





一、阿里合伙人制度的法律内容阿里的合伙人制度又称为湖畔合伙人制度(英文翻译为“Lakeside Partners”),该名称源自15年前马云等创始人创建阿里的地点——湖畔花园。











In Alibaba, control is going to be locked forever in the hands of a group of insiders known as the Alibaba Partnership.阿里巴巴合伙人是一种特殊的身份,并非传统公司法意义上的普通合伙人,它可以被视为是对公司法传统理论的重大突破,在促进经济社会发展中发挥着重要作用。

Alibaba Partnership is a kind of special status, however, unlike general partners, which can be considered as a significant breakthrough of the traditional theory in Company Law, playing an important role in promoting the economic and social development.因此,其合伙人的身份不完全等同于公司股东、董事,不需要承担无限连带责任,虽然这些阿里巴巴的合伙人没有超额的投票权,但他们确实有一种特权。




Therefore, the partner's identity is not completely equal to the shareholders,board of directors or the chief managers of the company,they does not need to bear unlimited joint liability. Yet while those Alibaba managers in the partnership don't have outsized votes, they do have a very special privilege .Since it is not officially dual-class. Instead, it has one class of shares but its partnership, a self-selecting group of executives, has the power to nominate the majority of the board. During this process, they breaks down the narrow view of traditional company law on voting system guided by the Majority Rule .Its partnership structure can let the nominee to exercise the rights as directors, then achieve their interests andcontrol the companyultimately.Alibaba says this arrangement allows executives to focus on the long-term, collaborate better and "override bureaucracy andhierarchy."合伙人制度突破了传统公司法的强行性规范,使公司能够按照合伙人意志进行权力配置,此时传统公司法只作为公司设立时的参考范本,可视为公司从事商事活动的范本合同,目的是为了减少公司设立成本和交易成本,便于管理。








































20**年,$阿里巴巴集团(ALIBABA)$ 集团向纽交所递交招股说明书F1文件.在招股说明书里面,阿里巴巴集团专门对其合伙人制度做了阐述.通过招股书的简述,对合伙人有如下理解.阿里巴巴的发展体现合伙人精神。


















