组员: 宋紫璇 黄雅新 卢金祥 李超
The Origin of April Fool's Day
April Fool's Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fool's errands, and fool the unsuspecting. No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in France.
按习俗在4月1日只允 许从半夜 到中午的这 段时间可以搞愚人的 恶作剧,到下午还这么 做的人就成了愚人了.
Now, do you want to play jokes on others?
2. Install the Blue Screen of Death screen-saver on someone’s computer.
愚人节那天的恶作剧有的 很简单(比如,说句“你 鞋带开了!”),有的却 是精心设计的。把室友的 闹钟往后调一小时是常见 的。甚至新闻媒体都来凑 热闹。
For instance, a British short film once shown on April Fool's Day was a fairly detailed documentary about "spaghetti farmers" and how they harvest their crop from the spaghetti trees. Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, "April Fool!"
组员: 宋紫璇 黄雅新 卢金祥 李超
The Origin of April Fool's Day
April Fool's Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fool's errands, and fool the unsuspecting. No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in France.
按习俗在4月1日只允 许从半夜 到中午的这 段时间可以搞愚人的 恶作剧,到下午还这么 做的人就成了愚人了.
Now, do you want to play jokes on others?
2. Install the Blue Screen of Death screen-saver on someone’s computer.
愚人节那天的恶作剧有的 很简单(比如,说句“你 鞋带开了!”),有的却 是精心设计的。把室友的 闹钟往后调一小时是常见 的。甚至新闻媒体都来凑 热闹。
For instance, a British short film once shown on April Fool's Day was a fairly detailed documentary about "spaghetti farmers" and how they harvest their crop from the spaghetti trees. Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, "April Fool!"
"Wishing you a day full of fun and mischief!"
"April Fool's Day Card" with a picture of a goofy-looking chicken on the front. Inside, it reads: "Happy April Fool's Day! Here's to making the world a funnier place."
The Tortoise and the Hare
This story is about a tortoise that challenges a hare to a race. The hare is very confident and thinks that the race is a piece of cake. However, the tortoise plods along slowly but surely and wins the race in the end. The moral of the story is that slow and steady wins the race.
The holiday encourages people to use their creativity and imagination to come up with unique pranks and hoaxes.
Practical Jokes
Friends, family, and colleagues often play practical jokes on each other, such as hiding objects or rearranging furniture.
"April Fool's Day Card" with a picture of a goofy-looking chicken on the front. Inside, it reads: "Happy April Fool's Day! Here's to making the world a funnier place."
The Tortoise and the Hare
This story is about a tortoise that challenges a hare to a race. The hare is very confident and thinks that the race is a piece of cake. However, the tortoise plods along slowly but surely and wins the race in the end. The moral of the story is that slow and steady wins the race.
The holiday encourages people to use their creativity and imagination to come up with unique pranks and hoaxes.
Practical Jokes
Friends, family, and colleagues often play practical jokes on each other, such as hiding objects or rearranging furniture.
愚人节(April Fool's Day)英语完整课件
Have you been tricked?
There are lots of simple tricks that you can play on your friends. For example, you could wear a black sweater and pull a piece of white thread through it, so that people try to pull it off. You could change the time on someone’s alarm clock so that they’re late for work. Or glue a coin to the floor and see how many people try to pick it up.
What is April Fool’s Day?
Do you know? If you don’t know,Let me tell you. April Fool's Day is a "for-fun-only" observance in which silly harmless pranks are played on others. There are no gifts to buy or celebrations to gear up for. It's a fun little holiday, on which you must remain on the alert or you may be the next April Fool!
பைடு நூலகம்
Some jokes on April 1st
JOKE 1 A little boy asked his father: Daddy, how much does it cost to get married? The father replied: I don 't know son. I 'm still paying!! JOKE 2 Wife talking to her husband (who reads newspaper all day): I wish I were a newspaper so I'll be in your hands all day. Husband: I wish that too, so I could change you daily
Practical jokes
British people often play harmless practical jokes on each other, such as putting salt in someone's coffee or hiding their keys.
