



• (四)韵律感 • 文学作品中经常采取押韵、节奏、拟声等手段增强语
言的形象性和生动性。 • Romance is the privilege of the rich, not the
profession of the unemployed. The poor
should be practical and prosaic.
in his studies. He painted a glowing picture of the
other boy’s admirable character and lovable qualities. (Translated by Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang) (译文基本上紧扣原文,遣词地道,意译贾母。)
• It is the East, and Juliet is the sun! • 那就是东方,朱丽叶就是太阳!
• (三)含蓄性
• 通篇直白的文学作品很难说是好的文学作品。好的文学作品往 往留下足够的空间让读者去想像、去思索、去回味。因此,含 蓄性也是文学语言的一大特色。
• Approaching a little, you may find that they have white and clean teeth as well as profuse yet innocent expressions.
• 话说宝玉和凤姐回家,见过众人,宝玉回明贾母要约秦钟 上家塾之事,自己也有个伴读的朋友,正好发奋;又着实 称赞秦钟人品行事,最是可人怜爱的。



“Why, my dear, you must know, Mrs. Long says that Netherfiield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England; that he came down on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place, and was so much delighted with it that he agreed Mr. Morris immediately; that he is to take possession before Michaelmas, and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week.” (Jane Austin, Pride and Prejudice)
一般来说,就体裁而言,文学翻译是只对狭义文学作品和惯例文学 作品的翻译,即对主要文学体裁如诗歌、散文、小说、戏剧,以及文学 性较强的杂文、传记、儿童文学等的翻译。
Don West had seen her wave and he came walking across the station toward her, a quizzical, surprised look on his tanned face.
3. 充分的环境描写
小说中的环境是指人物活动的历史背景、社会背景、自然环 境和具体生活场所。小说中的环境描写具有多方面的功能: 可以烘托人物性格,塑造人物形象。 可以交代人物身份,暗示人物性格,洞察人物心理。 有助于展示故事情节。 可以随时变换场景,为故事情节的展开提供自由灵活的时




Beside this picture with profusions of colors, a group of sheep are lowing their heads, eating by the river bank. Just beside this splendid picture, a flock of sheep are grazing with bent heads by the riverside. 中文中的动词转化


美感功能 呼唤功能

Just beside this splendid picture, a flock of sheep are grazing with bent heads by the riverside. This is a scene taking place on the shore of the Yellow River.
Here the water grass is so luxuriant and tender that the sheep have battened on them


Hardly any of them cares to look up and throw a glance at the beautiful twilight.
They are, perhaps, taking use of every minute to enjoy their last chew before being driven home. The ample fresh water and exuberant plants had nurtured the sheep, making them grow as round as chubby babies. When approaching near, you would find their lovely faces with white teeth and a variety of innocent facial impressions.



• 青春不是年华,而是心境。青春也不是玫瑰般娇媚的面容,如 火的双唇和柔和的膝盖。青春是一种积极的意志,美妙的想像, 炙热的情感,是心底生命之泉的激涌。
• 青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是 深沉的意志、恢宏的想象、炽热的感情;青春是生命的深泉在 涌流。
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• 岁月能在脸上刻上痕迹,但倘若抛弃热情,衰却的则是心灵。 忧愁,恐慌,妄自菲薄都会给我们的心灵和精神蒙上尘土。 • 岁月悠悠,衰微只及肌肤;热忱抛却,颓唐必至灵魂。忧烦、 惶恐、丧失自信,定使心灵扭曲,意气如灰。

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• Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young. • 不论是六旬老者,还是二八青年,心中都有欢乐,一种永无止境 孩童般的好奇和对生活的热爱。在你我心中都有一个无线接收台: 只要它能感知到美,希望,欢乐,勇气和力量,你就能永远年轻。 • 无论年届花甲,抑或二八芳龄,心中皆有生命之欢乐,奇迹之诱 惑,孩童般天真久盛不衰。人人心中皆有一台天线,只要你从天 上人间接受美好、希望、欢乐、勇气和力量的信号,你就青春永 驻,风华常存。