阿里巴巴合伙人制度(英文版)In troductio nSince our founders first gathered in Jack Ma's apartment in 1999, they and our managementiave acted in the spirit of partnership. We view our culture as fun dame ntal to our success and our ability to serve our customers, develop our employees and deliver Ion g-term value to our shareholders .In July 2010, in order to preserve this spirit of partnership and to ensure the susta in ability of our missi on, visi on and values, wedecided to formalize our part nership as Lakeside Part ners, n amed after the Lakeside Garde ns reside ntial com mun ity where Jack Ma and our other foun ders started our compa ny. We refer to the part nership as the Alibaba Part nership. We believe that our part nership approach has helped us better man age our bus in ess, with the peer n ature of the part nership en abli ng senior man agers to collaborate and override bureaucracy and hierarchy. The Alibaba Part nership curre ntly has 34 memberscomprised of 26 membersof our management, seven membersof managementof Ant Financial Services and one member of man ageme nt of Cai niao Network. The nu mber of part ners intime due to the election of new partners, the retirement of part ners and the departure of part ners for other reas ons.Our part nership is a dyn amic body that rejuve nates itself through admissi on of new part ners each year, which we believe enhan ces our excelle nee, innovati on and susta in ability. Un like dual-class own ership structures that employ a high-vote classof shares to concentrate control in a few founders, our approach is designed to embodythe vision of a large group of management part ners. This structure is our soluti on for preserv ing the culture shaped by our founders while at the sametime accounting for the fact that foun ders will in evitably retire from the compa ny.Con siste nt with our part nership approach, all part nership votes are made on a on e-part ner-on e-vote basis.The part nership is gover ned by a part nership agreeme nt and operates un der pri nciples, policies and procedures that have evolved with our bus in ess and are further described below.Nomin ati on and Electio n of Part ners nomin ati on process whereby existi ng part ners proposecan didates to the part nership committee. The part nership committee reviews the nomin ati ons and determ ines whether the nomin ati on of a can didate will be proposed to the en tire partnership for election. Election of newpartners requires theapproval of at least 75% of all of the part ners.To be eligible for electi on, a part ner can didate must havedem on strated the followi ng attributes:a high standard of personal character and integrity;con ti nued service with Alibaba Group, our affiliates an d/orcertai n compa nies with which wehave a sig ni fica nt relati on ship such as Ant Finan cial Services for not less tha n five years;a track record of con tributi on to the bus in ess of Alibaba Group;andbeing a "culture carrier" who shows a con siste nt commitme nt to,and traits and acti ons consonant with, our missi on,vision and values.We believe the criteria and process the Alibaba Part nershipapplicable to the election of newpartners, as described above,promote accountability among the partners as well as to our customers, employees and shareholders .In order to alig n the in terests of part ners with the in terests of our shareholders, we require that each part ner main tai n a meanin gful level of equity in terests in our compa nyduri ng such individual's ten ureas a part ner. Since a part ner nominee must have bee n our employee or an employee of one of our related compa nies or affiliates for at least five years, as of the time he or she becomesa partner, he or she will typically already own or have bee n awarded a pers on ally meanin gful level of equity in terest in our company through our equity incentive and share purchase pla ns. Duties of Part nersThe main duty of part ners in their capacity as part ners is to embody and promote our missi on, visi on and values. Weexpect part ners to be eva ngelists for our missi on,visi on and values, both withi n our orga ni zati on andexter nally to customers, bus in ess part ners and other participa nts in our ecosystem.Part nership Committeepartners and is currently comprised of Jack Ma, Joe Tsai,Jon atha n Lu, Lucy Peng and Mi ng Zeng. The part nership committee is responsible for, among others, administering partner electi ons. Part nership committee members serve for a term of three years and may serve multiple terms. Electio ns of partnership committee membersare held once every three years. Prior to each electio n, the part nership committee will nomin atea nu mber of part ners equal to the nu mber of part nership committee members that will serve in the n ext part nership committee term plus three additi onal nomin ees. Each part ner votes for a nu mber of nomin ees equal to the nu mber of part nership committee members that will serve in the n ext part nership committee term and all except the three nomin ees who receive the least votes from the part ners are elected to the part nership committee.Part nership CommitteeThe part nership committee must con sist of at least fivepart ners and is curre ntly comprised of Jack Ma, Joe Tsai,Jon atha n Lu, Lucy Peng and Mi ng Zeng. The part nership committee is responsible for, among others, administering partner electi ons. Part nership committee members serve for a term of three years and may serve multiple terms. Electio ns of partnership committee membersare held once every three years. Prior to each electio n, the part nership committee will nomin ate a nu mber of part ners equal to the nu mber of part nership committee members that will serve in the n ext part nership committee term plus three additi onal nominees. Each part ner votes for a nu mber of nomin ees equal to the nu mber of part nership committee members that will serve in the n ext part nership committee term and all except the three nomin ees who receive the least votes from the part ners are elected to the part nership committee.Director Nomin atio n and Appo in tme nt RightsPursuant to our articles of association, the AlibabaPart nership has the exclusive right to nomin ate or, in limited situations, appoint up to a simple majority of the members of our board of directors.The electio n of each director nominee of the AlibabaPart nership will be subject to the director nominee receivi ng a majority vote from our shareholders voting at an annual gen eral meeti ng of shareholders. If an Alibaba Part nership director nominee is not elected by our shareholders or after election departs our board of directors for any reason, theAlibaba Partnership has the right to appoint a different personto serve as an interim director of the class in which the vacancy exists un til our n ext scheduled annual gen eral meet ing of shareholders. At the next scheduled annual gen eral meeti ng of shareholders, the appo in ted in terimdirector or a replaceme nt Alibaba Partnership director nominee (other than the original nomin ee) will sta nd for electio n for the rema in der of the term of the class of directors to which the original nominee would have bel on ged.If at any time our board of directors consists of less than a simple majority of directors nomin ated or appo in ted by the Alibaba Part nership for any reas on, in clud ing because a director previously nomin ated by the Alibaba Part nership ceases to be a member of our board of directors or because the Alibaba Partnership had previously not exercised its right to nomin ate or appo int a simple majority of our board of directors, the Alibaba Part nership will be en titled (in its sole discretion and without the need for any additional shareholderacti on) to appo int such nu mber of additi onal directors to the board as n ecessary to en sure that the directors nomin ated or appo in ted by the Alibaba Part nership comprise a simple majority of our board of directors.In determ ining the Alibaba Part nership director nomin ees whowill stand for election to our board, the partnership committee will propose director nomin ees who will be voted on by all ofthe partners, and those nominees who receive a simple majorityof the votes of the partners will be selected for such purposes. The director nomin ees of the Alibaba Part nership may be part ners of the Alibaba Part nership or other qualified in dividuals who are n ot affiliated with the AlibabaPart nership.The Alibaba Part nership ' s right to nomin ate or appo int up to a simplemajority of our directors is conditioned on the Alibaba Part nership being gover ned by the part nership agreeme nt in effect as of the completion of our initial public offering inSeptember 2014, or as may be amended in accordance with its terms from time to time. Any amendmentto the provisions of the part nership agreeme nt relati ng to the purpose of thepartnership, or to the manner in which the Alibaba Partnershipexercises its right to nomin ate a simple majority of ourdirectors, will be subject to the approval of the majority ofour directors who are not nomin ees or appo in tees of the Alibaba Partnership and are “ independent directors ” within the meaning of Secti on 303A of the New York Stock Excha nge ListedCompany Manual. The provisions relating to nomination rights and procedures described above are incorporated in our articlesof association. Pursuant to our articles of association, the Alibaba Partnership ' s nomi nation rights and relatedprovisi ons of our articles of associati on may only be cha nged upon the vote of shareholders represe nti ng 95% of the votes prese nt in pers on or by proxy at a gen eral meet ing of shareholders.Our board of directors curre ntly con sists of eleve n members, and five of these directors are Alibaba Part nership nomin ees.If at any time our board of directors consists of less than a simple majority of directors nomin ated or appo in ted by the Alibaba Part nership for any reas on —in clud ing because the Alibaba Partnership had previously not exercised its right to nomin ate or appo int a simple majority of our board of directors —the Alibaba Part nershipwill be en titled (in its sole discretion and without the need for any additional shareholderapproval) to nomin ate or appo int such nu mber of additi onal directors as n ecessary to en sure that the directors nomin ated or appo in ted by the Alibaba Part nership comprise a simple majority of our board of directors. Accord in gly, the AlibabaPart nership is en titled to nomin ate or appo int two additi onal directors to our board, which would in crease the total nu mber of directors to thirtee n. We have en tered into a voti ng agreement pursuant to which both SoftBank and Yahoo will agree to vote their shares in favor of the Alibaba Part nership director nominees at each annual general shareholders meeting so long as SoftBa nk owns at least 15% of our outsta nding ordinary shares. Accord in gly, for so long as SoftBa nk and Yahoo rema in substa ntial shareholders, we expect the AlibabaPartnership nominees will receive a majority of votes cast at any meeting for the election of directors and will be elected as directors.Retireme nt and Removal of Part nersPartners may elect to retire from the partnership at any time.All partners except continuity partners are required to retireupon reachi ng the age of sixty or upon term in ati on of their qualifyingemployment. Continuity partners mayremain partnersuntil they elect to retire from the partnership, die or are in capacitated or are removed as part ners. Either two or three partners may be designated as continuity partners at a time, with Jack Ma and Joe Tsai serv ing as the initial con ti nuity part ners. Con ti nuity part ners are either desig nated by a retiring continuity partner or by the serving continuitypartners. Any partner, including continuity partners, may be removed upon the vote of a simple majority of all part ners present at a duly-called meeting of partners for violations ofcerta in sta ndards set forth in the part nership agreeme nt, in cludi ng failure to actively promote our missi on,visi on and values, fraud, gross misc on duct or grossn eglige nee. As with other part ners, continuity part ners must maintain the shareholding levels required by us of all partners as described below. Part ners who retire from the part nership upon meeti ng certa in age and service requireme nts may be designated as honorary partners by the partnership committee. Honorary partners maynot act as partners, but may be entitled to allocations from the deferred portion of the annual cash bonus pool described below as retireme nt pension payme nts. Continuity partners will not beeligible to receive allocations from the annual cash bonus pool if they ceaseto be our employees even if they remain partners, but may be entitled toreceive allocati ons from the deferred bonus pool if they are honorary part ners.Restrictive Provisi onsUnder our articles of association, in connection with anychange of control, merger or sale of our company, the partnersand other holders of our ordinary shares shall receive the same con siderati on with respect to their ordinary shares in connection with any such transaction.In addition, our articlesof associatio n provide that the Alibaba Part nership may not tran sfer or otherwise delegate or give a proxy to any third party with respect to its right to nomin ate directors, although it may elect not to exercise its rights in full. In addition, as no ted above, our articles of associati on also provide that the amendmentof certain provisions of the Alibaba Partnership agreeme nt relati ng to the purpose of the part nership or the manner in which the partnership exercises its rights to nomin ate or appo int a majority of our board of directors will require the approval of a majority of directors who are not appo in tees of the Alibaba Part nership and are “ in depe ndent directors ” within the meaning of Secti on 303A of the New York Stock Excha nge Listed Compa ny Manu al.Ame ndme nt of Alibaba Part nership Agreeme ntPursua nt to the part nership agreeme nt, ame ndme nt of the part nership agreeme nt requires the approval of 75% of the partners in attendance at ameeting of the partners at which not less than 75%of all the partners are in attendance, except that the gen eral part ner may effect certa in admi nistrativeamendments. In addition, certain amendments relating to the purposes of the Alibaba Partnership or the manner in which it exercises its nomination rights with respect to our directors require the approval of a majority of our independent directors not nomin ated or appo in ted by the Alibaba Part nership.Alibaba Group Equity Interest Holding Requirement for PartnersEach of the partners holds his or her equity interests in our compa ny directly as an in dividual or through his or her affiliates. We have en tered into share rete nti on agreeme nts with each part ner. These agreeme nts provide that a period of three years from the date on which such person becomesa partner, or for 27 of the existing partners, from January 1, 2014, three of the existing partners, from August 26, 2014, and four of the existing partners, from December 8, 2015, we require that each partner retain at least 60%of the equity interests (includingunv ested shares and shares un derly ing vested and unv ested awards) that he or she held on the starting date of such three-year period. Following theinitial three-year holding period and for so long as he or she rema ins a part ner, we require that the partner retain at least 40% of the equity interests unv ested awards) that he or she held on the start ing date of the in itial three-year holdi ng period. Exceptio ns to theholding period rules described in the share retention agreeme nts must beapproved by a majority of the in depe ndent directors.。



















