
Sample Prep Parts实验室样本处理耗材About us关于我们深圳逗点生物技术有限公司成立于2006年,是一家集研发、生产、国内外销售、OEM服务于一体的高新技术企业集团。
公司已通过ISO 9001:2015质量管理体系认证和ISO 13485:2016医疗器械质量管理体系认证,并被评为国家高新技术企业、深圳市高新技术企业,全资子公司逗点医疗是专业医疗器械和体外诊断试剂生产企业。
筛板/滤芯 (6)实验室筛板/滤芯UHMW-PE筛板 (7)疏水性筛板 (10)亲水性筛板 (12)固相萃取筛板 (13)亲和层析筛板 (14)核酸提取筛板 (15)Oligo合成筛板 (16)多肽固相合成筛板 (16)溶剂过滤头滤芯 (17)微流控芯片滤芯 (18)CPG Frits (18)其他定制筛板 (19)医用滤芯遇水封闭滤芯 (21)湿化瓶滤芯 (23)制氧机滤芯 (23)4Tip TM系列吸头滤芯 (24)4Tip TM Pro吸头滤芯 (25)4Tip TM 吸头滤芯 (26)4Tip TM 特殊功能吸头滤芯 (27)带筛板空柱 (28)固相萃取空柱针筒型固相萃取空柱 (29)串联型固相萃取空柱 (30)无沿型固相萃取空柱 (30)固相萃取玻璃空柱 (30)固相萃取多孔板 (30)固相萃取空柱工具套装 (31)蛋白层析空柱针筒型亲和层析空柱 (32)串联型亲和层析空柱 (32)中压层析空柱 (33)长体亲和层析空柱 (34)旋盖式离心微量蛋白纯化空柱 (34)扣盖式离心微量蛋白纯化空柱 (35)离心式蛋白纯化空柱 (35)亲和层析空柱工具套装 (36)固相合成空柱第一代Oligo合成空柱 (37)高loading Oligo合成空柱 (37)无沿合成空柱 (37)biocomma ® 筛板/滤芯选用纯净的超高分子量聚乙烯(Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, UHMW-PE)、聚丙烯(PP)、聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)等原材料,经独特的工艺加工而成,广泛应用于生物医药、生命科学、临床诊断、化学分析、样本处理、气体过滤等领域。


安装、使用该产品之前,请阅读使用说明书!文件编号:SK/T73-02/02BV 系列立式加工中心使用说明书(电气部分)系统名称:FANUC 0i MA伺服类别:FANUC 机床编号:北京机电院高技术股份有限公司数控机床事业部2003年5月注意事项1.本机床的操作者应具有中专及以上文化程度,且经过机床制造厂家的专门培训。
5.本说明书适用于我单位BV75、BV85、BV100各配套FANUC0i MA系统的产品。
企业名称:北京市机电研究院数控机床事业部地址:北京市朝阳区工体北路4号邮政编码:100027联系电话:销售(010)85236909;85236930;85236933;(010)85236733(传真)售后服务(010)65920454(兼传真)1.安全说明1.1安全总则1.2开机前的安全1.3启动时的安全检查1.4操作运行中的安全1.5工作结束后的安全1.6维修操作中的安全1.7环境要求2.机床通电前的准备工作3.控制系统介绍3.1数控系统概述3.2控制系统简介3.3G代码功能介绍3.4M代码功能介绍4.操作说明4.1机床的基本操作4.2机床校准4.3轴运动与机械运动4.4手提盘说明4.5超程解脱键4.6急停4.7快速进给4.8冷却5换刀位置的调整5.1盘式刀库5.2机械手式刀库5.3主轴准停调整5.4Z轴换刀高度的调整6.机床相关的信号、参数6.1X信号6.2Y信号6.3D参数6.4C参数6.5T参数6.6PLC部分报警中英文解释6.7PLC部分报警的诊断信息111111121212131321 31 31 31 31 34414141424444 44 44 44 51 51 52 52 536161636568686106117.机床自动运行7.1MEM自动运转方式7.2EDIT:编程方式7.3MDI:单程序段执行按钮7.4DNC运行方式7.5SINGLBLOCK单程序段7.6BLOCKDELET跳过任选程序段7.7OPTSTOP选择停7.8DRY RUN空运转7.9MACHINE LOCK机械锁住7.10CYCLE START循环起动键7.11CYCLE STOP进给保持键8.机床操作面板说明8.1机床操作地址说明8.2机床操作面板说明8.3操作面板各键功能说明9.宏程序9.1直接换刀方式9.2机械手换刀方式附录1:机床与PC机之间的通讯方法附录2:机床参数71717172737373737374747481 81 82 84 91 9193A1-1A2-11安全说明在操作机床和进行日常维修之前,操作人员必须仔细阅读本说明书,以对机床安全措施和要求有所了解。
上海神开SK G综合录井仪配置单 ls

