

英语短剧剧本 适合5个人

英语短剧剧本 适合5个人

英语短剧剧本适合5个人第一幕:Bill and Marry are all students, they have fallen in love with each other for nearly 2 months. The class is over, Bill promised to meet Marry after class.女生跑出教学楼,男生迎了上去。


B: Darling, the class is so long, I have waited for you for nearly one hour.女:对不起,那个数学老师拖堂了四十分钟。

G:Sorry, Bill, the mathematics teacher has runned overtime for nearly 40 minutes.男:没事的。


B: That' s all right. Haha, look, how beautiful a Orange it is.女:你对我真好。


)G: You are so nice to me.女:我们分着吃吧。

G: Let us eat it together , ok?男:我吃过了。


)B: Baby, I have ate it, This Orange is special for you.女:真好吃,我们一起去图书馆看书吧。

G: It tastes so delicious. Let' s go to the library and read books.男:好的,走吧。

B: Ok, let' s go.第二幕:After one year, the two students graduate from school, they work at different corporation. They rent a small house far away from their work places, for the rent cost is mach small.两个人都毕业了,分别在两家公司上班。



英语短剧剧本(一)角色:小兔、小狗、小猴、山羊characters: hare、dog、monkey、goat画外音:小兔子肚子饿了,她想找些东西吃。




H:Oh,a radish!A big radish!I’ll pull it out.哎——嗨——呦!哎——嗨——呦!Ai-----Hay---Yo! Ai---Hay---Yo!这萝卜太重了。


The radish is too heavy. I can’t pull it out.狗:我是小狗。


哦,兔小姐,你在干什么?D: I’m a dog. I’m hungry. Oh, Miss hare,What are you doing.兔:你好,狗先生。




H:Hello,Mr.Dog.A radish,a big radish.It’s too heavy.I can’t pull it out.狗:我帮你。


D:I’ll help you.Let’s pull it together.兔:谢谢你。


H:Thank you .Let’s pull it together.兔和狗:一、二、开始!哎----嗨----呦!哎---嗨---呦!哦,这萝卜太重了。


H&D:One,two,begin!Ai---Hay—Yo!Ai—Hay—Yo!Oh,the radish is too heavy.We can’t pull it out.(小猴走了过来)猴:我是小猴。


哦,你们在干什么?M:I’m a monkey. I’m hungry.Oh, What are you doing? 兔和狗:你好,猴先生。




H&D:Hello,Mr. Monkey. A radish, a big radish. It’s too heauy. We can’t pull it out.猴:我帮你们。





场景一:早餐时间(舞台布置:餐桌和几把椅子围成一圈)角色列表:爸爸 - John 妈妈 - Lisa 女儿 - Emily 儿子 - Ben(四个人入场,坐在餐桌边,桌上已摆好早餐)John: 早上好,大家!Lisa: 早上好!今天是个美好的一天。

Emily: 妈妈,我今天有个音乐会,你们可以来看吗?Ben: 而我则要参加足球比赛。

John: 当然可以,我们一定去支持你们。

(他们继续吃早餐,然后出场)场景二:街头表演(舞台布置:假设是在街头广场上)角色列表:女儿 - Emily 男儿 - Ben 随机路人(Emily和Ben站在中心位置)Emily: 欢迎大家!我们要为大家表演一首歌曲。

Ben: 是的!我们已经准备了很久。


(表演音乐开始,Emily和Ben唱歌和跳舞)(观众掌声)随机路人: 真棒!你们俩太有才了。

Ben: 谢谢!我们很高兴你们喜欢。

(他们鞠躬,然后离场)场景三:家庭聚会(舞台布置:客厅中央放置沙发和椅子)角色列表:爷爷 - George 奶奶 - Betty 爸爸 - John 妈妈 - Lisa 女儿 - Emily 儿子 - Ben(全家人围坐在客厅)George: 看着你们成长真是太好了。

Betty: 是啊,时间过得真快。

Emily: 奶奶,你能给我们讲一个童年的故事吗?Ben: 对,我们听说你小时候很有趣。

Betty: 当然可以。

我小时候有一次在河边钓鱼,结果鱼把我拖进了水里……(家人们听得入神,大笑)场景四:家庭冲突解决(舞台布置:家庭厨房)角色列表:爸爸 - John 妈妈 - Lisa 女儿 - Emily 儿子 - Ben(John正在做晚餐,Lisa和孩子们进场)Lisa: 今天我不想吃饭,我只想看电视。



