
▪ 灵魂蓝调 ▪ 钢琴蓝调 ▪ 纽约蓝调 ▪ 新奥尔良蓝调 ▪ 孟菲斯蓝调 ▪ 爵士蓝调 ▪ 民谣蓝调 ▪ 原声蓝调 ▪ 节奏蓝调
1. Alicia Keys(混血才女,蓝调。灵魂。爵士风格) 2. Eric Clapton(布鲁斯吉他大师 ,史上吉他榜排行第二) 3. Jami Hendrix( 60年代布鲁斯摇滚风格,以电吉他见
Jazz in the late 19th century early 20th century originated from the United States, was born in the southern port city of New Orleans, music foundation from Ragtime and Blues.
根源是美国本土的黑人音乐,是史上第一次为青 少年而发的歌曲文化。摇滚这个词如今可以指代 越来越多不同的音乐风格,但从最纯粹的形式来 讲,所谓摇滚,就是三和弦加强硬持续的鼓点加 上口的旋律。 NE11XT
Heavy Metal( 重金属 ) Goth Metal(哥特金属)
Alternative Metal(另 Punk(朋克) 类金属)
爵士乐于19世纪末20世纪初源于美国,诞生于南 部港口城市新奥尔良,音乐根基来自Blues和 Ragtime。
新奥尔良爵士 摇滚乐 比博普 冷爵士 自由爵士 拉丁爵士 融合爵士
ODJB (The Original Dixieland Jazz Band) Big Band(大乐团) Charlie Parker Miles Davis(迈尔士戴维斯)
western music 西方音乐ppt(全面 实用 流行)

Adele,英国著名流行女歌手,世界流行天后, 格莱美奖宠儿,首位全英音乐奖评审团奖得 主。Adele表示自己受美国爵士、蓝调歌手埃 塔· 詹姆丝与“爵士乐第一夫人”艾拉· 费兹洁 拉的影响,并形容自己的音乐风格是“心碎 的灵魂”(Heartbroken Soul)。她以首张专辑 《19》获得水星音乐奖提名,该专辑以全球 超过720万的销售量获得7白金销售认证。而 第二张专辑《21》在全球的大热让她一举跃 上世界乐坛的顶峰,该专辑全球销量突破 2800万。截止目前,个人专辑总销量突破 3700万,单曲总销量突破4300万。在第54届 格莱美颁奖典礼中,凭借热门专辑《21》, Adele一共夺得六项大奖,成为第54届格莱美 奖的最大赢家,追平了碧昂斯创造的单届格 莱美女歌手夺奖最多的纪录。2012年被美国 《人物》杂志评选为全球最美女性第14位, 是现今世界乐坛最炙手可热的女歌手。
• • • • • • • • • • • • 主要成就: 第51届格莱美奖最佳 流行女歌手 第51届格莱美奖年度新人 主要成就: 第54届格莱美奖年度 最佳专辑 第54届格莱美奖年度最佳制作 第54届格莱美奖年度最佳单曲 第54届格莱美奖最佳流行专辑 第54届格莱美奖最佳流行歌手 第54届格莱美奖最佳短篇MV 第55届格莱美奖最佳流行歌手 第70届金球奖最佳电影原创歌曲 第85届奥斯卡最佳电影原创歌曲 音乐类型: 灵魂乐、蓝调、Pop
世界超级巨星,红遍全球的宝贝男孩贾斯汀· 比伯是欧美乐坛 近年流行音乐王子,在音乐上创作、打鼓、跳舞、弹吉他、 弹琴,等样样行,而且长相酷帅。他先在“YouTuBe”唱红 了自己,随后被经纪人挖掘并被Usher培养进入美国音乐歌 坛。他是YouTube观看量最多的艺人及首位19岁前拥有五张 冠军专辑、在首张专辑发行前就有4首TOP40单曲的歌手。 2011《人物》杂志公布的年度好莱坞最富有的年轻人。在 “福布斯全球百位巨星排行榜”上贾斯汀连续2年名列第三, 男歌手权利排行第一,推特粉丝全球第一。

