

最新-吸血鬼日记经典台词 精品

最新-吸血鬼日记经典台词 精品
1、I ill s s,b s .
2、I's ly y I'll k i ug.
4、Yu ill yusl,ll ig?
5、Kp i up.
6、I is lg sy.
7、I ls l y.
8、vyig I;v kp bui isi usig su.
9、Yu su ik.
10、is ip.
11、i' givig up .
、suil yu.
13、y yu ? I ul sk yu s qusi.
14、S k y b y.
15、L's jus u s.
16、I s ipss.
17、ss ss
18、Ppl gig sp givig yu bks.
19、y jus ' y.
20、S's lys vy piks.
21、I g I s.
22、ll yu is b y g.S i s,yu ivi i i,bus yu i.



1、I will start fresh,be some one new.我要重新开始,做不一样的自己。

2、It's the only way I'll make it through.这是我能挺过去的唯一办法。

3、No comment.不予评论4、You need to chill yourself,all right?你得冷静点,行吗?5、Keep it up.坚持下去。

6、It is a long story.说来话长7、I lost control today.今天我失控了8、Everything I've kept buried inside came rushing to the surface.我已经深埋内心的一切,都冲破了束缚。

9、You are such a jerk.你真是个混蛋。

10、Memories are too important.记忆弥足珍贵。

11、I'm not giving up on that.我不会放弃。

12、Do not suit you.一点都不适合你。

13、Why are you here now? I could ask you the same question.你来这里做什么?我可以问你同样的问题。

14、She took my breath away.她把我的灵魂都吸走了。

15、Let's just cut to the chase.我们直截了当。

16、I was impressed.真令我印象深刻。

17、Ashes and Ashes灰飞烟灭18、People are going to stop giving you breaks.人们总是针锋相对。

19、They just don't care anymore.他们不再互相关心。

20、She's always the one that everyone picks.她总是人见人爱。



The Vampire Diary第一季01Stefan: For over a century, I have lived in secret.一个多世纪以来,我都秘密地生活;Hiding in the shadows, alone in the world.藏身暗处,独自一人。

Until now, I am a vampire.直到现在,我是一个吸血鬼。

And this is my story. 这就是我的故事。

Darren: An hour's drive to hear that crap. 居然开一小时的车去听那种垃圾音乐。

You know, it wasn't even a band. 你知道吗,那根本连乐队都称不上。

A guy with a guitar. An hour each way.只是一个家伙抱了把吉他。


Darren’ wife: He wasn't that bad. 他没你说的那么糟。

Darren: He sounded like James Blunt. 听着还挺像James Blunt。

Darren’ wife: What's wrong with that? 不是很好么? Darren: We already have a James Blunt. 我们已经有一个James Blunt.One's all we need. 我们只需要一个。

