
2023—2024学年山东省临沂市沂水县高二上学期期中考试数学试卷一、单选题1. 已知直线的一个方向向量为,则直线的倾斜角()A.30°B.60°C.120°D.150°2. 已知向量在基底下的坐标为,则在基底下的坐标为()A.B.C.D.3. 已知点,,则以线段为直径的圆的方程为()A.B.C.D.4. 已知,是椭圆的左、右两个焦点,为椭圆上一点,且,则点到轴的距离为()A.1B.2C.D.5. 若直线与圆相切,则实数的值为()A.B.1或C.或3D.6. 已知空间四边形,其对角线、,、分别是边、的中点,点在线段上,且使,用向量,,表示向量的是()A.B.C.D.7. 已知直三棱柱中,,,那么异面直线与所成角的余弦值为()A.B.C.D.8. 已知,分别是椭圆的左、右焦点,是椭圆在第二象限内的一点,且(为坐标原点),则()A.2B.C.D.二、多选题9. 已知直线与,下列选项正确的是()A.若,则或B.若直线不经过第四象限,则C.直线恒过点D.若直线在轴上的截距为6,则直线的斜截式方程为10. 已知圆,圆,下列说法正确的是()A.若,则两圆相交弦所在直线为B.圆与直线恒有两个交点,则C.已知两圆有三条公切线,则D.过作圆的切线,切点为,,则11. 如图所示,棱长为2的正方体中,,分别为棱,的中点,则下列结论正确的是()A.B.直线与所成的角为C.直线与平面所成的角为D.平面与平面的夹角为12. 《文心雕龙》中说“造化赋形,支体必双,神理为用,事不孤立”,意思是自然界的事物都是成双成对的.已知动点与定点的距离和它到定直线的距离的比是常数.若某条直线上存在这样的点,则称该直线为“成双直线”,则下列结论正确的是()A.动点的轨迹方程为B.直线为成双直线C.若直线与点的轨迹相交于两点,点为点的轨迹上不同于的一点,且直线的斜率分别为,则D.点为点的轨迹上的任意一点,,,则面积为三、填空题13. 已知过点,的直线的倾斜角为60°,则实数______ .14. 已知向量与平行,则 ______ .15. 已知圆和两点,,若圆上存在点,使得,则的最大值为 ______ .16. 椭圆与直线相交于,两点,过的中点与坐标原点的直线的斜率为2,则 ______ .四、解答题17. 已知直线,,且直线与垂直.(1) 求的值;(2) 若直线过直线与的交点,且原点到该直线的距离为 3 ,求直线的方程.18. 已知的顶点坐标分别是,,.(1)求的外接圆的方程;(2)若过点的直线截得圆的弦长,求直线的斜率的取值范围.19. 如图,在长方体中,,点为的中点.(1)证明:平面;(2)设,求点到平面的距离.20. 已知焦点在轴上,焦距为的椭圆经过点.(1)求椭圆的标准方程;(2)若倾斜角为的直线交椭圆于A,两点,且,求直线的方程.21. 如图,在四棱雉中,平面,底面为菱形,,,,分别为,的中点.(1)求证:平面;(2)已知二面角的大小为,求菱形的边长.22. 一动圆与圆外切,同时与内切.(1)求动圆圆心的轨迹方程,并说明它是什么曲线;(2)设点,斜率不为0的直线与方程交于点,,与圆相切且切点为,为中点.求圆的半径的取值范围.。


2023-2024学年山东省普高联考高二(上)期中数学试卷一、单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知点A (3,2,3),B (1,1,4),则A 、B 的中点的坐标为( ) A .(1,12,−12)B .(2,32,72)C .(4,3,7)D .(−1,−12,12)2.已知直线l 1:2x +2y ﹣5=0,l 2:4x +ny +1=0,若l 1∥l 2,则n 的值为( ) A .﹣6B .6C .4D .﹣43.过点A (1,1)的直线l 与圆M :x 2+y 2﹣6x =0相交的所有弦中,弦长最短为( ) A .5B .2C .√5D .44.已知空间四边形OABC ,其对角线是OB ,AC ,M ,N 分别是对边OA ,BC 的中点,点G 在线段MN 上,且MG =3GN ,用基底向量OA →,OB →,OC →表示向量OG →应是( ) A .OG →=18OA →+38OB →+38OC →B .OG →=18OA →−38OB →+38OC →C .OG →=16OA →+13OB →+13OC →D .OG →=16OA →−13OB →+13OC →5.已知实数x ,y 满足方程x 2+y 2﹣2x =0,则y+1x+1的最大值是( )A .34B .43C .0D .126.战国时期成书《经说》记载:“景:日之光,反蚀人,则景在日与人之间”.这是中国古代人民首次对平面镜反射的研究,体现了传统文化中的数学智慧.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,一条光线从点(2,3)射出,经y 轴反射后与圆x 2﹣6x +y 2+4y +12=0相切,则反射光线所在直线的斜率为( ) A .−43或−34B .17C .57D .567.已知中心在原点,半焦距为4的椭圆x 2m 2+y 2n 2=1(m >0,n >0,m ≠n)被直线方程2x ﹣y +9=0截得的弦的中点横坐标为﹣4,则椭圆的标准方程为( ) A .x 28+y 24=1 B .x 232+y 216=1C .x 28+y 24=1或y 28+x 24=1D .x 232+y 216=1或y 232+x 216=18.苏州有很多圆拱的悬索拱桥(如寒山桥),经测得某圆拱索桥(如图)的跨度AB =100米,拱高OP =10米,在建造圆拱桥时每隔5米需用一根支柱支撑,则与OP 相距30米的支柱MN 的高度是( )米.(注意:√10取3.162)A .6.48B .4.48C .2.48D .以上都不对二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得5分,部分选对的得2分,有选错的得0分.9.空间直角坐标系中,已知O (0,0,0),OA →=(−1,2,1),OB →=(−1,2,−1),OC →=(2,3,−1),则( ) A .|AB →|=2B .△ABC 是直角三角形C .与OA →平行的单位向量的坐标为(√66,−√63,−√66)D .{OA →,OB →,OC →}可以作为空间的一组基底10.在如图所示的三棱锥O ﹣ABC 中,OA =OC =OB =1,OA ⊥面OBC ,∠BOC =π3,下列结论正确的为( )A .直线AB 与平面OBC 所成的角为45° B .二面角O ﹣BC ﹣A 的正切值为√33C .O 到面ABC 的距离为√217D .异面直线OC ⊥AB11.已知直线l :kx ﹣y +2k =0(k ∈R )和圆O :x 2+y 2=8,则( ) A .直线l 恒过定点(2,0)B .存在k 使得直线l 与直线l 0:x ﹣2y +2=0垂直C .直线l 与圆O 相交D .若k =1,则圆O 上到直线l 的距离为√2的点有四个12.已知抛物线y 2=4x ,焦点F ,过点P (1,1)作斜率互为相反数的两条直线分别交抛物线于A ,B 及C ,D 两点.则下列说法正确的是( ) A .抛物线的准线方程为x =﹣1 B .若|AF |=5,则直线AP 的斜率为1 C .若PA →=3BP →,则直线AB 的方程为y =xD .∠CAP =∠BDP三、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.过P (﹣1,a )、Q (a +1,4)两点的直线的倾斜角为45°,那么实数a = .14.a →=(1,−1,2),b →=(−2,1,0),c →=(−3,1,k),若a →,b →,c →共面,则实数k = . 15.古希腊数学家阿波罗尼斯在《圆锥曲线论》中记载了用平面截圆锥得到圆锥曲线的方法.如图,将两个完全相同的圆锥对顶放置(两圆锥的顶点和轴都重合),已知两个圆锥的底面直径均为4,侧面积均为2√5π.记过两个圆锥轴的截面为平面α,平面α与两个圆锥侧面的交线为AC ,BD .已知平面β平行于平面α,平面β与两个圆锥侧面的交线为双曲线C 的一部分,且C 的两条渐近线分别平行于AC ,BD ,则该双曲线C 的离心率为 .16.如图,已知菱形ABCD 中,AB =2,∠BAD =120°,E 为边BC 的中点,将△ABE 沿AE 翻折成△AB 1E (点B 1位于平面ABCD 上方),连接B 1C 和B 1D ,F 为B 1D 的中点,则在翻折过程中,AE 与B 1C 的夹角为 ,点F 的轨迹的长度为 .四、解答题:本大题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 17.(10分)已知点A (1,2,﹣1),B (2,k ,﹣3),C (0,5,1),向量a →=(−3,4,5). (1)若AB →⊥a →,求实数k 的值;(2)求向量AC →在向量a →方向上的投影向量.18.(12分)已知△ABC 的顶点A (5,1),B (1,3),C (4,4). (1)求AB 边上的高所在直线的方程; (2)求△ABC 的外接圆的方程.19.(12分)如图,在长方体ABCD ﹣A 1B 1C 1D 1中,M 为BB 1上一点,已知BM =2,CD =3,AD =4,AA 1=5.(1)求直线A 1C 和平面ABCD 的夹角; (2)求点A 到平面A 1MC 的距离.20.(12分)已知定点A (1,﹣2),点B 为圆(x +1)2+(y +4)2=4上的动点. (1)求AB 的中点C 的轨迹方程;(2)若过定点P(12,−2)的直线l 与C 的轨迹交于M ,N 两点,且|MN|=√3,求直线l 的方程.21.(12分)如图,该几何体是由等高的半个圆柱和14个圆柱拼接而成.C ,E ,D ,G 在同一平面内,且CG=DG .(1)证明:平面BFD ⊥平面BCG ;(2)若直线GC 与平面ABG 所成角的正弦值为√105,求平面BFD 与平面ABG 所成角的余弦值.22.(12分)“工艺折纸”是一种把纸张折成各种不同形状物品的艺术活动,在我国源远流长,某些折纸活动蕴含丰富的数学知识,例如:用一张圆形纸片,按如下步骤折纸(如图):步骤1:设圆心是E,在圆内异于圆心处取一定点,记为F;步骤2:把纸片折叠,使圆周正好通过点F(即折叠后图中的点A与点F重合);步骤3:把纸片展开,并留下一道折痕,记折痕与AE的交点为P;步骤4:不停重复步骤2和3,就能得到越来越多的折痕.现取半径为4的圆形纸片,设点F到圆心E的距离为2√3,按上述方法折纸.以线段EF的中点为原点,线段EF所在直线为x轴建立平面直角坐标系xOy,记动点P的轨迹为曲线C.(1)求C的方程;(2)设轨迹C与x轴从左到右的交点为点A,B,点P为轨迹C上异于A,B,的动点,设PB交直线x=4于点T,连结AT交轨迹C于点Q.直线AP、AQ的斜率分别为k AP、k AQ.(ⅰ)求证:k AP•k AQ为定值;(ⅱ)证明直线PQ经过x轴上的定点,并求出该定点的坐标.2023-2024学年山东省普高联考高二(上)期中数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一、单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知点A (3,2,3),B (1,1,4),则A 、B 的中点的坐标为( ) A .(1,12,−12)B .(2,32,72)C .(4,3,7)D .(−1,−12,12)解:因为A (3,2,3),B (1,1,4),所以中点M(3+12,2+12,3+42)=(2,32,72). 故选:B .2.已知直线l 1:2x +2y ﹣5=0,l 2:4x +ny +1=0,若l 1∥l 2,则n 的值为( ) A .﹣6B .6C .4D .﹣4解:因为l 1∥l 2,所以42=n 2≠1−5⇒n =4.故选:C .3.过点A (1,1)的直线l 与圆M :x 2+y 2﹣6x =0相交的所有弦中,弦长最短为( ) A .5B .2C .√5D .4解:将A (1,1)代入x 2+y 2﹣6x ,得到12+12﹣6×1<0,所以点A 在圆内, 再根据x 2+y 2﹣6x =0可得圆心坐标M (3,0),可知当l 与AM 垂直时,弦长最小, 因为AM =√5,即最短弦长为的一半为√32−(√5)2=2,所以最短弦长为2×2=4. 故选:D .4.已知空间四边形OABC ,其对角线是OB ,AC ,M ,N 分别是对边OA ,BC 的中点,点G 在线段MN 上,且MG =3GN ,用基底向量OA →,OB →,OC →表示向量OG →应是( )A .OG →=18OA →+38OB →+38OC →B .OG →=18OA →−38OB →+38OC →C .OG →=16OA →+13OB →+13OC →D .OG →=16OA →−13OB →+13OC →解:∵OG →=OM →+MG →=OM →+34MN →=OM →+34(MO →+OC →+CN →)=OM →+34MO →+34OC →+34×12CB →=14OM →+34OC →+38(OB →−OC →)=18OA →+38OB →+38OC → 故选:A .5.已知实数x ,y 满足方程x 2+y 2﹣2x =0,则y+1x+1的最大值是( )A .34B .43C .0D .12解:C 的方程x 2+y 2﹣2x =0可化为(x ﹣1)2+y 2=1, 它表示圆心(1,0),半径为1的圆,y+1x+1表示圆上的点与点P (﹣1,﹣1)的连线的斜率k , 设过圆上点与点P (﹣1,﹣1)的直线方程为y +1=k (x +1), 则圆心(1,0)到直线y +1=k (x +1)的距离d =|2k−1|√k +1≤1,可得0≤k ≤43,即最大值为43,故选:B .6.战国时期成书《经说》记载:“景:日之光,反蚀人,则景在日与人之间”.这是中国古代人民首次对平面镜反射的研究,体现了传统文化中的数学智慧.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,一条光线从点(2,3)射出,经y 轴反射后与圆x 2﹣6x +y 2+4y +12=0相切,则反射光线所在直线的斜率为( ) A .