



独立 光伏发电
并网 光伏发电
分布式 光伏发电
独立光伏发电也叫离网光伏 发电。主要由太阳能电池组 件、控制器、蓄电池组成, 若要为交流负载供电,还需
并网光伏发电就是太阳能组件产生的 直流电经过并网逆变器转换成符合市 电电网要求的交流电之后直接接入公 共电网。可以分为带蓄电池的和不带
光伏发电是利用半导体界面的光生伏特效应而将光能直接转变为电能的一种技术。主要由 太阳电池板(组件)、控制器和逆变器三大部分组成,主要部件由电子元器件构成。
过去5 年,光伏发电的成本已下降了三分之一
在南美等国光伏发电已经与零售电价持平,甚至是低于 零售电价,未来光伏发电的成本还将进一步凸显。
光伏发电是利用半导体界面的光生伏特效应而将光能直接转变为电能的一种技术。主要由 太阳电池板(组件)、控制器和逆变器三大部分组成,主要部件由电子元器件构成。
信息化端口 大数据智慧城市
这段光伏路面不只是将太阳能转化电能上网这么简单 预留的信息化端口未来还可接入各种信息采集设备,车辆信息、拥堵状况等信息将 汇聚成交通大数据,成为智慧城市的一部分。
主要由太阳电池板(组件)、控制器和逆变器三大部分组成,主要部件 由电子元器件构成。



