The Mississippi River 密西西比河




The national flag
50 stars: 50 states 13 stripes: the f i r s t 13 states that used to be
colonies red: valor and hardiness white: innocence and purity blue: vigilance, perseverance and justice
The Central valley of Californ highly productive area basic field crops as sugar beets, beans, rice and cotton
The United States is mainly situated i the northern temperate zone.
Administrative States
· 50 states The largest in area: Alaska The second: Texas The youngest: Alaska and Hawaii
· Afederal district The District of Columbia Capital City: Washington
Yellowstone National Park
It covers an area of about 9000 are about 3,000 geysers and hot springs in the park.There are also other natural wonders.
Deep South
South Carolina Georgia Texas Alabama Mississippi Louisiana



密西西比河风光密西西比河(Mississippi River)是北美洲最长的河流,其长度达到约3,767千米(2,348英里)。


























Influence and Status
This book is a pioneer of American native literature.
Life on the Mississippi established Twa in not only the most popular humoristo f his time but also America's most pro found chronicler of the human comedy His life and works are a mirror of America of his time.
it includes afair amount of commentary
aboutlife in America after the Civil War, refl ecting on the differences between the North and the South. He also tells some stories that are most likel y tall tales.
Life on the Mississippi
------Mark Twain
Mark Twain and the Mississippi river
Mark Twain loved the great river so much that he always went in the direction of the nearby Mississippi. Many of his great works are set in the background of the Mississippi.



关于密西西比河和麦肯齐河的英语文章"Life on the Mississippi" is an autobiographical journey, Mark Twain recalls his work as seaman on the Mississippi River, the author has great interest in the Mississippi River, under his pen, the river with a rich vitality, be the most changeful, elusive capricious image appears in front of people it is destructive, great great harm, and raising the land and the people on the river basin. The little school education Mark Twain, Mississippi is a university, which he met many natural phenomena and subtle and complicated social phenomenon. The fluctuation of the river on the Mississippi River will directly affect the prosperity and destruction of the farm, the prosperity and decline of the city. One of the strangest features of the Mississippi River is the shortening of the river. Some bad guy because of his plantation in a little far away from the river in the country, the land price is low, when the river soar, as long as he was waiting for the opportunity to take advantage of the night to dig a trench that a narrow isthmus, the river water is diverted into it, so in a short time the unexpected, there will be a miracle: that is, the entire Mississippi River occupies the gully, the remote places of the plantation moved to its shore (to make his land prices fourtimes), while the other person is worth the plantation was isolated to the way, become a big island."After the end of the civil war, the United States began to enter the rapid development of the gilded age". The railway quickly spread throughout the country in the United States, a series of social contradictions appeared, such as slavery, population expansion, city migration, religious revival, racism, and legislative reform upsurge. In pursuit of material interests, people increasingly neglect spiritual things, and lack of inner emptiness. The relationship between man and nature in the coexistence and integration to the opposition and the deterioration of the process, human nature has gradually deviated from the essence of nature, alienation, materialization, eventually led to the deterioration of the environment of globalization and ecological crisis. While civilization brings great material wealth to people, it also tarnished the original purity of human mind, and suppressed the natural and healthy nature."The author pointed out sharply, for thousands of years is the emperor and a few people have the right to control everything, but this kind of power "from today, in this country, is always reduced to ashes, because in this country rises aimperial power than any more power, and this power" it will be on the throne, wielding a mace, so the hungry can eat cold, people can have clothes, those false princes will destroy, and the true master will come to power". The real owner he refers to is the organized working class. He said: "when all the masons, all mechanical workers, all the miners, all the iron industry, printing workers, dock workers, painters, railway driver, saleswoman all the seamstress all, all of the operator, in a word, all hidden the things you call the power of the entity, and not without the power of the toiling masses when these people together, with your love for what a name for this great situation, the fact is that a country will end up." Finally, he said with confidence that this will be the beginning of the world's great age, he is facing the human right cause and will succeed.。