−43或−34B .17C .57D .56解:根据题意,设B 与点(2,3)关于y 轴的对称,则B 的坐标为(﹣2,3), 则反射光线经过点B ,且与圆x 2﹣6x +y 2+4y +12=0相切,设反射光线所在直线的方程为:y﹣3=k(x+2),即kx﹣y+2k+3=0,圆x2﹣6x+y2+4y+12=0的标准方程为(x﹣3)2+(y+2)2=1,则圆心为(3,﹣2),半径r=1,由圆心(3,﹣2)到反射光线的距离等于半径可得:√1+k2=1,即12k2+25k+12=0,解得k=−43或k=−34.故选:A.7.已知中心在原点,半焦距为4的椭圆x2m2+y2n2=1(m>0,n>0,m≠n)被直线方程2x﹣y+9=0截得的弦的中点横坐标为﹣4,则椭圆的标准方程为()A.x28+y24=1B.x232+y216=1C.x28+y24=1或y28+x24=1D.x232+y216=1或y232+x216=1解:设直线2x﹣y+9=0与椭圆相交于A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2)两点,由{x12m2+y12n2=1x22 m2+y22n2=1,得(x1+x2)(x1−x2)m2+(y1+y2)(y1−y2)n2=0,得k=y1−y2x1−x2=−n2m2×x1+x2y1+y2=2,弦的中点坐标是M(﹣4,1),直线AB的斜率k=2,所以n2m2=12,m2=2n2,又m2﹣n2=16,所以m2=32,n2=16,椭圆的标准方程为x232+y216=1.故选:B.8.苏州有很多圆拱的悬索拱桥(如寒山桥),经测得某圆拱索桥(如图)的跨度AB=100米,拱高OP=10米,在建造圆拱桥时每隔5米需用一根支柱支撑,则与OP相距30米的支柱MN的高度是()米.(注意:√10取3.162)A.6.48B.4.48C.2.48D.以上都不对解:以O为原点,以AB所在直线为x轴,以OP所在直线为y轴建立平面直角坐标系,设圆心坐标(0,a),P(0,10),A(﹣50,0),则圆拱所在圆的方程为x 2+(y ﹣a )2=r 2, ∴{(10−a)2=r 2(−50)2+a 2=r 2,解得a =﹣120,r 2=16900, ∴圆的方程为x 2+(y +120)2=16900.将x =﹣30代入圆方程,得:900+(y +120)2=16900, ∵y >0,∴y =40√10−120≈40×3.162﹣120=6.48. 故选:A .二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求.全部选对的得5分,部分选对的得2分,有选错的得0分.9.空间直角坐标系中,已知O (0,0,0),OA →=(−1,2,1),OB →=(−1,2,−1),OC →=(2,3,−1),则( ) A .|AB →|=2B .△ABC 是直角三角形C .与OA →平行的单位向量的坐标为(√66,−√63,−√66)D .{OA →,OB →,OC →}可以作为空间的一组基底 解:因为OA →=(−1,2,1),OB →=(−1,2,−1),所以AB →=OB →−OA →=(0,0,−2),所以|AB →|=2,选项A 正确; 又因为OC →=(2,3,−1),所以BC →=OC →−OB →=(3,1,0), 所以AB →⋅BC →=0,所以△ABC 是直角三角形,选项B 正确; 因为|OA →|=√1+4+1=√6, 所以与OA →平行的单位向量的坐标为:±OA →|OA →|=±(√66,−√63,−√66),选项C 错误; 假设OA →,OB →,OC →共面,则存在唯一的有序数对(x ,y )使OA →=xOB →+yOC →,即(﹣1,2,1)=x (﹣1,2,﹣1)+y (2,3,﹣1)=(﹣x +2y ,2x +3y ,﹣x ﹣y ), 所以{−1=−x +2y 2=2x +3y 1=−x −y ,此方程组无解,故OA →,OB →,OC →不共面,故可作为空间一组基底,选项D 正确. 故选:ABD .10.在如图所示的三棱锥O ﹣ABC 中,OA =OC =OB =1,OA ⊥面OBC ,∠BOC =π3,下列结论正确的为( )A .直线AB 与平面OBC 所成的角为45° B .二面角O ﹣BC ﹣A 的正切值为√33C .O 到面ABC 的距离为√217D .异面直线OC ⊥AB解:选项A ,因为OA ⊥面OBC ,故∠ABO 为直线AB 与平面OBC 所成的角, 又OA =OC =OB =1,所以tan ∠ABO =1,故直线AB 与平面OBC 所成的角是45°,故A 正确; 选项B ,取BC 中点为D ,连接OD ,AD ,因为OA =OB =OC =1,OA ⊥平面OBC ,∠BOC =π3,所以AB =AC =√2,BC =1,OD ⊥BC ,AD ⊥BC , 因为OD ∩AD =D ,所以BC ⊥平面AOD ,故∠ODA 为二面角O ﹣BC ﹣A 的平面角,则tan ∠ODA =OA OD =2√33, 故二面角O ﹣BC ﹣A 的正切值为2√33,故B 错误;选项C ,因为AB =AC =√2,BC =1,所以AD =√72,设O 到面ABC 的距离为h ,则由V A ﹣OBC =V O ﹣ABC ,可得:13×√34×1=13×12×√72×ℎ,解得ℎ=√217,故C 正确;选项D ,若OC ⊥AB ,又OC ⊥OA ,且AB ∩OA =A ,则OC ⊥面OAB , 则有OC ⊥OB ,与∠BOC =π3矛盾,故D 错误.故选:AC .11.已知直线l :kx ﹣y +2k =0(k ∈R )和圆O :x 2+y 2=8,则( ) A .直线l 恒过定点(2,0)B .存在k 使得直线l 与直线l 0:x ﹣2y +2=0垂直C .直线l 与圆O 相交D .若k =1,则圆O 上到直线l 的距离为√2的点有四个解:由直线l :kx ﹣y +2k =0,整理成k (x +2)﹣y =0,则直线恒过定点(﹣2,0),故A 错误; 若直线l :kx ﹣y +2k =0与直线l 0:x ﹣2y +2=0垂直, 则k +2=0,解得k =﹣2,故B 正确;因为(﹣2)2+0=4<8,所以定点(﹣2,0)在圆O :x 2+y 2=8内部, 所以直线l 与圆O 相交,故C 正确; 当k =1时,直线l 化为x ﹣y +2=0, 圆心O 到直线的距离d =|2|√2=√2,圆O 半径2√2, 因为d <r 且d =12r ,所以圆O 到直线l 距离为√2的点有三个,故D 错误.故选:BC .12.已知抛物线y 2=4x ,焦点F ,过点P (1,1)作斜率互为相反数的两条直线分别交抛物线于A ,B 及C ,D 两点.则下列说法正确的是( ) A .抛物线的准线方程为x =﹣1 B .若|AF |=5,则直线AP 的斜率为1 C .若PA →=3BP →,则直线AB 的方程为y =xD .∠CAP =∠BDP解:对于选项A :因为抛物线方程为y 2=4x ,可得该抛物线的准线方程为x =﹣1,故选项A 正确; 对于选项B :不妨设A (x 0,y 0),因为|AF |=5,所以x 0+p2=x 0+1=5,x 0=4,解得y 0=±4, 又P (1,1),则直线AP 的斜率为4−14−1=1或−4−14−1=−53,故选项B 错误; 对于选项C :不妨设A (x 1,y 1),B (x 2,y 2),因为P (1,1),所以BP →=(1−x 2,1−y 2),PA →=(x 1−1,y 1−1), 因为PA →=3BP →,所以{3(1−x 2)=x 1−13(1−y 2)=y 1−1,得{x 1=4−3x 2y 1=4−3y 2.因为y 12=4x 1,所以(4−3y 2)2=4(4−3x 2),即3y 22−8y 2=−4x 2, 因为y 22=4x 2,所以4y 22−8y 2=0,y 2=0或y 2=2,当y 2=0时,x 2=0,解得x 1=4,y 1=4; 当y 2=2时,x 2=1,解得x 1=1,y 1=﹣2,此时直线AB 的斜率不存在,直线CD 的斜率为0,不符合题意;则A (4,4),B (0,0),此时直线AB 的方程为y =x ,故选项C 正确. 对于选项D :易知直线AB ,CD 的斜率存在,不妨设直线AB :y =k (x ﹣1)+1, 则直线CD :y =﹣k (x ﹣1)+1,A (x 1,y 1),B (x 2,y 2),C (x 3,y 3),D (x 4,y 4), 联立{y =k(x −1)+1y 2=4x ,即{x =1k (y −1)+1y 2=4x,消去x 并整理得y 2−4k y +4k −4=0,因为P (1,1)在抛物线内部,所以Δ>0, 由韦达定理得y 1+y 2=4k ,y 1y 2=4k−4,因为|AP|=√1+1k 2|y 1−1|,|BP|=√1+1k2|y 2−1|, 所以|AP|⋅|BP|=(1+1k 2)|(y 1−1)(y 2−1)|=(1+1k2)|y 1y 2−(y 1+y 2)+1| =(1+1k 2)|4k −4−4k +1|=3(1+1k2), 同理得|CP|⋅|DP|=3[1+1(−k)2]=3(1+1k 2),所以|AP |•|BP |=|CP |•|DP |,即|AP||DP|=|CP||BP|,又∠CP A =∠BPD ,所以△APC ∽△BPD ,则∠CAP =∠BDP ,故选项D 正确. 故选:ACD .三、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.13.过P (﹣1,a )、Q (a +1,4)两点的直线的倾斜角为45°,那么实数a = 1 . 解:过P (﹣1,a )、Q (a +1,4)两点的直线的倾斜角为45°, 则k PQ =tan45°=1,又k PQ =4−aa+2=1⇒a =1. 故答案为:1.14.a →=(1,−1,2),b →=(−2,1,0),c →=(−3,1,k),若a →,b →,c →共面,则实数k = 2 . 解:因为a →,b →,c →共面,所以存在x ,y ∈R ,使得c →=xa →+yb →, 又因为a →=(1,−1,2),b →=(−2,1,0),c →=(−3,1,k), 所以(﹣3,1,k )=x (1,﹣1,2)+y (﹣2,1,0), 所以{−3=x −2y1=−x +y k =2x ,解得x =1,y =2,k =2.故答案为:2.15.古希腊数学家阿波罗尼斯在《圆锥曲线论》中记载了用平面截圆锥得到圆锥曲线的方法.如图,将两个完全相同的圆锥对顶放置(两圆锥的顶点和轴都重合),已知两个圆锥的底面直径均为4,侧面积均为2√5π.记过两个圆锥轴的截面为平面α,平面α与两个圆锥侧面的交线为AC ,BD .已知平面β平行于平面α,平面β与两个圆锥侧面的交线为双曲线C 的一部分,且C 的两条渐近线分别平行于AC ,BD ,则该双曲线C 的离心率为 √5 .解:以AC ,BD 的交点在平面β内的射影为坐标原点,两圆锥的轴在平面β内的射影为y 轴,在平面β内与x轴垂直的直线为x轴,建立平面直角坐标系.根据题意可设双曲线C的方程为x2a2−y2b2=1(a>0,b>0).∵两个圆锥的底面直径均为4,则底面半径为2,又侧面积均为2√5π,∴一个圆锥的母线长为√5.则双曲线C的渐近线方程为y=±2x,即ba=2.∴双曲线的离心率为e=ca=√c2a2=√a2+b2a2=√1+(ba)2=√5.故答案为:√5.16.如图,已知菱形ABCD中,AB=2,∠BAD=120°,E为边BC的中点,将△ABE沿AE翻折成△AB1E (点B1位于平面ABCD上方),连接B1C和B1D,F为B1D的中点,则在翻折过程中,AE与B1C的夹角为90°,点F的轨迹的长度为π2.解:在菱形ABCD中,∠BAD=120°,E为边BC的中点,所以AE⊥BC,在翻折过程中,有AE⊥B1E,AE⊥CE,因为B1E∩CE=E,B1E、CE⊂平面B1CE,所以AE⊥平面B1CE,又B1C⊂平面B1CE,所以AE⊥B1C,即AE与B1C的夹角为90°;分别取AB ,AB 1的中点M 和N ,连接EM ,EN ,FN ,因为N ,F 分别为AB 1和B 1D 的中点, 所以FN =12AD ,FN ∥AD ,又E 为BC 的中点,所以CE =12BC =12AD ,CE ∥AD ,所以FN =CE ,FN ∥CE ,所以点F 的轨迹与点N 的轨迹相同,即从点M 到点N 的轨迹,因为AE ⊥平面B 1CE ,所以点B 1的轨迹是以E 为圆心,BE 为半径的圆, 所以点N 的轨迹是以AE 的中点为圆心,BE 2为半径的圆, 所以点N 的轨迹长度为12×2π×BE2=π×12=π2,即点F 的轨迹长度为π2.故答案为:90°,π2.四、解答题:本大题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 17.(10分)已知点A (1,2,﹣1),B (2,k ,﹣3),C (0,5,1),向量a →=(−3,4,5). (1)若AB →⊥a →,求实数k 的值;(2)求向量AC →在向量a →方向上的投影向量.解:(1)由题意,AB →=(1,k −2,−2),a →=(−3,4,5), 因为AB →⊥a →,所以AB →⋅a →=0,即﹣3+4k ﹣8﹣10=0,得k =214. (2)由题意,AC →=(−1,3,2),a →=(−3,4,5),所以向量AC →在向量上a →上的投影向量为:(AC →⋅a →|a →|)a →|a →|=3+12+10√9+16+253√210,2√25,√22)=(−32,2,52).18.(12分)已知△ABC 的顶点A (5,1),B (1,3),C (4,4). (1)求AB 边上的高所在直线的方程;(2)求△ABC 的外接圆的方程. 解:(1)∵A (5,1),B (1,3), ∴直线AB 的斜率k AB =1−35−1=−12, ∴AB 边上的高所在直线的斜率为2, ∵AB 边上的高所在直线过点C (4,4),∴AB 边上的高所在直线的方程为y ﹣4=2(x ﹣4),即2x ﹣y ﹣4=0. (2)∵CA →=(1,−3),CB →=(−3,−1), ∴CA →⋅CB →=0,即△ABC 为以角C 为直角的直角三角形, 故△ABC 的外接圆以AB 中点(3,2)为圆心,|AB|2=12√(1−5)2+(3−1)2=√5为半径,∴△ABC 的外接圆的方程为(x ﹣3)2+(y ﹣2)2=5.19.