



1 The principal legal systems that exist in various forms throughout the world are the Romano-Germanic[1 Romano-Germanic: “Romano” is the combining form (构词成分) of “Roman”, which takes this form when it is part of a word, eg Romano-British. “Germanic” is th e adjective form of “German”. ]1 (civil law), common law, socialist law, and Islamic law. The Romano-Germanic systems predominate in Europe, in most of the former colonies of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Belgium, and in countries that have westernized their legal systems in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Common-law systems are predominant in English-speaking countries. Islamic systems are found in the Middle East and some other parts of the world to which Islamic religion has spread. Socialist legal systems prevail in the People’s Republic of China, Vietnam, Cuba, and North Korea. Remnants of socialist systems are still found in the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries.1的主要法律制度中存在的各种形式在世界各地是Romano-Germanic[1 Romano-Ger manic:“罗马”是组合形式(构词成分)的“罗马”,以这种形式时,它是一个词的一部分,比如罗马时期。








第二个标准时单词意义或用法特殊性,如accept在普通英语中是承受,在法律英语中却表示承诺或对票据承兑等,另外,如我们平时最常用单词affect,在普通英语中用法非常普遍,而且相对influence 与impact等单词,是较多用语口语中单词,但在法律英语中,表示权利义务或利益受到影响时,用都是affect,而不是influence。

需要说明两点是,有些单词在法律英语中有独特含义,如service,在法律英语中特殊含义指法律文书送达,但其普通含义即效劳,也可能被用到,如service agreement效劳协议等,因此,我们不能机械认为service无论出现在何种法律文书中均指送达,应当结合上下文进展理解。





