















I.信息筛选题1.解题关键: 根据问题查找定位信息。

2.常用方法: 带着问题有意识地在关键处做标记。

如:(1)5W and 1H:who, what ,when, where ,why ,how(2)时间先后:first , then , after ,that , next, finally(3)因果:because , thus , lead to, cause, as a result(4)比较:similarly, differently(5)转折:but, while, however, instead, on the contraryII.信息转换题1.解题关键: 根据问题查找定位信息,加工分析并转换成另一种表达方式。


★ 听 说读 写 ★
高考英语任务型 阅读——七选 五技巧 点拨
河南郑州市第七 中学 张海燕
高 考 英 语 任 务 型 阅读— — 七 选 五 的 考 查 目的 、 ( 如 带有 形容词 的名 词词组 ) 、 专 有名 词 、 时间数 字 、 代 题 型 特 点 及 命 题 规 律 词、 连 词 等 2 . 利 用 词 汇 衔 接 可 利 用 词 汇 的 复 现 和 同现 原 则 高 考 英 语 任 务 型 阅 读 七 选 五 是 从 所 选 词 数 在 2 5 0 - 3 5 0左 右 的 文 章 中挖 出五 个 空格 ,要 求 考 生 从 短 来 确 定 答 案 。 正 确 选 项 中 的 关 键 词 一 般 重 复 前 一 句 的 也 与下一 句的关键词相 呼应。 文后 的 七 个 选 项 中 ( 均 为 完 整 的 句子 ) 选 出五 个 能 填 入 关键 词 . 3 . 利 用逻 辑 衔 接 要 理 清 句 际 问意 义 的 关 系 。正 确 文章空 处的最佳选项 , 进 而使 文 章 恢 复 原 貌 。 该题 型 不 因 为 文 仅 要 求 考 生 具备 词 汇 、 句子 、 语段 、 语篇 等方 面的知识 , 选 项 与 原 文 空格 前 后 的 句子 在 逻 辑 上 是 连 贯 的 。 而且 要 有 辨 证 、 综合 、 分析 、 归纳方 面的逻辑 思维能 力。 章 的 内容 是 根 据 各 层 各 段 的 大 意有 机 组 合 而 成 。 各层各 它是 阅 读 的 深层 理 解 , 也 是 阅读 的 核 心 和 关键 。 该 题 型 段 所 表 达 的 内容 都 围绕 同一 个 中心 , 各 句 之 间也 都 有 一 的 命 题 形 式 深 受 英 语 四 六级 和 考 研 阅 读 多 项 选 择 题 的 定 的 语 脉 。从 逻 辑 意 义上 来看 , 语 段 的 句 际 关 系 可 分 为 影响。 既具有 客观题 的特点 。 又 与 完 形 填 空 有 异 曲 同 工 并 列 、 顺序 、 递进 、 转折 、 总分、 解释 、 因果 等 关 系 。 所 以 , 之妙 。 只是 选项 少 , 以 句 子 形 式 出现 , 考 查 目 的 和 侧 重 可 通过 句意 或 关 联 词 来 实现 对 句 际 关 系 的识 别 。 点 不 完 全 相 同 而 已。 高考 英 语 任 务 型 阅读 七 选 五 主 要 4 . 利 用 语 法衔 接 包 括 利 用代 词 、 冠词 、 时态、 句 考查考 生对文章 的整体 内容 和结构 以及上 下文逻辑 意 式 、 特 殊 疑 问词 等 来 判 断 。 义 的理 解和 掌握 。其命题体现 了 《 新课 标》 “ 用英语 获 5 . 利 用数 字 衔 接 正 确 选 项 包含 有 与 上 下 文 相 关 取、 处 理 和 运 用信 息 的 能 力 : 逐 步 获 取 用 英 语 思 维 的 能 的 数 据 . 且 语 义连 贯 。 6 . 利 用 设 空 位 置 判 断 选 项 可 根 据 空 格 的 位 置 来 力” 的阅读 学习和教 学理 念。其题材 新 颖。 具 有浓厚 的 时 代 气 息 和 较 高 的 真 实 性 ,与 学 生 的 学 习和 生 活 经 历 判 断要 选 择 的 是 概 括 性 句 子 、过 渡 性 句子 还 是 注释 性 相 适应 , 遵 循 了《 英 语 课 程 标 准》 的评 价 理 念 , 保 证 了试 句 子 。 题 的效度 、 信 度 和 真 实性 、 公平性 原则 。 7 . 利 用 选 项 句子 类 型 判 断 位 置 概 括 性 句 子 多位 二、 高 考 英 语 任 务 型 阅读 — — 七 选 五 的 选 项 特 点 于段 首 ; 过 渡 性 句 子 多位 于段 中 。 有 时在段 首或段尾 ; 从《 考试说 明》 对 高 考 英 语 任 务 型 阅读 七 选 五命 题 注 释 性 句子 多位 于段 尾 。 目的 的 表 述 — — 高考 英语 任 务 型 阅 读 七 选 五 主 要 考 查 8 . 利 用 定 位 排 除 法 减 少 干 扰 每 确 定 一 个 选 项 即 考 生对文章 的整体 内容 和结构 以及 上 下文逻辑 意义的 将 该 选 项 从 备 选 项 中排 除 , 以减 少 对 其 它 选 项 的 干 扰 。 理 解 和 掌 握 — — 可 知 该 题 型 备 选 项 可 分 为 主 旨概 括 句 9 . 复 读 全 文 复 检 答 案 研 究 多 余 选 项 .确 定 排 除 ( 考 查 文 章 整 体 内容 ) 、 过渡性 句子 ( 考 查文 章结 构 ) 和 理 由 , 最后 把 所 有 选 项 代 入 文 章 中再 读 一 遍 ,以 防疏 注释 性 句子 ( 考 查上 下文逻辑 意 义 ) 三类。 且 这 些 句 子 漏 。 无论是 正确还是错 误选项往 往具备 以下特点 : 四、 高 考 英 语 任 务 型 阅读 — — 七 选 五 的 解 题 步 骤 1 . 正 确 选 项 特 点 步骤一 : “ 空 格— — 选 项— — 空格 ” 模 式 a . 主 旨概 括 句 : 结 论 性 句子 . 包含 文 章 关键 词 且 能 1 . 跳跃 空格 , 先通读 文章 , 把握 其 大 意 , 标 记 关 键



