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Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly

For questions 1-7, mark

Y (for YES)if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;

N (for NO)if he statement contradicts the information given in the passage;

NG (for NOT GIVEN)if the information is not given in the passage;

For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

The Definition of International Economic Integration.

The price gap of a goods in different markets should take into account not only the transport costs but also, and more importantly, the consumption(消费,消耗) patterns(型) in different countries. This is an extremely 极端、极其difficult exercise. Income, tastes, traditions and climate may be homogeneous 同性质的in relatively small areas区域, sometimes even within a single country. The more homogeneous are the countries, the easier the test.

So we can conclude that internation国际化

all economic integration整合 is a process and a means by which a group of countries strives 努力奋斗to increase its level of welfare健康、幸福、繁荣 in relation to the present level or some past one ( it is possible that the past level of welfare was higher than the current one). It involves 需要the recognition认识、认出、承认 that a weak or strong partnership伙伴关系、合伙人身份 between countries can achieve this goal in a more efficient 有能力的、效率高的way, than by unilateral单方面做出的 and independent pursuance 追踪of policy in each country. International economic integration requires the division of labor ;劳动、努力,付出and freedom of movements for goods and services (at least)and factors of production within the integrated area, as well as restriction 约束,限制of these movements移动,运动,活动 between the integrated area and countries outside of it. The essential必不可少的,绝对的,非常重要的 point is that those countries together adopt 收养a kind of inward 里面的,内部的looking approach接近,走进,靠近 and concern for what happens in all member countries more than what happens outside of them. At least some consultation磋商,咨询, if not coordination, of monetary 货币的,金融的and fiscal policies is also a necessary condition 状况,状态、地位for the success and durability of integration, as is the case in the United States. The process of integration may be practically unlimited, just as is the continuous integration of various regions within a single country. From a technical point of view, international economic integration can be a limited process, i.e. the elimination of tariffs and quantitative restrictions, as well as the

introduction of a common external tariff in a customs union. Ultimately, competition, new technologies and the like, require continuous adjustments for countries in a customs union, which makes integration more of an unlimited than a limited process. International economic integration is a process by which the economies of separate states merge in large entities. This definition of international economic integration, incorporating the ideas in this paragraph, will be maintained throughout this article.

Types of International Economic Integration

Consumption in an integrated area is potentially higher than the sum of the consumptions of individual countries which are potential partners for integration in the situation in which trade is impeded by customs duties, quotas and barriers to factor mobility. International economic integration removes, at least partly, these and other distortions to trade and, possibly, investment. In this sense, international economic integration between at least two countries can have the following seven theoretical types.

A preferential tariff agreement among countries assumes that the customs duties on trade among the signatory countries are lower in relation to customs duties charged on trade with third countries.

A partial customs union is formed when the participating countries retain their initial tariffs on their mutual trade and introduce a common external tariff on trade with third countries.

A free trade area is an agreement among countries about the elimination of all tariff and quantitative restrictions on mutual trade. Every country in this area retains its own tariff and other regulation of trade with third countries. The bases of this agreement are the rules of origin. These rules prevent trade deflection, which is the import of goods from third countries into the area by country A (which has a relatively lower external tariff than country B) in order to re export the goods to country B.

In a customs union, participating countries not only remove tariff and quantitative restrictions on their internal trade, but also introduce a common external tariff on trade with third countries. The participating countries take part in international negotiations about trade and tariffs as a single unity.

In a common market, apart from a customs union, there exists free mobility of factors of production. Common regulations (restrictions)on the movement of factors with third countries are introduced.

An economic union among countries assumes not only a common market, but also the harmonization of fiscal, monetary, industrial, regional, transport and other economic policies.
