Topic Sentence):每个正文段落的第一句话应该清晰地表达该段落的主题。

- 段落结构:每个段落都应该有逻辑清晰的结构,包括主题句、支持句和发展句。

- 逻辑性:文章的论点和论据需要逻辑严密,避免跳跃和无关的内容。

- 语言准确性:使用正确的语法、拼写和标点符号,确保语言的准确性和专业性。




英语四级作文类型总结In English, there are several common types of compositions that often appear in the English CET-4 exam. Let's delve into each one:1. Narrative Writing: This type of composition tells a story or recounts a series of events. It often includes characters, a setting, a plot, and a conclusion. Whenwriting a narrative, focus on descriptive language to paint a vivid picture for the reader and ensure a clear beginning, middle, and end.2. Descriptive Writing: This type of composition aimsto create a vivid picture of a person, place, object, or event using sensory details. Utilize adjectives, adverbs, and figurative language to appeal to the reader's sensesand evoke emotions. Remember to organize your description logically, perhaps moving from general observations to specific details.3. Argumentative/Persuasive Writing: In this type of composition, the writer presents a thesis statement or opinion and supports it with evidence and logical reasoning. Your goal is to persuade the reader to agree with your viewpoint. Start with a strong introduction that clearly states your position, followed by well-developed body paragraphs that present supporting evidence and counterarguments. Finally, conclude by restating yourthesis and summarizing your main points.4. Expository/Informative Writing: This type of composition provides information, explains a concept, or analyzes a topic without expressing personal opinions. Structure your expository writing with a clear introduction, body paragraphs that explore different aspects of the topic, and a conclusion that summarizes the key points. Usefactual evidence, examples, and logical reasoning tosupport your ideas.5. Compare and Contrast Writing: This type of composition examines the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. Start with an introductionthat introduces the subjects and states your purpose, followed by body paragraphs that discuss each point of comparison or contrast. Make sure to use transitional words and phrases to guide the reader through your analysis, and conclude by summarizing your findings.6. Problem-Solution Writing: In this type of composition, you identify a problem or issue and propose one or more solutions. Begin with an introduction that clearly defines the problem and its significance, followed by body paragraphs that discuss possible solutions andtheir advantages and disadvantages. Conclude by recommending the most effective solution and emphasizingits benefits.These are the main types of compositions you may encounter in the English CET-4 exam. Each type requires a different approach and set of skills, so it's essential to familiarize yourself with them and practice writing samples of each type to improve your proficiency.。







题目:Nowadays, more and more people choose to live alone. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living alone.这篇作文的题目要求考生讨论独居生活的利弊。















题目:Some people believe that the Internet has had a negative impact on society. Others believe that the Internet has had a positive impact. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.这篇作文要求考生讨论互联网对社会的影响,包括负面影响和积极影响,并阐述自己的观点。



作文分类一、采用对比选择型命题方式的作文最多,有8个,可以分为三类:1. 第一类:Advantages/Disadvantages型1999年真题: A Major Advantage/Disadvantage of Advertising on Television 要求考生在电视广告的好处和坏处中两者选一,进行阐述。

1995年真题: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Part-time Jobs要求描述大学生做兼职的利与弊。

1994年真题:TV: a Good Thing or a Bad Thing? 电视是一个什么样的事物,有利的还是有害的?就此说明白己的观点。

2. 第二类:A/B型2006年真题: Saving Money or Using Tomorrow’s Money 要求考生在存钱(A)和预支明天的钱(B) 之间择一发表自己的看法。

2004年真题: Will Phones Kill Letter Writing? 要求考生在用电话(A)还是写信((B)作为交流方式上择一而论。

1996年真题: The Main Difference Between My College Life and My Middle School Life 要求从自己的经历对比说明大学生活((A)和中学生活(B)的主要不同之处。

3. 第三类:Yes/No型2007年真题: Is It Wise to Make Friends Online? 要求考生就交网友的明智与否发表观点。

1997年真题: More Pressure from Academic Studies Does (or Does not) Good to Us 要求考生就过多的学业压力是否对我们有利发表看法。


