



2000-2002年德语专业四级真题及详解【圣才出品】2000年德语专业四级真题及详解Ⅰ. Diktat (10P) (15Minuten)Sie h?ren den Text drei mal. Zuerst h?ren Sie den ganzen Text einmal an. Dann schreiben Sie den Text Satz für Satz. Die l? ngeren S?tze werden in Teilen vorgelesen. Zuletzt h?ren Sie den ganzen Text noch einmal. Nun fangen wir an.【答案】Warum nieht auf dem Land leben?Es hat manchcn Vortcil, auf dem Land zu leben: Die Luft ist bcsscr. Jeder kennt jeden. Oft wohnen mehrere Generationen unter einem Dach. Früher war das Leben in der Stadt und auf dem Land kaum vergleichbar. Heute haben sich die Unterschiede verringert, aber sie sind immer noch sichtbar. Von vielen wird das Leben in D?rfern und kleinen Orten positiv bewertet. Vor einigen Jahrzchnten wurde es noch als grof?er Nachteil gesehen.Das Landleben hat doch Nachteile. Man verdient weniger Geld. ?rztliche Behandlung, Krankenh?user und Altersheime sind schlechter als in der Stadt. Viele Berufsgruppen k?nnen auf dem Land keine geeignete Arbeit finden. Das kulturelle Angebot ist vicl geringer. Wet das nicht kann, ist für das Landleben nicht geboren.Ⅱ. H?rverstehen(20P) (20Minuten)Teil1 AlltagssituationenSie h?ren im folgenden 6 Dialoge nur einmal. Makieren Sie die L?sungen auf dem Antwortbogen.1. a. Um 4 Uhr nachmittagsb. Um 2 Uhr nachmittagsc. Vor 14 Uhr【答案】b【解析】对话⼈B说现在是中午休息时间,到下午两点才能修鞋。


Die treibende Kraft war Jutta: ?Damals gefiel mir alles nicht,der Job,die Stadt,das ganze Leben.“ Sie hatte zwei Kinder aus erster Ehe,war ohne Stellung,und ?ohne Vorstellung,wie es weitergehen solle.“
Teil 1 Alltagssituationen
Sie h?ren im Folgenden 6 Minidialoge nur einmal. Markieren Sie die L?sungen auf dem Antwortbogen.
Er f?hrt zur See, wie vor seinem Lehrer-Studium; jetzt aber mit dem eigenen Küstenmotorschiff. 50 000 Mark hat er dafür bezahlt. Zurückkehren in die Stadt würden sie nie wieder!
Juttas gr??te Sorge: K?nnen sich die Kinder an das neue Leben anpassen? Sie konnten es. ?Sie sind sogar selbstbewusster und k?nnen besser mit anderen umgehen,“ sagt Jens. ?Früher blieben sie stundenlang in den Kaufh?usern,h?tten am liebsten dauernd ihr Taschengeld verlangt. Heute fragen sie nicht mal mehr danach.“



2003年德语专业四级真题及详解【圣才出品】2003年德语专业四级真题及详解Ⅰ. Diktat (10P) (15 Minuten)Sie h?ren den Text drei mal. Zuerst h?ren Sie den ganzen Text einmal an. Dann schreiben Sie den Text Satz für Satz. Die l?ngeren S?tze werden in Teilen vorgelesen. Zuletzt h?ren Sie den ganzen Text noch einmal. Nun fangen wir an.【答案】Wer die entsprechenden Statistiken liest, kann feststellen, dass die Bürger der Bundesrepublik zu den reiselustigsten Menschen der Erde z?hlen. Das war nicht immer so. Nach der langen Isolierung w?hrend des Dritten Reiches und den darauffolgenden Jahren des anstrengenden Wiederaufbaus im eigenen Land bestand ein groger Nachholbedarf. In immer gr??erer Zahl begannen die Deutschen zu reisen. Zuerst in die westlichen und südlichen Nachbarl?nder, sp?ter in immer fernere L?nder. In den siebziger Jahren hatte der Massentourismus alle Schichten der Bev?lkerung erfasst. Besonders Jugendliche reisen gern individuell, um andere L?nder, andere Menschen und andere Lebensformen kennen zu lernen. Seit der Wiedervereinigung und der ?ffnung der Grenzen zu Osteuropa bekommt der T ourismus neuen Aufschwung und neue Ziele. Gieichzeitig lockt die Freizeitindustrie mit immer günstigeren Angeboten.Ⅱ. H?rverst ehen (20P) (20 Minuten)Teil 1 AlltagssituationenSie h?ren im folgenden 6 Dialoge nur einmal. Makieren Siedie L?sungen auf dem Antwortbogen.1. a. Im Zug.b. Im Restaurant.c. Im Hotel.【答案】a【解析】原文提到找座位和将行李放到行李架上,由此可判断对话发生在火车上。









下面是一个交流问题的对话,请根据对话内容选择正确的答案:A: Hallo, ich bin der neue Mieter in Ihrer WG. Ich habe ein Problem mit dem Heizungssystem.B: Ach so, was ist denn das Problem?A: Die Heizung funktioniert nicht. Ich habe versucht, sie einzuschalten, aber es kommt kein warmes Wasser raus.B: Oh, das ist ärgerlich. Hast du den Vermieter schon darüber informiert?A: Ja, ich habe ihm eine E-Mail geschickt, aber er hat noch nicht geantwortet.B: Okay, lass mich mal nachsehen. Da kann ich dir helfen.A: Das wäre wirklich nett! Ich friere schon seit gestern.B: Ich verstehe. Ich schaue es mir gleich an und melde mich dann bei dir.根据以上对话内容,选择正确的答案:1. Warum hat A das Problem mit der Heizung?A) Er hat sie ausgeschaltet.B) Sie ist kaputt.C) Es gibt kein warmes Wasser.答案解析:根据对话内容可以知道,A提到自己尝试开启了暖气,但是没有热水出来,因此答案选择C。



2000年德语专业四级真题及详解Ⅰ. Diktat (10P) (15Minuten)Sie hören den Text drei mal. Zuerst hören Sie den ganzen Text einmal an. Dann schreiben Sie den Text Satz für Satz. Die längeren Sätze werden in Teilen vorgelesen. Zuletzt hören Sie den ganzen Text noch einmal. Nun fangen wir an.【答案】Warum nieht auf dem Land leben?Es hat manchcn Vortcil, auf dem Land zu leben: Die Luft ist bcsscr. Jeder kennt jeden. Oft wohnen mehrere Generationen unter einem Dach. Früher war das Leben in der Stadt und auf dem Land kaum vergleichbar. Heute haben sich die Unterschiede verringert, aber sie sind immer noch sichtbar. Von vielen wird das Leben in Dörfern und kleinen Orten positiv bewertet. Vor einigen Jahrzchnten wurde es noch als grofßer Nachteil gesehen.Das Landleben hat doch Nachteile. Man verdient weniger Geld. Ärztliche Behandlung, Krankenhäuser und Altersheime sind schlechter als in der Stadt. Viele Berufsgruppen können auf dem Land keine geeignete Arbeit finden. Das kulturelle Angebot ist vicl geringer. Wet das nicht kann, ist für das Landleben nicht geboren.Ⅱ. Hörverstehen(20P) (20Minuten)Teil1 AlltagssituationenSie hören im folgenden 6 Dialoge nur einmal. Makieren Sie die Lösungen auf dem Antwortbogen.1. a. Um 4 Uhr nachmittagsb. Um 2 Uhr nachmittagsc. Vor 14 Uhr【答案】b【解析】对话人B说现在是中午休息时间,到下午两点才能修鞋。



德语专业四级测试试题精解-2二、听力部分结果分析原文:Text D Auf einer FotomesseVerkäuferin: Guten Tag! Kann ich Ihnen helfen?Kunde:Ja, mich interessiert Ihr neues Video-Phone. Können Sie mir das zeigen? Verkäuferin: Aber natürlich. Hier ist das Gerät.Kunde:Das ist wirklich sehr leicht.Verkäuferin: Ja, nur 260 Gramm. Passt in jede Tasche.Kunde:Interessant!Verkäuferin: Es ist Handy, Videokamera, Scanner und Internetverbindung in einem. Besonders interessant ist das Video-Phone für Geschäftsleute. Sie können ihren Kunden überall ihre Produkte zeigen - in Bild und Ton. Und auch auf einer Dienstreise kann man jetzt Nachrichten über das Internet sehen. Man ist also immer informiert. Kunde:Nicht schlecht. Aber der Bildschirm ist doch ziemlich klein.Verkäuferin: Na, ja, Sie können das Video-Phone auch an einen normalen Fernseher anschließen. Kein Problem!Kunde:Funktioniert es mit Batterien?Verkäuferin: Ja.Kunde:Gut, und was kostet das Video-Phone?14. Das Video-Phone (可视电话) ist Telefon und Videokamera zusammen.答案为a(= richtig)。



• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Hauptteil: Argumente
das wichtigste Argument der Gegner ist...1 als stärkstes Argument nennen sie...2 vor allem ist, so behaupten sie, ...3 außerdem sei...4 nicht zuletzt führt die Contra-Gruppe an, dass...5 das schwerwiegendste Argument der Vertreter der ProMeinung ist, dass...6 auch erwähnen sie, dass...7 Darüber hinaus sollte man auch bedenken, dass...8 Ein anderes Argument liegt in...9 am wichtigsten ist für sie...10 erwähnen sollte man auch noch...11 Man kann einige wichtige Argumente für... nennen. 12 Die folgenden Argumente sprechen gegen...13 Ein wichtiges Argument für... ist die Tatsache, dass...14 Als erster Argument führt Pro-Gruppe an, dass...15 Hinzu kommt, dass...16 Ein weiteres Argument gegen...ist...17
• Die folgenden Argumente sprechen für... Als schwerwiegendste Argument nennt die ProGruppe... Dazu kommt, dass... Erwähnen sollte man auch noch...



听力原文1998The Railways in Britain (1998)The success of early railways, such as the lines between big cities,/ led to a great increase in railway building in Victorian times. / Between 1835 and 1865 about 25000 kilometers of track were built,/ and over 100 railway companies were created. /Railway travel transformed people's lives. / Trains were first designed to carry goods. / However, a law in the 19th century forced railway companies to run one cheap train a day / which stopped at every station and cost only a penny a mile. / Soon working class passengers found they could afford to travel by rail. / Cheap day excursion trains became popular and seaside resorts grew rapidly. / The railways also provided thousands of new jobs:/ building carriages, running the railways and repairing the tracks. / Railways even changed the time. / The need to run the railways on time meant that local time was abolished/ and clocks showed the same time all over the country. /PART ⅢLISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A STA TEMENT1 . I need some aspirin. please. I'd also like to get this prescription filled.2. Wow! I hat's terrific. I couldn't agree more.3. Mr. Dawson bought a thirty-dollar sweater for eighteen dollars on the 13th of July.4. Staying healthy today means more than just going to a doctor when you're ill.5. I really don't want any dessert or coffee. Just bring me the bill, please.6. If I had gone to the game. you bet I would have enjoyed seeing our team win.7. Some people made more money than teachers. but few get as much satisfaction from their work.8. Although there are some similarities in the platforms of both candidates, the differences between them are considerably wide.SECTION B CONVERSA TION9. W: Hilton Hotel. May I help you'?M: Mr. John Thomas. Room 13, please.W: I'll put you through. Oh, sorry. Mr. Thomas isn't in at the moment.M: Can I leave a message?W: Certainly.M: Have him call Max Green at 6:00. It's important.10. W: Good morning. did you sleep well last night?M: Y es. the room is fine.W: Are you checking out this morning?M: Y es. I'm leaving around 10:00.11. M: Did you do anything last weekend'?W: Not much. What did you do'?M: I had planned to go skiing or do some shopping, but wound up studying.12. W: Hey, John! Were you in the literature class yesterday'?M: No. I couldn't make it. Weren't you there. either'?W: No. I wasn't. I was hoping you could tell me the reading assignment. 1111tliA13. W: Are we going to the party this evening'?W; Well. I wonder if James can make it from home.M: He's got a car now. Wilma*WI: Sounds no problem. then.14. W: I'm going to India next month. Is there any advice you'd like to give me on my first trip'? M: Well, see as much as you can, because it's a country with a very different culture from ours. 15. W: When shall I come again'?M: Well, I'm afraid we must wait till all the applications are in and if we decide to put your name on our short list, we'll letyou know.16. M: What's wrong with your new electric cooker'? Let me see if I can fix it. W: Oh, I had the shop replace it with a new one this morning.17. W: Look. it's getting late and we'd better be leaving together. Have you got a car. Mr. Smith'? M: No, thanks. There's a bus.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTQuestion 18 is based on the following news.Heavy rains and overflowing rivers have caused extensive flooding in some parts of the US midwest and in the eastern regions of the US as well. Melting snow and new snowfall in the midwest states of Iowa, Michigan and Indiana have driven rivers over their banks and have cut off electricity to thousands of customers. In the eastern states of Pennsylvania and New Jersey and West V irginia, flooding has damaged homes and forced evacuations in several counties. Question 19 is based on the following news.Official Iranian news agency, quoting a senior Foreign Ministry official has said preparations were being made for the Foreign Minister Dr. Ali-Ahbar V eliatti to visit Iraq. No specific date was given. The news was carried the day after a preparatory team led by his senior advisor Ali Korum ended a 4-day visit to the Iraqi capital Baghdad. In an interview carried on Teheran radio. Ali Korum said an Iraqi delegation will be traveling to Teheran shortly to follow up on the talks. Questions 20 -21 are based on the following news.US Senate has passed a landmark bill aimed at ending the country's huge budget deficits within the next seven years. It would cut government spending by more than 900.001) million dollars. Health, education, and hundreds of other programs will be hit. The bill was passed last week by the House of Representatives. And congressional leaders now have to work out a compromise. A BBC Washington correspondent says the stage is now set for a confrontation with the White House. President Clinton has threatened to veto the Republican plans.Question is based on the following news.France has carried out the first of a planned series of nuclear tests in the south Pacific despite strong international opposition. The French Defense Ministry said the device exploded at an underground site beneath Mururoa Atoll yielded less than 20 kilotons. Australian scientists described it as fairly small compared with the previous tests. There's been swift reaction from several countries. New Zealand and Chile have recalled their ambassadors to Paris in protest. Australia condemned the test and the US expressed its regret.Before the nuclear device was exploded, the French President Jacques Chirac said his country might carry out fewer than the eight tests originally planned.Question 23 is based on the following news.The Indian police have found a large catche of plastic explosives in Bombay, the type used in last month's serial bombings that killed more than 300 people. Police say they seized nearly twothousand kilograms of explosives from a marshy region north of Bombay. About 1,300 kilograms of similar explosives were discovered in the area last week. Police also arrested 14 more people in connection with the bombings.Questions 24 - 25 are based on the following news.Israel and the PLO, after six days of intensive negotiations. meet again later today for what they say they hope will be the final initialing of an agreement on extending Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank. The two sides had been optimistic about reaching agreement yesterday. But last minute hitches arose over the timetable for releasing thousands of prisoners and arrangements for the redeployment of Israeli troops. The BBC Jerusalem correspondent says it appears the two sides have made progress on one of the most difficult issues of all--the future of Hebron, the only town in the West Bank where there's a community of Jewish settlers.。



PartⅡ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Psychologist George Spilich and colleagues at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland, decided to find out whether, as many smokers say, smoking helps them to "think and conceniraie." Spilich put young non smokers, active smokers and smokers deprived (被剥夺) of cigarettes through a series of tests. In the first test, each subject (试验对象) sat before a computer screen and pres sed a key as soon as he or she recognized a target letter among a grouping of 96. In this simple test, smokers, deprived smokers and nonsmokers performed equally well. The next test was more complex, requiring all to scan sequences of 20 identical letters and respond the instant one of the letters transformed into a different one. Non-smokers were faster, but under the stimulation of nicotine (尼古丁), active smokers were faster than deprived smokers. In the third test of short-term memory, non-smokers made the fewest errors, but deprived smokers committed fewer errors than active smokers. The fourth test required people to read a passage, then answer questions about it. Non-smokers remembered 19 percent more of the most important information tha n active smokers, and deprived smokers bested those who had smoked a cigarette ju st before testing. Active smokers tended not only to have poorer memories but al so had trouble separating important information from insignificant details. "As our tests became more complex."Sums up Spilich,"non-smokers performed better than smokers by wider and wider margins"He predicts,"smokers might per form adequately at many jobs until they got complicated. A smoking airline pilot could fly adequately if no problems arose, but if something went wrong, smoking might damage his mental capacity." 21. The purpose of George Spilich's experiments is _______. A) to test whether smoking has a positive effect on the mental capacity of smokers B) to show how smoking damages people's mental capacity C) to prove that smoking affects people's regular performance D) to find out whether smoking helps people's short term memory 22. George Spilich's experiment was conducted in such a way as to _______. A) compel the subjects to separate major information from minor details B) put the subjects through increasingly complex tests C) check the effectiveness of nicotine on smokers D) register the prompt responses of the subjects 23. The word"bested"(Line 3, Para. 5) most probably means _______. A) beat B) envied C) caught up with D) made the best of 24. Which of the following statements is true? A) Active smokers in general performed better than deprived smokers. B) Active smokers responded more quickly than the other subjects. C) Non smokers were not better than other subjects in performing simple tasks. D) Deprived smokers gave the slowest responses to the various tasks. 25. We can infer from the last paragraph that _______. A) smokers should not expect to become airline pilots B) smoking in emergency cases causes mental illness C) no airline pilots smoke during flights D) smokers may prove unequal to handing emergency cases。



