Mathematics for GRE.ppt




数学总结*几个GRE 最常用的概念:偶数(evennumber):能被2整除的整数; 奇数(oddnumber):不能被2整除的数; 质数(primenumber):大于1的整数,除了1和它本身外,不能被其他正整数所整除的,称为质数。

也叫素数;(学过数论的同学请注意,这里的质数概念不同于数论中的概念,GRE 里的质数不包括负整数)倒数(reciprocal):一个不为零的数为x,则它的倒数为1/x 。

*最重要的性质:奇偶性:偶加偶为偶,偶减偶为偶,偶乘偶为偶; 奇加奇为偶,奇减奇为偶,奇乘奇为偶; 奇加偶为偶,奇减偶为偶,奇乘偶为偶。

等差数列GRE 数学中绝大部分是等差数列,d n a a n )1(1-+=,形式主要为应用题。


数理统计 *众数(mode)?一组数中出现频率最高的一个或几个数。



例:rangeof1,1,2,3,5is5-1=4*平均数(mean )算术平均数(arithmeticmean ) *几何平均数(geometricmean ) n 个数之积的n 次方根。


例:medianof1,7,4,9,2,5,8is5medianof1,7,4,9,2,5is(5+7)/2=6 ps:GRE 经常考察众数与数的个数的积和这组数的和的大小。

*标准偏差(standarderror)一组数中,每个数与平均数的差的绝对值之和,再除以这组数的个数n 例:standarderrorof0,2,5,7,6is:(|0-4|+|2-4|+|5-4|+|7-4|+|6-4|)/5= *standardvariation一组数中,每个数与平均数之差的平方和,再除以这组数的个数n 例:standardvariationof0,2,5,7,6is:_22222_|_(0-4)+(2-4)+(5-4)+(7-4)+(6-4)_|/5= *标准偏差(standarddeviation)standarddeviation 等于standardvariation 的平方根ps:GRE 经常让你比较众数或中数与数的个数的乘积和这组数的和的大小,可以举几个极限情况的例子验证一下。



数学总结主要符号数的概念和特性*几个GRE 最常用的概念:偶数(even number):能被2整除的整数; 奇数(odd number):不能被2整除的数;质数(prime number):大于1的整数,除了1和它本身外,不能被其他正整数所整除的,称为质数。

也叫素数;(学过数论的同学请注意,这里的质数概念不同于数论中的概念,GRE 里的质数不包括负整数) 倒数(reciprocal):一个不为零的数为x,则它的倒数为1/x 。

*最重要的性质:奇偶性:偶加偶为偶,偶减偶为偶,偶乘偶为偶; 奇加奇为偶,奇减奇为偶,奇乘奇为偶; 奇加偶为偶,奇减偶为偶,奇乘偶为偶。

等差数列GRE 数学中绝大部分是等差数列,d n a a n )1(1-+=,形式主要为应用题。


数理统计 *众数(mode)一组数中出现频率最高的一个或几个数。

例:mode of 1,1,1,2,3,0,0,0,5 is 1 and 0。


例:range of 1,1,2,3,5 is 5-1=4*平均数(mean ) 算术平均数(arithmetic mean ) *几何平均数(geometric mean ) n 个数之积的n 次方根。

*中数(median)对一组数进行排序后,正中间的一个数(数字个数为奇数), 或者中间两个数的平均数(数字个数为偶数)。

例: median of 1,7,4,9,2,5,8 is 5 median of 1,7,4,9,2,5 is (5+7)/2=6 ps:GRE 经常考察众数与数的个数的积和这组数的和的大小。

*标准偏差(standard error)一组数中,每个数与平均数的差的绝对值之和,再除以这组数的个数n 例:standard error of 0,2,5,7,6 is: (|0-4|+|2-4|+|5-4|+|7-4|+|6-4|)/5=2.4 *standard variation一组数中,每个数与平均数之差的平方和,再除以这组数的个数n 例: standard variation of 0,2,5,7,6 is:_ 2 2 2 2 2_ |_(0-4) +(2-4)+(5-4)+(7-4)+(6-4)_|/5=6.8 *标准偏差(standard deviation)standard deviation 等于standard variation 的平方根ps :GRE 经常让你比较众数或中数与数的个数的乘积和这组数的和的大小,可以举几个极限情况的例子验证一下。



