
Written assignments
Grade students' writing assignments based on their ability to clearly express their ideas and describe their experiences.
Shanghai Disney English PPT Teaching Materials
• introduction • Overview of Shanghai Disney • Teaching content and methods • Textbook structure and characteristics
First Disney Resort in Mainland China
Shanghai Disney Theme Zone
Mickey Avenue
Entry point of the resort; features shops, restaurants, and meet-and-greet opportunities with Mickey Mouse and his friends.
With the increasing popularity of theme parks and Disney culture around the world, incorporating Shanghai Disneyland into English language teaching materials is a relevant and interesting way to motivate learners.

六、实际情况展示 介绍了大量的管理经验之后,我们不妨来看一看迪斯尼 公司的实际情况。 “神秘王国”是迪斯尼公司所经营的一个娱乐性公园。 公园内部有一个网络化的隧道,能够及时向公园的各个角落 提供相关的服务,并通往员工更衣室、会议室、休息室等工 作区。这一隧道实际上是在地面上的,而公园本身是在第二 层。 在通道的交接地,摆放一个大型的公告板宣告着近期顾 客的满意度调查结果,同时罗列着顾客对迪斯尼其它的属下 娱乐公园的满意度,以增进企业内部的有效竞争。 雇员的工作服统一加工制作,并进们行统一的清洁、保 管.员工凭借ID卡每日在上岗前统一在服务台领取.每张ID卡 上标有员工所需的尺码及相关信息。工作结束后,员工将工 作服交与服务台,进行统一清洁. 公司还设有专门的网上大学,供员工学习新的技能、重 新进行自己的职业生涯设计。另外还设有咖啡室,供员工进 行短暂的休息
迪斯尼公司员工众多且工作领域分散,因此公司 采取各种方法以保持公司内部的有效交流,及时 准确地传达相关信息。公司所采用的沟通工具有: 各种电子公告板、电子邮件、计算机网络中心、 内部电视台等等,并且公司每周都要发放4万多 份内部报刊——《视与听》,传播公司内部信息。 各班主管将分别在早、中、晚时间向相应班次的 员工传达最新信息。
此外, Disney Couture (简 称“DC”) 是 迪斯尼推出 的少女配饰 品牌,DC 的 手链、耳环 等小女生酷 爱的饰品, 由于设计精 巧可爱,迅 速成为好莱 坞年轻女星 与名媛的最 爱!
Disney (Disney) the most famous and the most popular cartoon series brands are: · Mickey · 米奇 · Pooh · 维尼熊 · Disney Princess · 迪士尼公主 · Disney Baby· 迪士尼宝贝 · Chipmunk· 花栗鼠 · Toy Story · 玩具总动员 · The clown fish nemo · 小丑鱼尼莫
迪士尼乐园 英文.ppt

Disneyland is a dream for almost every child.Though we are not children any more,there’re still something precious left inside our heart,reminding us of our childhood over and over again. So,cherish these treasure and maintain a childlike innocence(童心),our lives will be always colourful. Thanks for your time!
Mickey‘s Toontown 米奇卡通城 The "city" is also home to cartoon character's houses such as the house of Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse and Goofy, as well as Donald Duck's boat.
Welcome to Disneyland!
Disneyland Park is a theme park located in Anaheim 阿纳海姆) (阿纳海姆), California, owned and operated by the Walt Disney Parks and Resorts(度假胜地) (度假胜地) division(部门) of The Walt Disney Company. Known as Disneyland when it opened on July 18, 1955, and still colloquially(口语地) known by that name, it is the only theme park to be designed and built under the direct supervision(管理) of Walt Disney. In 1998, the theme park was re-branded “Disneyland Park” to distinguish it from the larger Disneyland Resort complex(综合设施).

• Shanghai’s Disneyland will have its opening day on June 16, 2016. All tickets will be date-specific and valid for admission only on the date purchased.
• Shanghai Disney Resort is set to open on June 16. It is Disney’s sixth resort destination worldwide - the 5 other parks are located in
California, Florida, Tokyo, Paris and Hong Kong.
• Shanghai Disney Resort will feature new attractions not seen at the five other Disney resorts worldwide, including a Magic Kingdomstyle theme park with six different "lands," two themed hotels, Disneytown -- a huge shopping district, and Wishing Star Park.
Hale Waihona Puke Tourists who want to visit the park in Pudong New District can still book tickets for later dates including July, August and September.
• Nearly a million people have already visited the Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone, the home of Shanghai Disneyland, as part of a 23 trial operation period.