(12分)如图,在长方体ABCD ﹣A 1B 1C 1D 1中,M 为BB 1上一点,已知BM =2,CD =3,AD =4,AA 1=5.(1)求直线A 1C 和平面ABCD 的夹角; (2)求点A 到平面A 1MC 的距离.解:(1)依题意:AA 1⊥平面ABCD ,连接AC ,则A 1C 与平面ABCD 所成夹角为∠A 1CA ,∵AA 1=5,AC =√32+42=5, ∴△A 1CA 为等腰三角形, ∴∠A 1CA =π4,∴直线A 1C 和平面ABCD 的夹角为π4,(2)(空间向量),如图建立坐标系,则A (0,0,0),C (3,4,0),A 1(0,0,5),M (3,0,2), ∴AC →=(3,4,0),A 1C →=(3,4,﹣5),MC →=(0,4.﹣2), 设平面A 1MC 的法向量n →=(x ,y ,z ),由{n →⋅A 1C →=3x +4y −5z =0n →⋅MC →=4y −2z =0,可得n →=(2,1,2), ∴点A 到平面A 1MC 的距离d =|AC →⋅n →||n →|=3×2+4×1√2+1+2=103.20.(12分)已知定点A (1,﹣2),点B 为圆(x +1)2+(y +4)2=4上的动点. (1)求AB 的中点C 的轨迹方程;(2)若过定点P(12,−2)的直线l 与C 的轨迹交于M ,N 两点,且|MN|=√3,求直线l 的方程.解:定点A (1,﹣2),点B 为圆(x +1)2+(y +4)2=4上的动点. (1)设点C 的坐标为(x ,y ),则点B 的坐标为(2x ﹣1,2y +2), ∵点B 为圆(x +1)2+(y +2)2=4上的动点,∴(2x ﹣1+1)2+(2y +2+4)2=4,即x 2+(y +3)2=1, ∴AB 的中点C 的轨迹方程为x 2+(y +3)2=1;(2)当直线l的斜率存在时,设直线l的方程为y+2=k(x−12 ),∵圆的半径r=1且|MN|=√3,∴圆心到直线的距离d=1 2,∴d=|1−k2|√1+k=12,解得k=34,∴直线l的方程为y+2=34(x−12),即6x﹣8y﹣19=0;当直线l的斜率不存在时,直线l的方程为x=1 2,此时|MN|=√3,满足条件;综上,直线l的方程为x=12或6x﹣8y﹣19=0.21.(12分)如图,该几何体是由等高的半个圆柱和14个圆柱拼接而成.C,E,D,G在同一平面内,且CG=DG.(1)证明:平面BFD⊥平面BCG;(2)若直线GC与平面ABG所成角的正弦值为√105,求平面BFD与平面ABG所成角的余弦值.解:(1)证明:如图,连接CE,DG,因为该几何体是由等高的半个圆柱和14个圆柱拼接而成,CG=DG,所以∠ECD=∠DCG=45°,所以∠ECG=90°,所以CE⊥CG,因为BC∥EF,BC=EF,所以四边形BCEF 为平行四边形, 所以BF ∥CE , 所以BF ⊥CG ,因为BC ⊥平面ABF ,BF ⊂平面ABF , 所以BC ⊥BF ,因为BC ,CG ⊂平面BCG ,BC ∩CG =C , 所以BF ⊥平面BCG , 因为BF ⊂平面BFD , 所以平面BFD ⊥平面BCG .(2)如图,以A 为坐标原点建立空间直角坐标系,设AF =2,AD =t ,则A (0,0,0),B (0,2,0),F (2,0,0),D (0,0,t ),G (﹣1,1,t ),C (0,2,t ),则AB →=(0,2,0),AG →=(−1,1,t),GC →=(1,1,0), 设平面ABG 的一个法向量为m →=(x ,y ,z), 则{m →⋅AB →=0,m →⋅AG →=0,所以{m →⋅AB →=(x ,y ,z)⋅(0,2,0)=2y =0m →⋅AG →=(x ,y ,z)⋅(−1,1,t)=−x +y +tz =0,令z =1,y =0,x =t ,所以m →=(t ,0,1),记直线GC 与平面ABG 所成的角为θ,则sinθ=|cos〈GC →,m →〉|=|GC →⋅m →||GC →||m →|=|t|√2×√t +1=√105,解得t =2(负值舍去),即AD =2,设平面BFD 的一个法向量为n →=(x′,y′,z′),FB →=(−2,2,0),FD →=(−2,0,2),则{n →⋅FB →=0n →⋅FD →=0即{−2x ′+2y ′=0−2x′+2z′=0,令x ′=1,则n →=(1,1,1), 所以cos <m →,n →>=m →⋅n →|m →||n →|=√2+1⋅√1+1+1=35×3=√155,所以平面BFD 与平面ABG 所成角的余弦值为√155. 22.(12分)“工艺折纸”是一种把纸张折成各种不同形状物品的艺术活动,在我国源远流长,某些折纸活动蕴含丰富的数学知识,例如:用一张圆形纸片,按如下步骤折纸(如图): 步骤1:设圆心是E ,在圆内异于圆心处取一定点,记为F ;步骤2:把纸片折叠,使圆周正好通过点F (即折叠后图中的点A 与点F 重合); 步骤3:把纸片展开,并留下一道折痕,记折痕与AE 的交点为P ; 步骤4:不停重复步骤2和3,就能得到越来越多的折痕.现取半径为4的圆形纸片,设点F 到圆心E 的距离为2√3,按上述方法折纸.以线段EF 的中点为原点,线段EF 所在直线为x 轴建立平面直角坐标系xOy ,记动点P 的轨迹为曲线C . (1)求C 的方程;(2)设轨迹C 与x 轴从左到右的交点为点A ,B ,点P 为轨迹C 上异于A ,B ,的动点,设PB 交直线x =4于点T ,连结AT 交轨迹C 于点Q .直线AP 、AQ 的斜率分别为k AP 、k AQ . (ⅰ)求证:k AP •k AQ 为定值;(ⅱ)证明直线PQ 经过x 轴上的定点,并求出该定点的坐标.解:(1)因为|PE|+|PF|=|PA|+|PE|=4>|EF|=2√3, 所以点P 的轨迹是以E ,F 为焦点,且长轴长2a =4的椭圆, 焦距2c =|EF|=2√3, 此时b 2=a 2﹣c 2=1, 则轨迹C 方程为x 24+y 2=1;(2)证明:(i )不妨设P (x 1,y 1),Q (x 2,y 2),T (4,m ), 由题可知A (﹣2,0),B (2,0),第21页(共21页) 则k AP =y 1x 1+2,k AQ =k AT =m−04−(−2)=m 6, 因为k BP =k BT =y 1x 1−2=m 2, 所以m =2y 1x 1−2, 所以k AP ⋅k AQ =y 1x 1+2⋅m 6=y 1x 1+2⋅y 13(x 1−2)=y 123(x 12−4),① 因为点P 在椭圆上,所以x 124+y 12=1,② 联立①②,解得k AP •k AQ =−112, 故k AP •k AQ 为定值;(ii )证明:不妨设直线PQ 的方程为x =ty +n ,P (x 1,y 1),Q (x 2,y 2),联立{x =ty +nx 24+y 2=1,消去x 并整理得(t 2+4)y 2+2tny +n 2﹣4=0, 由韦达定理得{y 1+y 2=−2tn t 2+4y 1y 2=n 2−4t 2+4, 由(i )知k AP ⋅k AQ =−112, 即y 1x 1+2⋅y 2x 2+2=y 1y 2(ty 1+n+2)(ty 2+n+2)=−112, 整理得n 2−44n 2+16n+16=−112, 解得n =1或n =﹣2(舍去),所以直线PQ 的方程为x =ty +1,故直线PQ 经过定点(1,0).。

山东省临沂市沂水县2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解Films to see during the summer holidayChang’anThe film Chang’ an takes its title from the ancient name of Xi’an in Shaanxi province, which served as capital of the Tang Dynasty for over 280 years.The film, which provides an invaluable opportunity to research deeper into the ancient Tang Dynasty. It also breathes life into some famous figures of that era and feature s a selection of modern-day well-known poetry verses.Never Say NeverNever Say Never, which was shot in the hilly city Chongqing, is adapted from real-life events of a movie star Wang Baoqiang. As a fight coach, he determined to assist a group of poor rural children to seek a better life. Wang said the movie mirrors his own personal life journey. It has not only helped him get out of a dilemma but also holds significant meaning for his own life.Oh My SchoolSince its release on July 14, Oh My School has earned a remarkable 175 million yuan and gained a rating of 8 points out of 10 on Douban, a popular review platform, second only to Chang’ an.Set in a junior high school in Changchun, the film tells the amusing story of Wang Qiang, a struggling student who unexpectedly exchanges bodies with Shi Miao’na, a strict teacher, leading to a series of comedic misfortunes.The White Storm 3: Heaven or HellFor fans of Hong Kong or action film, this one is a must-see. The film describes a strike on drug trade in Southeast Asia’s well-known Golden Triangle region.What makes this film truly exceptional is the details in its production. A grand 50,000-square-meter set was constructed to reflect a true Golden Triangle’s environment at full scale. Some scenes involved the use of real guns and explosions, heightening the movie’s action and intensity.1.As a poem lover, which film will you prefer?A.Chang’ an B.Never Say NeverC.Oh My School D.The White Storm 3: Heaven or Hell 2.What can we learn from the film Never Say Never?A.It told about Wang’s achievements in film-making.B.It’s about the hard life of Wang being a coach.C.It filmed a real rural scene of Chongqing.D.It’s about Wang’s earlier life experiences.3.What makes The White Storm 3: Heaven or Hell stand out of the others?A.The story was set in ancient China.B.The hero of the film is a rural poor child.C.It got the highest point on Douban platform.D.It focused on the production of the real scene effect.Fourteen-year-old Quan Hongchan has struck gold for China in the Tokyo Olympics. Starting the competition as a dark horse on the national team, she’s made history in the 10-meter women’s diving platform event. She secured her name in the history books.Quan was born in the city of Zhanjiang in south China’s Guangdong Province, and started diving at the age of seven. In 2018, she joined the Guangdong Diving Team, spending three years there before breaking into the national team at the end of 2020. He Weiyi is a diving coach at the Guangdong Provincial Sports Team. Quan Hongchan was under his tutelage in this diving hall for three years. Up on the 10-meter platform, coach He said this is where Quan showed her talents, exceeding expectations despite her young age.