Unit 1 Legal Systems

Unit 1 Legal SystemsText AText translation由于美国实行联邦制,美国人通常会意识到不同管辖区的法律可能会有所不同。
1. 两大法系的起源以及它们在世界各地的分布情况1)普通法系普通法系起源于英国。

判决书在英语里用不同的词语表达,如opinion, decision, judgement等,我们翻译为“法官意见” 、“判决意见” 、“判决”等。
(如:“唐某杀人案” [刑事],或“星星公司诉月亮公司担保合同纠纷案”[民事])2 索引信息:例如该案件出自哪本案例集或判例汇编,第几卷,第几页等。
3 审理法院:在美国,因各州、审级不同而各有不同。
4 判决日期下面我们以“布什诉戈尔” 案Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000) 为例作一说明:Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000)(原告)诉(被告)(审理法院)(判决日所属年份)注意:① U.S. 指美国联邦最高法院(The Supreme Court of United States)。
② Plaintiff的位置也可能是appelant(上诉人), defendent的位置也可能appellee(被上诉人)。
初审案件:原告plaintiff, 被告:defendant中级上诉法院:原告appellant,被告appellee最高上诉法院:上诉方:petitioner,被上诉方:respondent(二)事实部分1.案件法律程序简介(procedual history)在事实部分之前,初审案件通常要简要交代案件当事人(parties)、案由(Cause of action)、起诉以及受理情况;上诉案件通常介绍一审案件的判决结果、当事人上诉及二审法院受理情况、二审法院判决结果。

三、案件焦点1. 微软是否构成垄断?2. 微软的垄断行为是否损害了消费者利益?3. 如何解除微软的垄断地位?四、案件分析1. 微软是否构成垄断?根据美国反垄断法,垄断是指一家企业或少数几家企业在某一行业或市场中拥有绝对的控制力,从而损害消费者利益、限制竞争的行为。
(2)微软利用其在操作系统市场的垄断地位,通过捆绑销售其他软件产品,如Internet Explorer浏览器,进一步巩固其市场地位。
2. 微软的垄断行为是否损害了消费者利益?司法部认为,微软的垄断行为损害了消费者利益,主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)限制了消费者选择,消费者被迫使用微软的产品。
3. 如何解除微软的垄断地位?针对微软的垄断行为,美国联邦法院判决如下:(1)微软必须将其Windows操作系统的内核代码与第三方软件分离,允许竞争对手的软件产品与Windows系统兼容。
(2)微软不得将Internet Explorer浏览器捆绑销售,消费者有权选择其他浏览器。
五、案件影响1. 微软垄断案的判决,对美国反垄断法的发展产生了深远影响。
英美商法(双语)课程Chapter01 Legal System

Anglo-American Business Law
Exhibit: Law and Morals
Anglo-American Business Law
(5) Objectives of Law
To establish rules so that we will be able to peacefully resolve the disputes that arise. To set the rules of conduct for many transactions so that we will know how to avoid disputes.
Exhibit: Areas of The Law That May Affect Business Decision Making
Anglo-American Business Law
Study Materials
John D. Ashcroft and Janet E. Ashcroft: Law for Business, South-
Anglo-American Business Law
1. What is Law?
(1) Definition
“Law is a rule of civil conduct prescribed by the supreme power in a state, commanding what is right and prohibiting what is wrong.” ---Sir William Blackstone
Western, 17th Revised edition, 2011.

二、美国知识产权法律制度1. 美国知识产权法律体系美国知识产权法律体系主要由宪法、成文法和判例法组成。
2. 美国知识产权保护特点(1)专利保护:美国专利制度以发明实用性和新颖性为核心,专利保护期限为20年。
三、英国知识产权法律制度1. 英国知识产权法律体系英国知识产权法律体系主要由成文法和判例法组成。
2. 英国知识产权保护特点(1)专利保护:英国专利制度以发明的新颖性、创造性和实用性为核心,专利保护期限为20年。
四、美国与英国知识产权法律制度对比分析1. 专利保护(1)专利审查制度:美国采用“先申请制”,即谁先申请专利,谁就享有专利权。