Prepared for: Robert McIntosh (Chisholm Institute) (2)...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3.1 Aim .......................................................................................................................3.2 Authorisation.......................................................................................................3.3 Scope...................................................................................................................3.4 The problem........................................................................................................ (6)4.1 Output Requirements for the Power System (6)4.1.1 Block diagram for the hybrid design (6)4.1.2 Battery storage size required (6)4.2 Input Generation available (7)4.2.1 Converting available solar insolation into kWhr/day (7)4.2.2 Converting available wind energy into kWhr/day (9)4.2.3 Converting available hydro power into kWhr/day (10)4.2.4 Sizing a genset to provide kWhr/day (10)4.2.5 Energy available at each position kWhr/day (11)4.4 The favoured generation Mix ........................................................................4.4.1 Chosen Input Generation and Energy available in kWhr/day ............4.4.2 System sizing of generation ...............................................................4.5 Other required components...........................................................................4.5.1 Control system ....................................................................................4.5.2 Battery Storage ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Battery Storage ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................Solar Panel ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Wind Generation Diagram.......................................................................................AimIn order to deal with commuters to have reliable mobile telecommunication networks that they across the railway, We need wind power .solar power and water power to design hybrid renewable power systems.IntroduceAccording to research. We need wind. and equipment are1KW Wind TurbineGenerator ControllerTower mountingsolar: equipment includes high quality solar modules with 25 year warranty. And solar module mounting frames in addition LCD display with data logging maximum power point tracking solar booster solar module tracking frames.ScopeDepending on the new railway lines, And the hybrid renewable power systems lives near here.The problemDifficult to control the climate and exhaust noise. Conventional hydro requires the flooding of lacking large areas of land, and battery cost and inverter cost.According to research, we can learn that Remote districts use electricity the load not to be all big generally, therefore is uneconomical with the electrical network power transmission, directly generates electricity commonly used in the locality uses the diesel electric engine. But the diesel oil storage and transport too is high to the remote districts cost, therefore the diesel electric engine only can take one kind of short-time emergency power supply, Must solve the long-term stability reliable power supply problem, only can rely on local the natural energy source. The solar energy gentle breeze can be most universal and the water power,Solar powerAccord to solar data, we use solar power in summer from eleven o’clock to fourteen every day and winter time is from eleven o’clock to thirteenIn order to good use of wind power, We learn that sometimes the wind speed is the highest in Autumn, on the contrary, the wind have the least springThe water system transmits power from the turbine shaft to the generator shaft or the shaft powering another device, and as the voltage is very high wiring can be kept to a minimum and the wiring can be run over a longer distance due to the higher voltage4.1 Output Requirements for the Power SystemThe maximum total energy requirements by the telecommunication transmitter site is 1kWhr / day.Typically most telecommunictions infrastructure works on 48VDCThe maximum current for thie output equipment would be under 10 AmpsThe design will incorporate storage of energy for 3 days in the case for lack of generation from all of the inputs4.1.1 Block diagram for the hybrid design4.1.2 Battery storage size requiredTo calculate the size of the battery bank required we converted the toatal daily energy consumption in Watt-hours to Amp-hours.Then multiply this by the required number of days storage plus one additional day's energy useFor this location we factor 3 days storageAhr 20V 48kWhr 1VoltageSystem UseEnergy Daily AmpHours used ===See appendix A for typicl battery types to be used4.2 Input Generation availableDiesel generation can / cannot be used as backup power source.4.2.1 Converting available solar insolation into kWhr/day Converting the values of Wh/m 2 into kWh/daySUMMER80Ahr20Ahr 3 Ahr 20)(days AmpHours Capacity Battery storage used days =+⨯=+⨯=yUse DailyEnerg40Wh/m 2 for 5 hours per day(5/24 hours = 0.2days)The amount of energy available for solar power depends upon the area (m 2) of the PV arraySo at 40Wh/m 2 for 5 hours per dayFor the solar PV array to provide all of the energy for one day (1kWh/day) will require 50 m 2 of solar panels (about half a size of a house)WINTER50Wh/m 2 for 1 hour per day(1/24 hours = 0.04days)For the solar PV array to provide all of the energy for one day (1kWh/day) will require 500 m 2 of solar panels (about 4-5 house sizes)day kWh/m 020.00.2days40Wh/m day kWh/m 222==day kWh/m 002.00.04days 50Wh/m day kWh/m 222==4.2.2 Converting available wind energy into kWhr/dayWind energy per day that is available at each site is calculated using the following equationA C AC P P Output Power O 321O ⨯⨯=⨯⨯=v air wind output ρCo=0.3 for a 3 blade turbineA = area of bladesv = average velocity of the wind ρair = 1.21 kg/m 3= (Air density)For a wind generator in 10 m/s wind (3 hours per day) to produce 1kWh/day the Area of the blades needs to be as followsRadius / diameter of bladeA 7.5 m diameter blade wind turbine (approximately 7.5kW) can supply enough energy to the system for one day operation2321O 3air 21243out m 443.01021.14hours 2/1000 C days/E A =⨯⨯⨯==v ρdiameter)7.5m (or radius m 7.344A .A 2====πππr r4.2.3 Converting available hydro power into kWhr/dayQ = flow rate L/sG = gravity 9.81 (m/s) H is usable head (m)A the stream flow of 300L/min is available 24 hours a day except in the winter months where two months of flow is heavily reduced to 10L/minThere is plenty of head and power available from the water resource in the summerIn the winter4.2.4 Sizing a genset to provide kWhr/day38 MJ/L[]Watts P QgH=[]Wh/day11772 241081.9min sec/60min /300Wh/day 24E day per =⨯⨯⨯⨯=L hours QgH []Wh/day 392 241081.9min sec/60min /10Wh/day 24E day per =⨯⨯⨯⨯=L hours QgH4.2.5 Energy available at each position kWhr/dayConclusionMake good use of source can improve the source efficiency Control the power delivery to the loadsReduce the battery costBased on environment, adjust the sourceAdditional generation can be added easily without changing major ancillarycomponentsRecommendationsThe hybrid renewable power systems is not environment pollutionBy the systems can make good use of the sourceThe wind power system is built the highest mountain and good for electricalThe different energy sources provide a diversity of supply> This can reduce the risk of power outage,systems are complementary,> During the summer months when there is not much wind there should be ample sunlight and during the dark winter months it is usually quite windy ReferencesImproving the technology, and reduce battery cost or inverter cost.Accepts the DC power from the three generating units according to priority rulesCuts off the charger when the battery is fully charged and diverts the power to a suitable loadAppendices。



又Байду номын сангаас黑科技:中国正研究在太空建太阳能电站
据科技日报3月6日报道,中国航天科技集团五院载人飞船系统总设计师 张柏楠代表6日向科技日报记者透露,航天五院“钱学森空间技术实验 室”团队已开展太阳能电站具体研究工作,目前正处于研究试验阶段。
【两会】关于落实分布式光伏电站 发展的三方面建议
❖ OFweek太阳能光伏网讯:今年两会李克强总理的政府工作 报告中明确指出,完善风能、太阳能、生物质能等发展,提高 清洁能源的比重,也透露出太阳能发电以及分布光伏发电美好 前景。
以此技术为核心,所制成的太阳 能电池,经过串联后进行封装保 护形成大面积的太阳电池组件, 再配合上功率控制器等部件就形 成了光伏发电装置。也就是我们 日常口中所说的太阳能。
❖ 作为新能源的重要组成,太阳能是未来应对化石资源日渐枯 竭的重要 手段。取之不尽用之不竭,是太阳能最重要的标志。尽管太阳辐射到地球 大气层的能量仅为其总辐射能量的22亿分之一,但已高达173,000TW,也就 是说太阳每秒钟照射到地球上的能量就相当于500万吨煤,每秒照射到地球 的能量则为499,400,00,000焦。地球上的风能、水能、海洋温差能、波浪能 和生物质能都是来源于太阳;即使是地球上的化石燃料(如煤、石油、天 然气等)从根本上说也是远古以来贮存下来的太阳能,所以广义的太阳能 所包括的范围非常大,狭义的太阳能则限于太阳辐射能的光热、光电和光 化学的直接转换。
【两会】中国累计装机量最大,202X年 正继续领跑
❖ 统计数据显示,202X年,全球光伏市场强劲增长,新增装机容量超过 50GW,全球累计装机容量超过230GW。我国光伏新增装机量达到15 GW, 累计装机超过43GW,继续位居全球首位。预计202X年我国光伏装机在 “领跑者”计划和电价下调带来的抢装驱动下,全年光伏装机市场将达到 15-20GW。“技术进步将是202X年光伏产业发展主题。预计产业化生产的 多晶硅电池转换效率将超过18.5%,单晶硅电池有望达到20%,主流组件产 品功率将达到265-270W。企业将在资金、技术、人才等要素方面持续投入, 推动我国光伏制造向光伏智造转变,提升产业核心竞争力。”



