



Product Quality
肯德基和麦当劳在中国的差异化战略主要意图明确: 肯德基通过多方位的本土化策略来迎合中国消费者,以达到在食客心目中快餐业 王牌的地位; 麦当劳则以标准化和全球化的思想保证高度的统一和品质的一致,来树立、维护 自身良好形象,标准化的生产方式向我们展示了一种恒久不变的口味、服务和美 国文化。 两者的目的明确,都期望通过自身的差异化战略在中国范围内焙育品牌忠诚、扩 大市场占有率,但由于肯德基抓住了华人对“食”的关注角度,所以暂时在这个 市场中取得领先。
公司名称:麦当劳 外文名称:mcdonalds 总部地点:美国伊利诺伊州欧克布鲁克 成立时间:1954年
经营范围:连锁快餐,甜点 公司性质:上市公司 公司口号:i‘m lovin’ it我就喜欢
一、企 业 简 介
肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken肯塔基州炸鸡),通常简称 为KFC。是来自美国的著名连锁快餐厅,由哈兰· 山德士上校于 1952年创建。主要出售炸鸡、汉堡、薯条、汽水等西式快餐食 品。
一、企业简介 二、麦当劳和肯德基在中国的发展现状 三、中国麦当劳和肯德基的战略比较
一、企 业 简 介
一、企 业 简 介
McDonald‘s Plaza麦当劳餐厅(McDonald's Corporation)是 大型的连锁快餐集团,在世界上大约拥有三万间分店,主要售 卖汉堡包、薯条、炸鸡、汽水、冰品、沙拉、水果。麦当劳餐 厅遍布在全世界六大洲百余个国家。在很多国家麦当劳代表着 一种美国式的生活方式。


评估了员工对KFC的工作环境、福利待遇、职业发展等方面的满意度。同时,介绍了KFC 的员工培训计划和职业发展规划,以提高员工的综合素质和忠诚度。
阐述了KFC未来的发展战略和目标,包括拓展新市场、推出新产品、提升品牌形象等方面的计划。同时,分析了实现 这些目标所面临的挑战和机遇。
在特定节日如情人节、儿 童节等推出特别促销活动 。
KFC一直坚持提供高品质的食品,从选材到 制作,都严格把控,确保每一份产品都符 合最高标准。
KFC深知服务的重要性,因此始终致力于提 供优质的服务,满足客户的各种需求。
KFC非常重视食品的卫生和安全,严格遵守 食品安全法规,确保每一份食品都安全可 靠。
KFC不断探索新的食品口味和制作方式,以 满足客户日益多样化的需求,同时也不断 优化自身的经营模式。
KFC的目标市场主要是年轻人和家庭 群体,他们注重品质、口感和体验。
KFC通过不断创新和优化产品,使其 在市场上保持竞争优势。例如,推出 新品、优化现有产品等。
KFC采用差异化的价格策略,针对不 同的市场和产品制定合理的价格,以 确保利润和市场份额。
KFC通过多种渠道销售其产品,包括 门店、外卖平台、电商平台等,以满 足不同客户的需求。
KFC通过广告、宣传等方式塑造其品牌 形象,使其成为高品质、可信赖的品牌

Well-known for its

肯德基的发展介绍(PPT 32张)

肯德基的发展介绍(PPT 32张)
1992年10家,1996年 100家,2004年1000家, 2007年2000家。截至 2009年2月4日,肯德基 在中国餐厅数量达到 2500多家。
很多人认为,一个企业能否成功,主要取 决于机会,或者说是幸运,但为什么有些 企业总是与机会失之交臂,而另外一些企 业能发现机会、抓住机会从而利用机会取 得成功?
弱点:选择北京可能比选择其他几处城市更 具有冒险性。一个成功的惹人注目的买卖会增加 政府干预的可能性。
可能得到的潜在的收益加以比较,且 考虑到当时在中国没有其他竞争者是 进入的最佳时机,于是,在平衡了可能 的风险和收益 ,决定定暂时把北京作为 一个起点。把北京作为肯德基进入中 国的首选城市为肯德基在中国的成功 奠定了坚实的基础。
对这家世界最大的鸡肉餐馆公司来说,面 前的中国市场是完全陌生的:肯德基的纯 西方风味是否能为中国消费者所接受?
1、天津 优势:KFC已同天津市政府建立了非常友好
的关系;另外天津是政府直接领导的三个直辖市 之一(当时是三个)。
弱点:首先,天津缺乏供应方便的谷物饲养 的肉鸡;另一问题是西方旅游者一般不经常光顾 该城市,最后最重要的是该城市不具备这项宏伟 计划所需的形象和影响力。
诚然,影响企业经营绩将近的因素非常之多,但 从长期的角度来看,企业能否成功关键在于能否 制定一个适合自身实力和环境要求的战略,并有 效地加以实施。
一、 进入中国时机及选址的正确性
二、 西方文化和中国特色相结合的战略地制定

