
• 例4:
• 紫禁城分成两部分, 前面部分有三大殿。 皇帝 在这里处理朝政, 主持重要仪式。 紫禁城内所 有建筑物的屋顶都是黄瓦, 黄色只有皇帝才能 使用。
• The Forbidde n City is divide d into two se ctions.
The front pa rt ha s thre e la rge ha lls, w he re the e mpe ror de a lt w ith the sta te a ffa irs a nd conducte d importa nt ce re monie s. All buildings in the Forbidde n City have roofs of ye llow tile s, for ye llow wa s the colour for the e mpe ror.
• All thre e a re be a utiful ga rde ns w ith ave nue s of gre e n tre e s and patche s of lush gra ss, providing ple a sa nt e nvironme nts for re la xa tion.
• Loca te d in the north of Gua ngxi Zhua ng Autonomous Re gion, Gu ilin is one of the tourist a ttra ctions fa mous both a t home and a broa d, w ith a n a re a of 565 squa re kilome tre s a nd a population of more tha n 1 million.

第四节 中国菜名翻译方法
饮食文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分中 国菜历史悠久,其高超的烹饪技艺和丰富的 文化内涵 令外国游客大开眼界。但是因为东 西方语言和文化的差异,要把中国菜名翻译 得准确生动,并不是一件容易的事 。翻译菜 名要抓住用料,刀法,烹调法,口味几个关 键。
4. 删减法 在旅游资料中,有些内容是中国传统文化特 有的产物,若逐字逐句翻译,对理解原文没 有任何帮助,甚至外国游客根本看不懂,这 时就应该适当的删改
关于华清池有这样一段文字描写: 华清池内有一贵妃池,相传是杨贵妃当年沐浴的地方。 唐代名诗人白居易的“长恨歌”中有:“春寒赐浴华 清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂”的诗句。
and herbal cuisine 康健旅游(气功,太极,就诊及药膳)
3 生动形象,引人入胜 旅游英语总是运用活泼而风趣的措辞,生动而高雅 的描述,给人以美的享受,激发起浓厚的游兴。
例如:落泉别墅体现了动与静,变幻与永恒,强劲与 易逝的对立,使人生处于矛盾之中:兴致勃勃的进 取与忧虑不安。
4 活泼热情,富有感染力 旅游文本往往热情活泼,朗朗上口,融旅游与宣传 于一体。
例如:Where to now? I’ll tell you: the oasis绿洲, the best Mexican food at that altitude in the cityand the most spectacular sunset.
念,在中文里,“风水”和“阴阳”不但与地理 有关,更与信仰有关。在翻译的时候,可采用译 出指称寓意,同时加适当注释的方法。
例如 大乘寺坐北朝南,院墙按八卦建造。 译文 The Great Vehicle Temple faces south

Pay attention to payment security
When using payment tools, pay attention to the surrounding environment to avoid disclosing personal information or passwords.
Leisure activities
Introduce various leisure activities such as SPA, massage, gym, etc., and provide English expressions.
Entertainment programs
Provide English entertainment program recommendations, such as concerts, dramas, movies, etc., to help learners enrich their travel life.
Detailed description
Natural scenery is one of the important attractions of tourism, such as magnificent mountains and rivers, clear lakes, beautiful beaches, and dense forests. These natural landscapes not only provide beautiful scenery, but also provide tourists with opportunities to get close to nature and experience its wonders and beauty.

2) 专名意译(直译),通名直译(literal translation)
red court)
美景欣赏: 西湖十景(Ten Views of the West Lake)
Spring Dawn at Su Causeway
Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked CourtyardSunset glow at Leifeng pagoda
Twin peaks piercing Clouds
Evening bell at Nanping hill
10、三潭印月 Three pools mirroring the moon
音兼意译(combination of transliteration and free translation)
• Features of Chinese names of scenery spots
Term (专名) +
昆明 虎丘
General term (通名)
湖 塔
实际翻译中,专名用音译(主要是拼音法),也可用 意译(主要是直译);通名则一般采取意译中的直译。

