星座介绍 presentation
白羊座和双子座都是善于表达和沟通的星座,他们在一起可以相互理解和支持 。然而,由于双方都较为独立自主,可能会在一些问题上产生分歧。需要双方 在沟通中互相理解,尊重对方的想法和意见。
白羊座和巨蟹座在性格和兴趣上具有很大的差异,但这种差异使得他们在相处中能够互相补充。白羊座注重行动 和开创性,而巨蟹座则注重情感和家庭。这种组合可以互相促进,但需要注意情感沟通,理解对方的情感需求。
白羊座和金牛座在性格和兴趣上具有明显的差异,但正是这种差异使得他们在相 处中能够互相补充,形成稳定的关系。白羊座注重行动和开创性,而金牛座则注 重稳定和实际性,这种组合可以互相促进,达到平衡。
性格特点:聪明机智,好奇心强,善于沟通,喜 欢追求新鲜和变化
关于星座的英语演讲关于星座的英语演讲关于星座的英语演讲Good morning ever bod. Toda I ant to introdue something to all of ou. Look at the blakboard please. Mabe ou ill find out that none of the ords knos ou, exeptthis one “aner”. Everone in our laknos hat aner means. Buta fe kno another meaning of it. That is hat I ant to tell ou toda.First, let us look at this ord “Aries”. Aries is usedto desribe people ho are born from Marh 21st to April 20th. You ma sa that I’m an Aries. You an also sa that “he or she and I are the same as Ar ies.” And if someone ask ou, look at this “do ou kno the personal harateristis of Aries?” ouould anser them that the are energeti and ative, but sometimes impatient. Aries also like to be the leader. And sometimes the ma be selfish.The seond ord is “Taurus”. You ma get it. Yeah, it isthe people ho born from April 21st to Ma 21st. And the do not like hange, the are patient and do not give up easil, and the ma be a hard-ork person. You an also all them orkaholi.The third ord is “Gemini”. The born from Ma 22nd toJune 21st. The are ver urious and lever. And the are outgoing and love to talk ver muh.And finall e get the ord “Caner”. It is no longer use as a noun to desribe a disease in m presentation. It is use to desribe people ho born from June 22nd to Jul 22nd. The aner is kind and loves their famil. The like to ook and save mone.Next is “Leo”. It is from Jul 23rd to August 23rd. The Leo is strong and onfident. And the are also generous to their friends.“Virgo”. Virgo is from August 24th to September 23rd. The Virgo is sh and orr too muh at times. And the pa attention to the details.“Libra”. Libra is a polite and fair person. The love peae and beautiful things. The born 9 24 10 23Sorpio Otober月24日~11月22日the are poerful person and have lots of energ. the like to keep serets. And the do not like to forgive others for their faults.Sagittarius 11月23日~12月21日ou enjo life and have a good sense of humor .the are ver luk.ou love traveling to different plaes.Capriorn 12.22 1.20The love busineand often suessful. ou are good at ma-ki-ng or planning things .ou are patient enough to ait ithout getting angr.Aquarius are kind and ise. The have man friends. hoever, some people think that the are strange beause the hate to be like anone else and the tr everthing just beause the ant to be different.Pises 2.20 3.20the are generous ,kind,gentle and eas-going. the are also reative and imaginative. And the like to dream about everthing.【扩展阅读篇】演讲稿又叫演说词,它是在大会上或其他公开场合发表个人的观点、见解和主张的文稿。
关于星座的英语演讲稿全英(精选5篇)第一篇:关于星座的英语演讲稿全英Hello, everyone.T oday I will tell you something about 4 constellations-----cancer, leo, virgo and libra.And I will introduce all of them in four parts.The first part is a brief introduction.The second part is the obvious characters of the person in the same constellation.In the third part I will introduce some notables of these constellations and in the last part I will offer some proper choices to travel for cancerians, leos, virgos and libras.Now, let’s begin the first constellation-cancer.Cancers are born between June 22 and July 22.Its name is Latin for crab.Its symbol is.Cancer is a medium-size constellation with an area of 506 square degrees and its stars are rather faint.Located at the centre of constellation is Praesepe, one of the closest open clusters to Earth and a popular target for amateur astronomers.The cancerians are always emotional, loving, intuitive, imaginative, shrewd, cautious, protective and sympathetic, while they are also changeable, moody, overemotional and touchy.Cancers are fit to be writers and Ernest Miller Hemingway who was born on July 21, 1899 was a representative.He was an American author and journalist whose economical and understated style had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction.More or less, we can find his charming characters in other cancers.Based on cancers’ characters, somewhere near lakes or rivers are best places