高考任务型阅读题特点及解题策略高考英语阅读题型是一项比较容易拿分的选项,那么我们在面对长篇的英语阅读是,如何高效的答题呢,下面就是小编给大家带来的高考任务型阅读题特点及解题策略,希望能帮助到大家!随着新课改的进一步深入,从 2009 开始高考英语试卷推出了任务型阅读题型。























motivates you to stay on. The effect is so obviously great that the author of a
review examining the psychological effects of music on exercise called music
Imagine two groups of people. We'll call them the Geniuses and the
Butterflies for short. 37.
They come up with one ground-breaking
invention every 10 human lifetimes. The butterflies aren't nearly as bright.
A. That's his or her private views. B. Don't take your role to your heart. C. Everyone deserves respect and admiration.
段中—— 承上启下
D. Stay true to your values and do your own thing.
因果: for, because, because of, such, since, as, therefore, thus, hence, accordingly, as a result, consequently, so…
转折: however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still, though, yet, in spite of, at any rate, in any case, on the contrary, in contrast, by contrast, in comparison, by comparison, conversely, otherwise, but, while….













第二部分表达的是文章各部分的要旨,处于这个位置的试题均为概括题(对文章中的相应部分的含义进展提炼概括),图表中常以“Paragraph outline”或“Passage outline”标示——为二级栏目。






















B o d D v t ii e tr l o r ea v cC n e i C T e lc l n v r i lo e t rh d a b o d d v o a t h o a ie st b o d e n e a l o r e td y a u y i t e Cii e t r a d tr m. mo t 3 0 D o i h w d u b t h vc C n e u i i o u Al s 0 e p e s o e p, u a o t 0 wee tr e w yf r a iu d c l e s n . i yo h r b u r n d a a ro sme ia a o sF f t e s 5 u oy r t lf b c u e t e l e r vn o s wl . e e e t o cu e e t e a s i swe e mo i g s l yTh v n n l d d h n o c
I_ L _-
I- "J =
考 任 务 型 阅 读 试 题 特 点 及 解 题 技 巧
张 梅
( 州 市贾 汪 中学 , 苏 徐 州 2 1 0 ) 徐 江 2 0 0 摘 要 : 0 8 江 苏 高考 英 语 试 题 中 . 次 明 确 提 出任 20 年 首 务 型 阅读 的概 念 , 考 查 的 目标 是 要 求考 生 在 阅读 和 理 解 文 其 章 的基 础上 , 成 既 定 的 任 务 , 查 考 生 英 语 运 用 的 综 合 与 实 完 考 践 能 力 。这 种 新 的题 型 所提 供 的材 料 重 视 结 构 的 完 整性 、 内容 的 时代 性 。 目的 设 置 层 次 感较 强 . 就要 求 考 生对 所 提 供 的 题 这 材料 具 有 高度 的概 括 性 和 较 强 的语 言 组 织 能 力 面 对 这 些 要 求 , 生 除 了 大量 阅读 , 高 阅 读 能 力之 外 . 必 须 掌 握 这 种 考 提 还 新题 型 的解 题 技 巧 , 速 阅读 找 到 答 案 的依 据 , 于 运 用 试 题 快 善 中的信 息 , 会 归 纳 演绎 , 学 以及 注 意 结 构 的 分析 。 关 键 词 :高考 任 务 型 阅读 试 题 特 点 解 题 技 巧 巧 ?一 般 说 来 , 成 此 题 包 括 以下 几 步骤 。 完 ( ) 真 审题 , 速 阅 读 全 文 , 文 中 找 到答 案 依 据 所 在 。 1认 快 在 ( ) 于 利用 试 题 所 提 供 的 信 息 。 2善 ( ) 意 词形 的变 及 单 词 的 大 小 。 3注 ( ) 会 归 纳 演绎 。 4学 ( ) 意 结构 分 析 。 5注 () 6 复读 文章 , 实 任 务 , 查 理解 是 否准 确 , 达 式 是 否 核 检 表 得 当 , 词 拼 写是 否正 确 。 单 以上 是 做 任 务 型 阅 读 的 常 用 技 巧 。 以下 文为 例 , 明 以 现 说 上技 巧 在 解 题 中的 运 用



2020届高考英语二轮复习任务型阅读(七选五)解题技巧及典例剖析【考点清单】1. 主旨句典例1(2016·全国Ⅱ)Some people may think that a garden is no more than plants, flowers, patterns and masses of color. Others are concerned about using gardening methods that require less water and fewer fertilizers(肥料).38.However,there are a number of other reasons that might explain why you want to gar-den. One of them comes from our earliest years. ·Recall(回忆)your childhood memoriesOur model of what a garden should be often goes back to childhood. Grandma's rose garden and Dad's vegetable gar-den...A. Know why you gardenB. Find a good place for your own gardenC. It's our experience of the garden that mattersD. It's delightful to see so many beautiful flowers 主题句段落 标题 浏览其他段落标题,观察其表达阅读整段内容,提炼主题思想,阅读选项寻找体现主题思想的原词、同义词、近义词或同根词 段落主题句 根据段落一致性原则,查找同义词、近义词或同根词,推断主题句E. Still others may simply enjoy being outdoors and close to plantsF. You can produce that kind of magical quality in your own garden, tooG. For each of those gardens, write down the strongest memory you have[解题思路]本题考查主题句。