“It looks high up here, but believe it or not, in just three years’ time, Quan could manage some very difficult sets of movements. She was even able to do some standard men’s movements. Her development was much quicker than most athletes. I’d say she’s got outstanding talent.” But He said talent alone doesn’t achieve success. For Quan, hard work has been the most important. “Quan practices harder than other athletes around her age. She’s the most engaged. She kept asking me whether her positions and flights are OK, whether she did well. She’d get unhappy if I couldn’t answer her at once. Her spirit is a desire for perfection.”As for her big win at the Olympics, he said there were challenges along the way. “In fact,there’s a set of positions she didn’t feel comfortable doing. But I think athletes are all trained to have a calm state of mind and self-confidence. I think her stable mood really helped her to pull it off perfectly. And it helped her win gold.” He said she’s only 14 and that the Olympic medal is a solid foundation. But he hopes Quan can take full advantage of her physical skills, and continue on the road of progress.4.What can we know about Quan Hongchan according to the first paragraph?A.Her achievement was beyond some people’s expectation.B.Making a name in the history books was her initial target.C.She had intended to be a dark horse before the competition.D.The history of diving event appealed to Quan Hongchan a lot.5.What does the underlined word “tutelage” in paragraph 2 mean?A.control B.treatment C.tuition D.construction 6.What played the greatest role in the win of the Olympics for Quan?A.Her perfect position.B.Her physical skills.C.Her young age.D.Her calm state.7.Why are He Weiyi’s words introduced in the passage?A.To demonstrate diving is difficult.B.To claim Quan Hongchan is a talent.C.To prove Quan’s success comes from her hard work.D.To show Quan Hongchan has perfect physical skills.An anti-viral gene called BTN3A3 (often found in people’s lungs and breath tracts), which blocks most bird flu from jumping to people, has been identified, helping scientists predict which bird flu viruses could cause outbreaks in humans. The discovery was made by the World Health Organization’s chief scientist, Prof Jeremy Farrar, at the MRC-University Centre for Virus Research.The team compared how our genes worked when faced with either a human or bird flu virus, and found that BTN3A3 blocked most bird flu viruses, but not the seasonal flu viruses people catch regularly. The study also found that some of the bird flu viruses which have occasionally infected people, such as H7N9, also have genetic mutations (变异) which means they can bypass the blocking effects of BTN3A3. This means the presence of BTN3A3 in a bird flu virus may be a strong signal that it could cause a wider outbreak in people, they said.“Identifying BTN3A3 resistant variants (免疫变种) when they first appear in birds might help prevent human infections,” said Dr Rute Maria Pinto, the first author of the study. “Now, when we find cases of bird flu, we can basically examine sick birds and find out whether the virus can overcome the BTN3A3 gene, simply by looking at its order and determining if this virus is likely to infect humans,” she said. “If the virus can in fact overcome BTN3A3, then stricter measurements should be put in place to prevent spreading.”The paper comes after a new type of H5N1 bird flu virus, which transmits easily among wild birds, has caused destruction in animals globally. There have been concerns that the increased spread offers more opportunities for the virus to infect people, especially as more and more mammals (哺乳动物) have been infected. And Prof Massimo Palmarini, a co-author of the report told the BBC that just over 50 percent of virus samples from birds and seven cases in people were resistant to BTN3A3.8.Why is it important to identify BTN3A3?A.Because the gene blocks bird flu from infecting humans.B.Because the gene can prevent bird flu from breaking out.C.Because the gene often does harm to people’s lungs and breath tracts.D.Because the gene can forecast the outbreaks of bird flu viruses in humans.9.What can be inferred from the study in paragraph 2?A.H7N9 could be widely spread from people to people.B.Genetic mutations are caused by the block of BTN3A3.C.People who often catch seasonal flu virus lack BTN3A3.D.Human flu viruses do greater harm to people than bird flu viruses.10.What is the main idea of paragraph 3?A.The way to examine the virus.B.The significance of identifying BTN3A3.C.The measurements to prevent virus spreading.D.The approaches to preventing human infections.11.What is the attitude of the author to H5N1?A.He feels worried about it.B.He thinks nothing of it.C.He is positive about it.D.He doesn’t concern it.More than half the world relies on rice as a main food source. Yet the crop faces anworrying future as global warming increases the Earth’s temperature and adds to more storms, droughts and heat waves, because rice is sensitive (敏感的) to climate extremes and grows in places already experiencing many. Any disturbance to that food source can cause great problems.The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change—which brought together 234 scientists to collect recent climate studies—warned that human-caused global warming is happening at an extraordinary pace and is adding to the deadly floods, heat and droughts that we’re already witnessing. And those events result in major risks to farming.