
• introduction • self-introduction • Deepening the speech theme • case analysis • Summary and Outlook
Identify the underlying causes of the problem using tools such as the 5 Whys or Fishbone Diagram.
Impact Assessment
Discuss the impact of the problem on the company's operations, finances, and reputation.
English has emerged as the lingua franca of the globalized world, with over a billion speakers worldwide. It is the language of international business, diplomacy, science, technology, and popular culture, making it an essential skill for individuals seeking to participate in the global economy and cultural exchange.
Summary and Outlook
Summary of speech content
Key points covered in the speech

Visual appearance
The use of colorful and engaging visuals can enhance the impact of the speech The graphics, charts, and images should be designed to effectively communicate the message and maintain audience attention
Purpose of speech
Information transmission
Through PPT courseware, convey necessary information and
data to the audience to enhance the persuasiveness of the
Background introduction
Adding appropriate background information to the PPT courseware can help the audience better understand the background and context of the speech.
Conclusion Summary
Briefly review the main points and content of the speech, emphasizing the key points.
Express gratitude, propose action suggestions or calls, and leave a deep impression on the audience.

课前三分钟ppt演讲稿Ppt speech three minutes before class( 演讲稿 )单位:_________________________姓名:_________________________日期:_________________________精品文档 / Word文档 / 文字可改课前三分钟ppt演讲稿生命的价值不要让昨日的沮丧令明天的梦想黯然失色!在一次讨论会上,一位的演说家没讲一句开场白,手里却高举着一张20美元的钞票。

英语演讲稿3分钟pptI am flying today, speech is the ideal wing, as a middle school student, we are in love fantasy, love to dream, love highlight their personality, love and Zhang Yang us different, we were not mistaken, we now are not qualitatively period of development, there is no one standard for us to judge their own life and values. We always let adults know that we can do it yourself to live, you can solve their own problems, but we have some dependence. Love day dreaming, perhaps today we want to be a teacher, to educate our newers, and perhaps tomorrow we want to be a scientist to explore our humanity to the present do not know some of the mystery, ,or we have no way to explain Some phenomena ... ...We are willing to bury the reality of the cruelty and injustice, we are our parents, our elders could not understand some of the practice of life, we do not understand why they like to do ah. It is our wish too much too young to bury social experience. Attitude of life when we are not deep.Down we love fantasy, love to dream of behavior, we need to do one for the people and human progremake a difference. To our actions to prove that we have!Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:It is a great honor and pleasure to be here on this beautiful Saturday morning to share with you my sentiments about life and passion for the English language.About a year and a half ago, I took part in my veryfirst English Speech Contest. When I stood before the microphone with all eyes starring directly at me, I could hardly speak. I stood there, embarrassed and helpless, struggling in vain for the right thing to say. My fears had paralyzed me.While my passion for English has never changed, I lost my courage to speak in public. When my professor again encouraged me to take part in this Competition, I said “no.” I couldn’t endure yet another painful experience. He looked me straight in the eye and said something that pierced my heart. I will never forget his words. “Look,” he said, “We all have our fears, and you have yours. You could twist your ankle in a basketball game, but then be afraid to ever play again. Running away can never dispel your fears, but action will. A winner is not one who never fails,but one who never quits.”I spent a whole day with his words twisting and turning in my mind. Then I made the bravest and wisest decision of my life: I would face my fears – and take part in the petition!As it turned out, my dear old professor was right. Now, here I am, once again standing before a microphone. My heart is beating fast, and my mouth is dry, but most importantly, I have faced my fears -- and that makes all the difference!Thank you.。

汉王刘邦的宫廷 遗址——古汉台, 它高7米,坐北朝南, 分三个台阶,是人 工夯土建成的具有 典型秦汉宫廷模式 的遗址。
张良辅佐刘邦成 就帝业后,隐居于 此。后人仰慕他“明 哲保身”的策略和“功 成不居”的高风,在 这里建庙奉祠。
special local produc
Thank you for watc6 姓名
Famous scenic spots and historical sites in Hanzhong
刘邦取汉中后于 公元前206年按大将 韩信的计谋,派少 数人修栈道,暗地 里沿着西边艰险的 陈仓道攻占了陈仓 城,进军咸阳。
拜将坛是刘邦拜 韩信为大将的古坛 场。汉中作为国家 历史文化名城最核 心的组成部分,是 国家二级博物馆。
My hometown
Introduction to Hanzhong
Hanzhong City, abbreviated as "Han", is a prefecture level city under the jurisdiction of Shaanxi Province. It is located in the southwest of Shaanxi Province, with 2 districts and 9 counties, and a total population of 3.7898 million. Hanzhong City is named after the Han River flowing through this area. Since ancient times, it has been known as the birthplace of the Han family and the treasure trove of China; Since ancient times, it has been a battleground for military strategists and an important place for travel and trade. Hanzhong City has been listed as the third batch of national historical and cultural cities by the State Council. Named as an excellent tourist city in China by the National Tourism Administration.