二、考点分析近几年上海高考阅读理解主要设题为:.文章的话题; ().文章的中心思想; ( ).文章的细节; ().文章的结构; ().文章的寓意; ().词义.语义的猜测; ().文章的逻辑推理.判断()三、考查内容)理解主旨要义;()理解文中具体信息;()根据上下文推测生词的词义;()作出简单判断和推理;()理解文章的基本结构;()理解作者的意图和态度。












例如:/?(). …. ……?////?细节题具体做方法与步骤如下①略读材料,大概了解原文,掌握中心或主旨。



第三:正常情况下几乎不变睡觉的姿势,那是不是说 经常变化睡姿是不正常的呢?这一点与G是矛盾的, 你注意到了吗?
D .Everyone has got two personalities—the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real.
• 非等额选项(题目5道,7个选项)
3) 文章结构

景、成长过程、个性爱好、成就贡献等内容进行描述, 因此时间、地点往往是出题重点)
•பைடு நூலகம்
51 You don’t show your secret personality when you are awake because you can control your behavior, but when you are asleep,your sleeping position shows the real you.
alwa20y2s1/s5/a27y what you think even if it makes people rather angry.
第一步:快速阅读全文,主要是首段和末段,以及首句 和末句。初步搞清楚文章讲的是什么。例如
You don’t show your secret personality



江苏省下考英语任务型阅读解题本发之阳早格格创做考面一考覆按死的阅读明白本发阅读明白本发是下考查题的主要考查真量.除了阅读明白题型中,完形挖空战任务型读写题型也皆兼具考覆按死的阅读明白本发.任务型读写题中的阅读本发共样央供考死正在有限的时间内赶快发会文章的主旨大意,赶快明白句段细节意义战理浑上下文的逻辑闭系,要不妨明白文章做家的瞅面、做风战企图,共时出有克出有及轻视对于语篇的完齐掌控战发会.任务型读写的体裁主假如证明文战议论文.考面二考覆按死对于文中灵验疑息举止筛选、调整战综合综合本发.1.疑息筛选题疑息筛选题是前提题目,普遍不妨曲交通过将表格战漫笔举止对于照,边读文章边找出与试题相闭的句子疑息,获与到相闭单词汇,偶尔试题战本文句型句式分歧,需举止简朴的逻辑推理而后找到相映单词汇,出有需变更,曲交挖进. 2.调整变换题.调整变换题是典型的二次加工题型,需要考死有基础的构词汇法知识,对于句子身分战词汇性的对于应闭系要精确.干题时,出有单要找到与试题相闭的句子疑息,还要根据词汇法战句法知识以及上下文的逻辑闭系举止加工,进而提与出新词汇.可细分为如下二种情况:(1)词汇形调整变换.被考查单词汇正在本文战试题中充当的句子身分分歧,果而需正在名词汇、动词汇、形容词汇、副词汇等之间举止变换.(2)句型调整变换.试题中的被考查单词汇正在本文中找出有到共根词汇,无法获与单词汇举止变换,需根据本文中相映句子的意义战上下文逻辑通联举止句型变换.①表格内词汇性、大小写战语法使用上要脆持普遍.共一单元格要注意正在用词汇圆里脆持普遍的要发.②擅用共义词汇战反义词汇举止变换.③精确使用构词汇法.④流利使用语法句型变换.3.综合综合题.综合综合题央供考死对于齐文或者段降举止总体语篇掌控,通过瞅察表格的树坐特性,进而归纳战综合出所考查的单词汇.此类设题普遍位于表格的第一止或者第一列.为了更快速天掌握综合本发,归纳战死记一些综合性词汇汇及其牢固拆配也是很有需要的.底下举一些基础的综合性词汇汇:归纳、综合:conclusion, summary提议:suggestion, tip, advice, proposal, recommendation 效率:effect, influence, impact 影像:impression果果:reason, cause; result, consequence1.审题思路(1)一审表格结构.注意文章真量脉络,题目战所需的表白典型.(2)二审漫笔意义.注意文章的段降战表格的匹性.(3)三审语法使用.注意波及到的构词汇法战语法名目.2.词汇性与句子身分的普遍性闭系英语中的十大词汇类均正在句子中充当身分,记着词汇性与身分闭系:(1)谓语:动词汇(具备人称、数、时态、语态、语气、情态的变更特面).记着:英语中所有完备的句子皆离出有启谓语动词汇,出谓语动词汇的句子常常是过失的.(2)主语战宾语:名词汇、代词汇、数词汇、动名词汇、出有定式战从句.(3)表格战补语:名词汇、代词汇、数词汇、形容词汇、介词汇短语、非建饰性副词汇、非谓语形式战从句.(4)定语:名词汇及其所有格、代词汇、数词汇、形容词汇、副词汇、非谓语形式战从句.(5)状语:副词汇、形容词汇、出有定式、分词汇战从句. (6)共位语:名词汇、代词汇、动名词汇、出有定式战从句.千万记着以上六条,其余切记:(1)“the+形容词汇”可转移为名词汇表示一类人/物.(2)形容词汇充当状语只表示主语特性战状态,出有建饰谓语动词汇;建饰谓语动词汇用副词汇.He got home at last, tired and hungry. He was lying on the gras s, relaxed. He sings happily.(3)能交宾语的惟有及物动词汇战介词汇,形成动宾战介宾结构.(4)主、谓、宾、表、补语是句子的基础身分,出有成或者缺;定、状、共位语是建饰身分,缺少时基础句型依旧创造.3.句型变换形式例道调整变换题需要正在本文战表格设题句之间举止共义或者反义变换,英语中一种意义的共义战反义的表白往往有很多,或者是单词汇、短语、句型之间的变换使用,或者是词汇法战句法上的变换表白.需要通常举止洪量的影象聚集战变换锻炼.(1)单词汇、短语、句型①引导:cause, lead to, contribute to, result in, bring about②扮演:act, play, perform, give/ put a performance, play a part/ role in, s how成败:success, achievement, victory, triumph: failure, defeat 利弊:advantage; disadvantage同共:difference, distinction; the same, similarity, equality便宜:advantage, strong point, strength, virtue缺面:disadvantage, shortcoming, weakness, drawback便宜、佳处:good, benefit, interest, profit, gain过失:mistake, error, fault本量、本量:quantity, amount, number数量:quantity, amount, number手段:purpose, aim, goal, objective要发:way, means, method, approach, solution, manner步伐:measure, action止为、活动:action, behavior, conduct, activity步调:step, stage, process, procedure频次、频度:frequency, rate程度:degree, level, extent瞅面、意睹:opinion, view, point of view, viewpoint, standpoint 设念:idea, thought, thinking(无)意识:(un)awareness, (un)consciousness本理、准则、顺序:theory, principle, law意义:significance, meaning, sense价格:value做风:attitude, manner感觉:feeling, emotion, motivation共意、正里:agreement, pros, approval, positive, favor, support 阻挡于、反里:disagreement, cons, negative, opposite, contrary, opposition, obj ection央供、需要:demand, need, requirement, request, desire, claim 问题:question, problem, issue问案:answer, key, solution, result反应:response, reaction变更:change比较:comparison, contrast评介:feature, character, characteristic特性:feature, character, characteristic种类:kind, sort, type, style, form, category, variety, class, description 等第:grade, rank, degree, class风雅、习惯:custom, manner, practice, habit中心、话题:theme, subject, topic题目:title, headline, heading效率、功能:use, usage, function闭系、通联:relation, relationship, connection, touch, link, contact根源、履历:origin, history, source究竟、现真:fact, reality, actuality准则、确定:rule, regulation情况、情景:things, status, situation, condition, case, circumstance, state证明:explanation, statement, description, instruction, direction 介绍:introduction, presentation定义:definition形貌性词汇汇:length, height, width, depth, distance, weight, size, color, look, a ppearance, shape, rate, speed, age, sex, price。











