SIBAS 重载连接器快速选型手册
AC/DC100~250V(AS和AN型) ·DC24~48V(AH型)
基本的保护功能(长延时/短延时/瞬时/接地故障)不带 控制电源一样可以正常操作
电话:028-86703201 传真:028-86703203
2009.11 版本
2009.11 印刷
40.5kV 开关柜
PROMEC 40.5kV 真空断路器
户外柱上负荷开关 户外环网开关柜
GIPAM 115 综合数字保护装置
PROMEC 真空断路器
GIMAC-II plus 电机保护控制装置
GIPAM 2200 综合数字保护装置
DPR 综合数字保护装置
工控产品 (接触器、热过载继电器、电动机启动器)
欠压线圈额定电压 不带欠压线圈
脱扣报警触头1a+ 手动复位按钮 脱扣报警触头2a+ 手动复位按钮 脱扣报警触头1a+ 手动复位按钮+远程复位开关 脱扣报警触头1a+ 手动复位按钮+远程复位开关 AL+自动复位 A2+自动复位 A3+自动复位 A4+自动复位 计数器 完全储能通讯触点 分合闸按钮锁 机械联锁 门联锁或机械操作位置开关 圆柱锁 三锁两钥匙 双重锁定钥匙锁 准备合闸开关 温度报警 自动释能机构 双分励线圈
汽车行业-住友SWS汽车连接器Connectors产品配套手册 精品
8230-4502 MN08-090 铜镀锡
7165-0548 MFO-03- Silicone
材料编号F系 8100-3624 8100-3628 8100-3625 8100-3629 8240-0215
8100-3806 MM02-090 铜镀金
6 Nylon Body fastening
clamp (Bracket
6 Nylon
8230-4272 MC02/03- 铜镀锡
8232-4220 MC08-305 铜镀金
第一章 IC: 積體電路
1﹑Information center 2﹑Integrated circuit 1﹑資訊中心 2﹑IC也就是一般人所常說 [晶片] 的專有名詞。集
體電路在現今的電腦資訊相關產業中扮演相當吃重 的角色﹐它不僅帶動了電子產業的大幅成長﹐也讓 資訊科技的技朮得以突破﹑創新。積體電路于1950 年代﹐ 由當時服務于德州儀器(TI; Texas Inst ruments)公司的Jack Kilby 以及Fairchild半導 體公司的Robert Noyce兩位人員所發明。它的原材 料是采用地殼中最常見的元素之一 [矽] ﹐并利用 矽的各種特性而造出今日的半導體世界﹐下列為半 導體的各項特性﹕ 溫度上升時﹐則電阻值下降。 整流(rectifying)效應。 光伏特(photovoltaic)效應。
電腦中所采用的中央處理器又可分為﹕精簡指令集 (RISC) 與復雜指令集(CISC)兩種﹐其間的差異在儲存 于中央處理器中的指令集(instruction set)數目不同。 精簡指令集電腦中的中央處理器擁有較少的處理指令,但 其優勢在于較快的執行能力以及較便宜的售價。反之﹐ 復雜指令集電腦的中央處理器擁有較多的指令﹐可處理 更強大的工作或是運算﹐但是執行速度相對于精簡型電 腦較慢﹐且售價較昂貴。
第三章 Slot1 & Slot2
由于微處理器架構上的差異﹐因此在主機板上的微 處理器插槽也就有不同的規格。微處理器制造商英特爾 (Intel)為了維持其在微處理器市場上的優勢﹐推出了兩 款擁有專利權的Slot1與Slot2插槽規格。由于Intel的專 利使得其他的微處理廠商(如AMD﹑Cyrix)無法與之竟爭。 Slot1的推出則代表著Socket7與Socket8兩種規格的地位 將被取代。第一款符合此架構微處理器為PentiumⅡ,共 擁有242根針腳﹐而微處理器的封裝方式則是采用單緣接 觸卡匣(SECC Singled Edge Contact Cartridge) 的型 式。另外﹐在Slot2規格方面﹐配合使用的微處理器為較 高階的[Xeon]。 Xeon微處理器所使用的晶片組雖然與 PentiumⅡ相同﹐Xeon的針腳數也增加至330根﹐但是 PentiumⅡ和Xeon之間的不同在于﹕第二階快取記憶體 (L2 cache)配置的方式。 PentiumⅡ僅能支援半速運作 或更慢的第二階快取記憶體﹐而Xeon則可以支援全速運 作的第二階快取記憶體。
深圳巴斯巴 高压连接器产品规格型号选型表
ABB分销商培训教材技术部分内容简介1产品选用基本技术参数2常用产品选用注意事项3产品大全及分类1元件选用基本技术参数本章节列出的是选用每种元件必须的基本技术参数,具体参数选择请参阅《ABB 低压电器元件选用手册》及相关样本。
断路器 1.1 1-7Emax空气断路器 1.1.1•框架•框架电流•分断能力•额定电流•脱扣器•极数•安装方式•附件控制电压例如:E1 B 12 PR111/P-LI R1250 3P WHR框架分断能力框架电流脱扣器额定电流极数安装方式技术参数代号解释框架: E1 E1 Iu = 800~1250AE1 Iu = 800~1250AE2 Iu = 1250~2000AE3 Iu = 1250~3200AE4 Iu = 3200~4000AE6 Iu = 3200~6300A分断能力: B B: 40kAB: 40kAN: 65kAS: 75kAH: 100kAV: 150KAL: 130KA框架电流:12 1250A(E1,1250A--E6,6300A)脱扣器:PR111/P-LI PR111/P-LI PR111脱扣器,二段保护PR111/P-LI PR111脱扣器,二段保护PR111/P-LSI PR111脱扣器,三段保护PR111/P-LSIG PR111脱扣器,四段保护PR112/P-LSI PR112脱扣器,三段保护PR112/P-LSIG PR112脱扣器,四段保护PR112/PD-LSI PR112脱扣器,三段保护带对话单元PR112/PD-LSIG PR112脱扣器,四段保护带对话单元PR113/P-LSIG PR113脱扣器,四段保护PR113/PD-LSIG PR113脱扣器,四段保护带对话单元额定电流:R1250 1250A(E1,250A--E6,6300A)极数: 3P 3极(3或4极可选)安装方式:WHR W:抽出式(W:抽出式F:固定式)HR:水平后接线HR 水平后接线VR 垂直后接线F 延伸接线FL 端面接线(固定式无)附件控制电压:需要注明控制电压附件---YO,YC,YU,MIsomax塑壳断路器 1.1.2 •框架•框架电流•额定电流•分断能力•脱扣器(TM热敏电磁脱扣器型无须提供)•极数•安装方式•附件控制电压例如:TM热敏电磁脱扣器型:S2 S – 160 / R125 3P FFC框架分断能力框架电流额定电流极数安装方式技术参数代号解释框架: S2 S2S1 I=125S2 I=160S3 I=160,250S5 I=400,630S6 I=630,800分断能力:S SS1: B / N KA数值请查样本S2: B / N / S KA数值请查样本S3: N / H / L KA数值请查样本S5: N / H / L * KA数值请查样本S6: N / S / H / L KA数值请查样本框架电流:160A 参阅框架额定电流:R125 125AS1-125, 10A----S6-800, 800A极数:3P 3极(3或4极可选)安装方式:FFC F: 固定式F: 固定式P: 插入式(S6/S7不适用)W: 抽出式(S1/S2不适用)FC: 铜电缆前接线F: 前接线EF: 加长前接线ES: 加长扩展前接线FC: 铜电缆前接线R: 螺纹后接线RC: 铜/铝后接线附件控制电压:需要注明控制电压附件---YO,YC,YU,M框架 分断能力 框架电流 脱扣器 额定电流 极数 安装方式微处理器脱扣器型:S4 N – 250 / In125 LSIG 3P FFC技术参数 代号 解释框架:S4S4 I=160,250 S4 I=160,250 S5 I=400,630 S6 I=630,800 S7 I=1250,1600S8 I=2000, 2500, 3200分断能力: N NS4: N / H / L KA 数值请查样本 S5: N / H / L KA 数值请查样本 S6: N / S / H / L KA 数值请查样本 S7: S / H / L KA 数值请查样本 S8: H / V (新品)KA 数值请查样本框架电流: 250 参阅框架 额定电流: R125 125AS4-160, 100A----S6-800, 3200A脱扣器: LSIG LSIG: 长延迟+短延迟+瞬动+接地故障I: 短路瞬动 LI: 长延迟+瞬动LSI: 长延迟+短延迟+瞬动LSIG: 长延迟+短延迟+瞬动+接地故障 LRIU: 长延迟+堵转+瞬动+断相或相不平衡( PR010/K,PR212/D,PR212/T 参见样本 )极数: 3P 3极(3或4极可选)安装方式: FFC F: 固定式F: 固定式P: 插入式(S6/S7不适用) W: 抽出式(S1/S2不适用)FC: 铜电缆前接线 F: 前接线 EF: 加长前接线 ES: 加长扩展前接线 FC: 铜电缆前接线 R: 螺纹后接线 RC: 铜/铝后接线 附件控制电压: 需要注明控制电压附件---YO ,YC ,YU ,MIsomax塑壳断路器限流型 1.1.3 •框架•框架电流•额定电流•分断能力•极数•安装方式附件控制电压例如:技术参数代号解释S3 X - 125 / R80 3P FEF框架分断能力框架电流额定电流极数安装方式框架: S3 S3S2 I=1~100 分档S3 I=125,200S4 I=250S6 I=400,630分断能力:X XS2X分断能力70KA; S3X,S4X,S6X分断能力200KA框架电流:125 参阅框架额定电流:R80 80AS2X-80: 1~80(19档), 3P,单磁 (参见样本)S2X-100:1~100(16档), 3P, 参见样本S3X-125: 32,50,80,100,125S3X-200: 125,160,200S4X-250: 100,160,250S6X-400: 320,400S6X-630: 630极数:3P 3极(3或4极可选)安装方式:FEF F: 固定式F: 固定式P: 插入式(S6)W: 抽出式(S1/S2不适用)EF: 加长前接线F: 前接线EF: 加长前接线ES: 加长扩展前接线FC: 铜电缆前接线R: 螺纹后接线RC: 铜/铝后接线附件控制电压:需要注明控制电压附件---YO,YC,YU,M一体化剩余电流断路器 1.1.4•框架•框架电流•额定电流•极数•安装方式•排列•附件控制电压例如:S2 N – 160 / R125 4P FFC +RC212/ 2V框架分断能力框架电流额定电流极数安装方式脱扣器技术参数代号解释框架、分断能力、框架电流:S2N-160只有两种S2N-160,S3N-250额定电流:R80 80AS2-160: 12.5,16,20,25,32,40,50,63,80,100,125,160S3-250: 32,40,50,63,80,100,125,160,200,250S3及以下磁脱扣固定为10倍,非标可有5倍或单磁. 极数:4P 4P安装方式:FFC F: 固定式F: 固定式FC: 铜电缆前接线F: 前接线(S3N)FC: 铜电缆前接线(S2N)排列:V V:垂直安装V:垂直安装,H:水平安装附件控制电压:需要注明控制电压附件---YO,YC,YU,M切换回路数回路数额定电流额定电流 安装方式 电源自动切换装置1.1.5DPT• 切换回路数 • 额定电流例如:DPT / SE1600技术参数代号 解释 切换回路数: SESE 双电源切换,TE 三电源切换 额定电流:1600 1600A 主回路电流Isomax 低压塑壳断路器配合剩余电流保护继电器1.1.6RC212• 框架电流• 安装方式例如:RC212 / 2 / 垂直安装技术参数 代号解释额定电流: 2(代码) 配S2-160/4P: 选 2 配S2-160/4P: 选 2 配S3-250/4P: 选 3 安装方式: 垂直安装 垂直安装与断路器叠装: 垂直安装 与断路器并装: 水平安装RCD• 剩余动作电流例如:剩余动作电流互感器内径主回路电流极数辅助触头数量控制电压RCD 0.03技术参数代号解释剩余动作电流: 0.03 30 mA剩余动作电流:0.03 - 0.1 - 0.3 -0.4 - 1A剩余电流保护继电器 1.1.7 RCQ•互感器内径例如:RCQ Ф110技术参数代号解释互感器内径: 110mm Φ110 mmΦ60 mm互感器内径Φ110 mm互感器内径工控产品及接线附件 1.2 1-3接触器系列 1.2.1接触器 1.2.1a •主回路电流•控制电压(交、直流)•极数•辅助触头数量例如:A30 – 30 - 10 控制电压ac220V技术参数代号解释主回路电流: 30 30A极数: 30 3常开前一位代表常开,后一位代表常闭,数字为数量辅助触头数量10 一常开前一位代表常开,后一位代表常闭,数字为数量控制电压(交、直流)ac220V 交流220VTA热过载继电器 1.2.1b •热脱扣电流•轻重载(450以上)例如:T450 DU 400主回路电流轻重载脱扣电流技术参数代号解释主回路电流: 450 450A轻重载:DU DU普通DU普通SU重载中间继电器 1.2.1c •触点数、主触点组合方式(常开、常闭)•控制电压、交、直流操作例如:N 63 E 控制电压ac220V触点数、主触点组合方式控制电压、交、直流操作技术参数代号解释触点数、主触点组合方式:63 6常开,3常闭前一位代表常开,后一位代表常闭,数字为数量控制电压、交、直流操作:控制电压ac220V额定电流触点数、主触点组合方式控制电压、交、直流操作框架电流和分断能力额定电流ESB接触器 1.2.1d •额定电流•主触点组合方式(常开、常闭)•控制电压、交、直流操作•灯具应用请参阅样本例如:ESB 63 - 31 控制电压ac220V技术参数代号解释额定电流:63 63A20 对AC1/AC7a负载24 对AC1/AC7a负载40 对AC1/AC7a负载63 对AC1/AC7a负载触点数、主触点组合方式:31 6常开,3常闭ESB20: 可选: 20, 02, 11ESB24: 可选: 40, 04, 22, 31, 13ESB40: 可选: 40ESB63: 可选: 40前一位代表常开,后一位代表常闭,数字为数量控制电压、交、直流操作:控制电压ac220V灯具应用:请参阅样本电动机起动器 1.2.2 •框架电流和分断能力•热脱扣电流例如:MS 325 - 20框架电流和分断能力:325 MS325 50KA,0.1-25AMS325 50KA,0.1-25AMS450 50kA,16~50AMS451 50KA,16~50AMS495 50KA,40~100AMS496 100KA,40~100AMS497 100KA,16~100A额定电流20 20APSS、PST、PSTB软启动器 1.2.3 •电机额定电流(结合功率考虑)•负载类型(重、轻载)•控制电源电压例如:PSS - 18/30电机额定电流技术参数代号解释电机额定电流:18/30 18A外接法/30A内接法(PSS)负载类型(重、轻载):参阅样本控制电源电压:参阅样本开关及熔断器设备 1.3 1-3开关熔断器组 1.3.1 OS、OESA•额定电流•极数例如:OESA 250 D3PL 3P额定工作电流极数额定工作电流:250 250A极数:3P 3极负荷开关/隔离开关 1.3.2 OT、OETL•额定电流•极数例如:OETL 250 K3 3P额定工作电流极数技术参数代号解释额定工作电流:250 250A极数:3P 3极Easyline熔断丝切换隔离开关 1.3.3 XLP三极•额定电流例如:XLP 00额定电流技术参数代号解释额定电流:00 160A按照样本根据电流选择型号线路保护装置 1.4极数脱扣特性额定电流极数脱扣特性额定电流数量剩余电流动作电流微型断路器 1.4.1 •额定电流•极数(最后位数字为可选项,1为1极,2为2极…依此类推,例如S261)•分断能力•脱扣特性(B、C、D、K等)例如:S 261 – C 20技术参数代号解释极数: 261 1极最后位数字为可选项,1为1极,2为2极…依此类推脱扣特性: C CB、C、D、K、Z根据样本,由不同系列不同电流而不同额定电流:20 20A根据样本,由不同系列有不同电流范围过电流保护电磁式剩余电流动作断路器 1.4.2DS250S•额定电流•极数(最后位数字为可选项,1为1极,2为2极…依此类推,例如DS252) •分断能力•脱扣特性(B、C)•剩余电流动作电流例如:DS253S-C 40 / 0.03技术参数代号解释极数:DS253 3极极数脱扣特性额定电流数量剩余电流动作电流最后位数字为可选项,2为2极…依此类推(无1极)脱扣特性: C CB、C两种额定电流:40 40A根据样本,由不同系列有不同电流范围剩余电流动作电流:0.03 30mADS9•额定电流•极数(最后位数字为可选项,1为1极,2为2极。
西 霸 士® 重载连接器
防护外壳 防护外壳 IP68防护外壳 特殊外壳 电缆旋紧件
1. 产品制造规范 VDE 0110 爬电距离及电气间隙 VDE 0627 插头插座
2.标准 DIN EN 175 301-801 DIN EN 61984
电缆对接下壳带双扣,低结构 电缆对接下壳带单扣,低结构 电缆对接下壳带双扣,高结构 电缆对接下壳带单扣,高结构
电缆接头 Gable gland
防护外壳上座 Hood
系列 HDAV 系列
HK HKW 系列 HQ 系列
系列 模块
型号 HDAV-040 HDAV-064 型号 HKN-4/0 HK-4/0 HK-4/2 HK-4/8 HK-6/6 HK-8/0 HK-6/12 HK-6/36 HK-8/24 HK-12/2 HWK4/4 HWK4/6 HWK6/6 HWK3/6/6 型号 HQ-005 HQ-007 HQ-008 HQ-017 HQ4/2 HQ-012 型号 HMN-001 HMN-D2 HMN-S2 HMN-002 HMN-003 HMN-004 HMN3/4 HMN-005 HMN-006 HMN-006-P HMN-008 HMN-012 HMN-017 HMN-020 HMN-025 HMN-004-SC HMN-D-Sub HMN-RJ45 HMN-PA2 HMN-PA3 PENU-PA2-6.0 PENU-PA3-1.6 PENU-PA3-3.0 PENU-PA3-4.0 HMN-Q2 Quintax-004 Quintax-001 Quintax-008 HMN-DM 型号 HNM-1 H10AN-T1 H6BN-T2 H10BN-T3 H16BN-T4 H24BN-T6
| |1Selecting the Right Fiber InfrastructureA = Patch CordC = Fiber Cable| |2Select[D]5SelectPatch Cords[E]1Select CableCable constructions to suit specific plenum, riser and LSZH environments[A]Additional configurations available.Contact inside sales at (800) 722 2082.ff = Fiber type: “AB” - OS2, “EB” - OM3, “FB” - OM4 All cables above are suitable for I/O application.| |31Select CableCable constructions to suit specific plenum, riser and LSZH environments[A]5Select[F]Additional configurations available.Contact inside sales at (800) 722 2082.ff = Fiber type: “AB” - OS2, “EB” - OM3, “FB” - OM4 All cables above are suitable for I/O application.L 20 8278NETWORK SOLUTIONS DIVISION HEADQUARTERS2222 - 222nd Street S.E., Bothell, WA, 98021, USA | /ns Inside Sales+1 (800) 722 2082 ***********************International Inside Sales +1 (425) 486 2222****************Technical Support+1 (800) 824 3005 / +1 (425) 486 2222******************NETWORK SOLUTIONS EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERSViewfield Industrial Estate, Glenrothes, KY6 2RS, UK | /ns/emea Customer Service +44 (0) 1592 772124 *****************************Technical Support+44 (0) 1592 778494*********************NETWORK SOLUTIONS MIDDLE EAST HEADQUARTERSBay Square, Building 3, Office 205, Business Bay, Dubai, UAE | /ns/middleeast Customer Service+971 (4) 247 9800*******************CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS201 N. Service Road, Melville, NY 11747 USA | Customer Service +1 (800) 323 8920 / +1 (631) 812 6000***************************ADDITIONAL OFFICES Africa +971 (4) 247 9800 *******************Asia / Pacific +1 (631) 812 6228 *********************Canada +1 (514) 954 1840 *********************Caribbean +1 (954) 593 1896 *************************China +852 2774 9876 *********************Colombia +57 (1) 743 6045 ************************France +33 (0) 1709 87825 **********************Germany +49 (0) 173 272 0128***********************Italy+39 02 3534 896 (Milan) / +39 06 8360 0665 (Rome) *********************Latin America & Mexico +52 (55) 5082 1040 ************************South Korea +82 (2) 3273 9963 *********************Spain +34 91 490 59 19 *********************Sweden+46 70 9675033**********************ALL OTHER INTERNATIONAL INQUIRIES*************************Today’s networks must be fast and reliable, with the flexibility to handle ever-increasing data demands. Leviton can help expand your network possibilities and prepare you for the future. Our end-to-end cabling systems feature robust construction that reduces downtime, and performance that exceeds standards. We offer quick-ship make-to-order solutions from our US and UK factories. We even invent new products for customers when the product they need is not available. All of this adds up to thehighest return on infrastructure investment .© Copyright Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc.。