法律英语汉译英法律英语汉译英(专业词汇部分)Unit One第一课美国联邦下的法律1.成文法statutory law★2.普通法common law3.判例法case law4.立法机构legislature5.法院court6.宪法Constitution7.立法权law-making power8.私法private law9.合同法contract law10.侵权法tort law11.商法business law12.公司法corporate governance law13.专利和版权patent and copyright14.合同/契约争议contractual disputes15.刑事案件criminal case16.民事案件civil case17.民事侵权诉讼civil tort actions18.家庭法family law19.法律选择choice of law20.多个司法管辖区multi-jurisdiction21.诉讼litigation/lawsui t/suit/action★22.实体权substantive right23.准据法/适用法applicable/governing/proper law★24.签订conclude25.证券欺诈案件 a case include claims of securities fraud26.履行perform27.履行地performance28.受理/处理案件to hear the case★29.原告pl aintiff★30.被告defendant★31.与合同最密切联系most involved with the contract32.选择法庭choice of forum第二课双重法院体系1.司法的judicial2.初审法庭trial court3.终审法院court of last resort★4.上诉法院court of appeals5.上诉,申诉appeal…to6.证人witness7.证据evidence8.陪审团jury9.查明事实的人,事实发现者fact-finder10.上诉的,有权受理上诉的appellate11.遗嘱probate12.小额诉讼法院small claims court13.律师attorney14.程序procedure15.提出(申请)file★16.申请小额索赔file claims for small sums of money17.定罪conviction★18.仲裁人,公断人,裁决人arbiter19.最高法院the Supreme Court20.先例procedureUnit Two第一课抗辩制1.上诉人appellant2.被上诉人appellee3.诉由,案由cause of action★4.向某人提起诉讼,到法院告某人to bring an action/lawsuit against sb.5.第三那人被告third-party defendant6.庭审程序trial procedure★7.英美法系国家的司法程序Anglo-American judicial procedure8.认定事实find the fact9.证据submission10.抗辩制adversary system11.提起诉讼begin suit12.界定争议shape the issues13.出示证据produce evidence14.争议当事人parties to the controversy15.纠问的inquisitorial16.庭前调查pre-trial investigation17.大陆法传统civil law tradition18.庭辩风格style of presentation and argument19.有利害关系的当事人interested parties第二课开启一个诉讼1.起诉sue2.诉讼当事人litigant3.司法救济,救济;减轻,缓解relief4.提供法律救助to furnish a relief5.纠正,补偿redress6.诉诸法院bring to court★7.和解settlement★8.仲裁arbitration9.自力救济self-help10.搁置纠纷let matters rest11.损害赔偿damages★12.实际履行specific performance13.对事管辖权jurisdiction over the subject matter14.对人管辖权jurisdiction over the parties15.管辖权jurisdiction16.违约之诉damages for breach of contract17.法庭forum18.最低限度联系minimum contacts19.实体公正substantial justice20.审判地venue21.规定(援引法条)provide/read第三课诉状和对抗诉状的动议1.诉状pleading2.起诉状complaint3.向法院提交诉讼状或答辩状/办理立案to file a pleading/lawsuit with the court4.陈述,阐明to set forth5.书记员clerk6.传票summons7.出具传票to issue a summons8.向某人送达传票、起诉书、法律文书to serve a summons, complaint, legal document on sb.9.通知notify10.同意出庭an entry of appearance11.指控,声称allegation12.成为争议问题put in issue13.积极抗辩affirmative defense14.反诉counterclaim15.(用辩解)减轻extenuate16.未到庭,未履行义务to be in default17.驳回dismiss18.传票送达service of process/service of summons19.法律上的充分性legal sufficiency20. 提出异议,反对challenge第四课调查取证1.庭前取证,调查pre-trial discovery2.录取证词,宣誓证明depose3.证词笔录,书证deposition4.宣誓under oath5.书面质询written interrogatories6.人身伤害案件personal injury case7.保持中立take no part8.意外因素surprise element9.争议controversy10.律师counsel11.庭前会议pretrial conference12.即决判决,简易判决summary judgment13.书证,书面陈述affidavit14.提出请求即决判决的动议make a motion for summary judgment15.(证据)允许提出的,可采纳的admissible16.扰乱对方harassment of an opponent17.要求对争议进行庭审的申请notice of trial/issue第五课庭审1.主张…..权利assert the right to2.将……列入陪审员名单impanel3.组成陪审团to impanel the jury4.绝对异议权peremptory challenge★5.候选陪审员prospective juror6.以明确的理由对陪审员候选人提出异议to challenge aprospective juror for cause7.发誓swear8.开案陈词make opening statements9.询问证人examine the witness10.出示文书produce the document11.证据,物证exhibit12.直接质证direct examination13.交叉质证cross examination14.不允许出示的证据inadmissible evidence15.举证完毕rest16.指令裁定(法官指令陪审团作出的裁定)directed verdict17.否决,驳回overrule18.(法官)对陪审团的指导jury instruction/jury charge/charge to the jury19.结案辩论final argument20.判决某人胜诉to enter a judgment for sb.21.判决某人败诉to enter a judgment against sb.22.举证责任burden of proof23.有分量的证据,占优势的证据preponderance of the evidence24.退庭retire25.(陪审团)未能达到足够多数人赞同的,未能做出决定的hung26.法官推翻陪审团才定的判决judgment notwithstanding the verdict(judgment n.o.v)27.达成裁定reach verdict第六课上诉和执行1.执行enforcement2.复审review3.中级法院intermediate court4.初审法院trial court5.下级法院lower court6.斟酌,自由裁量discretion7.由……斟酌决定,由…..自由裁量at the discretion of8.推翻原判,逆转reverse9.维持原判,确认,确信affirm10.认定事实determination in question11.上诉担保书appeal bond12.抄本,复本,文字记录transcript13.命令decree14.(不服下级法官判决)进行上诉to appeal from (a decision of a lower court)15.口头辩论oral argument16.判决(意见)书opinion17.败诉方losing party18.债权人creditor19.重新审理rehear20.执行令writ of execution21.行政司法长官,县治安官sheriff22.发回重审remand23.动产personal property24.判决债务人judgment debtor25.收益proceeds26.不动产real estate/real property27.未清偿判决债务由司法行政官主持的拍卖judicial sale28.留置权,扣留权lien29.对…..有司法留置权to have a judicial lien on30.留置,扣押(动词)garnish31.留置,扣押(名词)garnishment32.扣押(动词)attach33.扣押(名词)attachment。