中文旅游标语和揭示语的英译 1 标语英译的通病分析 鹦鹉学舌的硬译 创一流服务,迎四海嘉宾。 原译:Welcome our honored guests from all over the world with first class service. 改译:First class service to all guests. 北岭旅游度假区是您的投资宝地。 原: Beiling Tourist & Holiday Spending Area… 改:Beiling Resort is a promising land for investment. 上有天堂,下有苏杭。 In the sky, the best is heaven, on the earth, the best are S
2.3.5 注意文化对应词问题 non – equivalence, lexical gap 1 人物:西施(西子) Chinese Cleopatra 月下老人– Chinese Cupid 2 节气:霜降– Jack Frost 3节日:清明节– Chinese Easter 4季节:六月中的西湖- West Lake in midsummer 5地理:鱼米之乡- Land of milk and honey 6城市:绍兴/苏州- Oriental Venice 7 建筑:苏提-Lover‘s lane
被誉为“国色天香”的牡丹,色彩斑斓,雍容华贵, 历来被称作为“花中之王” Noble and graceful, charming and captivating , the peony has constantly deserved such titles of ―Supreme Beauty and Peerless Fragrance‖ and the ―King of Flowers‖.

原文中有文化高值信息词,也有意义不大低 值的信息词。对于前者,翻译时需要重点介绍, 补充信息甚至背景知识;对于后者,由于这些 低值的文化指涉对主旨并不重要,译出来反而 画蛇添足,甚至弄巧成拙、这些低值信息词有: 与介绍的景物没有直接联系的信息;描写性的 文字,如景物描写;议论性、抒情性德尔文字、 这些都需要淡化处理甚至可以从译文中删减掉。
旅游翻译和文学、科技和政治 经济类翻译不同,他的功能重在 “诱导”和“呼唤”受众,但旅游 翻译同样有一个美学标准和文化观 念的问题,同样需要考虑文本的功 能特征和翻译策略,考虑形式与内 容的关系,也同样需要完备的理论 知识和翻译技巧。
•(3)对原文行文风格的改写(避虚就实) 汉语和英语在行文风格和修辞上存在较
大的差异。汉语旅游资料中有许多华丽辞藻、 四字词组只是为了音韵的和谐和渲染气氛,并 无多大实际意义,翻译时应该调整措辞,将这 些虚华之词用明白晓畅的语言重新表述,使译 文通达流畅,符合英文的表达习惯,增强译文 的可读性,也更利于外国游客和读者的理解和 接受。
转译,即就是把中文资料中有关的内容转 化为外国游客熟悉的同类的内容,这样可以简 洁而较为准确的介绍任务或景点,使译文读者 在自己的文化基础上理解异国文化情调,加强 文化的交流与理解。有的学者称这种方法为 cultural substitution (文化替换)。 如:济公---罗宾汉
大观园 Daguanyuan(Grand View Garden) 潇湘馆 Xiaoxiangguan(Bamboo Lodge) 稻香村 Daoxiangcun(Paddy-Sweet Cottage) 紫菱洲 Zilingzhou(Purple Caltrop Isle)

• 应译出符合审美心理和欣赏习惯的译文
• 乐山水光山色独特,地理环境优越,素有 “绿杨夹岸水平铺”之称,举行龙舟竞赛 得天独厚。
• 在我国最早的典籍中,即有关于这条河的 记载。尚书禹贡:“漆沮既从,沣水攸 同”,诗经大雅:“沣水东注,维禹之 绩”,说明沣水在远古就是一条著名的河 流。
• Records about this river can be found even in the earliest Chinese classics, which proves that ,the Feng River has been well known since ancient times.
• 被茂盛绿树环绕的海豚乐园与新加坡海底世界仅 一步之遥。设备先进的海豚乐园将带您踏上这无 缝般的海洋之旅。
• 2. 使用抽象名词
• Reliability, security and customer proximity is included in the philosophy of PostBus Switzerland.
Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Boston
Disneyland Park
Disney World's Magic Kingdom

目 录
• Case Analysis of Tourism English Translation from Chinese to English
• The Future Development and Prospects of Tourism English Translation from Chinese to English
In the future, tourism English translation will pay more attention to cross-cultural communication and dissemination effects, with higher requirements for the comprehensive quality and professional ability of translators. Meanwhile, with technological progress, tourism English translation will become more intelligent and efficient.
With the development of the global tourism industry, tourism English translation is of great significance in enhancing the international image of Chinese tourism destinations, attracting more foreign tourists, and promoting cross-cultural communication.
第五章 旅游翻译