* Arithmetic
• If i= 1 ,for which of the folloeing values of n does i n (i)n have a positive value? • A.23 B.24 C.25 • D.26 E.27
* Arithmetic
4 decimals 小数、十进制数 terminate repeat
* Arithmetic
6 ratio proportion percent
percent increase percent decrease 7 Sequence arithmetic Sequence geometric Sequence
* Arithmetic
• If United States imports increased 20 percent and export decreased 10 percent during a certain year,the ratio of imports to exports at the end of the year was how many times the ratio at the beginning of the year? • A. 12/11 B. 4/3 C.11/8 • D. 3/2 E.2
* Arithmetic
• 3, 5, -5,… • The first term in the sequence of numbers show above is 3.each even-numbered term is 2 more than the previous term and each odd-numbered term,after the first, is -1 times the previous term .for example,the second term is 3+2,and the third term is(1) 5.what is the 55th term of the sequence? A.-5 B.-3 C.-1 D.3 E.5



GRE数学手册要紧符号数的概念和特性*几个GRE 最经常使用的概念:偶数(even number):能被2整除的整数; 奇数(odd number):不能被2整除的数; 质数(prime number):大于1的整数,除1和它本身外,不能被其他正整数所整除的,称为质数。

也叫素数;(学过数论的同窗请注意,那个地址的质数概念不同于数论中的概念,GRE 里的质数不包括负整数)倒数(reciprocal):一个不为零的数为x,那么它的倒数为1/x 。

*最重要的性质:奇偶性:偶加偶为偶,偶减偶为偶,偶乘偶为偶; 奇加奇为偶,奇减奇为偶,奇乘奇为偶; 奇加偶为偶,奇减偶为偶,奇乘偶为偶。

等差数列GRE 数学中绝大部份是等差数列,d n a a n )1(1-+=,形式要紧为应用题。



例:mode of 1,1,1,2,3,0,0,0,5 is 1 and 0。


例:range of 1,1,2,3,5 is 5-1=4*平均数(mean ) 算术平均数(arithmetic mean ) *几何平均数(geometric mean ) n 个数之积的n 次方根。

*中数(median)对一组数进行排序后,正中间的一个数(数字个数为奇数), 或中间两个数的平均数(数字个数为偶数)。

例: median of 1,7,4,9,2,5,8 is 5 median of 1,7,4,9,2,5 is (5+7)/2=6ps:GRE 常常考察众数与数的个数的积和这组数的和的大小。

*标准误差(standard error)一组数中,每一个数与平均数的差的绝对值之和,再除以这组数的个数n例:standard error of 0,2,5,7,6 is: (|0-4|+|2-4|+|5-4|+|7-4|+|6-4|)/5= *standard variation一组数中,每一个数与平均数之差的平方和,再除以这组数的个数n 例: standard variation of 0,2,5,7,6 is: _ 2 2 2 2 2_ |_(0-4) +(2-4)+(5-4)+(7-4)+(6-4)_|/5= *标准误差(standard deviation)standard deviation 等于standard variation 的平方根 ps :GRE 常常让你比较众数或中数与数的个数的乘积和这组数的和的大小,能够举几个极限情形的例子验证一下。