Beams• P ermits fast and easy installation on bulb tees and beams.• C learance hole for 1⁄4" bolt in tab.• S imply installed with a hammer.Flange BeamFastenersBE-2-4UPC/Part Catalog Flange Static Box Number Number ThicknessLoad Cap. Qty.UPC/Part Catalog Flange Static Box Number Number ThicknessLoad Cap. Qty.78101118300 BE-5-8 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 200 lbs. 100BeamsPush-TypeConduit To Beam Fasteners• Q uickly attaches c onduit to beams.• F asteners will rotate 360°.• S imply installed with ahammer.Ultimate Static LoadCapacityUPC/Part Catalog Conduit Flange Box78101119280 BP-8-E-5-8 1⁄2" EMT 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 100 78101119375 BP-12-E-2-4 3⁄4" EMT 1⁄8" - 1⁄4" 100 1⁄2" IMC, Rigid 78101119380 BP-12-E-5-8 3⁄4" EMT 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 100 1⁄2" IMC, Rigid 78101119385 BP-12-E-9-12 3⁄4" EMT 9⁄16" - 3⁄4" 100 1⁄2" IMC, Rigid78101119470 BP-16-E-5-8 1" EMT 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 100 3⁄4" IMC, Rigid• U nique Guide-Rite ™ f astener provides for fast and easy installation.• F asteners will rotate 360°.• S imply installed with a hammer and pliers.Guide-Rite ConduitTo Beam FastenersStatic LoadCapacity25 Lbs.* B G-6 will accept the following range ∅.420 - ∅.675: 14/2 thru 10/4 MC/AC cable and 5⁄16" or 3⁄8"flexible conduitUPC/Part Catalog Conduit Flange Box8162248478101118510 BG-8-12-E-5-8 1⁄2", 3⁄4" 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 10012349163416248478101118665 BG-20-E-5-8 11⁄4" 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 100149163421628478101118750 BG-32-E-5-8 2" 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 5078101118755BG-32-E-9-12 2"9⁄16" - 3⁄4"50Patent #4958792BeamsCable To Beam Fasteners• A ttaches MC, AC, sizes 14/2 through 10/3 or 3⁄8" FMC to beam flanges 1⁄8" to 3⁄4" thick.• F asteners will rotate 360°.• S imply installed witha hammer.UPC/Part Catalog Types Flange Box Number Number Of Runs ThicknessQty.78101101193 BX4-E-5-8Single5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 100 UPC/Part Catalog Types Flange Box Number Number Of Runs ThicknessQty.78101101214 BX4M-E-5-8Double5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 100• B RC5-2 secures up tonine (9) runs of .430 to.560 diameter cable.• B RC5-3 secures up toseven (7) runs of .560to .690 diameter cable.• L oad Capacity: 50 lbs. MC/AC Cable Carrierto Beam FastenerBRC5-2-E24UPC/Part Catalog Flange Box8478205144099 BRC51-E585⁄16" - 1⁄2" 25 78205144102 BRC51-E9129⁄16" - 3⁄4" 25181478205144100 BRC52-E585⁄16" - 1⁄2" 25 78205144103 BRC52-E9129⁄16" - 3⁄4" 25BeamsUniversal BeamFasteners•S uspend boxes or fixtures from beam flanges 1⁄8" to 3⁄4" thick.• P rovided with 1⁄4"-20 thread impression for quick and secure attachment.• S imply installed with a hammer.1⁄4"-20 x 3⁄8" Staked StudNote: Indicated loads are static load capacity and should not be combined.Static Load CapacityUPC/Part CatalogFlange Box 51612 UPC/Part CatalogFlange Box 51612• B RC5-2 secures up to nine (9) runs of .430 to .560 diameter cable.• B RC5-3 secures up to seven (7) runs of .560 to .690 diameter cable.• L oad Capacity: 50 lbs.MC/AC CableCarrier to Beam FastenerUPC/Part CatalogFlange Box 78205144069 BRC51-U58 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 251814 78205144070 BRC52-U58 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 25 78205144073 BRC52-U912 9⁄16" - 3⁄4" 25BeamsPush-TypeConduit To Beam Fasteners• Q uickly attaches conduit to beams.• F asteners will rotate 360°.• S imply installed witha hammer.UltimateStatic Load Capacity25 Lbs.UPC/Part Catalog Conduit Flange Box Number Number SizeThickness Qty.1251612 78101119405 BP-12-U-2-43⁄4" EMT1⁄8" - 1⁄4" 100 1⁄2" IMC, Rigid 78101119410 BP-12-U-5-8 3⁄4" EMT 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 1001⁄2" IMC, Rigid78101119415 BP-12-U-9-12 3⁄4" EMT9⁄16" - 3⁄4" 100 1⁄2" IMC, Rigid 1623⁄4" IMC, Rigid• U nique Guide-Rite ™ Fastener provides for fast and easy installation.• F asteners will rotate 360°.• S imply installed with a hammer and pliers.Guide-RiteConduit To BeamFastenersStatic LoadCapacity* B G-6 will accept the following range ∅.420 - ∅.675: 14/2 thru 10/4 MC/AC cable and 5⁄16" or 3⁄8"flexible conduitUPC/Part Catalog Conduit Flange Box Number Number Size Thickness Qty.2484 78101118530 BG-8-12-U-5-8 1⁄2", 3⁄4" 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 100123491634484 78101118685 BG-20-U-5-8 11⁄4" 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 1001491634 78101118760 BG-32-U-2-4 2" ⁄8" - ⁄4" 50 78101118765 BG-32-U-5-8 2" 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 50 78101118770 BG-32-U-9-12 2"9⁄16" - 3⁄4"50Patent #495879275 Lbs.BeamsRead safety/installation instruction sheets in packages before use.These products are designed for positioning only. No load rating.Static Load CapacityStatic Load Capacity160 Lbs.75 Lbs.UPC/Part CatalogStud Flange Box 78101104943 BU-5-8-S-AS 1⁄4"-20 x 3⁄8" 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 50 UPC/Part Catalog Threaded Flange Box Number Number Rod SizeThickness Qty.78101104949 BH4-E-5-8-AS 1⁄4"-20 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 50 78101104951 BH6-E-2-4-AS 3⁄8"-16 1⁄8" - 1⁄4" 50 78101104952 BH6-E-5-8-AS 3⁄8"-16 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 50 78101104953 BH6-E-9-12-AS3⁄8"-169⁄16" - 3⁄4"50Read safety/installation instruction sheets in packages before use.These products are designed for positioning only. No load rating.Static Load Capacity25 Lbs.Static Load Capacity75 Lbs.UPC/Part Catalog Conduit Flange Box Number Number SizeThickness Qty.2416284 78101104970 BG-16-U-5-8-AS 1" 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 50 78101104971 BG-16-U-9-12-AS 1"9⁄16" - 3⁄4"50UPC/Part Catalog Conduit Flange Box Number Number SizeThicknessQty.241621814 78101104976 BG-16-E-5-8-AS 1" 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 50 78101104977 BG-16-E-9-12-AS 1"9⁄16" - 3⁄4"50BeamsRead safety/installation instruction sheets in packages before use.These products are designed for positioning only. No load rating.• A ttaches MC, AC, sizes 14/2 through 10/3 or 3⁄8" FMC to flanges 1⁄8" to 3⁄4" thick.• F asteners will rotate 360°.Cable To BeamFastenersUPC/Part Catalog Description Flange Box Number Number Thickness Qty.78101101198 BX4-U-5-8Single Runs5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 100 UPC/Part Catalog Description Flange Box Number Number ThicknessQty.78101101207 BX4M-U-5-8 Double Runs 5⁄16" - 1⁄2" 100Read safety/installation instruction sheets in packages before use.• L oad Capacity: 50 lbs.MC/AC CableCarrier toBeam FastenerBRC5-1-C442UPC/Part Catalog Cable Diameter & Box 78205144088 BRC52-C442 .430" to .560" 25 Up to 9 RunsBeamsRead safety/installation instruction sheets in packages before use.These products are designed for positioning only. No load rating.• B C442 fits beam flanges 1⁄8" to 5⁄8". BC442-6 fits beam flanges up to 3⁄4".• F inish: Zinc Plated.• S tatic Load Capacity: BC442 = 100 Lbs. BC442-6 = 200 Lbs.BeamFastenersUPC/Part CatalogDescription Box38Threaded RodUPC/PartCatalog Conduit Size Box78101119851 BL1410-C4423⁄4"3⁄4" 5078101119852 BL1420-C442 1" 1"5078101119853 BL1425-C442 -- 11⁄4" 50 78101119854 BL1430-C442 11⁄4" 11⁄2" 50 78101119855 BL1440-C442 11⁄2" -- 25UPC/Part Catalog Rod Static Box Number Number Size Load Cap. Qty.78101155333 B444-5⁄165⁄16"-18 150 lbs. 50BeamsRead safety/installation instruction sheets in packages before use.Guide-Rite ™Fastener• F its beam flanges thru 1⁄2" thick.• A ccepts “S" hooks, 1⁄4" and 3⁄8" threaded rod, 1⁄4"-20 or #10-24 threaded bridle rings.• S upports conduit and electrical boxes.Conduit To BeamFastenersUPC/Part Catalog Flange Static Box Number Number Thickness Load Cap. Qty.UPC/PartCatalog Conduit Size Static Box78101118570 BG-16-C21"100 lbs. 100 78101118655 BG-20-C2 11⁄4" 100 lbs. 100 78101118700 BG-24-C2 11⁄2" 100 lbs. 100Read safety/installation instruction sheets in packages before use.Conduit To Beam FastenersPush-TypeUPC/Part CatalogConduit Size Static Box Number Number EMT & Rigid Load Cap. Qty.78101118650 BG-20-C1 11⁄4" 25 lbs. 10012Ultimate UPC/Part Catalog Conduit Static Box 78101119360 BP-12-C23⁄4" EMT25 lbs. 1001⁄2" IMC, RigidUPC/Part Catalog Conduit Static Box Number Number SizeLoad Cap. Qty.34 1⁄2" IMC, Rigid Guide-Rite ™ FastenerBeamsRead safety/installation instruction sheets in packages before use.These products are designed for positioning only. No load rating.• A ttaches MC, AC, sizes 14/2 through 10/3 or 3⁄8" FMC to beam flanges thru 1⁄2" thick.• F asteners will rotate 360°.• R equires only as crewdriver to install.Cable To BeamFasteners• A ttaches MC, AC, sizes 14/2 through 10/3 or 3⁄8" FMC to beam flanges thru 1⁄2" thick.• F asteners will rotate 360°.• R equires only a s crewdriver to install.Cable To BeamFastenersUPC/Part Catalog Flange Box 78101101210BX4M-C2Double Runs100UPC/Part Catalog Flange Box 78101101209BX4M-C1Double Runs100Read safety/installation instruction sheets in packages before use.• L oad Capacity: 50 lbs.MC/AC CableCarrier toBeam FastenerBRC5-x-C2UPC/Part Catalog Cable Diameter & Box 78205144091 BRC52-C2 .430" to .560" 25Up to 9 RunsBeams• A ttaches type NM cable to beam flanges 1⁄8" to 1⁄2" thick.• S upports cable sizes 14/2 and 12/2 with ground wire.• S imply installed with a hammer.Cable To BeamFastenersUPC/Part Catalog Flange Box78101103551 BRC3-E-5-8 5⁄16" to 1⁄2" 100• B MC3 plate is available to support multiple conduit runs.• G uide-Rite ™ Riveted assembly secures electrical boxes and conduit runs to beam flangles 1⁄8" to 1⁄2" thick.• P rovides support for conduit on either side of electrical box.• A ssemblies using BMC3 plate include center conduit clamp. Additional conduit clamps may bep urchased separately.Guide-RiteConduit & Box Support FastenersBG__-S18-U__BG__-S18-U__-MC3• C onsult factory for pre-fab box assemblies.UPC/Part Catalog Conduit Flange BoxNumber Number Size ThicknessQty.78101103584 BG6-S18-U58 *3⁄8" 5⁄16" to 1⁄2" 25 78101103579 BG812-S18-U24 1⁄2", 3⁄4" 1⁄8" to 1⁄4" 25 78101103580 BG812-S18-U58 1⁄2", 3⁄4"5⁄16" to 1⁄2" 25 78101103581 BG16-S18-U24 1" 1⁄8" to 1⁄4"2578101103582 BG16-S18-U581"5⁄16" to 1⁄2" 25Patent #4958792With Multiple Conduit Plate78205152813 BG6-S18-U24-MC3 * 3⁄8" 1⁄8" to 1⁄4" 25 78205152814 BG6-S18-U58-MC3 * 3⁄8" 5⁄16" to 1⁄2" 25 78205152815 BG812-S18-U24-MC3 1⁄2", 3⁄4" 1⁄8" to 1⁄4" 25 78205152816 BG812-S18-U58-MC3 1⁄2", 3⁄4" 5⁄16" to 1⁄2" 25 78205152817 BG16-S18-U24-MC3 1" 1⁄8" to 1⁄4"2578205152823 BG16-S18-U58-MC3 1"5⁄16" to 1⁄2" 25* B G-6 will accept the following range ∅.420 - ∅.675: 14/2 thru 10/4 MC/AC cable and 5⁄16" or 3⁄8" flexible conduitBeamsBP__-S18-U__BP__-S18-U__-MC3UPC/Part Catalog Conduit Size Flange Box Number Number EMT, IMC, Rigid ThicknessQty.3851612 78205123636 BP12-S18-U24 1⁄2", 3⁄4" 1⁄8" to 1⁄4" 25 78205123639 BP12-S18-U58 1⁄2", 3⁄4"5⁄16" to 1⁄2" 25 78205123637 BP16-S18-U24 1" 1⁄8" to 1⁄4"2578205123640 BP16-S18-U581"5⁄16" to 1⁄2" 25Patent #4958792With Multiple Conduit Plate78205152824 BP8-S18-U24-MC3 3⁄8" 1⁄8" to 1⁄4" 2578205152825 BP8-S18-U58-MC3 3⁄8" 5⁄16" to 1⁄2" 25 78205152827 BP12-S18-U24-MC3 1⁄2", 3⁄4" 1⁄8" to 1⁄4" 25 78205152828 BP12-S18-U58-MC3 1⁄2", 3⁄4" 5⁄16" to 1⁄2" 25 78205152825 BP16-S18-U24-MC3 1" 1⁄8" to 1⁄4"2578205152964 BP16-S18-U58-MC3 1"5⁄16" to 1⁄2" 25BRC5_-S18-U__UPC/Part Catalog Conduit Size Flange Box Number Number Number of Runs Thickness Qty.162Up to 7 Runs78205152835 BRC53-S18-U58.560" - .690" 5⁄16" to 1⁄2" 25Up to 7 Runs。
