The numerical computation of turbulent flows













OpenFOAM中的⼏种边界条件1.turbulentIntensityKineticEnergyInlet边界名称{type turbulentIntensityKineticEnergyInlet;intensity 数值;value uniform 数值/$internalField;}说明:intensity指的是湍流强度,如果不知道怎么计算,便可以指定为0.05。

关于为什么指定为5%,可以参考⽂献《The numerical computation of turbulent flows》。




2.omegaWallFunction/epsilonWallFunction边界名称{type omegaWallFunction;//或者是epsilonWallFunctionvalue uniform 数值;}说明:该边界条件仅对壁⾯设置壁⾯函数,应⽤在k-e或者k-w湍流模型中,从⽽对⽅程进⾏求解。


3.turbulentMixingLengthFrequencyInlet/turbulentMixingLengthDissipationRateInlet边界名称{type turbulentMixingLengthFrequencyInlet;//或者turbulentMixingLengthDissipationRateInletmixingLength 数值;value uniform 数值;}说明:可通过混合长度来计算omega或者epsilon的值,value关键字下可填写任意数值或$internalField(仅是将字符串拷贝到本地,等于内部场的值),仅起到占位的作⽤,并不对计算造成影响。



介绍图灵的英语作文Alan Turing, a brilliant mathematician and computer scientist, is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in the history of computing. Born on June 23, 1912, in Maida Vale, London, Turing's groundbreaking work laid the foundation for modern computer science and artificial intelligence. His contributions to the field have had a profound impact on the way we live and work today.Turing's most famous achievement is his role in breaking the German Enigmacode during World War II. Working at Bletchley Park, he and his team developed a machine known as the Bombe, which successfully deciphered the complex code used by the Germans to encrypt their communications. This breakthrough is estimated tohave shortened the war by two to four years, saving countless lives in the process. Turing's work at Bletchley Park not only helped the Allies win the war but also paved the way for the development of modern computers.In addition to his code-breaking efforts, Turing is also known for his work in the field of artificial intelligence. In 1950, he published a paper titled'Computing Machinery and Intelligence,' in which he proposed the concept of the Turing Test. This test is designed to evaluate a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human. The Turing Test has since become a benchmark for measuring the progress ofartificial intelligence and has sparked ongoing debates about the nature of consciousness and the potential for machines to exhibit human-like intelligence.Despite his significant contributions to the war effort and the field of computer science, Turing's life was marred by tragedy. In 1952, he was prosecuted for homosexuality, which was then considered a criminal offense in the UK. As a result, he was subjected to chemical castration through hormone treatment. In 1954, at the age of 41, Turing tragically took his own life. It wasn't until 2009 that the British government officially apologized for the way Turing had been treated, and in 2013, Queen Elizabeth II granted him a posthumous pardon.Turing's legacy continues to inspire and influence the field of computer science. In 2014, he was posthumously awarded the Royal Pardon for his contributions to code-breaking during the war. His work at Bletchley Park has been credited with revolutionizing the field of cryptography and laying the groundwork for modern information technology. In 2019, the Bank of England announced that Turing would be featured on the new £50 note, recognizing his immense impact on the field of computer science.In conclusion, Alan Turing's contributions to the field of computer science and his pivotal role in breaking the Enigma code have had a lasting impact on the world. His work not only helped end World War II but also laid the foundation for modern computing and artificial intelligence. Despite the adversity he faced in his personal life, Turing's legacy continues to be celebrated and honored, ensuring that his remarkable achievements will never be forgotten.。



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( 1)
式中 ,ρ 和μ 分别为体积分数平均的密度和分子粘性 系数 ; P 为修正压力 ;μt 为紊流粘性系数 , 它可由紊 动能 k 和紊动耗散率 ε求出 :
k μt = ρ C μ ε
( 7)
其中 , Cμ 为经验常数 ;σk 和 σ 的紊流 ε 分别为 k 和 ε 普朗特数 ; G 为由平均速度梯度引起的紊动能产生 项 , 由下式定义 :
第 39 卷 第 1 期
2007 年 1 月
四 川 大 学 学 报 (工 程 科 学 版 )
Vol . 39 No. 1 Jan. 2007
文章编号 : 1009 2 3087 (2007) 01 2 0058 2 05
张光碧 , 邓 军 , 刘 超 ,朱迪生
1 2 1 1 ( 1. 四川大学 水利水电学院 ,四川 成都 610065; 2. 四川大学 水力学与山区河流开发保护国家重点实验室 ,四川 成都 610065)
摘 要 : 为了寻求一种先进的数值模拟方法来研究河段水流的流场特性 ,采用 VOF 紊流数学模型对大渡河安顺场 堤防工程兴建河段建堤前后的水流流速场进行了三维数值模拟研究 ,模拟计算了该河段堤防兴建前后流速场内流 速大小 、 方向 、 水位等的变化情况 。计算表明 , VOF紊流数学模型是一种处理复杂自由表面的有效方法 。该法不仅 具有稳定性好 ,灵活性强和精度高的优点 ,而且网格划分灵活 ,因此能较好地模拟不规则河道边界 ,很适合于天然 河道三维水流流速场问题的数值模拟研究 。 关键词 : 三维 ; 流速场 ; VOF法 ; 数值模拟 中图分类号 : TV135 文献标识码 : A






国外有专家估测,1台反应堆功率为190 MW的核潜艇每秒钟释放入海洋的热能多达1.89×108J,在速度为5 kn时,它排出的热能使其身后的水温升高0.2 K[1]。