GRE Mathematics Subject 2011 April20111.Four points ABCD are on a circle arranged clockwise, AB intersects DC atP,AP=9, BP=4, CP=3,what is the length of DP?2. Surface S is part of x^2+y^2=1between planes Z=0 and x+y+z=2, a vector field F=(xi, yj, zk), what is the value of integration ∬F ndS, n is the unit normal vector of dS?3. f: [0, +∞)->[0, +∞) strictly increasing, I(a)=int(0->a)f(x)dx,J(b)=int(0->b)f^(-1) (x)dxwhich are correct:I. J(b) equal to the area bounded by x=0, y=b, f(x)II. a>0, 0<b<f(a), I(a)+J(b)<abIII. a>0, b>f(a), I(a)+J(b)>ab4. Linear transformation T:V->V, exist v in V that T^2v≠0, T^3v=0, S=span{ v, Tv, T^2v}, which conclusions are right .....5. lim(x→0)(e^(sin^2 x)-cosx)/x^36. Area of region bounded by y=x^2 and y=2-x^27. The distance of origin to the plane x+2y-z=148. How many zeros are at the end of 11^100-1?9. Partial sum from n=1 to 100 of series n*2^(n-1)10. A pulley with radius 2cm, rotated in speed of 1round per second. What is the speed of the object relative to the center of the pulley when it drops 4cm?11.Area of parallelogram with diagonal vectors a and b12. Two persons select one number from integers 1to 12 individually, what is the probability that the sum is equal to 12?13. In ring Z/2Z, which polynomial is in the ideal generated by 1+x2 and 1+x31+x^4 x^5+x+1 1+x^614. p, q are two prime numbers, for a group G with order pq, which is correct?G has four subgroupsG is communicative…15. Number of generators of cyclic group of order 36.16. f(z)=xy-ixy, where is the function differentiable?17. Newton's method, a quadratic function choose the equation between x(n+1) and x(n)18.Sequence {an}, all but finitely many terms are not in [0,2], which is correct19. a(n+1)=(6+a(n))^1/2, a(1)=6^1/2, limit of the sequence?20. Two circles with radius 1 and 2 respectively, the distance between the two centers is 4. What is the curve formed by points with equal distances to the two circles?21. A complete graph has 190 edges, how many vertices does it have?22. A dodecagon labelled by 12 months at each edge is rolled in a game. One “turn” of the game is to roll it until one April appears, then the number of the rolls is recorded. What is the probability to have five consecutive turns with rolls no greater than 10?23. An closed associative operator # on set S, if a#b#a=b for any a,b in S, which is correct?# is communicativeS is a groupS is finite24. S(f)={x: x>0, f(x)=x}, ∑(x∈S(f))(1/x) converges for which function in the following?A. tanxB. tanx2C. tan2xD. tan√xE. √|tanx|25. f is discontinuous on a subset of R, which one is impossible?A. ΦB. Rational numbersC. Irrational numbersD. Positive real numbersE.R26. Flow chart, ask about the result will be printed.25. (3x+4)^2 (d^2 y)/(dx^2)+4(3x+4) dy/dx-6y=0, let 3x+4=et, what is the new form of the equation?26. cos(bx)=sin2x+1 only have solution at 0, what’s the value of b?27. Continuous function f(x) on [0,1], f(0)=0, f’(0)=0, 0≤f’’(x)≤1, then the range of f(x):A.[0,1/2]B. [0,1/2]C. [0,1]D. [0,1]E.28. Function from 5 element set to 3element set, the number of maps which are not onto29. Tangent plane equation of a surface at (1,1,10)30. The number of points on the complex plane with zz*=131. Equations (x+2y=2, 2x+ay=2a/3) is consistent, then the set of a values:A. ΦB. R-{0}C. R-{4}D. RE. Not enough conditions32. Distance function defined by int(1->t^3)e^(-1/u) du, what is the velocity when t=2?33. f,g continuous on [0,1], sup f=sup g, which is correct:inf(-f)=inf(-g)exist x in (0,1) that f(x)=g(x)exist x that f(x)=sup g(x)34. lim(n→∞)∑(k=1->n)k/(k^2+n^2 )35. y=e^2x, the tangent at x=c is parallel to y=3x, the value of c?36. (log(logx2))’37. int(0->+∞)(e^t/(1+e^2t ))dt38. Five nonzero vectors v1 to v5, a1v1+a2v2+a3v3+a4v4+a5v5≠0 if none of ai is zero. What is the minimum dimension of the space?A.1B.2C.3D.4E.639. Matrices X,Y, AX=YB, which is correctA. A,B are squareB. X,Y are squareC. If A and X communicative…D. If A and Y communicative…E. …40. f(x)=ax2+bx+c, a≠0, f(2)=1, f(-2)=-1, which is correct:a<0 B. -2b/a=0 C…. D. b2-4ac>0 E….。



