


逻辑 逻辑不清,用类比梳理 重复句子为了强调,梳理相同句找到文章重点 换言之 in other words = equally 相反:in fact \ in particular \ particularly \ above all
But \ yet \ however \ in spit e of \ in cont rast t o \ rat her t han \ whereas \ nevertheless \ although \ despite\ still
串联题干找中心 根据下一题的题干,可以精准定位本题的定位范围 记牢中心思想+情感 不要跳读、漏读 不要带着主观印象去理解文章 不要因为单词不认识就侥幸选择
一定要仔细看完所有选项、看完每一个选项的每一个词 答案是比较出来的
例子m本e身ntte不ionn重det要do\往,ci往t重ed怎要\样的qu是ot【e不d例(是子引例支用证持)是的细观节点题】 观点一般在例子之前(80%)上一句、甚至上一段 干扰选项多为讲例子本身、就事论事(与细节题的定位恰恰相反)
找与观点的交集、共性 借助例子做排除法 验证答案
与上下文有关、与文章中心有关 细节题
除另外的五大题型,即为细节题 what\how\why\becuse of \in that+具体信息(原词or改写) 题干具体 定位



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com考研英语资料大全首先来点音乐吧O(∩_∩)O~:每天记忆3000单词:罗扎夫高效记忆音乐+巴洛克超级学习音乐1986-2009年历年英语真题及解析音频下载汇总:2010考研英语万能作文MP31992-2009年下载1986-2009年历年考研英语真题音频阅读+完型+英译汉+写作下载2010夏倚荣考研英语历年真题解析(1992-2009)音频下载2006-2009经济学家双语阅读汇总下载2009年经济学人杂志双语阅读汇总打包下载(word+pdf)更新至8月份经济学人双语阅读精选9月份汇总打包下载2006-2009年经济学家双语阅读汇总下载历年考研英语试题命题特点及规律(阅读理解A部分)附word版下载历年考研英语试题命题特点及规律(阅读理解B部分)附word版下载历年考研英语试题命题特点及规律(知识运用部分)历年考研英语试题命题特点及规律(写作B部分)附word下载冲刺攻略篇:2010年考研政治必杀技浓缩10招式操作手册pdf下载新东方冲刺完型必得4.5分技巧!15分钟,2010年考研英语新题型(阅读B)速战速决!2010考研英语冲刺阶段作文“速成”突破攻略十二招式之考研最后的必杀技考研英语高分作文模板冲刺攻略:考研英语作文万能模板(文都)考研英语作文高分必备300句经典佳句附word下载冲刺模拟题:实用宝典:2010年考研初试应考注意事项附word版下载2010考研英语绝对考场最后五套题(徐绽)下载2010考研英语考前作文30篇新大纲(考试虫王若平)附录音下载2010年考研英语考试虫万能作文新大纲写作预测试题(王若平)下载2010年考研英语新东方冲刺试卷最后8套附复习手册完整版2010北京考研班考研英语阅读命题大预测50篇完整版下载2010考研英语知识运用押题36篇考研梦工厂完整版下载2010朱泰祺考研英语(一)全真冲刺试卷下载2010年考研梦工厂考研热点重点作文20篇完整版下载2010考研英语考前30天狂背作文完整版下载2010年宫东风考研英语(一)全真冲刺试卷完整版下载2010年教育部考试中心考研英语模拟试题2010考研英语张剑命题特点和规律分析辅导班冲刺视频及讲义:完型:2010年考研英语新东方冲刺班完型李玉枝1.1-1.5视频下载阅读:2010年考研英语阅读新东方冲刺辅导班视频1-3.1下载2010年考研英语新东方冲刺阅读第二次更新2.4-3.12010年考研英语新东方阅读冲刺班1.1-2.3视频下载写作:2010年考研英语新东方写作冲刺班王江涛MP3下载2010年考研英语写作新东方冲刺班讲义王江涛下载2010年考研英语新东方写作冲刺班(王江涛)第二次更新2010年考研英语新东方冲刺写作班王江涛第一次更新2010年考研英语新东方考前高分必读班视频下载2010年考研英语新东方冲刺翻译视频1-8下载2010年考验英语新东方冲刺班王江涛写作28号最后一次课视频下载2010年新东方考研英语冲刺班新题型网络课堂李玉枝MP3下载2010年考研英语新东方写作金典班视频下载2010年考研英语新东方新题型冲刺视频附讲义下载2010年考研英语最新推荐新东方冲刺写作高级词汇2010年考研英语写作新思维初级课讲义2010年新东方考研英语冲刺班阅读网络课堂范猛MP3完整版2010年考研英语新东方老师写作热点话题预测及示例2010年考研英语新东方高分点睛写作mp3下载2010年考研英语新东方高分点睛翻译mp3下载2010年考研英语新东方写作点睛视频加讲义下载2010年考研英语新东方翻译点睛视频附讲义下载2010年考研英语新东方名师最终推荐小作文2010年考研英语新东方最终推荐大作文考研英语长沙新东方老师的写作盘点2010年考验英语新东方冲刺班填空式模板必过班讲义李玉枝2010年新东方考研全真考场指导视频下载2010年考研英语新东方冲刺班翻