湍流turbulent flow理论形成对湍流现象进行实验和理论研究由O.雷诺首开其端,至今已有100多年。







湍流数值计算numerical computation of turbulent flow用合适的湍流模式和数值方法并运用高速电子计算机算出湍流参量的方法。










第9卷第2期2003年4月燃 烧 科 学 与 技 术Journal of Combustion Science and T echnolo gy Vol.9No.2Apr.2003室内火灾数值模拟方法的探讨Ξ陈大宏1,袁国杰2,GUAN Heng 2yeoh 3,杨小亭1,方 正1(1.武汉大学水利水电学院,武汉430072;2.香港城市大学建筑学系,香港九龙;3.澳大利亚原子能科学技术委员会原子能技术部,莫朗,澳大利亚2234)摘 要:通过场模拟方法与Steckler 的单室火灾实验资料比较,验证了作者开发的火灾场模拟模型Fire3D ,同时讨论了不同燃烧模型和热辐射对计算结果的影响.定量比较显示,如果考虑燃烧和热辐射的模拟,则Fire3D 能够提供与实验相吻合的速度和温度.CO 含量是建筑火灾预报中的重要指标,以Flamelet 为基础的燃烧模型能计算出CO 浓度.Flamelet 模型和模拟热辐射的DOM 方法联合运用会比较适合于建筑火灾的预报,值得进一步探讨.关键词:建筑火灾;燃烧模型;场模拟中图分类号:T K12,TU972 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100628740(2003)022*******Numerical Study on Compartment Fires by Using CFD T echniqueCHEN Da 2hong 1,YUAN Guo 2jie 2,GUAN Heng 2yeoh 3,YAN G Xiao 2ting 1,FAN G Zheng 1(1.College of Water Resources and Hydropower ,Wuhan University ,Wuhan 430072,China ;2.Department of Building and construction ,City University of Hong K ong ,K owloon ,Hong K ong ,China ;3.Australian Nuclear Science Technology Organisation ,Nuclear Technology Division ,Menai ,Australia 2234)Abstract :Field modelling that incorporates increasingly complex representations of the physical and chemical processes for compartment fires warrants a detailed evaluation.The influence of different combustion models and the introduction of ra 2diation model were assessed by comparisons against Steckler experimental data of a single compartment fire in order to check the current predictions made by Fire3D.Detailed quantitative comparisons demonstrate that our predicted velocity and temperature fields show good agreement against the above data when the combustion and radiation models are intro 2duced.The encouraging prospect on the use of Flamelet 2based combustion model where the incor poration of more detailed chemistry can be realized ,es pecially to predict CO concentrations ,together with the discrete ordinates radiation method (DOM )offers potential in building fire prediction.K eyw ords :building fire ;combustion model ;field modelling 为了能够定量地运用CFD (computational fluiddynamics )或场模拟方法来研究建筑火灾安全问题,火灾模拟模型的建立非常重要.在燃烧模型方面,越来越复杂的模型被人们研究和使用,以期能更好地描述受限空间中火灾的物理和化学过程.CFD 方法虽然需要较多的计算机资源,但它并不像较简单的区域模型那样对许多火灾问题存在比较大的局限性,因而日益受到重视.一种简化的场方法,即在场模拟中用热源来描述火灾的方法[1,2],描述火灾中的流动和温度特性,但是未考虑燃烧过程和热辐射的模拟. 最近,Lewis 等人[3]的火灾数值研究表明,在分析全比尺室内火灾的发展时,考虑燃烧和热辐射过程具有重要意义.本文主要是探讨适用于模拟室内火灾并能够同时模拟燃烧和热辐射特性的场方法.Ξ收稿日期:2002211206. 基金项目:中国香港研究局(RGC )资助项目(7001090,9040494). 作者简介:陈大宏(1962— ),男,博士,副教授,dhchen @1 数值模拟方法 利用作者开发的工作程序Fire3D 进行数值计算.Fire3D 建立在求解三维的连续性方程、运动方程、能量方程和气体组分浓度方程的基础上.偏微分方程组的离散使用有限体积法(FVM ).Fire3D 提供多种对流项的处理方法,包括迎风格式、中心差分格式和混合差分格式等.压力修正算法有SIMPL E 、SIMPL EC 或PISO 可供选择.程序采用非交错的速度和压力场.湍流模型包括标准κ2ε模型、RN G 模型和扩展的κ2ε模型等[4]. 在Fire3D 中,燃烧过程的模拟利用了文献[5,6]所提出的两种方法,即破碎涡模型(eddy break 2up model ,简记为EBU 模型)和Laminar Flamelet 模型(简记为Flamelet 模型).热辐射则采用DOM 方法来模拟[7]. EBU 模型假定化学过程很快完成,因而湍流混合在燃烧中起控制作用.燃料的质量消耗率为 R fu =C r ρεκmin [m fu ,m ox /s ](1)式中:ρ为时间平均密度;m fu 和m ox 分别为时间平均的燃料质量分数和氧化剂质量分数;s 为燃料与氧化剂的化学当量比;C r 是经验系数,通常可取4.0[5]. Flamelet 模拟方法基于这样的一个假设:这些“Flamelet ”为反应2扩散层,在准恒定状态下,它们在湍流媒介中被继续替换.这些反应2扩散层被假设为比湍流尺度还要薄,因而其内部结构具有层流火焰的结构.对于各个组分,质量浓度可表达成以混合分数ξ为自变量的函数,即 m α=m α(ξ)(2) 在计算中,方程(2)的具体表达式是根据文献[6]的层流火焰实验结果通过曲线拟合获得的.平均混合分数ξ以及变量ξ″2的求解,通常可以将概率密度函数(probability density function ,PDF )P ~(ξ)作为一个β函数来计算,于是平均值可由下式确定. m α=∫1P ~(ξ)m α(ξ)d ξ(3) 建筑火灾除了燃烧过程之外,通常尚需考虑热辐射.本文采用有效并且精度较好的计算方法,即DOM 方法,在忽略任何散射作用下,热辐射传导方程可写为 ξj9I j 9x +ηj 9I j 9y +ζj 9I j9z=-k a I j +k a E b (4)式中:E b =σT 4;σ和T 分别为Stefan 2Boltzmann 常数和时间平均的温度.方向余弦ξj 、ηj 和ζj 代表相对于每个热辐射强度I j 的方向,I j 跨越绕空间任何一点的所有角度,同时对全部角度的积分可用数值积分来近似[7]. 有许多有效的方法可以用于计算燃烧产品的热辐射特性,其中之一是灰色气体的加权求和[8].计算中采用了不变的吸收系数k a =0.2[9].2 计算结果和讨论 Steckler [10]曾进行过全尺寸房间的燃烧试验.Steckler 用于火灾实验的房间尺寸为2.8m ×2.8m ×2.8m.房间安装有隔热材料(陶瓷纤维板)和圆形燃烧器.燃烧器直径为0.3m ,使用甲烷作为燃料.房间的示意图见图1.燃烧器位于房间地面的中心,房间设有一个门,其尺寸为0.74m ×1.83m ,实验时门全开.燃烧是非预混的,燃烧过程所需的氧气来源于房间内的空气.实验时燃料供给调节到使热量的释放为62.9kW.实验测量了门中线上的温度和水平速度分量.图1 火灾房间测量布置 在使用Fire3D 进行单室房间火灾模拟时,使用SIMPL E 压力修正算法,同时对流项采用混合差分格式(hybrid differencing scheme ),紊流则用标准的κ2ε模型封闭.燃烧过程模拟使用破碎涡(EBU )模型和Flamelet 模型.模拟过程中,将根据需要考虑或忽略热辐射交换的模拟.火灾房间被离散成83160个网格. 由于房间相对于门和燃烧器的中心垂直面是对称的,所以在生成网格时仅采用一半的求解区域,这样可以提高流场和温度场的解析度(图2). 表1为本文计算的中性层高度h 1(门底部到速度为零处的垂直高度)与门高h 2之比、相应的流入和流出的质量流量、上层温度以及Lewis 的计算结果和Steckler 实验值的对照.中性层高度和质量通量等的计算方法可以参考文献[3].・101・2003年4月 陈大宏等:室内火灾数值模拟方法的探讨 Lewis 等人在计算中应用离散传播法(discretetransfer radiation model ,D TRM ).其h 1/h 2、m in 、m out 和T u 相对于实验值的误差分别为3%、6%、9%和1%.本文计算值与实验值的误差,在考虑热辐射交换的情况下,采用EBU 模型时分别为1%、2%、2%和1%,而应用Flamelet 模型时则分别为1%、2%、2%和4%.上层温度计算结果的差别可能是由于这两种燃烧模型的基本假设不同所引起的.图2 计算网格表1 本文计算结果与Lewis 的计算值和Steckler 实验值的比较项 目网格数燃烧模型热辐射模型h 1/h 2流入质量m in /(kg ・s -1)流出质量m out /(kg ・s -1)上层温度T u /℃实验值0.5610.5540.571129Lewis 计算值[3]70432EBU DTRM 0.5460.5210.523128本文计算值83160EBU DOM 0.5570.5670.558130本文计算值83160FlameletDOM0.5560.5650.558134 注:m in 为以门中线速度分布计算得到的进入房间的冷空气质量;m out 为以门中线速度分布计算得到的离开房间的热空气质量;T u 为门中线上高度大于中性层高度部分的温度平均值. 图3表示在门口处温度的计算结果与实验值的对比.图3a 是使用EBU 模型(包括考虑和未考虑热辐射)的结果.相应地,图3b 则是使用Flamelet模型的计算结果.显然,如果在燃烧计算中考虑热辐射则计算结果与实验值更加吻合.在门的顶端附近,无论是采用EBU 或Flamelet 模型,本文计算的温度比实验值均大3.5%左右.计算结果与实验值的这种差别可以归结于所用的热辐射模型的不同.D TRM 是射线跟踪方法,随着所用射线数量的增加,该法可以获得比DOM 更准确的结果.而后者是通量方法,如果与D TRM 比较,通量方法计算量小,而速度快,仅仅占用少量的计算机资源.在场模拟中,3.5%的误差是可以接受的.从图3可知,计算结果与实验值相比偏大,这应该与计算过程中没有考虑烟灰(soot )等因素有关. 除了温度外,这里还比较了门中心垂直线上的水平速度分量的计算结果和实验值.速度剖面清楚地显示了二层结构,冷空气从门的底部进入房间,而燃烧产品则从门的上部离开房间并进入到外部环境.显然,速度剖面对采用的燃烧模型和是否采用热辐射模型不太敏感(见图4).速度计算结果与实验值均吻合较好. 另外一个有意义的比较是观察由于吸入流动引起的火灾羽流的后倾斜度.温度等值线图见图5.在考虑热辐射的情况下,两种燃烧模型造成的羽流后倾斜度相对于水平面大约是45°.这一结果与Quintiere 等人的观察是一致的,他们观察到的火焰后倾斜度为33°~43°[11].(a )应用EBU 模型的结果(b )应用Flamelet 模型的结果图3 热辐射对门中心线上温度的影响・201・燃 烧 科 学 与 技 术 第9卷第2期(a )应用EBU模型的结果(b )应用Flamelet 模型的结果图4 热辐射对门中心线上水平速度的影响(a )EBU模型(b )Flamelet 模型图5 过火源和门中心垂直面的温度等值线图 应用Flamelet 模型还可以计算出CO 等组分浓度值,而在建筑火灾的预报中CO 含量是火灾安全评估的一个重要指标.由此可见,Flamelet 模型是一个比较适用的模型,值得做更深入的探索.由于缺乏实验值,这里不进行详细讨论.3 结 论 Fire3D 模型可以比较准确和详细地预报房间火灾的速度和温度场.计算结果与Steckler 的实验值进行了全面的比较.EBU 燃烧模型与DOM 热辐射模型的联合应用可以获得更好的计算准确性.对于速度而言,计算的结果与Steckler 的实验值吻合较好.对于温度场来说,计算值与实验值在局部位置差别较大,但是计算结果也是可以接受的.因此,可以认为所建立的模型是成功的.参考文献:[1] Markatos N C ,Malin M R ,Cox G.Mathematical modelling of buo 2yancy 2induced smoke flow in enclosures[J ].Int J Heat M ass Trans 2f er ,1982,25:63—75.[2] Chow K W ,Wong W K.A study of the fire aspect of atria in HongK ong[A ].Fi re S af ety Science 2Proceedi ngs of 3rd InternationalSy m posi um [C].1991.335—344.[3] Lewis M J ,Moss M B ,Rubini P A.CFD modelling of combustionand heat transfer in compartment fires[A ].Fi re S af ety Science 2Pro 2ceedi ngs of 5th International S y m posi um [C].1997.463—474.[4] Chen Y S ,K im S putation of turbulent flows using an ex 2tended κ2εturbulence closure model [R ].NASA 2CR 2179204,NASA ,1987.[5] Magnussen B F ,Hjertager B H.On mathematical modelling of tur 2bulent combustion with special emphasis on soot formation and com 2bustion[A ].16th S y m posi um (International )on Combustion [C].Combustion Institute ,1976.719—729.[6] Sivathanu Y R ,Faeth G M.G eneralized state relationships for scalarproperties in nonpremixed hydrocarbon/air flames [J ].Combustionand Flame ,1990,82:211—230.[7] Jamaluddin A S ,Smith P J.Predicting radiative transfer in rectangu 2lar enclosures using the discrete ordinates method [J ].CombustionScience and Technology ,1988,59:321—340.[8] Smith T F ,Shen Z F ,Friedman J N.Evaluation of coefficients forthe weighted sum of gray gases model [J ].Trans A S M E J HeatTransf er ,1982,104:602—608.[9] Modest M F.Radiative Heat Transf er [M ].Mc Graw 2Hill ,1987.[10]Steckler K D ,Quintiere J G ,Rinkinen W J.Flow induced by fire ina compartment [S].NBSIR 8222520,National Bureau of Standards ,Washington D C ,1984.[11]Quintiere J G ,Rinkinen W J ,Jones W W.The effect of room open 2ings on fire plume entrainment [J ].Combustion ,Science and Tech 2nology ,1981,26:193—201.・301・2003年4月 陈大宏等:室内火灾数值模拟方法的探讨。