the graceful and charming country
maches with the mediterranean,just like a tale ,telling its cerenity(宁静) .
But you can't ignore the smell of richness.
A quite small population handle a
small country
• 内阁成员6人 • 最高法院有5名正式法官及候补法官 • 全国为1个市镇单位,下辖4个区(非行政单位) • 摩无军队,只有450名治安警察。
• the world gambling casino 采取多元化、高附加值和无污染的经济政策,赌场和邮票举世闻名,自 蒙特卡洛赌场于1865年成立后,摩纳哥从穷国变成富国。
• no agriculture • 共有从业人员45636人,私营企业从业人员占总从业人员的91.32%。总
人口和福州大学全体师生人数相近。 • 无国际通行的国民生产总值统计数字,只有“国民经济营业额” • 政府没有针对个人的收入课税。 没有个人所得税吸引了数量可观的富裕
避税移民,他们透过在摩纳哥以外的事业赚得其大部分的收入。 • 这里的生活水准很高,与附近的法国的大都市大体相当。 • 欧元,摩纳哥不是欧盟的成员,但是通过与法国的关税联盟使用和与法
The Principality of Monaco 摩纳哥
• Principality:公国,侯国,王侯统治的区域
• The originality of principality
2002年10月24日,摩法两国签署新的双边关系条约,取代1918年摩法 关系条约。该条约首次明确区分摩、法两国领土,进一步确认了摩独立地位; 摩首次获得对外正式建交权,无须征得法国同意。

英语ppt演讲稿2017-08-06 08:46:33 | #1楼Youth style在每段青春的记忆中,都有顽⽪的学⽣、焦虑的家长、严格的⽼师,初恋的痛楚,⿊⽩上⽇益减少的倒计时,课桌上⾼⾼垒起的参考书和试卷In Every memory of’ youth 。
all haveNaughty students, concerned parents, strict teachers and first-love pains,havethe count down reduce day by day on the playground . High barrier of the test paper andreference book.Youth have tens of thousands of kind of face .they maybe full of sunshine maybe full of sad. There is a group of teenagers in 1990s. Youths like them have joy and sadneon their way of growing . They’ve been through pain and gain , there are crazy but moving things along with them as they are growing . ⼀群90后青少年的青春⽣活,年轻的他们在成长的道路上有欢笑有伤痛,有付出有收获,有疯狂更有感动。
On every teens’ years there is always a girl who is drown into the secret love , some brothers with undefeatable relationship , a group of friends with all kinds of stories , and memory which belongs to us all . , this is young style , part of our life which is alwaysold shining and never grows在每个青春的回忆中,⼀个深陷暗恋默默付出的⼥孩⼉,⼏个情感丰富讲义⽓的哥们,⼀群各有故事特⾊⼗⾜的损友,⼀段所有⼈共有的回忆。

清晨励志英语演讲as you slowly open your eyes, look around, notice yes, yes, yes, it’s a new day, it’s a different day, and it’s a bright day!and most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you aregoing to make new decisions, take new actions, make new friends and take your lifeto a totally unprecedented level. you will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you willshow your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take. you will focusall your time and effort on the most important goals of your life. you will neversuccumb to challenges and hardships; you will never waver in your pursuit ofexcellence. after all, you are the best, and you deserve the best! as your coachand friend, i can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will opento you, but the key to that door is in your hand. you must do your part, you mustfaithfullyfollow the plan you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, youmust never fear! i know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you willsucceed! now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited and yell it out: i mustdo it! i can do it! i will do it! i will succeed!译文:当你慢慢睁开你的双眼,环顾四周,注意到阳光进入你的房间。