2003年真题: The importance of Keeping a Good Mood 要求论证保持良好心态的重要性。



您目前旳位置: 首页 > 英语四级 > 英语四级作文 > 英语四级作文综合辅导 > 正文英语四级图表作文旳类型及参照范文图表作文也是四(六)级考试中常见, 并且被认为是一种较难旳作文形式。




第一节图表作文旳类型图表作文可分为两大类: 表作文和图作文。

表作文表格(Table)可以使大量数据系统化, 便于阅读、比较。


如下表:用表格体现旳信息详细精确, 并且表格中旳各项均按一定规律排列。

阅读表格时要注意找出表格中各个项目旳互相关系, 表格中各个项目旳变化规律。

例如, 上面旳表格中旳数字阐明, 和1978年相比, 1983年大学入学旳人数在增长, 而小学旳入学人数在减少。


图作文图作文又可分为三种: 圆形图作文、曲线图作文和条状图作文。

(1) 圆形图作文圆形图(Pie chart)也称为饼状图或圆面分割图。

圆形图由于比较形象和直观, 各部分空间大小差异轻易辨别, 因此常用来表达总量和各分量之间旳比例关系。

整个圆表达总量, 楔形块表达分量。

有时圆形图尚有数值表, 两者结合可把各分量表达得更精确、清晰。

例如:Thi.i..pi.char.o.th.averag.weekl.expenditur.o..famil.i.Grea.Britain.A.ca.b.se.fr o.th.chart.th.mai.expenditur.o.a.averag.Britis.famil.i.spen.o.food.whic.account. fo.25.o.it.tota.expenditure.Th.nex.tw.significan.expendin.item.ar.transpor.an.ho using.whic.ar.15.an.12.respectively.I.w.tak.int.accoun.clothin.an.footwear.whic. make.u.10%.th.fou.essential.o.life.tha.is.food.transport.housing.an.clothin.an.f ootwear.amoun.t.62.o.th.tota.expenditure.(2) 曲线图作文曲线图(Line graph)也称为线性图或坐标图。







在写作时,可以采用以下段落结构:1. 引言段:简要描述图表内容,并点明重点。

2. 描述段:逐个描述图表中的数据变化,并进行数量和趋势的比较。

3. 分析段:对图表进行具体分析,解释原因或影响。

4. 结论段:总结图表,指出重要发现或提出建议。


在写作时,可以采用以下段落结构:1. 引言段:简要描述主题,并点明两种不同观点。

2. 第一观点段:阐述第一种观点的理由和论据。

3. 第二观点段:阐述第二种观点的理由和论据。

4. 对比段:比较两种观点的优缺点,或者进行权衡分析。

5. 结论段:总结观点对比,提出个人观点或呼吁。


在写作时,可以采用以下段落结构:1. 引言段:简要描述现象,引起读者兴趣。

2. 解释段1:解释该现象的原因之一。

3. 解释段2:解释该现象的原因之二。

4. 解释段3:解释该现象的可能影响或后果。

5. 结论段:总结解释,提出个人观点或呼吁。

在实际写作中,还需注意以下几点:1. 使用恰当的连接词和过渡词,使文章逻辑清晰、衔接自然。

2. 注意平衡各个段落的篇幅,避免造成篇幅不均的情况。

3. 使用恰当的语言表达,尽量避免重复使用某些词汇。

4. 注意句子结构的多样性,使用简单句、并列句、复合句等句型。






英语四级作文什么类型英语四级作文可以涵盖多种类型,常见的包括议论文(Argumentative Essay)、说明文(Expository Essay)、记叙文(Narrative Essay)、描写文(Descriptive Essay)等。