Strengthening Brand Identity
By aligning marketing efforts with the quirky nature of April Fool's Day, brands can further solidify their unique identity and differentiate themselves from competitors. This can help build brand loyalty among customers.
Limited Edition Products
To capitalize on the holiday's hype, brands often release limited-edition products with a humorous twist. These items often have a short lifespan, adding to the novelty and collectibility factor.
The Impact of Fake News: Combating Fake News:
Fake products
Types of Fake Products:
How Fake Products are Created:
In the 19th century, April Fool's Day became more and more popular in Europe and the United States.
In the 20th century, with the development of the Internet, April Fool's Day has gradually become a global festival.
Caller ID spoofing
The act of displaying a false caller ID on a phone call to deceive the recipient into thinking the call is from someone else.
English stories and
The traditional
02 customs of April Fool's Day
恶作剧是指以捉弄、欺骗或开玩笑为目的的行为,通常是为了引起他人的注意 或笑声。在愚人节这天,人们经常会用各种方式进行恶作剧,以庆祝这个特殊 的节日。
例如,把朋友的椅子用胶带粘在地板上,或者把假的动物放在朋友的床上,当 朋友早上醒来时,会感到非常惊讶和害怕。
English Jokes
• Joke 1: The Farmer and the Clock • Summary: A farmer purchases a clock that comes with an instruction manual in multiple languages. He is unable
In the 20th century, with the development of the Internet, April Fool's Day has gradually become a global festival.
Caller ID spoofing
The act of displaying a false caller ID on a phone call to deceive the recipient into thinking the call is from someone else.
English stories and
The traditional
02 customs of April Fool's Day
恶作剧是指以捉弄、欺骗或开玩笑为目的的行为,通常是为了引起他人的注意 或笑声。在愚人节这天,人们经常会用各种方式进行恶作剧,以庆祝这个特殊 的节日。
例如,把朋友的椅子用胶带粘在地板上,或者把假的动物放在朋友的床上,当 朋友早上醒来时,会感到非常惊讶和害怕。
English Jokes
• Joke 1: The Farmer and the Clock • Summary: A farmer purchases a clock that comes with an instruction manual in multiple languages. He is unable
April Fools is celebrated in only some countries in the world.
In France, April 19;Avril." French kids play a special game on this day.
If I played a prank on you on April 1st, the expression would be (translated into English) that I've baked you an April's Fish. Even the media (press and radio) try to bake an April's Fish by adding something untrue to the news.”
The object of the game is to tape a paper fish on someone's back without that person noticing.
When the victim spots the fish taped to their back, the kids yell "Poisson d’Avril!" (April Fish!)
For example, one morning a local radio station reported seeing a herd of seals far up an inland river. They reported the story several times until noon when they informed the audience it was an April Fools trick!"
愚人节最典型的活动还是大家互相开 玩笑, 用假话捉弄对方。有的人把细线拴 着的钱包丢在大街上, 自己在暗处拉着线 的另一端。一旦有人捡起钱包, 他们就出 其不意地猛然把钱包拽走。还有人把砖 头放在破帽子下面搁在马路当中, 然后等 着看谁来了会踢它。小孩们会告诉父母 说自己的书包破了个洞, 或者脸上有个
黑点。等大人俯身来看时, 他们就一边 喊着“四月傻瓜”。一边笑着跑开去。 总之,每逢愚人节这一天, 动物园和水族 馆还会接到不少打给菲什(鱼)先生成莱 昂(狮子)先生的电话, 常常惹得工作人 员掐断电话线, 以便减少麻烦。
如今的愚人节在美国已主要是淘气 的男孩子们的节日了!
Now read the passage on page 59 about the “Noodle harvest” which is remembered as one of the Best April Fool’s jokes ever!
Fool’s Day? Children enjoy playing jokes on each other. When they “fool” someone they say “April Fool” to them. The most common kind of joke is to say something like “Your dress is hanging down at the back”. When you turn round they say “April Fool”.