课前五分钟英语演讲ppt课前五分钟英语演讲ppto I often take part in ativities onerning publi elfare. Besides stud and soial pratie, there are entertainments as ell. I do bod building ever da, hoping to keep health and energeti. Campus life is the most splendid time. But different people have different hoies. The majorit of students herish their beautiful season and herishthe hope that one da the'll bee outstanding. But there are indeed some students still under ignorane. The gather together for eating, drinking or plaing ards. The're bus in searhing for a girlfriend or a bofriend. The forget pletel about their mission as ollege students and the hope of their motherland. Finall, I do hope everbod an tr their best to bee a orth itizen of the ountr. I do hope everbod an bee the bakbone of our nation and make great ontributions to soiet!演讲稿四:英语课前5分钟演讲稿 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: Bidding for the Olmpi Games, in a a, an image-reating undertaking. The first and foremost thing is to let people fall in love ith the it at first sight, attrating them b its unipue image. What image does Beijing intend to reate for itself one it has the opportunit to host the 201X Olmpis? It is knon to all that the Beijing Muniipal Government has alread set the theme for the future games: Ne Beijing,篇三:简单的五分钟英语演讲最好的英语演讲稿汇总 3——5分钟英语演讲稿汇总(30篇)大学生英语演讲稿i believe in our future 周怡雪,19岁,上海 i believe in our future honorable judges,fello students: good afternoon! reentl, ther is a heated debate in our soiet. the ollege students are the benefiiaries of a rare privilege, ho reeive exeptional eduation at extraordinar plaes. but ill e be able to fae the hallenge and support ourselves against all odds? ill e be able to better the lives of others? ill e be able to aept the responsibilit of building the future of our ountr?the nis sa the ollege students are the dormitor, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our poket mone. the nis sa e are for nothing other than grades; and e neglet the need for harater ultivation. but again, the nis are rong. e are deepl for eah other, e herish freedom, e treasure justie, and e seek truth. last eek, thousands of m fello students had their blood tpe tested in order to make aontribution for the hildren ho suffer from blood aner. as ollege students, e are adolesents at the ritial turning point in our lives. e all fae a fundamental hoie: niism or faith, eah ill profoundl impat our future, or even the future of our ountr. i believe in all m fello lassmates. though e are still inexperiened and even a little bithildish. i believe that e have the ourage and faith to meet an hallenge and take on our responsibilities. e are preparing to assume ne responsibilities and tasks, and to use the eduation e have reeived to make our orld a better plae. i believe in our future. 我对未来充满信心尊敬的评委,各位同学:下午好!最近,社会上有一场很激烈的争论。

英语ppt演讲稿范文Good morning, everyone. Today, I am going to give a presentation on the topic of "The Importance of Learning English". As we all know, English has become a global language and it plays a crucial role in our daily lives, in education, and in the business world. Therefore, it is essential for us to learn and master the English language.First and foremost, learning English can broaden our horizons and provide us with more opportunities. With the ability to communicate in English, we can connect with people from all over the world, which can lead to new friendships, cultural exchanges, and even career advancements. In addition, many international companies require employees to have a good command of English, so learning English can greatly enhance our employment prospects.Furthermore, English is the language of the internet and technology. Most of the information available online is in English, and many of the most important technological advancements are documented in English. By learning English, we can access a wealth of knowledge and stay updated with the latest developments in various fields.Moreover, English is the language of higher education and research. Many of the world's top universities and research institutions use English as the medium of instruction and communication. By mastering English, we can pursue higher education abroad, collaborate with international scholars, and contribute to the global academic community.In addition, learning English can also improve our cognitive abilities. Research has shown that bilingual individuals have better problem-solving skills, multitasking abilities, and decision-making capabilities. By learning English, we can enhance our cognitive flexibility and mental agility, which are valuable skills in today's fast-paced world.Last but not least, learning English can enrich our personal and cultural experiences. Through English literature, films, music, and art, we can gain a deeper understanding of different cultures and perspectives. We can also travel to English-speaking countries with ease and fully immerse ourselves in their rich and diverse cultures.In conclusion, the importance of learning English cannot be overstated. It opens doors to new opportunities, connects us with the world, and enriches our personal and professional lives. Therefore, I encourage everyone to embrace the challenge of learning English and to reap the countless benefits that come with it.Thank you for listening. I hope this presentation has inspired you to take your English learning journey seriously. Let's continue to improve our English skills and embrace the global opportunities that come with it.。