Darren’ wife: So why did you come? 那你为什么还要来? Darren: Because I love you. 因为我爱你。

Darren’ wife: Nicely done. 聪明的回答。

What's with all the fog? 这雾是怎么回事? Darren: It'll clear in a second. 很快就会散去的。



《吸血鬼日记》第一季剧本(中英文对照)16-22集-Monologue: Previously on the Vampire Diariesmonologue: 戏剧独白 previously: 以前 vampire: 吸血鬼 diary: 日记吸血鬼日记前情提要For over a century, I have lived in secret...in secret: 秘密的,私下的一个多世纪以来我都秘密地生活Until now. I know the risk,直到现在我知道风险很大but I have to know her.但我必须认识她Elena, she's a dead ringer for Katherine.dead ringer: <俚语>酷似某人[when someone looks very similar to someone else; a lookalike.—from Urban Dictionary]Elena 她和Katherine长得一模一样What happened to your face.你的脸怎么了It’s nothin g.没什么It didn’t look like nothing.看起来不像没事Matty tells me you broke his heart.Matty说你伤了他的心Mon.妈妈He found his rebound girl.rebound: 弹回,弹起他找到反弹期女友咯There’s a tomb under the church.tomb: 坟墓 church: 教堂在教堂下面有个坟墓You saved everyone in the church.你救出了教堂下的所有人?27 vampires, Damon27只吸血鬼啊You can’t just bring them back.Damon 不能说放就放啊It’s Harper.是HarperI’m glad you found us.很高兴你能找到我们Annabelle, close the door, please.Annabelle 关上门谢谢-Anna: Hey, Bouffin.嗨 BouffinWhat are you guys watching?你们在看什么呢You guys have watching the same thing the whole time?一直在看这个?There are over 150 channels. It’s called a remote control.channel: 频道 remote: 远程的;遥控的 control: 操纵装置里边有150个频道这是遥控器This button changes the channel.button: 按钮这个按钮可以换台Hold it like this.像这样拿着就好-Ms. Givens: did you get enough, sweetheart?够了吗亲爱的?-Frederick: For now.for now: 目前,暂时暂时够了Anna, are you hungry? Do you want a little?hungry: 饥饿的Anna 你饿了吗要不要来点-Anna: No. thank you, Miss Givens.不谢谢 Givens小姐Why don't you lay down for a while and get some rest?lay down: (使)躺下 lay: 躺 rest: 休息你要不躺下休息一会儿吧?-Frederick: E's fine.她没事Aren't you, Miss Givens?我说的没错吧 Givens小姐-Ms. Givens: Of course, I am.没错I'm fine.我很好-Matt: Hey, mom.妈妈mom.妈妈hey, mom.嘿妈妈-Mrs. Donovan: What? I'm trying to sleep.干嘛? 我正努力入睡-Matt: Uh, I was just making sure you were alive.alive: 活着的我只是想确认你还活着-Mrs. Donovan: I'm sorry, sweetie, it was a late night.sweetie: [口语]亲爱的人对不起亲爱的昨晚折腾得太晚了My head is throbbing.throbbing: 抽动的,抽痛的头现在隐隐作痛-Matt: Yeah, um, I'd appreciate it if y wouldn't bring the party home. appreciate: 感激如果你没在家开派对我会很感激的And I'm pretty sure the neighbors would appreciate it, too. neighbor: 邻居邻居们会更感动-Mrs. Donovan: It wasn't a party. it was one guy.那不是个派对只有一个人Don't be so judging.judging: 决断型别老妄下论断好吧-Matt: Yeah, well, I talked to Roberta at the grill我和Grill的Roberta谈过了and there's still bartending position open if you,bartending: [美口]当酒吧侍者 position: 职位,工作那有个酒保的空缺uh, wanted to get a job.如果你愿意去的话-Mrs. Donovan: Well,I figured she'd still be pissed about the last time I worked there. pissed: 愤怒的 figure: 认为我担心她还在为以前我在那工作时的事忿忿不平呢-Matt: I think she's desperate.desperate: 不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的我想她是缺人缺大发了-Mrs. Donovan: I'll check it out.我会试试看的-Matt: Yeah?真的?-Mrs. Donovan: Don't act so surprised.act: 表现不用那么惊讶吧-Matt: Well, I mean, I just-- I didn't know how long you planned on sticking around here. stick around: 逗留;在附近徘徊 stick: 坚持我只是不知道你会留在这多久-Mrs. Donovan: Well, there's back grant and due.back: 过去的 grant: 拨款 due: 到期的;预期的;应付的,到期的;预期的;应付的还有欠租要还呐-Matt: He's back in everything, mom.啥都欠着呐妈-Mrs. Donovan: I guess, then, I’ll check it out.我刚说了嘛我会试试的who’s that?那是谁?-Matt: That's Caroline.CarolineEasy.放轻松yeah, come in.请进-Caroline: Hi, Mrs. Donovan.你好 Donovan夫人-Matt: I,uh,ok,well,we're gonna late,so,let's just get going.我们快迟到了走吧hi.嗨-Caroline: HI嗨-Matt: How are you你咋样哇?-Caroline: good.好-Stefan: Damon hasn't said a word to me.Damon不和我说话Every time I try to talk to him,****每次我找机会开口他就避开-Elena:do you think he's still trying to find Katherine?你认为他还会继续找Katherine吗?-Stefan: I don't know.不知道He waited 145 years, only to find out that Katherine could not care less.less: 较少的;较小的;更少的;更小的;不及…大(或多)的他等待了Katherine145年却发现了她完全不在乎I mean, that's gotta hurt, right?gotta: 必须(等于have got to)太伤人了是吧?-Elena:And it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.这事不会发生在好人身上-Stefan: You have every reason to be upset with him.upset: 心烦的;混乱的你完全有理由生他的气have you thought any more about what you're going to do?你接下来有什么打算-Elena: About what?关于什么的?Isobel, my vampire birth mother,Isobel 我的吸血鬼生母?who's related to my vampire ancestor Katherine,related to: 与…有关 relate: 使…有联系 ancestor: 始祖,祖先还与我的吸血鬼祖先Katherine有血缘who screwed over your vampire brother nah.screw: [俚语]诈骗就是那个伤了你吸血鬼兄弟的女人?haven't thought about it at all.我完全没想过-Stefan: I'm sorry I brought it up.bring up: 提出抱歉提起不愉快的事-Elena: It'd just be nice if we could get through one day without having to deal with any of it. get through: 到达 deal: 处理 deal with: 处理如果有天能不用为这些破事担心就好了No vampire mother or brother.没有吸血鬼母亲和兄弟-Stefan: No vampires at all?一个吸血鬼都不要吗?-Elena: No vampires but you.除了你I just want to get us back to normal stuff like school.normal: 正常 stuff: 东西,物质我只是想过得正常些比如体验下校园生活And homework.还有作业And here's a thought. Fun.这主意不错吧呵呵-Stefan: Ooh, that sounds good to me. When do we start?听起来不错我们什么时候开始啊?-Matt: We can watch a movie at my place.可以看场电影来我家-Caroline: Uh, with your mom?和你妈妈?And a 6-pack?-pack: 表示“(瓶、罐头等)一箱”加上个6块腹肌的猛男?-Matt: You know, you don’t really help the situation.situation: 情况;形势;处境你这可是帮倒忙呐You could at least try to be nice.你至少可以试着和她友善相处-Caroline: Oh, I'm sorry.不好意思It's hard for me to show kindness to people that hate me. kindness: 仁慈;好意;友好的行为 hate: 憎恨;厌恶很难与一个讨厌我的人和平共处I'm not that evolved.evolved: 进化了的我觉悟没那么高so,what mie tonight?那么今晚看电影咯?-Matt: Whatever you want to do is fine by me.你想干什么我都同意But I'm late and I gotta go, ok?要迟到了我先走了Bye.再见-Pearl: And the keypad is for texting,keypad: 键盘 text: 发短信键盘是发短信用的which is what you do when you want to avoid talking to someone. avoid: 避免;避开这样你就不用直接和别人通话了-Jeremy: Hey, Anna, it's me.嗨 Anna 是我JeremyI haven't heard from you.hear from: 收到…的信好久没有你的消息了-Harper: I am-- I didn't break it,I swear.swear: 宣誓我没偷看什么我发誓-Pearl: I was just showing Harper what you taught me.我正向Harper展示你教我的那些功能What a marvelous device.marvelous: 了不起的,非凡的 device: 装置多了不起的发明-Harper: Who was that?他是谁?-Anna: Jeremy Gilbert.Jeremy Gilbert-Harper: Is that your boyfriend?他是你男朋友吗?-Pearl: Of course not.当然不是Uh, what do you think?觉得怎么样?-Anna: You're very respectable.respectable: 值得尊敬的让人肃然起敬-Pearl: That's the goal.goal: 目标目的就达到了I can't say that I miss corsets.miss: 漏掉,错过 corset: (妇女用的)束腹,紧身褡;(中世纪流行的)紧身外套没有束腹真舒服多了-Anna: Susie Sunshine gave me her car keys and her ATM card.Susie Sunshine把她的车钥匙和ATM卡都给了我-P earl: What’s that?那是什么-Anna: I'll explain later.explain: 说明,解释 later: 稍后,随后晚点我再解释-Frederick: Where are you going?你们要去哪儿-Pearl: We have some business in town.business: 事情我们在镇上有些事情要处理We'll be back as soon as we can.会尽快赶回来的I trust that you'll keep an eye on things.keep an eye on: 留意,密切注视我相信你会照看好这里-Frederick: So, I’m the babysitter now.babysitter: 临时照顾幼儿者这么说我现在成保姆了-Pearl: Frederick.FrederickIf this is going to work, we have to cooperate with one another.cooperate: 合作,配合想要成功我们须要与人合作-Frederick: So you say.你是这么说-Harper: I'll watch things, Miss Pearl.我会看着的 Pearl小姐-Pearl: Thank you, Harper.谢谢你 Harper-Caroline: I'm thinking nothing huge, just dinner at the grill, maybe late movie. huge: 巨大的我在想一些小活动比如去Grill吃个晚饭看个晚场电影-Stefan: You mean like a double date?double: 双重的;两倍的你是在说四人约会吗?-Caroline: 2 Pair out on a Friday night, coupled.pair: 一对,一双 coupled: 成对的两对情侣结个伴周五晚上一起出去玩Yeah, a double date.没错四人约会-Elena: Do you think that's a good idea?你觉得这主意不错?-Caroline: Why not?怎么了You know, we all haven't gone out together before知道吗我们还没有一起出去过and I don't want it to be uncomfortable for us.uncomfortable: 不舒服的我希望咱们不要那么别扭了Like, the couple dynamics have changed,dynamics:动力,动态情侣分分和和and there's been a little awkwardness between you, Matt and me, awkwardness: 尴尬你我和Matt之间也就有了些尴尬and I just think it's important that we get over it.get over: 克服;恢复我只是觉得对此释怀挺重要的-Stefan: you know what I--I think that sounds like a great idea.知道吗我觉得这个主意不错-Elena: you do?你这么想-Stefan: Yeah.对Yeah,a nice evening out with friends.一个美妙夜晚和朋友一起出去Sounds fun.听上去挺有意思As in fun.挺有意思的-Elena: A double date it is.四人约会吧好吧-Caroline:Ok.So, we will see you tonight.那么晚上见了-Elena: Ok.好的-Caroline: Ok.好-Elena: Ok.好吧-Pearl: Hello, Damon.你好啊 Damon-Damon: Ever hear of knocking?知道要敲门么?-Pearl: An invitation wasn't necessary.invitation: 邀请 necessary:必要的;必需的没必要获得邀请I'm surprised that no living person resides here.reside: 住,居住你这居然没有活人还真是难得Is it just you and your brother?真只有你和弟弟住在这?-Anna: Yeah. I think you've got vampires.没错他将其他吸血鬼挡于门外-Damon: Killed 'em.我把他们都杀了Damn!妈的-Pearl: Have a seat, Damon.坐吧 DamonI was hoping we could have a word.我想和你聊几句-Damon: Sure.当然-Jeremy: How do you become a vampire你是怎么成为吸血鬼的?-Bloodybecky: Brad Pitt changed meBrad Pitt初拥了我-FANG69: go to Vegas. ask for Wayne Newton你可以去拉斯维加斯找Wayne Newton (美国歌手常驻拉斯维加斯演出)-Jeremy: How do you kill a vampire?怎样才能杀死吸血鬼?-USUCK14: the blood of Paula Abdul用Paula Abdul的血 (美国歌手前美国偶像评委)-Jeremy: freak.freak: 怪人,怪事怪人Serious answers only pleaseserious: 严肃的,认真的说正经的拜托告诉我-Bloodybecky: stake in the heart always worksstake: 用桩固定把木桩插入心脏永远管用-Jeremy: you are a believer?believer: 相信...者你相信吗?-Bloodybecky: aren't you?难道你不信?-Pearl: We've taken up residence at a farm house just outside of town.take up residence: 居住;定居下来;定居;择定住所 take up: 安(家),定(居);在…安置下来residence: 住宅,住处我们住在镇外一所农屋里It'll suffice for now.suffice: 足够…用,使满足 for now: 目前,暂时暂时还容得下-Damon: All 25 vampires?25个吸血鬼都在那?-Pearl: Not all. some.不一部分I imagine that a few have already left town.imagine: 猜想我猜有一些已经离开镇子了Others are probably still in the woods or, like us, acclimating.probably: 大概;或许;很可能 woods: 树林,森林 acclimate: 服水土;适应新环境其他的还在树林里像我们一样还在适应阶段-Damon: How'd they get out of the tomb?tomb: 坟墓他们是这么逃出坟墓的?-Anna: I think the woods screwed up that part of our hocus-pocus.screw up: 弄糟 part of: 部分的;一部分 hocus-pocus: 戏法想来那片林子影响了我们的小伎俩-Pearl: I understand from Aana that the founding families still have a secret council? founding: 创办的;发起的 family: 家族 secret: 秘密 council: 委员会我从Anna那了解到创始人家族还有个秘密委员会?-Anna: And you're a part of it.你也是委员会的一员-Damon: Puff. that's ridiculous.puff: (一)吹,(一)喷;一阵;噗的一声 ridiculous: 可笑的;荒谬的真可笑-Anna: I've been in mystic falls since the comet, Damon.mystic: 神秘的 falls: 瀑布 comet: 彗星慧星陨落之时我便来到神秘瀑布镇了 DamonI'm up to speed.up to speed: 了解最新情况我一向雷厉风行的-Pearl:So am I.我也是And now that you've infiltrated the council,infiltrate: 渗入现在你已经进入了委员会I'll need to know everything they know.我要了解一切他们掌握的情况Starting with a list of names of all the council members and their families.list: 列表,清单 member: 成员从成员及他们的家族名单开始-Anna: And everyone you've supplied with vervain.supply with: 供给;提供;以……供给 vervain: 马鞭草 supply: 供给,提供还有你提供马鞭草的所有人名单-Pearl: Yes, that will have to stop immediately.immediately: 立即,立刻;直接地没错供应也要马上停止-Damon: What exactly are you trying to achieve?exactly: 恰好地;正是 achieve: 达到目的你究竟想干什么?-Pearl: Mystic falls is our home, Damon.神秘瀑布镇是咱的家 DamonThey took that from us.他们从我们这夺走的Our land, our home.我们的土地我们的家园It's time we rebuild.rebuild: 重建;改造是时候该我们重建家园了-Damon: What, are you crazy?什么你疯了吗That was 1864.那都是1864年的事了Wake up, woman. The world has moved on.move on: 前进清醒点吧姐姐早就改朝换代了-Pearl: As a reward for your help, I’m willing to give you what you want most.reward: 报酬,酬谢作为回报我会把你最想要的东西给你-Damon: I want nothing.我什么都不想要-Pearl: Katherine.Katherine-Damon: You wouldn't even know where she was.你连她在哪儿都不清楚You've been under the ground for the last 1 1/2 centuries.ground: 土地 century: 世纪,百年你在地下已经被尘封一个半世纪了-Pearl: Katherine and I were best friends long before we came to mystic falls, Damon. 远在来镇上之前我和Katherine 早已是要好的朋友 DamonI know how she thinks.我清楚她的想法I know her patterns.pattern: 模式我了解她的规律I know where to find her.我也知道到哪儿能找到她-Damon: I no longer have any desire to see Katherine ever again.desire: 想要,要求我再也不想去找寻Katherine了And th ere’s no way in hell I'm gonna play the role of your little minion.in hell: 究竟(用以加强语气) play the role of: 担任…角色 role: 角色,任务 minion: 奴才所以休想让我为你卖命当奴才-Pearl: I'm not asking for your help, Damon.我可不是来找你帮忙的 DamonFinding Katherine was just a mere gesture of kindness.mere: 仅仅的;只不过的 gesture: 姿态帮找Katherine 不过是友善的客套而已The rest is non-negotiable.non-negotiable: 无商量余地的;不可谈判的 negotiable: 可通过谈判解决的;可协商的其他没有商量余地I have 400 years on you, little boy.我比你年长400岁小毛孩I'll rip you from limb to limb without even blinking and you know it.rip: 撕;锯 limb: 肢,臂;分支;枝干 blinking: 眨眼的;一眨眼的用不上一眨眼的功夫我就能让你粉身碎骨你自个清楚I'll be in touch.in touch: 联系我会再联系你的-Elena: you got me flowers.你还送花给我-Stefan: Well, I figured it's a date, why not dot right?figure: 猜想既然是约会就按照规矩来I would have driven, too, but you're the one with the car.本该我来开车的不过你才有车嘛-Elena: You know, you’d think that for someone who was around when the car was invented, invent: 发明,创造既然你所在的时代已经发明了汽车that you'd have one.你也该有一辆-Stefan: Oh, I have one. I just never drive it.我有一辆只是从没开过-Elena: You know, it’s not too late to cancel.cancel: 取消知道吗现在取消约会还不晚-Stefan: Why would we do that?为什么要取消-Elena: I don't know. It just ses surreal.surreal: 不真实的我不知道只是感觉太不现实了Like maybe we weren't meant to get to the normal part.normal: 正常的或者我们并不真打算作对普通情侣-Stefan: It’s exactly why we're going to do it.exactly: 恰好地;正是正因如此我们才要去We're going to go out, have some fun, and try to remember出去玩找点乐子试着记得that we don't have to be so serious.serious: 严肃的,认真的咱用不着看得太过严肃Listen, when I decided to stay here and to get to know you,听我说当我决定留下来去了解你it was so that I could do things like this.就是想可以像现在这样I could bring my girlfriend flowers, take her out on a date,可以给我女朋友送鲜花带她出去约会try to be normal.做普通的事-Elena: have you ever even been on a double date before?你以前玩过四人约会吗?-Stefan: Oh, absolutely.absolutely: 绝对地哦当然了Um,19. Heff and the twins.嗯 1972 Heff还有一对双胞胎-Elena: What?什么?-Stefan: Yeah. playmates.playmate: 玩伴;游伴对啊玩伴嘛I got miss June.真想念June哇-Elena: Are you serious?真的?-Pearl: Miss Sommers?Sommers小姐-Jenna: Yes? hi,Pearl.啊? 嗨 Pearl-Pearl: Hi. this is my daughter Annabelle.嗨这是我女儿Annabelle-Jenna: Course. Jeremy's friend.我认识 Jeremy的朋友-Anna:Nice to see you, miss Sommers.很高兴见到你 Sommers小姐-Jenna: Oh, Jenna, please.哦叫我Jenna吧This property was in my brothern-law's family for generations. property: 房地产;不动产;花园住宅 generation: 世代这房子是我姐夫家祖传的It's one of the original structures in mystic falls.original: 原始的;最初的;独创的 structure: 结构,构造结构是神秘瀑布本地风格的一种Used tbe one of those old-fashioned drug store thingies.old-fashioned: 老式的 drug: 药 store: 商店 thingy: 物的,物体的,物质的以前是老式药店什么的-Pearl: You mean an apothecary?apothecary: 药剂师药剂师?-Jenna: Yeah.啊-Pearl: you don't say.可不是嘛-Jenna: Sorry, if it's musty.musty: 发霉的不好意思有点霉臭No one's been in here for quite some time.quite some: [美国口语]非常多,很多因为很久没人来了-Pearl: I'll use my imagination.imagination: 想象力我可以想象的到Annabelle.Annabelle-Anna: Coming, mother.来了妈妈-Mrs. Donovan: what's with the glasses inside?glasses: 眼镜 inside: 里面,内部镜片后面怎么了?-Damon: My,uh,ah,my eyes are a little sensitive today.sensitive: 敏感的;灵敏的;感光的;易受伤害的我嗯今天眼睛有点感光过敏-Mrs. Donovan: You're new around here.你是新来的嘛-Damon: Oh, on the contrary. I’m very old.on the contrary: 正相反噢正相反我资历老道Bourbon neat.bourbon: 波旁威士忌酒 neat: 未搀水的来杯纯波旁-Mrs. Donovan: I haven't been gone that long.我还没离开那么久I would remember someone who looked like you.你这样的人才我会记得的-Damon: Yeah? where'd you go?是吗? 你去了哪儿?-Mrs. Donovan: Around, about.周边地区差不多-Damon: been there.我也一样-Mrs. Donovan: I love to see a man drown his sorrows.drown: 淹没;把…淹死 sorrow: 悲伤;懊悔;伤心事我喜欢看男人啜饮痛楚It's so sexy.那样很性感-Damon: It's more like nursing my wounds.And you?nurse: 照料,护理 wound: 创伤,伤口我其实是抚平伤口你呢?-Mrs. Donovan: I was supposed to be interviewing for the bartender job, suppose: 认为 interview: 面试,面谈 bartender: 酒保,酒吧侍者我是来面试酒保工作的but,um,I think the manager blew off.manager: 经理 blow off: [俚语]缺席;取消 blow: 吹;打击;殴打但是我认为经理放我鸽子了-Damon: Well, that’s not very nice.哦那可不怎么好-Mrs. Donovan: last time I was in town, I slept with he boyfriend.上次我回镇上的时候我还和她男友睡一起-Damon: Well, that’s not very nice, either.哦这也不太好-Mrs. Donovan: It happens.难免的嘛-Damon: Yes,it does.是啊确实-Jenna: Kelly?Kelly?Kelly donovan.Kelly donovan-Mrs. Donovan: Jen!Jen!-Jenna: I heard you were back in town.我听说你回来了You used to baby-sit me and then, I used to party with her.baby-sit: [美口]当临时保姆;代人承担照料责任,为人临时照看;照顾婴儿 party: 参加社交聚会你还做过我保姆后来我和她一起混派对This woman was crazy.这女人是疯子-Mrs. Donovan: Not as crazy as you.可没有你疯-Jenna: Ha,not anymore.anymore: 再也不,不再哈现在不了-Mrs. Donovan: Well, sit, drink.好那坐下喝酒-Jenna: Uh,I shouldn't.额我不能I'm responsible now, haven’t you heard?responsible: 有责任的我现在有责任在身你没听说吗?-Mrs. Donovan: it's good for the soul.soul: 灵魂,心灵,精神那就放松一晚有益心灵的-Damon: Great for the soul.非常有益心灵Oh,well.哦好吧-Jenna: This is not gonna end well.不会有什么好结果的-Damon: Can't wait.等不急了-Frederick: I hate this house.我恨这所房子-Bethanne: It's better than the tomb.总比墓室要好-Frederick: I didn't stay locked up for 145 years to end up locked up here.lock up: 锁定 lock: 锁,锁住 end up: 结束我被囚禁了145年可不是为了被锁在这儿的-Harper: Maybe you should quit complaining.quit: 放弃,停止 complain: 抱怨,控诉你可不可以别发牢骚了-Frederick: you gonna stop me?你想拦着我么?-Bethanne: Let it be,Frederick.let it be: [口]随他(它)去;任他(它)那样算了 FrederickYou heard what Pearl said.Pearl说的你也都听到了-Frederick: I don't care what Pearl said.我不管Pearl说了什么What you got, boy?你怎样小子?Try that again.再试试看-Pearl: Back off.back off: 后退退后Back off.退后We don't fight each other.Those are the rules.each other: 彼此,相互 rule: 规定我们不内斗这是规矩-Frederick: And I'm tired of your rules.I want out of this house. tire of: 厌倦,厌烦 tire: 使…疲倦;使…厌烦我就烦你那些规矩我想出去Why can't we go in town?为什么我们不能去镇上?-Pearl: Eventually.eventually: 最后,最终最终会的But for now, we have to keep a low profile.low: 低的 profile: 在公众中的形象;出头露面的程度但是现在我们应该保持低调-Frederick: No one knows who I am.没人知道我是谁-Pearl: The Salvatore brothers do.Salvatore兄弟知道-Frederick: And I wish hell I could run into them.run into: 撞上,撞到,偶然遇见那我倒希望可以撞到他们They're the reason we were caught in the first place.当初都是他们害我们被抓-Elena: So, uh, Matt, how you like working here?话说 Matt 在这儿工作怎么样?-Matt: Uh, it's not that bad.嗯还行Wait staff comes out pretty good.staff: 职员 come out: 显出,显露,露出 pretty: 相当的,颇酒吧的人都不错You know, they can't keep a bartender to save their lives. bartender: 酒保你知道他们总不能不让酒保找活谋生I actually put my mom up for the job.actually: 实际上,事实上其实我替我妈妈申请了这个工作-Elena: How's that been?怎么样了?Having Kelly back?Kelly回了?-Matt: You know, the same old Kelly.你知道还是那个KellyShe's, uh,she's trying, sort of.sort of: 有几分地;到某种程度;稍稍 sort: 种类;方式;品质她额她努力了算是-Elena: Kelly and my mom were best friends growing up. Kelly是我妈从小玩到大最好的朋友That's how Matt and I first met.我和Matt就是这么认识的We shared a crib together.crib: 婴儿床我们共睡一张婴儿床-Stefan: You're kidding.kidding: 开玩笑开什么玩笑-Matt: No, we've, uh, known each other our whole lives.没有我们认识一辈子了You gotta be kidding me.搞什么-Harper: where are you going?你要去哪儿?-Frederick: Bethanne and I are going out for a bit.bit: 很小的;微不足道的Bethanne和我要出去一会儿Hit the town. kick up our heels.kick up: 引起,激起 kick: 踢;反冲 heel: 脚后跟去镇上高兴高兴-Harper: But we're not supposed to leave.但是我们不能出去Miss Pearl made that very clear.clear: 清楚地Pearl小姐说的很清楚-Frederick: You gonna stop me?你想拦着我吗?I didn't think so.我不这么觉得-Jeremy: Anna.Anna-Anna: surprised?惊讶吧?-Jeremy: I,uh,I thought you and your mom were leaving town. 我额我以为你和你妈妈离开镇子了-Anna: Oh,change of plans.哦计划有变I'm sorry. I thought you'd be psyched.psyched: 使心理上做好准备;使兴奋,使激动,激励抱歉我以为你会很期待的-Jeremy: No! no,no,I mean, I am.不! 不没有我是说对啊Of course I am.我当然开心-Anna: All right, then.那好那Step aside.step aside: 让开 aside: 离开,撇开;在旁边我进来了-Jenna: Don't be grumpy.grumpy: 脾气暴躁的;性情乖戾的别这么暴躁嘛It can't be that bad.没那么糟的-Damon: You'd be surprised.你会惊到My primary reason for existence has abandoned me and,primary: 主要的 existence: 存在,实在;生存 abandon: 遗弃,放弃我活着的最大意义已经抛弃我了而且...after today's events, the remains of the shaky groundevent: 事件 remain: 遗迹;剩余物,残骸 shaky: 摇晃的,不可靠的今天这些事之后我踏立的那摇晃的根基that I walk on are about to go kaboom.kaboom: 大爆炸也要崩塌了Let's get hammered.hammered: 锤击成形的,锻造的,[美国俚语]喝醉了的让我们敲碎它吧-Mrs. Donovan: Let's.我们-Caroline: At least they're having fun.at least: 至少至少他们是开心的-Elena: They're drunk.他们喝醉了-Matt: Remember when Elena's parents busted us here after homecoming?bust: 破坏 homecoming: 同学会记得Elena的父母在返校节之后在这里逮着我们了吗-Caroline: Oh,my god, yes!哦天呐是啊!-Elena: We were wasted.wasted: [美国俚语](因吸毒或饮酒)陶醉的,醉了的;中毒的我们那时太醉了It was the first time I ever got drunk.是我第一次喝醉酒I blame Matt.blame: 责备都怪Matt-Matt: Her parents got seated at the next booth.seated: 就座的 booth: (单人)小间,小亭,(活动不受干扰的)小隔间,(隔开的)小房间她父母就坐在隔壁房-Elena: Oh,and Matt had me pretend that I was choking so we could get away.pretend: 假装 chocking: 堵塞的,窒息Matt让我假装我呛到了好让我们溜走-Matt: Except her dad was a doctor, so, he jumped up to save her.但是他爸是医生他冲过来想救她-Elena: And I ran and slipped on the wet floor and bit it.slip: 滑倒 bite: 咬伤然后我就跑了在所有人面前In front of everyone. Do you remember that?in front of: 在…前面摔倒在湿地板上还撞到牙你还记得不?3 Stitches, a hangover for days,stich: 缝针 hangover: 宿醉缝了3针好几日的宿醉and I was grounded from seeing this one for a week.还被禁止一个星期之内不能见这个人-Caroline: well,I'm gonna go to the restroom.restroom: 厕所,洗手间我要去一下洗手间-Jenna: Elena?Elena?Quick,hide.We're not here.quick: 快的,迅速的 hide: 躲藏,隐藏快藏起来我们不在这里-Mrs. Donovan: Why? where'd we go?为什么? 我们要去哪?-Jenna: Children under our care at 5:00 p.m.care: 在意孩子们在下午5点钟方向This is not role modelish.我们这样不是个好榜样Damn.damn: 可恶的该死-Jeremy: Ok,so,uh,what made you and your mom decide to stay in town? decide: 决定,下决心呃你跟你妈妈为什么决定留下来?-Anna: Oh,she got this business opportunity.business: 商业,生意 opportunity: 时机,机会噢她在这里得到一个生意机会She's gonna open up a little store.她准备开一家小商店It's always been her dream.这是她一直以来的梦想So,yeah,we're staying.所以是的我们要留下来And I'm thinking about going back to high school.而且我还想回去上高中So,you'll be seeing a lot more of me.所以你以后会经常看到我-Jeremy: Oh,yeah?是吗?-Anna: Enough of home schooling.home schooling: 在家教育在家教育的时间够多的了I'd like to be a normal teen for once.normal: 正常的 teen: 青少年我想做一次正常的青少年But I have to ask my mom first.但是我要先征得我妈妈的同意She'll have an opinion.opinion: 意见,主张她可能有意见-Jeremy: Yeah,well,I wish you were there now.是啊我也希望你在学校I actually have to write another paper.事实上我还得写另一篇文章I was thinking about squeezing one more out on the vampires of mystic falls. squeeze: 设法得到我还想找多点有关镇上吸血鬼的资料-Anna: Really?真的?Haven't you exhausted the subject?exhaust: 使精疲力尽你还没厌烦吗?-Jeremy: No. no,I want to go deeper, you know?不不我还想要更深入一点?I want to understand why people were labeled as vampires back in the day. label as: 将…称作,把…说成是 label: 把…称为,把…说成是…我想搞清楚以前为什么要把吸血鬼给找出来I mean, maybe there is such a thing as vampires.我的意思是或许真的是有吸血鬼的They're just different from the way we always thought they were.它们只是跟我们平常想的都不一样-Anna: What do you mean?你是什么意思?-Jeremy: Well,uh,maybe they're normal and good, just outsiders, you know? outsider: 外人,外界人,圈外人或许它们也挺平常的也有善意只是像旁观者而已Um,misunderstood.misunderstand: 误解,误会被误会-Anna: You're kidding, right?你在说笑是吧?-Jeremy: Don't you think it could be possible?possible: 可能的你不觉得有这个可能性吗?You did give me all that info.是你给了我那些资料的-Anna: Jeremy, I made it up, ok?make up: 编造,捏造Jeremy 那是我编出来的好不?I mean, you were all cute and fluffy and I wanted to make a good impression. cute: 可爱的 fluffy: 毛茸茸的 impression: 印象你当时太可爱了我只是想给个好印象你-Matt: Is there anything you're not good at?有什么你是不精通的吗?-Stefan: Double dating.四人约会This is all kinda new to me.kinda: 有一点,有几分这对我来说是新玩意I usually keep to myself.我通常都是一个人I don't always fit in.fit in: 适合,适应;(同…)合得来不怎么合群-Matt: That's because you're that guy.。



吸血鬼日记中经典台词《吸血鬼日记》是导演Marcos Siega根据美国女作家L.J.史密斯的同名畅销系列小说创作改编而成的一部美国魔幻、恐怖电视剧,你知道吸血鬼日记中的经典台词有哪些吗?以下是店铺为你精心整理的吸血鬼日记中经典台词,希望你喜欢。