座11.1仪器房尺寸:长度 8.00m 宽度2.44m 高度 2.79m 带拖撬长度 8.50m 1.2重量 (仪器房+设备) 约8.5T2仪器房内部装潢、布置2.1室内装潢包括:阻燃墙面、阻燃吊柜、阻燃壁柜、带不锈钢防盗锁的大门、带防火锁的逃生门、缓冲隔断、排风扇、沙发等套12.2照明设施:工业级照明组件及隔间照明灯套1 2.3办公设施套1包括:阻燃电脑桌、阻燃打印机机架、靠背椅2只2.4标准仪器双联机柜(带防震及多用电源插座)套1 3仪器房配置3.1冷暖空调台2 3.2灭火器 ABC 2kg瓶2 4八米箱起吊索具起重44T 单根钢丝绳起重不小于200KN 带CCS认证套1二、电源系统1配电系统: SK-2000综合录井仪配电箱等装置漏电、过流、缺相、零线带电保护等。
套12隔离变压器 20KVA输入:三相220V 、380V、440V、480V可选输出:三相380V套13SK-9U02宽压宽频UPS电源(2KVA)输入:220V±30%、35HZ-65HZ。
输出:220V±2%、50HZ±1HZ、波形失真≤10%、续电时间:≥15分钟台14电源电缆三相四线 40A 100m根1 5接地桩附电缆黄/绿线 6mm2 5m套2 6传感器接线盒、接线排、信号线走线槽套1 7避雷器套1三、地质仪器及装备1SK-2Y01GI 荧光测定仪 ( 幅射波长:350-365nm)套1 2SK-2T04碳酸盐测定仪套1 3SK-2M01泥岩密度仪套1四、气测参数测量系统1SK-3Q02G氢焰色谱仪键盘操作、液晶显示、带串口及记录信号输出、分析周期:1'30"或3'量程:全烃50ppm~100%、烃组分30ppm~(100% C1、套1 SK-9G01样品预处理器套12SK-9F01样品气管线反吹装置套13SK-3H04 红外CO2分析仪(0.1%~100%)套1 43056记录仪二笔(带一支深度辅助笔)台15SK-9K06无油空气压缩机台17SK-7R02热真空脱气器套1 8SK-7T05电动脱气器台1 9电动脱气器电源电缆(橡套)4×0.75mm2 50m根1 10不吸附管线Ф6×Ф4 50m根1 11尼龙管线Ф6×Ф4 50m根1 12恒温加热带 60℃ 50m(附尾端盒1个)根1 13保温套管 2m根25 14保温套管扎带卷20 15干燥、进样、放空管线(室内)套1 16气样16.1纯气样:C1 99.9% 9MPa 4L (带减压阀)瓶116.2混合样:10%C1+2.5%(C2、C3、iC4、nC4)+2%(iC5、nC5)1.5Mpa 4L (带减压阀)瓶116.3混合样:1%C1+0.25%(C2、C3、iC4、nC4)+0.2%(iC5、nC5)8.8MPa 4L (带减压阀)瓶1五、工程参数测量系统1SK-8B03转盘转速传感器(带15米传感器信号电缆连插头进口量程:0-1920转/分)套12SK-8N07G 电扭矩传感器(带15米传感器信号电缆连插头交直流二用量程:0-1000A)套13SK-8Y34A 立管压力传感器 (带15米传感器信号电缆连插头防爆无腔式量程:0-42MPa)套14SK-8Y36A 套管压力传感器 (带15米传感器信号电缆连插头防爆无腔式量程:0-68MPa)套15SK-8Y21A 悬重传感器总成 (带15米传感器信号电缆连插头防爆量程:0-6MPa)套1包括:8Y21A压力传感器只1 6MPa压力管线总成(带液压三通) 250mm根16SK-8J05G绞车传感器 (带15米传感器信号电缆连插头开关频率:5KHZ) 绞车传感器固定扳手1把套1 7压力校验台套1附: 精密压力表 10Mpa 0.4级、100Mpa 0.4级只各1 SK-TY-02 三通总成套1过渡接头只18高压注油泵 4T (附:带快速接头的液压三通、压力表、注油盒)套1 9液压油5kg桶1 10电缆盘放线架只1 11钢丝绳φ5米100 12钢丝绳卡φ5只20 13电缆线挂钩只30 14手拉葫芦 0.5T/3m只2六、钻井液参数测量系统1SK-8M04G钻井液入口密度传感器(带15米传感器信号电缆连插头进口防爆量程:0-3g/cm3)套12进口防爆量程:0-3g/cm3)套13SK-8W01A 钻井液入口温度传感器 (带15米传感器信号电缆连插头防爆量程:0-1250C)套14SK-8W01A 钻井液出口温度传感器 (带15米传感器信号电缆连插头防爆量程:0-1250C)套15SK-8D08钻井液入口电导率传感器 (带15米传感器信号电缆连插头防爆量程:0-300ms/cm)套16SK-8D08钻井液出口电导率传感器 (带15米传感器信号电缆连插头防爆量程:0-300ms/cm)套17SK SK-8L03A钻井液出口流量传感器 (带15米传感器信号电缆连插头防爆量程:0-100%)套18SK-8C06AG液位传感器 (带15米传感器信号电缆连插头防爆量程:0-2m)套59SK-8B03泵冲传感器(带15米传感器信号电缆连插头进口防爆量程:0-1920冲/分)套210钻井液传感器固定支架只11 11钻井液密度传感器标定表头只2七、数据处理系统1SK-7J02数据处理器套1 2传感器信号接线盒套3 3传感器数据线(多芯) 80M/盘附插头盘3八、计算机系统1工控机(金属漆) (酷睿E5300/2G/320G/DVD刻录光驱 无线键盘鼠标套装)(19″TFT液晶显示器及安装支架,支持双屏输出功能的独立显卡)套12商用机(P4/2.8G、1G内存、160G硬盘、100M网卡、声卡)、DVDRW、键盘、鼠标、19″TFT液晶显示器及安装支架 )套13计算机连机线套14SK-3F02辅助单元4.1视频分配器 (八道)台1 4.2集线器 10/100M套15音箱对16四串口卡块17打印机 EPSON 3500(附打印机连线)台1(2)8打印、复印、扫描、传真喷墨一体机 A4 幅面(附打印机连线)台19继电器打点卡块1 10软件:10.1采集机、工作站及服务器软件:套1SK-DLS2000SK-DPS2000 、SK-LIVE2000长图回放注:根据计算机的不断升级,可相应提高计算机的配置。

该仪器可以连续进行总烃测量和 3 分钟周期完成 C1~C5 组份项目的测量。 总烃测量范围: 最小检知浓度~100%(甲烷)
参数表③ 其它 门限 实际值
0: 23456 00333 00048
1: 03050 00300 00197
2: 00127 00432 00567
00356 00008
3Q02G - 5
SK-3Q02G 氢焰色谱分析仪使用说明书(A1 版)
显示内容:口令、总烃通道增益。两路熄火、二路泵冲,其序号依次为 1~7。
分析 01:16
00000.3mV nC4
调零 00127 长周期 上海神开
显示内容:包括组份的瞬时值及其相应的正在分析的组份英文字母、代号、分析时间、长或短或自 定义的分析周期。左侧方框内的箭头,随分析峰上升、下降箭头指向上或下及调零等内 容。
调 节:调零一项可以人工调节,基线调零时,组份瞬时值一般调在 0.1mV,调零输入格式位置 代码 1 和五位数加“E”,一般前两位输入 0,后面三位数视情况和经验选取数据输入。
参数表② 组分 总烃 甲烷 零位 01000 01000 满度 01000 01000 09998
显示内容:组份和总烃 A/D 转换信道的零点和满度设定值,纯甲烷进样时总烃的实际峰高,其序号 依次为 1~5。(一般参数屏二分屏至五分屏屏蔽不显示),输入 E 退出。

DIONEX ICS-1000使用操作指南一、注意事项1. 样品必须进行预处理。
2. 作校准曲线和测定样品应在相同条件下进行,保证测定结果的可靠性。
3. 因试剂、器皿或者样品的预处理可能引入污染干扰测定,因此要特别注意防止污染。
4. 每次测定前必须进行排气泡的过程。
5. 在关闭废液阀时,不能用力过猛,避免损坏阀体。
6. 只有在发现有液体从抑制器废液管流出时,才能设置抑制器电流。
7. 注意观察泵的压力值。
阴离子测试时,正常压力值为1600Psi,当发现压力值异常偏高时,如陡然增加1000Psi,应立即点击“Shutdown ”,并告知管理人员。
8. 测试完成后,必须让仪器继续运行20min以上。
9. 当仪器报警时,立即点击“Shutdown ”,并告知管理人员。
二、阴离子测定步骤1. 准备好淋洗液、标准样品、待测样品、高纯水等。
2. 打开氮气瓶阀门,调整氮气瓶出口处压力在0.2MPa以内,调整淋洗液瓶前的压力在5~6PSi。
3. 先开离子色谱仪电源,再开电脑电源。
4. 点击“Chromeleon”快捷图标,进入操作界面。
5. 逆时针扭动2~3圈,打开“废液阀”。
点击“pump setting”,点击“Prime”开泵,排气泡2~3min。
6. 当发现有液体从抑制器废液管流出时,点击“Detector setting”,在“Suppressortype”内选择“ASRS-4mm”,点击“Close”;点击鼠标右键,输入淋洗液浓度,设置抑制器电流。
7. 开始采集基线。
8. 基线平稳后,停止采集基线,点蓝点。
Thermo Scientific Speci-Mix 试管标本混合器 用户手册说明书