Applied Ocean Research 33 (2011) 321–331Contents lists available at ScienceDirectApplied OceanResearchjournal homepage:/locate/aporNumerical investigation on the performance of Wells turbine with non-uniform tip clearance for wave energy conversionZahari Taha a ,Sugiyono b ,c ,∗,T.M.Y.S.Tuan Ya b ,Tatsuo Sawada daDepartment of Manufacturing Engineering,University of Malaysia Pahang,Lebuhraya Tun Razak,26300Gambang Kuantan,Pahang,Malaysia bCentre for Product Design and Manufacturing,University of Malaya,Lembah Pantai,50603Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia cDepartment of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,Gadjah Mada University,Jl.Grafika No.2,Yogyakarta 55281,Indonesia dDepartment of Mechanical Engineering,Keio University,3-14-1Hiyoshi,Kohoku-ku,Yokohama 223-8522,Japana r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 27December 2010Received in revised form 24May 2011Accepted 2July 2011Available online 30 July 2011Keywords:Wells turbineNACA0020blade profile Tip clearance CFDa b s t r a c tThe performance of a Wells turbine with various non-uniform tip clearances was investigated using com-putational fluid dynamics (CFD).The investigation was performed on numerical models of a NACA0020blade profile under steady flow conditions.The performance of turbines with uniform and non-uniform tip clearances was compared.The results were also compared with experimental results in literature.It was shown that the performance of turbine with non-uniform tip clearance is similar with that of turbine with uniform one in terms of torque coefficient,input power coefficient,and efficiency.However,the turbine with non-uniform tip clearance seems to have a preferable overall performance.An investigation on the flow-field around the turbine blade was performed in order to explain the phenomena.© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionIn nature,ocean has provided many potential resources of renewable energy which can be exploited to reduce the world’s dependence upon conventional fuels such as coal,oil,and natural gas,or exhaustible sources of energy.One of the potential resources is wave energy.In its development,this energy has received much attention due to its potency which is relatively abundant,sustain-able,and pollutant free.By converting into more usable forms of energy,the ocean wave energy can give a significant contribution to cover the energy requirements,particularly for coastal nations with island communities and correspondingly high energy costs [1].Among the wide variety of possible technologies for the purpose of wave energy conversion,the oscillating water column (OWC)system is relatively mature and promising.The system is said to be one of the most successful devices in harnessing wave energy [2,3].The schematic view of an OWC system is depicted in Fig.1,which substantially consists of a capture pneumatic chamber that opens at the bottom front to the incident wave,an air turbine,and an electrical generator [4].In its energy conversion chain,the system∗Corresponding author at:Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing,Univer-sity of Malaya,Lembah Pantai,50603Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.Tel.:+60379675200;fax:+60379675330.E-mail address:sugiyono ugm@ (Sugiyono).converts the wave energy into pneumatic energy in the form of a bi-directional airflow.A Wells turbine which constitutes one of self-rectifying turbines is commonly used in order to extract mechanical energy from the bi-directional airflow,which is then converted into electricity by means of the generator.As described above,there are three main stages of energy con-version process in the OWC system.Nevertheless,the performance of turbine plays the most important role,which will give a crucial impact on the overall efficiency.Hence,various parameters which induce the performance of turbine have to be considered properly.One of the parameters is tip clearance.As revealed in Raghunathan [5],the Wells turbine is very sensitive to tip clearance when com-pared to a conventional turbine.Fig.2shows the schematic view of tip clearance of a Wells tur-bine,which in general has a uniform shape.This shape has the size of the gap between the tip of turbine blade and the turbine casing which is constant from the leading to trailing edges of the turbine blade.Takao et al.[6]has modified the shape of the tip clearance to be non-uniform and has investigated it experimentally.He found that the non-uniform tip clearance is preferable to the uniform one.However,it is necessary to clarify this further.Along with the developments in computer hardware and soft-ware,computational fluid dynamics (CFD)has become an efficient means of investigating the performance of a Wells turbine.This is because of its modeling capabilities on a wide range of fluid flow problems and highly accurate predictions.It also provides detailed descriptions of flow which is impossible to be obtained through0141-1187/$–see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.apor.2011.07.002322Z.Taha et al./Applied Ocean Research 33 (2011) 321–331Fig.1.Oscillating water column system.experimental work.It is also helpful in interpreting experimental results and significantly reducing the amount of experimentation.There are several reports of investigations on Wells turbines using CFD.Watterson and Raghunathan [7]studied the effect of solidity on the performance of a Wells turbine with NACA0015blade profile.The effect of blade geometry with several hub-to-tip ratios and aspect ratios on the performance of a Wells turbine with NACA0020blade profile was studied by Kim et al.[8].Kim et al.[9]investigated the effect of blade sweep on the performance of a Wells turbine,and made a comparison of the performance between NACA0020and CA9blade profiles.Hysteretic phenomena of a Wells turbine has been investigated under unsteady flow condi-tions [10–12].Dhanasekaran and Govardhan [13]investigated the performance and aerodynamics of a Wells turbine with NACA0021constant chord blade,while performance improvement using a variable chord blade was studied by Govardhan and Chauhan [14].Takao et al.[3]used CFD to clarify the performance improvement of a Wells turbine due to the effect of end plates.Zahari Taha et al.[15]studied the effect of uniform tip clearance on the performance of a Wells turbine with NACA0020blade profile,and compared the computational results with the experimental ones of Takao et al.[6].Fig.2.Schematic view of tip clearance.This paper describes the use of CFD to investigate the perfor-mance of a Wells turbine with various non-uniform tip clearances.The investigation was performed on numerical models of a NACA0020blade profile under steady flow conditions.The com-putational results of this study were compared with the values obtained experimentally by Takao et al.[6].Moreover,they were also compared with the computational results of the turbine with uniform tip clearance from the previous study of Zahari Taha et al.[15].Furthermore,a flow-field investigation around the turbine blade was performed in order to explain the turbine performance.2.Numerical methodThe present study was carried out using a CFD code called FLUENT.The method solves the three-dimensional,steady,incompressible,Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations.The Reynolds stress in the mentioned equations is related to the mean velocity gradients by employing the Boussinesq approach [16]which has an advantage associated with the relatively low cost in computation of the turbulent viscosity.Meanwhile,the turbu-lence model adopts the Realizable k –εmodel [17]which is likely to provide superior performance for flows involving rotation,bound-ary layer under strong adverse pressure gradients,separation,and recirculation.The non-equilibrium wall functions [18]are applied for the near-wall region modeling to produce accurate predictions due to the wall-bounded turbulent flows.Furthermore,the govern-ing equations are solved in the absolute frame and discretized by the finite volume technique while imposing several discretization schemes.The standard scheme is used for pressure by means of momentum equation coefficients [19]as it is acceptable for most cases.Because of steady state calculations conditions,the SIM-PLE algorithm [20]is used for pressure–velocity coupling.In order to improve the accuracy of the solution,the second-order accu-rate upwind scheme is adopted for momentum,turbulence kinetic energy (k ),and turbulence dissipation rate (ε)by applying a multi-dimensional linear reconstruction approach [21].The specification of the turbine model for this study is summa-rized in Table 1.Note that the adopted turbine rotor is the most promising one in previous studies [22,23].The configuration of the non-uniform tip clearance of the turbine model is described in later section.By considering the symmetry of the turbine geometry,and in order to make the computation practical,the computational domain of the turbine model is restricted to one blade-to-blade passage with periodic boundaries.The computational domain isZ.Taha et al./Applied Ocean Research 33 (2011) 321–331323Table 1Specification of the turbine model.Blade profileNACA0020Number of planes 1Number of blades 6Blade chord length90mm Solidity at mean radius 0.67Casing diameter 300mm Hub diameter 210mm Mean radius127.5mm Blade sweep ratio0.35Width of flow passage45mmFig.3.Perspective view of computational domain (l :blade chord length).also limited to four and eight blade chord lengths upstream and downstream from the blade row,respectively.Fig.3shows the per-spective view of the computational domain for the turbine model.For the boundary conditions,the inlet velocity and static pressure are imposed on the inflow and outflow boundaries,respectively,which are normal to the axis of turbine.Rotational periodic boundaries are applied on the pairs of surfaces which con-stitute the circumferential sides of the domain.A moving reference frame is employed on the fluid zone which has the rotational speed equivalent to that of the rotor.No-slip conditions are used for the blade and the hub surfaces.Fig.4depicts the mesh employed on the computational domain.The mesh consists of structured,hexahedral grids.This has been achieved by performing decomposition of the model geometry into meshable pieces for mapping and sub-mapping grid algorithms.As shown in the figure,O-type mapping grids are applied surround-ing the turbine blade.Further,there are five grids in the span-wise direction which are imposed in the tip clearance region,andthenputational grid.the sub-mapping grids are only used in this region.The total num-ber of grids is approximately 295,500.The computations on each case of non-uniform tip clearance are carried out under steady flow conditions for various values of the flow coefficient ( ),which is defined as the ratio of the axial velocity of inlet airflow (v )to the circumferential velocity of the blade at mean radius (U ),=v(1)Meanwhile,this study was conducted regardless of the sig-nificant Reynolds number effects.The various values of the flow coefficient were achieved by varying the rotational speed of the rotor at a constant value of the axial velocity,which are similar with those performed by Kim et al.