to travel.For example, making a trip to Lijiang in Yunnan province or Holland is proper form of emotional outlet.And then let’s begin the second constellation—leo.Leos are born between July 23 and August 22.It is lying between Cancer to the west and Virgo to the east.Its symbol is(♌).Leo remains one of the 88 modernconstellations today.And it is very easy to find it due to its many bright stars and a distinctive shape.Leo was also one of the earliest found and defined constellations.Leos’ characters are more obvious and fixed compared with others.They are generous, warmhearted, creative, enthusiastic,broad-minded,expansive, faithful and loving.However they are also pompous, bossy, interfering, dogmatic and intolerant.Leos are born leaders just like Napoleon.Napoleon Bonaparte, who was born on August 15 was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the latter stages of the French Revolution and its associated wars in Europe.His arrogance and aggressive showed leos’ characters.Based on these characters, conquering somethin g is leo’s forever aims of life.So Beijing and Brazil are good choices to travel.They must try their best to conquer the best wall and sexy Brazilian girls and boys.And then let’s begin the third constellation.Virgos are born between August 23 and Sep 22.Its name is Latin for virgin, and its symbol is Unicode ♌.Lying between Leo to the west and Libra to the east, it is the second largest constellation in the sky.It can be easily found through its brightest star, Spica, which makes it easy to locate Virgo.So me people jokes that don’t marry a leo and don’t be virgos’ roommates.I can justify it in some ways because the most of virgos are fussy, overcritical, harsh, perfectionist and conservative.Not that they are perfectly wrong.They are also modest, shy, reliable, practical, diligent, intelligent and analytical.Just like Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, who was born on August 27, 1770, was a German philosopher, and a major figure in German His historicist and idealist account revolutionized European philosophy.Ba sed on virgo’s characters, Paris or Greece are not proper though they seems veryperfect.The most important factor to considerate is not beautiful but clean.After all, it is difficult to image a virgo live in a room with a stain on the wall.So Dalian and Germany are best choice.Then let’s begin the last constellation.Libras are born between923toOctober22.Itsname Idealism.of reality is Latin for weighing scales, and its symbol is.It is fairly faint, and lies between Virgo to the west and Scorpius to the east.Due to the effects of precession, the First Point of Libra, lies within the boundaries of Virgo very close to β Virginis.I am a libra, and you can find some characteristics in me.Libras are diplomaitic, urbane, romantic, charming, easygoing, sociable, idealistic and peaceable while hey are also indecisive, changeable, easily infuenced.Will Smith who was born on September 25, 1968 is an representative.He is an American actor, producer, and rapper.He has enjoyed success in television, film, and music.In April 2007, Newsweek called him the most powerful actor in Hollywood.Romantic and peaceful matter a lot when a libra chooses a place to travel.West lake and Greece are good choices.They can make libras relaxed and feel comfortable.T o prepare this talk show, I searched the Wikipedia to find some informations.第二篇:星座英语(本站推荐)星座英语:适合十二星座阅读的名著白羊座——How the Steel Was Tempered《钢铁是怎样炼成的》适合白羊座们读的书非《钢铁是怎样炼成的》莫属了,这本书中的主人公保尔与白羊座有着相同的性格,面对社会上的黑暗、不公,他从来没有退缩过。
英语演讲 星座
Introduce the music
Faint Linkin park的专辑《天空之城—美特拉》的 一首歌,被认为是linkin Park最经典的曲目 之一,歌中的强烈嘶吼让每个孤独的人都 会产生共鸣。
42 Brains
A music
Are you ready?
( )1.We should use constellations to make the important decision ( )2.There are 13 constellations. 3.what’s my constellation? A. Virgo B. Leo C. Sagittarius D. Capricorn 4. Coincidentally means_____ A. 可惜的是 B. 可爱的是 C. 倒霉的是 D. 巧合的是
音乐整理:大脑怪 动画效果:大脑怪 文字朗诵:大脑怪 游戏设计:大脑怪
双子座善变,喜欢变化多端、智识共 享的爱情。
白羊座天生具有领导才能,适 合担任管理职位。
金牛座踏实可靠,适合从事财 务和会计工作。
双子座善于交流,适合从事新 闻媒体行业。
白羊座 金牛座 双子座
双子座的人聪明、机智, 喜欢与人交流。他们对学 习和冒险充满兴趣。
自信、独立、果断,总是勇往 直前,不畏挑战。
耐心、稳重、忠诚,懂得享受 生活并注重质量。
适应力强、好奇心旺盛,充满 活力的多面手。
1 火象星座
3 风象星座
欢迎来到《认识12星座》PPT课件!在本课程中,我们将详细介绍每个星座的 特点、运程、爱情观以及与职业发展的关系。让我们一起探索星座的神秘世 界!