“Higher temperatures lead to increased water loss, resulting in soil drying, increased plant stress and impacts on agriculture, especially in regions where large amounts of rainfall are not expected,” the report states.If greenhouse gases are not reduced, about a third of global land areas are expected to suffer from at least moderate drought by the end of the century, the report concludes. Some changes like sea-level rise are already locked in.Rice is especially sensitive to these changes. Rice often grows in ecosystems, such as deltas (三角洲), that have low sea-level and are easy to be influenced by rising seas. Any additional temperature increase could cause sea water into the filed where a healthy crop can develop, scientists say.A 2018 study in the Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science found that an increase in the frequency and seriousness of hot weather could reduce rice outputs by up to 40% by the end of this century.“Most of the world’s rice is currently grown in regions where existing temperature is already close to the most suitable range for rice production,” the study states. “Therefore, any further rise in temperature or short period of high temperature during sensitive growth stages will be disastrous.”12.Why is rice particularly weak to climate change according to the passage?A.Rice requires large amounts of rainfall.B.Rice is grown in regions with low sea levels.C.Rice is hard to live in places with extreme climate conditions.D.Rice is grown in regions with high levels of greenhouse gases.13.What is the main concern for rice production in the future?A.Rising sea levelsB.Increased frequency of stormsC.Global warming and climate changeD.Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions14.What attitude does the last paragraph show us?A.Pessimistic B.Optimistic C.Uncertain D.Encouraging 15.Which is the best title for the passage?A.Rice Output Is Decreasing Heavily.B.Climate Change is Caused by Greenhouse Gas.C.Climate Change Resuits in Low Output of Rice.D.Greenhouse Gas Has Great Effect on Rice Growing.二、七选五While the key to success in both personal and professional relationships lies in your ability to communicate well, it’s not the words that you use but your nonverbal cues or “body language” that speak the loudest. Body language is the use of physical behavior, expressions, and mannerisms (言谈举止) to communicate nonverbally, often done instinctively (本能地) rather than consciously. 16Facial expressions. The human face is extremely expressive, able to convey countless emotions without saying a word. 17 The facial expressions for happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust are the same across cultures.Body movement and posture. Consider how your perceptions of people are affected by the way they sit, walk, stand, or hold their head. The way you move and carry yourself communicates a wealth of information to the world. 18Gestures. Gestures are woven into the fabric of our daily lives. You may wave, point, or use your hands when arguing or speaking energetically, often expressing yourself with gestures without thinking. 19 While the “OK” sign made with the hand, for example, usually conveys a positive message in English-speaking countries, it’s considered offensive in countries such as Germany, Russia, and Brazil. So, it’s important to be careful of how you use gestures to avoid misinterpretation.Space. 20 We all have a need for physical space, although that need differs depending on the culture, the situation, and the closeness of the relationship. You can use it tocommunicate many different nonverbal messages, including signals of closeness and affection or aggression.A.And facial expressions are universal.B.All the feelings in mind can be seen on the face.C.However, the meaning of some of them can be very different across cultures.D.There are many different types of nonverbal communication or body language.E.Think about the very different messages given by a weak handshake, a warm bear hug.F.Have you ever felt uncomfortable during a talk because the other person was standing too close?G.This type of nonverbal communication includes your posture and your unnoticeable movements.三、完形填空Everyone talks about how different Japan’s culture is from the rest of the world but Imyself and within 24 hours of arriving in Tokyo, I knew everything I heard about Japan waswas just the sound of the train traveling at high speed and the broadcast from the train. Later I found out it was 35 to talk on the trains, especially on your phone. 21.A.modernized B.integrated C.secure D.special 22.A.set out B.hold back C.find out D.move on 23.A.amusing B.real C.wrong D.visible 24.A.hotel B.home C.company D.airport 25.A.appealed B.stopped C.approached D.chose 26.A.surprise B.delight C.excitement D.comfort 27.A.satisfied B.frustrated C.suspected D.confused 28.A.strange B.complex C.essential D.appropriate 29.A.Unwillingly B.Constantly C.Eventually D.Gradually 30.A.grocery B.audience C.schedule D.mirror 31.A.by all means B.at least C.with certain D.in no way 32.A.arrived B.delayed C.slowed D.sped 33.A.bear B.recall C.approve D.witness 34.A.anything B.something C.everything D.nothing 35.A.interesting B.abnormal C.common D.impressive四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
山东省2023-2024学年高二上学期语文期中试卷( 含答案)


山东省临沂市2023-2024学年高二上学期语文期末考试试卷姓名:__________ 班级:__________考号:__________现代文阅读1语言文字作为人类思维的外化形式,也作为人类交际的工具,原来只存在于人与人之间,但在信息时代,它更与信息工具融为一体,形成了人机对话,在社会发展中无所不在,而且直接被感受到、观察到,这时它便无可否认地具有了影响全民和全局的战略意义。
但是信息技术可以国际化,自然语言却没有全球标准——语言文字有着强烈的民族性. 汉语属于以音节为单位的词根语,汉字相应地成为“表意-音节”文字,在运用取之域外的信息技术时,汉语、汉字的特点绝不能被忽略。
山东省 2023~2024学年第一学期期中高二数学试题[含答案]
![山东省 2023~2024学年第一学期期中高二数学试题[含答案]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4758bd323d1ec5da50e2524de518964bcf84d2e6.png)
2 y
为 (x 2)2 ( y 1)2 1,故选 A.
y 1 mx 2m R
5. 在平面直角坐标系中,动圆
大的圆的标准方程为( )
x 12 y 12 4
x 12 y 12 5
x 12 y 12 6
C. 【答案】B
x 12 y 12 8
【分析】据题意分析可知直线经过定点 P ;圆的圆心到直线距离的最大时,圆的半径最大,即可得到面积
当直线 x ay 1 0 与直线 ax y 1 0 相互垂直时, a 1 不一定成立,所以“ a 1 ”是“直线
x ay 1 0 与直线 ax y 1 0 相互垂直”的非必要条件.
所以“ a 1 ”是“直线 x ay 1 0 与直线 ax y 1 0 相互垂直”的充分非必要条件.
2023~2024 学年第一学期期中高二数学试题
(选择性必修一检测) 2023.11
说明:本试卷满分 150 分,分为第 I 卷(选择题)和第 II 卷(非选择题)两部分,第 I 卷为 第 1 页至第 3 页,第 II 卷为第 3 页至第 4 页.试题答案请用 2B 铅笔或 0.5mm 签字笔填涂到 答题卡规定位置上,书写在试题上的答案无效.考试时间 120 分钟.