[8,9],Takao et al.[3]and Zahari et al.[15].Reynolds number is based on the blade chord length and relative velocity at mean radius,which is about 0.68×105to 4.41×105.Further,for the solution initialization,the computations are per-formed under the absolute reference frame and the axial velocity is set to zero.During the solution process,the default under-relaxation factors are selected to control the update of computed variables,which are found to be near optimal for a large number of cases.The convergence of solution is monitored by checking the residuals of the numerically solved governing equations.Moreover,in order to judge the convergence,the behaviour of other quanti-ties,such as the total pressure at the inflow and outflow boundaries,and torque coefficient generated by the rotor,are also monitored.Here,the default convergence criterion of each residual is reduced to reasonable values in order to allow the monitored quantities to stagnate at consistent values.Finally,the convergence of the solu-tion is checked for mass balance.In this study,the computations on each case of non-uniform tip clearance result in the net mass imbalance of less than 0.006%.3.Results and discussionThe performance of turbine is expressed in the form of dimen-sionless parameters which are torque coefficient (C T ),input power coefficient (C A ),and efficiency (Á).These parameters are defined as follows [6]:C T =T{ [v 2+U 2]hlzr/2}(2)C A = pQ{ [v 2+U 2]hlz v /2}(3)Á=Tω pQ =C T C A(4)where T ,Q , p ,ω, ,l ,h ,r ,and z denote the turbine output torque,flow rate,total pressure drop across the turbine,turbine angular velocity,density of air,chord length,width of flow passage,mean radius,and number of rotor blades,respectively.In addition,as stated above,the computations are carried out for various values of the flow coefficient.However,this study is confined to flow coef-ficients up to when stall occurs.As presented in Kim et al.[9],the stall point is decided by a decrease in the turbine torque coefficient.3.1.Preliminary investigationThe effect of non-uniform tip clearance configuration on the performance of Wells turbine is not known exactly yet.Therefore,computations are firstly performed on the turbine model with two types of the non-uniform tip clearance configuration.Each type has the smallest and largest sizes of the gap which are 0.5mm and 1mm,respectively.The two types of configuration are as follows:324Z.Taha et al./Applied Ocean Research33 (2011) 321–331putational results of turbine efficiency for the cases of TC0.5G1mm andputational results of turbine efficiency for the cases of TC0.5G0.75mmand TC0.5UMG1mm.parison of turbine performance between computational and experimental results for TC0.5G1mm or TC**=0.0083.Z.Taha et al./Applied Ocean Research 33 (2011) 321–331325in the first type (TC 0.5G1mm ),the size of the gap increases gradually from 0.5mm at the leading edge to 1mm at the trailing edge;and in the second type (TC 0.5UMG1mm ),the size of the gap is kept constant at 0.5mm from the leading edge to the mid chord and then increases gradually to 1mm at the trailing edge.The aim of these preliminary computa-tions is solely to interpolate a near optimal configuration of the non-uniform tip clearance regardless of the average size of the gaps of the two.The computational results of the performance of both turbines are then presented in terms of the turbine efficiency.Fig.5illustrates the computational results of the turbine effi-ciency for the cases of TC 0.5G1mm and TC 0.5UMG1mm .As shown in the figure,the efficiency of TC 0.5UMG1mm is slightly higher than that of TC 0.5G1mm at low values of the flow coefficient,but lower at values of the flow coefficient greater than 0.29.How-ever,the peak efficiency of TC 0.5UMG1mm is higher than that of TC 0.5G1mm ,and occurs at a lower value of the flow coefficient.TC 0.5UMG1mm stalls earlier as well.These tendencies might be reasonable when associated with those pointed out by Zahari Taha et al.[15]in which the peak efficiency of turbine is higher and occurs at a lower value of the flow coefficient,and the turbine stalls earlier,as the uniform tip clearance becomes smaller.In this case,itshouldputational results of turbine efficiency for the cases of TC 0.5G1.25mm and TC 0.75G1mm.putational results of turbine performance with non-uniform tip clearance for various values of the tip clearance to the chord length ratio.326Z.Taha et al./Applied Ocean Research33 (2011) 321–331be noted that the average size of the gap for TC0.5UMG1mm(i.e.0.63mm)is smaller than that for TC0.5G1mm(i.e.0.75mm).Furthermore,in terms of operational range and overall effi-ciency,it is shown in Fig.5that the performance of TC0.5G1mm is better than that of TC0.5UMG1mm.Immediately,it can be con-cluded that a configuration of non-uniform tip clearance which is similar with that of TC0.5G1mm is preferable and more suitable to be considered further in the study.However,this needs to be clarified because of the difference of the average gaps between TC0.5G1mm and TC0.5UMG1mm.Therefore,TC0.5UMG1mm is then compared with TC0.5G0.75mm which has a configuration similar to that of TC0.5G1mm(i.e.the size of the gap increases gradually from0.5mm at the leading edge to0.75mm at the trail-ing edge),but has the same average gap with TC0.5UMG1mm(i.e.0.63mm).A comparison of the turbine efficiency between both tur-bines is depicted in Fig.6.As shown in thefigure,the performance of TC0.5G0.75mm is better than that of TC0.5UMG1mm.Thus,the figure confirms the aforementioned conclusion.In order to show that the numerical method used for the study is reliable,the computational results are compared with the experimental values of Takao et al.[6],particularly for the case of TC0.5G1mm,or in terms of the average tip clearance to the chord length ratio,TC**=0.0083.Fig.7depicts the mentioned com-parison of the turbine performance between the computational and experimental results.In general,it is shown in thefigure that within the range of theflow coefficients given,good agree-ment exists between the computational and experimental results. Meanwhile,it can be observed that the torque coefficients of both computational and experimental results is almost the same,except for theflow coefficient values near the stall point in which the torque coefficient is predicted slightly lower.On the other hand, the input power coefficients are predicted slightly lower within almost the whole range of theflow coefficients given.As a con-sequence,the predicted turbine efficiency is slightly higher than the experimental one,except for theflow coefficient values near the stall point in which the turbine efficiency of both computa-tional and experimental results is almost the same.Further,the value of peak efficiency is predicted higher by approximately1%, and occurs at the value of theflow coefficient which is very close to the experimental one as well as that where the stall point is predicted.3.2.Performance of Wells turbine with non-uniform tip clearanceAs a follow up to the preliminary investigation,a study is performed on the turbine model with various configurations of non-uniform tip clearance which are similar with the configuration of TC0.5G1mm as shown in Table2.However,there are two turbine models with the same average size gap,which are TC0.5G1.25mm and TC0.75G1mm.Therefore,it is necessary to compare the per-formances of both turbines in order to determine which turbine model would be better and more proper to be considered further.Fig.8presents the computational results of the turbine per-formance for TC0.5G1.25mm and TC0.75G1mm in terms of the turbine efficiency.From thefigure,it can be observed that for the range of theflow coefficients without stalling,the performances of both turbines are relatively almost the same.However,the stall margin of TC0.75G1mm is wider than that of TC0.5G1.25mm. Therefore,it can be then concluded that the performance of TC0.75G1mm is better than that of TC0.5G1.25mm.The computational results of the turbine performance for the cases of TC0.5G0.75mm,TC0.5G1mm,TC0.75G1mm, TC0.75G1.25mm,and TC1G1.25mm,or in term of the aver-age tip clearance to the chord length ratio,TC**=0.0070,0.0083, 0.0098,0.0111,and0.0126,are presented in Fig.9.In general, it can be seen that the three parameters of torquecoefficient,Fig.10.Variation of mean turbine efficiency and stall incidence angle with ratio of the tip clearance to the blade span:(a)computational results of the Wells turbine with non-uniform tip clearance;(b)experimental results quoted in Raghunathan [5].input power coefficient,and efficiency have the same tendencies with those explained in Zahari Taha et al.