白羊座是十二星座中的第 一个星座,他们充满活力、 勇敢无畏,总是追求冒险 和新鲜事物。
金牛座的人踏实、稳重, 注重物质享受。他们对爱 情和事业都有着坚持不懈 的追求。
天生具有领导能力,但有时会过于冲动和自我 中心。 追求稳定和物质享受,但有时过于固执和保守。
2 土象星座
• 爱情: ★★★☆☆ • 财运: ★★☆☆☆ • 事业: ★★★★☆
十二星座大全 PPT课件
此,他们很喜欢打理家里,能把家 事作得不错。他们的本位主义十分
、事、物想要进入他们的情感中, 不是一件容易的事,他们对外来的
国观念非常强烈。但要注意,敏感 的性格易造成善妒、猜忌、易焦虑
★ 火象星座:白羊座 狮子座 射手座 ★ ★ 风象星座:双子座 天枰座 水瓶座 ★ ★ 水象星座:巨蟹座 天蝎座 双鱼座 ★ ★ 土象星座:金牛座 处女座 摩羯座 ★
水瓶座 Mythological Story
• 1月21日-2月18日
• 守护星:天王星(象征智慧及变数) 传统守护星:土星(象征考验及规则) 诞生石:紫水晶 守护神:希腊-乌拉诺斯 罗马-乌拉诺斯 正面特质:独立、冷静、神秘 负面特质:冷酷、不合群、孤僻、不稳定、无法捉摸、反叛 代表号:星期六 颜色:古铜色 开运运动:瑜珈 人生乐事:花样、原创 不利条件:漫不经心。 弱点:性格充满矛盾。
谋,加上未经世事磨链,缺乏思考而贸然行 事,往往功亏一篑而自已却感到后悔。
• 4月20日 - 5月20日
• 吉 祥 物:圣甲虫像
• 吉祥金属:铜
• 吉祥宝石:祖母绿、青金石 • 吉 祥 日:星期五
• 吉祥颜色:蓝、绿色
• 吉祥数字:6、15、24、33
路见不平拔刀相助之风,善恶分明嫉恶如仇 。 白羊座(Aries) ●牡羊座是黄道12星座中的第一个星座,它 和战斗与竞争有关。牡羊座性格的人具开创 性
,凡事争先的性格,使他们对新的事物兴奋 且好奇,常能成为开路先锋。作事很有冲劲 ,
关于星座的英语演讲关于星座的英语演讲篇一:介绍十二星座的英文演讲稿 By legend,nearly tenthusand-years ag,peple lived in the mesptamian plain can bserve theastrnmical,they are curius abut the rise f the sun ,the fall f the mn and the psitin f the stars.sme suspects came t their mind hich directly lead t the frm f astrlgy.Till 5BC,the mstfamus cuntry babyln started systemtical study fastrlgy,they have created the 12signs fr the first time in the histry.s many peple cnsider they as the father f astrlgy. 白羊座Aries IairiesI (March 21- April 20): Aries are the pineer f the zdiac. Aries is symblized by a sheep, hich means quick t take actin and get things rlling. Aries has several features: energetic, enthusiastic, and arm. But smetimes Aries is impulsive. Fr example, hen the Aries ant smething, he/she ill try their best t get it, n matter h hard it ill be. Aries never cnsider if it is rth t d s, and they never think abut the cnsequence. 金牛座Taurus [ t?:r?s] (April 21- May 21): Taurus is symblized by a bull, hich means stability and reliability. Taurus is practical, slid and reliable. They dislike change, resist any chance, and may be sl t get mving. S Taurus is ttally different frm Aries. It’s very difficult t change the mind f Taurus. 双子座Gemini IjieminaiI (May 22- June 21): Gemini the Tins. Gemini is gd at gathering infrmatin and discvery things, they are smart, but they have a tendency t bend the truth. Gemini can be talktive, they enjy kning a little abut everything. A small hint fr Gemini, every Gemini has t sides, smetimes they get a bit upset but they never let thers kn. 巨蟹座Cancer (June 22- July 22): Cancer is symblized by a crab, hich meansprtectiveness. Cancer generally have an emtinal relatinship ith their surrundings. They may tend t create a small, enclsed envirnment and nly all a fe selected peple int their private space. 狮子座Le (July 23- August 23): Le the lin. The ryal Le is full f cnfidence fr the future. Le is playful, creative, arm-hearted, and risk taking. Le has the strng, burning inner-desire f self-cnfident, they never say srry t thers even they kn they are rng. Ruled the Sun, Le is the King f the 12 zdiac signs. 处女座Virg[ v?:ɡ?u] (August 24- September 23): Virg the virgin. ne f the main keys t understanding Virg is “Perfectinism”, hich means Virg is eager f being “perfect”. Anther feature f Virg is that they enjy fcusing n the very smallest f details. 天秤座Libra [ laibr? (September 24- ctber 23): Libra the scales means harmny and cperatin. Libra is sensitive t hat’s ging n arund them, and they ften act as peacemakers in their envi rnment, The slightest upset ill upset them. Librans hate t be mis-judged, and they really care hat ther peple think f them. 天蝎座Scrpi [ sk?:pi?u] (ctber 24- Nvember 22): Scrpi is f curse symblized by a scrpin. They are passinate individuals. Scrpi have the strngest emtin in all 12 zdiacs. hen they fall in lve ith sme ne, they may ant t cntrl their partners, they never accept a betrayed lver 射手座Sagittarius [,s?d?i tε?ri?s] (Nvember 23- December 21): Sagittarius is symblized by an archer. They are ptimistic, they need fr change, they are friendly. Aries and Le alays can be gd partners ith Sagittarius. Because these three zdiacs are all pen-minded and they have sme mn features. 摩羯座Capricrn [ k?prik?:n] (December 22- January 20): Capricrn the gat is knn fr self-cntrl and dependability. The sure-fted Caprcrn rks its ay slly, but surely t the tp f the muntain.they are very career-rientated peple. ambitius and have pinins abuteverything. 