GRE数学讲义GRE数学考试形式•2 Sections•30 minutes for each section•30 questions for each sectionGRE数学题型•1-15 比较大小Quantitative ComparisonA. the quantity in Column A is greaterB. the quantity in Column B is greaterC. the two quantities are equalD. the relationship cannot be determined from the information given•16-20计算题 Problem Solving•21-25图表题 Graphic Analysis•26-30计算题 Problem Solving【例1】L, M, N are both real numbersand L>N, M>NA BL+M N【例2】The market value of a product decreased by 10 percent of its purchase price each month. If the product was purchased in January for its market value of $1,000, what was its market value two months later?(A)$1,000 (B)$910 (C)$800(D)$900 (E)$810【例3】Which of the following equations can be used to find the value of x if5 less than 3x is6 more than the product of 2 and x?(A)3x-5=6+2x(B)3x-5=6+(2+x) (C)5-3x=6+2x(D)5-3x=(6+2)x (E)5-3x+6=2x【例4】3 6 14225 1831261711 4 92 278 10The figure above consists of 16 squares. If the figure were folded along the dotted diagonal to form a flat triangle, then 17 minus the number in the square that would coincide with the square containing 17 would be(A)3 (B)4 (C)5 (D)6 (E)7【例5】If two trains are 120 miles apart and are traveling toward each other ata constant rate of 37mph and 43mph, respectively, how far apartwill they be exactly 1 hour before they meet?(A) 6 miles(B) 12 miles(C) 40 miles(D) 60 miles(E) 80 miles【例6】AB两城市各有一座火车站,火车从A开到B和从B开到A所用时间都是6小时。

Mathematic PPT

Mathematic PPT

2.3.3 随机数函数
Random[ ] Random[Real,xmax] Random[Real,{xmin,xmax}] Random[Complex] Random[Complex,{zmin,zmax}] Random[type,range,n] Random[Integer] Random[Integer,imin,imax] SeedRandom[ ] SeedRandom[s]
名称 x+yI Re[z] Im[z] Conjugate[z] Abs[z] Arg[z] 意义 定义复数x+yI 定义复数 求复数z的实部 求复数 的实部 求复数z的虚部 求复数 的虚部 求复数z的共轭 求复数 的共轭 求复数z的模 求复数 的模 求复数z的幅角主值 求复数 的幅角主值
名称 $MachinePrecision MachineNumberQ[x] 意义 获得计算机系统的机器精度 判断x是否为机器精度数 判断 是否为机器精度数 是—True;否—False ;
2.2 变量
2.2.1 变量及其定义
在变量名中不能包含空格和标点符号 在Mathematica中,对于一次使用后不想保 中 留的变量,建议使用Clear[]函数立即清除 留的变量,建议使用 函数立即清除
离散数学中常用,可以组合利用上面介绍的组合函数, 离散数学中常用,可以组合利用上面介绍的组合函数, 产生各种各样的组合表
2.3.6 初等超越函数
Exp[x] Log[x] Log[b,x] Sin[z],Cos[z],Tan[z],Csc[z],Sec[z],Cot[z] ArcSin[z], ArcCos[z], ArcTan[z], ArcCsc[z], ArcSec[z], ArcCot[z] Sinh[z],Cosh[z],Tanh[z],Csch[z],Sech[z],Coth[z] ArcSinh[z], ArcCosh[z], ArcTanh[z], ArcCsch[z], ArcSech[z], ArcCoth[z]

gre数学考什么_gre 数学 数学考几部分

gre数学考什么_gre 数学 数学考几部分

gre数学考什么_gre 数学数学考几部分1.算术。




2gre 数学数学考几部分Same as applies to verbal section, save for the fact that each section is 35 minutes. Of course, youll be happy here to have those precious extra 5 minutes. Heres some tips on saving time with GRE math.跟语文部分类似,每个部分都是35分钟。










