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材料工程杂志投稿要求Microsoft Word 文档 (3)

材料工程杂志投稿要求Microsoft Word 文档 (3)










































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参考文献[1] 祝大同.覆铜板用新型材料的发展(一)[J].印制电路信息,2001,(12):7-11.[2] 王严杰,张续柱,肖忠良,等.高频低介电常数改性环氧树脂覆铜板的研制[J].工程塑料应用,2002,30(4):35-37.WANG Yan-jie,ZHANG Xu-zhu,XIAO Zhong-liang,et al.De-velopment of copper clad based on modified epoxy resin with highfrequency and low dielectric constant[J].Engineering PlasticsApplication,2002,30(4):35-37.[3] 李晓云,张之圣,曹俊峰.环氧树脂在电子封装中的应用及发展方向[J].电子元件与材料,2003,22(2):36-37.LI Xiao-yun,ZHANG Zhi-sheng,CAO Jun-feng.The applicationof epoxy resin to the electronic encapsulation[J].Electronic Com-ponents &Materials,2003,22(2):36-37.[4] HAMERTON I,HAY J N.Recent developments in the chemistryof cyanate esters[J].Polymer International,1998,47(4):465-473.[5] 颜红侠,梁国正,马晓燕,等.氰酸酯树脂的增韧改性研究进展[J].材料导报,2004,18(11):57-60.YAN Hong-xia,LIANG Guo-zheng,MA Xiao-yan,et al.Recentdevelopments in the toughening of cyanate-ester polymers[J].Materials Review,2004,18(11):57-60.[6] HUANG P Z,GU A J,LIANG G Z,et al.Curing behavior anddielectric properties of hyperbranched poly(phenylene oxide)/cya-nate ester resins[J].Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2011,121(4):2113-2122.[7] GOERTZEN W K,KESSLER M R.Dynamic mechanical analysisof fumed silica/cyanate ester nanocomposites[J].Composites PartA:Applied Science and Manufacturing,2008,39(5):761-768.[8] GAO Y W,GU A J,JIAO Y C,et al.High-performance hexa-gonal boron nitride/bismaleimide composites with high thermalconductivity,low coefficient of thermal expansion,and low die-lectric loss[J].Polymer for Advanced Technologies,2012,23(5):919-928.[9] KUME S,YAMADA I,WATARI K,et al.High-thermal-con-ductivity AlN filler for polymer/ceramics composites[J].Journalof the American Ceramic Society,2009,92(S1):153-156.[10] XIONG J W,ZHENG Z,QIN X M,et al.The thermal and me-chanical properties of a polyurethane/multi-walled carbon nano-tube composite[J].Carbon,2006,44(13):2701-2708.[11] PONG Z,KONG L X,LI S D.Dynamic mechanical analysis ofpolyvinylalcohol/silica nanocomposite[J].Synthetic Metals,2005,152(1-3):25-28.[12] 秦明礼,曲选辉,黄栋生,等.氮化铝(AlN)陶瓷的特性、制备及应用[J].陶瓷工程,2000,(4):39-42. QIN Ming-li,QU Xuan-hui,HUANG Dong-sheng,et al.Proper-ties,fabrication and application of aluminum nitride(AlN)ce-ramics[J].Ceramics Engineering,2000,(4):39-42.[13] 周文英,齐暑华,涂春潮,等.混杂填料填充导热硅橡胶性能研究[J].材料工程,2006,(8):15-19. ZHOU Wen-ying,QI Shu-hua,TU Chun-chao,et al.Propertiesof heat conductive silicone rubber filled with hybrid fillers[J].Journal of Materials Engineering,2006,(8):15-19.[14] 林晓丹,曾幸荣,张金柱,等.不同粒径氧化镁对ABS导热塑料热导率的影响[J].中国塑料,2006,20(4):91-94. LIN Xiao-dan,ZENG Xing-rong,ZHANG Jin-zhu,et al.Effectof MgO particles with different size on thermal conductivity ofthermally conductive ABS plastics[J].China Plastics,2006,20(4):91-94.基金项目:国家自然基金资助项目(51173123);江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目资助(11KJA430001);苏州市应用基础研究计划资助(SYG201141);江苏省博士后科研计划资助(1101041C)收稿日期:2011-11-22;修订日期:2012-10-22作者简介:薛洁(1976-),女,博士后,从事聚合物基复合材料方面研究工作,联系地址:苏州大学独墅湖校区二期云轩楼2205(215123),E-mail:xuejie@suda.edu.cn櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜櫜●《材料工程》投稿须知一、征稿范围《材料工程》为月刊,在国内外公开发行,是北京大学图书馆出版的《中文核心期刊要览》和科技引文统计源(核心)收录期刊,为中国科学引文数据库源期刊以及中国学术期刊(光盘版)等机构入编期刊。


