英文剧本格式(五篇材料)第一篇:英文剧本格式By Elaine Radford You've plotted your story, developed your characters, and written a scene-by-scene outline of your story.Now you're ready to write it in professional screenplay format.Keep in mind that a screenplay is visual and your characters' actions move the story forward from scene to scene.Actions show the audience what it needs to know.Your characters' dialogue supports the actions.Seeing a character do something is far more powerful than having him or her talk about it.Think of a scene as a unit of action.In each scene, define who(character or characters), what(situation), when(time of day), where(place of action), and why(purpose of the action).Scene Headings: Each time your characters move to a different setting, a new scene heading is required.Scene headings are typed on one line with some words abbreviated and all words capitalized.Authors Hillis R.Cole, Jr.and Judith H.Haag say in their book, “The Complete Guide To Standard Script Formats,” that “the various elements of a scene heading must be arranged in a specific order.” Specifically, the location of a scene is listed before the time of day when the scene takes place.Example: A scene set inside a hospital emergency room at night would have the following heading: INT.HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOMNIGHTA crowded hospital emergency waiting room.Clean but cheerless.Sick and injured people sit in plastic chairs lined up in rows.A TV mounted near the ceiling BLARES a sitcom.No one is watching.A man moans softly as he presses a bloody gauze pad against his forehead.A woman cradles a listless infant in her arms.CATHY sits at the end of the first row of plastic chairs.Herhead is bent over, and she stares intently at the floor.She raises her head slowly, brushes her long, silky hair away from her face.We see fear in her eyes as they focus on a clock that hangs above the front desk.She twists a tissue between her fingers and is unaware that bits of it are falling on the floor.The door to the emergency treatment room opens, and a middle-aged DOCTOR dressed in hospital green walks through the door toward Cathy, who bolts out of the chair and hurries toward him.DOCTOR (apologetically)We did everything possible.CATHY(gasps)What are you saying?DOCTORI'm sorry…CATHY(screaming)No!All eyes in the waiting room are riveted on Cathy and the Doctor.Cathy lunges at the Doctor, beating her fists against his chest.CATHY(CONT'D)(shouting)You killed him!Our scene ends here with Cathy's last words, but it could continue with more dialogue and action.Note that(CONT'D), the abbreviation for continued, is added in parentheses next to Cathy's name above.CONT'D is added here because Cathy has just spoken and is continuing to speak.Her dialogue was interrupted by a description of other actions, not by another character's dialogue.To make sure you use the correct tab settings, it's advisable to use one of the excellent screenplayformatting programs available for your home PC.Such programs include Movie Magic Screenwriter 2000 and Final Draft, both of which make the job of formatting your screenplay much easier.Even if you use screenwriting software, it's important to have a working knowledge of screenplay formatting so that your presentation copy looks thoroughly professional.We recommend that you read professional screenplays and familiarize yourself with formatting.However, many published screenplays are shooting scripts and contain camera directions.As a screenwriter, you are not required to indicate camera shots.In fact, it's not advisable to do this because it's the job of the film director, not the screenwriter.Formatting Exercise: Format the situation described below into a screenplay e correct scene heading, action descriptions, dialogue, and parenthetical descriptions for characters' dialogue.Situation: Bob and Marianne walk into a dark movie theater.The movie has already started, and nearly every seat is occupied.Bob, a tall, stocky young man, carries a super-sized box of popcorn and a super-sized drink.Marianne, dressed in a revealing tight sweater and jeans, carries a bag of potato chips and a large drink.She moves down the aisle quickly, scouting for seats while Bob struggles to see her in the dark.He stumbles over his own big sneakers, and popcorn spills from the container onto several patrons seated near the aisle.Bob apologizes, and other patrons tell him to “shut up.” Marianne waves to Bob from the front of the theater.She's found two seats up front.She calls out to Bob and waves frantically.A variety of comments are heard from other patrons.Bob catches up to Marianne, and they move across the row to their seats.Bob steps on a woman's toes, and she shrieks.He apologizes.Bob and Marianne finally settle into theirseats.He munches his popcorn happily and slurps his big drink.A woman seated behind Marianne squirms to see the screen above Marianne's big hair.Marianne turns toward Bob and kisses him noisily on his cheek.He smiles and squeezes her thigh.A man seated behind Bob says something unkind.Bob turns around, smiles, and tells the man he must be jealous.It's quiet for a few moments.Marianne begins opening her bag of potato chips.A man seated in front of her turns around and looks at her viciously.Marianne offers him a chip, but he declines.Marianne munches contentedly on her chips and sips from her big drink as she watches the screen.The audience is no longer watching the screen.Their angry eyes have settled on Bob and Marianne.第二篇:英文剧本台词英语剧本台词三打白骨精T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now?S: Ba jie,map!E:(摸出,递给S)S: Look, master(凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E)X:how beautiful they are!I love,I love……T: Ba jie!How Many times I have told you, not to bring these pictures of beautiful girls with you!E: Oh, master!Forgive me(伸手拿回)T:(缩手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the westE: But……T: Emitofo, nothing is lust, lust is nothing!Map?E:(递)Here.Em…… we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach doesn’t allow So.S: Fat Pig!E: Monkey ,if you dare to say these two words once again, Iwill ,I will……….S: You will what(凶相)?E:(软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤).S: H m!T:(轻咳)Wu kong, factually ,I am a bit hungry Could you go to get me some food?X:go,I’m so hungry.do you want to see your master die for hungry!E: You see , master is hungry, too!T: Ba jie!Don’t forget who ate my last meal.X:f at pig.if you want to find a beautiful girl,you must lose weight!like me.i’m perfect.ha ha……J: But master, if a monster comes while brother monkey is away…..T: Em…….It is a problem.Wukong, do you have any idea?S: No problem!(安装)(B已躲在一旁偷看)E: This is…..?S: Electric net!I have learnt the energy of electricity from master’s books.So I made this.No monster can approach you if you stay in it!T: Em……Wu kong, you are becoming more and more scientific!Emitofo, knowledge is power!S: Bye!(走)T: Let’s play cards!(三人开始打牌)音乐《斗地主》B: Hm!Hm!Electric net? You are too childish.(变成B1)B1:hello,did you see my huaband?X: Wo!A beautiful girl.E:NO,beauty。