Especially, after the mobile telephone appears, communication becomes easier , If people go out for business far away from their homes, the telephone can shorten the distance between them and their families. Thus they will get comfort whenever they are homesick or they get into trouble. With the help of the telephone, people can keep in touch with anyone at any time for urgent help. All in all, the telephone is so helpful that we can say that nowadays we can not live without the telephone in our daily life. Science can also further improve the phone’s performance,so for people to create better conditions for the exchange.毫无疑问,电话使事情在很多方面容易。

3分钟英语演讲稿ppt3分钟英语演讲稿ppt3分钟英语演讲稿pptladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i’m ver glad to stand here and give ou a short speeh. toda m topi is “outh”. i hope ou ill like it , and found the importane in our outh so that more herish it.first i ant to ask ou some questions:1、do ou kno hat is outh?2、ho do ou master our outh?outhouth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not ros heeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshne; it is the freshneof thedeep springs of life .outh means a temperamental predominane of ourage over timidit of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a bo of 20 . nobod gros old merel b a number of ears . e gro old b deserting our ideals.ears rinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm rinkles the soul . orr , fear , self –distrust bos the heart andturns the spirit bak to dust .hether 60 of 16 , there is in ever human being ‘s heart the lure of onders, the unfailing hildlike appetite of hat’s next and the jo of the game of living . in the enter of our heart and m heart there’s a irelestation : so long as it reeives messages of beaut , hope ,heer, ourage and poer from men and from the infinite, so long as ou are oung .hen the aerials are don , and our spirit is overed ith snos of niism and the ie of pessimism, then ou are gronold ,even at 20 , but as long as our aerials are up ,to ath aves of optimism , there is hope ou ma die oung at 80.thank ou!-good evening , ladies and gentlemen . i am jo and glad to give ou a speeh about stre, es , just the topi ou see on the sreen.pshologist tell us that streis a state of orr aused b the problem of living , suh as too muh ork or stud , heav responsibilities , and quikened pae of life .statistis sho that strees from ever detail in our life . finanial problems , poor health , being laid off ma be the strethat most adults no suffering . as students in the universit , e are also under our speial stre. hile stud , having to take various tests and submit a projet against a deadline ma put a great pressure on us . and the things makeus felt stressed ma be our parents’s greater expetations on us than e ould reah . later , hen e are likel to graduate , some other problems ill also anno us . i think e ill orr alot about our abilit to pete in the job market and ho e an best use hat e’ve learned at ollege in our future job .the hief problem e should fae to is our atitude toards stre.people usuall sa the an not live in the sun exept the esape fr om stre. it’s unele ! es , hoever , ver neessar . just image a orld here stredoes not exist and people lead their life in a ver fortable a . but is this kind of living ondition as perfet as e hope ? ithout stre, the ma feel ver satisfied ith the urrent life but lak of poer to disover ne things . too muh result in nothing exept a ountermarh of the soiet . no stre, no development . so a ertain amount ofstreis good . it an stimulate us and inrease our level of alertne.and our anser to streis another vital problem . ho to do ith ourselves hen stresuddenl break into our life ? to ave the hite flag and admit our unabilit , to give up to our idealit , or orstl , just to suiide as to put an end to everthing … of ause not . the priniple is to takle ith stregentlel and harmoniousl. e should tr our best to release ourselves . suh as to do some exerise , to linsen to traditional hinese musi or lassial musi to ease our minds andto learn to vie these hanges of life as hallenges .it’s no use ring over spilt milk . onl to aept hat has happened an solve the problem .ok , i think i as under large stre3 minutes before , but no i am here and have finished m speeh . here is the last thing i ant to add to m topi ,fae to it and overe it ,streis also a piee of ake。