[15]with regard to the turbine performance for various cases of uniform tip clearance. The most conspicuous feature is that a turbine with a larger tip clearance would have a wider operational range offlow without stalling.The peak efficiency of the turbine decreases and shifts towards a higher value of theflow coefficient as the tip clearance increases.Furthermore,based on Fig.9(c),the mean turbine efficiency(¯Á) in the wide range offlow coefficients for each case of TC**can be estimated,which is the average value of an integration value of turbine efficiency with the variation in theflow coefficient[9]. Fig.10(a)illustrates the variation of the mean turbine efficiency and stall incidence angle(˛s)with the ratio of the tip clearance to the blade span( c).Here,the incidence angle is defined as the arctangent of t in degrees,while the term of t is the ratio of the axial velocity of inlet airflow to the circumferential velocity of the blade at tip.Further,it can be seen in Fig.10(a)that an increase in c improves the stall incidence angle,or delays the stall occurrence. However,this reduces the mean turbine efficiency.Meanwhile, Fig.10(b)illustrates a set of experimental results due to the vari-ation of the mean turbine efficiency and stall incidence angle of the Wells turbine with uniform tip clearance for blade profiles of NACA18and NACA0021[24–26]which is quoted in Raghunathan [5].It can be observed that the same tendency of the respective parameters is shown between Fig.10(a)and(b).Z.Taha et al./Applied Ocean Research33 (2011) 321–331327Fig.11.Flow patterns for TC**=0.0070:(a)contours of circumferential velocity on a plane of constant radius through95%h;(b)contours of circumferential velocity on a plane perpendicular to blade chord line through95%l;(c)relative velocity vector on suction surface.Fig.12.Contours of circumferential velocity on a plane of constant radius through95%h,at =0.39:(a)TC**=0.0070;(b)TC**=0.0083;(c)TC**=0.0111;(d)TC**=0.0139;(e)TC**=0.0126.328Z.Taha et al./Applied Ocean Research 33 (2011) 321–331Fig.13.Relative velocity vector on suction surface,at =0.39:(a)TC **=0.0070;(b)TC **=0.0083;(c)TC **=0.0111;(d)TC **=0.0139;(e)TC **=0.0126.A study is then performed on the flow-field around the turbine blade to explain the performance of turbine with non-uniform tip clearance.Fig.11(a)–(c)depict the flow patterns for TC **=0.0070,which consist of the circumferential velocity contours on the plane of constant radius through 95%width of flow passage (h ),the cir-cumferential velocity contours on the plane perpendicular to the blade chord line through 95%blade chord length (l ),and the rela-tive velocity vector on the suction surface,respectively,at =0.09,0.20,0.32,and 0.39.It is shown obviously in Fig.11(a)that a bound-ary layer separation occurs considerable on the plane of constant radius through 95%h which is just beneath the tip.This separation increases on the mentioned plane as the flow coefficient increases.Besides,it also can be seen that dense contour lines emerge near the suction surface,which then dissipate gradually as the flow coefficient increases.The emergence of the dense contour lines is attributed to counter-acting of vortex [15],which might have an effect on the turbine operating without stalling at =0.09,0.20,and 0.32.On the other hand at =0.39,the contour lines disappears,and the turbine stalls.Further,as described in Zahari Taha et al.[15],there is a strong relationship between the velocity contours such as those shown in Fig.11(a)and the effect of tip leakage flow.This can be observed clearly in Fig.11(b)of which the tip leakage flow strongly coerces the boundary layer near the tip to separate from the suction surface,in particular around the trailing edge region.Moreover,the tip leakage flow also has an effect in the span-wise direction from the tip.These occurrences take place increasingly as the flow coefficient increases.It can then be seen in Fig.11(c)that the effect of tip leakage flow seems physically powerful to force the turbine to be in a stall condition at =0.39,which is indicated by a reversed flow region with swirl occupying a large portion of the suction surface.On the other hand at =0.09,0.20,and 0.32,most of the suction surface is relatively occupied by the main flow velocity,which is associated with the counter-acting effect of the vortex,therefore the turbine holds out to operate without stalling.Table 2Configurations of non-uniform tip clearance.Turbine modelConfiguration of tip clearanceAverage size of the gap (mm)TC 0.5G0.75mm The size of the gap increases gradually from 0.5mm at the leading edge to 0.75mm at the trailing edge 0.63TC 0.5G1mm The size of the gap increases gradually from 0.5mm at the leading edge to 1mm at the trailing edge 0.75TC 0.5G1.25mm The size of the gap increases gradually from 0.5mm at the leading edge to 1.25mm at the trailing edge 0.88TC 0.75G1mm The size of the gap increases gradually from 0.75mm at the leading edge to 1mm at the trailing edge 0.88TC 0.75G1.25mm The size of the gap increases gradually from 0.75mm at the leading edge to 1.25mm at the trailing edge 1TC1G1.25mmThe size of the gap increases gradually from 1mm at the leading edge to 1.25mm at the trailing edge1.13Z.Taha et al./Applied Ocean Research33 (2011) 321–331329Fig.12(a)–(e)present the circumferential velocity contours on the plane of constant radius through95%h for TC**=0.0070,0.0083, 0.0098,0.0111,and0.0126,respectively,at =0.39.From thefig-ures,it can be seen that dense contour lines near the suction surface are still encountered for the cases of TC**=0.0083,0.0098,0.0111, and0.0126,whereas not for the case of TC**=0.0070(stall con-dition).Furthermore,it is interesting to observe TC**=0.0083,in which the dense contour lines are shown vaguely around35%chord length.A possible reason may be that the turbine of TC**=0.0083is imminent to be in a stall condition(predicted at =0.41).Besides, it also can be seen that the velocity contours for the cases of TC**=0.0098,0.0111,and0.0126are almost the same when the performances of the three cases are very close(see Fig.9).How-ever,in general it can be revealed that at =0.39,the dense contour lines near the suction surface tend to emerge more explicit as TC** increases.Hence,it is understood that the stall for TC**=0.0126is more delayed than that for the others(see Fig.9).Fig.13(a)–(e)depict the relative velocity vector on the suc-tion surface of the turbine blade for TC**=0.0070,0.0083,0.0098, 0.0111,and0.0126,respectively,at =0.39.It can be observed that the portion of the suction surface which is occupied by the mainflow velocity tends to become larger as TC**increases.Nev-ertheless,theflow patterns on the suction surface for the cases of TC**=0.0098,0.0111,and0.0126seem almost the same when the performances of the three cases are very close.Furthermore,it is also shown that the turbine of TC**=0.0083has a strong tendency to create a reversedflow near the tip when the mentioned turbine is imminent to be in a stall condition as described above.parison of performance between the turbines withuniform and non-uniform tip clearancesIn order to make a performance comparison between the tur-bines with uniform and non-uniform tip clearances,computational results of Zahari Taha et al.[15]are adopted.The comparison is firstly presented in terms of the turbine efficiency which is based on the same value of the tip clearance to the chord length ratio. In this sense,there are two cases of ratio which could be consid-ered,i.e.,0.0083and0.0111.Additionally comparison is presented in terms of the mean turbine efficiency and stall incidence angle.Figs.14and15show the efficiencies of turbines with uniform (TC*)and non-uniform(TC**)tip clearances,with the tip clearance to the chord length ratios of0.0083and0.0111,respectively.As shown in thefigures,the efficiency of the turbine with non-uniform tip clearance is higher than that of the turbine with uniform one for both ratios.The peak efficiency value differs by approximately 0.76%and0.83%for the ratios of0.0083and0.0111,respectively.It is interesting that the peak efficiencies of each case of ratio occur at the same value of theflow coefficient of both tip clearance shapes, which are =0.24and0.25for the ratios of0.0083and0.0111, respectively.However,the stall margin of the turbine with uni-form tip clearance is predicted narrower for both ratios.Further, for the range of theflow coefficients without stalling,the turbines with non-uniform tip clearances have the values of mean efficiency which are higher by around0.95%and1.07%for the ratios of0.0083 and0.0111,respectively.Finally,it can be concluded that the over-all performance of the turbine with non-uniform tip clearance is superior to that of the turbine with uniform one.The superiority in performance of the turbine with non-uniform tip clearance also can be observed in Fig.16.Thefigure presents a comparison of the mean turbine efficiency and stall incidence angle between the turbines with uniform and non-uniform tip clearances. It can be seen that the variation of the mean turbine efficiency with the ratio of the tip clearance to the blade span for the case of the turbine with non-uniform tip clearance is higher than that forthe parison of efficiency between the turbines with uniform(TC*)and non-uniform(TC**)tip clearances for the tip clearance to the chord length ratio of0.0083.parison of efficiency between the turbines with uniform(TC*)and non-uniform(TC**)tip clearances for the tip clearance to the chord length ratio of0.0111.parison of mean turbine efficiency and stall incidence angle between the turbines with uniform and non-uniform tip clearances.。