第1篇一、案件背景John Doe(化名),男性,35岁,是一名普通的上班族。
XYZ Corporation 有限公司(化名)是一家跨国科技公司,主要从事软件开发和信息技术服务。
2018年,John Doe 因涉嫌在工作中泄露公司机密而被 XYZ Corporation 有限公司解雇。
John Doe 认为公司的解雇行为违法,遂向英国法院提起诉讼。
二、案件争议焦点1. John Doe 是否违反了公司保密协议?2. XYZ Corporation 有限公司的解雇行为是否合法?3. John Doe 是否因此遭受了不当解雇?三、案件事实1. 保密协议在 John Doe 加入 XYZ Corporation 有限公司之前,他签署了一份保密协议,约定在任职期间及离职后五年内不得泄露公司机密。
John Doe 在工作中接触到了公司多项机密信息,包括客户资料、技术秘密等。
2. 泄露机密2018年5月,John Doe 因个人原因向一家竞争对手泄露了 XYZ Corporation 有限公司的部分机密信息。
公司调查后,证实了这一行为,遂决定解雇 John Doe。
3. 解雇程序在解雇 John Doe 之前,XYZ Corporation 有限公司进行了内部调查,并提供了相应的证据。
解雇过程中,公司通知了 John Doe,并给予了申辩机会。
然而,John Doe 认为解雇程序不合法,遂向英国法院提起诉讼。
四、法院判决1. 保密协议的效力英国法院认为,John Doe 签署的保密协议合法有效,他应当遵守协议约定,不得泄露公司机密。
2. 解雇行为的合法性英国法院认为,XYZ Corporation 有限公司在解雇 John Doe 之前已经进行了内部调查,并提供了相应证据。
此外,公司通知了 John Doe,并给予了申辩机会,符合法律规定。
因此,法院认为 XYZ Corporation 有限公司的解雇行为合法。

第1篇一、案件背景本案涉及一名员工John Doe因工作原因遭受精神损害,向其雇主XYZCorporation提起诉讼。
John Doe声称在任职期间,由于公司管理层的不当行为,导致其遭受了严重的心理压力,进而导致了精神损害。
二、英美法律概述1. 英国法律体系英国法律体系属于普通法系,其特点为判例法。
2. 美国法律体系美国法律体系同样属于普通法系,但其法律体系较为复杂,包括联邦法律和州法律。
三、案件分析1. 案件事实John Doe在XYZ Corporation担任高级管理人员,因工作原因与公司管理层产生了矛盾。
在公司内部沟通无效的情况下,John Doe向公司高层反映问题,但问题并未得到解决。
在此过程中,John Doe感受到了巨大的心理压力,最终导致其精神损害。
2. 英美法律分析(1)英国法律分析根据英国法律,雇主有责任为员工提供一个安全、健康的工作环境。
在本案中,John Doe声称其因工作原因遭受了精神损害,需要证明以下两点:a. 公司管理层的不当行为确实存在,并导致了John Doe的精神损害。
b. 公司管理层的不当行为违反了英国法律关于工作环境的规定。
如果John Doe能够证明以上两点,他可能获得胜诉。
英国法院会参考以往相似案件的判决,如1977年的Watts v. Filtronic Ltd. 一案,该案中法院判决雇主对员工因工作压力导致的精神损害负有责任。
(2)美国法律分析在美国,John Doe可能需要证明以下两点:a. 公司管理层的不当行为确实存在,并导致了John Doe的精神损害。
b. 公司管理层的不当行为违反了美国联邦或州法律关于工作环境的规定。
如果John Doe能够证明以上两点,他可能获得胜诉。
Unit 1 American Legal System