下面我将简要介绍这些类型:1. 议论文 (Argumentative Essay):This type of essay presents arguments or opinions about a certain topic or issue. It requires you to state your opinion clearly and support it with evidence and examples. A typical structure includes an introduction, where you introduce the topic and state your opinion, body paragraphs where you present your arguments, and a conclusion where you summarize your points and restate your opinion.2. 说明文 (Expository Essay):Expository essays aim to explain or inform thereader about a particular topic. They require clear and concise writing, and often follow a logical sequence or order of events. You may need to define terms, describe processes, or analyze information. The structure usually consists of an introduction, body paragraphs focusing on different aspects of the topic, and a conclusion summarizing the main points.3. 记叙文 (Narrative Essay):Narrative essays tell a story or recount an event from a personal perspective. They often include vivid descriptions, sensory details, and emotional elements to engage the reader. You should establish a clear plot, characters, setting, and conflict. The essay should have a beginning, middle, and end, and may include dialogue or reflection.4. 描写文 (Descriptive Essay):Descriptive essays focus on describing a person, place, object, or event in detail. They aim to create avivid picture in the reader's mind using sensory language and imagery. You should use descriptive adjectives and adverbs to convey your impressions effectively. The essay should have a clear organizational structure, such as spatial or chronological order.以上是英语四级作文常见的类型,选择适合你题目的类型,并确保在文章中清晰表达你的想法,并提供充分的论据和例子来支持你的观点。






题目示例:The Importance of Extracurricular Activities on Campus。

范文:Hey, you know what? Extracurricular activities on campus are like the secret spices in our college life stew. They're super important!First off, these activities are a great escape from the boring routine of classes. I mean, who wants to just stare at textbooks all day? For example, joining a dance club allows you to shake off the stress of a tough math exam. You get to move your body, feel the rhythm, and forget about all those equations for a while.Secondly, they're a perfect place to make new friends. You meet people from different majors and backgrounds. In a campus band, you might have a computer science geek on the drums, an English major on the guitar, and a biology student singing. It's like a mini United Nations! And these friendships can last a lifetime.Finally, extracurricular activities can actually boost your skills. If you're part of a debate team, your public speaking and critical thinking skills will skyrocket. It's like getting a superpower without having to be bitten by a radioactive spider.So, in conclusion, campus extracurricular activities are not just something to fill our free time. They're an essential part of our college experience that makes our time at school more colorful, our friendships wider, and our skills sharper.二、社会现象类。

大学英语四级考试 书信类作文详解

大学英语四级考试 书信类作文详解

省 Province
2、信头(Heading) 指发信人的姓名(单位名称)、地址和日期,一般写在信纸 的右上角。
①年份应完全写出,不能简写。 ②月份要用英文名称,不要用数字代替。 ③月份名称多用公认的缩写式。但 May, June, July, 因为 较短,不必缩写。 ④写日期时,可用基数词1,2,3,4,5,……28,29, 30,31等,也可用序数词 lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, ……28th, 29th, 30th, 31st等。但最好用基数词,简单明了。
一、分类 二、格式 三、语言 四、基本模板 五、 举例说明 六、写作练习
按照文体来分: 1. 私人书信(personal letters) 2. 另一类是事务书信(business letters)
根据用途来分: 申请信、投诉信、道歉信、咨询信、建议信 和说明信等.
1. 地址:从小到大 !
Yours faithfully (Faithfully yours), Yours sincerely (Sincerely yours)等; (4)对上级、长辈用Yours obediently (Obediently yours),Yours respectfully (Respectfully yours)等。
years since we graduated from our university. I
miss you very much. I even can’t wait to see you.

I’ve made a plan for this holiday. As this is







例如:“Do you think it is necessary to attend training courses before taking exams?”2、问题解决类题目会描述一个问题,考生需要分析问题产生的原因,并提出解决问题的方法和建议。

比如:“How to solve the problem of environmental pollution?”3、图表描述类会提供一个图表(如柱状图、折线图、饼图等),要求考生对图表中的数据进行描述和分析,并得出相关结论。

例如:“The chart shows the changes in the number of tourists visiting a certain city in the past five years Describe the chart and analyze the reasons”4、书信类包括求职信、投诉信、建议信等。

例如:“Write a letter to a company applying for a job position”二、答题技巧1、认真审题在开始写作之前,一定要仔细阅读题目,明确题目要求。












2.写作模版【模版1】【模版2】3.真题作文【例1】CET-4 (2006-12-23)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Spring Festival Gala on CCTV. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.1. 许多人喜欢在除夕夜看春节晚会2. 有些人提出取消春节晚会3. 我的看法……【例2】CET-4 (2008-6)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Recreational Activities. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.1. 娱乐活动多种多样2. 娱乐活动可以使人们受益,也可能带来危害3. 作为大学生,我认为……(二)观点论证型此类作文通常是命题作文,议论文体裁,有时会给出写作提纲,有时没有提纲,但会提供一句话语(如调侃或谚语等)。