介绍图灵的英语作文英文回答:Turing was a renowned mathematician, logician, and computer scientist who made significant contributions to the fields of artificial intelligence and computer science. One of his most famous achievements was the development of the Turing machine, a theoretical device that laid the foundation for modern computing.Turing's work during World War II was also crucial, as he played a key role in breaking the German Enigma code, which helped the Allies win the war. His groundbreaking work in cryptography and code-breaking paved the way for modern cybersecurity and encryption techniques.In addition to his technical contributions, Turing was also known for his unique personality and sense of humor. He was often described as eccentric and had a dry wit that endeared him to his colleagues and friends. Despite facingdiscrimination for his homosexuality, Turing remained resilient and continued to pursue his passion for mathematics and science.Overall, Turing's legacy continues to inspire generations of scientists and researchers to push the boundaries of what is possible in the fields of artificial intelligence and computer science.中文回答:图灵是一位著名的数学家、逻辑学家和计算机科学家,他对人工智能和计算机科学领域做出了重要贡献。







1 风流动特性1.1 大气边界层图1 大气边界层风吹过地面时,受到地面上的各种粗糙元(森林、山峰、建筑物等)产生的摩擦阻力作用而使得风速减小,这一层受地球表面摩擦阻力影响的大气层称为大气边界层(如图1所示)。