Unit OneRegard for the public welfare is the highest law.关注公共利益的法律是最高法律。
There is no general rule without some exception.任何法律都不能面面俱到。
Part IReading and UnderstandingAmerican Legal System (Part 1)The American legal system is a common law system, where cases are settled based on tradition, common practice and interpretation of statutes. As we have already known, as a matter of practice, even in common law countries there are quite a few number of codes of law. But what should be emphasized is that the central feature of the system lies in its reliance on case law or judge-made law. That is, precedents are used as guidance to deal with the same or analogous situations arising today.The American legal system is originally based on the British legal system and the United States Constitution. Article III, Section I of the Constitution States that the judicial power of the Untied States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. So in the United States of America, a United States Supreme Court is provided by the Constitution and other courts are established by the U.S. Congress in accordance with the Constitution.1. LegislationLaw in the United States is composed of case law precedent (prior judicial decisions), just as with the British system, as well as statutory law created by both the federal government and the states.1.1 The United States ConstitutionThe United States Constitution was drafted in 1787 and was amended 26 times ever since. The Constitution separates the government into the three coordinate branches. The Constitution provides for powers to each of the three branches, as well as the states. In addition it sets limits on the powers of federal and state government.1.2 State ConstitutionBesides the United States Constitution, each of the 50 states has also adopted a constitution. The state constitution sets out both the form and operation of government in that state and provides for and sets limits on its power.1.3 Enactment of Legislative BodiesThis includes the Acts of Congress and statutes of state legislatures. The legislatures of each of the 50 states may pass and enforce their own laws without exceeding the principles establishedby the United States Constitution and the United States Congress. This results in the fact that the state law in the same fields may be different from one to another. For instance, the length of time within which one must commence a civil lawsuit or be time-barred, referred to as the statute of limitations, can vary dramatically from state to state; and various other matters such as how trade secretes or torts are defined also may vary significantly.1.4 Case LawIn a common law country, case law plays a very important part in determining the law that applies to a particular set of facts. In application of case law, the weight that case law is given by a particular court in the United States depends significantly upon the court in which the precedent occurred. For example, when a case is brought in Federal court, decisions of the Supreme Court are obviously the most binding on a particular issue, followed by decisions of the circuit court to which an appeal from a district court lies and finally, prior decisions of the district court itself. In many instances, a district court will look to the law of the appropriate state while rendering a decision in a case where issues of state law are of priority.2. Court SystemThere are 51 separate court systems in the United States of America. In addition to the federal court system, each state has a separate system under its own constitution and laws. Each of the 50 states in the United States has, within its borders, both a state court system and a federal court system. Federal and state courts exist virtually side-by-side in every state, and review both civil and criminal cases. There are large areas where the jurisdiction of federal and state courts overlaps. The parties may, at their discretion, decide on the court where they initiate a lawsuit. And there isa choice for the disputes between them as to which of the two systems they should be in.2.1 Jurisdiction of the Federal CourtsFederal courts are not courts of general jurisdiction but rather more limited jurisdiction as prescribed by the US Congress. The United States Constitution established the Supreme Court and vests certain original and appellate jurisdiction in it. The courts in the federal court system include Supreme Court, courts of appeals, district courts, courts of claims, courts of customs and patent