第一课PART one美国是一个即年轻又古老的国家,一个与很多国家相比很年轻的国家.同时,它因新人口的成份和新州的加入而持续更新,在此意义上,它也是新国家.但另一方面它是最古老的年轻国家——第一个从旧大陆殖民中脱胎而生的国家,它有最古老的成文法规、最古老的持续的联邦体系、最古老的自治政府惯例。











PART TWO美国法律体系,像英国一样,从方法论上讲主要是判例法体系.私法的大多数领域主要包括判例法,以及广泛的不断增加的成文法。







法律英语参考译文 完整版Lesson1-16

法律英语参考译文 完整版Lesson1-16
另一推动法典编纂的原因是主权国家的概念产生于 19 世纪的国家要求记载 将要应用于该国家的法律的观念。
当然,对法律编纂的目标也有回应。倡导法典编纂者认为这会使法律的确定 性,统一和系统的法律记载更有可能,而反对者声称法典编纂会导致法律僵化。
普通法 普通法构成了历史作为英国领地和英国殖民地国家的主要法律。它
市民法是世界盛行的法律体系,它源于罗马法,没有详尽的规则系统,通常 是法典式的,它被法官应用和解释。然而,现代法律系统是 19 世界法典编纂运 动的派生物,在那期间大多数重要法定(尤其是拿破仑法典和德国民法典)诞生 了。
市民法以罗马法为基础,尤其是《查士丁尼民法大全》,后来在中世纪由中 世纪的法官发展。对罗马法的吸收接纳,不同国家有不同的特点。在一些国家, 它的影响来自于立法机关的法令,亦即罗马法成为有建设性的法律。而在另一些 国家,罗马法则在法律理论家主张的审核程式上被接受。
于,来源于 live under 在……统治下生活)
普通法和制定法存在于美国法律制度中。在历史发展进程中,法律的某些部 门几乎不由制定法所控制,而是由司法判决所控制。例如,合同法大部分内容就 是在英国法律制度的演进中由普通法的法官发展出来的。当然,这并不意味着这 一法律部门就不存在立法。立法机关实际上也制定涵盖合同内容的法律,立法广
法由规则的全部所组成。这些全部的规则在构建的政府机关下被适应、被执 行,以确定什么样的行为是正确的、什么样的行为是可被允许的、以及什么样的 行为是应被否定或惩罚的。
没有法律,社会就会处于无政府状态。法律是社会赖以生存的手段,它提供 个人保障,它建立制度和维持社会秩序、保持社会秩序、保证社会健康和安全, 它提供一个和平解决争端的方式,它维持人与人之间在经济关系中的稳定性和灵 活性,以及它禁止对社会有破坏性的行为。规章制度反映其所实施的社会和时代。 法律的发展是符合实际的,它在其日常运作中随着社会对合理性和灵活性的需求 而发展。



1. The National People’s Congress is the highest organ of state power. 全国人民代表大会是最高国家权力机关。

2. The judicial organs of China consist of people’s courts,people’s procurator and the public security departments. 我国的司法机关由人民法院人民检查院和公安部门组成。

3. In the application of the law all citizens are deemed as equals. 一切公民在适用法律上一律平等。

4. The criminal law is one of the basic laws of our country. 刑法是我国基本法之一。

5. Criminal responsibility shall be borne for intentional crimes. 故意犯罪应当负刑事责任6. In China,the principal penalties are p ublic surveillance,detention,fixed-time imprisonment,life imprisonment and death. 我国的主要刑罚是管制,拘役,有期徒刑,无期徒刑和死刑7. The court’s job is administering justice and upholding the law. 法院的任务是执行法律和维护法律。