吸血鬼日记中经典台词1) 根本就没有放下一说,都是骗人的。

2) 当心,无论结局有多糟,一个女人永远都不会忘记她的初次恋情。

3) 你才是那个让我感觉到我还活着的人。

4) 我一直认为世界上最悲伤的是失去你深爱的人,但我错了。


5) 给人真情,换来真爱。

6) 我遇到一个女孩,我们聊天,就像诗歌一样浪漫。

7) 爱总是需要一定信念的,跳过一滩可怕的岩浆,你可能最终心碎,但也可能成为最幸福的人。

8) 很多时候,让我们放不下的其实並不是对方,而是那些逝去的共同回忆。

9) 你唯一能做的就是等待好事降临,当他们降临,你邀请它们进来,因为你需要它们。


10) 也许有一天,你会出现在我家门口,让我带你去看这世界的缤彩纷呈。

吸血鬼日记中经典语录台词1) 当你失去了某个人,这种感觉如影随形。

2) 过去的一个多世纪,我都秘密地活着,藏身暗处,独自一人。


3) 在来世,你看我的眼神永远不会像看埃琳娜那样,是吗?4) 别让你的骄傲使你孤独一人。

5) 你不能无所事事的坐等人生带给你一切,你必须得自己努力争取。

6) 之前我一直认为,世界上最悲伤的事情就是失去你深爱的人,但是我错了。


7) 你是我生命中最美好的存在。

8) 我要给你道别了达蒙,我爱你,我必须放手了。

9) 我遇见一个女孩,我们聊天,就像诗一样美丽,但是太阳升起真实的一天又要开始。

10) 我想谢谢你给我,我一直想要的一切,满满的爱,还有热情、冒险,我最想要的就是可以一直见到你,但是没有办法。

11) 我们经历过起伏跌宕,我们努力过。



1、There’re rings and then there’s that.(E说S的戒指特别)这些是戒指但是他们是别的戒指,就是说眼前这一个很特别哦更正: then 后面用的是单数IS哦所以这句话应该就是说:那些都是普通戒指,但是这一枚却很特别。


2、I predict this year is going to be kick ass. 我预言今年将会是很了不起的一年B在车里面说自己是个灵媒,并且用这一句鼓励ELENA开始新生活kick ass有3个意思:1.给某人点颜色看看,2.拍马屁 3.了不起,很厉害(这里应该是第3个意思吧,意思是说这一年会很精彩)VICKY时任男友tyler在遇见JEREMY小弟的时候也说了“我知道他是E的弟弟,I'll still kick his ass.”就是第一个意思了4、I will start fresh.我要重新开始,做全新的自我。

start fresh:重新开始女主Elena开学的第一天写日记的时候说的这一句。


很生动形象,比I will start my new life好多了。

5、I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.我余生都不会再碰车了。

freak out:使极度兴奋,焦虑不安,崩溃Elena和Bonnie(Elena的好友,其实是一个Psychic),开车时,一个不明的鸟导致方向盘偏移时,Elena说的,因为她的父母是出车祸的,大概她是一辈子不会再去开车了。

6、major lack of male real estate 优质男市场匮乏major lack of 大量缺少,male和real都是形容词,eatate是阶层的意思这句话就是说帅男那一群人很缺人啊。

这句话说完男主角stephan就闪亮登场啦!7、 why didn't he go for me?他为什么不喜欢我?go for :去找某人,争取,喜欢,抨击,适合8、E:Sorry,I'm Elena ,S: I'm Stefan ,E: I know,we have history together.就是最后一句,E其实是说我们一起上历史课的,这句话也可以翻译成,我们有过一段曾经~这台词潜得,很有味道~9 、fly free,walk on sunshine and all that stuff随便逛逛,在阳光下走走,诸如此类的10、 I am sick of watching you play Vickie.我受够了你耍V11、 I am gonna grab some coffee.去找些咖啡。



吸血鬼日记第一季经典台词S1 E01经典开头:For over a century, I have lived in secret. Hiding in the shadows, alone in the world. Until now, I'm a vampire. And this is my story.1、There is no signal. 这里没有信号2、Stefan经典独白:I shouldn't come home. I know the risk. But i had no choi ce ,I have to know her.3、I'll start fresh. Be someone new. 我要重新开始,做不同的自己4、I predict this year is going to be kick ass. 我预言今年是不得了的一年5、uh, pardon me. 对不起【口语】6、It's a long story. 说来话长7、I made through a day. 我熬过了一天8、tactless 无礼9、Stefan: I lost control today. Everything I've kept buried in side came rusing to the surface. I'm simply not able to re sist her.10、hook up with sb. 勾引某人11、keep it down. 小声点12、keep a journal. 记日记13、you can't change what you are. 本性难移14、He has that romance novel stare. 眼神深邃15、怎么了:what's the hell?what happened?16、Damon: she took my breath away. 她把我的魂都吸引住了17、A is dead ringer for B. A和B长得一模一样18、That's given. 这是宿命安排S1 E021、you’re feisty today. 你今天很活跃啊2、The last thing that I want to do is hurt u. 我最不想做的就是伤害你3、grab a coffee 拿一杯咖啡4、I’m sorry for barging in. 很抱歉擅自闯入5、Stefan is not one to brag. Stefan是个不爱讲的人6、I see why my brother is so smitten. 我明白为什么我弟弟会这么着迷了7、He didn’t want u to think he was on the rebound. 不想你知道他在感情空窗期8、Every relationship is doomed to end. 每段感情都注定会完蛋9、Don’t be silly. 别傻了10、He wasn’t always such a looker. 他可不是一直都这么帅~11、She’s got spunk. 她快怒了12、Quit ditching classes or you’re grounded. 不要在逃课了否则就禁足13、At least I put myself out there. 至少我努力争取了14、Here. Knock yourself out, literally. 给你,随意吃15、Like you care. 别假惺惺了16、harbinger of evil 邪恶的预告17、I vote for none of the above. 我一个都不选18、What r u up to? 你想干什么?19、She’s big on texting. 她喜欢发短信20、she kind of wigs out. 她太激动了21、一段经典的台词:Elena’s diary: Dear diary: Today I convinced myself it was OK to give up. Don’t take risks. Stick with the status quo. No drama. Now is just not the time. But my reasons aren’t reasons. They’re excuses. All I’mdoing is hiding from the truth. And the truth is that I’m scared, Stefan. I’mscared if I let myself be happy for even one moment that the world’s just goingto come crashing down, and I don’t know if I can survive that.Stefan:I met a girl. We talked and it was epic. But the sun cam e up and reality setin. Well, this is reality. Right here.S1 E031、This could have gone a completely different way. 本来不需要这样2、Why the about-face? 为什么变卦?3、Spit it out 快说4、Screw u 去你的5、I’m a loner. 我不合群6、I can’t be sad girl forever. 我不能永远消沉7、Blue Lady! 注意!8、Let’s huddle up! 都聚过来!9、Simmer down. 别激动10、I wonder who that could be. 我想知道是谁11、Tyler must be sealing. Tyler一定气疯了~12、Nice deduced. 猜得真准!13、There must be a shred of humanity left inside my brot her.14、 A really serious no-joke response. 好好回答15、You’re bully! 你是恶棍!16、That’s what matters. 这才是最重要的!S1 E041、dick move 让开2、scrum bucket/scum ball 饭桶3、---How do you look in a suit?---I can pull one off.4、The pleasure is all mine. 是我非常荣幸5、A has a lot of issues with B. A与B之间有很多矛盾6、What you gonna buy me? 你拿什么来讨好我?7、I’m sick with it. 我厌倦了8、You’re in no position to question me. 你没资格提问我9、I drive u drink. 我竟然让你喝酒了10、Don’t even play that card. 别和我耍花样11、You can’t roofie me. 你不能给我下药12、You cracked a funny. 你也会搞笑13、You look smashing! 你真美!14、He is on good behavior. 他很绅士15、I wasn’t counting on it(代指vervain). 我没指望它16、I got all snotty. 我真讨厌17、My radar must be off. 我脑子已经不听使唤了18、Trust is earned. 信任是要靠挣得S1 E051、I’m almost done.It’s OK. Take ur time.2、Be somewhere right now. 马上闪到别的地方去3、If you wanna kill some time, we can rack. 如果你想消磨时间,我打局球吧I’ll let u break. 我让你开球4、Family only runs so deep. 一家人果然感情深厚啊!5、I’m shutting down. 我快不行了6、I got held up. 我被耽搁了7、You haven’t aged a day. 你身上一点岁月的痕迹都没有8、I did something that I’m not proud of. 我当时耍了阴招9、I’m no longer crippled by her loss. 不再因为她而裹足不前10、I’m an avid reader. 我是书虫11、The lies will catch up to u. 谎言会让你作茧自缚12、None of that tortured pining stuff. 别弄得跟个多情怨妇似的13、Doesn’t ring a bell. 没响铃呢///引申为:想不起来了14、She abandoned me. 她放我鸽子15、I’m not a believer. 我不是个信徒S1 E061、Everything you know and every belief that you have is about to change. 你所知道何所相信的一切都要改变了2、You almost got me. 你差点就骗了我3、It’s not too big a stretch. 这只是点到为止4、She wasn’t just any girl. 她不是一般的女孩儿5、A is so over B. A被B深深迷住了6、What’s she on? 她怎么了?7、She’s really messed up. 她疯了8、I’m gonna go out on a lime here and guess. 我大胆的猜一下9、We can cut to the chase if you want. 如果你愿意,我们就开门见山吧10、Tip for later 最后忠告S1 E071、You don’t talk. 你没资格说话2、I need some time to figure things out. 我需要时间弄清楚一些事3、It’s wrong to pray on innocent people. 以无辜人为食是不对的4、He walks on a moral plane way out of our eye line. 咱们都不如他高尚5、Count Deepak 又开始说教了6、Knock yourself out. 自己找吧7、对白:E: How can u be so arrogant and glib after everything that you’ve done?D: And how can u be so brave and stupid to call a vampir e arrogant and glib?E: If u wanted me dead, I’d be dead.D: Yes, you would.E: But I’m not.D: Yet.8、Let’s get one thing straight. 要搞清楚9、She’s on edge. 她太烦躁了10、You’re flirting with me. 你在跟我调情11、She totally bailed on me. 她把我扔下了12、Why does everybody have to die on me? 为什么大家都要在我面前死去?13、I can’t lose the way I feel about u. 我无法放下对你的感觉S1 E081、How could u even ask that? 亏你问得出口?2、I’m headed to NY for the weekend. 我这周末要奔向纽约3、It’ll be a blast. 肯定很精彩4、speaking of…说到这儿。