2023年12月英语四级作文答案及解析(第一套)第一套:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upon graduation. One is to find a job somewhere and the other to start a business of your own. You are to make a decision. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your decision. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.命题解析:2023年12月四级写作命题再次体现了强烈的反押题倾向,考察了以前从未考察过的一种情景作文:正反对比型情景作文,类似于以前的老托福写作题目。



第一套详解:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upon graduation. One is to find a job somewhere and the other to start a business of your own. You are to make a decision. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your decision. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.精彩范文In the past two years of my college life, I have never ceased to think what kind of work I shall take up upon graduation. Although my ideas are not consistent, I havenow decided to start a business of my own as my lifelong career.A variety of factors have led me to make this decision over other more lucrative ones. To begin with, running my own business means freedom and independence. As a person having my own business, I am free to use my own ideas and make my own decisions, a privilege not everyone can have, even those with highly-paid positions. More importantly, I like starting my own business in that it offers a certain peace of mind. No more rushing to catch a morning bus, no more anxiety to please a boss, no more worries about your paycheck which is steady, if not handsome.Nothing, not even a big salary, can equal for the satisfaction of being your own boss and a gentle peace of life.参考译文在过去两年的大学生活中,我一刻也没有停止过思考:我大学毕业以后要干什么工作。



2023年12月cet4作文类型英文回答:Type 1: Argumentative.This type of essay requires you to take a stance on a debatable issue and support your position with evidence and reasoning. It is important to present a well-organized and coherent argument, considering both sides of the issue and addressing any potential counterarguments.Type 2: Analytical.An analytical essay involves examining a text, such as an article, poem, or speech, and providing a critical analysis of its structure, style, and meaning. It is important to support your analysis with specific examples from the text and to demonstrate a deep understanding ofits literary devices and themes.Type 3: Narrative.Narrative essays tell a story or share a personal experience. They can be either fictional or non-fictional, and they often use vivid language and imagery to create a compelling narrative that draws the reader in.Type 4: Comparative.Comparative essays analyze two or more texts, comparing and contrasting their similarities and differences. It is important to provide a clear and concise comparison of the texts, focusing on specific aspects such as theme, structure, style, or characterization.Type 5: Reflective.Reflective essays allow you to explore your thoughts and feelings on a particular topic. They are often personal and introspective in nature, and they provide an opportunity to reflect on your own experiences, values, and beliefs.中文回答:作文类型 1,议论文。






一、题材的分类1. 说明型题材:这类题材要求学生对某个现象、概念或过程进行解释或描述。



2. 议论型题材:这类题材要求学生表达自己的观点,并提供理由和证据来支持自己的立场。



3. 观点类题材:这类题材要求学生陈述自己对某个问题的观点,并解释自己的理由。



4. 比较类题材:这类题材要求学生对两个或多个事物进行比较,并指出它们的相同点和不同点。



二、写作技巧1. 合理安排时间:在考试中,时间是有限的。



2. 明确中心思想:在写作过程中,学生需要明确自己想要表达的中心思想。


3. 使用适当的词汇和句子结构:为了提高文章的质量,学生需要使用准确、丰富的词汇和句子结构。


4. 提供充分的例子和证据:为了支持自己的观点,学生需要提供充分的例子和证据。


5. 适当使用连接词:为了使文章的结构更加紧密,学生需要适当使用连接词。



1. As is indicated/ revealed/ showed in the above graph, there have been some obvious changes in….2. The above bar chart clearly shows us…3. As can be seen from the graph/ chart above, it shows the general trend in…图画类:全英文提示+图片例题Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the importance of learning basic skills. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.第一段:图画描述(细节描写)(背诵图片描述通用句型)这是题目中明确要求的(a brief description of the picture),所以你不描绘图画,或者是图画信息不全,扣分。


图片描述通用句型如下:1.As is vividly depicted in the cartoon given above, we can observe that…2.The scene drawn in the above picture is that…3.The picture symbolically illustrates that…第二步:分析原因或利弊等(提炼图画的内涵)(一、二、三列举原因)孩子对老师教的知识,确切地说,是对老师教授的基本知识、非实用性知识的一种质疑。