译文:只见海港被环 抱于半圆形的小山丛 中,煞是好看,朦朦 胧胧,一片银灰,宛 若仙境——它浓淡交融, 光影柔和,清雅绝俗。
Tiny islands are strung around the edge of the peninsula like a pearl necklace. Hunks of coral reef, coconut palms and fine white sand.
汉语语言表达人文色彩浓郁,物我一体, 具有一种超越现实、虚实不定的朦胧、变 形之美,所谓“山之精神写不出,以烟霞 写之,春之精神写不出,以草木写之”, 一景一物,皆有灵性,主观色彩极浓。 行文用字历来有四六骈体,行文用字宜双 不宜单的习惯,讲究四言八句,平行对偶, 声情并茂诗情画意盎然。
Yellowstone National Park
Though filled with an astonishing array of geologic wonders: geysers, hot springs, fumaroles, canyons, waterfalls, Yellowstone is perhaps most remarkable as a wildlife sanctuary. Protected here are bison, elk, bears, moose , mountain lions, eagles, trumpeter swans, and a host of other animals. The world’s first national park, Yellowstone covers more than two million acres (810,000 hectares) and draws thousands of visitors a year.

苏州位于沪宁线上,地处太湖之滨,建成于公元前415年,是我 国江南著名的古老城市之一。 Located on the Shanghai-Nanjing railway and off Lake Taihu, Suzhou is a city of historical fame south of the Yangtze, which claims its founding in 514 B.C.
城内外遍布名胜古迹。寒山寺,诗韵钟声,脍炙人口;虎丘,千年 古塔,巍然屹立;天平山,奇石嶙峋,枫林如锦;洞庭东山,湖光山色, 花果连绵。 The city abounds with fine scenery and historical interest. The popular haunt of Hanshan Temple, with its charming bell, has inspired many poetic mind. On Tiger Hill, a thousand-year-old pagoda stands in majesty; and while luxuriant fruit-trees add to the natural beauty of East Dongting Hills and lake around, Tianping Hill is featured by grotesque rock formations and red maple woods. •
• • • • • • • •
演讲:邢丽 制作:任海燕 阙天琪 华烨 李晓霞 彭沙纯
北京作为世界旅游名城,有着极为丰富的旅游资源:雄伟壮丽的 天安门;金碧辉煌、气象万千的故宫;气势宏伟的万里长城;湖光 山色、曲栏回廊的颐和园;建筑精巧、独具艺术风格的天坛;烟波 浩渺、黛色风光的北海公园,以及建筑宏大的明代帝王陵寝——十三 陵……这些举世无双、驰名中外的古代建筑,历来是旅游者的竞游之 地。 [参考译文] Beijing, being one of the world’s great cities, is full of tourist attractions. Among these are the magnificent Tiananmen Gate, the majestic Palace Museum, the imposing Great Wall, the scenic Summer Palace, the ingenious Temple of Heaven, the enchanting Beihai Park and the carefully laidout Ming Tombs. Unrivaled and of world renown, these ancient structures remain attractions to both domestic and foreign travelers.

➢ 西方老式哲学在主观与客观旳物象关系上,主张“客主分离”,更多 旳强调摹仿和再现,在描绘外界自然美时,总是“站在自然之外”去 欣赏自然之美
➢ 所以汉语语言体现经常人文色彩浓郁,物我一体,具有一种超越现实、 虚实不定旳朦胧、变形之美,一景一物,皆有灵性,主观色彩浓厚
只见海港环抱于半圆 形小山丛中,煞是好 看,朦朦胧胧,一片 银灰,宛若仙境。 ...。这北极地域景 色之美,同老式旳圣 诞贺卡适成对照,它 浓淡交融,光影柔和, 清雅绝俗。
2. 英汉旅游文体特色及其风格差别
For me this landscape was always a magical prospect, the austere countryside stretching away with the sharp definition of an 18thcentury aquatint across hill and woodland to Mt. Battie outlined against the horizon
➢ 翻译目旳论这以为,翻译时一种交际行为,翻译行为所要到达旳 目旳决定整个翻译行为旳过程,即”目旳决定手段“(the translation purpose justifies the translation process… “the end justifies the means” --- Nord, 2023)
1. “呼唤型”功能文本--- 旅游翻译
➢ “目旳论“(Skopostheory)是德国功能派学者费米尔和诺德等提 出来旳,它形成了功能翻译理论旳主流