肯德基简介(KFC introduction)

肯德基简介(KFC introduction)

(KFC introduction)Kentucky Fried (Chicken) is a famous fast food restaurant from the United States. The first Kentucky Fried Chicken was founded by Harlan Sanders in 1952. The main sale of fried chicken and other food, which belongs to yum. KFC's business philosophy is to continue to introduce new products or market products in the past re packaging, for game mentality, to gain the profits.KFC belongs to Yum catering group. Yum is the largest restaurant group in the world with more than 3.3 stores and 840 thousand employees in more than 100 countries and regions. Owns KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell and other world famous food brands, respectively in cooking chicken, pizza, Mexico flavor food and seafood dining area ranked first in the world.Kentucky and Pepsi formed a strategic alliance, the restaurant fixed sales of carbonated drinks provided by the Pepsi Co (but in some countries exceptions, such as Japan and South Korea Kentucky Fried Coca-Cola).KFC is the world’s largest fast-food chain, Kentucky marker KFC is English Kentucky Fried Chicken (Kentucky Fried Chicken) abbreviation, it has become a famous brand reputation in the global scope.In 1930, KFC founder Harland. He opened a restaurant in his hometown of Kentucky in the United states. In the meantime, a new method of Sandoz painstaking research of fried chicken, and finally succeeded in the invention has eleven kinds of spices and unique cooking techniques of the secret, its unique taste welcomed by customers, the restaurant business is booming, has followed the secret. The state of Kentucky in recognition of his contribution to his hometown, awarded him the honorary title of Colonel sanders.Sandz Colonel, with white hair and the goat beard image, has become a symbol of the best international brand kfc.Sandz Colonel’s successful start to his 40 years operating in Kentucky Corbin gas station. In order to increase revenue, he began to make all kinds of snacks himself, to the passing passengers, because his reputation for cooking food attracted the passing of passengers, business has since slow and steady growth. As the fame grew, the then governor of Kentucky, Ruby Laffon, gave him the rank of Kentucky colonel in 1935, in recognition of his contribution to Kentucky’s catering.Colonel’s most fam ous specialty is the chicken he developed and invented. This is the most popular product in Kentucky today, which has been cooked by the Colonel after ten years of research and blended with the magical eleven spice formulas, which taste and suck.Delicious fried chicken although attracted many admiring customers. However, the traditional fried chicken method makes the customer have to wait for thirty minutes to enjoy the delicious food. By 1939, the problem had been answered by the Colonel when he visited a pressure cooker display. The Colonel bought a pressure cooker and went home and did experiments on cooking time, pressure and fuel. Finally, he found a unique method of fried chicken. The fried chicken is under pressure he tasted the delicious fried chicken, KFC has maintained the pressure cooker recipe.The Colonel’s career faced a crisis in the mid - 1950s, and the road next to his Sanders Cafe restaurant was passed by the new motorway, forcing him to sell the restaurant. The colonel was 66 years old, but he was still young and had no needto live on social welfare money, which in turn became a turning point in his career.The Colonel began his journey with his 1946 Ford old car, carrying his eleven spice formulas and his right-hand man, the pressure cooker. He went to restaurants in Indian, Ohio and Kentucky to sell fried chicken recipes and methods to interested restaurants. The first KFC restaurant authorized to operate in Salt Lake City was established in 1952. Surprisingly, in just five years, the captain in the United States and Canada has developed 400 chain stores, which is the world’s franchise franchise beginning.Kentucky Fried Chicken is the world’s largest fried chicken fast-food chain, has more than more than 11000 restaurants around the world. These restaurants in more than 80 countries, China from the Great Wall, Puerto Rico to Paris bustling downtown, picturesque downtown Sofia and sunny, can be seen as the hallmark of the KFC fast food restaurant.There are about 10000000 customers in all KFC restaurants created by the taste of a half century ago, Colonel KFC chicken flavor every day in the world, it is composed of eleven kinds of secret recipe fried and breaded. Customers can also taste more than 400 other foods in KFC restaurants around the world, such as chicken patties in Kuwait and Japanese fish sandwiches.KFC to satisfy consumers’ different levels of need, customer service mode is also changing, in addition to store dining, takeaway, from Oakland to Albuquerque, more than 300 in other countries, more and more city home delivery has been carried out in the United States has business. But some city in the United States, KFC and group the sister restaurant Pizza Hut and Taco Bell cooperation, locatedin the busy streets in the same restaurant outlets at the same time for the customer to provide meals. Today, college students from Puerto Rico to California have included KFC fast food as their daily diet.60 years ago, KFC founder Colonel Harland Sanders invented cooking is now known as the "family dinner alternative" - that is to provide a complete meal to no time at home cooking, cooking or unwilling to family, he called: "Sunday dinner seven days a week".Now, the Colonel’s spirit and heritage has become a symbol of the KFC brand, logo imag e design to Colonel Sanders of KFC, has become the world’s best and most recognizable brands.Kfc Corporation is the world’s largest restaurant group - TRICON global restaurant group, the group includes a distributed in more than 100 countries and regions, nearly 30000 of the world famous restaurant chain KFC and Pizza Hut restaurant, Taco Bell.KFC entered the ancient capital of Beijing, a country with a long food culture in 1987, and began its history in a country with the largest population in the world.In November 12, 1987, KFC opened its first restaurant in China at the busy front of Beijing. As a starting point, KFC began to explore, learn Chinese society and market, and gradually create a management model with Chinese characteristics. In 1992, the total number of restaurants nationwide was 10; by 1995, it had grown to71. In June 25, 1996, China’s 100th KFC stores were set up in Beijing. This isa milestone, marking the KFC in China has entered a more steady stage of development.。


