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unit 1 women of achievements period 4 subject-verb

agreement (主谓一致)


knowledge objects:

get the students to know about the characters of subject-verb agreement

let students learn the rules of subject-verb agreement

ability objects:

enable students to use the rules of subject-verb agreement correctly and properly according to the context emotions objects:

get the students to become interested in grammar learning develop students’ sens of group cooperation


get the students to learn and master the rules of subject-verb agreement

enable students to learn how to use the the rules of subject-verb agreement correctly. teaching procedures:

step 1:lead-in

finish the following exercises:

ask the students to finish the given sentences, and pay attention to the subject and the verb. check the answers together.

step2 subject-verb agreement

the teacher explain the subject-verb agreement and give the example for each item . 主谓一致是指谓语在人称、数及意义方面要与作主语的名词或代词保持一致。主谓一致主要有以下几种情况:

一、语法一致(grammatical concord)


the teacher shows some examples

二、意义一致(notional concord)

所谓意义一致原则是指谓语动词和主语一致不是取决于主语的语法形式, 而是其实际意义。 the teacher shows some examples

三、就近原则(principle of proximity)


the teacher shows some examples

step3 practice

task1 choose the correct verb form to complete the following sentences.

then check the answers one by one

task2 choose the correct item.

then check the answers together

step 4 summary

the teacher guide the students to review the grammar together.

step 5 homework

finish the exercises in discovering useful structures on page 5.




english grammar course

lecture 2 subject-verb concord

part 1 general plan

1 st period

step 1:revision of last lesson (10 minutes)

step 2:words related to subject-verb concord (5 minutes) step 3: general introduction of subject-verb concord. (10 minutes)

step 4: detailed study of subject-verb concord--problems of concord with nouns en

ding in –s (25 minutes) 2 nd period

step 2: homework (2 minutes)

step 1: detailed study of subject-verb concord--problems of concord with collective nouns as subject (48 minutes)

part 2 detailed plan


students will be able to:

1. use the basic grammatical terms to explain subject-verb concord

2. understand the basic rules of subject-verb concord

( three principles and 5 basic rules) 3. solve problems related to the lecture

1 st period

step 1 revision of lecture 1 (10 minutes)


step 2 study of grammatical terms (5 minutes)

before we learn this part, i want to know how many grammatical terms related to this lecture you have known.

ok, look at the following words and try to remember them: 1)一致concord/agreement 2)成分element3) 人称 person 4)

数number 5) 语法一致grammatical concord 6) 意义一致notional concord 7)就近原则the principle of proximity 8)单数singular number 9) 复数plural number 10)中心词headword 11)可数名词countable noun 12)不可数名词uncountable noun 13) 单位词unit noun14)集体名词collective noun15)个体名词individual noun

step 3: general introduction of subject-verb concord ( 10 minutes)

question: can you explain what subject-verb concord means

in english?

answer: subject-verb concord means the agreement between subject and verb in number. and there are 3 principles guiding subject-verb concord. they are

● th eir earning (comes, come) to 500 dollars a week.

● neither of the young men who had applied for a position in the university(was, were) accepted. ● two weeks( are, is) quite a short time for us to finish the work. ● the audience (is, are) listening to a beethoven symphony.