有資格⼊選的合夥⼈候選⼈必須展現以下特質:• 擁有正直誠信等⾼尚個⼈品格;• 在阿⾥巴巴集團、我們的關聯⽅及╱或與我們存在重⼤關係的特定公司(如螞蟻⾦服)連續⼯作不少於五年;• 對阿⾥巴巴集團業務作出貢獻的業績記錄;及• 作為「⽂化傳承者」,顯⽰出持續致⼒於實現我們的使命、願景和價值觀,以及與之⼀致的特徵和⾏為。



阿里巴巴合伙人制度(英文版)IntroductionSince our founders first gathered in Jack Ma's apartment in 1999, they and our management have acted in the spirit of partnership. We view our culture as fundamental to our success and our ability to serve our customers, develop our employees and deliver long-term value to our shareholders. In July 2010, in order to preserve this spirit of partnership and to ensure the sustainability of our mission, vision and values, we decided to formalize our partnership as Lakeside Partners, named after the Lakeside Gardens residential community where Jack Ma and our other founders started our company. We refer to the partnership as the Alibaba Partnership.We believe that our partnership approach has helped us better manage our business, with the peer nature of the partnership enabling senior managers to collaborate and override bureaucracy and hierarchy. The Alibaba Partnership currently has 34 members comprised of 26 members of our management, seven members of management of Ant Financial Services and one member of management of Cainiao Network. The number of partners in Alibaba Partnership is not fixed and may change from time totime due to the election of new partners, the retirement of partners and the departure of partners for other reasons. Our partnership is a dynamic body that rejuvenates itself through admission of new partners each year, which we believe enhances our excellence, innovation and sustainability. Unlike dual-class ownership structures that employ a high-vote class of shares to concentrate control in a few founders, our approach is designed to embody the vision of a large group of management partners. This structure is our solution for preserving the culture shaped by our founders while at the same time accounting for the fact that founders will inevitably retire from the company.Consistent with our partnership approach, all partnership votes are made on a one-partner-one-vote basis.The partnership is governed by a partnership agreement and operates under principles, policies and procedures that have evolved with our business and are further described below. Nomination and Election of PartnersThe Alibaba Partnership elects new partners annually after a nomination process whereby existing partners proposecandidates to the partnership committee. The partnership committee reviews the nominations and determines whether the nomination of a candidate will be proposed to the entire partnership for election. Election of new partners requires the approval of at least 75% of all of the partners.To be eligible for election, a partner candidate must have demonstrated the following attributes:a high standard of personal character and integrity; continued service with Alibaba Group, our affiliates and/or certain companies with which we have a significant relationship such as Ant Financial Services for not less than five years;a track record of contribution to the business of Alibaba Group; andbeing a "culture carrier" who shows a consistent commitment to, and traits and actions consonant with, our mission,vision and values.We believe the criteria and process the Alibaba Partnership applicable to the election of new partners, as described above,promote accountability among the partners as well as to our customers, employees and shareholders. In order to align the interests of partners with the interests of our shareholders, we require that each partner maintain a meaningful level of equity interests in our company during such individual's tenure as a partner. Since a partner nominee must have been our employee or an employee of one of our related companies or affiliates for at least five years, as of the time he or she becomes a partner, he or she will typically already own or have been awarded a personally meaningful level of equity interest in our company through our equity incentive and share purchase plans.Duties of PartnersThe main duty of partners in their capacity as partners is to embody and promote our mission, vision and values. We expect partners to be evangelists for our mission,vision and values, both within our organization and externally to customers, business partners and other participants in our ecosystem.Partnership CommitteeThe partnership committee must consist of at least five partners and is currently comprised of Jack Ma, Joe Tsai,Jonathan Lu, Lucy Peng and Ming Zeng. The partnership committee is responsible for, among others, administering partner elections. Partnership committee members serve for a term of three years and may serve multiple terms. Elections of partnership committee members are held once every three years. Prior to each election, the partnership committee will nominate a number of partners equal to the number of partnership committee members that will serve in the next partnership committee term plus three additional nominees. Each partner votes for a number of nominees equal to the number of partnership committee members that will serve in the next partnership committee term and all except the three nominees who receive the least votes from the partners are elected to the partnership committee.Partnership CommitteeThe partnership committee must consist of at least five partners and is currently comprised of Jack Ma, Joe Tsai, Jonathan Lu, Lucy Peng and Ming Zeng. The partnership committee is responsible for, among others, administering partner elections. Partnership committee members serve for a term of three years and may serve multiple terms. Elections of partnership committee members are held once every three years.Prior to each election, the partnership committee will nominate a number of partners equal to the number of partnership committee members that will serve in the next partnership committee term plus three additional nominees. Each partner votes for a number of nominees equal to the number of partnership committee members that will serve in the next partnership committee term and all except the three nominees who receive the least votes from the partners are elected to the partnership committee.Director Nomination and Appointment RightsPursuant to our articles of association, the Alibaba Partnership has the exclusive right to nominate or, in limited situations, appoint up to a simple majority of the members of our board of directors.The election of each director nominee of the Alibaba Partnership will be subject to the director nominee receiving a majority vote from our shareholders voting at an annual general meeting of shareholders. If an Alibaba Partnership director nominee is not elected by our shareholders or after election departs our board of directors for any reason, the Alibaba Partnership has the right to appoint a different personto serve as an interim director of the class in which the vacancy exists until our next scheduled annual general meeting of shareholders. At the next scheduled annual general meeting of shareholders, the appointed interim director or a replacement Alibaba Partnership director nominee (other than the original nominee) will stand for election for the remainder of the term of the class of directors to which the original nominee would have belonged.If at any time our board of directors consists of less than a simple majority of directors nominated or appointed by the Alibaba Partnership for any reason, including because a director previously nominated by the Alibaba Partnership ceases to be a member of our board of directors or because the Alibaba Partnership had previously not exercised its right to nominate or appoint a simple majority of our board of directors, the Alibaba Partnership will be entitled (in its sole discretion and without the need for any additional shareholder action) to appoint such number of additional directors to the board as necessary to ensure that the directors nominated or appointed by the Alibaba Partnership comprise a simple majority of our board of directors.In determining the Alibaba Partnership director nominees who will stand for election to our board, the partnership committee will propose director nominees who will be voted on by all of the partners, and those nominees who receive a simple majority of the votes of the partners will be selected for such purposes. The director nominees of the Alibaba Partnership may be partners of the Alibaba Partnership or other qualified individuals who are not affiliated with the Alibaba Partnership.The Alibaba Partnership’s right to nominate or appoint up to a simple majority of our directors is conditioned on the Alibaba Partnership being governed by the partnership agreement in effect as of the completion of our initial public offering in September 2014, or as may be amended in accordance with its terms from time to time. Any amendment to the provisions of the partnership agreement relating to the purpose of the partnership, or to the manner in which the Alibaba Partnership exercises its right to nominate a simple majority of our directors, will be subject to the approval of the majority of our directors who are not nominees or appointees of the Alibaba Partnership and are “independent directors” within the meaning of Section 303A of the New York Stock Exchange ListedCompany Manual. The provisions relating to nomination rights and procedures described above are incorporated in our articles of association. Pursuant to our articles of association, the Alibaba Partnership’s nomination rights and related provisions of our articles of association may only be changed upon the vote of shareholders representing 95% of the votes present in person or by proxy at a general meeting of shareholders.Our board of directors currently consists of eleven members, and five of these directors are Alibaba Partnership nominees. If at any time our board of directors consists of less than a simple majority of directors nominated or appointed by the Alibaba Partnership for any reason—including because the Alibaba Partnership had previously not exercised its right to nominate or appoint a simple majority of our board of directors —the Alibaba Partnership will be entitled (in its sole discretion and without the need for any additional shareholder approval) to nominate or appoint such number of additional directors as necessary to ensure that the directors nominated or appointed by the Alibaba Partnership comprise a simple majority of our board of directors. Accordingly, the Alibaba Partnership is entitled to nominate or appoint two additional directors to our board, which would increase the total numberof directors to thirteen. We have entered into a voting agreement pursuant to which both SoftBank and Yahoo will agree to vote their shares in favor of the Alibaba Partnership director nominees at each annual general shareholders meeting so long as SoftBank owns at least 15% of our outstanding ordinary shares. Accordingly, for so long as SoftBank and Yahoo remain substantial shareholders, we expect the Alibaba Partnership nominees will receive a majority of votes cast at any meeting for the election of directors and will be elected as directors.Retirement and Removal of PartnersPartners may elect to retire from the partnership at any time. All partners except continuity partners are required to retire upon reaching the age of sixty or upon termination of their qualifying employment. Continuity partners may remain partners until they elect to retire from the partnership, die or are incapacitated or are removed as partners. Either two or three partners may be designated as continuity partners at a time, with Jack Ma and Joe Tsai serving as the initial continuity partners. Continuity partners are either designated by a retiring continuity partner or by the serving continuity partners. Any partner, including continuity partners, may beremoved upon the vote of a simple majority of all partners present at a duly-called meeting of partners for violations of certain standards set forth in the partnership agreement, including failure to actively promote our mission,vision and values, fraud, gross misconduct or gross negligence. As with other partners, continuity partners must maintain the shareholding levels required by us of all partners as described below. Partners who retire from the partnership upon meeting certain age and service requirements may be designated as honorary partners by the partnership committee. Honorary partners may not act as partners, but may be entitled to allocations from the deferred portion of the annual cash bonus pool described below as retirement pension payments. Continuity partners will not be eligible to receive allocations from the annual cash bonus pool if they cease to be our employees even if they remain partners, but may be entitled to receive allocations from the deferred bonus pool if they are honorary partners.Restrictive ProvisionsUnder our articles of association, in connection with any change of control, merger or sale of our company, the partners and other holders of our ordinary shares shall receive the sameconsideration with respect to their ordinary shares in connection with any such transaction. In addition, our articles of association provide that the Alibaba Partnership may not transfer or otherwise delegate or give a proxy to any third party with respect to its right to nominate directors, although it may elect not to exercise its rights in full. In addition, as noted above, our articles of association also provide that the amendment of certain provisions of the Alibaba Partnership agreement relating to the purpose of the partnership or the manner in which the partnership exercises its rights to nominate or appoint a majority of our board of directors will require the approval of a majority of directors who are not appointees of the Alibaba Partnership and are “independent directors” within the meaning of Section 303A of the New York Stock Exchange Listed Company Manual.Amendment of Alibaba Partnership AgreementPursuant to the partnership agreement, amendment of the partnership agreement requires the approval of 75% of the partners in attendance at a meeting of the partners at which not less than 75% of all the partners are in attendance, except that the general partner may effect certain administrative amendments. In addition, certain amendments relating to thepurposes of the Alibaba Partnership or the manner in which it exercises its nomination rights with respect to our directors require the approval of a majority of our independent directors not nominated or appointed by the Alibaba Partnership. Alibaba Group Equity Interest Holding Requirement for Partners Each of the partners holds his or her equity interests in our company directly as an individual or through his or her affiliates. We have entered into share retention agreements with each partner. These agreements provide that a period of three years from the date on which such person becomes a partner, or for 27 of the existing partners, from January 1, 2014, three of the existing partners, from August 26, 2014, and four of the existing partners, from December 8, 2015, we require that each partner retain at least 60% of the equity interests (including unvested shares and shares underlying vested and unvested awards) that he or she held on the starting date of such three-year period. Following the initial three-year holding period and for so long as he or she remains a partner, we require that the partner retain at least 40% of the equity interests (including unvested shares and shares underlying vested and unvested awards) that he or she held on the starting date of the initial three-year holding period. Exceptions to theholding period rules described in the share retention agreements must be approved by a majority of the independent directors.。