appeals, customs courts, tax courts and courts of military appeals. The Supreme Court is the highest appellate review for either federal courts or state courts. It also has the original jurisdiction in those cases affecting ambassadors, ministers and consuls and those cases to which a state is a party.2.2 Jurisdiction of the State CourtsEach state has its own court system and each state court system has a trial court level and two levels of appellate review. With reference to the jurisdiction of a court to hear a lawsuit, state courts are courts of general jurisdiction. Hence, as long as the defendant is served notice of the pending lawsuit, a state court may exert personal jurisdiction (also referred to as “territorial jurisdic tion”) over the defendant and hear any civil matter. A state court may exercise territorial jurisdiction in the following cases: (1) a defendant consents to be used in the state where the state court is located; (2) the defendant is physically present in the forum state; or (3) such state has a statute which authorizes the exercise of territorial jurisdiction over persons or properties outside the state’s borders; (4) the forum state is where the defendant is domiciled. In addition to the above state courts with general jurisdiction, state courts are also courts with specialized trial jurisdiction, such as criminal courts, circuit courts, civil courts, juvenile courts and probate courts.2.3 Administrative AgenciesIn addition to the above court systems, some administrative agencies have been established out of the court system to monitor compliance with various federal statutory schemes and are empowered to commence proceedings or actions for violations of those laws. For example, the United States Department of Justice monitors and investigates compliance with the antitrust laws and is empowered to commence suits on behalf of the United States to remedy or correct violations. The Federal Trade Commission is the governmental agency that monitors compliance with law relating to trade regulations and is empowered to take actions to ensure compliance. The Securities and Exchange Commission monitors compliance with a broad range of laws governing all aspects of securities transactions. Besides, there are other federal administrative agencies with similar functions, such as Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Interstate Commerce Commission, and the Federal Communications Commission, etc.2.4 Arbitration and MediationArbitration is the most traditional and well-known form used in the dispute resolution out of court. Arbitration is characterized by flexibility and mutual acceptance of means of conflict resolution. But recently, arbitration has been criticized as overly formal, expensive and almost as time-consuming as traditional litigation. Consequently, commercial parties often seek less formal and more efficient means to settle their disputes, such as mediation.Mediation is a process in which disputing parties are aided by a neutral third party to attempt to settle their dispute. Mediation, unlike arbitration, is not generally binding. The parties may, however, agree to enter into a settlement agreement. Mediation is voluntary and non-binding and its process is under the control of the parties themselves. Settlement will be reached only if it is acceptable to all the parties. If mediation fails, the dispute usually will go on to arbitration or litigation. (to be continued)New Wordsstatute n.法令,法规code n.法规,法典reliance n.信赖,依靠precedent n.先例,前例guidance n.引导,指导analogous a.类似的Constitution n.宪法vest v.授权,给与ordain v.任命,命令draft v.起草,征兵amend v.修正,改善coordinate a.同等的,等位的enactment n.颁布,制定commence v.开始time-barred a.由于时间被禁止的tort n.侵权行为binding a.有约束力的appeal n.恳求,上诉render v.提供,致使priority n.优先权virtually ad.几乎,实际上jurisdiction n.司法权,审判权,管辖权overlap v.重叠,重复discretion n.辨别力,考虑initiate v.开始,创始appellate a.控诉的,上诉的ambassador n.大使pending a.未决定的,待决的exert v.发挥,运用,施以影响consent n.同意,许可domiciled a.指定支付地点的probate n.遗嘱查验,遗嘱查讫证monitor v.监视,监督compliance n.承诺,遵从empower v.授予权力,允许remedy v.治疗,矫正arbitration n.仲裁,公断mediation n.调停,调解litigation n.诉讼,起诉Phrases and Expressions common law 普通法,习惯法common practice 惯例case law 案例judge-made law 法官法judicial power 司法权Supreme Court 最高法院in accordance with 按照,根据,与……一致statutory law 成文法Acts of Congress 国会法length of time 诉讼时效circuit court 巡回法院with reference to 关于(根据)forum state 审判地所在国家Nuclear Regulatory Commission 核管制委员会Interstate Commerce Commission 州际商业委员会Federal Communications Commission 联邦电讯委员会Notes1. common law system普通法体系。