has 16 market in China in the general manager of eight
with the mainland. The senior management personnel
directly in charge of restaurant operations such as
Group organizational chart 组织ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้构
Yums global food group
KFC restaurants
Pizza hut
Taco Bell
KFC company belongs to the world's largest catering group, with more than one hundred countries including distribution in the area, and nearly three thousand chain.
• 3, repast environment standardization. Emphasis on clean
and elegant dining environment is the embodiment of the brand value, on a regular basis to the restaurant to decorate and the renewal of the equipment and facilities, to fully enjoy dining service and food, and feel the value. Has clear elaboration to the clean environment maintenance standards and specifications, such as toilet sanitation, clean the, what items, how long will it take what degree qualified, and who is going to check all have detailed and clear standards and requirements.


2、Competition strategy of McDonald's and KFC
Strategies of Products: KFC-localization; McDonald's-standardization KFC spares no effort to meet the different needs of Chinese consumers; McDonald's considers hamburgers and beef as their flagship products, adhere to the consistent standardized scales of foreign fast food and global products.
Unit: 0.1 billion Yuan
350 300 250 200 150 100 50
KFC McDoment Situations of McDonald's and KFC in China
Reputation of McDonald's and Kentucky in the Chinese market
In every brand image details, KFC has obvious characteristics of Chinese culture. McDonald's continues to emphasize their own image of any place in the standardization and unification
By the end of 1999, the survey conducted by the international famous AC Neilson Research Corporation to Chinese consumers showed," KFC" is a Chinese favorite international" first brand".