外国有名的股权结构案例【原创版】目录1.股权结构的概念与重要性2.外国著名股权结构案例概述3.案例一:阿里巴巴的合伙人制度4.案例二:谷歌的 AB 股结构5.案例三:Facebook 的股权结构及投票权6.案例四:亚马逊的双层股权结构7.总结:外国股权结构案例对我国的启示正文【股权结构的概念与重要性】股权结构是指企业股份的分配方式和比例,它反映了公司的权力和利益分配。



【外国著名股权结构案例概述】本文将分析四个外国著名公司的股权结构案例,包括阿里巴巴、谷歌、Facebook 和亚马逊。




【案例二:谷歌的 AB 股结构】谷歌采用了 AB 股结构,这种结构使得公司创始人及核心团队在公司决策中具有较大的话语权。

谷歌的 A 类股具有 1 票投票权,而 B 类股具有 10 票投票权。


【案例三:Facebook 的股权结构及投票权】Facebook 采用了双层股权结构,其 A 类股具有 1 票投票权,B 类股具有 10 票投票权。


此外,Facebook 还设有一个特别投票权,使得扎克伯格在涉及公司重大决策时能够行使否决权。

【案例四:亚马逊的双层股权结构】亚马逊同样采用了双层股权结构,其 A 类股具有 1 票投票权,B 类股具有 10 票投票权。



阿里巴巴英文合同范本This Agreement is made and entered into and between _______________ (hereinafter referred to as "Party A") and _______________ (hereinafter referred to as "Party B") on _______________ (date).1. PurposeThe purpose of this Agreement is to define the terms and conditions under which Party A and Party B will engage in a business relationship.2. Scope of WorkParty A agrees to provide _______________ services to Party B in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Party B agrees to pensate PartyA for the services rendered.3. TermThis Agreement shall be effective as of the date of signing and shall remn in effect for a period of _______________ years, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.4. CompensationParty B agrees to pensate Party A for the services rendered in the amount of _______________ (currency) per _______________ (time period).5. ConfidentialityBoth parties agree to keep all information exchanged during the course of this Agreement confidential and not to disclose it to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party.6. TerminationEither party may terminate this Agreement with _______________ days' written notice to the other party. In the event of termination, Party B agrees to pensate Party A for any services rendered up to the date of termination.7. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of _______________ (jurisdiction).8. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.Party A: ________________________ (signature) Date: _______________Party B: ________________________ (signature) Date: _______________。





一、阿里合伙人制度的法律内容阿里的合伙人制度又称为湖畔合伙人制度(英文翻译为“Lakeside Partners”),该名称源自15年前马云等创始人创建阿里的地点——湖畔花园。










【合伙人必读,A2参考】介绍阿里巴巴的“湖畔合伙人”制度文/吴卫军在阿里巴巴的上市招股书中,阿里巴巴合伙人制度(Alibaba Partnership)以马云的私人住宅,一间位于杭州湖畔花园风荷院16楼1单元的家庭公寓命名,叫“湖畔合伙人制度”(Lake-side Partnership),带点神秘的色彩。