The newspaper feels happy if a large number of people believe what is written. Sometimes particularly good stories get into the evening news on BBC.
Do you receive gifts like these?
愚人节的玩笑只能开到中午12点之前,这是约定俗 成的严格规矩。过了中午还找乐子的人是一个比被他取 笑的人还大的傻瓜。过了钟点还开玩笑的人会立刻碰钉 子,自找没趣儿。
愚人节已过十二点, 你这个傻瓜来得晚。 待到来年愚人节, 你将是最大个的笨蛋!
1582 年,法国国王查理九世再次决定采用一种新的历法---格高利历法,新年改在1 月1日。在新历法的推行过程中, 各地仍有一些人或是不原意接受新历法,或是不知道这一日期 的更改,仍然在4月1 日这天过新年。
主张改革的对这些守旧者的做法大加嘲弄。聪明滑稽的人 在4月1日就给他们送假礼品,邀请他们参加假招待会,并把上 当受骗的保守分子称为“四月傻瓜”或“上钩的鱼”。从此人 们在4月1日便互相愚弄,成为法国流行的风俗。18世纪初,愚 人节习俗传到英国,接着又被英国的早期移民带到了美国。
dreaded spaghetti weevil, Swiss farmers 面条树大丰收,农
were enjoying a bumper spaghetti crop. 民都在树上收割面
It accompanied this announcement with footage of Swiss peasants pulling strands
Enjoy the video
What do children usually do
on April Fool’s Day?
➢ Children enjoy playing jokes on each other. When they “fool” someone they say “April Fool” to them. The most common kind of joke is to say something like “Your dress is hanging down at the back”. When you turn round they say “April Fool”.
Content organization
Structure the speech with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Prepare humorous anecdotes, jokes, or interesting facts to engage the audience and keep them interested.
Target Audience
Pranks are typically played on unsuspecting victims, often friends or family members.
Mischief Makers
Pranks are a way for people to have fun and show their creativity, often with a touch of mischief.
Strengthen interaction and communication in interpersonal relationships
On this day, people often play practical jokes on each other, which can help to improve their communication skills and ability to express their ideas clearly.
Pay attention to language expression and grammatical structure
Accent and pronunciation
Speak clearly and pronounce words correctly. Use a light-hearted tone to convey the humor of the speech.
Structure the speech with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Prepare humorous anecdotes, jokes, or interesting facts to engage the audience and keep them interested.
Target Audience
Pranks are typically played on unsuspecting victims, often friends or family members.
Mischief Makers
Pranks are a way for people to have fun and show their creativity, often with a touch of mischief.
Strengthen interaction and communication in interpersonal relationships
On this day, people often play practical jokes on each other, which can help to improve their communication skills and ability to express their ideas clearly.
Pay attention to language expression and grammatical structure
Accent and pronunciation
Speak clearly and pronounce words correctly. Use a light-hearted tone to convey the humor of the speech.
• 十六世纪的法国,人们在4月1日这天过 新 年,互赠礼物,举办晚会,庆祝新年。
origin • In 1582 the French king Charlie IX decided to adopt a new calendar - Craig Gregory calendar, New Year's day to change in January 1st. In the process of new calendar , some people were not willing to accept the new calendar, or didn't know the date changes, still celebrated the new year on April 1 .
celebration • Now this festival also began in China, especially among the college students.
现在这一节日也开始在我 们中国流行,尤其是在大学生 中间。由此看来,愚人节不仅仅是西 方人的事情,也影 响到东方。
• 愚人节又称万愚节,已经有几百年的历 史了。 关于他的起源,众说纷云。其中 最为流行的说 法认为愚人节起源于法国。
• In the sixteenth-century France, on April 1, people celebrated New Year's day, exchanging gifts, having a party and so on.
• On that day, people often organize
family reunions, the rooms are decorated with daffodils and daisy .愚人
origin • In 1582 the French king Charlie IX decided to adopt a new calendar - Craig Gregory calendar, New Year's day to change in January 1st. In the process of new calendar , some people were not willing to accept the new calendar, or didn't know the date changes, still celebrated the new year on April 1 .
celebration • Now this festival also began in China, especially among the college students.
