当今广东印刷业的发展(The development of the printing industry in guangdong today)

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当今广东印刷业的发展(The development of the printing industry

in guangdong today)

The development of the printing industry in guangdong today

Published in 2009-07-15 15:30:14

The printing industry in guangdong province is the most developed region in China today, and the printing industry in shenzhen is unique.

Due to the development of guangdong electronic industry and other industries, the development of packaging printing has been promoted. Hong Kong is one of the world's four big print output center, the return of Hong Kong, guangdong province, preferential policies, to a considerable amount of Hong Kong printing enterprises to invest in the pearl river delta region to do the printing shop, make the printing industry of guangdong province in just 20 years developed into a printing one of the most developed provinces in China. Guangdong province has developed into a large printing and printing province. Printing has become one of the pillar industries in guangdong province.

According to the guangdong printing association, there were 14,500 printing enterprises in guangdong province at the end of 2001, accounting for 1/8 of the national printing enterprises. The total output value of the printing industry reaches 375 billion yuan, accounting for more than 30% of the total output. According to incomplete statistics, there are 350,000 employees.

The development of printing industry in guangdong province and the province's economic structure, the province light industry products and processed products is more, in recent years, the electrical appliances product development quickly, product packaging, specifications and product publicity materials and other printed materials demand is considerable.

The printing industry in guangdong province, especially the three enterprises in shenzhen, dongguan and zhongshan, is of first-class equipment, advanced technology and strong strength. In recent years, high - grade printed books, such as fine print books, exquisite pictorial books and exquisite packaging have been printed in guangdong.

Since the reform and opening up, some foreign printed materials have also been transferred from Hong Kong to some three enterprises in guangdong province to print. According to statistics, guangdong province, the existing more than 300 of the "three to fill a" printing enterprises, more than 200 export enterprises by foreign investors, more than 300 joint ventures and that is to say, more than 1000 foreign-funded printing enterprises in guangdong province. Most of them are printed abroad, accounting for 40% of the province's sales.

Guangdong province's printing enterprises, besides the three capital enterprises, collective, private, individual enterprises are also very many. According to the association statistics, guangdong printing industry is divided into the following table according to the nature of enterprises:

Number of enterprises (%)