而事实上,我觉得阿里巴巴应当光明正大地将这一制度称为“马云与他的合伙人(Jack Ma & Partners)”,以示与阿里巴巴企业相区分。













只按照出资比例承担该公司有关的债务责任。 上市的公司的股票最大的持有者(第一大股
东),叫控股股东。 控股股东是个集团公司叫控股集团。
集团控股有限责任公司组织结构研究 alibaba
•控股股东与实际控制人的区别与联系: • 新规定之所以要求上市公司在披露控股股东的同时还要披露实际控制人的情 况,主要是因为上市公司控股股东可能并非其实际控制人,而对上市公司产生实际影 响的则往往是其实际控制人。 • 一、关于上市公司控股股东和实际控制人的法律界定 • 1997年12月16日中国证监会发布的《关于发布<上市公司章程指引>的通知》 第四十一条对控股股东作了如下规定: • "控股股东"是指具备下列条件之一的股东: • (一)此人单独或者与他人一致行动时,可以选出半数以上的董事; • (二)此人单独或者与他人一致行动时,可以行使公司百分之三十以上的表决权 或者可以控制公司百分之三十以上表决权的行使; • (三)此人单独或者与他人一致行动时,持有公司百分之三十以上的股份; • (四)此人单独或者与他人一致行动时,可以以其他方式在事实上控制公司。" • 证监会新修订的年报准则规定,公司控股股东包括公司第一大股东,或者按照股 权比例、公司章程或经营协议或其他法律安排能够控制公司董事会组成、左右公司 重大决策的股东。 •
司都在不同程度上制订统一的发展战略,以整体优势参与经济竞争。 •5.实行多元化经营
• 控股公司财力雄厚,为了加速资产增值,减少市场风险,普遍采用多元化经营战略,进入市场经济的多种领域,产品衷重系列 化和多元化,因而竞争发展能力较强。 •6.具有相当的融资能力
• 控股公司的母公司必须具有相当的筹资融资能力和控制内部资金能力,这样才能形成统一集中的财力和信贷,有能力调整内 部结构,支持重点产品和重点企业的发展,并通过资金的再投入与滚动运作,加速公司发展。



