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TinyOS1.x中的解决办法是只有一个标准的"TOS_Msg"定义,特定平台可以将其重新定义成符合它自己需要的结构,例如一个mica2节点使用如下标准定义:The solution to this problem in

typedef struct TOS_Msg{

//The following fields are transmitted/received on the radio.

uint16_t addr;

uint8_t type;

uint8_t group;

uint8_t length;

int8_t data[TOSH_DATA_LENGTH];

uint16_t crc;

//The following fields are not actually transmitted or received //on the radio!They are used for internal accounting only.

//The reason they are in this structure is that the AM interface //requires them to be part of the TOS_Msg that is passed to

//send/receive operations.

uint16_t strength;

uint8_t ack;

uint16_t time;

uint8_t sendSecurityMode;

uint8_t receiveSecurityMode;


在使用CC2420射频的平台上,“TOS_Msg”定义为:while on a mote with a CC2420radio(e.g., micaZ),``TOS_Msg``is defined as::

typedef struct TOS_Msg{

//The following fields are transmitted/received on the radio.

uint8_t length;

uint8_t fcfhi;

uint8_t fcflo;

uint8_t dsn;

uint16_t destpan;

uint16_t addr;

uint8_t type;

uint8_t group;

int8_t data[TOSH_DATA_LENGTH];

//The following fields are not actually transmitted or received //on the radio!They are used for internal accounting only.

//The reason they are in this structure is that the AM interface //requires them to be part of the TOS_Msg that is passed to

//send/receive operations.

uint8_t strength;

uint8_t lqi;

bool crc;

uint8_t ack;

uint16_t time;


这个方法存在2个基本问题。第一,暴露所有的链路层结构字段导致组件会直接存取包结构,这会给高层组件和底层机构之间引入依赖(注:高耦合)。例如,很多建立在数据链路层之上的网络层服务会是否收到已发包的应答,因此它们会检查TOS_Msg中的ack字段。如果某个链路层不提供应答机制,它也必须在结构中包含"ack"字段,并总是将其设置为0,这样就浪费了RAM 每个buffer中的一个字节。

第二,这个模型要支持多种数据链路层是困难的。射频芯片的实现会假设它们需要的字段以及在结构中得到了预定义,并会直接存取它们。如果一个平台有2个不同的数据链路层(例如同时拥有CC2420和CC1000射频),那么一个“TOS_Msg”需要为2个结构的头部字段分配正确合适的空间,以便它们能够直接存取这些头部字段。这在C语言中是相当困难的。Second,this model does not easily support multiple data link layers.Radio chip implementations assume that the fields they require are defined in the structure and directly access them.If a platform has two different link layers(e.g.,a CC1000*and*a CC2420radio),then a``TOS_Msg`` needs to allocate the right amount of space for both of their headers while allowing implementations to directly access header fields.This is very difficult to do in C.