Solar energySolar energy, radiant light and heat from the sun, has been harnessed by humans since ancient times using a range of ever-evolving technologies. Solar radiation, along with secondary solar-powered resources such as wind and wave power, hydroelectricity and biomass, account for most of the available renewable energy on earth. Only a minuscule fraction of the available solar energy is used.Solar powerSolar power is the generation of electricity from sunlight. This can be direct as with photovoltaics (PV), or indirect as with concentrating solar power (CSP), where the sun's energy is focused to boil water which is then used to provide power. Solar power has the potential to provide over 1,000 times total world energy consumption in 2008, though it provided only 0.02% of the total that year. If it continues to double in use every two to three years, or less, it would become the dominant energy source this century. The largest solar power plants, like the 354 MW SEGS, are concentrating solar thermal plants, but recently multi-megawatt photovoltaic plants have been built. Completed in 2008, the 46 MW Moura photovoltaic power station in Portugal and the 40 MW Waldpolenz Solar Park in Germany are characteristic of the trend toward larger photovoltaic power stations.Much larger ones are proposed, such as the 100 MW Fort Peck Solar Farm, the 550 MW Topaz Solar Farm, and the 600 MW Rancho Cielo Solar Farm.Solar power is amazing. On average, every square meter of Earth's surface receives 164 watts of solar energy. In other words, you could stand a really powerful (150 watt) table lamp on every square meter of Earth's surface and light up the whole planet with the Sun's energy! Or, to put it another way, if we covered just one percent of the Sahara desert with solar panels, we could generate enough electricity to power the whole world. That's the good thing about solar power: there's an awful lot of it—much more than we could ever use.But there's a downside too. The energy the Sun sends out arrives on Earth as a mixture of light and heat. Both of these are incredibly important—the light makes plants grow, providing us with food, while the heat keeps us warm enough to survive—but we can't use either the Sun's light or heat directly to run a television or a car. We have to find some way of converting solar energy into other forms of energy we can use more easily, such as electricity. And that's exactly what solar panels do.Solar cellA solar cell is a device that converts the energy of sunlight directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. Sometimes the term solar cell is reserved for devices intended specifically to capture energy from sunlight such as solar panels and solar cells, while the term photovoltaic cell is used when the light source is unspecified. Assemblies of cells are used to make solar panels, solar modules, or photovoltaic arrays. Photovoltaics is the field of technology andresearch related to the application of solar cells in producing electricity for practical use. The energy generated this way is an example of solar energy.History of solar cellsThe development of the solar cell stems from the work of the French physicist Antoine-César Becquerel in 1839. Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect while experimenting with a solid electrode in an electrolyte solution; he observed that voltage developed when light fell upon the electrode. About 50 years later, Charles Fritts constructed the first true solar cells using junctions formed by coating the semiconductor selenium with an ultrathin, nearly transparent layer of gold. Fritts's devices were very inefficient, transforming less than 1 percent of the absorbed light into electrical energy.By 1927 another metalÐsemiconductor-junction solar cell, in this case made of copper and the semiconductor copper oxide, had been demonstrated. By the 1930s both the selenium cell and the copper oxide cell were being employed in light-sensitive devices, such as photometers, for use in photography. These early solar cells, however, still had energy-conversion efficiencies of less than 1 percent. This impasse was finally overcome with the development of the silicon solar cell by Russell Ohl in 1941. In 1954, three other American researchers, G.L. Pearson, Daryl Chapin, and Calvin Fuller, demonstrated a silicon solar cell capable of a 6-percent energy-conversion efficiency when used in direct sunlight. By the late 1980s silicon cells, as well as those made of gallium arsenide, with efficiencies of more than 20 percent had been fabricated. In 1989 a concentrator solar cell, a type of device in which sunlight is concentrated onto the cell surface by means of lenses, achieved an efficiency of 37 percent due to the increased intensity of the collected energy. In general, solar cells of widely varying efficiencies and cost are now available.StructureModern solar cells are based on semiconductor physics -- they are basically just P-N junction photodiodes with a very large light-sensitive area. The photovoltaic effect, which causes the cell toconvert light directly into electrical energy, occurs in the three energy-conversion layers.The first of these three layers necessary for energy conversion in a solar cell is the top junction layer (made of N-type semiconductor ). The next layer in the structure is the core of the device; this is the absorber layer (the P-N junction). The last of the energy-conversion layers is the back junction layer (made of P-type semiconductor).As may be seen in the above diagram, there are two additional layers that must be present in a solar cell. These are the electrical contact layers. There must obviously be two such layers to allow electric current to flow out of and into the cell. The electrical contact layer on the face of the cell where light enters is generally present in some grid pattern and is composed of a good conductor such as a metal. The grid pattern does not cover the entire face of the cell