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1. _________ and guilty, Maggie put the book back on the shelf she had secretly placed in her schoolbag.

A. Frightened

B. Frightening

C. Being frightened

D. To be frightening

2. When I got off the bus, I found my pocket _________ and the money gone.

A. picked

B. stolen

C. missing

D. lost

3. John is the only one of the students in the class that never ________ a mistake even when it is pointed to him.

A. admit making

B. admits making

C. admit to make

D. admits to make

4. My grandma still treats me like a child. She can’t imagine me _________.

A. grow up

B. grown up

C. growing up

D. to grow up

5. ________ little of each other’s language, so they have to express themselves with the aid of all interpreters.

A. Knowing

B. Having known

C. That they know

D. They know

6. _________ what would happen, none of them could find a way out.

A. Having left wondering

B. Leaving to wonder

C. Having left to wonder

D. Left wondering

7.I was calling because of a problem that needed __________.



C.to solve

D.to be solved

8. Dinosaurs have completely died out on the earth,never _________ again.

A. to be seen

B. being seen

C. seen

D. having been seen

9. We must take all possible measures ___________ to improve working conditions.




D.being tended

10. I feel upset,for there are so many troublesome problems __________.

A. remaining to settle

B. remained to settle

C. remaining to be settled

D. remained to be settled

11. As I will be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate from you now and then __________ me how everyone is getting along.

A. hearing; tell

B. to hear; tell

C. hearing;telling

D. to hear; to tell

12. An offer of a reward has caused many students in our school _________ actively in the competition.

A. participate

B. participated

C. participating

D. to participate

13. With two children _________ middle school in the nearby town now, the parents are working hard.

A.to attend



D.having attended

14. It’s said that George had a bad accident this morning on his way to school, ________ in the left leg.

A. hurting badly

B. being injured

C. badly hurt

D. to be damaged

15. __________ and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.

A. To be tired

B. Tired

C. Tiring

D. Being tired