吸血鬼日记第一季15Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"..."吸血鬼日记" 前景提要...For over a century, I have lived in secret...一个世纪以来我一直秘密地生活着... Until now. I know the risk,直到现在我知道这很冒险but I have to know her.但我必须要认识她Elena, she's a dead ringer for Katherine. Elena 她简直就是Katherine的翻版Why do I look like her?为什么我跟她会像?You were adopted.你是收养的This girl showed up.这个女孩儿出现了She was and about to give birth.她岁马上要生了What else do you know about her?你还知道她什么?- Just her name, Isobel. - My wife isobel spent her life- 只知道名字叫Isobel - 我妻子Isobel毕生致力于researching paranormal activity in this area.调查这一地区的奇异事件- Where's your wife? - Damon killed her.- 你妻子呢? - Damon杀了她There's a tomb underneath the church.教堂下方有个墓穴The spell sealed Katherine in that tomb, protecting her.咒语将Katherine封在里面保护着她I'm gonna bring her back.我要把她找回来She's not here!她不在这儿!You knew Katherine wasn't in there.你知道Katherine不在里面She knew where you were, and she didn't care. 她知道你在哪儿她根本就不在乎Jeez!天哪!You scared me.你吓到我了Do you know what day it is?今天星期几?It's saturday.周六And what year?现在是哪一年?It's .年Are you ok?你没事吧?Thank you.谢谢Wait, what's your name?等下你叫什么?It's Harper, sir.先生我叫HarperHow did you get out here?你怎么到这儿来的?And why are you dressed like that?怎么会穿成这样呢?You seem like a very nice person.你看起来人很好I'm sorry.我很抱歉Sorry for what?抱歉什么?Hey, Bonnie, it's me just checking in, 嘿Bonnie 我就是打电话seeing how you're doing.看看你怎么样了We miss you here.我们很想你Don't let your aunt drive you too crazy. 别被你阿姨逼疯了Come home soon.快点回家Love you.爱你What are you doin' out here?你在外面做什么?It's cold.这么冷Thinking, writing.思考问题随便写写The, uh, funeral for Bonnie's grandma,呃Bonnie祖母的葬礼it brought back a lot about mom and dad.让我想起了关于父母的事情I was wondering. You said that you would do some digging about them,我很好奇你说帮我查一查The adoption.收养的事Right.对So did you?那么你?Dig?查了吗?Come on inside.进来说Your dad kept everything from his medical practice...你爸爸把所有医疗上的事情都写在了... Records, logs,记录本日志old appointment books.还有旧预约簿上I found an entry from the night you were born. 我找到你出生那夜的记录Patient and a birth date.病人和出生日期Isobel Peterson.病人是Isobel PetersonDo you think that's her real name?你觉得那是真名吗?Pregnant teenage runaway?离家出走的早孕少女?Probably not. First name, maybe.可能是假名姓氏可能是假的But where'd she get Peterson? Classmate? Best friend?但是她从哪弄来Peterson这个名字的呢? 同学? 好朋友? So I binged it.所以我Bing了一下(微软公司推出的用以取代Live Search的搜索引擎)I searched for all the Petersons in this area我搜到这个地区和Isobel同年出生的born the same year as Isobel, found ...所有姓Peterson的人发现个...men and a woman, Trudie,两个男人和一个女人叫Trudiewho lived in Grove Hill, Virginia.住在维吉尼亚州的Grove HillThat's not far from here.那离这儿不远Well, watch this.看这个Isobel.是IsobelShe was a cheerleader.她是拉拉队队长Trudie still lives there.Trudie还住在那儿This is her address.这是她的地址What about Isobel?那Isobel呢?I couldn't find anything about her.我找不到关于她的任何记录Listen. There's something else.还有其他事Mr. Saltzman, Rick,Saltzman先生也就是Rick(Alaric的昵称) his wife was from around here,他妻子就是这附近的人and her name was also Isobel.曾经也叫IsobelWait. "was," as in...等下"曾经"是指...She died.她死了Alaric's wife might have been your mother? Alaric的妻子可能是你妈妈?It cann't be true, right?不可能的对吧?I mean, the coincidence alone is just crazy.我是说这也太巧了I have the address for her friend Trudie.我有她好朋友Trudie的地址You wanna talk to her?你想和她谈谈?I don't know. I...我不知道我...I... I don't know.我... 不知道If it's true and they are the same person,如果他们是同一个人的话that means that my birth mother is dead.就意味着我的亲生妈妈死了And I don't know if I could handle that.我不知道自己能不能接受Elena, did Jenna tell you anything about Alaric's wife?Elena Jenna告诉你关于Alaric妻子的事情了吗?How she died?她是怎么死的?Just that she was killed and the case was never solved.就是死了案子一直悬而未决You knew that already?你已经知道了?The night at the school when he attacked me, 他在学校袭击我的那晚he told me some things about her death.他告诉了我关于他妻子死因的一些事- Well... - No, no.- 哦... - 不不It's not possible.这不可能The coincidence is... it's too much.这只是... 正好凑巧Now, listen, if you do decide to go听着如果你想和talk to Isobel's friend, I'll go with you. Ok? Isobel的朋友谈谈我和你一起去好吗?I just don't know what I'm gonna do yet.我也不知道自己该怎么办I should get goin'.我该走了I gotta go deal with Damon.我要去看看DamonHow's he doing?他怎么样了?He's dealing in his own way.他在用自己的方式发泄How do I taste?我尝起来怎么样?Oh, so much better than your friends.哦比你朋友美味多了But shh. Don't tell them.但是嘘别告诉他们They might get jealous.他们会嫉妒的No. Buzzkill bob.不太刺眼了Greetings.欢迎回来Can we talk?能谈谈么?Yeah.当然可以Without the tri-delts.我指没有"第三者"Anything you have to say to me,你想跟我说什么you can say in front of them.都能当她们的面说They're really good at keeping secrets.她们最擅长保守秘密了You're worried about me.你在担心我That's nice. Don't be.真友好不过别这样There's no need. I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? 没有必要我很好我为什么会不好?Spent the last years with one goal,年了我一直坚守一个目标get in that tomb.打开墓穴I succeeded.我成功了Granted, Katherine wasn't in there to be rescued,但是Katherine却不在里面等着我救她But why dwell?为什么?No, it's so liberating not having a master plan, 没有目标更自由because I can do whatever the hell I want.因为我想干什么就干什么That's kind of what I'm afraid of.那正是我担心的Relax. I haven't killed anyone in... too long.放心我很久... 没杀人了Those girls?那些女孩儿呢?Will end up in their dorm with headaches,会头疼地从宿舍醒来think they blacked out.以为只是昏过去了Business as usual.又是老把戏Predictable you didn't pull me over here for a pep talk.如我所料你并不是想来鼓励我振作起来So drink up. Spill it, brother.所以干了它兄弟There was a woman you may have known a few years back几年前你好像认识了在北卡罗来纳州的Duke大学named Isobel in North Carolina at Duke.上学的IsobelYou wanna discuss the women in my past right now? Seriously?你现在要跟我讨论我过去的女人? 开玩笑吧?You killed her.你杀了她What's your point?你想说什么?I just... just wanna know if you remember anything about her.我只是... 想知道你是不是还记得她的事Oh, it's like a needle in a haystack, Stefan.哦Stefan 这就像大海捞针Well, think hard. It's important. 那就好好想想这很重要Nothing is important, not anymore.没有什么事是重要的再也没了Great chat.聊天很愉快I have to go and exploit some women in the name of grief,我要去安抚那些悲伤中的女人了which I'm sure you understand.你明白的"TTFN" said the tri-delt.替那些第三者说"回头见"What?怎么了?This is boring. I'm bored.真无聊太无聊了Wow.喔But we have this entire house to ourselves.但是现在整座房子里只有我们俩I mean, it's practically a bachelor pad.我是说这真是一座名副其实的"单身"公寓And...还有...So shouldn't we do something我们难道不该做些a little bit more bachelor-paddy?孤男寡女应该做的事吗?What? Something like this?什么事? 这样吗?Something like that.就是那样的事I don't know.我不懂This is a pretty good show.这节目真不错Seriously?你开玩笑的吧?Oh, god.哦天哪Not on my couch.别在我的沙发上做Mom.妈妈Hey.嘿I don't know. It's just weird, you know,我不知道这很奇怪你明白吗me being raffled off like a disney cruise.我就跟迪士尼巡游里的抽奖礼品一样In this town,在这个镇子里fundraising is like indentured servitude.筹集资金就像是契约奴役一样You don't have a choice.你没得选Besides, you're a bachelor,另外你是单身and you're eligible, so there you go.而且很够格所以你得去参加Here. Let me help you with this.这里我来帮你Oh, god. I can't believe I'm gonna do this.哦天哪真不敢相信我要这样做What?怎么了?I am totally gonna ruin this moment,我简直要毁了这美好的时刻but I... I have to tell you.但是我... 我还是要告诉你Elena recently found out she was adopted, Elena最近知道她是被收养的and she's been looking for her birth mother... 而且在找她的亲生妈妈...whose name was Isobel.叫IsobelIsobel? Like my wife?Isobel? 和我妻子同名?Isobel never had a baby.Isobel没生过孩子Are you sure?你确定?Not before you were together?你们在一起之前也没有?Nope. No way.没有绝对没有This is Elena's birth mother.这是Elena亲生妈妈的照片Ah, she, uh...啊她呃...She never told me.她没告诉过我I, uh...我呃...I'm gonna go.我要走了Yeah, I'm gonna... gonna go.是的我要... 要走了Trudie?你是Trudie?Tru... Trudie Peterson?是Tru... Trudie Peterson?Yes.是的Uh, my name is Elena Gilbert.呃我叫Elena GilbertI wanted to talk to you about Isobel Flemming.我想和你谈谈有关Isobel Flemming的事情Well, I haven't heard that name in years.哦我已经很多年没听人说起这个名字了How do you know her?你是怎么认识她的?I think that, um, well...我想嗯那个...Do you know if she had a baby that she gave up for adoption?你知道她曾经有个孩子送给别人了吗?My god.天啊You're her daughter.你是她的女儿I was just gonna make some tea. Would you like some?我去泡点茶你要来点吗?Sure.好啊Uh, the kitchen's this way.呃厨房在这边I wasn't gonna come, I didn't think I was,我没打算来至少没意识到我要来but I was driving, and I hit this stoplight,但是我开着车红灯前突然刹车and it made me think about when I was learning让我想起了我在学车时how to drive and then my mom would always warn me妈妈总是叮嘱我要about this blind turn on the left-hand side,注意左向的拐弯and then I was thinking about my mom, and... 然后我就想到了我妈妈正好...I had your address. I'm sorry for barging in.我有你的地址很抱歉贸然来访It's no problem.没关系Um, just a surprise, though.嗯的确很意外I haven't thought about Isobel in years.我已经有很多年没想起Isobel了When was the last time you saw her?你最后见到她是什么时候?About years ago,大概年前when she left to go have you.在她准备生下你的时候We kept in touch for a while,我们联系过一段时间but, well, you know, people drift apart.但是后来我们就各奔东西了And you don't know where she ended up?那你不知道她最后的落脚地吗?She was in Florida for a while.她曾经在佛罗里达待过一段时间She was on her own. I know it wasn't easy.独自生活我知道那很艰辛Do you have any idea who my father is?你知道我父亲是谁吗?I could never get her to fess up.她一直不肯跟我坦白Anyway, she finally pulled it together,不管怎样她最后还是振作起来了got into college on a scholarship.依靠奖学金上了大学Where did she go? 她去哪所大学?Somewhere in north Carolina.北卡罗来纳州的某个学校Duke, I think.可能是杜克大学Smart girl, smart school.好学生好学校Let me just grab that.水开了我去看看她来了So it's been a few months. Where you been? 这好几个月你都在哪儿?Ah, you know, here and there,啊满世界乱跑never one place too long.每个地方都不会待太久You know Pete你认识Pete吧No, actually, I don't,不我不认识because you never brought him around.因为你从没把他带回家So blonde's the new flavor of the month, huh? 那个金发美女是你最近的新宠吗?So sorry I scared her off.很抱歉把她吓跑了She's not a flavor, mom. I like her.她不是新宠妈妈我喜欢她So she's the one?那么她是你的真命天女咯?No, probably not, but maybe.不可能不是但也可能是Matt, seriously, Lezzie Forbes' daughter? Ucch.Matt 说真的Lezzie Forbes的女儿? 呃Mom, seriously,妈妈说真的knock it off.打住吧Ice, please.来点冰块So, uh, you heard from Vic?那你有没有Vic(Matt的妹妹)的消息?No, but don't worry.没有不过不用担心She'll come home eventually when she needs something.她有需要的时候自然会回家的I played that game.我深谙此道Are you playing it now?你现在也是有需要才回来的咯?- No. - Then what are you doin' home?- 当然不是- 那你回家来干什么?You trying to say I need a reason to come back?你是想说我回家还需要理由?Sit down. Eat with me.坐下来跟我一起吃饭吧Tell me everything I've missed, hmm.告诉所有我错过的事情吧Thanks for meeting me.谢谢你来见我Something's come up.情况不妙了Jenna told you?Jenna跟你说了?- Yeah. - So it's true.- 对- 那这是真的咯Your wife Isobel was Elena's birth mother.你妻子Isobel是Elena的生母What does Elena know?Elena都知道什么?About your wife?关于你妻子?About everything.关于所有的一切About you, your brother.包括你和你哥哥She knows what I am,她知道我是吸血鬼and she knows that you know about the vampires.她也知道所有你知道的关于吸血鬼的事Does she know about Damon and Isobel?她知道Damon和Isobel的事情吗?No. I couldn't tell her, not until I was sure.不知道在我有把握之前不能告诉她You said you'll help me.你说过你会帮我的I asked Damon without saying too much.没透露太多细节的情况下我问过Damon - He doesn't remember. - Ask him again.- 他不记得了- 再问一次Damon is not stable right now.Damon现在情绪很不稳定You know, he murdered my wife他杀了我妻子or at the very least made a meal out of her.甚至把她当顿美餐给吃了When has he been stable?他什么时候能稳定下来?I'm telling you not to push this.我是要你不要心急Give me a reason not to.那就给我个理由Your survival. How's that for a reason?你的幸存这不算是理由吗?I'll handle it, but for now, I need you to let it go.我会处理的但是现在我要你暂时放手Is that what you'll tell Elena?这也是你要跟Elena说的吗?Let it go?放手?Leave Elena out of this.别把Elena扯进来I need to know what happened.我要知道发生了什么事I think you would, too.你也想知道吧I need something more than just your wife's name,我需要除了你妻子的名字之外更多的信息A picture, something I could show Damon.一张我可以拿给Damon看的照片Is.Is啊Just a few more minutes.再等一下Can't you, uh...你不能呃...Can't you finish this in the morning?你不能早上再完成这个吗?But I like working at night.但是我喜欢在晚上工作啊Yeah. See, I like sleeping at night.对看我喜欢在晚上睡觉With you.和你一起Ok, I'll bite.好吧我陪你What is it, this is stuff?你在做什么?Look, baby, I'm in a -way here with you and your computer,听着亲爱的我在和你以及你的电脑一起玩Pthe least you can do is let me know what you're up to.至少能让我知道你为了什么在熬夜吧I was doing research,我在做一项研究and I dug up all this stuff about this我搜集了这个弗吉尼亚州的小镇的所有资料small town in Virginia near where I grew up. 那离我长大的地方很近It's isolated, out of the way, and quiet,那里与世隔绝很安静and every now and then, people die mysteriously,时不时的人们离奇死亡and they say that it's animal attacks.他们说这是动物袭击Except, these bodies are drained of blood.但是这些尸体都被吸干了血It's vampires.是吸血鬼干的It has to be.肯定是Ok.好吧I'll get my garlic and holy water,我去拿大蒜和圣水- and then maybe, just maybe... - No. - 可能只是说可能... - 你怎么这样We can get some sleep.我们可以睡觉了- Come here. - No.- 过来- 不要Look, this is why I love you,听着我之所以爱你because you believe in all of this stuff,就是因为你相信这一切so much so that you're making a degree out of it.深信不疑所以不顾一切地研究You're like Mulder, except hotter and a girl.你就像Mulder(X档案主角) 只是更性感而且是个女孩This is not a joke, Rick.Rick 这不是开玩笑You think that this is cute,你觉得这可爱but I'm gonna prove it.但是我会证明给你看的And Mulder was right in the end.而且最后Mulder都是对的Ah. They came to the games for us.啊他们为我们去比赛The football team hadn't won in years.足球队很多年都没赢过We were the stars.我们当时是明星Well, Izzie was.嗯Izzie是明星(Isobel的昵称)But I was a damn good backup.但我是她的有力后援Heh. This is great. Thank you.呵呵真好谢谢You're welcome.不客气You haven't touched your tea.你还没喝茶呢Oh. Yeah.哦对What is this?这是什么Oh, it's just some herbal mixture.哦就是混了些草药Vervain?马鞭草?You know.你知道Know what?知道什么?You didn't invite me in,你没有邀请我进来and you're serving vervain tea.而你现在给我喝马鞭草茶You know.你知道I think that you should probably leave.我想你该走了Wait. What are you not telling me?等下你还有什么没告诉我?Please leave.快走吧Now!马上!Bourbon.波旁威士忌Behold the teacher.想不到会在这见到老师啊Don't you have some papers to grade?你不要批改论文吗?It's, uh, more fun with a buzz.呃闹哄哄的地方更有趣Well, most things in life are.是啊生活很多时候都是Sober's depressing.清醒的时候更绝望You don't strike me as somebody who gets depressed.我看不出你身上有半点绝望的影子You say that like you know me.说得好像你很了解我一样Nope.没有Just a hunch.只是种直觉You have a good afternoon.祝你下午好心情Not likely.不太可能Daytime drinking, huh?日间酒会是吧?It's all the rage.现在很流行啊Listen, I need a favor.听着我需要帮忙You ever been in love?你恋爱过吗?Excuse me?什么?Have you ever been so bent on someone,你有没有深爱过某人不可自拔that you just have your heart ripped out by them?却被所爱之人深深地伤害呢?You forget I was married.你忘了我结过婚吗Right. Gay husband.对同性恋老公She'll have what I'm having.给她一杯跟我一样的Sit down.坐吧There's a Fundraiser here tonight今晚有个募款活动that the Founder's Council is throwing.是由创始人理事会举办的The town's most eligible bachelors get raffled off for dates,镇上大多数够资格的单身汉将与抽中他的募捐女性约会and, well, we're short a bachelor.所以我们缺个单身汉Is this what you do when there's no, um...现在没有了吸血鬼vampires?你们就开始搞这种事了?Organize bachelor raffles?举办"单身汉抽彩"?Oh, trust me.哦相信我At this point, I miss the vampires.在这一点上我怀念吸血鬼Look, you're a hero to this town, Damon.听着Damon 你是这个小镇的英雄I know most people don't know it,大多数人都不知道这点but you are, and you're single and a catch.但你就是你单身而且很迷人Oh, come on. Help me out.哦拜托帮帮我吧Carol Lockwood won't let me live it down if I come up empty-handed.如果我空手而归Carol Lockwood不会放过我的You know, a room full of women clamoring to win a date with me一屋子的美女抢着要跟我约会Sounds tasty.听起来挺诱人Thank you.谢谢One thing.有件事Can you get information on someone for me? 你能帮我查一个人吗?Alaric Saltzman, the history teacher.Alaric Saltzman 那个历史老师There's just something a little off about him, 他这人有点不对劲and I just... I just wanna make sure that the high school我就是... 就是想确保这个高中did their homework on this guy.没有用错人You got it.好Thanks.谢了May I help you?有什么事吗?Thank you for the text.谢谢你的短信You're welcome.不客气I didn't tell her anything. 我什么也没告诉她I... I kept my promise.我... 遵守了承诺Good.很好The girl, though,可是那个女孩she... she knew something.她... 知道些什么That won't be a problem.这没事She won't get any closer to the truth. 她不会知道真相的Good.很好So I'm done?那我完成任务了?Yes. You're done.对你完成了No! I won't invite you in.不! 我不会邀请你进来的You can't come in!你不能进来!I'm not a vampire, so, yes, I can.我不是吸血鬼所以我能进来Ahh! Ahh!啊! 啊!I don't understand.我想不通了I did what you told me. I did my part! 我是照你说的做的做了我该做的! And now I have to do mine.我也在做我该做的Stefan.Stefan啊Better.比他更帅的Me.我You look, um...你看起来...Dashing? Gorgeous?风度翩翩? 迷死人不偿命? Irresistible?魅力无限?Wrecked.像喝醉了You look wrecked.你看起来像喝醉了No reason why.没有理由Do you know that I am one of Mystic Falls' most eligible bachelors?你知道我是Mystic Falls最受欢迎的单身汉之一吗?- Huh. - Yep.- 是吗- 是的How are you doing?你最近怎样啊?Never better.好得不能再好了Yep.对What can I do for you?有什么要帮忙的吗?I'm a barrel of favors today.我今天善心大发It's my newfound purpose... how can I help people?这是我的新目标... 寻求帮助别人之法I'm just meeting Stefan. We're going to the Fundraiser.我要见Stefan 我们要去参加筹款会Help a guy out, will you?帮我个忙好吗?Can't get this.我扣不上So I found out who my birth mother is.话说我查出我生母是谁了Ecch. Who cares?关我屁事?She left you.她抛弃了你She sucks.太差劲了Stefan.Stefan啊There you are. 你来了Uhh. I need a bigger jacket.呃我的夹克不合身了Wow. You know,哇你知道吗an occasional sorority girl might, um,某个姐妹会大胸美眉或许可以you know, help fill you out a little bit.帮你把夹克撑大些He's fine.他没事He's Damon.他是DamonMaybe this heartache will be good for him.让他受一次这种打击也好It'll remind him that he has one, even if it doesn't beat.至少会让他有点人性Won't hold my breath.也不会让我提心吊胆So I went to see Trudie Peterson.我去见Trudie Peterson了I know. I'm sorry. I didn't plan it.知道啦对不起我没打算自己去的How was it?怎么样啊?She has vervain.她有马鞭草She knows about vampire stuff,她知道吸血鬼的事and it can't be a coincidence.这应该不是巧合It isn't.不是This is Alaric's wife.这是Alaric的妻子This is her. This is Isobel.这就是她是IsobelHe gave this to you?他给了你这张照片?Everything he knows about vampires, he learned from her.他知道的所有吸血鬼之事都是听她说的He believes that she was killed by one.他坚信是一个吸血鬼杀了他妻子Oh, my god.哦天哪Listen, Elena, there's a lotElena 听着about Isobel that Alaric can tell you,Alaric能告诉你很多Isobel的事but I need you to hold off a little while可我希望你过段时间before you talk to him.再和他谈- Why? - I know that it's a lot to ask of you, - 为什么? - 我知道这样要求你很过分but will you do that for me?可你能为了我这样做吗?Tickets for the raffle are now on sale.抽奖券开始出售了All proceeds benefit the annual Founder's day celebration.所有收益将被用来准备年度创始人庆祝日That's a good look for you.你这行头不错What? Embarrassing and uncomfortable?怎样? 看着让人难堪不已一身鸡皮吗? Yep. That's... that's the one.对我... 就是这个意思Hey, look. I'm, uh, sorry about earlier.听着之前不好意思了It was just kind of a... a shock.我就是有点... 被雷到了Well, I'm sorry for dropping it on you,呃很抱歉吓着你了but I felt like you should know.可我觉得你该知道No, I get it.没事我明白At some point, maybe you and Elena could talk.从某种程度上说你可以和Elena谈谈I'm sure she'd like to hear about Isobel, what she was like.她肯定很想听听Isobel的事想知道她是什么样Yeah. Uh... 是啊呃...Or not. No pressure.也可以不谈不给你压力I don't know if that's a... a great idea.我不知道这是否... 是个好主意At least not... not for a while.至少暂时... 还不行Where'd our girlfriend go?你女朋友去哪儿了?She's on her way to the Grill.她在去Grill的路上I, uh, wanted to talk to you.我想和你谈谈This is the woman, Isobel,这是我和你说过的Isobelfrom North Carolina. Remember her now? 来自北卡罗来纳州现在有印象了吗?- Who wants to know? - I do.- 谁想知道呢? - 我Who else wants to know?还有谁?Did you kill her?你是不是杀了她?Sorry. Don't know her.抱歉不认识她Hey, are you comin'?嘿你要来吗?The real housewives of Mystic Falls await. Mystic Falls的主妇们正等着呢He's already been hit on, like, times.他已经被撞过大概次了He's total cougar bait.简直迷死人了Impressive.不错嘛More like embarrassing.是很丢人吧Heh heh. Hi, Mrs. Donovan.嘿嘿嗨Donovan夫人Elena, honey.Elena 宝贝Hi, Kelly.嗨KellyLong time, no see.好久不见- How are you doing? - Oh, same old.- 你最近怎样? - 老样子了Oh. Matty tells me you broke his heart.哦Matty说你伤透了他的心- Mom. - Just kidding.- 妈- 玩笑罢了Calm down.别激动He found his rebound girl.他有新欢了Oh. Here you go, sweetheart.哦这里亲爱的However many that'll buy.无论如何很多人会买这张券I just hope I don't get bachelor .我可别抽到号单身汉I dated him in high school.我在高中和他约过会Not impressive.没什么感觉In any way.任何方面都很一般Very exciting.好激动I've got the big date planned.我安排好我们的约会了It's a romantic dinner,浪漫的晚餐secluded spot somewhere woodsy.隐秘在森林某处You're making me think I should buy a ticket. 你整得我也想买张抽奖券了Well, you are in charge.呃你是负责抽奖的You could always rig it.动动手脚不就行了吗Mmm.嗯Pardon me.不好意思I ran the check on the history teacher. 我调查了一下那历史老师You want this before or after your big debut? 你想在登台之前还是之后看?How's it look?怎么样?He checks out.他没啥大问题Couple of speeding tickets.几张超速罚单It's a rough story, though.故事却很坎坷Turns out his wife went missing结果查到他妻子几年前在a few years back in North Carolina.北卡罗来纳州失踪了North Carolina?北卡罗来纳州?She have a name?查到她名字了吗?Yeah. Isobel.查到了叫IsobelIsobel.Isobel啊And what do you do, bachelor number ?号单身汉你是做什么工作的?Yeah, I'm a plumber.我是个管道工Well, isn't that wonderful?呃多棒啊We could always use more plumbers.管道工很实用的Moving on.接下来Number , "Alaric Saltzman".号"Alaric Saltzman"Wow. That's quite a mouthful.哇好绕口的名字What do you do, Alaric?你是做什么的呢Alaric?I'm a teacher at Mystic Falls high.我是Mystic Falls高中的老师Oh, beauty and brains, ladies.才色兼备啊女士们This one's a keeper.这人是终身伴侣的不二人选What do you teach?你教什么课?History.历史History. Oh, well, give us a fun fact历史和我们说个Mystic Falls有趣的真相吧about Mystic Falls, something crazy.最好疯狂点Uh, well...呃...he probably saving the best stories for his date.他可能想把最好的故事留给约会对象And last, but not least,最后压轴的是Damon Salvatore.Damon Salvatore帅哥We don't have much on you.我们没什么你的资料Well, I'm tough to fit on a card.我经历太丰富了一张卡片写不下Do you have any hobbies, like to travel?你有什么爱好吗喜欢旅游吗?Oh, yeah. L.A., New York.喜欢啊拉斯维加斯纽约啊Couple of years ago, I was in North Carolina, 多年前我曾在北卡罗来纳州near the Duke campus, actually.实际上离杜克大学校园很近I think Alaric went to school there.我记得Alaric在那儿上过学Didn't you, Rick?不是吗Rick?Yeah, 'cause I... I know your wife did.是啊因为我... 我知道你妻子上过I had a drink with her once.我曾和她喝过一杯She was... she was a great girl.她... 是个好女孩I ever tell you that?我和你说过吗?'Cause she was...她... She...她...Delicious.很有趣(很美味)Mmm.嗯Are you ok?你没事吧?I just need some air.我得出去透透风Elena.Elena呀He killed her?他杀了我生母吗?Damon was the vampire that killed her? Damon就是那个杀了她的吸血鬼?I don't know what happened. Alaric said that they never found the body.我不知道发生了什么Alaric说警察一直没找到尸体Oh, my god. Stefan.天哪StefanI know. I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you,我知道对不起我想告诉你的But I just... I wanted to know more.可是... 我想知道得更多些I was feeling sorry for him,我还同情他呢hoping that this whole Katherine thing would change him.希望他受Katherine一事刺激能有所改变I'm so stupid.我真是太傻了He doesn't know about the connection to you. 他还不知道这件事和你有联系I thought about confronting him, but he's already so on edge.我曾想过和他对质但是他情绪已经很崩溃了Why are you protecting him?你为什么要保护他?Because you're not the only one hoping that he might actually change.因为不是只有你希望他能够有所改变That man.那个人I saw that man outside of Trudie's.我在Trudie的家门外看到过那个人Get back inside.我们进屋去Come on.走吧And bachelor number goes to .号单身汉将和号配对Aww. Aww. That's me.哦哦是我Ah. Kelly Donovan. Lovely.啊Kelly Donovan 真漂亮You and the plumber should have so much fun.你和那个水管工一定会玩得很尽兴的Congratulations, Mrs. Donovan.祝贺你Donovan夫人Ok, just stop.好吧别再这么做了Stop trying so hard.不要再那么费心了This thing you're doing, this nice thing, it's fake,你现在在做的事看起来友善的事都很虚伪like you, like your mom,就像你和你的妈妈and for some reason, Matt fell for it,在一定程度上Matt喜欢but that doesn't mean that I will.但并不说明我也喜欢I don't like you, ok?我不喜欢你好吧?So tell plumber boy I'll be at the bar.告诉那个水管工我会在酒吧里等他Ok.好的Whoa. Easy there.哇慢点Buy a ticket like everyone else.我和其他人一样也是买了票进来的Did you enjoy that, 故意刺激Alaric Saltzmanrubbing it in to Alaric Saltzman?你是不是很享受那样做啊?What?什么?Just as I was starting to think that there正当我还开始觉得was something redeemable about you.你还不是那么无药可救的时候Elena.Elena啊Am I missing something here?我是不是错过了什么?Did I forget to mention earlier when we were talking我之前在给你说我生母事情的时候about my birth mother,那个抛弃我的生母- the one that gave me up? - Mm-hmm.- 没有告诉你吗? - 嗯Her name was Isobel.她的名字是IsobelGo ahead. Reminisce about how you killed her.来啊回忆一下你是怎么把她杀了的Come on. Let's get you home.走我带你回家I have a message for you.我有条口信要给你- What? - Who are you?- 什么? - 你是谁?Stop looking.别再找了Stop looking for what?找什么?She doesn't want to know you.她不想看到你She doesn't want to talk to you.也不想和你说话Isobel?Isobel吗?You need to stop looking. Do you understand? 你不要再找了明白吗?。