since grid materials, though good electrical conductors, are generally not transparent to light. Hence, the grid pattern must be widely spaced toallow light to enter the solar cell but not to the extent that the electrical contact layer will have difficulty collecting the current produced by the cell. The back electrical contact layer has no such diametrically opposed restrictions. It need simply function as an electrical contact and thus covers the entire back surface of the cell structure. Because the back layer must be a very good electrical conductor, it is always made of metal.How do solar cells workA solar cell is a sandwich of n-type silicon (blue) and p-type silicon (red).1.When sunlight shines on the cell, photons (light particles)bombard the upper surface.2.The photons (yellow blobs) carry their energy down through thecell.3.The photons give up their energy to electrons (green blobs) inthe lower, p-type layer.4.The electrons use this energy to jump across the barrier into theupper, n-type layer and escape out into the circuit.5.Flowing around the circuit, the electrons make the lamp lightup.Solar Power - Advantages and Disadvantages Solar Power AdvantagesThere are many advantages of solar energy. Just consider the advantages of solar energy over that of oil:· Solar energy is a renewable resource. Although we cannot utilize the power of the sun at night or on stormy, cloudy days, etc., we can count on the sun being there the next day, ready to give us more energy and light. As long as we have the sun, we can have solar energy (and on the day that we no longer have the sun, you can believe that we will no longer have ourselves, either).· Oil, on the other hand, is not renewable. Once it is gone, it is gone. Yes, we may find another source to tap, but that source may run out, as well.· Solar cells are totally silent. They can extract energy from the sun without making a peep. Now imagine the noise that the giant machines used to drill for and pump oil make!· Solar energy is non-polluting. Of all advantages of solar energy over that of oil, this is, perhaps, the most important. The burning of oil releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases and carcinogens into the air.·Solar cells require very little maintenance (they have no moving parts that will need to be fixed), and they last a long time.· Although solar panels or solar lights, etc., may be expensive to buy at the onset, you can save money in the long run. After all, you do not have to pay for energy from the sun. On the other hand, all of us are aware of the rising cost of oil.· Solar powered lights and other solar powered products are also very easy to install. You do not even need to worry about wires.Here are the disadvantages of solar energy:•The initial cost is the main disadvantage of installing a solar energy system, largely because of the high cost of thesemi-conducting materials used in building one.•The cost of solar energy is also high compared tonon-renewable utility-supplied electricity. As energy shortages are becoming more common, solar energy is becoming moreprice-competitive.•Solar panels require quite a large area for installation to achievea good level of efficiency.•The efficiency of the system also relies on the location of the sun, although this problem can be overcome with the installation of certain components.•The production of solar energy is influenced by the presence of clouds or pollution in the air.•Similarly, no solar energy will be produced during nighttime although a battery backup system and/or net metering willsolve this problem.Development, deployment and economicsBeginning with the surge in coal use which accompanied the Industrial Revolution, energy consumption has steadily transitioned from wood and biomass to fossil fuels. The early development of solar technologies starting in the 1860s was driven by an expectation that coal would soon become scarce. However development of solar technologies stagnated in the early 20th century in the face of the increasing availability, economy, and utility of coal and petroleum.The 1973 oil embargo and 1979 energy crisis caused a reorganization of energy policies around the world and brought renewed attention to developing solar technologies.Deployment strategies focused on incentive programs such as the Federal Photovoltaic Utilization Program in the US and the Sunshine Program in Japan. Other efforts included the formation of research facilities in the US (SERI, now NREL), Japan (NEDO), and Germany (Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE).Between 1970 and 1983 photovoltaic installations grew rapidly, but falling oil prices in the early 1980s moderated the growth of PV from 1984 to 1996.Photovoltaic production growth has averaged 40% per year since 2000 and installed capacity reached 10.6 GW at the end of 2007,and 14.73 GW in 2008.Since 2006 it has beeneconomical for investors to install photovoltaics for free in return for a long term power purchase agreement. 50% of commercial systems were installed in this manner in 2007 and it is expected that 90% will by 2009. Nellis Air Force Base is receiving photoelectric power for about 2.2 ¢/kWh and grid power for 9 ¢/kWh.Commercial concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) plants were first developed in the 1980s. CSP plants such as SEGS project in the United States have a levelized energy cost (LEC) of 12–14 ¢/kWh.The 11 MW PS10 power tower in Spain, completed in late 2005, is Europe's first commercial CSP system, and a total capacity of 300 MW is expected to be installed in the same area by 2013.In August 2009, First Solar announced plans to build a 2 GW photovoltaic system in Ordos City, Inner Mongolia, China in four phases consisting of 30 MW in 2010, 970 MW in 2014, and another 1000 MW by 2019. As of June 9, 2009, there is a new solar thermal power station being built in the Banaskantha district in North Gujarat. Once completed, it will be the world's largest.。