英语剧本6人版简单短剧角色:1. 大卫(David) - 一个乐观开朗的年轻人2. 玛丽(Mary) - 大卫的好朋友,聪明而有魅力3. 托尼(Tony) - 一位滑稽可爱的男孩4. 莉莉(Lily) - 一位甜美可爱的女孩5. 保罗(Paul) - 大卫的兄弟,沉稳且有责任心6. 莎拉(Sarah) - 保罗的女朋友,聪明而优雅场景:一间小型咖啡馆故事情节:场景1:咖啡馆(大卫和玛丽坐在一张咖啡桌前,边喝咖啡边聊天)大卫:玛丽,我真的很开心我们能相互支持对方的梦想。



























校本课教案英语短剧的改编和排演一、教学目标1. 让学生掌握英语短剧改编的基本技巧,如角色分配、剧情调整、对话修改等。

2. 培养学生运用英语进行表演的能力,提高他们的口语表达和团队协作能力。

3. 增强学生对英语文化的理解,激发他们对英语学习的兴趣。

二、教学内容1. 英语短剧的基本概念和特点2. 短剧改编的原则和方法3. 角色分配和表演技巧4. 排练和演出流程5. 英语短剧欣赏与评价三、教学过程1. 导入:教师简要介绍英语短剧的基本概念和特点,激发学生兴趣。

2. 教学环节一:学习短剧改编的原则和方法。

a. 教师引导学生分析经典短剧案例,总结改编原则。

b. 学生分组讨论,分享自己喜欢的短剧改编作品。

3. 教学环节二:角色分配和表演技巧。

a. 教师讲解角色分配的原则,引导学生进行角色尝试。

b. 学生练习表演技巧,如语音、语调、表情、肢体语言等。

4. 教学环节三:学生分组进行短剧改编,创作剧本。

a. 教师提供素材,学生进行改编。

b. 学生展示改编成果,教师点评指导。

5. 教学环节四:排练和演出。

a. 学生分组进行排练,教师巡回指导。

b. 学生进行演出,录制视频,相互观摩评价。

6. 教学环节五:英语短剧欣赏与评价。

a. 教师播放优秀英语短剧视频,学生欣赏。

b. 学生进行评价,分享观后感。

四、教学评价1. 学生改编的短剧剧本质量。

2. 学生在排练和演出过程中的表现。

3. 学生对英语短剧的理解和欣赏能力。

五、教学资源1. 经典英语短剧剧本素材。

2. 表演道具和服装。

3. 视频录制设备。

4. 网络资源,如英语短剧视频、剧本等。

六、教学准备1. 教师应提前准备一系列经典英语短剧剧本,涵盖不同主题和风格,以供学生改编和排演。

2. 准备表演所需的道具、服装和布景,确保学生能够在排练和演出时有足够的资源来丰富表演。

3. 准备视频录制设备,以便在排练过程中记录学生的表演,供课后分析和评价。

4. 收集一些优秀的英语短剧视频,供学生在学习过程中欣赏和参考。





英语小话剧剧本1时间:阳光明媚的星期天早晨地点:鸟语花香的动物王国人物:Little Duck,Mr. Cat,Mr. Rat,Mr. Dog旁白:Little Duck要去看望外婆。


在小河边,他碰到了Mr Cat.Duck:(很好奇)Hello,Mr. Cat.Whatre you doing ?Cat:(急得抓耳挠腮)Hello,Little Duck .Theres a big fish in the river .Im hungry ,but I cant get it .Duck:Dont worry .Let me help you .(Little Duck跳进水里,一会儿就帮Mr. Cat抓到了鱼。

)Duck:Here is the fish for you ,Mr. Cat .Have a good meal .Cat:Thank you ,Little Duck .You are so kind .Duck:Thats all right ,Mr. Cat .I must go now .Im going to my grandmothers home .Bye-bye!Cat:Bye-bye!(Little Duck继续赶路。

忽然他看到Mr. Rat躺在草地上,连忙跑过去。

)Rat:(躺在草地上)Oh,Little Duck.I run too fast and my leg is broken.I cant stand up and I cant walk.Duck:Dont worry .Let me help you .(Little Duck拿出一条手帕帮Mr. Rat包扎好伤口,然后扶着她回家。