77 PAC3I选型手册
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部分产品快速选型手册 2011/2012 海格电气公司为了给中国市场广大用户提供更好的产品服务,我们现将原在公司内部物流管理层所用的部分产品物流编号(物流型号,开放给广大用户使用,并据此重新编制了对应的空气断路器和塑壳断路器的“快速选型手册”。
在工程设计中,无论使用“产品样本型号”还是“物流型号” 都可由用户自愿选择。
谨礼!目录 ACB产品物流型号命名方法 HDC系列MCCB物流型号命名方法 HBC系列MCCB物流型号命名方法 HVN系列ELCB物流型号命名方法MSG选型对照表(ACB/MCCB 1 2 3 4 5 25 27 29 附录:基本术语常用公式2011/2012年年历分断能力字母代码说明样本型号分断能力的字母表示 H N E S P ACB 55KA 65KA 80KA 物流型号分断能力的字母表示 HDC HBC ELCB 25KA35KA 35KA 50KA 50KA 50KA 80KA HDC HBC ELCB ACB 25KA H 55KA 35KA50KA F 50KA 50KA N 65KA 80KA E 80KA S 80KA 100KA P 100KA 1 ACB产品物流型号命名方法 HW 附件 N 1000A D / 3P / LSI / HW:海格主开关系列空气断路器分断能力 N:65kA(框架I、II) S:80kA (框架II、III) P:100kA(框架III)控制器 LS-两段式 LSLCD两段式,液晶屏 LSI-三段式 LSILCD-三段式.液晶屏 LSIG-四段式 LSIGLCD-四段式,液晶屏可选附件 MX: 分励继电器 (电压可选择 UV: 欠压继电器 (瞬时 (电压可选择 UV-D: 欠压继电器 (延时 (电压可选择 CF: 故障指示触点MH: 储能电机 (电压可选择 PF: 准备合闸触点 BL: OFF锁代号 (详见样本安装形式F-固定式 D-抽出式标配附件 4NO+4NC辅助触点分励继电器(电压可选择合闸继电器(电压可选择储能电机 (电压可选择框架II: 2000A 2500A 额定电流(A 框架I: 630A 800A 1000A 1250A 1600A 框架III:3200A 4000A 极数 3P(可以缺省 4P 注: 附件需要标出电压时230Vac可缺省举例:HWN1600A/ D/3P/ LSI /UV+CF 说明:In=1600A,分断能力65kA,抽出式,3P,三段式保护控制器,带故障指示触点,欠压继电器。
在开关柜和开关的设计 和制造领域,施耐德电 气具有的关键技术使其 产品质量和技术优势得 到保证。
● 标准化元件的配置缩 短了交货和安装的时间
● 创新化设计、与其 它施耐德电气产品方案 的一致性可以给每个项 目再助一臂之力
● 施耐德电气的专家 与用户的亲密合作保证 对用户实地的安装要求 进行快速反应及有效的 服务
Blokset, 一致的、高性能的、经济的解 决方案
Blokset 的模块化设计可 以使安装成本合理化。
高质量高可靠性的产品 保证了供电的连续性和 系统的耐用性。
Blokset 是一种具有一 致性方案的产品: ● 对每项工程的技术 规范做出正确的响应 ● 安装简便,modular system ● standardised components ● fast manufacturing ● easy modifications
Functional design ● rationalised dimensions and layout inside the switchboard ● reduced footprint ● easy power and auxiliary connections ● easy installation upgrading at a controlled cost
● a modular structure for low-voltage switchboards, designed to meet local standards, practices and requirements.
● An intelligent system, ready to integrate devices containing advanced protection and communication functions for electrical distribution and motor control.
爱立信Bussmann系列24 kV中压电丝连接器说明说明书
Product descriptionEaton’s Bussmann series range of 24 kV DIN Medium voltage fuse links are suitable for transformer protection.These fuse links can be used even where there is no secondary LV protection,provided they are used with fuse switches fitted with instantaneous striker tripping.Standard features•Cool running, low watts loss and power dissipation thanks to the M-effect ensuring high levels of substation utilisation.•Silver elements ensuring high conductivity and low power (revenue) loss.•100% X-ray, all our medium voltage fuse links are X-rayed ensuring the highest possible standards are maintained.Eaton’s Bussmann series24 kV Medium voltage fuse links2Technical Data 720106Effective September 2017Eaton’s Bussmann series24 kV Medium voltage fuse linksEATON Catalogue symbol:• 24AFMSJ(amp)• 24AIMSJ(amp)• 24TDMEJ(amp)• 24THMEJ(amp)• 24TFMEJ(amp)•24TXMEJ(amp)T echnical data:• Volts: 24 kV • Amps: 6.3 to 160 A• Breaking capacity: 20 to 63 kA• Class of operation: Back-up as IEC 60282-1 (2005)• Suitable for outdoor and indoor use •RoHS compliantStandards/Approvals:• DIN 43625• VDE 0670 part 4 and 402•IEC 60282-1 (2005)Packaging:•MOQ 3Dimensions - mmEJ OutlineE = Spring striker 80N to IEC 60282-1 designation ‘medium’Striker diagram3Technical Data 720106Effective September 2017Eaton’s Bussmann series24 kV Medium voltage fuse links EATON Cold resistance & Watts loss in free airJoule integral (I 2t)Part numbersCurrent I n (A)Breaking capacity I 1 (kA)Minimum breaking current I 3 (A)mΩWMinimum Pre-arcing Maximum operating Length mm Diameter mm Weight kg24AFMSJ50502013729.5102 1.8 x 103 2.9 x 10444276 4.524AFMSJ63632012523.6130 3.2 x 103 4.5 x 10444276 4.524AIMSJ71712017615.1106 6.3 x 1038.5 x 10444276 4.524TDMEJ6.3 6.35023444209.8 x 101 1 x 10344251 2.524TDMEJ1010503426232 2.8 x 102 2.3 x 10344251 2.524TDMEJ1616505610934 2.6 x 102 3.9 x 10344251 2.524TDMEJ2020507378.238 5.2 x 102 5.4 x 10344251 2.524TDMEJ2525509262.4498.1 x 1028.4 x 10344251 2.524TDMEJ31.531.5509246.859 1.4 x 103 1.5 x 10444251 2.524TDMEJ40405011834.379 2.4 x 103 2.5 x 10444251 2.524TDMEJ5050501852798 2.8 x 103 3.1 x 10444251 2.524THMEJ63635021721.1127 4.3 x 103 4.7 x 10444264 3.724TFMEJ80805026515.71537.9 x 1039.1 x 10444276 5.124TFMEJ100*1006343018400 2.8 x 1049.4 x 10444276 5.124TXMEJ125*12540760113409.7 x 104 3.5 x 10544288 5.924TXMEJ160*16031.59009.605151.3 x 1055 x 105442885.9T able 1. Part numbersT able 2.Cross referenceEaton’sBussmann seriesEFENSIBAMESAETI 80N StrikerETI 50N StrikerMerlin GerinInaelABB24TDMEJ6.367140.00603000613CF-24/6,34256005425500551006 538 M0IB-D11YMB531044M0001* Not compliant with VDE 0670 part 4024Technical Data 720106Effective September 2017Eaton’s Bussmann series24 kV Medium voltage fuse linksEATON T able 3.Watts loss comparisonEaton’s Bussmann seriesEaton’s Bussmann seriesEFENSIBAMESAETIMerlin GerinINAELABB24TDMEJ6.32032312529252091Time current curve - Fuse type AFM5Technical Data 720106Effective September 2017Eaton’s Bussmann series24 kV Medium voltage fuse links EATON Time current curve - Fuse typesTDM/THM/TFMTime current curve - Fuse typesTFM/TXM6Technical Data 720106Effective September 2017Eaton’s Bussmann series24 kV Medium voltage fuse linksEATON Cut-off curve - Fuse typesTDM/THM/TFM7Technical Data 720106Effective September 2017Eaton’s Bussmann series24 kV Medium voltage fuse links EATON Cut-off curve - Fuse typesTFM/TXM8Technical Data 720106Effective September 2017Eaton’s Bussmann series24 kV Medium voltage fuse linksEATON ASTA certificate9Technical Data 720106Effective September 2017Eaton’s Bussmann series24 kV Medium voltage fuse links EATON KEMA certificate10Technical Data 720106Effective September 2017Eaton’s Bussmann series24 kV Medium voltage fuse linksEATON KEMA certificate11Technical Data 720106Effective September 2017Eaton’s Bussmann series 24 kV Medium voltage fuse links EATON KEMA certificateThis report of performance details 24kV DIN-rated fuse links tested in accordance with IEC 60282-1:2005 to demonstrate correct operation on a 12kV system.Technical Data 720106 Effective June 2014Eaton’s Bussmann series24 kV Medium voltage fuse linksEaton Industries Manufacturing GmbHElectrical Sector EMEARoute de la Longeraie71110 Morges,© 2017 EatonAll Rights ReservedPublication No. 720106 / CSSC-557September 2017Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.KEMA certificateThis report of performance details 24kV DIN-rated fuse linkstested in accordance with IEC 60282-1:2005 to demonstrate correct operation on a 25kV system.Changes to the products, to the information contained in this document, and to prices are reserved; so are errors and omissions. Only order confirmations and technical documentation by Eaton is binding. Photos and pictures also do not warrant a specific layout or functionality. Their use in whatever form is subject to prior approval by Eaton. The same applies to Trademarks (especially Eaton, Moeller, and Cutler-Hammer). The Terms and Conditions of Eaton apply, as referenced on Eaton Internet pages and Eaton order confirmations.。
连接器标准和规范连接器标准和规范一.工业连接器的标准1. 美国材料与试验学会(ASTM)The American Society for Testing and Material(缩写为ASTM)是一个全美性的学术协会,其目的是进行材料的研究和标准化。
“B”表示有色金属委员会,后面的数字为标准号,紧接着的数字则表示该标准被首次通过的年份,括号内的日期是指最近修订版的年份, “*”则表示该标准是已被批准的美国国家标准。
ASTM连接器标准表*-1标准描述 FOXCONN适用范围*B63-49(1970) 金属导体电阻及接触材料的电阻率的测试方法 ALL*B182-49(1970) 电接触材料的寿命试验 ALL*B193-72A 导电材料电阻率的测试方法 ALL*B277-72 电接触材料硬度的测试方法 ALL*B326-72 微型接触件电阻特性测试方法 ALL*B340-61(1972) 电接触件制成品的保证试验方法 ALL*B477-72 可锻贵金属电接触材料一般要求规范 REFB522-70 电接触用的Au-Ag-Pd合金规范 ALLB539-70 电连接(静态接触)的接触电阻的测量方法 ALLB540-70 电接触件用的Pd合金规范 ALLB541-73 电接触件用的Au合金规范 ALLB542-71 电接触件及其使用的有关术语的定义 ALLB563-72 电接触件用Pd-Ag-Cu合金规范 REFB576-73 电接触材料大电流电弧腐蚀试验设计的实用参考方法 Audio Jack ,Power JackB583-73 金属基片上镀金层的多孔性试验方法 ALLB596-73 Au-Cu合金电接触材料规范 ALL2. 美国电子工业协会(EIA)Electronic Industries Association(缩写为EIA)接触件方面的标准工作被列在EIA和JEDEC(美国电子器件工程联合委员会)标准以及工程技术出版物的目录中。
佩特安 AIR6SC600-A 水平多关节型工业机器人操作机手册说明书
请在必要时参阅:◼《inCube2S 控制柜手册》◼《SCARA型示教器操作手册》◼《ARL 编程手册》◼《AIR6SC600-A 水平多关节型工业机器人系统快速入门手册》目标群体◼操作人员◼产品技术人员◼技术服务人员◼机器人示教员常见标识含义手册中出现标识及其含义详见下表1。
表1 本文中使用的标识手册说明本手册内容会有补充和修改,请定时留意我公司网站的“下载中心”,及时获取最新版本的手册。
表2 文档修订记录文档编号及版本文档编号及版本信息见表3。
表4 适用安全标准的声明通用安全说明感谢贵公司购买本公司操作机,本说明资料为安全使用操作机而需要遵守的内容,在使用操作机之前,请务必仔细阅读相关手册,并且在理解该内容的前提下正确使用操作机。
一般注意事项安装时注意事项操作时注意事项目录引言 (I)通用安全说明 (IV)目录 (I)1产品规范 (1)1.1一般功能和预定用途的应用范围 (1)1.2环境条件与工作和储存的限制 (1)1.2.1使用环境要求 (1)1.2.2长期储存环境条件 (1)1.2.3储存相关注意事项 (2)1.3基本规格 (2)2机器人系统介绍 (4)2.1工业机器人简介 (4)2.2操作机基本构成 (4)2.3产品标签及含义 (5)3使用前的准备 (8)3.1使用前的安全防护措施 (8)3.2拆包 (9)3.2.1拆包方式 (9)3.2.2包装材料的安全处置 (10)3.2.3废弃材料处置 (11)3.3安装前的准备工作 (11)3.3.1安装注意事项 (11)3.3.2安装工具及所需连接件 (11)3.4安装和装配 (11)3.4.1技术规格 (11)3.4.2固定方式 (12)4电气接口 (14)4.1操作机电气接口类型 (14)4.2本体侧重载线接口 (16)4.3柜体侧重载线接口 (18)4.4操作机用户I/O接口 (19)4.5电源线接口 (20)5工作说明 (22)5.1安全注意事项 (22)5.2安全运行 (23)5.2.1LED指示灯 (23)5.2.2结构尺寸 (23)5.2.3各轴工作范围 (24)5.2.4机械限位 (25)5.2.5停止方式 (26)5.3标定 (26)5.3.1何时需要标定 (26)5.3.2各轴标定位置 (26)5.3.3各轴运动方向 (28)5.3.4各轴速度 (28)5.4法兰连接尺寸 (29)5.5负载安装 (29)6运输与搬运 (31)6.1搬运姿态 (31)6.2搬运尺寸 (32)6.3搬运方法 (33)7预防性的维护 (35)7.1安全防护措施 (35)7.2日常维护 (36)7.3首次维护 (37)7.4定期维护 (38)7.5润滑脂加注 (40)8项目维护流程 (41)8.1清洁操作机 (41)8.2检修线缆 (41)8.3更换电池 (43)8.4更换同步带 (44)9故障查找、诊断和维修 (52)附录A AIR6SC600-A型操作机定期维护表 (58)附录B 螺钉强度及螺钉拧紧力矩表(NM) (59)1产品规范1.1一般功能和预定用途的应用范围工业机器人系统用于搬运工具和装置,或加工和运输工件或产品。