1998年英语专业四级考试真题PART I WRITING[45 MIN]SECTION A COMPOSITION [35 MIN]It is now generally accepted that vehicles ( cars, trucks, etc. ) are a major source of air pollution incities. Y ou are to suggest only ONE way to solve the problem.Write on ANSWER SHEET ONE a composition of about 150 words on the following topic:ONE WAY TO SOLVE THE PROBLEMY ou are to write in three paragraphs.In the first paragraph, state what your suggested way is.In the second paragraph, state one or two advantages of your suggestion.In the last paragraph, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.SECTION B NOTE-WRITING [10 MIN]Write on ANSWER SHEET ONE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:Y ou are Mark or Sally. Y ou have got a ticket to a computer fair, but you now find that you are unable to go. Write a note to your friend, George, explaining why you are sending the enclosed ticket to him and telling him briefly how to get there.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy.PART ⅡDICT ATION [15 MIN]Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 to 20seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. Y ou will then be given 2minutes to check through your work once more.Please write whole passage on ANSWER SHEET TWO.PART III LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN]In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct response for each question on your answer sheet.SECTION A STA TEMENTIn this section you will hear eight statements. At the end of each statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now, listen to the statements.1. The speaker is talking to a__[A] doctor [B] pharmacist [C] mechanic [D] waiter2. What is the speaker's attitude?[ A] He couldn't agree any more. [ B ] He agrees completely.[ C] He agrees partially. [ D] He couldn't stand it any more.3. How much did Mr. Dawson pay for the sweater?[A] $30. [B] $13. [C] $80. [D] $18.4. What does "staying healthy" mean today?[ A] Y ou should often go to a doctor.[ B] Going to a doctor regularly for helps.[ C] Keep fit and strong all the time.[ D] Y ou should never go to a doctor.5. Where is the speaker?[A] In a bank. [B] In a restaurant. [C] In an office. [D] In a shop.6. The speaker regretted having[A] missed the game [B] gone to the game[C] won the game [D] missed the bet7. What does the speaker think about teachers?[A] Teachers get much satisfaction from work.[B] Teachers get little satisfaction from work.[C] Few teachers are satisfied with their work.[D] Few teachers are satisfied with their salary.8. The speaker is comparing two.__[A] research projects [B] political declarations[C] kinds of candies [D] political eventsSECTION B CONVERSA TIONIn this section, you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now, listen to the conversations.9. Who is the caller?[A] John Smith. [B] Max Thomas. [C] Max Green. [D] John Thomas.10. The conversation takes place between __[A] a host and a guest [B] two neighbors[C] a doctor and a patient [D] a hotel clerk and a guest11. What did the man do last weekend?[A] He went skiing. [B] He studied.[C] He did nothing. [D] He did shopping.12. What do you guess they'll do?[A] Go to the class at once. [B] Make it in the dorm.[C] Skip over the work. [D] find out the assignment.13. James is going to __[A] buy a car [B] stay at home[C] go to the party [D] solve the problem14. The man advised the woman to[A] find her way around [B] enjoy herself thoroughly[C] remember her culture [D] see the differences15. The woman is supposed to be a(n) __[A] shop assistant [B] job applicant [C] interviewer [D] receptionist16. What did the woman do this morning?[A] She had the cooker changed. [B ] She had her cooker repaired.[C] She bought a new cooker. [D] She returned her new cooker.17. The woman intends to[A] offer the man a lift [B] go with the man by bus[C] borrow the man's car [D] check if he has a carSECTION C NEWS BROADCASTQuestion 18 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now, listen to the news.18. Which of the following statements is TRUE?[ A] Heavy rains and storms caused rivers to overflow.[ B] Flooding forced evacuation in seven countries.[ C] Flooding damaged homes and cut off electricity.[ D ] Heavy rains and flooding kept banks dosed.Question 19 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now, listen to the news.19. Who is going to make a visit?[A] The Iranian Foreign Minister. [B] The Iraqi Foreign Minister.[C] A senior Iraqi advisor. [D] A senior Iranian advisor.Question 20 and 21 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be givens 20 seconds to answer the two questions.Now, listen to the news.20. The Senate bill aims to __ within the next seven years.[A] end the country' s huge public debts [B] cut government spending on health[C] end the large budget deficits [D] cut some educational programmes21. Congressional leaders have to work out a compromise because[A] a similar bill has been passed [B] the President might oppose the plan[C] the Senate bill was passed by 57 to 42 [D] the White House is facing oppositionQuestion 22 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now, listen to the news.22. Australia reacted towards the French test by __[A] recalling her ambassador to Paris [B] describing the test as insignificant[C] expressing her regret [D] expressing disapprovalQuestian23 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now, listen to the news.23. The Indian police were reported to have discovered __[ A] a large amount of money [ B ] a large plastic bomb[ C] similar explosives [ D] the bodies of many victimsQuestions 24 and 25 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.24. The 6-day negotiations between the PLO and Israel are mainly about __[A] the extension of Palestinian self-rule[B] the establishment of Jewish settlement[C] the arrangement of PLO troops[D] the reconstruction of Hebron25. What progress has been made in their negotiations?[A] Israeli troops can stay on in the West Bank.[B] Israel tins released thousands of prisoners.[C ] PLO and Israel have made a final agreement.[D] Agreement has been reached on the future of Hebron.PART ⅣCLOZE [15 MIN]Decide which of the choices given below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the correct choice for each blank an your answer sheet.The way that people spend their money, and the objects on which they spend it, are the last areas where free choice and individuality can be expressed. The choice reflects personal taste, the way people see themselves and the fantasies they (26) about their lives, the restrictions on money available (27) them, the presence of others in the family with a (28) on that money, and the influenceof current convention, (29) , surroundings and locality. Shopping is an important human activity.Y et shoppers are (30) with a confusing situationand a(n) (31) changing one.The confusion arises from the claims (32) adverting, from inadequate information about new products, new materials, new places to shop--a confusion enhanced by rising prices and a (n) ( 33 ) choice of goods than ever before.The search (34) the right purchase is based on ignorance of (35) own needs and ignorance of the product's (36) for those needs. When choosing any particular item, there are several lines of communication which mightprovide some guidance. (37) none of these is entirely satisfactory. For example, you can ask a shop assistant initially. (38) you find one, she may quite (39) not know the answers. She may be a schoolgirl with a Saturday job, or a housewife (40) part-time.26. [A] imagine [B] possess [C] have [D]own27. [A] to [B] for [C] with [D] of28. [A] right [B] demand [C] request [D] claim29. [A] growth [B] upbringing [C] cultivation [D] expansion30. [A] dealt [B] faced [C] coped [D] greeted31. [A] suddenly [B] instantly [C] rapidly [D] readily32. [A] made by [B] seen in [C] hinted at [D] set in33. [A] ampler [B] larger [C] broader [D] wider34. [A] from [B] into [C] for [D] with35. [A] their [B] one's [C] his [D] her35. [A] fitness [B] use [C] value [D] worth37. [A] And [B] Still [C] Y et [D] Even38. [A] Even ff [B] Although [C] Because [D] While39. [A] generally [B] authentically [C] innocently [D] genuinely40. [A] studying [B] practicing [C] working D] shoppingPART ⅤGRAMMAR & VOCABULARY [15 MIN]There are twenty-five sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.41. John is __ hardworking than his sister, but he failed in the exam.[A] no less [B] no more [C] not less [D] no so42. She remembered sever, d occasions in the past __ she had experienced a similar feeling.[A] while [B] before [C] that [D] when43. ff your car __ any attention during the first12 months, take it to an authorized dealer.[A] shall need [B] should need [C] would need [D] will need44. The indoor swimming pool seems to be a great deal more luxurious than__[A] is necessary [B] being necessary [C] to be necessary [D] it is necessary45. __, he can now only watch it on TV at home.[A] Obtaining not a ticket for the match[B] Not obtaining a ticket for the match[C] Not having obtained a ticket for the match[D ] Not obtained a ticket for the match46. The children prefer camping in the mountains __ an indoor activity.[A] to [B] than [C] for [D] with47. Language belongs to each member of the society, to the cleaner__ to the professor.[A] as far as [B] the same as [C] as much as [D] as long as48. __ he needed money for a new car, he decided not to borrow it from the bank.[A] Much as [B] Much though [C] As much [D] Though much49. The Clarks haven't decided yet which hotel[A] to stay [B] is to stay [C] to stay at [D] is for staying50. His strong sense of humor was __ make everyone in the room burst out laughing.[A] so as to [B] such as to [C] so that [D] such that51. __ enough time and money, the researcher would have been able to discover more in this field.[A] Giving [B] To give [C] Given [D] Being given52. Y ou __ Mark anything. It was none of his business.[A] needn’t have told [B] needn't tell [C] mustn't have told [D] mustn't tell53. The membership card entitled him certain privileges in the dub.[A] on [B] in [C] at [D] to54. Obviously, the Chairman's remarks at the conference were __ and not planned.[A] substantial [B] spontaneous [C] simultaneous [D] synthetic55. For the success of the project, the company should __ the most of the opportunities at hand.[A] obtain [B] grasp [C] catch [D] make56. Failure to follow the club rules __ him from the volleyball team.[A] disfavored [B] dispelled [C] disqualified [D] dismissed57. The discovery of new oil-fields in various parts of the country filled the government with __ hope.[A] eternal [B] infinite [C] ceaseless [D] everlasting58. At first the company refused to purchase the equipment, but __ this decision was revised.[A] subsequently [B] successively [C] predominantly [D] preliminarily59. The local police are authorized to __ anyone's movements as they think fit.[A] pause [B] halt [C] repel [D] keep60. Have you ever received __ of what has happened to her?[A] the word [B] words [C] word [D] the words61. Twelve is to three four is to one.[A] what IS] as [C] that [D] like62. Things went well for her during her early life but in her middle age her __ seemed to change.[A] affair [B] luck [C] event [D] chance63. Although I spoke to her about the matter several times, she took little __ of w hat I said.[A] remark [B] warning [C] notice [D] attention64. The scheme was __ when it was discovered it would be very costly.[A] resigned [B] surrendered [C] released [D] abandoned65. Y esterday my aunt bought some new __ for her flat at the seaside.[A] furniture [B] furnitures [C] possession [D] possessionsPART VI READING COMPREHENSION [30 MIN]SECTION A READING COMPREHENSION [25 MIN]In this part there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the correct answer.TEXT APeople have been painting pictures for at least 30,000 years. The earliest pictures were painted by people who hunted animals. They used to paint pictures of the animals they wanted to catch and kill. Pictures of this kind have been found on the walls of caves in France and Spain. No one knows why they w ere painted there. Perhaps the painter thought that their pictures would help them to catch these animals. Or perhaps human beings have always wanted to tell stories in pictures.About 5,000 years ago the Egyptians and other people in the Near East began to use pictures as a kind of writing. They drew simple pictures or signs to represent things and ideas, and also to represent the sounds of their language. The signs these people used became a kind of alphabet.The Egyptians used to record information and to tell stories by putting picture-writing and pictures together. When an important person died, scenes and stories from his life were painted and carved on the walls of the place where he was buried. Some of these pictures are like modem comic-strip (连环漫画) stories. It has been said that Egypt is the home of the comic strip. But, for the Egyptians, pictures still had magic power. So they did not try to make their way of writing simple. The ordinary people could not understand it.By the year 1,000 BC, people who lived in the area around the Mediterranean Sea bad developed a simpler system of writing. The signs they used were very easy to write, and there were fewer of them than in the Egyptian system. This was because each sign, or letter, represented only one sound in their language. The Greeks developed this system and formed the letter of the Greek alphabet. The Ronmans copied the idea, and the Roman alphabet is now used all over the world.These days, we can write down a story, or record information, without using pictures. But we still need pictures of all kinds, drawings, photographs, signs and diagrams. We find them everywhere: in books and newspapers, in the street, and on the walls of the places where we live and work. Pictures help us to understand and remember things more easily, and they can make a story much more interesting. 