9/3/10Table of ContentsSafety information (3)Important Information (3)Alert Signals (3)Introduction (4)General Usage (4)Principles of Operation (4)Installation (4)General Specifications (5)Environmental Conditions (5)Declaration of Conformity (5)Operation (6)Precautions and Limitations (6)Maintenance and Servicing (7)General Cleaning Instructions (7)Exploded View (8)Replacement Parts Listing (9)Ordering Procedures (10)One Year Limited Warranty (11)23Your Thermo Scientific Speci-Mix Test Tube Specimen Mixer has been designed with function,reliability,and safety in mind.It is your responsibility to install it in con-formance with local electrical codes.For safe operation,please pay attention to the alert signals throughout the manual.Important InformationThis manual contains important operating and safety information.You must carefully read and understand the contents of this manual prior to the use of this equip-ment.SafetyInformationWarningWarnings alert you to a possibility of per-sonal injury.CautionCautions alert you to a possibility of damage to the equipment.NoteNotes alert you to pertinent facts and conditions.Alert Signals4The Speci-Mix Test Tube Specimen Mixer provides gentle but thorough mixing of in vitro diagnostic specimens.The specimens are placed in the grooves of the white silicone pad,which is mounted on the platform.The platform rocks at a constant speed to provide gentle and thorough mixing of test tube contents.General UsageDo not use this product for anything other than its intended usage.Principles of Operation A synchronous gear motor drives a cam and linkage as-sembly that is attached to the rocker plate,which rocks in a cyclic 48°maximum motion at 18rpm.InstallationRemove the Speci-Mix from the carton.Check electrical specifications and plug into a properly grounded recepta-cle.IntroductionNoteWith a 240V/60Hz power supply the speed is 20rpm,with a 240V/50Hz,16.5rpm.Thermo Fisher ScientificRobert-Bosch-Strasse 1,D-63505 Langenselbold,Germany6Place tubes in the grooves of the white silicone pad.Center tubes for balanced mixing.On the side without ridges,the reversible pad will accept tubes over 125mm in length.The side with ridges will accept tubes less than 125mm in length.Turn the switch to the “on”position to start the mixing.Precautions and Limitations1.Do not overload by weight.Loads over 1-1/4pounds may cause jerky rocking action.2.Wash white silicone pad with soap and water and rinse when needed to assure the friction-grip quality of the pad.OperationWarningTo avoid personal injury,do not use in the presence of flammable or combus-tible chemicals —fire or explosion may result.This device contains compo-nents that may ignite such materials.NoteIf the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer,the protection provided by the equip-ment may beimpared.71.The drive motor and linkage assembly do not require lubrication.The drive motor is imped-ance protected.2.Jerky rocking action without a load indicates motor replacement is necessary.3.Failure of the unit when plugged in and with the toggle switch in the “on”position indicates de-fective toggle switch,malfunctioning drivemotor or disengaged linkage.Remove right end cap to observe.General Cleaning InstructionsWipe exterior surfaces with lightly dampened cloth con-taining mild soap solution.Maintenance andServicingWarningTo avoid electrical shock,always dis-connect from power supply before maintenance and servicing.Refer ser-vicing to qualified personnel.8ExplodedViewNoteWhen ordering replacement parts,be sure to order by part number —not by key number.M26120-33,M26120,M26125,series 11069Model Type:M26100,Series 1107Model Type:M71000,Series 1106Model Type:M26100,Series 1107Model Type:M71000,Series 1106Product Name:Speci Mix Aliquot Mixer Product Name:1/2Size Speci Mix Aliquot Mixer Key Part #(Qty)DescriptionPart #(Qty)Description*PT261X1Silicone top tube holder PT532X2Silicone top tube holder 2PT1106X4End plate assembly PT1106X4End plate assembly 3CV710X1A End coverCV710X1A End cover4PT1106X3End plate assembly PT1106X3End plate assembly 5MTX34Motor (M26125)MTX34Motor (M71015)MTX35Motor (M26120)MTX35Motor (M71010and -33)6CR1105X1Cord set (M26125)CR1105X1Cord set (M71015)CR1105X2Cord set (M26120-33)CR1105X2Cord set (M71010-33)CRM1855X1Cord set (M71010-33CN)7SWX135Switch (M26125)SWX135Switch (M71015)SWX136Switch (M26120-33)SWX136Switch (M71010-33)8PT261X3B Top rocker plate assembly PT532X1A Top rocker plate assembly 9CUX4Coupling CUX4Coupling 10LN261X1LinkLN261X1LinkReplacementPartsWarningTo avoid electrical shock,always discon-nect from power supply before mainte-nance and servicing.Refer servicing to qualified personnel.*Not shown on exploded view.800-943-2006 or 800-926-0505North America: USA/Canada +1 866 984 3766 (866-9-THERMO) Europe: Austria +43 1 801 40 0, Belgium +32 2 482 30 30, France +33 2 2803 2180, Germany national toll free 08001-536 376,Germany international +49 6184 90 6940, Italy +39 02 02 95059 434-254-375, Netherlands +31 76 571 4440, Nordic/Baltic countries +358 9 329 100,Russia/CIS +7 (812) 703 42 15, Spain/Portugal +34 93 223 09 18, Switzerland +41 44 454 12 12, UK/ Ireland +44 870 609 9203Asia: China +86 21 6865 4588 or +86 10 8419 3588, India toll free 1800 22 8374, India +91 22 6716 2200, Japan +81 45 453 9220,Other Asian countries +852 2885 4613 Countries not listed: +49 6184 90 6940 or +33 2 2803 2180。
MycoSHENTEK 支原体 DNA 提取纯化试剂盒(2G)(磁珠法)说明书

MycoSHENTEK®支原体DNA提取纯化试剂盒(2G)(磁珠法)说明书货号:1509840在实验前请完整阅读本说明书,务必重视注意点和常见问题!版本:A/2仅供研究用湖州申科生物技术股份有限公司⏹试剂盒简介MycoSHENTEK®支原体DNA提取纯化试剂盒(2G)(磁珠法)用于提取纯化生物样品中的微量支原体DNA,包括主细胞库、工作细胞库、病毒种子批等,同时对高浓度细胞(不大于107个)、高浓度质粒、5%人血白蛋白等复杂基质生物制品均适用,与MycoSHENTEK®支原体检测试剂盒(2G)(PCR-荧光探针法)配套使用,参照EP2.6.7和JP XVIII支原体检测相关要求进行验证,检测限可达10CFU/mL。
对于样品体积小于400μL的样品,可以直接使用本试剂盒进行提取;对于超过此体积的,可通过离心将样品浓缩至终体积为约400μL,再使用本试剂盒进行支原体DNA 提取纯化。
⏹试剂盒组分表1.试剂盒组分序号组分产品号装量储存条件I 洗涤液A NND01515mL×1瓶室温结合液NND01710mL×1瓶室温洗脱液NND0195mL×1瓶室温稀释液NND0225mL×1瓶室温裂解液NND0285mL×1瓶室温II 样品处理液NND002 1.25mL×4管2~8℃磁珠NND033750μL×2管2~8℃5M NaCl NND040500μL×1管2~8℃III助沉剂ⅠNND00325μL×1管-18℃及以下助沉剂ⅡNND004500μL×1管-18℃及以下蛋白酶K NND023500μL×2管-18℃及以下⏹规格50Extractions。
Liquiline System CAT860 全自动样品预处理系统 操作手册说明书