Trend Analysis & Extrapolation
• Trend analysis requires that you do more than simply extrapolate the trend forward.
• You have to ask, what is causing this trend, and will those causes continue indefinitely?
• 1954 - Bell Laboratories, experimenting with semiconductors, accidentally found that silicon doped with certain impurities was very sensitive to light. Daryl Chapin, Calvin Fuller and Gerald Pearson, invented the first practical device for converting sunlight into useful electrical power. Resulted in the production of the first practical solar cells with a sunlight energy conversion efficiency of around 6%.
• Photosynthesis captures approximately 3,000 EJ per year in biomass.
• The amount of solar energy reaching the surface of the planet is so vast that in one year it is about twice as much as will ever be obtained from all of the Earth's non-renewable resources of coal, oil, natural gas, and mined uranium combined.



Learn and Repeat Loudly
• • • • •
unlimited geographical distribution generating electricity nearby the consumer
光电变换 light-to-current conversion 太阳电池 solar battery 发电原理 generating principle 无枯竭风险 no risk of exhausting 不受资源分布地域的限制
Solar Power Generation
• 太阳能发电 Water and Wind • 水力、风力发电Power Generation
• 地热发电 • 生物质能发电
Geothermal Power Generation
Biomass Energy Generation
Listen & Learn
When the surface of solar cells exposed to light, the part of the photon absorbed(吸收) by silicon material(硅材料); photon's energy transfer to the silicon atom(原子), The electron electronic transition(跃迁) and become a free electron, on both sides of P-N junction-N结) agglomeration(集聚)and formed(形成) a potential difference(电位差), when the external access through the circuit(电路), under the effect of the voltage, There will be a current flow through the external circuit and produce a output power. The essence(本质) of this process: photon energy into electrical energy.(Photovoltaic effect光 伏效应)



• Mirrors focus sunlight onto a small area at top of 300 foot tall tower.
– Utilizes a liquid salt as a fluid to collect and transport heat to boil water, steam turns turbine, turbine turns generator, voila! electricity. – Power 65,000 homes Integral is Sevilla PV, an integrated photovoltaic array that will power 1800 homes
Nevada Solar One Schematic Diagram
Abengoa Solar Trough Farms
Gila Bend AZ; 280 MW CSP, the largest in the world (70,000 homes supplied—covers 1900 acres), and a second 280 MW plant under construction near Barstow, CA (54,000 homes).
• “It appears Ivanpah may act as a ‘mega-trap,’ attracting insects which in turn attract insect-eating birds, which are incapacitated by solar-flux injury, thus attracting predators and creating an entire food chain vulnerable to injury and death,” concluded scientists with the National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory in a report that investigated 233 bird deaths representing 71 species at three Southern California solar power plants. • “Ivanpah employees called such immolations ’streamers,’” said The Atlantic. • US Fish and Wildlife Service Office of Law Enforcement staff “observed an average of one streamer event every two minutes.”

Active Solar Power:主动式太阳能发电PPT

Active Solar Power:主动式太阳能发电PPT

use, ventilation and
industrial process air
and water for
commercial facilities
such as laundries,
car washes and
fitness centers.
How do Solar Panels Work?
Solar compared to Non-renewables
• It is a lot cheaper to use. • It is not subjected to the cost of gasoline. • It supports job growth and new business. • It keeps your house or business running
• It also healthier to use than gas and other non-renewables
• It is much cleaner to use than gas or coal which saves the environment
Challenges of Active Solar use
Active Solar Power
Courtney Maynard Rachel Teets
Thomas Stergiadis
What is it?
• Active solar power is different from passive solar, first because sun is actually being collected and converted into a different energy source.