英语专业八级人文知识美国概况练习题:1 The traditional dividing line in America between “east” and “west” is__The Mississippi River___.2 The earliest part in America to be found and taken over by early settlers is The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain____.3 The largest racial group in the whole population of U.S.A is__Non-hispanics white__.4 Before 2000, the largest minority group in the United States is_African Americans___.5 __America__has the world’s oldest written constitution and political party.6 The economic problem caused by the depression in 1929 was eventually solved by World War two____.7 In the United States, primary education requires_six___years.8 Most college students in the United States are in_public institutions.9 The three main levels of courts of the federal judicial system in America are__District Courts_____Courts of Appeal____Supreme Court._.10 __Louisana___(which state )is not governed by the commonlaw.练习题答案及题解:1. The Mississippi River, 密西西比河是美国传统的东方和西方的分界线。



The Fall Line瀑布线:A point where water-falls or rapids suddenly drop from a higher level to the lower one.瀑布线指的是瀑布急速地从高处向低处流泻的点。

The Appalachian Range阿巴拉契亚山脉:1200 miles long,consists of the Piedmont Plateau, Appalachian Plateaus and Appalachian Range.阿巴拉契亚山脉全场1200英里,由皮德蒙特高原、阿巴拉契亚高原及阿巴拉契亚山脉组成。

The Cordillera Range科迪勒拉山脉:Composed of the Coast Range, the Cascades and the Rocky Mountains.科迪勒拉山脉由海岸山脉、卡斯卡德山以及洛基山组成。

The Great Basin大盆地:The Part between the Colorado and Columbia Plateaus.指的是科罗拉多和哥伦比亚高地之间的部分。

The Great Central Plain中部大平原:The land mass between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachians.指的是洛基山和阿巴拉伊亚山之间的平原。

The Great Plain大平原:The western part of the central plain.大平原:指的是中部平原以西的部分。

The Mississippi River密西西比河:The longest, the most important river in the U.S.A. . It has a drainage area of 3225000 square kilometers.密西西比河是美国最长、最重要的河流。

汤姆索亚历险记 英文梗概

汤姆索亚历险记 英文梗概


The story first half of the 19th century, the Mississippi River in an ordinary town. 汤姆·索亚是个调皮的孩子,他和同父异母的弟弟一起接受姨妈波莉的监护。

Tom Sawyer is a mischievous child, he and his half-brother, aunt Polly with the acceptance of guardianship. 他总是能想出各种各样的恶作剧,让波莉姨妈无可奈何,而他也总能想尽办法来躲避惩罚。

He can always come up with a variety of pranks, so helpless Aunt Polly, and he always tried their best to avoid punishment. 一天,汤姆见到了可爱的姑娘贝基·撒切尔,她是撒切尔法官的女儿。

One day, Tom met a lovely girl, Becky Thatcher, she is the daughter of Judge Thatcher. 汤姆一见到她就对她展开了攻势。

Tom saw her she launched a major attack. 而他的爱似乎也得到了回应。

His love seems to get a response. 镇上有一个孩子叫哈克贝利·费恩。

The town has a child called Huckleberry Finn. 他的父亲总是酗酒,父母一直打架,因此他跑出来自己生活。

His father is always drinking, parents have been fighting, so he ran out of their own lives. 他看起来和文明社会格格不入,大人们都不喜欢他,可汤姆和他却是好朋友。



1、世界流域面积最大的河流——亚马孙河(The Amazon River)2、世界最长的河——尼罗河(Nile)3、长江(the Yangtze River )4、密西西比河(The Mississippi River)5、泰晤士河(The River Thames)6、黄河(The Yellow River)Rhein,莱茵河,全长1320公里,欧洲最大的水运大动脉。

Donau,Donav,Dunarea,多瑙河,全长2850公里,为欧洲第二大河,干流流经德国(Germany)、奥地利(Austria)、斯洛伐克(Slovakia)、匈牙利(Hungary)、塞黑(Serbia and Montenegro)、克罗地亚(Croatia)、保加利亚(Bulgaria)、罗马尼亚(Romania)、乌克兰(Ukraine)等九个国家,为世界上干流流经国家最多的河流。