• Near the end of the 10th century, during the reign of Ethelred, fresh waves of fierce Danish fighters from the continent attacked the south. • In 1013 the Danish king, Sweyen, became master of England, and Ethelred fled to Normandy in France, the home of his wife Emma. • Soon afterwards Sweyen died, and the English sent for their ―lawful king‖. So Ethelred came back.
• Egbert, the king of Wessex, styled himself ―King of the English‖ in 829. • Christianity: all England was united under one well-organized church. The head of the Church was the Archbishop of Canterbury.
• In Sept., Duke William landed on the Sussex coast. • The Battle of Hastings on Oct. 14 Harold was killed and his army completely defeated. • On Christmas Day 1066 Duke William known in history as William the Conqueror was crowned in Westminster Abby.
英美法律制度 property case studies

1. Armory v. Delamirie (1722) Facts: AA found a jewel and took it to BB's goldsmith shop where BB's apprentice removed the jewel under the pretense of weighing it, and informed BB of its weight. Then BB offered the AA money for it, but the AA refused and insisted upon the return of the jewel, at which time the apprentice returned the empty setting without the jewel in it to AA . Issue: Does AA , in finding the jewel, have sufficient property right in it to keep it from the BB?
then requested that BB retain the notes and return them to the owner. After 3 years had passed, the owner had not claimed the notes, and so AA requested that BB turn over the notes to AA . BB refused, and AA brought action to recover the notes from BB. Issue: Does the fact that the notes were fouthe BB the right to keep them from AA , who is the finder?
法律英语阅读Unit 1 Legal Studies

最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:/(报名网址)法律英语阅读Unit 1 Legal Studies今天开始将为大家连载四个单元的法律英语阅读,有笔记、短语和句子翻译哦!大家快收藏起来好好学习吧!NotesLaw is regarded as a set of fixed principles…ignorance of which excuses no one, not even the less knowledgeable or less affluent members of society.法律被认为是一整套固有的规则…不了解这套规则的人并不能因此而免除责任,即使他是这个社会中对此知之甚少,或并不那么富足的成员。
Law begins only when a coercive apparatus comes into existence to maintain control through enforcement of social norms.只有在一种强制性的机构通过实施社会规范来维持控制时,法律才开始形成。
The control group need not be agents of a political entity.控制集团不一定要是政治实体的代表。
Law as social engineering. Under this concept law is regarded as a means of social control which seeks to balance various competing conflicting interests and values within a society.法律是社会的调节器。

第1篇一、引言英美法律体系是世界上两大主要法律体系之一,以其独特的案例法(Case Law)制度而闻名。
二、案例法的特点1. 重视历史和先例案例法强调历史和先例的作用,法官在审理案件时会参考过去的判决,以确定相似案件的法律适用。
2. 法官造法在英美法律体系中,法官在审理案件时不仅适用法律,还可以创造新的法律原则。
3. 诉讼双方参与度高在案例法中,诉讼双方在法官审理案件的过程中具有高度的参与度。
4. 透明度高案例法具有高度的透明度,法官的判决公开,便于公众查阅。
三、案例法的形成过程1. 普通法的发展案例法的形成与普通法的发展密切相关。
2. 案例法的普及18世纪末,案例法开始在美国普及。
3. 案例法的完善随着时间的推移,案例法体系不断完善。
四、案例法在我国的影响1. 参考价值案例法在我国具有参考价值。
2. 立法借鉴案例法为我国立法提供了借鉴。
3. 司法改革案例法对我国司法改革具有一定的启示。
英美法律制度 property

In this case, the items of communications equipment did not constitute fixtures, *** The poles, wires, and central office equipment, though placed in the ground or bolted to the buildings, were readily removable and transportable without affecting the utility of the underlying land, the buildings, or the equipment itself. * * * In addition, the very nature of telephone poles and wires, as well as their use by the telephone companies in connection with integrated telecommunications systems, belies the proposition that the equipment became a permanent and essential part of the underlying realty so as to pass by conveyance with it.
The Role Of Intent
Certain items can only be attached to property permanently; such items are fixtures. It is assumed that the owner intended them to be fixtures, because they had to be permanently attached to the property. A tile floor, cabinets, and carpeting are examples. Also, when an item of property is custommade for installation on real property, as storm windows are, the property is usually classified as a fixture. The courts assume that owners, in making such installations, intend the items to become part of their real property.

Part One
Address n.地址, 致辞, 演讲, 说话的技巧 vt.向...致辞, 演说, 写姓名地址, 从事, 忙于 当成百上千份案卷以同样的方式围绕一 些类似的贯穿始终的问题而展开时,我 们完全可以从中得出某些可以被我们称 之为国家特质的结论。
Part Two:Common Law and Equity Law
Part One: Features and Characteristics
The United States is at once a very new nation and a very old nation. It is a new nation compared with many other countries, and it is new, too, in the sense that it is constantly being renewed by the addition of new elements of population and of new States.
Part One
voluminous :adj.卷数多的, 大部分的, 著书多的, 容积大的, 体积大的, 丰满的, 长篇的, 庞大的。 由此,举一个很简单的例子,美国最高 法院的判例汇编占了约350册,而一些州 的判例汇编几乎有同样多的册数。想探 寻美国法律历史的读者将面对超过5000 巨册的法律案例。
Part One
美国既是一个很新的国家,又是一个富 含历史的国家。与许多其他的国家相比, 她是一个新的国家,而且,随着新的人 口成分和新州的加入而持续更新,从这 个意义上说,她也是新的。
Part One

