
以下是托福阅读评分标准中原始分数与最终分数的对照表:二.托福阅读常考题型托福阅读题型共分为10种:1. Factual Information questions(事实信息题)2. Negative Factual Information questions(否定事实信息题)3. Inference questions(推论题)4. Rhetorical Purpose questions(修辞目的题)5. Vocabulary questions(词汇题)6. Reference questions(指代题)7. Sentence Simplification questions(句子简化题)8. Insert Text question(句子插入题)9. Prose Summary(文章总结题)10. Fill in a Table(表格填写题)托福阅读TPO30第3篇:The Invention of the Mechanical Clock 【1】In Europe, before the introduction of the mechanical clock, people told time by sun (using, for example, shadow sticks or sun dials) and water clocks. Sun clocks worked, of course, only on clear days; water clocks misbehaved when the temperature fell toward freezing, to say nothing of long-run drift as the result of sedimentation and clogging. Both these devices worked well in sunny climates; but in northern Europe the sun may be hidden by clouds for weeks at a time, while temperatures vary not only seasonally but from day to night.【2】Medieval Europe gave new importance to reliable time. The Catholic Church had its seven daily prayers, one of which was at night, requiring an alarm arrangement to waken monks before dawn. And then the new cities and towns, squeezed by their walls, had to know and order time in order to organize collective activity and ration space. They set a time to go to sleep. All this was compatible with older devices so long as there was only one authoritative timekeeper; but with urban growth and the multiplication of time signals, discrepancy brought discord and strife. Society needed a more dependable instrument of time measurement and found it in the mechanical clock.【3】We do not know who invented this machine, or where.It seems to have appeared in Italy and England (perhaps simultaneous invention) between 1275 and 1300. Once known, it spread rapidly, driving out water clocks but not solar dials, which were needed to check the new machines against the timekeeper of last resort. These early versions were rudimentary, inaccurate, and prone to breakdown.【4】Ironically, the new machine tended to undermine Catholic Church authority. Although church ritual had sustained an interest in timekeeping throughout the centuries of urban collapse that followed the fall of Rome, church time was nature’s time. Day and night were divided into the same number of parts, so that except at the equinoxes, days and night hours were unequal; and then of course the length of these hours varied with the seasons. But the mechanical clock kept equal hours, and this implied a new time reckoning. The Catholic Church resisted, not coming over to the new hours for about a century. From the start, however, the towns and cities took equal hours as their standard, and the public clocks installed in town halls and market squares became the very symbol of a new, secular municipal authority. Every town wanted one; conquerors seized them as especially precious spoils of war; tourists came to see and hear these machines the way they made pilgrimages to sacred relics.【5】The clock was the greatest achievement of medieval mechanical ingenuity. Its general accuracy could be checked against easily observed phenomena, like the rising and setting of the sun. The result was relentless pressure to improve technique and design. At every stage, clockmakers led the way to accuracy and precision; they became masters of miniaturization, detectors and correctors of error, searchers for new and better. They werethus the pioneers of mechanical engineering and served as examples and teachers to other branches of engineering.【6】The clock brought order and control, both collective and personal. Its public display and private possession laid the basis for temporal autonomy: people could now coordinate comings and goings without dictation from above. The clock provided the punctuation marks for group activity, while enabling individuals to order their own work (and that of others) so as to enhance productivity. Indeed, the very notion of productivity is a by-product of the clock: once one can relate performance to uniform time units, work is never the same. One moves from the task-oriented time consciousness of the peasant (working on job after another, as time and light permit) and the time-filling busyness of the domestic servant (who always had something to do) to an effort to maximize product per unit of time.托福阅读TPO30试题第3篇:The Invention of the Mechanical Clock1.Why does the author provide the information that "in northern Europe the sun may be hidden by clouds for weeks at a time, while temperatures vary not only seasonally but from day to night"?A.To emphasize the variety of environments in which people used sun and water clocks to tell time.B.To illustrate the disadvantage of sun and water clocks.C.To provide an example of an area where water clocks have an advantage over sun clocks.D.To counter the claim that sun and water clocks were used all over Europe.2.According to paragraph 2, all of the following are examplesof the importance of timekeeping to medieval European society EXCEPTA.the need of different towns to coordinate timekeeping with each other.B.the setting of specific times for the opening and closing of markets.C.the setting of specific time for the start and finish of the working day.D.the regulation of the performance of daily church rituals.3.According to paragraph 2, why did the medieval church need an alarm arrangement?A.The alarm warned the monks of discord or strife in the town.B.The church was responsible for regulating working hours and market hours.C.The alarm was needed in case fires were not put out each night.D.One of the church's daily rituals occurred during the night.4.The word "authoritative" in the passage(paragraph 2)is closest in meaning toA.actual.B.important.C.official.D.effective.5.The author uses the phrase "the timekeeper of last resort" to refer toA.water clocks.B.the sun.C.mechanical clocks.D.the church.6.The word "rudimentary" in the passage(paragraph 3)is closest in meaning toA.rare.B.small.C.impractical.D.basic.7.According to paragraph 4, how did the Catholic Church react to the introduction of mechanical clocks?A.Its used mechanical clocks through the period of urban collapse.B.It used clocks to better understand natural phenomena, like equinoxes.C.It tried to preserve its own method of keeping time, which was different from mechanical-clock time.D.It used mechanical clocks to challenge secular, town authorities.8.The word "installed" in the passage(paragraph 4)is closest in meaning toA.required.B.expected by the majority of people.C.standardized.D.put in place.9.It can be inferred from paragraph 5 that medieval clockmakersA.were able to continually make improvements in the accuracy of mechanical clocks.B.were sometimes not well respected by other engineers.C.sometimes made claims about the accuracy of mechanical clocks that were not true.D.rarely shared their expertise with other engineers.10.Paragraph 5 answers which of the following questions about mechanical clocks.A.How did early mechanical clocks work?B.Why did the design of mechanical clocks affect engineering in general?C.How were mechanical clocks made?D.What influenced the design of the first mechanical clock?11.The word "pioneers" in the passage isclosest in meaning toA.leaders.B.opponents.C.employers.D.guardians.12.According to paragraph 6, how did the mechanical clock affect labor?A.It encouraged workers to do more time-filling busywork.B.It enabled workers to be more task oriented.C.It pushed workers to work more hours every day.D.It led to a focus on productivity.13. Look at the four squares[■] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? The division of time no longer reflected the organization of religious ritual.Ironically, the new machine tended to undermine Catholic Church authority. Although church ritual had sustained an interest in timekeeping throughout the centuries of urban collapse that followed the fall of Rome,church time was nature's time.■【A】Day and night were divided into the same number of parts, so that except at the equinoxes, days and night hours were unequal;and then of course the length of these hours varied withthe seasons.■【B】But the mechanical clock kept equal hours, and this implied a new time reckoning.■【C】The Catholic Church resisted, not coming over to the new hours for about acentury.■【D】From the start, however, the towns and cities took equal hours as their standard, and the public clocks installed in town halls and market squares became the very symbol of a new, secular municipal authority. Every town wanted one; conquerors seized them as especially precious spoils of war;tourists came to see and hear these machines the way they made pilgrimages to sacred relics.14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.The introduction of the mechanical clock caused important changes to the society of medieval Europe.A.The increasing complexity of social and economic activity in medieval Europe led to the need for a more dependable means of keeping time than sun and water clocks provided.B.Because they were unreliable even in sunny climates, sun clocks and water clocks were rarely used in Europe, even before the invention of the mechanical clock.C.Before the mechanical clock, every city wanted a large number of timekeepers because more timekeepers allowed for better organization of collective activities.D.Soon after the invention of mechanical clocks, sun and water clocks became obsolete because mechanical clocks werefar more accurate.E.Predators help maintain biological diversity by limiting populations of a dominant competitor species, thereby preventing that species from excluding others.F.The removal of sea stars reduces the diversity of the community in which they are predators, and is therefore a bad idea.托福阅读TPO30答案第3篇:The Invention of the Mechanical Clock1.从第一段的第二句开始,原文列举了这两种device各种的缺点,最后一句前半句说它们work,后面but表转折,证明要说有些情况它们不能用。

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托福阅读真题练习:工作时间的文本+题目+答案托福阅读文本:According to anthropologists, people in preindustrial societies spent 3 to 4 hours per day or about 20 hours per week doing the work necessary for life. Modern comparisons of the amount of work performed per week, however, begin with the Industrial Revolution (1760-1840) when 10- to 12-hour workdays with six workdays per week were the norm. Even with extensive time devoted to work, however, both incomes and standards of living were low. As incomes rose near the end of the Industrial Revolution, it became increasingly common to treat Saturday afternoons as a half-day holiday. The half holiday had become standard practice in Britain by the 1870's, but did not become common in the United States until the 1920's.In the United States, the first third of the twentieth century saw the workweek move from 60 hours per week to just under 50 hours by the start of the 1930's. In 1914 Henry Ford reduced daily work hours at his automobile plants from 9 to 8. In 1926 he announced that henceforth his factories would close for the entire day on Saturday. At the time, Ford received criticism from other firms such as United States Steel and Westinghouse, but the idea was popular with workers.The Depression years of the 1930's brought with them the notion of job sharing to spread available work around; the workweek dropped to a modem low for the United States of 35 hours. In 1938 the Fair Labor Standards Act mandated a weekly maximum of 40 hours to begin in 1940,and since that time the 8-hour day, 5-day workweek has been the standard in the United States.Adjustments in various places, however, show that this standard is not immutable. In 1987, for example, German metalworkers struck for and received a 37.5-hour workweek; and in 1990 many workers in Britain won a 37-hour week. Since 1989, the Japanese government has moved from a 6- to a 5-day workweek and has set a national target of 1,800 work hours per year for the average worker. The average amount of work per year in Japan in 1989 was 2,088 hours per worker,compared to 1,957 for the United States and 1,646 for France.托福阅读题目:1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) Why people in preindustrial societies worked few hours per week(B) Changes that have occurred in the number of hours that people work per week(C)A comparison of the number of hours worked per year in several industries(D) Working conditions during the Industrial Revolution2. Compared to preiudustrial times, the number of hours in the workweek in the nineteenthcentury(A) remained constant(B) decreased slightly(C) decreased significantly(D) increased significantly3. The word "norm" in line 5 is closest in meaning to(A) minimum.