River Elbe,易北河Thames,泰晤士河Loire,卢瓦尔河Rhone,罗讷河Kiel,基尔运河,全长98.7公里,将北海和波罗的海之航程缩短了760公里太平洋Pacific Ocean印度洋Indian Ocean大西洋Atlantic ocean北冰洋the Arctic Ocean亚洲Asia非洲Africa欧洲Europe南极洲Antarctica北美洲North America南美洲South America或者Latin America大洋洲Oceania阿尔卑斯山Alps安第斯山Andes Mountains落基山Rocky Mountain大高加索山Great Caucasus喜马拉雅山Himalayan Mountains昆仑山Kunlun Mountains秦岭Tsinling Mountains阿尔泰山脉Altay Mountains富士山Fuji Mount念青唐古拉山Nien-ch'ing-t'ang-ku-la Mountains1.北非的撒哈拉大沙漠Sahara Desert2.西亚的鲁卜哈利沙漠Rub Al Khal Desert3.中国新疆的塔克拉玛干沙漠Taklimakan Desert贝加尔湖——容量最大,最深的淡水湖.Lake Baikal|BaikalSea|Baykal俄语拉丁字母转写作Baykalskoye Ozero或Ozero Baykal,亦作Ozero Bajkal。



The Mississippi River, 3,779 km long, is the second longest river, after the Missouri river(密苏里河), which actually is a Mississippi tributary(4090km), in the United States. The Mississippi rises in Minnesota(明尼苏达州)and then flows south, following the boundaries between many states from north to south. Its triangular drainage area, covering about 40% of the country and including all or part of 31 states, is approximately 3,250,000 sq km (1,250,000 sq mi), the third largest in the world.The name Mississippi is derived from the Algonquian word, which from a language used by a native people of North America, misi-ziibi ("Great River") or gichi-ziibi ("Big River") at its headwaters.And the name means "father of waters". The agriculture of areas along the Mississippi river is quite prosperous. First are crops. There are many fertile farms in the plain area of Mississippi,which is granaries of America. Among different kinds of crops,cotton is the most important one. During 19th century,the large production of cotton of this area also stimulated the American industry revolution.Then is Stockbreeding。



绿鹦 鹉
密 西 昂夏 西多 比勃 河里 风 光
旖 旎
密西西比河风光旖旎,我国也有很多秀丽的自然风光。要想永远保有这些风光的秀美, 你觉得我们应该做些什么?
槭树( qī )
踯躅( zhízhú )
鸟喙( huì )
啁啾( zhōu ) 酩酊( mǐngdǐng )
1、文中哪一句话总括了景 物的特点? 2、朗读课文,找出每一段 的中心句。
第一部分:(第1自然段)总写密西西 比河风光旖旎。 第二部分:(第2----3自然段)写出了东 岸和西岸风光的特点。 第三部分:(第4自然段)总写了密西 西比河充满了一种亲切而粗犷的和谐 。
2、作者主要是从哪几方面来表现东岸与西岸的 不同? 作者主要是从以下三个方面表现东岸与西岸的 不同的。
描写的方式是从总体到局部。植物的总体特点 是多而杂,植株高。这些植物分布广,颜色多,气 味芬芳,生长茁壮,高耸入云。接下来分写了几个 种类。野葡萄、喇叭花、苦苹果等爬蔓植物,攀缘 交错,形成了无数的洞穴、拱顶、廊柱以及花桥。 然后,聚焦在木兰树上。它的身姿挺拔,耸立着静 止不动的锥形圆顶,开着硕大的白花,俯视着整个 丛林。它的美丽姿态只有棕榈树可以相比。为了突 出爬蔓植物的高、多、密,还写到槭树、鹅掌楸、 蜀葵,为了衬托木兰树的与众不同,还用“咬着绿 扇的棕榈”与之衬托。