译唐静mp3下载2010年考研英语新东方冲刺班翻译唐静视频补充下载2010年考研英语新东方写作金典班图表作文模板、利弊分析型模板音频下载2010年考研英语济南新东方考研写作押题班讲义新东方刘一男新4000词汇速记宝典MP3下载200M文都名师徐绽指导2010考研英语冲刺复习在线视频观看2010年考研英语文都冲刺班视频21-23视频更新下载2010年考研英语文都冲刺班视频1-20完整下载链接已修复2010年考研英语徐绽最后作文预测mp3下载2010年考研英语徐绽全国模考视频下载2010年考研英语文都全国模考mp3下载2010年考研英语作文文都预测班辅导讲义word版下载2010年考研英语文都徐绽作文预测班辅导讲义pdf下载2010年考研英语文都冲刺班MP3(1-23)下载2010年考研英语恩波真题练习册pdf下载2010考研英语写作高分突破班讲义北京太奇2010年考研英语太奇高分写作突破班音频加讲义下载2010年考研英语太奇冲刺班串讲音频下载2010北京太奇考研英语最后模考朱泰祺2010年考研英语人信宫东风作文点睛音频2010年考研英语宫东风模考班与作文预测班2010年考研英语宫东风预测作文图片下载宫到自然成考研英语作文预测word文档下载2010年考研英语宫东风冲刺班点睛音频(阅读+完型+新题型)下载星火考研英语考前预测大作文十篇2010考研英语冲刺热点作文50篇张剑PDF下载一:辅导书籍:词汇:新东方英语词汇超级记忆法新东方考研词汇辨析文档下载新东方考研英语词汇词根联想记忆法新东方内部资料一常考词语的固定搭配90-07考研词汇频率统计2010淘金高阶考研英语词霸Google考典726页全献给考研童鞋的大礼:考研英语大纲词汇+词组+字根+例句+翻译2010宫东风教授考研英语词汇复习指南完整电子版下载2010年新东方刘一男考研词汇更新22-262010考研英语曾鸣张剑霍岩核心词汇说文解词完整版下载(409页)2010考研英语高频词汇课堂讲解MP3下载2010年迦思佑考研6000词逻辑辨证记忆完整电子版下载2010年考研英语词汇用法详解“新双博士”考点、记忆法、用法2010考研英语高频词汇课堂讲解MP3 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2010历年考研英语真题解析及复习思路-(曾鸣、张剑、刘京霄)历年考研英语真题解析及复习思路(张剑)2006-2005年电子版下载2010年考研英语必备王长喜超精细完整电子版下载2010考研英语真题考点与常见错误透析超精细完整电子版下载1994-2008年考研英语阅读真题mp3(含字幕)下载2009-2007年考研英语真题解析及复习思路--考研英语黄皮书(曾鸣,张剑)2010《考研真相》【MP3】+ 24年真题+10年真题彻底细解★☆★2010年考研英语十年真题点石成金完型、语法及翻译:战神宝典第六部考研英语综合语法纲要新东方考研英语培训教材拆分与组合翻译法下载2010年考研英语主观题40分攻略翻译与写作2010考研英语完型填空与填空式阅读电子版下载2010年新航道胡敏考研英语语法突破2010年考研英语新教程人大出版社张锦芯2010年新东方考研英语培训教材三步搞定翻译及难句张满胜一张表搞定语法大纲:2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)考试大纲完整版下载2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)考试大纲完整版下载2009年考研计算机学科专业基础综合考试大纲超精细完整版下载2009年考研教育学专业基础综合考试大纲超精细完整版下载2009年考研历史学基础考试大纲超精细完整版下载2009年考研农学类联考考试大纲超精细完整版下载2009年考研日语考试大纲超精细完整版下载2009年考研数学考试大纲超精细完整版下载2009年考研西医综合考试大纲超精细完整版下载2009年考研心理学科专业基础综合考试大纲超精细完整版下载2009年考研英语考试大纲超精细完整版下载2009年考研中医综合考试大纲超精细完整版下载2010年考研日语大纲超精细完整版下载2010年考研教育学大纲超精细完整版下载2010年考研计算机大纲超精细完整版下载二:辅导班视频+音频+讲义音频:星火考研英语高分作文黄金模板网上下载音频2010硕士研究生英语2010硕士研究生英语考试大纲音频下载2010年考研英语宫东风词汇复习指南朗读版mp3附字幕2010文都考研英语写作班下载2010考研教育网英语强化班作文mp3下载2010年考研教育网考研英语阅读五型音频下载2010夏倚荣考研英语历年真题解析(1992-2009)音频下载2010考研英语北京基础班精华录音下载2010考研英语写作核心词汇班录音下载2010年考研英语王国清语法班录音下载2010考研英语阅读基础班-宫东风2010年考研英语长难句精讲班2010考研英语精品词汇班面授录音2010启航英语基础班-阅读王若平2010领航英语导学课MP3录音-王轶群主讲淘金高阶英语词汇巧记MP3下载视频:辅导班视频都是陆续更新的,一个课程资料会陆续发成了好几个贴,大家稍微找一下,我会持续更新,有不全的,可以发新帖(不要跟帖)告诉我O(∩_∩)O~,我会尽量补全。