1.2 指数风剖面G.Hellman在1916年提出指数规律,后来由A.GDavenport根据多次实测结果分析并提出平均风沿高度变化的规律可用指数函数来描述,即:式中为标准参考高度和标准参考高度处的平均风速,我国标准高度取为10m,z为任一高度和任一高度处的平均风速;α为地面粗糙度指数,地形越粗糙,地表为气流的阻滞作用越强,α也越大。




文章编号:1000-7466(2004)02-0025-03双切环流气体分布器内流场FLUENT 数值模拟丰存礼,刘 成,李永辉,张敏华(天津大学石油化工技术开发中心,天津 300072)摘要:在FLUE NT 软件平台上,采用k -ε湍流模型模拟某实际应用的双切环流气体分布器内流体的流动状态。

对计算结果的分析以及与实际性能的对比表明,FLUE NT 可为双切环流气体分布器及其同类设备的新品研发、工业放大或优化改造提供方便快捷、功能强大的数值计算和理论分析。

关 键 词:气体分布器;数值模拟;计算流体力学;流场中图分类号:TQ 053 文献标识码:ANumerical simulation of the flow field in a twin -tangential annular flow gas distributor with F LUENTFE NG Cun -li ,LIU Cheng ,LI Yong -hui ,ZHANG Min -hua(Tianjin University R &D Center for Peterochem .Tech .,Tianjing Un iversity ,Tianjin 300072,China )A bstract :Three -dimensional flow field of a working twin -tangential annular flow gas distributor is simulated based on standardk -εturbulent model with FLUENT .The close agreement with the working data of the model predictions shows that FLUENT can provide a numerical description of fluid flow in the twin -tangential annular flow gas distributor within a considerable degree of accu -racy ,and FLUENT can also provide a convenient and powerful numeric calculation tool for exploitation ,research ,scale -up optimi -zation of gas distributor and congeners .Key words :gas distributor ;numerical simulation ;computational fluid dynamics ;flow field 塔器是炼油、化工等领域中广泛应用的设备,在塔器底部常设有促使气体均匀分布的进气装置———气体分布器。





对于管道等结构中的复杂流体问题,可利用Fluent 软件求解,该软件提供了湍流方程,可模拟湍流的流动状态[2]。



由Launder 等[4]提出的标准k-ε模型是典型的两方程模型,也是较为广泛的湍流模型,为使流动符合湍流的物理定律,需要对正应力进行某种数学约束,即将湍动粘度计算式中的模型系数C p 作为变量处理,湍动能k 和耗散率ε由如下公式求得:式中,t ———时间;ρ———流体密度;(x 1,x 2,x 3)———张量坐标(与直角坐标系标记的对应关系为x 1=x ,x 2=y ,x 3=z );u i ———速度矢量在三个坐标轴方向的分量;G k ———平均速度梯度引起的湍动能的产生项;μt ———湍流粘性系数(湍流粘度);μ———流体动力粘度;E ———应变率;v ———流体运动粘度;σk σε———湍流普朗特数,分别为1.0、1.2;C 1———模型系数;C 2———取1.9。

式中,模型经验系数A 0=4.0,A s 和U *的计算公式如下:式中,Ωij 为转动速率。

3仿真参数设置根据磨粒流加工特点,选择Mixture 多相流模型,采用标准k-ε湍流模型,设置入口边界条件、出口边界条件及壁面边界,考虑重力加速度的影响。












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Floating point error invalid number,fluent典型错误

Floating point error invalid number,fluent典型错误

turbulent viscosity limited to viscosity ratio of1.000 000e+005in2cellsError:Floating point error: invalid number 1 这个应该是湍流模型的选取与第一层网格高度之间不满足近壁处理关系而产生的问题,如果你没有使用壁面函数的话,第一层网格高度尽可能地小点儿,比如取为弦长的百万分之一左右;另外,边界条件中关于湍流量的设置不合理也会导致这个警告。

2 (不推荐)solve-controls-limits Maximum Turb. Viscosity Ratio 加多两个0,估计是一些单元的最大Turb. Viscosity Ratio超出了限定值()恕我直言,你的这个方法只是治标不治本,他这个问题多数是由于网格尺度太大引起的。


[br][br][以下内容由larky 在2007年06月23日00:00am 时添加] [br]调大限制值可能导致发散3 这是一个办法,能够解决一部分问题,有一些问题无论你怎么调整都没有用,如果出现这种情况可以通过调整初始流场,找到合适的初始值大部分能够解决,其实如果只是一开始初现这个问题,可以不作调整,除非影响到收敛性4 在别的论坛上看到的:为了尽快收敛对异值进行的限制,对最后收敛结果无影响1)如果边界条件设置合理,一般来说会在收敛后自动消除。




5)如果不想看见它总是报告而影响计算速度(写屏会降低计算速度),可以在下面把它关闭:solve->control->flow limit....具体记不住了,自己看看就知道了。