美剧(尼基塔、吸血鬼日记)经常看到的口语I'm dying to see you. 我很想见你。

I swear by the god. 我对天发誓。

Nothing tricky. 别耍花招。

You might at least apologize. 你顶多道个歉就得了。

Price is soaring, if it goes on like this, we shall not be able to keep the pot boiling. 物价直线上升,这样子下去,我们锅里可没什么东西煮饭。

None of you keyhole. 不准偷看。

You don't seem to be quite yourself today. 你今天看起来不大对劲。

Do you have any money on you?你身上带钱了吗?What is your major?你学什么专业?My girlfriend and I broke up. 我和我的女朋友吹了。

It was something that happens once in the blue moon. 这是千载难逢的事。

I'll kick you out. 我将炒你鱿鱼。

I have to be late and keep my date waiting. 我不喜欢迟到而让别人久等。

There is nobody by that name working here. 这里没有这个人。

He neither drinks nor smokes. 他既不喝酒也不抽烟。

He pushes his luck. 他太贪心了。

Nuts! 呸;胡说;混蛋!I can't make both ends meet. 我上个月接不到下个月,缺钱。

It is of high quality. 它质量上乘。

Dead end. 死胡同。



美剧《吸血鬼日记》口语精华(3)口语精华:1.Hush now.安静!2.Fair enough.有道理。

3.Head on home.回家吧。

4.You're all lame.你们真逊!5.Quite the temper.脾气不小啊!6.No turning back.没得反悔了。

7.Call it a hunch.就当是直觉吧。

8.Well, the verdict's in.有结果了。

9.Don't be an ass.别那么蠢。

10.Don't leave out the hard part.不要避重就轻。

11.If you want to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs.舍不得孩子套不住狼。

经典台词:1.Stefan: I listen to the words that come out of your mouth, and all I hear is the sound of your heart pumping blood through your body.And when that clock ticks down...I'm going to have to feed on you.我想听清你口中说出的话,却只听见你的心脏泵血到你全身的脉动声。


2.Klaus: Now this is fascinating. I've never seen this before. The only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for this one girl. Why don't you turn it off?实在太妙了,我还从没见识过,唯一比你的嗜血欲望更强烈的,竟然是你对这姑娘的爱。



Predict预言kick ass了不起kick sb ass 揍谁一顿Psychic巫师,灵媒no comment无可奉告(直接点,就是:无语)stoned 醉酒的,毒品麻醉的hawt 超级大帅哥(因为与hot发音相似,所以老外喜欢用这个词。

但由于aw发音是比o长,所以hawt表示超级性感的帅哥)至于短信里面的E,表示iskinda 有点(同样sorta也是一个意思)get on my nerves惹我生气I still believe in sth我还是对xx有信心not(never)gonna happ en不可能美国最常见的说法sb took my breath away/sb leave me breathless谁把我的魂都勾走了what’s going on发生什么事了(很不耐烦的时候说的)16楼Take sth as sth 把xx当做xx(接受) e x:I’ll take that as a compliment我会把它当做是表扬(来接受)sth is epic像诗一般美丽keep an eye on sb盯住某人Keep an eye out for sb留意某人Cocky过分骄傲get away from sb离开某人get off!滚开leave sb alone也有离开某人的意思ex:Elena 对anna说:leave Jeremy alonestart over重新来过hard time虽说意思直译过来时艰苦时期,但还可以表示一些让自己感到为难的时刻the first time in long time长时间以来的第一次doomed注定的,也可以表示死定了的EX:I'm doomed!我死定了obsessed with sth被某物所困扰obsessed by sth被某物所迷住了41楼move on忘掉过去,开始新的生活ex:I need to move on with my life我需要开始新的生活You know,like, from the s andbox.sandbox 沙箱,沙盒。



B :Hold up,who’s this?等等,这个是谁?E:all I see is a back.it’s a hot back.我只看到个背影。


St:your records are incomplete.you are missing immunization records你的档案不齐全。

没有免疫症And we do insist on transcripts.而且我们必须要看成绩单。

S:please look again.i am sure everything you need is here.请您再看一下。


St:well,you’re right.so it is.你是对的,确实如此。

B:I am sensing seattle,and he plays the guitar.我预感他来自西雅图,而且会弹吉它。

E:you’re really going to run this whole psychic thing into the ground.huh?看来你真是把那种灵媒技能发挥到极致了。

B:pretty much.差不多。

E:I’ll be right back.我马上回来B:please be hot.千万要长得帅哦Records档案incomplete不完整immunization records免疫症insist on强调transcripts成绩单he plays the guitar他会弹吉它I am sensing我感知、预感run….thing into the ground把。

发挥到极致C:whoa.pants down,chick!裤子掉了,小妞E:great,it’s the first day of school and you're stoned.第一天上课你就嗑药J:no,I am not.我没有E:where is it?is it on you?放哪儿了?藏在你身上了吗?J:stop,all right?别翻了。



The Vampire Diaries----Script---S01 EP09-teacher: Today we're going to talk about shadow is a method of measuring heights by the sun's shadow. method: 方法 measure: 测量Let's say, for example, that we're going to measure the distance of the shadow. We're gonna take this measurement here, measure the length, andwe're going to multiply that by the height of the source.length: 长度 multiply: 乘 source: 原型-Bonnie: Hello?-Emily: Please help me.-Bonnie: Who are you?-Emily: I'm Emily. You know that. We're family.-Bonnie: Where am I?-Emily: This is where it started. And this is where it has to end.-Bonnie: No. This isn't real.-Emily: Help me.-Bonnie: What are you looking at? Turn around.-Elena: Have you even talked to Bonnie?-Caroline: No. I'm mad at her. She needs to make the first move.她要先来跟我说话才对。



《吸血鬼日记》中的常用英语口语《吸血鬼日记》中的常用英语口语For over a century, I have lived in secret,hiding in the shadows, alone in the world, until now. I am a vampire, and this is my story.一个多世纪以来,我都秘密地生活着,茕茕孑立,形影相吊,直到现在。


in secret: 秘密地Dear diary, today will be different. It has to be.亲爱的日记,今天将会不一样,一定要这样。

西方人写日记,开头通常都会写Dear diary,如同写信一样,像是和日记交流,这样就可以写出自己内心的真实感受。

So grams is telling me I'm psychic.奶奶说我是通灵者。



and I still think Florida will break off and turn into little resort islands我还觉得佛罗里达早晚会脱离联邦变成旅游胜地小岛。

break off:使脱落,与……断绝关系。

Major lack of male real estate.帅哥缺缺啊。

real estate 是个词组,含义是房地产,不过这句话里面用的不是这个词组,跟房地产没啥关系,estate有阶层、财产的`意思。


Look at the shower curtain on kelly beach.看看凯丽沙滩的浴帘就知道了。



That's not hate.That's "you dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it,but secretly I'm listening to air supply's greatest hits."" 那不是说恨你,那是“你甩了我,但是我才不会表现出来,我会悄悄的听空气补给乐团的精选辑”。