66. Pictures of animals were painted on the walls of caves in France and Spain because[A] the hunters wanted to see the pictures[B] the painters were animal lover[C] the painters wanted to show imagination[D] the pictures were thought to be helpful67. The Greek alphabet was simpler than the Egyptian system for all the following reasons EXCEPT[A] the former was easy to write [B] there were fewer signs in the former[C] the former was easy to pronounce [D] each sign stood for only one sound68. Which of the following statements is TRUE?[A] The Egyptian signs later became a particular alphabet.[B] The Egyptians liked to write comic-strip stories.[C] The Roman alphabet was developed from the Egyptian one.[D] The Greeks copied their writing system from the Egyptians.69. In the paragraph, the author thinks that pictures __[A] should be made comprehensible [B] should be made interesting[C] are of much use in our life [D] are disappearing from our lifeTEXT BHuman beings have used tools for a very long time. In some parts of the world you can still find tools that people used more titan two million years ago. They made these tools by hitting one stone against another. In this way they broke off pieces from one of the stones. These chips of stone were usually sharp on one side. People used them for cutting meat and skin from dead animals and also for malting other tools out of wood. Human beings needed to use tools because they did not have sharp teeth like other meat--eating animals, such as lions and tigers. Tools helped people to get food more easily.Working with tools also helped to develop human intelligence. The human brain grew bigger, and human beings began to invent more and more tools and machines. The stone chip was one of the flint tools that people used, and perhaps it is the most important. Some scientists say that it was the key to the success of mankind.Since 1960 a new kind of tool tins appeared. This is the silicon chip--a little chip of silicon crystal (硅晶体). It is smaller than a finger-nail, but it can store more than a million "bits" of information. It is an electronic brain.Every year these chips get cleverer, but their size gets smaller, and their cost gets less. They are used in watches, calculators and intelligent machines that we can use in many ways.In the future we will not need to work with tools in the old way. Machines will do everything for us. They will even talk and play games with us. People will have plenty of spare time. But w hat will they do with it?Human beings used stone chips for more than two million yearn, but human life changed very little in that time. We have used silicon chips for only a few years, but life is changing faster every day. What will life be like twenty years from now? What will the world be like two million years from now?70. The stone chip is thought to be the most important tool because it__[A] was one of the first tools [B] developed human capabilities[C] led to the invention of machines [D] was crucial to the development of mankind71. At the end of the passage the author seems to suggest that life in future is __[A] disastrous [B] unpredictable [C] exciting [D] colorfulTEXT CA century ago in the United States, when an individual brought suit against a company, public opinion tended to protect that company. But perhaps this phenomenon was most striking in the case of the railroads. Neatly haft of all negligence( 过失) cases decided through 1896 involved railroads. And the railroads usually won.Most of the cases were derided in state courts, when the railroads had the climate of the times on their sides. Government supported the railroad industry; the progress railroads represented was not to be slowed down by requiring them often to pay damages to those unlucky enough to be hurt working for them.Court decisions always went against railroad workers. A Mr. Farwell, an engineer, lost his right hand when a switchman's negligence ran his engine off the track. The court reasoned, that since Farwell had taken the job of an engineer voluntarily at good pay, he had accepted the risk. Therefore the accident, though avoidable had the switchmen acted carefully, was a "pure accident". In effect a railroad could never be held responsible for injury to one employee caused by the mistake of another.In one case where a Pennsylvania Railroad worker had started a fire at a warehouse and the fire had spread several blocks, causing widespread damage, a jury found the company responsible for all the damage. But the court overturned the jury's decision because it argued that the railroad's negligence was the immediate cause of damage only to the nearest buildings. Beyond them the connection was too remote to consider.As the century were on, public sentiment began to turn against the railroads--against their economic and political power and high fares as well as against their callousness(无情) toward individuals.72. Which of the following is NOT tree in Farwell's case?[A] Farwell was injured because he negligently ran his engine off the track.[B] Farwell would not have been injured ff the switchman had been more careful.[C] The court argued that the victim had accepted the risk since he had willingly taken his job.[D] The court decided that the railroad should not be held responsible.73. What must have happened after the fire case was settled in court?[A] The railroad compensated for the damage to the immediate buildings.[B] The railroad compensated for all the damage by the fire.[C] The railroad paid nothing for the damaged building.[D] The railroad worker paid for the property damage himself.74. The following aroused public resentment EXCEPT[A] political power [B] high fares [C] economic loss [D] indifference75. What does the passage mainly discuss?[A] Railroad oppressing individuals in the US. [B] History of the US railroads.[C] Railroad workers' working rights. [D] Law cases concerning the railroads.TEXT DHawaii's native minority is demanding a greater degree of sovereignty over its own affairs. But much of the archipelago's political establishment, which includes the White Americans who dominated until the second world war and people of Japanese, Chinese mint Filipino origin, is opposed to the idea.The islands were annexed by the US in 1898 and since then Hawaii's native people have fared worse than any of its other ethnic groups. They make up over 60 percent of the state's homeless, suffer higher levels of unemployment and their life span is five years less than the average Hawaiians. They are the only major US native group without some degree of autonomy.But a sovereignty advisory committee set up by Hawaii's first native governor, John Waihee, has given the natives' cause a major boost by recommending that the Hawaiian natives decide by themselves whether to re-establish a sovereign Hawaiian nation.However, the Hawaiian natives are not united in their demands. Some just want greater autonomy within the state--as enjoyed by many American Indian natives over matters such as education. This is a position supported by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), a state agency set up in 1978 to represent the natives' interests and which has now become the moderate face of the native sovereignty movement. Moreambitious is the Ka Lahui group, which declared itself a new nation in 1987 and wants full, official independence from the US.But if Hawaiian natives are given greater autonomy, it is far from dear how many people this will apply to. The state authorities only count as native those people with more than 50 percent Hawaiian blood.Native demands are not just based on political grievances, though. They also want their claim on 660,000 hectares of Hawaiian crown land to be accepted. It is on this issue that native groups are facing most opposition from the state authorities. In 1993, the state government paid the OHA US $136 million in back rent on the crown land and many officials say that by accepting this payment the agency has given up its claims to legally own the land. The OHA has vigorously disputed this.76. Hawaii's native minority refers to[A] Hawaii's ethnic groups [B] people of Filipino origin[C] the Ka Lahui group [D] people with 50% Hawaiian blood77. Which of the following statements is tree of the Hawaiian natives?[A] Sixty percent of them are homeless or unemployed.[B] Their life span is 5 years shorter than average Americans.[C] Their life is worse than that of other ethnic groups in Hawaii.[D] They are the only native group without sovereignty.78. Which of the following is NOT true of John Waihee?[A] He is Hawaii's flint native govemor.[B] He has set up a sovereignty advisory committee.[C] He suggested the native people decide for themselves.[D] He is leading the local independence movement.79. Which of the following groups holds a less radical attitude on the matter of sovereignty?.[A] American Indian natives. [B] Office of Hawaiian Affairs.[C] The Ka Lahui group. [D] The Hawaiian natives.80. V arious native Hawaiians demand all the following EXCEPT[A] a greater autonomy within the state [B] more back rent on the crown land[C] a claim on the Hawaiian crown land [D] full independence from the USSECTION B SKIMMING & SCANNINGIn this section there are six passages with a total of ten multiple choice questions. Skim or scan them as required and then mark your answers on your answer sheet.TEXT EFirst read the following question.81. The passage is mainly about __ of outdoor advertising.[A] problems [B] features [C] attraction [D] locationNow, read TEXT E quickly and mark your answer an your answer sheet.Outdoor advertising provides the advertiser with the largest colorful display of his product, package, trade mark, and slogan. It embraces the most spectacular use of light and animation in order to attract a passer-by and deliver a message. It provides visual continuity to a campaign that may also be appearing in other media.Outdoor advertising has a high degree of geographic flexibility. An advertiser can use it nationally, by region, by markets, and even by specific locations within those markets.Outdoor advertising can be memorable. During an interview eight people out of ten revealed that they remembered specific outdoor posters.A problem in using outdoor advertising is that of getting reliable data on the number of people who actually see an advertising. It may also take time to negotiate for the space for a specific outdoor advertising location, to print the posters, or to paint the board.TEXT FFirst read the following question.82. The passage focuses on Oxford's[A] past and present [B] modem development[C] present and future [D] traditional structureNow, read TEXT F quickly and mark your answer on your answer sheet.For centuries Oxford has been at Britain's intellectual heart, perhaps the most prestigious among Europe's many ancient universities. Oxford has attracted students and scholars from all over the world who have gone on to achieve the highest positions in their countries. Alumni inc ludes numerous famous scientists, literary figures, and overseas politicians.As a place of learning Oxford's beginnings go back to the Middle Ages. Legend has it that Alfred laid its foundations at the end of the ninth century. Certainly by the 12th century scholars were teaching in the town and their fame had spread to the Continent, particularly to the Sorbonnes in Paris, then Europe's greatest center of learning. A group of English scholars left the French capital in 1167 to settle in Oxford and the place became a magnet for students and teachers from all over Britain. Today Oxford is a large, busy city, but the ancient。