英语四级常考作文类型和范文英文回答:Type 1: Argumentative Essay.Topic: The advantages and disadvantages of social media.范文:Social media has become an integral part of our lives, offering numerous benefits and conveniences. However, italso presents significant drawbacks that need to be considered.On the positive side, social media platforms facilitate global communication, allowing us to stay connected with friends and family regardless of distance. They provide a virtual space for networking, sharing ideas, and fosteringa sense of community. Additionally, they serve as apowerful tool for accessing information, staying informedabout current events, and raising awareness for important causes.On the other hand, excessive use of social media can lead to several negative consequences. It can contribute to addiction, distracting individuals from their work, studies, and relationships. Privacy concerns arise due to the vast amount of personal data collected by social media companies. Furthermore, social media platforms can promote unrealistic body images, FOMO (fear of missing out), and cyberbullying, potentially damaging users' mental health.In conclusion, while social media offers many advantages, it is essential to be aware of its potential risks. Responsible use and moderation are crucial toharness the benefits while mitigating the potentialnegative effects.Type 2: Analytical Essay.Topic: The role of technology in modern education.范文:The integration of technology into modern education has sparked a heated debate on its impact on teaching and learning. While proponents argue that technology enhances the educational experience, critics question its effectiveness and potential drawbacks.On the one hand, technology offers numerous advantages. It provides students with access to vast amounts of information and resources. Interactive online platformsallow for personalized learning, enabling students to learn at their own pace and focus on areas where they need extra support. Additionally, technology enhances collaborationand communication between students and teachers, fosteringa more engaging and dynamic learning environment.On the other hand, some critics raise concerns about technology's impact on student attention and critical thinking skills. They argue that excessive screen time may lead to distractions and diminished concentration. Moreover, they question whether technology can adequately replace therichness of face-to-face interactions and the guidance of a skilled teacher.Ultimately, the role of technology in modern education is complex and multifaceted. While it offers undeniable benefits, it is essential to use technology judiciously to maximize its positive impact while minimizing potential drawbacks. Effective implementation requires a balanced approach that integrates technology with traditional teaching methods, creating an optimal learning environment for all students.Type 3: Problem-Solution Essay.Topic: The problem of air pollution in major cities and potential solutions.范文:Air pollution in major cities has become a pressing environmental and health concern. Excessive levels of harmful pollutants can severely impact human health,contributing to respiratory illnesses, heart disease, and cancer.Addressing air pollution requires a multi-pronged approach. One key solution is the promotion of sustainable transportation. Encouraging the use of public transportation, cycling, or walking can significantly reduce vehicle emissions. Additionally, governments can implement stricter regulations on vehicle emissions and provide incentives for the adoption of electric and hybrid vehicles.Another important measure is the adoption of cleaner industrial practices. Industries should invest in pollution control technologies and adopt sustainable production methods to reduce emissions from factories and manufacturing processes. Implementing regulations and enforcing penalties for non-compliance can further promote environmental responsibility.Moreover, promoting renewable energy sources is crucial for reducing air pollution. Transitioning to solar, wind,and hydroelectricity can significantly decrease emissions from power generation. This shift not only improves air quality but also contributes to the fight against climate change.By implementing these solutions, cities can work towards cleaner air, safeguarding the health of their citizens and fostering a more sustainable future.Type 4: Comparison Essay.Topic: The benefits and drawbacks of online shopping compared to traditional in-store shopping.范文:Online shopping and traditional in-store shopping offer distinct advantages and disadvantages, serving different consumer needs and preferences.One significant advantage of online shopping is the convenience it provides. Consumers can browse and purchaseproducts from the comfort of their own homes, 24/7. They have access to a wider selection of products from various retailers, often at competitive prices. Additionally, online shopping eliminates the need for transportation and allows for easy price comparison.However, online shopping also has its drawbacks. Consumers cannot physically examine products before purchasing, which can lead to disappointment or returns. The delivery times can vary, and shipping costs can add up for larger purchases. Moreover, online shoppers may miss out on the personalized customer service and hands-on experience offered by traditional in-store shopping.In-store shopping, on the other hand, provides a more interactive and immediate shopping experience. Consumers can touch, feel, and inspect products before buying, reducing the risk of disappointment. They can also receive personalized assistance from store associates, ensuring they make informed decisions. Additionally, traditional shopping can be a social activity, allowing for interactions with other customers or friends.Ultimately, the choice between online and in-store shopping depends on individual preferences and the type of product being purchased. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and consumers should consider their specific needs and priorities when making a decision.中文回答:类型 1,议论文。