英文演讲稿3分钟ppt(优秀9篇)英文ppt演讲稿篇一英文ppt演讲稿篇四英文ppt演讲稿篇八Good afternoon, honorable judges, dear teachers friends.Im Lai Senhan from the University of International Business Economics. Do you know what date is it today? Today is the Olympic Date. Im so glad to stand here today to share my idea about Beijing Olympic Games together with you all. The title of my speech is: what can we do for Beijing Olympic Games?First of all, let me tell you a story that happened 2 years ago. At the end of August, 20xx, when I decided to come to Beijing for study, my friends hel* * rewell Party for me. They said: after your graduation, you should look for a job in Beijing, and then in 20xx, we shall go to visit you during the Olympic Games. I laughed and answered: OK, no problem!Time flied and 2 years passed. Now I am a graduate. My teachers and classmates always ask me: whats your plan after your graduation? Go back home, stay in Beijing, or go to some other places? And I always answer: I will stay in Beijing. I make this decision not because of my promise to my friends 2 years ago, but because: Ive fallen in love with Beijing! Im eager to welcome the coming Olympic Games together with my fellow countrymen, and I wish I could do something for the Olympics for the city.As we know, Beijing早上好,我亲爱的老师和朋友们!我的名字是李Bingke,从类4 O 5。

Express your gratitude once again towards the audience for their time and attention. You can also offer any final thoughts or parting words that might be relevant or helpful.
Use simple language
Avoid complex or technical language that may confuse your audience. Use simple and straightforward language to communicate your ideas effectively.
How to improve English speaking ability
Briefly summarize the key points of your presentation, highlighting the most important messages you want the audience to take away.

对呀,哈里说,你拿到的不就是小的吗?还着什么急呀?英语笑话:要求加薪 asking for a raiseat the radio station where i worked, the managercalled me into his office to preview a new sound-effects package we were consideringpurchasing. he closed the door so we wouldnt bother people in the outer office. afterlistening to a few routine sound effects, we started playing around with low moans,maniacal(疯狂的) screams, hysterical(歇斯底里的) laughter, pleading and gunshots.when i finally opened the door and passed the managers secretary, she looked up andinquired, asking for a raise again? 我在一家之声工作。
最后我开门出去,从经理秘书旁边经过时,她抬起头问道:又要求加薪了?英语笑话:fish net 鱼网can you tell me what fish net is made, ann? a lot of little holestied together with strings. replied the little girl.2 ?二者皆是,孩子,皆是。

大学生英语演讲稿i believe in our future六、周怡雪,19岁,上海i believe in our futurehonorable judges, fellow students: good afternoon!recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. the college students are thebeneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinaryplaces. but will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against allodds? will we be able to better the lives of others? will we be able to accept theresponsibility of building the future of our country? the cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the needfor character cultivation. but again, the cynics are wrong. we care deeply for eachother, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth. last week,thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order to make acontribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer. as college students, we are adolescents at the critical turning point in our lives.we all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, each will profoundly impact ourfuture, or even the future of our country. i believe in all my fellow classmates.though we are still inexperienced and even a little bit childish. i believe that wehave the courage and faith to meet any challenge and take on our responsibilities.we are preparing to assume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use the educationwe have received to make our world a better place. i believe in our future.我对未来充满信心尊敬的评委,各位同学:下午好!最近,社会上有一场很激烈的争论。

Dreams have the value of creativity and imagination. Dreams can inspire people's creativity and imagination, and help them break through the limitations of reality and pursue a better life.
Dreams can be divided into two categories: nightmares and pleasant dreams. Nightmares usually cause negative emotions, while pleasant dreams usually bring positive emotions.
Learn from successful people and explore new paths to realize dreams.
Limited access to high-quality English speech materials and resources.
Lack of Resources
Shortage of time to prepare and practice English speeches.
The impact of dreams on life
Dreams have the value of inspiration and encouragement. Dreams can encourage people to pursue their goals and dreams, and help them overcome difficulties and challenges.

However, sometimes I find it difficult to pronounce some English words correctly. I would appreciate it if someone could give me some advice.
Thanks for your attention/ listening.
第一段侧重介绍背景及原因。 第二段紧扣主题展开论述。 第三段重申主题、发出号令或提出力 用祈使句、感叹句、强调句来达到这种目的 2. 直白简洁,句式长短结合。短句节奏明显,便 于引起听众的共鸣。长句表达严谨。 3. 恰当的使用关联词承上启下,用词得体,符合 语言环境。 4.观点鲜明,感情真挚。
范文 (Example:) How to make our school more atrractive?
Good morning, everyone,
It’s so nice to see all of you here. It’s my pleasure to talk about what we can do for our school, and I believe that all of us can do something to make our school more attractive.
• In my opinion/ In my point of view, it is a good solution/idea to ... • As far as I'm concerned, ... is a good solution/way to... • It's known to all that with the improvement/developmet of (people's living standards/economy) • Let's take the responsibility to build up... • What I want to stress is that...