摇滚乐以其灵活大胆的表现 形式和富有激情的音乐节奏表达 情感,受到了全世界年轻人的喜 爱。
“摇滚”是一种流行音乐风格,起源于二 十世纪40年代至50年代的美国。
最初的摇滚乐是黑人布鲁斯、福音音乐、 爵士乐与乡村乐的结合。
摇滚乐的元素可追溯到20年代的布鲁斯和30年代的乡村乐,然而 其在50年代才开始作为一种独立的音乐风格而广泛流行。
乐句起初会给人们一种紧张、哭 诉,无助的感觉,然后接着的乐 句便像是在安慰、舒解受苦的人。
代表 人物
贝西·史密斯,美国歌唱家,人称“布 鲁斯天后”。是古典布鲁斯时期最著 名的女性布鲁斯歌手,她的表演极具 戏剧性,她的声调可以跨越情感所至 的所有音域,歌唱时全心投入,为歌 曲渲染上自己的风格。她那幽雅的姿 态,简洁而戏剧性的音色,沉郁忧伤 的音调,令人不可思议的呼应听众之 能事,使得她 经典爵士歌曲 Johnny Mathis - Misty
R&B (Rhythm and Blues,译作“节奏怨曲”或“节奏布鲁斯”)
吸收了爵士吹奏乐和摇摆乐的节奏,同时也结合了蓝调音乐的基本 重叠唱法和弦乐演奏。相对于节奏爵士乐,它的节奏更快,演唱更 粗哑,使用的乐器有钢琴和萨克斯, 也是使得节奏更强烈、声音 更尖锐。
美代国表单作簧:管演奏家、爵士乐音乐 家《。Taking A Chance On Love》 1《92J5e年rs加ey入B本ou·波nc拉e》克的乐队担任 独后己《《奏成的GSyo1。为m2tt随自件pah波由乐Boe拉职器nTy克业的》hi去者乐s O队纽。r,约1T93,开h4a创1年t9P了2组a9年 “成rt 自之 摇I》 摆《乐W时hy代D”o(ns’witngYeorua)D。o Right》

R&B的全名是Rhythm & Blues,一般译作 “节 奏布鲁斯”(R&B),时至今日,R&B已经成了黑人 流行音乐的代名词,尽管它更多的是作为一种区别 于说唱乐(Rap)、灵魂乐(Soul)、都市歌(Urban)的 音乐种类被特殊的听众和唱片界人士提及。
R. Kelly American R&B and rap music is the most outstanding singer, songwriter and producer, making him one of the music can always very good music rap music, R&B and soul perfect confluence is together and create beautiful melody, thus can get r. Kelly produced album never let the fans, and he himself suffer ear or 1990s album sales of the best male singer.
Country music is a kind of contemporary pop music, originated in the southern United States and Appalachia mountains. Country music is rooted in the 1920s, the traditional folk music, integration Gospel music and music, Celtic in music. Country music melody, generally very smooth phrasing structure, beautiful, also is simple.
R. Kelly American R&B and rap music is the most outstanding singer, songwriter and producer, making him one of the music can always very good music rap music, R&B and soul perfect confluence is together and create beautiful melody, thus can get r. Kelly produced album never let the fans, and he himself suffer ear or 1990s album sales of the best male singer.
Country music is a kind of contemporary pop music, originated in the southern United States and Appalachia mountains. Country music is rooted in the 1920s, the traditional folk music, integration Gospel music and music, Celtic in music. Country music melody, generally very smooth phrasing structure, beautiful, also is simple.

Taylor Alison Swift 泰勒· 斯威夫特
American country music female artist, will use acoustic guitar, piano.
Favorite Female Country Artist 最受欢迎乡村女艺人 Best New Artist 最佳新人奖
Development history 发展历史
Medieval Period 中世纪时期 (1450年前) Major in poetry主要以诗篇为主 Baroque 巴洛克时期 (约为公元1600—1750) Fantasia, overture幻想曲、序曲
Classical古典主义时期(约公元1750—1820) Sonata奏鸣曲 Romanticism浪漫主义时期(约为公元1820—1900) This period of music pay more attention to express one's mental state and subjective feelings, the natural scenery of the performance also increasingly prominent, the creation of ethnic and folk music on the use of more attention and frequent. 这一时期的音乐更注重表达人的精神境界与主观感情,对自然景物的 表现也愈加突出,创作上对民族和民间音乐的利用更加重视与频繁。
R. Kelly是美国R&B 和说唱音乐中最出色的歌 手,制作人和词曲作者之 一,由他制作的音乐总能 很好的把说唱音乐,R&B 音乐以及灵魂乐完美的融 合在一起并创造出优美的 旋律,因而能够得到R. Kelly制作的专辑决不会让 歌迷的耳朵受罪,同时他 本人还是90年代专辑销量 最好的男歌手之一。
American Music 美国的音乐介绍PPT