(B) example(C) possibility(D) standard4. The word "henceforth" in line 13 is closest in meaning to(A) in the end(B) for a brief period(C) from that time on(D) on occasion5. The "idea" mentioned in line 15 refers to(A) the 60-hour workweek(B) the reduction in the cost of automobiles(C) the reduction in the workweek at some automobile factories(D) the criticism of Ford by United States Steel and Westinghouse6. What is one reason for the change in the length of the workweek for the average worker in theUnited States during the 1930's?(A) Several people sometimes shared a single job.(B) Labor strikes in several countries influenced labor policy in the United States.(C) Several corporations increased the length of the workweek.(D) The United States government instituted a 35-hour workweek.7. Which of the following is mentioned as one of thepurposes of the Fair Labor Standards Act of1938 ?(A) to discourage workers from asking for increased wages(B) to establish a limit on the number of hours in the workweek(C) to allow employers to set the length of the workweek for their workers(D) to restrict trade with countries that had a long workweek8. The word "mandated" in line 18 is closest in meaning to(A) required(B) recommended(C) eliminated(D) considered9. The word "immutable" in line 21 is closest in meaning to(A) unmatched(B) irregular(C) unnecessary(D) unchangeable10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as evidence that the length of the workweek hasbeen declining since the nineteenth century?(A) The half-day holiday (line 7)(B) Henry Ford (lines 11-12)(C) United States Steel and Westinghouse (line 14-15)(D) German metalworkers (line 21)11. According to the passage , one goal of the Japanese government is to reduce the averageannual amount of work to(A) 1,646 hours(B) 1,800 hours(C) 1,957 hours(D) 2,088 hours托福阅读答案:BDDCCABADCB托福阅读真题练习:海洋文化的文本+题目+答案托福阅读文本:The Native American peoples of the north Pacific Coast created a highly complex maritime culture as they invented modes of production unique to their special environment. In addition to their sophisticated technical culture, they also attained one of the most complex social organizations of any nonagricultural people in the world.In a division of labor similar to that of the hunting peoples in the interior and among foraging peoples throughout the world, the men did most of the fishing, and the women processed the catch.Women also specialized in the gathering of the abundant shellfish that lived closer to shore. They collected oysters, crabs, sea urchins, mussels, abalone, and clams, which they could gather while remaining close to their children. The maritime life harvested by the women not only provided food, but also supplied more of the raw materials for making tools than did fish gathered by the men. Of particular importance for the native tool kit before the introduction of metal was the wide knife made from the larger mussel shells, and a variety of cutting edges that could be made from other marine shells.The women used their tools to process all of the fish and marine mammals brought in by the men. They cleaned the fish, and dried vast quantities of them for the winter. They sun-dried fish when practical, but in the rainy climate of the coastal areathey also used smokehouses to preserve tons of fish and other seafood annually. Each product had its own peculiar characteristics that demanded a particular way of cutting or drying the meat, and each task required its own cutting blades and other utensils.After drying the fish, the women pounded some of them into fish meal, which was an easily transported food used in soups, stews, or other dishes to provide protein and thickening in the absence of fresh fish or while on long trips. The woman also made a cheese-like substance from a mixture of fish and roe by aging it in storehouses or by burying it in wooden boxes or pits lined with rocks and tree leaves.托福阅读题目:1. Which aspect of the lives of the Native Americans of the north Pacific Coast does the passagemainly discuss?(A) Methods of food preservation(B) How diet was restricted by the environment(C) The contributions of women to the food supply(D) Difficulties in establishing successful farms2. The word "unique" in line 2 is closest in meaning to(A) comprehensible(B) productive(C) intentional(D) particular3. The word "attained" in line 3 is closest in meaning to(A) achieved(B) modified(C) demanded(D) spread4. It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that the social organization of many agricultural peoples is(A) more complex than that of hunters and foragers(B) less efficient than that of hunters and foragers(C) more widespread than that of hunters and foragers(D) better documented than that of hunters and foragers5.According to the passage , what is true of the "division of labor" mentioned in line 5?(A) It was first developed by NativeAmericans of the north Pacific Coast.(B) It rarely existed among hunting(C) It was a structure that the Native Americans of the north Pacific Coast shared with many otherpeoples.(D) It provided a form of social organization that was found mainly among coastal peoples.6. The word "abundant" in line 7 is closest in meaning to(A) prosperous(B) plentiful(C) acceptable(D) fundamental7.All of the following are true of the north Pacific coast women EXCEPT that they(A) were more likely to catch shellfish than other kinds of fish(B) contributed more materials for tool making than the men did(C) sometimes searched for food far inland from the coast(D) prepared and preserved the fish8. The word "They" in line 16 refers to(A) women(B) tools(C) mammals(D) men9. The NativeAmericans of the north Pacific Coast used smokehouses in order to(A) store utensils used in food preparation(B) prevent fish and shellfish from spoiling(C) have a place to store fish and shellfish(D) prepare elaborate meals10. The wore "peculiar" in line 19 is closest in meaning to(A) strange(B) distinctive(C) appealing(D) biological11. All of following are true of the cheese-like substance mentioned in paragraph 4 EXCEPT thatit was(A) made from fish(B) not actually cheese(C) useful on long journeys(D) made in a short period of time托福阅读答案:CDAAC BCABB D托福阅读真题练习:冰川的文本+题目+答案托福阅读文本:During most of their lives, surge glaciers behave like normal glaciers, traveling perhaps only a couple of inches per day. However, at intervals of 10 to 100 years, these glaciers move forward up to 100 times faster than usual. The surge often progresses along a glacier like a great wave,proceeding from onesection to another. Subglacial streams of meltwater might act as a lubricant,allowing the glacier to flow rapidly toward the sea. The increasing water pressure under the glacier might lift it off its bed, overcoming the friction between ice and rock, thus freeing the glacier, which rapidly sliders downhill. Surge glaciers also might be influenced by the climate,volcanic heat, or earthquakes. However, many of these glaciers exist in the same area as normal glaciers, often almost side by side.Some 800 years ago, Alaska's Hubbard Glacier advanced toward the sea, retreated, and advanced again 500 years later. Since 1895, this seventy-mile-long river of ice has been flowing steadily toward the Gulf of Alaska at a rate of approximately 200 feet per year. In June 1986,however, the glacier surged ahead as much as 47 feet a day. Meanwhile, a western tributary, called Valerie Glacier, advanced up to 112 feet a day. Hubbard's surge closed off Russell Fiord with a formidable ice dam, some 2,500 feet wide and up to 800 feet high, whose caged waters threatened the town of Yakutat to the south.About 20 similar glaciers around the Gulf of Alaska are heading toward the sea. If enough surge glaciers reach the ocean and raise sea levels, west Antarctic ice shelves could rise off the seafloor and become adrift. A flood of ice would then surge into the Southern Sea. With the continued rise in sea level, more ice would plunge into the ocean, causing sea levels to rise even higher, which in turn would release more ice and set in motion a vicious cycle. The additional sea ice floating toward the tropics would increase Earth's albedo and lower global temperatures,perhaps enough to initiate a new ice age. This situation appears to have occurred at the end of the last warm interglacial (the time between glacations), called the Sangamon,when sea ice cooled the ocean dramatically, spawning the beginning of the Ice Age.托福阅读题目:1. What is the main topic of the passage ?(A) The classification of different types of surge glaciers(B) The causes and consequences of surge glaciers(C) The definition of a surge glacier(D) The history of a particular surge glacier2. The word "intervals" in line 2 is closest in meaning to(A) records(B) speeds(C) distances(D) periods3. The author compares the surging motion of a surge glacier to the movement of a(A) fish(B) wave(C) machine(D) boat4. Which of the following does the author mention as a possible cause of surging glaciers?(A) The decline in sea levels(B) The occurrence of unusually large ocean waves(C) The shifting Antarctic ice shelves(D) The pressure of meltwater underneath the glacier5. The word "freeing" in line 7 is closest in meaning to(A) pushing(B) releasing(C) strengthening(D) draining6.According to the passage , the Hubbard Glacier(A) moves more often than the Valerie Glacier(B) began movement toward the sea in 1895(C) is 800 feet wide(D) has moved as fast as 47 feet per day7. Yakutat is the name of(A) anAlaskan town(B) the last ice age(C) a surge glacier(D) anAntarctic ice shelf8. The word "plunge" in line 22 is closest in meaning to(A) drop(B) extend(C) melt(D) drift9. The term "vicious cycle" in line 24 refers to the(A) movement pattern of surge glaciers(B) effect surge glaciers could have on the temperature of tropical areas(C) effect that repeated rising sea levels might have on glacial ice(D) constant threat surge glaciers could pose to the Gulf of Alaska10. The author provides a definition for which of the following terms?(A) tributary (line 15)(B) ice dam (line 16)(C) albedo (line 25)(D) interglacial(line 26)11. Which of the following statements is supported by thepassage ?(A) The movement of surge glaciers can be prevented.(B) The next ice age could be caused by surge glaciers.(C) Surge glaciers help to supportAntarctic ice shelves.(D) Normal glaciers have little effect on Earth's climate.托福阅读答案:BDBDB DAACD B。

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PASSAGE 1By the mid-nineteenth century, the term icebox had entered the American language, but icewas still only beginning to affect the diet of ordinary citizens in the United States. The ice tradegrew with the growth of cities. Ice was used in hotels, taverns, and hospitals, and by someforward-looking city dealers in fresh meat, fresh fish, and butter. After the Civil War (1861-1865),as ice was used to refrigerate freight cars, it also came into household use. Even before 1880, halfthe ice sold in New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, and one-third of that sold in Boston andChicago, went to families for their own use. This had become possible because a new householdconvenience, the icebox, a precursor of the modern refrigerator, had been invented.Making an efficient icebox was not as easy as we might now suppose. In the early nineteenthcentury, the knowledge of the physics of heat, which was essential to a science of refrigeration,was rudimentary. The commonsense notion that the best icebox was one that prevented the icefrom melting was of course mistaken, for it was the melting of the ice that performed the cooling.Nevertheless, early efforts to economize ice included wrapping the ice in blankets, which kept theice from doing its job. Not until near the end of the nineteenth century did inventors achieve thedelicate balance of insulation and circulation needed for an efficient icebox.But as early as 1803, an ingenious Maryland farmer, Thomas Moore, had been on the righttrack. He owned a farm about twenty miles outside the city of Washington, for which the villageof Georgetown was the market center. When he used an icebox of his own design to transport hisbutter to market, he found that customers would pass up the rapidly melting stuff in the tubs ofhis competitors to pay a premium price for his butter, still fresh and hard in neat, one-poundbricks. One advantage of his icebox, Moore explained, was that farmers would no longer have totravel to market at night in order to keep their produce cool.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The influence of ice on the diet(B) The development of refrigeration(C) The transportation of goods to market(D) Sources of ice in the nineteenth century2. According to the passage , when did the word icebox become part of the language of the United States?