第1篇案例背景:R v. Morgan 是一起在英国法律史上具有重要意义的案例,涉及到了自卫权和误认防卫的概念。
案例分析:1. 自卫权的概念:自卫权是英国法律中的一项基本原则,它允许个人在遭受非法攻击或面临生命危险时采取必要的行动来保护自己。
2. 误认防卫:误认防卫是指个人在自卫过程中,错误地认为对方构成了攻击,从而采取防卫行为。
3. 自卫权的范围:自卫权并非没有限制,个人在行使自卫权时,必须遵守一定的法律原则。

CONCLUSION: 案件当事人姓名(亦即案名); 审判的法院及法官; 审级及案件作成判决日期;
Anglo-American this case? Ask yourself:1. When did the court decideLegal Systems 2.What was the historical setting?
Anglo-American Legal Systems
(一)判例的结构 (The Structure of a Court Opinion) 1. 判例的名称或抬头 (Case Name or Caption)
(1)结构 Example:
Anglo-American Legal Systems
以Cerechino v.Vershum一案为例
In an action to reform a trust deed(修改一份信托契约), plaintiffs appealed from a decree(依据衡平法所做出的判决) of Circuit Court, Multnomah County, William M. Dale, J. , denying the relief requested(向法院提出的司法救济请求). The Supreme Court held that reformation was correctly denied where was no evidence to establish a mistake of the scrivener(代写契约等法律文书的代书人) or mutual mistake. Here, the evidence showed only unilateral mistake on the part of the plaintiffs: unattended(没有、不存在) by fraud or other inequitable conduct(不符合衡平法规范的行 为)on the part of defendants. Affirmed. Carter, J. , concurred(表示虽然同意判决结果但却是基于不 同理由) and assigned reasons(提供并说明理由). Anglo-American Legal Systems

二、美国“辛普森杀妻案”1. 案件背景1994年6月12日,美国著名橄榄球运动员奥伦·辛普森的前妻妮可·布朗·辛普森和她的朋友罗纳德·戈德曼在洛杉矶一家公寓前被枪杀。
2. 侦查与起诉在美国,侦查和起诉工作主要由检察官负责。
3. 审判1995年,辛普森案在洛杉矶刑事法庭开庭审理。
4. 执行虽然陪审团裁定辛普森无罪,但他在此过程中被大量媒体曝光,形象受损。
三、英国“辛普森案”1. 案件背景英国“辛普森案”与美国“辛普森杀妻案”在时间上相隔近30年。
2. 侦查与起诉在英国,侦查和起诉工作由警方和检方共同负责。
英美法律制度 Tort Law

For example, the tort of battery requires proof of intent to cause contact with another person. While, the intent in false imprisonment is to confine another person. But in general, the intentional torts are not defined in such a way as to require defendant to have intended to harm the plaintiff.
Example: Defendant points a water gun at Plaintiff, making it seem like a robbery, when in fact it is a practical joke. If Defendant has intended to put Plaintiff in fear of imminent harmful bodily contact, the "intent" for assault is present, even though Defendant intended no "harm" to Plaintiff. In Vosburg v. Putney 1891, a schoolboy deliberately swung his foot across the aisle to touch a classmate. The contact caused serious injury that the schoolboy never expected. And he was held liable for the damages, because we don’t require an intent to harm to constitute a battery.