四六级作文常考题型一、观点阐述型题目:Some people think that college students should focus on their major courses. Others believe that taking elective courses is also important. What's your opinion?解析:-开头段:引出话题,表明自己的观点。




二、问题解决型题目:Nowadays, many college students are addicted to mobile phones. What problems does this cause and how can we solve this problem?解析:-开头段:描述大学生沉迷手机的现象。




三、对比分析型题目:Compare the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad and studying at home.解析:-开头段:引出话题,说明留学和在国内学习都是常见的选择。




四、图表分析型题目:The chart below shows the changes in the number of college students majoring in computer science from 2010 to 2020. Describe the chart and analyze the reasons.解析:-开头段:描述图表的主题和数据来源。



(1)必须指出控制人口增长,提高人口素质是我国基本国策之一。It must be pointed out that it is one of our basic State policies to control population growth while raising the quality of the population. 根据预测到本世纪末世界人口将达到60亿 (2 )It is (has been) estimated that the world's population could reach 6 billion by the end of the century. 我们必须牢记成功没有秘诀,惟有努力。 (3 )It must be kept in mind that there is no secret of success but hard work. 由此可见世界上没有克服不了的困难。 (4 )It can be seen from this that there is no difficulty in the world we can overcome. (5 )As is known man is the product of labour. 众所周知,劳动造就人。 5 As (6 )We will be successful as long as we persevere. 只要坚持就能取得胜利。 It is a common saying that man who has a settled purpose will surely succeed. 俗话说有志者事竟成。 (7 )It is clear that the enemy has no desire for peace. 很明显敌人不渴求和平。 (8 )It is hard to imagine how Edison managed to work twenty hours each day. 很难想象爱迪生每天能工作20多个小时会 (9 ) It's hard to say whether the plan is practicable. 很难说是否这个建议具有可行性 (10)There is no doubt that you will be helped by others if you have any difficulties. 如果你碰到困难,别人会主动帮助你,这是毫无疑问的.
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A现象段落模仿练习:当前校园中存在许多作弊的现象.Currently, college students in growing numbers are seeking to cheat in exams. According to a recent survey made by Mary Wang, head editor of the 21st Century, there are about 38.6% who had some cheating behaviors at college, even in College English Test. Such an phenomenon has caused wide public concern.主题句1. Recent years, become more and more .It’s estimated that .2. Currently, people have to face the problem of .3. Nowadays more and more people are beginning to realize that . For example, . B对比段落模仿练习: 1. 有些人决定毕业后读研. 2. 有些人决定毕业后工作. 3. 我的看法. “Should college students go to work immediately or pursue their post graduate study after graduation? ” When it comes to such a question, people opinion varies widely from person to person. Some people consider . In their eyes, . Besides, is also an important factor for .However, some other hold that . According to them, . And, .Personally, I am in favor of the former/later idea. For one thing, . For another, . Therefore, as mentioned above, will be my choice.主题句1. Currently, college students in growing numbers are seeking to cheat in exams, and people’s opinions/attitudes/views are mixed/divided on this point.2. Different people have different views on3. There is no complete agreement among people as toC原因段落模仿练习: 许多大学生毕业后找不到工作这一现象的原因是. . .After careful consideration, we can find three possible reasons to account for this trend. First of all, the expansion and amalgamation of universities provide chances for more students to receive higher education, but the job market cannot develop at the same speed. What’s more, the situation is even worse with those students who unanimously chose the “hot” majors such as economics and accounting. In the third place, many students think too highly of themselves—they choose not to work at all if they are not satisfied with the job. They may think the pay is not satisfactory or the job is not decent at all.模仿练习: Video Games1.许多学生沉迷于电子游戏/网络聊天.2.这一现象的原因是…3.解决办法是…主题句1. Three reasons, in my mind, can account for this social phenomenon.2. Several reasons can account for this phenomenon,3. In my mind, the reasons why the Internet surfers are on the rise are as follows.4. Have you ever thought of the famous proverb “A man is known by the company hekeeps”? To me, it is meaningful and significant in three respects.句式联系法Firstly,…Secondly,…Thirdly,…For one thing,…For another,…Finally,…In the first place,…In the second place,…Finally,…On one hand,…On the other hand,…First of all,…In addition,…Consequently,…To begin with,… what’s more, …last but not the least,……F图表作文模仿练习: 1. 电影观众越来越少 2. 电视观众越来越多, 因为. . . 3. 然而还是有人喜欢看电影,因为. . .During the period between 1975 and 1985, film-goersdeclined abruptly from 85,000 to about 12,000, whileTV-watchers increased sharply from 5,000 to more than100,000.Several reasons can account for this phenomenon,Compared with a film, TV is much cheaper and moreconvenient-you don’t have to leave your house at all.Apart from that, you have many choices while watchingTV, but film concentrates on a certain topic.However, there are still a number of people whoenjoy going to the cinema, generally for two reasons.On the one hand, the audiovisual effect of a cinema is much better. On the other hand, in quiet and comfortable place such as a cinema, you can concentrate on what you are watching and get the most of the film.开头段主题句1. From / According to the above picture /table/ chart/ diagram/ graph, we can see that/ it can be learned/ estimated/ predicted that .2. As can be seen from the above picture /table/ chart/ diagram/ graph, great / dramatic changes have taken place in in/from to .3. As demonstrated/ shown / illustrated / described / seen from the chart / table / graph, we can see that .G作文预测四级以应用文为主准备,其次是现象解释型。