阿里巴巴合伙人制度(英文版)IntroductionSince our founders first gathered in Jack Ma's apartment in1999,they and our management have acted in the spirit of partnership.We view our culture as fundamental to our success and our ability to serve our customers,develop our employees and deliver long-term value to our shareholders.In July2010,in order to preserve this spirit of partnership and to ensure the sustainability of our mission,vision and values,we decided to formalize our partnership as Lakeside Partners,named after the Lakeside Gardens residential community where Jack Ma and our other founders started our company.We refer to the partnership as the Alibaba Partnership.We believe that our partnership approach has helped us to better manage our business,with the peer nature of the partnership enabling senior managers to collaborate and override bureaucracy and hierarchy.As of the date of this annual report,the Alibaba Partnership has a total of28members.The number of partners in the Alibaba Partnership may change fromtime to time due to the election of new partners,the retirement of partners and the departure of partners for other reasons.Our partnership is a dynamic body that rejuvenates itself through admission of new partners each year, which we believe enhances our excellence,innovation and sustainability.Unlike dual-class ownership structures that employ a high-vote class of shares to concentrate control in a few founders,our approach is designed to embody the vision of a large group of management partners.This structure is our solution for preserving the culture shaped by our founders while at the same time accounting for the fact that founders will inevitably retire from the company.Consistent with our partnership approach,all partnership votes are made on a one-partner-one-vote basis.The partnership is governed by a partnership agreement and operates under principles,policies and procedures that have evolved with our business and are further described below.Nomination and Election of PartnersThe Alibaba Partnership elects new partners annually after a nomination process whereby existing partners propose candidates to the partnership committee as described below.The partnership committee reviews the nominations and determines whether the nomination of a candidate will be proposed to the entire partnership for election.Election of new partners requires the approval of at least75%of all of the partners.Partners should be employees of Alibaba Group.To be eligible for election,a partner candidate must have demonstrated the following attributes:∙a high standard of personal character and integrity;∙continued service with Alibaba Group for not less than five years;∙a track record of contribution to the business of Alibaba Group;andbeing a"culture carrier"who shows a consistent commitment to,and traits and actions consonant with, our mission,vision and values.We believe the criteria and process of the Alibaba Partnership applicable to the election promote accountability among the partners as well as to our customers,employees and shareholders.In order to align the interests of partners with the interests of our shareholders,we require that each partner maintain a meaningful level of equity interests in our company during his or her tenure as a partner.Since a partner nominee must have been our employee for at least five years,as of the time he or she becomes a partner,he or she will typically already own or have been awarded a personally meaningful level of equity interest in our company through our equity incentive and share purchase or investment plans.Duties of PartnersThe main duty of partners in their capacity as partners is to embody and promote our mission, vision and values.We expect partners to be evangelists for our mission,vision and values,both within ourorganization and externally to customers,business partners and other participants in our ecosystem.Partnership CommitteeThe partnership committee must consist of at least five but no more than seven partners,including partnership committee continuity members,and is currently comprised of Jack Ma,Joe Tsai,Daniel Zhang, Lucy Peng,Xiaofeng Shao and Eddie Wu.The partnership committee is responsible for administering partner elections and managing the relevant portion of the deferred cash bonus pool,with any amounts payable to partners who are our executive officers or directors or members of the partnership committee subject to approval of the compensation committee of our board of directors.Either one or two partners may be designated as partnership committee continuity partners,and currently the partnership committee continuity members consist of Jack Ma and Joe Tsai. Other than partnership committee continuity members, the partnership committee members serve for a term of five years and may serve multiple terms.Elections of partnership committee members are held once everyfive years.Partnership committee continuity members are not subject to election,and may serve until they cease to be partners,retire from the partnership committee or are unable to discharge duties as partnership committee members as a result of illness or permanent incapacity.A replacement partnership committee continuity partner is either designated by a retiring or,as the case may be,the remaining, partnership committee continuity member.Prior to each election,the partnership committee will nominate a number of partners equal to the number of partnership committee members that will serve in the next partnership committee term plus three additional nominees less the number of the serving partnership committee continuity members.Each partner votes for a number of nominees equal to the number of partnership committee members that will serve in the next partnership committee term less the number of the serving partnership committee continuity members, and all except the three nominees who receive the least votes from the partners are elected to the partnership committee.Director Nomination and Appointment RightsPursuant to our Articles of Association,the Alibaba Partnership has the exclusive right to nominate or,in limited situations,appoint up to a simple majority of the members of our board of directors.The election of each director nominee of the Alibaba Partnership will be subject to the director nominee receiving a majority vote from our shareholders voting at an annual general meeting of shareholders.If an Alibaba Partnership director nominee is not elected by our shareholders or after election departs our board of directors for any reason,the Alibaba Partnership has the right to appoint a different person to serve as an interim director of the class in which the vacancy exists until our next scheduled annual general meeting of shareholders.At the next scheduled annual general meeting of shareholders,the appointed interim director or a replacement Alibaba Partnership director nominee (other than the original nominee)will stand for election for the remainder of the term of the class of directors to which the original nominee would have belonged.If at any time our board of directors consists of less than asimple majority of directors nominated or appointed by the Alibaba Partnership for any reason,including because a director previously nominated by the Alibaba Partnership ceases to be a member of our board of directors or because the Alibaba Partnership had previously not exercised its right to nominate or appoint a simple majority of our board of directors,the Alibaba Partnership will be entitled(in its sole discretion and without the need for any additional shareholder action)to appoint such number of additional directors to the board as necessary to ensure that the directors nominated or appointed by the Alibaba Partnership comprise a simple majority of our board of directors.In determining the Alibaba Partnership director nominees who will stand for election to our board,the partnership committee will propose director nominees who will be voted on by all of the partners,and those nominees who receive a simple majority of the votes of the partners will be selected for these purposes.The director nominees of the Alibaba Partnership may be partners of the Alibaba Partnership or other qualified individuals who are not affiliated withthe Alibaba Partnership.The Alibaba Partnership’s right to nominate or appoint up to a simple majority of our directors is conditioned on the Alibaba Partnership being governed by the partnership agreement in effect as of the completion of our initial public offering in September2014,or as may be amended in accordance with its terms from time to time.Any amendment to the provisions of the partnership agreement relating to the purpose of the partnership,or to the manner in which the Alibaba Partnership exercises its right to nominate a simple majority of our directors,will be subject to the approval of the majority of our directors who are not nominees or appointees of the Alibaba Partnership and are“independent directors”within the meaning of Section303A of the NYSE Listed Company Manual.The provisions relating to nomination rights and procedures described above are incorporated in our Articles.Pursuant to our Articles,the Alibaba Partnership’s nomination rights and related provisions of our Articles