Products Solutions Services操作手册Liquiline System CAT860全自动样品预处理系统,主要用于活性污泥池、二沉池、和地表水测量应用BA01278C/28/ZH/03.18714055352018-01-31Liquiline System CAT860目录Endress+Hauser 3目录1文档概述 (4)1.1文档功能 (4)1.2安全图标 (4)1.3信息图标 (4)2基本安全指南 (6)2.1人员要求 (6)2.2指定用途 (6)2.3工作场所安全 (6)2.4操作安全 (6)2.5产品安全 (7)3产品描述 (7)4到货验收和产品标识 (9)4.1到货验收 (9)4.2产品标识 (9)4.3供货清单 (10)4.4证书和认证 (10)5安装 (11)5.1安装条件 (11)5.2压力表的样品传输锁 (15)5.3在过程中安装过滤单元 (15)5.4连接外接压缩空气 (20)5.5将CAT860样品预处理系统连接至CA80分析仪 (21)5.6安装后检查 (23)6电气连接 (23)6.1连接电缆和软管 (25)6.2接线端子连接 (25)6.3螺旋软管结构 (26)7操作 (27)8调试 (27)8.1功能检查 (27)8.2柱塞泵通风 (27)9操作 (28)10诊断和故障排除 (28)11维护 (28)11.1维护计划 (28)11.2维护任务..........................2911.3更换泵软管和泵头..................3011.4更换过滤单元......................3112修理............................3112.1备件..............................3212.2返厂..............................3312.3废弃..............................3313附件............................3314技术参数.......................3414.1温度输入..........................3414.2电源..............................3414.3性能参数..........................3514.4环境条件..........................3614.5过程条件..........................3614.6机械结构..........................37索引. (40)文档概述Liquiline System CAT860 1 文档概述1.1 文档功能1.1.1 文档功能文档中包含仪表生命周期各个阶段内所需的所有信息:从产品标识、到货验收和储存,至安装、电气连接、操作和调试,以及故障排除、维护和废弃。

HS-9顶空进样器标准操作及维护保养规程1. 目的建立HS-9顶空进样器标准操作及维护保养规程,确保顶空进样器正常使用。
2. 范围适用于HS-9顶空进样器的操作使用。
GE Energy 产品说明书

GE EnergyIndustrial SolutionsEntelliGuard ®TU Trip UnitConversion/Upgrade KitsGE AK/AKRGE WaveProGE Power Break I & IIAllis ChalmersNew models now availableI-T-ENew models now availableWestinghouseUpgrade your existing equipmentArc flash protection and selectivity at the same timeimagination at workBCS Switchgear Inc.Switchgear | Circuit Breakers | Parts | Tech Support | 888.599.0486Need Help? 888.599.0486Conversion/upgrade kits include everything you needAK, AKR, Westinghouse, ITE, Allis Chalmers Conversion Kits • EntelliGuard TU trip unit and rating plug• Direct acting flux shifter with automatic reset• Epoxy encapsulated high-accuracy current transformers • Specially designed mounting hardware and wire harnesses with communication cable and RELT harness for easy upgrade later• Detailed instruction manual See pages 4-5EPIC, RMS9, MVT+, MVT PM Upgrade Options • EntelliGuard TU trip unit and rating plug• RELT and Ground Fault Alarm Harness Kits (see below)• RELT Switch with warning labels kit – GTURSK • Communication cable for Modbus & 24 VDC • Power Break II carrier plate assemblies (authorized service only)• WavePro secondary disconnect kitsSee pages 6-8Normal wear and tear of aging electro-mechanical trip devices on low-voltage circuit breakers can lead to loss of calibration that jeopardizes system coordination, protection and reliability.GE has channeled its decades of trip system experience into the development of the EntelliGuard TU Trip Unit, which incorporates advanced algorithms that enable arc flash protection and selectivity at the same time. Upgrade and conversion kits are ANSI C37.59 design verification tested to ensure safe, reliable operation. These kits extend the life of your mechanically sound breaker and they:• eliminate costly downtime due to nuisance tripping via a Waveform Recognition Instantaneous Algorithm• improve electrical power system coordination and protection • permit easy upgrades to communicating Power Management Control Systems (PMCS), open Modbus RTU protocol • enable the implementation of RELT and Zone Selective Interlock Instantaneous to reduce arc flash energy levels.Standard Features• Flexible time current settings• 22 I 2T Long Time Curves, Long Time Delay • 22 Fused Long Time curves (I 4T)• Short Time, Short Time Delay, 3 Short Time I 2T slopes • Waveform Recognition Instantaneous • Ammeter• Large backlit LCD screen*• Date and time*• Breaker status indication • Universal rating plugs• Status and event log (10 Events)• LED health status indicator*• Set-up software• I/O – 1 input and 1 output*• Thermal memory, battery back-up • Common interface across all versionsOptions• Internal/external ground fault trip or alarm with 4 curves to select from (I 2T, I 4T, SGF, Definite Time Slope)*• Switchable ground fault trip / alarm (Not UL Listed)• Modbus open RTU communications*• Waveform capture – enables harmonic analysis • Full-function metering*• Protective relaying*• Zone Selective Interlock – GF, S, I*• RELT – Reduce Energy Let Through*• RELT and ground fault alarm harness kits • Test Set GTUTK20Arc flash protection and selectivity at the same timeThe EntelliGuard TU Trip Unit offers optimum circuit protection and system reliability simultaneously, with little or no com-promise to either of these critical functions. With its Reduced Energy Let-Through Setting (RELT), the system protects at HRC1 or 2 for available fault currents as high as 100kA.Reliability and arc flash protection, in one package, at the same time, all the time.Algorithms enabling arc flash protection and selectivity • RELT – Reduced Energy Let Through• Zone Selective Interlocking – Instantaneous (ZSI-I)• Waveform Recognition Instantaneous – coordinates with current limiting devices and reduces nuisance trips• Flexible time current curves – create the shape you need Reliability – Health Status• Non-volatile memory with continuous self-testing microprocessor• Health Status LED indicates normal operation, errors, pick-up, trip• External power not required with long-life lithium battery • Positive setpoint recognition, values flash until saved Plug and Play• Same form, fit, function as the popular MicroVersaTrip trip unit, simplifying upgrade to an existing converted breaker*Optional full-function metering • Current (Amps, kAmps)• Voltage (Ph-Ph, Ph-N)• Energy (kWh, MWh, GWh)• Real power (kW, MW)• Total power (kVA, MVA)• Frequency (Hz)• Demand (avg. kW, MW) and peak demand Optional protective relaying functions • Undervoltage • Overvoltage• Voltage unbalance • Current unbalance • Power reversal• Power direction setup* Note: Some options require 24VDC additional hardware to enable Metering, Relaying,REL T, ZSI, Modbus to be added to the breaker, equipment cubicle and equipment sections.Upgrade your low-voltage equipment with electronictrip unit technology.Additional Key ComponentsSee back cover for adding RELT to existing installationsBCS Switchgear Inc.Switchgear | Circuit Breakers | Parts | Tech Support | 888.599.0486Need Help? 888.599.0486Conversion kits come standard with a rating plug that matches the current sensor. For rating plugs with different values, price and order the EntelliGuard TU Conversion Kit page.BCS Switchgear Inc.Switchgear | Circuit Breakers | Parts | Tech Support | 888.599.0486Need Help? 888.599.0486Replacement EntelliGuard TU Trip UnitsThe EntelliGuard TU Trip Unit is a plug and play replacement for these legacy trip units:• RMS9• EPIC• MicroVersaTrip• Enhanced MicroVersaTrip• Enhanced MicroVersaTrip+• Enhanced MicroVersaTrip M/PMIf your existing breaker has one of these trip units and the breaker’s current sensors, wiring harnesses and flux shifters are in good condition, then only a trip unit upgrade is needed. Note: Depending on options selected, a wiring harness may be needed to add RELT, ZSI, Metering or Communications to the existing breaker. Harnesses are list on pages 3 and 8 of this brochure.Warning:If you have an EPIC, MVT M or MVT PM trip unit using Comnet communications, please contact your local field sales office for assistance. The EntelliGuard TU communicates using Modbus, which will require wiring changes and software changes to your current PMCS/BMS system.Sensor Rating*Function combination is NOT UL ListedKEY:L = Long Time (I2T + fuse settings I4T, all trip units)S = Short Time (Switchable if Instantaneous (I) protectionis enabled)I = Standard Range Adjustable Instantaneous, (IOC, 2x-15x)G = Ground Fault Protection (GFP, 3-wire or 4-wire,internal summing) Trip & AlarmD = Defeatable/Switchable Ground Fault NOT UL ListedA = Ground Fault, Alarm onlyGA = Ground Fault Alarm OnlyGDA = Ground Fault Trip and Ground Fault Alarm (allswitchable, NOT UL Listed)Loose trip units do not come with rating plugs, which must be ordered separately.For rating plugs, see page 5. For harnesses, see pages 3 and 8.Harness Kits and Hardware to add RELT (Reduced Energy Let Through)EntelliGuard TU Trip Units are compatible with MicroVersaTrip, RMS9, EPIC RMS9, MicroVersaTrip Plus & PM,Enhanced MicroVersaTrip Plus & PM Trip Units models.Also Available from GE:Power Break II in a Power Break I (fixed and drawout) –see DEA-520AKR Remote Rackers –see DET-440AComing Soon!EntelliGuard G in AKD-5, AKD-6, AKD-8 switchgear line-upsContact factory for availability and optionsInformation provided is subject to change without notice. Please verify all details with GE. All values are design or typical values when measured underlaboratory conditions, and GE makes no warranty or guarantee, express or implied, that such performance will be obtained under end-use conditions.GE Energy41 Woodford AvenuePlainville, CT 06062© 2011 General Electric Companyimagination at workDET-722D (07/11)。