如从2011年江苏高考任务型阅读的标题When Should a Leader Apologize and When Not?可推测文章是关于领导者何时道歉和是否道歉的心理剖析的主题信息。

比如第九模块Unit1课文,当我们看到标题Canada——land of the maple tree我们就可以预测到这篇文章主要向我们介绍加拿大相关信息,可能包括她的Geography、climate、cities、history、culture、religion、tradition、population、language、government、politics、education、commerce、transport 及symbol等主题信息,肯定有关于maple tree的信息。

再如,第九模块Unit2 Project我们根据短文标题The imperial tombs及副标题The Ming Imperial Tombs, The Qing Imperial Tombs, Preservation and recognition of the tombs很容易预测文章的相关信息可能与history、dynasties、location、tourism、construction、destruction有关,肯定有preservation和recognition的信息。














常见的转换方式有: ①另选其他词来释义(paraphrase)。

例如mary was born in china.→ mary’s _____ is china. 分析:抓住关键词born,将此形容词转换为名词,答案为:birthplace;②同义词和反义词间的转换(synonym/antonym)。

例如he didn’t pass the final examination.→ he _____ the final examination. 分析:抓住关键词pass,将其转换为反义词,再注意一下时态,答案为:failed;③句子结构转换(structure change)。



江苏省高考英语义务型浏览解题技能考点一考核考生的浏览懂得才能浏览懂得才能是高测验题的重要考核内容.除了浏览懂得题型外,完形填空和义务型读写题型也都兼具考核考生的浏览懂得才能.义务型读写题中的浏览才能同样请求考生在有限的时光内快速体会文章的宗旨大意,快速懂得句段细节意义和理清高低文的逻辑关系,要可以或许懂得文章作者的不雅点.立场和意图,同时不克不及疏忽对语篇的整体掌控和融会.义务型读写的体裁主如果解释文订定合同论文.考点二考核考生对文中有用信息进行筛选.整合和分解归纳分解才能.1.信息筛选题信息筛选题是基本标题,一般可以直接经由过程将表格和短文进行对比,边读文章边找出与试题相干的句子信息,获取到相干单词,有时试题和原词句型句式不合,需进行简略的逻辑推理然后找到响应单词,不需变更,直接填入.2.整合转换题.整合转换题是典范的二次加工题型,须要考生有根本的构词法常识,对句子成分和词性的对应关系要明白.做题时,不单要找到与试题相干的句子信息,还要依据词法和句法常识以及高低文的逻辑关系进行加工,从而提炼出新词.可细分为如下两种情形:(1)词形整合转换.被考核单词在原文和试题中充当的句子成分不合,因而需在名词.动词.形容词.副词等之间进行转换.(2)句型整合转换.试题中的被考核单词在原文中找不到同根词,无法获取单词进行转换,需依据原文中响应句子的意义和高低文逻辑接洽进行句型转换.①表格内词性.大小写和语法应用上要保持一致.统一单元格要留意在用词方面保持一致的格局.②善用同义词和反义词进行转换.③准确应用构词法.④闇练应用语法句型转换.3.分解归纳分解题.分解归纳分解题请求考生对全文或段落进行总体语篇掌控,经由过程不雅察表格的设置特色,从而归纳和归纳分解出所考核的单词.此类设题一般位于表格的第一行或第一列.为了更快捷地控制归纳分解才能,总结和熟记一些归纳分解性词汇及其固定搭配也是很有须要的.下面举一些根本的归纳分解性词汇:总结.归纳分解:conclusion, summary建议:suggestion, tip, advice, proposal, recommendation 影响:effect, influence, impact 印象:impression因果:reason, cause; result, consequence1.审题思绪(1)一审表格构造.留意文章内容脉络,标题和所需的表达类型.(2)二审短辞意义.留意文章的段落和表格的匹性.(3)三审语法应用.留意涉及到的构词法和语法项目.2.词性与句子成分的一致性关系英语中的十大词类均在句子中充当成分,记住词性与成分关系:(1)谓语:动词(具备人称.数.时态.语态.语气.情态的变更特点).记住:英语中任何完全的句子都离不开谓语动词,没谓语动词的句子平日是错误的.(2)主语和宾语:名词.代词.数词.动名词.不定式和从句. (3)表格和补语:名词.代词.数词.形容词.介词短语.非润饰性副词.非谓语情势和从句.(4)定语:名词及其所有格.代词.数词.形容词.副词.非谓语情势和从句.(5)状语:副词.形容词.不定式.分词和从句. (6)同位语:名词.代词.动名词.不定式和从句.万万记住以上六条,别的切记:(1)“the+形容词”可转化为名词暗示一类人/物.(2)形容词充当状语只暗示主语特点和状况,不润饰谓语动词;润饰谓语动词用副词.He got home at last, tired and hungry. He wa s lying on the grass, relaxed. He sings happily .(3)能接宾语的只有及物动词和介词,组成动宾和介宾构造.(4)主.谓.宾.表.补语是句子的根本成分,不成或缺;定.状.同位语是润饰成分,缺乏时根本句型依旧成立.3.句型转换情势例说整合转换题须要在原文和表格设题句之间进行同义或反义转换,英语中一种意思的同义和反义的表达往往有许多,或是单词.短语.句型之间的转换应用,或是词法和句法上的转换表达.须要日常平凡进行大量的记忆积聚和转换练习.(1)单词.短语.句型①导致:cause, lead to, contribute to, result in, bring a bout②扮演:act, play, perform, give/ put a performance, play a part/ role in, show成败:success, achievement, victory, triumph: failure, def eat利弊:advantage; disadvantage异同:difference, distinction; the same, similarity, equal ity长处:advantage, strong point, strength, virtue缺陷:disadvantage, shortcoming, weakness, drawback好处.好处:good, benefit, interest, profit, gain错误:mistake, error, fault质量.品德:quantity, amount, number数目:quantity, amount, number目标:purpose, aim, goal, objective办法:way, means, method, approach, solution, manner 措施:measure, action行动.运动:action, behavior, conduct, activity步调:step, stage, process, procedure频率.频度:frequency, rate程度:degree, level, extent不雅点.看法:opinion, view, point of view, viewpoint, standpoint设法主意:idea, thought, thinking(无)意识:(un)awareness, (un)consciousness道理.原则.纪律:theory, principle, law意义:significance, meaning, sense价值:value立场:attitude, manner感到:feeling, emotion, motivation赞成.