may only be changed upon the vote of shareholders representing95%of the votes present in person or by proxy at a general meeting of shareholders.Alibaba Partnership has not fully exercised its director nomination right.Our board of directors currently consists of ten members,six are independent directors nominated by our nominating and corporate governance committee,four are Alibaba Partnership nominees.Current PartnersThe following table sets forth the names,in alphabetical order by surname,and other information regarding the current partners of the Alibaba Partnership.Name GenderYearJoinedAlibabaGroupCurrent Position withAlibaba GroupLijuan CHEN(陈丽娟)F2003Vice PresidentTrudy ShanDAI (戴珊)F1999Director and ChiefExecutive Officer,Taobaoand Tmall GroupDirector,AlibabaName GenderYearJoinedAlibabaGroupCurrent Position withAlibaba GroupLucy Lei PENG (彭蕾)†F1999Partner,AlibabaPartnershipDirector,Local ServicesGroupDirector,AlibabaInternational DigitalCommerce GroupXiaofengSHAO(邵晓锋)†M2005Senior Vice PresidentJie SONG (宋洁)F2000Vice President,AlibabaInternational DigitalCommerce GroupLijun SUN (孙利军)M2002Director-General,AlibabaFoundationName GenderYearJoinedAlibabaGroupCurrent Position withAlibaba GroupLei WANG (王磊)M2003Senior Vice President,CloudIntelligence GroupWinnie JiaWEN (闻佳)F2007President,PublicAffairsDirector,Digital Mediaand Entertainment GroupMaggie Wei WU(武卫)F2007DirectorDirector,Digital Mediaand Entertainment GroupEddie Yongming WU(吴泳铭)†*M1999Senior Vice PresidentChairman,Taobao andTmall GroupDirector,Local ServicesGroupDirector,AlibabaInternational DigitalCommerce GroupName GenderYearJoinedAlibabaGroupCurrent Position withAlibaba GroupZeming WU (吴泽明)M2004Group ChiefTechnology OfficerDeputy Head of AlibabaDAMO AcademyChief TechnologyOfficer,Local ServicesGroupDirector,CloudIntelligence GroupDirector,Taobao andTmall GroupDirector,Local ServicesGroupSara SiyingYU(俞思瑛)F2005Group General CounselDirector,Digital Mediaand Entertainment GroupYongfu YU M2007Chairman and ChiefName GenderYearJoinedAlibabaGroupCurrent Position withAlibaba Group(俞永福)Executive Officer,LocalServices GroupJeff Jianfeng ZHANG (张建锋)M2004Head of Alibaba DAMOAcademyDaniel Yong ZHANG(张勇)†*M2007Group Chairman andChief Executive OfficerChairman and ChiefExecutive Officer,CloudIntelligence GroupJessie Junfang ZHENG (郑俊芳)F2010Director and Chief RiskOfficer,Cloud IntelligenceGroupShunyan ZHU (朱顺炎)M2014Chairman and ChiefExecutive Officer,AlibabaName GenderYearJoinedAlibabaGroupCurrent Position withAlibaba GroupHealthDirector,Local ServicesGroup†Member of the partnership committee.*Effective September10,2023,Joe Tsai will succeed Daniel Zhang as Group Chairman and Eddie Wu will succeed Daniel Zhang as Group Chief Executive Officer.CompensationOur board of directors,acting on the recommendation of our compensation committee, approves an annual cash bonus pool for our management,calculated based on a percentage of our adjusted pretax operating profits.Once the annual cash bonus pool is calculated,our compensation committee determines the proportion allocated and payable to our management for the year,and approves the amount of individual cash bonus payable to our executive officersand directors and members of the partnership committee.The remaining portion of the annual cash bonus pool is available for the partners and may,upon the approval of our compensation committee,be deferred,and used as determined by the partnership committee,with any amounts payable to our executive officers or directors or members of the partnership committee individually be also subject to approval of the compensation committee of our board of directors.The board,acting on the recommendation of our compensation committee,may determine the remuneration to be paid to non employee directors.We do not provide employee directors with any additional remuneration for serving as directors other than their remuneration as our employees.Pursuant to our service agreements with our directors,neither we nor our subsidiaries provide benefits to directors upon termination of employment.We do not separately set aside any amounts for pensions,retirement or other benefits for our executive officers,other than pursuant to relevant statutory requirements.Management members who are partners of the Alibaba Partnershipmay receive retirement payments from the deferred portion of the annual cash bonus pool available to the Alibaba Partnership.Retirement and RemovalPartners may elect to retire from the partnership at any time.All partners except continuity partners are required to retire upon reaching the age of sixty or upon termination of their qualifying employment.Jack Ma and Joe Tsai are designated as continuity partners,who may remain partners until they reach the age of seventy (and this age limit may be extended by a majority votes of all partners),elect to retire from the partnership,die or are incapacitated or are removed as partners.Any partner,including continuity partners,may be removed upon the vote of a simple majority of all partners present at a duly-called meeting of partners for violations of certain standards set forth in the partnership agreement,including failure to actively promote our mission,vision and values,fraud,gross misconduct or gross negligence.As with other partners, continuity partners must maintain the shareholding levels required by us of all partners as described below.Partners who retire from the partnership upon meeting certain age and service requirements may be designated as honorably retired partners by the partnership committee.Honorably retired partners may not act as partners,but may be entitled to allocations from the deferred portion of the annual cash bonus pool described below as post-retirement payments. Continuity partners will not be eligible to receive allocations from the annual cash bonus pool if they cease to be our employees even if they remain partners,but may be entitled to receive allocations from the deferred bonus pool if they are honorably retired partners.Restrictive ProvisionsUnder our Articles of Association,in connection with any change of control,merger or sale of our company,the partners and other holders of our ordinary shares shall receive the same consideration with respect to their ordinary shares in connection with any of these types of transactions.In addition,our Articles provide that the Alibaba Partnership may not transfer or otherwise delegate or give a proxy to any third-party with respect to its right to nominatedirectors,although it may elect not to exercise its rights in full.In addition,as noted above,our Articles also provide that the amendment of certain provisions of the Alibaba Partnership agreement relating to the purpose of the partnership or the manner in which the partnership exercises its rights to nominate or appoint a majority of our board of directors will require the approval of a majority of directors who are not appointees of the Alibaba Partnership and are “independent directors”within the meaning of Section 303A of the NYSE Listed Company Manual.Amendment of Alibaba Partnership AgreementPursuant to the partnership agreement, amendment of the partnership agreement requires the approval of75%of the partners in attendance at a meeting of the partners at which not less than75%of all the partners are in attendance,except that the general partner may effect certain administrative amendments.In addition,certain amendments relating to the purposes of the Alibaba Partnership or the manner in which it exercises its nomination rights with respect to our directors require the approval of amajority of our independent directors not nominated or appointed by the Alibaba Partnership.Alibaba Group Equity Interest Holding Requirements for PartnersEach of the partners holds his or her equity interests in our company directly as an individual or through his or her affiliates.Each partner is required to enter into share retention agreement with us.These agreements provide that a period of three years from the date on which a person becomes a partner,which ranges from January2014to June2023for our existing partners, we require that each partner retain at least60%of the equity interests(including shares underlying vested and unvested awards)that he or she held on the starting date of the three-year period.Following the initial three-year holding period and for so long as he or she remains a partner,we require that the partner retain at least40%of the equity interests(including shares underlying vested and unvested awards)that he or she held on the starting date of the initial three-year holding period.Exceptions to the holding period rulesdescribed in the share retention agreements must be approved by a majority of the independent directors.Weighted Voting Rights(WVR)StructureWe have one class of Shares,and each holder of our Shares is entitled to one vote per Share.Pursuant to our Articles of Association,the Alibaba Partnership has the exclusive right to nominate or,in limited situations, appoint,up to a simple majority of the members of our board of directors.These rights are categorized as a weighted voting rights structure,or WVR structure, under the Hong Kong Listing Rules.As a result,we are deemed as a company with a WVR structure.。
