2022级普通高中学科素养水平监测试卷英语2023. 11本试卷分为选择题和非选择题两部分。
注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。
1. What sites does the woman like to visit?A. News sites.B. Video sites.C. Social networking sites.2. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Classmates.B. Brother and sister.C. Teacher and student.3. Where are the speakers likely to be?A. In a park.B. In a grocery store.C. At a restaurant.4. How old is the boy's cousin?A. 22.B. 17.C. 5.5. What does the man think the woman should do?A. Brush her hair.B. Wash her hair.C. Cut her hair.第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。


山东省临沂市部分县区(河东区、沂水县等)2024-2025学年高二上学期学科素养水平监测(期中)数学试卷一、单选题1.向量()2,1,3a x = ,()1,2,6b y =- ,若//a b ,则()A .1x y ==B .14x =,=−1C .14=-x ,1y =D .12x =,12y =-2.过22(2,3)A m m +-,2(3,2)B m m m --两点的直线l 的倾斜角为45 ,则m 等于()A .−2B .1-C .1-,−2D .1,23.点(1,2)P -到直线:(32)(4)220(R)l x y λλλλ+++-+=∈的距离最大时,其最大值以及此时的直线的方程分别为()A;34110x y --=B .5;34140x y -+=C;43110x y +-=D .5;43140x y +-=4.已知点(3,0)A -,(0,3)B ,点P 是圆22(3)2x y -+=上任意一点,则PAB 面积的最小值为()A .92B .9C .6D .55.已知(3,,)(,R)u a b a b a b =+-∈ 是直线l 的方向向量,),(13,2n =是平面α的法向量,若//l α,则,a b 的关系式为()A .530a b --=B .530a b +-=C .530a b +-=D .530a b -+=6.如图,在正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,M ,N 分别为棱1A A 和1B B 的中点,则CM 和1D N 所成角的余弦值为()A .19-B .19C .4D .97.已知(,)P m n 为圆22:(1)(1)1C x y -+-=上任意一点,则1m nm ++的最小值为()A .BC .1D .1-8.已知椭圆22:12516x y C +=的一个焦点为F ,点P ,Q 是C 上关于原点对称的两点,则28PF QF +的取值范围是()A .[63,79]B .[64,79]C .[64,78]D .[64,80]二、多选题9.已知直线1:0l x ay a +-=和直线2:(23)10l ax a y ---=,下列说法正确的是()A .1l 始终过定点(0,1)B .若12l l //,则1a =或3a =-C .若12l l ⊥,则0a =或2D .当0a <时,1l 经过第三象限10.如图,点P 是棱长为1的正方体111ABCD A B C D -的表面上一个动点,则()A .当P 在平面11CC D D 上运动时,四棱锥11P ABB A -的体积不变B .当P 在线段AC 上运动时,1D P 与11A C 所成角的取值范围是ππ,32⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦C .若F 是11A B 的中点,当P 在底面ABCD 上运动,且满足//PF 平面11B CD 时,PF 长度的最小值是2D .使直线AP 与平面ABCD 所成的角为45 的点P 的轨迹长度为π11.已知12,F F 分别是椭圆222210x y a b a b+=>>()的左、右焦点,A 是椭圆上一点且112AF F F ⊥,直线2AF 与椭圆的另一个交点为B ,且224AF F B =,则下列结论正确的是()AB .线段1AF 的长度为47aC .椭圆的离心率是7D .12BF F △的周长为142217a +三、填空题12.设空间两个单位向量(,,0)OA m n =,(0,,)OB n p = 与向量OC = 的夹角都等于π3,则cos AOB ∠等于(A ,B 不重合).13.由曲线2222x y x y +=+围成的图形的面积为.14.定义离心率e =的椭圆为“西瓜椭圆”.已知椭圆22:144x y C m m +=>()是“西瓜椭圆”,则m =.若“西瓜椭圆”2222:10x y E a b a b+=>>()的左焦点为F ,直线y kx =与椭圆E交于A ,B 两点,以线段A 为直径的圆过点F ,则k =.四、解答题15.已知ABC V 的顶点()5,1A ,边AB 上的高CM 所在直线方程为290x y --=,边AC 上的中线BH 所在直线方程为43130x y +-=.求(1)顶点B 的坐标;(2)直线BC 的方程.16.如图,在四棱锥S ABCD -中,底面ABCD 满足AB AD ⊥,AB BC ⊥,SA ⊥底面ABCD ,且2SA AB BC ===,1AD =.(1)求四棱锥S ABCD -的体积;(2)求平面SCD 与平面SAB 夹角的余弦值.17.已知圆C 经过点(0,4)A -和(2,0)B -,并且圆心在直线30x y --=上,(1)求圆C 的标准方程;(2)直线l 交圆C 于M N ,两点,若直线AM AN ,的斜率之和为0.求证:直线l 的斜率是定值,并求出该定值.18.定义:由椭圆的两个焦点和短轴的一个顶点组成的三角形称为该椭圆的“特征三角形”,如果两个椭圆的“特征三角形”相似,则称这两个椭圆是“相似椭圆”,并将三角形的相似比称为椭圆的相似比.已知椭圆1C :22143x y +=.(1)若椭圆2C :2211612x y+=,试判断2C 与1C 是否相似?如果相似,求出2C 与1C 的相似比;如果不相似,请说明理由.(2)写出与椭圆1C 相似,且短半轴长为b ,焦点在x 轴上的椭圆b C 的标准方程.若在椭圆b C 上存在两点M ,N 关于直线1y x =+对称,求实数b 的取值范围.19.如图,已知四棱锥P ABCD -的底面ABCD 是平行四边形,侧面PAB 是等边三角形,22,,BC AB AB AC PB AC ==⊥⊥.(1)证明:平面PAB ⊥平面ABCD ;(2)求C 到平面PAD 的距离;(3)设Q 为侧棱PD 上一点,四边形BEQF 是过B ,Q 两点的截面,且//AC 平面BEQF ,是否存在点Q ,使得平面BEQF 与平面PAD PQ PD 的值;若不存在,说明理由.。

山东省临沂市2023-2024学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解Parks are an essential part of many cities and towns around the world. They offer a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, a place to enjoy nature, and an opportunity to engage in physical activity. Here are four famous parks from different parts of the world.Central Park-New York City, USACentral Park is an urban park located in the heart of New York City. It covers 843 acres and features several lakes, gardens, and recreational facilities. Visitors can take a walk through the park’s many paths or participate in sports activities such as tennis and baseball.Hyde Park–London, UKHyde Park is one of the largest parks in London and covers 350 acres. It offers a serene retreat from the city’s busy streets, with many trees, gardens, and fountains to explore. Visitors can also enjoy boating on the park’s Serpentine lake, cycling, or even horseback riding. The park is also home to several famous landmarks.Tokyo Park- Tokyo, JapanTokyo Park is a beautiful urban park in the heart of Tokyo and covers over 130 acres. It offers a tranquil (宁静的) environment for visitors to relax and enjoy nature, with several ponds, gardens, and walking trails. The park is also home to several famous museums and art galleries.Kruger National Park–South AfricaKruger National Park is one of Africa’s largest game reserves. It is home to many different species of animals, including elephants, lions, and rhinoceroses. Visitors can take guided tours to see the animals in their natural habitats.1.What do Central Park in New York and Tokyo Park have in common?A.They have all kinds of sports equipment.B.They are urban parks in the heart of City.C.They have famous museums and art galleries.D.They are homes to several famous landmarks.2.What can people do in Hyde Park?A.Ride a horse.B.Play tennis and baseball.C.Appreciate some art works.D.Visit the natural habitats of animals. 3.In which park people can see many different species of wild animals?A.Central Park.B.Hyde Park.C.Tokyo Park.D.Kruger National Park.On July 17, 1888, Miriam Elizabeth Benjamin became the second African American woman to receive a patent from the U. S. government for her invention of a Gong and Signal Chair. At the time of her application, Benjamin was living in Washington, D.C., working as an educator in the city’s public schools. One of only a few black women to receive a patent before 1900, Benjamin also studied medicine and law at Howard University.Benjamin aimed to transform several industries with her innovation, including hotels, theaters, healthcare, and government. The key feature of the chair was a notification system, which allowed the seated person to press a button and issue an alarm to the attendant when assistance was needed. Press the button, the gong or bell would sound, and the red signal or flag on the chair would also appear.Benjamin’s invention received attention in the press and was featured in newspapers across the country. She persuaded the U. S. government to have it used as a means to signal pages in the U. S. House of Representatives, for example, and the final system installed was similar to her proposal. The method used to signal flight attendants on airplanes can also date back to Benjamin’s insight.Benjamin’s career as an inventor did not end in 1888. In 1917, she patented a system to deliver drugs in the sole (鞋底) of a shoe. By 1920, Benjamin had returned to Boston to live with her brother, Edgar, a successful lawyer, and her mother. She remained there until her death in 1947. Benjamin never married nor had any children.Benjamin also had success as a composer. Music historians believe she composed at least two important marches. The U. S. Marine Band under John Philip Sousa performed one piece, “The Boston Elite Two Step,” in the early 1890s. Another composition, “The American Bugle Call,” gained even more attention as the campaign song for the 1904 Presidential Campaign of Theodore Roosevelt.4.What do we know about Benjamin?A.She invented a beneficial alarm-sounding chair.B.She used to hate to be a teacher in public schools.C.She was the first black woman to receive a patent in the U. S.D.She dreamed of having further education at Howard University.5.What is paragraph 2 mainly about?A.Benjamin’s whole-life ambitions.B.The function of Benjamin’s invention.C.Benjamin’s great interest in her innovation.D.The reason for inventing the Gong and Signal Chair.6.Which of the following can best describe Benjamin?A.Reliable and devoted.B.Creative and humorous,C.Persuasive and productive.D.Knowledgeable and generous,7.What is the purpose of this text?A.To show respect for black people.B.To explain Benjamin’s lonely life.C.To introduce some new inventions.D.To remember a woman inventor.Body language is a powerful means of communication used by both humans and animals. Through gestures, facial expressions, and postures, individuals express emotions, intentions, and establish social connections. This nonverbal form of communication plays a crucial role in promoting understanding and establishing strong relationships.In the human world, body language is an essential part of daily interactions. A smile can instantly convey happiness and friendliness, while a furrowed brow may signify worry or confusion. Even slight changes in posture can communicate confidence or depression. By paying attention to these nonverbal signals, individuals can better understand the underlying emotions and thoughts of others, thus strengthening their ability to understand and connect with each other.Interestingly, animals also rely heavily on body language to communicate within their own species and even across different species. For instance, a wagging tail in a dog usually means excitement or happiness. Similarly, puffed-up feathers in birds can indicate attacks, while a relaxed body posture may suggest satisfaction. By understanding these signals, animals can effectively convey messages and establish social classes, ultimately improving their chances of survival and successful reproduction.Furthermore, body language often overcomes language barriers, enabling communication between individuals who do not share a common language. This is particularly important in diverse societies or in situations where verbal communication is not possible. In such cases, gestures, facial expressions, and body movements become fundamental in conveying messages and building connections.Nonetheless, it is essential to recognize that body language is not always the same. Cultural differences and individual personality traits can affect the interpretation of certain gestures and expressions. For example, direct eye contact is generally considered a sign of respect and focus in Western cultures, while it may be seen as a challenge or disrespect in other cultures. Therefore, it is crucial to be mindful of these differences when interpreting body language in cross-cultural communication.8.What can we learn about body language from paragraph 1?A.It is only used by humans.B.It is limited to verbal communication.C.It can express emotions and intentions.D.It is ineffective in bridging language barriers.9.What does the underlined word “depression” mean in paragraph2?A.Being proud.B.Losing heart.C.Discomfort.D.Curiosity. 