(A) in 1803(B) sometime before 1850(C) during the civil war(D) near the end of the nineteenth century3. The phrase forward-looking in line 4 is closest in meaning to(A) progressive(B) popular(C) thrifty(D) well-established4. The author mentions fish in line 4 because(A) many fish dealers also sold ice(B) fish was shipped in refrigerated freight cars(C) fish dealers were among the early commercial users of ice(D) fish was not part of the ordinary person's diet before the invention of the icebox5. The word it in line 5 refers to(A) fresh meat(B) the Civil War(C) ice(D) a refrigerator6. According to the passage , which of the following was an obstacle to the development of the icebox?(A) Competition among the owners of refrigerated freight cars(B) The lack of a network for the distribution of ice(C) The use of insufficient insulation(D) Inadequate understanding of physics7. The word rudimentary in line 12 is closest in meaning to(A) growing(B) undeveloped(C) necessary(D) uninteresting8. According to the information in the second paragraph, an ideal icebox would(A) completely prevent ice from melting(B) stop air from circulating(C) allow ice to melt slowly(D) use blankets to conserve ice9. The author describes Thomas Moore as having been on the right track (lines 18-19) to indicate that(A) the road to the market passed close to Moore's farm(B) Moore was an honest merchant(C) Moore was a prosperous farmer(D) Moore's design was fairly successful10. According to the passage , Moore's icebox allowed him to(A) charge more for his butter(B) travel to market at night(C) manufacture butter more quickly(D) produce ice all year round11. The produce mentioned in line 25 could include(A) iceboxes(B) butter(C) ice(D) marketsAnswers:BBACC DBCDA BPASSAGE 2The geology of the Earth's surface is dominated by the particular properties of water. Presenton Earth in solid, liquid, and gaseous states, water is exceptionally reactive. It dissolves,transports, and precipitates many chemical compounds and is constantly modifying the face ofthe Earth.Evaporated from the oceans, water vapor forms clouds, some of which are transported bywind over the continents. Condensation from the clouds provides the essential agent ofcontinental erosion: rain. Precipitated onto the ground, the water trickles down to form brooks,streams, and rivers, constituting what are called the hydrographic network. This immensepolarized network channels the water toward a single receptacle: an ocean. Gravity dominatesthis entire step in the cycle because water tends to minimize its potential energy by running fromhigh altitudes toward the reference point, that is, sea level.The rate at which a molecule of water passes though the cycle is not random but is a measureof the relative size of the various reservoirs. If we define residence time as the average time for awater molecule to pass through one of the three reservoirs — atmosphere, continent, and ocean— we see that the times are very different. A water molecule stays, on average, eleven days inthe atmosphere, one hundred years on a continent and forty thousand years in the ocean. Thislast figure shows the importance of the ocean as the principal reservoir of the hydrosphere butalso the rapidity of water transport on the continents.A vast chemical separation process takes places during the flow of water over the continents.Soluble ions such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and some magnesium are dissolved andtransported. Insoluble ions such as aluminum, iron, and silicon stay where they are and form thethin, fertile skin of soil on which vegetation can grow. Sometimes soils are destroyed andtransported mechanically during flooding. The erosion of the continents thus results from twoclosely linked and interdependent processes, chemical erosion and mechanical erosion. Theirrespective interactions and efficiency depend on different factors.1. The word modifying in line 4 is closest in meaning to(A) changing(B) traveling(C) describing(D) destroying2. The word which in line 5 refers to(A) clouds(B) oceans(C) continents(D) compounds3. According to the passage , clouds are primarily formed by water(A) precipitating onto the ground(B) changing from a solid to a liquid state(C) evaporating from the oceans(D) being carried by wind4. The passage suggests that the purpose of the hydrographic network (line 8) is to(A) determine the size of molecules of water(B) prevent soil erosion caused by flooding(C) move water from the Earth's surface to the oceans(D) regulate the rate of water flow from streams and rivers5. What determines the rate at which a molecule of water moves through the cycle, as discussed in the third paragraph?(A) The potential energy contained in water(B) The effects of atmospheric pressure on chemical compounds(C) The amounts of rainfall that fall on the continents(D) The relative size of the water storage areas6. The word rapidity in line 19 is closest in meaning to(A) significance(B) method(C) swiftness(D) reliability7. The word they in line 24 refers to(A) insoluble ions(B) soluble ions(C) soils(D) continents8. All of the following are example of soluble ions EXCEPT(A) magnesium(B) iron(C) potassium(D) calcium9. The word efficiency in line 27 is closest in meaning to(A) relationship(B) growth(C) influence(D) effectivenessAnswers:AACCD CABD留学监理Tips:平时多读多练,扩⼤词汇量,锻炼阅读速度,考试中快速把握⽂章⼤意,做题中再对细节考点进⾏推敲,问题答案要依据原⽂,切记,不可主观臆断!。

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2. 听力部分
3. 口语部分
4. 写作部分

0308托福试题阅读(55minutes)Question 1-11If food is allowed to stand for some time, it putrefies .When the putrefied materialis examined microscopically ,it is found to be teeming with bacteria. Where do thesebacteria come from , since they are not seen in fresh food? Even until the mid-nineteenthcentury, many people believed that such microorganisms originated by spontaneous(5 ) generation ,a hypothetical process by which living organisms develop from nonlivingmatter.The most powerful opponent of the theory of spontaneous generation was the French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur(1822-1895).Pasteur showed that structurespresent in air closely resemble the microorganisms seen in putrefying materials .He did (10) this by passing air through guncotton filters, the fibers of which stop solid particles. After the guncotton was dissolved in a mixture of alcohol and ether, the particles that it hadtrapped fell to the bottom of the liquid and were examined on a microscope slide .Pasteurfound that in ordinary air these exists a variety ofsolid structures ranging in size from0.01 mm to more than 1.0 mm .Many of thesebodies resembled the reproductive(15)structures of common molds, single-celled animals, and various other microbial cells .As many as 20 to 30 of them were found in fifteen liters of ordinary air ,and they couldnot be distinguished from the organisms found in much larger numbers in putrefying materials .Pasteur concluded that the organisms found in putrefying materials originatedfrom the organized bodies present in the air .He postulated that these bodies are constantly(20)being deposited on all objects.Pasteur showed that if a nutrient solution was sealed in a glass flask and heated toboiling to destroy all the living organisms contaminating it, it never putrefied .The proponents of spontaneous generation declared that fresh air was necessary forspontaneous generation and that the air inside the sealed flask was affected in some way(25)by heating so that it would no longer supportspontaneous generation. Pasteur constructed a swan-necked flask in which putrefying materials could he heated to boiling, but aircould reenter. The bends in the neck prevented microorganisms from getting in the flask..Material sterilized in such a flask did not putrefy.1,What does the passage mainly discuss?(a)Pasteur’s influence on the development of the microscope.(b)The origin of the theory of spontaneous generation .(c)The effects of pasteurization on food.(d)Pasteur’s argument against the theory of spontaneous generation .2,The phrase “teeming with ”in line 2 is closest in meaning to(a)full of(b)developing into(c)resistant to(d)hurt by3,Which of the following questions did the theory of spontaneous generation attempt to answer?(a)What is the origin of the living organisms are seen on some food?(b)How many types of organisms can be found on food?(c)What is the most effective way to prepare living organisms for microscopic examination?(d)How long can food stand before it putrefies?4,The word “resemble” in line 9 is closest in meaning to(a)benefit from(b)appear similar to(c)join together with(d)grow from5,The purpose of the “guncotton” mentioned in paragraph 2 was to(a)trap particles for analysis(b)slow the process of putrefaction(c)increase the airflow to the microscopic slide(d)aid the mixing of alcohol and ether6,The author mention “1.0mm”in line 14 in describing the(a)thickness of a layer of organisms that was deposited on an object(b)diameter of the fibers that were in the guncotton filters(c)thickness of the microscope slides that were used(d)size of the particles that that were collected7.The word “postulated”in line 19 is closest in meaning to(a)analyzed(b)doubted(c)persuaded(d)suggested8.The objects that Pasteut removed from the air in his experiment were remarkable because they were(a)primarily single-celled organisms(b)no different from objects found in putrefying materials(c)fairly rare(d)able to live in a mixture of alcohol and ether9.The word “it” in line 22 refers to(a)a nutrient solution(b)a glass flask(c)boiling(d)spontaneous generation10.According to paragraph 3,proponents of spontaneous generation believed that which of the following was important for the process to succeed ?(a)A sealed container(b)Fresh air(c)Heat(d)The presence of nutrients11.It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that Pasteur employed a swam-necked flask to(a)store sterilized liquids for use in future experiments(b)prevent heat from building up in a solution(c)disprove a criticism of his conclusions(d)estimate the number of organisms in a liter of air Questions 12-20In the early decades of the United States ,the agrarian movement promoted the farmeras society’s hero. In the minds of agrarian thinkers and writers ,the farmer was a person on whose well-being the health of the new country depended .The period between theRevolution, which ended in 1783,and the Civil War ,which ended in 1865 ,was the age of(5 )the farmer in the United States .Agrarian philosophers ,represented most eloquently by Thomas Jefferson, celebrated farmers extravagantly for their supposed centrality in a good society, their political virtue ,and their Superior morality .And virtually all policy makers, whether they subscribed to the tenets of the philosophy held by Jefferson or not, recognized agriculture as the key component of the American economy .Consequently ,government at(10) all levels worked to encourage farmers as a social group and agriculture as economicenterprise.Both the national and state governments developed transportation infrastructure,building canals, roads, bridges, and railroads ,deepening harbors ,and removing obstructions from navigable streams .The national government imported plant and animal varieties and(15) launched exploring expeditions into prospectivefarmlands in the West .In addition ,government trade policies facilitated the exporting of agricultural products.For their part ,farmers seemed to meet the social expectations agrarian philosophershad for them ,as their broader horizons and greater self-respect, both products of the Revolution ,were reflected to some degree in their behavior .Farmers seemed to become(20) more scientific ,joining agricultural societies and reading the farm newspapers that sprangup throughout the country .They began using improved implements, tried new crops and pure animal breeds , and became more receptive to modern theories of soil improvement .They also responded to inducements by national and state governments .Farmersstreamed to the West ,filling frontier lands with stunning rapidity .But farmers responded (25) less to the expectations of agrarians andgovernment inducements than to growing market opportunities .European demand for food from the United States seemed insatiable . War, industrialization , and urbanization all kept demand high in Europe . United States citiesand industries grew as well; even industries not directly related to farming thrived becauseof the market, money ,and labor that agriculture provided .12.What does the passage mainly discuss?