定从的并列结构:A ,B ,C , and D+定从修饰全部ABCDA ,B , C+定从, and D 只修饰CA ,B , and C+定从, and D 只修饰ABC定从的省略:that S1V1(可省略that) P11 0747修饰宾语时S V OV1 O1(不可省略that)that adjbe(虚)doing (现在分词)done (过去分词)后置定语:S V O + adj/分词定语从句省略了关系词和be(虚),将会形成后置定语。






S1V1O1who V2 O2who V3 O3and4.后置定语,省略了that be(虚)S V O + adj/分词5.在构建简单句的时候,尽量形成被动语态以便形成定语从句省略关系词和be(虚),形成后置定语(避免简单be)。






定从的并列结构:A ,B ,C , and D+定从修饰全部ABCDA ,B , C+定从 , and D 只修饰CA ,B , and C+定从 , and D 只修饰ABC定从的省略:that S1 V1 (可省略 that) P110747修饰宾语时S V OV1 O1(不可省略that)that adjdoing (现在分词)过去分词)后置定语: S V O + adj/分词定语从句省略了关系词和be(虚),将会形成后置定语。






S1 V1O1who V2O2who V3O3and4.后置定语,省略了that be(虚)S V O + adj/分词5.在构建简单句的时候,尽量形成被动语态以便形成定语从句省略关系词和be(虚),形成后置定语(避免简单be)。





2020RJ·7+8LESSON THREE高二· 春春2 Lesson·星火试炼I 根据中文提示写句子1.老人们眼含热泪跟我告别。

(用what 引导的强调情感的主语从句写句子)__________________________________________________________________2.你可以向值得信任的朋友倾诉你的烦恼。

(建议句型)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What moved me most was that the elderly said goodbye to me in tears.I believe it important that /I believe it of great importance that you pour your anxieties to some trustworthyfriends.3.最重要的是,你可以亲自体验剪纸(paper-cutting)。

(强调信息句型)__________________________________________________________________What matters most is that you can experience paper-cutting in person.4.我告诉你哦,下周,有个剪纸艺术展会在我们城市举行。