大学德语四级历年必考真题与详解大学德语必考四级真题及详解Teil 1 Hörverstehen (15 Punkte für 15 Testaufgaben)A. Im Folgenden hören Sie zehn kurze Dialoge. Zu jedem Dialog wird eine Frage gestellt. Jeder Dialog und die dazugehörige Frage werden zweimal vorgelesen.Lesen Sie während der Pause nach der Frage die vierMöglichkeiten—A), B), C) und D)—auf dem Testbogen, und wählen Sie die richtige Antwort. Dann markieren Sie den entsprechenden Buchstaben auf dem Antwortbogen.1. A) 3,00 DM.B) 3,50 DM.C) 4,50 DM.D) 5,00 DM.【答案】C查看答案【解析】录音原文中男士询问女士想买什么东西,女士回答:“Ich möchte 3 Kilo Kartoffeln zu 1,50 DM.”(我想要3千克1.5马克的土豆),经简单计算可得出结论4.50马克,因此答案为C。

【录音原文】Frau: Sie wünschen?Mann: Ich möchte 3 Kilo Kartoffeln zu 1,50 DM.Frau: Sonst noch etwas?Die Frage: Wie viel zahlt der Mann für die Kartoffeln?2. A) Ins Kino.B) Ins Theater.C) Zum Kaufhaus.D) Zum Gemüsemarkt.【答案】C查看答案【解析】对话中男士问女士去什么地方,女士回答说:“Ich muss ein Heft kaufen.”(我要买一个练习本),即“商店”,因此答案为C。


业四级真题及 详解
4 2005年德语专
业四级真题及 详解[听力音频]
5 2006年德语专
业四级真题及 详解[听力音频]
2007年德语专业四 级真题及详解[听力
2008年德语专业四 级真题及详解[听力
2009年德语专业四 级真题及详解[听力 音频]
2010年德语专业四 级真题及详解[听力 音频]
4 2015年德语专
业四级真题及 详解(A卷) [听力音频]
5 2015年德语专
业四级真题及 详解(B卷) [听力音频]
2016年德语专 业四级真题及
2017年德语专 业四级真题及 详解
Байду номын сангаас
01 思维导图
03 目录分析 05 读书笔记
02 内容摘要 04 作者介绍 06 精彩摘录

本书旨在帮助考生熟练掌握德语专业四级考试题型,并全面突破德语专业四级考试。本书收集了1997~2017 年的德语专业四级考试真题,且每套试题均给出参考答案及详解。历年真题为考生提供了最好的复习依据,便于 读者了解考题的命题特点和出题规律,答案详解则为考生分析了解题技巧,指明了解题思路。说明:1997~2004 年以及2016~2017年真题含听力原文,不提供听力音频。



德语专业四级考试样题集解析1. 阅读理解题目:阅读下面的短文,从A、B、C和D四个选项中选择正确的答案:(1)你在某个国家旅行的时候,在路边看到了一家餐馆。

你走进去之后,发现菜单是用什么语言写的?A. 英语B. 德语C. 法语D. 西班牙语(2)你在某个德国城市遇到了一个人向你问路,他的问话中包含了以下几个德语单词:“饭店”,“火车站”,“街道”,“右转”。

他想要去哪里?A. 饭店B. 火车站C. 街道D. 右转解析:(1)根据题目中的描述,你在某个国家旅行的时候,在路边看到了一家餐馆,并且走进去后发现菜单是用什么语言写的。