Figure 3.1 The photoelectric effect of solar cells
How much energy can get from a photoelectric device depending on the following factors: 1, the size and type of material 2, the intensity of sunlight 3, the wavelength of sunlight Solar cell characteristics: 1, a much longer life span compared to human history, so it is almost limitless energy; 2, solar energy is extremely rich, 30-minute exposure to the Earth's energy is enough for annual energy consumption of the world; 3, solar energy is green energy, which will not cause any pollution;
Sun light shine over the emiconductor pn junction, producing a new hole electron pairs . Then,under the effect of electric field in the pn junction, the hole flow from the n zone area to p zone area, and the electronic from the p area to n area. After the photogenic charge carrier is connected to the circuit , the current will formated. This is the photoelectric effect, is also a solar cell’s working principle. Therefore, if form a loop circuit (circuit showed as Figure 3.1) , the energy generated from the battery in the following lighting circuit , for free electrons haveing to go along the loop back to the positive pole.




1、太阳能取之不尽,用之不竭,地球表面接受的太阳辐 射能,能够满足全球能源需求的1万倍。只要在全球4%沙 漠上安装太阳能光伏系统,所发电力就可以满足全球的需 要。太阳能发电安全可靠,不会遭受能源危机或燃料市场 不稳定的冲击; 2、太阳能随处可处,可就近供电,不必长距离输送,避 免了长距离输电线路的损失; 3、太阳能不用燃料,运行成本很低; 4、太阳能发电没有运动部件,不易用损坏,维护简单, 特别适合于无人值守情况下使用; 5、太阳能发电不会产生任何废弃物,没有污染、噪声等 公害,对环境无不良影响,是理想的清洁能源; 6、太阳能发电系统建设周期短,方便灵活,而且可以根 据负荷的增减,任意添加或减少太阳能方阵容量,避免浪 费。

太阳能的能源是来自地球外部天体的能源(主要 是太阳能),是太阳中的氢原子核在超高温时聚 变释放的巨大能量,人类所需能量的绝大部分都 直接或间接地来自太阳。我们生活所需的煤炭、 石油、天然气等化石燃料都是因为各种植物通过 光合作用把太阳能转变成化学能在植物体内贮存 下来后,再由埋在地下的动植物经过漫长的地质 年代形成。它们实质上是由古代生物固定下来的 太阳能。此外,水能、风能、波浪能、海流能等 也都是由太阳能转换来的。

一、用户太阳能电源:(1)小型电源10-100W不等,用于边远无电地区如高原、 海岛、牧区、边防哨所等军民生活用电;(2)3-5KW家庭屋顶并网发电系 统;(3)光伏水泵:解决无电地区的深水井饮用、灌溉。 二、交通领域:如航标灯、交通/铁路信号灯、交通警示/标志灯、宇翔路灯、 高空障碍灯、高速公路/铁路无线电话亭、无人值守道班供电等。 三、通讯/通信领域:太阳能无人值守微波中继站、光缆维护站、广播/通讯/寻 呼电源系统;农村载波电话光伏系统、小型通信机、士兵GPS供电等。 四、石油、海洋、气象领域:石油管道和水库闸门阴极保护太阳能电源系统、 石油钻井平台生活及应急电源、海洋检测设备、气象/水文观测设备等。 五、家庭灯具电源:如庭院灯、路灯、手提灯、野营灯、登山灯、垂钓灯、黑 光灯、割胶灯、节能灯等。 六、光伏电站:10KW-50MW独立光伏电站、风光(柴)互补电站、各种大型停 车厂充电站等。 七、太阳能建筑将太阳能发电与建筑材料相结合,使得未来的大型建筑实现 电力自给,是未来一大发展方向。 八、其他领域包括:(1)与汽车配套:太阳能汽车/电动车、电池充电设备、汽车 空调、换气扇、冷饮箱等;(2)太阳能制氢加燃料电池的再生发电系统;(3)海水 淡化设备供电;(4)卫星、航天器、空间太阳能电站等。

太阳能光热资料汇总(英文版)PPT课件( 30页)

太阳能光热资料汇总(英文版)PPT课件( 30页)

Active solar water heating systems:
Active solar water heating systems are characterized as either direct (also called “open loop”) or indirect (also called closed loop) depending on whether the incoming water is heated directly in the collectors or indirectly heated via a heat exchanger.
Benefits of solar water
• Hot water throughout the year: the system works all year round, though you'll need to heat the water further with a boiler or immersion heater during the winter months.
How Solar Heating System Works???
A solar water heating system comprises solar collectors, a storage tank and interconnecting pipework. The solar collectors are usually mounted on roof of a building to capture solar radiation. Small tubes run through the solar collectors and carry liquid –either water or heat transfer liquid with low boiling point. The heat pipe absorbs heat from the solar collectors and transfers heat to incomit water heater

Solar Energy - Forward太阳能-了-PPT课件

Solar Energy - Forward太阳能-了-PPT课件
~1700 AD French scientist, George Buffon, made multiple flat mirrors to concentrate light to a point. ~1747, he ignited a wood pile 195 ft away (wood ignites at ~250°C with flux of 4.7kW/m2)
Climate records show the availability of this solar energy and must not be ignored when designing a system
Like all climates, the statistical variability requires that a “long” sample be used, perhaps five years to fifty years You estimate the long term from what you have
In Other News . . .
Haggling continues over $1 B for home heating subsidies in US House
Senate: $11.5B for mass transit and rail projects House: $12.4B for mass transit including $4.6B to buy
800 BC Plutarch sed metal cones to light ritual fires
212 BC Archimedes purportedly used burning mirrors to set fire to ships according to Galen in De Temperamentis (see Mythbusters)


as a new energy, solar energy has three characteristics compared to conventional energy sources: first: it is human beings can use the most abundant source of energy, enough to supply the earth for future human use of billions of years.
But There are many limitations of using solar energy
• (1) dispersion: solar radiation reaching the Earth's total surface, despite great, but very low energy density
• (2) Instability: weather play an important role in the utilization of solar energy.
• (3) Low efficiency and high cost.
• in the global solar energy is becoming more and more important, because use of oil and coal have caused global warming, a serious environment , many countries are in search for new strategies to achieve sustainable development. Solar energy is clean, convenient, economical, safe, environmentally friendly and other advantages, as the focus for the future of energy..



Applications of Photovoltaic Solar Energy
Residential and commercial buildings
Solar panels can be installed on rooftops to provide electricity for homes and businesses.
Future of Photovoltaic Solar Energy
Current trends in photovoltaic technology
Current trends in photovoltaic technology include the use of nanotechnology, perovskite solar cells, and the integration of solar cells into building materials.
Projected growth of the industry
The photovoltaic solar energy industry is expected to continue growing due to increasing demand for renewable energy, government incentives and policies, and technological advancements.
Solar cells are made up of a p-type
direct current (DC) electricity.
semiconductor layer, an n-type
semiconductor layer, and a thin



其总量属现今世界上可以开发的最大能源。 (4)长久:根据目前太阳产生的核能
• 缺点

太阳能能源是来自地球外部天体的能源(主要是太阳)人类所需能量的绝大部分都直接或 间接地来自太阳。正是各种植物通过光合作用把太阳能转变成化学能在植物体内贮存下来。 煤炭、石油、天然气等化石燃料也是由古代埋在地下的动植物经过漫长的地质年代形成的。 它们实质上是由古代生物固定下来的太阳能。此外,水能、风能等也都是由太阳能转换来 的。 地球本身蕴藏的能量通常指与地球内部的热能有关的能源和与原子核反应有关的能源。
• 在整个综合能源体系中的作用受到一定的限制。尽管太阳 辐射到地球大气层的能量仅为其总辐射能量的22亿分之一, 但已高达173,000TW,也就是说太阳每秒钟照射到地球上 的能量就相当于500万吨煤,每秒照射到地球的能量则为 499,400,00,000焦。地球上的风能、水能、海洋温差能、 波浪能和生物质能以及部分潮汐能都是来源于太阳;即使 是地球上的化石燃料(如煤、石油、天然气等)从根本上 说也是远古以来贮存下来的太阳能,所以广义的太阳能所 包括的范围非常大,狭义的太阳能则限于太阳辐射能的光 热、光电和光化学的直接转换。 太阳能既是一次能 源,又是可再生能源。它资源丰富,既可免费使用,又无 需运输,对环境无任何污染。为人类创造了一种新的生活 形态,使社会及人类进入一个节约能源减少污染的时代。


Solar thermal utilization
Solar thermal systems convert solar energy into heat energy Common applications include solar water heaters and solar cooks, which use solar collectors to absorb solar radiation and transfer heat to water or cooking vessels
• Agriculture: Solar energy can be used in agriculture for green house heating, crop dropping, and solar powered irrigation systems, improving agricultural production efficiency and reducing costs
Current Status and Trends of Solar Energy
Technology Development
Overview of the Development of Solar Energy Technology at Home and Abroad
• Domestic Development: China has made significant progress in solar energy technology in recent years The country has implemented a number of large scale solar projects and has become a global leader in solar panel manufacturing Additionally, China is actively promoting the use of solar energy in rural areas through policies such as the "Solar PV Poverty Alleviation Program."
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用时有间歇性和随机性,发电量 与气候条件有关,在晚上或阴雨天就不能 或很少发电; 2、能量密度较低,标准条件下,地面上接 收到的太阳辐射强度为1000W/M^2。大规 格使用时,需要占用较大面积; 3、价格仍比较贵,为常规发电的3~15倍, 初始投资高。