(告知消息句型)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I am more than delighted to inform you of the exciting news that a paper-cutting exhibition will be held in our city nextweek.5.咨询:我们什么时候回到北京?(必须使用咨询句型,并补充咨询的原因)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I can hardly wait to find out when we will return to Beijing so that I can adjust my schedule accordingly /make arrangements inadvance.Module II完填精读@ 夹叙夹议类文章的中心句真题链接| 完成下面经典的完形填空(限时15分钟)答题时间限时15分钟!作者经历了什么呢?接下来,请为每一题找到解题线索哦!真题链接| 完成下面经典的完形填空(限时15分钟)It was an extraordinarily busy time of year.I felt _____1_____after a longmeeting.So I headed to the _____2_____nearby for some therapeutic (治疗性的)hiking.As I reached the top and admired the view,my unclear mind _____3_____.1.A.pressure B.danger C.shame D.embarrassment 2.A.forest B.park C.hospital D.mountain 3.A.calmedB.wanderedC.developedD.appearedA DARe-energized,I knew that I could deal with the _____4_____that waited for me upon my _____5_____.When I arrived back in the office the next day,I was full of energy,and finished my work _____6_____.4.A.meetingB.changeC.workD.time 5.A.replyB.returnC.relaxationD.recovery 6.A.successfully B.casuallyC.anxiouslyD.constantlyCBAIt was almost 20years ago that I learned how _____7_____it is for me to set aside time to escape to the wild.I had finished my Ph.D._____8_____soil and water conservation in Honduras,but I wasn’t sure what _____9_____I wanted to have.So,I decided to act on a dream I had been nursing for a few years,_____10_____my mom showed me a magazine article about a man who had _____11_____around America.7.A.strange B.vital C.difficult D.interesting 8.A.continuingB.choosingC.studyingD.supporting9.A.tour B.book C.career D.major 10.A.unless B.if C.though D.since 11.A.runB.cycledC.drivenD.flownBC CD BI figured that I could _____12_____cycling with research for a book on American agriculture while I worked out my next career step.So I did it.During the cycling _____13_____,I found the clearness I needed to _____14_____my next career move.Talking with farmers I met along the way,I learned that their biggest _____15_____was selling their produce (农产品)bine pare C.replace D.practice petition B.historyC.performanceD.trip14.A.insist on B.put down C.figure out D.learn from 15.A.challengeB.progressC.adventureD.sacrificeA D CAI decided to broaden my _____16_____from land management to improving farmers’access to markets.My _____17_____interest led to working for a nongovernmentalorganization and I did eventually _____18_____a book on American agriculture.The _____19_____is to find your source of inspiration and make good use of it.For me,I always get nourishment (营养)from being _____20_____in the outdoors.16.A.experienceB.focusC.discussionD.search 17.A.deep B.particular C.personal D.new 18.A.buy B.borrow C.publish D.notice 19.A.reason B.problem C.result D.key 20.A.activeB.aloneC.confidentD.braveBD CD A作者的启发是在哪一句?它有什么特点?通常,夹叙夹议文中引出主旨的是哪些句式?1.常见句式:2.常见内容:Spark 高分笔记:中心句@ 夹叙夹议文“我了解、学习到……”“我突然意识到、想起……”①I learned / realized / got to know that 感悟、启发.②I learned a lifelong / precious lesson: 感悟、启发.③It occurred to / dawned on / hit / struck me that 感悟、启发.④I was reminded that 感悟、启发.强调“……很重要”①n.:point (重点), key 等②v.:matter, count等(如It doesn’t matter …; What matters is that …;Every minute counts.)③adj.:important, essential, fundamental等Module IIII语法@ 状语从句Part I 时间状语从句高频考点1.The best thing we can do__________it is raining is to let it rain.2.It’s much easier to make friends __________you have similar interests.3.He was about to tell me the secret __________someone patted him on the shoulder.4.__________the average age of the population increases,there are more and more old people to care for.真题链接| 单句语法填空when / while / aswhen / as when As5.__________some people are motivated by a need for success,others are motivatedby a fear of failure.6.There is only one more day to go __________your favorite music group play live.7.He studied for one more year in the University of Paris in France,and he didn’t return to China __________1938.8.Things have changed a lot __________I wrote to you last time.While before until since9.He had no sooner entered the office _________he realized that he had forgotten his report.10.I had hardly got to the office __________my wife phoned me to go back home at once.than when1.when /while /as①表示“当……的时候”,用__________肯定对(__________后的动作要延续性,__________强调主从句2个动作同时发生,通常译为“一边……一边……”)②表示“就在那时,这时”,用__________,主句谓语通常为was doing /was about to do③表示“随着”,用__________④表示“然而,却”,用__________Spark 高分笔记知识讲解| 时间状语从句高频考点when while as when as while2.before :before 引导的状从,通常可译为:①在……之前;②_________________________3.until /till :①在倒装句、强调句、否定句中,通常用__________②not ...until ...通常译为“____________________”4.since :①...have /has done ...since +从句(从句谓语用__________)②It is /has been +一段时间+since +从句(从句谓语用__________)5.no sooner..._______...;hardly /scarcely ..._______...:译为“_______________”一段时间后,……才……until 直到……才……did did than when 一……就……1.—It’s a long time __________I saw you last.—Yes,and what a pity!It will be a long time __________we see each other again.2.As is reported,it is 100years __________Tsinghua University was founded.3.One Friday,we were packing to leave for a weekend away __________my daughterheard cries for help.4.It was not __________you told me that I had any idea of it.易错巩固| 单句语法填空since before since when until5.It took what seemed to be years __________the actress finally turned up,which made the journalists as well as the audience disappointed and angry.6.He had no sooner finished his speech __________the students started cheering.before thanPart II 原因& 条件状语从句高频考点1._________________the year of 2018is considered an earth year according to the Chinese solar calendar,those born in 2018are considered earth dogs,which carry characteristics like being communicative and responsible at work.2.I really enjoy listening to music __________________it helps me relax and takesmy mind away from other cares of the day.真题链接| 单句语法填空Because / As / Since because / as3.__________we don’t stop climate change,many animals and plants in the world will be gone.4.He hasn’t got any hobbies —__________you call watching TV a hobby.5.__________you can sleep well,you will lose the ability to focus,plan and stay motivated after one or two nights.If unless Unless1.原因状语从句——because /as /since①回答why ,用__________;②强调句中,用__________;③__________通常放句首*总结:表“因为+句子”用__________肯定对2.条件状语从句——if /unlessunless 译为“_______________”,相当于if ...not ...Spark 高分笔记知识讲解| 原因& 条件状语从句高频考点because because since because 除非,如果不Part III 结果& 让步状语从句高频考点1.Aswe can see,developing a good habit is so important __________I would like tointroduce one kind of good learning habit —keep a learning diary every day.2.He made such rapid progress __________before long he began to write articles inEnglish for an American newspaper.真题链接| 单句语法填空that that3._______________________birds use their feathers for flight,some of their feathers are for other purposes.4.Hot __________the night air was,we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey.5.Child __________he is,he has a good knowledge of electricity.Though / Although / While though / as though / as1.结果状语从句——so /such ...that ...,译为“___________________”①__________+adj./adv .+that 从句②__________(+a /an)+adj .+n.+that 从句③__________+many /much /little /few (多多少少)+n.+that 从句Spark 高分笔记知识讲解| 结果& 让步状语从句高频考点如此……以致…… so suchso2.让步状语从句——though/although/while/as,译为“尽管;虽然”①不与_______连用,但可以与________/________/nevertheless连用②_______引导让步状语从句,从句一定要部分倒装③_______引导让步状语从句,从句可以部分倒装,也可以用正常语序④_______引导让步状语从句,通常放句首Spark高分笔记:结果& 让步状语从句高频考点but yet still asthoughwhile1.__________the wedding ceremony began,the couple nervously repeated their vows “we promise to love each other for better,for worse,for richer,for poorer,in sickness and in health”.2.As to acute stomachache,there is no need to have an operation;all you need is a cupof Chinese herbs,__________the Western way takes more time and money.3.The meaning of the word “nice”changed a few times __________it finally came toinclude the sense “pleasant”.学以致用| 单句语法填空When / As while before4.But on this day,the goose appeared to be determined to get his attention and didn’tstop pecking __________Givens opened the car door and stepped out.5.Tongpao has risen in number over the past 15years __________a worker in CentralChina’s Henan Province named Wang Letian made a hanfu-style suit and wore it in public in 2003.6.________________its peaceful environment and beautiful surroundings present tourists a piece of pleasing picture of a typical country life in Southern China,the village is called “the village in traditional Chinese painting”.until since Because / As / Since7.Any measure of an ad’s performance is entirely pointless __________it could be viewed by a person.8.On our way to the house,it was raining so hard __________we couldn’t helpwondering how long it would take to get there.It was in the middle of Pearl City.9.______________________our original intention was simply to expand our family,we have been enriched by our multicultural backgrounds and experiences.10.Finally,the idea,after it has been explored,may not be used because there is abetter one or because,good __________it is,it is not suitable.unless that Though / Although / While though / as。