正面:agreement, pros, approval, positive, favor, support 否决.不和:disagreement, cons, negative, opposite, contrary, op position, objection请求.须要:demand, need, requirement, request, desire, claim问题:question, problem, issue答案:answer, key, solution, result反响:response, reaction变更:change比较:comparison, contrast评价:feature, character, characteristic特色:feature, character, characteristic种类:kind, sort, type, style, form, category, variety, class, description等级:grade, rank, degree, class风气.习惯:custom, manner, practice, habit主题.话题:theme, subject, topic标题:title, headline, heading感化.功效:use, usage, function关系.接洽:relation, relationship, connection, touch, link, con tact起源.汗青:origin, history, source事实.实际:fact, reality, actuality规矩.划定:rule, regulation情形.状况:things, status, situation, condition, case, circumst ance, state解释:explanation, statement, description, instruction, dir ection介绍:introduction, presentation界说:definition描写性词汇:length, height, width, depth, distance, weight, siz e, color, look, appearance, shape, rate, speed, ag e, sex, price。



【备考高考】高考英语任务型阅读试题(附答案)一、高中英语任务型阅读1.任务型阅读Just as team members today have assigned doing roles, there should also be thinking roles. By knowing how other members of your learn and organization think---and by others knowing how you think—everyone can be more productive. So how should you evaluate how you and your team think? After a lot of trial-and-error, we developed a three-step method that delivers practical and meaningful results.Focus. Do you tend to pay the most attention to ideas, process, action, or relationships? For example, in the morning do you think about the problems you need to solve, the plans you need to make, the actions you need to take, or the people you need to see? This isn't about picking one to the exclusion(排除)of the other. It's about where your focus naturally lands.Orientation(方向). A good way to identify your orientation is thinking about what tends to bother you in meetings. Are you more likely to complain about getting dragged into the weeds or about things being too general and not specific enough? These dimensions are complementary(补充的)to personality, skills, and traditional roles.Combination. By combing these two dimensions you can know about the thinking style at work in whatever context or setting you chose. When you know your thinking style, you know what naturally energizes you, why certain type of problems are challenging or boring, and what you can do to improve in areas that are important to reaching your goals. Once you know your style, it helps to share it with others, and have others share theirs with you. In this way, your thinking style becomes a useful tool---a kind of social currency---for the team. Imaging you put together a team to work on a new initiative(行动). Wouldn't you like to know who is energized by big-picture strategy discussions and who finds them frustrating? Who likes to work on the details of the execution? And who is energized by managing the team dynamics?The landscape of business is changing rapidly, and we have to find new and better ways to connect and communicate. We all want to work better together, the challenge is actually making it happen. Understanding collaboration(合作)through the way of thinking rather than doing is a practical and powerful step forward.【答案】equally;improve/increase;evaluating;thinking;choice;whether;combine;contributes/leads;Conclusion;how【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,正如今天的团队成员分配的角色一样,也应该有思考的角色,两者同样重要。