密西西比河景观图(20张) 若以发源于落基山脉东坡的最大支流密苏里河的源头起算,长6262千米,名列世界第四。

流域北起五大湖附近,南达墨西哥湾,东接阿巴拉契亚山脉,西至落基山脉,面积322 万平方千米,约占北美洲面积的1/8。

汇集了共约250 多条支流,西岸支流比东岸多而长,形成巨大的不对称树枝状水系。






密西西比河的源头在明尼苏达州的艾塔斯卡湖(Lake Itasca),最初只是一条细流蜿蜒向南。






在明尼阿波利斯附近,河流流经1.2 千米长的峡谷急流带,落差19.5米,形成著名的圣安东尼瀑布。


密西西比河的中游从明尼阿波利斯和圣保罗至俄亥俄河口的开罗,长1373 千米,两岸先后汇入奇珀瓦河、威斯康星河、得梅因河、伊利诺伊河、密苏里河和俄亥俄河。

密西西比河 The Mississippi River, the Symbol of American Spirits

密西西比河 The Mississippi River, the Symbol of American Spirits

The Mississippi River, the Symbol of American SpiritsThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, plays a very brilliant and predominant role in American literature. It is a novel of freedom and integrity. The story is about Huck Finn and Jim‟s adv entures journey down the Mississippi River on a raft. Huck is a white boy with a good heart, who escapes from being “civilized” and the maltreatment of his drunkard father. Jim is a runaway nigger, who is afraid of being sold. They are both forced to flee from the human society in order to be free. During the journey down the Mississippi River, they reveal their kindness by nature and establishes a profound relationship, but their isolating “society” is constantly disturbed and suffering the wicked acts fro m the banks of the “civilization society”. Relying on their wisdom and courage, they obtain freedom in the end. By contrasting the two kinds of societies, Twain thoroughly disclosed the hypocrisy of freedom and democracy in American society of his age. On the other hand, he showed his admiration to the people, both whites and blacks, with the spirit of bravely fighting for freedom and integrity. The theme in this novel, indeed, is that all of men, whites or blacks, should live in a truly democratic country.Beneath that theme, Mark Twain also succeeds in portraying the Great Mississippi River which carries Huck and Jim to beautiful, but sometimes it is so violent ferocious and terrible. It seems to be anembodiment of some spirits.“Some critics, notab ly T. S. Eliot and Lionel Trilling, have gone so far as to see in the River a kind of symbolic deity, a power sufficient to itself. The River …is not ethical or good,‟ Trilling says, but it helps goodness grow in those people who make it an important element in their lives.”1While T. S. Eliot has a more profound understanding of the Mississippi River in this novel.“Eliot maintains that the River dominates the structural form of the novel. The River is used metaphorically, structurally and thematically. Huck sees the big River gliding by and is suffused with a sense of awe and majestic calm. All adventures begin and end on the River. Jim‟s freedom------the central point of the novel------involves a journey down the River.”In my opinion, the image of the Mississippi River is skillfully endowed with rich American national spirits and cultural connotations. In fact, Mark Twain uses the Mississippi River in this novel on purposes. And I think there are an objective factor. The former is that the Mississippi River has been contributing a lot to American History; and the latter, Twain‟s personal nostalgia for his boyhood and piloting days on the River.On the other hand, the name of the Mississippi has extended meaning. Inthe days before the Civil War, the River was the major channel of trade and communication in the whole country. In history, the Mississippi played a very important role in the lives of the aboriginal people settled on its banks. Another contribution to American History by the Mississippi should also be respected. The European explorers of the river appeared in 16 century. But their grasp on the Mississippi was never firm.The Mississippi River‟s unique contribution to American History is symbolically used in the novel of the Adventures of Huck Finn. There, Mark Twain makes the Mississippi as a symbol of an eternal God embodying the key spirits of American Nation. “…the great Mississippi, the majestic, the magnificent Mississippi, tolling its mile-wide tide along.” In Twain‟s heart, she l oves freedom and seeks for the true, the good and the beautiful. So she shows her maternal love and care to the people, who is kind and brave by nature and eager for freedom; but she hates evil and punishes them with her power. She even purifies the spirit of people, and create new birth by her transcendental gift.。