2. 写作题目:请以约120字的篇幅,使用德语写一篇关于你最喜欢的旅行目的地的介绍。







3. 听力理解题目:请听下面的对话,然后根据对话内容回答问题:A: Guten Tag! Wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?B: Guten Tag! Ich habe eine Frage. Wo ist der nächste Bahnhof?A: Der nächste Bahnhof ist nur ein paar Straßen weiter. Gehen Sie geradeaus und biegen Sie dann rechts ab. Sie werden ihn nicht verfehlen.B: Vielen Dank!问题:B想问的是什么?A. 旅馆的位置B. 这个地方的名字C. 最近的火车站在哪里D. 怎样找到这个地方解析:根据对话内容,B向A问的是“Wo ist der nächste Bahnhof?”,意思是“最近的火车站在哪里?”因此,选项C,最近的火车站在哪里,是正确答案。


1. 请将下列德语单词翻译成中文:
- Buch
- Garten
- Lehrer
- Auto
- Freundin答案: Nhomakorabea- Buch - 书
- Garten - 花园
- Lehrer - 老师
- Auto - 汽车
- Freundin - 女性朋友
2. 用德语完成下列句子:
- Ich gehe jeden Tag ins ________.
8. 请将下列中文句子翻译成德语:
- 我每天学习德语。
- 她喜欢听音乐。
- Ich lerne jeden Tag Deutsch.
- Sie mag Musik hören.
9. 用德语回答以下问题:
- Was ist Ihre Lieblingsfarbe?
- Wie alt sind Sie?
A. lesen
B. trinken
C. essen
D. hören
答案:C. essen
4. 将下列德语句子翻译成中文:
- "Wie geht es Ihnen? Mir geht es gut, danke."
- "Wo wohnen Sie? Ich wohne in Berlin."
- "您怎么样?我很好,谢谢。"
- Zeitung
- Er spielt gerne im ________.
- Sie arbeitet als ________.
- Sie fährt mit dem ________ zur Arbeit.











Прослушайте сообщения и вопросы. Выберите из четырѐх вариантов один подходящий, зачеркнув соответствующую букву на матрице.第一场(之三)综合卷(语法、词汇、言语礼节、国情)考生须知1、考试时间60分钟,满分为80分。