恩波教育春季班考研英语写作课堂笔记写作练习:简单句1. 金钱不等于快乐。

2. 中国女排在奥运会上所取得的胜利对中国人民是一个巨大的鼓舞。

3. 许多左撇子不得不培养自己在一个由右撇子们所主导的世界里生活的技能。

4. 在北美定居下来的白人实际上并不是第一个来到新大陆的移民。

5. 参与太空探索的能力代表了一个国家的科技和经济发展的水平。

Money doesn’t en sure/guarantee happiness.The victory of Chinese women’s volleyball team at the Olympic Games was a great inspiration to all Chinese people.Many left-handed people have to learn to develop skills to live in a world dominated by right-handed people.White people settling down in the North America were actually not the first immigrants to the New World.The ability to take part in space exploration represents the level of a nation’s scientific and economic development.并列句1. A person stuck in an unhappy marriage faces only two options: stay married and miserable, or get divorced and, hopefully, become happy.2. In the past three decades, many countries have formulated laws and regulations to protect animals from being abused or killed, and many have set up reservation areas to protect endangered animals.3. For the rich, good education, travel, luxury and security are all readily available, while the poor attain these with great difficulty, if at all.4.The more we find out about the universe, the more confused we seem to become.复合句1. Films that involve too much violence are harmful to young people.2. Some people may be addicted to netsurfing, which impairs their physical and mental health.3. The argument that human cloning may have great medical significance is totally unacceptable.4. Whether you plan to stay for a week or for a year in a new place, you will benefit from learning about the place before you go.5. Laughter is rightly called the best medicine as it relieves not only the one who laughs, but those around him as well.写作操练(英文见讲义范文第一部分)1. 载人航天飞机神州五号的成功发射及返回既是国家荣誉的一个象征,也是先进的科技能力的标志,这对我国的经济发展无疑会产生促进作用。


















(1) 表示两人或多人共有一个人或事物时,只需将最后一个名词变为’s所有格;
(2)其前用不定冠词a(n)时, 表示“又一、再一”;
有 数 无s 两 千 人 two thousand people有s有of 几 千 人 thousands of people有时,可以在较大数词的单数形式前加上several,afew等词,表示不确切的数量,但要注意此时数词仍用单数 形式。
audience 观众 class 班级(的学生) team (队)员 couple 夫妇 enemy 敌人family 家庭(家人) government 政府 group 组(员) public 公众
有 of 有 the About two thousand of the fans are waiting here. They want to see the great singer.
2. 表示“某国人” 的名词变复数
中日不变,英法变,其余s加后面。其中最容易混淆的是Germans. 3.合成名词的复数形式