【纯英文+单词 词组圈点】:吸血鬼日记第一季第10集台词

【纯英文+单词 词组圈点】:吸血鬼日记第一季第10集台词

The Vampire Diaries--- Season 01 EP10-Logan: hello, Jenna.-Jenna: Logan.-Logan: aren't you gonna invite me in?-Jenna: why are you here, Logan?-Logan: I missed you. I was out of town. I---Jenna: yeah. I got that e-mail.-Logan: you got an e-mail?-Jenna: you didn't send an e-mail?-Logan: I can explain. just invite me in, and I’ll tell you everything.-Jenna: I’m not gonna invite you in. forget it.-Logan: come on, Jenna. it's me.-Jenna: the answer's no.-Logan: I know you. You're always one step from a maybe, A tiny nudge to yes. nudge: 推动;用肘轻推-Jenna: heh. you just pointed out that I have no self-control. Clever strategy.-Logan: evening.- Daphne: hey. You're that guy from the news, Logan Fell. I watch you every night.Well, I used to. I mean, you've been missing from my tv.-Logan: I took some time off.-Daphne: I noticed.I’m Daphne.-Logan: hey, you know something', Daphne?-Daphne: No. What?-Elena:Jeremy's got his sketch pad out. sketch: 素描 pad: 便笺簿-Jenna: you're kidding.-Elena: nope, but don't say a word. The minute we encourage him, he'll put it away.-Jenna: psychology major. Check that. You and Stefan? Update?-Elena: he knows how I feel and where I stand, And I know where he stands, but it doesn't matter.he's leaving, moving away.-Jenna: where's he going?-Elena: I’ve stopped asking questions. the answers get scary.-Jenna: yours leaves. mine returns.-Elena: Logan?-Jenna: he's back. ucch. I didn't let him past the front door.-Elena: hope you slammed it in his face. slam: 砰地关上;猛力抨击,猛击;砰然声-Jenna: ah, medium slam.-Elena: 3-strike rule, Jenna. You're not even allowed to watch the news.-Jenna: exactly. no more Logan "scum" Fell.-Stefan: so any idea of where you'll go?-Damon: I don't know. London, maybe. See some friends.-Stefan: you don't have any friends, Damon.-Damon: you're right, Stefan. I only have you, so...where are we going'?-Stefan: we are not going anywhere. I’m gonna live my life as far away from you as possible.-Damon: but we're a team. We could travel the world together. We could try out for "the amazing race."try out for: [美国英语]为取得(职位、会员资格等)而进行竞争,参加…选拔(或挑选)-Stefan: hmm. that's funny.Seriously, where are you going? 'cause we're not staying in this town.-Sheriff: I’m here to see Damon.-Stefan: uh, sure. ok.-Damon: sheriff. What a surprise.-Sheriff: sorry to bother you, but we need to talk.-Damon: come in. um,,, I hope you understand the secrecy. Stefan doesn't know about this yet.-Sheriff: I’d like to keep it that way. Of course. Kids are too young toe brought into this.-Damon: so, what do you need?-Sheriff: there's been another attack-- A female victim, her throat torn out, completely drained of blood.It fits the pattern. fit: 符合 pattern: 模式-Damon: I-I’m sorry. I don't understand. I thought we solved that problem when I...staked the blonde one.-Sheriff: I’m thinking she must have turned someone. Or multiple some ones. I don't know.The story for the town is another animal at tack,but I’m not sure how long we can keep lying to them.The council's in an uproar. we thought we were past this. uproar: 骚动;喧嚣-Damon: so, uh, what do we do?-Sheriff: you're the only one who's ever taken on a vampire. take on: 同(对手)较量We were hoping you could tell us.-Matt: And then the ballet dancer and the krumper did the salsa.那个跳芭蕾舞的和跳"狂扑"(街舞一种)的跳起了萨尔萨(拉美舞曲)-Caroline: well, I was awake for that part-Matt: well, I don't know when you fell asleep. Um,,, did you see the Celine Dion waltz about cancer?-Caroline: those always make me cry.-Matt: yeah. and then the Lou judge kept screaming', And I couldn't take it, so I turned it off.-Caroline: I sat through "family guy, "so you owed me. sit through: 一直挺到结束-Elena: did I miss something? They've been hanging out. kind of weird, don't you think?-Bonnie: she needs someone nice like him, As opposed to a homicidal vampire like Damon. homicidal: 杀人的;行凶的;-Elena: yeah. how are you doing with all that?-Bonnie: I’m freaked out.freaked out: 吓坏了的;受惊扰的freaked: 惊慌失措的Damon attacked me. I could be dead right now. B ut I’m also grateful.-Elena: What?-Bonnie: To Stefan. he saved my life, and...have you seen him?-Elena: Not since he told me he was leaving. For all I know, he's already gone.-Bonnie: He wouldn't leave without saying good-bye.-Elena: Yes, he would. He thinks he's protecting me. Clean break and all that. clean break: 【一刀两断】-Bonnie: so what are you gonna do?-Elena: what am I supposed to do? I already begged him not to go. If I ask again, I ‘being selfish. It's what it is.-Bonnie: well, maybe it's for the best.-Elena: what? why?-Bonnie: I mean, what kind of future could you have had with him, Even if he stayed?-Elena: did you just---Bonnie: No, I swear.-Damon: thank you for stopping by.-Sheriff: let me know what you come up with.-Damon: Absolutely.-Damon: what is wrong with you? you killed somebody?-Stefan: get off of me.-Damon: A--don't touch me. B--if I had, I wouldn't have been so obvious about it. C--there's another vampire in town.-Stefan: that's impossible.-Damon: obviously not.-Stefan: then who could it be?-Damon: ah, what do we care? We’re leaving' anyway, right?-Stefan: no, I can't leave now, and you know that. How are we supposed to find this person?-Damon: let the adults handle this, Stefan.-Elena: see you later, ok?-Girl: e. Bye.-Stefan: hi. we need to talk.-Tyler: so what's up with you and Forbes?-Matt: nothing’s up.-Tyler: I saw you two in the hall today. Don’t even try and deny it, bro. You're tapping' that.-Matt: no, it's not like that.-Tyler: never is till you become "we people."-Matt: we people?-Tyler: yeah. We can't make it to the party. We’ll never miss a game. We don't like the color red.-Matt: we hung out, like, twice.-Tyler: like I said, "we."-Elena: so you have no idea who it could be?-Stefan: none. But it must be somebody new, because leaving a body like that, They’re either sloppy, or they're trying to send a message. sloppy: 草率的;粗心的-Elena: and you're sure it's not Damon.-Stefan: well, I’m never sure about Damon, but he's been trying to keep a low profile lately, so it just doesn't make any sense to me. make any sense: 说不通;没意思-Elena: so what are you gonna do?-Stefan: Damon's tracking them right now. look, I promised you the truth,So I wanted to tell you.Want you to be careful.-Elena: when I saw you, I...thought you were coming to say good-bye.-Stefan: not yet.-Jeremy: hey, what do you think?-Jenna: creepy. creepy: 令人毛骨悚然的-Jeremy: found this old journal in dad's stuff-- Jonathan Gilbert from the 1800s.he's kind of a freak show.freak: 怪人,反复无常,奇异的,反常的He wrote about demons and all these people getting slaughtered and-- slaughter: 屠宰,屠杀;杀戮-Jenna: yeah, he was a writer-- short stories, horror stuff.-Jeremy: oh, he wrote fiction? Figured was just a lunatic or a drunk.-Jenna: well, he was a Gilbert, probably little bit of both.-Caroline: So what do I do now?-Damon: J ust wait. I’ll be there in a minute.-Caroline: Can you hurry? I have things to do.-Damon: You could give me that.-Caroline: So why did you need me to do this?-Damon: Because I interfere with the signal. interfere with: 干扰,干涉;妨碍 interfere: 干涉;妨碍-Caroline: Can I go now? This has blown, like, half of my day.-Damon: You do that. Get in your car. go home. Forget I asked you to do this.-Caroline: ok. bye now.-Damon: bye.-Logan: I have tons of these wooden bullets, so nothing funky. funky: 胆战心惊的,恐惧的;怯懦的-Damon: you don't wanna do this. trust me.-Logan: that's what you get.-Damon: for what?-Logan: you made me like this.-Damon: I killed you. I didn't turn you.-Logan: see, I know what you and your brother are. I’ve been watching the two of you.I knew you'd show up here, and I’m glad you did. show up: 露面Cause I have some questions.-Damon: me first. Who turned you?-Logan: how should I know? last thing I remember is I’m about to stake your brother, and then you grabbed me.That's it. Until I wake up in the ground behind a used-car dealership on highway4. dealership: 代理商/卖场Somebody buried me-Damon: it happens. ow.-Logan: you bit me.-Damon: damn it.-Logan: it had to be you.-Damon: you have to have vampire blood in your system when you die. I didn't do that.Some other vampire found you, Gave you their blood.-Logan: who?-Damon: that's what I wanna know.-Logan: dude, it's not like the welcome wagon was waiting with cake and a handbook.It's been a learn-as-you-go process. you know, one minute, I’m a small-town on-the-rise news guy,And next thing I know, I can't get into my house, Because my foot won't go through the door.-Damon: you have to be invited in.-Logan: I know. I live alone.-Damon: ah. heh heh. that sucks.-Logan: so now I’m at the Ramada watching pay-per-view all day, pay-per-view: 按次计费的Eating everything in sight, including housekeeping.-Damon: it could be worse.-Logan: all I can think about is blood and killing people. I can't stop killing people. I keep killing. heh heh.And I like it. I’m conflicted.我很矛盾-Damon: welcome to the club. Wait a minute. Cops only found one body.-Logan: I left one. I was tired. B ut I’ve been hiding the rest of the bodies. They're right back there.-Damon: you’re kidding. T hey're just piling up. piling up: 堆起pile: 一堆,堆叠;堆起-Lockwood Mayor: so what do we know?-Sheriff: nothing new to report yet. My highly reliable deputies are all on alert, on alert: 警惕着,警戒着But if you feel the need to be more proactive, proactive: 采取主动的,事前付诸行动的By all means, grab a stake and have at it. By all means: 一定,务必-Lockwood Mayor: what extra precautions can we take? Precaution:提前注意的事项-Sheriff: For right now, there's nowhere safer than a crowded public place, And for once, we actually know where our kids are.-Tyler: what do you want?-Jeremy: hey. uh, just surprised to see you here.Art usually implies culture, and culture implies, well, not you.-Tyler: go to hell.-Elena: still wanna be an astronaut?-Matt: I can't believe you remember that.-Elena: I can remember the tinfoil that you wore on your head. tinfoil: n. 锡箔,锡纸-Matt: I was 8.-Elena: how are you doing?-Matt: I’ve had it easier. you? uh, I heard some things. So it's true that you and Stefan...-Elena: yeah, it is. What about you... Matt Donovan? I heard about Caroline.-Matt: aw, ma not you, too. hey. - we're friends. It's not a big deal.-Elena: no?-Matt: no.-Logan: why am I so overly emotional? overly emotional:情绪波动大All I can think about is my ex-girlfriend. I wanna be with her and bite her and stuff.-Damon: well, you probably love her. Anything you felt before will be magnified now.You're gonna have to learn how to control that.-Logan: What about walking in the sun?I’m a morning person. You can walk in the sun, which, by the way, is pretty cool.Council'd never suspect you. It's not in the journals.-Damon: the journals?-Logan: yeah, the founding fathers, they passed down journals to their kids.Come on, man. you gotta tell me. How can you walk around in the sun.-Damon: Who turned you?-Logan: how do you walk in the sun?-Damon: who turned you?-Logan: you know, I’ve been really nice so far, But I will kill you.-Damon: then you'll never know. You're not answering my question.-Logan: you first.-Damon: seems we're at ait of an impasse then, doesn't it?-Logan: I have things to do, people to kill. G uess I’ll be needing a little head start.-Damon: ahh. damn it.-Elena: I’m guessing you're not here to plan the path for your future. You're looking out for me.-Stefan: hope that's ok. You know, I wanted to be a doctor, Before everything happened, But, uh, then I couldn't,-Elena: the blood.-Stefan: yeah. I’ve dabbled in a bunch of different things, though.-Elena: didn't love anything enough to stick to it?-Stefan: no, I—I loved it all. I just--I had to move on before. Anybody could notice that I wasn't getting any older.-Elena: how long before that would happen?-Stefan: few years, usually. Sometimes shorter.-Elena: and you always left.-Stefan: I didn't have a choice. So what about-- what about you? What are your, uh, plans for the future?-Elena: I don't wanna talk about my future, Stefan, Because everything you're saying is making it perfectly clear that you're not gonna be in it.-Stefan: Elena, it's not that I don't wanna be in it.-Elena: you can't. I get it. I heard you the first time and the second time, And I appreciate you looking out for me, but,please, if you're gonna leave, then just go.-Jenna: hide me.-Elena: what's going on?-Jenna: the scum Fell has landed.-Elena: Logan's here.-Stefan: wait. Logan fell?-Elena: Stefan, what's going on?-Logan: Jenna, are you dodging me? dodge: 躲避,避开-Jenna: it's a form of self-preservation.-Stefan: um, Elena, why don't you and Jenna go somewhere else.-Elena: let's go.-Stefan: what are you doing here?-Logan: you know, your brother asked me the same thing. In fact, why don't we just skip past all that Who-turned-me stuff and get the answer that I want? How can I turn into a daywalker?-Stefan: Damon and I are the only 2 that I know of.-Logan: but you're both very cagey on the how,-Logan: which tells me that there is a way. you know, in case you hadn't noticed. I’m quite the celebrity in this town.It would be very, very easy for me to expose you.-Stefan: you wanna know how u can walk around in the sun?-Logan: I do.-Stefan: you can't. Don't ever threaten me again.-Elena: when Logan came to the house, what did he say?-Jenna:fake flattery. stupid, dimpled grin. flattery: 奉承;谄媚 dimple: 现出(或形成)笑靥grin: 咧着嘴笑-Elena: I’m serious, Jenna. How did he act? what did he say?-Jenna: he was the usual Logan, was charming,Little more manic than usual. He kept trying to convince me to let him in. -Elena: ok, listen to me very carefully.Do not, under any circumstances, talk to him again.I’m serious, Jenna, like, ever.-Mr. Saltzman: hey. Elena. Jenna.-Elena: hi, Mr. Saltzman.-Mr. Saltzman: yeah, I was hoping to, uh, see you tonight.-Jenna: career night is the new bowling.-Elena: ok. um, excuse me.-Damon: Logan Fell's a vampire,and when I find him again,i am gonna destroy him limb by limb.-Stefan: what happened? you ok?-Damon: no. I’m not ok. I was ambushed. I was shot. now I’m vengeful. just gotta find him.-Stefan: well, there's no need. he's here at the school.-Damon: you're kidding me. why the hell is he there?-Stefan: he's walking the crowd-Damon: well I’ll be right there.-Elena: so anything you like to share?-Sheriff: what are you doing?-Caroline: following my future. there it is.-Sheriff: broadcast journalism-Sheriff: you don't even read paper-Logan: Liz-Sheriff: Logan-Logan: what are you gonna do, stake me. bury me or another ****grave. what will the e-mail say this time?-Sheriff: I didn't have any choice.-Logan: you bitch. I died for you for this town. Y ou’ve known me since I was 6.And you swept me under the rug like a dirt.-Sheriff: you knew you what you were getting into.-Logan: I was one of you ****-Sheriff: now you're one of them-Logan: watch you back sheriff-Sheriff: get a back-up team in the school immediately, back-up: 作支援的and keep them in a cycle.-Jeremy: I didn't know you drew-Tyler: it's a elective.-Jeremy: you like graphic, it's kindda my thing.-Tyler: what are you doing?-Jeremy: well, it’s just something in common,-Tyler: what's the other thing? Vicki? L et’s hang out because we did the same chick?Go be friends with one of the many other guys that she screwed.-Mr. Saltzman: well I will work it out, tough guy-Lockwood Mayor: you too, follow me.-Mr. Saltzman: Excuse me mayor, where are you taking them?-Lockwood Mayor: I'll talk to them, all fights should end in handshakes, don’t you think? come on-Caroline: Bonnie where are you? I’m ready to go, I’ll b e outside.-Logan: Hey, damsel in distress, need a ride? damsel: 少女;年轻女人-Caroline: oh my god Logan Fell channel 9, is that you?-Logan: I used to babysit you Caroline don't mock me-Caroline: well I was supposed to go home with Bonnie but I can't find her-Caroline: okay. This is fate-Logan: and why is that-Caroline: cause I’m interested in broadcast journalism. So can I ask you couple of questions?-Logan: anything you want. First buckle up-Caroline: okay.-Matt: hey-Elena: hey have you seen Logan *** guy?-Matt: yeah, he just gave Caroline a ride home.-Stefan: stay here-Lockwood Mayor: okay, let's get this out of your system. go ahead, fight-Jeremy: you want us ***-Tyler:I’m not gonna fight him dad-Jeremy: I don't think so, sir-Lockwood Mayor: you were fighting there like pansies. let's take it outside. fight your battle like man and move on .this is my dad taught me. so, let's settle it. fight-Tyler: come on dad,-Jeremy: it’s not gonna happen-Lockwood Mayor: I say fight!-Mr. Saltzman: what's going on here?-Lockwood Mayor: just letting’ these two kids work it out.we’re good here, go back inside.-Mr. Saltzman: I don't wanna go back inside. what I wanna is an answer to my question. what's going on out of here. -Lockwood Mayor: don you know who're you talking to. do I look like a student?-Mr. Saltzman: no , you look like a full-grown Alpha-male douche bag.-Lockwood Mayor: you don’t talk to me like that. I gave you job like this.-Mr. Saltzman: how you do that? T hen it’ll be you and me in this parking lot working things out.You cool with that.-Lockwood Mayor: just watch yourself-Mr. Saltzman: okay, you're alright? alright: 好吧(等于all right)-Sheriff: where are you?-Logan: your daughter expressed interest in journalism. I think it's important to foster young mind-Sheriff: what do you want?-Logan: the satisfaction of turning your daughter into a vampire-Sheriff: Logan what happen Logan?-Damon: sheriff, hey it's Damon-Damon: she's okay, I’m on Elm Street. You try this one more time. Who turn you-Logan: I told you I don't know.-Damon: this tire iron here could take your head clean off. So your final answer-Logan: how can you side with them-Damon: I don't side with for anyone, you just pissed me off, I want you dead. Who turn you?-Logan: I don't know!-Damon: oh well, you screwed it-Logan: wait, I know-Damon: you lie-Logan: you think you are the only one that wants to get in that tomb underneath the old church?-Damon: If you lie me I will end you.-Logan: I’m not lying, there’s another way to break out the spell we can help you. meet me in the old church.-Damon: take me down, make it look real.-Sheriff: where is she-Damon: she's okay. My brother stake around. I’m sorry. I just wasn’t strong enough.-Elena: Caroline?-Stefan: she's ok I took her home, she shaked***, all she knows that Logan attacked her nothing else,-Elena: Where Is Logan?-Stefan: Damon's dealing with him-Elena: as it?-Stefan: you saw what happended tonight right? I mean, you understandwhy we can't be together like we used to be.-Elena: yes I am starting to see a lot of things Stefan, Come on I give you a ride.-Stefan: well I can get home.-Elena: I know.-Stefan: alright, that'll be nice.-Jeremy: hey.-Tyler: what do you want?-Jeremy: I don't know, I uh, I thought that was weird with your dad.what he did, is he like that all the time. Is what you gotta go through?now, I get it, I get it. what's your problem?-Tyler: I don’t need your pity.-Jeremy: seriously you don't have to be like this, you don't!-Tyler: just go.你走吧-Jeremy: what's your problem, man?-Tyler: I don't know, okay. i don't know.-Elena: what I said before about you leaving, it was harsh.-Stefan: no, no. you--you had every right.-Elena: you asked me what I wanted my future to be.I wanted to be a writer. My mom sort of pushed me into that direction. from the time I was able to read.She supported me, encouraged me, bought me my first journal,and then she died.And I can't see myself being a writer anymore. That's what something that we shared.I know that you think that you brought all of this bad stuff into my life,but my life already had it. I was buried in it.-Stefan: this is different.-Elena: it doesn't make it any less painful.-Stefan: I know that it's-- that it's hard to understand...but I’m doing this for you.-Elena: no. you don't get to make that decision for me. If you walk away, it's for you,because I know what I want. Stefan, I love you. don't-Stefan: Elena, I can't.-Elena: yes, you can. don't hide from me.-Logan: Who are you?-Mr. Saltzman: a friend of Jenna's.-Logan: Jenna sent you?-Mr. Saltzman: I came on my own.-Logan: ah. I get it. well, buddy, I know you think this makes you brave,But actually it makes you pretty stupid.-Mr. Saltzman: either way, here I am.-Logan: what do you want?-Mr. Saltzman: ah, Jenna's a good person. She deserves the best. I’m here to make sure she gets it.-Logan: was thupposed to be a threat? Couldn't you throw a punch? Maybe provoke me a little?-Logan: well, you're not a smart one, either.-Mr. Saltzman: how's that?-Logan: 'cause you have no idea who you're talking to.-Tyler: I need a ride.-Matt: sure.look, I like Caroline. She's got this thing, this-- this way about her, and I like her, ok?and I’m not gonna defend it or apologize about it.-Tyler: ok.-Matt: so stop your little bromance bitch act. bromance: 【哥俩好,男人之间复杂的暧昧或爱恋关系】-Tyler: ok.-Sheriff: yeah. I'll be right there.-Elena: I've never been in your room before.-Stefan: well, hasn't changed much over the years.-Elena: do you leave everything here when you come and go?-Stefan: this is the only place that-- that h*** rein constant.this room holds every memory that I ever thought important enough to hold on to.-Elena: a lot of memories.-Stefan: yeah,you thirsty or anything?-Elena: a little. you? uh..-Stefan: I’m fine.let me get you something to drink, ok?-Elena: ok.-Damon: hello.-Sheriff: I just wanted to say thank you. I don’ know how you did .-Damon: can't following...-Sheriff: we found Logan by out by the old Fell warehouse. it’s been disposed of.He was hoarding bodies, innocent victims-Damon: what?-Sheriff: this town owes you so much. so do I.-Stefan: Elena.。