英语爱情小短剧剧本第一篇:英语爱情小短剧剧本This afternoon, Rita received a text message from Tim,which said that Tim had something important to tell her tonight.She was glad that Tim would like to propose to her.At 19:00,wearing beautiful clothes, Rita arrived at the restaurant they often go to,seeing Tim was already there waiting for her.R:Have you been waiting long? T:No, just a moment.R:What do you want to say? T:I think we should break up!R:Are you kidding? I thought you were to propose to me!T:I am very serious, I loved another girl, I think we do not fit or break up!I am sorry!R:I do not want to hear this, you said you would always love me.T:I'm really sorry.Rita has been immersed in the pain of lost love, her best friend comfort her.W:My dear, you should pay attention to your own body.Do not get stuck in the past.R:I really love him, how could he do this to me?W:He left you alone, he does not know how to cherish.You should know how to love yourself, there will be a better person than he waiting for you.R:I really do not know how to do.W:Do not like this, things will always go by.You have to take good care of yourself, eat on time, pay attention to rest.These days do not go to work, have a good adjustment at home.R:No, I still have to go to work, so that I will not be cranky.第二篇:英语爱情小短剧剧本This afternoon, Rita received a text message from Tim,which said that Timhad something important to tell her tonight.She was glad that Tim would like to propose to her.At 19:00,wearing beautifulclothes, Rita arrived at the restaurant they often go to,seeing Tim was already there waiting for her.R:Have you been waiting long?T:No, just a moment.R:What do you want to say?T:I think we should break up!R:Are you kidding? I thought you were to propose to me!T:I am very serious, I loved another girl, I think we do not fit or break up!I amsorry!R:I do not want to hear this, you said you would always love me.T:I'm really sorry.Rita has been immersed in the pain of lost love, her best friend comfort her.W:My dear, you should pay attention to your own body.Do not get stuck in the past.R:I really love him, how could he do this to me?W:He left you alone, he does not know how to cherish.You should know how to love yourself, there will be a better person than he waiting for you.R:I really do not know how to do.W:Do not like this, things will always go by.You have to take good care of yourself, eat on time, pay attention to rest.These days do not go to work, have a good adjustment at home.R:No, I still have to go to work, so that I will not be cranky.第三篇:剧本-英语短剧灰姑娘的百万英镑Betty-灰姑娘Sally-富翁姐T om-富翁弟Penny-衣店老板Jimmy-衣店小二Jason-白马王子Jessica-后妈Susan-后姐William-后哥Bobby-歌星 James-主持人Robin-酒店服务员Julia-服务员 Angel-服务员 Vicky-有钱人第一幕(Betty在认真扫地,Susan比划衣服,William高兴地吃东西)Susan:Bobby will hold a concert the day after tomorrow, I’m so excited.William: Oh,he is a real superstar,I want to go there.Betty: I want to go too.Susan:You?Look at yourself,so dirtyand so ugly.Jessica:Clean the room and cook for us,you have many things to do.so if you want to go,finish your work.第二幕(Tom and Sally正在享受按摩)Sally: life is so boring.T om:I agree with you,Life is so boring.Sally:Let’s have a bet.Tom:Bet on?Sally:Ok, we will give a poor person a million pound and I think everyone will like him because of his money,he will live a happy life.Tom: Sally,I don’t think so.Money is not everything, we can live a happy lives without money,we have love.Sally: Sure,Let’s go and find the person,Er..who will be the luck dog.第三幕(Betty做完工作,正试着衣服)William:Susan, look at Betty,her dress is so beautiful.Susan:Mom,mom.I like her dress(抢衣服)Betty:No,that’s my dress.It’s my father bought for me.Jessica: It’s doesn’t matter,Susan.(转脸对Betty),you are our servant.Get out!and clean the garden,pick up all the leaves.第四幕(Betty委屈的拣树叶,看着William等离开,T om和Sally在花园外看到Betty)Sally:oh,Young lady.would you please come here a moment?Betty:Who? me?Tom:Yes, you.Betty: What can I do for you?Tom: I wonder, young lady.if you’d mind us asking a few questions?Bet ty: Certainly.Sally: What’s your name? why don’t you join the concert?Betty: My name is Betty.I can’t go, because I must do housework at home, and I have no money to buy the ticket.Sally: Tom, give her the letter.Betty: For me?Tom: For you.Oh no, you mus tn’t open it now.you may open it 30 minutes later.Betty: Why?Sally: There’s money in it.Betty: Thank you!But I can’t receive it.Tom: We appreciate your honesty, young lady.That’s why We give you the letter.Sally: Betty ,30 minutes later, promise?Betty: Promise!Sally: Let’s go, Tom.(30 minutes Betty打开信封)Betty:Oh my god!第五幕(衣店,Betty进店,Jimmy 上)Jimmy:What can I do for you?Betty: Can you show me some dresses?Penny 上下打量Betty,指示Jimmy带到地下室Jimmy:This way!Betty: Thank youJimmy: These dresses are fashionable.They are new style in this summer.Penny: Jimmy, serve her quickly and get her out of the side door.Jimmy:Yes, madam。