10.Why is body language important in diverse societies?A.It bridges language barriers.B.It helps establish social classes.C.It is the primary form of communication.D.It removes the need for verbal communication.11.Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?A.Animals rely only on verbal communication.B.Body language is universally interpreted the same way.C.Understanding body language can lead to successful reproduction.D.Cultural differences can affect the interpretation of body language.Plants need phosphorus(磷) to grow. At first, people used organic or natural fertilizer. In1842 English agricultural chemist John Bennet Lawes patented a process for treating phosphorus-rich bones and rocks with acid, making it easier for plants to obtain, and soon theworld’s first human -made fertilizer began selling.Later scientists discovered that phosphorus was a bit tricky. The fertilizer Lawes produced contained a form of phosphorus that plants can easily use. But as soon as the phosphorus hit the soil, a large part of it reacted with soil minerals, forming substances that crops can’t access. Some also got locked away in equally unavailable organic forms.So scientists concluded farmers shouldn’t cut back phosphorus. They should use more, especially as they raced to feed the world’s growing populations during the 20th century. In fact, it was once soil scientist Paul Withers’ job to spread the word. As a government farm advisor in the 1980s, he drove a red V olvo station wagon around the winding roads of rural England telling farmers to make sure their crops got plenty of key nutrients. This method, which Withers calls “insurance-based farming”, is still widely used around the world.But is the large amount of unused phosphorus in the soil-so-called legacy (遗漏的) phosphorus actually as difficult to obtain as scientists once thought? English crop scientist Roger Sylvester-Bradley has taken a first common sense step: They stopped adding phosphorus fertilizer to half the barley field to see how the plants would grow. Eight years later, they have only just started to observe the first signs of phosphorus shortage. Barbara Cade-Menun, who oversees similar experiments in Canada, says, “Our production isn’t changing. ”“The plants can use our mistakes from the past,” says Sheida Sattari, whose 2012 analysis found global soils contain enough legacy phosphorus to cut the expected demand for new fertilizer in half by 2050.12.What was the disadvantage of Lawes’fertilizer?A.The cost of producing it was a bit high.B.Too much of it would do harm to plants.C.It could only be partly absorbed by plants.D.It led to the loss of some minerals in the soil.13.What was Withers’ attitude to phosphorus overuse?A.He felt uncertain of it.B.He was in favor of it.C.He was worried about it.D.He showed no interest in it.14.What does paragraph 4 mainly focus on?A.The increasing costs of fertilizer.B.The shortage of phosphorus resources.C.The ineffectiveness of “insurance-based farming ”.D.The phosphorus pollution of the environment.15.What do Sattari’s words mean in the last paragraph?A.Crops can live on legacy phosphorus.B.Phosphorus is a necessity to grow crops.C.Unused phosphorus is causing big trouble.D.It is wrong to use a large amount of phosphorus.二、七选五H. G. Wells, born in 1866, was trained as a scientist, a pioneer among his literary contemporaries, and was perhaps the most important figure in the genre (类型) that would become science fiction. Writers in this tradition have a history not just of imagining the future as it might be, but of inspiring others to make it a reality. 16 .Audio book, Airplane, and TelevisionWells imagined forms of future entertainment. In When the Sleeper Wakes (1899), residents use fantastic forms of technology like audio books, airplanes and television sets.17Visitors to The Island of Dr. Moreau(1896) meet odd creatures created by the mad man doctor in human-animal hybrid experiments that may predict the age of genetic engineering.18 , though today human immune systems (免疫系统) still ultimately reject such efforts.Lasers(激光)Martians in The War of the Worlds(1898) give off what Wells called a Heat Ray.19 . It would be more than six decades before Theodore Harold Maiman fired up the first operational laser in 1960, but military thinkers had been hoping to weaponize (使…武器化) the conceptual laser before it was proven practical, .Atomic Bombs(原子弹)20 . The atomic bombs he introduces in The World Set Free(1914) fuel a war so disastrous that its survivors are moved to create a unified world government to avoid future conflicts.A.Genetic EngineeringB.Directed-energy WeaponsC.It can burn enemies with a noiseless flash of lightD.It is often a warning about the consequences of technologyE.Here are some of the incredible Wells predictions that have come trueF.Wells recognized the damaging power that might be created by this weaponG.Scientists are working towards the possibility that animal organs could save human patients三、完形填空24.A.learn B.drive C.speak D.run 25.A.better B.darker C.smaller D.sharper 26.A.wisdom B.speed C.labor D.management 27.A.mind B.patience C.choice D.background 28.A.laughed at B.put forward C.objected to D.benefited from 29.A.weakened B.remembered C.started D.broadened 30.A.audience B.instructor C.discoverer D.competitor 31.A.fail B.finish C.apply D.disappear 32.A.drinking B.eating C.dancing D.swimming 33.A.exercised B.calculated C.played D.escaped 34.A.sum up B.insist on C.take up D.depend on 35.A.certainly B.generally C.impossibly D.gratefully四、用单词的适当形式完成短文五、其他应用文46.你校英文报正在举办“科技与生活”英文征文比赛。


1.直线的倾斜角为( )2023-2024学年山东省临沂市沂水县高二上学期期中考试数学试题A.B.C. D. 2.已知空间向量,,则( )A. B. 6C. 36D. 403.已知直线:,:若,则实数a 的值为( )A. B. C. 1D. 24.若圆与直线l 相切,且直线l 与直线垂直,则直线l 的方程是( )A. 或B. 或C.或 D. 或5.四面体ABCD 中,,,,则( )A.B.C.D. 6.“圆”是中国文化的一个重要精神元素,在中式建筑中有着广泛的运用,最具代表性的便是园林中的洞门.如图,某园林中的圆弧形洞门高为,地面宽为1m ,则该洞门的半径为( )A. B. C. D.7.两平行平面,分别经过坐标原点O 和点,且两平面的一个法向量,则两平面间的距离是A. B.C.D.8.椭圆的左、右焦点分别为、,E 上存在两点A 、B 满足,,则E 的离心率为( )A. B. C. D.二、多选题:本题共4小题,共20分。
9.已知圆与圆相交于两点,则( )A. 两圆的圆心距为2B. 直线AB与x轴垂直C.直线AB的方程为 D. 公共弦AB的长为410.在空间直角坐标系中,,,,则( )A. B. 异面直线OC与AB所成角等于C. 点B到平面AOC的距离是2D. 直线OB与平面AOC所成角的正弦值为11.已知椭圆E:的左、右焦点分别为,,P是椭圆上异于左、右顶点的任意一点,则( )A. 周长为14B. 面积最大值为12C. 存在点P使得D. 不可能是等腰直角三角形12.在平行六面体中,,,则( )A. B.C. D. 点到平面的距离等于三、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。

山东省多校2024-2025学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题一、阅读理解Women Who Changed the Way We See NatureFlorence Augusta Merriam BaileyFlorence Augusta Merriam Bailey was an ornithologist who became one of the earliest advocates for the protection of wildlife. Working in the late 19th and early 20th century, Bailey studied birds in nature, focusing on their behaviors rather than on their colors and feather patterns. Bailey was a writer. At the age of 26, she penned her first book, Birds Through an Opera-Glass, considered one of the first modern field guides for bird-watching since it included both notes on behaviors and illustrations.Rachel CarsonRachel Carson started her career as a marine biologist for the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries. Because of her talent as a writer, she was drafted to create brochures and radio programs in addition to her regular research duties. She eventually rose to oversee a team of writers for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. She also contributed articles to newspapers and magazines. In the 1950s, after the success of her book The Sea Around Us, Carson focused full-time on nature writing.Herma Albertson BaggleyHerma Albertson Baggley grew up in Iowa but studied botany (植物学) in Idaho and spent her professional career in Wyoming’s Yellowstone National Park. When she joined the National Park Service(NPS)in the early 1930s, she was the first full-time female naturalist. Putting her botany knowledge to work, Baggley co-wrote a guide called Plants of Yellowstone National Park. Though it was published in 1936, it was so comprehensive (详尽的) that it is still referencedtoday.Margaret MurieMargaret Murie, known to almost everyone as “Mardy”(the name she often used in her byline), grew up in Fairbanks, Alaska. She is best known for being the driving force behind the effort to create and expand the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. During her life, she worked as a consultant (顾问) for the NPS, the Sierra Club, and a number of similar environmental protection organizations.1.What do Bailey and Carson have in common?A.Growing up in Iowa.B.Writing their own books.C.Designing a tour brochure.D.Working for the Sierra Club.2.Who was the first full-time female naturalist in the NPS?A.Florence Augusta Merriam Bailey.B.Rachel Carson.C.Herma Albertson Baggley.D.Margaret Murie.3.What made Murie famous?A.Her government position.B.Her childhood experiences.C.Her articles on social media.D.Her efforts to develop the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.When Myrna was ten, she lived in Ohio, and witnessed a terrible tornado. She was playing in the backyard one day when she heard a strange sound. The sky turned purple, with a little green. Looking into the woods behind her, she saw a long tornado. The tornado headed for the house across from hers! Then, Myrna found a little boy tumbling (摔倒) inside a house. It was terrifying. Myrna felt she couldn’t move. She seemed stuck to the ground. She kept watching and saw the boy get sucked out of the house! She screamed for help, but no one responded.Myrna went inside and told her dad what she had seen. Her dad had been watching the tornado from inside the house. When Myrna came in, he realized that she had been outside, and he started to scold (责骂) her. However, Myrna told her father that she had seen the tornado pick up a house and cause a boy to fly out. Her father expressed sadness for the boy and his parents, and hoped the boy was safe and sound.After the