水瓶座Aquarius [? kε?ri?s] (January 21- February 18): Aquarius the ater purer, it is symblized by a bttle hich is puring ater. Uncnventinal, friendly, and unpredictable are all characteristics f Aquarius. Aquarius values life, persuits happiness. 双鱼座Pisces [ pisi:z] (February 19- March 20): Pisces the fishes. They are imaginative and sensitive, they feel the need t express their imaginatin and creativity. As a result, they may tend be a dreamer because ur everyday life is practical. Pisces are rmantic, and as fishes d, they lve the ater. There is an ld saying “ Yu never see Pisces cry, that’s because they live in the ater like fish and peple can’t see their tears .”篇二:关于星座的英语演讲稿全英 Hell, everyne. Tday I ill tell yu smething abut 4 cnstellatins-----cancer, le, virg and libra. And I ill intrduce all f them in fur parts. The first part is a brief intrductin. The secnd part is the bvius characters f the persn in the same cnstellatin. In the third part I ill intrduce sme ntables f these cnstellatins and in the last part I ill ffer sme prper chices t travel fr cancerians, les, virgs and libras. N, let’s begin the first cnstellatin-cancer. Cancers are brn beteen June 22 and July 22. Its name is Latin fr crab. Its symbl is . Cancer is a medium-size cnstellatin ith an area f 506 square degrees and its stars are rather faint. Lcated at the centre f cnstellatin is Praesepe, ne f the clsest pen clusters t Earth and a ppular target fr amateur astrnmers. The cancerians are alays emtinal, lving, intuitive, imaginative, shred, cautius, prtective and sympathetic, hile they are als changeable, mdy, veremtinal andtuchy. Cancers are fit t be riters and Ernest Miller Hemingay h as brn n July 21, 1899 as a representative. He as an American authr and jurnalist hse ecnmical and understated style had a strng influence n 20th-century fictin. Mre r less, e can find his charming characters in ther cancers. Based n cancers’characters, smehere near lakes r rivers are best places t travel. Fr example, making a trip t Lijiang in Yunnan prvince r Hlland is prper frm f emtinal utlet. And then let’s begin the secnd cnstellatin—le. Les are brn beteen July 23 and August 22. It is lying beteen Cancer t the est and Virg t the east. Its symbl is ( ?). Le remains ne f the 88 mdern cnstellatins tday. And it is very easy t find it due t its many bright stars and a distinctive shape. Le as als ne f the earliest fund and defined cnstellatins. Les’ characters are mre bvius and fixed pared ith thers. They are generus, armhearted, creative, enthusiastic, brad-minded, expansive, faithful and lving. Hever they are als pmpus, bssy, interfering, dgmatic and intlerant. Les are brn leaders just like Naplen. Naplen Bnaparte, h as brn n August 15 as a French military and plitical leader h rse t prminence during the latter stages f the French Revlutin and its assciated ars in Eurpe. His arrgance and aggressive shed les’ characters. Based n these characters, cnquering smething is le’s frever aims f life. S Beijing and Brazil are gd chices t travel. They must try their best t cnquer the best all and sexy Brazilian girls and bys. And then let’s begin the third cnstellatin. Virgs are brn beteen August 23 and Sep 22. Its name is Latin fr virgin, and its symbl is Unicde ?. Lying beteen Le t the est and Libra t the east, it is the secndlargest cnstellatin in the sky. It can be easily fund thrugh its brightest star, Spica, hich makes it easy t lcate Virg. Sme peple jkes that dn’t marry a le and dn’t be virgs’ rmmates.I can justify it in sme ays because the mst f virgs are fussy, vercritical, harsh, perfectinist and cnservative. Nt that they are perfectly rng. They are als mdest, shy, reliable, practical, diligent, intelligent and analytical. Just like Gerg ilhelm Friedrich Hegel, h as brn n August 27, 1770, as a German philspher, and a majr figure in German His histricist and idealist accunt revlutinized Eurpean philsphy. Based n virg’s characters, Paris r Greece are nt prper thugh they seems very perfect. The mst imprtant factr t cnsiderate is nt beautiful but clean. After all, it is difficult t image a virg live in a rm ith