校本课教案英语短剧的改编和排演一、教学目标:1. 让学生掌握英语短剧改编的基本技巧和方法。

2. 提高学生的英语口语表达能力和团队协作能力。

3. 培养学生的创新思维和戏剧表演兴趣。

二、教学内容:1. 英语短剧的基本概念和特点。

2. 短剧改编的策略和方法。

3. 短剧排演的基本流程和技巧。

4. 短剧表演的评价标准。

三、教学重点与难点:1. 短剧改编的方法和技巧。

2. 短剧排演的组织和实施。

3. 学生创新思维的培养。

四、教学方法:1. 讲授法:讲解短剧的基本概念、改编方法及排演技巧。

2. 案例分析法:分析经典短剧案例,引导学生深入理解改编和排演过程。

3. 实践教学法:组织学生进行短剧改编和排演实践,提高实际操作能力。

4. 小组讨论法:分组讨论,促进学生相互交流和学习。

五、教学准备:1. 教材:英语短剧精选。

2. 教学设施:投影仪、音响设备、表演道具等。

3. 网络资源:相关短剧视频、剧本等。


六、教学进程安排:1. 第四章至第六章:英语短剧的基本概念和特点,短剧改编的策略和方法,短剧排演的基本流程和技巧。

2. 第七章:短剧表演的评价标准。

3. 第八章:短剧改编实践,学生分组进行短剧改编。

4. 第九章:短剧排演实践,学生分组进行短剧排演。

5. 第十章:短剧表演展示及评价,学生进行短剧表演,教师点评并给予反馈。

七、教学评价:1. 过程性评价:关注学生在课堂讨论、小组合作、短剧改编和排演过程中的表现,评价学生的参与程度、合作意识和创新能力。

2. 终结性评价:通过学生表演的短剧,评价学生的口语表达、剧情理解、角色塑造和整体表演水平。


九、教学拓展:1. 组织学生参加校内外英语短剧比赛,提高学生的舞台表演能力。

2. 邀请戏剧专业人士进行讲座,丰富学生的戏剧知识。

3. 开展英语角活动,鼓励学生用英语进行短剧创作和表演。



英语剧本6人版短剧英语短剧剧本(精选10个)Part1: 灰太狼的主题曲,几只小羊跳着欢快的舞蹈入场。

喜羊羊:Oh! My dear friends.It is time to go to school!Let’s go!(校长出场迎接小羊)校长:Good morning!My children.Wele to school!小羊们:Good morning,Master!校长:Hurry,It’s time for class.(一起走进教室)老师:Class begin!暖洋洋:Stand up,please!老师:Good morning,boys and girls.全体羊羊:Good morning,Miss Yang.老师:Sit down,please!Isay you do.我说你们做。

Sheep,I say you do.Touch your head. (羊们双手摸头) 小羊们,我说你们做,双手摸头。

Ware your arms (羊羊们挥动双手)挥动你们的双手。

Hand in hand (羊羊们手拉手)Arm in arm (羊羊们互相拥抱)(老师出示一张图片“蛋糕”)What’s this?全体羊羊:It’s a cake.这是蛋糕。

懒羊羊:It’s a very nice cake.I want to eat it.(老师做出做蛋糕的动作)老师:What am I doing?暖羊羊:You are making a cake.全体羊羊:Yes!老师:I’m making a cake. Let’s sing the song“Make a cake”.我正在做蛋糕,现在我们来唱这首歌“做蛋糕”。



) 灰太狼:Oh,they like watching performace.We can……哦,他们喜欢看表演,我们可以这样...红太狼:Yes好的。



英语话剧表演3个剧本5篇范文第一篇:英语话剧表演3个剧本英语短剧剧本The Pocket MoneyCharacters: Narrator(N), Salesman(S), Dad(D), Maggie(M), Alice(A), Candy(C), Policeman(P)Preparation: 学校布景,做糖果用桌及相关材料,小贩家布景Scene1(At Salesman’s home)N: In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty salesman.He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students.He has a lot of money now.But how does he make the candies? Oh, xu …… He is coming!S: Hello, do you know me? No? Oh, let me tell you.I’m the famous candy salesman at the school gate.My candies are very popular,(展示),I don’t know why.The foolish students always come here.I’ll be a boss soon!Candy, money, candy, money……Oops!It’s time to make candies now.(看表)First, put the flour on the table.Then, water, sugar, flour.(边说边做)Now press, press……Oh, my dirty hands!Never mind!Just do it!(满不在意的神情)Press, press……Oh, my god!(鼻涕)Never mind!Just do it!Press, press, the children will not know it , it’s OK,hehehe…… Now let me cut it into pieces!One, two, three, four, five……(用脏菜刀)Wow, everything is ready!糖果钻出来(跳舞),跳完后,非常难过地说:Oh, I’m so dirty and ugly!What can I do? The students will eat me!And they will be ill!Wuwuwu…S: Mmmm…It looks dirty, let me give you a nice coat!(给它穿上)Wow!Now it’s so beautiful!Haha……C: Oh, no!Don’t sell me!I’m dirty!(拖糖果下场)Scene2(At the school gate)N: The next day, when the class is over, all the students come out happily and the salesman goes to the school gate as usual.(Maggie和Alice 欢快地跑出校门,看到小贩)(小贩拉着糖上场,吆喝):Candies!Candies!Sweet candies!…… M: Oh, Alice!Look!Candies!A: Yeah!I think they are yummy!M: Let’s ask him.A: OK!C: Don’t buy me!(非常焦急)M&A: Why? C: I’m dirty!M: No, you look nice!C: What can I do?(面向观众)Wuwuwu…(小贩将她拉在后面)S: Candies!Candies!(引诱两个女孩)M&A: How much are they? S: Do you have money?(轻蔑)M&A: Money?(对视)M:Oh, I’ve no money!(失落之极)A: Me too.S: No money? So sorry!(吆喝着走开,下场)M: What can we do now? A: Let’s ask dad for money.M: But how to ask?A: How?…Oh,I know ,let’s make him happy ,and he will give us money.(自信)M: Good idea!(全部下场)Scene 3:(At Maggie’s home)N: The children have to go home and ask dad for some money, and they know their father is good at playing guitar, so they will do something clever.(爸爸看报)M: Dad,dad,let’s sing a song ,OK?(同时Alice去取吉他准备拿给爸爸)A: And play the guitar for us!M: We know you play so well!(爸爸诧异地看着孩子)D: Oh? What a bright day today!M&A: Please, dad!(哀求)D:OKOK!Let’s.(取吉他,开始准备)D: Which song do you like? How about Edelweiss? M&A: Of course!(开始弹,第一段孩子随节奏起舞,第二段孩子开始轻声讨论起来“you first”之类的话,爸爸停止弹琴。