旅游英语ppt旅游英语PPTTravel English PowerPoint PresentationIntroduction:欢迎各位来到这个关于旅游英语的演示文稿。
让我们一起开始吧!I. 在机场 (At the Airport)1. 问询信息 (Asking for Information)- Could you please tell me where the check-in counter is? - Excuse me, which gate should I go to for my flight?- Where can I find a luggage cart?- How long does it take to go through security?- May I know where the baggage claim area is?2. 办理登机手续 (Checking-in)- I would like to check in for my flight to [destination].- Here is my passport and booking reference number.- How much baggage am I allowed to carry?- Can I have a window seat, please?- Is this the boarding pass and the gate number?3. 安全检查 (Security Check)- Please remove any metal objects from your pockets.- Could you place your bag on the conveyor belt, please? - Do I need to take off my shoes?- Are laptops and tablets allowed in the hand luggage? - Is there any liquid restriction for hand luggage?II. 在飞机上 (On the Plane)1. 问候和寒暄 (Greetings and Small Talk)- Good morning/afternoon/evening, welcome aboard. - Can I help you with your luggage?- Would you like a pillow or blanket?- Is this your first time flying with us?- How are you today? Enjoying your flight?2. 订购餐食 (Ordering Meals)- May I see the menu, please?- Do you have any vegetarian options?- Could you bring me a hot cup of coffee, please?- Is there a special meal for children?- What kind of beverages do you serve on this flight?3. 请求帮助 (Requesting Assistance)- Excuse me, could you please help me put my bag in the overhead compartment?- I'm feeling a bit airsick, can I have a glass of water?- My seatback TV is not working, could you fix it?- Would you mind turning down the air conditioning a bit?- Can I have an extra blanket, please?III. 在旅馆 (At the Hotel)1. 酒店预订 (Hotel Reservation)- I would like to make a reservation for a single/double room, please.- How much is the room rate per night?- Are there any discounts for group bookings?- Can I cancel my reservation without any charges?- Is breakfast included in the room rate?2. 前台办理入住 (Checking-in at the Front Desk)- Good evening, I have a reservation under the name of [your name].- Here is my identification and credit card.- Can you please provide me with a room key?- What time is the check-out? Can I have a late check-out?- Is there a wifi password I can use?3. 在客房的需求 (Requests in the Room)- The air conditioning seems to be not working properly, could you send someone to check?- Could you bring me some extra towels, please?- Is it possible to have a wake-up call at 7:00 am tomorrow?- Could you please provide me with an extra pillow?- I accidentally locked myself out of my room, can you help me?IV. 在旅途中 (During the Journey)1. 寻求帮助 (Seeking Help)- Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest subway station is?- Is there a bus stop around here?- Could you please give me directions to the nearest pharmacy?- I seem to have lost my wallet, what should I do?- Do you know where I can find a good restaurant nearby?2. 向他人提问 (Asking Others)- Excuse me, do you know if there is a free WiFi hotspot?- Would you mind taking a picture of us, please?