a stain n the all. S Dalian and Germany are best chice. Then let’s begin the last cnstellatin. Libras are brn beteen 923 t ctber 22. Its name Idealism. f reality is Latin fr eighing scales, and its symbl is . It is fairly faint, and lies beteen Virg t the est and Scrpius t the east. Due t the effects f precessin, the First Pint f Libra, lies ithin the bundaries f Virg very clse t β Virginis. I am a libra, and yu can find sme characteristics in me. Libras are diplmaitic, urbane, rmantic, charming, easyging, sciable, idealistic and peaceable hile hey are als indecisive, changeable, easily infuenced. ill Smith h as brn n September 25, 1968 is an representative. He is an American actr, prducer, and rapper. He has enjyed success in televisin, film, and music. In April 201X, Neseek called him the mst perful actr in Hllyd. Rmantic and peaceful matter a lt hen a libra chses a place t travel. est lake and Greece are gd chices. They can make libras relaxed and feel frtable. T preparethis talk sh, I searched the ikipedia t find sme infrmatins.篇三:英语星座演讲 ? Tday , I ill intrduce the cnstellatins, I think yu ill be interested in my tpic. N, let?s begin this funny “travel” . And frm this “travel”, yu can kn yurself r thers better. ? Aries is the first sign f telve cnstellatin. They are filled ith energy, intense curisity(强烈的好奇心), strength f ill(坚强的意志力), bstinate(固执的) , adventurus and innvative spirit(冒险犯难和创新求变的精神) , they dn t like falling behind the thers. ? Self cnsciusness and subjective cnsciusness (自我意识和主观意识)are very strng. Althugh smetimes they appear impulse(冲动), but basically ill still be sensible and decisive(果断的). ? The secnd ne isTaurus As the name shn, he is a real “gld” (materialistic唯物主义的) and pssessive (占有欲强的) x. They are lyal, sincere, practical, frank, respnsible fr everything. ? Taurus peple seem t be brn ith melanchly and depressive (忧郁和压抑) persnality. They are the mst diligent cnstellatin. Patience and tughness are their characters. nce determined, n ne can change it. ? Gemini peple are very versatile(多才多艺) , intelligent(聪明的), energetic, ambitius. Ppularity(人缘) is very gd, they all have a language talent as ell as an excellent elquence(口才一流). ? Basically, Gemini peple sh bvius t r mre persnalities. The changeable characteristics ften make thers elusive(难以捉摸). Gemini is gd and evil, happy and sad, gentle and brutal (残暴的), a plex cnstellatin. ? Cancer is very kind, cnsiderate, bedient(顺从), tlerable, lyal t family and friends. They have a gd memry. Their thirst fr knledge is very strng, imaginatin is als extremely rich. ? Mst f the cancer are intrverted(内向), shy, althugh they ften use a very surface f exaggeratin (夸张)t express, butbasically they are lack f self-cnfidence. They need lve and stability(安定). Suspicin(怀疑) makes them insecurity. ? In the telve signs, Le is the mst authritative (权威感) and manding(支配能力)cnstellatin. They usually have a nble flavr (贵族气息)r majestic demeanr(王者风范). They are quite independent, kn h t use the ability and trickery(耍花招) t achieve purpse. ? Essence is masculine(阳刚), magnanimus(宽宏大量), ptimistic, pen and abvebard(光明磊落). But they als have stubbrn (顽固) ,arrgant(傲慢) and dictatrial(独裁)side. Smetimes they are quite rmantic and luxurius(奢侈) 。
十二星座 演示文稿
冠军:天蝎座:诡计多端; 亚军:双鱼座:口蜜腹剑; 季军:天秤座:让你身陷泥淖; 4.处女座:逆他者亡; 5.金牛座:不爽就想害人; 6.水瓶座:意淫派; 7.双子座:小诡计多; 8.魔羯座:不惹毛他就没问题; 9.巨蟹座:不谈道德; 10.射手座:有点乖癖; 11.白羊座:很善良; 12.狮子座:不懂使诈
白羊座:稚拙 刚愎自用 性急 好战 没耐心 金牛座:偏见 依赖心 死脑筋 固执 求胜心太强 双子座:狡猾 善变 八卦 没恒心 双重人格 喜新 厌旧 投机取巧 巨蟹座:贪吃 占有欲强 敏感 马虎 太拘束 狮子座:高傲 虚荣心 放纵 浪费 任性 自我满足 处女座:挑剔 媚于俗世 不善表达 好管闲事 拘泥 啰嗦 天秤座:诱惑 犹豫不决 自恋 爱美 敷衍 随心所 欲 懒惰 天蝎座:多疑 阴险 狂热 复杂 过于主动 占有欲 强 极端 骄横 任性 射手座:丢三落四 草率 粗心 不守信用 摩羯座:顽固 自闭 孤独 不灵活 疑神疑鬼 水瓶座:突变 不服从 自由主义 草率 叛逆 双鱼座:畏缩 逃避困难 感伤 优柔寡断 意志薄弱 不现实
“星座符号是星座与人之间的图 腾,诠释星座开始。 金牛座 金牛座符号象征着力量。 巨蟹座 巨蟹座符号象征着坚强。 狮子座 狮子座符号象征着权力。 处女座 处女座符号象征着健康。 双鱼座 双鱼座符号象征着温柔。
天秤座 天秤座符号象征着平衡。 天蝎座 天蝎座符号象征着神秘。 射手座 射手座符号象征着坦率 魔蝎座 摩羯座符号象征着坚韧。 水瓶座 水瓶座符号象征着复杂。
白羊座(强盗)、 金牛座(贩毒)、 双子座(间谍)、 巨蟹座(诈婚者)、 狮子座(打手)、 处女座(金手、小偷); 天秤座(卧底)、 天蝎座(刺客)、 射手座(狙击手)、 摩羯座(黑帮老大)、 水瓶座(恐怖分子)、 双鱼座(杀手)
12星座 英语presentation
• Most of the Leo men do not want their wives to work after marriage. It is because they want to be the primary interest in the life of their partners and cannot stand anything else taking that place.