_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________【写作指导】一、审题定调本写作任务要求写一段英语戏剧剧本。









【范文展示】NARRATOR: Shylock, Antonio and Portia are now in the court. Portia is trying to rescue Antonio from Shylock’ cruelty.PORTIA: Antonio, have you borrowed money from Shylock?ANTONIO: Of course I have.PORTIA: (looks at Shylock after a few seconds’ silence) Shylock, Antonio admits he has borrowed money from you. And there is an agreement between you. Is that right? SHYLOCK: (comes a little nearer to Portia) But now he must return me three times as much as he borrows.PORTIA:What if he can’t now?SHYLOCK: (in a rude manner) He says I can cut off one pound of flesh from near his heart to pay off his debt.PORTIA: One pound? Do you have a balance?SHYLOCK: Yes, I have one here.PORTIA:You’re sure you can get back what you want?SHYLOCK: (very confident) I just have to do as he promises.PORTIA:But there’s one thing you should remember: you can just take theone-pound flesh. You mustn’t take any blood from him. If you do, you will be punished.SHYLOCK: (shocked) That impossible!PORTIA: In your agreement you say you can cut off one pound of muscle, but you don’t say anything about his blood.SHYLOCK: (regrets) I just want to take back the money he borrowed, and ..., and ..., three times more ..., the rest was just a joke.PORTIA: Wait. According to the law of Venice, half of your money shall be given to the city of Venice because you’ve tried to kill Antonio an d the other half shall be given to Antonio.SHYLOCK: Let me go home now. I am not well.【实战演练】假设你校英语俱乐部将举办英语短剧表演晚会。




以下是一个简单的英语小短剧剧本:Title: The Lost ToyCharacters:1. Little Timmy - a kind and curious boy2. Mrs. Johnson - a helpful neighbor3. Dog - a friendly petSetting: A neighborhood street(Scene I)(Enter Little Timmy, holding a toy car)Little Timmy: (sadly) Oh no! Where is my favorite toy car? I can't find it anywhere!(Scene II)(Enter Mrs. Johnson from her house)Mrs. Johnson: Hello, Timmy! What's wrong?Little Timmy: (tearfully) I lost my toy car. It was a gift from my Grandpa.Mrs. Johnson: Don't worry, Timmy. Let's look for it together. Have you checked under your bed or in the backyard?Little Timmy: Yes, but it's not there.(Scene III)(They search around the street)Mrs. Johnson: (pointing) Look over there, by the tree! Is that your toy car?(Little Timmy runs to the toy car, which is now chewed up)Little Timmy: (disappointed) Oh no! My toy car is all chewed up! And it smells like dog.Mrs. Johnson: (smiling) Maybe your dog found it and thought it was a new toy.(Scene IV)(Enter Dog, wagging its tail)Dog: (barking happily)Mrs. Johnson: See, your dog is saying sorry.Little Timmy: (smiling) It's okay, Dog. I forgive you. But next time, don't eat my toys, okay?Dog: (wagging tail faster)Scene V(Mrs. Johnson comforts Little Timmy)Mrs. Johnson: Don't be sad, Timmy. Your Grandpa will understand. He loves you more than any toy.Little Timmy: (smiling) You're right, Mrs. Johnson. Thank you for helping me.Mrs. Johnson: Anytime, Timmy. Now let's go inside and have some cookies. We can fix your toy car later.(Little Timmy and Mrs. Johnson walk into her house as the curtain closes)标题:丢失的玩具角色:1.小提米:一个善良而好奇的男孩2.约翰逊夫人:是个乐于助人的邻居3.狗:一种友好的宠物背景:一条街区街道(第一场)(走进小提米,手里拿着一辆玩具车)小提米:(悲伤地)哦,不!我最喜欢的玩具车在哪里?我哪儿也找不到!(场景二)(约翰逊夫人从家里进来)约翰逊夫人:你好,蒂米!怎么了?小提米:(泪流满面)我的玩具车丢了。