Role playing and interactive exercises
Role playing
Students role play as Disney characters or visitors to practice their English speaking skills
Interactive exercises
The opportunity to meet and take photos with favorite Disney characters
Rides and attachments
The different types of rides and attachments available at Disney, from Thrilling Roller Coasters to interactive play areas for children
Sharing park experience
Enhancing Confidence and Communication Skills
Detailed description
Share your gaming experience and feelings at Disneyland, enhance your confidence and communication skills through group discussions and sharing, and improve your fluency and accuracy in English speaking.
Disneyland English Speaking PPT Review Course

Disney Magic Cavalcade
Mickey, Duffy and their friends will make an appearance in the cavalcade, show their beautiful clothes. During evening performances, the cavalcade floats and parade route will be more wonderful because of the twinkling lights.
My Favorite Attractions
Seven Dwarfs Mine Train
The excitement starts as the train take off and climb a steep hill. You will feel the wind in your face when the train travels down and around the mountain and deep into the mine shaft. Soon, you can see the Seven Dwarfs are hard at work. They are whistling and singing while collecting diamonds.
Soaring Over the Horizon
With the wind in your face and treetops and rooftops whizzing beneath you, flying over Earth’s famous landmarks, cities and natural attractions. You can see the Great Wall, the Pyramid, the Eiffel Tower and so on. Soaring Over the Horizon is a very wonderful experience.

• Shanghai’s Disneyland will have its opening day on June 16, 2016. All tickets will be date-specific and valid for admission only on the date purchased.
• Shanghai Disney Resort is set to open on June 16. It is Disney’s sixth resort destination worldwide - the 5 other parks are located in
California, Florida, Tokyo, Paris and Hong Kong.
• 110 thousand visited during the 3-day May Day holiday period at the beginning of this month.
• Visitors are being advised to use public transport to reach the new resort. The Disney Station on Shanghai’s Metro Line 11 has been up and running since the end of April.
• Shanghai Disney Resort has revealed its ticket prices for Disneyland claiming the lowest of all 12 Disney parks and six resorts in the world.
• Shanghai Disneyland ticket prices are set at 499 yuan (75 dollar) for the grand opening period (June 16-30, 2016) and regular price at 370 yuan. Its regular price for a one-day ticket is lower than its peers in Hong Kong, which is priced at 539 yuan and the Disneyland in Tokyo in Japan at 374 yuan. The regular price for a one-day ticket at the two parks in Los Angeles is $139.

Principal activities
•entertainment programming
• books
•video games
• media networks: ➢ ESPN sports ➢ ABC Television Networks ➢ Hollywood Pictures
(1)金属物理性质:有银白色的金属光泽,能导 、
导 热 ,是电热的良导体;具有 延展 性,密度较大,
红 熔点较高。(注意:铜Cu是
B [练习1]下列性质中都属于金属的物理性质的是……………………( )
A、①②③④⑤⑥ B、①③④⑥
• the founder
• the current CEO
Walt Disney
Robert A. Iger
• film: Dream Works
• Toy:Barbie of the Mattel company
• Global Standardization. • Target Customer : Children. • Popular Brand Name. • Diversification. • Popular characters
C 实际的用途是……………D…可………………………………
A 用于核潜艇设备的制造
B 用于制造航天设备
D 可用来制造人造骨

Mickey Mouse
He is usually dressed in red and white clothes, and wears a pair of black shoes
Mickey is a kind of mouse, he is brake, optimistic and full of imagination
The Lion King
• The Lion King is a classic American animated film, directed by Roger Allers and Rob Minkoff It tells the story of Simba, a young lion cub who is destined to become king of the Pride Lands The film is based on the Broadway music of the same name, which was itself based on the 1899 children's book "The Story of the Lion King" by the British author Rudyard Kipling The movie was released in 1994 and has since become a beloved classic, with many fans still enjoying it today
Disney English Introduction Courseware
• Introduction to Disneyland • Disney characters • Disney movies

上海迪斯尼英文介绍Shanghai Disney Resort, located in Pudong, Shanghai, is the first Disney resort in mainland China. It officially opened its gates to the public on June 16, 2016, and has since become a popular destination for both local and international visitors. The resort covers an area of 963 acres and consists of two theme parks, Shanghai Disneyland Park and Shanghai Disneyland Resort, as well as a shopping, dining, and entertainment district known as Disneytown.Shanghai Disneyland Park is the main attraction of the resort and features six themed lands: Mickey Avenue, Gardens of Imagination, Fantasyland, Adventure Isle, Treasure Cove, and Tomorrowland. Each land offers a unique experience for guests, from meeting beloved Disney characters to thrilling rides and attractions. One of the park's most popular attractions is the TRON Lightcycle Power Run, a high-speed roller coaster that takes guests on a thrilling ride through the Grid.In addition to the theme parks, Shanghai Disney Resort also offers two themed hotels for guests to stay in: the Shanghai Disneyland Hotel and the Toy Story Hotel. These hotels provide guests with a magical Disney experience, complete with themed rooms, character meet-and-greets, and dining options inspired by Disney movies. The resort also features a beautiful garden, Wishing Star Park, where guests can relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the surroundings.For those looking to shop and dine, Disneytown is the perfect destination. This entertainment district is home to a variety of shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues, offering something for everyone. Guests can shop for Disney merchandise, enjoy a meal at one of the many restaurants, or catch a live performance at the Walt Disney Grand Theatre.Overall, Shanghai Disney Resort offers a unique and magical experience for guests of all ages. Whether you're a Disney fan or just looking for a fun and exciting vacation destination, the resort has something for everyone. Withits world-class attractions, themed hotels, and entertainment options, Shanghai Disney Resort is truly a must-visit destination in China.。
迪士尼电影公司及作品中英介绍 ppt课件

Belle 美女与野兽
Snow White
白雪公主和七个小矮人 PP小T课件美人鱼
Jasmine 阿拉丁
• 第一部Classical animation就是1937年发行的动画长
片,著名的《Snow White 》,这部最经典的迪士尼
电影集众多荣耀于一身,作为世界上第一部有剧情的 长篇动画电影,同时也是世界上第一次发行电影原声 音乐唱片,世界第一部使用多层次摄影机拍摄的动画, 还是世界第一部举行隆重首映式的动画电影,并获得 奥斯卡特别成就奖,可以说,从此动画电影不只是儿 童娱乐的一种形式,也开始成为主流的电影type。迪 士尼公司从此成为动画电影的龙头大哥,领导了动画 电影的潮流,经过数十年的发展,迪士尼也由原来的 小小动画工作室迅速膨胀成为国际娱乐界的巨子和拥 有全球知名度的跨国大公司,除了movie,势力范围 扩张到Theme park 、Toy 、Clothing and Books and periodicals publication等行业。
迪士尼经典动画(CLASSICS)、 迪士尼真人动画(Live Action with Animation)、 迪士尼计算机动画(3D Computer Animation) 迪士尼模型动画(Claymation Animation)、 迪士尼电影版卡通(Movietoons Animation)
• 迪士尼电影公司是迄今为止唯一一家没有被交 易过的好莱坞大公司。在好莱坞的黄金时代,也 就是二十世纪三四十年代,依靠米老鼠起家的迪 士尼并不是一家大公司,直到1937年,迪士尼的 创始人华特·迪士尼才推出第一部长片《白雪公主 与七个小矮人》,按观众人数来说,这部动画片 是有史以来最卖座的影片之一,此后,迪士尼差 不多每年拍摄一部动画长片,其中就有《皮诺 曹》、《幻想曲》、《小飞象》和《小鹿斑比》。 四十年代,迪士尼开始涉足真人电影领域,公映 于二战(二战吧)后的科幻片《海底两万里》就获得 了巨大的成功。电视兴起后,迪士尼不但没有像 其它电影巨头那样茫然失落,反而如鱼得水,因 为这家公司有的是受欢迎的动画形象。
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• Shanghai Disney Resort will feature new attractions not seen at the five other Disney resorts worldwide, including a Magic Kingdomstyle theme park with six different "lands," two themed hotels, Disneytown -- a huge shopping district, and Wishing Star Park.
பைடு நூலகம்
• Shanghai Disney Resort has revealed its ticket prices for Disneyland claiming the lowest of all 12 Disney parks and six resorts in the world.
• Shanghai Disneyland ticket prices are set at 499 yuan (75 dollar) for the grand opening period (June 16-30, 2016) and regular price at 370 yuan. Its regular price for a one-day ticket is lower than its peers in Hong Kong, which is priced at 539 yuan and the Disneyland in Tokyo in Japan at 374 yuan. The regular price for a one-day ticket at the two parks in Los Angeles is $139.
• Shanghai Disney Resort is set to open on June 16. It is Disney’s sixth resort destination worldwide - the 5 other parks are located in
California, Florida, Tokyo, Paris and Hong Kong.
• Shanghai’s Disneyland will have its opening day on June 16, 2016. All tickets will be date-specific and valid for admission only on the date purchased.
• Special pricing will be provided to categorized guests: children (1.4m and below), seniors (65 years old and above) and guests with disabilities will receive discounts of 25 percent, infants (1m and below) receive free admission. A two-day ticket will be available at a five percent discount.
Thank you !
Tourists who want to visit the park in Pudong New District can still book tickets for later dates including July, August and September.
• Nearly a million people have already visited the Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone, the home of Shanghai Disneyland, as part of a 23 trial operation period.
Shanghai Disney Resort to open in June
• It’s reported that tickets for Shanghai Disneyland have been booked-out for the first 2 weeks after the theme park opens to the public next month.
• 110 thousand visited during the 3-day May Day holiday period at the beginning of this month.
• Visitors are being advised to use public transport to reach the new resort. The Disney Station on Shanghai’s Metro Line 11 has been up and running since the end of April.