print friendlyInstructions for authorsEditor: Professor J. F. Knott, FRS, FREngContributions to the journal should now be submitted onlineat See below for details of the file requirements, etc.Click here to download an Endnotes style file for this journal.Click here to download a .bst file to format LaTeX bibliographies.Scope and types of contributionMaterials Science and Technology is an international forum for the publication of refereed contributions covering both fundamental and technological aspects of the properties, characterisation and modelling, processing, and fabrication of engineering materials. The journal has a particular interest in the continuum from understanding and modelling of process routes leading to the generation of microstructure, through characterisation, understanding and modelling of how microstructure is controlled and manipulated, to the modelling, control and prediction of relevant engineering properties. 'Microstructure' is shorthand for nano/micro/meso/macrostructure, provided that 'structure' is identified at the appropriate size scale. 'Properties' may be electrical, mechanical, electronic, chemical, magnetic, thermal, optical, or biochemically related.Contributions addressing any part of the continuum in an insightful manner, whatever the material system, are invited. What is important is that an attempt is made to relate 'properties' back to effects of'microstructure'.Manuscripts are considered on the understanding that they present original work that has not been submitted elsewhere or previously published in the same or essentially similar form. Authors must sign a declaration that this is so.Accepted papers are fast track published online, with a DOI for citation purposes, once proof corrections and a copyright transfer form are received.Types of contribution include:∙papers reporting research and practice, typically 3500 words in length plus figures and tables∙short communications, providing a rapid publication route for preliminary announcements of the results of current work, or short accounts of new techniques, typically 1000-1500 words in length with, at most, four figures and/or tables∙perspectives, personal assessments of the current state of a field with a view to its future, selecting important current issues and indicating how the field may develop and the progress required to facilitate this. Informed speculation and well arguedunconventional views are encouraged, with the aim of stimulating discussion: 2000-3000 words in length, plus selected references and illustrations∙critical assessments/reviews/overviews: should deal with their subject in a broad perspective, examining the current positioncritically and comprehensively: typically 4000-5000 words plusfigures and tables, and well referenced.Prospective authors of perspectives, critical assessments, reviews, or overviews should, in the first instance, submit an abstract for consideration and comment.Conditions of submissionBy submitting to Materials Science & Technology, authors acknowledge and accept that papers are considered for publication on the basis:1. that the paper presents original work that is not being considered or reviewed by any other publication, and has not been published elsewhere in the same or a similar form2. that all authors are aware of, and have consented to, the submission of the paper to Materials Science & Technology3. that due regard has been paid to ethical considerations relating to the work reported4. that the paper contains no libellous or unlawful statements.CopyrightAuthors will be required, before publication, to transfer copyright of their article to the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (this condition may be waived if Crown (or equivalent) copyright is involved and a licence to publish given). Authors are responsible for obtainingpermission to reproduce any material or illustrations for which they do not hold the copyright. Under Maney's standard agreement, authors reserve:1. all proprietary rights other than copyright, such as patent rights;2. the rights to use all or part of the article in future works of their own.Under Maney's open access policy, authors will receive a PDF file of the published version of their paper. This PDF may be forwarded to co-authors without separate permission being required from the publisher. The PDF cannot be used for commercial purposes. Materials Science and Technology must be cited as the original source of publication and a linkto /content/maney/mst