维纳尔产品手册01005 D-固定式熔断器管座,E27/25A/500V,卡接固定,单相01006 D-固定式熔断器管座,E33/63A/690V,卡接固定,单相01008 PROFIL 连接夹,三T型,64 x 46,连接500-1260mm201009 底槽,230 x 1100,3线01010 底槽,230 x 700,3线01011 底槽,290 x 1100,3线带电缆槽或4线01012 底槽,290 x 700,3线带电缆槽或4线01017 边框支撑架,用于01 495和01 48501019 末端盖,用于01 017和01 495的组合体,宽度230mm01020 末端盖,用于01 017和01 495或01 485的组合体,宽度290mm01021 D-固定式熔断器管座,E27/25A/500V,三相,螺钉连接01022 D-固定式熔断器管座,E33/63A/690V AC,三相,螺钉连接01024 边框,封闭的,17x86x2400,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01025 预留空间盖,1100mm,只适于支架01 02601026 支架,适用12-30x5/10双T形母线,用于预留空间盖板01 02501027 多层铜母线,360A, 2m,3x20x1,截面60mm201028 多层铜母线,462A, 2m,6x20x1,截面120mm201029 多层铜母线,645A, 2m,10x20x1,截面200mm201030 边框,切口的,17x86x2400,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01032 连接夹, 用于母线 40 x 10,可用于1250A01033 连接夹, 用于母线 50 x 10,可用于1250A01034 连接夹, 用于母线 60 x 10,可用于1250A01035 多层铜母线,402A, 2m,6x15.5x0.8,截面74.4mm201037 槽边框, 17 x 36 x 1100,上/下,用于所有槽01038 槽边框, 17 x 36 x 700,上/下,用于所有槽01039 边框,封闭的,17x86x1100,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01040 边框,封闭的,17x86x 700,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01041 边框,切口的,17x86x1100,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01042 边框,切口的,17x86x 700,上/下,供没有底槽的系统用01043 槽边框,用于宽槽,下, 77 x 36 x 110001044 槽边框,用于宽槽,下, 77 x 36 x 70001045 底槽,230x2400,3线01046 底槽,290x2400,带电缆槽,,3线带电缆槽或4线01047 螺拴连接夹,可插接,10mm厚以及双T型或三T型母线,M10x10,630A01048 槽边框,17x36x2400,上/下,用于所有槽01050 多层铜母线,253A,2m, 6x13x0.5,截面39mm201053 槽边框,用于宽槽,下, 77 x 36 x 240001054 多层铜母线,134A,3x9x0.8,截面21.6mm201055 多层铜母线,166A,8x6x0.5,截面24mm201056 母线架盖01058 D0-母线式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,宽36mm,10和双T型母线01059 定位环-钥匙,E27/E3301060 多层铜母线, 930 A, 5 x 50 x 1,截面250mm201061 多层铜母线,1775 A, 10 x 80 x 1,截面800mm201063 多层铜母线, 462 A, 6 x 20 x 1,截面120mm201064 多层铜母线,645 A, 10 x 20 x 1,截面200mm201068 通用导线连接夹,16-120mm2,5mm厚母线,440A 01075 多层铜母线,514A, 5x24x1,截面120mm201076 多层铜母线,800A, 10x24x1,截面240mm201077 防手指触电保护环,E27,塑料,用于熔断器座01078 防手指触电保护环,E33,塑料,用于熔断器座01079 多层铜母线,镀锡,带绝缘套,166 A,长 2 m,8 x 6 x 0.5 01080 盖, E 27,齿距41.501081 盖, E 33,齿距52.501082 盖, E 33,齿距50.001083 多层铜母线,134 A, 3 x 9 x 0.8,截面24mm201084 多层铜母线,245 A, 6 x 9 x 0.8,截面21.6mm201089 多层铜母线,320 A, 4 x 15.5 x 0.8,截面49.6mm201090 多层铜母线,402 A, 6 x 15.5 x 0.8,截面74.4mm201091 多层铜母线,455 A,10 x 15.5 x 0.8,截面124mm201092 连接夹,用于30 x 10的矩形母线,1250A01093 盖罩,228x200x8,30x5/10mm,双T型母线01094 连接夹,95-300mm2,可用于630A01095 多层铜母线, 640 A, 5 x 32 x 1,截面160mm201096 多层铜母线,1040 A, 10 x 32 x 1,截面320mm201097 多层铜母线, 760 A, 5 x 40 x 1,截面200mm201098 熔帽,D/E27/500V,陶瓷01099 多层铜母线, 1181 A, 10 x 40 x 1,截面400mm201100 熔帽,D/E33/500V,陶瓷01103 熔帽,D01/E14/400V AC/250V DC,陶瓷01104 熔帽,D02/E18/400V AC/250V DC,陶瓷01112 多层铜母线, 930 A, 5 x 50 x 1,截面250mm201113 多层铜母线,1395 A, 10 x 50 x 1,截面500mm201114 连接端子, 适用PE/N线,35 mm201119 端子架,用于PE/N-接地母线,螺钉01120 端子架,用于PE/N-接地母线,螺钉01121 端子架,用于PE/N-接地母线,卡接01123 多层铜母线,1600 A,10x63x1,截面630mm201125 多层铜母线,1775 A,10x80x1,截面800mm201126 接地母线,PE/N-,8线, 9x6.5x51.501127 接地母线,PE/N-,12线,9x6.5x77.501128 接地母线,PE/N-,16线,9x6.5x103.501129 接地母线,PE/N-,24线,9x6.5x15501130 接地母线,PE/N-,151线,9x6.5x100001138 母线架,60mm系统,3,4,5线,用于ISO-柜体VMS 01139 盖框,用于ISO-柜体VMS01141 母线加长连接夹, 95 mm,用于最大额定电流630A01143 接地端子,63A,绝缘PE/N-,7线,零线,蓝色01144 接地端子,63A,绝缘PE/N-,7线,保护线,绿/黄01145 母线加长连接夹,95mm,1600 A,双T型母线01152 梳形母线,1线,100A,齿距27mm,1m长01160 夹具, 用于10mm厚的多层铜母线01163 夹具导轨,2m,用于01 16001166 母线加长连接夹,12-20*5/10,最大630A01170 简化部件,适用于5mm母线,用于01 13801182 连接附件, 带插孔的端子,3 x 1.5 - 16mm2,尺寸0001184 多层铜母线,2.0m,10x24x1,800A,截面240mm201185 PROFIL 连接夹,双T型,41x36,连接400-800mm2,最大1600A01186 PROFIL 连接夹,三T型,101x46,连接1200-3600mm2,最大2500/3200A 01187 三T型母线,额定电流2500A,2.4m01188 三T型母线,额定电流2500A,0.45m01189 三T型母线,额定电流2500A,0.65m01190 双T型母线,额定电流1600A,3.6m01193 母线加长连接夹,150mm,适用于12-20x5/10母线01194 多层铜母线,6x9x0.8, 2m, 245A,截面43.2mm201196 多层铜母线,4x15.5x0.8, 2m, 320A,截面49.6mm201198 连接端子,16 - 95mm2,用于1线母线35mm201199 接线板,3线,带盖罩,95-185mm2,12x5-30x10和双T型母线01200 母线连接端子,15x5母线与70-150mm2缆搭接01201 母线连接端子,20x5-10与120-240mm2缆搭接01202 母线连接端子,25x5母线与150-300mm2缆搭接01203 通用导线连接夹,16-120mm2,10mm,双T和三T母线01204 标准铜母线,3.60m, 镀锡, 30x10,630A01205 直压板连接夹, 连接宽度25x1201206 直压板连接夹, 连接宽度40x2001207 直压板连接夹, 连接宽度50x3501218 直压板连接夹, 连接宽度63x4001222 直压板连接夹, 连接宽度80x4001223 双T型铜母线, 1250 A, 3.60 m,无镀层01224 双T型铜母线, 1250 A, 3.60 m,镀锡01225 双T型铜母线, 1250 A, 0.45 m,镀锡01226 双T型铜母线, 1250 A, 0.65 m,镀锡01227 三T型铜母线, 2500 A, 3.60 m,镀锡01228 连接端子, 16 - 95 mm2,用于3线梳形母线,前面连接01229 双T型铜母线,1600A, 3.60m,无镀层01230 通用母线架,3线,185系统,用于不打孔的矩形母线和异形截面母线01231 母线架,3线, 60mm系统 / 2500 A,用于双T型母线,不含末端盖01232 母线架,3线, 60mm系统 / 2500 A,用于三T型母线,不含末端盖01234 末端盖,用于01 231和01 23201236 封闭盖板,2400 x 48,用于双T型和三T型母线系统01237 封闭盖板,2400 x 76,用于双T型和三T型母线系统01238 封闭盖板,2400 x 106,用于双T型和三T型母线系统01240 接线板,3线,6 - 50 mm2,60mm系统,可用于最大300A01243 接线板,3线,35 - 120 mm2,60mm系统,可用于最大440A01244 母线盖,用于12 - 30 x 5母线,长1m01245 母线盖,用于12 - 30 x 10母线,长1m01249 双T型铜母线,1600A, 2.40m,无镀层01250 双T型铜母线,1250A, 2.40m,无镀层01251 母线盖,用于40 - 60 x 10母线,长1m01252 母线盖,用于双T形和三T形母线,长1m01253 多层铜母线,带护套,465 A, 长2 m,4 x 24 x 1,截面96mm2 01254 末端盖, 用于母线架01 47901255 多层铜母线,带护套,566 A, 长2 m,6 x 24 x 1,截面144mm2 01256 多层铜母线,带护套,860 A, 长2 m,6 x 40 x 1,截面240mm2 01257 接地端子,绝缘PE/N-,63A,7线, 零线,蓝色01258 接地端子,绝缘PE/N-,63A,7线 , 保护线,绿/黄色01273 多层铜母线,带护套,1985 A, 长2 m ,10 x 100 x 1,截面1000mm2 01274 母线加长连接夹, 2500 A,用于三T型母线,95 mm01275 母线加长连接夹, 2500 A,用于三T型母线,150 mm01284 通用导线连接夹, 1.5-16mm2,5mm母线,180A01285 通用导线连接夹, 4 - 35mm2,5mm母线,270A01287 通用导线连接夹,16 - 70mm2,5mm母线,400A01289 通用导线连接夹, 1.5-16mm2,10mm母线,180A01290 通用导线连接夹, 4 - 35mm2,10mm,双T和三T母线,270A 01292 通用导线连接夹,16 - 70mm2,10mm,双T和三T母线,400A 01295 连接件组,2500 A,用于弹性加长连接,三T型母线,3相01300 盖罩,用于01240中的单个端子01301 盖罩,用于01243中的单个端子01303 夹具,用于5-10mm的多层铜母线01318 展开式连接夹,95-185mm2,500A01319 展开式连接夹,用于最大30x20的矩形母线,750A01333 标识牌,用于带10个接线端子,15 x 64.5mm01347 母线架,3线,无末端盖,适合做中间支架01385 母线转接器, 63A, 81mm宽, 40mm系统01413 盖罩, 84x200mm2, 12-30x5/10mm,双T型母线01424 D0-条形盖, E18, 宽36mm01479 通用母线架,100mm系统, 适用30-60x10,3线01484 母线架,3线, 60mm系统, 630A01485 通用母线架,4线, 60mm系统, 630A01489 母线架,PE/N-,可单独安装,也可插接在01 500上01492 D0-母线式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,宽27mm,10和双T型母线01495 通用母线架,3线, 60mm系统, 630A,带内置螺钉孔01498 D0-母线式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,宽36mm,5,10和双T型母线01500 通用母线架,3线,60mm系统,630A01509 多层铜母线,2.0m,10x50x1,1395A,截面500mm201510 多层铜母线,2.0m,10x63x1,1600A,截面630mm201512 螺拴连接夹,10mm矩形母线,M5x8,360A01514 螺拴连接夹,10mm厚以及双T型或三T型母线,M8x8,490A01536 盖罩,54x130,用于最大70mm2的导线连接夹01541 磁环, 2 A, E 27, 粉色01542 磁环, 4 A, E 27, 褐色01543 磁环, 6 A, E 27, 绿色01544 磁环, 10 A, E 27, 红色01545 磁环, 16 A, E 27, 灰色01546 磁环, 20 A, E 27, 蓝色01547 磁环, 25 A, E 27, 黄色01548 磁环, 35 A, E 33, 黑色01549 磁环, 50 A, E 33, 白色01550 磁环, 63 A, E 33, 铜色01559 D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E27/25A/500V,螺钉连接01567 D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E27/25A/500V,卡接固定01568 D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E33/63A/690V AC,卡接固定01571 D-固定式熔断器管座,三相,双侧,E27/25A/500V,卡接固定01572 D-固定式熔断器管座,三相,双侧,E33/63A/690V AC,卡接固定01573 端盖, 适用于01 495和01 50001574 端盖, 适用于01 48501583 多层铜母线,10x15.5x0.8,2m,455A,截面124mm201586 直压板连接夹,30x3001587 直压板连接夹,35x3001590 盖罩,54x200mm,12-30x5/10mm,双T型母线01608 双T型铜母线,1600A,2.4m,镀锡01609 双T型铜母线,1250A,2.4m,镀锡01611 多层铜母线,2.0m,5x24x1,514A,截面120mm201612 多层铜母线,2.0m,5x32x1,640A,,截面160mm201613 多层铜母线,2.0m,10x32x1,1040A,截面320mm201614 多层铜母线,2.0m,760A,5x40x1,截面200mm201615 多层铜母线,2.0m,10x40x1,1181A,截面400mm201616 直压板连接夹,连接长x宽 32x4001617 直压板连接夹,连接长x宽 50x6301618 标准铜母线,12x 5, 2.4m, 200A, 镀锡01619 标准铜母线,15x 5, 2.4m, 250A, 镀锡01620 标准铜母线,20x 5, 2.4m, 320A, 镀锡01621 标准铜母线,25x 5, 2.4m, 400A, 镀锡01622 标准铜母线,30x 5, 2.4m, 450A, 镀锡01623 标准铜母线,12x10, 2.4m, 360A, 镀锡01624 标准铜母线,20x10, 2.4m, 520A, 镀锡01625 标准铜母线,30x10, 2.4m, 630A, 镀锡01626 标准铜母线,40x10,2.4m,850A01627 标准铜母线,50x10,2.4m,1000A01628 标准铜母线,60x10,2.4m,1250A01647 D0-母线式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,宽27mm,5,10和双T型母线01670 D-熔断器,gL,2A/500V,E2701671 D-熔断器,gL,4A/500V,E2701672 D-熔断器,gL,6A/500V,E2701673 D-熔断器,gL,10A/500V,E2701674 D-熔断器,gL,16A/500V,E2701675 D-熔断器,gL,20A/500V,E2701676 D-熔断器,gL,25A/500V,E2701677 D-熔断器,gL,35A/500V,E3301678 D-熔断器,gL,50A/500V,E3301679 D-熔断器,gL,63A/500V,E3301685 D0-熔断器,D01/gL2A,E1401686 D0-熔断器,D01/gL4A,E1401687 D0-熔断器,D01/gL6A,E1401688 D0-熔断器,D01/gL10A,E1401689 D0-熔断器,D01/gL16A,E1401690 D0-熔断器,D02/gL20A,E1801691 D0-熔断器,D02/gL25A,E1801692 D0-熔断器,D02/gL35A,E1801693 D0-熔断器,D02/gL50A,E1801694 D0-熔断器,D02/gL63A,E1801701 D-螺栓-定位部件,4A,褐色,E27/E3301702 D-螺栓-定位部件,6A,绿色,E27/E3301703 D-螺栓-定位部件,10A,红色,E27/E3301704 D-螺栓-定位部件,16A,灰色,E27/E3301705 D-螺栓-定位部件,20A,蓝色,E27/E3301706 D-螺栓-定位部件,25A,黄色,E27/E3301707 D-螺栓-定位部件,35A,黑色,E3301708 D-螺栓-定位部件,50A,白色,E3301709 D-螺栓-定位部件,63A,铜色,E3301715 D0-套筒-定位部件,D01,2A E14, 粉色01716 D0-套筒-定位部件,D01,4A E14, 褐色01717 D0-套筒-定位部件,D01,6A E14, 绿色01718 D0-套筒-定位部件,D01,10A E33,红色01719 D0-套筒-定位部件,D02,20A E18, 蓝色01720 D0-套筒-定位部件,D02,25A E18, 黄色01721 D0-套筒-定位部件,D02,35A E18, 黑色01722 D0-套筒-定位部件,D02,50A E18, 白色01724 特殊套筒定位部件,D01 用于E18, 2A, 粉色01725 特殊套筒定位部件,D01 用于E18, 4A, 褐色01726 特殊套筒定位部件,D01 用于E18, 6A, 绿色01727 特殊套筒定位部件,D01 用于E18,10A, 红色01728 特殊套筒定位部件,D01 用于E18,16A, 灰色01729 专用支撑簧,D01/E18,2-16A01730 定位套筒-钥匙,D01 - D0301741 螺栓-定位部件,2A,E27/E33 , 粉色01742 母线架,185mm系统,3-线,412x30x4001747 可插接的螺栓连接夹,M5,用于5mm厚的不打孔矩形母线01748 可插接的螺栓连接夹,M8,用于5mm厚的不打孔矩形母线01749 可插接的螺栓连接夹,M10,用于5mm厚的不打孔矩形母线01753 接线板,用于最大32x20的矩形母线01754 接线板,3线,带盖罩,150-300mm201756 盖罩,135x200x90,20-30x5/10mm,双T型母线01757 盖罩,270x200x90,20-30x5/10mm,双T型母线01759 展开式连接夹,长方截面母线,最大32x2001760 展开式连接夹,150-300mm201765 标准铜母线, 80x10,1500A,2.4m01766 标准铜母线,100x10,1800A,2.4m01767 标准铜母线,120x10,2100A,2.4m01774 母线架,12x5/10母线,3线 40mm系统01775 母线架,12x5/10母线,4线 40mm系统01783 空盖板,只用于0178401784 支座,适用于预留空盖板0178301788 D-磁环,E33, 2A, 粉色01789 D-磁环,E33, 4A, 褐色01790 D-磁环,E33, 6A, 绿色01791 D-磁环,E33,10A, 红色01792 D-磁环,E33,16A, 灰色01793 D-磁环,E33,20A, 蓝色01794 D-磁环,E33,25A, 黄色01823 母线加长连接夹, 630 A, 40 mm01827 母线加长连接夹, 1600 A, 50 mm01829 母线加长连接夹, 1600 A, 150 mm01831 双T型母线,1600 A,0.65 m01838 双T型母线,1600 A,0.45 m01876 母线架,1线,60mm系统,1600A01886 母线加长连接夹,(20-30)x(5/10)x150 ,630 A01888 带展开式连接夹的连接片,用于 30x20的矩形母线01890 带展开式连接夹的连接片,用于150-300mm2的导线01905 母线连接夹,夹子开口空间 31x2501906 PROFIL 连接夹,双T型, 51x21,连接500 - 750mm2 01907 PROFIL 连接夹,双T型, 64x21,连接600 - 900mm2 01911 PROFIL 连接夹,双T型, 64x36,连接600 - 1200mm2 01915 母线架,12x5/10,5线01917 D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E27/25A/500V01926 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x 61.5 01927 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x 124 01928 