考生阅读后应能对文中的有效信息进行筛选、整合和综合概括,然后准确、有序地完成表格的空缺 (根据说明,一空只填一词)。




典型题例:①原句:During the last decade or so, the United States in particular has developed an apology culture―apologies of all kinds and for all sorts of wrongdoings are made far more frequently than before.(20xx年江苏卷)→In an apology (75)____, admission of all sorts of wron gdoings is more required than before.分析:根据文章… has developed an apology culture,可知该空答案为culture。

② 原句:One interesting experiment was to attach little magnets to the birds’ heads to block their magnetic sense. (20xx年江苏卷)→Little magnets wer e tied to the pigeons’ heads to (76)____theirmagnetic sense.分析:根据原句… the birds’ heads to block their magnetic sense,通过定位该题在文章中的位置即可找到答案为block。


D. Talk yourself what things that cost money are most important to you.
E. Ask yourself what things that cost money are most important to you.
G. The best time to teach a child anything about money is when he shows an interest.
A. Show your true interest. B. Restate the question with respect. C. Some ideas can be quite concrete.整Βιβλιοθήκη 课件18解题步骤:
• 1.看标题、副标题预测文章大意 • 2.看选项,找出和文章相对应的关键词 • 3.通读全文,查看主题句,分析结构 • 4.看空前空后内容,分析之间的逻辑性 • 5.灵活掌握答题顺序(先易后难) • 6. 代入答案,重点核查逻辑关系。
词汇同现是指属于同一词汇搭配范畴或 者某一领域的词汇在文章中同时出现,达到 语义衔接的目的。你可以在选项中找到与此 词汇最接近的词,从而达到快而准。一般来 说,上下文中词汇的范畴越小,上下文的衔 接关系越紧密。
Parents should help their children understand money. 71 so you may start talking about money when your child shows an interest in buying things, candy or toys, for example.






















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为提高准确率,完成题目后考生还需注意以下几点:??????? 1、根据图表所给提示格式保持所填词性一致性(以名词、动词、非谓语或完整句子等不同形式归纳);2、同时兼顾到意思和搭配的双重准确性;3、所填单词是否特殊变形;4、大小写是否规范等。