1. 文都品牌实力:92简评:1996年成立,办学11年,全国120个直属及加盟分校。


2. 海文品牌实力:91简评:1993年成立,办学14年,全国31个直属及加盟分校。



考研英语一刘琦新题型方法论笔记全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: A Study on Liu Qixin's New Approach to the Postgraduate English TestIntroductionWith the growing popularity of postgraduate studies, the competition in the postgraduate English test has become increasingly fierce. To help students tackle the challenges of the test, Liu Qixin, a well-known English teacher, has put forward a new methodological approach. In this paper, we will delve into the details of Liu Qixin's new approach and analyze its effectiveness in preparing for the postgraduate English test.Liu Qixin's New Methodological ApproachLiu Qixin's new methodological approach focuses on three key areas: vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing. In terms of vocabulary, Liu emphasizes the importance of mastering high-frequency words and phrases. He suggests that students create their vocabulary lists based on reading materials, lectures, and sample test questions. By focusing onhigh-frequency vocabulary, students can improve their reading and writing skills.In the reading comprehension section, Liu suggests a comprehensive reading strategy. He advises students to skim the passage first to get a general idea of the content, then focus on reading the questions carefully before going back to the passage for detailed information. This approach helps students save time and improve their comprehension skills.When it comes to writing, Liu emphasizes the importance of practice. He suggests that students write at least one essay per day to improve their writing skills. He also recommends students analyze sample essays to understand the structure and style of academic writing.Effectiveness of Liu Qixin's New ApproachLiu Qixin's new approach has proven to be effective in improving students' performance in the postgraduate English test. Many students who have followed Liu's methodological approach have reported significant improvements in their vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing skills. By focusing on high-frequency vocabulary, comprehensive reading strategies, and regular writing practice, students can better prepare for the test and achieve higher scores.ConclusionIn conclusion, Liu Qixin's new methodological approach provides students with a systematic and effective way to prepare for the postgraduate English test. By focusing on key areas such as vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing, students can improve their overall language skills and increase their chances of success in the test. Overall, Liu's approach serves as a valuable guide for students seeking to excel in the postgraduate English test.篇2Liu Qi's New Methodology for the New Type of Questions in the Postgraduate English ExaminationWith the recent changes in the format of the postgraduate English examination, students are faced with new challenges and opportunities. Liu Qi, a renowned English teacher with years of experience in preparing students for the exam, has developed a new methodology to help students tackle the new type of questions effectively.The first key point of Liu Qi's methodology is to familiarize oneself with the new question types. The postgraduate English examination now includes a variety of question formats such asmultiple-choice, gap-filling, and translation. It is crucial for students to understand the requirements of each question type and practice answering them regularly.Secondly, Liu Qi emphasizes the importance of vocabulary. In the new exam, students are expected to have a strong command of English vocabulary to be able to answer the questions accurately. Liu Qi advises students to build up their vocabulary by reading extensively and using vocabulary flashcards to memorize new words.Furthermore, Liu Qi recommends that students focus on improving their reading comprehension skills. The new exam requires students to read and understand complex texts, so it is essential for students to practice reading academic articles and other challenging texts regularly. Liu Qi suggests that students use reading strategies such as skimming and scanning to improve their reading speed and comprehension.In addition, Liu Qi emphasizes the importance of grammar and sentence structure. Students need to have a good understanding of English grammar rules and be able to apply them correctly in their writing. Liu Qi advises students to practice writing essays and other types of academic texts to improve their writing skills and grammar proficiency.Finally, Liu Qi encourages students to practice listening and speaking regularly. The new exam includes listening comprehension and oral expression sections, so it is crucial for students to practice listening to English podcasts, watching English movies, and engaging in conversations with native speakers to improve their listening and speaking skills.In conclusion, Liu Qi's methodology for the new type of questions in the postgraduate English examination emphasizes the importance of familiarizing oneself with the new question types, building up vocabulary, improving reading comprehension skills, mastering grammar and sentence structure, and practicing listening and speaking regularly. By following Liu Qi's guidance and incorporating these strategies into their study routine, students can enhance their performance in the postgraduate English examination and achieve their academic goals.篇3TOPIC: New Test Methods of Liu Qi for the Postgraduate Entrance Examination English TestIn recent years, the English test in the postgraduate entrance examination has become increasingly challenging, leading manystudents to seek new strategies to improve their scores. Liu Qi, a renowned English teacher, has proposed some new test methods to help students better prepare for the exam. In this article, we will discuss Liu Qi's new test methods and how they can be applied to improve your English test scores.1. Reading Comprehension:Liu Qi suggests that students should focus on reading the passage first before looking at the questions. By understanding the main idea and structure of the passage, students can more effectively identify key information and answer questions correctly. Additionally, he recommends using contextual clues to infer the meanings of unfamiliar words to improve reading comprehension.2. Listening:For the listening section, Liu Qi emphasizes the importance of active listening. He suggests that students should try to predict the content based on the topic and context before listening to the audio. Taking notes while listening can also help students retain information and answer questions more accurately. Additionally, practicing listening to different accents and speech speeds can improve listening comprehension.3. Writing:In the writing section, Liu Qi encourages students to focus on clarity and coherence in their writing. He advises students to organize their ideas logically and use appropriate transitions to connect different parts of the essay. Additionally, he recommends using a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary to demonstrate language proficiency.4. Speaking:For the speaking section, Liu Qi suggests that students should practice speaking English regularly to improve fluency and pronunciation. He recommends recording themselves speaking and listening to identify areas for improvement. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of being confident and relaxed during the speaking test to communicate effectively.In conclusion, Liu Qi's new test methods offer valuable insights and strategies for students preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination English test. By following his recommendations and practicing consistently, students can enhance their reading comprehension, listening comprehension, writing, and speaking skills, ultimately leading to improved test scores. It is important for students to adapt these new testmethods to their own study habits and needs to maximize their chances of success in the exam.。