1. 应用文:你一个正读大学的好朋友给你来信说他想放弃四级考试,请你给他写一封信,劝说他不要放弃。

2. 应用文:因为学生证丢失,申请补办,并说明其对你的重要性3. 现象解释:自行车丢失现象很严重;其原因是…;如何解决。

4. 记叙文:The experience of my first job5. 祝贺信:祝贺你的同学李明得到奖学金1、劝说信:不要放弃四级考试。

Dear Mary,Thank you for your letter dated June 2 which I reached me today. In the letter you said you wanted to give up the CET4 exam, and I am writing in the hope that you could hold up your spirit to take the exam and eventually pass it.As you mentioned, English listening is your terrible dream. You can try the tape I sent to you with this letter. The tape was made by our college English teacher, which helped me a lot. You can also do some listening in the morning everyday. As for your vocabulary, you need to remember the words with sentences. Thirdly, you need to read at least 2 passages every day for the reason that reading takes much marks in the CET 4, and it can enlarge your vocabulary at the same time.I wish you can take my advice and pursue your English study. May you get a high mark in the coming CET 4. If there is anything I can help, please let me know. Sincerely yours,Li Ming2. 应用文:因为学生证丢失,申请补办,并说明其对你的重要性Dear Sir or Madame,My name is Li Ming, a student of Business Department at our university. I am writing to re-question a new student identification card. A thief stole my wallet where I put it yesterday. I have made every efforts to seek it back. However my dear card just simply disappeared with the thief.As you know, the student identification card is extremely useful for us. First of all, the CET 4 is drawing near, and I need it to enter the national test, which is held only two times a year. Besides, the student identification card is also required in the library and it is a “must” for me to withdraw money from the bank. Please inform me when you have come to a decision. I am looking for your earlier reply. My telephone number is 54567xx. If further materials are required, I am only too willing to forward to you.Many thanks,Sincerely yours,Li Ming3. 寻物启事,应用文LostJune 23, 2007I am so careless that I lost my student identification card in the library. Yesterday afternoon, I was studying English at the back row of Room 204 and preparing for myexam today, but when I went for supper, I lost my dear card.As you know, the card is extremely useful for me. First of all, the CET 4 is drawing near, and I need it to enter the national test, which is held only two times a year. Besides, the student identification card is also required in the library and it is a “must” for me to withdraw money from the bank.Will the finder please ring me up to fetch it back? My telephone number is 54567xx.I will be much obliged if anyone could help me.Yours得高分四要素a) 书写卷面工整。