Прочитайте предложения. Выберите правильный вариант и отметьте соответствующую букву на матрице .ГРАММАТИКА11. Мой брат окончил институт по этой специальности, Он без труда _______ тебевсѐ , что надо по этому вопросу.А. объясняетВ. будет объяснятьС. объяснитD. объяснял бы12. Когда Федя _______ из университета, он купил себе в газетном киоскеинтересный журнал.А. возвращалсяВ. вернулсяС. будет возвращатьсяD. вернѐтся13. Отсюда нельзя _______ : директор не разрешает.А. звонитьВ. было звонитьС. позвонитьD. будет звонить14. Он _______ рассказывать, но вдруг замолчал.А. начал быВ. начинал быС. начинал былоD. начал было15. Ты очень медленно собираешься, смотри _______.А. не опаздыватьВ. не опаздывайС. не опоздатьD. не опоздай16. Не беспокойтесь, я уже привык так _______, поэтому успею _______ работу кзавтрашнему дню.А. задерживаться, заканчиватьВ. задерживаться, закончитьС. задержаться, закончитьD. задержаться, заканчивать17. Я видел Сашу двагода назад в день Победы и с того времени больше с ним не_______ .А. встречалсяВ. встретилсяС. встречалисьD. встретились18. Приходи ко мне, если у тебя будут какие-нибудь вопросы. Я всегда готов тебе_______.А. помогатьВ. помочьС. помогаюD. помогу19. Люди верили, что новый год _______ изменения к лучшему, если встретить егос радостью и надеждой.А. принѐсВ. приносилС. принесѐтD. принѐс бы20. Я заходил к Семѐновым, но Анну Сергеевну не увидел: она _______ посылку напосте.А. отправляетВ. отправитС. отправлялаD. отправила21. Когда мы _______, он крепка пожал мне руку.А. прощалисьВ. простилисьС. прощаемсяD. простимся22. Хотя Витя очень старался, но всѐ же из этого ничего не _______.А. получилосьВ. получилС. получилоD. получился23. _______ я на твоѐм месте, я бы сразу согласился перейти на эту работу.А. БылВ. БудуС. БытьD. Был бы24. Портфель не _______ : в нѐм слишком много вещей.А. закрыватьВ. закрыватьсяС. закрытьD. закрыться25. Смотри, Ваня, вот новый книжный магазин. Давай _______ , какие там книги?А. смотримВ. посмотримС. смотритеD. посмотреть26. Вчера было сильная гроза, и _______ зажгло дом.А. молниейВ. молнияС. от молнииD. из молнии27. Студенты, _______ задание, могут сдать тетради и уходить.А. выполняющиеВ. выполнившиеС. выполняемыеD. выполненные28. Равнина, ______ снегом, тянулась на много километров.А. покрывшаяВ. покрываемаяС. покрывающаяD. покрытая29. _______ задание на дом, преподаватель всегда подробно объясняет, как егонужно выполнять.А. ДавВ. ДалС. ДастD. Давая30. Вчера я _______ к бабушке в деревню, поэтому сегодня встал очень поздно, ичуть не опоздал на занятия.А. ехалВ. поехалС. ездилD. уехал31. Мой брат научился _______ на велосипеде, когда ему было только шесть лет.А. идтиВ. ехатьС. ездитьD. сидеть32. Чтобы корабли могли _______ по Северному морскому пути за одно лето,нужно было хорошо подготовиться.А. проходитьВ. пройтиС. переходитьD. перейти33. Когда мама _______ из дома, она взяла с собой зонтик.А. выходитВ. выйдетС. выходилаD. вышла34. Мы видим самолѐт, который _______ на север.А. летелВ. летитС. леталD. летает35. _______ скромности он никому ни слова не сказал о своѐм поступке.А. ИзВ. БлагодаряС. ОтD. По36. _______ эту музыку можно было идти на праздник и в бой, и чувствовать себясильным, и знать, что ты окружѐн счастьем.А. ВВ. НаС. ЗаD. Под37. _______ пути в родную деревню я заехал к своему товарищу по армии, скоторым давно не виделся.А. НаВ. ВС. ПриD. По38. Лѐня уже третий час стоит _______ за билетами на балет «Лебединое озеро».А. в очередьВ. на очередьС. в очередиD. на очереди39. Нас не пропустили в зал, потому что мы приехали в театр _______ десять минут_______ начала оперы.А. через, доВ. за, послеС. за, доD. через, после40. Туристы не захотели идти дальше, потому что очень устали _______ долгойходьбы.А. отВ. поС. изD. с41. Этот холодильник привезли _______ границы, но он вовсе не лучше нашихотечественных.А. изВ. отС. из-заD. с42. Завтра я еду в Москву на конференцию и буду там _______.А. неделюВ. за неделюС. на неделюD. в неделю43. Научная конференция в нашем институте продолжалась пять дней, _______ 30марта _______ 3 апреля.А. с, поВ. с, доС. от, доD. от, по44, Чтобы выполнить план досрочно, шахтѐры работают _______.А. в дни и ночиВ. изо дня в деньС. дни и ночиD. с каждым днѐм45. Эти молодые рабочие ходят на занятия по русскому языку два раза _______после работы.А. в неделеВ. на неделеС. в неделюD. на неделю46. Брюки модные, и цвет тоже подходит –жаль только, что они мне немного_______.А. малыеВ. малыС. меньшеD. маленькие47. .как бы ни были _______ трудности, нужно упорно двигаться к цели.А. великойВ. великиС. великиеD. великими48. Твоя комната, думал я, _______ моей.А. уже, чемВ. более узкаяС. более узкая, чемD. уже49. _______ было обратиться по вопросу экскурсии. Отвечающий за это работникуехал в отпуск.А. Не к комуВ. Ни к комуС. Не с кемD. Ни с кем50. Люся посмотрела по сторонам, хотела позвать _______ из прохожих на помощь.А. кого-тоВ. кого-нибудьС. кое-когоD. кто-то51. Я купил Кате _______ нужные вещи в подарок, но не хочу сейчас показывать.А. какие-тоВ. какие-нибудьС. какие-либоD. кое-какие52. Эйнштейн, например, говорил, что Достоевский дал ему больше, чем _______математик.А. любойВ. каждыйС. всякийD. какой53. Николай был болен, поэтому мне пришлось это сделать _______ .А. самВ. самомуС. самымD. самим54. Советские войска и жители Сталинграда героически защищали свой город. За_______ улицу шли жестокие бои.А. всякуюВ. любуюС. всюD. каждую55. В прошлом годуна наш факультет приняли _______ .А. тридцать четыре нового студентаВ. тридцать четыре новых студентаС. тридцати четырѐх новых студентовD. тридцать четырѐх новых студентов56. Около афиши стояли _______ человека и спорили, куда пойти, в какой театр.А. обеВ. обаС. дваD. двое57. _______ суток шли красные бойцы по пескам без воды и пищи.А. ЧетыреВ. ЧетырѐхС. ЧетверыхD. Четверо58. Наш институт находится _______ от центра города.А. до восьми километровВ. в восьми километрахС. к восьми километрамD. в восемь километров59. Лето в этом году в Пекине жарче, чем _______.А. прошлый годВ. прошлого годаС. в прошлом годуD. прошлым годом60. Эти книги я получил от _______, которая работала вместе с моей матерьюмного лет.А. ВерыПавловны ИвановыВ. Веры Павловны ИвановойС. Веры Павловной ИвановыD. Верой Павловны Ивановы61. Никто из нас не знал, что там случилось. Но одно было _______ : Сергейбольше не вернѐтся.А. ясноВ. ясноеС. ясныйD. ямным62. Солнце садилось. Было оно раза в два больше _______.А. днѐмВ. дняС. , чем днѐмD. , чем день63. В комнату вошла пожилая женщина. _______ жена директора.А. Это былаВ. Эта былаС. Это былоD. Вот была64. _______ мы задержались хоть на минуту, мы не застали бы директора вкабинете.А. РазВ. ЕслиС. КогдаD. Если бы65. Теперь под моим окном растут такие цветы, _______ в нашей местности невстречаются.А. какВ. которыхС. какиеD. каких66. Народы стремятся к тому, _______ на земле был прочный мир.А. когдаВ. какС. чтоD. чтобы67. Мы быстро поднялись на гору, _______ можно увидеть весь город.А. кудаВ. откудаС. от которойD. где68. Книга была такая интересная, ______ я не мог от неѐ оторваться.А. чтоВ. какС. чтобыD. будто69. Ондостаточно умѐн, ______ свою ошибку.А. что понятьВ. чтобы понятьС. что понялD. чтобы понял70. Не успел он вернуться из отпуска, _______ его послали за границу.А. когдаВ. какС. потому чтоD. с тех пор как71. Мы не остановимся, _______ достигнем своей цели.А. пока неВ. до тех пор покаС. как толькоD. с тех пор как72. Мать очень боится, _______ сын не заболел в чужих краях.А. чтоВ. какС. если быD. как бы73. Андрей заработал _______ денег, _______ нужно было, чтобы купить цветнойтелевизор для своих родителей.А. столько, какВ. настолько, насколькоС. столько, сколькоD. столько, что74. _______ мы вышли из книжного магазина, за нами заперли двери.А. Прежде чемВ. Перед тем какС. ПокаD. Как только75. За последниепять лет облик города сильно изменился, _______ его трудноузнать.А. чтоВ. из-за того чтоС. так чтоD. благодаря тому что76. _______ выше они поднимались в горы, _______ труднее становилось дышать.А. Как, такВ. Так, чтоС. Чем, темD. Тем, чем77. _______ ни старался отец быть спокойным,я всѐ-таки заметил его волнение.А. КудаВ. ЧтоС. КакD. Хотя78. Мы ни разу не встречались, _______ расстались.А. с тех пор какВ. до того какС. прежде чемD. перед тем как79. Я _______ плохо знаю этот вопрос, _______ высказать по нему своѐ мнение.А. не так, чтобыВ. слишком, чтоС. так, чтоD. слишком, чтобы80. Рядом с Новосибирском расположен город-спутник, тысячи жителей _______занимаются научно-исследовательской работой.А. в которомВ. которогоС. у которогоD. которыхЛЕКСИКА81. Когда папа звонил маме, она _______ ему, что нужно взять с собой паспорт.А. запомнилаВ. вспомнилаС. напомнилаD. помнила82. Чтобы успешно сдать экзамены, нужно _______ в течение семестра, а не тольков ночь перед экзаменом.А. учитьВ. заниматьсяС. изучатьD. обучаться83. Тысячи жителей нового района могут теперь _______ метро.А. использоватьВ. пользоватьсяС. употреблятьD. применять84. Стало холодно, _______ потеплее, а то простудишься.А. оденьсяВ. наденьС. оденьD. носи85. Очень интересно было познакомиться с воспоминаниями _______ секретаря Л.Н. Толстого.А. своегоВ. личногоС. частногоD. собственного86. В прошлом году моя подруга вышла замуж _______, который работал в нашейбольнице.А. за врачаВ. за врачомС. на врачаD. к врачу87. _______ не бойся, со мной ничего не случится.А. МеняВ. Обо мнеС. За меняD. Про меня88. 100РЕЧЕВОЙ ЭТИКЕТ101. Как бы обратитеськ прохожему, чтобы узнать, где находится кинотеатр «Россия»?А. Товарищ, недалеко кинотеатр «Россия»?В. Извините, вы не скажете, где здесь кинотеатр «Россия»?С. Послушай! Как проехать к кинотеатру «Россия»?D. Эй, гражданин, это кинотеатр «Россия»?102. Вы провожаете своего друга на вокзале. Что вы ему скажете?А. Всего доброго! Ни пуха ни пера!В. Прощай! Скоро увидимся!С. До свидания! До новой встречи!D. Счастливо оставаться!103. Как вы начнѐтеписьмо своему преподавателю Антону Петровичу Петрову?А. Товарищ Петров!В. Дорогой Антон Петров!С. Уважаемый преподаватель!D. Уважаемый Антон Петрович!104. Если вам позвонили по ошибке, что вы скажете в ответ?А. Простите, вы не туда попали.В. Что вы, это не здесь!С. Это ошибка, прошу небеспокоить!D. Будьте повнимательнее, когда набираете номер!105. Вам представляют нового коллегу. Что вы ему скажете в ответ?А. Хорошо, садитесь.В. Рад с вами познакомиться.С. Добро пожаловать!D. Горячо приветствуем!СТРАНОВЕДЕНИЕ106. Роман «Мѐртвые души» написал великий русский писатель _______, а « Отцы и дети» -- _______.А. А.С. Пушкин, Ф. М. ДостоевскийВ. Н. В. Гоголь, И. С. ТургеневС. А. П. Чехов, М. А. ШолоховD. Л. Н. Толстой, А. М. Горький107. СНГ означает _______.А. Социалистические Народные ГосударстваВ. Союз Независимых ГосударствС. Совет Новых ГосударствD. Содружество Независимых Государств108. Из праздников русские больше всего любят _______.А. 1-е январяВ. 1-е маяС. 8-е мартаD. 9-е мая109. Самая большая природная зона в России -- это зона _______.А. пустыньВ. степейС. лесовD. тундры110. Октябрьская революция произошла в Петрограде _______.А. в октябре 1905 г.В. в ноябре 1917 г.С. в октябре 1918 г.D. в ноябре 1907 г.1998年全国高校俄语专业四级水平测试试卷第一场(之四)阅读考生须知1、阅读考试时间25分钟,满分为20分。



2009年德语专业四级真题及详解Ⅰ. Diktat (10P) (15 Minuten)Sie hören den Text drei mal. Zuerst hören Sie den ganzen Text einmal an. Dann schreiben Sie den Text Satz für Satz. Die längeren Sätze werden in Teilen vorgelesen. Zuletzt hören Sie den ganzen Text noch einmal. Nun fangen wir an.【答案】Taschengeld ist ein Dauerstreitthema. Aber wie viel Taschengeld braucht das Kind nun wirklich? Jetzt sind sich Erziehungsexperten einig: Von sechs bis 18 Jahren sind Beträge von 2 bis 62 Euro pro Monat sinnvoll.Taschengeld ist wichtig, da Kinder dann ein Gefühl dafür bekommen, wie teuer die Welt ist. Sobald das Kind ein Verständnis für Zahlen und Werte hat, sollte es auch eigenes Geld verwalten dürfen. Die Pädagogen empfehlen, bis zu einem Alter von knapp sechs Jahren 50 Cent pro Woche zu zahlen. Jugendliche sollten mit 18 Jahren 62 Euro pro Monat bekommen. Mit dem eigenen Geld sollten sich Kinder kleine Wünsche wie Schokolade, CDs und Zeitschriften erfüllen. Es ist besser, sein Kind dabei nicht zu kontrollieren. Nur so lernt es, verantwortungsvoll und selbständig (selbstständig) damit umzugehen.Ⅱ. Hörverstehen(20 P) (20 Minuten)Teil 1 AlltagssituationenSie hören im Folgenden 6 Minidialoge nur einmal. Markieren Sie die Lösungen auf dem Antwortbogen.1. a. Im Krankenhaus.b. Auf der Straße.c. Auf dem Gericht.【答案】b【解析】录音中提到“sind Sie verletzt?”“Warum sind Sie so schnell gefahren?”可以判断发生了一起交通事故,地点在大街上。