8. The accused was declared innocent. 被告人被宣布为无罪。

9. The court acquitted him of a crime. 法院宣判他无罪。

10. The court pronounced the accused not guilty. 法院宣判被告无罪。


n the oldest written constitution the oldest continuous federal system the oldest practice of self-government
n The whole of its history belongs in the period since the inventio n of the printing press.
n 某项诉讼请求的强制执行是以法院令状这 种特殊诉讼形式的存在为前提的,而这就 使最初的普通法表现为由类似于古罗马法 的“诉讼行为”所构成的体系。
n If a writ existed (in 1227) a claim could be enforced;
n 当一百多年来成百上千的文件敲击出始 终如一的音调时,我们可以说这就是基 调。
•Part Two
n The American legal system, like the English, is methodologicall y mainly a case law system.
•Compared with many other countries
与其他国家相比 n it is constantly being renewed by
the addition of new elements of population and of new States n 不断有新的人口成分和新州的加入



1 In every society, there are mechanisms for the declaration, alteration, administration, and the enforcement of the rules by which people live. Not all societies, however, utilize a formal legal system (courts, judges, lawyers, and law enforcement agencies) to the same degree. Historically, law development and industrialization, urbanization, and modernization are closely intertwined. The law and society literature suggests that the more complex the society, the more differentiated the legal system. Underlying this proposition is the notion that legal development is conditioned by a series of demands stemming from society’s economic, political, educational, and religious institutions. Based on the complexity and magnitude of the interplay among the institutions and between these institutions and the law, several types of legal systems may be identified in the course of societal development.1在每一个社会,有机制的宣言,变更、管理和人们生活的规则的执行。






在这项庭外程序中,取证对象(be questioned)经宣誓(under oath)后接受双方律师的直接质证和交叉质证;其证词被记录下来并整理成文(transcribed),这种方法有助于发现与案情有关的线索,包括挖掘有关其他证人和证据的线索(unearth leads);它也可以为驳斥(impeach)在审判过程中企图改口的证人打下基础(lay a basis for)。


还有一个方法是书面提问(written interrogatories)。



这些问题要由当事人经宣誓后在律师的帮助下回答(with the counsel’s acid),回答不会像录取证词那样自然。


回答问题的人无需回答他认为不适合的问题(deemed improper),但发问者可以申请法院命令迫使他回答(seek a court order to compel)。

其他取证方法包括要求(order for)法院命令一方交出文件(production of documents),在伤害案件中由另一方选的的医生进行强制体检(compulsory physical examination),由一方当事人提出让另一方当事人宣誓承认事实等。

让对方承认事实的要求将从案件中剔除(remove)那些没有争议的事项(uncontested issues)。





法律英语课⽂翻译P21第⼀段的“procedure”:this is a proceeding upon writ of a death benefit award by the Industrial Accident Commission in favor of the widow and three minor children of Karl Lund, deceased. petitioner State Employees' Retirement System seeks an annulment of the award, on the grounds that respondent Commission had acted without and in excess of its power and that the evidence was insufficient to justify the fingdings of fact.这是⼀个死亡令状效益赔偿,有关⼯业事故委员会赞同对寡妇和已故的卡尔隆德的三个未成年的孩⼦进⾏赔偿。


P22 倒数第⼀段:on the contrary, we are required to indulge all reasonable inferences which may be drawn legitimately from the facts in order to support the findings of the Commission ,and in doing so all that is required is reasonable probability; not absolute certainty.反之,我们需要放纵所有合理的推断,可能是合法的事实来⽀持委员会的调查结果,如此⼀来,这样做所需的⼀切就是合理的可能性,⽽⾮绝对的确定性。