• Taurus woman actually quite real, is serious about each other's economic base. How family background? What income? Have savings and a car, house?
• Gemini man wants a female who can catch up with him mentally. A Gemini man will never mind if you defeat him at his mind games every now and then. He is not an egoist and will want you to express your intelligence.
• Aquarius woman in pursuit of freedom. she is her own, no one seems to possess her completely. To many Aquarius women, life is an endless exploration.
• Virgo males may not be very picky, but certainly will be long-winded. A quiet and less points girl will be their girlfriend.
介绍十二星座作文英文Aries is known for their fiery and passionate nature. They are natural leaders and love to take charge of any situation. They are also incredibly competitive and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.Taurus is the most grounded and practical of all the zodiac signs. They value stability and security above all else, and are known for their love of luxury and comfort. They are also incredibly loyal and will always stand bytheir friends and family.Gemini is the social butterfly of the zodiac. They are incredibly charming and love to talk to anyone and everyone. They are also known for their quick wit and intelligence, making them great conversationalists.Cancer is the most nurturing and empathetic of all the zodiac signs. They are incredibly caring and will go out of their way to make sure their loved ones are happy and takencare of. They are also known for their strong intuition and emotional depth.Leo is the king of the zodiac. They are confident, charismatic, and love to be the center of attention. They are also incredibly generous and will always go out oftheir way to help those in need.Virgo is the perfectionist of the zodiac. They are incredibly detail-oriented and organized, and strive for excellence in everything they do. They are also incredibly practical and analytical, making them great problem solvers.Libra is the most diplomatic and fair-minded of all the zodiac signs. They are incredibly charming and sociable,and always strive to create harmony in their relationships. They are also known for their love of beauty and aesthetics.Scorpio is the most intense and passionate of all the zodiac signs. They are incredibly loyal and protective of their loved ones, and will stop at nothing to defend them. They are also known for their strong willpower anddetermination.Sagittarius is the adventurous and free-spirited of the zodiac. They are incredibly optimistic and love to explore new ideas and experiences. They are also known for their sense of humor and love of freedom.Capricorn is the most ambitious and disciplined of all the zodiac signs. They are incredibly hardworking and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. They are also known for their practicality and reliability.Aquarius is the most independent and unconventional of all the zodiac signs. They are incredibly innovative and forward-thinking, and love to challenge the status quo. They are also known for their humanitarian nature and love of social causes.Pisces is the most compassionate and artistic of all the zodiac signs. They are incredibly intuitive and empathetic, and always strive to help those in need. They are also known for their creativity and imagination.。
星座介绍 presentation
Virgo(处女座) Aug. 23 - Sept. 22
• Virgo is a bit of picky(挑剔的), lack of confidence and introverted(内向的). They pursue perfect(追求完美)and never compromise(妥协). Doing everything is into it, Virgo is a workaholic. • Usually they are also very practical, studious(好学), considerate, careful, organized and very rational(理性), even grim(冷酷). They have a special comments‘ ability.
Taurus(金牛座) April 20 - May 20
• As the name shown, he is a real “gold” materialistic(唯 物主义的) and possessive (占有欲强的 ox. They are 占有欲强的) 占有欲强的 loyal, sincere, practical,thing. • Taurus people seem to be born with melancholy and depressive (忧郁和压抑) personality. They are the most diligent(勤勉的) constellation. Patience and toughness(韧性 ) are their characters. Once determined, no one can change it.