2.3 现场气体录井气相色谱分析系统
现场气体录井中所用的气相色谱分析系统,主 要用来分析随钻井液上返到地面的地层释放气 体。 地层气主要有烃类气(C1~C5)、非烃气(H2、 CO2)等。 地层气体表征了地层含油、气、水的特性。 对地层气的检测与分析,是综合录井中的一项 非常重要的关键技术和手段。
2.3.2 现场烃类气体录井
2. FID气相色谱分析仪的样品预处理系统 SK-9G01 样品预处理器处理“泥浆脱气、采样 袋(注入)、零空气、标准气样”等不同气样 时,面板各状态操作位臵为:
2.3 现场气体录井气相色谱分析系统
2.3.2 现场烃类气体录井
3. FID气相色谱分析仪的分离与分析系统 ⑴ 分离方法和过程 SK-3Q 系列气相色谱仪组分的分析流程属于双 柱、单定量管、单流程气路结构,整个分析周 期还包括对重组份的反吹。
2.3 现场气体录井气相色谱分析系统
2.3.2 现场烃类气体录井
4. FID气相色谱分析仪的硬件系统 现场录井所使用色谱仪中的硬件系统一般分为 两种:基于单片机控制的硬件系统;基于嵌入 式处理器控制的硬件系统。
2.3 现场气体录井气相色谱分析系统
2.3.2 现场烃类气体录井
4. FID气相色谱分析仪的硬件系统 ⑴ 基于单片机的控制系统 系统包括单片机控制电路、微电流放大电路、 A/D转换电路、驱动电路、气体流速检测电路 、电源供电等电路。控制流程如下图。
2.3 现场气体录井气相色谱分析系统
2.3.1 钻井液中气体的采集方法
2. 脱气器的发展 ⑵ 动力型脱气器 将动力装臵(电动机)引入脱气器。 通过电动机搅拌破碎钻井液,在气测仪中的样 品泵抽吸下使钻井液中的气体负压脱出。 由防爆电机、搅拌棒、钻井液室、钻井液破碎 挡板、电动脱气器集气室及安装支架等部分组 成。 脱气效率较高,约20%。

采样袋(注入) 校正
⑴真空表显示一定量的数值:说明样品气可能堵塞,应检查样品气输入管线堵塞情况。 ⑵在使用中压力表显示值不正确:可能说明样品泵工作不正常,检查氢焰分析仪是否对 样品泵供电;可能说明稳压阀调节杆松动,检查并重新调整压力;样品泵排量不够有异声, 清洁样品泵膜片。 ⑶气样输入但无气样输出:可能说明管线漏气,应检查漏点并解决;可能说明二位阀或 四位阀未切换到位,应检查并使之到位。 ⑷正常使用时,当两阀处于样品气位,在样品输出 2 口应有 600mml/min 左右的气体输出, 可在 SK-3R03 前面板上的转子流量计上观察到,若流量不正确:可以说明样品气输出 2 口的 气阻有堵塞情况,应及时更换滤芯;样品泵排量不够有异声,清洁样品泵膜片。
⑴当使用标样气体(钢瓶气)进行标定和零位空气进行校正时,应在 SK-3Q02G、SK-3Q04 面板上操作,将 SK-9G01 的样品泵关闭,以免样品泵损坏,提高样品泵的使用寿命。
⑵当使用注入口注入气样(即球袋气)进行标定后,请及时将两阀切换至样品气位,以免 样品泵损坏,提高样品泵的使用寿命。
通过操作 SK-3Q02G、SK-3Q04 氢焰色谱仪面板上的按钮打开样品泵,此时,在仪器面板上的 压力表应指示 0.04MPa 左右,这样即可将样品气抽入,同时在样品气输出 1 口和样品气输出 2 口输出样品气。
b. 当需使用标准气样(即钢瓶气)校验时,应将二位阀和四位阀切换至“校正”位,通 过操作 SK-3Q02G、SK-3Q04 氢焰色谱仪面板上的按钮关闭样品泵,打开标准气样钢瓶阀门, 打开减压阀阀门至输出压力为 0.1~0.15mpa,此时仪器面板上样品气压力表应指示 0.04mpa 左 右,这样在样品气输出 1 口获得标准气样,样品气输出 2 口无气样输出。注意这时候的样品 泵处于关闭状态。
SKC BioLite+空气采样泵操作说明书