【基本功训练】一、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1. A ban on the importation of drugs has been issued???????????(recent).2. The economic sanctions could not prevent the???????????(develop) of that country.3. An anonymous businesswoman??????????(donation) one million dollars to the charity.4. Alan is someone who always needs the??????????(approve) of other people.5. These old people are unaccustomed to the??????????(press) of modern life.6. The government’s actions had no??????????(affect) on the trade imbalance.7. The new policy was announced??????????(official) this morning.8. A lot of??children at the school do not live in the town, but come from the??????????(surround) countryside.9. She's been feeling very??????????(stress) since she started her new job.10.??????????(unfortunate) the restaurant he recommended fell far short of our expectations.11. You would expect that there would be strong???????????(disagree) about this.12. What do you think were some of the more??????????(persuade) arguments on the other side?13. The main??????????(functional) of the merchant banks is to raise capital for industry.14. She sat up late that night to write a detailed account of the??????????(forget) moment.15. A manager has to learn some economics if he wants to improve his??????????(manage).16. The first walk on the moon was quite an??????????(accomplish).17. Regular??????????(apply) of the cream should reduce swelling(疙瘩) within 24 hours.18.??????????(person) speaking, I think the show is going to be a great success.19. After 25 years the town centre had changed beyond all??????????(recognize).20. Your information is inaccurate and your??????????(conclude) is therefore wrong.?参考答案1. recently??2. development??3. donated??4. approval5. pressure??6. effect??7. officially??8. surrounding9. stressed??10. Unfortunately??11. disagreement12. persuasive??13. function??14. unforgettable15. management??16. accomplishment??17. application18. Personally??19. recognition??20. conclusion二、?用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空1. No one has come up with a??????????(convince) explanation of why the dinosaur died out.2.??????????(disappoint) to learn that she had failed the course, she couldn t help crying.3. He tried to earn more money??????????(provide) for a large family.4. The movie “After shock”,??????????(base) on the real event, moved viewers to tears.5.??????????(compare) the copy with the original, I found there was not much difference.6.??????????(relate) what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind, and you may find the cause of your illness.7. He is a fugitive(亡命之徒) from justice trying to avoid??????????(catch) by the police.8. Though several problems remained??????????(solve), he decided to have a drink that night.9.??????????(intend) as an introduction to the course for starters, the notes were written in simple English.10. We strongly recommend??????????(report) the incident to the police, but our boss disagreed.11. I really appreciate??????????(give) such a good chance to join in a significant trip.12. If the day turns out??????????(be) wet we may have to change our plans.13. Our challenge is to motivate those voters and inspire them??????????(join) our cause.14. ??????????(belong) to a younger generation, they are more active and fashionable.15. America demanded that the Somalia pirates???????????(set) kidnapped sailors free in no time.16. After the race he sat on the ground, sweating and???????????(wear) out.17.??????????(take) everything into consideration, the project was kind of successful.18. For further information, please contact us on the???????????(attach) form.19. The weather man reported the temperatures???????????(range) between 33℃ and 37℃ for the next week.20. Having worked in several companies, his work experience??????????(equip) him to deal with all kinds of people.参考答案1. convincing??2. Disappointed??3. to provide4. based??5. Comparing??6. Relate??7. being caught8. to be solved??9. Intended??10. reporting 11. being given??12. to be1??3. to join14. Belonging??15. (should) set??16. worn 17. Taking??18. attached??19. ranging??20. equipped?三、?句型转换A. 词汇间转换1. You should prepare early for your job interview. We don’t want to find, when the time comes, that you've forgotten this, that and others.You should?????????????????????early for your job interview. We don't want to find, when the time comes, that you've forgotten this, that and others.2. So many fancy cars are being displayed that I don't know which to buy.There are so many fancy cars?????????????????????that I don't know which to buy.3. Considering her age and inexperience, her painting is not bad.??????????her age and inexperience?????????????????????????????, her painting is not bad.4. Because the storm suddenly struck, she was absent from work.She was absent from work???????????????????????????????????????????????????.5. It sounds reasonable for students to read more books during the summer vacation.It?????????????????????for students to read more books during the summer vacation.6. Unhealthy diets help cause various diseases.Unhealthy diets??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????diseases.7. We've replaced the old adding machine with a computer.We've used a computer to?????????????????????????????????????????the old adding machine.8. Van Gogh greatly influenced the development of modern painting.Van Gogh?????????????????????????????????????????the development of modern painting.9. Only after you lose your health,will you realize the importance of health.Only after you lose your health will you????????????????????????????????the importance of health.10. An interesting suggestion for measuring the atmosphere around Mars has been put forward.An interesting suggestion for measuring the atmosphere around Mars??????????????????????????????.11. We want to encourage students to participate in the running of the college.We want to encourage students to????????????????????????????????the running of the college.12. People used to feel confident about the function of modern medicine, but things are different now.People used to????????????????????????????????the function of modern medicine, but things are different now.13. Please remember all these useful words and phrases on the blackboard.Please???????????????????????????????all these useful words and phrases on the blackboard.14. Seeing the football star entering the hall, his fans suddenly crowded around him.????????????????????????????????????????the football star entering the hall, his fans suddenly crowded around him.15. Although your heart is breaking, you must face the truth that a relationship has ended.Although your heart is breaking, you must???????????????????????????????the truth that a relationship has ended.16. Our literature and art ought to meet popular taste.Our literature and art ought to??????????????????????????????popular taste.17. The House of Commons is made up of 658 members.The House of Commons?????????????????????658 members.18. He's a good writer but he is not nearly as good as Shakespeare.He's a good writer but he doesn't?????????????????????with Shakespeare.19. As for money, he is rich, but not in knowledge.??????????????????????????????money, he is rich, but not in knowledge.20. If you meet with a new word, you can refer to your dictionary.If you meet with a new word, you can???????????????????????????????in your dictionary.?参考答案1. make preparations2. on display3. Taking, into consideration4. because of / due to / owing to / thanks to the sudden storm5. makes sense6. contribute to causing a variety of7. take the place of8. had great influence/effect/impact on9. be aware of10. has come up11. get involved in12. have faith in13. keep/bear in mind14. At the sight of15. be faced with16. cater to17. consists of18. bear/stand comparison19. In terms of20. look it upB. 非谓语与从句间转换1. I still regret that I didn't seize the opportunity to go abroad for further education.I still regret?????????????????????the opportunity to go abroad for further education.2. The factory requires that its employees should work with helmets in case of accidents.The factory requires its employees?????????????????????with helmets in case of accidents.3. The police didn't inform her of why she was arrested.The police didn't inform her??????????????????????????????for her arrest.4. They got everything prepared so that they could set off early the next morning.They got everything prepared???????????????????????????????set off early the next morning.5. More than half of the students insist that we should be given more free time so that we can go over what we have learnt.More than half of the students?????????????????????????????????????????more free time so that we can go over what we have learnt.6. As she was exposed to the radiation for years, Madame Curie suffered the loss of her eyesight in her later years.??the radiation for years,???????????????????Madame Curie suffered the loss of her eyesight in her later years.7. It made her embarrassed that she forgot all about the name of her former deskmate at the class get-together.?????????????????????????????, she forgot all about the name of her former deskmate at the class get-together.8. As he completely buried himself in his studies, he knew little about the changes around him.Completely?????????????????????his studies, he knew