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x 186.5 01929 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x 249 01930 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x 311.5 01931 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x 374 01932 PE-和N-母线,带压板连接夹,63A,9x6.5x1000 01934 PROFIL 连接夹,用于双T型母线, 81x3601935 PROFIL 连接夹,用于双T型母线,101x3601936 PROFIL 连接夹,用于双T型母线, 51x3601945 盖,E27,宽52.5mm01979 D-固定式熔断器管座,双侧,E33/63A/690V AC01980 D0-条形盖,E18,宽27mm01981 D0-条形盖,E18, 宽54mm01990 母线加长连接夹,40mm01993 遮盖塞,E2701994 遮盖塞,E3301996 直压板连接夹,连接宽度 20 x 2501997 直压板连接夹,连接宽度 20 x 3001998 定位螺栓-钥匙,用于E27/E3302216 干线分线端子,1路2x70mm2输入,每路带2路50mm2输出,螺钉固定02217 干线分线端子,1路2x70mm2输入,每路带4路50mm2输出,螺钉固定02218 干线分线端子,4路2x25mm2输入,每路带1路16mm2输出,单侧输出02219 干线分线端子,5路2x25mm2输入,每路带1路16mm2输出,单侧输出02225 干线分线端子,1路2x25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,双侧输出02226 干线分线端子,1路2x25mm2输入,每路带4路16mm2输出,双侧输出02227 干线分线端子,1路2x25mm2输入,每路带6路16mm2输出,双侧输出02228 干线分线端子,1路2x25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,双侧输出02229 干线分线端子,1路输入,每路带2路输出/1路输入,每路带4路输出02230 干线分线端子,2路2x25mm2输入,每路带4路16mm2输出,双侧输出02231 干线分线端子,4路2x25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,双侧输出02232 干线分线端子,3路输入,每路带2路输出/1路输入,每路带4路输出02233 干线分线端子,4路2x25mm2输入,每路带4路16mm2输出,双侧输出02234 干线分线端子,3路2x25mm2输入,每路带2路输出/1路输入,带6路输出02235 干线分线端子,3路2x25mm2输入,每路带4路输出/1路输入,带6路输出02237 干线分线端子,3路2x25mm2输入,每路带4路输出/1路输入,带12路输出02238 干线分线端子,5路2x25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,双侧输出02242 干线分线端子,1路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02243 干线分线端子,1路2x35mm2输入,每路带4路25mm2输出,卡式安装02244 干线分线端子,2路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02246 干线分线端子,4路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02247 干线分线端子,1路2x70mm2输入,每路带2路50mm2输出,卡式安装02248 干线分线端子,1路2x70mm2输入,每路带4路50mm2输出,卡式安装02262 干线分线端子,1路2x150mm2输入,每路带4路50mm2输出,螺钉固定02264 干线分线端子,5路2x25mm2输入,每路带2路16mm2输出,单侧输出02505 干线分线端子,4路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02517 干线分线端子,4路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路35mm2输出,卡式安装02521 干线分线端子,1路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路35mm2输出,卡式安装02522 干线分线端子,2路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路35mm2输出,卡式安装02526 干线分线端子,1路2x35mm2输入,每路带4路35mm2输出,卡式安装02527 干线分线端子,2路2x35mm2输入,每路带4路35mm2输出,卡式安装02531 干线分线端子,1入1x25-120mm2,2出1x25-50,螺钉固定02533 干线分线端子,1入1x25-120mm2,2出1x25-50,卡式安装,和导轨平行02535 干线分线端子,1入1x25-120mm2,2出1x25-50,卡式安装,和导轨垂直02538 干线分线端子,5路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路25mm2输出,卡式安装02544 干线分线端子,3路2x35mm2输入,每路带2路输出/1路输入,带6路输出02562 转接夹子,2路,入/出螺钉02563 转接夹子,3路,入/出螺钉02564 转接夹子,2路,入/出6-70mm2 压板连接夹02565 转接夹子,3路,入/出6-70mm2 压板连接夹02566 转接夹子,2路,入螺钉M8,出6-70mm2 压板连接夹02567 转接夹子,3路,入螺钉M8,出6-70mm2 压板连接夹02603 干线分线端子,3路4x25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子02604 干线分线端子,4路4x25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子02605 干线分线端子,5路4x25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子02606 干线分线端子,4路4x25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子,N蓝色02607 干线分线端子,5路4x25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子,N蓝色,PE黄绿色02614 干线分线端子,4路4x25mm2输入,每路带4个25mm2端子,PE黄绿色02615 干线分线端子,3路输入,每路共4个端子以及1路N极带8个25mm2的端子03161 分离闸刀,尺寸 00,160A03162 分离闸刀,尺寸 1,250A03163 分离闸刀,尺寸 2,400A03164 分离闸刀,尺寸 3, 630A03173 连接端子,160 A,尺寸125mm,双侧带压板连接夹,用于NH-熔断器座03175 零线端子,160 A,2线,双侧带压板连接夹,用于NH-熔断器座03177 HLS-熔断器座,用于超快速熔断器,400A,尺寸110,1相,双侧带M10 03178 连接端子,160 A,尺寸125mm,双侧带框端子,用于NH-熔断器座03181 NH-熔断器 gL,4a,800A03182 NH-熔断器 gL,4a,1000A03183 NH-熔断器 gL,4a,1250A03184 NH-熔断器 gL,4a,1600A03185 分离闸刀,4a,1600A03193 连接端子,160 A,尺寸60mm,双侧带压板连接夹,用于NH-熔断器座03194 连接端子,160 A,尺寸60mm,双侧带框端子,用于NH-熔断器座03195 连接端子,250 A,尺寸100mm,双侧带M10,用于NH-熔断器座03196 连接端子,250 A,尺寸200mm,双侧带M10,用于NH-熔断器座03197 连接端子,630 A,尺寸100mm,双侧带M12,用于NH-熔断器座03198 连接端子,630 A,尺寸200mm,双侧带M12,用于NH-熔断器座03199 NH-母线式熔断器座,160A, 尺寸00,三相,60mm系统,上/下端连接03213 零线端子, 630A, 双侧带螺钉M12,用于NH-熔断器座03214 熔断器,美标,J级,70 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03215 熔断器,美标,J级,80 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03216 熔断器,美标,J级,90 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03217 熔断器,美标,J级,100 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03218 熔断器,美标,J级,110 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03219 熔断器,美标,J级,125 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03220 熔断器,美标,J级,150 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03221 熔断器,美标,J级,175A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03222 熔断器,美标,J级,200 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03223 熔断器,美标,J级,225 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03224 熔断器,美标,J级,250 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03225 熔断器,美标,J级,300 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03226 熔断器,美标,J级,350 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03227 熔断器,美标,J级,400 A,快熔,600 V AC, 300 V DC03228 熔断器,美标,J级,70 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03229 熔断器,美标,J级,80 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03230 熔断器,美标,J级,90 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03231 熔断器,美标,J级,100 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03232 熔断器,美标,J级,110 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03233 熔断器,美标,J级,125 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03234 熔断器,美标,J级,150 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03235 熔断器,美标,J级,175 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03236 熔断器,美标,J级,200 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03237 熔断器,美标,J级,225 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03238 熔断器,美标,J级,250 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03239 熔断器,美标,J级,300 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03240 熔断器,美标,J级,350 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03241 熔断器,美标,J级,400 A,延时,600 V AC, 500 V DC03350 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A, 尺寸00,螺钉M8,单相,隔板结构03351 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A, 尺寸00,螺钉M8,三相,隔板结构03354 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A, 尺寸00,压板连接夹,单相,隔板结构03355 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A, 尺寸00,压板连接夹,三相,隔板结构03359 隔板架,适用于03 350 - 03 35503367 母线架,5线, 40mm系统03369 NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,压板连接夹,单相,直接挂接在母线上03370 NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,螺钉M8,单相,直接挂接在母线上03377 隔板,适用于NH-熔断器座 03350 / 03351 / 03354 / 0335503384 NH-母线式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,螺钉M10,单相,直接挂接在母线上03502 NH-通用插入手柄,尺寸 00 - 303518 母线式超快速熔断器座,400 A,三相,下端连接,M10螺钉03519 零线端子,160 A,双侧带螺钉M8,用于NH-熔断器座03520 母线式超快速熔断器座,160A,三相,上端连接,M8螺钉03521 NH-熔断器 gL, 2 A,尺寸 000, 500V03522 NH-熔断器 gL, 4 A,尺寸 000, 500V03523 NH-熔断器 gL, 6 A,尺寸 000, 500V03524 NH-熔断器 gL, 10 A,尺寸 000, 500V03525 NH-熔断器 gL, 16 A,尺寸 000, 500V03526 NH-熔断器 gL, 20 A,尺寸 000, 500V03527 NH-熔断器 gL, 25 A,尺寸 000, 500V03528 NH-熔断器 gL, 35 A,尺寸 000, 500V03529 NH-熔断器 gL, 50 A,尺寸 000, 500V03530 NH-熔断器 gL, 63 A,尺寸 000, 500V03531 NH-熔断器 gL, 80 A,尺寸 000, 500V03532 NH-熔断器 gL,100 A,尺寸 000, 500V03533 NH-熔断器 gL,125 A,尺寸 00, 500V03534 NH-熔断器 gL,160 A,尺寸 00, 500V03549 NH-熔断器 gL, 16 A,尺寸 1, 500V03550 NH-熔断器 gL, 20 A,尺寸 1, 500V03551 NH-熔断器 gL, 25 A,尺寸 1, 500V03552 NH-熔断器 gL, 35 A,尺寸 1, 500V03553 NH-熔断器 gL, 50 A,尺寸 1, 500V03554 NH-熔断器 gL, 63 A,尺寸 1, 500V03555 NH-熔断器 gL, 80 A,尺寸 1, 500V03556 NH-熔断器 gL,100 A,尺寸 1, 500V03557 NH-熔断器 gL,125 A,尺寸 1, 500V03558 NH-熔断器 gL,160 A,尺寸 1, 500V03559 NH-熔断器 gL,200 A,尺寸 1, 500V03560 NH-熔断器 gL,224 A,尺寸 1, 500V03561 NH-熔断器 gL,250 A,尺寸 1, 500V03562 NH-熔断器 gL, 35 A,尺寸 2, 500V03563 NH-熔断器 gL, 50 A,尺寸 2, 500V03564 NH-熔断器 gL, 63 A,尺寸 2, 500V03565 NH-熔断器 gL, 80 A,尺寸 2, 500V03566 NH-熔断器 gL,100 A,尺寸 2, 500V03567 NH-熔断器 gL,125 A,尺寸 2, 500V03568 NH-熔断器 gL,160 A,尺寸 2, 500V03569 NH-熔断器 gL,200 A,尺寸 2, 500V03570 NH-熔断器 gL,224 A,尺寸 2, 500V03571 NH-熔断器 gL,250 A,尺寸 2, 500V03572 NH-熔断器 gL,300 A,尺寸 2, 500V03573 NH-熔断器 gL,315 A,尺寸 2, 500V03574 NH-熔断器 gL,355 A,尺寸 2, 500V03575 NH-熔断器 gL,400 A,尺寸 2, 500V03577 NH-熔断器 gL,315 A,尺寸 3, 500V03579 NH-熔断器 gL,400 A,尺寸 3, 500V03581 NH-熔断器 gL,500 A,尺寸 3, 500V03582 NH-熔断器 gL,630 A,尺寸 3, 500V03585 NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,单相,压板连接夹, 拧紧在打孔母线上03587 NH-母线式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,单相, 螺钉M8, 拧紧在打孔母线上03599 NH-母线式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,螺钉M10,单相,直接挂接在母线上03601 NH-母线式熔断器座, 250A,尺寸1,单相, 拧紧在打孔母线上03620 零线端子,160A,双侧带压板连接夹,用于NH-熔断器座03623 NH-母线式熔断器座, 160A,尺寸00, 三相, 40mm系统,压板连接夹03631 NH-母线式熔断器座, 160A,尺寸00,三相,40mm系统, 螺钉M8 03654 NH-母线式熔断器座, 160A,尺寸00, 三相,60mm系统,压板连接夹03656 NH-母线式熔断器座, 160A,尺寸00,三相, 60mm系统,螺钉M8 03657 零线端子,250A,螺钉连接,双侧带螺钉M1003668 零线端子,160A,螺钉连接,双侧带压板连接夹03679 NH-条形熔断器座,尺寸00,160A, 三相, 压板连接夹连接, 100mm系统03692 铝接线端子,适用于尺寸00的NH-熔断器座03693 NH-母线式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,三相,螺钉M10,下端连接,60mm 03694 NH-母线式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,三相,带触摸保护,40mm系统03704 NH-母线式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1, 三相,螺钉M10,下端连接,60mm 03705 NH-母线式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,三相, 带触摸保护,40mm系统03727 压板连接夹,尺寸00,用于NH-母线式熔断器负荷隔离开关03757 零线端子,NH-固定式熔断器座,400A,螺钉M10,适用于NH-熔断器座03758 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,单相,螺钉M8,带触摸保护03759 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,三相,螺钉M8,带触摸保护03760 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,单相,压板连接夹,带触摸保护03761 NH-固定式熔断器座,160A,尺寸00,三相,压板连接夹,带触摸保护03762 NH-固定式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,单相,螺钉M10,带触摸保护03763 NH-固定式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,三相,螺钉M10,带触摸保护03764 NH-固定式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,单相,压板连接夹,带触摸保护03765 NH-固定式熔断器座,250A,尺寸1,三相,压板连接夹,带触摸保护03766 NH-固定式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,单相,螺钉M10,带触摸保护03767 NH-固定式熔断器座,400A,尺寸2,三相,螺钉M10,带触摸保护03768 NH-固定式熔断器座,630A,尺寸3,单相,螺钉M12,带触摸保护03769 NH-固定式熔断器座,630A,尺寸3,三相,螺钉M12,带触摸保护03790 NH-母线式熔断器座,630A,尺寸3,单相,螺钉M12,拧紧在打孔母线上03791 触摸保护,用于NH-熔断器座, 尺寸0003792 触摸保护,用于NH-熔断器座, 尺寸 103793 触摸保护,用于NH-熔断器座, 尺寸 203794 触摸保护,用于NH-熔断器座, 尺寸 303795 NH-母线式熔断器座,400A, 尺寸2, 单相,螺钉M10,拧紧在打孔母线上03825 NH-通用插入手柄,尺寸 00 - 3,带皮胀圈03835 铝接线端子,70-150mm2, 用于尺寸1和2的NH-熔断器座03836 铝接线端子,95-240mm2, 用于尺寸3的NH-熔断器座03849 隔离开关盖定位锁,辅助安装03908 NH-熔断器 gL, 6 A,尺寸 00, 690V03909 NH-熔断器 gL, 10 A,尺寸 00, 690V03910 NH-熔断器 gL, 16 A,尺寸 00, 690V03911 NH-熔断器 gL, 20 A,尺寸 00, 690V03912 NH-熔断器 gL, 25 A,尺寸 00, 690V03913 NH-熔断器 gL, 32 A,尺寸 00, 690V03914 NH-熔断器 gL, 35 A,尺寸 00, 690V03915 NH-熔断器 gL, 40 A,尺寸 00, 690V03916 NH-熔断器 gL, 50 A,尺寸 00, 690V03917 NH-熔断器 gL, 63 A,尺寸 00, 690V03918 NH-熔断器 gL, 80 A,尺寸 00, 