Lecture 7 文学文体的翻译

Lecture 7 文学文体的翻译

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文学语言最显著的特点是其形象性。无论是小说、散文、戏剧 文学语言最显著的特点是其形象性。 无论是小说、 散文、 还是诗歌, 还是诗歌,都力图以各种语言手段在读者的脑海中塑造生动鲜 明的形象, 明的形象,以达到表情达意的效果 He was a lovely boy, clad in skeleton leaves and the juices that ooze out of trees but the most entrancing thing about him was that he had all his grownfirst teeth. When he saw she was a grown-up, he gnashed the little pearls at her. ----Peter ----Peter Pan’s World
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通篇直白的文学作品很难说是好的文学作品。 通篇直白的文学作品很难说是好的文学作品 。 好的文 学作品往往留下足够的空间让读者去想像、 去思索、 学作品往往留下足够的空间让读者去想像 、 去思索 、 去回味。因此,含蓄性也是文学语言的一大特色。 去回味。因此,含蓄性也是文学语言的一大特色。 When they entered, they found hanging upon the wall a splendid portrait of their master as they had last seen him, in all the beauty. wonder of his exquisite youth and beauty. Lying on the floor was a dead man, in heart. evening dress, with a knife in his heart. He was withered, wrinkled, and loathsome of visage. visage. It was not till they had examined was. the rings that they recognized who it was.


She was a women of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper.
▪ 在这个例子中,作者叙述部分用的是标准引语, 而Janie和她丈夫之间的对话则属非标准英语-----黑人英语, 如Ah=I, kin=can, de=the, lak=like,
fust=first, tuh=to, dat=that, uh=a, heah=here
▪ 如马克·吐温的The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, 小说的叙述部分即采用了经过锤炼的 当代口语, 书中的人物对话更是原原本本的生活语言的照录, 请看哈克与黑奴吉姆的对话:
能是方言俚语,极不规范。例如 黑人作家Zora Neale 等)来表现的。
Hurston写的小说Their Eyes Were Watching God中 在这个例子中,作者叙述部分用的是标准引语,而Janie和她丈夫之间的对话则属非标准英语------黑人英语, 如Ah=I, kin=can, de=the,
▪ “Hello, Jim, have I been asleep? Why didn’t you stir me up?” “Goodness gracious, is dat you, Huck? En you ain’ dead-you ain’ drownded-you’s back agin? It’s too good for true, honey, it is too good for true. Lemme look at you, chile, lemme feel o’you…