"密西西比河上的生活"的英文翻译为"The Life on the Mississippi River"。



















3. Lakes 湖泊 The most important lakes in the United States are the Great Lakes五大湖: (1) Lake Superior 苏必利尔湖, which is the largest fresh water lake in the world. (2) Lake Michigan密歇根湖(the only one entirely in the US) (3) Lake Huron休伦湖 (4) Lake Erie伊利湖 (5) Lake Ontario 安大略湖 They are all located between Canada and the United States except Lake Michigan.
பைடு நூலகம்
2. Rivers河流 The Mississippi River密西西比河: It is one of the world’s greatest continental rivers. It has been called “Father of Waters众河之父” or “Old Man River老人 河”. Ohio River俄亥俄河: It is another major river in America. It has been called the American Ruhr美国的 鲁尔河 after the Ruhr River in Germany. The river provides cheap water transportation for raw materials. 俄亥俄河被称为美国的鲁尔河,该河为原材料提供了便 宜的水路运输。 The Rio Grande River格兰德河: It flows to the Gulf of Mexico, forming a natural boundary between Mexico and the US.格兰德河是美国和墨西哥之间的天然界河。



答案:3767 千米。

密西西比河(英语:Mississippi River),位于北美洲中南部,流域面积约为300万平方公里,是北美最大的水系,也是北美最长的河流,源头在美国明尼苏达州西北部海拔446米的艾塔斯卡湖,流经中央大平原,向南注入墨西哥湾。





the Mississippi River

the Mississippi River

马克吐温最闻名的是围绕密西西比河的著作,毕生最享盛名的 三大著作:《哈克贝里费恩历险记》、《汤姆索亚历险记》 和《在密西西比河上》。从诸上作品中,可以看到马克吐温 与这条河流内在有着深深的联系。
The language feature: “Life on the Mississippi ” is mainly talking about sailor’s life, local color and writer’s personal experience give us the impressive expression. It described some arrogant sailors was sold by their poor grammar. On the one hand, those sailors talked about their noble background and good education with others confidently; on the other hand, their ridiculous language is not agree with what they said. This not only makes the readers laugh, also show a strong ironic meaning. 语言特色:《密西西比河上的生活》主要讲述关于水手生 活的故事,地方特色和对作者亲身经历过的水手生活的真实 描述而令人印象深刻。书中描写了一些自傲的水手却总被 自己的贫乏的语法出卖。一方面,他们自信地与别人谈论 他们的高贵出身和良好教育;另一方面,他们可笑的语言 表达却与他们的说法不符。这不仅让读者开怀大笑,也表现 出一种强烈地讽刺意味。



密西西比河(The Mississippi River)是世界第四长河,也是北美洲流程最长、流域面积最广、水量最大的河流。













它在印第安语中是“大河”的意思,发源于苏必利尔湖以西的伊塔斯喀湖,流经中部平原,向南经新奥尔良注入墨西哥湾,全长约 6 200千米,是世界第四长河,这里终年温暖多雨,作物生长良好,水流稳定,航道深阔,航运价值很大,是美国经济比较发达的平原地区。



• 尼罗河是一条流经非洲东部与北部的河流,与中 非地区的刚果河以及西非地区的尼日尔河并列非 洲最大的三个河流系统。尼罗河长6,670km,是 世界上最长的河流。2007年虽有来自巴西的学者 宣称亚马逊河长度更胜一筹,但尚未获得全球地 理学界的普遍认同。尼罗河有两条主要的支流, 白尼罗河和青尼罗河。发源于埃塞俄比亚高原的 青尼罗河是尼罗河下游大多数水和营养的来源, 但是白尼罗河则是两条支流中最长的。
• 亚马孙河(葡萄牙语:Rio Amazonas;西班 牙语:Rio Amazonas,又译“亚马逊河”), 位于南美洲,是世界流量、流域最大的、支流 最多的河流,长度位居世界第二。亚马逊河流 量达每秒219,000立方米,流量比其他三条大河 尼罗河、长江、密西西比河的总和还要大几倍, 大约相当于7条长江的流量,占世界河流流量的 20%;流域面积达6,915,000平方公里,占南美 州面积的40%;支流数超过1万5千条。
• 密西西比河(The Mississippi River)是世界第 四长河,也是北美洲流程最长、流域面积最广、 水量最大的河流。位于北美洲中南部,注入墨西 哥湾。“密西西比”是英文“mississippi”的音 译,来源于印第安人阿耳冈昆族语言,“密西” (misi)和“西比(sipi)分别是“大、老”和 “水”的意思,“密西西比”即“大河”或“老 人河”。干流发源于苏必利尔湖以西,美国明尼 苏达州西北部海拔501米的、小小的艾塔斯卡湖, 向南流经中部平原,注入墨西哥湾。