第一編‧第一章 美國法律制度的特點
adversary system
第二節 法律雙元制度
New Federalism dual system
The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws American Law Institute 1952 Commercial Code UCC Uniform
第一編‧第一章 美國法律制度的特點
第三節 陪審制度
jury system 6
voir dire
challenge challenge for cause peremptory challenge
1. 2. 3. 4.
第一編‧第一章 美國法律制度的特點
common law
第一節 普通法
case law statutory law
continental law 19 Napoleonic Code
plainmeaning rule
Байду номын сангаас
principle of stare decisis
motion for directed verdict motion for judgment notwithstanding the verdict
unanimous decision
10 美國家事法

第1篇一、背景介绍1998年,美国司法部(Department of Justice,简称DOJ)以微软公司垄断市场、损害消费者利益为由,向微软公司提起诉讼。
二、案件经过1. 案件起因微软公司在个人电脑操作系统市场占据了绝对的垄断地位,其产品Windows操作系统几乎成为了PC的代名词。
2. 案件审理(1)初步审判2000年6月,美国地方法院法官托马斯·杰克逊(Thomas Penfield Jackson)作出了初步判决,认为微软违反了反垄断法,要求将其一分为二,成立两个独立的公司。
三、案例分析1. 案件焦点本案的焦点在于微软是否滥用其市场支配地位,以及其行为是否违反了美国反垄断法。
根据美国《克莱顿法案》(Clayton Act)和《联邦贸易委员会法》(Federal Trade Commission Act),企业不得滥用市场支配地位,损害消费者利益。
2. 法律依据(1)市场支配地位美国反垄断法规定,市场支配地位是指企业在某一市场中所占有的份额达到一定程度,能够对市场价格、竞争格局产生显著影响。
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CONCLUSION: 案件当事人姓名(亦即案名); 审判的法院及法官; 审级及案件作成判决日期;
Anglo-American this case? Ask yourself:1. When did the court decideLegal Systems 2.What was the historical setting?
(2)相关词汇: A. PARTIES
Plaintiff(s) v Defendant(s) (civil matters) Applicant(s) v Respondent(s) (civil matters) Appellant(s) v Respondent(s) (appeal cases) Prosecution v Accused (criminal matter before a judge or jury: indictable offences) Informant v Defendant(s) (criminal matter before a magistrate: summary offences) 初审案件判决中的原告与被告称为:plaintiff and defendant 中级上诉法院判决书中的上诉方称为:appellant,被上诉方称为:appellee 最高法院判决书中的上诉方称为:petitioner,被上诉方称为:respondent NOTE: in re (prep. Law: In the matter or case of; in regard to.) 案件名称前加上in re通常意味着只有一方当事人的案件,如破产、遗嘱、监护人、吊销律 师资格、移民申请、藐视法庭等案件。 Ex parte (From or on one side only, with the other side absent or unrepresented)(单方面的仅在一方面的或仅从一方面的,而另一方缺席或不到场: E.g.: testified ex parte 单方面证明;an ex parte hearing 单方面申诉.)案件名称前加上ex parte通常表示可单方面进行的庭审程序,无须通知诉讼的另一方或无须让其出庭答辩。 审前程序或庭审过程中,Pleading(诉讼文件)或者动议(Motion)名称冠有ex parte,表示 涉及单方面进行的法定程序。当事人事先无需通知诉讼的另一方或无需让对方出庭答辩。 Anglo-American Legal Systems Eg.诉讼保全动议
(一)判例汇编(/判决集)(LAW REPORTS)
判例法国家一般将他们的法院判决(decisions 编。 (二)汇编方式 1. 官方判例汇编(official reports) or opinions)收辑起来做成案例汇
法院将判决结果形成书面案例集。 e.g. United States Reports (U.S.) 美国联邦最高法院判决集
Methods of Reading and Analyzing of Case law
Anglo-American Legal Systems
Case do not unfold their principles for the asking. They yield up their principles and painfully.
Anglo-American Legal Systems
如果案例名称中出现了“People of…‖or―Commonwealth of…‖,通常表明 一起公诉刑事案件,例如People of New York VS.Stevens。如果州或联邦等 政府(State or Federal Government or their agencies)作为原告出现在案例 中,通常表明这是一起公法案件,如The United States of America vs.Microsoft表明是 一例涉及反垄断法(antitrust)的公法案件。如果 州或联邦等政府机构作为被告出现在案例名称 中,则该案例既可能是公法也可能是私法案例