690V03919 NH-熔断器 gL,100 A,尺寸 00, 690V03920 NH-熔断器 gL, 25 A,尺寸 1, 690V03922 NH-熔断器 gL, 35 A,尺寸 1, 690V03924 NH-熔断器 gL,250 A,尺寸 1, 690V03925 NH-熔断器 gL, 63 A,尺寸 1, 690V03927 NH-熔断器 gL,100 A,尺寸 1, 690V03928 NH-熔断器 gL,125 A,尺寸 1, 690V03929 NH-熔断器 gL,160 A,尺寸 1, 690V03930 NH-熔断器 gL,200 A,尺寸 1, 690V03938 NH-熔断器 gL,100 A,尺寸 2, 690V03941 NH-熔断器 gL,200 A,尺寸 2, 690V03942 NH-熔断器 gL,250 A,尺寸 2, 690V03943 NH-熔断器 gL,315 A,尺寸 2, 690V03945 NH-熔断器 gL,315 A,尺寸 3, 690V03946 NH-熔断器 gL,400 A,尺寸 3, 690V03947 NH-熔断器 gL,500 A,尺寸 3, 690V03949 NH-熔断器 gL,355A,尺寸3, 690V05182 零线端子,陶瓷座,螺钉,63A05188 零线端子,带插孔的连接夹, 63A05780 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M6,高30mm05781 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M6,高35mm05782 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M8,高35mm05783 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M8,高40mm05784 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M10,高40mm05785 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M6,高45mm05786 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M8,高45mm05787 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M10,高45mm05788 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M10,高50mm05789 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M10,高60mm05790 绝缘子,带内螺纹,M8,高50mm05800 绝缘子,带内螺纹,螺栓,M6,高30mm05801 绝缘子,带内螺纹,螺栓,M6,高35mm05802 绝缘子,带内螺纹,螺栓,M8,高35mm08824 压板连接件,适用于PE-和N-母线01 93208825 卡接固定件, 适用于PE-和N-母线01126-01129和01926-01932 10877 PE-和N-母线,100A,40xM8, 1m10879 PE-和N-母线,160A,30xM10,1m30322 连接件组,1600 A, 3线,用于弹性加长连接,双T型母线30388 转接器,250A,用于Siemens 3VF330473 连接件组,1600 A, 4线,用于弹性带角度的连接,双T型母线30807 金属支承导轨,72mm宽,35x7.530894 螺钉连接件,M8,尺寸 0030930 金属支承导轨,35 x 54 x 7.531001 梳形母线,1 线,30mm2,齿距27mm, 长1m,无镀层,隔条31004 标记牌,20 x 9mm31005 熔帽,D01/E 14/400V AC/250V DC,塑料31006 熔帽,D02/E 18/400V AC/250V DC,塑料31007 连接端子,35 mm2,用于31 00131012 梳形母线,3线,截面16 mm2,带绝缘套,隔条,齿距27mm, 长1m 31014 梳形母线,1线,截面16 mm2,带绝缘套,隔条,齿距27mm, 长1m 31022 带测试孔的D0螺帽,用于Cyklon,E1831023 不带测试孔的D0螺帽,用于Cyklon,E1831024 梳形母线,1线,截面16 mm2,带绝缘套,叉形,齿距27mm, 长1m 31026 梳形母线,3线,截面16 mm2,带绝缘套,叉形,齿距27mm, 长1m 31027 末端罩,适用于3线梳形母线31028 连接端子,用于1线梳形母线,侧面连接31029 连接端子,用于3线梳形母线,侧面连接31031 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E 14 / 16 A / 400 V,单相,用于叉型结构31032 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E 14 / 16 A / 400 V,三相,用于叉型结构31033 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E 18 / 63 A / 400 V,单相,用于叉型结构31034 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E 18 / 63 A / 400 V,三相,用于叉型结构31044 连接端子,用于31 033和31 03431051 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E 18 / 63 A / 400 V,三相,带双侧框端子31056 梳形母线,3线,截面35 mm2,带绝缘套,隔条,齿距27mm, 长1m 31057 梳形母线,1线,截面35 mm2,带绝缘套,隔条,齿距27mm, 长1m 31070 D-条形盖,E27, 宽42mm31071 D-条形盖,E33, 宽57mm31072 D-条形盖,E27, 宽84mm31073 D-条形盖,E33, 宽114mm31084 末端罩,用于3线梳形母线,35 mm231085 连接端子,用于3线梳形母线,正面连接,6-50mm231086 标识牌架,适用于Triton31098 熔帽,E27,500V,塑料31100 熔帽,E33,500V,塑料31101 梳形母线,75 A, 1线, 1 m, 16 mm231102 梳形母线,65 A, 3线, 1 m, 16 mm231103 连接端子,6 - 25 mm2,齿距18,侧面连接31104 熔帽,D01/E18/400V AC/250V DC,塑料31105 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,8x31/1P31106 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,8x31/1P+N31107 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,8x31/2P31108 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,8x31/3P31109 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,8x31/3P+N31110 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,10x38/1P31111 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,10x38/1P+N31112 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,10x38/2P31113 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,10x38/3P31114 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,10x38/3P+N31115 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,14x51/1P31116 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,14x51/1P+N31117 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,14x51/2P31118 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,14x51/3P31119 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,14x51/3P+N31120 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,22x58/1P31121 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,22x58/1P+N31122 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,22x58/2P31123 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,22x58/3P31124 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在右侧,22x58/3P+N31130 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10 x 38 / 1P31131 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10 x 38 / 1P+N31132 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10 x 38 / 2P31133 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10 x 38 / 3P31134 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,10 x 38 / 3P + N31135 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,14 x 51 / 1P31138 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,14 x 51 / 3P31140 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,22 x 58 / 1P31143 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,带LED,22 x 58 / 3P31157 连接端子,6 - 25 mm2,齿距18,侧面连接31158 母线式条形熔断器式负荷隔离开关,用于D0熔断器,60 mm,63A/400V 31160 母线式条形熔断器座, 用于10x38 NFC 圆柱形熔断器,60 mm,32A/690V 31161 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E14/16A/400V,单相, 带双侧框端子31163 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,25 A / 400 V,8 x 31 / 1P + N 31164 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,25 A / 400 V,8 x 31 / 3P + N 31165 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,32 A / 690 V,10 x 38 / 1P + N 31166 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,32 A / 690 V,10 x 38 / 3P + N 31167 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,50 A / 690 V,14 x 51 / 1P + N 31168 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,50 A / 690 V,14 x 51 / 3P + N 31169 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E18/63A/400V,单相, , 带双侧框端子31170 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,125 A / 690 V,22 x 58 / 1P + N31171 带圆柱形熔断器的开关,零线在左侧,125 A / 690 V,22 x 58 / 3P + N 31172 D0-固定式熔断器管座,E14/16A/400V,三相, , 带双侧框端子31173 D-固定式熔断器管座(Triton),E27/25A/500V,单相,可替代01173 31174 D-固定式熔断器管座(Triton),E27/25A/500V,三相31175 D-固定式熔断器管座(Triton),E33/63A/500V,单相,可替代01175 31176 D-固定式熔断器管座(Triton),E33/63A/500V,三相31177 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 4 A, 8 x 31, 400V31178 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 6 A, 8 x 32, 400V31179 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 10 A, 8 x 31, 400V31180 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 16 A, 8 x 31, 400V31181 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 20 A, 8 x 31, 400V31182 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 2 A, 10 x 38, 500V31183 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 4 A, 10 x 38, 500V31184 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 6 A, 10 x 38, 500V31185 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 10 A, 10 x 38, 500V31186 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 16 A, 10 x 38, 500V31187 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 20 A, 10 x 38, 500V31188 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 25 A, 10 x 38, 500V31189 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 32 A, 10 x 38, 400V31190 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 10 A, 14 x 51, 690V31191 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 16 A, 14 x 51, 690V31192 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 20 A, 14 x 51, 690V31193 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 25 A, 14 x 51, 690V31194 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 32 A, 14 x 51, 500V31195 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 40 A, 14 x 51, 500V31196 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 50 A, 14 x 51, 400V31197 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 25 A, 22 x 58, 690V31198 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 32 A, 22 x 58, 690V31199 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 40 A, 22 x 58, 690V31200 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 50 A, 22 x 58, 690V31201 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 63 A, 22 x 58, 690V31202 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 80 A, 22 x 58, 690V31203 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 100A, 22 x 58, 500V31204 圆柱形熔断器 gG, 125A, 22 x 58, 400V31205 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 1 A, 10 x 38, 660V31206 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 2 A, 10 x 38, 660V31207 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 4 A,10 x 38, 660V31208 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 6 A,10 x 38, 660V31209 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 10 A,10 x 38, 660V31210 圆柱形熔断器 aR,12.5A, 10 x 38, 660V31211 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 16 A,10 x 38, 660V31212 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 20 A,10 x 38, 660V31213 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 25 A,10 x 38, 660V31214 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 30 A,10 x 38, 660V31215 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 10 A,14 x 51, 690V31216 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 16 A,14 x 51, 690V31217 圆柱形熔断器 aR, 20 A,14 x 51, 690V。