过去的一个多世纪我都秘密地活着 For over a century, I have lived in secret藏身暗处 Hiding in the shadows,独自一人 Alone in the world.直到现在 Until now.我是个吸血鬼 I am a vampire.这就是我的故事 And this is my story.居然开一小时的车去听那种垃圾音乐 An hour's drive to hear that crap.根本都算不上是乐队 You know, it wasn't even a band.一人抱一把吉他 A guy with a guitar.每人一小时 An hour each way.他没你说的那么差 He wasn't that bad.风格还挺像詹姆士·布朗特 He sounded like James Blunt.那有什么不好呢 What's wrong with that?问题是已经有一个詹姆士·布朗特了 We already have a James Blunt.一个就够了 One's all we need.那你为什么还要来 So why did you come?因为我爱你 Because I love you.答得不错 Nicely done.哪来这么大的雾 What's with all the fog?刚才还没有的 It'll clear in a second.小心 Watch out!你没事吧 Are you ok?!我们撞到人了上帝啊 We just hit someone! Oh,my god!快打电话叫救护车 Call for help.快接电话快啊 Come on, come on!千万别出人命啊 Please be alive!哦上帝啊 Oh, my god.这里没信号 There's no signal!达伦 Darren!达伦 Darren?《吸血鬼日记》第一季第一集我不该回家来的 I shouldn't have come home.我知道这很冒险 I know the risk.但我别无选择 But I had no choice.我必须去认识她 I have to know her.亲爱的日记 Dear diary,今天将会不同以往 Today will be different.必须要 It has to be.我会微笑让别人相信 I will smile, and it will be believable.告诉他们"我很好谢谢关心" My smile was "I'm fine, thank you.""是的我好多了" "Yes, I feel much better."我不再是失去双亲的悲伤女孩 I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents.我要重新开始做不同的自己 I will start fresh, be someone new.这是我能挺过去的唯一办法 It's the only way I'll make it through.吐司面包怎么样我可以做 Toast. I can make toast.只要咖啡就行珍娜姑妈 It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna.有咖啡吗 Is there coffee?你们开学第一天 Your first day of school我却毫无准备 And I'm totally unprepared.要午餐钱吗 Lunch money?我不用了 I'm good.还有什么别的吗 Anything else?一支两号铅笔我还漏了什么没 A number two pencil? What am I missing?你今天不是有个重要报告会吗 Don't you have a big presentation today?我要和论文导师见面就是现在 I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...now.糟糕 Crap!那走吧我们自己能行 Then go. We'll be fine.你还好吧 You ok?别这么跟我说 Don't start.祖母说我是个灵媒 So gram’s telling me I'm psychic.我们祖先就是从耶路撒冷来的 Our ancestors were from Salem,我知道听起来有点不靠谱 Which isn't all that, I know, crazy,但是她不停地说啊说 But she's going on and on about it,我就在想快让我离开这儿 And I'm like, put this woman in a home already!但是我开始想 But then I started thinking,奥巴马和希斯·莱杰我都预言到了 I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger, 而且我还认为佛罗里达将有大事发生 And I still think Florida will break off今后就不再是度假胜地了 And turn into little resort islands.埃琳娜 Elena!注意力回到车里 Back in the car.我又犯病了是吗 I did it again, didn't I?对不起邦妮 I--I'm sorry, Bonnie.你在跟我说 You were telling me that...我是个灵媒 That I'm psychic now.对那么预言点什么 Right. Ok, then predict something.关于我的 About me.我想想 I see...那是什么东西 What was that?!哦上帝啊 Oh, my god!埃琳娜你没事吧 Elena, are you ok?没事我很好 It's ok. I'm fine.好像是鸟之类的东西不知从哪飞出来的 It was like a bird or something. It came out of nowhere.说真的看来我下半辈子都不想碰车了 Really, I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.我预言今年是不得了的一年 I predict this year is going to be kick ass.我预言所有悲伤和不幸都已经结束 And I predict all the sad and dark times are over你会过得快乐至极 And you are going to be beyond happy.房地产行业里男性匮乏 Major lack of male real estate.快看凯丽泳滩的浴帘 Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beach.她看上去挺辣的 She looks a hot你还是以前那个"悲伤小姐"嘛 Can I still say "tranny mess"?不是都已经过去了 No, that's over.就该这样找个男人起个新绰号 Ahh, find a man, coin a phrase.又是忙碌的一年 It's a busy year.他恨我 He hates me.那不是恨 That's not hate.是说"你甩了我我不屑于表现出来" That's "you dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it, "但暗地里却听空气补给乐队的热门歌曲" "But secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's greatest hits."埃琳娜我的天哪 Elena. Oh, my god.你怎么样 How are you?见到你真好 Oh, it's so good to see you.她怎么样她好吗 How is she? Is she good?卡罗琳我就站在这里 Caroline, I'm right here.而且我很好谢谢 And I'm fine. Thank you.真的吗 Really?对好多了 Yes. Much better.我的小可怜 Oh, you poor thing.够了卡罗琳 Ok, Caroline.那么待会儿见 Ok, see you guys later?-好的 -拜拜 - Ok! - Bye.不予置评 No comment.我什么都不想说 I'm not going to say anything.六个小时内最多吃2粒 Don't take more than two in a six-hour window.薇姬 Hey, Vicki.我就知道你和这个瘾君子在一起 I knew I'd find you here with the crackheads.皮特·温兹打电话[美国乐团Fall Out Boy主唱] Hey, Pete Wentz called.他想要回他的指甲油 He wants his nail polish back.皮特·温兹你活在啥年代啊 Pete Wentz,huh? How old school T.R.L of you.不会是卡森·戴利的粉丝吧 Carson Daly fan?泰冷静点冷静点 Oh, Ty, be nice. Be nice.他是埃琳娜的弟弟 That's Elena's little brother.我知道 I know who he is.那我也要给他好看 I'll still kick his ass.等等这人是谁 Hold up. Who's this?我只看到个背影 All I see is back.很帅的背影 It's a hot back.你的档案还不齐全 Your records are incomplete.没有免疫证 You're missing immunization records,而且我们必须要看成绩单 And we do insist on transcripts.请您再看一下 Please look again.我确定您要的都在这了 I'm sure everything you need is there.你是对的 Well,you're right.的确如此 So it is.我感知到了西雅图还有他会弹吉他 I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar. 看来你真是把那种灵媒技能 You're really going to run this whole psychic thing-发挥到极致了 -差不多 - Into the ground,huh? - Pretty much.我马上回来 I'll be right back.千万要长帅点啊 Please be hot.裤子掉啦小妞 Whoa! Pants down, chick!很好 Great.第一天上课你就喝多了 It's the first day of school and you're stoned.-我没有 -放哪了 - No,I'm not. - Where is it?-藏身上了吗 -别翻了 - Is it on you? - Stop,all right?!你得冷静点行不行 You need to chill yourself,all right?-我冷静点 -这算什么 - Chill myself? - What is that,酒鬼的演讲吗 Stoner talk?老弟算你狠 Dude,you are so cool.停我身上什么也没有你疯了吗 Look,stop! I don't have anything on me. Are you crazy?你还没见识过我发疯呢杰里米 You haven't seen crazy, Jeremy!我一个暑假没管你 I gave you a summer pass,可我不能再看着你毁了你自己了 But I am done watching you destroy yourself.别别别知道我怎么想吗 No,no,no,you know what?你走吧爱干嘛干嘛不过记住了 Go ahead. Keep it up. But just know只要我发现你喝酒 That I am going to be there见一次摔一次明白没 To ruin your buzz every time,you got it?杰里米我知道你是什么样的人 Jeremy, I know who you are.不是现在这样的 And it's not this person.别这样下去了 So don't be this person.不用你来说教 I don't need this.谢谢 Thank you.不客气 You're welcome.对不起 Uh, pardon me.这里是男士洗手间吗 Is this the men's room?是的我只是 Yes. um, I was just,只是... Um... I was just...说来话长了 It's a long story.谢谢 Thank you.我们的家乡弗吉尼亚州 Once our home state of Virginia曾于1861年加入南部的联盟国 Joined confederacy in 1861,这使得州际内部极度紧张起来 It created a tremendous amount of tension within the state.弗吉尼亚的西北派人士 People in Virginia's northwest region与南方腹地的传统派意见相左 Had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south.终于弗吉尼亚于1863年分裂 Then virginia divided in 1863西北部加入了合众国 With the northwest region joining the union.[帅哥在看你]亲爱的日记 Dear diary,我熬过了一整天 I made it through the day.我肯定至少说了37次 I must have said, "I'm fine, thanks,""我很好谢谢" At least 37 times.但没有一次是真心的 And I didn't mean it once.不过没人发现 But no one noticed.纪念亲爱的双亲 2009年5月23日当有人问起"你好吗"时 When someone asks, "How are you?"他们其实并不想知道答案 They really don't want an answer.小鸟你好 Hi, bird.没什么可怕的 That's not creepy or anything.这才是我想说的 That's what I thought.你没事吧 You ok?你在跟踪我吗 Were you following me?没有我只是看到你跌到了 No, I, uh, I just... I saw you fall.是啊你只是碰巧 Uh-huh, and you just happened to be在墓地闲逛 Hanging out in a cemetery.我是来祭拜家人的 I'm visiting. I have family here.太失礼了 Wow. Tactless.对不起都怪那雾气 I'm sorry. It's the fog,把我身上都弄得雾蒙蒙的 It's making me foggy.而且那边还有只鸟 And then back there,there was this bird,有一霎那一切都非常的"希区柯克" And it was all very Hitchcock for a second.很像希区柯克的电影《鸟》对吧 That is the bird movie, right, the Hitchcock?我叫埃琳娜 I'm Elena.我叫斯特凡 I'm Stefan.我知道 I know.我们是一起上历史课的 We have history together.还有英语和法语课 And English and French.没错 Right.谢谢 Thanks.很漂亮的戒指 Nice ring.是家传的 It's a family ring, yeah.我永远不会跟它分开有点诡异对吗 I'm kinda stuck with it. It's weird,huh?不会戒指到处都有 No, no. It's just, I mean, there are rings这枚却是独一无二的 And then there's that.你是不是受伤了 Did you hurt yourself?刚才是不是摔伤了 Did you hurt yourself?不知道 I don't know.看啊 Oh! Look at that.这可不好看 That is not pretty.你没事吧 You ok?你该走了 You should go.好好处理下伤口 Take care of that.真的没什么 Really, it's nothing.今天我失控了 I lost control today.我已经深埋内心的一切 Everything I've kept buried inside都冲破了束缚 Came rushing to the surface.我只是无法抗拒她 I'm simply not able to resist her.我在干活 Working.谢谢薇姬 Thanks,Vick.还要续杯吗 Do you need another refill?求之不得 I'd love one.摆脱告诉我你没有勾搭我妹妹 Please tell me you're not hooking up with my sister. 我没有勾搭你妹妹 I'm not hooking up with your sister.你真是个混蛋 You're such a dick.你怎么回事 Hey, what's your deal?夏天的时候你还好好的 I mean,summer you act one way开学后看到我就那么不耐烦吗 And then school starts and you can't be bothered.杰里米我真的很感谢你的药Look, Jeremy, I really appreciate all the pharmaceuticals,但你也不能像条迷路的小狗一样死缠着我 But you can't keep following me around like a lost puppy.你上次和"小狗"上床是什么时候 When's the last time you had sex with a puppy?小声点我不想让整个世界知道 Hey, keep it down. I don't want to tell the whole world 我让埃琳娜的小弟失贞了 I deflowered Elena's kid brother.没错而且是一次次的 Yeah, and deflowered and deflowered.以前几次都是药物作怪现在结束了 We hooked up a few times in a drug haze. It's over. 趁你没破坏我和泰勒关系前快走吧 You gotta back off before you ruin things between me and Tyler.得了吧那家伙完全就是个傻逼 Oh, come on, the guy's a total douche.他要你只是为了想和你上床 He only wants you for your ass.是吗 Yeah?你要我什么呢 What do you want me for?他名叫斯特凡·塞尔瓦托 His name is Stefan Salvatore.他和叔叔住在塞尔瓦托的旧公寓 He lives with uncle up at the old Salvatore boarding house.他孩提时就离开这里了 He hasn't lived here since he was a kid.典型的军人家庭所以他们四处迁徙 Military family, so they moved around a lot.他是双子座的最喜欢的颜色是蓝色 He's a gemini, and his favorite color is blue. 你一天之内就知道这些了 You got all of that in one day?摆脱我在三四节课之间就知道了 Oh, please, I got all that between third and fourth period.我们将会举行一个六月婚礼 We're planning a June wedding.我和邦妮约好去烧烤 I'm meeting Bonnie at the grill.好吧玩得愉快等等我得说 Ok, have fun. Wait,I got this.别待得太久明天还要上课 Don't stay out late, it's a school night.干得不错珍娜姑妈 Well done, aunt Jenna.抱歉我正想敲门 Sorry, I was about to knock.我想为先前无故消失的行为道歉 I wanted to apologize for my disappearing act earlier. 我知道那有点... I know it was...奇怪 strange.别放在心上了 No worries.我懂你晕血 I get it, blood makes you squeamish.差不多吧 Um, something like that.你的脚怎么样 How's your leg?哦没事了 Oh, it's fine.只是皮外伤 Just a scratch, barely.你怎么知道我住哪 How did you know where I lived?这可是个小镇 It's a small town.我问了遇到的第一个人 I asked the first person I saw.我觉得你应该想要回这个 Um, I thought you might want this back.哦我一定是把它弄丢了 Oh, I must have dropped it.谢谢你 I...thank you.别担心我没看 Don't worry, I didn't...read it.没有吗 No?为什么不看大多数人都会的 Why not? Most people would have.正如我不想让别人看我的 Well, I wouldn't want anyone to read mine.你写日记 You keep a journal?是的如果我不写下来 Yeah, if I don't write it down,我就会忘 I forget it.记忆弥足珍贵 Memories are too important.是的 Yeah.我得去 I'm just gonna,你没必要站在外面 Um, you don't have to stay out there.我没事 I'm fine.对不起你是不是要出去 Sorry, were you going somewhere?是的我要见个朋友 Yeah, I'm meeting a friend.一起来吗 Do you want to come?埃琳娜怎么样 How's Elena doing?她的双亲亡故了你觉得会怎么样 Her mom and dad died. How do you think?她假装满面笑容 She's putting on a good face,但才过了4个月 But it's only been four months.-她有提到我吗 -没有 - Has she said anything about me? - Oh, no.所以别故作姿态了 So not getting in the middle.直接打电话给她吧 You pick up the phone and call her.我觉得打电话怪怪的 I feel weird calling her.她和我分手了 She broke up with me.多给点时间马特 Give it more time, Matt.这就叫多给点时间吗 More time, huh?我是马特见到你很高兴 Hey, I'm Matt, nice to meet you.你好斯特凡 Hi. Stefan.你是在神秘瀑布镇出生的吗 So, you were born in Mystic Falls?对不过我小时候就搬走了 Mm-hmm, and moved when I was still young.你父母呢 Parents?我父母过世了 My parents passed away.抱歉 I'm sorry.有兄弟姐妹吗 Any siblings?都很久不联系了 None that I talk to.我和我叔叔住一起 I live with my uncle.那么斯特凡 So, Stefan,你是新来的应该还不知道明天的聚会吧 If you're new, then you don't know about the party tomorrow.这是瀑布镇开学后的惯例 It's a back to school thing at the Falls.你要去吗 Are you going?她当然去 Of course she is.你答应过的 You promised.这是一起野兽袭击 This was an animal attack.别给我借口我知道事实 Don't give me that. I know the game.你毁尸灭迹他们一直怀疑是野兽袭击 You tear them up enough, they always suspect an animal attack.你说过你抑制住自己了 You said you had it under control.我是做到了 And I do.求你了斯特凡叔叔 Please, uncle Stefan.神秘瀑布镇现在已经今非昔比了 Mystic Falls is a different place now.虽然这几年挺平静但还是有人记得的 It's been quiet for years, but there are people who still remember.而你的到来 And you being here,这只会激起往事 It's just going to stir things up.-这不是我来的本意 -那是什么 - It's not my intention. - Then what is?为什么你要回来 Why did you come back?过去这么久了为什么偏偏现在 After all this time, why now?我不需要为自己作解释 I don't have to explain myself.我知道你本性难移 I know that you can't change what you are.但你再也不属于这里了 But you don't belong here anymore.那我属于哪里 Where do I belong?我无法告诉你该怎么做 I can't tell you what to do.但回到这里是个错误 But coming back here was a mistake.柳树溪战役 The battle of Willow Creek战争末期在我们 took place right at the end of the war神秘瀑布镇打响 in our very own mystic falls.这场战役有多少人员伤亡 How many casualties resulted in this battle?贝内特小姐 Ms. Bennett?很多 Um...a lot?我不确定 I'm not sure.就是很多 Like a whole lot.贝内特小姐可爱和傻气只有一步之遥 Cute becomes dumb in an instant,Ms. Bennett. 多诺万先生 Mr. Donovan.你能否借这个机会 Would you like to take this opportunity一改玩世不恭的形象 To overcome your embedded jock stereotype?算了泰纳老师不必了 It's ok,Mr. Tanner,I'm cool with it.埃琳娜呢 Hmm. Elena?你一定可以给我们 Surely you can enlighten us about讲讲发生在本镇最重要的历史事件吧 One of the town's most significantly historical events?抱歉我不知道 I'm sorry,I... I don't know.埃琳娜你的情况大家都很清楚 I was willing to be lenient last year如果是去年我完全能通融 For obvious reasons,Elena,但私人情感应该在开学前做个了结 But the personal excuses ended with summer break. 有346人遇难 There were 346 casualties,除去本地居民 Unless you're counting local civilians.正确 That's correct.你叫... Mister...赛尔瓦多 Salvatore.塞尔瓦多在神秘瀑布镇 Salvatore. any relation to有原始定居在这里的亲戚吗 The original settlers here at mystic falls?远亲 Distant.很好 Well,very good.当然除次之外战争中没有 Except,of course,there were no civilian casualties本地居民遇难 In this battle.其实有27名老师 Actually,there were 27,sir.联邦士兵在教堂开火 Confederate soldiers,they fired on the church,以为那里藏有武器 Believing it to be housing weapons.他们错了 They were wrong.当晚伤亡惨重 It was a night of great loss.市政厅存有发起人的档案 The founder's archives are,uh,你可以去那里温习一下 Stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts. 泰纳老师 Mr. Tanner.什么意思你从不钓凯子 What do you mean,you never hooked up?大家都 People look up to me.我得保持形象 I have to set an example.承认吧埃琳娜 Just admit it,Elena.好吧他是挺帅的 Oh,ok,so he's a little pretty.他的眼神很深邃 He has that romance novel stare.斯特凡深情注视她的双眸 Stefan looked deep into her eyes,洞悉她的灵魂 Piercing her very soul.你来啦 Hey! you made it!是的 I did.去喝一杯吧 Well,let's get you a drink.-我 -来吧 - Well,I'm... - Oh,come on.他在哪 So where is he?我不知道 I don't know.我还问你呢你才是通灵人 You tell me,you're the psychic one.我差点忘了稍待 Right,I forgot. Ok,so give me a sec.祖母说我得集中精神 Grams says I have to concentrate.等等你要拿个水晶球 Wait,you need a crystal ball.来了 Ta da.怎么了 What?好奇怪 That was weird.我一碰你就看到一只乌鸦 When I touched you,I saw a crow.什么 What?一只乌鸦 A crow.浓雾密布 There was fog,有个人 A man.我醉了 I'm drunk.酒精作用跟通灵无关 It's the drinking. There's nothing psychic about it. 好了我得再去添点酒了 Yeah? ok,I'm gonna get a refill.好吧 Ok.邦妮 Bonnie!我又吓着你了? I did it again,didn't it?对 Yeah.抱歉 I'm sorry.你有点不高兴啊 You're upset about something.不是邦妮她... No,it's Bonnie. she's...知道吗 You know what?算了你来了就好 Never mind. You're...here.我来了 I'm here.知道吗你是全镇的话题人物 You know,you're kind of the talk of the town. -是吗 -嗯 - Am I? - Mm-hmm.神秘新人 Mysterious new guy,oh,yeah.你也挺神秘的 Well,you have the mysterious thing going,too.满脸哀伤 Twinged in sadness.为什么觉得我哀伤 What makes you think that I'm sad?我是在墓地遇见你的 Well,we did meet in a graveyard.对 Right.不准确来说应该是在男厕 Well,no,technically we met in the men's room.还是不说了 You don't want to know,it's...不是派对的聊天话题 It's not exactly party chit-chat.我一直都不太擅长 Well,I've never really been very good at,uh,聊天 Chit-chat.去年春天 Last spring...我父母的车从桥上坠下 My parents' car drove off of a bridge掉进湖里 Into the lake.我当时在后座 And I was in the backseat捡回一命 And I survived,but...他们却没这么幸运 They didn't.这就是我的故事 So that's my story.埃琳娜悲伤不会永远存在的 You won't be sad forever,Elena.不行泰 No,Ty.我不要靠着树做爱 I'm not having sex against a tree.-别啊多性感 - -Oh,come on,it would be hot. - For who?不不行 No,it's not going to happen.不行特别是这样的时间地点 It's not going to happen,not here,not like this.不行我说不行 No. I said no.不行好痛 I said no! ow,that hurts!放开她 Hey,leave her alone.你让我有点反感吉尔伯特 You know,you're starting to get on my nerves,Gilbert. 快滚泰勒离我远点 Just go,Tyler,get the hell away from me.薇姬·多诺万居然会说不 Wow. Vicki Donovan says no.第一次见 That's a first.我不需要你帮忙 I didn't need your help.我看未必 It seems like you did.-他只是醉了 -我才醉了 - He was just drunk. - I'm drunk.但我会这样对你吗 Am I throwing myself at you?不你更坏 No,you're worse.你想跟我搭讪了解我 You want to talk to me,get to know me,看穿我不断搞我 See into my soul and screw and screw and screw直到厌倦我 Until you're done with me.你这么想吗 Is that what you think?我就是这样想的 That's what I know.我喜欢邦妮像是个好朋友 I like Bonnie,she seems like a good friend.-世上最好的朋友 -而马特 - Best friend in the world. - And Matt,他好像不能把眼睛从我们身上移开 He can't seem to,uh,take his eyes off of us.马特是我的青梅竹马 Matt's that friend since childhood与他拍拖 That you start dating是因为感觉欠了自己什么 Because you owe it to yourselves想看看能否往下发展 To see if you can be more.然后呢 And?然后我父母去世了 And then my parents died,一切都变了 And everything changes.不论如何马特和我 Anyway, Matt and I,在一起我不知道 Together we just,I don't know,不够 It wasn't,um...没有 It wasn't...激情 Passionate.对 No.没有一点激情 No,it wasn't passionate.你还好吗 Hey,um,are you ok?你的眼睛刚才 Your eye,it just,it's--不没事 Yeah,no. It's,um,it's nothing.你渴了吗 Um,are you thirsty?我去拿点喝的 I'm gonna get us a drink.杰里米 Jeremy?是你吗 Is that you?杰里米 Jeremy?在找谁吗 Looking for someone?当你跟我分手的时候 When you broke up with me,你说是因为你想独自一人过一段时间 You said it was because you needed some time alone. 你看上去并不是孤身一人 You don't look so alone to me.马特你不明白的这 Matt, you don't understand. It's--没关系埃琳娜 That's ok, Elena.你做任何你想做的 You do what you have to do.我只想让你知道 I just want to let you know that...我依旧相信我们会相爱的 I still believe in us.我不会放弃的 And I'm not giving up on that.马特 Matt.你在这里啊 Hey! There you are.你去看过瀑布了吗 Have you been down to the falls yet?那里的夜晚非常漂亮 Because they are really cool at night.如果你愿意 And I can show you.我可以带你去 If you want.我觉得你喝多了 I think you've had too much to drink.那是当然的 Well, of course I have.所以卡罗琳 So-- Caroline.你和我 You and me,是不可能的 It's not gonna happen.对不起 Sorry.我还在想是谁绑架你了 I was wondering who abducted you,现在我知道了 But now I know.他对所有男生都这样吗 Is she like that with,uh,all the guys?当然不是 No.你是新的猎物 You're fresh meat.她最终会甩了你的 She'll back off eventually.天呐开玩笑的吧 God, you gotta be kidding me!怎么了 What is it?-我弟弟 -喝醉的那个吗 - My brother. - The drunk one?就是那个 That would be the one.-失陪一下 -需要帮忙吗 - Excuse me. - Need some help?相信我你不会想看这个的 Trust me,you're not going to want to witness this.杰里米 Jeremy!杰里米 Jeremy!杰里米你要去哪儿 Jeremy, where the hell are you going?我不想听 I don't want to hear it!薇姬不 Vicki? No!天呐是薇姬上帝啊 Oh, my god, it's Vicki! Oh,my god!不 No!谁来帮一下 Somebody help!薇姬吗薇姬这怎么回事 Vicki? Vicki,what the hell?!她怎么了 What happened to her?谁能叫下救护车 Somebody,call an ambulance!所有人后退给她点空间 Everybody back up,give her some space!看她脖子什么东西咬了她 It's her neck. Something bit her.她正大量失血 She's losing a lot of blood.把这个盖在她脖子上 Put this on her neck.薇姬振作睁开眼睛看着我 Vicki, Vicki, come on, open your eyes, look at me.发生什么了 What's going on?有人今晚被袭击了扎克 Someone else was attacked tonight, Zach,但不是我干的 And it wasn't me.达蒙 Damon.你好弟弟 Hello, brother.周围人有点多你不觉得吗 Crow's a bit much,don't you think?看我能用迷雾做什么的时候就明白了 Wait till you see what I can do with the fog. 你什么时候到的 When'd you get here?我怎么能错过你在学校的第一天呢 Well, I couldn't miss your first day at school. 你发型变了 Your hair's different.我喜欢 I like it.已经15年了达蒙 It's been 15 years, Damon.感谢上帝 Thank god.我可不能再忍受九十年代了 I couldn't take another day of the Nineties.那个可怕的蹩脚形象 That horrible grunge look?一点都不适合你 Did not suit you.记住斯特凡远离时尚很重要 Remember, Stefan, it's important to stay away from fads.为什么你会在这儿 Why are you here?我想念我亲爱的弟弟了 I miss my little brother.你讨厌小镇的 You hate small towns.枯燥乏味无事可做 It's boring. There's nothing for you to do.我想办法让自己忙碌起来了 I've managed to keep myself busy.你知道的你让那女孩今晚幸免于难了 You know, you left that girl alive tonight. 你真是笨手笨脚的 That's very clumsy of you.对你来说这会是个大问题 That can be a problem...for you.你现在来这做什么 Why are you here now?我也可以问你相同的问题 I could ask you the same question.然而我想当确定 However, I'm fairly certain你的回答能总结为 Your answer can be summed up all into一个词 One little word...埃琳娜 Elena.我们现在去主流咖啡厅等消息 We're gonna go Mainline Coffee, wait for news.我要带杰里米回家 I gotta take Jeremy home.埃琳娜我不可能有超能力的 Elena, there's no way I'm psychic.我确定 I know that.但不论如何我所看到的 But whatever I saw,或者我以为我看到的 Or I think I saw,我有预感 I have this feeling...邦妮是什么 Bonnie, what?这只是开始 That it's just the beginning.她把我的魂都吸引住了 She took my breath away.埃琳娜 Elena.她和凯瑟琳长得一模一样 She's a dead ringer for Katherine.这样做很有意思吗斯特凡 Is it working,Stefan?在她身旁进入她的世界 Being around her,being in her world?让你觉得自己还活着是么 Does it make you feel alive?她不是凯瑟琳 She's not Katherine.好吧但愿不是 Well,let's hope not.我们都记得结局是怎样的 We both know how that ended.告诉我你最后一次吃 Tell me something,when's the last time比松鼠大的东西是什么时候 You had something stronger than a squirrel?我明白你的用意达蒙没用的 I know what you're doing,Damon. It's not gonna work. 是吗得了你一点也不渴望么 Yeah? Come on. Don't you crave a little?算了吧来吧我们一起做 Stop it. Let's do it. Together.我看外面有不少姑娘 I saw a couple girls out there.或者我们直截了当 Or just,let's just cut to the chase,去找埃琳娜 Let's just go straight for Elena!够了 Stop it!想象一下她的血尝起来什么味道 Imagine what her blood tastes like!我能想象到有多鲜美 I can.我说够了 I said stop!真令我印象深刻 I was impressed.我给你打个6分 I give it a six.姿势不好看但还是给了我很大的惊喜 Missing style,but i was pleasantly surprised. 你的表情太棒了 Very good with the whole face--真不错 Thing.It was good.对你来说这些都是娱乐达蒙是吧 You know,it's all fun and games,Damon,huh?你去过的地方就有人死去 But wherever you go,people die.-这是宿命安排 -不要在这 - That's a given. - Not here.。