Family LawFamily law, or domestic relations law, as is sometimes called, isconcerned with the relationships between husband and wife andbetween parent and child, with the rights and duties that spring fromthese relationships by operation of law or contract, and with the status ofmarried persons and children. It is also concerned with the growingstatutory regulation of family life in such areas as termination of parentalrights, child neglect and abuse, and adoption.And it is concerned with some problems that affect persons outsidethe familyunit, including contraception, abortion, and rights ofunmarried cohabitants. It is traditionally state law, though federallegislation in such fields as taxation and social welfare may havesignificant impact and important problems have arisen under the federalConstitution in recent years. Strongly influenced by English law duringcolonial times, family law has everywhere been greatly altered by legislation and varies substantially from one state to another, though some uniformity has been achieved in limited areas through the adoption of uniform laws. In a number of jurisdictions it is administered by a separate family or domestic relations court, staffed with personnelwho are specially trained in family problems.Marriage in the United States is fundamentally a relationship createdby mutual consent of the spouses. All states provide by statute for the issuance of marriage licenses and some require a formal ceremony atwhich consent is solemnized before a member of the clergy or publicofficial. Common restrictions on capacity to marry relate to the age of theparties, the degree of any blood relationship between them, and theirmental capacity. A restriction can sometimes be circumvented by goingto another state that has no such restrictions, for a marriage that is validin the state of celebration will ordinarily be recognized as valid by otherstates.The marital relationship may be ruptured in two main ways: by annulment, a court determination that no valid marriage ever existedbetween the parties, and by divorce, a court decree dissolving the marital relationship, generally leaving the parties free to marry. Divorceis the more common. In colonial times divorce was generally bylegislative act. After the Revolution, statutes were ultimately enacted inall states substituting judicial divorce on widely varyinggrounds.1All ofthese grounds required a showing of some serious fault, typically desertion, cruelty, or adultery, on the part of the other spouse.2 By thetwentieth century, the pressure for a easier divorce had led to collusive divorce actions, in which the spouses cooperate in establishing therequired fault, and to out-of-state or "migratory" divorces, in which oneor both spouses went to another jurisdiction in which divorces were moreliberally granted. The result was a movement in many states to liberalize the grounds of divorce by dispensing with a showing of fault. The moremoderate of the new divorce laws permit divorce by mutual consent, asin New York, which has added "living apart for two years as a ground".The more extreme laws permit divorce at the instance of one spouse, asin California, where it is enough if one spouse shows irreconcilable differences, which have caused the irremediable breakdown of themarriage. In spite of recent attempts to reduce the incidence of divorceby providing facilities for counseling and conciliation and by minimizingthe adversary character of the proceedings, the divorce rate in theUnited States remains the highest in the world.3The law has increasingly turned its attention to dealing with the rightof spouses rather than preserving their relationship. Traditionally, underEnglish law, a married woman was subject to variety of legal disabilitiesgrowing out of the view that husband and wife were one person and theauthority was in the husband.4 For example, all of the wife's personalproperty as well as control of her real property went to the husband onmarriage. Beginning in the nineteenth century, enactment of marriedwomen' s property acts throughout the United States resulted in the emancipation of the wife by conferring upon her the right to her separateproperty, lifting her procedural disabilities, making explicit her power tocontract, and, in some states, giving her the right of action for injuryeven as against her husband.5 This system of separate property stilltended to favor the husband on divorce, however, and in most statescourts now have a broad power, varying in extent from state to state, to apportion all property of both spouses upon divorce. In a minority ofeight states, spouses are subject to a system of community property.Of comparable importance is the obligation of support. A spousemay obtain a separate maintenance decree during the life of themarriage and this obligation of support has been secured againstavoidance by flight through universal enactment of the Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act.6 Upon divorce, the supportobligation may be replaced by an agreed-upon lump settlement or by acourt decree ordering periodic payments of alimony. Alimony, whichmay be awarded both during and after the divorce litigation, is justifiedon alternative theories; either that it is in substitution for the supportobligation, or that it is in settlement for the dissolution of the maritalpartnership.7 It is some indication of the inadequacy of legal proceduresin meeting the fundamental problems of themarital relationship that in contested divorce cases it is usually the issue of support and not that of maintaining the relationship itself that is at the heart of the dispute.Aside from marriage, family law covers many other subjects suchas child custody and visitation, child protection, foster care, state-initiated termination of parental right, and adoption.A brief word is appropriate about the evolving nature of family law.The law's definition of "family" changes as society's cultural norms andpractices change. However, the law is always playing catch-up tobehavioral changes in society.8 There are 3.5 million unmarried couplesliving together in the United States, over one-third with children. A largenumber of children today are being raised by other than their biologicalparents. Almost one-third of American children are born to unwedmothers, and a slightly larger percentage live with a single parent.In the last 30 years, non-marital children have obtained equalrights. Despite the failure of the federal E. R. A. , women have all butaccomplished the same.9 A new emphasis on children's rights all theway up to the U. S. Supreme Court has wreaked havoc with age-encrusted notions of parental prerogatives. Abortion remains legal and islikely to remain so. At the other end of the spectrum, new ways forpregnancy to begin range from artificial insemination and "surrogate motherhood" to in vitro fertilization and embryo transplants, and have spawned ethical and legal questions without precedent and, so far,without satisfactory answers.10Joint custody has swept through the courts. Grandparents haverights to visit their grandchildren, and parents may be punished forrefusing access. Domestic violence has the attention of a nation overdosed on O. J. Simpson's trial. 11 Husbands are prosecuted for spousal rape—with many definitional uncertainties—and in a reversal of the "unwrittenlaw" that excused a husband for killing his unfaithful wife, wives havebeen excused for "terminating"abusive husbands. 12The Supreme Court emphasizes that marriage is a " fundamental human right”13 , but new personal lifestyles and increasing opportunity for women to have full careers are reducing the importance of that right-even as same-sex partners, still excluded, may soon succeed in their quest for legal marriage. Heterosexual and same-sex cohabitation without marriage (still criminal on many states' books as fornication,adultery or sodomy) may produce legally binding partnerships.Lesson 11 家庭法家庭法、有时也被称作家庭关系法,是关于夫妻之间和父母子女之间关系的法律。








