时 间 内 容
0-19分钟 代词知识点讲解
19-33分钟 形容词知识点讲解
33-50分钟 介词知识点讲解
1.易错点 1:neither, either, no one, none 的用法(1)neither 两者都不,是 both 的完全否定。(2)either 一般指“两个人或物中的任何一个”
3.易错点3:adj. adv.的修饰语
在比较级前一般可用much, a little, a lot, even, still, far, a bit来修饰说明程度4.易错点4:such和so修饰adj. adv.
such abeautifulgirl.①such+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数②suchwonderfulmusic③such+形容词+不可数名词
2.易错点2:in, with, by, on表”用”区别
பைடு நூலகம்(1)in 用语言,声音,原材料,颜色,笔墨等
(2)with 用具体有形的东西
(3)by 用…方式或手段,后常接动名词
3.on, in, by表旅行方式的区别:
so beautifulagirl①so+形容词+a/an/the+名词介词







(二)精读首句,把握主旨(三)明确控制因素1,逻辑关系词:(1)表示转折关系的词:1)However(一般选这个)2)Although(只用于句首)3)Though(可用于句首,句中,句末)4)While(当···的时候,同when;转折,然而)5)Whereas(只用于句首,表转折)(2)表示举例关系的词及词组:1)for example(后面既可跟句子,也可跟短语、名词、动名词等)2)For instance(后面只跟句子)3)Such as(后面只跟名词、短语、动名词等)4)Consider sth(以sth为例子)5)Take ····for example(一般出现在文章中,很少作为题目考查)(3)表示强调关系的词:1)indeed(意思是“确定”,出现在句子中一般是后一句对前一句的强调、解释和进一步的说明)(4)表示类比(compare)关系的词:1)Likewise(相同的是)2)Similarly(相同的是)(5)表示对比(contrast)关系的词:1)on the contrary(相反的是)2)Byin contrast3)Contrarily4)Instead(6)表示因果关系的词:1)Because2)So3)So that4)Consequently5)Therefore6)As a result7)Since8)As9)For10)On the grounds that11)By virtue of12)In view of(7)表示假设的词:1)If2)Unless3)Not···until4)Given5)Suppose6)Supposing7)Provided(8)表示递进关系的词:1)Morever2)Furthermore3)What`s more(9)表示解释说明的词:1)Obviously2)It is obvious that3)Obviously,···(10)表示并列关系的词:1)Simultaneously2)In the meanwhile3)At the sametime (11)表示总结关系的词:1)generally,in2)General,at length3)Finally,eventually4)Last but not least2,词语搭配:(1)动词搭配:(把···作为···)1)regard as2)Consider(to be)3)Look on as4)View as5)See as6)Envision as7)Passion as8)Dream as9)Matain as10)Interpret as(翻译作)11)Define as(定义为)12)Accept as13)Recognize as(把···视为)14)Label as15)Dismiss as(解雇;解散;把···蔑视为···)(2)名词搭配:(工作、职业)1)Work2)Work ethic3)Job4)Job satisfaction5)Employment6)Employment rate7)Employment pressure8)Employment prospect(职业前景)9)Career10)Career planning11)Career decision12)Career woman13)Occupation14)Occupational orientaton(职业定位,其中—oriented是以···为导向,以···为中心的)15)Vocation(3)形容词搭配:1)depend on2)Be dependent on3)Be dependent of4)Be subject to(受···支配,倾向于,容易做某事)5)Be subjected to(受到)(4)介词搭配:1)in turn2)At the expense of3)Other than4)Rather than5)In the way6)On the way7)In one way8)In no way3,句型结构二,阅读理解A部分:(一)此部分共4篇阅读理解,每篇有5个题目,共4·5=20个题目,每个题目2分,所以,共20·2=40分。




2023年高一英语学习方法课堂笔记整理同学的听课笔记做在哪里好呢? 不同的人有不同的看法和做法。








如:quarrel争吵(to argue or disagree angrily with someone);forture财宝(great wealth)。














胶南计划新概念英语1笔记The "New Concept English" series has been a staple for English learners, and my notes from the first book are a testament to its effectiveness. The lessons are designed to build a strong foundation in English, starting with basic grammar and vocabulary.Each chapter introduces new phrases and structures, which I meticulously jot down, ensuring I understand their usage in different contexts. The practical dialogues are particularly helpful, as they provide real-life scenarios to apply the language.Listening to the audio recordings is a crucial part of my learning process. It helps me to familiarize myself with the natural rhythm and intonation of English speech, which is essential for both speaking and understanding.The exercises at the end of each lesson are a great way to reinforce what I've learned. I make sure to complete them diligently, checking my answers and learning from any mistakes I make.One of the most valuable aspects of "New Concept English 1" is its focus on building confidence. As I progress through the book, I find myself becoming more comfortable with the language, which is a significant step towards fluency.The cultural insights provided in the texts are an added bonus. They give me a glimpse into different aspects of life in English-speaking countries, making the learning experience more enriching.I also appreciate the humor sprinkled throughout the lessons. It makes the learning process enjoyable and helps to keep my motivation high.Lastly, I make a habit of reviewing my notes regularly. This helps to solidify the concepts in my mind and ensures that I retain the information long-term. The "New Concept English 1" is more than just a textbook; it's a comprehensive guide to mastering the basics of English.。