KFC 英语介绍

KFC 英语介绍

• • • •

• •
The development of KFC
The development of the KFC’s logo
• Fried/grilled chicken wings • Chicken twister • French fries • Ice cream sundaes • Cola • Custard tart • Hamburger and so on ...
kfc英语介绍 doyou know who produce fastfood restaurant northcorbin, kentucky (original); 1952 3900south state st, salt lake city, utah (franchise) harlandsanders 1441gardiner lane, louisville, kentucky, united states (operational headquarters) 1209north orange st, wilmington, delaware, united states 17,000(2011) kfc'slogo fried/grilledchicken wings chickentwister frenchfries icecream sundaes custardtart anothersecret why kfc sosuccessful—it's service 1.y say―yes‖ customer.2.e haveeye contact watchingthem when you talk them.3.s smilewhen you say hello threesecret producenew products continuously liwenhua014 分享于 2015-07-13 17:43:10.0 kfc英语介绍 文档格式: .pptx 文档页数: 7页 文档大小: 560.66k 文档热度: 文档分类: 幼儿/小学教育 -- 教育管理 文档标签: kfc 英语介绍 系统标签: kfc 介绍 sundaes kentucky 英语 harland




肯德基以顾客至上为宗旨,为顾客创造 一种优雅的用餐环境是肯德基的硬件建 设,同时在软件方面肯德基推出的微笑 服务深受顾客喜爱。例如:CHAMPS 冠军计划等
2、其他快餐,有不同的独特特色,受消费者喜爱,形成各自“ 割据之势”,很难做大,做强。
1、更多的加入中国本土元素,在服装、店面装修都可以进行更多 的变化。
2、在相继推出粥、油条、烧饼之后,肯德基的中国本土化之路越 走越快,但部分符合中国人的产品只是进行短期促销,肯德基可 根据顾客喜爱将产品转为长期销售。
(1)统一标识、统一服装、统一配送方 式的全新连锁经营模式
(2)肯德基“以速度为本”的快餐业企 业精神使其特别注重发挥团队精神, 以团队对合作达到高效率,从而保证 了营业高峰期的正确与迅速
(3)肯德基的宗旨是“顾客至上,正是 这一宗旨使每一位来就餐的顾客有一 种宾至如归的感觉
肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken), 是来自美国的著名连锁快餐厅,世界 上的第一家肯德基由哈兰·山德士于 1939年在肯塔基州路易斯维尔创建。 主要出售炸鸡等食品,隶属于百胜。 肯德基的经营理念是不断推出新的产 品,或将以往销售产品重新包装,针 对人们尝鲜的心态,从而获得利润。 肯德基自1987 年在北京前门开了中国 第一家餐厅后,已在北京、上海、杭 州、青岛、南京、广州、苏州、无锡、 天津、福州、沈阳、西安、成都、武 汉、深圳、哈尔滨等地成立了19个有 限公司,至2012年,在我们中国大陆的 门店达到4000家。到目前为止,肯德 基已成为中国最大、发展最快的快餐 企业。

肯德基 PPT课件

肯德基 PPT课件
❖ 在那萧条时期,很多人都无事可做。 ❖2. (of people) avoiding work ; lazy ❖ 无所事事,懒散的,懒惰的 ❖An idle , useless student ❖ 懒散,不成器的学生 ❖The devil makes work for idle hands. ❖ 闲则生非
Harland "Colonel" Sanders
September 9, 1890 Henryville, Indiana, U.S.
Nationality Occupation Religion
December 16, 1980(aged 90) Louisville, Kentucky, U.S
❖ 企业家(尤指涉及财务风险的) ❖He would not have succeeded in such
a risky business if he had not been such a clever entrepreneur . ❖ 假如他不是那么精明强干的企业家,就不会在这样 冒险的事业中取得成功。
Parents 6
Wilbur David Sanders Margaret Ann Sanders
Colonel Sanders
❖village of American Indiana state
❖Childhood : When he was 6 years old , his father died ,leaving his mother and three children .
The Colonel’s Cooking Spreads Worldwide
❖Kentucky Fried Chicken, pioneered by Colonel Harland Sanders, has grown to become one of the largest quick service food service systems in the world - with more than a billion "finger licking' good" Kentucky Fried Chicken dinners served annually in more than 80 countries and territories. But success didn't come easily.