Willie Louie CEREGHINO and Frances Mary Cereghino, Petitioners, v. Mary J. VERSHUM, Trustee, and Janet Coffyn, Respondents. No.CA 75 1308 Supreme Court of Oregon, In Banc. Argued and Submitted July 10, 1975. Decided Aug. 7, 1975.
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Mandamus(申请上级法院向下级法院发出约束令) Certiorari(申请上级法院向下级法院发出调卷令) Habeas Corpus(申请用于解除不当拘押的人身缉 拿令) 一般使用State ex rel. e.g. State ex rel Payne V.Green Ex rel, 拉丁文, ex relatione, upon relation or information of(根据某某的陈述或提 供的信息)
Anglo-American Legal Systems
以Cerechino v.Vershum一案为例
In an action to reform a trust deed(修改一份信托契约), plaintiffs appealed from a decree(依据衡平法所做出的判决) of Circuit Court, Multnomah County, William M. Dale, J. , denying the relief requested(向法院提出的司法救济请求). The Supreme Court held that reformation was correctly denied where was no evidence to establish a mistake of the scrivener(代写契约等法律文书的代书人) or mutual mistake. Here, the evidence showed only unilateral mistake on the part of the plaintiffs: unattended(没有、不存在) by fraud or other inequitable conduct(不符合衡平法规范的行 为)on the part of defendants. Affirmed. Carter, J. , concurred(表示虽然同意判决结果但却是基于不 同理由) and assigned reasons(提供并说明理由). Anglo-American Legal Systems
Anglo-American Legal Systems
3.判例总结(Syllabus or Prefatory Statement)
判例总结由案例汇编的编撰者(drafters of case reporter)来写进去的,法院的原始判 决中并没有这个部分。这是出版商为读者提 供一种方便,让读者在阅读原始案例前就能 很快了解案例的类别和内容概要。
Anglo-American Legal Systems
(一)判例的结构 (The Structure of a Court Opinion) 1. 判例的名称或抬头 (Case Name or Caption)
(1)结构 Example:
(三)汇编机构 非官方判例汇编机构: 西方图书公司(West Publishing Company) 律师出版公司(Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Company) 学徒殿堂图书公司(Prentice Hall Inc.) Lexis – Nexis公司,etc. 如西方图书公司和律师出版公司均整理出版有《联邦最高法院判决集》(前者: Supreme Court Report (S.Ct.); 后者:United States Reports Lawyers Edition (L.Ed.) ) 西方图书公司还将美国分为7个区域,将每一区域内的各州最高法院判决各集为一套 书,分别为: 1. 《太平洋地区判决集》第1版及第2版 Pacific Reporter (P.)&(P.2d) 2. 《西北地区判决集》第1版及第2版 North Western Reporter (N.W.)&(N.W.2d) 3. 《西南地区判决集》第1版及第2版 South Western Reporter (S.W.)&(S.W.2d) 4. 《东北地区判决集》第1版及第2版 North Eastern Reporter (N.E.)&(N.E.2d) 5. 《大西洋地区判决集》第1版及第2版 Atlantic Reporter (A.)&(A.2d) 6. 《东南地区判决集》第1版及第2版 South Eastern Reporter (S.E.)&(S.E.2d) 7. 《南方地区判决集》第1版及第2版 South Reporter (So.)&(So.2d) 此外,西方图书公司还编有有关亲属法的判决选集(The Family Law Reporter)、有 关新闻法的判决选集(The Media Law Reporter)、 有关联邦程序法的判决选集(Federal Rules Decisions (F.R.D.))等针对某些特定案件的判决集。
In Banc (高级法院)开庭中, 全体法官列席, 在大法庭上(banc,banco : n. 法官席 e.g.: a hearing in banc 由大法庭审理) NOTE: 有时判决书中也会出现“Per Curiam”,指全体法官一致的判决结果。 Sometimes also termed as" Memorandum Opinion”, “Memorandum by the Court”, or “Memorandum decision”.