Leo(狮子座) July 23 - Aug. 22
jovial, open minded, loves freedom
• Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 • Capricorn the Sea Goat is a Summer constellation , and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of August. • Capricorn is the leader of the Earth signs. Here is a stabilizing force, one of the hardest-working signs of the Zodiac. • Patience and caution are their advantages. .
Sagittarius Capricorn Scorpio
Aquarius Pisces Aries Libra Virgo Leo Cancer Gemini
Mar. 21 - April 19 Aries the Ram is an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of November. The fire element of Arise brings assertive “I” energy. Their persistence will lead you to success. But your impulsive temper may cause problems.
proud, gregarious, dramatic, dignified
介绍十二星座的英文演讲稿第一篇:介绍十二星座的英文演讲稿By legend,nearly ten thousand-years ago,people lived in the mesoptamian plain can observe theastronomical,they are curious about the rise of the sun ,the fall of the moon and the position of the stars.some suspects came to their mind which directly lead to the form of astrology.Till 5BC,the mostfamous country babylon started systemtical study of astrology,they have created the 12signs for the first time in the history.so many people consider they as the father of astrology.白羊座Aries IairiesI(March 21-April 20): Aries are the pioneer of the zodiac.Aries is symbolized by a sheep,which means quick to take action and get things rolling.Aries has several features: energetic, enthusiastic, and warm.But sometimes Aries is impulsive.For example, when the Aries want something, he/she will try their best to get it, no matter how hard it will be.Aries never consider if it is worth to do so, and they never think about the consequence.金牛座Taurus ['tɔ:rəs](April 21-May 21): Taurus is symbolized by a bull, which means stability and reliability.Taurus is practical, solid and reliable.They dislike change, resist any chance, and may be slow to get moving.So Taurus is totally diff erent from Aries.It’s very difficult to change the mind of Taurus.双子座Gemini IjieminaiI(May 22-June 21): Gemini the Twins.Gemini is good at gathering information and discovery things, they are smart, but they have a tendency to bend the truth.Gemini can be talktive, they enjoy knowing a little about everything.A small hint for Gemini, every Gemini has two sides, sometimes they get a bit upset but they never let others know.巨蟹座Cancer(June 22-July 22): Cancer is symbolized by a crab,which means protectiveness.Cancer generally have an emotional relationship with their surroundings.They may tend to create a small, enclosed environment and only allow a few selected people into their private space.狮子座Leo(July 23-August 23): Leo the lion.The royal Leo is full of confidence for the future.Leo is playful, creative, warm-hearted, and risk taking.Leo has the strong, burning inner-desire of self-confident, they never say sorry to others even they know they are wrong.Ruled the Sun, Leo is the King of the 12 zodiac signs.处女座Virgo['və:ɡəu](August 24-September 23): Virgo the virgin.One of the main keys to understanding Virgo is “Perfectionism”, which means Virgo is eager of being “perfect”.Another feature of Virgo is that they enjoy focusing on the very smallest of details.天秤座Libra ['laibrə(September 24-October 23): Libra the scales means harmony and cooperation.Libra is sensitive to what’s going on around them, and they often act as peacemakers in their envi ronment,The slightest upset will upset them.Librans hate to be mis-judged, and they really care what other people think of them.天蝎座Scorpio ['skɔ:piəu](October 24-November 22): Scorpio is of course symbolized by a scorpion.They are passionate individuals.Scorpio have the strongest emotion in all 12 zodiacs.When they fall in love with some one, they may want to control their partners, they never accept a betrayed lover 射手座Sagittarius [,sædʒi'tεəriəs](November 23-December 21): Sagittarius is symbolized by an archer.They are optimistic, they need for change, they are friendly.Aries and Leo always can be good partners with Sagittarius.Because these three zodiacs are all open-minded and they have some common features.摩羯座Capricorn ['kæprikɔ:n](December 22-January 20): Capricorn the goat is known for self-control and dependability.The sure-footed Caprocorn works its way slowly, but surely to the top of the mountain.they are very career-orientated people.ambitious and have opinions about everything.水瓶座Aquarius [ə'kwεəriəs](January 21-February 18): Aquarius the water pourer, it is symbolized by a bottle which is pouring water.Unconventional, friendly, and unpredictable are all characteristics of Aquarius.Aquarius values life, persuits happiness.双鱼座Pisces ['pisi:z](February 19-March 20): Pisces the fishes.They are imaginative and sensitive, they feel the need to express their imagination and creativity.As a result, they may tend be a dreamer because our everyday life is practical.Pisces are romantic, and as fishes do, they love the water.There is an old saying “ You never see Pisces cry, that’s because they live in the water like fish and people can’t see their tears.”第二篇:十二星座演讲稿“十二星座”班会活动、甲:首先我想问大家一个问题:什么是星座?乙:请***起来读一遍吧!甲:大家知道一共有多少个星座吗?它们分别是哪些呢?乙:恩大家说的都很对。
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What’s your star sign?