GRE数学解题大全目录GRE数学解题大全 (1)代数与几何部分 (2)概率论部分 (5)1.排列(permutation): (5)2.组合(combination): (5)3.概率 (5)统计学部分 (8)1.mode(众数) (8)2.range(值域) (8)3.mean(平均数) (8)4.median(中数) (8)5.standard error(标准偏差) (9)6.standard variation (9)7.standard deviation (9)8.the calculation of quartile(四分位数的计算) (9)9.The calculation of Percentile (10)10.To find median using Stem-and-Leaf (茎叶法计算中位数) (11)11.To find the median of data given by percentage(按比例求中位数) (12)12:比较,当n<1时,n,1,2 和1,2,3的标准方差谁大 (13)13.算数平均值和加权平均值 (13)14.正态分布题. (13)15.正态分布 (13)GRE数学符号与概念 (16)常用数学公式 (19)精讲20题 (20)GRE数学考试词汇分类汇总 (26)代数-数论 (26)代数-基本数学概念 (27)代数-基本运算, 小数,分数 (27)代数-方程,集合,数列等 (28)几何-三角 (29)几何-平面, 立体 (29)几何-图形概念 (30)几何-坐标 (31)商业术语,计量单位 (31)GRE数学考试词汇首字母查询 (32)代数与几何部分1.正整数n有奇数个因子,则n为完全平方数2.因子个数求解公式:将整数n分解为质因子乘积形式,然后将每个质因子的幂分别加一相乘.n=a*a*a*b*b*c则因子个数=(3+1)(2+1)(1+1)eg. 200=2*2*2 * 5*5 因子个数=(3+1)(2+1)=12个3.能被8整除的数后三位的和能被8整除;能被9整除的数各位数的和能被9整除.能被3整除的数,各位的和能被3整除.4.多边形内角和=(n-2)x1805.菱形面积=1/2 x 对角线乘积6.欧拉公式:边数=面数+顶点数-28.三角形余玄定理C2=A2+B2-2ABCOSβ,β为AB两条线间的夹角9.正弦定理:A/SinA=B/SinB=C/SinC=2R(A,B,C是各边及所对应的角,R是三角形外接圆的半径)10.Y=k1X+B1,Y=k2X+B2,两线垂直的条件为K1K2=-111.N的阶乘公式:N!=1*2*3*....(N-2)*(N-1)*N 且规定0!=1 1!=1Eg:8!=1*2*3*4*5*6*7*812. 熟悉一下根号2、3、5的值sqrt(2)=1.414 sqrt(3)=1.732 sqrt(5)=2.23613. ...2/3 as many A as B: A=2/3*B...twice as many... A as B: A=2*B14. 华氏温度与摄氏温度的换算换算公式:(F-32)*5/9=CPS.常用计量单位的换算:(自己查查牛津大字典的附录吧)练习题:1:还有数列题:a1=2,a2=6,a n=a n-1/a n-2,求a150.解答: a n=a n-1/a n-2,所以a n-1=a n-2/a n-3,带入前式得a n=1/a n-3,然后再拆一遍得到a n=a n-6,也就是说,这个数列是以6为周期的,则a150=a144=...=a6,利用a1,a2可以计算出a6=1/3.如果实在想不到这个方法,可以写几项看看很快就会发现a150=a144,大胆推测该数列是以6为周期得,然后写出a1-a13(也就是写到你能看出来规律),不难发现a6=a12,a7=a13,然后那,稍微数数,就可以知道a150=a6了,同样计算得1/3.2:问摄氏升高30度华氏升高的度数与62比大小.key:F=30*9/5=54<623:那道费波拉契数列的题:已知,a1=1 a2=1 a n=a n-1+a n-2,问a1,a2,a3,a6四项的平均数和a1,a3,a4,a5四项的平均数大小比较。


Preparing for a Subject Test ................................. 5
Test-Taking Strategies .......................................... 5
What Your Scores Mean ...................................... 6
Scores on the tests are intended to indicate knowledge of the subject matter emphasized in many undergraduate programs as preparation for graduate study. Because past achievement is usually a good indicator of future performance, the scores are helpful in predicting success in graduate study. Because the tests are standardized, the test scores permit comparison of students from different institutions with different undergraduate programs. For some Subject Tests, subscores are provided in addition to the total score; these subscores indicate the strengths and weaknesses of your preparation, and they may help you plan future studies.

GRE 数学满分攻略 ppt课件

GRE 数学满分攻略  ppt课件
from the information given.
Multiple-choice Questions — 单选题
1 =0.0N x
1 =0.00P
The fractions can be written as
decimals as shown above, where N
and P represent different digits. Which
• Odd and Even (奇偶性) • (1)n 为整数,则2n 为偶数,2n+1为奇数 • (2)奇数个奇数相加减,结果为奇数 • (3)偶数个奇数相加减,结果为偶数 • (4)奇数和偶数相加减,结果为奇数 • (5)任意多个偶数相加减,结果为偶数
• 求最小公倍数和最大公约数:分解质因数 • 会表示连续的整数,奇数,偶数
Vertex (pl. vertices) Quadrilateral/ Pentagon/ Hexagon/ Heptagon/ Octagon/ Nonagon/Decagon - 数学表达 The ratio of A to B A is twice as much as B/ There is twice as much A as B
GRE 数学满分攻略
1.GRE数学考试形式: 2 sections (不考虑加试) 35 minutes for each section 20 questions for each section
分数区间: 130 — 170
数值比较大小 单选
• Which two of the following numbers have a product that is greater than 60?

高等数学英文版课件PPT 05 Integrals

高等数学英文版课件PPT 05 Integrals

Ai f (xi)xi
i 1
i 1
机动 目录 上页 下页 返回 结束
Figure 3
y y=f(x)
S1 S2
x b
approximated by
y y=f(x)
Figure 4
R1 R2
o a x1 x2
xn b
机动 目录 上页 下页 返回 结束
necessary to give this type of limit a special name and notation.
1. Definition of a Definite Integral
If f is a function defined on a closed interval [a, b], let
|| P || max{x1,, xn}
Step 2: Approximation—By the partition above, the area of S can be approximated by the sum of areas of n rectangles .
Using the partition P one can divide the region S into n strips
f (x)dx = the area under the graph of f from a to b.
In general, a definite integral can be interpreted as a
difference of areas:

数学 英语知识点总结ppt

数学 英语知识点总结ppt

数学英语知识点总结pptArithmeticArithmetic is the most basic and fundamental branch of mathematics. It deals with the operations of numbers, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. In this section, we will review the basic operations of arithmetic, as well as the properties of numbers, such as commutativity, associativity, and distributivity. We will also cover topics such as fractions, decimals, percentages, and ratios, and demonstrate how these concepts are used in everyday life, such as in budgeting, cooking, and shopping.AlgebraAlgebra is a branch of mathematics that uses symbols and letters to represent numbers and quantities. In this section, we will explore the basic principles of algebra, including equations, inequalities, and functions. We will also discuss the various techniques for solving algebraic problems, such as factoring, completing the square, and using the quadratic formula. Additionally, we will demonstrate how algebra is used in various fields, such as science, engineering, and economics, through practical examples and applications.GeometryGeometry is the study of shapes, sizes, and spatial relationships. In this section, we will cover the fundamental concepts of geometry, including points, lines, angles, and polygons. We will also discuss the properties of geometric figures, such as congruence, similarity, and symmetry, as well as the principles of measurement, such as area, perimeter, volume, and surface area. Furthermore, we will explore the applications of geometry in architecture, design, and art, and highlight its importance in everyday life.TrigonometryTrigonometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between angles and sides in right-angled triangles. In this section, we will review the basic trigonometric functions, such as sine, cosine, and tangent, as well as their inverses. We will also discuss the applications of trigonometry in various fields, such as navigation, astronomy, and engineering. Additionally, we will demonstrate how trigonometric principles are used to solve problems involving angles and distances.CalculusCalculus is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of change and motion. In this section, we will explore the basic concepts of calculus, including derivatives, integrals, and limits. We will also discuss the applications of calculus in physics, engineering, and economics, and demonstrate how it is used to solve real-world problems, such as finding the maximum and minimum values of functions, determining rates of change, and calculating areas and volumes.StatisticsStatistics is the branch of mathematics that deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. In this section, we will cover the basic principles of statistics, including data types, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, and probability. We will also discuss various statistical methods, such as hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and correlation, and demonstrate their applications in fields such as business, healthcare, and social sciences.In conclusion, mathematics is a diverse and essential field of study that plays a crucial role in many aspects of our lives. This PowerPoint presentation aims to provide a comprehensive overview of various mathematical knowledge points in the English language, from basic arithmetic to advanced calculus and statistics. By understanding these concepts and their applications, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty and utility of mathematics in the world around us. Thank you for your attention, and we hope you find this presentation informative and inspiring.。