(a)The agrarian philosophy of Thomas Jefferson(b)The role of the national government in the development of agriculture(c)Improvements in farming techniques(d)The impact of the increased importance of the farmer13.The word “depended” in line 3 is closest in meaning to(a)improved(b)relied(c)demanded(d)explained14.The author mentions Thomas Jefferson in paragraph 1 as an example of(a)a leader during the Revolution(b)an inventor of new farming techniques(c)a philosopher who believed farmers were essential to the creation of a good society(d)a farmer who guided the agrarian movement toward an emphasis on economic development15.The phrase “subscribed to” in line 8 is closest in meaning to(a)contributed to(b)agreed with(c)thought about(d)expanded on16.Which of the following statements is supported by the information in paragraph 1?(a)All government policy makers accepted Jefferson’s views of agriculture and farmers.(b)Agricultural production declined between 1783 and 1861.(c)The majority of farmers worked for the government.(d)Agriculture was a vital part of the nation’s economy.17.According to the passage , the national and state governments did all of the following EXCEPT(a)build roads(b)import new plant varieties(c)give farmers money for their crops(d)develop policies that helped farmers export their products18.All of the following are mentioned as examples of farmers’ meeting the expectations of agrarian philosophers EXCEPT(a)obtaining information from farm newspapers(b)accumulating personal wealth(c)planting new crops(d)becoming more scientific19.The word “stunning” in line 24 is closest in meaning to(a)predictable(b)impressive(c)famous(d)gradual20.Which of the following statements is best supported by paragraph 4?(a)Agricultural development contributed to development in other parts of the economy.(b)European agricultural products were of a higher quality than those produced in the United States. (c)The growing settlement of the West led to a decrease in agricultural production.(d)Farmers were influenced more by government policies than by market opportunities.Question 21-29The wide variety of climates in North America has helped spawn a complex pattern ofsoil regions. In general, the realm’s soils also reflect the broad environmental partitioninginto “humid America” and “arid America.” Where annual precipitation exceeds 20 inches(50 centimeters),soils in humid areas tend to be acidic in chemical content, Since crops(5 ) do best in soils that are neither acidic(higher inacid content) nor alkaline(higher in salt content).fertilization is necessary to achieve the desired level of neutrality between thetwo. Arid America’s soils are typically alkaline and must be fertilized back towardneutrality by adding acidic compounds. Although many of these dryland soils, particularly in the Great Plains, are quite fertile, European settlers learned over a century ago that(10) water is the main missing ingredient in achieving their agricultural potential. In the1970’s, certain irrigation methods were perfected and finally provided a real opportunity to expand more intensive farming west from the Central Lowland into the drier portionsof the Great Plains. Glaciation also enhanced the rich legacy of fertile soils in the centralUnited States,both from the deposition of mineral-rich glacial debris left by meltwater(15) and from thick layers of fine wind-blown glacial material, called loess, in and around themiddle Mississippi Valley.Natural vegetation patterns could be displayed on a map of North America, but the enormous human modification of the North American environment in modern times hasall but reduced this regionalization scheme to the level of the hypothetical. Nonetheless,(20) the humid America-arid America dichotomy is still a valid generalization: the naturalvegetation of areas receiving more than 20 inches of water yearly is forest, whereas thedrier climates give rise to a grassland cover. The forests of North America tent to makea broad transition by latitude. In the Canadian North, needle-leaf forests dominate, butthese coniferous trees become mixed with broadleaf deciduous trees as one crosses the (25) border into the Northeast United States. As oneproceeds toward the Southeast, broadleafvegetation becomes dominant. Arid America mostly consists of short-grass prairies orstepper. The only areas of true desert are in the Southwest.21 What aspect of North America does the passage mainly discuss?(A)The wide variety of climates(B)Soil types and vegetation patterns(C)Improved irrigation methods and the expansion of agriculture(D)The change in precipitation patterns22 The word “spawn ” in line 1 is closest in meaning to(A)distinguish(B)eliminate(C)protect(D)create23 The word “partitioning” in line 2 is closest in meaning to(A)division(B)modification(C)opening(D)circulating24 According to the passage, acidic soils tent to be associated with(A)a high salt content(B)an increase in farming(C)large amounts of rain(D)glacial meltwater25 The word “enhanced” in line 13 is closest in meaning to(A)implied(B)increased(C)indicated(D)informed26 How did glacial meltdown affect the soil in North America?(A)It redistributed the soil types(B)It added salt to the soil(C)It made the soil more neutral in content(D)It added minerals to the soil27 The phrase “this regionalization scheme” in line 19 refers to the(A)movements of glacial deposits(B)patterns of natural vegetation(C)human modification of the North American environment(D)distinction between humid America and arid America28 The word “transition” in line 23 is closest inmeaning to(A)elevation(B)change(C)advantage(D)condition29 The passage supports which of the following statements?(A)Arid America is not necessarily characterized by the presence of deserts(B)Most of Canada and the northeastern United States consists of short-grass prairies wherever natural vegetation has not been modified by humans(C)The accumulation of loess is primarily the result of irrigation(D)Glaciation removed the fertile layer of soil from much of the Mississippi ValleyQuestions 30-40Most sources of illumination generate light over an appreciable period, and indeed ifan object is lit for a very brief time(less that 1/25 second), the human eye will not reactin time to see the object. A photographic emulsion---that is, a light-sensitive coating on photographic film, paper, or glass---will, however, record much shorter bursts of light. A(5 ) photographic flash can therefore be used tocapture high-speed movement on film as well as to correct deficiencies of the normal surrounding lighting. Photoflash is now generated electronically, but the earliest form, first used in 1864, was a paper bag containingmagnesium wire and some oxygen-rich substance, such as potassium chlorate. When the bag was ignited, the metal burned with an intense flash. A contemporary observer reported (10) that “this quite unsafe device seems to have done nothing worse that engulf the room indense smoke and lead to pictures of dubious quality and odd poses.”The evolution of the photoflash was slow, flashbulbs, containing fine wire made of ametal, such as magnesium or aluminum, capable of being ignited in an atmosphere of pure oxygen at low pressure, were introduced only in the 1920’s. In the earliest type, the metal (15) was separated from the oxygen by a thin glass bulb. The flash was fired by piercing thebulb and allowing the oxygen to come into contact with the metal, which ignitedspontaneously. Later bulbs were fired by an electric battery, which heated the wire bypassing a small current through it. Other combinations, such as the pairing of oxygen difluoride with zirconium, have also been used. In each case enough energy is given out to(20) heat the oxidizable metal momentarily to awhite-hot emission of visible light. The smoke particles are so small that they cool rapidly; butsince they are white, they contribute to thebrilliance by reflecting the light from their still-glowing neighbors. A slightly bigger formof the metal will burn for a longer time.30 What does the passage mainly discuss?(A)The history of the photoflash(B)Theories about how the eye reacts to light(C)The technology of modern photography(D)The dangers of using the early photoflash31 According to the passage,1/25 second is the minimum amount of time required for the(A)recording of an image on film(B)generation of artificial light(C)creation of a photographic emulsion(D)human eye to react to light32 According to the passage, an advantage of usinga photoflash is that it(A)can produce repeated bursts of light(B)intensities colors in photographs(C)is short enough not to bother human eyes(D)supplements existing lighting33 The word “ignited” in line 9 is closest inmeaning to(A)set on fire(B)cut into(C)opened(D)shaken34 Which of the following phrases is defined in paragraph 1?(A)”appreciable period”(line 1)(B)”photographic emulsion”(line 3)(C)”high-speed movement”(line 5)(D)”odd poses”(line 11)35 The word “evolution” in line 12 is closest in meaning to(A)publicity(B)adoption(C)development(D)manufacture36 The function of the glass in the first flashbulbs was to(A)produce the spark that initiated the flash(B)magnify the light produced by the flash(C)protect the photographer from the heat of the flash(D)keep the metal and oxygen apart before the flash37 The word “it” in line 18 refers to(A)oxygen(B)battery(C)wire(D)current38 The word “momentarily” in line 20 is closest in meaning to(A)effortlessly(B)briefly(C)electronically(D)gradually39 According to the passage, the white color of the smoke particles generated by a flashbulb contributes to(A)rapid cooling(B)bright illumination(C)electrical conductivity(D)intense heat40 According to the passage, a flashbulb can be made to burn longer by using(A)thicker wire(B)more oxygen(C)thinner glass(D)continuous electricityQuestions 41-50The stylistic innovation in paining known as Impressionism began in the 1870’s. The Impressionists wanted to depict what they saw in nature, but they were inspired to portray fragmentary moments by the increasingly fast pace of modern life. They concentrated onthe play of light over objects, people, and nature, breaking up seemingly solid surfaces,(5 ) stressing vivid contrast between colors in sunlight and shade, and depiction reflected light in all of its possibilities. Unlike earlier artists, they did not want to observe the world from indoors. They abandoned the studio, painting in the open air and recording spontaneous Impressions of their subjects instead of making outside sketches and then moving indoorsto complete the work form memory.(10) Some of the Impressionists’ painting methods were affected by technologicaladvances. For example, the shift from the studio to the open air was made possible inpart by the advent of cheap rail travel, which permitted easy and quick access to thecountryside or seashore, as well as by newly developed chemical dyes and oils that ledto collapsible paint tubes, which enabled artists to finish their paintings on the spot.(15) Impressionism acquired its name not fromsupporters but from angry art lovers whofelt threatened by the new painting. The term “Impressionism” was born in 1874,whena group of artists who had been working together organized an exhibition of theirpaintings in order to draw public attention to their work. Reaction from the public andpress was immediate, and derisive. Among the 165 paintings exhibited was one called(20)Impression: Sunrise, by Claude Monet(1840-1926),Viewed through hostile eyes,Monet’s painting of a rising sun over a misty, watery scene seemed messy, slapdash,and an affront to good taste. Borrowing Monet’s title, art critics extended the term “Impressionism” to the entire exhibit. In response, Monet and his 29 fellow artists inthe exhibit adopted the same name as a badge of their unity, despite individual differences.(25) From then until 1886 Impressionism had all the zeal of a “church”, as the painter Renoirput it. Monet was faithful to the Impressionist creed until his death, although many of theothers moved on to new styles.41 What aspect of painting in the nineteenth century does the passage mainly discuss?(A)The impact of some artists’ resistance to the fast pace of life(B)The differences between two major styles of art(C) A technological advance in the materials used by artists(D) A group of artists with a new technique and approach to art42 The word “depict” in line 2 is closest in meaning to(A)reorganize(B)deform(C)represent(D)justify43 According to the passage, which of the following was one of the distinguishing characteristics of Impressionist painting?(A)The emphasis on people rather than nature scenes(B)The way the subjects were presented from multiple angles(C)The focus on small solid objects(D)The depiction of the effects of light and color44 Which of the following is a significant way in which Impressionists were different from the artists that preceded them?(A)They began by making sketches of their subjects(B)They painted their subjects out-of-doors(C)They preferred to paint from memory(D)They used subjects drawn from modern life45 The word “advent” in line 12 is closest in meaning to(A)achievement(B)acceptance(C)arrival(D)advantage46 The exhibition of paintings organized in 1874 resulted in all of the following EXCEPT(A)attracting attention from the public(B) a negative reaction from the press(C)an immediate demand for the paintings exhibited(D)creating a name for a new style of painting47 The word “affront” in line 22 is closest in meaning to(A)insult(B)encouragement(C)return(D)credit48 The rejection of the Impressionist exhibition by critics was caused by which of the following?(A)The small number of paintings on display(B)Lack of interest in exhibitions by young artists(C)The similarity between all the paintingsexhibited(D)Anger about seemingly poorly painted art49 The author mentions Renoir in line 25 to give an example of an artist who(A)became as famous as Monet(B)was consistently praised by art critics(C)described the enthusiasm of the Impressionists for their work(D)was in favor of a traditional style of painting50 The word “others” in line 27 refers to(A)art critics(B)fellow artists(C)individual differences(D)new styles0308答案ABADB CCCBA BDDCC DCDBA DACCB DBCAC DACBA BABDC BCAAD CDABACACCB CDBCB DACCC ABCDA CDCDC BDCDC BCDDC DBACBDAABA DDBAB CDBCB DCBBA BDACB DDBAA DDABC DCBBA DCDBC CADCB。