This manual covers the following models:Thank you for choosing an SKC product. Your purchase is covered by our warranty, details of which can be found inside the rear cover of this manual.SKC recommends a minimum service interval of one year for this product. The first service is due one year from the date of purchase, and then at yearly intervals on this date. However, it is the responsibility of the user to perform a risk assessment to determine the necessary frequency of servicing that is required.Please note that SKC Ltd are the only authorised service centre in the UK, guaranteeing you access to the full range of genuine SKC replacement parts. For all other areas a full list of SKC approved distributors and service centres can be found at SKCUKservicecentre-Tel:+44(0)1258480188Fax:+44(0)1258480184Email:***************Specifications (2)General Information (3)The BioLite+ Pump (4)Operating the BioLite+ Pump (5)Troubleshooting (6)Replacement Parts and Accessories (7)Warranty Information (8)• Maximum flow rate: 62 litre/min • Maximum back pressure: 850mbar• Dimensions: W x H x D 162 x 209 x 303mm• Weight: Model 228-9615 - 7.42kg (16.32 lb) / Model 228-9620 - 7.25kg (15.95 lb)• Enclosure rating - IP20• Operating temperature: 0°C to +40°C • Operating humidity: 0 to 95% Rh••1) Pump Models2) Care of the BioLite+ Pump• The BioLite+ pump is available in two variants for different electrical mains supplies (see table above). Do not use the pump with electrical mains supply other than that for which it is designed.• Do not block the ventilation grilles at either side of the pump or the cooling fan inlet grill at the rear of the pump during operation.• Do not open the pump casing when the mains supply is connected to the pump - Potential electric shock hazard.• A small quantity of carbon dust will be exhausted from the pump outlet in normal operation due to normal wear of the graphite pump rotor vanes.• The BioLite+ pump case is IP20 rated, it is not rated as water or splashproof and therefore must not be used where it is possible for water to enter the pump casing.Warning - Failure to follow these guidelines will void the product warranty.3) The WEEE DirectiveThis product is marked with the crossed out wheelie bin symbol, which identifies that it falls within thescope of the EU Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). At the endof it’s useful life, this product must be disposed of in an environmentally sound way as detailed in theDirective. Please contact your local distributor or SKC Ltd for further details on how to comply with therequirements of the WEEE Directive.Fuse holder Pump inletCooling fan inlet1. Insert the mains lead into the IEC mains inlet at the rear of the pump and plug the lead into a suitablemains outlet socket. Both UK 3 pin and Euro 2 pin mains leads are supplied with the 228-9620 model, select the correct lead for your location.2. Turn the flow adjuster fully counter-clockwise to ensure that it is fully open. Switch on the mains supply.Switch on the pump using the on/off switch at the rear of the pump. Allow the pump to run for five to ten minutes to stabilise before commencing any flow calibration. Switch the pump off using the on/off switch at the rear of the pump.3. Connect the sample train to the pump inlet hosetail. Switch on the pump using the on/off switch. Adjustthe flow rate if required using the flow adjuster. Turn the flow adjuster clockwise to reduce the flow rate and anti-clockwise to increase the flow rate. Allow the pump to run for five minutes for the flow rate to stabilise before taking any calibration readings.4. The back pressure gauge gives a reading of the vacuum generated by the pump due to the restriction toflow of the sample train. This is important for indicating correct operation of the SKC Biosampler - the Biosampler achieves sonic flow at a suction of 15in Hg (refer to the Biosampler instructions for further details).If the required item is not listed, contact your supplier or SKC sales on +44 (0) 1258 480188.SKC provide an extensive range of sampling media, including filters, sorbent tubes and impingers. A fullselection can be found in the current SKC catalogue and at Limited One Year Warranty1. SKC warrants that this instrument, and each of its component parts, provided for occupational health and safety and environmental applications is free from defects in workmanship and materials under normal use for a period of one (1) year. This warranty DOES NOT cover any claims due to abuse, misuse, neglect, alteration, or accident, or use in application for which the instrument was either not designed or not approved by SKC, or, due to the buyer’s failure to maintain normal maintenance, improper selection or misapplication. This warranty shall further be void if changes or adjustments to the instrument are made by a person other than an employee of the seller or, if the operating instructions furnished at the time of installation are not complied with.2. SKC hereby expressly disclaims all warranties either expressed or implied, including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and neither assumes nor authorises any person to assume for it any liability in connection with the sale of these instruments. No description of the goods being sold has been made a part of the basis of the bargain or has created or amounted to an express warranty that the goods will conform to any such description. The Buyer shall not be entitled to recover from SKC any consequential damages; damages to property, damages for loss of use, loss of time, loss of profits or income or any other incidental damages. Nor shall the Buyer be entitled to recover from SKC any consequential damages resulting from defect of the instrument.3. This warranty extends only to the original purchaser of the warranted instrument during the term of the warranty, the buyer may be required to present proof of purchase in the form of a paid receipt for the instrument.4. In the event of a defect, malfunction, or other failure of the instrument not caused by any misuse or damage to the instrument while in the possession of the Buyer, SKC will remedy the failure or defectwithout charge to the buyer. The remedy will consist of service or replacement of the instrument, or refund of the purchase price, at the option of SKC. However, SKC will not elect refund unless it is unable to provide replacement and repair is not commercially practicable.5. The terms of this warranty begin on the date the instrument is delivered to the buyer and continue for a period of one (1) year.6(a) To obtain performance of any obligation under this warranty, the buyer shall return the instrument, freight prepaid to SKC at the following address:-SKC Limited11 Sunrise ParkHigher Shaftesbury RoadBlandford ForumDorset DT11 8STt: 44 (0) 1258 480188f: 44 (0) 1258 4801846(b) To obtain further information on the warranty performance contact SKC.7. This warranty is provided under English law.8. No other warranty is given by SKC in conjunction with this sale.The disclaimers and limitations shall not affect the statutory rights of the consumer. 007-01-013 Issue C Page 9。