little about the changes around him.9. Rising flood waters washed away the bridge, which caused the villagers to be cut off.Rising flood waters washed away the bridge,???????????the villagers to be cut off.10. Though he did something bad, the design he drafted is recognized.??????????what he did, the design he drafted is recognized.11. As he had not been invited to the party, Tony was very unhappy.Tony was very unhappy for?????????????????????????????????????????to the party.12. The activity program is so designed that once it is begun nothing needs to be done to change it.The activity program is so designed that?????????????????????nothing needs to be done to change it.13. If it is compared with the ancient city Xi'an, Shenzhen is rather a young and vital one.????????????????????the ancient city Xi'an, Shenzhen is rather a young and vital one.14. The professor paused as if he was expecting his students to ask questions on the point he had just made.The professor paused?????????????????????????????his students to ask questions on the point he had just made.15. Tina, who had struggled for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency.Tina,?????????????????????for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency.16. As we have much work to do this week, we'll have to delay the trip to Shanghai till next week.??????????????????????????????????????????????????this week, we'll have to delay the trip to Shanghai till next week.17. The students listened with full attention,and tried not to miss any key point.The students listened with full attention, ??????????????????????????????miss any key point.18. The great mother made up her living by picking up garbage from dawn till dark, which enabled the two of her sons to go to college.The great mother made up her living by picking up garbage from dawn till dark,???????????????????????????????for the two of her sons to go to college.19. The novel which is to be published next month is based on a true story.The novel???????????????????????????????next month is based on a true story.20. As it is painted red, the building stands out among the rest and looks very attractive.??????????red, the building stands out among the rest and looks very attractive.?参考答案1. not seizing2. to work3. of the reason(s)4. in order to / so as to5. insist on being given6. Exposed to7. To her embarrassment8. buried in9. causing10. Despite11. not having been invited12. once begun13. Compared with14. as if expecting15. having struggling16. With much work to do17. trying not to18. making it possible19. to be published20. PaintedC.?复合句及特殊句式间转换1. I watched the exciting match between Brazil and Netherlands last night.????????????????????last night???????????I watched the exciting match between Brazil andNetherlands.2. It seems that he is the one who is in charge of the factory. He???????????????????????????????the one who is in charge of the factory.3. It happened that she was out when we called.She happened???????????????????????????????when we called.4. People suggest more medical teams should be sent to the flood hit areas. ???????????????????????????????that more medical teams should be sent to the flood hit areas.5. That is why English is a language with so many confusing rules.That is????????????????????????????????English is a language with so many confusing rules.6. It is known to all that the 2012 Olympic Games will take place in London. ??????????is known to all is??????????the 2012 Olympic Games will take place in London. ??????????is known to all, the 2012 Olympic Games will take place in London.7. It is likely that the government will approve our proposal.The government???????????????????????????????approve our proposal.8. Whether the young man can manage the team successfully remains unknown. ??????????????????????????????whether the young man can manage the team successfully.9. The possibility is that pleasant smells might reduce pain. ??????????????????????????????that pleasant smells might reduce pain.10. We didn't know the trick of the advertisement until the TV host uncovered it.????????????????????the TV host uncovered it???????????????????????????????the trick of the advertisement.????????????????????????????????????????the TV host uncovered it???????????????????????????????the trick of the advertisement.11. If she had told him about the danger, he would not have got hurt.?? told him about the danger, he would not have got hurt.12. She not only speaks English correctly, but also she speaks English fluently.???????????????????????English correctly, but also she speaks English fluently.13. It has nothing to do with me. I don't mind whatever you say.It has nothing to do with me. I don't mind?????????????????????you say.14. We have to carry out our plan whatever weather it is tomorrow.We have to carry out our plan???????????????????????????????tomorrow.15. Whatever happens, the first thing is to keep cool.??????????????????????????????happens, the first thing is to keep cool.16. I have never been to New York, neither has my sister.??????????I???????????my sister has been to New York.17. How important education is to children! We should make parents aware of it.We should make parents???????????????????????????????????????????????????to children.18. The book can be of help to any one who wants to do the job.The book can be of help to???????????wants to do the job.19. Two students of our school won the first prize in the national physics contest, which excited all of us.??????????????????????????????two students of our school won the first prize in the national physics contest excited all of us.20. National leaders and experts from all around the world were present at the World Climate Conference in Copenhagen.????????????????????the World Climate Conference in Copenhagen???????????national leaders and experts from all around the world.参考答案1.??It was, that2. seems to be3. to be out4. It is suggested5. the reason why6. What, that; As7. is likely to8. It remains unknown9. It is possible10. Not until, did we know; It was not until, that we knew11. Had she12. Not only does she speak13. anything that14. whatever the weather15. No matter what16. Neither, nor17. realize how important education is18. whoever19. The news that20. Present at, were试题案例?????For years, the automobile industry has been testing vehicles that use hydrogen as fuel. Now, people across the United States have had a chance to see and even drive cars that get power from hydrogen fuel cells.?????Today's fuel cells represent huge steps forward in technology. But the hydrogen fuel cell is not a new idea. The fuel cell was invented by Sir William Grove of Britain in eighteen thirty nine. Since then, many different designs have been invented.??????There is one place where fuel cells are a proven technology: in space. The American space agency used fuel cells in its Apollo spaceships in the twentieth century. And fuel cells provide all the electrical power for space shuttles.??????The membrane separates the electrons(电子) from the protons(质子) in the hydrogen atoms (原子). The protons pass through it to the other side of the fuel cell. But the electrons are captured to do work: like powering a motor.?????Oxygen from the air is forced into the other side of the fuel cell. There, the gas meets the protons that have passed through the membrane. They combine to form water and heat.?????A single fuel cell does not produce a lot of electricity. But when many fuel cells are combined, they can produce enough electricity to power a vehicle. The product of the chemical reaction that powers fuel cells is water. This makes fuel cells a very clean technology.?????Also, fuel cells need water for their chemical reactions. They must be designed to start easily in low temperatures and in dry climates. And smaller, less costly fuel cells must be designed before they can truly take the place of gasoline engines.????There are more models of fuel cell vehicles being tested than ever before. The threat of climate change and the high cost of oil has increased interest in these vehicles that do not cause pollution. But car buyers should not expect to see fuel cell cars at their local dealer any time soon. Automakers say they will not build many fuel cell cars until hydrogen fueling and service stationsare widely available. And that will cost billions of dollars and years of effort.【整体把握】1. 文章属于什么体裁?2. 作者照什么线索组织全文的? TitleMore Model of Hydrogen Cars Being Tested The(1) _______of hydrogen fuel cell● (2) ________ by Sir William Grove in 1839. ● Used in Apollo spaceships in the twentieth century. ● Used for transportation purposes. Operatingprinciple of It has two sides divided by a thin membrane. ● Hydrogen gas from one side (3) _________ the active metal platinum.● The electrons are (4) _________ from the protons in the hydrogen atoms.● The protons pass through the fuel cell to the other side.● Oxygen from the air is (5) __________ into the other side of the fuel cell.● The gas meets the protons, and then water and heat are (6) __________.Reasonsfor slow (7) ________ ofhydrogen fuel cell cars● There are many technical problems (8) ___________. ● They have to start easily at (9) __________ temperatures and in dry climates. ● They must smaller and less costly before (10) __________ gasoline engines. 【尝试解答】请同学们先做练习,后看详解,效果会更好哦!试试看!【例题详解】本文介绍了新型汽车燃料电池的发展和应用及研发的前景,是一篇简洁明了的说明文。