托福阅读总结题(合集7篇)托福阅读总结题第5篇托福阅读总结题第7篇Many prehistoric people subsisted as hunters and Undoubtedly, game animals, including some very large species, provided major components of human An important controversy centering on the question of human effects on prehistoric wildlife concerns the sudden disappearance of so many species of large animals at or near the end of the Pleistocene Most paleontologists suspect that abrupt changes in climate led to the mass Others, however, have concluded that prehistoric people drove many of those species to extinction through In their Pleistocene overkill hypothesis, they cite what seems to be a remarkable coincidence between the arrival of prehistoric peoples in North and South America and the time during which mammoths, giant ground sloths, the giant bison, and numerous other large mammals becamePerhaps the human species was driving others to extinction long before the dawn of Hunter—gatherers may have contributed to Pleistocene extinctions in more indirect Besides overhunting, at least three other kindsof effects have been suggested: direct competition, imbalances between competing species of game animals, and early agricultural Direct competition may have brought about the demise of large carnivores such as the saber—toothed These animals simply may have been unable to compete with the increasingly sophisticated hunting skills of PleistoceneHuman hunters could have caused imbalances among game animals, leading to the extinctions of species less able to When other predators such as the gray wolf prey upon large mammals, they generally take high proportions of eachyear's crop of Some human hunters, in contrast, tend to take the various age—groups of large animals in proportion to their actual If such hunters first competed with the larger predators and then replaced them, they may have allowed more young to survive each year, gradually increasing the populations of favored As these populations expanded, they in turn may have competed with other game species for the same environmental niche, forcing the less hunted species into This theory, suggests that human hunters played an indirect role in Pleistocene extinctions by hunting one species more thanWhat does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The effects of human activities on prehistoric wildlife(B) The origins of the hunter—gatherer way of life (C) The diets of large animals of the Pleistocene epoch(D) The change in climate at the end of the Pleistocene epochThe word Undoubtedly in line 1 is closest in meaning to (A) occasionally(B) unexpectedly(C) previously(D) certainlyThe word components in line 2 is closest in meaning to (A) parts(B) problems(C) changes(D) varietiesWhich of the following is mentioned as supporting the Pleistocene overkill hypothesis?(A) Many of the animals that became extinct were quite(B) Humans migrated into certain regions around the time that major extinctions(C) There is evidence that new species were arriving in areas inhabited by(D) Humans began to keep and care for certainThe word Besides in line 14 is closest in meaning to(A) caused by(B) whereas(C) in addition to(D) in favor ofThe author mentions saber—toothed cats in line 17 as an example of a carnivore that(A) became extinct before the Pleistocene epoch(B) was unusually large for its time(C) was not able to compete with humans(D) caused the extinction of several speciesThe word they in line 22 refers to(A) human hunters(B) game animals(C) other predators(D) large mammalsAccording to the passage , what is one difference between the hunting done by some humansand the hunting done by gray wolves?(A) Some humans hunt more frequently than gray(B) Gray wolves hunt in larger groups than some(C) Some humans can hunt larger animals than gray wolves can(D) Some humans prey on animals of all ages, but gray wolves concentrate their efforts on youngThe word favored in line 26 is closest in meaning to(A) large(B) escaping(C) preferred(D) localAccording to the passage , the imbalances discussed in paragraph 3 may have resulted from(A) the effect of climate changes on large game animals(B) large animals moving into a new environment(C) humans hunting some species more than others(D) older animals not being able to compete with younger animalsPASSAGE 75 ADABC CCDCC。

② Sentence Simplification questions
句子简化题与细节题在本质上类似,都是对原句的改写 句子简化题应注意两点:文间逻辑关系一致;核心信息点
一致 问题形式:Which of the following best expresses the
essential information in the highlighted sentence? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
According to the passage, why did states need private companies’ help in road building?
A. The states were unable to build roads themselves financially B. Private companies could spend less time completing roads C. The states did not have as much equipment as private companies D. Private companies had more knowledge of the interior
5ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

英语托福阅读的词汇题汇总表abridge/ə'bridʒ/缩短;删节agility/ə'dʒiliti/敏捷;机敏arduous/'ɑ:djuəs/险峻的;困难的absolve/əb'zɔlv/赦免;解除(责任等)absorb/əb'sɔ:b/吸收;并吞abstain/əb'stein/戒绝;戒除;离开abstract/'æbstrækt/摘要;提炼accelerate/æk'seləreit/加速进行;迫使accommodate/ə'kɔmədeit/供应;容纳accompany/ə'kʌmpəni/伴随;同时发生;陪伴;陪同;和accost/ə'kɔst/向人搭话accredit/ə'kredit/授权;信任;委派;归因于accumulate/ə'kju:mjuleit/积聚accuse/ə'kju:z/控告;归咎acquit/ə'kwit/宣告无罪adhere/əd'hiə/粘着;坚持adjust/ə'dʒʌst/调节;使适于administer/əd'ministə/管理agonize/'æɡənaiz/使受苦;使苦闷alienate/'eiljəneit/使疏远;转让(房地产)alight/ə'lait/降下;落在allocate/'æləukeit/分配;定位置allot/ə'lɔt/分配;指派allure/ə'ljuə/引诱alternate/ɔ:l'tə:nit/轮流(常与with连用)ambush/'æmbuʃ/埋伏annex/ə'neks/附加annihilate/ə'naiəleit/消减annotate/'ænəuteit/注解apologize/ə'pɔlədʒaiz/道歉apostatize/ə'pɔstətaɪz/背教;脱党appall/ə'pɔ:l/使惊骇arraign/ə'rein/控告array/ə'rei/排列asperse/əs'pə:s/诽谤aspire/əs'paiə/热望assemble/ə'sembl/聚集assimilate/ə'simileit/吸收assuage/ə'sweidʒ/缓和assure/ə'ʃuə/保证;确保;使确定;使确信;查明;弄清avouch/ə'vautʃ/确说;断言avow/ə'vau/公开,承认ablution/ə'blu:ʃən/沐浴abstinence/'æbstinəns/禁戒;节制abyss/ə'bis/深渊accomplice/ə'kɔmplis/从犯者acme/'ækmi/顶点acumen/ə'kju:mən/敏锐adage/'ædidʒ/格言;谚语adulteration/ə,dʌltə'reiʃən/掺杂adversity/əd'və:siti/不幸affinity/ə'finiti/密切关系alimentation/,ælimen'teiʃən/营养allusion/ə'l(j)u:ʒən/引述altruism/'æltruizəm/利他主义amenity/ə'mi:niti/适意amnesia/æm'ni:zjə/健忘症amnesty/'æmnesti/大赦analogy/ə'nælədʒi/相似animosity/,æni'mɔsiti/憎恶anomaly/ə'nɔməli/异常,变态antipathy/æn'tipəθi/反感antiquity/æn'tikwiti/古代apostasy/ə'pɔstəsi/叛教;变节ardor/'ɑ:də/热心arrogance/'ærəɡəns/傲慢assumption/ə'sʌmpʃən/担任;假设asteroid/'æstərɔid/小行星auspice/'ɔ:spis/前兆austerity/ɔs'teriti/严峻autopsy/'ɔ:təpsi/验尸avarice/'ævəris/贪婪awe/ɔ:/敬畏abhorrent/əb'hɔrənt/嫌恶的abject/'æbdʒekt/卑鄙的abortive/ə'bɔ:tiv/失败的absurd/əb'sə:d/荒谬的accidental/,æksi'dentl/偶然的acrid/'ækrid/辛辣的addle/'ædl/昏乱的;腐坏的adamant/'ædəmənt/坚定不移的adjacent/ə'dʒeisənt/邻接的adroit/ə'drɔit/机巧的adventitious/,ædven'tiʃəs/偶发的adverse/'ædvə:s/逆的;反对的aesthetic/i:s'θetik/美的afflicting/ə'fliktiŋ/痛苦的aglow/ə'ɡləu/发红的ambiguous/,æm'biɡjuəs/含糊的amenable/ə'mi:nəbl/有责任的amiable/'eimjəbl/友善的;和蔼的amicable/'æmikəbl/和平的;和睦的ample/'æmpl/充足的animated/'ænimeitid/有生气的;热烈的animating/'ænə'metiŋ/鼓舞生气的;启发的anomalous/ə'nɔmələs/反常的antique/æn'ti:k/古代的apathetic/,æpə'θetik/冷淡的appropriate/ə'prəupriit/适合的approximate/ə'prɔksimeit/近似的archaic/ɑ:'keiik/古的assiduous/ə'sidjuəs/勤勉的audacious/ɔ:'deiʃəs/大胆的avid/'ævid/贪婪的azure/'æʒə/蔚蓝的babble/'bæbl/唠叨;说话不清backbite/'bækbaɪt/背后诽谤badger/'bædʒə/困扰bask/bɑ:sk/取暖;曝日;沐浴于baste/beist/殴打;公开责骂bedeck/bi'dek/装饰beg/beɡ/恳求beget/bi'ɡet/引起;产生begrudge/bi'ɡrʌdʒ/羡慕;嫉妒beguile/bi'ɡail/欺骗;消遣belie/bi'lai/掩饰bereave/bi'ri:v/剥夺beset/bi'set/包围besiege/bi'si:dʒ/围bespeak/bi'spi:k/指出betoken/bi'təukən/表示bluff/blʌf/虚张声势brace/breis/支持;使固定brandish/'brændiʃ/挥brawl/brɔ:l/争吵brew/bru:/酿造;图谋bruise/bru:z/打伤butt/bʌt/撞人barricade/,bæri'keid/障碍物basin/'beisn/盆beverage/'bevərɪdʒ/饮料bigotry/'biɡətri/固执bravado/brə'vɑ:dəu/虚张的勇气brim/brim/(杯、碗的)边bully/'buli/土霸bald/bɔ:ld/秃头的;光秃的balmy/'bɑ:mi/芳香的belligerent/bi'lidʒərənt/好战的;交战的beneficial/beni'fiʃəl/有益的bleak/bli:k/寒冷的brittle/'britl/易碎的brisk/brisk/活泼的brutal/'bru:tl/野蛮的cackle/'kækl/咯咯笑convoy/'kɔnvɔi/护送chaste/tʃeist/贞洁的;纯正的capsize/kæp'saiz/倾覆captivate/'kæptiveit/迷惑caress/kə'res/抚爱castigate/'kæstiɡeit/谴责chafe/tʃeif/擦热;烦扰cherish/'tʃeriʃ/珍爱chide/tʃaid/叱责chirp/tʃə:p/吱喳鸣出;吱喳叫出choke/tʃəuk/使窒息chop/tʃɔp/砍chuckle/'tʃʌkl/咯咯而笑circumscribe/'sɜːkəmskraɪb/划界限;限制circumvent/,sə:kəm'vent/欺诈;以计胜过clamor/'klæmə/喧闹;大声叫嚷cleave/kli:v/粘着;忠守clinch/klintʃ/钉牢;揪住clip/klip/修剪;包围clog/klɔɡ/阻碍clutch/klʌtʃ/抓紧coddle/'kɔd(ə)l/娇养;溺爱cog/kɔg/欺骗cohere/kəu'hiə/附着;连贯coin/kɔin/铸币;创造collate/kɔ'leit/对照;校勘commingle/kɔ'miŋɡl/混合commiserate/kə'mizəreit/怜悯;同情comply/kəm'plai/顺从;应允comport/kəm'pɔ:t/相称comprise/kəm'praɪz/包括conceive/kən'si:v/想象concoct/kən'kɔkt/编造;虚构concur/kən'kə:/同意condone/kən'dəun/宽恕;赦免confederate/kən'fedərit/联合;同盟congregate/'kɔŋɡriɡeit/聚集conjure/'kʌndʒə/恳求consecrate/'kɔnsikreit/奉为神圣;供献consign/kən'sain/移交consort/'kɔnsɔ:t/结交conspire/kən'spaiə/阴谋;密谋construe/kən'stru:/解释;翻译contaminate/kən'tæmineit/污损contemn/kən'tem/蔑视contemplate/'kɔntempleit/凝视;沉思contradict/kɔntrə'dikt/反驳;抵触controvert/'kɔntrə,və:t,kɔntrə'və:t/驳击;辩论convene/kən'vi:n/集合convert/kən'və:t/改变;变更convoke/kən'vəuk/召集coop/ku:p/拘禁cower/'kauə/畏缩cram/kræm/填塞;仓促用功crash/kræʃ/撞碎craze/kreiz/使发狂crumple/'krʌmpl/压皱curtail/kə:'teil/减缩cabal/kə'bæl/阴谋caliber/'kælɪbə(r)/直径;才能canter/'kæntə/慢步小跑carcass/'kɑ:kəs/尸体;残骸carrion/'kæriən/腐臭的肉cascade/kæs'keid/小瀑布casualty/'kæʒjuəlti/意外cataclysm/'kætəklizəm/洪水catastrophe/kə'tæstrəfi/异常的灾祸censor/'sensə/检查员cession/'seʃən/割让chasm/'kæzəm/深坑;裂缝chore/tʃɔ:/零工;杂务chum/tʃʌm/室友cluster/'klʌstə/串;束clutter/'klʌtə/喧闹cognizance/'kɔɡnizəns/认识cohesion/kəu'hi:ʒən/附着(力)collusion/kə'l(j)u:ʒən/共谋colt/kəult/小雄驹comity/'kɔmiti/礼让compact/'kɔmpækt/契约compassion/kəm'pæʃən/怜悯condiment/'kɔndimənt/调味品congruity/kən'gru:ɪtɪ/一致connivance/kə'naɪvəns/默许conscience/'kɔnʃəns/良心consensus/kən'sensəs/一致continence/'kɔntɪnəns/自制conveyance/kən'veiəns/让与;运输cove/kəuv/小海湾creek/kri:k/小湾;小溪cuisine/kwɪˈziːn/烹调culmination/kʌlmɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n/顶点curiosity/,kjuəri'ɔsiti/好奇心callous/'kæləs/无情的,冷淡的,硬结的,起老茧的capacious/kə'peiʃəs/能容大量的capricious/kə'priʃəs/任性的captious/'kæpʃəs/好吹毛求疵的cardinal/'kɑ:dinəl/首要的;基本的carnal/'kɑ:nl/肉体的carping/'kɑ:pɪŋ/吹毛求疵的chilly/'tʃili/寒冷的clamorous/'klæmərəs/吵闹的clandestine/klæn'destin/秘密的cogent/'kəudʒənt/强有力的complimentary/,kɔmpli'ment(ə)ri/赞美的confounded/kən'faundid/惊慌失措的;困惑的congenial/kən'dʒi:njəl/意气相投的congenital/kɔn'dʒenitl/先天的conscientious/,kɔnʃi'enʃəs/正直的conspicuous/kən'spikjuəs/引人注目的conventional/kən'venʃənl/传统的;习俗的covetous/'kʌvitəs/贪心的cozy/'kəuzi/舒适的crass/kræs/愚蠢的crisp/krisp/脆的cross/krɔs/不高兴的crude/kru:d/未提炼的;生的cursory/'kə:səri/匆促的cynical/'sinikəl/冷嘲热讽的dally/'dæli/荒废(时日)dissect/di'sekt/解剖;详细研究dismal/'dizməl/阴暗的dangle/'dæŋɡl/悬摆dart/dɑ:t/投掷dawdle/'dɔ:dl/游荡dazzle/'dæzl/使目眩;使迷惑debauch/di'bɔ:tʃ/使误入歧途;败坏debilitate/di'biliteit/使衰弱decry/di'krai/非难;谴责dedicate/'dedikeit/奉献deface/di'feis/伤毁(外表或美观)defame/di'feim/诽谤;损毁名誉defile/di'fail/弄污deflect/di'flekt/使偏离deform/di:'fɔ:m/使变形defraud/di'frɔ:d/欺诈degenerate/di'dʒenəreit/退步;衰败degrade/di'ɡreid/使堕落;降级delude/di'lu:d/欺骗;迷惑demur/di'mə:/踌躇;抗议depict/di'pikt/描写;叙述deplore/di'plɔ:/悲痛;深悔depose/di'pəuz/革职;废(王位)deprecate/'deprikeit/抗议,不赞成,抨击,反对,藐视,轻视derange/di'reindʒ/使错乱deride/di'raid/嘲笑;愚弄designate/'deziɡneit/指定;指派despatch/dis'pætʃ/派遣despoil/dis'pɔil/夺取;抢劫destine/'destin/指定;命运注定detach/di'tætʃ/分开;分遣detain/di'tein/使延迟;拘留detest/di'test/憎恶dethrone/di'θrəun/废(君)devastate/'devəsteit/使荒废;破坏deviate/'di:vieit/偏离dignify/'diɡnifai/使尊荣;使显贵digress/dai'ɡres/离开本题dilate/dai'leit/使膨胀;使扩大dilute/daɪ'lu:t/稀释;冲淡diminish/di'miniʃ/减少;缩小disallow/ˌdɪsəˈlaʊ/不允;拒绝disarm/dɪsˈɑːm/缴械;解除武装disarrange/,disə'reindʒ/扰乱disband/dis'bænd/解散(军队)disclaim/dis'kleim/拒绝承认;否认discomfit/dis'kʌmfit/挫败;使混乱discompose/,diskəm'pəuz/使不安;弄乱disconcert/,diskən'sə:t/使惊惶;使不安disown/dis'əun/否认disparage/dis'pæridʒ/轻视;毁谤;贬抑distract/dis'trækt/分心;困恼disunite/disju'nait/使分离diverge/dai'və:dʒ/分歧;差异diversify/dai'və:sifai/使变化divulge/dai'vʌldʒ/宣布;泄露dodge/dɔdʒ/躲开;逃避责任doze/dəuz/小睡drizzle/'drizl/下细雨drub/drʌb/棒打decadence/'dekədəns/衰落declivity/di'kliviti/下倾的斜面default/di'fɔ:lt/不履行责任;缺乏defection/di'fekʃən/背叛deference/'defərəns/敬意deity/'di:iti/神delineation/dɪ,lɪnɪ'eɪʃən/描写demise/di'maiz/死亡;让位den/den/兽穴deposition/ˌdepəˈzɪʃn/证明;革职detraction/di'trækʃən/诽谤detriment/'detrimənt/损害dictum/'diktəm/格言diet/'daiət/饮食diffusion/di'fju:ʒən/流传;扩散dilemma/dɪˈlemə/左右为难;困境discretion/dis'kreʃən/斟酌;明辨dissension/di'senʃən/冲突;纷争dissonance/'dɪsənəns/不调和donor/'dəunə/给予者dunce/dʌns/愚蠢的人dungeon/'dʌndʒən/地牢dank/dæŋk/阴湿的dauntless/'dɔ:ntlɪs/勇敢的deceptive/di'septiv/虚伪的;骗人的deciduous/di'sidʒjuəs/每年落叶的defiant/di'faiənt/大胆反抗的decrepit/di'krepit/衰老的defunct/di'fʌŋkt/死的dejected/dɪ'jektɪd/失望的;沮丧的deleterious/,deli'tiəriəs/有害的detrimental/,detri'mentl/有害的,有损的devious/'di:vjəs/绕道的devoid/di'vɔid/缺乏的devout/di'vaut/虔诚的dexterous/'dekstərəs/机巧的diminutive/di'minjutiv/小的dingy/'dindʒi/昏暗的;肮脏的discreet/dis'kri:t/慎重的;谨慎的discrete/dis'kri:t/分立的docile/'dəusail/听话的;温顺的dolorous/'dɒlərəs/悲哀的dormant/'dɔ:mənt/蛰伏的dorsal/'dɔ:səl/背部的downcast/'daunkɑ:st/沮丧的drowsy/'drauzi/昏昏欲睡的ductile/'dʌktail/柔软的;驯良的edify/'edifai/陶冶effigy/'efidʒi/肖像;雕像educe/ɪ'dju:s/引出;推断efface/i'feis/涂抹;消除effectuate/i'fektjueit/使实现effervesce/,efə'ves/沸腾;冒泡effloresce/,eflɔ:'res/开花effuse/ɪ'fju:z/流出;散布eject/ɪ'dʒekt/喷出;逐出elapse/ɪ'læps/(时间)流走elude/i'lju:d,i'lu:d/躲避;困惑emaciate/i'meiʃieit/使瘦弱embalm/im'bɑ:m/铭记;使弥香气embellish/im'beliʃ/装饰;修饰embezzle/im'bezl/盗用(公款;公物)embitter/im'bitə/使苦;激怒embosom/im'buzəm/包围;纳于怀中emend/iˈmend/修订emulate/'emjuleit/与……竞争;效仿enact/i'nækt/制定为法律encompass/in'kʌmpəs/包围;封入encumber/in'kʌmbə/阻碍行动;烦扰endorse/in'dɔ:s/确认;赞同;支持endue/in'dju:/赋予energize/'enədʒaiz/给与精力;用力enervate/'enə:veit/使衰弱engender/in'dʒendə/产生enlist/in'list/使入伍enrage/in'reidʒ/激怒enrapture/in'ræptʃə/使狂喜;使出神entail/in'teil/惹起;使负担enthrall/in'θrɔ:l/迷惑;使服从entice/in'tais/诱惑entrap/in'træp/以网或陷阱捕捉enumerate/i'nju:məreit/枚举;计数equate/i'kweit/使相等;视为同等erode/i'rəud/蚀;腐蚀eschew/is'tʃu:/避开;远离evince/i'vins/表明;表示evoke/i'vəuk/唤起exculpate/'ekskʌlpeit/辩白;使无罪exhume/eks'hju:m/从墓中掘出extenuate/iks'tenjueit/使(罪过等)显得轻微extol/iks'tɔl/颂扬extort/iks'tɔ:t/勒索;强索extricate/'ekstrikeit/救出;使解脱extrude/eks'tru:d/挤出;逐出exude/iɡ'zju:d/渗出;流出ecstasy/'ekstəsi/恍惚;狂喜efficacy/'efikəsi/功效effrontery/e'frʌntərɪ/厚颜无耻egoism/'i:ɡəʊɪz(ə)m/自负egress/'i:ɡres/出口elation/ɪ'leɪʃ(ə)n/得意洋洋eloquence/'eləkwəns/雄辩emolument/i'mɔljumənt/报酬enigma/i'niɡmə/谜enmity/'enmiti/敌意ennui/'ɔnwi:/倦怠enormity/i'nɔ:miti/残暴entity/'entiti/存在episode/'episəud/插曲eulogy/'ju:lədʒi/颂词euphony/'ju:fəni/悦耳之音evasion/i'veiʒən/逃避exertion/iɡ'zə:ʃən/努力exodus/'eksədəs/大批离去exploit/iks'plɔit/功绩eccentric/ik'sentrik/古怪的edible/'edibl/可食的elusive/i'lju:siv/难懂的,难以捉摸的,易忘的eminent/'eminənt/闻名的equitable/'ekwitəbl/公平的;公正的erratic/i'rætik/不稳定的erroneous/i'rəunjəs/错误的erudite/'eru:dait/博学的essential/i'senʃəl/重要的;基本的estimable/'estiməbl/可估计的ethnic/'eθnik/种族的excitable/ik'saitəbl/易激动的expedient/iks'pi:diənt/权宜的;方便的expeditious/ekspɪ'dɪʃəs/敏捷的;迅速的exquisite/'ekskwizit/精美的;灵敏的extant/eks'tænt/现存的extensive/iks'tensiv/大量的;广泛的exultant/iɡ'zʌltənt/欢腾的;狂欢的fabricate/'fæbrikeit/制造;装配fickle/'fikl/多变的falter/'fɔ:ltə/胆怯famish/'fæmiʃ/使挨饿feign/fein/假装ferret/'ferit/搜索fester/'festə/化脓fete/feɪt/庆祝fetter/'fetə/束缚filch/filtʃ/偷窃flare/flɛə/闪耀flaunt/flɔ:nt/飘荡flay/flei/剥……的皮fleck/flek/饰以斑点flout/flaut/嘲弄fluster/'flʌstə/使慌乱foist/'fəuist/蒙骗fret/fret/激怒fritter/'fritə/切碎fulminate/'fʌlmineit/猛烈爆发facet/'fæsit/小平面fagot/'fæɡət/柴把fatalism/'feɪtəlɪz(ə)m/宿命论fealty/'fi:əltɪ/忠诚fecundity/fi'kʌndətɪ/丰富feint/feint/假装ferment/'fə:mənt/骚动;激动fetish/'fi:tiʃ,'fetiʃ/神物figment/'fiɡmənt/虚构之事flaw/flɔ:/裂缝;缺陷flexibility/,fleksə'biliti/柔韧性flora/'flɔ:rə/一切植物flux/flʌks/流动;焊剂foliage/'fəuliidʒ/叶(集合称)ford/fɔ:d/浅滩fray/frei/争吵;冲突fruition/fruˈɪʃn/完成;享受fusion/'fju:ʒən/熔解;联合facetious/fə'si:ʃəs/好开玩笑的;滑稽的facile/'fæsaɪl/轻而易举的;随和的factious/'fækʃəs/好搞党派的factitious/fæk'tiʃəs/人为的;不自然的fallacious/fə'leiʃəs/欺骗的fallow/'fæləu/休耕的famished/ˈfæmɪʃt/极饥饿的fatuous/'fætjuəs/愚昧的feeble/'fi:bl/微弱的fell/fel/残忍的ferocious/fə'rəuʃəs/凶猛的fervent/'fə:vənt/白热的;强烈的fervid/'fə:vid/热情的;灼热的flaccid/'flæksid/软弱的;松弛的fitful/'fitful/一阵阵的;断续的flimsy/'flimzi/脆弱的;薄弱的florid/'flɔrid/颜色鲜丽的;鲜红的fluffy/'flʌfɪ/蓬松的;松软的;毛茸茸的;无内容的forcible/'fɔ:səbl/易怒的;脾气坏的fractious/'frækʃəs/易怒的;脾气坏的frantic/'fræntik/狂乱的fraudulent/'frɔ:djulənt/欺诈的;不诚实的frigid/'fridʒid/严寒的frowzy/'fraʊzɪ/不整洁的;臭的fuddled/'fʌdld/醉的fulsome/'fulsəm/可厌的;令人作呕的funereal/fjuˈnɪəriəl/葬礼的;忧郁的gad/ɡæd/闲逛gag/gæg/塞住……的嘴gainsay/ɡein'sei/否认;反驳gambol/'ɡæmbəl/欢跳;雀跃gape/ɡeip/张嘴garner/'ɡɑ:nə/收藏garnish/'ɡɑ:niʃ/加装饰gash/ɡæʃ/深切gauge/ɡedʒ/精确计量germinate/'dʒə:mineit/发芽gibe/dʒaib/讥笑glaze/ɡleiz/使光滑;变钝gleam/gli:m/发闪光;闪现glean/ɡli:n/收集gloat/ɡləut/贪婪地看glut/glʌt/使吃饱gnaw/nɔ:/啮goad/ɡəud/剌激;煽动gorge/ɡɔ:dʒ/塞饱;狼吞虎咽grip/ɡrip/抓住grope/ɡrəup/摸索grumble/'ɡrʌmbl/喃喃诉苦gabble/'ɡæbl/急促而不清楚地说出gage/ɡeidʒ/挑战;抵押gait/ɡeit/步态gale/ɡeil/大风garment/'ɡɑ:mənt/衣服garrulity/ɡə'ru:liti/饶舌gazette/ɡə'zet/报纸;公报gem/dʒem/珠宝gentility/dʒen'tiliti/有教养;文雅gentry/'dʒentri/绅士guile/ɡail/诈术guise/ɡaiz/外观;装束garrulous/'ɡæruləs/爱说话的gauche/ɡəuʃ/笨拙的;粗鲁的germane/dʒə:'mein/有关系的;适切的glassy/'ɡlɑ:si/透明的glib/ɡlib/口齿伶俐的gloomy/'ɡlu:mi/暗的;忧闷的greedy/'ɡri:di/贪婪的grouchy/'ɡraʊtʃɪ/不悦的;愠怒的grim/grim/冷酷的;可怕的gruff/ɡrʌf/粗暴的;粗野的grumpy/'ɡrʌmpi/性情暴躁的gusty/'ɡʌsti/起大风的haggle/'hæɡl/争论halt/hɔ:lt/立定;踌躇harass/'hærəs/侵扰harrow/'hærəu/使伤心harry/'hæri/掠夺;困扰haul/hɔ:l/拖;拉heave/hi:v/用力举起hinge/hindʒ/依……而定howl/haul/咆哮hamlet/'hæmlit/小村hap/hæp/幸运;偶然发生之事hatchet/'hætʃit/手斧heresy/'herəsi/异端;邪说hilarity/hi'læriti/欢乐holocaust/'hɔləkɔ:st/大屠杀homily/'hɔmili/讲道hubbub/'hʌbʌb/嘈杂husbandry/'hʌzbəndri/耕种;节用hybrid/'haibrid/杂种;混血儿haphazard/'hæp'hæzəd/偶然的;随便的hazy/'heizi/有雾的;模糊的hectic/'hektik/发热的;紧张兴奋的hilarious/hi'lɛəriəs/高兴的;热闹的hirsute/'hə:sju:t/多毛的ignite/iɡ'nait/使燃着illicit/i'lisit/违法的impassible/im'pæsəbl/无知觉的impeccable/im'pekəbl/无瑕疵的imperative/im'perətiv/急需的;命令的impertinent/im'pə:tinənt/粗鲁的impetuous/im'petjuəs/猛烈的;鲁莽的impious/'impiəs/不虔诚的impromptu/im'prɔmptju:/临时的incipient/in'sipiənt/初期的incoherent/,inkəu'hiərənt/不连贯的indefatigable/,indi'fætiɡəbl/不疲倦的ineligible/in'elidʒəbl/无资格的;不适当的inept/i'nept/不适宜的insidious/in'sidiəs/狡猾的intense/in'tens/非常的;紧张的internal/in'tə:nl/内在的intricate/'intrikit/错综复杂的;难懂的intrinsic/in'trinsik/本质的;本身的imbibe/im'baib/饮imbue/im'bju:/浸染immolate/'iməuleit/牺牲impair/im'pɛə/损害impale/im'peil/围以木桩;剌穿impeach/im'pi:tʃ/非难;指责implicate/'implikeit/牵连importune/im'pɔ:tju:n/不断地请求imprecate/'imprikeit/诅咒improvise/'imprəvaiz/即席而作incapacitate/,inkə'pæsiteit/使不能incarcerate/in'kɑ:səreit/监禁incriminate/in'krimi,neit/控告;使负罪inculcate/in'kʌlkeit/谆谆教诲;鼓吹indemnify/in'demnifai/使安全;偿付indent/in'dent/以契约束缚indite/in'dait/著作infringe/in'frindʒ/侵犯;违反insinuate/in'sinjueit/迂回进入;暗示instigate/'instiɡeit/鼓动intensify/in'tensifai/使强intrude/in'tru:d/侵扰inure/i'njuə/使惯于invert/in'və:t/倒转invoke/in'vəuk/恳求isolate/'aisəleit/使隔离ideology/ˌaɪdiˈɒlədʒi/意识idiosyncrasy/,idiə'siŋkrəsi/个人心理上的特点immobility/,iməu'biliti/固定;静止immodesty/i'mɔdisti/无礼impetus/'impitəs/推动力impropriety/,imprə'praiəti/不适当impurity/im'pjuəriti/不纯incentive/in'sentiv/刺激;动机incongruity/ˌɪnkɒnˈɡruːəti/不和谐(之物) incredulity/,inkri'dju:liti/不信indictment/in'daitmənt/起诉indignity/in'diɡniti/侮辱infirmity/in'fə:miti/虚弱inkling/'iŋkliŋ/暗示innuendo/,inju'endəu/暗指insomnia/in'sɔmniə/失眠intelligence/in'telidʒəns/智力intimacy/'intiməsi/熟悉;亲近intimidation/in,timi'deiʃən/胁迫intuition/ˌɪntjuˈɪʃn/直觉idiotic/,idi'ɔtik/愚蠢的illegible/i'ledʒəbl/难读的impartial/im'pɑ:ʃəl/公平的jangle/'dʒæŋɡl/争吵jar/dʒɑ:/震动jeer/dʒiə/揶揄;嘲笑jerk/dʒə:k/急拉jettison/'dʒetisn,-tizn/抛弃jog/dʒɔɡ/轻撞;提醒jolt/dʒəult/摇动jumble/'dʒʌmbl/混杂jug/dʒʌɡ/壶jurisdiction/,dʒuəris'dikʃən/司法权jocose/dʒə'kəus/滑稽的jovial/'dʒəʊviəl/快活的ken/ken/视界knell/nel/丧钟lampoon/læm'pu:n/写文章languish/'læŋɡwiʃ/变衰弱lash/læʃ/打laud/lɔ:d/赞美lease/li:s/租legalize/'li:ɡəlaiz/合法化,法律认可liberate/'libəreit/释放loathe/ləuð/厌恶loot/lu:t/掠夺lug/lʌg/用力拖拉lurch/lə:tʃ/突然倾斜lure/ljuə/引诱lurk/lə:k/躲藏labyrinth/'læbərinθ/迷宫;错综复杂之事件lackey/'læki/男仆;跟班lagoon/lə'ɡu:n/礁湖legion/'li:dʒən/军队levity/'leviti/轻浮lode/ləud/矿脉lank/læŋk/细长的listless/'listlis/冷漠的;不留心的maculate/'mækjuleit/弄污maim/meim/使残废manipulate/mə'nipjuleit/操作masticate/'mæstikeit/吃maze/meiz/使迷惘meander/mi'ændə/蜿蜒而流meddle/'medl/干预mediate/ˈmiːdieɪt/居中斡旋merit/'merit/应得mete/mi:t/分配mince/mins/切碎mollify/'mɔlifai/缓和muddle/'mʌdl/弄糟malady/'mælədi/疾病malediction/,mæli'dikʃən/诅咒;诽谤martinet/,mɑ:ti'net/履行严格纪律的人maxim/'mæksim/格言mentor/'mentɔ:/良师misgiving/mis'ɡiviŋ/疑惧;疑虑mishap/'mishæp , mis'hæp/不幸moiety/'mɔiəti/一半mote/məut/微粒malignant/mə'liɡnənt/恶毒的manful/'mænful/刚毅的;勇敢的mediocre/,mi:di'əukə ; 'mi:diəukə/平庸的menial/'mi:njəl/低贱的mincing/'minsiŋ/矫饰的minuscule/mi'nʌskju:l/小写的;小的morbid/'mɔ:bid/不健康的moribund/'mɒrɪbʌnd/将死的nauseate/'nɔ:sieit/使恶心nettle/'netl/激怒nurture/'nə:tʃə/养育nook/nuk/角落;隐匿处nostalgia/nɔs'tældʒiə/乡愁novice/'nɔvis/新信徒;生手naval/'neivəl/海军的nocturnal/nɔk'tə:nl/夜间的null/nʌl/无效的numb/nʌm/麻木的obliterate/ə'blitəreit/消减obtrude/əb'tru:d/闯入obviate/ˈɒbvieɪt/排除originate/ə'ridʒineit/发起obloquy/'ɔbləkwi/谴责opulence/'ɔpjuləns/财富;富裕oracle/'ɔrəkl/神谕oration/ə'reiʃən/演说ordeal/ɔːˈdiːl/严酷的考验palliate/'pælieit/减轻palatable/'pælətəbl/味美的palpitate/'pælpiteit/跳动;颤抖parch/pɑ:tʃ/使焦干parry/'pæri/躲开peculate/'pekjuleit/盗用perturb/pə'tə:b/扰乱pester/'pestə/使困恼petrify/'petri,fai/变为化石;使发呆pinion/'pinjən/束缚placate/plə'keit/安抚;和解plash/plæʃ/激溅plow/plau/耕作pluck/plʌk/摘,拉plunder/'plʌndə/抢夺plunge/plʌndʒ/投入ply/plai/使用pollute/pəˈluːt/污染prate/preit/喋喋不休precipitate/pri'sipiteit/投下,突发preclude/pri'klu:d/排除,防止premise/'premis/前提presage/'presidʒ/预兆prevaricate/pri'værikeit/支吾其词profane/prə'fein/亵渎promulgate/'prɔməlɡeit/宣布propagate/'prɔpəɡeit/繁殖propitiate/prə'piʃieit/安抚;使息怒propound/prə'paund/提出prorogue/prə'rəuɡ/休会proscribe/prəu'skraib/禁止protract/'prɔtrækt/延长protrude/prə'tru:d/伸出provoke/prə'vəuk/激怒pulsate/pʌl'seit , 'pʌlseit/有规律的跳动purge/pə:dʒ/洗清patricide/'pætrisaid/杀父者penury/ˈpenjəri/贫穷perjury/'pə:dʒəri/伪证pinnacle/'pinəkl/顶点plague/pleiɡ/疫病presumption/pri'zʌmpʃən/推定;猜想probity/'prəubiti/正直proclivity/prə'kliviti/倾向progenitor/prə'dʒenitə/祖先progeny/'prɔdʒini/子孙prognostic/prɔɡ'nɔstik/预兆proxy/'prɔksi/代理人psyche/'saɪki/精神puddle/'pʌdl/泥坑purport/pə'pɔːt , 'pɜːpɔːt/主旨;意义permissible/pə'mɪsəbl/可容许的phlegmatic/fleɡ'mætik/冷漠的;迟钝的placid/'plæsid/安静的profitless/'prɔfɪtlɪs/无益的quell/kwel/压制quibble/'kwibl/模棱两可地说quiver/'kwivə/振动quandary/'kwɔndəri/困惑;窘境query/'kwiəri/质问;问题rally/'ræli/重整rot/rɔt/腐烂rant/rænt/大声叫喊;咆哮ratify/'rætifai/批准ravage/'rævidʒ/破坏raze/reiz/摧毁rebuke/ri'bju:k/斥责rebut/ri'bʌt/辩驳,驳回recant/ri'kænt/公然撤回recapitulate/,ri:kə'pitjuleit/简述要旨;反复reconcile/'rekənsail/和解recruit/ri'kru:t/补充reef/ri:f/收(帆);收缩reek/ri:k/发出水汽;发出臭气rehabilitate/,ri:(h)ə'biliteit/恢复reimburse/,ri:im'bə:s/偿还reiterate/ri:'itəreit/重述relinquish/ri'liŋkwiʃ/放弃rend/rend/撕破render/'rendə/还给renounce/ri'nauns/否认renovate/'renəuveit/革新replenish/ri'pleniʃ/补充repudiate/ri'pju:dieit/拒绝retrograde/'retrəuɡreid/退后reverberate/ri'və:bəreit/回音revile/ri'vail/辱骂riddle/'ridl/解谜;穿孔ruffle/'rʌfl/使皱ruminate/'ru:mineit/沉思rack/ræk/巨大痛苦rage/reidʒ/激怒;愤怒ramp/ræmp/斜路rancor/'ræŋkə(r)/怨恨ransom/'rænsəm/赎金;赔偿金rapture/'ræptʃə/狂喜rascal/'rɑ:skəl/恶棍rebate/'ri:beit , ri'beit/部分款项的退还;减少recipient/ri'sipiənt/接受者recluse/ri'klu:s/隐士recognition/,rekəɡ'niʃən/认识;承认recollection/,rekə'lekʃən/记起;回想recourse/ri'kɔ:s/求助;赖以帮助的人regimen/'redʒimen/养生之道relapse/ri'læps/复发;回复remnant/'remnənt/残余requital/ri'kwaitl/酬劳resemblance/ri'zembləns/相似reticence/'retɪsəns/沉默retribution/,retri'bju:ʃən/报应reverence/'revərəns/尊敬rigor/'riɡə/严厉revolution/,revə'lu:ʃən/革命ruffian/ˈrʌfiən]/恶棍rupture/'rʌptʃə(r)/破裂;失和renowned/rɪ'naʊnd/著名的ruinous/ˈruːɪnəs /毁坏的;荒废的rustic/'rʌstɪk/乡村的rusty/'rʌstɪ/生锈的;荒废的saddle/'sædl/使负担sapience/'seɪpɪəns/智慧sociable/'səuʃəbl/好交际的satiate/'seiʃieit/使饱;使满足saturate/'sætʃəreit/浸透savor/'seivə/尝味scathe/skeið/损伤scoff/skɔf/嘲笑scoop/sku:p/掘scrape/skreɪp/刮scratch/skrætʃ/抓伤scribble/'skribl/潦草书写scrub/skrʌb/(用力)擦洗scrutinize/'skrutinaiz/细察scud/skʌd/疾行scuffle/'skʌfl/混战scurry/'skʌri/疾走,快跑scuttle/'skʌtl/疾走seethe/si:ð/沸腾;起泡沫shackle/'ʃækl/加桎梏;束缚sheathe/ʃi:ð/(将刀剑)插入鞘shove/ʃʌv/推挤shred/ʃred/切成碎片shriek/ʃri:k/发出尖锐的叫声shun/ʃʌn/避开skim/skim/掠过skulk/skʌlk/藏匿;潜行slake/sleik/息(怒)slant/slɑ:nt/倾斜slit/slit/割裂smack/smæk/微有(某)味smash/smæʃ/破碎smear/smiə/涂;弄脏sneak/sni:k/潜行sneer/sniə/嘲笑sniff/snif/以鼻吸气sojourn/ˈsɒdʒən/逗留;寄居spawn/spɔ:n/产卵squall/skwɔ:l/尖叫squander/'skwɔndə/浪费stagger/'stæɡə/蹒跚stalk/stɔ:k/高视阔步stare/steə(r)/凝视sublimate/'sʌblimeit/使升华suffuse/sə'fju:z/布满sully/'sʌli/玷污supersede/,sju:pə'si:d/替代surmise/'sə:maiz/臆测swell/swel/膨胀swelter/'sweltə/热昏synchronize/'sɪŋkrənaɪz/同时发生sanity/'sæniti/神智清楚sarcasm/'sɑ:kæzəm/讽刺;挖苦satire/'sætaiə/讽刺scandal/'skændl/丑闻scatterbrain/'skætəbreɪn/注意力不集中的人schism/'sizəm/分裂scope/skəup/范围;余地screed/skri:d/碎片scripture/'skriptʃə/经文scroll/skrəul/目录;纸卷scruple/'skru:pl/踌躇;顾忌scrutiny/'skru:tini/详审scuff/skʌf/拖足而走sculpture/'skʌlptʃə/雕刻seclusion/si'klu:ʒən/隐居;退隐segment/'seɡmənt/部分;片selfishness/'selfiʃnis/自私semblance/'sembləns/类似;外观sentry/'sentri/守望;哨兵serenity/si'reniti/安静;从容shade/ʃeid/荫;阴暗siege/si:dʒ/围困;围攻slag/slæɡ/渣滓slap/slæp/掴snarl/snɑ:l/混乱spike/spaik/大钉spine/spain/脊骨splash/splæʃ/污迹splendor/'splendə/光彩;壮观spouse/spauz/配偶spray/sprei/水花squad/skwɔd/小队;班stall/stɔ:l/厩;摊位stamina/'stæminə/体力;精力staple/'steipl/主要产品;纤维;原料statue/'stætju:/像strain/strein/紧张;张力strait/streit/海峡;困难strap/stræp/皮带streak/stri:k/条纹;短时间subjection/səb'dʒekʃən/征服;服从submission/səb'miʃən/屈服;服从suffrage/'sʌfridʒ/投票;同意suspense/səs'pens/焦虑sustenance/'sʌstinəns/生计;营养物swarm/swɔ:m/群sagacious/sə'ɡeiʃəs/睿智的salutary/'sæljutəri/有益健康的sturdy/'stə:di/不屈的;顽强的sluggish/'slʌɡiʃ/怠惰的stray/strei/漂泊的;偶然的sulky/'sʌlki/愠怒的sultry/'sʌltri/闷热的superfluous/,sju:'pə:fluəs/过多的;不必要的tally/'tæli/符合tamper/'tæmpə/干预tantalize/'tæntəlaɪz/折磨;使着急teem/ti:m/充满temporize/'tempəraɪz/见风使舵terminate/'tə:mineit/终结throttle/'θrɔtl/使窒息thrust/θrʌst/力推thump/θʌmp/重击tipple/'tipl/常饮;酗酒tolerate/'tɔləreit/容忍toll/təul/鸣(钟)tow/təu/拖traduce/trə'dju:s/中伤transact/trænˈzækt/处理transcend/træn'send/超越transform/træns'fɔ:m/使变形,变换transmute/trænz'mju:t/使变形transpire/træns'paiə/排出;蒸发traverse/trəˈvɜːs , ˈtrævɜːs/反对;走过tug/tʌɡ/拖曳tact/tækt/老练;机智tactics/'tæktiks/战术tenement/'tenimənt/家屋;住宅terror/'terə/恐怖testimony/'testiməni/证言thrall/'θrɔ:l/奴隶throng/θrɔŋ/群众torment/'tɔ:ment/痛苦trash/træʃ/废物travesty/'trævisti/滑稽化tremor/'tremə/颤抖trend/trend/倾向trial/'traiəl/审判tribulation/,tribju'leiʃən/苦难tumult/'tju:mʌlt/骚动turmoil/'tə:mɔil/骚动;混乱twig/twiɡ/小枝tentative/'tentətiv/暂时的;试验性的therapeutic/θerə'pju:tik/治疗的transitory/'trænsitəri/短暂的tumid/'tju:mid/肿胀的undulate/'ʌndjuleit/起伏unearth/'ʌn'ə:θ/发掘;发现upbraid/ʌp'breid/谴责uphold/ʌp'həuld/举起;支撑uncouth/ʌn'ku:θ/粗鲁的;笨拙的vanish/'væniʃ/消失veer/viə/(风)改变方向vex/veks/使烦恼vindicate/'vindikeit/辩明;主张vacillation/,væsi'leiʃən/优柔寡断;动摇valor/'vælə/勇气vanity/'væniti/空虚variation/,vɛəri'eiʃən/变化vault/vɔ:lt/拱形圆屋顶;地窖vehemence/'vi:iməns/热切;激烈venom/'venəm/毒液;恶意ventilation/venti'leiʃən/通风veracity/və'ræsiti/真实性vertigo/'və:tiɡəu/眩晕vigor/'viɡə/精力vivacity/vɪˈvæsəti/快活vulgarity/vʌl'ɡærɪtɪ/粗俗waddle/'wɔdl/蹒跚而行wag/wæg/摇摆wan/wɔn/(使)变苍白wither/'wiðə/凋谢wring/riŋ/扭wail/weil/哭泣warrant/'wɑ:ənt/保证;权限。