5 我也遇到这种情况,不过是在叠代求解的前一百多步,后面就没有了.因此我想是否是因为前面计算的误差大引起?而随着计算误差的减少,就消失了.如果是这样,就可以放心啦.6 一般是边界上或是网格质量差的地方出现了奇点.由于是数值耗散,随着迭代次数越多,影响整个流场的范围越大,最终可能导致这个流场发散.如果是网格质量差的地方出现,就只能重划网格了如果是在边界上,一般是湍流相关参数设置不合理造成的,改成固定湍流比可能能解决7 Why don't you try as follows (If you still have the same warning, please go to the next step. Usually, the initial flow condition used for the RSM run is obtained from the RNG k-e model result);First step:Solve - Controls - Solution -Default => iterationSecond Step:Dicrase "Under-relaxation factors" => iterationThird Step:Adaptation of cells : I usaually use y+ and velocity gradient conditions => iterationFourth Step:Regenerate mesh, goto step 1If your solution stats to converge, you can increase under-relaxation factors.If you have converged solutions, you can increase the order of the discretizatio n parameters (for ex. 1st -> 2nd -> QUICK etc.)8. Once I posted a big message on this issue, I am pasting that message again, you can read this:{well this is one common problem lot of people have asked about it before. i will try to summarize the approach i take to solve this problem.first of allthe very basic cause of this warning is the wrong set up of boundary conditio ns.So if you are sure that nothing is wrong with the set up of the problem, you can follow the following things.The origin of the problem lies in the fact that if the solver calculates the valu e of k and e or omega (in two equation models) wrongly, it’s very likely it will calculate turbulent viscosity wrongly and thus we get the warning. In the ideal condition, as the solution converges the warning should go away and we all live happily ever after. But generally this does not have so happy ending. The reason is mainly we have a case which is very large and convergence is already difficult and which is exacerbated by the wrong calculations of turbul ent quantities. So what are the remedies for it.The usual remedy is to switch to coupled solver,and work with it, and this u sually solves the problem. But my personal thinking is that if the case is inco mpressible the coupled solver may not work well there. But yes this is one so lution. The second solution which is far more stable is, and if you fail to get the solution from coupled solver too, switch to FAS,increase the number of p re post iterations, make the coarsening levels to 4, (4 is more than enough). A nd this converges almost every problem, but there are case where you might f ail to get convergence.Anyway if you are stuck with segregated solver (like me), what are the option s.First of all if we consider that the divergence is because of turbulence quantiti es, we may want to force the convergence on these quantities before we move to next iteration.The way I do is this, I change the multigrid options for k, e to V cycle, mak e the pres sweeps to 1 post sweeps to 2, and chose Bicgstab as smoother. An d let it run.盲目,默认值一般是最佳值。



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K p
4 P 0, Oti
of turbulence energy von Karman’s constant appearing in (2.1 - 11) Molecular viscosity Turbulent viscosity Kinematic viscosity A generalized dependent variable Density Effective turbulent Prandtl number Effective turbulent Prandtl number for transport Molecular Prandtl number Shear stress
Nomen constant Curte t number defined by (3.1 - 1) Coefficients in approximated turbulent transport equations Specific heat at constant pressure Diffusion coefficient for quantity (p Rate of diffusive transport of Reynolds stress Constant in near-wall description of velocity profile (- 9) Functional defined by (2.2 - 6) Turbulence kinetic energy uiuj/2 Length of energy containing eddies Fluctuating component of static pressure Heat flux Radius Reynolds number in pipe flow based on bulk velocity and pipe diameter Rate of redistribution of Reynolds stress through pressure fluctuations Turbulent Reynolds number k2/ve Temperature Fluctuating component of velocity in direction xi Mean component of velocity in direction Xi Streamwise velocity nondimen~onalized by T,JP Mean streamwise velocity on axis Change in mean velocity across shear flow ‘Vorticity’ fluctuations squared Cartesian space coordinate
B.E. Launder, D.B. &&ding,
Fhe numerical
of ~r~ulent flows
A good turbulence model has extensive universality, and is not too complex to develop or use. Universality implies that a single set of empirical constants or functions, inserted into the equations, provides close simulation of a large variety of types of flow. Complexity is measured by the number of differential equations which the model contains, and the number of the empirical constants and functions which are required to complete them; increase in the first complicates the task of using the model, increase in the second that of developing it. Satisfactory calculation procedures and computers are now available for solving differentiai equations, on the scale of the mean motion, for quite large numbers (e.g. 20) of simultaneous equations. The main obstacles to model development are therefore the difficulty of selecting which set of differential equations is most capable of providing universality, and the difficulty of then providing, from experimental knowledge, the required constants and functions.
Superscript +
by means of v, r,,
and p
1. Introduction
1.1. The Problem
Turbulent flows, which are of great practical importance, are threedimensional and time-dependent. Computer methods of solving the differenti~ equations of fluid dynast are well advanced even for three-dimensional time-dependent flows. Then why is it that there are no computer models of turbulent flow which do full justice to the fluid dynamics and which can be applied to practical problems? The answer is that the necessary computer storage exceeds by many orders of magnitude what is currently available, to say nothing of the computer time, for important constituents of the turbulence phenomenon take place in eddies of the order of a millimeter in size, while the whole flow domain may extend over meters or kilometers. A grid fine enough to allow accurate description of a turbulent flow would therefore require an immense and totally impractical number of nodes. Yet the practical need for computation of turbulent flows is pressing; to meet it, “turbulence models” have been invented. These consist of sets of differential equations, and associated algebraic equations and constants, the solutions of which, in conjunction with those of the NavierStokes equations, closely simulate the behaviour of real turbulent fluids.
B.E. Launder, D.B. Spaldirrg, The numerical computation
of turbulent flows
Y 3:
Radial width of mixing region Coordinate normal to wall
Greek Symbols E Rate of dissipation
In the present paper, the authors describe recent work on the development of a particular turbulence model, that in which two differential equations are solved, the dependent variables of which are the turbulence energy k and the dissipation rate of turbulence energy E. Emphasis is given to aspects of the model having importance for flows adjacent to solid walls. This is of course not the only available turbulence model. Others have been reviewed in recent works by the authors [ 1,2] and others (Harlow [3] and Mellor and Herring (41). Among such models are :Prandtl’s [ 51 mixing-length model; the one-differential-equation models of Prandtl [6], Bradshaw, Ferriss and Atwell [7 ] and Nee and Kovasznay [8 ] ; the two-differential-equation models of Kolmogorov [ 91, Harlow and Nakayama f 10 1, Spalding [ 111, and Jones and Launder [ 12 I; and the more complex models of Chou [ 131, Rotta [ 141, Davidov [ 15 I, Kolovandin and Vatutin [ 161, HanjaliC [ 17 1 and Hanjalid and Launder [ 18 I. Recently, a conference was devoted to comparison of the predictions of various models, with each other and with experiment, for certain turbulent-flow phenomena remote from walls. The k - E model was there shown, by Launder, Morse, Rodi and Spalding [ 191, to be surpassed only by admittedly more complex “Reynolds-stress” models, which are,still not completely developed. It therefore seems appropriate to present a more detailed description of the k - t: model than has been available hitherto, and to review recent predictions which have been made with its aid. The paper will concentrate attention on the differential equations and auxiliary relations which define the model, and on their solutions. The solution procedures will not be described here, because they are standard ones, published by Patankar and Spalding 1201 and Gosman, Pun, Runchal, Spalding and Wolfshtein [ 2 1 I. 2. The k - f model 2.1. The reason for its choice The authors and their colleagues have had experience with three different kinds of two-equation turbulence model: k - kl, k - W, and k - E. Here k stands for the turbulence energy: