



substitution用法一、substitution的基本用法1. Substitution在数学中是一种很常见的操作。


比如说,在方程\(2x + 3y = 10\)中,如果我们知道\(y = 2\),那我们就可以用\(2\)来替代\(y\),得到\(2x+3\times2 = 10\)。


2. 在英语语法里,substitution也很有用。



“John is a good student. He studies hard.”这里的“he”就是对“John”的substitution。


3. 化学里的substitution反应也很有趣。



比如在甲烷和氯气的反应中,氯原子逐步替代甲烷里的氢原子,这个过程就像是一场分子之间的“换位游戏”,超酷的!二、substitution的固定搭配1. “substitution for”,这是一个常见的搭配。

比如说,“There is no substitution for hard work.”(没有什么能替代努力工作。


2. “substitution of...with...”也是常用的。

例如,“The substitution of coal with natural gas can reduce pollution.”(用天然气替代煤炭可以减少污染。


• It may help to increase student’ confidence in those examinations which are written with accuracy as the main criterion of success.
•Explicit grammar instruction
The deductive method is criticized because:
• Grammar is taught in an isolated way; • Little attention is paid to meaning; • The practice is often mechanical.
The best approach is the combination of both implicit and explicit instruction.
the deductive method (演绎法) the inductive method (归纳法)
the guided discovery method (引导发现法)
It is generally believed that
• Grammar teaching is less important for children than for adults;
• Grammar teaching is less important in listening and reading than in writing.
Unit 7 Teaching Grammar
Focal points
1. The role of grammar in ELT 2. Grammar presentation methods 3. Grammar practice

新概念英语第三册语法讲解与练习-第三章代替与省略 substitution and omission

新概念英语第三册语法讲解与练习-第三章代替与省略 substitution and omission

第三章代替与省略substitution and omission英语中,为了避免不必要的重复,经常用so, not, to, do, does 代替前面出现的动词或相关内容。

如:He translated the article better than I did. (did代替wrote it)—Doyou think she isclever?—I think so. (so代替she is clever)(1) 从上两例中看出,do / does / did 代替动词。

(2) "so 与not" 代替某个词、短语、句子等,通常用于hope, think, believe, expect, suppose, be afraid, fear, imagine, etc后作宾语。

E.g. —Is it correct?—I'm afraid not. (not correct)(3) "to" 用作不定式,常跟随下列动词:want, mean, hope, expect, refuse, seem, intend, be, afraid, etc.E.g. I asked him to go to the party, but he refused to. (go to the party)(4) "do so, do that, do it" 用来代替动态动词,而不能代静态动词。

Eg. —He gave up studying English.—Why did he do so? (= give up studying English)—The dish tastes nice.—Yes, so it does. (tastes nice)(此句不能用it does it 或it does so, 因taste属静态动词。

)(5) 为使语言精炼,避免不必要的重复,对话中常用省略形式。



(2) One could be used alone or with premodifier or postmodifier; whereas ones have to be used with premodier or postmodifier.
There are some apples, you may take one. (one=an apple)
cardinal numerals+adj.+ones
I caught nine big ones.
Omission of one/ones
1. The+comparative or superlative adjective+one/ones
I bought the more expensive (one) of the two.
❖ These apples aren't ripe. Give me some/the ripe ones.
❖ I wish I'd bought a few jars of honey. Did you notice the ones they were selling by the roadside.
(1) one---a singular count noun(phrase) ones---a plural noun(phrase)
I like those pencils, I'll take a blue one(=pencil). The students in this class have to work harder than the ones(=students) in Mr. Lee's class. Don't get artificial silk---we must have real silk. It's cheaper to buy old furniture than to have new furniture made.

高中英语定语从句Attributive Clause课件必修二

高中英语定语从句Attributive Clause课件必修二

关系代词that 的用法
a) 引导非限定性定语从句时 e.g. The tree, that is four hundred years old, is very famous here. (wrong) b) 介词后不能用 e.g. We depend on the land from which we get our food. We depend on the land that/which we get our food from.
关系副词可代替的先行词是时间、地点或原因的 名词,在从句中作状语。 e.g. July and August are the months when the weather is hot. (时间状语) She’s going home where she can rest.(地点状语) Do you know the reason why I left early? (原因状 语)
Is this the reason why (for which) he refused our offer?
1.来源于构成完整时间、地点状语所需补出的 介词. This is the mountain village ____ I stayed last year. I'll never forget the days ____ I worked together with you. 2.来源于动词短语. He is really the person __ whom we have a lot to learn. The girl __ whom you are talking is working for an international organization.


实现TPM自主保养的七步法KTPM新益为TPM设备管理咨询公司概述:TPM是全员生产维护(Total Productive Maintenance)的英文缩写,其主要点在生产维修和全员参与上。 在TPM管理实际推行过程中,为避免走弯路,减少人力物力的消耗,严格按自主保养七步法逐渐开展,提高员工自主保养设备参与度,使设备性能达到最优。 TPM自主保养七步法框图一、TPM自主保养之初期清扫初期清扫就是以设备为中心彻底清扫灰尘、垃圾等。 我们要将清扫变检查,检查能发现问题,发现设备的潜在缺陷,并及时加以处理。 同时通过清扫可有助于操作人员对设备产生爱护之心。 二、TPM自主保养之两源对策这里的两源是指发生源和困难源。 为了保持和提高第一阶段初期清扫的成果,就要杜绝灰尘、污护保养的部位,如加油、清扫、除污等,也应采取有效对策,提高设备的可维护保养性。 三、TPM自主保养之编写基准根据第一、第二步活动所取得的体会,编写一个临时基准,以保养自己分管的设备,如清扫、加油,紧固等基本条件。 四、TPM自主保养综合检查为了充分发挥设备的固有功能,要学习设备结构、功能及判断基准,检查设备各主要部分的外观,发现设备的缺陷并使之复原,同时使自己掌握必要的检查技能。 再者,对以前编写的基准可考虑不断完善,以利检查。 五、TPM自主保养之自主检查在第三步编写的清扫基准,加油基准,检查基准的基础上,加上第四步学到的内容,并完全遵照执行,这就是自主检查基准。 在学习和执行的过程中,还要不断学习和熟悉设备的操作和动作,质量和设备等等的关联性,具有正确操作设备和早期发现异常情况的能力。 六、TPM自主保养之整理、整顿从现有的以设备为中心的活动向外围设备、整个车间扩大活动范围,在掌握了上述5步的能力的基础上,发展为实现并维持整个车间应有的形象。 本步所说的整理是指明了车间内的工夹具、半成品、不良品等,并制定出管理基准,应彻底减少物、事等管理对象,尽量简化。 所谓应彻整顿就是要遵守(维持)即定基准并逐步完善,以便作业人员易于遵守。 车间实行目视管理和管理实行标准化。 七、TPM自主管理的彻底化通过以前6步的活动,已获得了不少的成果,人员也得到了很大的锻炼,所以这第七步就要建立起不断改善的意识,不断地进行PDCA循环,结合公司的方针、目标,制定出适合自己的新的小组活动目标,做到自主管理的彻底化。

Lecture 11 Attributive Clauses 汉英翻译 教学课件

Lecture 11 Attributive Clauses 汉英翻译 教学课件
4. This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake
that lay in the house. * 这就是那只捕杀了偷吃了放在屋里的蛋糕的老鼠的猫。
这就是那只捕杀了老鼠的猫,而那只老鼠偷吃了放在 屋里的蛋糕。
5. This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the cake that lay in the house that k built for his wife.
II. Restrictive Attributive Clauses
Restrictive attributive clauses are characterized by the absence of a comma between the subordinate clauses and the principal clauses, and are closely related to the nouns or pronouns (antecedents) that they modify.
And thus, the original complex sentence is translated into a compound sentence. This is also called division.
Division is used if the attributive clause is too long and complicated and may cause ambiguity or logical mistakes.
of him. 在他手下工作的人怕他怕得要死。
3. How could a great paper like the Washington Post, full of brilliant editors, get so involved in its own conceit and arrogance as to pursue a story which its own staff was saying fabricated from the beginning? 像《华盛顿邮报》这样拥有众多出色编辑的大报, 为何自以为是和高傲自大到如此地步,竟然追求 一篇连自己编辑部的人员从一开始就认为是虚构 的报道?

日照一中高考英语复习attributive-clauses定语从句课件 (共35张PPT)

日照一中高考英语复习attributive-clauses定语从句课件 (共35张PPT)
2) She is one of the few girls who __ Bin the kindergarten. A. is well paid B. are well paid C. is paying well D. are paying well
上述两题表明定语从句中的主语和谓语应 ______保__持_人__称_和__数__的_一__致_________
5.用as 或which 填空,并翻译。
1).Tom failed in the exwahmic,h_________ made him sad.
2).Tom failed in the exaasm, _________ he expecteads.(=____ he expected, Tom failed in the
This is the first book (that) he has read.
(4)先行词被 the only, the very, the same, the last 修饰时。
This is the very book that belongs to him.
1.Is this the village in ___w_h_ichyou spent your childhood?
They are Wang Liqin and Wang Hao.
• They are shopping. The two men who are shopping are Wang Liqin and Wang Hao.
高考命题趋势:复合句是英语语言中重要的句子结构 之一,高考将继续重视对复合句的考察,试题的立 意将注重于对定语从句和名词性从句相关基础 的考察。



[多选]一般网络地址由哪几部分组成()A.逻辑地址B.链路地址C.网络地址D.主机地址 [单选]下列建设单位向施工单位作出的意思表示中,为法律、行政法规禁止的是()。A.明示报名参加投标的各施工单位以低价竞标B.明示施工单位在施工中应优化工期C.暗示施工单位不采用《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》签定合同D.暗示施工单位在非承重结构部位使用不合格的水泥 [填空题]FTP(FileTransferProtocol)就是(),是最基本的网络服务 [多选]中医学的基本特点概括起来是()A.治病求本B.整体观念C.扶正祛邪D.辨证论治E.调整阴阳 [问答题,简答题]防止直接触电的措施? [单选]在利润表上,利润总额减去()后,得出净利润。A.管理费用B.增值税C.营业外支出D.所得税费用 [单选]按三焦辨证,病在足少阴的病理主要是指:().A.热盛动血、心神扰乱B.热邪久留、肾阴耗损C.水不涵木、虚风内动D.热邪壅滞、肺气闭郁 [单选]进口机电设备采购项目的招标投标活动的监督执法,由()负责。A.国家发改委B.外经贸行政主管部门C.工商行政管理部门D.建设行政主管部门 [问答题,简答题]防护镜、防护面罩的作用 [单选]按照规定不需要在工商管理机关办理注销登记的,应当自有关机关批准或者宣告终止之日起(),持有关证件向原税务登记管理机关申报办理注销税务登记。A.10日内B.15日内C.30日内D.45日内 [单选]下列有关紧急事件的说法,错误的是()。A.在发生紧急事件时,企业应尽可能努力控制事态的恶化和蔓延,在最短的时间内恢复正常B.在紧急事件发生后,应由一名管理人员做好统一的现场指挥,安排调度,以免造成混乱C.在发生紧急事件时,管理人员不能以消极、推脱甚至是回避的态 [单选,A1型题]六淫致病的共同特点不包括()A.外感性B.兼挟性C.转化性D.相侮性E.季节性 [多选]中轴型脊柱关节炎患者出现急性病变的影像学改变是()。A.X线片:脊柱呈"竹节样"改变B.MRI:椎体角骨水肿C.MRI:骶髂关节骨水肿D.MRI:骶髂关节滑膜炎E.X线片:骶髂关节骨侵袭 [多选]安全生产保证计划中关于安全验收应明确的要求有:()。A.施工作业前,对安全施工作业条件进行验收B.物资、设施、设备和检测器具在投入使用前进行使用验收C.对危险性较大的分部分项工程施工中可能给下道工序造成影响的节点进行过程验收D.建立必要的安全验收标识,未经安全验 [单选]艾滋病患者抗HIV治疗的药物中不包括下列哪种()A.叠氮胸苷B.双脱氧肌苷C.双脱氧胞苷D.5-氟脲嘧啶 [问答题,简答题]电力机车牵引缓冲装置的主要作用是什么? [单选]残疾人个人提供加工、修理修配劳务的可以免征()?A.营业税B.增值税C.个人所得税D.印花税 [单选]下列图像最可能的诊断是()A.肝脓肿B.肝囊肿C.肝血管瘤D.原发性肝癌E.肝炎肝硬化 [单选]不能载货的专用作业车车辆按()收费。A.行驶证上的总质量B.改为按总质量折半后吨位计量收费பைடு நூலகம்.原核载质量D.计重收费 [单选]榆叶梅的花期是哪个季节()A.春B.夏C.秋D.冬 [单选]在路基工程中,用于排除地下水的设施是()。A.拦水带B.急流槽C.截水沟D.渗井 [单选,A1型题]β衰变发生于()A.激发态原子核B.贫中子原子核C.富中子原子核D.质子数大于82的原子核E.超重原子核 [单选]公民、法人或其他组织对具体行政行为在法定期限内不提起诉讼又不履行的,行政机关可以申请人民法院强制执行其具体行政行为,由下列()法院受理执行。A.申请人所在地的基层人民法院B.被执行人所在地的基层人民法院C.一审人民法院D.终审人民法院 [填空题]()是指两枚邮票(或多枚邮票)之间相连着一段非邮票的特殊连票。 [填空题]我国电网的频率为(),直流电的频率为()。 [多选]依照《商业银行并购贷款风险管理指引》,下列属于商业银行应评估的是()。A、并购双方的产业相关度和战略相关性,以及可能形成的协同效应B、并购双方从战略、管理、技术和市场整合等方面取得额外回报的机会C、并购后的预期战略成效及企业价值增长的动力来源D、并购后新的管 [问答题,简答题]道碴、片石、砂子等线桥用料怎样堆放? [单选]长期投资是指集体经济组织根据国家法律、法规的规定,将货币资金、实物资产及其他资产投资于有价证券或其他单位,不准备在()变现的有价证券等投资。A.3个月以上B.半年以上C.9个月以上D.1年以内 [名词解释]CoD值 [单选]磁盘上的扇区标志在()时建立。A、低级格式化B、格式化C、存入数据D、建立分区 [单选]按临床分类,轻度吸入性损伤指()A.伤及肺泡B.伤及咽部以上C.伤及细支气管D.伤及气管以上E.伤及喉部以上 [单选]下列不属于工程采购合同的是()。A.工程施工合同B.工程总承包合同C.专业总承包合同D.专业分包合同等 [单选]某业务员需要在出差期间能够访问公司局域网中的数据,与局域网中的其他机器进行通信,并且保障通信的机密性。但是为了安全,公司禁止Internet上的机器随意访问公司局域网。虚拟专用网使用()协议可以解决这一需求。A.PPTPB.RC-5C.UDPD.Telnet [单选]毒性程度为极度和高度危害介质的低压容器属于()。A、一类容器B、二类容器C、三类容器D、四类容器 [单选]低钾血症的临床表现正确的是()A.腱反射亢进B.神经肌肉兴奋性降低C.神经肌肉兴奋性增高D.心电图T波高尖E.低钾低氯性碱中毒,尿液均呈碱性 [单选]关于性接触和艾滋病感染关系的描述错误的是()A.同性或异性性接触均具有传染性B.同时患其他STD,可增加传染概率C.处于血清阳性期的患者传染性大D.肛交主动方受感染的几率大于被动方 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]男性,75岁,确诊慢性肺源性心脏病,引起该病最常见的原因是()A.纤维空洞型肺结核B.支气管扩张C.肺间质纤维化D.慢性支气管炎、阻塞性肺气肿E.脊柱胸廓畸形 [填空题]变压器过负荷时的主要现象是()超过额定值。 [单选]()能增加装卸环节。A.重复运输B.合理运输C.过远运输D.对流运输 [填空题]乙炔装置AR476分析仪抽气泵水压力应该调整为()。



(2) One could be used alone or with premodifier or postmodifier; whereas ones have to be used with premodier or postmodifier.
There are some apples, you may take one. (one=an apple)
(1) one---a singular count noun(phrase) ones---a plural noun(phrase)
I like those pencils, I'll take a blue one(=pencil). The students in this class have to work harder than the ones(=students) in Mr. Lee's class. Don't get artificial silk---we must have real silk. It's cheaper to buy old furniture than to have new furniture made.
Let's take your/Jack's new one/ones.
"What kind of ice-cream would you like?" "a big pink one"
❖ definite article+one/ones+postmodifier The one/ones in the corner is/are mine. This room and the one upstairs are well furnished.



Plural nouns
referring to more than one thing, e.g., "cats", "books"
Zero plural
referring to a group of things without a plural form, e.g.,
"people", "fish"
used as the subject or object of a verb to express a group of people, or in place of a subject pronoun when the gender is unknown or insignificant.
The possessive case of nouns
adding "-'s" or "'s" to the end of the noun, e.g., "cat's", "dog's"
indicating ownership or possession, e.g., "the cat's food", "my brother's car"
used as the subject or object of a verb to express any person, thing, or idea without specifying which one.
used as the subject or object of a verb to express every single person, thing, or idea in a group without exception.

【绝对精品】英语语法23-替代和省略-Substitution and Ellipsis

【绝对精品】英语语法23-替代和省略-Substitution and Ellipsis

Uses of one/ ones as Substitutes
Judy broke the coffee-pot, so she has to
buy another (one).
Some of your answers were correct, but
2 I can’t remember which (ones).
• I need this dictionary, but I
can’t afford it. (specific
• I need a good dictionary, but
Generic reference I can’t afford one. (generic
I can’t write properly with your pen; I’d rather use my own.
You have four children. I have only two.
Uses of one/ ones as Substitutes
1 2
Compare: • I need this dictionary, but I can’t afford that. (specific reference)
Uses of one/ ones as Substitutes
1 To replace a countable noun or noun phrase, for personal as well as non-personal reference.
The new design is much better than the old one.



Similarity and disparity between one(ones) and that(those)
both can be used to replace a count noun or a countable noun phrase. The poison of the cobra is more deadly than that of the rattle snake.(=the poison) The blonde girls I saw were older than those/the ones you were dancing with.(=the girls) His speech and behavior were those of a hooligan. (=speech and behavior)
substitution Verbal substitution Clausal substitution
Nominal substitution
Nominal substitute
1. Definition: Nominal substitution means the replacement of a noun or a noun phrase by a nominal substitute. 2. Nominal substitutes one/ones, the same, the kind, the sort some indefinite pronouns, such as all, both, some, any, enough, several, none, many, much, (a) few, (a) little, the other, others, another, either, neither, etc.

Unit 4 关系代词 Attributive Clause(教学课件)-高中英语人教版(2019)

Unit 4 关系代词 Attributive Clause(教学课件)-高中英语人教版(2019)

➢ Lodge is no longer the man that he was ten years ago.
2. whom 宾语
3. that主语、宾
➢ He finally worked out the problem which/ that puzzled him for a 1. that 主语、宾
• Lily is such a lovely girl that everybody likes her.
• ***** 介词+关系代词which/whom
• 先行词为物,用“介词+which”
• The speed at which a person walks is 8 miles an hour.
• 先行词为人,用“介词+whom”
• Felix is my best friend with whom I share lots of secrets.
➢ Our guide, who was a French anadian, was an excellent cook.
He pretended to be/get familiar with life in big cities, which made me really angry.
• 4. 他沉溺于电脑游戏 ,学业成绩深受不良影响。(be addicted to; academic
• He is addicted to (playing) computer games. This negatively affects his academic



presence are the same person or thing, and they match the
gender or nature of that person or thing
"Ourselves" is a reflective professor that refers back to the group that includes the speaker and at least one other person
Overview of reflective pronouns
Definition and characteristics
Definition: Reflexive proofs are proofs that end in "- self" or "helps" and are used when the subject and object of a verb are the same
"Yourselves" is a reflexive pronoun that refers back to the group being addressed
"You should all take care of yourself."
Usage notes
"Yourself" is a reflexive pronoun that refers back to the person being addressed It is used when the subject and the object of the presence are the same person



One VS Ones
One could be used alone or with a premodifier or postmodifier; e.g. My car is too small. Let’s rent a bigger one.(P31, IV, 5) My cheap camera takes better pictures than his expensive one. What naughty boys! Look at the one high above in the tree.
so vs not
modal adverbs such as perhaps, possibly, probably, certainly, surely, ect. to form some short responses So--- cannot be used in such utterances. A: Is your brother going with you? B: Perhaps not/Possibly not/Surely not
substitution Verbal substitution Clausal substitution
Nominal substitute
1. Definition: Nominal substitution means the replacement of a noun or a noun phrase by a nominal substitute. 2. Nominal substitutes one/ones, the same, the kind, the sort some indefinite pronouns, such as all, both, some, any, enough, several, none, many, much, (a) few, (a) little, the other, others, another, either, neither, etc.

人教英语选修10Unit1Attributive Clauses (共17张PPT)

人教英语选修10Unit1Attributive Clauses (共17张PPT)

① But there is something left in my head. ② You're the one who set it up. ③ I'm the one who's feeling lost right now. ④ Now you want me to forget every little thing you said. ⑤ I won't forget the way you're kissing. ⑥ But I'm not the man your heart is missing.
Hubu Lane
第七届军运会来临之际,各国友人齐聚武汉,是一次宣传武汉的 良好契。假定你叫李华,是一名军运会学生志愿者。请你写一篇英语 演讲稿(含定语从句),主要介绍武汉有名的景点及特色。
参考词汇:第七届世界军人运动会 7th CISM Military World Games
旅游景点:Guiyuan Temple, Qingchuan Pavilion------
thing you said. • But there is something left in my head.
• I won't forget the way you're kissing. • The feelings so strong were lasting for
so long. • But I'm not the man your heart is missing. • That's why you go away I know.
Step I: Antecedent
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I haven't got any stamps. Could you give me one?(one=a stamp)
❖ My cheap camera takes better pictures than his expensive one.
❖ What naughty boys! Look at the one high above in the tree.
I prefer a large bottle to a small one. (one can be omitted
cardinal numerals+adj.+ones
I caught nine big ones.
Omission of one/ones
1. The+comparative or superlative adjective+one/ones
I bought the more expensive (one) of the two.
❖ These apples aren't ripe. Give me some/the ripe ones.
❖ I wish I'd bought a few jars of honey. Did you notice the ones they were selling by the roadside.
❖ Nominal substitution ❖ Verbal substitution ❖ Clausal substitution
Nominal substitution
Nominal substitute
1. Definition: Nominal substitution means the replacement of a noun or a noun phrase by a nominal substitute.
❖ Can not collocate with both, own and cardinal numerals
“Would you like the red one or the blue one?”"Both."(not both ones)
I can't write properly with your pen; I'd rather use my own. (not my own one)
(1) one---a singular count noun(phrase) ones---a plural noun(phrase)
I like those pencils, I'll take a blue one(=pencil). The students in this class have to work harder than the ones(=students) in Mr. Lee's class. Don't get artificial silk---we must have real silk. It's cheaper to buy old furniture than to have new furniture made.
Let's take your/Jack's new one/ones.
"What kind of ice-cream would you like?" "a big pink one"
❖ definite article+one/ones+postmodifier The one/ones in the corner is/are mine. This room and the one upstairs are well furnished.
❖ We are apt to find that the very men who block a scheme are ones who clamor loudest.
(3) indefinite article/possessive determiner+premodifier+one/ones
❖ Understanding the cultural habits of another nation, especially the one containing as many different subcultures as the United States, is a complex task.
2. Nominal substitutes one/ones, the same, the kind, the sort some indefinite pronouns, such as all, both, some, any, enough, several, none, many, much, (a) few, (a) little, the other, others, another, either, neither, be used alone or with premodifier or postmodifier; whereas ones have to be used with premodier or postmodifier.
There are some apples, you may take one. (one=an apple)
I think my dog's the fastest (one).
2. Adjective which forms the contrast to the preceding one+one/ones
I prefer the large bottle to the small (one).
There're only hard chocolates, we've eaten all the soft (ones)