included with any listing. This PDF may be posted, with appropriate acknowledgement of source and copyright, on authors' individual websites or that of their institution. Authors are entitled to make copies of the article for reasonable personal use only.Submission procedure and file requirementsArticles must be submitted online at .If you have not already done so, you will need to register to obtain a username and password. (Select the 'REGISTER' option from the main navigation bar at the top of the homepage.)Information on the submission procedure is provided online, but you will be asked to provide the information and files listed below.Failure to conform to these requirements may delay typesetting and publication of your paper. Authors will be asked to submit their work according to the requirements of the journal.For an initial submission you must upload:∙ a Word file containing the complete paper∙OR a Word file containing the text, references, tables and figure captions plus an individual file of each figure, prepared to the specification laid out below.You will be asked to input separately the title, abstract and keywords for the article and contact details for all authors. This information may be cut and pasted.You must also download, complete and return the author agreement.Supplementary information such as datasets, animations, models or videos must be submitted offline, but you will need to indicate that an item of this type is being included in the submission.When submitting a revised article you must upload:∙ a text file containing the revised text, references, tables and figure captions, prepared to the specification described below.This file must not include graphics. The preferred file format is Word (.doc) or rich text format (.rtf), but Word-compatible word processor files (e.g. .wpd) and LaTeX2e files will also usually be acceptable∙ a separate image file of each figure. Ensure that figures will be legible and comprehensible at final size and are of sufficiently high resolution (see guidelines below). Permitted file formats are TIFF (.tif), JPEG (.jpg) and EPS (.eps).∙ a response to the referees' comments, as a Word or PDF file.It is not necessary to upload, for a second time, files that were uploaded with the initial submission and have not been altered.Formatting and style guidelinesFormatting of manuscriptIn preparing the manuscript as a Word or rtf file, there is no need to format the article to a specific template, but please include italic or bold type where necessary.Use hard returns at the end of paragraphs only; switch autohyphenation off; and do not justify text.Consistency in spacing, punctuation, and spelling is essential. The journal uses UK and 'ise' spellings, e.g. 'characterise' rather than 'characterize'.Tables should be included within the manuscript file, not provided as separate files. Use Word Table mode, not tabs or spaces between columns. Do not provide tables as image files.Equations should be produced using Word Equation EditorStructure of submissionThe submitted manuscript must contain:∙ a title page giving full contact details for all authors. Pages should be numbered consecutively with the title page as page 1 ∙an abstract of no more than 150 words, giving a concise summary of the aims, content, and conclusions∙up to six keywords to be used for indexing purposes∙list of symbols (if appropriate)∙text: section and subsection headings should be clearly differentiated, using a structured numbering system if necessary (note that this numbering is to guide typesetting and will notappear in the printed version)∙appendices (if any)∙acknowledgements (if any)∙references (see below)∙ a list of figure captions. Each figure should have a caption that is intelligible without reference to the text; discussion offigures should appear in the text of the paper, not the caption.Where appropriate, scales or magnifications must be provided ∙tables.Style guidelinesUse of SI units is mandatory. Journal style is to use the form S m-1, A m-2, W m-1 K-1, not S/m, A/m2, W/m.K.The full form of any abbreviation or acronym should be given in the text when the term is first used. Do not use full points within abbreviations (e.g. SEM, XPS).Be careful not to use the same symbol to represent more than one variable. Ensure that Greek symbols are clear and that similar characters, e.g. the letter 'el' and the number 'one' and the letter 'oh' and the number 'zero', are clearly distinguished and used consistently. A