Lesson 13 篇章的翻译:文学文本的翻译

Lesson 13 篇章的翻译:文学文本的翻译

open the ball:作为开头 ball:作为开头 But this isn’t the way to open the ball . isn’ We should go the whole animal.
先交代我自己吧。 先交代我自己吧。我 what not:诸如此类 not: 是个算命的先生, 是个算命的先生,我 的东西 也卖过酸枣、 也卖过酸枣、落花生 gal:( :(口 什么的。 什么的。那可是先前 old gal:(口)老伴 的事了。 的事了。现在我在街 kicked up one’s one’ 上摆卦摊儿;好了呢, 上摆卦摊儿;好了呢, heels :(俚) 死 一天也抓弄三毛五毛 人力车, 老伴儿早死啦, 的。老伴儿早死啦, rickshaw :人力车, 儿子拉洋车。 儿子拉洋车。我们爷 黄包车 儿俩住着柳家大院的 一间北房。 一间北房。
cry cupboard 〔口语〕 口语〕 喊饿,想吃东西。 喊饿,想吃东西。
首先,译文在措辞上的特征主要表现在以 下几个方面: 第一, 俚俗语的大量运用 译文中随处可见的俚语、诅咒语、口头语 的运用,无疑是其最显著的风格特点:
第二, 译文中除少数多音节词之外,大都 是单音节或双音节的词,基本上找不到抽 象名词。 第三, 省略词比较多,如:isn’t, 省略词比较多,如:isn’ That’ ,haven’ one’ won’ That’s ,haven’t, one’s, won’t, there’ there’s .
再从语法和句式运用的角度分析, 再从语法和句式运用的角度分析,老舍句式灵活 多样,多用短句,字数不拘,少到三个、四个、 多样,多用短句,字数不拘,少到三个、四个、 五个、六个不等,最多也不超过十六个字, 五个、六个不等,最多也不超过十六个字,如: 三个:好了呢;不说呢; 三个:好了呢;不说呢; 四个:出了人命;得打头来;也没什么; 四个:出了人命;得打头来;也没什么;大家见 透着和气;谁说得清; 面;透着和气;谁说得清; 五个:儿子拉洋车; 五个:儿子拉洋车; 六个:明儿个又搬走;可得吃饱啦; 六个:明儿个又搬走;可得吃饱啦;王家住着两 间房; 间房; 十六个:我们爷儿俩住着柳家大院的一间北房; 十六个:我们爷儿俩住着柳家大院的一间北房; 由于短句具有简洁、明快、活泼、轻松的特点, 由于短句具有简洁、明快、活泼、轻松的特点, 语句组织疏松而清爽,语气和缓而随意, 语句组织疏松而清爽,语气和缓而随意,能给人 以如话家常般的轻松感和亲切感,所以读起来使 以如话家常般的轻松感和亲切感, 人如闻其声,似乎作品主人公正娓娓道来。 人如闻其声,似乎作品主人公正娓娓道来。

文学文本的翻译(一) -

文学文本的翻译(一) -

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通篇直白的文学作品很难说是好的文学作品。好的文 学作品往往留下足够的空间让读者去想像、去思索、 去回味。因此,含蓄性也是文学语言的一大特色。 When they entered, they found hanging upon the wall a splendid portrait of their master as they had last seen him, in all the wonder of his exquisite youth and beauty. Lying on the floor was a dead man, in evening dress, with a knife in his heart. He was withered, wrinkled, and loathsome of visage. It was not till they had examined the rings that they recognized who it was.

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文学作品的含蓄性与讽刺和幽默是密不可分的。借助讽刺和幽 默,往往能收到比直接批判或直接赞扬更好的效果,因为与其 把观点强加给读者,不如引导读者自己去得出结论。 It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession pf a good fortune must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.







































“Why, my dear, you must know, Mrs. Long says that Netherfiield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England; that he came down on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place, and was so much delighted with it that he agreed Mr. Morris immediately; that he is to take possession before Michaelmas, and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week.” (Jane Austin, Pride and Prejudice)
3. 充分的环境描写
小说中的环境是指人物活动的历史背景、社会背景、自然环 境和具体生活场所。小说中的环境描写具有多方面的功能: 可以烘托人物性格,塑造人物形象。 可以交代人物身份,暗示人物性格,洞察人物心理。 有助于展示故事情节。 可以随时变换场景,为故事情节的展开提供自由灵活的时
空范围。 可以奠定作品的情感基调,具有象征等功能。
It was true, a few pounds heavier, a little older, but the same Don West she had fallen in love with long ago --and never quite got over.
“Jeanne,” he said. “Jeanne. You look good enough to eat.” He sighed and then frowned handsomely. “You don’t know how swell it is to see you. I’ve wondered so many times whatever became of you.”