SM64200 N ozzleT o M ate V arious Carter B rand N ozzlesSM 61428 N ozzle SM 64348 N ozzleModel 44315Swivel Quick DisconnectA pplicable additional manuals :SM 44315February 1998Maintenance & Repair ManualAerospace GroupConveyance Systems DivisionCarter ® Brand Ground Fueling EquipmentSM44315 February 1, 1998TABLE OF CONTENTSPAGE1.0INTRODUCTION (3)2.0EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION (3)3.0TABLE OF OPTIONS (3)4.0SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (3)5.0 DISASSEMBLY (4)6.0 INSPECTION (5)7.0 REASSEMBLY (5)8.0 TEST (5)9.0 ILLUSTRATED PARTS CATALOG (6)FIGURE 1 (7)- 2 -SM44315February 1, 1998- 3 -MAINTENANCE, OVERHAUL & TEST INSTRUCTIONS CARTER MODEL 44315 SWIVEL QUICK DISCONNECT1.0INTRODUCTIONThis manual furnishes detailed instructions covering th e maintenance and overhaul of Eaton's Carter brand Model 44315, Swivel Quic k Disconnect Assembly.The 44315 Swivel Disconnect is available in many variations of inlet configurations. These are obtained byprocuring different "dash" numbers of the basic Model number 44315. Each of t hese variations corresponds to a different "option" letter on Model 61428,64348, or 64200 Nozzles when procured as a part of the nozzle. Refer t o paragraph 3.0 for a detailed explanatio n of the various options.2.0EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Model 44315 Swivel Quick Disconnect is designed to be used as a part of Model 61428, 64200 or 64348 Nozzles to provide connection to various sizes and types of hose fittings and to providea quick means of disconnecting the nozzle from the hose for inspection of the strainer utilized therein. The outlet adapter that mates the nozzle is also the male half of the swivel.3.0TABLE OF OPTIONSThe Unit is available with various inlet thread sizes and types as shown below. The corresponding options to the 61428, 64200 or 64348 Nozzles are also shown.Model Number DescriptionNozzle Option44315-1 2 1/2" NPT Inlet Thd 6H 44315-2 2 1/2" BSPP Inlet Thd 6K 44315-33" NPT Inlet Thd 6L 44315-43" BSPP Inlet Thd 6M 44315-52" BSPP Inlet Thd 6N 44315-62" NPT Inlet Thd 6P 44373-6060-mesh Screen B 44373-100100-mesh ScreenC4.0SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSThe Swivel Disconnect described herein has two separate safety systems built into it to assure that the unit can not be inadvertently disassembled from the hose. The unit is held together with a bayonet type joint requiring a rotation motion to disconnect one part from the other. This joint is locked by a spring loaded ring that prevents the rotation unless the ring is pulled away from the joint. In addition to the locking ring, there are two screws that are also designed to prevent rotation of the bayonet feature unless loosened. These screws are normally wire locked.SM44315February 1, 1998- 4 -NOTE:Do not operate the nozzle with this Swivel Disconnect connected unless theRetainer(10) is in place and the Screws (4) are fully installed and wire locked.5.0DISASSEMBLY5.1Remove the n ozzle/s wivel q uickd isconnect from the end of the hose.S e p a r a t e t h e s w i v e l q u i c kd isconnect from the nozzle. Refer toSM61428 service manual, paragraph6.2 for instructions on this operation.5.2Remove Lockwire (3) from Screws(4). Take note of the method oflockwiring for duplication uponreassembly.5.3Remove Screws (4) and set aside.Note: Older units will have a Washer(5A) under the head of each Screw(4). Newer units will have a bump onthe outer rim of the Housing (6), nothave the Washer (5A) and will havean anti-rotation Pin (5) to facilitateinstallation of the unit. Do notremove the Pin (5) unless it isdamaged and replacement is needed.5.4Holding the Unit with the threadedend in the right hand and the adapterend in the left, pull the black plasticRetainer (10) away from the Housing(6). Rotate the Housing in eitherdirection and pull it away from theAdapter (9) to disassemble.5.5Remove the Quad Ring (7) from theHousing (6). (Older units may have atwo piece seal consisting of a plasticSeal and a Spring that is mountedinside the Seal cavity. These twoparts may be replaced with the QuadRing (7).) Do not remove the WaveWasher (8) unless it is to be replaced.This washer is used to assure electricalcontinuity between the Housing (6) andAdapter (9). If it is necessary to removethe Washer (8) it can only beaccomplished by bending it out of shape.The Washer (8) is intended to be"wavey" and the precision of the wavesare of no consequence as long as thewaves are sufficient to make contactbetween the male and female halves ofthe Swivel.5.6If a Screen (1) is present it may beremoved for replacement or cleaning byremoving its Retainer (2) first.5.7The removal of the Curved Washer (11),Shroud (12), noting the direction inwhich it is installed for use inreassembly, Ring (13), and Retainer (10)should only be done if any of them areto be replaced. The Shroud (12) iscompressed against the Curved Washer(11) to allow removal of the Ring (13).Once the Ring is removed the other partsmay be removed.5.8The Teflon Seal (15) and O-ring (14)should only be removed if the Seal (15)is damaged. The O-ring is a flurosiliconecompound and is not affected by age. Toremove it use an "o-ring pick" beingcareful not to damage the Adapter (9).Once removed, the Seal (15) must bereplaced as well as the O-ring (14).SM44315February 1, 1998- 5 -6.0INSPECTIONIt is recommended that the Quad Ring (7)(or the older Seal and Spring) be replaced upon each overhaul of the Unit. O-ring (14) should be replaced only if damaged or the Seal (15) is to be replaced.Inspect all metal parts for dings, gouges,abrasions, etc. Use 320 grit paper to smooth and remove sharp edges. Replace any part with damage exceeding 15% of local wall thickness. Use alodine 1200 to touch up bared aluminum. Carefully check the edges of the ball race in the Adapter (9) for excessive wear or burrs.This part is dry film lubricated. If the ball groove is shiny the part should be replaced or the dry film lubricant be reapplied. An easily used aerosol can of Perma-S ilk G dry film lubricant can be obtained from 3M Corporation, 6940 Farmdale Ave., North Hollywood, CA 91605. Any burrs should be removed with abrasive. Excessive burring may result in hanging up of the part within the Nozzle Body making it impossible to disassemble in the future. Check the Retainer (10) for cracks. Replace if necessary.7.0REASSEMBLY7.1Reassemble in reverse order of disassembly (Refer to Figure 1),observing the following:7.1.1Make certain all components are clean and free from oil, grease, or any other corrosion resistant compound on all interior or exterior surfaces. Wash all parts with cleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680, and dry thoroughly with a clean, lint-free cloth or compressed air.WARNING:Use cleaning solvent in a well-ventilated area. Avoid breathing of fumes and excessive solvent contact with skin. Keep away from openflame NOTE: A light coat of petrolatum,Federal Specification VV-P-236 or equivalent commercial quality, can beapplied to all o-rings and screws for ease of installation.7.1.2Install Quad Ring (7) into Housing (6).7.1.3If Wave Washer (8) is being installed it will be necessary to bend it somewhat to properly install it. The shape of the "waves" are not critical and the part will be flattened out somewhat upon reassembly to the Adapter (9).7.1.4When installing Shroud (12) be sure that it is oriented such that it will cover up and retain the Ring (13) upon final assembly.7.1.5Upon reassembly of the Screws (4),Lockwire (3) should be installed to prevent loosening of the Screws (4). On newer units the rotation of the Housing (6) will be stopped at the correct location by the Pin (5).8.0TEST8.1The Unit shall be tested as a part of a completed nozzle as instructed in SM61428 or SM54348.8.2Test conditions8.2.1Test media shall be Calibration Test Fluid per MIL-C-7024, Stoddard Solvent (Federal Specification P-D-680), JP-4 per MIL-J-5624D at 75o + 15o F, Jet A or equivalent.SM44315February 1, 1998 8.3Functional TestAs mentioned above the Unitshould be tested in accordancewith the appropriate paragraphsof SM61428 or SM64348.9.0ILLUSTRATED PARTS CATALOGTable 1.0 tabulates the parts and sub-assemblies comprising the 44315-* Swivel QuickDisconnect Assembly and 44373-60 or -100 Screen Assemblies. The item numbers of thetable are keyed to the exploded view of the Swivel Assembly diagramed in Figure 1.TABLE 1.0Units Per Nozzle Spares/ Item Part Number Description Assembly Option10 Units/Yr.144373-60Screen Assy, 60-mesh..............1B144373-100Screen Assy, 100-mesh............1C11A208092-60Screen, 60-mesh.................1B-1B208092-100Screen, 100-mesh...............1C-1C208091Ring, Retainer....................1B,C-244317-*QD Female Half Assy..............1**-3GF20995C32Lockwire............................A/R**104GF24673-9Screw.................................2**-5 92373A126 Pin......................................1 ** -5A GF960C416Washer...............................2**-6207813-1Housing, 2 1/2 NPT...........1H-6A207813-2Housing, 2 1/2 BSPP.........1K-6B207813-3Housing, 3 NPT.................1L-6C207813-4Housing, 3 BSPP................1M-6D207813-5Housing, 2 BSPP................1N-6E207813-6Housing, 2 NPT.................1P-7210174-337Quad Ring..........................1**108207995Washer, Wave....................1**2 9-1544316QD Male Half Assy...........1**-9207809Adapter..............................1**-10207810Retainer..............................1**-11207811Washer, Curved.................1**-12208001Shroud................................1**-13RS-318-S Ring, Retainer....................1**-14M25988/1-040O-Ring...............................1**515207807Seal, Swivel.......................1**5For various seal kits to overhaul or repair this item as a part of a nozzle please refer to the service manual for the appropriate nozzle, SM61429, SM64200 or SM64348.*Use the same dash number as that used on the Housing (6).**Used on Nozzle Options H, K, L, M, N & P.- 6 -SM44315February 1, 1998FIGURE 1Aerospace GroupConveyance Systems Division 9650 Jeronimo Rd Irvine, CA 92618 Ph (949) 452-9500 Fax (949) 452-9992。
BNS 36-02Z-ST-L 连接器商品说明书