1.长江 2.密西西比河 3.尼罗河 4.亚马孙河

长江,亚洲第一大河,其流域面积、长度、水量 都占亚洲第一位。它发源于青藏高原唐古拉山的 主峰各拉丹冬雪山。长江流域从西到东约3,219公 里,由北至南966公里余。长江流经:青藏高原青海(青)-四川(川)-西藏(藏)-云南(滇)重庆(渝)-湖北(鄂)-湖南(湘)-江西(赣)安徽(皖)-江苏(苏)-上海(沪)注入东海。 长江全长6397千米,是世界第三长河,仅次于非 洲的尼罗河与南美洲的亚马逊河,水量也是世界 第三。总面积1808500平方公里(不包括淮河流 域),约占全国土地总面积的1/5,和黄河一起并 称为“母亲河”。


波利斯和圣保罗为密西西比河的上游。密西西比河上游也包括密西西比河的最大支 流密苏里河的河口以上干流部分,实际上是包括整个密苏里河流域和密西西比河本身的上游流域,全长达 4300多千米。它首先流经落基山地,河流分割山地,水系复杂,支流如辫,形成许多风景秀丽的峡谷。流经 大瀑布城附近的一段,在长仅16千米的流程中,落差就达187米,形成著名的圣安东尼瀑布。从米尔克河口 至苏城,流经密苏里丘陵性高原,河谷仍深狭。在苏城以下河流就进入平原区,河床变得弯曲,两岸形成广 大沼泽。这一地区水土流失比较严重,流域水源主要靠高山雪水补给。泥沙含量在密西西比河流域内的干、 支流中首屈一指,年平均含沙量达3.1亿多吨,约占整个密西西比河每年输入海洋中的泥沙量的75%。所以 过去美国人称密苏里河为“狂暴的大泥泞河”。从伊塔斯喀湖至密苏里河口,这段密西西比河干流也属上游 地区。河水从伊塔斯喀湖流出后,蜿蜒于森林和沼泽之中,在这里水流是缓慢的,这与一般河流上游水流湍 急的情景完全不同。在河源附近,是星罗棋布的大大小小湖泊。在这一河段上,坐落着美国中北部最年轻的 大城市——“双子城”,也称为“千湖之城”。该城由于地处春小麦与乳酪带的交界处,再加上密西西比河 丰富的水利资源相配合,成为美国重要的轻工业中心之一,是美国中北部较大的商业、金融、电子、农业机 械和运输机器制造中心。它又是美国重要枫树产地。枫树既能绿化大地,美化环境,还可提取枫糖,木材可 制家具或供建筑之用。每年采摘红叶季节,许多人来这里观赏与采集,现已开发成了游览区。
● 河源段从河源至明尼苏达州的圣保罗通航起点。河水清凉,静悄悄蜿蜒於有众多湖泊和沼泽的乡 间低地。上游从圣保罗至密苏里州圣路易附近密苏里河河口。此段流经石灰岩峭壁之间,沿途经 过明尼苏达、威斯康辛、伊利诺和爱荷华州吸收两岸河溪流水。正是这一河段取得了使操阿尔冈 昆语的印第安人称之为「河流之父」的特性。自密苏里河汇入处至俄亥俄河口为中段,长322千 米。密苏里河水流湍急,泥沙混浊,尤其在氾滥期,给清澈的密西西比河不但增加了流量,而且 输入了大量泥沙。俄亥俄河在伊利诺州开罗汇入後,为密西西比河下游,该段河水丰满,河道宽 广,两岸之间往往有2.4千米之距,成一棕色洪流,缓缓奔向墨西哥湾。
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River Course
• the Upper Mississippi From its origin at Lake Itasca to St. Louis, Missour • the Middle Mississippi From St. Louis to the Ohio River confluence • the Lower Mississippi from its confluence(合 流点) with the Ohio River to its mouth at the Gulf of Mexico
Old Man River
The Great River
Old Blue
Moon River
Basic Information
• Source Lake Itasca(艾塔斯卡湖) • Mouth Gulf of Mexico(墨西哥湾)
• Length
2,348 mi / 6,020 km
(after the Nile, Amazon River, Yangtze River) • triangular drainage area —40% of the country(U.S.) • an important transportation artery of North America.
• Native Americans
Modern American Indian nations inhabiting the Mississippi basin include Cheyenne, Sioux, Ojibwe, Potawatomi, Ho-Chunk, Fox, Kickapoo, Tamaroa, Moingwena, Quapaw and Chickasaw.
In popular culture
• William Faulkner • Mark Twain • Herman Melville
• William Faulkner
The Bear
Nobel Prize for Literature, 1949
• Mark Twain
Life on the Mississippi
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
• Herman Melville
The Confidence-Man
• The song "When the Levee Breaks" by Led Zeppelin • A set of movements for symphony orchestra entitled "Mississippi Suite" by Ferde Grofé • "Ol' Man River"—The central musical piece of the stage and movie musical Show Boat's central musical piece, composed by • Musical “Big River” • The Johnny Cash song "Big River" • "Roll On Mississippi" & "Mississippi Cotton Picking Delta Town" • Moon River