list of symbols should be provided if helpful to the reader.Figures should be cited in a single sequence throughout the text as 'Fig.1', 'Fi g.2', …Equations and tables should also be numbered in sequence and referred to in the text as, for example, 'equation (1)' and 'Table 1' respectively.Important note on equations in Word 2007: equations generated in Word 2007 cannot be used for typesetting because they are stored as images (unlike in previous versions of Word). Papers that include equations must be prepared in Word 2007 compatibility mode (as described below) or in an earlier version of Word, or using the MathType package to set the equations.Compatibility mode must be used from the outset to typeset equations; it is not possible to convert equations retrospectively. To use compatibility mode: (1) Using a new document, turn on compatibility mode by saving as a Word 97-2003 document (use the Office button in the top left corner, select Save As, then choose ‘Word 97-2003 document’ from the dropdown menu when naming the document). (2) It should be possible to paste text (but not equations) into the document without loss of formatting, although some Word 2007 features are not available in compatibility mode. (3) To insert an equation, clickInsert/Object/Microsoft Equation 3.0 to access the equation editor. The editor can be used for both displayed and inline equations, though for single symbols Insert/Symbol may be used. Inline equations must be on one line only. (4) Continue to save the document as a Word 97-2003 document (this should happen automatically once step 1 has been completed).Reference and notes should be numbered serially in a single sequence. Citations in the text should be as superior characters, thus,1,2,4-6outside any punctuation marks. References cited for the first time in a table or figure caption should be numbered as if they appeared in the text where the table or figure is first mentioned. References should be set out in a complete list at the end of the paper, numbered according to their appearance in the text, not positioned as footnotes.All references given must be complete, including all authors where known, and should be verified at source. Click here to download an Endnotes style file for this journal.Journal abbreviations in references follow the ISO system, e.g.R. Sinclair, M. Preuss and P. J. Withers: Mater. Sci. Technol., 2005, 21, 27-34.J.-W. Park, J. M. Vitek, S. S. Babu and S. A. David: Sci. Technol. Weld. Joining, 2004, 9, 472-482.M. M. Stack: Int. Mater. Rev., 2005, 50, 1-18.If the abbreviation is not known, the journal title should be given in full. Where the pagination is not consecutive through the volume, it is essential to give the month or part number.Book references should give full bibliographic details, e.g.H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia: 'Bainite in steels', 2nd edn, 240; 2001, London, IoM Communications.J. V. Wood: in 'Future developments of metals and ceramics', (ed. J. A. Charles et al.), Vol.1, 235-239; 1992, London, The Institute of Materials. Standard texts should not be cited in their entirety: indicate the appropriate page or section.Conference references must include the date, location, and organiser or publisher of the meeting, e.g.M. H. Loretto: Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on 'Research and development in net shape manufacturing', Birmingham, UK, March 1999, University of Birmingham, Paper 23.Reports, theses, etc. should be presented in the form:R. D. Niel: 'Interfacial structures in intermetallic/steel joints after high temperature service', Report 1131, AVS plc, Huntingdon, UK, 2000.D. Sha: 'Characterisation of melt integrity in injection micromoulding', PhD thesis, Imperial College, London, UK, 2002.IllustrationsAuthors must provide high resolution digital files of all figures to the specification laid out below.Policy on colourBarring the exceptions below, all illustrations must be suitable for reproduction in black and white. 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结果表明,石灰粉煤灰稳定的再生混合料杭疲劳性能最好,其次是水泥粉煤灰,7%水泥稳定的再生混合料杭疲劳性能较差;再生混合料的疲劳特性与普通半刚性材料存在较大差异,在较低:道路工程;冷再生混合料;疲劳试验;:U416.26 文献标识码:A2.4 引言、正文、结语(1)汉字字体字号选5号宋体,外文、数字字号与同行汉字字号相同,字体用Time New Roman 体。




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高分子材料科学与工程 投稿指南

高分子材料科学与工程 投稿指南


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journal of materials chemistry a投稿指南

journal of materials chemistry a投稿指南

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