•Even societies that do not permit private ownership of wealth to the degree that ours does are likely to recognize the personal rights of individuals to be free from certain kinds of conduct …•即使是那些对财产私有权的许可没有达到我们这种程度的社会,也会承认个人的人身权利不受某种行为的侵犯。

Infliction of physical injuryOther interferences with freedom or dignity•给人造成身体伤害•其他对个人自由或尊严的侵犯Ownership of property•Include the right to use and consume the thing owned•所有权包括对属于自己的物品使用和耗费的权利•be more to the advantage of the owner to transfer the right of the ownership to some other person in exchange for something else of value•有时所有者以所有权与其他人交换有价值的东西可能更有利•Agreements for exchange are the means by which some resources are assembled and put to productive use.•交换的契约是将一些资源组合起来,使之得到有效利用的手段。

•Some agreement for exchange call for the immediate and simultaneous exchange of money for goods and services.•有效交换契约要求现金与货物、服务的立即和同时交换。








第二个标准时单词意义或用法的特殊性,如accept在普通英语中是接受,在法律英语中却表示承诺或对票据的承兑等,另外,如我们平时最常用的单词affect,在普通英语中的用法非常普遍,而且相对influence 和impact等单词,是较多用语口语中的单词,但在法律英语中,表示权利义务或利益受到影响时,用的都是affect,而不是influence。

需要说明的两点是,有些单词在法律英语中有独特含义,如service,在法律英语中的特殊含义指法律文书的送达,但其普通含义即服务,也可能被用到,如service agreement 服务协议等,因此,我们不能机械的认为service无论出现在何种法律文书中均指送达,应当结合上下文进行理解。



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1. This Agreement is executed in Chinese. If necessary, it may be translated into other languages. However, if there is any conflict, ambiguity or discrepancy between the Chinese version and a version in any other language, the Chinese version shall prevail.


2. The rights and obligations of the Joint Venture under this Agreement may not be assigned or sub-contracted in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Party A.

3. Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement is reached, the dispute shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Shenzhen Commission, for arbitration in accordance with its rules of procedure.


4. As soon as a contract is established in accordance with the law, it shall be legally binding on the parties. The parties shall perform their respective obligations in accordance with the terms of the contract.


5. If one Party hereto shall commit any material breach of this Agreement or its representations and warranties hereunder, the other Party may terminate this Agreement immediately by notice to the Party in breach.