样 品 气:入口→总烃样品气气阻→总烃 FID
助燃空气:入口→三通→空气稳压阀→点火气阻(点火电磁阀)→三通→总烃助燃空气气阻→ 总烃 FID
氢气燃气:入口→三通→总烃氢气稳压阀→总烃燃气气阻→总烃 FID
A. 分析,预切状态: 样 品 气:入口→组份样品气阻→注入阀(4)孔→(3)孔→十通转阀(1)孔→(2)孔→样气放空
最小检知浓度 50PPm 组份测量范围: 最小检知浓度~100%(甲烷)
最小检知浓度 30PPm 9. 重新修改了布局,增加了强制散热,提高了仪器的可靠性。 10. 提供多种标定方式,使用更加方便。
SK-3Q02G 氢焰色谱仪与 SK-9G01 样品预处理单元组成了完整的分析系统。为了保证仪器的正 常工作,分析系统在相互连接时加了与其相关的净化系统,分析系统包括样品预处理单元、分析单 元。样品预处理单元采集来自泥浆脱气器的样品,通过样品泵,进入前处理系统,样品预处理单元 除了有样品气净化处理功能外,还有样品气分配功能,经处理或分配的样品气然后进入分析单元。 分析单元包括了采样系统、分离系统、检测器、流路控制系统、测控系统等。分析系统的方框图见 图 2-1;SK-9G01 的流程图见图 2-2。
iC5: 000000 nC5: 000000
显示内容:序号为 C1 到 nC5 是 C1~nC5 分析响应的峰保值(采样值 mV)。每分析一个周期就刷新。
4. SK-3Q02 氢焰色谱分析仪气路
4.1. 气路的组成
4.1.1. 样气气路方面 注入阀、稳压阀、各路气阻、样气气路管线等。
4.1.2. 氢气气路方面 氢气发生器、氢气稳压阀、各路气阻、氢气气路管线等。
Cell Counting Kit - SK 技术手册说明书

Figure 1. Structures of WST-8 and WST-8 formazan Figure 2. Principle of the cell viability detection with Cell Counting Kit - SKFigure 3. Cell number determination using CCK-SK and other kitsMedium : HL60...........RPMI1640, 10% FBSJurkat.........RPMI1640, 10% FBS Reagent : CCK-SK.....................10 ml/wellCCK-8........................10 ml/wellCompany A.................10 ml/wellCompany B.................20 ml/well Incubation : CCK-SK........................2 hoursCCK-8..........................2 hoursCompany A...................2 hoursCompany B...................2 hours Detection : CCK-SK ( ) ................450 nmCCK-8 ( )...................450 nmCompanyA( ).............450 nmCompanyB ( )............ 490 nmIf you need more information, please contact Dojindo technical service.2025-5 Tabaru, Mashiki-machi, Kamimashiki-gun, Kumamoto 861-2202, Japan Phone: +81-96-286-1515 Fax: +81-96-286-1525E-mail: Web: Dojindo LaboratoriesDojindo Molecular Technologies,Inc. Tel: +1-301-987-2667 Web:/Dojindo EU GmbH Tel: +49-89-3540-4805 Web: /Dojindo China Co., Ltd Tel: +86-21-6427-2302 Web:/FrequentlyAskedQuestions Precautions References 1. What is the differences between CCK-SK and CCK-8?Since the sensitivity using CCK-SK is higher than that using CCK-8 (refer to Figure 3), CCK-SK enables the short incubation for coloring reaction. CCK-SK is suitable for cell lines to be required the sensitivity such as leucocyte or leukemia cell lines.2. How many cells should there be in a well?At least 1000 cells are necessary per well (100 µl medium). The recommended maximum number of cells per well for the 96-well plate is 25000. If a 24-well or 6-well plate is used for this assay, please calculate the number of cells per well accordingly, and adjust the volume of the CCK-SK solution in a well to 10% of the total volume.3. Does CCK-SK stain viable cells?No. Since WST-8 and its formazan dye are highly water-soluble, CCK-SK cannot be utilized for cell staining purpose.4. Does phenol red affect the assay?No. The absorption value of phenol red in a culture medium can be removed by subtracting the absorption value of a blank solution from the absorption value of each well. Therefore, a medium containing phenol red is usable for the CCK-SK assay.5. I do not have a 450 nm filter. What other filters can I use?You can use filters with the absorbance between 430 and 490 nm, even though 450 nm filter gives the best sensitivity.Cell Proliferation and Cytotoxicity Assay1. Dispense 100 µl of cell suspension (5000 cells/well) in a 96-well plate. Pre-incubate the plate for 24 hours in a humidified incubator (e.g., at 37°C, 5% CO 2).2. Add 10 µl of various concentrations of substances to be tested to the plate.3. Incubate the plate for an appropriate length of time (e.g., 6, 12, 24 or 48 hours) in the incubator.4. Add 10 µl of CCK-SK solution to each well of the plate.Be careful not to introduce bubbles to the wells, since they interfere with the O.D. reading.5. Incubate the plate for 1 - 4 hours in the incubator.6. Measure the absorbance at 450 nm using a microplate reader.To measure the absorbance later, add 10 µl of 1% w/v SDS or 0.1 M HCl to each well, cover the plate and store it with protection from light at room temperature. No absorbance change should be observed for 24 hours.1. Since the CCK-SK assay is based on the dehydrogenase activity detection in viable cells, conditions or chemicals thataffect dehydrogenase activity in viable cells may cause discrepancy between the actual viable cell number and the cell number determined using the CCK-SK assay.2. WST-8 may react with reducing agents to generate WST-8 formazan. Please check the background O.D. if reducing agents are used in cytotoxicity assays or cell proliferation assays.3. Be careful not to introduce bubbles to the wells, since they interfere with the O.D. reading.4. Phenol red containing culture media can be used with this kit for cell viability assays.5. Membrane filtration is recommended for the sterilization of the CCK-SK solution, if necessary.6. Measure and subtract the O.D. at 600 nm or higher from that of sample if there is a high turbidity in the cell suspension.1. M. Ishiyama, Y. Miyazono, K. Sasamoto, Y. Ohkura and K. Ueno, Talanta, 1997, 44, 1299.2. H. Tominaga, M. Ishiyama, F. Ohseto, K. Sasamoto, T. Hamamoto, K. Suzuki and M. Watanabe, Anal. Commun., 1999, 36, 47.CK10 : Cell Counting Kit-SK。