(12/22魔羯座 (12/22-1/19) Capricorn (1/20水瓶座 (1/20-2/18) Aquarius (2/19双鱼座 (2/19-3/20) Pisces (3/21白羊座 (3/21-4/20) Aries (4/21金牛座 (4/21-5/20) Taurus (5/21双子座 (5/21-6/21) Gemini (6/22巨蟹座 (6/22-7/22) Cancer (7/23狮子座 (7/23-8/22) Leo (8/23处女座 (8/23-9/22) Virgo (9/23天秤座 (9/23-10/22) Libra (10/23天蝎座 (10/23-11/21) Scorpio (11/22射手座 (11/22-12/21) Sagittarius
Libra(天枰座) Sept. 23 - Oct. 23
• Libra has the creative talent, good comprehension(理 解能力) and artistic appreciation(艺术欣赏力), but often treat everything as art and games. They belong to the crowd, but sometimes also appear sentimentality(多愁善感). • Libra loves beauty and harmony, nature are good and gentle, considerate and outgoing. Popularity and eloquence(口才) is very good. They see things objective, often put yourself in shoes.
• Cancers are good lawyers, architects, designers, and painters. • Celebrities Alexanderthe Great, Tom Hanks, Ernest Hemingway • TIPS: Good memory is your bol 20 - May 20
• As the name shown, he is a real “gold” materialistic(唯 物主义的) and possessive (占有欲强的 ox. They are 占有欲强的) 占有欲强的 loyal, sincere, practical, frank, responsible for everything. • Taurus people seem to be born with melancholy and depressive (忧郁和压抑) personality. They are the most diligent(勤勉的) constellation. Patience and toughness(韧性 ) are their characters. Once determined, no one can change it.
Cancer(巨蟹座) June 22 - July 22
• Cancer is very kind, considerate, obedient(顺从), tolerable, loyal to family and friends. They have a good memory. Their thirst for knowledge is very strong, imagination is also extremely rich. • Most of the cancer are introverted(内向), shy, although they often use a very surface of exaggeration (夸张)to express, but basically they are lack of self-confidence. They need love and stability(安定). Suspicion(怀疑) makes them insecurity(不安全).
• Leos are good leaders, managers, performers and negotiators. • Celebrities Dustin Hoffman, Whitney Houston, Napoleon Bonaparte • TIPS: Your fixed motivation adds selfreliance. But remember to balance selfconfidence with humility.
Gemini(双子座) May 21 - June 21
• Gemini people are very versatile(多才多艺) , intelligent(聪明的), energetic, ambitious(有雄心的). Popularity(人缘) is very good, they all have a language talent as well as an excellent eloquence(口才一流). • Basically, Gemini people show obvious two or more personalities. The changeable characteristics often make others elusive(难以捉摸). Gemini is good and evil(邪恶), happy and sad, gentle and brutal (残暴的), a complex constellation.
• constellation is an arbitrary(任意的 ) formation(构造 ) of stars perceived (当 作 )as a figure or design. in order to facilitate(帮助 ) identification, ancient people use imaginary(想像的 ) lines to link those brighter stars in the sky into a group of a group and each group is called a constellation.
Do you believe your destiny(‚1运)?
• Today , I want to state my study of Twelve constellations(星座) , I think maybe you will be interested in my topic. Now, let’s begin this funny “travel” . And from this “travel”, maybe you can know yourself or others better. LET’S GO!
• Geminis are good lawyers, politicians and public speakers. • Celebrities John Kennedy, Walt Whitman, Nicole Kidman • TIPS: Your mutable(易变 的) motivation brings adapt ability.
• Virgos are good scientists, teachers, analysts and planners. • Celebrities Michael Jackson, Goethe, Hugh Grant • TIPS: A good educational background is im portant. Diligence is your advantage.
• Arians are good athletes, doctors, explorers(探 险家), soldiers, and leaders. • Celebrities(名人 名人) 名人 Celine Dion, Leonardo Da Vinci, Jackie Chan
• TIPS: Your persistence will lead you to success. But your impulsive temper may cause problems.
• Taurus are good teachers, scientists, designers, and chefs. • Celebrities Barbra Streisand, Audrey Hepburn, William Shak
•TIPS: You might be a little bit slowwitted, but your consi stency will make it up.
Aries(白羊座) Mar. 21 – April 19
• Aries is the first sign of twelve constellation. They are filled with energy, intense curiosity(强烈的好奇心 strength 强烈的好奇心), 强烈的好奇心 of will(坚强的意志力 obstinate(固执的) , adventurous and 坚强的意志力), 坚强的意志力 innovative spirit(冒险和创新的精神 , they don't like falling 冒险和创新的精神) 冒险和创新的精神 behind the others. • Self consciousness and subjective consciousness (自我意识和 主观意识)are very strong. Although sometimes they appear impulse(冲动), but basically will still be sensible and decisive(果断的).