• 七、肯德基的选址策略:优势互动
• 肯德基开“店中店”选择的“东家 ”,不少是牌誉较高的.知名百货店为肯德 基带来客源,肯德基又吸引年轻人逛商店 ,起到优势互补的作用。
• • 第一步:划分商圈——用数据说话 第二步:选择地点——在最聚客的地方开 店 肯得基开店的原则是:努力争取 在最聚客的地方和其附近开店。
Kentucky Fried Chicken
• • • • • • 1.简单介绍 2.竞争优势 3.肯德基的经营模式 4.在经营上我们的启示 5.如何选址 6.我们身边的肯德基
• 公司名称: 肯德基 • 外文名称: Kentucky Fried Chicken(简称 KFC) • 总部地点: 美国 • 成立时间: 1952年 • 经营范围: 西式快餐食品 • 公司性质: 美国连锁 • 公司口号: We Do Chicken Right • 员工数: 84万(2007年)

肯德基与麦当劳市场定位相似,顾 客群基本上重合,所以在商圈选择方面也 是一样的。 可以看到,有些地方同一条街 的两边,一边是麦当劳另一边是肯德基, 这就是肯德基的跟进策略。
• 四、肯德基的选址策略:着眼于今天和明 天 • 肯德基布点的一大原则,是一定二十年不 变。重点考察是否与城市规划发展相符合 ,是否会出现市政动迁和周围人口动迁, 是否会进入城市规划中的红线范围。进入 红线的,坚决不碰;老化的商 圈,坚决不设 点。有发展前途的商街和商圈、新辟的学 院区、住宅区,是布点考虑的地区。纯住 宅区则往往不设点,因为纯住宅区居民消 费的时间有限。
• • • • •
(三)肯德基服务标准化的关键点为:H Hospitality―― 提供真 诚友善的接待。 A Accuracy―― 确保准确无误的供应。P Product Quality―― 坚持高质稳定的产品。 S Speed――注意快速迅捷的服务。 (四)以其安全、 放心赢得信赖 肯德基早餐推出的采用精选优质植物油, 不添加明矾的“放心 油条”就是以安全、 健康来推出的。 相对于街边的早餐店来说更能 让消费者感受到安全、干净。 (五)公益事业塑造形象 在公益事业方面,肯德基把主要精力放在了教育领域。除在餐 厅定期举办的各种寓教于乐的“健康流动课堂”、“小鬼当家――奇 奇课堂”等活动外,还设立了 “ 中国肯德基曙光基金” 。


Only two executives had access to the recipe at any one time. KFC refuses to disclose the names and titles of either executive.
One of the two executives said that no one had come close to guessing the contents of the secret recipe, and added that the actual recipe would include some surprises.
“ That friggin' ... outfit .... They prostituted every goddamn thing I had. I had the greatest gravy in the world and those sons of bitches-- they dragged it out and extended it and watered it down that I'm so goddamn mad! ”
On February 9, 2009, the secret recipe returned to KFC's Louisville headquarters in a more secure, computerized vault.
In 1983, writer William Poundstone examined the recipe in his book Big Secrets. He reviewed Sanders' patent application, and advertised in college newspapers for present or former employees willing to share their knowledge. From the former he deduced that Sanders had diverged from other common fried-chicken recipes by varying the amount of oil used with the amount of chicken being cooked, and starting the cooking at a higher temperature (about 400 °F (200 °C)) for the first minute or so and then lowering it to 250 °F (120 °C) for the remainder of the cooking time. Several of Poundstone's contacts also provided samples of the seasoning mix, and a food lab found that it consisted solely of sugar, flour, salt, black pepper and monosodium glutamate (MSG). He concluded that it was entirely possible that, in the years since Sanders sold the chain, later owners had begun skimping on the recipe to save costs. Following his buyout in 1964, Colonel Sanders himself expressed anger at such changes, saying:


Research the company
KentuckyFried Chicken 肯塔基州炸鸡
Basic information:
*Time of founding: 1952
*Headquarters site: 1441,Gardner,lane,Louisville,Kentucky *Business scope: western fast food *The company properties: American chain *Company slogan: Life is so beautiful ,enjoy yourself at KFC
Development history:
*In 1939, Colonel Harlan Sanders made a recipe for fried chicken with 11 spices in a restaurant in Corbin, Kentucky.
Core corporate culture of KFC
Together go to outstanging
Attention detail
Brainstorm a group of strength
Team Spirit
*In 1952, Colonel Harlan Sanders created the original flavor fried chicken
franchise business, and KFC's embryonic form began. *In 1987, Kentucky entered China and opened the first Western fast food chain restaurant in Beijing. *In 2004, KFC's 1000th restaurant opened in Beijing and released the White
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