永:what's wrong with you .you looks so pale.虫:i were watching tv all the night.永:what did you watch ?虫:Have you heard of the prevalent Time-travel TV series "Bu Bu Jing Xin" ?永:ohI love it so much. the actress are beautiful, their dressing is great. 虫:me too.if you have a chance ,which dynasty do you want to transported to ? 永:of course .song dynasty.I"d like to protect our country .and let citizen have a easy living.虫:what a great ideal!永:but it is so ridiculous.we won't have chance to transported.虫:i don‘t agree with you .everything is possible.男的破门而入男:what happened ?where i am ?where my sweetheart xiaoqian?xiaoqian? xiaoqian? Where are you ?绕教室跑下去,问班上的众人who are you ? Where i am ? all of you look so strange! What happened? Tell me ,who can tell me ?永:look at that guy!he looks so amusing!虫:What happened to he?永:you see .his hair is so long .style is strang,the dressing likes acient people.虫:wow ,is he transported永:no ,it's impossible.虫:look! he is getting close to us.男:young ladies.i'm so glad to meet you here. You are familiar to me! oh god ! "xiaoqian" why are you here ? i'm looking for you all the time .原本慢慢走近,最后疾步坐过去抓住女的的肩膀。



初中英语短剧剧本《Thefunnytalking》[推荐5篇]第一篇:初中英语短剧剧本《The funny talking》郑 Aside [əˈsaid]:(Class will start soon)旁白:马上要上课了方 Tom:Joe,could I see your composition[ˈkɒmpəˈzɪʃn] ?Tom:Joe,我可以看看你的作文吗?杰 Joe:OK。


Aside:(Tom copies the composition and hand in it.In a short time,the teacher come in with a book.)旁白:T om抄袭了作文并交了上去。

不一会儿,老师拿着一本书进来了然 Teacher: Class begin!老师:上课!肖 class monitor['mɒnɪtə(r)] :Stand up!班长:起立!All the students:Good afternoon,Ms.Green.全体同学:下午好,格莱恩女士。

Teacher:Good afternoon,class.Sit down,please.老师:下午好,同学们。


Teacher:Before class, I want to ask you a question: Did you do your homework by yourselves?If you do,please put up your hands.老师:在上课之前,我想问你们一个问题:你们是独立完成家庭作业吗?如果你这样做,请举手。

Aside:(All the students put up their hands.)旁白:(所有学生都举起了手。

)Teacher: But Tom, your composition on “My Dog” is exactly the same as your brother,Joe’s.Did you copy his? 老师: 但是Tom, 你的作文“我的狗狗”里写的东西和你哥哥Joe写得一模一样.你是不是抄袭了他的? Tom: No Ms.Green, it’s th e same dog.Tom: 不是这样的,老师!我们俩养的是同一只狗狗.Aside:(The teacher is angry.At the same time,Frank coming.)旁白:(老师有一些生气。