现在这一节日也开始在我 们中国流行,尤其是在大学生 中间。由此看来,愚人节不仅仅是西 方人的事情,也影 响到东方。
• 愚人节又称万愚节,已经有几百年的历 史了。 关于他的起源,众说纷云。其中 最为流行的说 法认为愚人节起源于法国。
• In the sixteenth-century France, on April 1, people celebrated New Year's day, exchanging gifts, having a party and so on.
• On that day, people often organize
family reunions, the rooms are decorated with daffodils and daisy .愚人
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3. Do you think the advice that the BBC gave people who asked how to grow noodle trees was serous? Give a reason. The advice the BBC gave to people wanting to grow their own noodle tree could not be serious as no tree could be grown in this way.
Panorama Examination of serious problems and progress all over the world
The particular Story about the content on April 1st, excellent noodle 1957 harvest in Switzerland People’s reactions Thay believed it and even ring the BBC to find out how to grow a noodle tree!
what is written. Sometimes
particularly good stories get into
the evening news on BBC.
愚人节的来历 每年4月1日,是西方也是美国的民 间传统节日——愚人节。 愚人节起源于法国。1564年,法国 首先采用新改革的纪年法——格里历 (即目前通用的阳历), 以1月1日为一年之 始。但一些因循守旧的人反对这种改革, 依然按照旧历固执地在4月1日这一天送
the facts in an encyclopedia or go on
the Internet.
Finish the project on page 61.
Before you read, discuss
what people usually do on
April Fool’s day. Do you know any of the funny
tricks people play on each
April Fool’s day is a day when people play jokes on each other. On this day you will often see strange and
黑点。等大人俯身来看时, 他们就一边 喊着“四月傻瓜”。一边笑着跑开去。 总之,每逢愚人节这一天, 动物园和水族 馆还会接到不少打给菲什(鱼)先生成莱 昂(狮子)先生的电话, 常常惹得工作人 员掐断电话线, 以便减少麻烦。 如今的愚人节在美国已主要是淘气 的男孩子们的节日了!
Now read the passage on page 59 about the “Noodle harvest” which is remembered as one of the Best April Fool’s jokes ever!
2. Why did people believe the programme Panorama? People believed the programme Panorama because it was always serious and known for its factual correctness.
愚人节最典型的活动还是大家互相开 玩笑, 用假话捉弄对方。有的人把细线拴 着的钱包丢在大街上, 自己在暗处拉着线 的另一端。一旦有人捡起钱包, 他们就出 其不意地猛然把钱包拽走。还有人把砖 头放在破帽子下面搁在马路当中, 然后等 着看谁来了会踢它。小孩们会告诉父母 说自己的书包破了个洞, 或者脸上有个
礼品, 庆祝新年。主张改革的人对这些守 旧者的做法大加嘲弄。聪明滑稽的人在4 月1日就给他们送假礼品,邀请他们参加 假招待会。并把上当受骗的保守分子称 为“四月傻瓜”或“上钩的鱼”。从此 人们在4月1日便互相愚弄,成为法国流 行的风俗。18世纪初, 愚人节习俗传到英 国,接着又被英国的早期移民带到了美国。
Answer the following questions.
1. What do children usually do on April Fool’s Day? Children enjoy playing jokes on each other. When they “fool” someone they say “April Fool” to them. The most common kind of joke is to say something like “Your dress is hanging down at the back”. When you turn round they say “April Fool”.
interesting finds, scientific results or
astronomical findings that are put there to mislead the public.
ThБайду номын сангаас newspaper feels happy if a large number of people believe
Read the passage and fill in the chart below.
Name of the programme Its usual content
The particular content on April 1st, 1957 People’s reactions
Name of the programme Its usual content
4. What would you do to find out whether a story like this was true? If I was not sure if a story was true or not, I would go to the library to check