托福阅读真题练习:美国历史托福阅读文本:During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, almost nothing was written about the contributions of women during the colonial period and the early history of the newly formed United States. Lacking the right to vote and absent from the seatsof power, women were not considered an important force in history. Anne Bradstreet wrote some significant poetry in the seventeenth century, Mercy Otis Warren produced the best contemporary history of the American Revolution, and Abigail Adams penned important letters showing she exercised great political influence over her husband, John, the second President of the United States. But little or no notice was taken of these contributions. During these centuries, women remained invisible in history books.Throughout the nineteenth century, this lack of visibility continued, despite the efforts of female authors writing about women. These writers, like most of their male counterparts, were amateur historians. Their writings were celebratory in nature, and they were uncritical in their selection and use of sources.During the nineteenth century, however, certain feminists showed a keen sense of history by keeping records of activities in which women were engaged. National, regional, and local women's organizations compiled accounts of their doings. Personal correspondence, newspaper clippings, and souvenirs were saved and stored. These sources from the core of the two greatest collections of women's history in the United States one at the Elizabeth and Arthur Schlesinger Library at Radcliffé College, and the other the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College. Such sources have provided valuable materials for later generations of historians.Despite the gathering of more information about ordinary women during the nineteenth century, most of the writing about women conformed to the "great women" theory of history, just as much of mainstream American history concentrated on "great men." To demonstrate that women were making significantcontributions to American life, female authors singled out women leaders and wrote biographies, or else important women produced their autobiographies. Most of these leaders were involved in public life as reformers, activists working for women's right to vote, or authors, and were not representative at all of the great of ordinary woman. The lives of ordinary people continued, generally, to be untold in the American histories being published.托福阅读题目:1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The role of literature in earlyAmerican histories(B) The place ofAmerican women in written histories(C) The keen sense of history shown byAmerican women(D) The "great women" approach to history used by American historians2. The word "contemporary" in line 6 means that the history was(A) informative(B) written at that time(C) thoughtful(D) faultfinding3. In the first paragraph, Bradstreet, Warren, and Adams are mentioned to show that(A) a woman's status was changed by marriage(B) even the contributions of outstanding women were ignored(C) only three women were able to get their writing published(D) poetry produced by women was more readily accepted than other writing by women4. The word "celebratory" in line 12 means that the writingsreferred to were(A) related to parties(B) religious(C) serious(D) full of praise5. The word "they" in line 12 refers to(A) efforts(B) authors(C) counterparts(D) sources6. In the second paragraph, what weakness in nineteenth-century histories does the author pointout?(A) They put too much emphasis on daily activities(B) They left out discussion of the influence of money on politics.(C) The sources of the information they were based on were not necessarily accurate.(D) They were printed on poor-quality paper.7. On the basis of information in the third paragraph, which of the following would most likelyhave been collected by nineteenth-century feminist organizations?(A) Newspaper accounts of presidential election results(B) Biographies of John Adams(C) Letters from a mother to a daughter advising her how to handle a family problem(D) Books about famous graduates of the country's first college8. What use was made of the nineteenth-century women'shistory materials in the SchlesingerLibrary and the Sophia Smith Collection?(A) They were combined and published in a multivolume encyclopedia(B) They formed the basis of college courses in the nineteenth century.(C) They provided valuable information for twentieth-century historical researchers.(D) They were shared among women's colleges throughout the United States.9. In the last paragraph, the author mentions all of the following as possible roles ofnineteenth-century "great women" EXCEPT(A) authors(B) reformers(C) activists for women's rights(D) politicians10. The word "representative" in line 29 is closest in meaning to(A) typical(B) satisfied(C) supportive(D) distinctive托福阅读答案:BBBDB CCCDA托福阅读真题练习:人工孵化项目托福阅读文本:Aviculturists, people who raise birds for commercial sale, have not yet learned how to simulate the natural incubation of parrot eggs in the wild. They continue to look for better ways toincrease egg production and to improve chick survival rates.When parrots incubate their eggs in the wild, the temperature and humidity of the nest are controlled naturally. Heat is transferred from the bird's skin to the top portion of the eggshell, leaving the sides and bottom of the egg at a cooler temperature. This temperature gradient may be vital to successful hatching. Nest construction can contribute to this temperature gradient. Nests of loosely arranged sticks, rocks, or dirt are cooler in temperature at the bottom where the egg contacts the nesting material. Such nests also act as humidity regulators by allowing rain to drain into the bottom sections of the nest so that the eggs are not in direct contact with the water. As the water that collects in the bottom of the nest evaporates, the water vapor rises and is heated by the incubating bird, which adds significant humidity to the incubation environment.In artificial incubation programs, aviculturists remove eggs from the nests of parrots and incubate them under laboratory conditions. Most commercial incubators heat the eggs fairly evenly from top to bottom, thus ignoring the bird's method of natural incubation, and perhaps reducing the viability and survivability of the hatching chicks. When incubators are not used, aviculturists sometimes suspend wooden boxes outdoors to use as nests in which to place eggs. In areas where weather can become cold after eggs are laid, it is very important to maintain a deep foundation of nesting material to act as insulator against the cold bottom of the box. If eggs rest against the wooden bottom in extremely cold weather conditions, they can become chilled to a point where the embryo can no longer survive. Similarly, these boxes should be protected from direct sunlight to avoid high temperatures that are also fatal to the growingembryo. Nesting material should be added in sufficient amounts to avoid both extreme temperature situations mentioned above and assure that the eggs have a soft, secure place to rest.托福阅读题目:1. What is the main idea of the passage ?(A) Nesting material varies according to the parrots' environment.(B) Humidity is an important factor in incubating parrots' eggs.(C)Aviculturists have constructed the ideal nest box for parrots.(D) Wild parrots' nests provide information useful for artificial incubation.2. The word "They" in line 2 refers to(A) aviculturists(B) birds(C) eggs(D) rates3. According to paragraph 2, when the temperature of the sides and bottom of the egg are cooler than the top, then(A) there may be a good chance for successful incubation(B) the embryo will not develop normally(C) the incubating parent moves the egg to a new position.(D) the incubation process is slowed down4.According to paragraph 2, sticks, rocks, or dirt are used to(A) soften the bottom of the nest for the newly hatched chick(B) hold the nest together(C) help lower the temperature at the bottom of the nest(D) make the nest bigger5.According to paragraph 2, the construction of the nestallows water to(A) provide a beneficial source of humidity in the nest(B) loosen the materials at the bottom of the nest(C) keep the nest in a clean condition(D) touch the bottom of the eggs6.All of the following are part of a parrot's incubation method EXCEPT(A) heating the water vapor as it rises from the bottom of the nest(B) arranging nesting material at the bottom of the nest(C) transferring heat from the parent to the top of the eggshell(D) maintaining a constant temperature on the eggshell7. The word "suspend" in line 18 is closest in meaning to(A) build(B) paint(C) hang(D) move8. The word "fatal" in line 24 is closest in meaning to(A) close(B) deadly(C) natural(D) hot9. The word "secure" in line 27 is closest in meaning to(A) fresh(B) dry(C) safe(D) warm10.According to paragraph 3, a deep foundation of nesting material provides(A) a constant source of humidity(B) a strong nest box(C) more room for newly hatched chicks(D) protection against cold weather11. Which of the following is a problem with commercial incubators?(A) They lack the natural temperature changes of the outdoors.(B) They are unable to heat the eggs evenly(C) They do not transfer heat to the egg in the same way the parent bird does.(D) They are expensive to operate.12. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?(A)Aviculturists (line 1)(B) gradient (line 8)(C) incubation (line 15)(D) embryo (line 22)托福阅读答案:DAACADCBCD CA。


我们来看一个例子,The Atlantic Cod FisheryOff the northeastern shore of North America, from the island of Newfoundland in Canada south to new England in the United States, there is a series of shallow areas called banks. Several large banks off Newfoundland are together called Grand Banks, huge shoals on the edge of North American continental shelf, where the warm waters of the Gulf Stream meet the cold waters of Labrador Current. As the currents brush each other, they stir up mineral from the ocean floor, providing nutrients for plankton and tiny shrimp-like creatures called krill, which feed on the plankton. Herring and other small fish rise to the surface to eat the krill. Groundfish, such as the Atlantic cod, live in the ocean’s bottom layer, congregating in the shallow waters where they prey on krill and small fish. This rich environment has produced cod by the millions and once had a greater density of cod than anywhere else on Earth。
托福备考托福阅读34套TPO样题+解析+译文16--2 Development of the Periodic Table