1997年德语专业四级真题及详解Ⅰ. Diktat (10P) (15Minuten)Sie hören den Text drei mal. Zuerst hören Sie den ganzen Text einmal an. Dann schreiben Sie den Satz für Satz. Die längeren Sätze werden in Teilen vorgelesen. Zuletzt hören Sie den ganzen Text noch einmal. Nun fangen wir an.【答案】,,Herzlich willkommen“. sagt man in Deutschland zu einem Gast. Aber Gastarbeiter sind nicht immer herzlich willkommen. Deshalb gebraucht man heute den Ausdruck ,.ausländische Arbeitnehmer“. Das ist neutraler. Früher hießen si e ,,Fremdarbeiter“. Das war ein hässlicher Ausdruck, aber er war ehrlichcr als …Gastarbeiter“. denn die meisten ausländischen Arbeitnehmer bleiben Fremde in Deutschland. Wie Gäste werdcn sie jedenfalls nicht behandclt. Sie machen häufig die Arbeit, die and ere nicht machcn möchtcn. Sie wohnen oft in Wohnungen, die man sonst nur noch schlecht vermieten kann, und bezahlen auch noch hohe Mieten dafür. Vielen Gastarbeitern bleibt aber keine andere Wahl, da sie in ihren Hei matländern entweder gar keine Arbeit finden oder nur Arbeit, die so schlecht bezahlt ist. dass sie davon ihre Familien nicht ernähren können.Ⅱ. Hörverstehen (20P) (20Minuten)Teil 1 AlltagssituationenSie hören im folgenden 6 Dialoge nur einmal. Makieren Sie die Lösungen auf demAntwortbogen.1. a. Wahrscheinlich in Hamburg.b. Nicht in Hamburg.c. Bestimmt in Hamburg.【答案】a【解析】原文提到该女士说我认为他们搬到了汉堡,说明并不十分肯定。

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1998年德语专业四级真题及详解Ⅰ. Diktat (10P) (15Minuten)Sie hören den Text drei mal. Zuerst hören Sie den ganzen Text einmal an. Dann schreiben Sie den Text Satz für Satz. Die längeren Sätze werden in Teilen vorgelesen. Zuletzt hören Sie den ganzen Text noch einmal. Nun fangen wir an.【答案】Ein kleine s Mädchen geht mit seiner Mutter in einer Straße. Das Kind sieht auf der anderen Seite der Straße ein Schaufenster mit herrlichen Spielzeugen. Es schaut nicht nach links und rechts, sondern will sofort über die Straße laufen. Was macht die Mutter? Sie schlägt das Kind. Was hat das Mädchen gelernt? Es hat gelernt, ich darf nicht über die Straße laufen, wenn die Mutter dabei ist! Hier liegt der Unterschied zwischen tierischem und menschlichem Lernen. Der Mensch kann bewusst lernen. Es besteht noch mine andere Möglichkeit: die Mutter hält das Kind an der Hand fest und erklärt ihm: du darfst nur über die Straße laufen, wenn du nach links und rechts geschaut hast. Wahrscheinlich ist das Kind beim nächsten Mal vorsichtiger.Ⅱ. Hörverstehen (20P) (20Minuten)Teil 1 AlltagssituationenSie hören im folgenden 6 Dialoge nur einmal. Makieren Sie die Lösu ngen auf dem Antwortbogen.1. a. Zum Taxifahrer.b. Zum Busschaffner.c. Zum Verkehrspolizisten.【答案】b【解析】根据原文该女士想去火车站,让下车时告知她,明显是公交车售票员,故选b。

【录音原文】FRAU: I ch möchte zum Hauptbahnhof. Können Sie mir Bescheid sagen, wenn ich da bin?Frage: Zu were spricht die Frau?2. a. Auf der Post.b. Am Bahnhof.c. Im Reisebüro.【答案】c【解析】根据原文得知该男子在询问去西班牙的事项,所以是在旅行社。


【录音原文】MANN: Nach Spanien? Die meisten fahren im Sommer hin. Aber wenn Sie jetzt hinfahren, ist es billiger als es im Sommer.Frage: Wo ist der Mann jetzt?3. a. über einen Unfall.b. über den Tod eines Kindes.c. über die Verspätung eines Fahrers.【答案】a【解析】根据原文得知这是在叙述一场交通事故。


【录音原文】FRAU: Es war schrecklich. Das Kind ist plötzlich auf die Straße gelaufen, und der Fahrer konnte nicht rechtzeitig bremsen.Frage : Worüber wird gesprochen?4. a. Fünf.b. Drei.c. Acht.【答案】a【解析】由原文计算可得5个,故选择a。

【录音原文】MANN: Herr Baumann hat zu Hause eine Tochter und zwei kleine Söhne. In Bremen hat er noch eine Tochter. Sie hat zwei Kinder. Außerdem hat ernoch einen Sohn in Kö1n. Dieser hat auch zwei Kinder.Frage: Wieviel Kinder hat Herr Baumann?5. a. Nach Hause.b. Zur Universität.c. Zum Bahnhof.【答案】b【解析】根据原文得知该男子要去上课,所以应该是去大学,故选择b。

【录音原文】MANN: Müssen Sie jetzt s chon gehen?FRAU: Ja, sonst verpasse ich meine Vorlesung.Frage: Wohin will diese Studentin gehen?6. a. Sie kann sich noch nicht entscheiden.b. Sie findet die Waren zu teuer.c. Die Dame kauft die Ware.【答案】a【解析】女士看完电视机后说还需要继续考虑,因此她还没有决定要买哪个。

【录音原文】FRAU: Ja, ich suche einen Fernseher?MANN: Der yon Grundig ist nicht schlecht. Er kostet 500 DM. FRAU: Das ist mir zu teuer, haben Sie noch andere?MANN: Ja, hier ist einer for 350 DM.FRAU: Ich wei8 nicht, lch muss noch real dariiber nachdenken. Frage: Wie eltdet die Szene?Teil 2Nun hören Sie vier Texte. Jeden Text hören Sie zuerst einmal, dann lesen Sie die Aufgaben und danach hören Sie ihn noch einmal. Makieren Sie die Lösungen auf dem Antwortbogen. Sind die folgenden Aufgaben richtig oder falsch? (a=richtig, b=fasch)Text A7. Die Frau ist berufstätig, muss sich abet auch um ihre Kinder kümmern.8. Weil ihr Ehemann berufstätig ist, muss sich die Frau um die Kinder kümmern.【答案与解析】7. a 女士说她有工作,回家还要照顾孩子。

8. b 女士说自从她离婚之后就要许多事要忙,因此她现在没有丈夫。


【录音原文】MANN: Endlich gehst du mal ans Telefon. Den ganzen Tag versuche ich schon, dich zu erreichen. Du bist ja nie da.FRAU: Ach Papa, ich hab’ ja auch noch’nen Job. Und wenn ich nach Hause komme, muss ich reich um die Kinder kümmern; Seit der Scheidung hab ich viel zu tun.Text B9. Warum ist in der Praxis zur Zeit niemand zu erreichen?a. Weil der Arzt in Urlaub ist.b. Weil schon Feierabend ist.c. Weil sie renoviert wird.10. Wer soll sich an Frau Dr. Müller wenden?a. Alle Anrufer.b. Bekannte von Herrn Stein.c. Die jenigen, bei denen es sich um einen Notfall handelt.【答案与解析】9. c 原文提到诊所要整修。


10. c 原文提到有紧急情况时可以找米勒医生。



【录音原文】Hier ist der automatische Anrufbeantworter der Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Stein. Unsere Praxis bleibt wegen dringend erforderlicher Renovierungsarbeiten vom 26. -30. Juni geschlossen.In dringenden Fällen wende n Sie sich bitte an meine Kollegin Frau Dr. Miiller, Neusser Straße 12, Tel.625849, Sprechstunden Montag - Freitag von 8-12 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung.Ab dem 3. Juli ist die Praxis wieder zu den üblichen Zeiten geöffnet: Montag- Freitag von 8-12 Uhr und von 14-16 Uhr. Am Mittwochnachmittag bleibt die Praxis geschlossen.。