tornado ended, Myrna’s father decided to go over to the remains of the house. He saw that the owners had returned home and were searching through the mess. He asked what was wrong, and the owners worriedly replied that they couldn’t find their little boy. Myrna said to the owners what she had seen. They asked in which direction the boy had gone, and Myrna pointed. The owners rushed off, and Myrna and her father joined in the search.They found the boy 2 days later, and he was alive! He had been blown 1.5 miles way from his house, but had landed in a tree and had survived. The owners were very grateful for Myrna and her father’s help. This result caused Myrna to nearly cry. She was excited and proud that she had been able to influence someone’s life at such a young age.4.Where did the strange sound come from that Myrna heard?A.From an animal.B.From a little boy.C.From the tree.D.From the tornado.5.Why was Myrna’s father angry with her when she came in?A.She forgot to do her homework.B.She forgot to go to school in time.C.She failed to save the boy from the tornado.D.She stayed outside when the tornado came.6.How did the father feel when knowing the boy’s story?A.Sad.B.Calm.C.Angry and nervous.D.Disappointed and puzzled.7.Why did the girl almost cry?A.She had been scolded by her father.B.She was excited and proud of herself.C.She had been badly hurt by the tornado.D.She was ashamed not to help the boy’s parents.2023 was a “breakout year” for artificial intelligence (AI). Following the release of AI at the end of 2022, machine learning has increasingly been in the public eye. AI made its way into courtrooms, music and art this year, raising a lot of concerns from the public. In the field of science, the cutting-edge technology is paving the way toward new discoveries and more advanced processing of data.Several groups of researchers experimented with having AI algorithms generate words, images and even music based on people’s brain scans—a technique that, in the end, could help stroke patients and paralyzed people to communicate with other people by thinking. Machine learning has helped in conservation, such as by tracking migrating birds — the AI-powered tool BirdCast can warn people of an incoming wave of migrants, which may help prevent disease, inform Lights Out programs to reduce window strikes, and remind bird watchers of large groups of birds in their area. Scientists are also developing AI tools that can identify species based only on a photograph, distinguish between similar-looking mushrooms or recognize a bird species from its song. Inspired by the way, a famous AI company follows patterns in language to generatewords, and researchers have experimented with translating whale sounds using AI.At the same time, experts warned this year the public of the need to regulate the rapidly advancing technology. For example, Geoffrey Hinton, a machine learning pioneer, quit his job in May so that he could speak more freely about his worries about AI’s future. Experts have raised concerns that AI could spread misinformation, manipulate humans and influence the job market badly if it is completely out of control. But innovation continues after all, and it seems likely that researchers will increasingly use AI to attempt breakthroughs in many fields.8.What does the underlined word “cutting-edge” in the first paragraph probably mean?A.Abnormal.B.Advanced.C.Outdated.D.Curious.9.What is the second paragraph mainly about?A.The development of AI in history.B.The negative or harmful side of AI.C.The advantages and disadvantages of AI.D.The application of AI in various fields.10.What can we infer from the last paragraph?A.AI development has stopped.B.Experts only see positive outcomes from AI.C.Despite concerns, AI research will continue.D.Geoffrey Hinton supports uncontrolled AI.11.Why do experts find it necessary to regulate the AI?A.It may do harm to health.B.It may lead to pollution.C.It may result in unemployment.D.It may make people become dishonest.Tigers can weigh over 600 pounds, leap up to 20 feet and take down prey (猎物) nearly five times their weight. But for all their strength, their position on the food chain in their habitats can be fragile. To survive, a single tiger must consume about 100 pounds of flesh each week. That equals about 50 large animals each year. This means tigers require large parts of land, and the land must be filled with prey.In the past century, however, people have been closing in, clearing vast areas of habitat for agriculture. Hunting has also driven down numbers of prey animals. An estimated global tiger population of 100,000 in 1900, spread across Asia and parts of the Middle East, today measures about 4,500. The number was 3,200 in2010. Tigers now occupy less than 7% of their historical range. In India, where 70% of the world’s wild tigers live, human population growth and development are pressing people and tigers closer together. Millions of people now live in “buffer zones” around tiger reserves, and each year tigers kill hundreds of farm animals.Krithi, head of the Centre for Wildlife Studies, spends significant time and resources trying to reduce human-wildlife conflict. One of the centre’s programs works with around 2,000 rural communities to provide government payments for people who have lost farm animals to tigers’ attacks. “These payments don’t fully make up for what people have lost, but can help them face it,” Krithi says. “If these payments don’t reach people, the chance of building hatred toward tigers will go up.”Another program teaches children about the role tigers and other animals play in their ecosystems. Krithi says, “Or the kids will view wildlife with hostility and fear.” It also provides them with simple tips, such as carrying flashlights and talking loudly while traveling in groups, to keep them safe near wildlife.12.What condition must tigers need for survival?A.High mountains.B.Vast grasslands.C.Large population.D.Enough land and prey.13.Which has the largest population of the world’s wild tigers?A.Asia.B.Africa.C.Europe.D.America. 14.What is the purpose of the government payments?A.To pay for the losses of crops.B.To encourage people to raise tigers.C.To make up for the losses of people.D.To inspire people to keep more farm animals.15.How many pieces of simple suggestions are given in the last paragraph?A.2.B.3.C.4.D.5.For the most part, anxiety is a condition that comes and goes. But for some, anxiety never goes away completely. 16 . The good one is that you can manage the symptoms (症状), so they don’t manage you. Here are some things you can do on any given day to get on the right side of calm.Find an object to focus onA simple grounding exercise is to simply find an object and put all your attention towards studying it for a few minutes. Once you pick an object, start thinking about its look: color, shape, and texture. Who made it? How does it feel when you touch it? 17 . 18If you’re prone (易于遭受) to anxiety, keep a diary where you can write what you’re afraid of, your beliefs and thoughts about the fear. Writing will help you focus your thoughts, and reading your entry later can help you handle your anxiety better.Challenge and replace unrealistic thoughts19 . Identify your anxiety-producing unrealistic thoughts and replace them with thoughts that are either happy and peaceful, or more realistic. If you respond better to positivity, try replacing those fears with a happy thought — like how excited you are to go on a trip with your friends, and how fun it’s going to be!Talk to someone about your anxietyIf you’re in the struggles of anxiety and can’t seem to get out, call a friend, a family member or a mental health professional for help. Have them distract you from your panic and talk through your fear so you can overcome the stress. 20 .A.That’s the bad newsB.Put your feelings downC.Control your inner dialogueD.Best of all, you can get things doneE.Remind yourself that your thoughts are not factsF.This exercise helps ground you in reality and pushes aside any stressesG.Knowing who to ask for help is an important step in avoiding serious problems later二、完形填空I needed to have a new phone installed (安装). An old and 21 wooden desk was in the way, however. The serviceman refused to move it. Frustrated, I whispered “I am woman” as Ipushed it aside. I 22 my back pain until he left. It soon 23 , forcing me to have it checked in the hospital.My back was not 24 injured. But there was a dark spot on my kidney (肾), which turned out cancerous and had to be removed. Fortunately, the cancer did not appear to have 25 . Unfortunately, it would not respond to any treatment or 26 .The doctor 27 that I take a cruise (航行) and do anything I had been putting off. He expected the cancer would spread and 28 my life within a year! I didn’t even 29 any of the retirement savings I had 30 all these years. It’s frustrating.But if I had only a year, I was going to make it 31 . I treasured every minute. As the year raced by, I am still 32 . I 33 I still had a few more years, which I marked off by filling them with everything I had procrastinated (耽搁) doing all my life. I volunteered at a zoo, worked as a (n) 34 , and even published children’s books.My “last year” of life continues to delight me, after a quarter century of making sure that every moment counts. Now, I am 35 enough to see my grandchildren and great-grandchildren grow up.21.A.simple B.heavy C.outdated D.broken 22.A.covered up B.showed off C.looked through D.got over 23.A.faded B.returned C.intensified D.stopped 24.A.mentally B.seriously C.physically D.frequently 25.A.declined B.improved C.cleared D.spread 26.A.protection B.aid C.medicine D.resource 27.A.insisted B.required C.demanded D.recommended 28.A.take B.shape C.rescue D.enjoy 29.A.charge B.touch C.confirm D.declare 30.A.saved B.donated C.spent D.promised 31.A.happen B.last C.count D.exist 32.A.independent B.aware C.awake D.alive 33.A.determined B.agreed C.pretended D.figured 34.A.researcher B.editor C.designer D.doctor 35.A.lucky B.disappointed C.scared D.tough三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
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