太阳能的能源是来自地球外部天体的能源(主要 是太阳能),是太阳中的氢原子核在超高温时聚 变释放的巨大能量,人类所需能量的绝大部分都 直接或间接地来自太阳。我们生活所需的煤炭、 石油、天然气等化石燃料都是因为各种植物通过 光合作用把太阳能转变成化学能在植物体内贮存 下来后,再由埋在地下的动植物经过漫长的地质 年代形成。它们实质上是由古代生物固定下来的 太阳能。此外,水能、风能、波浪能、海流能等 也都是由太阳能转换来的。


太阳能发电系统由太阳能电池组、太阳能 控制器、蓄电池(组)部分组成。如输出电源 为交流220V或110V,还需要配置逆变器。
卫星太阳能发电站是利用卫星技术, 在太空把太阳能转化成电能,然后 以某种方式传回地球供人类使用的 系统。1968年,美国工程师格拉 舍在《自然》杂志上发表文章《来 自太阳的能源:它的未来》,首次 提出了卫星太阳能电站的设想。

1、太阳能取之不尽,用之不竭,地球表面接受的太阳辐 射能,能够满足全球能源需求的1万倍。只要在全球4%沙 漠上安装太阳能光伏系统,所发电力就可以满足全球的需 要。太阳能发电安全可靠,不会遭受能源危机或燃料市场 不稳定的冲击; 2、太阳能随处可处,可就近供电,不必长距离输送,避 免了长距离输电线路的损失; 3、太阳能不用燃料,运行成本很低; 4、太阳能发电没有运动部件,不易用损坏,维护简单, 特别适合于无人值守情况下使用; 5、太阳能发电不会产生任何废弃物,没有污染、噪声等 公害,对环境无不良影响,是理想的清洁能源; 6、太阳能发电系统建设周期短,方便灵活,而且可以根 据负荷的增减,任意添加或减少太阳能方阵容量,避免浪 费。

一、用户太阳能电源:(1)小型电源10-100W不等,用于边远无电地区如高原、 海岛、牧区、边防哨所等军民生活用电;(2)3-5KW家庭屋顶并网发电系 统;(3)光伏水泵:解决无电地区的深水井饮用、灌溉。 二、交通领域:如航标灯、交通/铁路信号灯、交通警示/标志灯、宇翔路灯、 高空障碍灯、高速公路/铁路无线电话亭、无人值守道班供电等。 三、通讯/通信领域:太阳能无人值守微波中继站、光缆维护站、广播/通讯/寻 呼电源系统;农村载波电话光伏系统、小型通信机、士兵GPS供电等。 四、石油、海洋、气象领域:石油管道和水库闸门阴极保护太阳能电源系统、 石油钻井平台生活及应急电源、海洋检测设备、气象/水文观测设备等。 五、家庭灯具电源:如庭院灯、路灯、手提灯、野营灯、登山灯、垂钓灯、黑 光灯、割胶灯、节能灯等。 六、光伏电站:10KW-50MW独立光伏电站、风光(柴)互补电站、各种大型停 车厂充电站等。 七、太阳能建筑将太阳能发电与建筑材料相结合,使得未来的大型建筑实现 电力自给,是未来一大发展方向。 八、其他领域包括:(1)与汽车配套:太阳能汽车/电动车、电池充电设备、汽车 空调、换气扇、冷饮箱等;(2)太阳能制氢加燃料电池的再生发电系统;(3)海水 淡化设备供电;(4)卫星、航天器、空间太阳能电站等。

太阳能光发电:将太阳能直接转变成电能的一种发电方式。 它包括光伏发电、光化学发电、光感应发电和光生物发电 四种形式,在光化学发电中有电化学光伏电池、光电解电 池和光催化电池。 太阳能热发电:先将太阳能转化为热能,再将热能转化成 电能,它有两种转化方式。一种是将太阳热能直接转化成 电能,如半导体或金属材料的温差发电,真空器件中的热 电子和热电离子发电,碱金属热电转换,以及磁流体发电 等。另一种方式是将太阳热能通过热机(如汽轮机)带动 发电机发电,与常规热力发电类似,只不过是其热能不是 来自燃料,而是来自太阳能