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b. 当需使用标准气样(即钢瓶气)校验时,应将二位阀和四位阀切换至“校正”位,通 过操作 SK-3Q02G、SK-3Q04 氢焰色谱仪面板上的按钮关闭样品泵,打开标准气样钢瓶阀门, 打开减压阀阀门至输出压力为 0.1~0.15mpa,此时仪器面板上样品气压力表应指示 0.04mpa 左 右,这样在样品气输出 1 口获得标准气样,样品气输出 2 口无气样输出。注意这时候的样品 泵处于关闭状态。
SK-9G01 样品预处理器使用说明书
SK-9G01 样品预处理器
本仪器可作为 SK-3Q02G、 SK-3Q04 氢焰色谱仪或 SK-3R03 热导色谱仪前置的样品气 预处理器,在与 SK-3Q02G、 SK-3Q04 氢焰色谱仪配套使用的情况下,通过切换 SK-9G01 样品预处理器面板上的平面切换二位六通阀和平面切换四位五通阀,使之具有四路不同的气 体输入方式和输出二路不同排量的气体以供 SK-3Q02G、 SK-3Q04、SK-3R03 分析用。
SK-9G01 样品预处理器使用说明书
e. 仪器处理“泥浆脱气、采样袋(注入)、零空气、标准气样”不同气样各状态操作位置
进样方式 二位六通阀位 四位五通阀位置 样品泵状态 输出 1 口 输出 2 口
d. 当需使用注入口用标定气(即球袋气)进行标定时,应先将二位阀切换至“校正”位, 将四位阀切换至“注入”位,然后在前面板注入口接入所用气样,通过操作 SK-3Q02G、SK-3Q04 氢焰色谱仪面板上的按钮打开样品泵,此时,在仪器面板上的压力表应指示 0.04MPa 左右, 这样即可将球袋气抽入,这样在样品气输出 1 口获得所注入的气样,样品气输出 2 口无气样
SK-9G01 样品预处理器通过样品泵将电动脱气机所提拱的样品气由管线抽入样品预处 理器后面板上的样品输入口,通过切换样品预处理器前面板上的两阀至“样品气”位,在后 面板上分别从样品气输出 1 口通过管线接入 SK-3Q02G、SK-3Q04 氢焰色谱仪后板上的样品
SK-9G01 样品预处理器使用说明书
⑶为了保护仪器,在某些管线的进出口位置放置了杯状滤芯:样品气输入口接头、零空气 输入口接头、标准气输入口接头、注入口接头、仪器内部气阻块内(与样品泵输出口尼龙软 管相连),用户应根据仪器使用的具体情况,经常对这些滤芯进行更换。
⑷当用钢瓶或其它高压贮气装置作为输入气体时,应将钢瓶或其它高压贮气装置输出压力 控制在 0.4MPa 以下,以免超出二位阀和四位阀的使用范围,而影响仪器的正常使用。
SK-9G01 样品预处理器后板示意图
样 品 泵1
大 排 量 气
稳 压 阀
标准气样 零空气 1
注入口 手柄
SK-9G01 样品预处理器流程图
SK-9G01 样品预处理器使用说明书
气输入端口、从样品气输出 2 口通过管线接入 SK-3R03 热导色谱仪后板上的样品气输入端口, 分别对样品气进行分析。
⑴将从脱气器脱出的样品气和经过干燥过滤的零位空气、标准钢瓶气用管子分别与本仪 器后面板上的样品输入、零空气输入和标准输入口连接。
⑵用管子将样品气输出 1 口与 SK-3Q02G、SK-3Q04 氢焰色谱仪后面板上的样品气输入端 口相连、样品气输出 2 口与 SK-3R03 热导色谱仪后面板上的样品气输入端口相连。
⑶SK-3Q02G、SK-3Q04 五芯控制插座通过电缆线与本仪器后面板上的五芯插座相连。
⑴压力调整 当二位阀和四位阀均处于“样品气”位时,调节后面板上的稳压阀,使压力表指示值达
到 0.04MPa 左右。 ⑵气路选择操作 a. 当需使用样品气(即电脱气)作分析时,应将二位阀和四位阀切换至“样品气”位,
⑴当使用标样气体(钢瓶气)进行标定和零位空气进行校正时,应在 SK-3Q02G、SK-3Q04 面板上操作,将 SK-9G01 的样品泵关闭,以免样品泵损坏,提高样品泵的使用寿命。
⑵当使用注入口注入气样(即球袋气)进行标定后,请及时将两阀切换至样品气位,以免 样品泵损坏,提高样品泵的使用寿命。
样品泵输入电压 :220VAC 环境相对湿度小于:95% 环境温度:0~40℃ 泥浆真空表指示范围:0-0.1Mpa
MPa 真空表
0.2 MPa 压力表
c. 当需使用零位空气作零位校正时,先通过操作 SK-3Q02G、SK-3Q04 氢焰色谱仪面板上 的按钮关闭样品泵,再将四位阀切换至“零空气”位:若将二位阀切换至“校正”位,此时 仪器面板上样品气压力表指示 0.04mpa 左右,这样在样品气输出 1 口获得零位空气,样品气 输出 2 口无气样输出;若将二位阀切换至“样品气”位,此时仪器面板上样品气压力表指示 0.04mpa 左右,这样在样品气输出 1 口、样品气输出 2 口均可获得零位空气,注意这时候的样 品泵也应处于关闭状态。
SK-9G01 样品预处理器可在前面板上的注入口接上气体取样袋,切换二位阀至“校正”位、 切换四位阀至“注入”位,这样就能从后面板上的样品气输出 1 口提供标定气给 SK-3Q02G、 SK-3Q04 氢焰色谱仪作标定。
SK-9G01 样品预处理器还可在后面板上的标准输入口、零空气输入口分别接上钢瓶气和干 净的零位空气,将前面板上的二位阀切换至“校正”位、四位阀分别切换至“校正”位和“零 空气”位,这样就能通过从后面板上的样品气输出 1 口提供给 SK-3Q02G、SK-3Q04 氢焰色谱 仪作校验和零位校正。
1-真空表 2-压力表 3-平面切换二位四通阀 4-平面切换四位五通阀 5-注入口
SK-9G01 样品预处理器面板示意图
SK-9G01 样品预处理器具有连续提供样品气供 SK-3Q02G、 SK-3Q04 氢焰色谱仪、 SK-3R03 热导色谱仪进行现场井口气(采用系统内的样品泵抽取现场泥浆脱气器脱取的天然 气样品) 分析,也可用气体取样袋取得的标定气对 SK-3Q02G、 SK-3Q04 氢焰色谱仪进行 标定,还可以用标准钢瓶气或零空气作为二种色谱仪的校验或零点校正。
2 样品气输出
1 样品气输出
1-五芯插座 2-样品气输出 2 口(接非烃) 3-样品输入口 4-样品气输出 1 口(接氢焰) 5-零空气输入口 6-样品稳压调节阀 7-标准气输入口
采样袋(注入) 校正
⑴真空表显示一定量的数值:说明样品气可能堵塞,应检查样品气输入管线堵塞情况。 ⑵在使用中压力表显示值不正确:可能说明样品泵工作不正常,检查氢焰分析仪是否对 样品泵供电;可能说明稳压阀调节杆松动,检查并重新调整压力;样品泵排量不够有异声, 清洁样品泵膜片。 ⑶气样输入但无气样输出:可能说明管线漏气,应检查漏点并解决;可能说明二位阀或 四位阀未切换到位,应检查并使之到位。 ⑷正常使用时,当两阀处于样品气位,在样品输出 2 口应有 600mml/min 左右的气体输出, 可在 SK-3R03 前面板上的转子流量计上观察到,若流量不正确:可以说明样品气输出 2 口的 气阻有堵塞情况,应及时更换滤芯;样品泵排量不够有异声,清洁样品泵膜片。