小学英语小话剧剧本(精选五篇)第一篇:小学英语小话剧剧本Drama Roles:1-Rabbit;2-Duck(a&b);3-Hen(a&b);4-Monkey(a&b);5-Pig(a&b);6-Cat(a&b);7-Cow;8-Donkey(Spring is coming.Trees are getting green.Flowers are coming out.There is a big farm in front of the rabbit’s house.)R: What a big farm!I have many seeds.I want to plant something on it.And I need some help.(The rabbit comes to the ducks’ ho use.Knock-knock.)R: Hello,.Would you like to help me plant seeds on the farm? Ducks: Sorry.We are busy.R: All right.I’ll ask others for help.(The rabbit is leaving.)Duck-a: We may get tired after work.Duck-b: Yeah.That’s right.It’s better to stay at home.(The rabbit comes to the hens’ house.Knock-knock.)R: Hello,.Would you like to help me plant seeds on the farm? Hens: Sorry.We are busy.R: It doesn’t matter.(The rabbit is leaving.)Hen-a: Our beautiful clothes may get dirty and our white skin will get dark.Hen-b: Right.We have to go to parties.(The rabbit comes to the monkeys’ house.Knock-knock.)R: Hello,.Would you like to help me plant seeds on the farm? Monkeys: Sorry.We are busy.(The rabbit is leaving.)Monkey-a: Why shan’t we help Rabbit? Monkey-b: Don’t be silly.It’s more fun to play.Monkey-a: Oh~!I see.Let’s play!(The rabbit comes to the pigs’ house.Knock-knock.)R: Hello,.Would you like to help me plant seeds on the farm? Pig-a: Sorry!We have many work to do.R: I see.Then thank you all the same.(The rabbit is leaving.)Pig-b: Dad!We have no work.We just eat and sleep all the time.Ping-a: Don’t worry.Though we don’t work, the food may come as usual.(The rabbit comes to the cats’ house.Knock-knock.)Rabbit: Hello,.Would you like to help me plant seeds on the farm? Cat-a:Sorry, we have other job to do.Cat-b: We are going to catch mice.Rabbit: Well.Thank you all the same.(The rabbit sit near the farm.The cow and the donkey come over.)Cow: Hello, rabbit.Why are you so upset? Rabbit: I want to plant seeds on this farm.But nobody likes to help me.Donkey: I am sorry to hear that.Maybe I can do you a favor.Rabbit: Really.I am glad to hear that.Cow: I can help you, too.I am strong.Rabbit: Thank you.(Cow, Donkey and Rabbit works hard the farm every day.And the harvest time comes)Rabbit: Look!There are so many food, watermelons, carrots, strawberries… Cow, Donkey: Let’s have a celebration.(They are eating the food.)Rabbit, Cow, Donkey: They are delicious.(Ducks, Hens, Monkeys, Pigs, Cats pass.)D, H, M, P & C: Can we have some? Rabbit: Sorry!No pains, no gains.第二篇:小红帽英语话剧剧本小红帽演员表Mum:Little Red Riding Hood:Six Ducks:道具:篮子、苹果、桌子,床、围巾(红色、灰色)、大树、针线、抢、石头、围裙第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里)Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi ,mummy, what are you doing?Mum:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill.Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma.Take them to Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!Mum:(亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说)Be good.Be careful.Little Red Riding Hood:Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.Mum: Bye-bye.Darling.第二场:在路上(一阵轻快的音乐远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful!(放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf.I am hungry.(做出找东西状,东张西望)Here is a little red riding hood.Hi!Little Red Riding Hood.Where are you going?(做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.1 Wolf: Hunter:Wolf:(自言自语)I' ll eat Grandma.But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look!6 little baby ducks.Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)音乐Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后)Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello!Baby ducks,how are you?Six Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you going?Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye.Six Ducks:Goodbye.第三场:Grandma家Grandma:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。



8分钟英语小品剧本(共五则范文)第一篇:8分钟英语小品剧本Keep Away From The Net Bar场景:1、中午,一间网吧内乌烟瘴气,几台电脑正传出游戏的声音。




对T om 的进步作出表扬并倡导大家远离网吧。

剧中人物:T om,boss,Ms.Wu,student A B C…道具:几张桌椅,几台“电脑”,一张讲台,一块活动黑板,下课铃声,试卷Reporter:Scene1:This is a net bar.This room is full of smog and the noise of playing computer games.Now,it’s 12 o’clock.There’s still a lot of people sitting in front of the computers.Look,Tom is one of them.He is playing computer games carefully.Tom:(手指在键盘上跳跃,两眼注视着屏幕。

兴奋地说)Oh,yeah!I win!I'm the winner!Boss:(翘着脚坐在一旁。

)Hi,Little kid,time is up,you must stop.Tom:(边咳嗽,边揉揉眼睛,作疲劳状,顾不上回答。

)Wait a moment,boss,wait a moment.Let me play for a while.I'll win this game.Boss:Oh no.Unless you pay me more money.Tom:OK.OK.Please wait a minute,I'll pay you the money.(继续前全神贯注地玩着游戏。





小情景剧表演:情景一:Boy: Good morning, ×××.Girl: Good morning, ×××.Boy: This is my mommy. This is my daddy.Girl: Hello, uncle. Hello, auntie.Mommy and daddy: Good morning, ×××.Girl: ×××. This is my brother. This is my sister.Boy: Good morning!Brother and sister: Good morning!律动(This is my…)情景二:Mommy, daddy: We are hungry, let’s go to eat something.Boy, girl, brother and sister: OK! How do we go?扮演Bus的同学开着bus经过: Bus, bus, bus, get on the bus. Bi bi bi …..扮演train的同学开着train经过: Train, train, train, long long trainWoowoo…扮演motorcycle的同学开着motorcycle经过: motorcycle, motorcycle,go go go.两个扮演taxi的同学开着taxi经过: Taxi, taxi, I am a taxi.Mommy and daddy: let’s go by taxi.Boy, girl, brother and sister: OK!Boy, mommy and daddy坐上taxi.Girl, brother and sister坐上另一辆taxi.情景三:Boy, mommy and daddy. Girl, brother and sister: Thank you! Bye-bye.(跟taxi说)Taxi: bye-bye.进入,坐在桌子旁Waitress(拿着盘子): Welcome, what would you like?Boy: I like cakes.Girl: I like popcorns.Brother: I like milk.Sister: I like juice.Mommy: I like tea.Daddy: I like coffee.Waitress: OK! Cake for you! (拿给boy) popcorn for you. (拿给girl), Milk for brother. Juice for sister. Tea for mommy, coffee fordaddy.Boy, Girl, brother and sister: Thank you! Yummy, yummy!Mommy and daddy: Let’s go home.Boy, Girl, brother and sister: OK!律动(Go home.)All the kids: Bye-bye!。

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