- Can you recommend any popular tourist attractions in this city?- Is there a local market where I can buy souvenirs?- Do you have any suggestions for affordable local restaurants?3. 议论旅行经验 (Discussing Travel Experiences)- This city is so beautiful, I'm glad I decided to come here. - The food in this country is amazing, I never want to leave.- The locals are so friendly and welcoming.- I had a great time exploring the historical sites in this city. - The weather here is perfect for outdoor activities.Conclusion:这个旅游英语的演示文稿希望能够帮助您在旅行中应对各种情境。
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3 增译法 增译是指为了使外国游客更好的理解某些字, 词,名而增加一些相关资料,对旅游资料中 的一些人名,地名,朝代,历史事件以及典 故等做出背景资料的增加和说明。
元宵节那天,大红灯笼高高挂。 译文: “During the Yuanxiao Festival, also called
Falling water/spring is a study in opposites-motion and stability ,change and permanence, power and ephemerality朝生暮死 that make the human condition a paradox of welcome adventure and anxious uncertainty.
5. 创造性翻译 创造性翻译指在不损害原文信息的前提下,不 拘泥于原文,对原文不符合译语习惯的词句、 语序进行必要的改造和调整,以期更好地服务 于读者。精Fra bibliotek课件第三节
1.旅游翻译中文化因素导致的翻译障碍 (1)历史制度,信仰,习俗等文化因素导致的翻
4. 删减法 在旅游资料中,有些内容是中国传统文化特 有的产物,若逐字逐句翻译,对理解原文没 有任何帮助,甚至外国游客根本看不懂,这 时就应该适当的删改
关于华清池有这样一段文字描写: 华清池内有一贵妃池,相传是杨贵妃当年沐浴的地方。 唐代名诗人白居易的“长恨歌”中有:“春寒赐浴华 清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂”的诗句。
and herbal cuisine 康健旅游(气功,太极,就诊及药膳)
3 生动形象,引人入胜 旅游英语总是运用活泼而风趣的措辞,生动而高雅 的描述,给人以美的享受,激发起浓厚的游兴。
例如:落泉别墅体现了动与静,变幻与永恒,强劲与 易逝的对立,使人生处于矛盾之中:兴致勃勃的进 取与忧虑不安。
Lantern Festival, which falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month, red lantern。 lantern Festival exhibition began in the Han Dynasty, about 2,000 years ago, some people believe its origin to be related to Buddhism) can be seen everywhere.” 这份旅游资料中对“元宵节”和“灯笼”的补充解释, 便于外国游客对元宵节有个较为透彻的了解。
第二章 旅游翻译
第一节 旅游文本的文体特点
1. 实用性强,文体丰富多样 例如 旅游广告属描写型,用词生动形象;旅游
广告属感染型,用词短少精悍,富有创意, 句式活泼简洁,具有很强的吸引力。旅游合 同属契约型,用词正式,规范,准确,程式 化。旅游行程属信息型,用词明了简略,具 有提示性。
4 活泼热情,富有感染力 旅游文本往往热情活泼,朗朗上口,融旅游与宣传 于一体。
例如:Where to now? I’ll tell you: the oasis绿洲, the best Mexican food at that altitude in the cityand the most spectacular sunset.
民族饭店 译为 Mingzu Hotel
景点名称多涉及本民族文化的专有名词,单 纯的音译不能传递任何实际信息。这类名称 应该在音译的基础上另作释义,对音译进一 步做出解释。
如 海南景点“鹿回头”可译为“ Luhuitou (turn-round deer scenic spot) 天涯海角可译为 Tianya-Haijiao (the end of the earth and the edge of the sea)
2. 意译法
有些景点名称文化含义丰富,而直译又不能把相应的 文化含义翻译出来,此类名称翻译时要突出其内在 含义或相应典故与传说,便于游客理解,记忆。对 此类名称多采用意译,即用意义相同而形式不同的 词语来译。意译的特点在于能够填补文化空缺,消 除文化差异 。如“兵马俑”译为“Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses”,“十三陵”译为“Ming Tombs”,“故宫”译为“the Imperial Palace”,“颐和园”译为“the Summer Palace
2 旅游文本涉及的知识面广,词汇量大 旅游是一门综合性的活动,它涉及政治,历史,地理,文学 艺术甚至天文,考古等多方面知识,因此旅游英语词汇量极 大。
比如:inclusive tour 包餐旅游,包办旅行package tour keep-fit tour-qigong, taiji, prescription on individual diagnosis,
译文:Inside the HuaChingchihh Spring, there is a bathing pool called Kueifeichih, which is said to have been the bathing place of Yang Kuerfei.
原文不过是想陈述华清池内有杨贵妃当年沐 浴的贵妃池。如果逐字翻译原文的古诗,对 英文读者说,从这些诗句的译文中得到的仍不 过是杨贵妃曾在此沐浴这个信息,译文把汉 语中的古诗全部删除,但并不影响译文读者 对原文其他部分的理解。
现在去哪?我来告诉你去哪:绿洲餐馆,那里有全城 最好的墨西哥食品和最壮观的日落景观。
第二节 旅游资料的翻译方法
1 音译法与音意兼译法 音译法是根据汉语读音,将旅游景点名称直接
用拼音标注,目的是尽可能保留原风景名胜, 旅游饭店的原汁原味和鲜明特色 如:城隍庙 译为 Chenghuang Temple