Mathematicians study conceptions and propositions, Axioms, postulates, definitions and theorems are all propositions. Notations are a special and powerful tool of mathematics and are used to express conceptions and propositions very often. Formulas ,figures and charts are full of different symbols. Some of the best known symbols of mathematics are the Arabic numerals 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 and the signs of addition, subtraction , multiplication, division and equality.
Mathematical English
Chapter 2 精读课文---入门必读
完整版课: useful terms and definitions
of Mathematics, equation and geometry Difficult points:
Some geometrical terms
等式是关于两个数或者数的符号相等的一种描述。等式有两种 -恒等式和条件等式。算术或者代数恒等式是等式。这种等式 的两端要么一样,要么经过执行指定的运算后变成一样。
1-B Equation
An identity involving letters is true for any set of numerical values of the letters in it.

Mathematics for Logisticians.ppt

Mathematics for Logisticians.ppt

©1999-2003. ReliaSoft Corp
Obtaining a system pdf from the pdfs of the components.
Basic System Reliability Terminology
• System
– A system is a collection of components, subsystems and/or assemblies arranged to a specific design in order to achieve desired functions with acceptable performance and reliability. The types of components, their quantities, their qualities and the manner in which they are arranged within the system have a direct effect on the system's reliability.
– A reliability block diagram is a graphical representation of the components of the system and how they are reliability-wise related (connected). (Note: One can also think of an RBD as a logic diagram for the system based on its characteristics.) It should be noted that this may differ from how the components are physically connected. An RBD of a simplified computer system with a redundant fan configuration is shown in the following figure.
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Mathematics for GRE
By John Pan
General Introduction
数学考察要点: 1)basic mathematical skill 2)understanding of elementary math
concept 3) ability to reason quantitatively and
solve problems in quantitative setting 难题主要集中在标准方差、概率以及排列
multiply, times
divided evenly
simple fraction numerator (least) common denominator(最小)公
infinite decimal tenths unit
decimal fraction recurring decimal
arithmetic mean
common ratio
arithmetic progression (sequence)
geometric progression (sequence)等比数列
(anti) clockwise(逆)
direct proportion
equivalent equation equation线性方程
proper fraction mixed number common fraction complex fraction denominator
improper fraction假分数 vulgar fraction,
trigonometric function
1.所有的角 alternate angle
corresponding angle同
regular polygon
arc line, straight line
line segment parallel lines segment of a circle
positive whole number
negative whole number负整数
consecutive number
real number实数,
rational number,
irrational (number)
composite number合数
prime number质数 reciprocal
algebraic term
like terms, similar terms
numerical coefficient
literal coefficient
inequality不等式 triangle inequality
original equation
quotient remainder
Radical sign, root sign根号
To the nearest四舍五入round to四舍五入
union proper subset solution set解集
weighted average加权平
geometric mean
square root
cube root
common logarithm
inverse function
complementary function余函数
vertical angle
central angle
interior angle
exterior angle
supplement angles
adjacent angle
acute angle
obtuse angle
right angle直角
round angle
straight angle
included angle夹角
2. 所有的三角形 equilateral triangle
scalene triangle isosceles triangle right triangle oblique inscribed triangle
semicircle半圆 concentric circles
heptagon 七边形
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
linear一次的,线性的 factorization
absolute value
natural number
positive number
negative number
odd integer, odd number
even integer, even number
integer, whole number整数
common divisor
(least) common multiple(最小)
(prime) factor(质)
common factor公因子 ordinary scale, decimal scale十进制