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【2019最新】《吸血鬼日记》口语精华 12word版本 (2页)

【2019最新】《吸血鬼日记》口语精华 12word版本 (2页)

【2019最新】《吸血鬼日记》口语精华 12word版本本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!
== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 《吸血鬼日记》口语精华 12
1. Tick tock .

2. Slept like a baby .

3. Hes obsessed with you .

4. I have no wish to help you .

5. Youre siding with him ?
6. Youre acting on anger !
7. If the odds are in our favor ...
8. I cant expect you to be ok with this .

9. Im perfectly capable of inflicting pain .

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批注 [M9]: 原意为“史诗” 批注 [M10]: 除了喜欢之外,也表示 支持
批注 [M11]: bring on 表示导致,使什 么发展
批注 [M12]: 表示(立场、观点等) 彻底改变 批注 [M13]: be into 表示喜欢,对什 么有兴趣,被什么吸引
●Tonight is no good.今晚不行。 ●That was my bad.都是我不好。 ●Simmer down. 别激动。 ●This blows. 这纯属吹嘘。 ●It’s almost kick-off time, all right? 球赛就要开始了,对吧? ●Let’s get one thing straight.我们最好搞清楚一件事。 ●I’m pissed at you.我看你不爽。 ●This was over the line.这太过分了。
批注 [M14]: 相当于 calm down“淡 定”
批注 [M15]: 口语常用句型 批注 [M16]: be pissed at sb.表示“生 某人的气”
(S01E04) ●Scum ball.人渣 ●Scum bucket.饭桶 ●How do you look in a suit? 你穿西装看起来怎么样? ●Edward is so whipped.爱德华如此着迷。 ●You know you’re making the wrong choice, yet you make it anyway.你 知道你做的是错误的选择,但你还是义务反顾地去做。 ●You have no position to question me.你没有资格来质问我。 ●Damon saw to that. Damon 注意到那点了。 ●Tough call.艰难的抉择。 ●Don’t even play that card.别和我耍花样。 ●I wasn’t counting on it.我没指望它。 ●You look smashing/amazing/dashing. 你真美。
批注 [M17]: 原意是“抽打”,口语意 为“彻底打败”,这里是意译。
批注 [M18]: see to 表示“注意,负责, 照料” 批注 [M19]: 在口语中,几乎代替 “decision”
批注 [M20]: count on 表示“指望, 依靠”
●Lovely to meet you.见到你很高兴。 ●It’s up to Stefan.由 Stefan 决定。 ●Knock it off.别这样。 ●He was on good behavior.他很绅士。 ●I got all snotty.我真讨厌。 ●Hypothetically speaking.假如说。 ●I take it all back.我收回我说的话。 ●I’m handling it.我正在解决。 ●Trust is earned.信任是挣得的。
批注 [M5]: 可用其他词语替换,表示 谁怎么样,例如 That’s very kind of you.你人真好。 批注 [M6]: Impossible 也意为“不可 能”,但是没有 no way 使用频率高。
(S01E02) ●I am gonna kick your ass.我要揍你一顿。 ●The last thing I wanna do is…我最不想做的就是… ●What are you suggesting exactly?你在暗示什么? ●You gotta get over that.你别太在意。 ●Is that what you are calling it? 你认为是这样的吗? ●I will deal with it. 我会处理好的。 ●It is epic. = It is romantic. 那很浪漫。 ●She is never gonna go for you.她永远不会喜欢你。 ●It’s really have no impact.明显没有效果。 ●I vote for none of the above.我一个都不选。 ●I will keep an eye out for her.我会帮你留意她的。 ●What are you up to? 你到底想干什么? ●Give Elena my best.替我向 Elena 问好。 ●She is big on texting.她喜欢发短信。 ●What brought this on?到底怎么了?
(S01E05) ●The lies will catch up to you.谎言会让你作茧自缚。 ●Doesn’t ring a bell.想不起来了。 ●He wasn’t bugging you, was he?他没烦你吧? ●It’d be a life saver.会救我一命。 ●You were in some kind of a trance.你刚才好像有点恍惚。 ●I’m gonna take this up a notch.我要用这个来祝个兴。 ●It’s no big deal.没什么大不了。
(S01E06) ●It can’t be.不可能。 ●Are you ready for that?你准备好了吗?
批注 [M21]: be up to sb.“由谁决定”
批注 [M22]: 表示“赶上,处罚” 批注 [M23]: 有时也会省去“it’s”直 接用“No big deal”
●What story should I run.我的报告应该怎么说? ●It’s too big a stretch.这只是点到为止。 ●Damn it.该死。 ●First and foremost.首先。 ●That’s the thing about Damon.那就是 Damon 的性格。 ●He just gets even.他只会进行报复。 ●I’m confused.我糊涂了。 ●Like it or not.不管喜不喜欢。 ●You are so damaged.你受到的伤害真多。 ●You’re about to get really freaky.你会变得非常怪异。 ●Are you sure you can handle this?你确定你能搞定吗? ●You need to sleep it off.你需要睡一觉,忘了它。 ●It will be your choice.你选。 ●I’m positive.我确定。 ●I’m not gonna hold anything back.我不会再对你隐瞒什么了。 ●What’s she on?她怎么了? ●I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess.让我大胆的猜一下。 ●We can cut the chase.我们可以开门见山。 ●You almost got me.你差点就骗到我了。
(S01E08) ●Do me a favor.帮我个忙。 ●It will be a blast.肯定会很精彩。 ●What an unexpected surprise.真是意外惊喜啊。 ●You are wallowing.你无精打采的。 ●We’ve exhausted every other option.其他可能性都被排除了。 ●Get my mind off it.那就让我忘了这件事。 ●We need to blend.我们要融入他们。
●The resemblance is what drew me in.我迷上她是因为她们长得像。 ●I’ve got 3 outfits I can coordinate with.我有三套衣服可以配它。 ●Is that a trick question?开玩笑吗? ●Cut the crap.废话少说。
批注 [M29]: 口语里表示“OK” 批注 [M30]: 也可去掉“ME”,意思不 变 批注 [M31]: 意味“必要时” 批注 [M32]: 除了这里的“感激”之 意,还意味“欣赏”
批注 [M33]: bail on 意味“放弃”
批注 [M34]: 本意为“爆炸” 批注 [M35]: 本意为“打滚” 批注 [M36]: 原意为“因…筋疲力尽”, 此处为意译。
(S01E03) ●Split it out.快说。 ●Why the about-face?为什么突然变卦? ●I’m all ears.我洗耳恭听。 ●She was into everything.她热衷一切事情。
批注 [M7]: 如果没有 your,只有 kick ass 时,此词组用法;类似形容词, 表示“很牛” 批注 [M8]: 常见句型,最不想做的 是…
(S01E09) ●It’s a matter of principle.这是原则问题。 ●Step aside, please.别挡道。 ●It reeks of awkward subtext.让人觉得话里有话。 ●Let’s stay on point.我正有事找你。 ●A deal is a deal.成交。 ●I’m trying to keep a low profile.一直在保持低调。 ●He totally ditched me.他完全抛弃我了。 ●It’s what known as a cold case.就是所谓的无头案。 ●I’m onto you.我防着你呢。 ●You have some serious explaining to do.你得把这事解释清楚。 ●We are not take in that on tonight.今晚不谈这个。 ●I’ve got you beat.我比你惨多了。
(S01E07) ●You don’t talk.没你说话的份。
批注 [M24]: 女生想表达此意时,最 好用“Darn it.”,比这个委婉一点。 批注 [M25]: 在陈述三点(及以上) 内容时使用。 批注 [M26]: 意义相当广泛,也可表 示“擅长”,例如 It’s kind of my thing 这是我擅长的事。.
批注 [M1]: be stuck with sth.意味“陷 入…的困境” 批注 [M2]: 通常我们知道的奇怪是 strange,但是在美语中,weird 是使 用频率最高的。