一、阿里合伙人制度的法律内容阿里的合伙人制度又称为湖畔合伙人制度(英文翻译为“Lakeside Partners”),该名称源自15年前马云等创始人创建阿里的地点——湖畔花园。









• 既然马云直接控制着阿里巴巴的决策权和经 营权,那么他就对阿里巴巴的债务承担无限 责任,即作为主要合伙人,而不是间接参与 公司决策经营的“有限合伙人” 这跟其他普通上市公司不同的“合伙人制 度”,拥有绝对的提名权,同时也承担对债 务的无限连带责任,这或许是合伙制得以在 内部实行的重要原因之一.
关于合伙人制度损害大众股东利益 的解释
• This is not a mere profit sharing mechanism, nor is it a vehicle(工具) of power to exert(实施) greater control over the company: rather, it is a system that provides a driving force within the company. This system will help inculcate(教育) Alibaba Group’s mission, vision and values, safeguard the culture of innovation, improve our organization, enable us to become more nimble(敏 感) and competitive in the future, and help us to create our ideal future. (这不是一个单纯的利润分配机制,也不是更加有权的控 制公司的工具:确切地说,它是一个系统,它在公司内部 提供了驱动力。该系统将有助于灌输阿里巴巴集团的使命, 愿景和价值观,维护创新文化,改善组织,使企业能够在 未来变得更加灵活和具有竞争力,并帮助人们创造理想的 未来。)
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阿里巴巴合伙人制度(英文版)IntroductionSince our founders first gathered in Jack Ma's apartment in 1999, they and our management have acted in the spirit of partnership. We view our culture as fundamental to our success and our ability to serve our customers, develop our employees and deliver long-term value to our shareholders. In July 2010, in order to preserve this spirit of partnership and to ensure the sustainability of our mission, vision and values, we decided to formalize our partnership as Lakeside Partners, named after the Lakeside Gardens residential community where Jack Ma and our other founders started our company. We refer to the partnership as the Alibaba Partnership.We believe that our partnership approach has helped us better manage our business, with the peer nature of the partnership enabling senior managers to collaborate and override bureaucracy and hierarchy. The Alibaba Partnership currently has 34 members comprised of 26 members of our management, seven members of management of Ant Financial Services and one member of management of Cainiao Network. The number of partners in Alibaba Partnership is not fixed and may change from time to time due to the election ofnew partners, the retirement of partners and the departure of partners for other reasons.Our partnership is a dynamic body that rejuvenates itself through admission of new partners each year, which we believe enhances our excellence, innovation and sustainability. Unlike dual-class ownership structures that employ ahigh-vote class of shares to concentrate control in a few founders, our approach is designed to embody the vision of a large group of management partners. This structure is our solution for preserving the culture shaped by our founders while at the same time accounting for the fact that founders will inevitably retire from the company.Consistent with our partnership approach, all partnership votes are made on a one-partner-one-vote basis.The partnership is governed by a partnership agreement and operates under principles, policies and procedures that have evolved with our business and are further described below.Nomination and Election of PartnersThe Alibaba Partnership elects new partners annually after a nomination process whereby existing partners proposecandidates to the partnership committee. The partnership committee reviews the nominations and determines whether the nomination of a candidate will be proposed to the entire partnership for election. Election of new partners requires the approval of at least 75% of all of the partners.To be eligible for election, a partner candidate must have demonstrated the following attributes:a high standard of personal character and integrity; continued service with Alibaba Group, our affiliates and/or certain companies with which we have a significant relationship such as Ant Financial Services for not less than five years;a track record of contribution to the business of Alibaba Group; andbeing a "culture carrier" who shows a consistent commitment to, and traits and actions consonant with, our mission, vision and values.We believe the criteria and process the Alibaba Partnership applicable to the election of new partners, as described above, promote accountability among the partners as well as to our customers, employees and shareholders. In order to align the interests of partners with the interests of our shareholders, we require that each partner maintain a meaningful level of equity interests in our company during such individual's tenure as a partner. Since a partner nominee must have been our employee or an employee of one of our related companies or affiliates for at least five years, as of the time he or she becomes a partner, he or she will typically already own or have been awarded a personally meaningful level of equity interest in our company through our equity incentive and share purchase plans.Duties of PartnersThe main duty of partners in their capacity as partners is to embody and promote our mission, vision and values. We expect partners to be evangelists for our mission,vision and values, both within our organization and externally to customers, business partners and other participants in our ecosystem.Partnership CommitteeThe partnership committee must consist of at least five partners and is currently comprised of Jack Ma, Joe Tsai, Jonathan Lu, Lucy Peng and Ming Zeng. The partnership committee is responsible for, among others, administering partner elections. Partnership committee members serve for a term of three years and may serve multiple terms. Elections of partnership committee members are held once every three years. Prior to each election, the partnership committee will nominate a number of partners equal to the number of partnership committee members that will serve in the next partnership committee term plus three additional nominees. Each partner votes for a number of nominees equal to the number of partnership committee members that will serve in the next partnership committee term and all except the three nominees who receive the least votes from the partners are elected to the partnership committee.Partnership CommitteeThe partnership committee must consist of at least five partners and is currently comprised of Jack Ma, Joe Tsai, Jonathan Lu, Lucy Peng and Ming Zeng. The partnership committee is responsible for, among others, administering partner elections. Partnership committee members serve for aterm of three years and may serve multiple terms. Elections of partnership committee members are held once every three years. Prior to each election, the partnership committee will nominate a number of partners equal to the number of partnership committee members that will serve in the next partnership committee term plus three additional nominees. Each partner votes for a number of nominees equal to the number of partnership committee members that will serve in the next partnership committee term and all except the three nominees who receive the least votes from the partners are elected to the partnership committee.Director Nomination and Appointment RightsPursuant to our articles of association, the Alibaba Partnership has the exclusive right to nominate or, in limited situations, appoint up to a simple majority of the members of our board of directors.The election of each director nominee of the Alibaba Partnership will be subject to the director nominee receiving a majority vote from our shareholders voting at an annual general meeting of shareholders. If an Alibaba Partnership director nominee is not elected by our shareholders or afterelection departs our board of directors for any reason, the Alibaba Partnership has the right to appoint a different person to serve as an interim director of the class in which the vacancy exists until our next scheduled annual general meeting of shareholders. At the next scheduled annual general meeting of shareholders, the appointed interim director or a replacement Alibaba Partnership director nominee (other than the original nominee) will stand for election for the remainder of the term of the class of directors to which the original nominee would have belonged.If at any time our board of directors consists of less than a simple majority of directors nominated or appointed by the Alibaba Partnership for any reason, including because a director previously nominated by the Alibaba Partnership ceases to be a member of our board of directors or because the Alibaba Partnership had previously not exercised its right to nominate or appoint a simple majority of our board of directors, the Alibaba Partnership will be entitled (in its sole discretion and without the need for any additional shareholder action) to appoint such number of additional directors to the board as necessary to ensure that thedirectors nominated or appointed by the Alibaba Partnership comprise a simple majority of our board of directors.In determining the Alibaba Partnership director nominees who will stand for election to our board, the partnership committee will propose director nominees who will be voted on by all of the partners, and those nominees who receive a simple majority of the votes of the partners will be selected for such purposes. The director nominees of the Alibaba Partnership may be partners of the Alibaba Partnership or other qualified individuals who are not affiliated with the Alibaba Partnership.The Alibaba Partnership’s right to nominate or appoint up to a simple majority of our directors is conditioned on the Alibaba Partnership being governed by the partnership agreement in effect as of the completion of our initial public offering in September 2014, or as may be amended in accordance with its terms from time to time. Any amendment to the provisions of the partnership agreement relating to the purpose of the partnership, or to the manner in which the Alibaba Partnership exercises its right to nominate a simple majority of our directors, will be subject to the approval of the majority of our directors who are not nominees or appointeesof the Alibaba Partnership and are “independent directors”within the meaning of Section 303A of the New York Stock Exchange Listed Company Manual. The provisions relating to nomination rights and procedures described above are incorporated in our articles of association. Pursuant to our articles of association, the Alibaba Partnership’s nomination rights and related provisions of our articles of association may only be changed upon the vote of shareholders representing 95% of the votes present in person or by proxy at a general meeting of shareholders.Our board of directors currently consists of eleven members, and five of these directors are Alibaba Partnership nominees. If at any time our board of directors consists of less than a simple majority of directors nominated or appointed by the Alibaba Partnership for any reason—including because the Alibaba Partnership had previously not exercised its right to nominate or appoint a simple majority of our board of directors —the Alibaba Partnership will be entitled (in its sole discretion and without the need for any additional shareholder approval) to nominate or appoint such number of additional directors as necessary to ensure that the directors nominated or appointed by the Alibaba Partnership comprisea simple majority of our board of directors. Accordingly, the Alibaba Partnership is entitled to nominate or appoint two additional directors to our board, which would increase the total number of directors to thirteen. We have entered into a voting agreement pursuant to which both SoftBank and Yahoo will agree to vote their shares in favor of the Alibaba Partnership director nominees at each annual general shareholders meeting so long as SoftBank owns at least 15% of our outstanding ordinary shares. Accordingly, for so long as SoftBank and Yahoo remain substantial shareholders, we expect the Alibaba Partnership nominees will receive a majority of votes cast at any meeting for the election of directors and will be elected as directors.Retirement and Removal of PartnersPartners may elect to retire from the partnership at any time. All partners except continuity partners are required to retire upon reaching the age of sixty or upon termination of their qualifying employment. Continuity partners may remain partners until they elect to retire from the partnership, die or are incapacitated or are removed as partners. Either two or three partners may be designated as continuity partners at a time, with Jack Ma and Joe Tsai serving as the initial continuitypartners. Continuity partners are either designated by a retiring continuity partner or by the serving continuity partners. Any partner, including continuity partners, may be removed upon the vote of a simple majority of all partners present at a duly-called meeting of partners for violations of certain standards set forth in the partnership agreement, including failure to actively promote our mission,vision and values, fraud, gross misconduct or gross negligence. As with other partners, continuity partners must maintain the shareholding levels required by us of all partners as described below. Partners who retire from the partnership upon meeting certain age and service requirements may be designated as honorary partners by the partnership committee. Honorary partners may not act as partners, but may be entitled to allocations from the deferred portion of the annual cash bonus pool described below as retirement pension payments. Continuity partners will not be eligible to receive allocations from the annual cash bonus pool if they cease to be our employees even if they remain partners, but may be entitled to receive allocations from the deferred bonus pool if they are honorary partners.Restrictive ProvisionsUnder our articles of association, in connection with any change of control, merger or sale of our company, the partners and other holders of our ordinary shares shall receive the same consideration with respect to their ordinary shares in connection with any such transaction. In addition, our articles of association provide that the Alibaba Partnership may not transfer or otherwise delegate or give a proxy to any third party with respect to its right to nominate directors, although it may elect not to exercise its rights in full. In addition, as noted above, our articles of association also provide that the amendment of certain provisions of the Alibaba Partnership agreement relating to the purpose of the partnership or the manner in which the partnership exercises its rights to nominate or appoint a majority of our board of directors will require the approval of a majority of directors who are not appointees of the Alibaba Partnership and are “independent directors” within the meaning of Section 303A of the New York Stock Exchange Listed Company Manual.Amendment of Alibaba Partnership Agreement Pursuant to the partnership agreement, amendment of the partnership agreement requires the approval of 75% of the partners in attendance at a meeting of the partners at whichnot less than 75% of all the partners are in attendance, except that the general partner may effect certain administrative amendments. In addition, certain amendments relating to the purposes of the Alibaba Partnership or the manner in which it exercises its nomination rights with respect to our directors require the approval of a majority of our independent directors not nominated or appointed by the Alibaba Partnership.Alibaba Group Equity Interest Holding Requirement for PartnersEach of the partners holds his or her equity interests in our company directly as an individual or through his or her affiliates. We have entered into share retention agreements with each partner. These agreements provide that a period of three years from the date on which such person becomes a partner, or for 27 of the existing partners, from January 1, 2014, three of the existing partners, from August 26, 2014, and four of the existing partners, from December 8, 2015, we require that each partner retain at least 60% of the equity interests (including unvested shares and shares underlying vested and unvested awards) that he or she held on the starting date of such three-year period. Following the initial three-yearholding period and for so long as he or she remains a partner, we require that the partner retain at least 40% of the equity interests (including unvested shares and shares underlying vested and unvested awards) that he or she held on the starting date of the initial three-year holding period. Exceptions to the holding period rules described in the share retention agreements must be approved by a majority of the independent directors.感谢下载!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考。