Rock and roll
Rock and roll (often written as rock & roll or rock 'n' roll) is a genre of popular music that originated and evolved in the United States during the late 1940s and early 1950s, primarily from a combination of African American blues, jump blues, country, jazz, and gospel music. 蓝 调, 跳跃蓝调, 国家, 爵士, 和 福音音 乐 Though elements of rock and roll can be heard in country records of the 1930s,and in blues records from the 1920s,rock and roll did not acquire its name until the 1950s
American Music
Jazz is a musical style that originated at the beginning of the 20th century in black communities in the Southern United States. It was born out of a mix of African and European music traditions. Its African pedigree is evident in its use of blue notes, improvisation, polyrhythms, syncopation and the swung note. 蓝色笔记, 即兴, 复节奏, 中 略 和 摇摆音符。From its early development until the present day, jazz has also incorporated elements from American popular music.

摇滚是一种音乐类型;起源于1940年代末期的 美国;1950年代早期开始流行;迅速风靡全球; 摇滚 乐以其灵活大胆的表现形式和富有激情的音乐节 奏表达情感;受到了全世界年轻人的喜爱;
Bill Haley
Bill Haley was called the father of rock; founder of the rock
American music major types
Hip Hop嘻哈 R&B 节奏 Rock&roll摇滚乐 American country music 美 国乡村音乐 Classical古典 …
Hip Hop 嘻哈 说唱
Hip hop is 20 years ago the American street began a black culture; also referring to rap Hip hop four culture includes rhythm expression to speak; rhyme; playing and dancing street; crow turntable skill art So hip hop rap just a kind of culture with other elements; dance; clothing; life attitude to constitute a complete hip hop text
The best soul/R&B singer
Grammy 格莱美音乐大奖
R&B singer global sales of the best
全球销量最佳 R&B女歌手
Bill Haley
Bill Haley was called the father of rock; founder of the rock
American music major types
Hip Hop嘻哈 R&B 节奏 Rock&roll摇滚乐 American country music 美 国乡村音乐 Classical古典 …
Hip Hop 嘻哈 说唱
Hip hop is 20 years ago the American street began a black culture; also referring to rap Hip hop four culture includes rhythm expression to speak; rhyme; playing and dancing street; crow turntable skill art So hip hop rap just a kind of culture with other elements; dance; clothing; life attitude to constitute a complete hip hop text
The best soul/R&B singer
Grammy 格莱美音乐大奖
R&B singer global sales of the best
全球销量最佳 R&B女歌手

• quickly throughout the world • become a kind of unique pop music symbol.
Hip-Hop is knows as the street culture.
Elvis Presley
Pop music like a whirlwind swept the world music.
New Orleans Traditional Jazz makes many kinds of music elements to together.
Rock and Roll
• in 1940s of the United States • in 1950s became popular in the world • express people's feelings
lyricist, composer, scene production, in singing, dancing and playing musical instrument all had outstanding achievements.
Michael Jackson had made his own kingdom in the modern pop music history.
Michael Jackson
• known as “the king of pop” • the representation of the world popular culture • have high fame and great influence in the world
He is a music all-rounder.
美国流行音乐英文简介幻灯片 2

• Louis Armstrong - It Takes Two To Tango.
Elements of Jazz
• Jazz is very hard to describe because there are now many different styles of jazz. • Common instruments used in Jazz music are trumpet小号 , piano, and saxophone
• Improvisation [ɪm,prɔvɪ’zeɪʃən]即兴创作 is a key element.
Scat-singing 拟声唱法 is also common.
The characters of jazz music
• • • • • • Blue notes syncopation swing call response improvisation
• Though originally a kind of dance music, jazz has been a major part of popular music, and has also become a major element of Western classical music. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African American music traditions including blues and ragtime切分乐曲 , as well as European military band music.

Michael Jackson Lady Gaga
Pop music
Who is king of pop? A.Michael jackson, B.michael jordan, C.michael boltonD.Jay-z
smooth phrasing structure, beautiful, also is simple.
Taylor Alison Swift 泰勒· 斯威夫特
express emotion rationally Widely accepted for a long time
Groove Coveragehe 1940s and 1950s end of early American pop
Come from R&B
Drum electric guitar
Bill Haley
Bill Haley was called the father of ~, founder of the ~. Bill Haley
~ godfather
Hip Hop 嘻哈 说唱
Simple repeated chord Originate: African Am More popular than jazz Root! 3Topic: Being in love Falling out of love sex
Elvis Aron Presley
Recommend repertoire 推荐曲目
Heartbreak Hotel
Moody Blue
Burning Love Way Down
Crazy 疯狂