DATASHEETDataOrdering dataProduct type description BNS 36-02Z-ST-L101193156 Article number (ordernumber)EAN (European Article4030661359823 Number)27-27-24-02eCl@ss number, version11.0eCl@ss number, version27-27-24-029.0ETIM number, version 7.0EC002544ETIM number, version 6.0EC002544Approvals - StandardsCertificates TÜVBGcULusGeneral dataStandards BG-GS-ET-14EN IEC 60947-5-3Coding level according toEN ISO 14119LowWorking principle Magnetic driveInstallation conditions(mechanical)quasi-flushEnclosure material Glass-fibre, reinforced thermoplastic Gross weight30 gGeneral data - FeaturesNumber of normallyclosed (NC)2Number of safetycontacts2Safety classificationStandards EN ISO 13849-1Mission time20 Year(s)Safety classification - Safety outputsB10D Normally-closedcontact (NC)25,000,000 OperationsMechanical dataActuating element MagnetDoor hinge LeftDirection of motion Head-on to the active surfaceMechanical data - Switching distances according EN IEC 60947-5-3Note (Switching distance Sn)Axial misalignment, a horizontal and vertical misalignment of the safety sensor and the actuator are tolerated. The possible misalignment depends on the distance of the active surfaces of the sensor and the actuator. The sensor remains active within the tolerance range.Assured switchingdistance "ON" Sao7 mmAssured switchingdistance "OFF" Sar17 mmMechanical data - Connection techniqueTermination Connector M8, 4-pole, Latching interlockingMechanical data - DimensionsLength of sensor13 mmWidth of sensor88 mmHeight of sensor25 mmAmbient conditionsDegree of protection IP67Ambient temperature-25 ... +70 °CStorage and transporttemperature, minimum-25 °CStorage and transporttemperature, maximum+70 °CResistance to vibrations10 … 55 Hz, amplitude 1 mmRestistance to shock30 g / 11 msElectrical dataSwitching voltage,maximum75 VDCSwitching current,maximum0.4 ASwitching capacity,maximum10 WSwitching frequency,maximum5 HzScope of deliveryScope of delivery Actuator must be ordered separately.AccessoryRecommendation(actuator)BPS 36-2Recommended safety switchgear SRB-E-301ST SRB-E-201LCNoteNote (General)The number in brackets indicate the PIN number of the connector.Ordering codeProduct type description:BNS 36-(1)(2)Z(3)-(4)-(5)(1)11 1 NO contacts/1 NC contact02 2 NC contact(2)without with diagnostic output/01 1 NC contact10 1 NO contact(3)without without LED switching conditions display G with LED switching conditions display(4)without Pre-wired cableST with connector(5)L Door hinge on left-hand sideR Door hinge on right-hand side(6)2750Version with extended switching distance (incombination with actuator) BPS 36-1-2750 or BPS 36-2-2750)DocumentsOperating instructions and Declaration of conformityBNS 36(364.1 kB, 21.11.2022)UL CertificateBNS 36(385.0 kB, 01.08.2019)SISTEMA-VDMA library(659.5 kB, 23.03.2023)PicturesProduct picture (catalogue individual photo)ID: kbns3f33| 285.3 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 115.006 mm - 1000 x 326 px - 72 dpi| 23.3 kB | .png | 74.083 x 23.989 mm - 210 x 68 px - 72 dpiDimensional drawing basic component| 3.0 kB | .png | 74.083 x 51.506 mm - 210 x 146 px - 72 dpi| 60.6 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 245.181 mm - 1000 x 695 px - 72 dpiDiagramID: kbns2k25| 56.8 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 70.203 mm - 1000 x 199 px - 72 dpi| 2.6 kB | .png | 74.083 x 14.817 mm - 210 x 42 px - 72 dpiCharacteristic curveID: kbns3a29| 165.7 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 215.9 mm - 1000 x 612 px - 72 dpi| 110.2 kB | .png | 50.038 x 30.649 mm - 591 x 362 px - 300 dpi| 165.7 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 215.9 mm - 1000 x 612 px - 72 dpiCharacteristic curveID: kbns3a30| 16.9 kB | .png | 74.083 x 45.156 mm - 210 x 128 px - 72 dpi| 164.2 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 215.547 mm - 1000 x 611 px - 72 dpiContact arrangementID: km8--k4b| 17.0 kB | .cdr || 4.3 kB | .png | 74.083 x 73.025 mm - 210 x 207 px - 72 dpi| 110.6 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 347.133 mm - 1000 x 984 px - 72 dpiOperating principle| 52.8 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 248.356 mm - 1000 x 704 px - 72 dpi| 1.8 kB | .png | 74.083 x 52.211 mm - 210 x 148 px - 72 dpi System componentsConnectorenables the interconnection and the connection of BNS safety sensors to acommon safety monitoring modulefor BNS 33, BNS 36, BNS 260 (with 2 NC)Pre-wired cable4-polePre-wired cable4-polePre-wired cable4-polePre-wired cable4-polePre-wired cable4-poleA-K4P-M8-R-G-10M-GY-1-X-X-4Pre-wired cable4-poleAccessoriesSPACER BNS 36 SPACERto mount the magnetic safety sensor and actuator on ferromagnetic materialActuatorBPS 36-1Actuator and sensor on a mounting levelBPS 36-2Actuator 90 ° attached to the sensorControl-ModulSRB-E-201LCPlug-in screw terminals with codingSTOP 0 Function1 oder 2-channel controlStart button / Auto-start2 Safety outputs 2 A1 Signalling outputPlug-in screw terminals with codingSTOP 0 FunctionMonitoring of 4 sensorsStart button / Auto-start2 Safety outputs4 Signalling outputsPlug-in screw terminals with codingSTOP 0 Function1 oder 2-channel controlStart button / Auto-start1 Auxiliary contact3 safety contactsK.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG, Möddinghofe 30, 42279 WuppertalThe details and data referred to have been carefully checked. Images may diverge from original. Further technicaldata can be found in the manual. Technical amendments and errors possible.Generated on: 25/07/2023, 02:48。
基于负荷性质的不同,备用电源投入条件也不同,SID-40B 备用电源替续控制系统设计了:快速切换 准则、捕捉电动机群耐受电压点准则、捕捉首次同相点准则、捕捉残压准则及长延时准则,这样用户可根 据现场负荷的性质作出最佳选择,实现备用电源快速、可靠投入。值得注意的是在一些工况复杂的现场, 如母线上有自备发电机、有冷备用的变压器等,可以以 SID-40B 备用电源替续控制系统为中心,辅以我公 司研制的 SID-3YL 涌流抑制器、同期装置、低周低压减载装置和其它辅助智能测控设备来组成一个功能强 大的控制系统,从而真正实现在各种应用场合下,系统备用电源的无扰动替续控制。 1.2 装置架构特点 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 标准 4U 19 英吋加强型单元机箱,按抗强振动、强干扰设计,适用于恶劣环境。 集成电路全部采用工业品或军品,装置具有很高的稳定性和可靠性。 主控 CPU 采用高速工业级 RISC 处理器,主频达 200MHz,支持 DSP 扩展指令集。 采用高速高精度多路 A/D 同步采样技术,每周波采样 64 点,保证高测量精度。 软件基于实时嵌入式操作系统和 TCP/IP 协议栈,稳定可靠、易于扩展。 采用大屏幕图形液晶显示器,全中文菜单人机交互界面;可实时显示电气主接线图,各种运行数 据和丰富的事件记录,信息详细直观,操作、调试方便。 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 内嵌多种备用电源自投方案,并可根据用户需求定制特殊方案。 可独立整定 10 套保护定值,定值区切换安全方便。 大容量的信息记录功能。 强大的切换录波功能,每次切换操作最多可以记录长达 3 秒的录波数据,包括模拟量、开入量、 开出量和定值。录波数据既可在装置液晶屏就地察看,也可通过以太网口上传,可导出为标准 COMTRADE 格式文件。 ☆ ☆ ☆ 1.3 可自动或手动打印保护定值和事件记录。 支持多种语言,可在线切换。 强大的通讯功能,支持双以太网、双 RS485,集成 IEC60870-5-1-103、modbus 等多种通讯规约。
SOURIAU Quick Disconnect高可靠性循环连接器-产品规格说明书
In the frame of Space Station Alpha program, SOURIAU has developed and qualified a series of Quick Disconnect high reliability circular connector for robotic operations. This hardware is used as ORU interface on the JEM (Japanese Experiment Module Exposed) Facility which is part of the Japanese contribution to the Space Station. These connectors feature :• Low Insertion Force contacts • Thermal gradient compatibility• Integrated misalignement catching system • High durability (6000 operations)• High EMI shielding efficiency• Deep space environment (Atox) compatibility • Arrangements from MIL-DTL-38999.PerformancesMechanical and electricalMaterials and finishesMating/Demating forcesMechanicalMass• < 180 g for ORU plug • < 95 g for receptacleORU plug misalignments• Δα= ±0,9°(movement around the X axis)• Δβ= ±0,9°(angle authorized between the panels)• ρ = 1,95 mm (plane movement according to Y and Z requirements)ORU receptacle overstroke • ΔX ≥1,5 mmElectricalContact resistance as per MIL-DTL 39029Components Material Finish Shells (receptacle & plug)Aluminium alloy 7075Nickel platingInserts - InsulatorEpichlorhydrile + Polyal + Glass fiber-or Polyetherimide resin- Grommet SiliconeContactssee contacts L.I.F .see contacts L.I.F .Contact retaining clipCopper alloy-Receptacle & plug bottom plateand mechanical partsAluminium alloy 7075Nickel platingSpringsStainless steel-Mating force (N) (2)Demating force (N)25L-3625225L-7846325-1912510225-20(1)16115825-3514211625-6111084ConnectorLSD (*)(1) Configuration 3 # 16 optical contacts + 3 # 16 electrical contacts (2) At room condition before compliance mechanism acting.(1) LSD : L auching S ecurity D evice8977-09APlug1781# 8 (pc)8977-10AReceptacle922# 4 (pc)8977-11A Plug 1877# 8 (pc)8977-12A Receptacle 968977-15A Plug 17719# 12 (pc)8977-16A Receptacle 87)8977-17APlug17710# 20 (pc)13# 16 (pc)8977-18AReceptacle874# 12 (cc)3# 8 (cc)8977-19A Plug 174128# 22 (sc)8977-20A Receptacle 818977-13A Plug 16961# 20 (sc)8977-14A Receptacle 778977-31A Receptacle 7023# 20 (pc)8977-32A Plug 13520# 16 (pc)8977-25A LSD-P 86for plug8977-24A LSD-R 11for receptacleSOURIAU TypeMass in gram InsertLayouts Male insertPart number (with contacts)Qty Type (in front view)Part Number / Characteristics25L-325L-725-1925-2025-3525-6125-43(pc) : power contact ; (cc) : coax contact ; (sc) : signal cotnactDimensions for Quick Disconnect (QD) Connector ReceptaclePlugDimensions for Launching Security Device (LSD) LSD ReceptacleLSD PlugPresentation & Configuration for couplingReceptacle & PlugBefore mating After matingDuring the mating operation, the receptacle comes up to plug. The front of plug enters in receptacle cone. When plug touches the cone, this induces a lateral movement of plug shell relatively to the flange fixed on panel. This movement stops when the plug shell axis is in confor-mance with the receptacle ones.The axial movement induces engagement of the plug shell key in the plug receptacle keyway, its entry cone inducing the rotation of plug shell around the X axis.At the end of the total connection, plug comes to touch the internal face of the receptacle. The relative axial movement continues, which induces the displacement of plug shell comparatively to the flange fixed on panel. This displacement of plug shell compresses the spring in external casing.The minimum guaranteed overstroke is 1,5 mm.Connector with Launching Security Device (LSD)Before mating After matingThe Launching Security Device is designed to catch the floating connector plug shell during the flight.Its two principal parts are respectively fixed with plug and receptacle flanges.LSD side is fixed on plug flange. The plug shell is blocked by two arms and the system is locked by the cylinder rocker bar.The LSD arms prevent plug shell movements caused by vibrations and acceleration during the launch.When the coupling of the two parts happens, the finger of receptacle part pushes the cylinder rocker bar which releases the arms and libe-rates plug shell.At this point, the mating occurs as described above.The LSD in unlocked position will necessitate an external and manual action to be locked again on plug shell.Panel cut-outWithout Launching Security Device (LSD)Crimping, Insertion & Removal tools for contactsPlugReceptacleQD connector with Launching Security Device (LSD)PlugReceptacle# 22Pin M 22520/2-01M 22520/2-09M 81696/14-01Socket M 22520/2-07# 20Pin M 81696/14-10Socket # 16Pin M 81696/14-03Socket # 12Pin M 81696/14-04Socket # 8Pin M 22520/23-01M 22520/23-09M 81696/14-12*Socket + M 22520/23-02# 4Pin M 22520/23-01M 22520/23-11M 81696/14-07*Socket + M 22520/23-04# 8 coaxPin M 22520/1-01C31-SN 18918660-197*(1)Socket+ M 22520/5-01+ M 22520/5-45 (jaws)K103M 22520/1-01M 22520/1-04Size contactsContact Crimping tools Positioner Insertion & Removal plastic toolsERA ModelIn the frame of Space Station Alpha program, SOURIAU has developed a series of high relia-bility circular connector for robotic operations. This hardware is used on ERA (European Robotic Arm) interface with ORU (Orbital Replacement Unit) and Russian Modules.These connectors feature :• Low Insertion Force contacts• Thermal gradient compatibility• Integral misalignment catching system• High durability (20.000 operations)• High EMI shielding effectiveness• Deep space environment (ATOX) compatibility• Hybrid layout.Connecting strokeDimensions (mm)Receptacle• ERA• ERA25-HY25-613 # 8 triax2 # 12 coax31 # 2061 # 20。