托福考试 复习托福阅读TPO16(试题+答案+译文)第2篇:Development of the Periodic Table托福阅读原文The periodic table is a chart that reflects the periodic recurrence of chemical and physical properties of the elements when the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number (the number of protons in the nucleus). It is a monumental scientific achievement, and its development illustrates the essential interplay between observation, prediction, and testing required for scientific progress. In the 1800's scientists were searching for new elements. By the late 1860's more than 60 chemical elements had been identified, and much was known about their descriptive chemistry. Various proposals were put forth to arrange the elements into groups based on similarities in chemical and physical properties. The next step was to recognize a connection between group properties (physical or chemical similarities) and atomic mass (the measured mass of an individual atom of an element). When the elements known at the time were ordered by increasing atomic mass, it was found that successive elements belonged to different chemical groups and that the order of the groups in this sequence was fixed and repeated itself at regular intervals. Thus when the series of elements was written so as to begin a new horizontal row with each alkali metal, elements of the samegroups were automatically assembled in vertical columns in a periodic table of the elements. This table was the forerunner of the modern table. When the German chemist Lothar Meyer and (independently) the Russian Dmitry Mendeleyev first introduced the periodic table in 1869-70, one-third of the naturally occurring chemical elements had not yet been discovered. Yet both chemists were sufficiently farsighted to leave gaps where their analyses of periodic physical and chemical properties indicated that new elements should be located. Mendeleyev was bolder than Meyer and even assumed that if a measured atomic mass put an element in the wrong place in the table, the atomic mass was wrong. In some cases this was true. Indium, for example, had previously been assigned an atomic mass between those of arsenic and selenium. Because there is no space in the periodic table between these two elements, Mendeleyev suggested that the atomic mass of indium be changed to a completely different value, where it would fill an empty space between cadmium and tin. In fact, subsequent work has shown that in a periodic table, elements should not be ordered strictly by atomic mass. For example, tellurium comes before iodine in the periodic table, even though its atomic mass is slightly greater. Such anomalies are due to the relative abundance of the "isotopes" or varieties of each element. All the isotopes of a given element have the same number of protons, but differ in their number of neutrons, and hence in their atomic mass. The isotopesof a given element have the same chemical properties but slightly different physical properties. We now know that atomic number (the number of protons in the nucleus), not atomic mass number (the number of protons and neutrons), determines chemical behavior. Mendeleyev went further than Meyer in another respect: he predicted the properties of six elements yet to be discovered. For example, a gap just below aluminum suggested a new element would be found with properties analogous to those of aluminum. Mendeleyev designated this element "eka-aluminum" (eka is the Sanskrit word for "next") and predicted its properties. Just five years later an element with the proper atomic mass was isolated and named gallium by its discoverer. The close correspondence between the observed properties of gallium and Mendeleyev’s predictions for eka-aluminum lent strong support to the periodic law. Additional support came in 1885 when eka-silicon, which had also been described in advance by Mendeleyev, was discovered and named germanium.The structure of the periodic table appeared to limit the number of possible elements. It was therefore quite surprising when John William Strut (Lord Rayleigh, discovered a gaseous element in 1894 that did not fit into the previous classification scheme. A century earlier, Henry Cavendish had noted the existence of a residual gas when oxygen and nitrogen are removed from air, but its importance had not been realized.Together with William Ramsay, Rayleigh isolated the gas (separating it from other substances into its pure state) and named it argon. Ramsay then studied a gas that was present in natural gas deposits and discovered that it was helium, an element whose presence in the Sun had been noted earlier in the spectrum of sunlight but that had not previously been known on Earth. Rayleigh and Ramsay postulated the existence of a new group of elements, and in 1898 other members of the series (neon, krypton, and xenon) were isolated.托福阅读试题1.The phrase interplay in the passage (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning toA.sequenceB.interpretationC.requirementD.interaction2.According to paragraph 1, what pattern did scientists notice when the known elements were written in order of increasing atomic mass?A.The elements of the group of alkali metals were the first elements in the order of increasing atomic mass.B.Repetition of the same atomic masses for elements in different groupsappeared.C.Elements with similar chemical properties appeared in the listing at regular intervals.D.Elements were chemically most similar to those just before and after them in the order.3.In paragraph 2, what is the author's purpose in presenting the information about the decision by Meyer and Mendeleyev to leave gaps in the periodic table?A.To illustrate their confidence that the organizing principles of the periodic table would govern the occurrence of all chemical elementsB.To indicate that some of their analyses of periodic physical and chemical properties were later found to be wrongC.To support the idea that they were unwilling to place new elements in the periodic tableD.To indicate how they handled their disagreement about where to place new elements4.What reason does the author provide for the claim that Mendeleyev was bolder than Meyer?(in paragraph 2)A.Mendeleyev corrected incorrect information Meyer had proposed.B.Mendeleyev assumed that some information believed to be true about the elements was incorrect.C.Mendeleyev argued that Meyer had not left enough gaps in theperiodic table.D.Mendeleyev realized that elements were not ordered by atomic mass in the periodic table.5.According to paragraph 2, why did Mendeleyev suggest changing the atomic mass of indium?A.Because indium did not fit into the periodic table in the place predicted by its atomic mass.B.Because there was experimental evidence that the atomic mass that had been assigned to indium was incorrect.C.Because there was an empty space between cadmium and tin in the periodic table.D.Because the chemical properties of indium were similar to those of arsenic and selenium.6.It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that tellurium comes before iodine in the periodic table even though tellurium's atomic mass is slightly greater becauseA.iodine is less common than telluriumB.both iodine and tellurium have no isotopesC.the chemical behavior of tellurium is highly variableD.the atomic number of tellurium is smaller than that of iodine7.The phrase “abundance” in the passage (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning toA.weightB.requirementC.plentyD.sequence8.The phrase “analogous to” in the passage (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning toA.predicted byB.expected ofC.similar toD.superior to9.Paragraph 3 suggests that Mendeleyev predicted the properties of eka-aluminum on the basis ofA.the atomic mass of aluminumB.the position of the gap in the periodic table that eka-aluminum was predicted to fillC.the similarity of eka-aluminum to the other five missing elementsD.observation of the properties of gallium10.It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that the significance of the discovery of gallium was that it supported which of the following?A.The idea that aluminum was correctly placed in the periodic table.B.Mendeleyev's prediction that eka-silicon would be discovered next.C.The organizing principle of the periodic table.D.The idea that unknown elements existed.11.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage (paragraph 4)? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.A.Ramsay found evidence of helium in the spectrum of sunlight before he discovered that the element was also contained in natural gas deposits on Earth.B.Ramsay thought he had discovered a new element present in natural gas deposits, but he was wrong since that element had been previously observed elsewhere on Earth.C.After Ramsay had discovered a new element, called helium, in natural gas deposits on Earth, he also found evidence of its presence in the Sun.D.Ramsay later discovered that helium, an element that was already known to be present in the Sun, was also present in natural gas deposits on Earth.12.The wo rd “postulated” in the passage (paragraph 4) is closest in meaning toA.hypothesizedB.discoveredC.reportedD.generated13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit? It was a natural Idea to break up the series of elements at the points where the sequence of chemical groups to which the elements belonged began to repeat itself.Paragraph1: The periodic table is a chart that reflects the periodic recurrence of chemical and physical properties of the elements when the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number (the number of protons in the nucleus). It is a monumental scientific achievement, and its development illustrates the essential interplay between observation, prediction, and testing required for scientific progress. In the 1800's scientists were searching for new elements. By the late 1860's more than 60 chemical elements had been identified, and much was known about their descriptive chemistry. Various proposals were put forth to arrange the elements into groups based on similarities in chemical and physical properties. ■【A】The next step was to recognize a connection between group properties (physical or chemical similarities) and atomic mass (the measured mass of an individual atom of an element). ■【B】When the elements known at the time were ordered by increasing atomic mass, it was found that successive elements belonged to different chemical groups and that the order of the groups in this sequence was fixed and repeated itself at regular intervals. ■【C】Thus when the series of elementswas written so as to begin a new horizontal row with each alkali metal, elements of the same groups were automatically assembled in vertical columns in a periodic table of the elements. ■【D】This table was the forerunner of the modern table.14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.The periodic table introduced by Meyer and Mendeleyev was the forerunner of the modern table of elements.A.Lord Rayleigh provided evidence that the structure of the I—Ramsay and Lord Rayleigh challenged the importance of the periodic table limited the potential number of elements.B.Chemical research that Henry Cavendish had done a century earlier.C.Isotopes of a given element have exactly the same physical properties, but their chemical properties are slightly different.D. Mendeleyev and Meyer organized the known elements into a F chart that revealed periodic recurrences of chemical and physical properties.E.Mendeleyev's successful prediction of the properties of then- r unknown elements lent support to the acceptance of the periodic law.F.In the 1890's, Ramsay and Lord Rayleigh isolated argon and proposed the existence of a new series of elements.托福阅读答案1.interplay相互作用,所以D的interaction正确。

托福阅读题型1.事实信息题(Factual information)事实信息题是托福阅读中数量最多的题型,在每篇阅读文章中都会有3-6题为事实信息题。
这类题目的提问方式主要有两种,分别是:According to the paragraph,...?The author's description of X mentions which of the following?2.否认事实信息题(Negative Factual Infomation)这个题型和上面的事实信息题正好相反,如果说事实信息题问的是文章里讲了什么,那么否认事实信息题问的就是文章里没讲没有提及什么。
这个题型的提问方式是:According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true of X?The author's description of X mentions all of the following EXCEPT...3.暗示推理题(Inference)这个题型同样问的是事实,但并不是文章直接提到的事实,而是需要考生结合文章给出信息进行一定推理后得出的结论,对考生的逻辑推理分析能力有一定要求。
这个题型每篇阅读中都会有1到3题,常见提问方式是:Which of the following can be inferred about X?The author of the passage implies that X...Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about X?4.修辞目的题(Rhetorical Purpose)这个题型的题数为1-2题,光看名字似乎有点不太好理解,其实通俗来说就是问目的或者说原因,比如作者会什么要提某人某事,或者作者提及某人某事是为了什么等等。

@美国留学顾问eos 首先我们看一下阅读的评分标准,大家都知道,阅读每篇文章是10道题,三篇文章就是30道题。
表格左边的Raw Point Total原始分是33分。

以下是托福阅读评分标准中原始分数与最终分数的对照表:二.托福阅读常考题型托福阅读题型共分为10种:1. Factual Information questions(事实信息题)2. Negative Factual Information questions(否定事实信息题)3. Inference questions(推论题)4. Rhetorical Purpose questions(修辞目的题)5. Vocabulary questions(词汇题)6. Reference questions(指代题)7. Sentence Simplification questions(句子简化题)8. Insert Text question(句子插入题)9. Prose Summary(文章总结题)10. Fill in a Table(表格填写题)提高托福阅读能力的五大要点1、文章主旨的把握首先,新托福的每一篇文章都附加了标题,可以通过对文章标题格式,内容,可能应用的文章书写格式三个方面对文章整体进行把握。