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王轶群翻译&写作(二者是相通的,翻译:英汉,写作:汉英,都是考查表达,是英汉思维的转换)一、定语和定语从句(一)定语和定从的翻译(中心词为主要部分,修饰语为次要部分)1、一般定从——采用“形容词法”还是“补充成分法”取决于定从的长短一般定从:N +adj.译成adj.+ N; N1+of+N2N2+of+N2; N1+prep.+N2prep.+N2+N1;N+定从并列结构的定从:①(A ,B,C,and D)+定从定从修饰ABCD几部分②A ,B ,C+定从,and D定从只修饰C部分③(A,B ,and C)+定从,and D定从修饰ABCeg :I have an apple that is red.我有一个红苹果。

/ 我有一个苹果,苹果是红的。



2、嵌套定从(定从套定从/后置定语)——如:2003年64题& 2005年47题嵌套定从翻译原则:外面的大定从相对较长,采取“补充成分法”;里面的小定从相对较短,采用“形容词法”。

3、后置定语——后置定语是定从中省略了关系词和be动词(虚动词)之后形成的e g :2001年71题:There will be television chat shows (翻译时补充上that will be)hosted by……后置定语翻译法则:将后置定语补充上关系词和be 动词,按照定从的翻译法则来处理。


定从写作思维:Step1:使用汉语构思多个简单句并将其译成英文eg :①Fu Dan is located in Shanghai.②Shanghai is/becomes a center on the banking(银行业)③The banking plays a key role in the development of economy in China.④Shanghai is/becomes a center of ad.⑤I graduated from Fu Dan University.Step2:如果三个简单句之间有两个共同点,可将每个共同点第二次出现时替换为关系词,合成嵌套定从eg:Fu Dan is located in Shanghai that is a center of banking which plays a key role in the development of the economy in China.Step3:如果三个简单句仅有一个共同点,可以将其后两次出现时变成关系词,两个分句以and连接,形成并列定从。

eg :FD University is located in Shanghai that is a center of the banking and that is a center of ad.Step4:嵌套定从的关系词尽量不要一致(不然粗看可能看不出来,也可使词汇丰富变化),并列定从的关系词必须一致(见上一例句,不然不易看出)Step5:在建构简单句时,尽量体现被动语态,以便形成定从后省略关系词和be 动词形成后置定语。


(一)一般状语&状语从句1、翻译2002-62题:A because B and because C B&C是A的原因[并列状从] 按顺序翻译(例句见真题)2004-62题:A because B as C B是A的原因,C是B的原因(C是A的根本原因)[嵌套状从] (例句见真题)嵌套状从的翻译法则:中间部分(即B)翻译两次,第二次使用代词。



Step2:将原因视为B,结果视为A,套用A because B as C句型,其中C为根本原因,即制度问题。


3、一般状从的省略:当状从中,从句的主语和主句的主语一致且从句中含有be 动词,此时可以将从句的主语和be动词一起省略掉,变成conj. + adj.。

eg :The box will bomb, when (it is) heated.(二)副词(adv.),介词+宾语(prep.+O)做状语——考法:状语乱插(不按常理放置状语,用障眼法让考生搞不清句子结构)“状语乱插”易出现在“动词+介词”的词组之间——状语乱插例句:2006-46题:“thanking in Socratic way about moral problems”(“以苏格拉底式的方式思考道德问题”)[prep. +O乱插] 2007-46题:“be viewed in such institutions as the…”(“在这些机构中,…被认为”)[prep. +O乱插]2008-46题:“think long and intently about”(“长时间而且认真地去思考”) [adv.乱插]2009-50题:We are thus led to distinguish, within the broad educational process (which we have been so far considering), a more formal kind of education—that of direct tuition or schooling.(prep.+ O型状语乱插再套入定从,要是去掉两个逗号,更不易分解) 状语乱插翻译法则:把插入的状语提到前面来翻译(三)非谓语做状语(考查动词的时态和语态)1、关于谓语:一个简单句里面只有一个动词以谓语的形式出现,其它动作动词要以非谓语的形式出现。




3、关于语态:标注的被动语态可以按顺序译成被动,可以主宾倒置译成主动;非标准的被动语态译成主动,而且无需主宾倒置(因为英语表达多被动,汉语表达多主动)【tips :万能解决问题法:先教育后法律,配之以被动语态】4、非谓语做状语(非谓语的时态是相对于谓语动词之前的之后或同时的)——Ving/ed,+主谓宾(1)非谓语做状语的翻译思维——Step1:找到主句主语,将其放在非谓语动词之前;Step2:根据-ing或-ed 判断主被动语态;step3:根据句意增加逻辑关系词(一般为因果关系)。

(2)独立主格结构:eg.:The dark cloud having dispersed(散去), the sun shone again.非谓语做状语时,如果主句的主语不能充当非谓语的主语,此时在非谓语动词之前增加了一个逻辑主语,称之为独立主格结构。


(3)悬垂结构:eg.:Having dispersed, the sun shone again.当非谓语做状语时,若主句的主语不能做非谓语的主语,同时又无独立主格,此时称之为悬垂结构。






Step5:也可采取固定句型模式——SVO, thus/thereby + doing O’ .Step6:为了使文章增色,最好在非谓语做状语、独立主格结构、悬垂结构之前,加上一些恰当的副词来做修饰。