从早期发展到现在,已纳入第十九、第二十 世纪的美国流行音乐。
• 爵士很难描述,因为现在有很多不同风格 爵士元素 的爵士乐。 • 用爵士乐的常用工具的钢琴和萨克斯管, 小号, • 即兴创作是一个关键因素。哨声也很常见
R&B Rhythm and Blues is full of translation "R&B," (R&B), today, R&B music has become the pronoun of black popular, although it is more of a kind of difference in Rap (Rap), Soul (there), Urban song (music by the situation) types of special audience and record circles mentioned.
Jimmie Rodgers to American country music's influence is huge, although most of his career in the U.S. economy is the weakest, and he spent time and often focus on the performance of the poorest regions, but when we are in his album covers read: "in his heyday, have not bounteous villagers grocery store and bought some necessities, all will have another of his latest album," we won't. He is "the village will sing guy", but also people hero. JimmieRodgers对美国乡村音乐的影响是巨大的,尽 管他的演艺生涯大部分是在美国经济最不景气的时期度过, 而他的演出又常集中在最贫穷的地区,但当我们在他的纪念 专辑封套上读到:“在他的全盛期,手头并不宽裕的村民踏 进商店,买了一些生活必须品之后,全都会再要一张他的最 新唱片”时,我们不会不为之感动.他是“村里会唱歌的小 伙子”,也是老百姓心中的英雄.

The best soul/R&B singer
最佳灵魂乐/R&B女歌手 Grammy 格莱美音乐大奖 Global sales of the best female R&B singer 全球销量最佳 R&B女歌手
Rock&roll was originated in the late 1940s of the United States, and became popular in the early 1950s in the world. The young people around the world are attracted by rock&roll with its flexible bold expression and passion music rhythm expression of emotion. 摇滚是一种音乐类型,起源于1940年代末期 的美国,1950年代早期开始流行,迅速风靡全球。 摇滚乐以其灵活大胆的表现形式和富有激情的音 乐节奏表达情感,被全世界年轻人所吸引。
The classical period古典主义时期(约公元1750—1820) Sonata奏鸣曲
Romanticism浪漫主义时期(约为公元1820—1900) This period of music paid more attention to express one's mental state and subjective feelings.Folk music is used frequently. 这一时期的音乐更注重表达人的民间音乐的利用更加重视与频繁。
Portions(部分) of the culture began spreading into the mainstream during the early 1980s; by the 1990s, hip hop culture had spread all over the world.

His stage name was formed from the names of actress Marilyn Monroe and convicted murderer[1] Charles Manson. He is a extreme man with lot of disputation~so I won`t say any more on him
Share:《My love》
Gothic Metal
Gothic Metal is a blend of heavy metal music and a mixture of Gothics tyle of music. Gothic metal first emerged in the 80 years preceding the mid-to Los Angeles as the center,so it is often called the "death metal".
Share: 《Numb》
Pop band
Backstreet Boys Westlife and Blue must be familiar in crowd.These band always had 4or5 persons,each has a pretty face.So we could call them idols~thet took away millons girl`s heart~

The Beatles
The most influential band of the pop music.
The Beatles were as “British Invasion" music culture in United States. It influenced the Native American pop music development road .
Blues is the root of modern pop music.
Country music
• the 1920 s American country • use simple instruments and song • The tunes of country music are usually very smooth and wonderful.
Chinese Wind
Jay Chou Chinese wind
"the king of pop in Asian"
He is especially good at R&B and Rap.
• the unique music material • singing skills • Fang Wenshan’s lyrics
New Orleans Traditional Jazz makes many kinds of music elements to together.
Rock and Roll
• in 1940s of the United States • in 1950s became popular in the world • express people's feelings

What is country music about?
thoughts of laboring people. Relates to family, finding love, losing love, friendship, cheating, happiness and so on. It played a sound melodious,, happy or sorrowful.
Thank you~
The influence
Attracts worldwide listeners, remained steady for it. Brings very high profit reaches 400 million racteristics
General characteristic: country music is from the folk and popular music.
52nd Grammy Awards 2010
You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset. She's going off about something that you said 'Cruz she doesn't, get your humor like I do... I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like and she'll never know your story like i do But she wears short skirts I wear T-shirts She's cheer captain And I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up And find what you're looking for has been here the whole time If you could see that I'm the one who understands you been here all along so why can't you see, you belong with me You belong with me