品味散文My Bookby George Robert Gissing (1857—1903)Dozens of my books were purchased with money which ought to have been spent upon what are called necessities of life. Many a time I have stood before a stall, or a bookseller's window, torn by conflict of intellectual desire and bodily need。

At the very hour of dinner, when my stomach clamored or food, I have been stopped by sight of a volume so long coveted, and marked at so advantageous a price, that I could not let it go: yet to buy it meant pangs of famine。

My Heyne’s Tibullus was grasped at such a moment. It lay on the stall of the old book —shop in Goodge Street —— a stall where now and then one found an excellent thing among quantities of rubbish.Sixpence was the price —— sixpence! At that time I used to eat my midday meal (of course, my dinner) at a coffee-shop, such as now, I suppose, can hardly be found。

春—朱自清 及英文翻译

春—朱自清 及英文翻译

For so long we had been waiting before the east wind finally resumed its course. Now Spring is to arrive in no time.It seems that everything is just after a long sleep, their eyes still sleepy. Mountains and hills turn more luxuriant, rivers and lakes fuller and clearer, and the sun hotter.The new grass, tender and greenish, sneaked out of the ground without anybody knowing when. The gardens, fields, everywhere you turn, you see but tracts after tracts of greenness. You may like to sit down, or lie down, or roll yourself over on the grass; and you may feel like playing footfall or doing several rounds of running or even playing hide-and-seek on it. The breeze was simply so gentle and the grass so tender.The peach trees, apricot trees, and pear trees seem to vie against each other in blossoming. The red resemble fire, the pink clouds, and the white snow, giving off a sweet fragrance. With your eyes closed, you could almost see peaches, apricots and pears on these trees. And swarms of bees are buzzing among the flowers, together with butterflies, large and small, busy flying to and fro. Wild flowers are seen here and there: a miscellany with or without aname each, dotting the grass like eyes, or stars that blink from time to time.“Blowing into your face without making you feel cold is the spring breeze.”True, it was just like a mother’s hand fondling you. The smell of the newly-cultivated land carried by the wind to you, mixed with that of the grass as well as fragrance of various kinds of flowers, was brewing in the slightly-moistened air. Now that the nestle had been completed among luxuriant flowers and tender leaves, the birds grew happy, singing proudly to call their friends as well as mates with their notes in perfect harmony with the gentle breeze and gurgling water. And the cowboys on the baffalo back can be heard blowing their flute so resonantly these days.Rain is nothing unusual now, and often lasts two to three days. Never get annoyed! Look, could it be ox hair, or needles, or thin threads instead ? Those thin threads simply weave sideways, so densely that a thin mist pervades over all the house-tops. The tree leaves are, however, dazzlingly green, so is the grass with its luxuriance. When the dusk sets in and lights are on, the the pool of dim light suggests a night of peace and quiet. In thecountryside, on the trails and beside the stone bridges, there are people strolling leisurely, holding an umbrella, and there are also farmers working in the fields, wearing a straw-cloak and a bamboo-hat. Their houses, sparsely located, stand still in the weaving rain.Gradually, there are more and more kites in the sky and the the number of children on the ground grows, too. In cities as well as in the countryside, people from every household, young and old, are all pouring out of their homes one after another to stretch their limbs and, with their spirits aroused, go about their own business. “The whole year’s plan is made in Spring,” the saying goes. A year has just started, so there is still much time and one can have as many hopes.Spring comes as a newly-born baby, new from head to toe, who grows.Spring comes as a charming maid, dressed in her Sunday best, who laughs as she walks.Spring comes as a robust lad with a strong arm, waist and feet, who leads us forward.春朱自清盼望着,盼望着,东风来了,春天的脚步近了。



当代文学含春字句子英译Contemporary Literature: English Translation of Sentences Containing the Word "Spring"Spring is a season full of vitality and hope. In contemporary literature, writers often use the word "spring" to convey various emotions and themes. This article will explore and provide English translations for sentences containing the word "spring" in contemporary literature. The translations aim to capture the essence and convey the beauty of these sentences.1. 清晨的阳光透过树梢,洒在大地上,让人感受到春天的温暖和喜悦。

The morning sun shines through the branches and falls onto the earth, allowing people to feel the warmth and delight of spring.2. 春风轻拂,花儿含苞待放,仿佛整个世界都在欢庆。

The gentle spring breeze brushes against us, and the flowers are in bud, as if the whole world is celebrating.3. 春天是万物复苏的季节,大地一片新绿,给人以希望和力量。

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