• 1 Name • 2 Geography • 3 History • 4 Navigation & Flood control • 5 In popular culture
• Name origin:
Ojibwe word(印第安人阿耳冈昆族语言)
misi-ziibi, meaning "Great River",
• 1830 – 1850: the golden age of steamboats • 1830: Federal government Navigation lock(船闸) & canal • 1848: the Illinois & Michigan Canal —connection of the Mississippi & the Five Lakes • 1913: the Keokuk dam • 1917: Lock and Dam No. 1 • 1930: Lock and Dam No. 2 • 1930s: Twenty-three new locks and dams were built on the upper Mississippi in addition to the three already in existence.
• an annual average rate of between 200 and 700 thousand cubic feet per second (7,000–20,000 m³ /s) • the 5th largest river in the world by volume (after the Amazon River, Congo River,Rio Madeira, Yangtze River) • On average, the Mississippi has only 8% the flow of the Amazon River.
• European exploration • Colonization
• Steamboat era
• Civil War
Navigation & Flood control
• The Mississippi River is the longest and most economically important waterway in the United States. • That industry ships corn, soybeans, and wheat from farms in the Midwest to destinations around the globe. Roughly 60 percent of all grain exported from the United States travels on barges along this waterway. Any disruption has a ripple effect. • "There's a lot of money at stake for these farmers, and there's other commodities that are coming down the river as well, so it's not just grain but it's also chemicals are coming down the river, coal is coming down the river, various things like that," noted Jasen Brown, a Hydraulic Engineer with the Army Corps.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Flood :Mississippi at its worst
1 Flood of March 1543 2 Flood of 1734-35 3 Flood of 1788 4 Flood of 1809 5 Flood of 1825 6 Great Flood of 1844 7 Great Flood of 1851 8 Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 9 Great Flood of 1937 10 Flood of 1945 11 Mississippi Flood of 1973 12 Flood of 1975 13 Flood of 1979 14 Lower Mississippi Flood of 1983 15 Great Mississippi and Missouri Rivers Flood of 1993 16 Flood of 2002 17 Flood of 2008 18 Great Mississippi Flood of 2011
gichi-ziibi, meaning "Big River"
• Nickname The Father of Waters The Big Muddy Big River The Gathering of Waters Body of a Nation The Mighty Mississippi
• Country United States • States Minnesota,Wisconsin,Iowa,Illinois,Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana
• the 4th longest
river in the world
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